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10-1-1898 Eddy Current, 10-01-1898 Wm. H. Mullane

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Pooob Valley to tho Front, Oroakars to tho Roar.


To b, Tli.m. tit tlx. I. hen.Mllanal Shnntlng. Paris Sept. 27. At a ratotlng of the Madrid, Sept. 27. The cabinet yoa' niehmond. Va., Sept 21. Varl Paris. Sept 21. Mmo Paulmler, wlf cabinet yosterdny nU min- A60NCILL0 IS AT WASHINGTON. morning, the terdny evening had under discussion Anne Jefferson Davis, "the Daughtt of M. Charles Itrneet Paulmler, mem- isters being g present, a deolslon was Cnpt. Qen. Dtaneo'a dlspateh eoneorn-In- of the Confederacy," sleeps her Inst ber ot the chamber ot deputies, taken In ot n hu favor revision ot the the American claims In connection sleep In the bottom ot the land sho added another tragedy to the bewilder- trial ot former Copt. Dreyfus and the with tho ovnouatlon of Cuba. loved so well. Her remains arrived ing Inlrnclts of tho Drcyttta plot. Mint documents In tho enso will be sent U Duke Almondornr tie Itlo, mlnUter here at 8:40 o'clock yesterday morning Paulmler yesterday entered the oflleei Representatives of Agiiinaldo Have the court ot cassation. Arrived of foreign affairs, stated that tho Span-ll- h In a combination Pullman and parlor of Ij Lnntcrno nnd asked to sco M, The cabinet ordered tho mlnlstor of pence eommlslwmors have been in- car on tho New York, New Haven and Mllterand. M. Mlllcrnnd won absent Justice, M. Snrrlon, to lay before the at the National Capital in Behalf structed to contend strongl fur the Hartford railroad, which was attached and M. Olllvler, who waa present, court ot cassation tho petition of Integrity ot SiHtulsh soverRlgnty In the to the regular train from Washington, stopped forward to rece've tho lady, Madamo Dreyfus, wlfo of tho prisoner Philippines, on tho ground that the and wero met at the depot by Leo who, without waiting for nny explana- of the Filipinos. of Dovll'a Island, for a revision of hor protocol between Spain and tho t'nl-te- d camp, Confederate Veterans, ot which tion, whipped out husband's case. Tho court, therefore, a revolver and find States was signed before Manila she was n momber, and delogatm from twice. M. will deoldo tho legal quostlon as to Olllvler fell to the floot rilliilmt. nt Wnthliigtiin. km capitulated and also to make n Pickett camp. Col. Archer Anderson. !'ritlftlon In Oulcnm. whether the first trial ot CnpL Dreyfus wounded. Ho was taken lo a hospital, I- Hob-so- n Agon-clll- o, firm stand regatdlng the Cuban debt Hon. J. Taylor Itllyson. Col. K. - Washington, Sopt. 28. Felipe Parla. Bept. 27. Whllo the reception was vitiated by tho forgery Mine. Paulmlor was taken Into cus- committed Lu- com-missi- and the Phlllppluo loan of 1816 It and Dr. George Hots and tho representative ot the socallod accorded the United State peaeo by tho lato Lieut, Col. Henry, wna their tody and when questioned coolly an- who zon Is ceded Philippine republic nnd Oon. Aguln-nldn- 's hero waa all bo de- to America. wives received Mrs. Davis and those ot nounced: "1 wished M. Miller-nnd.- " thnt could n witness boforo tho court-martl- nt nnd to kill Nhould tho United States prove leu her Immodlato party which wore on tho chief Itetitennnt, arrived In sired, ati.t while tho French foreign of. who confessed to having forged a docu- exHetlng Is cpoetotl eomrnls-alonor- s to Washington yesterday, traveling In flee has taken great pains to treat the ment In tho onse. than tho train. Tho oasket was borne tho She explained that La Lnntcrne had company hnvn power to make alt pos- hearse from tho funeral car by tho n with Oen. Orocno and wlfo, American nnd Spanish commlaalonera The minister of Justice hna an- slandered horsolf nnd her husband be- sible concessions, political tttitt com solcetcd active pall let-te- Copt. llatoH and Mont, Sohoflln, who precisely the aamo. the manner, It must nounced thnt he has given Instructions for bearers cause her husband had written tho r twcnly-scvo- n merelnt. compattblo with the and the guard honor and the vet- loft Manila dayH ago. bo admitted In tho general atmosphere thnt proceedings nro to ho takon im- retention it to (len. Chnnolno, minister of war, ot Honor Agonolllo can not become a of Paris, especially tho diplomatic at- mediately against nny ono attacking Spanish sovereignty In the Philip- eran escort followed In column ot with roforonco to putting n stop to the niomber of tho peace commission, but mosphere (loos not Incline toward the army. pines, but In the evottl of losing m por- fours. Thero four beautiful whlto attacks upon the nrmy provoked by tin tion of tho ono If ho choosea io go to Paris there can Amorlen. It la generally the Impres-alo- n Thu crowds of people outside tin Islands they are Instructed horses attaohod to the hoarse, each Dreyfus uffalr. bo no attempt to atop him, mid If ho how that the American commla- ministry of tho Interior, whoro the to resist to the utmost nny attempt of being led by a colored matt. The cas- Ute United ket was placed In the room Ml ii has Information of valuo thoy will ho alonera hare Inatruetlona to provldo cabinet council wna held, loudly vheer-c- d States to claim the right lecture of it., glad to get It. In other words, neither for the rctontlnn of Manila nnd the tho ministers nnd thero were shout of preference over other lowers should St. Paul's church and Col. taughton Hrownsvlllo, Pa., Sept. !. Hovcnty hero nor In Pari, will Honor Agoncll-lo'- s or Luzon, "and thnt for tho com- of "Viva Hrlsson," "Viva la rovlslono." fjlialn doelre to sell or cede the remain-go- r dismissed tho escort. Two members ot men wero entombed yesterday In the ofllclut capacity bo rcqognlzed In mission to pretend negotiations la a Tho cabinet mooting wiih prolonged of the Islands. It Is understood, the guard of honor remained conslnnt- - Umpire mine of Snowdon. (lould & Co., any way by tho United Stnte govern- farce," mid a prominent diplomat, Ilo nnd nnlmntod. M. Vlgoro Is reported however, that all Instruction are only ly on duty, being relieved every hnlf one-four- th of a tnllo below town, as tlxi ment, which will maintain tho an mo concluded: "America will put horsolf. to havo bitterly opposed tho rovlctnn referendum. Moat of the nflimntaalon-er- a nour- - I result of an explosion of gait, followi d toward him that It ha main- diplomatically. In tho wrong when alio nnd It Is rumored ho wilt roslgn. Ito and attaches speak rtngllsli. Upon being deposited In tho lecture uy nnotiior oxpltHlou of flro damp. (X waa by flo- tained toward Senore l'almii and (Jue-tnd- u, oxceods tho provisions of the protocol, loft tho mooting before It ended, re- room tho casket aurroundod the number entombed all twenpod or tributes Oeorgla, Ylrgluln, who havo represented Culm In which both nations signed. I know marking to n newspaper man that he Cut. Ilrjnn III. ral from were taken out by rescuing partlee ox-ee- pt thin country for tho laat throe yean. tho Spaniards have come proparcd to waa completely voiceless. It Is sup- Washington, Sept. 17. Col. Win. South Carolina and other stntee. To eight, who woro killed outright, Amorl-enn'- posed protto-cut- was Secretary Lopez speaking for Sonor mnko conceptions, hut If tho fl that tho Inatruetlona to e Jonntngs Ilrynn of tho third Nehrankn the left of the oasket tho furled , and three more or losa hurt Agonclllo, told: "Wo havo come to Inatruetlona nro of nn uncompro- any ono attacking tho arm wore regiment wns unable to leave Wash- flag of the Confederacy. Bt, Paul's The dead aio: John Hnlaton, miner, Washington for tho purpose of nuking mising nature, which la generally be- Issued at the request of (Ion. Chnnouln. ington yesterday for Jacksonville. chtircn. in wnicn me funeral services nged 36; Snlem . miner, nged President McKlnloy to givo to tho peo lle veil here to be tho cose, you enn rest Tho olty Is exalted nnd tho bourse U "I have n touch of malarln," ho said were condueted. was the church In JS; Hobort Davidson, minor, ngol 46; ple ot tho Phlllpplna Islnnds o(Tiolal assurod the work of tho commission In a disturbed condition. Conservntlvo yesterday ovenlng. "nnd my physician which Mr. Davis wna confirmed and John HeniioU, driver, nged 21; William pnpera, be rc-tlr- o however, counsol peoplo waa 'When received, on April Iln-ga- cresonlntlon In thet peaeo negotlu- - will futile. Tho Rpnntnrda will tho to told me thnt I would hnvo to romnln aeated he Pritcliard. miner, nged CO; Honry r, la nt I'urlH. If thlH can not bo and America will at least havo to remain cnlm. It la doubtful It tho ac- here for two or three days." 3, 18CC, the message from Ocn. Lee driver, aged 17; John Cnrtwrlght, be-lo- tion of tho la granted, Sonor Agonclllo will (ink tho threaten a resumption of hostilities ro rnblnot popular among Col. llryan wna In bed, whero he which necessitated the ovaeuntlon ot minor, nged 60; Jumna Hall, miner, the massoa, prcaldont to permit him to bo heard she will gain her point." particularly tho country passed moat of tho day. Ills fnco waa niehmond by the Confcdcrato troops. nged 27. peoplo, who, It la pointed out, pro- In dofenao of tho Filipino agalnat nny still fluahed with fovi.r nnd ho romnrkod It waa 3:30 o'clock when tho The explosion Is said to havo been cling to tho fetich of the unjuat charge or fulso accusations 1'mni Kkwpjt. "honor ot tho that ho guessed he wna cession eutorod tho ohurch, tho organ oaused by tho loosening n nrmy." a little tired of large that Uio representative ot Spain may Washington, Sept 28. Tho official out. played the "Jefferson Davis Funeral block ot coal, wheih opened a pookct It la understood that M. Hrlsson lit- tnako aglnbt them." account of tho sclztiro by Admiral Dew- "I havo been delaying my return to March," First canto the veterans ot of gas. erally wrung consent from the cabinet Hccrotnry Lopes said Hint It they nro ey ot the filibustering stonmer Abby, Jnckaonvlllo." ho eald, "for three or Leo camp, thon tho Sons of Veterans. for A rovlalon , nfter a remarkable dis- These passed up not to govern thorni-clves- there was no reported In tho dispatches, contained four days In tho hopo thnt I would feol tho main alslo and Mltl In ln play of eloquence nnd personnl Influ-enc- o wero to vctorans nation they woul dmoro prcfor to ho tho following cablegram received from Iwttcr tho next dny and Iks nblo to un- seated tho left. Tho Kint ?J A . ahd the stormiest ot scenes. Ills Manila. rnrrl l.-tl- governed and controlled by than the Admiral Downy at tho navy depart- dertake tho Journey." of Plekott camp came next going over , strongest opponent wan M. 0 R govern- ment: Sarrlen, tho Col. Ilrynn expressed o the left n sle and taking seats nt; , United States. Tho provlalotinl Hltal.i.. 1 II , .. . tho reluctonco ml ,hf) c(Jo ...... ui jiibui-o- who expressed n . ' ment Is now supported nlmoat unani- Manila, Bept. 27. Having rceelvod n.i,i, .,ii." .j.,,,,,,, the front on the right. Tho ministers . ,, nni, desire to resign, nnd warned tho other ," - '" tl.V iiu fiii-ni- mo mously by Information that tho steamer Abby left vhiiio he dlsposod T upon ,7's of tho various chtirchos of tho city oc- not only In Luzon, but tho mlnlstera they T i Impllvated, as alleged by tho tiisur-- Sept, 21 that were assuming n . cuplcd seat, chan-- , people of tho olhor principal Inlands Mnrao with n cargo of arms to the rlgt of the KonUi terrible responsibility. MM. Vngor and "3,," , ? - of ho Uio Phlllppluo group, every one ot for Ihitnnngaa, I sont tho McCulloeh. cel. l onowing me i ickcii camp yei- oh f, " jij,,!,,,,,,,,,, ,mtonn nwicmhly. oxnggcr-crnn- a Alio Maruejouls, respectively ministers of MnS, , , "lV0,to,rmnn them uro unxlous to govorn thorn-solve- s, arrived nt llutanngas an tho 28d woro tho veteran representing,.,,,,. agriculture nnd minister of commerce. 0nfICr hf C?'' tho facts In tho cause. Sovorul and If tho United Slate will nnd found her In the harbor, having IlnSS"",, camps In other stntes, nnd behind them supported M. Sarrlen. fovor r,ln ... ,, Spanish cazederoa woro n owed to help them to sccuro arrived there three days earlier and nil iiiiiui-uiiiiui- ) ill liuill....ui ill" iiinuuv that aim, there M. Hrlsson fell Into a violent passion J1 riKtm nt liberty nt Mitlolos. nnd two ot would be no dlllloulty about tho estab- landed her cargo. Thero worn only enmo the honorary pall bearors. Pol- - and declared tearfully that tho minis- - ilium wnrn fiimiltii..l' In An,iln,.l,t..'d " lishment of a good government Filipinos on board. They refused to ' lowing them enmo the guard of honor : V able ters ought to credit him with .. . household. Ono of those put n packet to glvo Information nnd had no impcra "'"" 27. hloh had charge ot the casket during control tho Islands und maintain standing all the dlflleultles nnd the "S,,,,ry'.. ,R": ..S1"' Fanny of oMillte ot potnsh powder Into tho whatever. She wns seized and brouaht 1 M0 the day, nnd next etimo tho casket. order. best way of meeting them. Bhould thoy V, ' ,011'rno MoDowell) soup, but tho cook detooted It nnd no- whore we nrc now holding hor. , , Mrs. Davis followed close bohlnd tho (len. Green cnllcd on tho adjutant lure, ' lor, h,me' hall, nt body was Injured. abandon him now by refusing n re- - vtn M""rno nt i tv Ii sa packet wna also This steamer wn formerly the Pnslg D,Rht tin tib on n In itt arm nt fn general, the acting secretary of war vision It would bo to face dishonor. As ,olM,k of enlargement Arohe; ,ho pocket There nnd wns registered us un American 'J'0 Andorso... She walked with fmimH" '"o' and lien. Miles. Then ho wont to nee an argument ho pointed out thnt It " "u lo OU1,OVU umi "c "au vessel. Tho United States consuhito Ml bowed head and very feebly, leaning r" tho aecrotnry of stuto and from there would he nn extremely gravo matter to 'venport had never fully nt Canton has Information thnt she has tr' h- - bo wns escorted by Adjt. (len. Corbln n cabinet crisis whllo tho ohnm-- ! etavt fivere Illness early jtindo ono voyage of tho mime kind al- lhe "Ut up to week ago other relatives nnd near friends fol- to the white house, where he remain! ber was not In soeslnn. Tho dissent-- 1 a llrt llftttiiiinnil 1'lnnl. ready. DIIWKY. 11 l,,01,ht ho lowed nnd Imedlatnly bohlnd came In consultation with tho president for Ing ministers then reluelnntly yielded. WUM' time onjoy St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 21. Praellenl-l- y hmUh nHU,u A about 300 veterans. Tho flower and a considerable time. M. Maruejouls said: "It Is not worth fow tluys "8. all dotnlts ot tho negotiations ot tho (!oiiiiali:n f lii. nil.." 1,owver' "huiige flag covered cnaket waa placed on the Ocn. Greene refuse to discuss mili- while to roslgn when It Is known thnt was notleod. Since purchase ot tho Drtimmoud big tobac- Paris. Sept. St. At a cabinet coun- hfi pedestal In front of the ehancol and tary mutteni and la particularly reti- wo shall be overturned In n fortnight." lm" Bdually sinking, co plant In this olty by tho American cil, yesterday, Just- Mrs. Davie and party took seats. cent on the subject of politic oh af- held the minister ot Con. Chnnolno, minister of war, iHi yesieniay u wns nunouueod that Tobacco company Hev. Mr. Carmlehael announced tho, hnvo beou uloned nnd fecting the future of tho Philippine ice rend the letter to the court of cas- neutral. death was only a quontlon of a fow n .i...... hymn. n ",ul .iains " consuai- - sation, requesting a revision of tho mm-- ,,,r ,1,rBe first "How Firm Foundation." Islands. President Fatire hastily returned to "lateni had already ",,Ue tho dwl1 1,10 payment whlclt wns a favorite ot tlen. Hohert IC. of tho Dreyfus cam. Tho minister also read Paris yoalerdny nf;ernnon. but M. Hrls-- ',l,flm. a"1' with her husband eB,h After tho hymn lui.l been sung 10 I'Wont Drummond. TIiIm. It n olroular which he had caused to be proba-- . ut ,,ur hedaltlo whan she poaco- - Iee. A Vvllvil Tlirml. son went to Hole de Boulogne, ,H wl" 1,0 ,,ono ' out to the public prosecutors instruct- tMy y. Her. Dr. Ilodgo read the psalm for the t bly to avoid praeldei.tla! Inlerferaiice at aW nna tho nimmond factory Washington, Sept. 28, Tho freedom ing any day und "Ncorer.My Uoil.toThee" was ,'0 them to energetically r. . rem until lhe pnpors should have nn- -' ,n, with which tho Spanish mlnlstor for sung. Dr. Carmlchnol nmd tho loseon. wl" ',n the '""(l ' Amsrl nttacks upon the army. M. Sarrlen, nnuncod the decision In fnvar of re- Slniliirr l.n.l. foreign nffnlrs, the Duko Thou Weary?" wns then sung nnd cnn t,u'"iwny. Almodovar in this circular, says: M. 1ml ng Now Orleans, Sept. A cablogrnm "Art vision, Pattre still strongly It. 'r,, Iirlco ,u bo la said to oo do Itlo, has given publicity to tho In- by at lta conclusion the veterans aiovod M "A verltnblo camimlgn of Insults nnd against a revision. received here Agent Lelllnnc ot tho $10,000,000. to Spanish pcaoo ra with the easket. structions tho dofnuintlon of the confidence of the Tho crlmlnnl chnmhor of tho court Harrison line ot stcomshlna Informed eut ns to tho disposition ot the Mrs. Davis was prostrated and It was army has broken out. Theso nttaoks ot caseation, which will examine the him thnt the steamship Vestn had been Wnnildiril IU.Ibii.. Philippines has given to the sus- ' severnt minutes before the grluf-strlok-- en rise have assumed an exceptionally grnva dossier, consists of 16 Judges nnd u l"t off the coast of San Domingo, picion ntnong tho ofllolals hero could rlso. Tho scone was Wiishlugton, Sept. 24. Following ths that character, and aro calculated to de- proeldont, who happens to be a Jew. The meaaage went Into no details mother Is It n wit- custom In tho case of n minister who there behind deliberate pur pes stroy discipline confi- iuud Mr. Lo deeply affecting and thoso who und shake the Hinnc could give no facta has (won obliged to leave his post by to draw out In advance the position of j nessed It wero greatly moved. Many dence of the soldiers In their chiefs Mur All. about the yeck. The ship will lm a tho Amorlean commissioners on this tu an old soldier, dressed In tho gray, tho breaking out of hoetllltlee, Stewart and Introduce n germ of disorganize- - J Manila, Sept. 9. When tho United total low to her owners, us tho llnrrl-Btttt- es most Important point. It Is noted now wept freely ns he witnessed the grief U Woodford has filed his roslgnutlou tloit Into the army. These attacks are auxiliary cruiser MeOullotigh son line carries Its own Insurance. as minister to Spain. that heretofore tho Spanish govern- ' of the aged lady. particularly unjustified, In view of the captured the insurgent steamer Abbey, Capt. Mouuey of the Harrison line It might have, been poeslblo upon I Tho crowd about the ehtircb when for Oen. ment has waited the United Dreyfus enter- fnrmoftv Mm Paalir slxtv ml In nniltli WAS 111 elldrea nt Ihn whlnli fact that the affair has was out placed Mud-ri- government to of the the easket taken and Woodford to have returned to d States make each ed upon a Judicial phase, nnd thus the ot Manila, the Abbey, It la believed, bound from Mterpool to this port via In tho hearse was ot immense steps toward final pence before making In the capacity ot United States clUef. ot the army can only pose In al- having landed 7000 rifles, nn Insurgent the West Indies, Colon and Mexican minister move on ' grave were .but this would only have a their side, so that there ienee to the calumnies of which they gunboat followed the American vessel porta. The Yeata formerly belonged to The services at the aim pie but deeply Impressive, After the heen tho oaao had tho Spanish govern- - should be some change In policy now the Hathburn line. waa are the objects." Into Cavlte nud the Americans She iHirchused casket had been placed on the support ment seen lit to make a request which la accounted for on the ground by ' to that contemplate taking potMaalon of the the Harrison line aavernl year. ago. ers the face section was removed tor effect. mated. There Is besides this apparent Ni VurU firm entire fleet, because the vesels are fly- - f'"0 r ima been plying a Yinnieut and Mrs. Davis und her purpose In- M,'w mm de- veiled threat In the last New York, Sept. tt. Annie IL Mnrks rng unreogH4ae4 flag and are liable Fm tlv"'"l trade. allightor, Mrs. Hayes, kissed the ah ceased. Howard Oueanciy nnd Harry Oxley struction not under any circumstance of brought by war vas- - Oman tpHags. Mis., luu te selsure aa pirate, the arm-cha- ir have been arrested In to allow the United Slate, to Interfere AkUU CHtltMt. Mrs. Davis sat In an near souneotlon with suit In the United Stales circuit court sals of any nation. the grave daring the service, aad Mrs. QUI ease, Washington. t7. the aad taketi (a llrMMtpwt, with nny disposition of the Islands out- to recover 8,000 worth of Imnds from Plans for tho May kne.t by bar side. Conn, by Is reported In San Do- oectUWUon ot Cuba and Philippine side of those retained the United Price, McCormlck k Co.. hankers, of An aprlalHg the The Centenary Mttthodlet choir sang mingo with hard agatlHg. arc about eowolciM. "Sleep Thy Sleep." States, such as Luzon, that Spain may Three theucawl Iat Near Oaltbar raoMatalH. Ark . It. O. No. 71 llreadway, New York, withheld The eommlttal prayer, were read by see fit to make. This Is believed to be "w l MBlltt Urown and two daughter, wore from her, she having given them Into Fornaaah'srlrcua train wa. wrkial ilW1 ' Dr. Carmlehael anil then the vast and his L ""'-"- il on Invitation to some of the continen- the possession of the firm at various - xiiMt TflrBll.lB n..l klllaJ ofrowlng eroA'd dlsperseil. killed by lightning. tal powers to step forward In support stipulated times. The bonds are those C'uunillnii inliiii. llrnjfu. ot Spain In this extremity, In the hope of the New Orleans Water company, Hnlit In HitTn Holit . Omc.r. HLrlmt. elm.. pro St. Catharines. Out., Sept- - St. A cy Paris, 24. ot receiving as a quid quo seme of Sept. 27. The Dally Chron Ilroth-erhoo- d Sept While some ot tho tho New Orleans Urewery company, Iindon, clone Toronto, Ont, 8pt 21. The . . 