FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - a relatively large city in Central Europe with over more for account Students 300,000 inhabitants. than one-seventh of the city’s population, giving it a youthful and lively character. The university’saresituated centralin the centre ofLjubljana. Several newer office modernand University of Ljubljanamost buildings are locat of the schoolsed on the city’s outskirts. The university is renowned for the quality of its study programmes. Since the accademic2007/08 all year, study programmes on offer have been in accordance with the BolognaDeclaration. ------The University of Ljubljana has a rich tradition. With stu postgraduate and 45,000 graduate than more dents, it ranks as a very large university. Approx imately 4,000 higher education teachers are em ployedin the university’s arts3 academies and 23 faculties. In the 2013/14 academic 5,384 year, stu dentswere enrolled, makeing the Faculty of Eco nomicsof University of Ljubljana (the FELU) one of the biggest faculties of the university. The university was founded in 1919 on the basis of a centuries-long tradition of providing education, re maining the only Slovenian university for half a cen tury. It is based in Ljubljana, the capital of , UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA OF UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - Mission develop principledTo leaders for work in a global ly competitive business environment combining by innovative with education business and economics knowl disseminating and creating while research edge in a global society. Vision economics and business top the among rank To schools in the world 2020. by Slogan Knowledge for Progress Values Core Knowledge Responsibility, Cooperation, Integrity, and Academic Freedom ------FROM A REGIONAL LEADER TO A A REGIONAL LEADER TO FROM EUROPEAN SCHOOL GLOBAL The Faculty of Economics of the University of Ljublja na(the FELU) was established in 1946 and forms an integral part of the University of Ljubljana. The Uni versity of Ljubljana is a public institution and the larg estuniversity in Slovenia, while the FELU is one of the university’s biggest schools. It is the leading institu tion of higher education in business and economics in Slovenia with a well-established brand in Europe worldwide. and to paramount are quality of standards highest The the FELU, and it is therefore engaged in the process of international accreditation. In 2006, the FELU be came the first business schoolbe awarded in the EQUISSoutheast accreditation. Since 2010, the Europe to FELU has held both EQUIS and A AC SB accreditations . FACULTY OF OF ECONOMICS FACULTY TheFELU’s visionfor 2020 is grow to from regiona al leader a globally to recognised school of business and economics in Europe. While the FELU’s position as the regional leader has been retained, its renewed focus is on global markets. With this shift, the FELU is positioningAACSB itselfand in the strategicEQUIS group of globallyboth holding schools recognised accreditations. FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana 9 11 13 51 71 19 75 25 35 67 39 63 45 �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� OUR FOCUS: SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND INTEGRITY OUR���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� FOCUS: QUALITY THE FELU’S����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� PREMISES NEW KNOWLEDGE – NEW BUSINESS APPENDIX HIGHLIGHTS 2013/14�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� INLET’S TOUCH STAY GREAT EXPECTATIONS INTERNATIONAL BEING THE A GLANCE FELU AT OUR STUDENTS – OUR FUTURE THE FELU’S MANAGEMENTFELU’S THE MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN CONTENTS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - have been conducted at the FELU over the last ac ademic all year, aiming enhanceto the knowledge and skills of our faculty and inspire our students. Our alumni include fellows from all sectors at home and abroad. Finally, the FELU is also placing an emphasis on is Slovenia challenges socio-economic important Integrity Corporate the 2014, February In facing. Guidelines were presented along with our partners in accordance with the Good Practice Compliance. and Ethics Controls, GuidanceInternal on I conclude introduction my with the promise that the FELU will continue focus to on each student’s lifelong success and develop principled leaders serve to their environment. business global a in communities Dear colleagues, I hope you findAnnual the Report interesting 2013/14 and worthwhile reading. FELU Metka Tekavčič, Ph.D. Dean - - - - Dear FELU friends, core five The new academic our year has started and, while writ by ing this message, the FELU campus is alive with our guided is numerous students from Slovenia and abroad. The FELU the FELU has become a place where enthusiasm for with businessand economics is highly valued. Everyone involved - knowl responsibility, cooperation, integrity, values: freedom. academic and edge, The 2013/14 Annual Report presents our accom - facul our of capacities and aspirations, plishments, 44 from ty members.partners Our service society to is underpinned international theby three pillars187 of sustainability: people,With planet, profit. and countries around the world, the FELU is a symbol of academic FELU’s The Slovenian internationalisation. serve intellectualwho spirit offersvarietyresearcha of oppor members our of and business, management, economics, in tunities proud very I’m finance. and boards, creating international prominent on disseminating knowledge of our future society. Our faculty and students are exposed cross-cultural to experiences. They seek out innovative solutions to thinkers, global into develop problems, real-world and keep in touch with the latest economic and busi workshops of number substantial findings. A ness MESSAGE FROM THE DEAN FROM THE MESSAGE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana Ph.D. Ph.D. Nataša MULEC (from SEP 2014) Ph.D. Ph.D. Ph.D. DOMADENIK TURK Borut RUSJAN Ph.D., Bogomir Ph.D. (from KOVAČ 2014) JULY Mojmir MRAK Ph.D. Metka TEKAVČIČ Tomaž Polona Vesna ŽABKAR Tanja MIHALIČ SMONIG, Marjan President of theGovernance Board President of theFaculty Assembly THE GOVERNANCE FELU’S Dean Vice Dean Vice Dean Vice Dean Vice Dean General Secretary THE FELU’S MANAGEMENT THE FELU’S FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - - - - FDI SUMMIT 2013 The FDI (Foreign Direct Investment) Summit 2013 Slovenia is a major international business event co-organised the by FELU.The theme of the 2013 Summit Clear “A Vision For The Future” focused on foreign investment, privatization governance. corporate and ERASMUS 2013 DAY InNovember, the traditional Erasmus Daywas organised in order present to various possibilities of studying abroad. More than 300 students participated in the event. At a expec the shared students exchange former roundtable, tations and experiences they had gained during their stud iesand life abroad. Students had the opportunity obtain to moreinformation about the partner schools at the Erasmus fair. FELU STUDENTS FOR FAMILIES IN NEED VIA THE “BOTRSTVO” PROJECT Within the courses Business EnvironmentEntrepreneurial and Opportunities, Developing FELU students joined in the “EUR3 Challenge”. With a minimum investmentof EUR3 through their group entrepreneurial projects they raised EUR2.200 for families in need via the Association of Friends of Participation Youth and their “Botrstvo” project. A NEW DEAN APPOINTED The FELU started the 2013/14 study year with a new Dean, Full Professor, Metka Tekavčič, Ph.D. With her strong com mitment follow to the FELU’s values, the new Dean opens a new chapter in the FELU’s success story. The Dean’s wish is for the FELU’s academic community excel to through toler ance,mutual trust, motivation, cooperation and shared re achievements. everyone’s and each for spect DECEMBER NOVEMBER OCTOBER OCTOBER HIGHLIGHTS 2013/14 HIGHLIGHTS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana HIGHLIGHTS 2013/14 MARCH FEBRUARY JANUARY DECEMBER for the tree. tree. the for used books FELU 600 than more were There books. FELU of out made tree Christmas aspecial of making and gathering the in time Christmas enjoyed employees and Students er interest groups. interest er exchange knowledge among academics, urbanists and oth via cities post-socialist the of attractiveness and itiveness compet the to enable aimed project The Attractive”. and the of Competitive city: conference post-socialist ReNewTown “New project international final the hosted FELU The CHRISTMAS TREE OUT OF FELU BOOKS FELU OF OUT TREE CHRISTMAS the negative consequences of hiding knowledge. hiding of consequences negative the stressed He Daily. News Business for interview an in Journal Management of Academy the in findings published apaper from presented Ph.D., Černe, Matej Professor, Assistant ACTIVITIES RESEARCH FELU THE ON DAILY PUBLISHED NEWS BUSINESS INTERNATIONAL RENEWTOWN CONFERENCE regard to the recent economic environment. with direction same the in headed and boat same the in are countries European all that out pointed Coeuré Mr. gave ahead”. board, executive –challenges area euro Bank “The entitled FELU the at a lecture Central European the of ber The renowned French economist Mr. Benoît Coeuré, a mem COEURE BENOIT PROF. ECONOMIST FAMOUS WORLD THE HOLDS FELU - - - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - - - - LJUBLJANA SUMMER SCHOOL Atthe 15th Ljubljana Summer School of the FELU, which took place between and 7 25 June, Slovenian 472 and inter national students of business and economics attended 25 lectures given 37 by prominent Slovenian and internation al professors. As part of the intensive educational process, Summer School participants visited Slovenian companies of history the about more learned time, same the at and, Slovenia and its cultural and natural beauties. THE MONTH OF CHINESE CULTURE honourTo the 20th anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between Slovenia andChina and the second anniversary the of the establishment People’s of Republic the Confucius Institute of Ljubljana, a large number of cultural events took place, all part of the Month of Chinese Culture. BETA GAMMABETA SIGMA HONOUR SOCIETY The FELU became the first school in the regionto establish Betaa Gamma Sigma Chapter 2012.in Itoffers its graduates opportunities equal those to enjoyed students by of the best business schools in the world. This May was already the third year in a row that new members were inducted into the so ciety. The BGS Honour Society inductedmembers 104 this year. graduates as THE FELU EMBRACES THE WORLD: THE EXPANDING GLOBAL PARTNERSHIP NETWORK The FELU signed a cooperation agreement with TongjiUni versity’s School of Economics and Management, one of the leading Chinese higher education institutions and an EQ school.UIS-accredited JULY MAY APRIL JUNE HIGHLIGHTS 2013/14 HIGHLIGHTS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana HIGHLIGHTS 2013/14 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER AUGUST audit, and the EMTM programme was ranked as one the best. the one as ranked was programme EMTM the and audit, the passed successfully programmes 19 Only +criteria. Erasmus to the according quality of auditing the passed successfully (Denmark), University Denmark Southern and () Girona of University the with and jointly conducted is which EMTM, Audiovisual gramme Education, pro master FELU the - that reported Agency) Executive EACEA Culture the (namely, Brussels AUDIT QUALITY THE PASSES (EMTM) MANAGEMENT TOURISM IN MASTER EUROPEAN of September 2014. end the at was Finance of He Minister new Slovenian’s as in sworn Government. Slovenian new Min the in appointed Finance was of ister Ph.D. Mramor, Dušan Professor FELU FINANCE OF MINISTER NEW Ph.D. MRAMOR, DUŠAN PROFESSOR Ph.D. Jazbec, Boštjan Professor, Slovenia, of Bank Central the of governor the and Ph.D., of of Bank Kosovo, the Mr.the governor Central Hamza Bedri Tekavčič, Metka Professor, Dean, FELU the by opened was conference The Kosovo. of Bank Central of cooperation with period« post-crisis the in Europe South-eastern of tive The FELU co-organised the conference »Economic perspec PERIOD« POST-CRISIS THE IN EUROPE EASTERN SOUTH- OF PERSPECTIVE »ECONOMIC CONFERENCE markets, income distribution etc. on labour market issues, mobility, migration, regional labour research high-quality presented countries 33 from ticipants par 440 Over (EALE). Economists Labour of Association European the of Conference Annual 26th hosted FELU The (EALE) ECONOMISTS LABOUR OF ASSOCIATION EUROPEAN THE OF CONFERENCE APPOINTED APPOINTED - - - - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - - VISIT OF THE SHANGHAI EXECUTIVE VICE MAYOR Shanghai executive vice Guangshao mayor Tu Mr. visited the FELU and the Confucius Institute Ljubljana acknowledge to the 10th anniversary of Confucius institutes. The Shanghai vice mayor and his associates met with the FELU manage ment led by the FELU’s Ph.D., Dean, the Minister Professor, of Education, Metka Professor, Tekavčič,Stanka Cankar,Setnikar Ph.D. and a vice-rector of the Professor,Ljubljana Maja Makovec Brenčič,University, Ph.D. PROJECT ENVIRONMENTALLY-FRIENDLY COMPLETED After two years of activities the FELU successfully complet ed energy-efficientrehabilitation project. The investment generations. further for savings energy and heat provide will CORPORATE INTEGRITY GUDELINES The document Corporate Integrity Guidelines was present ed public to four by partner institutions, among them is also the FELU. The document provides guidance and guidelines for companies that want establish to a value-based business. THE 12TH INTERNATIONAL BANKING SEMINAR The FELU organised the 12th International Banking Seminar in Montenegro entitled »The Future of Banks and System«.Morefinancialthan40Financial experts and governors from diverse parts of countries ex-Yugoslav participated at the event. SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER HIGHLIGHTS 2013/14 HIGHLIGHTS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana SECRETERIAT MANAGEMENT TEAM WITH Academic and Student Affairs Unit Student Affairs Office Special Study Programmes Office International Relations Office Centre for Student and Career Services Research Unit Research Office Doctoral Programme Unit Central Economic Library Publishing Human Resources Office Quality Assurance Office Finance and Accounting Office IT Office Facility and Resource Management Office Office for Corporate and Institutional Connections SECRETARY GENERAL SECRETARY EXCELLENCE ACADEMIC UNITS CENTRE OF BUSINESS BOARD Academic Unit for Economics Academic Unit for Money and Finance Academic Unit for International Economics and Business Academic Unit for Management and Organisation Academic Unit for Marketing Academic Unit for Entrepreneurship Academic Unit for Accounting and Auditing Academic Unit for Business Informatics and Logistics Academic Unit for Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research Academic Unit for Languages for Business and Economics Unit for Physical Education GOVERNANCE DEAN COUNCIL STUDENT SENATE RESEARCH CENTRE FACULTY ASSEMBLY for for Finance Vice – Dean Vice – Dean Vice – Dean Vice – Dean VICE DEANS Doctoral Studies for Research and International Affairs for Academic Affairs BOARD BUSINESS STEERING ADVISORY COMMITTEES Committee Committee Committee Committee Research and Development HR Planning and Academic Affairs Quality Assurance Doctoral Programme SENATE COMMITTEES SENATE PRIVATELY FUNDED PRIVATELY AND COMMERCIAL ACTIVITIES RESEARCH EDUCATION THE FELU’S ORGANISATION CHART THE ORGANISATION FELU’S THE FELU AT A GLANCE A AT THE FELU FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana 980 STUDENTS 2013/14 INFIGURES graduates with a bachelor’, master’s or doctoral degree in 2013/14 in degree doctoral or master’s abachelor’, with graduates Undergraduate Female 3081 57% students 54% 2914 in percentage STUDENTS BY PROGRAMME STUDENTS in percentage BY SEX 5384 5384 students Doctoral 2% 94 44% students Graduate 2376 2303 Male 43% FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana 25 33 Doctoral 30% 1695 472 Other programmes (Summer School) 1640 Graduate 585 students Number of Exchange and outgoing) (Incoming 1561 Applicants Admissions in numbers STUDENTS in percentage APPLICATIONS VS ADMISSIONS VS INTERNATIONAL 38% 504 32% 833 1079 Undergraduate Foreign students Foreign Number of Full-time FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana STAFF Professor Full Long-term Contracts Foreign Faculty Associate Professor on Special Core Faculty 24 64% 33 175 33 CORE FACULTY Researcher in numbers in percentage 5 175 STAFF FELU 272 34 Professor Assistant Professional Sta 44 Lecturer Senior 2 36% 97 Research Assistant Teaching and FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana e g the a s 18 n u i p 19%

