A short report of the Toos Foundation's last event:

Ziryab the Father of Flamenco Music

with the participation of Lady Simin Jalavand

From Bazar Hafte

The Toos Foundation, the only Iranian art and culture foundation without bombastic claims, which based on its activities over the last 14 years carries the mark of ability and honesty in protecting and promoting the cultural heritage brought onto stage a programme about one of the Iranian cultural icons, Ziryab, who has had a major influence on Western Culture. In a beautiful combination of Iranian and Spanish music and dance, it staged a successful event in the 1000-capacity Logan Hall in London. The story of this genius was recounted on stage by an imaginary granddaughter performed by Simin Sarkoob (Jalalvand) one of the most senior Iranian doublage artists. The event was presented to her, alondside a bust of Ferdosi, which made the night even more memorable in Iranian cultural history.

Ziryab, the black bird (real name, Abolhasan Abu Thani), a thinker and a musician, was born in in the 8th century AD to an Iranian Kurdish family. He was a court musician but was forced into exile during the reign of Omayed Caliphate. He travelled to North , and and eventually ended up in Cordoba, Spain. The famous andalucian music is said to be influenced by him whoh introduced a mixture of Iranian, North African and Spanish Gypsy music. The Spanish consider him one of the fathers of flamenco music.

Not only did he blend the musical traditions of many cultures but he also managed to setup the first musical school in Cordoba which promoted his music... He also had influence on Fashion, Cuisine and hair styles and helped in developing and improving musical instruments. He added a 5th string to the Iranian Ood and is said to have helped the development of the guitar...