1 . I 1. r... . .VMM. nnitV. struck this place with terrlblo paper, stato Oen. tho Philippines as a coaling or naval the New Orleans Hallway company, 1.1. " ' I.II.B II of Ieomollvt. Mremen yester- that Chnnolno, the station. . T V. . violence yesterday, killing three per minister of war, was trapped Into the city of Shreveport, the Crescent oer III WIIIOH ill" wiiHir ticvinioa m fltl day elected F. P. Sargent first grand "B signing Zurlln-den'- Olty Hallway company and the grand M.J. Hslerlwzv himself sold the doeu- - n '" '"""J. master; John J. Hannahan, Peoria, III., tho authority for (len. s ata " jBhn proceeding ugalnsl Her. 0. IS. Morrison was adjudged lodge at the ststo of Louisiana. It Is ments mentioned In the berdeau to first vlee grand master; Chas. Wilson, Col. Plequart Moffat. Many were without reading the guilty ot killing his wife by poison at alleged that transactions and delivery Sohwartkoppon. together with 160 oth- - "d Pmjik Phllllpsburg, N. J., second vlee grand dootiment, tho Vtomlaetit Koho de Paris, the recognised orgun Vernon, Texas, and given the death ot the bonds to tho firm took plate er documenia. and that Col. Bohwarz- - "'J masters Charles Malr Denver. 2ol.. ot koppen paid Heterhazy iiSO monthly "UlWM were wrecked. the military staff, In a long oiroumstnu-tin- penalty. on June 18, June 24, July 92, Aug. 3 , third vlee grand master; F. W. Arnold, t for two year, for espionage. He do-- There were forty iwplls In tho public explanation declare that Oen. and Aug, 19. ster-- Peoria, HI., grand secretary-treasure- r; nlea that Col. Sandherr ordered schaol when It eollaneed. The ohll-- 1 Chanolne deliberately signed Mrs. Illehard Mergun, n welNknown T. O. Carter, Peoria, III., magazine ed- tho war. and managor. rant after having carefully read Oen. resident ot Dallas, Texas, died sudden- The army Investigation oommlssloo itor KiMrot n Injured. Kurllndoos report and the Plco.iuut ly at Chicago. Is hard at work. instead silly falsehoods. Cuban mall service has been resumed. dottier, !553 Not Onlr Snrfltnr. T rrlliln lVraek Cnnlral. ltntlsn (taller. Airlr at Dallai. Sept. Austin, Tox., M The statement MniHs, Tex., Sept. 27. There was a Sept. . A j Fort Worth. Tex,, quiet, Dallas. Tex., Bept 21. The first (ffddHjBttircnt. has been frequently publleheil of late terrible wreck on the Conlrnl car-- road In rery unnssumlnir man of military I train of tho four whleh brought tho ex-de- v. The Fall that I". It. IubbMk la the only Cbambere creek bottom yesterday rlngc and about M years ot was in With Its sudden changes, lis X If. MPM.AXII, I'uUUksr. a, eeonnd regiment ot Texas volunteers hotdayssnd snrvlvlnR inomber of l'rentdent Jefter-w- m morning. The chair ear and aloe per ' Fort Worth Saturday night. It ass chilly nights, dsmpneis snd dccsylng back from Florida rolled Into Dallas I KlfDY N. M. IMTle' Oor. In be-- 1 vrgetsllon, peeullsrly staff. lbboHt, plunged from a trestle into a slough of purely noeldont that his Identity morning, trying to the t , before daylight yesterday It health. A good Fall rpenklnK on the mbfeet yesterday, dirty water, H risen feet below, and enmo known. Mrdlelns U s wna eompoted of frolght ears and Pull- snd benefleUi ss Spring Medicine, MILITAIIY MATTE 178. said: turned halt orw, injuring Tho man In question nearly a do. took an active man sleepers. The freight cars carried Hood's fisnapsrllls keeps the blood "Tho statement that I ntu the only en persons, et pure, Mine them probably fa- part In the war Just olased with Mnln, the enmp equipments nnd the sleepers wsrd off malaria, creates a good appetite, floetoty ot the Sum ef tko American SMrvlvlHK member of 1'rosldtttt iMvls' tally. jnnd It may be said that he aebierwl contained, besides the sick ot the regi- gives refreshing sleep, snd mslntslns t!is HtvsHiUM. ntaff la Inewreet The othrr Itrlng nlda A llet of the Injured aorno health tone through la at follows: distinction. ment, a detachment from eaeh com- this trying seanon. are Hen. Ctirtle m, a graduata ot West Judge W. A boot fifty f the SHnnley ranKra O. Davis, Oak CIIIT, wilt Tho person to whom reference It pany who had been delated to proparo Hood's Sarsaparilla Denhmn an a thirty-da- y Point, ami oldest son of Gen. It. tt. die. imnde Is Ilnslgn Claude Bailey ot the hare arrived at tho grounds for the camp. Is Amerlea's flresteit Medlnlne. I'raaton Jehneon, of I). fwrfwah. Ie; timldenl A. YnnlU, Itsby, vory stdous in- United mntes navy. Ho tmssed tlironglt The ambulance lielonaing to Park- Tnlano uulvereUy, tan of den. Albert Hood's Pllia esre ali llur IPi. MeeaU. The prttldtnt Inspected Hart Meyer, ternal Injuries. tho oily rn routo to Coleman, on a fur land hospital was at the depot to carry Idifnr Johnson; John Taylor Wood, John nl V mhI wm pleased with tbe manner ltwlmnlsou of HHulhml. intor-Ji- lough, to visit his father nnd mother, tho sick. Drop Out nf IMreiilntlnn. educated In tho 1'nlted naval itute Injurtos, seiiaus. who reside In Hint plaee. ser-cr- la willed It In sonduetcd. A wreck dolayctl the other trains nl With tho firm day of tho new cen- Rradeiny, and ftrandion of flett. Stark L. A. Daffnn, division superintend- flnelgn Ilallcy wna appointed to tho liar. A. 11. Morrison, chaplain at hours nnd It wns not until 2:0 tury the unclont Austrian coin, the arlah Taylor, formerly president of the ent, serious. naval academy at In IIM Itonsoreira rtMEti riders, and Mbw AnnniHille o'etock that tho train carrying Col. k kreiiUcr, drops ofllelnlly out of circu- United Itatea; llarton it. Ilflrrtsow, H. I), llerrey, from grndualod Klttia Hard of Anthony, Ha., were aaototant gemral Arkansas. He four M. Oponholmor nnd staff and compa- lation, utter being n currency over now ft dmUtiRtilshed lawyer of Kew freight agent. yoara waa assigned 100 neeord-nne- e married at Oealn, Kin. Internal Injurtos. afterward nnd to nies It. K, M and O arrived. When tho years. It Is rotlrcd In city, waa pri- H, York who also the last W. Mnore, Tranton, Ttx., head the ship Ponsaoola. . Ho left shortly for with the convention establishing It. Jackson of Nashville, train stopped nt the fair ground thf On. vate secretary of I'roalilent Darts." nnd nose, not dangorom Ro'itlt Amsrlcn, nnd on the breaking n coppor currency of equal vnluo for Tetm wwe was tendered a place sn the crowd wlildli had assembled to wsleamt I). A. DiiHCHn, IirowtMrvlIKi, head Imd-l- y out of the Chilean revolution went nil parts ot tho empire. It used to bo committee te InvostlBato tho roparts the soldiers saw. scrawled In rbalk Purlin llni, iiniisotl, through tjie straits of Magellan to Val- upon circulated freely In North ns well an anY'-tin- the aldoa of the ears. "Plngler's the army, baa deellnod the Cnlvort, Tox., 8ept. S8. Yesterday n. South Oermnny, but for tho Inst quar- It. Ofmo, lm, Tex., hurt In the paraiso. Ho waa subsequently trans- Improvement company." As the men apjmlnlrmrnt. morning nuout 9 o'eloek at the Culvert ter of n century has not gono lieyond right leg, heat) nnd arm, not danger-ou-s. ferred to tho Jlnltlmoro, nnd remained filed nut tho Dallas artillery company Tin- - navy department baa ordered IW eoat inlnoa, five miles from hero, one tho Austrian frontier. on her during the Chilean trouble. In fired n salute In honor n,' Col. Open-helme- r. sailor to be sant to Admiral Dewey's of the convict employed made n dar- lrs. Allle lllmo, llmistom, head and 1M2 ho went on n cruise to the West They qu'My forme In lino asjtiadron at Manila. Tbe men will be ing eerepe. The engine used In pulling lilM, Making nightgowns out ot flour sacks not serious. Indies with the Portsmouth. He after- and. led by the refnenlnl band. v3hn fc portalnly economy. sent from 8nn lrsaelsco on a mer-(ba- nt coal from the mine to town was stand- John J. OlddliiBS, ISnnls, painfully ward Joined the Chicago and was In L. Ilennot trtimiteter, and Col. Opei;-holm- ing near him, prl-vn- to Hiramrr. and he being familiar Injured. Huropo two years. Lnter on ho Joined and staff, the companies march- Much public talk Is as poor as with Its workings, made a dash talk. I'ai't 1'ittman. a prlvatp ot company for tbe The train was due hero nl it: 01 and tho monitor Amphllrlte, and after n ed to tho ground. The third arrived engineer's seat and before he be Many pnnr. Jt, ii.ini Kentucky, waa thrown off a could was bolting along the long stretch ot short period at duty went on the Wil- at 11 o'clock and the fourth, and Inst, a iltbtliuteu Infsai. Iretllne and haJtetd bad engine of Mlnt naay ualtr. stl8 nssbte is dupm Iti ear platform by tbe sodden startlnc tbe cleared Its bottom track. Just na the sleeper struck mington last April a year ago, nnd waa train aioppwl at the fair ground Just feed, issx ts rswued rrow ns BStlmelr nrsfe muster and puRIng along tho track IMrlfr. .tlnlleUUTHBtlllNA (TeMlilir I'llW of train anil rendered uncflHMlotu at the trestle the rear t ruche left the on his wny to South Amerlce whn the before dark. The oom ponies now on ifer). TsnriltNA Aids Dlgeatloe. Heustatet a lively rate. After being out of reach tbo llswehined mstiea for ii.t awhile. track and ran on the stringers for Maine disaster occurred. the ground aro A. II, C, I). It. V. 0. II, tmncei ot gun shots he whistled "off brakes" 'I hi i (imnilHHlon appoints to luveetl-- j about thirty feet, going to the right In tho last war ho did brilliant I, K, L and M, making In all about A certain woman moves yearly to and went on his way rejoicing ho ( ttir presence of tynholr fever In till until the wheels wore oft the trestle. work. 1ND mon. show off liar furnltutv reached a clump of woods about four tbi' military ramps ha reported that It then took a short turn to the left Col. 1 M. Openhelmsr's staff hi na ltto't Cure for CosiHmptkHi i the best of e miles from tho mine, where he stop- i In uk opinion the dh"-H- la caused by and plunged oVer the trestle Into the A ceil .11 nn Kllleil, follows: MetiL. Col. J. A. Styron, nil rongh cures. tieorgeAV. Its, Psbueher, ped his Iron horse, dismounted and Is Iji., an, ISBR, the ommon housefly. water below, dragging the clmtr car, ni Ikteo, Tex., Sept. S4.- -A freight commanding second battalion; MnJ. It. AttguM now at larn In the woods. It Is said foinp.iny il, sixth I III tin l volunteer, which waa well lilted with paseetigcm, train on the (Inlvostoo, Harrlsbiirg, I), lluck, commanding second battel' It Is easy to think those miserly who that he lias on a II rei nan's cap anil va in i nrilfd a Brand welcome on Ha with It and pulling the day coach or and Son Antonio railway yesterday Ion; MnJ. It. A. Stuart, commanding do not spend mnnoy on us. Jumper, and has In his possession an return to Monmouth, ladles' car half over. nour Port Hancock ran ovor tho foot third Imtlnllnii; battalion and regimen- that state. The' dirk. luaiiiy i iiiiimi iirip, n elaborately decorated and Ten persons In the chair car were of an aged man who wax lying beside tal adjutant, V. J. Badger: tpinrter-mnsto- r, CI win blond nuMni a eleaa ikln. No bstuty ,11. Injured, names briefly the with his on I Robertson; major without CMPtW, Candy CuthnrUc bulneMi prnrtlcally tipended. Iliif Klltil.tttrinpt on I,lie. the given above, track foot the rail. it. and rlcBi ynur blood serf keeps it elssn, by Tho Injured up I tko lasy nd nil J rn I'riiltt, a foimsr Ofeenvlllmn, Taylor, Sept. M At 1:30 yes. but no one In any other car received man was picked and surgeon, D. Peoples; first lieutenant lrrtne uti lltor dnvisg To.. imw ttia body. y to any Injury whatever, brought to this city on the paeeenger and surgeon, T. .1. Jnrkacm. but now a member of company II, II ret tenia)' morning Tht. Panel, 13 years ftoth the sleeper assistant bunUli plmiilM, bolli, blotch, lilnekhetdt, sirkly Arknoua Infantry, le at Greenville (in old, son of II. C. ot Taylor, waa and the chair car turned half over the train. Iloforc reaching here he tiled. MnJ. II. II. lluek did not nccompnuy and llrnt blllout eomplsxiwi by tiklng Cltrct,--lHint- y for ten eosu. All drug-CtM- l, - M adjoining Tho man was Identified ns Dr. It. K. tho regiment. He waa detained at a v'kIi. Hi- ays the regiment will lie killed In the compreea ot thin place. ends, each being partially mtlfcllon gunraHletd. 10c, 9Rc, 50, burled in the dirty water of tbe slough. Widen, who bad been In HI Paso for Jacksonville by Hlckuees In his family. mastered out at Little Itock about The boy wna at work at the press nnd Only give your some weeks. Papers on person Dr. W. II. Mclaughlin, one of the sur- a woman lovo and October 1&. In some way wna rauL'ht under the low- The ncetic Inside the chair car was his she will ever treasure t. one Imnies description. Indicated ho had been In otn-pl- geons of the staff, was assigned to hos- llugeae Appleby, company F, fifth er press bed, which eatne down on him, that Msn and that the women of Ton Ka Way Itomody com- pital duty at Jacksonville. Ho will Intnatry. now at Santiago tie Cuba, haa horribly mangling Ills lower limbs nnd wete hurled under seats, but thi strange aa It may appour, fe- pany of Memphis, Tenn., and on the not como to Dallas, but MnJ. lluck Is sent to a friend at Terrell a pi nee of the a portion ot the body. nut our waa fly lent ot a wnn expected In a few days. rubber tree under which Lieut Ilobwin Late Tuesday night an attempt was male Injured, und that very memorandum book regiment, all, trav- n, slightly. wrltton, "Itetuprn book to Dr. II. Tho privates and waa exchanged. Tho tree le ten feet made to aMuieInnto William Simmer-ma- this eled In Pullman sleeping onra. This, In diameter. u Oermnn farmer, living near Jndge O. W. Davis was crushed un- K. lllldon nt Crockott, Tox., and bo Baker's It Is said, Is Hint tho town by striking him on the head with der a seat and fatally Injured. Tralnmon say that Illldcn the first time The ninth cavalry, whleh wne under government ever transported nn en- a weapon ot some kind white be was A. II. Yantla, n brother ot Stnte sen- was eHhor asleep or unconscious whnn linn ordere to bo to Iluntavlllo, Am., It le roglmont In manner. silting In a chnlr on his gallery. The ator Yitntls, waa caught between seat his foot was crushed nnd tho shock tire thin Tho now stated, will i?o to Fort Or Arlr... was In vary tlmo, con- 8 Chocolate, wound la very severe, but will nut and Imdly crushed, lie may recover. klPcd him. trip muds fair to relievo the eleventh, one of tho rcKl-nien- ta sidering traveled, and tho ' prove John Itlclmnlson of ltlchlnnd was tho dlstanco which did not leave IU homo fatnl. No rlow aa to who com- celebrated for mote 2 dim-cu- Mnlretn Hill , finntlnijii. men nrrlved hero In good condition. mitted the deed. pulled from the wreck with great lt than century poet durltiK tho war. j a y. Temple, Sept. 20. old Many of the invalids--thor- wero Tcx Tho Con. delicious, nutiltloui,itt 3 Sir Thnmn LIpton. nn Hnallih no- -, twonty-flv- o or t rty In all woro very, Mmier llnrntereil. Superintendent L. A. Daffnn was fedornto soldiers havo token n wnrra and blemau, tins sunt a contribution ot J 10,- - vory mon. thorn had to M.-C- Interest In all tho event slek Soma of Tort Worth, Tex., Sept. hlflf of thrown violently against the renr end ot tho lain beverage, has our Q MO for tho rollof of tho nick nnd wound-- , bo onrrlod lo the nmbulauco. Police W. M. Hon received ti telearnni ot the chnlr car and received danger-ou- s war. nnd whllo appreciating tho valoi! n j ed Amorlcnu soldiers, filr Thomns' of tho younc gentlemen, yet from Chief of Police Coruwoll of Dal-la- s, spinal Injuries. Us was assisted can't heir gift waa inndo through tho New York Kjrtupnlliy lit Watiii. Yellow Label t to the effect that one of the rough from under the wreck by .Miss Pearl measuring things as they aro now and Wrtco, Sopt. 21. sympathy on tho front of every th Tho commissioner of Internal rove-- 1 riders, wljo was loturnlng Moss, who was eu route to BS'they wcro In their young daya. Hov. Tox.. Tho to his homo Austin package, and tine line hold that a policy or Insurance, school. W. It. Maxwell waa talking yosrday hero with tho grief of Mrs. Davis Is our, 9 at Hoswoll, N. M., with wornl head trade matk,"I.aHclle X which aeelcned or transform) to n new A of the light list of killed n tho Spanish great, and xeverul tologniuiH were xont of horses, hsd heon relieved of JI50 rollof train was sent from this ('liocolallere,"onthe v holder or owner of In- Pun-uel- to containing sentiments which the property IXil-In- city Drs. l. war and tho bnttlos he had been In. Ht her whllo asleep between Mlneola nnd s. with Johnson, iuttler, Hci: sured, In auhjoet to taxation In propor- In will bo comforting to tho boreaved s The rough rldor asked that cer- Jeeter nnd others on board, und stated that tho battle of Malvorn Hill tion to tho premium. mother ot Miss Wlimlo, tho holovod NONI! unearned tain parties be oxatnlned upon reach- the best attention waa given the In- his regiment alone lost more men than OTItUk OUNUINI!. were lost In tho Daughter of the Confederacy. Mailt of the transport that carried ing this city, but snlil that he did not jured that was iiomIIiIo. onllro campaign MADS ONLY BV uamp held u meeting troop to Manila aro on the 1'aclfle en desire any arrest made. When the Hundreds of people went from the against the Spanish. In that battle ht Pal Cleburne nnd warm, uuhoIIsUcs speeches wero WALTER BAKER L CO. Ltd., route home. It la thoiiKht probable train arrived hero yesterday City De- city lu carriages, the report having advanced from the ranks to captain- of war wero Dorchester. Mass. that the reinforcements that are to re tectives Rcott and Toinllnson visited been circulated that a doaen had hoeii ship of his company, overy ofllcor hav- made. Tho memories the gavn sent to Admiral Dewey will bo put on the train and found the money tinier killed, and It Is a miracle that the list ing boen killed oxcept a lieutenant recalled und several comrades who resigned pernnmil recolsctlona of Mrs. Davis them and they proceed bark. a sack of nets. No nrrst waa made. ot injured is not larger than It is. his commission. Anothei Incident was recalled was he wa anil her talenteil deceased daughter. iMttleahlp coet from U.MO.OOO to The trestle track was torn Into kind-wer- e that holdlorlng In IMohmond Mrs. Davis has many warm personal H.TM.OOO. and cruiser range In price I.iiiiallr. lrl (till. torn from their fastenings, and when Winnie DYSKPSU Davis was born. fiiends In Www. A resolution was from IMO.OOO to 1 1,000,000. Kmokelew ' Torroll. Tex.. Sept. IS. Ida dray It will take several days to put the adopted, directing that it telegram lie "for six years I was a victim ofdr powder la now In the navy, o that the nnd Annie llevermml. patlenU at the ling wood for oer 100 feet; the rails pepaln In It wornl (orm 1 could eivt noltilnr I'ort lleml L'oniitjr Trnceilr. sont signed by the commander nnd ad- but milk tout. at time idjt stomach would darkaeaa caused bj the old atyle pow- truck In Its former -- ' North Texas hospital for the Insane, condition. not retain ncil dltti t even iliau Ijih; March t Is Illchmond, Tox., Sept. 3(1. In a dif- jutant of the onmp. nnd lu response began tutting cam AUCTh and sloro then I der a thing of the past. oacape two-ator- y made their from a haveitnadily Improved, until 1 am as well a I ficulty arising over a road matter, lo Hint resolution, nt noon yesterday, ' amu (Iroeley pays it high window by taking out His Iron grating l.utl Hoy I'liiniil. tror was in my lire. . tribute to which soon verged Into personalities the following dispatch was wired: Uaviv It Mi-uru- Newark. O. tbe tlgnal service men, of wliom ho snyg at one of the windows, tying sheets to- Texarkans, Tex.. Sept. ST. Charlie, ' Jim Sony, a road ovorseor, was shoi Waro, Tex., Sept. S.