Male g o s n h p s la o

rk h 8 h s o s i l s h rk 46 W g p o rc n r o a E e h W e s h t S

rk O b o o W J

a n e a h j l t 7

b y 97 u j b

L STAFF s f p 143 o

o 20 in percentage y h t i s BY TYPE BY PROFESSIONAL in numbers rs rk e o WORKSHOPS v i W n U 23 15 s n p o i 24 o t h 79 a s 81% c i Female rk n o u s Sta r W m p

e t s o m l Workshop l i u h Development k s p Co S rk m o Co W workshops for students, academic and professional staff with more than 3.798 participants. THE FELU DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPS DEVELOPMENT THE FELU 143 FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ENGLISH Academic Programmes in Programmes 3 years (6 semesters) years 3 180 ECTS Full-time & Part-time University Degree Programme Degree University & Economics - B.Sc. Sciences Business 2 specialisations Academic Duration of Study Duration of ECTS Number Status Study SLOVENIAN OUR FUTURE Programmes in Programmes UNDEGRADUATE PROGRAMME University Degree Programme Degree University & Economics - B.Sc. Sciences Business 12 specialisations Programme Degree Professional - BA Administration Business 8 specialisations ------bachelor’s degrees conferred in 2013/14 conferred degrees bachelor’s

undergraduate students in 2013/14 students 2,914 undergraduate ratio 44% : 56% male-female 632 Highlights ACADEMIC AFFAIRS PROGRAMMESSTUDY As the leading national higher education and re search institution and a double-accredited , the FELU offers Bologna typein all three cycles structure). (3+2+3 programmes Along with the publicly-fundedprogrammes in the Slovenian lan guage, the FELU offers English tracks at all threeels of study. Inlev addition, several double and joint de gree programmes with renowned schools and open campuses abroad are offered.Programme develop ment forms an important part of the FELU’s strate gysince it supports internationalisation,the involve ment of the business community, and the achieving excellence.of UNDERGRADUATE STUDY PROGRAMMES years. three last programmes degree Undergraduate of Students Both can choose between business programmes. professional degree university and degree fer many areas of specialisation. OUR STUDENTS – FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana Tourism Marketing Accounting Informatics Business Entrepreneurship International Business Management Public Sector (BA) Arts of -Bachelor Programme Degree Professional Tourism Marketing Auditing and Accounting Informatics Business Business Logistics Entrepreneurship International Business Management Management Financial and Bank International Economics Business Economics Finance and Money (B.Sc.) Science &Business -Economics Programme Degree University Specialisation Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time &Part-time Full- Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time &Part-time Full- Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time Full-time/Part-time Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian/English Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian/English Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian Language FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - - Country Republic of Korea , partner universities. The FELU is highly selective in its choice of partner universities, adding only high universities accredited and research-oriented profile, to its list. The FELU offers three 1st cycle double de gree programmes and six 2nd cycle double degree programmes. - - spective about own myself and world my and how the culture sees Slo venia. Besides studying, there was traveling and spending time for time with new friends. immensely I am this opportunity for grateful and the trust of amount and support I received from Economics.” Faculty of the “The year I spent Korea gave yet me in more another much degree. than gaveIt opportunity me the broaden to horizons, my learn about other cultures and enriched experience. me with life I also a new gained per Nina Aleksandra Dundović 2nd year FELU student, B.Sc. programme, Slovenia Kyungpook National National Kyungpook University School of Business Administration/Chonnam National University Pforzheim University Business School BEM Bordeaux Management School Partner Institution Partner Business Administration Administration Business (BA) Programmes B.Sc. Business and Economic Sciences with specialization: Marketing B.Sc. Business and Economic specialisations: with Sciences Marketing Business International 1st cycle Double Undergraduate’s Degree Programmes Programme DOUBLE DEGREE PROGRAMMES A Double Degree is an approved combined study programme leading two to degrees from two uni versities. After successfully completiing all the pro gramme requirements, FELU students receive a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree from the FELU as well as a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree from the FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana develops the necessary skills. skills. necessary the develops and approaches methodological modern of use the with economics and business in knowledge vanced ad combines Study Slovenia. outside programmes three the conducts FELU the addition, In in language. lish programmes Eng the in graduate programmes 14 and language Slovenian 15 offers FELU The PROGRAMMES STUDY GRADUATE Highlights 337 41% :59% male-female ratio 2,376 master’s degrees conferred in2013/14 graduate students in2013/14 Žiga Vajdič Žiga alike.” students and the staff bljana, in thatLju the of Faculty Economics is of excitement into vertigo this Ithink all got we drawn what experienced, practice. Judging I’ve from in engaging applicable immediately is and curriculum The ence-wise. experi and year. gained throughoutI’ve past this Knowledge-wise the of more the faculty become, Ihave members and the staff students, other with intertwined more The Demand. and of Supply theory nomic eco market similar to basic the very was FELU at year the “My first , 1st year FELU student, B.Sc. programme, Slovenia programme, B.Sc. student, FELU year , 1st - - Programmes in SLOVENIAN Study Status Number of ECTS Duration of Study 15 Programmes GRADUATE PROGRAMME Programmes Study-abrod 3 Programmes Full-time &part-time 120 ECTS 2 years (4semesters) Programmes in 14 Programmes ENGLISH - - - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana Pre- or Post- Experience Post- or Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Pre- Post- Pre-/Post- Pre-/Post- Pre- Pre-/Post- Pre- Post- Post- Post- Post- Language Slovenian/English Slovenian/English Slovenian/English Slovenian Slovenian/ English Slovenian/ Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian/ English Slovenian/ Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian/English Slovenian/English Slovenian Slovenian Slovenian/English English English English English English English Full-time/Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Full- & Part-time Part-time Part-time Part-time Full- & Part-time Full-time Full-time Part-time Part-time Part-time Part-time - - Specialisation Money and Finance Economics Bank and Financial Management Management International Business International Entrepreneurship Business Logistics Business Business Informatics Accounting and Auditing Marketing Tourism Business Administration, MBA, Administration, Business ICPE Sport ManagementSport Management and Economics in in Economics and Management Health Care Quantitative Finance and Actuar ial Sciences European Master in Tourism Man Tourism in Master European EMTM – agement International Master Programme Programme Master International in Business Administration – IMB Public Sector and Environmental Economics – JMPSE Business Administration – in in – Administration Business Macedonia Skopje, Bank and Financial Management – in Prishtina, Kosovo Entrepreneurship – in Prishtina, Prishtina, in – Entrepreneurship Kosovo FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana the opportunity to enrol in a joint (triple) degree degree (triple) ajoint in to enrol opportunity the have issues sector public studying in interested dents degree programmes and two jointdouble degree programmes. Stusix offers FELU the cycle, 2nd the In PROGRAMMES DEGREE DOUBLE AND JOINT (Double Degree) (Double –JMPSE Economics Environmental and Sector Public Degree) (Joint –E.M.T.M. Management European Master in Tourism Programme Programmes Degree Master’s Joint and Double cycle 2nd Administration Business in Programme Master International time Full Actuarial Science and Finance Quantitative Informatics Business Economics Finance and Money Management Financial and Bank Programme Programmes Degree Master’s Double cycle 2nd University of Nice of University Economics of Faculty Sarajevo, of University Girona of University Southern Denmark University Partner Institution School Business IUL Lisbon of Institute University ISCTE (SUSB) Business of School University Stockholm (ISEGI-UNL) Lisbon of University New Informação de e Gestão Estatísica de Superior Instituto Siena of University Siena of University School Business Norwegian BI Commerciales d’Angers Sciences des Supérieure École School Business Norwegian BI Partner Institution - to deal with the challenges of contemporary tourism. contemporary of challenges the with to deal graduates qualifying at aimed programme Master’s in tourism management are offered a joint European pr ogramme of three institutions. Students interested interested Students institutions. three of ogramme France Herzegovina and Bosnia Spain Denmark Country Portugal Sweden Portugal Italy Italy Norway France Norway Country FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ------tional relations, wide range of full- and part-time pro part-time and full- of range wide relations, tional for awards connections, corporate great grammes, excellence etc., the FELUattracts a diverse student the around all from and Slovenia, from population globe. With 1,561 international students annually, the FELU is a symbol of academic internationalisation in Slovenia. Ourstudents do not regard the FELU as just another educational institution – they see it as offeringthing beyond educationand training.some Our best pro motersare our students andit is through theirtesti monies that the FELU’s true spirit is revealed. Based on its longstanding tradition, strong interna strong tradition, SPIRIT THE FELU longstanding its on Based , - - - - , 3rd year FELU student, B.Sc. programme, Slovenia ous fields,foundhave my I in personaluseful which and professional Because I have a great such had experiencelife. much so and gained knowledge, study here faculty.” my continue the at I’ll “I have spent“I three wonderful years Economics, Faculty of the at giving me a lot knowledge of new and many friends. this period In time I of have learned have anywhere I wouldn’t else. which The a lot things of Faculty has provided me witha wide experiences of range vari in Zadnik Nina Responsibility . What distin , Cooperation , and Academic Freedom Knowledge TheFELU’s student community is the largest in Slo venia. In order provide to its students with the best possible career and personal development, the FELU has carefully chosen the programmes and activities aimed at producing new knowledge. FELU students are guided the by FELU’s core values where the em phasisis on Integrity guishes