Copyright 2018 Debojoy Chanda
Copyright 2018 Debojoy Chanda RACIALIZING WHITE RESIDUES: SEDITIOUS ANGLO-INDIANS AND OTHERS BY DEBOJOY CHANDA DISSERTATION Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in English in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2018 Urbana, Illinois Doctoral Committee: Associate Professor Anustup Basu, Chair Associate Professor Susan Koshy Associate Professor Manisha Basu Associate Professor James Hansen ii ABSTRACT My dissertation interrogates the discursive residues of the notorious colonially instituted Anglo-Indian question in decolonized India. To problematize these residues, I structure my dissertation as a fragmented genealogy of default colonial and post-colonial perceptions of Anglo-Indians as sexually and racially ‘fallen.’ Via this piecemeal genealogy, I ultimately argue that Anglo-Indians inhabit what Anglo-Indian anti-racism activist Cedric Dover would call mongrel bodies. These bodies, given their infinite and indeterminate racial intermixture, are in a state of continual flux, thus defying reduction to a question in firmly delineable terms of race. Complicating the Anglo-Indian question further, I read into some figurations of ‘fallen’ Anglo-Indians from the genealogy, retrieving traces of acts by which these figurations protested their condensation into a racial question. As I show, these figurations did so by performing the intermixed character of their mongrel bodies at levels that included biopolitics, law, gender, citizenship, literature, censorship, and language. Examining these performances of intermixture, I suggest that in the final reckoning, the unavoidable factor of racial indeterminacy should be perceived as straddling not only Anglo-Indians but all groups. The end of the decolonized Indian nation-state, I accordingly gesture, is to recognize mongrelism as an inevitable phenomenon— one that fractures closed categories of race and community.
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