- -Tn Mrs. V. he Uimi tea son to be protuf. He laud gether and letting themselves to the the young son ot Attorney Hiram Glass CANDY and killed by H. I'tirloiigh, Sr., ono ol Jefferson Davis, Illrlimond, Va.: Join- thali loyal, efllclent and valuable ser- ground. The former succeeded In of this city, who was lost in the forest Die oldest citizens of this county, about ing lu the tender symiwthy. eomlnit vice to the nation." and wonder-- making her way to relatives north of while bunting a few day ago, ban been their I olght miles oast ot town. Tho weapon from nil quarters, our love for your til bravery la great danger. l'orney. The latter fell some distance found and cnlely delivered to hi ana-lo- ur uied was n shotgun, daugh' r. ot father, our by tbe sheet breaking with boy. the contents ol the darling her Wei,.jr Calhoun, one of the t wo- her and bad parent. The who is only II traoi uasn aioimsw nu which struck Seay lu the bowels, earn- lllimtrlouK loader, prompts us to any rn H kimaws ankle so badly Injured by the tall years old. left home on a trip througn who enlisted In Itooserelt's ing his death In a few hours. Ssay wai that with grieving hearts wo offer nil ahe could not get far away from the tbe neighborhood, when he his roiwli riders, waa In Denlson n few let a widower, with several chlldron, ntid the consolation we can give on this sad da'H a building bofore discovered and brought course and strolled away fiftr-c- miles ho from his home, west of I)u enmo hero a few yoara ago from Ten- occasion. JOHN C. WI88T. PlBint. l'lUUbln. I'ount. Titta. (tend. tXi rant. I. T. reepouee back. west of here. He was finally over- (looil, NtTr Heun. Wktn, or UtTtw. toe. Ho, too. In to an Inquiry nessee. Furlough was arrested nnd It Captain Put Clehurno Camp No. 332, hauled by a skirmishing party ... CURB CONSTIPATION. ... bo mild he liked army life fine. and now In tho county Jail. United Cbnfederuto Votorana! IDtll.f SW; (tmfuj, (ktl, MmO.U. iKt. Ill XUIilixl With n I'llilifi.rU. brought home. When found young rue of troop (1, first Texas envnlry, W. T. COLEMAN. Adjutant. -- lleniimont, Tex., Kept. JtS. A light (lines Just emerged the woods that nliaed front Vernon, arrived there hd roiu To Ciiiillniin Nlrllte, Tho sentiments of ympnthy, sorrow occurred yesterday morning In W. and waa wending hit war to a farmer's from Kurt Until Houston on rj thirty (Inlvoston, Tex., Sept. IB. At n nisei-ln- g snd respect wore not conll-e- d to Pat Laiigham's livery stable In whleh M. K. house, whew be expected to receive iFAULTM STARCH, da) furlough. The boys are looking' ot tliu colored labor union Inst er-- , Cleburne camp. The annum lu the Urubba of Orange, a former proprietor ilmlter. well and think they will be mustered enltin It wns decided to contlnuo the neighboring towns udopted resolutions THE BEST FOB of the stable, was stubbed with a pitch- out i.t the end of their furlouHh. strike nt the Mallory wharf. Tho Mol-- 3f sent Mrs. cop-le- a fork, ono prong entering (NMiilimtor Klllixl, ; condolence and Davis his bark Just lory people Shirt WalsU, tltn f'allxto darcla, second In com-rasa- tl bad been given assurance of their expressions. below ttis shoidder blsde. The wound-o- d (wlveeton, Tex., Bept. ST. A tele-Bra- in of iha Cuban forces during the that the (lulveaton men would roturn The monthly eoelsl ot the Ornnd .sHsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl Shirt man waa rsrrled tf a nearby drug was recotreti tiers last nlgt.; an- late I (fxnected to to work, and uimu the atrength Army and Itellef Coriw mat laat night Fronts, come to this store, where his wounds were dressed, nouncing that Conductor J. f. (Iregory shortly. of this the coltraet with the Houston ot Comrade H. Cou- 1 Collars, 'o tr vIsltlMK Xew York, east-IwM- it the residence II mmGm and he was afterward put on the had been killed feely, Mont. Mr. tt negroes wns a llnltrtiore and Waaklntttou. cow-in- n - canceled. If the strikers gar and wurm oiigolletie addresses Ills tenth Paelflc train and taken Qrrgor- was well known here, having Cuffs la locked fur ward to with a do not report for work other wore made In whleh Mrs. Davis and Kraut te Orange. Adams and' Kent Jeit wore for a number of years been ro.iduotor IS 71 VL Delicate d el of laterpit. and permanent arrangements will be her lovely deceased daughter were taken Into custody by ottlcera, but were on the International and Great North- Clothes. made by the Mallory line. Meantime mentioned In exulted terms, and reso- - The sreeent plan of th ho . ernMent, afterwards released. ern. Uler he ae superintendent ' f i the unloading of the will In lllllumi of sympathy were adopted. emkmiai the Madias of to.lM trooM that lino but a little over a year ago Uoimiw t Cuba In tho autumn, provides "MaJ. Marcnand la aald to bar ad- enrrbMl on by the erew of the vessel. Rend our tor when there Has a change in manngo-gte- nt tie SMpoluntlni of SHenUh authority mitted In conversation that tie arrival Joined rcHoiMion Booklets he went with Mr. Calvin to - Oom. tho IN lleml. f aorrow at Dallas, Tux., ovet MU- thoro with Amerlrsn military domlna-t- l of Kitchener aared blm tram an- Union rnotne. Ha a as a prominent bt Laugh by IloHston .Tex.. Wm. Cro-na- n. UavU' death. n hf Slesrens. so I hat at no time will nihilation tho derrumee. Mason and a gsewbtr of the Order of Sent. H. and Hallway a young V an osmortiinlty be given - Conductors. man living In the flrst irl Lcarru for lawless- ward, shot himself accidentally througu American lumber men pruteet aanlnst to iibtaln a arm fiutlag ' fm French senator denounce the rwteiew of the Drey fas cane. The Marin Teresa has been Hunted. the head. rodueUwi of duty on lumber. (Hl I'hlllp . ftmlih. third rlao), Htm ex military aiademy, JUturiiiHl lu U'wrk. ' has War llhn. I'nri Wnrlli lire. lluilly t)ut. br:i ruiii d guilty of basing and 'il Worth. Tea.. Bept. (InJ fusion, IT. 1 Ills-elif- d, 1W -J. c. Tex.. Stft. be strike Part Worth. Tex.. Sept. M.-- Mre Innt Temple, Tex., Sept. SI. O. It. WANTKU- - Astnl fnr new Farmrrt' from Weat 1'olnt for one jreor KeoM. of this rlty, U Jnaiiuat. II C' t'ou s.iitri1 th reclpieNt of at the Mallory wliarf by the nlMht broke out In the old Caddo ho- n .Missouri, Kansas ami Texas rum So um 1I wittii.ut pa He rbue-aje- n rolored tti.i from lu li iium tbtliiti bused foMrtk MwvMlrs at the Cuban war. ad JiIi Alw fi.r tt IMikias ' khi loMgahoremsx wna virtually tel, on lower brakeman, was In the rupalo of 11 liaU H i., i annoyed In declared Houston street, between his h.illi. PIU. Ir IHgtiitiluet. thew various A friesMl of bis on up llk I board the United otf yesterday morning by Use return te 1'OMrtiHMith and rtfteontli. The building eleanliiK when a couple of Ute.t Warl.lluuk. lrulmfr AttaU Othrr 4). Ptates ship oars were switched In on his track. lit cut of am. mat la Uaikar Caiir. Marblehead soul him Ikls employees! an old, two-ato- ry Tfiu.Hii(3aiaburi. wnrk of about lt flf the atd wai rickety, affair, The Jar throw hlm off his fuel fact Aiiyn canfew. Unit artillery, WMk Htrtrldie of the niBhl-flr- e ' and his J. L. MCllDLH CO., Atlanta, 1h sptie of the union's action at and win almost, totally deatrnrad, want through a da. died at til- - horn near Mjtr. Va.. turret gnas sboard shlu, a Hit hand window. The Port lw nnday weeUng daatarlng slmolts In glass cut the wrtst severing tvihiiut fever grains af powder and a section of tba the strike Several the saute block were sore'ily, i rapt. Copra) was Prompt WANTF.I) oable In anaataiinuM h Mill on. the mm went to wnrk yesJer-an- y damaged. The entire lues arteries anil tendons. surgical CMoft.i4 bcallh thit IHPAKS ct bar at the will not be BUI MBd 4 " an artillerist and wm Mtgardod ' aid hlm from bleeding Will l.M0t toll Uf ttlMSI CbtBIKtl glsHlng of ties IbM. U saved to death. . iin The eajrirMgo anbMdlHg Um Immmmm. x hhw- - very tuueh. The damaged partita In- Ou Sf V.r.f"r M)mh.pUb4 iUiilin..iilU, aa aa authority on arUUery Urtles. about six Inches king In shell, bJUow tssr nan-nul- nn i T. H. IX , Immediate evneitatlun'of Is laMi nlir-8lyerl- of men wtre also em clude Orr, J. MeKlnnoy tui Cuba He bMM a meMker kta eowp&a steel ball, loaded with ne Eye Wattf t ' Handed, IWMIS mmm' since H(T, j and powder. ployed. I. J. Coalsjr, W. N. U. DALLAS- .- NO. 40-18- 08 tlon Hxperts who have examined Ihli DAIRY AND POULTRY. ly imports ot tnoussellne detains HAOJBSINPJULIPriNES' ef llnrn trousers, nnd a big straw hoi. SCIENTIFIC TOPICS material are cnthuilaitlc In commend amount to 37,000,000 yards. Woolen They hnve small plantation on whleh las It. rugs and blankets are often worn In are grown such crops as rice, tobacco, Indian style, many sugar, coffee, mangoes, potatoes and ounnnNT notes op DISCOV- Kmy to INTERESTING CHAPTERS FOn and ahops are THE ODDEST ARE TRItlES OF JXAf Make Otnna. entirely Sheep do hemp, the tatter staple being one ot ERY AND INVENTION. The Laneot aaya the of a OUn RURAL READERS. to their aale. SAVAQCS. that air not thrive wool- the largest expert of the Island. room can bo charged with ozena by In Japan, and tho four en factories furnish less twolvs Theso Tagala are a kind nnd gener- Trodnrtlon of In Ilia Philippine almply suspending moist linen aheeta Itew Boccfiifnl Farmsrs Operate This than tfinp per cent ot the goods necessary for the Dwarf Known as Htgrltn llMprmlants ous race, but matte fierce soldiers. Islands ilare nf Water Holler In n Itcen, dry wind, nnd then hanging Department at Ilia rrm A raw Thoy lhe thought consumptive capacity of tho country. nf Anrlrnt InlinlillanU The Mnt are very fond of rich dross, of leather at a Mnlntlltite for Osllulolit thorn up In the house. It la lllnti as to (be Car at Lit Stack gaudy ornaments, the generation of the oxono may be due Consequently, tho mills aro compelled L'lfllltail Are Ilia Tagala, .if Which and It Is this taste A ITtittl Wllhln n HheeL sad Poultry, belonging to Xgtit-nnld- o to the rapid passago of atmospheric to Import tho most of their raw ma- Asulnalila Is tha Loader. his race wliloh tod oxygen over the broad, wet surface terials. One ot theso factories, by the to decorate himself with gold way, medals In truly barbaric style In lienor Production nf Hemp. of llio ahcota, Ozone oxerclres a pur- - Sweet Uurtltlng; of Milk. Is preparing cloth for tho army Now that the Philippine Islands are navy. of his elevation by his suero In arms. Blnco the breaking out of wnr certain Ifylug effect on the nlr. Sometimes milk, Instead ot souring, and It la not at all surprising In the hands ot Undo Ham, It occurs Their lints are surrounded by n fence esrts of hemp liber hire risen very curdles In a relatively awcet condi- that Japan, In spite ot her limited re- to the average American that we have wool-growin- ot bamboo nt tion, in sources as g country, stakes and tliowxh somo of rapidly In price. Thin In partly an Wheel Wllliln Wheel. writes Prof. II. U Itusicll a taken Into our for, fit least tempo- Hoard's ob- should tlie windows are fashioned with of the fact that much of the A bicycle wheel Is shown here de Dairyman. To tho oasunl demand inoro woolen nnd less rarily, one of the races ot the earth server, con- cotton Instead of glass, which Is .hemp coram frtim the Philippine signed to give tho comfort of the such a curdled or loppcrcd fabrlos. Proportionately mors regarding which but tittle la known, wooton goods every hard to get. tlie household furnishings The plant resembles the ba- pneumatic tire without the annoyance dition might easily bo mistaken for aro being used and that little Nhowlng that It la n ap- year, Is- are of the most prtmttlvo sort. These nana In seme particulars, ntiil grows ef possible punctures. Tills la truly n sour milk, but tho dlffcronco Is and It is but natural that the people na Ignorant aa our nation Is ad- parent consist of mats, which servo as floor to a height of twenty-liv- e or thirty wheel within n wheel. Tho outor rim when tho milk Is onco tasted, land Umpire should adapt herself to vanced Iu clvtllsntiou. Por. white Ma- wool-bearin- g covering and beds, crockery mado by feet. To secure the fiber the bark la la of wend, made lighter than iieual, to for, as a rule, It lacks tho acidity that tho fleeces of nnlmsls In nila has a population composed of the women, utensils of stone or cocoa-nu- t pulled down to the roots; then the receive a rubber tire, Springe at marks ordinary sour milk. Then, pretorenro to cotton, ns all other civil- whites largely, there is a vast oxtent solid shells, baskets of wirkor-wor- k and shred" aro separated from the rough n again, tho curdling occurs muoh earlier ized nations nro doing today. Tho do- - of surrounding land atmost unexplored. metal nre Inserted between thla and platters rnrvod of wood, cloth woven matter nnd thrirotiRhly dried. In thla of than It docs when tho milk sours, it volopmsnt ot tho woolen Industry In Tlie few travelers, howovor, metal rim which receive the ends who have on the ancient looms, while tlie eorn state they are shipped all over tturope tho dalrymnn carefully notes tho ap- Japan will result In opening now mar penetrated the, country In- the spokes, aa shown In the cut. This glf" most la ground by tlie women with tho nnd to the United which la pearand of auch loppcrcd milk ho will kets to the growing manufacturing in- dmHp-tption- s State, one dispenses with all use of the pump teresting of the natives mortar of the boat ruatomera for thla prodttrt. recognize other dlffcroncoa than those terests of tho United States. (I or in nny, peopling and pestle. They are and the wheel can be quickly repaired the distant mountains and export enrponters miopia It haa been suggested na aonn tie mentioned, ho compares with tho manufacturing and also at that as It Great llrltaln and other plains. metal-worktn- mattera become nufllelorttly settled ordinary lactlo acid formentatlons. nations of the Old World nre practi strangest Tho nnd most unique of the These primitive jieoplo many Americana will emigrate to the Phil- Tho curd produced by sour milk cally Kar tunc tho supplying the demands ot tho Philippine races Is the collection of excellent proverbs, among ippine and up of fermentation la usually firm nnd hard, In them take the business Ileal tho Importations of wearing tribes eallod Negritos, which Is the the sayings: llg hemp raising. The plant grows rap tho oaoln often shrinking so ns to npimrel, and the industrial growth ot Spanish negro, for that word moaning Don't fling n It may full em Idly, nnd the profit Is A expel some clwtr whey, whllo the curd. aa well stene; excellent. Japan, aa ot India, CHun and black. thiM denoting the tint of the your own hand. targe nitmbor of resident of ih. In tho other is frequent- tondoney persons caio soft nnd othor countries, will havo a to whom reference Is made. Tell a He United States are looking forward it ly qulto slimy. As a rulo, milks that to stimulate tho export trade ot tho When Magellan ami find a truth. discovered the Islands, A monhoy up mon- some of thla newly acquired curdlo whllo awcet. generally undergo It. dressed la but a trrrltnn United States rnthor than depress In March, IMI, these people composed key still. aa their future homo. So much has subsequent digestion or dissolution of n large part of the imputation In what Answer nonsense by nonsense. been said of the cllmato and the gen-or- al tho casein. In such cases tho curd -- wna roullry fate. called by him the Island of St. In heating far fruit, dvanlngoa Jelly-lik- e, beat not the that ft Philippine softens and kecomos nnd Hens that aro following tho course Lnsarus. Hut nt present thoy have tree. Island fever haa broken nut In certain finally dissolves, leaving a turbid ot nature nnd laying fow eggs oau get dwindled tut there are hut M.000 left, The poor no clrclM. ami It only remalna for the whey. This "whoyed oft" condition have nurse. enough lime from their food; but when those mainly raaldlng In three prov- Wake not the sleeping. bustnosri Interoata of those fertile does not usually appear until tho milk lions nro subject to artificial conditions inces and hiding themselves awwy front Islands to become nettled to Invito n Is qulto cold. Tho cause ot thcao ab- and aro ox peeled to lay three t linos aa contact with the white. olaaa of persons there who would not normal changes Is In tho tact that In many eggs as naturo Intended they In their wild mountain homes these TO WALK OORRBCTLY. only find great profit In somo way or other, species ot the culture of on the road In cafe nf accident, with various should, they must bo supplied with Negrito, or Agltns, na they are also Indigenous plants upper of the To wnlk well In an and fruit, but would of wrench, parts neine; bacteria gain tho hand soms lime to help make up the mate- call!, live pretty much the life they art that should tho aid a the sup- be learned by every mako moat excellent ottlsens nnd do halted together. The only repair kit normal lactic ncld Horn, and thus rials they lack for tho shell ot the egg. did hundreds of years ago. ItHtetitlng woman when eh perma- plant Is young, and then grows muoh ward establishing the neccneorr Is the wrench nnd a couple tho sour milk fermentation. tho approach or the Spaniard, they as she older nency milk she will wnlk of the United States nilo In of extra springs. The changes that occur In tho Tho rough statement la mado that Imvo kept up a continual warfare, to gracefully its a matter thcao beautiful lalaude. tho curdling In a relatively awcet n hen will consume it bushel ot grain whleh strife Is due their gradual do ot course and there will be no effort condition, and tho subsequont dlgos-tlo- n per yonr. This Is n very looso state-mau- l, cllno, and of bar- at all lit tho way that she doea It. Tlin Hluipa nf Ihn Ihirth. .the retention their The Hare of tho curd nre to bo explained for grains differ groatly in their barous ideas and for though a women ran learn to wnlk of Wnter llnller. tn n recent number of tint ICngllsh customs. The ameers of Oregon as follows: Those bnctorla havo tho bushel wolght nnd their feeding vnluo. In npponranee these ienple so lierfectly gracefully when alio la old- the claim that Mechanic there Is to be seen an Illus- nro power ot socretlng various unorganized A bushel of oats will not certainly go small as to lie properly er, there Is never the unconscious her tremendous exploit In ruining that somewhat resembles the denominated nevor tn be forgotten tration that ferments known as enzymes. Those aa far aa a bushel of whoat. na dwarfa, they are grace of motion that there Is If ebe la race against time appearance of a diseased turnip. Hut for as petite as the In order to be In at the death of the substances are also formed abundant- tribe nf llMjemaus of Africa, stand- taught how to walk as u child. The It Is Intended to represent no such con- Disgusted com Spanish fleet la to rertaln extent ly by tho ntilmnl body, nnd ore poultry raisers aro ing only a little over four feet high. training of a child in walking cum-ctl- a thing, being on further examination mon. We traceable to the fart that aalt water cerned especially In the digestion ot saw one the other day who They are brown as to complexion, with should begin at Its very earliest yrnrs. found likely to Infuse Into the lay had In past been enthusiast. I In soon wm never allowed In her boilers foods. I'or Instance, pepsin and rennet the an rather good features, broad. Hat noses, Aa as It Is old enough to lie reader a sort of bewildered wonder: has about la eating There have been many discussions pro aro secreted In tho stomach of man and sixty liens and woolly hair, worn In a mop around taught to walk It should lie taught Indeed, Professor Preston, of the solu- them up as possible. He says how and con an the advisability of nalng animals, and act on foods In acid fust as tho head, while their eyes have a yel- to do It correctly. Very many United States Coast and (leodetlc Sur- that the has been his salt water. One old engineer declares tions. Trypsin Is formed In tho "sweet trouble that low tint. Though some travelers sav children nre really never tannin to vey, would have us believe that our pro-tol- d business Is lie cannot look that If he could run his boilers with breads" (pancreas) and dissolves such that they have good figures, there are oth- wnlk at all. They are put on their earth le of a shape approaching that nftor liis poultry properly. Sometimes yfcbbwater they would outlast the men substnncos In neutral or alkalluo ers who assert that the Negritos' form feet by their nurses and allowed t(l run of the turnip aforesaid, with lla pointed pos- ho does not get homo till ten o'clock them. Do aa It may. reactions. These bacterln llkewlso Is Kowwl Into ungainly curves. about anyhow, and little faults, that iff'Viin that end directed duo south. Newton found rennut, at night, and In such cases tho lions may grow Hi ere eornly la soma fault In the man sess tho property ot forming Tho dress nt the Negritos Is not Into large ones, go utterly theor tlcally the shape of the ren- go suppers. Ho ho Is agemont of boilers they give out that whleh nots In n manner similar to without their Parisian In style, but Is admirably uneliecked. All children should bo when earth should he an oblate apherald; going to giro tho wliolo thing up. ao quickly. There are various com net dorlvod from animal sources. This adapted to a warm climate, consisting taught to dance when they nro between but Is by way. It appears that Sensible man) poultry oannot bo K pound thru are recommended for use that the cause tho premature curdling at tho It mainly of a sort of fringe of plaited nnd 0; thla will make them walk tho Coaet Survey haa recently meas- kopt iu a right manner thoy should In boilers, hut moat nf have milk. Tho snmo organisms also form hark worn around the waist, whil better and hold themselves better than them ured two great arc on the surface of not bo kept at all. some strong alkaline Ingredient, which dlgostlvo ferments that dissolvo tho the brown akin ia tattooed, aa we find anything else. tills planet, and these have been fumid casein, so tho gradual disintegration ot la nqver good for inetnl of nny kind. An exchango says. "Don't build n amongst all savage nations. Their o be tortious of an ellipse, and go tho acid In "whoyod off" milk Is at- When you walk you put It would be well to experiment with fancy poultry Why not, If It manner nf smoking Is tn place the should the to provo that the North Amerlei.n con- tributable to the action of thoso chem- house" foot llrmly and yst lightly on rnln wnter with n view to neCortnln can ho nffordod? llonuty pays, ovon lighted nnd of the cigar between the the tinent la r. huge bulge on the onrth'H ical ferments, which In thamsclvos nre A