FELU students from other universities’ grad uates is not just the training of their minds, but also their Global and Social mind-set. NEW KNOWLEDGE FOR FUTURENEW FOR KNOWLEDGE SUCCESS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana potential. their develop to further and ideas new exciting with individuals ambitious together to bring is aim Their association. student one least at of members active FELU Strong support for students. international for • tutorship • support for student internship programmes; needs; special with students for • tutorship tutorship; • course-specific • organisational support for introductory tutorship; gramme tutorship pro awell-developed provides FELU The and share their opinions, comments and proposals. bodies FELU’s the in to participate able are students Council the Through students. FELU the and versity Council Student ACTIVITIES STUDENTS’ effectiveness overall their and skills, communication and learning dents’ ised numerous workshops aimed at developing stu edinto regular course work. In 2013/14 CERŠ organ Therefore, personal student development is integrat planning. career and skills, professional and sonal per of development the process, learning their with Student and Career Services for Centre FELU’s The career. future their with nected con and study to their related activities various in involved to become students encourages FELU The professionallyrespects, and personally. all in to grow them enable and horizons students’ our to broaden aim, one just with comes this of All etc. Schools Summer FELU’s the in world the around all from students join projects, international and tional na in participate culture and language Chinese the of aspects vital learn can Students programme. study their during experience international gain and collect to opportunities multiple have students The act. and to think them encourage that academics guished ciety. so student FELU open-minded an building is FELU The students are offeredBROADENING HORIZONS courses by distin is also offered also is for a wide range of its students: its of range awide for is the link between the FELU, Uni FELU, the between link the is student associations . The majority of our students are are students our of majority . The (CERŠ) helps students students helps (CERŠ) active at the the at active ------More than 100 FELU students join the BGS every every honour them. BGS the join to dedicated being thus ceremony the year, students with FELU 100 than More spring. in ayear once held is ceremony induction The programmes. degree business AACSB-accredited in BGS the generation their of join students best by the received to are Invitations 2012. January in emony Sigma cer Installation induction with first the coincided of Chapter the EF”). Gamma BGS “Klub Beta (named chapter own (BGS) its established recently FELU the AACSB, the by accredited institution an As (BGS) CHAPTER SIGMA BETA GAMMA etc. FELU the of the of society Debating section Slovenia, of Association Marketing Students’ Managers, Project Young Club, Sports FELU the group, Management news, FELU the Organisation, Student FELU the tions: associa student active such of afew To just name BGS Chapter Advisor, Prof. Tanja Dmitrović Dmitrović Tanja Chapter BGS a Prof. established FELU a why on Ph.D. Advisor, Chapter BGS vironment.” en inedge the highly international competitive an them extra gives and the crowd from apart individuals sets designation BGS The business’. in of ‘the best group in select this membership alifelong by rewarded be can now achievements scholastic outstanding Their network. the BGS to join the opportunity graduates and students best its to give was for the FELU step logical next the school accreditations, business international “After prestigious of the two most awarded being - - - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana A FELU student achieved second place in the place second achieved student A FELU Run Championships. Circle National In the University indoor football league – Futsal league indoor football In the University came second. team – the FELU’s 2013/14 - - - - In the 2013/14 the University FELU’s Women’s Basketball Basketball team won League, the championship. tion, FELU students regularly participate in various various in participate regularly students FELU tion, business competitions such as the Research Trimo Award, Marketing Prospect Award, SID Bank Award, Krka Award, Koper Bank – Intensa San tomerSatisfaction Paulo University “CusAward”,- the Imagine Cup (Global Student Technology Competition), Luka Koper Award etc. In the 2013/14 academic numerous year, awards and prizeswere granted students to whose work was in highlights selected outstanding, with particularly cluding: “HRM Prospect 2013”, “Marketing Prospect fourAward”,BankSlovenia of thesis awards, CFA the Institute Research Challenge Slovenia awardetc. THE FELU’S SPORTING CHAMPIONS FOR 2013/14 The FELU’s students have achieved remarkable suc cessin sports: athletics, tennis, table tennis, swim ming, golf, savate (French boxing), chess etc. STUDENTS’ ACHIEVEMENTSSTUDENTS’ addi In Students Award. with an outstanding study achievement Prešeren receiveFELU awards and commendations, University and may the for contend FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ------Five Five sections: Business Informatics, MARKEThink, Golf, Gourmetand Cycling partnerTwo associations: MBA Radovljica and Beta Gamma Sigma Chapter (BGS) ministration), European Master in Tourism Manage Tourism in Master European ministration), ment (EMTM) and Centre for International Promo tion of Enterprises (ICPE) Three Three chapters: Managers’ Lounge (Business Ad • • ALUMNI EVENTS The FELU Alumni organises over 20 events each includingyear, high quality annual social gatherings, interest other and events Alumni& forums, Alumni ing activities on different topics: “Alumni TheUniverse of Flavours”, “Google Gourmet:AdWords Acad emy”, “Auditing the EuroBasket”, “Confrontation Alumni of Generations”, “Alumni Business Informatics: Students Need Experience”, “Alumni Forum: Family Entrepreneurship”, “Alumni Cyclists Conquer the Slo Network Managers’ Lounge: “Alumni Coast”, venian Gourmet:“Alumni Pro”, Dinnera Dark”,theLikeing in “The First Alumni MARKEThink: Brandsdren”, “Alumni are LikeGOLF: ChilTraining with a PRO”, “Alumni etc. Workshop” Thinking Creative MARKEThink: theAt beginning of 2013, the FELU started with the ALUMNI& series of events. The following events were held in the past academic year under the “ALUM NI&” brand: ALUMNI&eVino: »Afterwork Party« andALUMNI& Patrick Cowden: TheLeadership.Future of ALUMNI SECTIONS AND CHAPTERS In 2013 the FELU Alumni established numerous sec tions and chapters to serve the different interests of our many members. • ------tive participation with the Alumni organization. The success of the FELU Alumni depends on the involve ment of its members and therefore there are many get to ways actively involved in the Alumni: online networking with colleagues, taking an active part atAlumni events, joining sections’ organising com mittees, writing articles (EFnet online network, web various conducting and organising in assistance site), events, sponsoring events, establishing professional associations within the FELU Alumnietc. In addi tion,keep to the FELU alumni connected, LinkedIna Alumni group, account Twitter and Facebook fan page have been set up. RAISING MEMBER INVOLVEMENT The FELU Alumni offers its members career, profes- counselling, and development personal and sional ac and members other about information with along FELU ALUMNI ALUMNI FELU THE FELU family stretches ambassadors. prima The greatest our are Alumni across the globe. ry Our goals of the FELU Alumni are link to up former connec community strong build students, FELU share and knowledge, transfer and develop tions, experiences. With almost 8,000 members, the FELU Alumni is the biggest community ofbusiness and economics grad uates in Slovenia. What you get from the FELU Alumni? • Connection with Fellow Alumni • Career networking Learning • Lifelong • Unique Events, etc. LET’S STAY IN TOUCH IN TOUCH STAY LET’S FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana just a few of the respected FELU graduates. FELU respected the of afew just To name community. our to enrich leaders thought high-potential and prominent together brings FELU The FELLOWS ALUMNI pursued her MBA studies. In addition, she worked at the FELU as a Teaching Assis Teaching a as FELU the at worked career. she professional her in on to moving prior tant addition, In studies. MBA her pursued also she where FELU, the at organisation and management studied Malovrh Mrs. Google. Malovrh Metka 1979. in FELU the from graduated Mr. Colarič services. tourist and resorts by health plemented sup are activities whose products health animal and products non-prescription Colarič Jože FELU. the at thesis Ph.D. her currently on is working She IMD. and School, Business Harvard INSEAD, Maribor, of University the at studies further pursued and FELU the at economics studied Kodrin Mrs. today. impact apositive ing DO-tank that engages youth in sustainability innovation for tomorrow while creat Kodrin Andreja and Fontainebleau INSEAD (France). IEDC — Bled School of (Slovenia), Management Cleveland State University (USA), Mr. Škrabec studied economicsenergy-saving wooden buildings. and ecological markets and manufactures that company at successful and ognised the FELU andŠkrabecJanez pursued further studies at the is the CEO of Krka, a producer of prescription pharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, prescription of a producer Krka, of CEO the is is the founder and Director of Riko Group, an internationally rec internationally an Group, Riko of Director and founder the is is responsible for growing and developing the Adriatic region at at region Adriatic the developing and growing for responsible is is the founder and Director of Challenge:Future, a global think- aglobal Challenge:Future, of Director and founder the is - - - - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana Alumni klub Ekonomske fakultete FELU Alumni FELU @AlumniEF @AlumniEF www.ef.uni-lj.si/alumni-en FOLLOW US FOLLOW WHO EMPLOYS FELU ALUMNI FELU WHO EMPLOYS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - - - ABS and 2 FT45). SSCI/SCI, 40 I go? MobilityI go? of young, educated Eastern Europe ans”, “Optimising a research strategy” etc. ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW – EBR The FELU is a publisher of EconomicReview and (EBR), Business an international, double-blindview journal. From 2014 onwards, the journal is pub peer re lished three times per year in the English language and once per year in Slovenian. its multi-disciplinary is strengths the journal’s of One - dissemi and further research aim is to Its approach. of applied business the area in results research nate bank and concerning especially studies, and economic financial management, businessand management business, international informatics,preneurship, entre- marketing. Its editorial board consistsof many internationally qual either employ that Papers members. renowned itative or quantitative research approaches, surveys, case studies, experiments or historical models may be considered for review. 68 ------articles in international academic journals (