ground. Nover wnlk though' your Ita value for auch usee. Tanha nnd in tho chlelion ynrd. Not tho tenth. peculiarity of tlie race la as surfaco. All the evidence obtained by dovold of llfo. but which aro formed that feet wero of lead yet do cnteh pans might be oxponalvo, but lions will lay any morn eggs, but the their wonderful dexterity with their and not mines such mensuromoits acorns to point to as a result ot protoplasmic activity, nnd go along an If you worn onco nrrnnged they tiro what one might cyi of the owner will bo better ploascd, toes, lieliiK able with thoso members overcome tho enrtb as having n form npprtinchlng lloro again Is seen tho striking rela- with affoclnllon; la call fixed property, anil If thoy anvo the and so will nil ot nolghb-vr- a and to perform many nets commonly left nlthor oxtramo to n four-stde-d body, with each high- tho vnluo ef a few evury year, they that of tionship that oxlsts between tho to the hands. vory hmt style. Von should hold your boilers ac- visitors. Nothing discourages thicken of the sides trlnngulnr. Our plnuet, est nnd lowest forms ot llfo In tho Doing at- body erect and your head up would give excellent toturna for tho keeping nioro than to sco n dirty, tum- u wild people, thoro la no anil tho according to this, Is to bo considered ns llfo-sttir- f, money In equipment. tivity of tho protoplasm. tempt mnfle nt agriculture, but they shoulders well back. In thla wny yon Invested tholr splnnlng-tnp- . bled down hen houso stuck whero it a sort of huge Tho class ot gorms ttmt aro capnblo ox-pe- rt will always look Is n blemish on tho outlro plu'co. live on gnnio, Itsh, which thoy nre wall and presorvo of producing theso changes bolong to ca- your tienltli nnd nvolil nny kind nt I'lnntlHg Teeth. in spooring from tholr light An Ahiliiilnnt .llrliil. group that Is dllllcuU to get rid of, It Proper Housing of Chlckons. Tho noes; honey In lung or chest trouble The effect of It comes to us aa a bit of a surprise tlie forests, wild fruits, Aluminium Is tho mo abundant onco thoy becomo ostubllshwl. Tho Is very groat on grow In walking Ih to ox ere I se the muscles, that u scientist haa been studying loss ot young hicks whlfli nhuiidantly tlie tropica; In more hay bacilli and potato bacilli ono-ha- lt cnhbngn quicken tho breathing, Improve he metal the world. It enters most farms, nmountlng to or roots, mid palms. Tho dug Is tho "toothology until haa aurcseded In t or of that aro found on the surfaces ot dried nlno-tent- dlgrmttnn and keep the body Iu iter-fee- producing a tooth Unit will grow Into less Into the formation almost moro of all that aro hatched, and tholr only domestic animal. In the every kind of on globe, while grasses and In tho sojl aro roprosonta-live- s loss prevent- phase In henltli. If, however, tho shoul- the Jaw. l'erliapa It might be more soil tho nf this Is clearly they are adepts tho use of the clay nf different hinds contains from ot this class. They possess tho able. The cnusoa of lose aro many, ns, Injw nnd arrow, girls holng quite na ders and head are heut forward the absolutely accurate to say that the Jaw Is on SO per 10 per It. ability to form spores, and it this ox-nu- good effect la entirely tost sight of throws out feelera and tentacles that rent to cent of This for gnpos, drowning, or chill- proficient na the toys In this accom nnd singular to say, waa un- account that thoy nro dlllleult to kill. there will be no good whatever eomo to ul metal, which, ing In wet dews and rain, tho depre- plishment. Their method of hunting attach themselves the tooth and years ago, In some cases, organisms ot this class from your walk. tlmately harden, holding the artificial discovered seventy Is the dations ot rata, hawks, skunks and Is to poison tlie tips nf the arrows with lightest It Is does havo bcon known to resist a continuous a molar firmly In place. It Is a known. while and other prowlers, and then the giving ot a iiecullar substance, which Induces veil on being exposed application of steam for six consecu- In Kor a wnlk to do good, you If understood fart that certain sub' not tarnish to the Improper food or falling to furnish terrible thirst the animal nr person should. It tive hours. What wonder than, that on drinking, possible, always have companion stances, auch aa sponge, may asslui sir. When first produced is soft, but grit and to keep tho coops clean. Near- wounded, and death takes a hammering they nre so tenacious ot life. The na- place. with you, aa when you are talking the Hate nnd become a part of the tissues utter becomes as hard as ly all these losses are preventable by The hunter then ruts Immedi One-thir- habitat of these forms Is In dust the softer kinds of Iron. d of tive furnishing a suitable place to keop the ntely away the poisoned part, so ttmt blood circulates more freely In the of the body, nnd It seems not unlikely nnd therefore, If milk the total product of the world Is Amer- dirt; becomes chicks for the first five or six weeks, the rest of the meal wilt nut be In brain and the benefit that you derive that under favorable circumstances fouled with foreign matter from such ican, the rest being divided between It they must be moved, have fected. from the open air Is very greatly In- artificial teeth might be made to grow fermentations of this class are and then. Pi snce, Swltserland and Great llrltaln. Murcea, a house to put them In. I have All efforts to civilise the Negritos creased. And also the walk Hliould Into the Jawa and anawer all the pur likely to occur. Cows having soiled safe It has been called the metal of the fu- young do very have so far proven futile and there is be a. bona lido one, not an poses of the natural articles. udders, caused by wading in inudholes, found that chlcksns ture, and the principal obstacle of its much hotter on a lloor raised consider- a good story told tin a farmer Illshop Idle saunter up and down a with nre a prolific source of trouble. al- being the inetsl of the present Is its ably above the ground, and 1 now make of Manila, who lind taken In charge no special object In view. And I'llo. Iii Hit' Air. It Is thought by msuy tbst the or somewhat high price. Thla has been all my coops and the houses to put and educated for tlie priesthood a ways have Iwfore you the wish to ap- A Denver man, Jerome Olanrhnrd, Is ganisms on tho hay that Is oalon as greatly reduced of late years, but the In at weaning with young man of the tribe. Orowlng rest pear at your heat, as you walk, not the latest to elalui baa solved food may pots through the body of the the chickens time that hf great desideratum a cheap method of a floor raised so high above the ground less under restraint, tlie man threw merely to try to get over the around the ny irobluftt. 1 1 In ap animal and be excreted In the milk, obtaining the metal directly from the as to give a tree circulation ot air un- aside his clerical garb, returned to his na quickly aa possible In any kind ot i but such Is not the case. The bacteria clay uas not yet been attained. If so tribe Iu the mountains and nut-Her- n way. Women who scurry along like that enter the body In the food or der them, that they will not be were to become cheap, Is etl Herat In his savage ways. Having rabbits or hens lose all Idru of a the metal the drlak do not Acapc from the Intestine, damp, and there no place for rata age suc- no horses they wander nbout on graceful cart lass and look mom ab- existing of steel would be If they are not destroyed by the gastric or othor enemies to And shelter. foot, by age camping In lbs forest where game surd than anything else. ceeded an of aluminium, Juices, fbey are excreted in the manure Country fJenilemau. when they aud can only gain access to the abounds, and have mode a Milk Composition C'onsteut. Prof. good killing, remaining on spot Hfwrcltjr Hf Till Or. milk by contaminating the same, sub that A I.isiilnr of Men. Henry, tn bis recently Issued book on till the meat Is exhausted. Isach tribe The ess rolly of tin ore In the world sequent to milking. Science, having "That man is a imlltlea! tend- Feeds and feeding, says; "When the about sixty people Is jreat U pointed out by Geologist 11. U. shown the way In which these bsc numbers and er," said Mr. Oanitotsel's nelgUbor. function of milk Is considered, the headed by a chief, wlio la usually the Skertcbley. of Australia, iu a published terla get Into milk, also tenches ns "Well," wnt Uta answer, "he Isn't ex--a view held as to Its stability ot com- oldest man In the party. With no monograph. Its shows that while measures to repress ac- oily what I'd cult n leader. Hut lie rational their position seems rational; It the milk house to rare for, they simply gather known gold Acids cover 1.BM.QM square tivity. Tho great resists nee of this utility 1ms r great knack of ftnrtin' of the dam were subject to marked sttoul the fire, around which they lie of miles of Die earth's stirfaoe, the loeat-a- d class, as a rule, necessitate scrupulous rr out wbleJt wny the precession la gain' violent fluetuntlona, varying In com- at night in a rlrole, with the head to - holler-Its- tin fields have an area of only 11.500 care In cleansing the utensils and Iu ax' then gottlu out In front an- ', position with every small change In ward the llamas. square miles. The seven tin districts preventing the Introduction of dust 'Homo on, fsHersI " Washington quality or quantity of food It Is said that their speech Is strange of tRurope produce about 8,100 tons particles and dirt. supplies, Slur. the welfare of the young re- ly like Hist of chirping birds, but that yearly, with S.O0O tons of this credited Then again, sometime anelksr animals ceiving It would be constantly threat- fact s be due to the foreigner's Iguo to the Cornwall mines. Asia has two method can be iisrd advantageously. Tlie I'nuett I'lnnlne Hirer. ened. Nature has wisely provided ranee of their tongue, unlike most tin districts, Hunan, In rhiiin, said by These bacteria, as n rule, are sensi- The fattest llowlng river in the world 10,000 an- that thla vital food shall quite barbarous races, each man lias but one tome to yield to to.000 tons tive to the action of acids. They are remain Is the SutleJ, In Ilritiak lndls. wilh proven yield constant In composition, so na wife, and their manners nre remark- paratus has a sliding nually, but to leas than always present In milk to some extent, far the a ileseent of 11.M0 feet In IN miles. seat and aerial per year; nutritive InUuences aro concerned, ably chaste. When a young man noes kmrs. a rudder, wImm, 1,600 tons and the tin mines normally, they are held la four and will adjacent but check though the quantity vary courting his girl, the custom is for her noon be tried near Deliver. of the Straits Settlements and by the superabundance of sour milk must with the In world, abundance or to literally "take to the woods" at sum JBST8 POn TUB T All LB, territory, richest tho germs that develop lactic aeld. If, the scantiness of the yielding K,000 tons yearly. Africa has rise and remain there till sunset, she n therefore, a little "starter," taken from "OlUcer, la there a good rrstsnrast Leather Kuliatltutw for CTrll iilnltf. no known tin mines; North America Moldy Tube. -- The mold question Is hiding from bis sight. If he Is skilled - a clean sour milk. Is added to the milk In thla KoigkverhfKHlf" "Vss, ma'am, Uerman leatkerworken hare recent- has no paying mines; South America again at the front and reeeivsn are enough to capture the coy maiden, ly as soon as It Is drawn, this will servs Just around the earner." "la there a been experimenting with a new uro wines lees than 4.M0 tons per year In sending out advice along that line. she becomes by this his wife. Of I sakmn attacked to It?" "No, they'll reea of preparing by to give the lactic organisms the ascen- butler-make- rs It on but aether means of Pent, es The are puss led and course, depends the girl's own Irsllvla and and Australia suppress premature are send out and get you anything yoa like, which It becomes almost transparent, about tons a year. dency, and the reading up to nnd how to prevent thla taste whether or not she anall he water-proo- ma'am." firm, elastic and f. It is curdling. This method Is net to be trouble. Use only tuba from well-- s found. claimed also that It Is almost In com commended In place ot the strenuous sotted wood, good parchment Great reverence Is paid by these peo "Ilrldget. you've broken as mush Aimtlier lllement In ilia Hun, mito, bustlble. and In this particular i attempts at eradication by thorough pie to dead, It is cus rhlRn thla month as your wage Is The rare element, gallium, which brining tubs before packing; keep tuns their and their very great Improvement upon cellu- cleanliness; but at times, where it year to lay on the grave amount te. Now, how egg we pre- waa discovered In 18TI, in In a dry place Iu factory. Welti Dairy tom each of loid preparations and those rock from seems Impossible to get rid ef by Report. a bit of nut, white vent this from occurring again 1" "I made of the Pyrenees mountains, and whleh It a friend betel the other animal aiibstances or the usual measures, this method of set bow and arrows ot a man are always den't know, mum, uhmss yea raise rubber. takes Its name from (lallla, the old The process, which Is a trade secret. ting one kind ot basterla to fight an- Men, like sheep, go in droves, "n the buried with him. me wngea." I Ionian appellation far Pro nee, has re- consists In some extent In other will often be suoeeesful. driver is a wolf Iu sheep's elathln, hno next most Interesting race In Angry Wife It seems to ma we've saturating cently been added to the list of sub- The the leather with hot all, then driven tlie sheep throo thorny plseee In habiting Philippines; Is Malay been married a eenttiry. I even kneading stances occurring in the sun. Profes- the the snn't nnd rolling It. A order they may loose wool nu when or where wo first It absorbs a large sor Hartley Mr. Uamage Dublin Wont Outlet In Japan. that tbaro nation known aa Taguls. who are remember met amount or oil, and of wile wlgglln throo. Husband (emphatically) I U become tenacious and have recognised Its spectral lines In Reports resolved from Japan to the tneroue, live In the lowlands on pile tan, of the consistency of tortoise shell. Its sunlight. Beet that woolen goods are rapidly dwellings and are seml-elvlllze- being was at a dinner party where than were value In the arts Is likely tn be very supplanting those of cotton manufac- Mistress Why were you dismissed a numerous people and in Intercourse thirteen at table. great, and especially In electrical lnn.Wlltr. ture In that country Is another son from your tale placet with the whites governing the island A shrewd old lady enHtlna! hor work It Is supposed that It will bo "I have never loved you so much ai vlnelng proof ot tho superiority ot the tiervnut airt Well. I like your Inqulst-tlvenes- sl They aro rather handsome In appear married daughter agalhst worrying her f more effective for certain purposes than now I" he cried. '0, Harry!" she ex- former fabric over the latter, trays an Did lsk you why your last ance, with round head, low brow, Hat liHsband too much ami tonelniM by girl rubber. It may be at any thickness. claimed, reproachfully. "And only exchange. Woolen underwear Is be- left yout none, tilled lit, dark eyes and com saying: "My child, a man ia tike an as by some iiecullar process It may be week you told we yen never plexlon and possess a strangely aeeXi eg. Kept tn hot water a little while last could coming more and mere popular In Ja- The Poultry Messenger advlsss put- mane dldl"-Phllsdcl- pbU cos- uiieaer than the natural hide. love me any mare than you pan, having displaced all other fab- ting away seme second growth olorsr rate sense of smell. Their usual he mar boll soft, but keep him thine This la through a sort of fulling opera North American. rics used for that purpose. The year- - fer feeling hens la viator. tume is a shirt worn on the outiUle too long and he hardens," -, tr ".I hi eume by tiictt addreaeed etilr In W Are Iteeaeerate, nnra Ulwrlux ii. Notice of (lie Annual Meeting of the TUG CUKRGKT. M, thl betBg mr poMtlenl MM. It It Simtkatliffl In tit himnlUI mat. houhi Stockholder of the I'ecoi IHftt I MHMlM s ol MippOft Ttiwtlay morning of Htnalrsl fin Northcajttcm. n7 "ii h-- re Valley ft wit. vu i. ank in mr labors by tnoeeof Mr own party. stricken mn tlirwi inonthe ku was thought to be Railway i.o. MdyConSIy. should lb Mtcowrtnl In eeeuring eofll uo anil nnyoTarlop. Kddy, X. IBW. oMal Paper ol IN-w- u taken M Lome il.SH.J BOWL elent encouragofwnt teluMlirmy entering l" tnsw three Woiirt) ulvt-.- . tin) an OF SOUTHWEST OffleJfil of Eddy. - it hrrriir that Wkl Orgtn of Town I H on week aun In tin imp of being nenna- TI upon Ibi work, Imm iitMl nf i ho b okliolilorii of ) mired Mr. Mjwrk In mi'tiii paper, euch at the' fMieNT of yodr town, netil oaine Ida I I St Itnll-wa- r i hn Vina Vitilfy Not Kiuturn pg&HJbW latuMey t few Ha I ralluy in tU'W.m nt iMfi'iil of I'. .1. eei Ittdr eicepi ltint Mill print nt Imii lour twtm the ('"iiin.iiit will lit In I ut thoirnun tKHMIIH I44r M ttf n y .Ijil "l at noma, nnd. ft the fMtioneve inatiaet it, IN eiinipmy and built thr niMrc I'diii XbWA Is lie Pecos Valley of Hew Moilco, (.'Imree li'MUa. oral hi xloo.nnWrd I will make it all bom print. In any event t mnniy omri l.iklnir - .MATtfHIUt OtT. ISM. the country lind dim tie InHIrr limn nwd iy tin- ilfih ii iy of 0. tnbar, would print a neper o I which ny town limn of lnek ti on, for tli lit" e V r lia (teoKlr-i-l th it iii sUflM.'HII'flON ItATHS. miaM be proud. I have bad mora than trn nnv section vmted, u I inirinien' nelcrUiur dlrcc nrw.-pop- er to locale mill limll llrat Uriek it birdnf WKKKLY H mall per year of practical erpafiowoo IH tM tiif fur .th- - mr And for . . ever erected Hi valley. Cheap, III. HUB" sue. am oapabl- - denee in Some lr Homes are Maine exrluaivelr, and Niit'li n Mlpefl Iih hrr i.rtnlni tli nnty ooino be paper IH every four years airo wu'. married to Mien - of laMlnit an 1 Mitld It I .1 . t -I f V fun- i:i una Announcemont. reeneot iym tiiwiMUi ufiinjiiiri hi vifi. i. fi. W. A.Otis. Superintendent. How. my obraet In thu. addrewf ng you 1. Hr!i?r(l' 01 '"'"'"'V wh" ',' ' Secretory a little son two itml a half ytwra ohl. SEVENTH Ilcot Sugar factory in We announce Wtllal to nacarUlM what iwourai(emni yu TftE the United States was aroautHortiod to I itirvlrn liltn. I'hui II. Spdfka wiuntin it ai a oatldldnte lor W aum 'a would gtw toward uaii n patw m haw erected Kddy, Mexico, In 1800, f our Ijrojfn-MlV- . 1'RATKHNAL at New and mnde its first "campaign" HI pwfntamtant ofernoel. rfaaoril abort it la my oanHMt nmuct int M"lw. 8001ETIE8. 1'rautitMlly , beginning 15th 1800, that yoM will Htw th waiter earalul nl ontf rnrlaliiK ;lll ia. November and closing February ICth, 18U7. a day or two. and then. u.m " "Y Idomtlon lor " '" V".. tr,' Kddy Lodge No. St, IC ofP. Tho content o "Sugar In, tho beet" of tho crop grown In th6 Kddy lha aninxl anwloiMj eneloMd herewith. t"UM tlii bnttli. fr iiKSlnit grfnt Democratic Ticket. wrttemewhatharoraotrou would extend "iltlMHitl Hiicci-fdr- bi'ttff tlmn liut Meed every Thundar nnd Itoswell sections of Oi0 Volley has proven to bo moro uniformly wmiuragewent to the tmxr. moral or Mtronff health men. II if retnmnl nil! nreiilnjtat ?:9Up'eloik, high than any otbcf part of tho United States. Fortunately" tho b nhiiipcd hero fur Ititi'rmiint uiid lie Alt vUliorinreTreleome MtatMtalLaml, if younreninnlNga buine A. R. O'Ql'HfK, land is blcssod with Just the fertility to produce high grade beets, any of the will Iik laid tn rcat by Iiih brnthart nf lei kind, aire me wm Idea and. moro tho l'ecos Irrigation Oo, amount you would invent? in nitrertltina Ho well Lndire Xo 18 AAf. A A. M. fortunateh and Improvement Ida widow and noli, his Jnns noLTUN, and tho Itoswell Land Co. tpaaa month torn perl oil ol two year To brother and K. It. h B and Water havo an Irrigation system of mth (ho ny m m of tho whole II I can Ktit rea ion nhle support lor the nraf ulster, third groat magnitude, covering a vast body of the best sugar beet lauds two ytcn, I will then have the paper on n cnminunlty are extendod. Funeral on Is service will beheld nt tin homo Sun- earth. The water applied to tho crop when needed. Ilrm, nHIUilalnlnB liiiln, and am tAlliHed MASONIC.-Kcl- cly No. tlte iwper I latued would ol Iteall oom- - day inornlnp nt H:30 and the Interment A. r. A. The sun shines more hours In tho day more days In that fAlretfulBr' oain 7i30 and tho year rnnnU Mtppert. will folmw nt thr South Sldo cemetery. Ulllantlon at 8& "".is. ol each In Kddy and Chaves counties, Now Mexico, than in any other section I - Hon wull Itecnrd. mj p.ifu' neaae let me hear rum you at iooh ai iiiomii. vuititiu urethren in of tho West. and li I the neeoauiry en-- ; niwi lonuenu. . i. itoiixnTa, penlbie, reeolta W. M. I onee MurBMemenl will eome to Cddy at Call for Democratic Council A. K. Ill Seey. 121 separate analysis, chiefly carload lute, showed nn average of complete far itartlng the ait, and arranxewenta Convention. 