In 2013 the FELU core faculty members published: 80 Highlights The research findingsin economics and business studies, represent and are includ new discoveries RESEARCH AND DOCTORAL PROGRAMME RESEARCH AND DOCTORAL EXCELLENT RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES ed in business processes in all areas of the FELU’s activities. The FELU faculty members have traditionally active ly participated in shaping research policy in Slove nia, and places a special emphasis on transferring research findings to studentsthe at FELU’s all Bologna three programmes levels and of to a whole. society The FELU promotes courage, as acumen, di versity and innovation in research and motivates re searchers publish to their findings. The FELUprovides excellent opportunitiesfor re search with a plethora of motivational mechanisms such as research funds, systems for reducing the teaching load, the Best Research of preparation and Paper interviews annual of introduction Award, the plans etc. research individual FELU researchers are fully supported the by Re search Office which and administrative offers assistance in the preparation and complete professionalregistration stages ofprojects, along with manage organises Office Research The monitoring. and ment train seminars and research-related research weekly ing seminars. Some of the most recent seminars were entitled“Pitching Research”, “Should I stay or should GREAT EXPECTATIONS GREAT FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana * divided by types of clients and contract value contract and clients of by types * divided dis are that to knowledge contributions original The FELU’s core faculty members regularly produce and variousministries, and corporateagencies clients. pean projects and 13 projects commissioned by the EC Research Agency. The FELU also participated in 11 Euro- 4 bilateral projects commissioned by theSlovenian in 6research programmes, 6research projects, and In the2013/14 academic year, theFELU participated 2013/14 IN OUTPUT RESEARCH Commissioned by various ministries andagencies Research projects Slovenian Research Agency commissioned by the Research Projects 20% (SRA) 41% in percentage THE FELU’S RESEARCH PROJECTS 2011-2013 fields the FELU covers in its research (e.g. Tourism Tourism (e.g. Management). research its in covers FELU the fields International (PNAS, journals Science of etc.) interdisciplinary and top leading etc.), journals Journal Studies in specific Business Society, & Organisations Accounting, Science, Organisation Review, agement Man of (Academy journals 45 top FT include faculty seminated worldwide. Papers published by the core projects for Slovenian and Research andconsulting international companies International Projects 15% European andother 24% - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana

HACKNEY, Raymond EDWARDS, Deborah,Tanja MIHALIČ, Ljubica, A., SIMOES COELHO, Pedro, JAKLIČ, Jurij (2012). businessTowards intelligence systems success: effects of maturity and culture on analytical decision making. Decision Support Systems. 54(1), 729-739. JCR 2012 IF: 2.201. (2012). Fashioning a destination tourism future: the case of Slovenia. Tourism Management, 33 (2), 305-316. JCR 2012 IF: 2.571. • 2nd Award: DWYER, Larry, KNEŽEVIĆ CVELBAR, SCI/SSCI ranked papers. The picture below presents article titles published in 232 SCI/SSCI ranked papers from 2011 2014. to There were 133 foreign co-authors of papers published in SCI/SSI from 2011 and 2014. Mostforeign co-authors came from the USA, the UK, the and Croatia. Aleš, • 2nd Award: POPOVIČ, - - KOVAČIČ, HelenaKOVAČIČ, (2012). Higher growth through the blue ocean strategy: implications for economic policy. Research Policy, (5), 41 928- 938. JCR 2012 IF: 2.85. BEST PUBLISHED PAPER AWARDS help and to research of promoting goal pursue its To an annual established the FELU quality, its advance au- open to is programme The programme. awards the for criteria The the FELU. of articles from thors journals in of ranking on the relative is based award in the Social Sci- listed published, which articles are (SCI) Index Citation and Science (SSCI) Citation ence cash both award, The Reuters. Thomson by defined as arti- best the three annually for given is and non-cash, year. calendar cles published in the previous Awards for the best articles in 2013: • 1st Award: LINDIČ, Jaka, BAVDAŽ, Mojca, grammes which embody our key research areas. Our areas. research key our embody which grammes research represents new knowledge business and economics. in Words like Slovenia, perfor the fields among are evidence and management ofcase, mance, the most common words used in article titles published in MOST FREQUENT WORDS IN ARTICLE TITLES PUBLISHED IN SCI/SSCI RANKED PAPERS wide array of qualified and experienced researchers. researchers. experienced and ANALYSIS OF PUBLISHED ARTICLES qualified of The FELU is an institution with a long tradition and array wide Research at the FELU is conducted in 6 research pro FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana TOP RESEARCH PAPERS IN 2013/14 IN PAPERS RESEARCH TOP management, 34(5), 689-703. A1 (JCR 2013). A1 (JCR 689-703. 34(5), management, information of journal International ITM. and TTF meets understanding of mobile banking adoption: when UTAUT the Extending (2014). Aleš POPOVIČ, Manoj, THOMAS, ABRAHAM Miguel, FARIA, Tiago, OLIVEIRA, 2013). A1 (JCR 73-8. 69, policy, Energy sector. residential EU the in efficiency energy underlying of level estimated the on instruments policy energy of Impact (2014). Jelena ZORIĆ, C., Lester HUNT, Massimo, FILIPPINI, 2013). A1 (JCR 296-307. 34(2), management, information of journal International study. acase system: information an of impact low the to explain interests misaligned (2014). Peter Actors’ TRKMAN, Marina, TRKMAN, 2013). A1 (JCR 1-13. 34(1), 2014, management, information of journal International application. risk perceived and of technology use and acceptance of theory a unified adoption: banking Internet the Understanding (2014). Aleš POPOVIČ, Tiago, OLIVEIRA, Carolina, MARTINS, 3. ABS 2013); A1 (JCR 101-117. 43(1), economics, business Small self-efficacy. entrepreneurial of role moderating the innovation: firm and creativity Entrepreneurs (2014). D. Robert HISRICH, Mateja, DRNOVŠEK, Branka, AHLIN, 1. ABS 2013); A1 (JCR 229-234. dependency, and consumption. Science; 346(6206), aging, population aproblem?: really fertility low Is (2014). al. et Jože, SAMBT, Andrew, MASON, Ronald, LEE, 4. ABS 2013); A1 (JCR 987-1000. 25(5), 1048-9843. ISSN quarterly, Leadership The support. supervisor perceived : creative-idea generation, idea implementation, and my supervisor from help alittle by with Iget (2014). Anders DYSVIK, Matej, ČERNE, Miha, ŠKERLAVAJ, 2. ABS 2013); A1 (JCR 130-136. 36, Management, Hospitality of Journal International performance?. firm affect dimensions CRM all do line: bottom the and CRM (2014). Ljubica CVELBAR, KNEŽEVIĆ George, Albert ASSAF, Alexander, JOSIASSEN, 3. ABS 2013); A1 (JCR FT-45; 271-282. 124(2), ethics. business of Journal dilemma. ethical an as evasion tax consumption in participation consumer exploring areceipt?: need you Do (2014). Domen BAJDE, Barbara, CULIBERG, 4. ABS 2013); A1 (JCR FT-45; 172-192. 57(1), journal, Management of Academy creativity. and climate, motivational perceived hiding, :knowledge around comes around Miha ŠKERLAVAJ, Anders, DYSVIK, L., G. Christina NERSTAD, Matej, ČERNE, (2014). What goes goes What (2014). support systems, 56, 103-114. A1 (JCR 2013). A1 (JCR 103-114. 56, systems, support Decision context. privacy with acceptance technology of 3” “Big the integrating biometrics: of acceptance end-user of Determinants (2013). Tiago OLIVEIRA, Aleš, POPOVIČ, Caroline, MILTGEN, LANCELOT 2013). A1 (JCR 6885-6893. (17), 40 Applications, with Systems Expert analysis. abibliometric creation: knowledge and pressure ČADEŽ, Simon 2013). (JCR A1 614-630. 52(5), research. travel of Journal application. and concept destination: atourist of resources MIHALIČ, Tanja 2013). A1 (JCR 613-619. International journal of information management, 33(4), orchestration. and integration of analysis a case intelligence: business and management process business Aleš POPOVIČ, Mirjana, BACH, PEJIĆ Vesna, BOSILJ-VUKŠIĆ, 2013). (JCR A1 487-504. 21(3), tourism. sustainable of Journal hotels. Slovenian in planning strategy long-term for factors An importance-performance analysis of sustainability (2013). Larry DWYER, Ljubica, CVELBAR, KNEŽEVIĆ 2013). A1 (JCR 149-154. 32(1), Management. Hospitality of Journal International Slovenia. from evidence industry: casino the in drivers Performance (2013). Marko PAHOR, Ljubica, CVELBAR, KNEŽEVIĆ George, Albert ASSAF, 2013). A1 (JCR 48-60. 33(1), management. critical International practices. journal of information management: process business with orientation process (2013). Peter Increasing TRKMAN, Rok, ŠKRINJAR, 4. ABS 2013); A1 (JCR 58-80. 43, research. tourism of Annals Iran. of museum national the of case the museums: for pricing dual adopting of analysis An (2013). Young Jin CHUNG, Miroslav, VERBIČ, Mohammad, TEHRANI, SHARIFI 4. ABS FT-45; 644. 52(4), 627- management. resource Human Kilduff. Martin and Cross Rob between aconversation analysis: network organizational in practice and Research (2013). Zella Robert, KAŠE, L., Robert CROSS, 4. ABS FT-45; 52(4), 473-483. management. resource Human HRM. of basis afundamental of surface the scratching HRM: in research network social using note: editors’ Guest (2013). Dana MINBAEVA, Zella, KING, Robert, KAŠE, (2013). Supporting performance management with (2013). Social change, institutional (2013). Performance of environmental environmental of Performance (2013). KILDUFF, Martin, KING, KING, Martin, KILDUFF, FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - - - Language of Instruction English Pre-or Post- Experience Pre-/Post- search skills by gaining the edge latest in scientific the knowl - devel thus chosen and analysis, quantitative and field,qualitative deepening their skillsoping the skills needed in for conducting research at an level. competitive internationally The FELU makes it a priority promote to research by re young researchers/research fellows. five The Slovenian Research Agency funds the postgraduate study and including research training of young researchers employed at the FELU. In addition, the Slovenian Technology researchers, Agency subsidises the employment of young re young 23 searchers from the corporate world. In 2013, had the FELU world. corporate the from searchers Doctoral studies are organised in small groupsof students and build from core research knowledge to programme The specialisation. for possibilities many is designed for those wanting improve to their re - - Mode Full-time/ Part-time Duration Duration (in Years) 3

doctoral students in 2013/14 students doctoral 94 ratio 45% : 55% male-female Summer School Doctoral 2013/14 the FELU tended at students doctoral 23 Highlights The FELU assistant Alenka was Slavec, selected as Ph.D. winner European the the of Doctoral Programmes Association Management in and Business (EDAMBA) Administration Thesis Competition her doctoral for thesis entitled: Entrepreneurial Openness: Construct Development She was awarded and Empirical Testing. EDAMBA the at award the UK York, Meeting in Annual September in 2014. FELU Assistant Professors and Assistant Katarina Professor Ph.D. Mihelič, Katja Barbara Culiberg, Ph.D. were Best awarded SAGE the most Papercontribution the significant for advances Award that leadership or organisation studies (Management Education & Development article: you the Division) look for Would the investigation An peerother of way? reporting among business students. school The article was presented on this years’ Academy Management of conference. Programme Programme Doctoral Programme in Business and Economics al study in the EU and around the world. The FELU actively participates in discussing issues related to the development of Ph.D. programmes in the EU and beyond. Thedoctoral programme in Economics and Business is in tune with the most advanced forms of doctor RESEARCHCONFERENCES In the 2013/14 study the year, following research conferences were organised at the FELU: the FELU DoctoralStudent Conference, the 2014 ReNewTown Conference, 2013 IATE (International Association for Tourism Economics), the 2nd EBR Conference 2013 (Economic and Business Econ Labour of Association (European Conference Review), the 26th EALEomists) and the International Conference China-CEE Learning. & Education Dialogue, Cross-cultural DOCTORAL PROGRAMMES FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FELU professors; FELU abroad. foreign professors and 30 8 strategic partners BTC, Gorenje, NLB, Kolektor, Riko and Studio Moderna Krka, Mercator,

internships that were completed in Slovenia guest speakers from business and the lecturers, including experts who took part in the Highlights company visits and visits company excursions; 268 and 55 17 61 for workshops and seminars academies, of context middle and top management of lifelong learning, 15 plus 172 professions; • • • In 2013/14, this interface with business included the following: • ------GREAT CORPORATE CORPORATE GREAT CONNECTIONS CORPORATE CONNECTIONS AND EXECUTIVE EDUCATION CORPORATE CONNECTIONS AND NEW KNOWLEDGE – NEW – NEW KNOWLEDGE NEW BUSINESS sis topics, case studies & projects, conferences, on- site companyvisits etc. The FELUhas formalised many of itscorporate con partnership long-term through connections tracts. Overall, the however, decades of developing high-quality relationships with the business com munityhave resulted in strong social capital for the FELU which is revealed whenever the FELU needs supportfrom the business community, e.g. in finding par lecturers, guest recruiting events, for sponsors etc. surveys research in ticipating By hosting experts from the business lectures, world creating business during and case studies com missioned companies, by suggesting thesis topics (bachelor’s and master’s organising levels), student visits individual to companies etc., the FELU is bol stering its connections with the business world. For many years the FELU has cooperated with the business community in shaping theacademic study process. The FELU includes thebusiness community in several ways, such us: the the FELU selecting in participation Advisory guest speakers, guest Board, FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana Members of the FELU’s Business Advisory Board Advisory Business FELU’s the of Members results. evaluating and guidance strategic by providing FELU the at process planning strategic the in volved A Business Advisory Board which consists of representatives from international companies and banks is in Pradeep MONGA Pradeep SANDELIN Martin Anton PAPEŽ Anton Andreja KODRIN Ciril KAFOL Breda KUTIN Breda BOSCAROL Ivo Aleš ŠTRANCAR Aleš DROSTE Christof Yuri SIDOROVICH Yuri Aleksander ZALAZNIK Europe POTOKAR Matej BIŠEV Gligor ČEŠKO Sandi TEDESCHI Emil COLARIČ Jože Janko Janez ŠKRABEC Janez former SLAVINEC, Uroš Cvetka SELŠEK PETRIČ Stojan Jože MERMAL Jože URŠIČ Rok Tomaž CEO FINK, Tatjana Toni BALAŽIČ Toni NARAT Matej Franjo BOBINAC Franjo Company the in Position and Name MEDJA BERLOČNIK , CEO , Executive Director , Executive , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , Group Manager for Central and Eastern Eastern and Central for Manager , Group , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , CEO , Senior Partner in Charge in Partner , Senior , CEO , CEO CEO Unido, Austria Unido, Finland Nokia, InterEnergo, Slovenia Challenge Future, Slovenia ONE Dooel, Macedonia Slovenian Consumers’ Association, Slovenia Pipistrel, Slovenia Pipistrel, Slovenia Separations, Bia Deloitte, Slovenia Deloitte, Hidria, Slovenia Hidria, Danfoss Trata, Slovenia Trata, Danfoss Microsoft, Europe Microsoft, Macedonia Bank, Sparkasse Slovenia Group, Moderna Studio Croatia Group, Atlantic Slovenia Krka, Slovenia Group, NLB Riko Group, Slovenia Group, Riko Helios, Slovenia Helios, Slovenia banka, SKB Kolektor Group, Slovenia Group, Kolektor Slovenia BTC, Instrumentation Technologies, Slovenia Slovenia Petrol, Demt, Slovenia Slovenia Group, Mercator Sava Group, Slovenia Group, Sava Slovenia Group, Gorenje Company - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana Hours 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 10 16 15 15 30 15 15 30 20 15 15 8 FIRST YEAR Course Module A Module Organisation & Management Economics Managerial Building Leadership Capacity B Module Managers for Accounting Finance Corporate Management Resource Human C Module Managers for Marketing Business Data Analysis Management Project Communication Effective SECOND YEAR D Module Economics Institutional Global Global Business Environment Management Operations BusinessDesign Business Project: 1st part E Module Management Strategic Accountability and Leadership Strategic Communication Cross-cultural and Negotiations Business Project: 2nd part Special ending Leadership workshop Communication Effective Field Trip MBA - Programme Structure - - - - Part-time months 24 Experienced middle and senior industry various from managers sectors Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia modules 5 €14,900 English January generation of MBA students was entered in 2013/14 entered was of MBA students generation

male-female ratio 55% : 45% male-female in 2013/14 enrolled 20 MBA students The 3rd The Highlights Duration Participants Profile Location Programme Structure Fee Tuition Language Start date Format ence in middle or top management (thisis also one of the entry requirements). The MBA is also intended for individuals for whom further education in such a form may act as a springboard accelerate to their ca progression. reer Those who enter the MBA programmeMBAtheenterThosewho individuals are who areprimarily seeking broad, practice-oriented business knowledge and skills. All have prior experi The FELU’s programmes in the field of executive ed executive of field the in programmes FELU’s The ucation have the longest tradition in such education institutions. training and education Slovenian among MBA – MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION MBA – the Master of Business Administration uate programmegrad is designed for those who already have relevant work experience and want upgrade to leader. good a define that skills and knowledge their Theprogramme is conducted teama by of excellent a with collaboration in professors foreign and home number of experts from the business world. MBA details – Key EXECUTIVE & BUSINESSEXECUTIVE PROFILE EDUCATION FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana P is all about changing reality. changing about all P is E- Insurance, Commerce, Telecommunication. Healthcare, Management, Project IT, ing, consult Management Telemarketing, Tourism, HR, CSR, PR, Finance, Banking, Sales, Marketing, Topics: activities. business day-to-day for tools implementable easily with customer the to provide busi designed are they importantly, Most company’s a strategies. ness on fit based to are research market courses extensive All needs. business specific for courses customised created together agency) The FELU and the P World (an international creativeTRAINING CENTRE academies (modular delivery over several months). grammes (3 days or more), and in-company business pro 1 to 2 days), (from long programmes short clude in These organisations. individual of needs specific In-company development courses are tailored to the COURSES IN-COMPANY healthcare etc. for tools Managerial plan, a recovery to prepare How deci tools, Business controlling Contemporary 2, Excel, MS with sions analysis sheet Balance 1, analysis sheet Balance 2014, in banks and policy Monetary included: 2013/14 in FELU the at held seminars The etc. &Organisation ics eign Languages, Accounting & Controlling, Informat Finance, Leadership and Personal Development, For Management, General Marketing, 2013/14: for folio port The findings. scientific latest the with together bring understanding of complex business problems that workshops and seminars of form the in ganised or are key employees for programmes Intensive WORKSHOPS AND SEMINARS tainability Leadership and Inspiration Academy. Business - Sus Academy, Academy, Business Family Academy, Processes Finance Corporate Business Academy, Internationalisation Academy, Leadership Academy Business Global Academy, Sales and Leadership Tourism, in International 2013/14: for folio ket and fundamental business decisions. The port mar the of needs to the cater and environment ness busi the in tochanges respond Academies Business BUSINESS ACADEMIES ------Economists) with 450 participants. 450 with Economists) and EALE 2014 (European Association of Labour Sustainable in participants 60 with Excellence Network) Education Tourism (Building 2014 BESTEN conferences: larger two we organised 2013/14 In FELU. the at event an organising of benefits the are rooms worlds, and large selection of modern, well-equiped business and academic the from experts of network broad skills, organisational excellent Our seminars. and lectures meetings, tables, to round participants), 1,000 than more (including conferences ternational in major from year, per events different 100 over ise We organ Slovenia. in organisers event top the of one as itself proven has FELU the decade, last the In you. for it we do and we think, we understand, We listen, to the excellence of the FELU. the of excellence to the ways other in contribute and professors, ternational in by established visits support abroad, and Slovenia provide scholarships for outstanding students from resources other and finances Foundation’s FELU The FOUNDATION FELU –THE FUNDS SECURING brand and marketing etc. risks managing costs, managing effective ing, to reengineering cess pro business organisations, effective building and development strategy from spans expertise bers’ mem faculty core The consulting. in tradition a long has (CBE) Excellence Business for Centre FELU The RESEARCH CONSULTING &APPLIED EXPERTS IN EVENT MANAGEMENT EVENT IN EXPERTS ------FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana 44 40 147 187 Partner universities: 3 Incoming students: 2 Outgoing students: 5 AND ASIA Partner universities: 19 Incoming students: 50 Outgoing students: 16 International agreements in 2013/14 agreements Erasmus of Number agreements bilateral of Number agreements of number Total Number of countries - EUROPE AFRICA Partner universities: 157 Incoming students: 261 Outgoing students: 216 Partner universities: 2 Incoming students: 1 Outgoing students: 0 AMERICA . The FELU’s programmes Partner universities: 6 Incoming students: 5 Outgoing students: 2 SOUTH AMERICA TH Partner universities: 6 Incoming students: 18 Outgoing students: 9 NOR 187 exchange agreements with universities in 44 A map of partner universities and student exchanges in the 2013/14 academic year. INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS INTERNATIONAL WORLDWIDE PARTNERS provide our To students with the best possible ca reer and personal development, the FELU is involved in world the around countries BEING INTERNATIONAL BEING attract students fromnearly every corner of the world. FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana List of the FELU’s International Exchange Partners Exchange International FELU’s the of List FINLAND DENMARK REPUBLIC CZECH CROATIA HERZEGOVINA AND BOSNIA BELGIUM AUSTRIA EUROPE KOREA KAZAKHSTAN JAPAN INDIA CHINA ASIA AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA Jamk University of Applied Sciences Applied of University Jamk Sciences Applied of University HAAGA-HELIA University of Southern Denmark Copenhagen Business Academy Aarhus of University Business, of School Aarhus Prague Economics, of University Brno Administration, and Economics of Faculty University, Masaryk Zlin in University Bata Tomas Pardubice of University Management and Economics of School Zagreb Split of University Dubrovnik of University Economics of Faculty Zagreb, of University Economics of Faculty Bulgaria, of University American Economics of Faculty Mostar, of University Economics of Faculty Sarajevo, of University Management of School Louvain UCL Economics Applied and Economics of Faculty KULEUVEN, Universiteit Antwerpen –ULB (SBS-EM) Management and Economics of School Brussels Solvay Informatics) for (Department Wien Wirtschaftsuniversität WU University of Applied Science Upper Austria/ School of Management Economics and Management of Faculty Klagenfurt, Universitat Adria Alpen Administration Business of Department Wien, Universität Graz mbH Gasellschaft Joanneum FH und TechnicFachhochschule für Wirtschaft Neustadt Wiener 02) (CAMPUS Graz Wirtschaft der FH WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien MCI Management Center Innsbruck Kärnten Fachhochschule Sciences, Applied of University Carinthia (NUS) Business of School Singapore, of University National Seoul of University Keimyung University, Daeugu Business of School University, Yonsei Yeungnam University, College of Commerce & Economics Administration &Business Economics of College University, National Kyungpook University National Eurasian GUMILYOV L.N. Business of College -Bang Research Strategic and Economics Management, of Institute Kazakhstan Economics of University Hiroshima University International Akita Sharda University, Delhi Business of Faculty University, Polytechnic Kong Hong The Business of College Kong, Hong of University City (SWUFE) Economics and Finance of University Southwestern Tongji University, School of Economics and Management (SUIBE) Economics and Business International of University Shanghai Stellenbosch University (USB) School Business Stellenbosch of University FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana Aalto University School of Business Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences Hanken School of Economics KEDGE Business School (Campus Marseille) Université de Strasbourg, Ecole de Management Strasbourg - EM Business Lyon School ESSEC Business School ESCP Europe FBS France Business School (Campus Clermont) Groupe EDHEC – School of Management (Grande Ecole & Espeme Prog.) Toulouse Business School Groupe ESC Dijon Bourgogne – Burgundy Schoolof Business Groupe ESSCA – Ecole Supérieure des SciencesCommerciales d'Angers ISC – Institut Supérieurdu Commerce Paris ESG Management School Paris NEOMA Business School (Campus Reims) NEOMA Business School (Campus Rouen) SKEMA Business School TELECOM Business School Audencia Nantes School of Management Université Catholique de Lille, IESEG School of Management KEDGE Business School (Campus Bordeaux) Normandie de Management de Ecole La Rochelle Business School Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR Berlin) Kiel zu Christian-Albrechts-Universität Europa Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) Fachhochschule Düsseldorf, University of Applied Sciences Sciences Applied of University Osnabrück, Fachhochschule Hochschule München, Munich University of Applied Sciences Humboldt-Univeristät zu Berlin, School of Business and Economics Leibniz Universität Hannover Chemnitz Universität Technische Worms Hochschule Mannheim of University Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main EBS Business school/EBS Universitat fur Wirtschaft&Recht i.GR. HHL (Leipzig) / Leipzig Graduate School of Management Münster Wilhelms-Univerität Westfälische Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences Duale Hochschule Baden- Wuerttemberg Mosbach, DHBW Mosbach NordhausenFachhochschule Augsburg Universität Leipzig Universität Paderborn Universitat Freie Universität Berlin, School of Business and Economics Management and Finance of School Frankfurt Georg Simon Ohm University of Applied Sciences Nuremberg Universität zu Köln Hohenheim University HeilbronnHochschule FINLAND FRANCE GERMANY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana SPAIN RUSSIA SLOVAKIA SERBIA PORTUGAL POLAND NORWAY NETHERLANDS MONTENEGRO MACEDONIA LITHUANIA LATVIA ITALY IRELAND HUNGARY GERMANY University of Deusto, Deusto Business School (San Sebastian) (San School Business Deusto Deusto, of University (Bilbao) School Business Deusto Deusto, of University Leon de Universidad Huelva de Universidad Universidad Complutense de Madrid Jaen of University FADE València, de Politécnina Universidad Fabra Pompeu Universitat Barcelona de Autonoma Universitat Girona de Universitat Universidad de Oviedo Madrid de III Carlos Universidad Management of School University, State Petersburg Saint Moscow Management, of University State Bratislava in Economics of University Economics of Faculty Belgrade, of University (FEP) Management and Economics of School Porto, do Universidade (Informatics) –ISEGI Lisboa de Nova Universidade eGestão Economia de Superior Instituto Lisbon/ –TU Lisboa Técnica Universidade Portuguesa Católica Universidade School) Business (ISCTE-IUL Institute University –Lisbon ISCTE Lisboa de Nova Universidade Warsaw School of Economics Gdansk of University Katowice in Economics of University Economics of University Poznan Law and Commerce of School Lazarski University Kozminski School Business Norwegian BI Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen School of Management Business and Economics of /Faculty Groningen of University University /Rotterdam Rotterdam Hogeschool Tilburg University /Tilburg School of Economics and Management University Maastricht VU University Amsterdam School Business Amsterdam Amsterdam, van Universiteit Eindhoven Universiteit Technische Podgorica Economics of Faculty The Skopje University Methodius and Cyril Ss. Siauliai University ISM University of Management and Economics Latvia of University Trieste di Studi degli Università Torino di Studi degli Università Siena di Studi degli Università Sapienza" "La Roma di Studi degli Università Limerick of University School Business (DCU) University City Dublin Economics and Business of Faculty Pécs, of University Egyetem Corvinus Budapesti Budapest/ of University Corvinus Magdeburg University Guericke von Otto FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ESIC Business & Marketing School Jönköping International Business School Linköpings Universitet Stockholm University School of Business Umeå University University Gothenburg of University of Applied Science, ZHAW School of Management and Law University of Zurich, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and IT Northwestern Sciences Applied of University Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi, Faculty of Business Izmir University of Economics Koç University METU Middle East Technical University Bilkent University University Sabanci University Istanbul Birmingham City University Strathclyde Business School, University of Strathclyde University of Northumbria at Newcastle University of Salford Aston Business School Nottingham Trent University/ Nottingham Business School University of Hertfordshire Universidad de Sao Paulo, Faculdad de Economics, Administracao E Contabilidade de Ribeirao Preto Universidad de los Andes, School of Management Technologico de Monterrey (ITESM – Monterrey Campus) Technologico de Monterrey (ITESM – Campus Ciudad de ) Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) Queen’s School of Business, Queen's University HEC Montreal University of Quebec, Montreal (UQAM) University of Victoria, Peter B. Gustavson School of Business Wilfrid Laurier University Drury College Springfield Queensland University of Technology (QUT) University of Technology, Sydney Monash University, Monash Business School SPAIN SWEDEN SWITZERLAND SOUTH AMERICA MEXICO AMERICA NORTH USA AUSTRALIA and NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIA FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana and sent out 248 outgoing students. outgoing 248 out sent and students, incoming 337 hosted FELU the 2013/14, In East South Europe and Transnational Programme, Cooperation Programme. Europe Central COST, KA, work Programme (FP7), EURE INTERREG, TEMPUS, Frame Seventh projects: research several in partner a also is FELU The Agreements. Bilateral Grants, way Nor Grants EEA Studies), University for Programme Exchange European (Central CEEPUS project, bility mo and degree double Erasmus Korean ECP – ICI gramme, Projects, Pro Master Mundus Erasmus Multilateral Partnerships, Mundus Erasmus gramme, IntensivePro ErasmusInternship, Student Erasmus Studies, for Mobility Student Erasmus grammes: pro exchange various in involved is FELU The PROGRAMMES EXCHANGE STUDENT Agreement Bilateral Erasmus 34 192 2 MOBILITY TYPE STUDENTS BY OUTGOING in numbers CEEPUS ------FELU 248 6. Latin America: SUD-UE America: Latin 6. EUROSA Africa: South 5. India:4. EMINTE TIMUR Uzbekistan: 3. 2 CEA Euro-Asian 1, CEA Euro-Asian Asia: Central 2. GreenTeach SunBeam, Basileus, Balkans: Western 1. in: apartner is FELU the mobility, with jects pro Partnerships – 2 Action Mundus Erasmus the In and Turkmenistan). Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan Central from 11 and countries EU 9from partners, 20 consist The consortiums 2013. multidisciplinary of in confirmed was partnership 2 CEA Euro-Asian The period. afour-year for CEA) 1(Euro-Asian vancement Ad and Excellence for Cooperation – EURO-ASIAN mus Mundus partnership and mobility programme - Eras the of acoordinator became FELU the 2012, In Freemover Degree Double 3 17 - - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ------visiting scholars other international lecturers international other