17.01 per cent sugar In heots 81.1 por cent purity. This remarkable PH I'ryJiatB JuUga' paper Immediately. Wlieroar, ThnrentrHl aominlttce of tho I result was accomplished by raw A. tlllUKM. liapiNB to hear tram you ai;enec, mm M ft t? farmers, unacquainted with tho Youra vary truly, ilrinocrntir party fur tln rntht nml ninth I. W V, y. isdaePy cUlturo of beet root, on now land nnd under very trying circum- Xo meet evory iHatrtet Ho. I: RltNMT LO04DON. eniim-l- l ami foutteanlh lenliMiivo illntriet, tt stances, as factory Pr r,miionr ITlitny evening In tho wob not assured until May, and n majority of N. CL'N.N'lXmiAM. it It kind of Mr. Crozlur to iuuk to lint urilared that ninvdiitlnna bn heM at MflMnlc hnll. Vlrttln B oroinem in booq tho acreage was planted between Juno 1st and August 10th. ndd iiutv ontorpriies to thu town, for Demlntf, Ornnt couuiy, Xuiv Mexlon, on KtanduiK eortllnlly welenme iVrOm utMloner IMatHet No. :i thorn iitu nut uiiuiikIi iiutviimperti In the Stli day of Ocinbor, 1803. for the nnml 0. w Mi Hiliu, N. a. Tho only thing loft to bo desired that the I'ecoa Vnlloy has not on ' C. II. WmaiiT, Kecy. WIMjUOX. lWUy to kct'ii iiji the town ut prwent. nntlon n( n oAtiillilnte for the rotiuall for band In abundance la people. Wo need COO thrifty farmers ur.OHUIt llieellilhilllriel,ciiinH)il of the onun With a tew inuru UmjiUDoiiig u coujilo Eddy (Jump Woodmen of the World. No falror terms or conditions of salo of und lands wero 3t tlei nl Ornnt nnd Dmin Ann; n candidate beet fruit rOBHimiMionor Matrtet V: of hundred dolluu u tuunth more Meet in tiio City Unit tho second and over made. Wrlto for particulars. X. V. WMlAVKHi fur the council from the nlnili dlitrtri, teurtn Tuesday mains ot eaeit nionin. the noojilu, than thi'ir total tt) John u iti:t.i, r. umoiiir iHimpnHcd of (ho oiiuiiIIpi nf (Irani, Dnna llnnT ItonuiiTsoN, 01k. will amount to, thu town Ann, l.incdln, Chnvcs and Kddy; nnd (or M. C. STI5WAHT. bo In u thrllty condition. .Mr. urozior the nomination ol a candidate Inrlhe must hnvu n turrlblo .jillc ugulUBt Tux. Irmn the (ourlecnih dlntrlet, com J. D. WALKER, Pecos Irrigation and Improve- ijr Prbata rtwk: us democratic odltom, for tho two he pnMil of the eountloj ol Ornnt and Uona . II. OWItX. tuuueudod In locating hum thu full ot Ann. ment Company, Xmv, therefore, inriintit tn Mich order mr Oftllartor and TronMireri 110 loft tho town In debt for board it convention will be held nt Donilnt,', .1. I). WAI.KNII. widow women each mourn and two a ...... a.. tfM.aMJa Unnilau Eddy, New Mexico of twenty f . . It. II. AUMSTHOXO. their deiMirturo to tho aiim I10miti 0f dollars ujileee or uboul torty dollurs In mt A8teur enitilltlnti ai itforenald. all. Then the oor fullows would chairmen nf respective county w. 1'. COUHHAN. The tin have been oomjielled to wulk were It ponnnltteesara respectfully requested to (ilrSp4HtewtaHt of PuutteStlieelii not (or thu kludtiMs of thu rallwu eail county emirentlons fnr the eleetlon of ENTRAL T. .1. WH1.UII. oouiHiny, for ir. urozier wouiu not doloBNto In Hid oniiventloii. 3)K wunte Theiiinliithiontnf delsgntes is as fel- lf;Siirteyofi help them, It the Trenton man to leurn u little ubout tho situution lows! Live Stock Commission Saloon. .1. I. iioonits. Dona Ana Ill dolsjjatss. here he should correspond with It. U. (Irnnt H " ItANQIIMES KSMP Ilcndunrt hlRltQIIArViK rar Oeruftri Wuht Texas Stockmuti, MniHiln 8 AWOCHNtH, PROPS. lluruett of thu " Merchant, (MEOIIANIfB A. It. SMITH. Colorado City, Texus. The only reason Clinves ftldy i " AND DEALKru) IN Finest Imported that the democratic chairman bus for Ami the satue number from (Irnnt and Wlncp Liquor? and Clgarp. M. Whito Oaks, to new Notice of Alortgage Sale. SIdnor Whurtonof usItiK his olllontl iiosltlou induce Ilmm Ann as herein provided, fnr the SSMI OF OU OU( OO00S, dis- Notice Ii hereby Klvon, tlmt, wherens on ivas nnmlniited by the dumocrats for ot thu above character to cluhth eoiuioll mid Hlh lenUtlve nron-se- n enterinikes tlieSTthdny ouuno a. w. ibtix, r.. li. AUIKItT I.. DUNN'S MONOnilAM, 01,11 OIIOW I.HN'lNdTOX CI. O. P. 0. TAri.Otl'H V, tilt wilo. till, reprmnitntlvo from Lincoln, Uhavca locate here Is becatuc the Cl'liltiiNT trict. 1'INITO I'INO, nnd Urnco llroiuon, mnde, CANADIAN IIVK, LINCOLN CO, II. A D A. A. IIOUIIIIO.V, .1. ,M. WATHIIPII. CO, V. WALTON, Clnlriiinti. oxeoutiHt nnd deiivcil to one K. Dumincc, and Kddy couutle, Inst Thursday to be dlctuted to by him and II. tneir eerinin MoriKawc deed, bearing date niiAiirer.Deit amkiiican malt, noutiikiin ri.L'ii, r.nio spiuno. was aeeretnry ol said Intt iiiciiiIdiiwI day, cnnvcvliiif in VWOCroilM', IIOSK VAI.I.KV, IIHM.I! OK IIOUIIHO.N, KLK IIOI1N, evening ut Itoswell. Wharton generally does about wliut It bellovea morliing the herulunltnr deecrlhcd prop- - siiPi'iinteudiiut of school of Lincoln wlijuli with iirtv. to kiwimi iiiu nnvniDiii nv a cerinin In bulk: Kclm Spring, Woodford Co. Ilaydcn nnd Itoso Valley. rlKht. suldum prdmlMory tmto mnun by tliem in favor ol I OLD VISIT, county In 1SU0 and Is it jractlclnfr Crortcr'a views. esni'Cluliy when It THE LADr'3 mill y. Uoinlnlec, lur tho prinoiixii auin ot 0 "Vour In tBolloltocI. lawyer In White Oaks. jiersoiial enenilet, toKfthcr with Inmroiit tiuireon at J. of z?ntrounco comes to blurriiit' his Vt'altlDX l'or n City I'rleud Willi Three Jars rale ul tn pur ruutum per milium In mi the of IlnttennlUt. duio o! mien note, ttiovthdav ol I'i bruary A. 1). IHri, until paid, which note Ii due and The democracy of Kddy county met We have traveled over thu southern The last pawongcr to loavo tho 4:00 pnynuie turve year ironi hi unie. wnicn on Michigan Contra', railroad eald uiortKagu In rcconlrd In bonk A ol the 'Jn primary convention lust Saturday stutes ut dlllereul times and lastly we train tho mortgage record! ol thin count)', '1 rrltnry LOWENBRUCK & STONE, ' and selected ita' standard bearers for after it drow to a standstill onn'Rummcr ol Now Mcxkont page J1S to 37s ln...mlvci visited thu territory of Now Mexico, And wlicruan It wni provldvd I. raid I afternoon n little old woman in the co ni nit November election, The visiting that territory with the express ivm mnrlgngu deed tlint uliould dolnult ,.i tlio black. A wisp of gray hair stragglod payment ol tuoli note. ' nny part t lurcol. li'oprietor.s system known the Australian , fairest view of learning, If possible, of its from under nn old fashlonod poko bon princltmt urlntereat, hi Hide Hint ten It ballot which wus curried out to tho con-- nhould hu i ho duty of unld r. Domlnicn, or of U. S. MEAT MARKET. value us a health resort fur tho 1 not, and n pair of kindly bluo 'rye hUaiicceHororaubailtuiulu nucli niort-- 1 letter, was usdd. l!uch voter was siimptlyu. Our first stop wus ut .kddy, looked out from behind her steel rimmed gage deed, alter advertising tho tlnn plnco and teriim ol the lierolnnlter i. orlb-o- d compelled In order to vote to use a locuted'iu the l'ecos Vulley, ut un eiu spectacle. In ono hand sho carried a proiwriy in n nownpaper publUiivd lu given him by the Judges of elec huge, shiny vallso, tho key of which liduy N, M. lor nt lpnt dxty day p vir to ballot vatlon of something lIKu 3,000 feet. the dny ol nucli nlc, lor nt lenat Hire, times Fresh Meats, Sausage, - Trail tied to tho handle with n strip of tion and In Kddy precinct it rubber Soxt was thu beautiful town of Hon- i durliiK audi lluie, to isll the heroiiinllcr stump was pluccd upon euch but cniioo ciuui. uiich biju jinn. Miy j' UweriutKj properly In aceorduncc vlti. eueU Game. Etc., Etc. seal li..... , . In well ut u much higher ullltudu. iteiu . .t .i.i. - udvertuutiivnt nt public nueti n lot cunt to dUtliiKiilth it from samplu Iront ol the court houne ul Kddy oi inly, ctxxy jptctvt we found u clear sky and lovely oli bled loolr, nnd watched tno nnggagemon 'territory ot Now Mexico tu tho lilgiioo. bid- Xl"roay to ot Oity. ballots used to cunvuss with, That der for cnih, nelllng all ol such propc y as Proo . . . mate nnd without tne extreme chuuges trncka. Pres- - - ... I toll by with tholr loaded nn entirety mid to make due couvoynnco to this plan of muKlns nowinutlons is the 0, luor northerly regions. We found ently sho droppod tho vallso and oponod the purehnear or purctmiere, with g lernl wnrrnuty binding the nld I.. II. lit itnon Is proven from the fuct tho J best that iJCr0 UJauy ptrhuiiti tlmt h id come for a big black fan whloh was fasteued to nndOrnreV. Ilrimum nnd iliclr helm and republicans object to democrats using stages of con- - hor waist by n velvot ribbon. After sho nMigui. And whervua Mini in.irtgage deed ro0nn the various contained n lurihur prUiuii Hint, In vent A.KERR some ono of tbo dopot - or It. "It would he so much bottor to bad waited timo tin- nbmmt-i- ol mid I . iuc-eete- W sumption (so claimed) auu were to ml ol Uuininlcc. oshers camo along and asked if ho could orsubttltutu might ! appoli. i by turn all loose ut the general election" uppuuruueo enjoying health, at noli-- , upon ulU lair bo of any service to her. the holder ol Mild whom so as to give republicans un opportuni- leust so long us they remulned. To detcend nil the power, liiLiudlng th. .low- "Why, thank you, I think not," sho er to tell euch property undur the ten. i Ol to get In ofllce. This is thu Hob-iuson- ago ty desiro sulferers from, or rather those fearing answered. urn waiting for Dick euch niurtgnge, conlerrod by nuoli mo our republican friends. Kddy "I deed upon inlii I'. Uoiululcoi nnd wi. ren; of Jiut mug troubles, New Mexico olfers con 1. U. '1 Smith Ii now tho Ivgnl own ot county uamocrata Kim if the primary to thu Tho dopot usher hurried on and paid ntd nolo nnd the Indebtcdnen whh ... It ditlons lavotub.e evidence and wneroai nld 1. Domini . J Do- system Is given up that this county we co moro attention to tho llttlo old wont ing niMcut the I'nltvd btntcs ol ncr-ic- n meut of pulmonary dlseusesi moan irum gago mm fflpub. on. When hocaino back it half hout and unahjo to act under nuch moi mum. Tun soon uecomo mtigwunl? IT that itis u fuvorublo cilmuto for those deed oald I. T. Hmlth haa, In writing later, sho was still standing whero ho nppolnted thei.uudeniigned In tho pln.e ol The primary system bus Its predisposed to lung disease. It Is u ! can. bad left hor, gently fanning herself tho said 1' Uomlnlco veiling in hlm.nll the G-rocerie- s but they are not so many as the cjuuutu suited to the case beforo lha power by nld mortgnge given to r ii.imtn- - faults with tho black fan. "Ha your friend ICO) give iiuuec, make tho Halo tiro making nomltiu io inn conveyance Fancy convention plan of destructive stugc has arrived. Hero como yetr" nsked tho ushor. vlilad fnr nv tt. tho to be ..isde al-lat- tn Ihn urcunror purennaer. ami u ui tlons. A convention tnuy be urn tn nil j8 fuuud u dry useptfo nlr, u light ed "No," She answerou. "ins waicn trlbutothe money reallied from aueti ante a election cannot be pressure, a largo amount o must havo been slow. " but prlmury niosplieric And whrreaa enUt note la now due and un- - any more than u general election, tunshiiie, dry porous soil, uud never "Did ho oxprct yon by this train?" nlri .ml ilmru fa tmw ittia nil lha Minim Ilia &v von see. this wnyi Last principal aum ol STWtf.W, togtthor wltn the to "Well, " It's V BarflLeld wu it convention uwuy T is OaxitrelL were to huld i,0t, when one is shaded from ' i tit Im iKirtlnn of lnluruat on Thtn, iu0 and his wifo enine over .ii tf du no doubt the lind stlmti- - itiininer niuk oald notriip ton inciuuiiiK inn J i"t make nominations, about tne sun, The ulr is fresh Coopers. A Iex, dny on which the nrloosburn-- to visit tho Whllo October Ii. the aame Uoket would be nominated. luting, the pruruillug winds traverse n aw ' horolnallor mentioned tale Ii to be hndi the they wero thsro they onmo over often to i aain mti.rcat imvinu been naid. wide oxttuuse of urld regions, cmisu nlnco to Ret a drink of buttermilk, sew thervlnre, the underslgued. hereby Sailocria uowtuution of a democratic ILr A :! ii- - ....i c..w.i, elvo notice that on the Slat day of Oetobir The quentlr are freed ot dampness! hence Veil, WO gOV jriUUUIJ, nnu u.ill.u mmtM ii tut at i in. limn ut iilovL-- o'clock In orderly and ! ticket was wade in a very on" oan ue out of door u largo share me n lot of things nliont Chicago, and the iimrniug. in inmt the touth front no dis- by no manner of door ol thuiourt houw ot Kddy county, In pleasant manner ast Saturday, of the time, an almost positive neces- that sho oonldn't the town and cuuuly ol l.ddy. Territory ol Mo-fo- I pufillc Wines. Liquors, Cigars. In get buttermilk In tho city. .New Mexico, will ll nt auction to turbance of any manner occurring for person of weuk lungs. Uur menus property sity Dick went baek ho ootno nrouud the higheet bidder nr eaeh, the Bddy pieeluut, whre the large share are such tlmt wu would conveyed by Mid mortgage deed, lor the observations nml anva: 'Mrs. lleoBS. lust tako l tan MiufBcilon ot the aloreeald Indebted Next door to Hotel Windsor, EDDY, NEW MEX, of votes were cast. As might be ox. recommend the l'ecos Vulley qf Xew v...... ! UU n,l tininnml the eot oi kUch ante. In DC up io unioago iiox wnlaTic with and In iKimttanee ol luett prated where the contestant for the Muxloo to thrme persons buving us. Let us know when yon re coming, mortgage deed, tuch pmiierty to to be told nWee In c run so oloee so beet the unity reauheU, thu stugu of dieuuegrution. andrilmwtyouatthedoiK.t' And In bleek together us six otwi u eoutest wus in- is go uud engage I'm here, and I've got three Jars or BUjuher nfiie in the Town ol Kildy, oounty Our udviee to there New Maxfoo tpgeth- - & bill, wus set-tlw- l tinttarnillk for them lu that bag. " ol IMiiy and lertitory ol jrown Robertson evitable, , the eutittwt lu farming or stock raising, either ot frosli . w witli all Imtwveiftaats I hereon and allol In the purty and alt will no The deiwt usher helped tbe llttlo old lie and appurtsnanea In i,i aante whluh olfers large returns to the a ri,w woman w n vu i.. ,nltlit,. rnnm. tilanmntf or aimertalBtnii. doubt bUim! shoulder to shoulder inclined. Laud is cheap " aug-- ei jK1 I1UHKUX. BLACKSMITHS an.ltl.anbe aaarehed the directory for All kinds of new work a Bpe olal'.y fsr U sueeeaa ut the whole tleket - easy Kami uud out- be hud tm terms. WoJutrd Jtobinson. ohurge eouldu'l j " Notice of Shcrlfi'a Sate. Farming Imnltmeula of at and dgltgttte to surveyor. Ia frent log in New Mexleo, under Irrigation, belp hi io inpuk, teoattM)o didn't know g T Hitting, kinds repaired, ou ihoi t uotloo. is u pleasure us well as being profit Dlok'H oeoupation. v V!aaon makcrp, Grozler Wants a Newspaper. explained, llarrv Hart UOnSB SHOEINO able. We think that no better elltnnle "All I know," she "Is L'Uder ana uy virtue oi execution Vwidl- - following circular wus reaelrsd n HMintna aeutleiuaiJ. end II tlonl uikimi, laei the diatriat TEUU AT IIUUK lUlTDJl The need be looked for. Dr. Wuteon in l'a ... VPurtol the county"o, mY: territory, et i HI0E8. Food nnd Livory Corral w f tailor l.,l a liiharfl." by sevorul bHsinuee men in llddy, ISiigmiid Medical Monthly nv '"j New Meueo. on me Utbday ot MntaMibar. Accommoda- New The usher made a of two or three A. low. ill the above entitled nothlri, in oonnoctiun. of this) wetk: lit 8. T auove St. Op. Wrdueluy -- jj .,.i .,r. In niinrera wnereio iiiinue, in iiameu Canon Curront tion hud sotisfaoion, OI'rtOBOPTIIIlTHKKTUKi NRWS. i'" " : plslntin, obtained a lad am I and oruerei Tho New Mexleo democracy ntterts ofn"""n trnaty with tnstrartiona to UleaaaiDat Harry Hart, delen iant. on tht Oflico. Hy Hnseai Uttirtoft. ... . u Henteiubcr. A. 0. PtL wblah It Is proud Delegate Pergiteaon I1UI1 m.i. ir I i.t... ii...... i. w . , davoli.T 1 , Tiuuitwe, arpt m, tie. tlwt of J1CK. J nil iwam irr t Male wna duly mi, that his faro la yet UHtatlei.tclory. 1 M- a- Tough that, nil around. Santa Fe estme lmok with the refiort recorded sud aih Utoi compelled to sell an that eorii.iii lot, piece F lldily, Mew Milieu. New Mcxleun wne dellveriag her bottsrrallfc parcel ol land alluule, lying and helnuln LlLanllin- :- eaeo lteeord. county ol Body, territory oi .sew Max- - Tough on the rr uuoilean polltlewui anil -- 1 the eaUMiehmeMt, at am aaMtemtdatlns un, hundred good Inrongrnnua. :tfollbeUiweoddill'n. In the town SANTA FE ROUTED Ortt-cU- that's but several odic, el a tfeniovMltc newipspir ot Kduy. In Tour. leva. I have reeeHllf uorrospeuo republleuH throughout the territof) A slerleal oorrusnonilftnt of ono of New, notice It heretu- - given THE SHORT bINE TO demo-orat- e. iue II y of October, ad witfMr. J. . cr4lor. your Dewoeratlc are proud of hi in us well as the the ohureh roJotea that n ear tain that onjetulw. IltU rIrn - ei i sbslrmse, lurcnard to tbe etnerprfie, and Why shouldaJt, we be proud of prelate had great dlflleulty lit soppresa- A, ro.; .TOCTeioeVp' m w that dny, In Chicago, St. Louis U aa opeolng at of hofaee do r. ln the tewn be tblstke there estollent Is any Imr his lauahter at the consecration froutel tbeurt (X a aew such a repruiitatlrt, there ,1a. andQeuutyalfiddy. Iwiii lu obadTSnse to eddy tor MNb a paper. oourae i.,i .1.0 - a sup Mr.rorgUMon has marie us wiumii iud yimi eaia writ anu enier ui ai ten me nova and Kansas City paper, la order tdexitt. mutt have the reason? on ono seliool wniou dtasrioea properiy. ur to n my rice of te banners pert el IU tiouic peeptt. That is tm on honest and Impartial delegate, and In proeesslon before the tfo Transfers from El I'aso Worth. mer oarrltd the PuaffirwW.h.;0 W cinSJ (r hi bleat eretefit tn people here lha why not the people support him r' This banner was adorned with hiibeet btdde. fer cbsbtt-d- o not appreciate a paper I vie. Maps gerdlcos of nolitios?-bprlo- ger Sto looking lien. will, terrible Askjfor Time Oards and of YoorNtarttl ABnt, or write am f sreed to look eiMwbere lor a location . loth, utiderneatli bltn .M&&:VLul&J&(Baud II as cost p u. nbuauTON J. w. Mr. Croiter ta kindly provided me with man while aroouuilristo tbeauuiolti iiuok, y getid, 'Buffer children US BUU tne Cott of 101. Mle Wbe Uxafl, D. F. and A., Oen'l. Pass. Agent, a llit ol some ol tor proeiiaeot men and little U V. 1THWSS1, F. Chas. II. Sparka. -- i BBsrcbsnte ol Udy. diBating Hikm wU .uie unto me. Loudon Truth. bherlH f Kit ' unty Kl l'aso. Texas. Topeka, Kansas i ,' riep'jt' p:i art den," rs ir'm ' ittir Tiir sad though n t uuXicted M. Summer. Uie . Tho Democratic Primaries. ': poLrTiCAtWSS. J. enhircd bnrher, lf Railway LOCAL. left ThnrfdVy for Drtllasfalr. iPecos Co. of the demo demon tin r 4440M444f The primary election The recent primary clecUfn t SU 111 - i l.IS Afgood B cornet (or salo nt this or craoyof IMdy county oatno off last strntos that tho only prdlwinm ivnrii a wcmin win un ikm imiv 1 4IMP0RTA0T GATEWAYS 3 ins aim urarinif snrnmnuv.-- lice. Saturday m announced. In Kddy pre peoplo ol Kddy ouiinty liaVe If Uimufth r j ' Pecos River Railroad Co, 1 john Joyce'went up to lloiwell on clnct tho His were opened shortly the prlmnrlrs. Should ttie oonvwriUBn When stek rend and ffet u IntUe of nntti- - Albort L. Dunn's Mommrarn whisky Tuesday's train. after nine m. nnd Tottnjr oomtnonci'd method Im ndiited it little ollnilt Tbif Tnhlr to, . 9 continued steadily ivrnt)-llv- e would the in thu west forsato nt Kemp Mr and Mrs. J. E, Moiton, of I'cpos, at once and nns bfritiR lew tlmu bt In effeet was 8(1 x Woerners. etlntlav, Deeemlir wero In town Tuesday. until six p. n .. when It found donilinito tho nominations, lironuin I W7, at A n'ntmk a. in f4 . ir. iv,- -,i r rotes were wst. Kach voter recelvtd Kddy precinct lim 88 ilflturatwi nnd tho A ovmet Imnd Is being organized for Standard Central Tlnio wir I ...... I.. It . . ... a .ii i. 1 nm vldHnir Mr nnmlin'i B UOKVl irotll IIIB JllUUfB mm imiuc IMMI1G0 U Mlfj OfltltllV OBIY 1. i W Hddynn alwolutc necfceally in every wmmi.iiuiIMIrt .w i . ... a . . . - ...J...... town. sister, Mrs. J. E. Larerty. 0Ul ,n P""'- uisiuruonco m nnj uo tnou coma avei in inns oonvon. , I I . t , . .. .. KlilU WIIUIUTCI UUWIHH.U 1.IIU num. mil n hi IIUIIIII1IUC UTI UriCHIIlCB nuu 'W . . ait i While Squadron at nambloM. ( A. Jj.WougianjinaT empiojeu uy - nnfn, ih. vm. ..,.!.! ..finals TM...l..n A 1t,nn I"" .,M. - mum mil ihiiti nm iiuuiuw Try Rose Valley whKky ror sale iumi.l.w.u.iu, Unnlurl Hi rnliirns""-frnm MaliMrn nnil at to sco Arthur with his " ... oontmt, Kmp & Woerner. 2-F- It looks natural - ,, WBr. r.celv!d d that ast Trains-- 2 apron on again. n.,i n,. miHtinn for nil niront the The vote on treasurer liMnc close, Al. Freaman, the Iwrbor who was In Kddy a Mr. Wlllard Keen and Miss Mav nnn,n,iAin. rnr trnnmimrnnil enlinitnr. Armstrong bolnir only six votes ahead time lust spring, whs bound DABP--Y Dlshman wero rnurrlcd at tho homo of Sunday the returns were received from Walker In the county, the friends over In tho sum of f 100 for forgery the brido's parents on Hngcrman' farm jio)0 nnd Plains precincts, though of Walker decided to contest the blcc- - and In default of bond will await the 1 For St. Louis. Glilcaao i- next regular term by Ilev. T. L. Lnliance, Sunday. a oanvnM was not mado of the entire Hon or Armstrong before tne comm - bf court In Albu. ii ll Tanslll Punch at Gamble's, vnianmi (hn nntirit rmiilt hm not n tec consisting of one memocr or mo qucrqiio nnd tho EAST. uoaru cacn nnu your Kuykendall, who was arrested for yet been announced. Tho followln election from precinct, Send orders to Crozler Mnr J. the chairman of the democratic oom ray for fruit onns and self melting ' selling venison, proved ho killed the tablo shows tho vote ns accurate as Superb New Pullman Vtstlbuled It tee, making tho board consist wax siring antelope in Texas and was discharged possible to obtain until a canvass Is in thus Uuffot Sleeper. Handsome thncumpleto returns: of J. S. Crozler, J. K. Loverly, O. T.L. Lallance Is in lit Paso at at lilt trial before Justice Jtoberts, made of 0S CftW?. IS New Qltalr Car, iSeatsT Prce.l DIshman.J.T. Fanning, W. P. Klley tending conference. 