80 83 Highlights INTERNATIONAL ORGANISATIONS ORGANISATIONS INTERNATIONAL AND ASSOCIATIONS The FELU is a member ofseveral international or ganisationsand associations,such as EFMD (the Eu Development), Management for Foundation ropean AACSB (the Schools Association of Business), EIASM (the European to Institute for Advance Advanced Studies in Collegiate Management), Network NIBES (the of Management International International (the CEEMAN Schools), Business and Association (the NAFSA Association), Development Economic Internationalof etc. Educators) ALLIANCESSTRATEGIC The FELU is a founding member of the new Strategic Alliance of Chinese andEuropean business schools (ACE). The founding members are: Antwerp Man Univer Tong Jiao Beijing (Belgium), School agement sity Chinese (China), Academy of Sciences (China), EBS Business School (Germany), (Swe University Gothenburg ESSCA(France), Management School of den), Harbin Institute of Technology Kong (China), Hong Polytechnic University University (Hong(UK), National Tsing Kong), Hua University Leeds wan), (Tai Northwestern Polytechnic University MIP (China), Politecnico di Milano ofManagement, (Italy),RotterdamErasmus University (Netherlands), School Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (Chi Southwesternna), University of Finance and Eco nomics (China), Universidade Catolica Lisbon tugal), Faculty of Economics, (Por University of Ljubljana (Slovenia), Universityof Macau (Macao), VSEUniver sity of Economics Prague (Czech Republic) and Xia men University (China). ------Professor Charles C. Snow, Ph.D., Smeal CollegeProfessor Charles Snow, Ph.D., C. Business,of Penn State University, USA Pamplin Perdue,Professor R. Ph.D., Richard Business, USA of School Virginia Tech, School Professor Joy Sheldon, Pauline Ph.D., Industry Travel of Management, University of Manoa, at Hawaii USA New additions list visiting of Faculty’s the to scholars: • • • gramme and others. Besides that, academic and and academic that, Besides The FELU faculty members have the opportunity others. to participate in different and academic and staffexchange programmes, such as ERASMUS, thegramme CEEPUS pro professional staff memberscross-cultural skills participating by in activities and are developingseminars organised at the FELU. In addition, their the Con fucius Institute Ljubljana plays the role of promoting Chineselanguage and culture.The FELU’sprofessors have rich international experience, since they are en couraged to participatefessional activities and because they have taught all in differentover the world at foreign distinguishedresearch institutions. and pro The FELU is home many to prominent international around continents coming from different professors the globe. To name a few:ship, Ph.D., Professor Harvard University, USA; Professor Frank ChristopherHartman, Ph.D., Win Rotterdam School of Erasmus Management, University, Netherlands; ProfessorHisrich, Ph.D., Robert Garvin Professor of neurship Global and Director Entrepre of the Walker Center for Glob al Entrepreneurship at Thunderbird, USA; ProfessorJan Svejnar, Ph.D., Professor James Shotwell,T. Pro fessor of Global Political Economy and Founding Di rector of the Center on Global Economic Governance at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, USA, etc. ACADEMIC AND STAFF AND STAFF ACADEMIC EXCHANGES FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ness etc. ness ence on cross-cultural dialogue education and busi confer Europe Eastern and –Central China 1st China, Chinese Saturday hours for children, Business trip to Spring Festival, Festival, Lantern Festival, Mid-Autumn Boat Festival etc.), (Dragon Chinese celebrations Month, holiday Cultural Chinese dance, Butoh and poetry Chinese Classical City, Forbidden the in nian and Yang Yin workshop: Cooking Idrija, in camp in Research mer Chinese Sum mesto, Novo and Ljubljana in Schools Summer cuisine,language courses, seminars and Hallerstein workshops, Youth Chinese 2013/14: in Ljubljana CI the of highlights Main – A Slove Slovenia. and China tween be relations strengthens and culture and language Chinese promotes Ljubljana CI The Chinese. learning are pupils Slovenian 600 than more where Kranj, and Maribor Ljubljana, in schools primary in classes Chinese established has Ljubljana CI The orientation. abusiness with world the in CIs seven just of one is Ljubljana CI the globally, CIs 420 of One national). Inter Council (the Language Beijing Chinese office in of Hanban-Office state language Chinese Chinese the the spreading of for supervision the under premises FELU’s the on operates Ljubljana CI The (CILJUBLJANA) INSTITUTE CONFUCIUS THE etc. 2013 Summit FDI 2013), (EWACE the European Workshop on2014, Applied Cultural Economics Hive Business Conference, Business Por torož the 2013, COBIK 2013/14: in conferences tional business conferences and events. Selected interna international hosts and organises regularly FELU The INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ------Negotiation Techniques etc. ment, Macroeconomics, Business Plan Development, InternationalFinance, Marketing Strategy,Corporate Tourism China, Manage with Business do to How were: demand greatest in courses The courses. uate undergrad the attended participants of cent per 77 countries. 15 from lecturers 37 with level graduate and undergraduate the at available courses 25 were There countries. 37 from ticipants 472 par hosted 2014 School Summer Ljubljana The world. the around all from people with socialise and culture, local the discover companies, with interact classes, attend students weeks, lenging chal and exciting three of course the Over 2000. in introduced was which West”, and East from Best the –“Take School Summer Ljubljana the is activities tion internationalisa successful most FELU’s the of One JULY) IN WEEKS (3 &WEST EAST FROM BEST –TAKE THE SCHOOL SUMMER LJUBLJANA THE FELUTHE SCHOOLS SUMMER - - - - - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - , Macedonia , Australia , , China “I really enjoyed really “I Summer Ljubljana becauseSchool usefulthe of lec tures from friendly professors university. Because the at new the of friendships with people many from are who now me far but close my to I look city which forward Ljubljana amazing heart. visiting the And again.” Ana Boshkova “During the Summer“During the acquainted School, I got with several different cultures and made lot a friends. of Chinese customs are completely different This from ones West. the the Summer in was School a great experience life!” my in Xinyi Zhu “I came to the Summer came“I the to because School lectures the of and professors, Also socialising part the did greata who Summer job. the of School was well-organised; there were events many and sports activities. The and nationalcultural diversity students the of presented extra that I metvalue. a lot new of people, will come which useful in when I will be making business future connections. very I am happy with this ex cellent experience!” Emre Mehmet FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana panies attended the FELU Executive Summer School. Summer Executive FELU the attended panies positions of leading international and regional com management to senior middle from participants 15 interactive. highly is and perspective practitioner astrong adopts gramme strategy and human resource management. The pro McMackin, John a and lecturer and consultant on change management, University, City Dublin Behav at iour Organisational of professor Ph.D., Flood, C. Patrick by led is programme The today. ganisations or of managers facing re challenge to amajor spond to developed was Leader” Change Persuasive “The School Summer Executive international The JULY 2014) –18 (14 LEADER CHANGE PERSUASIVE –THE SCHOOL SUMMER EXECUTIVE School. Summer Doctoral the attended students 23 • • • • courses: School Summer Doctoral 2013/14 work. intensive of week concentrated cours The very a in most the offer they that so training. designed are es Ph.D. their of form; programme regular all courses the during in engaged have students doctoral work are course the to complement offered courses specialised and withinThe Doctoral Summer School a offers thebest teachers SCHOOL SUMMER DOCTORAL (21 – 25 July 2014) July –25 (21 neurship and social entrepreneurship” corporate entrepreneurship, government entrepre entrepreneurship, of aspects major “Understanding 2014) July –18 (14 “Empirical methods for economic analysis” 2014) July (8 –11 “The theory of the innovative enterprise” 2014) July –11 (7 competitiveness“Sustainable in tourism” ------89 students attended the Shanghai Summer School. Summer Shanghai the attended students 89 Chinese business practices. and way thinking of Chinese the of understanding er the in Shanghai Summer School, students gained participating a deep By companies. Chinese several visited and China, in companies well-established enced Chinese professors and representatives from on various important themes conducted by experi to lectures listen and to meet able were Students culture. and business language, on based was School The Summer (SUIBE). and Economics Business tional Interna of University –Shanghai university partner FELU’s the at Shanghai China, of city miracle ness busi the in held was School Summer Shanghai The 2014) AUGUST JULY –13 (13 2014 CULTURE AND LANGUAGE CHINESE OF SCHOOL –SUMMER SCHOOL SUMMER SHANGHAI ble Summer School. 18 students from 8 countries attended the first Dou to 24 ECTS. up to earn able were and gramme pro a six-week in participated students periences”, Ex New &Create Multicultural “Think title the Under Slovenia. Ljubljana, and France Toulouse, Europe: tral Cen and Southern in locations great two in summer opportunity unique a their of some to spend students undergraduate for offers It Slovenia. FELU, and the France School, Business Toulouse the between programme ajoint is School Summer Double The JULY 2014) –25 JUNE (16 LJUBLJANA – TOULOUSE SCHOOL SUMMER DOUBLE ------FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - ner institutions, and was credited with ECTS. 6 The IP Summer School isconducted in English. a The programme was open two-week to programme undergraduate and graduate students from five part - - - THE FELU SHORT PROGRAMMESTHE FELU Partner institutions Coordinator Summer School ”How the Cultural Background In Background INTENSIVE PROGRAMME: »HOW THE CULTURAL BACKGROUND INFLUENCESCultural SOCIAL the RESPONSIBILITY« – 19 (6 2014) JULY ”How The School main purpose of the Intensive ProgrammeSummer (IP) fluences Social Responsibility” wasto confrontdents stu with social responsibilitycul one’s issues andhow culturalof awareness raise to and differences tural background influences social responsibility. FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana SUPPORT PROGRAMS EDUCATION ACCREDITATIONS AND BUSINESS LEARNING QUALITY QUALITY INTEGRATING CONTROL TEACHING AND TEACHING PRACTICES INTO PRACTICES ASSURANCE ASSESSMENT OTHER DATA PROJECTS ANALYSIS ------FELU professors are encouraged teach, to study abroad; research and FELU professors have the possibility take to sab baticals and periods as a visiting professor; FELU professors are actively engaged in various ex in (participation internationalisation of forms boards editorial of members programmes, change of international journals, reviewersfor international journals etc.); FELU professors are able take to professional train ing courses for teaching in international classes (for example,cooperationin Britishthewith Council the Academic Teaching Excellence course was organ ised in September 2014 etc.); op the have staff professional and academic FELU training cross-cultural in participate portunity to im for workshops various attend and programmes proving the quality of their teaching and/or profes - support. sional QUALITY ASSURANCE ASSURANCE QUALITY A SOURCE OF QUALITY The highest standards of quality are paramount to the FELU and accordingly the FELU is engaged in na tional and international accreditation processes. The FELU’s Quality Assurance provides support and assistance to staff, academicother stakeholdersunits, incorporate to quality students into all of and the FELU‘s activities. Through the assessment of the teaching and programmes, the FELU is developing and maintaining new programmes, modifying and reviewing existing programmes, curriculum changes, of enhancement the ensuring and outcomes learning quality in teaching, learning and research areas. name justTo few a ofthe quality assuranceservices provided FELU to staff: • • • • • OUR FOCUS: QUALITY OUR FOCUS: FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ropean and global development trends. Eu with line in education tertiary in participants and stakeholders all counsels and contextually, and mally higher education. It operates responsibly, both for Slovenian in system assurance quality the of eration The Agency provides for the development and op (SQAA). EDUCATION HIGHER FOR AGENCY ASSURANCE QUALITY SLOVENIAN THE BY NATIONALLY ACCREDITED BEEN THAT HAS INSTITUTION EDUCATION AHIGHER IS FELU THE NATIONAL ACCREDITATION 2013. Staff sional - Profes for Conference the and 2014 Staff Academic for Conference the organised FELU the 2013/14 In • • • • • • • • • MONITORING QUALITY FOR INSTRUMENTS faculty. the with interviews assessment performance Board; Advisory Business by the provided guidelines and assessment an dents and alumni; stu staff, the among surveys satisfaction general Office; Assurance Quality the of and Services Career and Student for by Centre participant evaluation of the workshops provided and Career Services; Student for Centre by the provided services the of and internships student of evaluations employer programmes; all in students of results study and rates progression the of review annual an community representatives; business and representatives, student gramme, apro of head the are Committees Steering the of –members level programme the at assurance quality of monitoring Committees’ Steering assessment; aensuring closed-loop steps of aseries through level programme the at objectives and goals learning of evaluation an institutions; education higher other from