8 meoting was held last night and, A and Dick Robinson. The committee Pure Canada Sap nt Oumble's, all arrangements mado for the orgsm Only Lin Runnlnit Tsiroujli met In prlviito Thursday and after Agonta wanted for the best selling cation of u band, which Will consist of adjourned to Cestri and tinpci im New bearing evidence all day patent machine In tho world. Terri about flffteon instruments. wus Orttan Wlthaui fllnwj CANDIDATU8. meet t riany, wnicn aiso spent tory rights will bo exchanged for real S. A. Nelson, the great celery man of evidence, :LlLLl taking estate. A fortune, for nome energetic pRBEMAH & GAMFRON, tho Pecos Valltiy, has commenced to met again lYebntfiJudgi Saturday tho commlttco man. We nro anxious to oloso out nniaxrr umt to ship his product, ile lias nlno ucroe at a. arcen 31 II and about three p. m. decided to let Catmn'ner New Mexico und Arizona. ATTOftHBn At LAW. Seven Rivers and two noretf at Itos oflloo run on Arizona, III. .No. 1. both contestants for thn II. Kktchi'm. Kddy. X. M. well. i flunninBhnni 111 1 'I tho samo tlckot. Thus we havo two xnnv, SBWMOXIOQ o Y cowueu 1 1 Fou Rknt: A neat four room house Wow Menleo S. tlio chlof nt DlJ. No. t. . nominees for treasurer and collector II. JJull.ird, engineer oteor tt ii i on Main St. Apply at this ofllce, FRANKLIN 15. aro JOHN AND the P. V.&N. Ity., passed through V vn wniHinihiii 1? on tho democratic ticket. Roth Colifomio. aa Wlleoi 111 31 4 12 having any Fine Alfalfa' Honey. town Monday, having resigned his Uli, No, .1. excellent men, neither a. SH SO ATTORNEY AT LAW. position and is succeeded by M. W W WBHver 319 9S 31 vontnee over tho other regarding re At this ofllco only 2&cta nor. minrt ShtrlOi, 81.00 per. gallon, oomti honey loots L. S. TH "if:. E. P. TURMBfl, Uc llublllty or any other qualification ne . Wambaugh. HC ttiewnri ' 2i S per any KDDY, . NEW MH. ... J T Cooper 1 good scotlon, in quantity. wagon of J P.. Hryatit Is n ClarKi cessary to mako a treasurer. The It! e., Tho milk 41 30 w I( Owen ill 33 tho Cows Wanted, IliAULM , W1IIC1IEII. H I) l l I. A 4. 1 I beauty, one of tho (most In the world only rcully serious feature about .fi. Trnurr:J f) Wnlker !IJ II M mess is that the republicans may put Parties wishing to dtapmn of Cow Thu sides uud ends are of glasa und 31 JM ' It II ArhmtmiiR JS It by rwnpplng for feeders can find a buyer hy apply the driver can shut himself In like u up a full ticket and Alear:AO'Oiiinn lit 8 II II 1 of Ingto .1. I. Walker. i and i lletri Windsor 12V 13 about endanger tho election cither house so as to bo comfortable In stormy W V Cbch 33 I rtflto, 3 t 19 n, smll Is 4 p m, mil. mIiih Armstrong or Walker. 7(i weather. ' 10 ID SO 13 Mule r mure. T J Wcleu - W II fO .8 I (0 3 ii. wniorrr, w. it. DO YEARS' lllKer To Trade: Two ot well bruhe Qt ii hi Klllott Hendricks doparted jester J I. Keu DO 10 II 3 4 Sliver Medal Contest lrm I'MTSlnAK SVau EXPERIENCE duy for Dallas. Texas, where ho will Hurvevort mules fir ginu urtMHi man il W- 13 30 bo medal contest v alr 11 I 1'HIIMHIrv j i iimiKiM will a silver L i.lltill I 1, Jsal KHKImimKSS tnko u short hand and telegraphy M Offlw snj ItllM, ItMnn II snlttTiiMlll t.. 10 10 at tho Florence Hchool house Oct. 1st Eddy, N. course In the business college, expect AKUnillll Cll sstwtrxl rnmptljr dtjr or ulflit. at 8 p.m. Following is the program ing to return to tho vulloy next sum stray Notice. MIm Deseie Ilatley went up to Hag Opening tons mcr. 8orlniuro rending Taken up on the first day uf Aucrust parents, 1BU3 Biles orman Thursday to visit her Hesitation,,...,.... H..B. Nottte one horse deMeribed us follows: Aipll k M TriADt MartKs A purty composed of Mr. and Mrs, whoVruek'thoBrdw.' Sorrel gelding horse years shipped from about eight ucaiaNB Wulter Cowdon of Midland, Mr, und Ten oars of sheop wer KMltatlon ...... James Hays old branded 0 on left thigh " on left City CopvniQHTn Ac. Roswcll to Prospect, Ohio, yesterday. nrmeruen'i o u. ji. Livery Anrini ni1ln s kriri, nnd dMcriminn mr Mrs. Thou. Cowdch, Mr. und Mrs. snouiuer. ii vuki.y flulrklr t.iir free wlietlirr n sen 0 0 Eddy, N. M InTsnlKittiwrimIt prohithlr pnlPqUMn I oninitintm. Roswcll, went to Pecos, llnn'ttx-'ki'- Erel, Teuu Xymoycr, Jlert Leek, Jolin A. Fruit, of ReelUtlon ...... Arthur Sinclair Stables. ilomitncllrrcMifliliinlUI. ll PnlMil ana O. W. Uowdeu went out to Thursdav. accompanied by John It. "ATerriDio cnarge.- - SMIt fffO III'lMt uriii r r. rmiirnitf jHiirflii, K'jtr- a - ttion iiir.iuoti siuiiii a ru recnlrt ncoltAtlon ..Karl Carpenter ltoi imnui cimrir in ma UfM'Nvt Tuesday to spend the day, Joyce, on business, 'All lionwi uumseiicri Auvoriisciuciu 4f Jno. W. Poe, K. A. Cuhoon und W. Hnglneer Reed, of the P. I. I. Co,, Bonn Scientific Hmci'Scaii. ....Winnie Weaver A. Finlav. of Roswel . tiasgcd throuuh his family from Roswell to noeltatlnn A nsnntonieir niuiirsini wmif. vr. uinets 'A'rinlnToiic'. Nobby Rips on culsthui of niir irtminnr 1himm, Trrnm,mkhiU Thursday L'olmr to tho Masonic irraud dav. He will occupy the Ogle real riucltntlon ... tnrl Smith Man lurmMlii,l. Huitl Pall nidmlrr. w meeting which convenes In Al- - "Tno iicason ay.' HUNN & Coj-t.Nb- w York lodge deuce, Bong JKe JMaine, X3c2Lcly. Ursach uoiee, asi r BU I). U buquerquo Oct. Ctii. Mr. A. . Pratt c. t . oirlc and wife, of Roswell, tar Decision ol Judge joined the party ut this place und will rCj ujiiy between trains Thursday Colleolon rrcsentlDg medal. represent mo j'.uuy muge or .uasuus. to to Ralrd, Texas. While nb Closing song and benediction Curry und C. L. sent they will visit tho Dollus fair and Cant. Geo. Lieut. and FRESH Rnllard.ot company K of the Rough other points in 'texas, Notice. ? Painting Paper pussed through town for Rob- - mall cars uf the Pecos VaU Riders, The now I have opened dental parlors in tho well, Wednesday, looking well and Joy & Northeastern Railway were put rlnnrrinrr Tanl( bnck, p slur, and Invito the c hearty. Albert Amonette was on the on last week, HUllglllgi J Groceries. I same train in churgo of tho horses Denison. Texas, 1 ' ,fiB.T when needof dental work. W ! me in by the four all, may now uroppsd into tho e I owned olllcers, in Mall locl-lm- to I ii o L. IJttliTUAKD, Cnrrlac-- and Idosire inform the nubliu Hint iiivp nniui un in Frouk Calfco was a rotutnlng Klon postonico car at an station on tho the UB - ? Sign Painting. buildinff recently known as Hon Ton Marker. am HlV.r nr. (Iiu nnrtli linllml i,n tlwrl.r rOOll OI1U OUtSlUO mall Can lOrWOrU- T l r.mnn.. nt Villi v. V M . will train Tuesday. Frank spent ubout ed to any station If iperly stamped. on 'yeglerdav appointed guardian of constantly receiving new and fresh groceries, .cop on 82,000 trying to Qnd a fortu' which, bond , all kinds of confections, cigars and tolmeeo . i . ,4 i . . . .i ...... i . i . i Full Line of Wall Paper iv ureu in Biieeii ur tumu, ue lit uuu nut v c liou inveeieu jo will in lann .t nei firnnnri J5. 11. (JAJIUlirli would have doubled since he left last be the guest of Mr. aid Mrs. George tnlued at 02,000. Rond was llxcd at wlntor. Hilton. Anv one colitemnlatlng tho 81.000 by J udgo .Harper. Aiiorney jvvo,.8i.e,.evflv9,5i ...... ,, nlnnnm... avn from M lUCIiarUSOn, 01 r.l 1USO. renrcsciucu I.U.Sanchez, a well known aiuu- - U..hunf , the Now Moxlco parties to ino pro nueraua tinv and n airont for "lviirus u,',, csedlngS.-- Jil l'OSO Times. & Sorv. ms In stock tno Bryant thu Knultuhln Lif in..i,nnm, 00ln. Puso Piano Co., which The property mentioned Is on Insur bo,t ot plunos pony, has changed his headquarters arK,Mt ""orl',,eut onco policy in the Equitable Life, ,n lhu e,,tlro ,0lhwwl Geo. $25.00 Per Aero from Eddy to White Oaks. It is os- - taken out by Master Mcchonlo f. sHsHiaMMBaSHSBES serted that Cupid has something to do l'ositim uoroai ui u nuies. .Miller making his daughter Allco May, Old Cultivated Land. beneficiary. Tho little one is in with his change of base Alb, Demo Joyce, Prult & Co. i.avo purchased a the mother SGA1I-WCOKL- Y crut. lull r Interest thu m rcantilo houso Eddy with her THE NUWS 80 acres, all fenced and small house, fullv nitl in and Engineer Gnudin, who pulled tho of J, E Dowen ut Petos and aro no wntori'iffht, one-four- th mile from station. Termx: ALAMOMORDO NOTdfl. THG CURRENT passenger Alumogordo, aotluttmr for the T lomuson stock. r 800.00 first train into --A.t a Voxry XsO-cx- cash, balance mortgage for throe .ars v From the Chief. Prioo camo in Wednesday. Gaudln says lion Joyce, Prult s Co. huve closed The Hnml-Wrck- lv News lOnlvpnInn nr Dil- - R. E. Welden has opened up his new with interest at 0 per cent. running Into Alainogordo is just tho the deals now on tho urtii will own us) is puDinnwi lupsnnys nnu irianys. ttore, where you can get fresh goods, Ech I litis oouslsls ol tilulit nnctta. There same as running into Eddy. Tho stores in Amurlllo, Roswell, Eddy and are special aopsrtiiiiiits lor the (armars, the Dr, C. H. Waldschmldt, formerly of isaiM nnu wio iraji ami gins, nesiaes a Biirao old faces meet the engineer at Pecos and J. A Walker, the head of world ot Bciiernl news niaitvr, llluslrntml McLcnathcn & Ti'aay, the depot, among them Rufo Welden, thu firm, has nine big stores In Texas. Eddy, has located In Alainogordo and rtlolrs. etc We odor Thu finml-WMk- M I News ana 12 II .,., I.. I. nt It V tno cuiuiKNr tor mnntiis lor tho Opp. Trav. Windham, Wm. Wolden, Rill Judge S. Emery, of Lawrence, " owolutiuiiiH price on:. 75 ciMih Hlvo Hotel Windsor. Real and J. ou inrcc imnr n ur ijii iMinnnin veer Estate Insurance. Stalcup.Mtu Phillips. Uud Woods, ,ilm Kansas. Is ono of the most enthusiastic " t,ur" am riuiouiiiutiy iuww uanu In your ubseriptlon at onco. inc. Rlakoly, Mont U'haley, Capt. Mann workors for irrigation on the Ainerl- - Gcorgo Estes, a prominent attorney of others or was nere mis and dozens con continent. He wus elected as 1'ecos uity, Texas, liLWOHK OUAHANTKBU, purchased property upon . Hugh Freeman entertained friends national lecturer in 1801 by the week and ft AT Tin: Friday evening of last week and a National Irrigation Cougress and has which to build. He will locato in eJ. F. MATHESON, most enjoyable evening was epent. hold that important position since, xo utviamogoruo. Games, music and elegant refresh, say he Is posted on irrigation topics gpeoial correspondent. ments constituted the program of the bi t mildly expresses It. At tho ro-- l jjr. Totulinson left on Tuesday'o O.K. evening. Those prexent were JJt ,,ubllcun convention Tuesuay niB"t no train for a short stay in Texas, Blacksmith 9 Commission McCormack, Misses Jennie James wus called upon to address tho ropun. Mr. Goodwin had tho misfortune to Mettle Grirtln, Euln und Rerta er, Iieuns present and would havo turned lose one of his fine mares. CAimuoKsiiop. And General Forwarding conven Latira Hilton Und the meeting into an irrigation Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson and Allison Will had he not switched and gave his - Arba Mers. y.esblt, tion Mr- Imlay were down from Alamo lrstlati blaskimlthltiK, Uarrlnge pslut- Clyde Ebiersou, Thejudgo and John Arthur views on woman sulfnruge. canun for Sunday. lug and wood work ot all kind. Htiy, Grain, Seed, Feed, Blacksmith Coal Draper, Will McCarthy iiiid loft for homo Wednesday. W hllo hern 0tor II. Tho store building of D. M. Sutlier- - hfSCQewing tnfiohiliwi nud and Ice delivered m City. Ransburg. made muny friends, all of whom Jr-SS- fJ all Kiml- the he erland at Lu Luz Is nearing comple- - of i)miIm. Judge Emery In h,ls .Monday will be pleased to meet him In the lroura tion nnd will be occupied by W. E. Eddy. 11. 1?ki:i night advised ull young N. ppoplo ,ettng Carmaok. STARLh FOR&LITTLE MORE THAN THE out lu llfo to buy fi vo t Irrigat- Prewott fc Hardwlcke, of Pecos, i0res of Mr and Mrs. Rlggs have a very sick BOTH PRICK OF ONE. . . ed land. Ho also w proor purohased tint printing outfit In f,ad lt have child) Dr. Wuldschmldt In attenance. polloy to work for cmpany ell use hero on the Dumoorat In IBM. The Mme Jasper Murdoek returned from Eddy ThU U the bent offer erer Hindu by huj oao' life and Ibo' . tbu ,ur. . ui cs outfit originally cost oVjUt 81,000 but newspaper. U will ire in the dhIim'IM-fr- . one7-four- Uewmipanled by hta woUwr TWICU-A-WIIU- K 'oapelt was to (r 4la nom8 unon vtilot uuiaold for about th that of ...... rni iimilM, a ear UOLIC, as a t iij hi imnflH being stored in Mathe-son- 's W. K. Staloup paid u Hying visit to sptelnl lodaeiiii.Hi, tins " .va poisiuie. this is amount after n..- - (Allan or aad saperli gool f4flleo aml chouu 0 jwjntnr t0 warehouse two years. The outfit Alainogordo this week inMrcu I II MlLUM. the, will added to by the purohase of a has been improving his irHBt' an oompuny to divide Its be Mr. Godwin HimimoII. K. ii? land or'iiilllolent for all demands Into good selection of new type and ma- place north of Alumogordo lu the way REPUBLIC SUNDAY MAGAZ1N1, figure, say 30 Roth Hurdwloko and Prewett enlarging his gralnery. flveoor e joUat a low terial. of A3 oompMo numbers. IB itifm tif tli i K'.te or 696 at tho outside. ate practloal printers and all around M. Phillips succeeded In getting nholeest lllastratlons and iulillttUMius reading money osn Lujr, V in Rush returned from his visit to newspaper men. Mr. 11. has had water on his place at a depth of 00 feet) Lumber Yard that 'Sr.ota Fo last Saturday. Willis loud twenty years experience lu the print- good water and plenty of It. business and Mr. Prewett was at J.n his pruise of Supt. E. II. Rergmann, ing Mr. und Mrs. nnd Miss Pondergrass The Regular Price of TliiOne Paper is SI.2S fiYcar, one time ownc of the Pecos News but A. N. Pit ATT, Propr. whose guest he was for nearly eleven aro sojourning In El Paso this week. Will says he has determined for the past fetr years has devoted his W'a offer both publication months. Is it a good c III omen for a pigeon county prove attention to r ilsing alfalfa and stock. Lunibor, TWIQK'A-WEE- to remain In this and by to return to its owner after having TllK JtBl'UHI.IC. A V i! A H bis conduct that he hat reformed and He Is one uf the most substantial Lath, sthleh alone I 61,00 a jcar and s been carried 50 miles away? A A N worthy the friendship ot oil, having young buslni-s- men In Pecos. No Siiingles, TUB SUNDAY M O Z I K, oil? $1.50 II Alamo. whleb alone Is 81,55 a year, for POU IIOTH. buried all animosities. Good for Will. doubt the Pecos Times for that Is the Baors, May he prosper as he deserves. Let name selected for the new paper will Four oars of steel rails came In yes When jroa renew jour sabierlptlon Ho be a prosperous and well edited sheet, MoujdjngH, not lose tight ot thl splendid offer. 11 give him the lielplng hand and he terday for this end of the extension of Piokofs, a the railway, ulso thirty care of mater 1 will no doubt make good and useful . Everybody calls for Rose Valley Aedret all order to Eft oul8' citizen ! wblmy at Kemp fc Woerner's Snsh, I?tc THE REPUBLIC I the nxererutnt of bin!. A son gull, had $133,000,000 fer them. It wa, It U Hhglnnd, whore ths king which bt eno of the amnlleet of the ME ENGLISH LORDS. condemned! R0B1NS0K sold, through his dUesverlea that Peru htm to perpetual Imprisonment In Ui CRUSOE'S ISLAND. R Itlnld, will drop from was able, to get a loan in Mumpe of tower and granted away all hla Irish four to lx ounce af excrement a dny i $100,000,000. but when It eame the BRITISH HAVK poncssloni to his enomy. A year af- nnd In the breeding aeaaon of ten to PEERS THEIR question terward ho offered hlmaolt as Kngllih week twenty-elfth- t of pnlng ho was VPS AND DOWNS. about peund. champion In tho dispute whloh Other bird tiroduoe more, nnd the cut off without a rent. Juit before had arisen botween John and Philip Augus- many (Inptmlt thrntighout the war between Chill nnd Peru a Lord Klngtala'a Yf little the Ilrnthrr II raxi- tus concerning the duchy Normandy, Frank G. Carpenter Gives a De- nmilo number of American had formod what ng of ARe hnr thew vail quantities. Hound tha (lurry anil llonbay nnd It was after having put howerer. thing waa calltnl the Peruvian company. hla Prenoh Otinno It, other Ituck on a V, O, Htaaiuar Walter adversary to Ignominious flight thus It. material They had bought up the, rights of the mixed with The taken and Mutlelan. conclusively proving that tho legal scription of Fernandez bed ht made up also of dead heirs of Coohet and Undrcnti and wore Juan from the rights of the Kngllnh crown were su- seal, who crawl upon the RUSno rock attempting to make the Peruvian gov- Everybody know, of eourac, tho perior to thoo of Prance that ho per- to die. There are thoussnil toat-ski- ernment pay back aomnlhlng of tho that To-Da- y. nf Drltlfili peerage, formed the marvelati feat of strength as It is mixed with the bird manure, enormous sums claimed by thorn aa ilka the Urltlah and "Un- above referred to. not long ago 800 ton of mieh skin heir nf Corbet and Ixtnilronti. It Is nnd tho little negroes In Tom's "growed" Ily a procoM of reasoning analogous ware excnvaletf from one gunno de- from the prospectus of thl company do Cnbln," rather than was doslgnetlly Wore to that which had settled tho merit of CMII.-Robl- fttM - posit. nmtto which wa given mo before leaving the created. Ulf.iralso. Pin- placed abwat thirty year age. In- - The bird which the Anglo-Prenc- h Th the fact I cm clearly ascertained one thfl controversy. King M" Ulnttil la In be colonised. The ov arrlntlM reads follows: K twno are of tiinny kind. One of the Pnlled Btnte by Col. Dick Thompeon, nt ' might almost fancy It wa planned John at once perceived tho Jimtlan of rrtitnmi ..f chin h adopted reso- - IH chief specie In the pelican, 1 hnre our former necretary of tho navy, that that Jnt MswwfJ of by restoring tho earl to his title And ci- liy blg-btll- Providence with a special oye to lutiotia to that t(T'i . ntnl thn tig AlamHaar am these ungainly, lilnl the above atalementa nre tnkon. Thl MllN flklrk, tho needs say tato, and further promised to grant lor In dark-ens- tl was be of the l.l aliall itaf n publlehd ilarlnar, Mich Hocks tha they fairly pmspeclu not Intended to onnllonnllt. him - any request with which it should nn iiiHfii'citir will him- bwn appointed A the face of ocean Hew to the ox-te- nt Iondon Telsgraph. The rule peculiar native of Urgo, In (he County of the they slrt'ii newHtporit. nnd the bo within the royal power to comply. ami in nil irnbalil!' u of ttaw aver It. They feed upon of the scheme I think, never to our own nobility that every one but numier rife. Heethtnd, who Itvad on thla the fluhes. hn. John do Courcy wa moderate In his liili'iiliiuiN will him carried hi The Mils of the pelicans hnve great been pub!lhd. Its advocate brought tho actual holder of a title for tho time Island In complete solitude demnnd. He had, he until, title and the ixinmi of Juan I'rnuitul) With bags of yellow sktu under them nnd the matter before congress. BocretA-rle- a being Is in contemplation of law n four years aiiU four estate enough, nnd his hi Hi.. pant few ill. 'if they use these as scoop up Hvnrlfl commoner Introduce an element of he nkeit that wnkn prcldnt months. nets to the of State Pish and both priv- lilli Ultril till on Iftiir flail. They romance Into human life by providing stiocesftor might bo accorded tho ' ll:in.l are the gluttons nf the made reports uimn It, and Prsldent ilege, t . r vi- their first obeisance being paid, of i!il- tmn, and t i tmnx lf and sea gorge In numberless poMlhllllles of sudden lie wa landed from the PlMqu Peris and air. and often them- Hayes one case called the attention of r port ii n In- of cissitude could In remaining covered In the presonee of thn' made galley. M tons. U guus. A. 1T9I, selves to such an entent that they can- of congress lo It. It never nintl any of fortune whlrh - 0. the king .' .tine (In- i It Ii hardly any so pic- and oi all future sovereigns t " to ml i" and was taken erf in the not rise from the water, but remain headway out here, and It Is now, I other manner be - of nnglnnd. waa Immedi- .i-- in c;n'h crMler u there until at indent of food suppose, guano turesquely brought about. Sudden suc- The request tit- Duke, privateer, their has dead, for the Island ately granted, considerably Ii.hi mill rertiln mnoiin! of hvi'l. digested to lighten weight. given cession lo great wealth are. of course, ami for ' 12th February. their About were over to the Peruvian (MM) nn I ft- I. Bull- - more than years the earls of King-sal-e Inn la tn in :ikr n large I70. the tabo Island thure nre always mil- an Hngllsh syndicate, year romantic Incidents lu their way; but Ii.k I . have itaeaeseed, though doubtless, oii'iu there. Ii.' mlflah en tin lit lions of pelicans. They seem to be ago as a part consideration of It H- a the world grows richer and a more fit 'tic tinrr of i niii more they hnve more often waived than .if He died l,eiiir.nunl of H. M. R. Wey- creature and they hunt In amming the Peruvian foreign debt. and American, African and other fine. Tli. v it fortune-seeke- rs the singular privilege. The I'.'uilh Hw.irm about I) Hocks. The guano of the !obo Isl- Peru Is practically a Imnkrtipt country, bloom Into million- mouth, A. 172.1. aged JT ysan. hero af this last change nf for- inl In roriii.'' Hun with lohntera ands Is found In pockets covered with but When the claim waa mail It wu aires In the coume of n few week or sudden mi. I 'i. r nhell li tit im.Ii! the tune Is at present removed by but onn frm In layers of sand which often vary In rich, and thn claimant expected to get days only, perhaiM, to subside Into I iw, Thla tablet crerted near I i ,,f a ImltiNirv There lire Belblrk'a life from the title an tho ilsralao of In urcnl by thickness from two to fifteen feet. Th at least a large part of tin half billion bankrupts within a few month the Hi " iii.ttty aenla, w.ili and oilier lookout Commodore Powell niitl present holder. He ha come near, the of II. M. g. Interest of the public lu thee tips and iMititir .itiimala Iti i h u.tttm nenr lv. downs af proeporliy and adversity has therefore, to having experienced the a Toi.ip. n. 1MK. potl-ln- n 'h" iimlnlanil li.ix In It wowl boon me n little blunted nnd Its capa- extraordinary change from tho n ii. i TllP (lililli.i lulitml, I... u'.hu. wnii hiiprp nnd hH'I city for wondering at them somewhat of a man who was proetlonlly Hi - j IntereKilng There ar. .im nf the lal.tml ntimr laland are found dulled. boil ml to take off his hat to large num- It I In the great nr hlpelngo tlii' ir.' .ry fertll. .itt'l thoiuhr which Ilea When a man may be a beggar one ber of her majesty's subject to that Id. it iin mn rmil'U tit it n valun-ti- . here and Cope Horn. These of a man who I eulltled to wear It In ' dny and a "king" of some product or I xliiill travel annum on my way a p n!..Tiy around other, bo It diamonds ar bacon, the resell re lu which It Is tho duty of IVrt-iinlr- i h tltc xnuthern end of South 'III. II.iikI of tn.iti II. Amerlcn. next, oiio gets last to regard th almost all the rest of the queen's llagsa The moat Inlereatlng of nil at Ju ii .1 ."hi (no mil. i w. 