by professors formed per exams written of evaluation external An ------• • • • • • • • ASSURANCE QUALITY FELU’S THE OF STRENGTHS KEY tees and other managementcommit education institutions. AACSB and EFMD in participation Active national conferences and events; inter of organization the in expertise World-class AACSB by accredited International: programme business a in receive can world the in anywhere student ness abusi best recognition highest the as the graduates FELU for (BGS) chapter Sigma Gamma Beta A Know-how in international network coordination; Excellent corporate connections; Strategic with partnership accredited schools; etc.; organizational specific finance accounting, sciences, processes, in business as such achievements fields, research Outstanding Contemporary teaching and learning methods; - - - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ------INTERNATIONAL ACCREDITATIONS INTERNATIONAL TY IN INTERNATIONALISATION (CEQUINT) FOR FOR (CEQUINT) INTERNATIONALISATION IN TY Euro THE MASTERthe PROGRAMME IN INTERNATIONALfrom award BUSINESS. an is Certificate CeQuInt The FELU IS AN EQUIS-ACCREDITED BUSINESS SCHOOL. EQUIS (the European Quality Improvement System) is the accrediting body at the European Foundation lead the and (EFMD) Development Management for ing international system for the quality assessment, improvement and accreditation of the best business schools in the world. FELU IS AN AACSB-ACCREDITED BUSINESS SCHOOL. AACSB International (the AssociationCollegiate Schools to of Advance Business) is ganisation an that represents the American highest standard of or achievement for business schools around the world. Forstudents seeking the finest education, this is one of the most important affirmationsing the right choice of business school. that they are mak THE FELU HOLDS A TEDQUAL ACCREDITATION FOR TOURISM PROGRAMMES. TedQual is the accreditation of the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO – United Nations World Tour ism Organisation) and is given the by UNWTO.Ted Qual Themis Foundation. THE FELU HOLDS A CERTIFICATE FOR QUALI peanConsortium for Accreditation (ECA) that has developeda methodology for assessing the interna institutions. and programmes of tionalisation Pro Learning The CeQuInt confirmsthat Certificate programme a Lifelong or an institution has successfully the incorporated an by the dimension into and intercultural international co-funded purpose, is function and delivery of its education. The project Union. European the of gramme FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - - the Six Principles advocated by the United Nations’ PRINCIPLES FOR RESPONSIBLE Nations’ MANAGEMENT United the by The FELU has committed itself to advocated the Principles Responsible for Management Principles Education Six (PRME) the and The initiative. Education Management Responsible PRME promote responsible tion and thought management leadership. The primary objective educa isdevelop to newa generation of business leaders capable of managing the complex challenges faced businessby and society in the 21st century. In Sep tember 2013, we participated in the– the PRME5th Annual SummitAssembly, which was held in Slovenia.Bled, CODE OF ETHICS In line with the FELU’s mission of creating and dis- seminating knowledge, the FELU implements a Code of Ethics. It is aimed at guiding the behaviour of the FELU academic community. The Code of Ethics is a moral contract between members of the academic coopera and integration promotes that community tion, and strengthens the FELU’s reputation. ------SUSTAINING SOCIAL SOCIAL SUSTAINING INTEGRITY AND RESPONSIBILITY With knowledge, integrity and innovation the FELU development. sustainable to contributes and creates The FELUaspires developto ethically responsible students who respect their social and natural envi ronments as reflected in the FELU’sand values. mission, The FELU’s Ethics Committee, vision a core part of the FELU’s integrity structure, is responsible for in tegritymanagement and coordinating the initiatives of actors whose activities have an impact on the or integrity. members’ ganisational SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IS INTEGRATED INTO THE MAJORITY OF COURSES AND IN OVERALL CURRICULA Social responsibility within the FELU’s education pro grammes is one of the FELU’s main goals. The FELU process materials, frameworks, educational creates es and environments that enable effectivesocial-responsi learning experiences specific for responsible a leadership. In addition, have allbusiness-related levels tracks at the undergraduate graduate and bility-related learning goal and supportive learning respon environmental and social Ethics, objectives. into integrated sustainability or topics, are sibility, undergraduateand graduate theses as well as doc dissertations.toral ENSURING EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES The FELU is committed providing to a fair environ opportu equality promotes and embodies that ment nities for all members. OUR FOCUS: SOCIAL SOCIAL FOCUS: OUR AND RESPONSIBILITY INTEGRITY FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ample, a dialogue with students takes place through through place takes students with adialogue ample, ex For responsibility. social of awareness to enhance order in forums and lectures conferences, meetings, international debates, promotes FELU The sources. by the shown is This society). efficient partners, business ployees, andits interaction with all stakeholders (students,creative em in identity its as sustainability of concept the braces use em FELU the growth, of sustainable to foster order In all possible re media. the professional positions, commentaries and opinions in their present or articles publish regularly fessors flected re is relevance in professional their and theion-makers positive The FELU’spublicity faculty members are important opin they generate.COMMUNICATION Pro RESPONSIBILITY CORPORATE SOCIAL and Compliance. Ethics Controls, Internal on Guidance Practice Good the with accordance in business to establish want provide guidance and guidelines for companies that document Corporate Integrity Guidelines in order to the presented –publicly (FELU) Ljubljana of versity Uni Economics, of Faculty the (SDA) and sociation - As Directors’ Slovenian the Slovenia, of Association Managers’ the (CCIS), Slovenia of Industry and merce Com of Chamber – the institutions partner four The GUIDELINES CORPORATEINTEGRITY ------electricity savings of [305 MWh/year]. [305 of savings electricity and MWh/year] [872 of savings heat estimated with FELU the provides investment The areas. Faculty all in lights and system wiring entire the replaced and system ventilation and cooling heating, ly-friendly environmental anew built FELU the 2013/14 In ENERGY-EFFICIENT REHABILITATION PROJECT employees. and students its among choices travel sustainable to Plan Travel more own promote and its accessibility school’s the improve adopted have to institution first expertise the and efficiency optimisations, and energy improvements system for an have to Slovenia institution in education higher first the was FELU The PLANT POWER SOLAR waste. paper and use electricity changes including reductions in water consumption, The initiative encourages environmentally-friendly “re.misli” in collaboration with the company si.mobil. initiative the through sustainability environment its in improvements implemented recently FELU The SUSTAINING GREEN website Our values. and projects through freedom academic and edge ues of integrity, cooperation, responsibility, knowl- val the serves community academic FELU’s The ity. with companies that promote corporate responsibil- by partnering as well as webpage, Responsibility” Social “Corporate FELU’s the through and tainability, - sus on asection featuring newsletter monthly the CO2 avoided: CO2 Annual Production: power: Plant Location: Plant Name: Plant Power Solar FELU the of Details annum per tonnes 77.2 Approx. (1,050 kWh/kWp)(1,050 kWh 110,250 approx. 105,000 kWp Slovenia Ljubljana, mFE Ekonomska fakulteta - - FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana - - - - - The Chamber of Commerce and Industry Slovenia Slovenia and Industry of Commerce Chamber The Slovenian of Slovenia, Managers Association (CCIS), presented (SDA) and the FELU Association Direcors’ im- is document The Guidelines. Integrity Corporate - good practic of examples portant because it provides value-based a establish to want that companies es for business. ness environments – with this conference, the FELU, together with its partners the Commission for the Prevention Univer of Security, Corruption, and Prosecutor Justice the General of Officethe Criminal Republic of of Slovenia, and Faculty of the the State Nations United the commemorated Maribor of sity Interna on (UNCAC) Corruption against Convention tional Anti-Corruption Day. Finalists of the 1st European CSR Award Scheme that focuses on successful partnerships between enter non-business stakeholders. and prises Econom of Prosecution and Detection – Roundtable ic Fraud: “Creating a better future path”. Preventing Preventing corporate fraud and corruption in busi PUBLIC EVENTS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ------and in Skop THE FELU ABROAD THE FELU Apart from the main campus in Ljubljana (Slovenia), the FELU operates in Prishtina(Kosovo), je (Macedonia). In Prishtina, the FELU’s facilities include one computer equipment, with all necessary rooms three - class lectures Skopje, In library. open-access and a small room, one with Fair of the Skopje on the premises held are classrooms Both room. computer a and Hall Diplomatic system. with an LCD and a microphone equipped are equipment. with multimedia is fitted classroom One CENTRAL ECONOMICS LIBRARY (CEK) The Central Economics Library (CEK) is the leading and largest andscientific academiclibrary for busi ness and economics studies in Slovenia. It is an active informa and library COBISS national the member of tion system and the COSEC national library consor tium. CEK supports the needs of faculty members, students and researchers and is available anyone to who may find it useful. Ivan Kanič, Head of the CEK: “Theare comparable CEK’s those to of the very best resources economicsdocu and faculties.” loan The FELU has investedinter-library a lot in assuring web access a well-balancedto selection of important efficient databases and and e-journals. In addition, the library maintains an extensive mentsupply service with numbera of prominent academic libraries on the national and internation al level. In order to facilitate the processes, efficientintegration European on andinformation adequate libraryincludes a special department, the European DocumentationCentre (EDC), which was co-found ed as part of national a research project. ------INFRASTRUCTURE CAMPUS THE FELU The FELU campus is located in the northern part of thecapital city of Slovenia, Ljubljana and is easily ac cessible car by or public transport bus (city lines). THE FELU’S MAIN CAMPUS FACILITIES The FELU’s main campus facilities are well-equipped, maintained and adjusted suit to the needs of peo plewith disabilities (e.g.sliding doors, ramps etc.). There are four big lecture halls, 46 classrooms, eight computer rooms – six of which are used for teaching purposes, while the other two provide FELU students withfree access computer to equipment. Moreover, the well-maintained grounds give the FELU campus its own character and feel. supportTo the use of contemporary teaching and learning methods, all teaching halls and classrooms equipment. addimultimedia In equipped are with students. and staff tion, the FELU has a campus-wide IT infrastructure faculty, the comput 740 connects by that network computer and used are that ers There are over 120 computers in the computer rooms,more than 50 computers in the lecture rooms which are used in the teaching process, more than 30 computers in the Central Economics Library (CEK) and another 80 computers that are freely accessi ble students to (most of them during the library’s opening hours). The FELU also built multifunctional study room, and a new computer lab. A new firewall system and policy ensuring greater security were established. All computers have Internet access and are equipped with all software relevant the to teaching process. The FELU provides free wireless access students to with their own equipment (laptops or handheld com campus. the throughout puters) THE FELU’S PREMISES THE FELU’S FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana ceramicists. painters, sculptors, photographers, illustrators and artists: Slovenian young featured which of many exhibitions, 130 over hosted has FELU the Altogether, thought. abstract and innovative creative, for served re aspace is Gallery Art FELU the Therefore, ing. think and seeing ways of new and openness courage en that visitors and members faculty students, the for experience acultural to provide strives FELU The GALLERYART ART ENTHUSIASTS FELU –THE onwards. Phoenicians the of time the from business international modern of patterns and views historical describes it because valuable particularly is book The business). international today’s for današn models role za zgledi as examples (Historical poslovanje” kot mednarodno je primeri “Zgodovinski book a Slovenian published FELU the series book same the in 2014, In series. book “Maksima” the in lished management (Advanced Management) was pub - success first the ful 2013 monograph in the Slovenian language Napredni In journal. Review Business and Economic the of home also is FELU The English. and professional monographs in both Slovenian and and professional publications, university textbooks, scientific publishing of tradition along has FELU The PUBLISHING languages. English and Slovenian the in page home web own its maintains library the sources, tion informa and services to its access easier To ensure Item Borrowed Item Visitors Members Printed journals E-journals Collections Surface area 24,941 233,950 5,411 45 6,657 249,307 m 1,530 2 ------Oblikovanje: mag. Tilen Žbona akdm.slik. Žbona Tilen mag. Oblikovanje: 2014 2014