'i nf nliarnl .. the Pacific tnOtsrornihtlon as commonplace. Hut to uncover their heads. Ii iHlunda, however, the guano lal-in.- u. In thn huii' I'nnl' in It run !"' iirr once a peer always a peer the change They it In proportion to irheri only ii up i. .uihth.wIiI' It r'. their from low to high Is life, and IB Inc. rliln-H- t estate for HAnTPpnD PRBHI8TOniC7 'i lk excursion Mn n ..ii. i or twl.i" ,i the iHlanda of the world, f.'t- when It Is a change of a very extra- .t i iln'v have utrciiily ndded more Ntmnge r, and It will n i" fot m. thsn ordinary character It will always have llUriitery of M'imiiI Par Ilelnw i I one lillllon ilnllura to the world's vhrtt It at thi into. line howj aUittt It a touch of the magical, hen the linrtli Nurture, r, mat member of t'i- - ir.nilin' fti.tlili. Thin Ih uIih! Peru Iihn dug A discovery was made by several I Fate, without a moment's warning, i, hi of Iht giiiitnt h In lulu. Hoc , rotll-tor- i, i irty who hav Just returned, und a workmen at the new building or Sage. nre K'ttlllK KOtiii llllug (,f places coronet on the brow of the m had thn alUnce nf Mr. Hpenci i out them Allen ft Co. the other day whlrh leads - caretaker of the town hall, as happened ' f Bandage, an photographer ti'ilny. iiithoiiiih nmlilng like I In- cnor-iii'iii- Amrrlran I them to believe that Hartford Is a pre- :ill7 .1 In (be other day. a new relish undoubt- ho accompanied expedition, and iim.i r the iaat. Thecn t. the edly given life. feel historic town, saya the Hartford Cour-an- (hla la Rtuino I'lunil" me xinttered nil tilling to human We that fWR who; photograph article The men were working a 000-pau- I i I after that anything may happen, that illustrated. Tin- - lalaiul la bleaker ai.d he '.:ii of I'li'u. flrnt aaw tliPtn wu may lie entertaining un-- s drill for an elevator plunger ilder than Koe's picture of It. It north of i. m.ii' the nhorea of vlicounts le 8AIK HOT CAKIIYINO UPA'.'O TO HTEAMlCIt. In capa- shaft when auddenly they struck some- ' und nt I'm guano wares every sort of obscure on) twelve miles Ion bjr about n xliln fifty-fo- bun-dru- m thing about feet below tho from lite IiIioh IHlunda rnme In for city and that at any moment the van miles wide, but part of It ara level of Main street upon which mall find Off I lay of la guano l course of modern existence may the ' 'it picture nf datolatlou. It It a great iri.lfl.iiH. the nnd ahoveled off nnd the dollara to which they ald they were (inn no I be broken by discovery the seemed to have effect, althottg mm of rock, whlrh rlaa upward Pin ii. Peril. miiw Hie fumoila t'hlnrliit then t.iken out. The guano Is first entitled under thn law. the that I it struck the substance with u preseti ' thou-- IcIiiiuIk. which produrcil more on a milkman,. a tnarqul or the butcher 'oni the watere for morn than a i lni.' loaded truck nnd carried on The Ultimo of 11,000 pounds. tli n tnna of lint f Tniliiy, boy a belted earl. It U hardly The men Hiindwl at md feet. It la made up of hills and twelve million giinno, mid tramway to the ahore. where it Ii I polbt tluano not worth ao to-da- y the substance for otn time, but made vnl-- Into trcua-'i- i tram-ferre- much to overrate the value of an exuectHtlnn mountain, of lit! la ravines and i lnii' liro mhi the Peruvian to the ahlp. to lie taken to n It waa year ugo. The or In but little headway, and It wa decided yi. The northern hnlf of the laland y million upon mlllloua of dolliira. Kurope or Amerlcn. :w nroduct l.' this kind enabling the ordinary - comparatively to take i In- strug- the drill from the plitngst almft . covered with a dense vegetation. lu "hipping of uuiiiio la going mi from no,hg, other, man of business to maintain his Olaliu fur Itiiinlriol" of .ttllllnn. fertlllier have taken IU place, and put It In a pan to see If It could t hern half ; ax bleak and - Hu m. lulnndii in ilny, although Hie de-- l mid lu, gle against the monotony of hla career, nit rod price la lea, than be learned what was - to n HiimlHildt Hoiith Amer- half what It once end It a new noupolltleHl sig- underneath tho i i th wpatm ai.',ia of the Andi- in olta are l.irire extent exhnimted. When vlalted was. lends and There time-honor- drill. The pan I ii m told tlini have been times when' nificance to ejacula- was put lu nnd tho men the rrar of the t'emvlan doarrt M .i the ahlpmenta of the ica, In Imii. he called nttentlon to tho this that n! bird manure was sold on the drill were surprised to see Hint or the ahorta an- InacrMalliii- - rin-I- i urr-- year will not probably exceed value or Hie lied on the Chin-ch- n for $100 a' tion af torylstn: "Thank (lod, we have Kiiuiio " b whan they took the pen lo tho surface wt landing ilki' la at Ciimiirriiimi ::iiHio ton. laland. They were then .ilxty feet tT0'liV ru" "'! a house af lord." told, $S0 or $10 11 It contained it quantity of 'njr, at which point there la now a The guano lulntuli nre merely iiinnnvi a ton.,''.The rat Uvru apart from the contingency of wood. After fih deep, and he anld there wax enough shipment to ftiirojw It wti to be If.g Inilurlpn nliont of volcanic roi which huve rlaen up was made more1 an unexpected succeslau, happily found wood the drill wit aettleati'nt, which manure on Hunt to enrich the worn than fifty years ago. ntir put all the neonji. of the laland Th rr out Of the on mi. The. Imvc not a At that time regulated iieerage law provides for back and tho drilling wns reeumod. out lamlx Hip eld world. The twenty barrels guano men It la mid, only fifteen people now lilnde of grit nor miy green thing on of of were taken! other surprise of an almost equally The went surprled nt tho slow aie. to Uverpool und headway ll 'lng there. Hack of the ttlPin'Ht them, and ,n merely rocky lalanda howier, were not thought lo tried an r farm near thrilling nature. Compelled to rank a Hint was being mndo, nnd that city. "Hie reault time they dis- on the bay therp am rottagna. or at raw overcd wllh it ragged white detto.ilt. be of titliii. hy the Peruviana until commoners, the kinsmen of peers not from the first made the ders were aent covery, ago, liuta. which once formed the homeN of It never rulna iiion them, and for nearly half it nniury later, when a hack for more, and soon only become sharers In nil those chanc- two weeks until Snturdny nunnreiia or amps were noon they have lieeu boring a number of acttl. ra who lived thn p. HioiiKunila of y.'iux the mnnure nimn Prenc' mini minted f'ochet called atten-Ho- n employed lu es nf fortune in whlrh that large and through carrying lxty-liv- one-thir- d aimno tn tennm. nothing but wood. was e Lid Hiem lay anil grew In quantity to them nnd claimed of nn. ia.i mainly per-so- The drill Theae huta are mule of cane wad from ahlp uiidUtltigulshed rlnss of r would lie at the feet lu ground with straw. Then- are gardens about iige to age. Kor ome renaon or oth.-- nil tin. product hy rlghi of discovery. different Island; are liable, but may continue to do the when It finally nt one I nn I he pelican, wen gullx nnd IiIiiIm He truveled from place to place tin 'I nine. Chinese coolies were! so Indefinitely passed through the wood, and It a acwe of them, and at time there oilier Imported get without arousing any a to out the mystery to men on an agricultural colony hiri. One whVh feed by ihe mllllona In the w.i-ler- picked out laland from which It la suspicion the the drill how wta lont? of their Identity. stork-ralalii- time the o man attempted to atart a g of theae porta of the world havp Knlil that more than $l.200.tino,timi Rttsno Island gave Peru Such, according to a contemporary, much wood got to be so far below ine grenier pnrt of It yield- wood waa he-to- w plantation, and he had, It I said, na 1'honen theae IHunda a their nlghilv worth of gunno waa aold. He whm revenue, ha been the experience of clou of the surface. The away ing nhoni $ir.Mjo.poo a year num- hard-pa- men nn man aa 30.00Q head of rat tip and an toasting placcK. They pick out cer- hy the Peruvian congreae iih the for a the peerage, who I nearly and the the drill, ber of ypiir. Now they related lo eipial number of aheep graalng in the tain of them nml aga after sj- -. ycur true dlHcovercr of the bed nnd uea nre practically the holder of the premier barony of who have bored considerable dlatanre - cxhmiNtcil. and Peru han fallen tr.,n, aay vitllefi on the north of the laland. Of after year, and night after night. Hi- of giiiino. nnd In 149 a grant of :..t0 Ireland. Ml He more than a week ago Into the earth before, that thoy gnat rl hen to poverty. (Uncovered late, however. I nm told that thin bual-nia- a fly to them by the thounnnd and Hi ton" of gunno waa voted him lie on never wood ao far beneath PItANIC (I. the pMcnger board the Penlneular ha almoat entirely disappeared. There are often other ixlun.l netir got It, however, nnd, although CAUPKNTMIt. and Oriental mall ateamer llrllaimla the aiirfuce. The fact that It waa there Hip cattle are nllowed to go wild, and near-whlc- to all a (men in nee arc quite hi i lalm hy right of diaeavery. which, were breakfuiting. lunching and dining In Ntirh quantitle I what causes nn hniiiiiipr surprise titer are now on the Island wild ahepp, as desirable, but which urn untouched. nci mdlng to their leruvlan law. gave l.vcalng Criiiii. In the tlrm-- i lain alnon of the veaael additional to them. The wood I one-thir- The In ltd rants and wild mute. I give thin Kven the dUturlmnce iihiim iI y th the discoverer uggrcxiited hummer logging camp ordinarily and lUtenlnK to the aweet of was taken nut smnll bit, and the r. I atrnlnt h on the authority Photog-- r moving the guano duiM $400,000,000, n poor not a picturesque place. M great quantitle of fine shavings lying ntement of of not aeem to ovrr he died In It built Itii hand after dinner. In entire uneon-acloitenc- liealde a (lie apparatus pher 8penrr prevent the bird returning to their home in Parla, Another discoverer of the railroad, In order that Hint among Htoae who were about drilling give an rnoMt. need nut lie Idea the amount wood 'I here If no doubt but i bat Juan Per-- r On the Cblnrha Uland. wblch Nome of the gunno Inland waa trcatei' cnrrleil for by hand asslstlug to fill their glanre nnd to of of that wns er- - aUppaBed lie or by "dray." chopped by inde la n rtefi laland an far as the to entirely exhatiate.l. In theaame way by the Peruvian gov- The varlnua imiMin.. delight their ear wa the Hon. Robert the drill. The wood Is con- gunno or aa - siderably decayml, and It .11 of the northern part of It la con-- r frcah depolt of have reretnlv ernment, Thla waa a unturiillgi'd "Hhantle," they are alwaya chII- Charles fllm lnlr do Cr. trey, only sur- would take w been made, and In 1nU4 iio.imio cm, re n an woodsman to determine what rneii and with tbla tu colonising ton of American cltlsen mimed lmlnim He ciuaier a compact little viving brother of the tuirty-thli- d exited new gunno won village. Iord klud It Is. shaft a hem It may aappori quite a large actually shipped. dlacovered guano depoalta whit h were Neareat the railroad. It may I(lniiale. Ht range that In incur days The for the plunger be. la will be drilled 100 feet Masher of paople. The hills art cov- flifir the ilattiMi I'omea feniu. worth about $400,000,000, and, accord- the "cook'a ahauiv:" next It, of telepathy, of thought transmission and six Inches Nearly every guano perhapa, Is below the level or Main et ad now with wild oat a. and there Is one known that ing to the Peruvian law, nhoulrf have the "men's shanty," or and other mysterious forms of commu- street. sleeping ii Mid grass In every open spot. The quartern of the crew; neat nication between one human being and them again ft ult trees plant id morn tnan 100 year la the office, where thl another there should hnve been no one IVatliliiKtmi Irvine' l.oie Story. " ' - Mo by Selkirk and other have repro- - ceinp accounts are kept, and where ths present to whom the proximity of this Washington Irving alwaya remained duced themeelveo. and there are many foreman and sealer sleep. The barn, descendant of aa ancient line of noble single because Matilda Hoffman, or the wild fruits, while the grapes found It "hovel," Is at the end of the eamp. revealed Itself aa a fact of "subliminal beautiful girl to whom he waa engaged, Hi woods are aa delicious as those wllh the granary healde It. The black- conscfouaness!" died of consumption In her 17th year. ral-- Mhop, v hleh Robinson t'rttiw dried for t smith's and the workbench ol Was there no nenllmental tnnlden He says: "I waa by her died, are pearhea. pears "handy of when she ina. There and the mnu," are near by. The Irish extraction to whom It waa whis- and waa th laat he ever looked upon." tmtnee grow lag wild, ond wild "root cellar," alo which Is both pantry and pered by an Inner voice that the cour- He took her Illble and Prayer Ikiok tpgetabltfl A plant la storsge imulhir the udd room, Is built where the teous sttendant who offered her drv away with him. aleeplng with them which ha leave forming a up t'MfS, rook and hla aaalatants have ready ar curry nnd Ilombay du.k waa the thir- under hi pillow, and In all hla sub i big aa an umbrella, Thla ills with ceas lo It. The cook'a ahanly la the ty third In descent from I hut atotit earl turnc travel they were his 1 use par- when It rats and atays full n dining atcr room aa well as kitchen, while of fitter who was Invited in the early able companions. Not until 20 yeari a It Is iloudy. When the aun offliw Is lng the also a storehouse from year of the century ex- after her did any It begins to thirteenth to death one venture lo futme out wilt and the which the timlierlscks can hi mighty taws out. obtain hibit strength in the pres- siwak of her to him. He was vlsltlnu atr ami such principal articles ol ence of King John and Philip Augus- her father, a..u one of her tak- clothing niece, Italilaiaa craaae'i Oav. aa they may need. All the tus of Prance and cleft a masalve hel- ing some mush; from a drawer, brotigbl chief building Tbore ara a number of ravaa on Juan arc long and low.made met tn twain at a single blow? Ap- with It a piece of embroidery. "Wash- or rough iMiarda rerMlldea, and several are pointed ot or logs, and roofed parently there was not. ington," said Mr. Hoffman, "thla wni In wM It Is said that Alesander Hel-kir- k with abeetlng and tar paper. Th The curry and Bombay duck went from Matilda' work." Tba effect aleeplng wni lived. One of Hi. which Ilea la bunks In the men's shanty around; the other con rtea followed In electric. He had been talking gall? rfctfe of voleanl. n k u an large a are built along the side of the cabin due order; tba repast was finished, the the moment before, but became allsnt average parlor. itli lu a tba a roof from tier two deep; this ahanty Is th table cleared and the sprig of the an- and soon left the bouse. Un to fleen feet uinv the ground. loggers' rendssvous on cold evening, cient tree of nobility retired to appear TlW door in this tuw it alHiui fifteen and in It the entail of trong tobacco agMlH shortly afterward as a bandsman, lut nt to TetliMg Them. foil hitch and exi. the li ar at moke constantly lingers. Much I musical Instrumcn. In hand, but with Ii ,howa Alexander Hamilton, when slavery IciUrt thirty feet. algna of a aummer logging ramp, and, rough Identity still wrapped In mraterv. n In There are txiatcd to a "mtmii extent on Manbat-ta- n kMii Ihed three and crude as It may seam, It la ho bad Klght after night this must hare hap- pix'i.i-ti- . ooM'(l laland. bought u pur-po-w Hli hole or nut of home for men toughened by hard out- pened to the first saloon passenger far the tin- - ulla, mich as are In oh of emancipating him. At the nientltn'. door labor. the P. and O. steamer, and now the first UiiIiIiimiii Cruaue'a description of meeting of the Bmanelnatlon Society ( hi golden opportunity of recognising the hom, and here and then- - on the ths city or New York, Hamilton at- ei Hunt Work on Nrrvtx. brother of th premier baron of Ireland wall ri nwty nallx used by thoe who 1 tainted at the request of Lafayette, who Ihertff rtoper MamiH', lost to them forever. He has uiiex-inlnta- d Iwvp lived here In tint psat It U said iwrsiHK dealrad to become an honorary mem- Ther boya hev appointed me tw as by King John on hi acceaalon the cave waa the resort of the ber. "Gentlemen," said Hamllton.coni-tri- g that f I couldn't git yon to ohMomib to ths throne. The earl of Plater was who on e ravaged at the straight to the point, "lu bjeaneera the funeral nf Inaky Joa this treacherously seised while performing token at otaats and ships of this pari of th aftamoon our sincerity, let every tiere about S o'clock. ltoraoH I'll be there penance, unarmed and barefiwtwl, In irson World. (Mher raven are covered with emancipate his si re now." The mem- nt that time or a little before, aherltr the churchyard of Downpatrlck on tarns and the vegeutlon Is mi bers were aatonlahad at the applica- Iuiu Itope-r- All right, parsing: If yar violent form. A little earlier in hla rteut that it la easy to imagine that think tion of till severe Not one was yer nerras kin It. He'll lyiioh-- career than the time of bis helmet-cleavin- g tst. gglklrk. like Robinson mlg sun' ha l willing to submit to It. Hamilton, Crux. promptly at 1:41 Thankoa. Wew performance his spleudsr and t caves, seel u B his proposition hfve out hedges about his York Weekly. rank had excited the envy of Hugh that mat with would de general dlaajmrava!, wwlck oon have lieioma wall Uele. the new governor of Ireland, look his hat and immm left the building. of and have hidden them from I y succeeded to a legacy 1010 Ttaw. (tootl ltHHn, af The I tore" Why don't yoM publlah a year and bands around curry anil 1ere la a monunii ni to H Iklrfc ow your circulation () suras any iHorat" Itembay duck no more. A Nur Hlxu. Ua) or K. you Island J nun riiamJu. It Is The Hd'tor "Tkay are ao Mg then Ill ancestor, the UMit earl of Ul- Have noUewt bow WIiIbe joke a matide tablet set ia ta rswks at Isn't mem for thbm In tha paper." ster, bad hlmaelf experienced the tips with th landlady tba hot dayr lloWnsM Crusoe's "Lookout." It was HOKI.N80N CilUSOH'S "LOOKOUT.4 ludtaaanults Journal. and downs of fortune, though In a lass "Yes; ha ha eltbsr paid his bill or el Coed Friday, ISM, and sent evar to he kaittt."-Det- rM Pre Press. HAND8QMB PIOTUrtB9. FARMER AND STOQKMAN. PELL. PROM A BOAPPOtO. 