ljubljana MAJ

FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana Emrić

6. Oblikovanje: mag. Tilen Žbona akdm.slik. Žbona Tilen mag. Oblikovanje: Sead “Svetloba v temi” “Svetloba

Obli k o van je: mag . T ilen Žbona a k dm.slik . 2014 2014

ljubljana “AirBrush” Rončević JULIJ

2013 8. 2013

Kafol ljubljana

Oblikoval: mag. Tilen Žbona akdm.slik. Žbona Tilen mag. Oblikoval: Damjan JANUAR

. Minevanje” “ 8 Milena

2012 Oblikovanje: mag. Tilen Žbona akdm.slik. Žbona Tilen mag. Oblikovanje: 2012 RESNIK ljubljana FEBRUAR TISTI BREZ IN ONI

ŽLICO” Z ZLATO “ MIRA 7. 2014 ” 2014 ljubljana




Alegorija kot Alegorija kot definicija časa

“ Bogdana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana HEAD Marjan SMONIG, Nataša MULEC (from September 2014) Dušan JERŠE Nataša MULEC Saša JAVORIČ Tilen BALON Petra RUS Rebeka KONCILJA Tadeja ŽABKAR Marko PAHOR Danijela VOLJČ Jasna DOLŽAN LESJAK, Barbara LESKOVEC Tamara KAŠE Smiljana ZAJEC Dušica VEHOVAR ZAJC Ivan KANIČ Tomaž ULČAKAR Alijana LEPŠINA Peter ČEPIN Monika LAPANJA, Sonja KLOPČIČ CHAIR Nevenka Ph.D., HROVATIN Full Professor Marko KOŠAK Ph.D., Full Professor Jože DAMIJAN Ph.D., Full Professor Nada ZUPAN Ph.D., Full Professor Tanja DMITROVIĆ Ph.D., Full Professor Mateja DRNOVŠEK Ph.D., Full Professor Marko HOČEVAR Ph.D., Full Professor Jurij JAKLIČ Ph.D., Full Professor Simona KORENJAK ČERNE Ph.D., Assistant Professor Alenka UMEK M.A., Teacher of Foreign Language OFFICE/DEPARTMENTS OFFICE/DEPARTMENTS General Secretary General Secretary Assistant • Finance • Legal affairs • Business processes and IT Academic and Student Affairs Unit • Student Affairs Office Research Unit • Research Office Doctoral Programme Unit International Relations and Confucius Institute Connections Institutional and Corporate for Office Human Resources Office Quality Assurance Office Relations Public Library Economics Central Publishing Facilities and Resources Management Office IT Office Centre for Business Excellence ACADEMIC UNITS Economics for Unit Academic Academic Unit for Money and Finance Academic Unit for International Economics and Business Organisation and Management for Unit Academic Academic Unit for Marketing Entrepreneurship for Unit Academic Academic Unit for Accounting and Auditing Academic Unit for Business Informaticsand Logistics Academic Unit for Mathematics, Statistics and Operations Research Academic Unit for Languages for Business and Economics Selected Support Services Selected APPENDIX FACULTY OF ECONOMICS University of Ljubljana higher education.” resource of responsiveness and competitiveness “Human “Quality, 3.3 3: priority development and lifelong learning” policy priority development 2013, for ResourceHuman Development Programme theforperiod2007- Operational the under performed is operation The Sport. and Union Science Education, of European the Ministry the and Fund Social by European the through co-financed is Operation September 2014 Ljubljana, of University Economics, of © Faculty team. Management and Faculty Staff, Services Support FELU’s by the prepared was report This 500 issued: Copies Ljubljana d.o.o., COPIS, Print: BALES Murray Proofreading: and review Language STEVANIĆ Željko UL, Archive Ljubljana of University Economics, of Faculty Photographs: Damjan RONČEVIĆ & layout:Design ZAJC VEHOVAR Dušica ZAJECSmiljana PETEK Nuša KRŽAN Irena by: Edited TEKAVČIČ Metka Professor Dean , M.Sc. , M.A. LL.B, B.Ec. LL.B, M.A. , Ph.D.


Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana Kardeljeva ploščad 17 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia www.ef.uni-lj.si/en

T: +386 1 5892 802 Fax: +386 1 5892 693