1 Only n flhort Tim llemnin In Uhlrh Fren tA IJtntd, ITeUrfeirn, A. I". to (let Them Free. The Abilene fair cemoa off from OsU . John Yeung, of Letter, N. Y UT8 years The demnndi for ths handsome nam SH, nave von St te InctHslre. old, and is well known In that nud neighbor Hot prings Failed! plnqiiM whleh have bsen kIvmi nwny MOO ing town. While putting weather to purehniera of RUstlr Btarch thli It Is thotight that ImIm will b tonn board 1 en Imra, a aeafflekl season hm auriMHMd nil oxpwtAthina marketed nt Itunge this Hieun, s Handing en ami tins kept thi tnnmifacttirsrs, J. 0. twenty-tw- foot from the grotrnd, be felt any The eeitnty farm of WushlNgtou dlny .lett iila lialanee nnd fell to thoground. Been sick Iltihlnjrer Jlro. Co., tnnlr than nt wonderful pood 1 hnve derived from bounty produced of earn TliesMeef bla fnke. nrm nnd ene entire time In the history of their 0W bushita S. S. I limine. aide of bti body, on wbleti be atruolr, wsi S. Cures Blood p. 8. S hnve gnlned 46 )oumls, nnd Tholr offer to Rive thM hnndsomo this season. lmvo no dllfleiiltv In uettlng' around as plaques awny tmdiy limited, l'loked upanilcanlfxltollia to tholr rustnmers will be wna wtdl ns ovur. 8. S. 8. Is certnlnlj a (he opon only n longer, Tom Smith of West recently aohl his beuie, under dueter's ears for lev- Diseases Which the 1'erhsps you hive hid remain short time ers! week. Tiie doeter finally csme to the tvouderftil blood remedy." grippe or cold. You nml th wo who have not nlrsndy availed rnlvoe, about fifty lieettl, to K. M. lurd eonolutten tbst bla patient bad reeotved n Rc-aS- ort may be recovering from tliemselt'M of this opportunity should Urnwn at tK nround. aipikooi par World's Famous Thero nro thousands, of aufTorors mihtrla or a alow fever; or do so nt nnre. Not for ynnrs has any-Mil- nlysla and Toxaa to- handsome In beyond from blood dinordnr in pouibly nomo of the chll-dre- n nt this Jlne been fxrmers In Victoria county have had was Cure. awn The subjects rnprMtntml by medical aid. Can Not day who will couUtiuo to grow are lust getting over great success In the raising of flax. lie mtild net oontlntio meatfea these planus are Amerlran wthl tlurks, worno m lonit nn thoy the or whooping American pheasants, quail They received Mt cents per bushel for imp one nrm. cough. American or turn over remmlioa enntnining potash atul and ICngllsh snlpo. They are hnitd-som- e it from nn oil mill. In bed. II In nottUniottlttoconvlnco the meruury. S. 8. B. is absolutely Are you recovering aa fait pnlntlnis nnd nre Mpwlntly (inn day, pooploof Taxitrt of tlio inorltH of n as you should? Haa not T. It. 8lmw of lhtlllnger hns 1000 for ImtiRlnR on dining room while, lying roinvtly wliatt ovitlenon is prpsontoil your old trouble left your walls, though nml boon yearling steers recently purchased in on the lied, their richness linn blood full of Impurities? ty them to n place In par he rend uf a of wltut it dntio rillt here nt entitles the cast TenxH, nnd will pasture them with aome-Iblti- ff And or nny cnae homo; of inntle aiuutig tlio Un't thin the renon lor home It. A. Smith until spring. llkei bll etimt you keep so poorly? Don't Only until October 10 do Messrs. J. Iinvliig been pooplo wo know. Atul nftor nil delay recovery lonccr but P. HubltiKcr ilroa. Co. propose to dls-- I The urinunl oxhlbltlon of the cured with tho boat proof of tlio vnltto of a second Dr. Wllllnint' tribute the plnqtis free to their cits Wilbarger fVtraluiftf by U mif reinwly in tlnwn tnmera. livery purchaser of three ten County Pair rteeoetftilnn Pink 1'illt for the tbatttnony nf Tafra Pale rrnnddatlKlittr cent rmrkimes of Starch, flnt- -' was n grand sueeeaa. Oh the last dny l'rfliil. lie eeaiedhli who lmvo triml it nml know Just lllnitlc to Ret hlmn twt of tbn pllla. After that Iron brand, mnnufncttired by J C. I lu-- i over 4"(K persons nUendetl. l9x linil lieen nted lie aeenred ntintlier In wltht its virttio nro. tilngcr tiros Co.. Is entitled to reeelvo throe weeka lie derail to feel n little life In S. S. S. in (ho Ixwt lilooil riMiiody llnrnnat & Sliopheril Imvo lensetl : one of these handsome plaques free till nrm nt the euii uf four tin could mors mado, not Imtouiisu itn ninimfiic-turor- a r. two tnontlia lis from their irn-c- OIU and new etw- - thirty-eig- ht sections of Innd In Tarry hit finger; nttlie end of eeiihl walk, nnd In tbreo moutba be could nny no, but boontiHo tho tamer alike are entitled to the bene- county to Scott W. and Mr. fits of this offer These plaques will arewie, tbnve himself Willi the Injured linixl. peoplo aay so those who lmvo Oroeiie will esutbllsii a new ranch up As he told Ida utery In the IfeevtM office, tmt hf sent through the mall, the only ho. looked tlioperfect nirttiretif benllh lis tried it nud found in it n euro, way to obtain them being from your there. esrrlea n tiex of the pill In III tucket. nnd after other reinedlos failed toelTeot bo feel he grocer Kvery grocery atore In the whenever doe not Jut rtcht. ti ours. country haa IStnstlc starch for aale. Hbks and chlcirens nre araroe arti- tnko them. They cured him nf ter dm'tora ' had ctron him up, and Ida denih wni dally !'. la the oldest nnd beet laundry starih cles in the SJmlthvllle market, frying Mr. 1 Ilollvllln. Totns, on is most exnceteiL ti. nould.of the ntnrket and the perfect slse rhlckens, and not very big ones at Ail tbo element ne-- onrv to sirs new knows from oxpHrlenoe the merits uf cold process starch ever Invented. 11 MikmI that, bolng rendtly sold anywhure frtiiu life nnd rlrluiPM to the nnd renters a. a. n. uosnys: Is by l Contn-glm- the only starch made men who ahnttered nerree am eoiitnlneil In n "Ten yenrs sgo I oontrnetcd ii IS 10 thoroughly understand tlie laundry to eenta. form In lr Wllllnm' i'lnk l'lllifor Illixxl l'olinn, nnd receiving imi business, and the only starch that will Pnle I 'mi ile. They nre an luifalllnit iHUiellt I Cotton la coining In now In a great for audi dlarnao n ntnxln, front thodoators, went to lint not Injure the finest fabric. It hits pnrtlnl liarnlyl,HI dnnoo Hprlngi, whuro I wns treated oiu year, running Vtlu' clnilosr. been tho standard tor it quarter of a rush nt Coleman. Olns arc neurnlRm. rlieiunetUm. nervoii lioniln-he- but wns n grcnt deal worm than nt llrst. century, nnd ns nn evidence of how night nnd day. ttrcrybody busy pick-lu- g. the nf teir elfecta of In grlppo. mliiintlon at I then went to New Orleans nml wss tho only Mood remedy froo from good It Is twenty-tw- o pack- the heart, pnle nud anllow ouiiiploxlun. nil by tho ImpurN million Most of the enttmi will be gather trontetl liestilimtor Ihoro, hut It piliili. mercury. tirHouio and all It will remove all iqnua 01 wfone-- a 1 ages were sold last year. Ask your eiinerin nioianriouiaio. wns not long before bfgntt to feel tho in tlea from your blood. It la ed within the next thirty days. y other miiKTulx. It yunranletd dealer to show you the plaques nnd tell Mltipl Tett. effect, of tho eniiriiiniiH nmoiint of nier-aur- also a tonic of Immcnio 1 purrh rnjrltihlr, nnd otto tlinitsnud you about Blastlc Starch. Accept no - with which luulliemi cmistanlly value. Give nature n little The rainfall In the .Midland aectlori Hen Is a simple test for the pros- (1om1. (lollurH bo Aid substitute, litar In mind that this All my Joints stlfTeiunl nial will pnid for proof that help at this time. her during the present year has not reach-m- euro of sewngo In water. All drinking swelled In removing all the products offer holds good a abort time only nnd i tin, nnd addition to the other it umititiiiH 11 iniiiernl ingredient. by wnter should be tested, In town or I linil siluh lind Meruil-rln- of disease from your blood. should be taken advantage of without six Incite and unless the (ma- dUeae. it faun of l S. S. S. ourofl any form of blood cottntry, frsnuonlly, as are other Ithetiiiiatiidii Hint 1 wns n physical If your bowels are not delay. tures soon have rains some of the there inntW'tfi how obsti- Impurities sewnga wreck. My iirin nnd lgit per- trouble, it not Just right, Aycr's fills will n. Voldes which nrci The older you become the more It stnekmou will have to seek new ims-tu- fectly 11 s (ess, nnd for throe years 1 iMiflf, Hitch uh Contagious make them so. Send far quite as deadly, and every cistern ol nate the n good never n could oven Hlmuma-tim- u, Conitl-patlo- n. costs to have time. look step, nnd not lllond Poison, Cnnt'or, cur book on Diet In water Is liable to be a source ct blood- - stand without tho nld of n crutch. Herofuht, Hozomn, The person with false teeth does nnt Iiuiitlrlea nre coming In from nil side poisoning. Mice, rntn and other "1 spent In nil $3,000. mid both my Catarrh, tresis ete. in abend of Wrlla to our Doafara. fear toothache, but he mutt have a In regard to Midland country, uml a must have water, and many n case of money nud hit hunlth were none. Upon It far all other Xfm l.l.a xtrln.l.a lartlaaa drcnd of tlio ugue. thu ndvienof n friend I retnetlioH, liecntiHo cuaos or great Inllux of settlers Is looked Is up by decided to try it curoH to of Ihem.iiarn Inam nhy. typhoid set such as these fall 8. 8. S., nml if I hnd remedy cIhj In tk Untied HIM. UHll . rt . . . a.tnken this . whieh they oaii not reaoh. anil rectlt prempt Mplji T Our Contlmtlnn Porerr. for this fall, not only from the north- I tie Into the cistern nnd rwaalnlug st nnt, itutuiii of niiowiiiK tliouoeiurs Uaiesrsts I'aotlr Cathartic, or Jfcc lliMiks 011 blood and fikin dlnousns I". Tike lot west, hut of stockmen from eaat uud thsto for months In a decomposed to llll mo with Hitnsh nml mercury. 1 AQdrtll. IJH. J. Al r el If C C. C. fall U cure, refund fn-- Swift Kpeolflo Co., loir drucritu mear state. To detect this Impure condition would hnve found n prompt euro. All ninibtl by middle Tesus. I 1 I . i ! I At It 1 n . loir."-- too long bopo Is very simple and unfailing. Draw nir nelehltors iff tho rilrting with often l.on Amett recently mild all of his causes trouble. tumbler of water from tbo tap at cattle In the Indian Territory, Some people fenr fooling so they will lira night, put n pleco of white lump sugar Tour In Itoclty Miniiilnlni, thousand live hundred mixed cattle, to bollovo the truth. Into It and plnco It on tlio kitchen man The "Scenls I.lno of the World." the Oliver & TuUIe of Mluco, I. T., nt III unn't Tobacco Still and ImoU Your llll JUn. tol Mielf, or anywhere that the temper. Donvor & ltlo Ornndo llnllrond, otfcr.t per I'nnitliiniikFm ru.lU Hnil forever, be muff head, mukliiK a total transaction attire will not bo under 00 dogrooa 1 to tourists In Colorndn. I'tnli mid Now ne 1, full of life, nerve nml virnr. take to tlS,R00. tlio sl make weak men Mexico the choicest resorts, nnd to the uinoimtliiR Knhrcnholt. In tlio morning tlio wat iruaran-tre- t. strong. AllilruiiiUu. Nir orll "nre trnns-contlnent- iTie. traveler the gritudest The first cnrload of Texan corn for er, If pure, will be perfectly clour; If Ilooklei unit aarnplo Aililreai sconory. Two blctllnif Itemaly Co . Chicago or New i or seimrnto and distinct contnmlnnted by or other Im- routes through the Ilocky Mountain', export arrived at (iulveeton on the sewnRo Somo mnrrlcd women look ns pretty nil through tickets nvnllnblo via cither 20th, from neur Waco, nnd graded as purities tlio wnter will bo milky. This ns widows. nil through tickets nvnllnblo vlaolthsr. No. 2. It was conalRiieil to tlio Vv'llllnm Is n simple and sufo tost woll knuwn Tlio Hue to Cripple Creek, In chemistry. Therein more Catarrh in tin trrllen of tho direct tlio I). Orthwolu Clrnlu company, which tlian all nihpr illaeaaea nut ttMfelurr. gronxost gold enmp on etmh. Duublo niin.rv 300,000 inU lew year w l U throiign Pull-nm- it has about bushols to follow It. until the lat umiol daily train service with Nnt l.nrRe I'einicli, irMiiiMiiii.. nr A ureal inony Year dnelor tiro. sleepers nnd taurlsts' cars botwean Crille ominceil It ai loeiiiulaeaae. anil rrerlt.W local C. T. Turnoy of Sonora bought from "Ho still nines 'Hooked In tho Crndt. rfntUlp, and ty eeminntly falllnir to cure Denver nnd Hnn Krnncl'sco. The best Mill loenl trraimrnt. pronnuneeil It lirtr ura tile. lino to Utnli. Idaho, Montnnn. Oregon Snm Waring In Concho county re- of tho Deep,' but brought up to date.' ' Science liaa proven to lw a runmitu taste ciiarrh Utile-way- dry ." that - nnd WnHhlngton via the "Ogden cently ten hcitil nf kiiiiIii Hereford bull "VosT" M (lloan. ami Iju.uture reiilrea lonall- m tlunal tutlonal ireaioK'nt. nail l aiarrn v rr. man Wrlto S. K. Hooper, 0. 1. & T. enlves nt 8Q per hotid and ton higher "Vos, ho culls It'Toldod la thr ufncttiml t)v V. J I'liener k Co.. Toledo. Ohio. Dnuvor. Colurndo, for lllustruteu In the (inly euro on the niarket. :. Krndoti for $S0 per bend. Ho also bought Ocean's folding lied.'" tt l taken Internally In i!oe from lOilrotMto ncscrlptUo pnmplllots iMiatwuinfiil. It nri dlreetlr uixn the Ulooil from Will Malloy of Concho county of the yoietn.. They ofler Imlf-hree- and mueiHit urfiiee " ten d Hereford bull calvon at If you have to toll lies tell tho most one liunilred dnllaro for any enelt fall tp euro. It Is the wnmnn with the "sweet" in the mouth. lel.l.m.9P.,J,,." Addreoa Improbable ones. M benu tor cireuiaraann eight very High us M disposition who Is uiunlly the easiest itB nud k rail at f00 r" j. i.iir..r. k ill., Toledo, Ohio. Imposed on. IKir head. PRACTICAL KINDNESS. RaM tiv IlrUL-ffli- ffe. Itali a l'ai lly I'itli are the tt. Far otfr ail ! WiaiLon-'-i tootpixa In response to n letter from the On Hundred 'I liiiimiinl Oralafnl Ftai r k titea NiM by matkeri tut Iktlr olil ifn Stilillera. 8tnp flu ill fault with your wife, Mklle Uelhlai Are o ai.imifa at nlufcl asd South Dakota Shsop llrioders' uaaoela nt brukea ( your real by a ilea eblkl aftrla aM These wnr times huvo tried men's nud prnlso her good deeds. crylaa with a .4 (utilu Itetkr tt.eir.lit tlon, urging tlmt sheep dlw be ox- - ranl seta twllla f "lira WMiloo't ft)hl souls In mnnv iinoxiiected wavs. hut Itlra. t InaloiT'aSoiitlilnr; Hyrup, Simp" Vt CblMetn Teelkla IU lueli faral' cludetl from iwtent iiiedlclnee. the llko n shaft of sunshine nud good t hecr alilHttHi iraihlait. itio labia. It lll relieve ike Utile isflrrtrlin' far totm irw,rtde (a decid- out of the cloud of prlvntlon cu eroll,ilWMat.fri wla4rU. Me a bottle. meSlaielr Heie4 aatHi ti. rrlumbar., tken a United Slates commissioner has and MWiaae ainni it. 11 awwa niatrmra, igmlalti Ikt durance has beon tlio work Stumai-- anS , H mS L'oilr. ed that such preiwratlon Is not to be that 'lh One tmby, innny klufollts, no nurse Is llt,a.i. urea ns isa American Tobacco Co. has done nmnq Omioi. telmai USaniniailirii. ae idle. toa ad u required. raeray i ike 'tutm. ' tr. WhHlow'i construed us latent medicine, and the U. tt. Soldiers nnd Sailors cvrr tsiai ) rui ai area leetami w riei.i Is, not since war began they UMorsr IrtMlnl free by Dr. II. II. OreeH'i I the laale aod I. lb rearrlaik ! oof at UH therefor, taxable under the the for when AtUintfl, (la. greatest Meal aad bed female ubtali-laa- tatt a la lie revenue law. discovered that tho vamps nnd hopi Foai, nf The dropsy USIIM MS tt for aale f all 4HI adver-Ueme- sutei. were nnt suppueu In the world. Itsad tbelr MMHNnut tne wurid. rrlre. twaelf ent a mis witn to In Aeattter column of tnlt paitr. Wu He. tie tare tak tot xaa. wmiisw'i It Is feared that the now deep welt bacco they decided to provldo them seoTHixa srai r on the l.ookwood ranch In 1'eoos free of cost, with enough for every A business man is always willing to There la much money spent on cake county will proro a failure after nil man, nnd hnvo Already Riven outright tnlk business. frosting nt weddings. to our Soldiers nnd Snllora over one the egpectnllont of It that were enter hundred thousand pounds of ' n ath lMiirnt Ymir llowaU Willi Ciiaonrela. n Nii'Tu-ltii- lor I'ltly enla, water rlson it Ax Plug" and "Duko'H Mixture" Candy (Jalhartle, cure coQfllptluu forsver. tallied. The still hun Hmk (limranleed (ohnrro habit cure, maket vcik Ing Tobacco, nnd hnvo bought ' t JOc.SrH'. If isil. uruggUtt refund UKiney drsd foot In the pipe, as It did nt first, nnd l.t.t. ntenatrwug. lilntKlpura AH druggMli trllmtcd fifty thousand lirlnr w but on trlnl It boa beau found that Tlio best wny to onjoy the future Is nlwnys pities, at ft total cost of botwecn fit y In throwing shoe nt a bride the supply Is sixty to l!e In the prowut. throw ualrs, somehow deficient and and thousand dollars. thut It Is tpilckly pumped out. This work has been douo nulelly nnd thoroughly, by establlshinc hendiiunr-ter- MANY ILLS HESULT FJtOM NEGLECT. Dr. Klernnii. United HtHtua vuteri In each enmp. so that every t amn nary surneon In charge of the cattle nnd ovory hospital of the United Hint-- J Army tins Deen suppllod with eiiouglt dipped at fort Worth and sent to Mid- the name -- DIapInoemonts tobacco for every man nnd tho sailors Oemembef Mrs. rinkhnm Tolla How Ordlnrtry Tanks May Produao land as an experiment, reports that he nn thirty United States Rhlps In Cuban 8 That Throaton Womon'a Ilaultlu gave all the cattle a careful Hxiuuliia waters Have snared with tne soldiers when you buy again. tlon nud finds no ticks on them of this most wolcomo of all "rations." ' Perhaps It will bo only fair to re- Apparently trifling Inol.lonU In nny kind, all having died slues the member when we hear tho remark rvainun'n tlnllt Ufa fretitieutly tiro dipping, thus showing the success of naaln that "corporations lmvo no dueoilbiplnuetuentHof the womb. A the oxperlmsnt. souls." that thore Is one American cor poration whose soul has been tried nnd I 1 1 1 1 1, 1 ,, W. S. Ikartl uf Henrietta, sold from al nlnndlng' lit tt counter, linn not neon louiiu wnimiij; 111 irnu-tle- running' a sewing machine, or Ills Sunny Side Uerefunl herd, on kindness." Turkey creek, eight registered to the iiioNtordluury tukhs, White' Thnro Is nn "r" In "prlco" ns well as may result In dUplneement, uml fnea trail ealves for 18600-n- ne nt fSM In "oysters." ovIU Is a trnln of serious started. two nt $100, four nt I MO, nnd one nt Chat Willi Mother. The Unit Indlenlhiti tit rtiiclt fS00. They wore last November, De nOOK FHBK FOIl A8KINO. It li a hhould be the blgnnl for of Inferointlen, tellliiK meiber trouble cani lier nnd January ealves, nnd oon atorelieit'e quisle netUin. Don't let the aoudl-tlo- In siuipta lanRUBKO bow to be her own fam- ily nml how aha will aueeerd In beeome olmmlo through nog-lee- t seiiiently not a rear old. Tom Wng deetor treating ervry kiml of threat trouble like "HE THAT WORKS EASILY, or a mleUtken Idea that you goner of Decatur, wu the purchaser. I'roep, Meaalae, Krnrlet Povsr, Dlpbtheiin, WORKS can overeome It by axeraUe or The :ilKlh annual lon county Qulnay, ('oueh, (.'old and all or throat. SUCCESSFULLY.'' CLEAN HOUSE WITH leavlnir It nlone. It alio tell how to cure I'ntnrrh of the Livestock and Agricultural fair will raliml nyiiieiMia, mm-(tlo- More women have . Htooiaah, utually than a million f be held at ManiMeg Oct. M, 2T and S3 eto. Writ to Muoo Holreiit Co., rogalnetl liealUi by the uh of I.ydin M Ctilongo, III. li IlnUham's Vegetable Compouiul. It is estimated Oeftt the eitire New If thesllghUst trouble yon ark ailey (WUss rouniy) cotton crop Home womm dn well to keep a hired girl six months SAPOLIO do not understand, writ to Mrs. rinkhnm j will make Itslf a bale to the sere. At UOST STOCK. nt I.ynnf Mhm., for her ndvlc, nnd a few A1 5flt CURE YOURSELF! l no time during tne year has the crop timely words from her will show you the r Ik I'aa Uk U 1. uu,.aluial 1 la I v, I nothing: It, ll.ul aAM.lou . 1 1, ...u.u . . M I IJ(BC t'1. li,Bantttail'a, tiling to do. This ndvlmtcosU you fcwnfc wMwn i. lap lammi iiiurrau I" rrO Vi llrltat.. u, ur ul.rrali. SADDLES utMawu.a- -. jt u, 1,, uu. u.u.i.,.,. it muy mean life or happiness or both. from any cause whatever. r 1 . nn r,. I W ...... u .u..a. ,,d b. i aiKlu In the WorlJ. W tend ibeia O, Mrs. MAtir iiKNXKTT, an Amite (., nay BBBBBBBBBBHBBBB..B .9 Iiaaf. limiOiuictlOa. ! .. i l with the trltlUat tav Mrs. IMnkhnm: II. K. Aycock of mm Angelo sold to Naltl Uy IlrngglaU, apuiing a ad it Im before palae) Uleh., writes to for free 11. McCoy 100 lestll ael In flalaa raMr, luraaiai Hu4 eaUUf. 'I eau Jinnlly find wonis with whleh to thnnlc you W. calves at ITS. aieraai, er.pal'l Cola, (r 1 TlicJ. ii, Wilton Siddltry Co, Denver, fttmedleH me. nearly m r l,iliM. M ' Il for the good have done Fur J. mocker bouKltt from It A. l)rago .m vu four years I suttered with weak lie of the gemtratlve S9S sows and reives Ueu-g- e organs, oontinuul baeknehe, headaelie.sldeneJie, and at lit. Arnet said to I lob 62 a nil the pains Unit neeoinpnn,y fomule weak lie. A Camtibell tow QUICK Coin-jKiui- rClldlUlluDOUDLE ul Sa4 aa4 l" huslmnd your Vegetable ami stotrs at PO&VIIVIEL tiiin,, eiare. I lat, loaa. friend told toy about c It. Wilt.CAPr.O'PARROI.L, Ptntlon Agtal, III. VI.lfrt.i la.i. it li. tu il. remit ue It M a4 nud he brought me homo two bottlos. After "III n an u fr.. a bauSautue wlgl aal la New WASHINGTON, !. . aijn Cotton eomliiK Into Qnanah at a Ulf York Avtout. b.C oai.k i, inai a r MM WINMroM tultlnir thsae I felt iiuuli better, but thought that I JM& UiuAll CO.. 1'4U M..U St., M InattiiiV M. C do I lively rat and both gtu ar running SLICKER would write to you In regard to my oaae, and you not know how thankful "uti'iiMMiivukwaVi! 1 Ktpi an 11IM rr 2k DATENTS am to you for your ndvlee and for the benefit havw reeeived from tlio use of to their full eatwclty. is Itnrail s w M It estimated laclledivin lha f Kiamlaiiooalui.iitoi your medtelne. I wrlto this letter far tlio good of my suffering sisters. Sukmiuuiwi" juirr-- mt Am lor I t uiptKaUbiili-a- t UmIi ran ia at the leweet 1O.0O) I Mwker JP I.a4 Jr from Mrs. llennett Is the history of many women who have that saloulatlou tUl I i.h llnr J oaiaiil The above letter llliiaurf a If noirxukini MEW DISCOVERY! Hh. vi la lima, aukl iliumma. W U. Compound. Iwhes at the fleecy staple will be mark- a. He toe t beeu restored to health by I.ydin Mnkhum's Vegetable fourun uuwruaw , quirk urea (rutrl 8 1 DROPSY- L , . b rllala. ayfaMf i? f m HathM i i BtU eted there this smsou. a. j Towrn Mtu. I.Ht, MM Wf W. kfUaUiuueUM aJ 10 data' i m i m r Ask MriPlaktiam's Advlce--A Woman best Understands a Womas'i Itv m treat ujit free. St. U.ILt lll' I, U. "I do not understand you aay anch GIILLS. make good toldlin Msinny on elm' HANQINO k YJIQ QUILDINO. hard, eruel things," the FOB BOYS ABB an antwer?" moaned. Krtcted At r 1'Iaco Where Na Fimn- - and eruel," repeated hus- "Well." exclaimed latur Itollnc, not- "Hard her Hon tinntit tin I.Mtil, band, with bitter contempt; "did ever GOOD STOniBS POR OUft ed for "hitting tho nail on the bend." SOME the Fow of tho hundreds who dully pais a woman live so cruel nt you?" JUNIOR MEADHnB. "I think I'd at soon have heart "I am not cruel," she replied. "I burn ns swallow tobacco juicer At tip or down Carr'a !ano are aware how nave been driven mad." thin there wni a hearty laugh and i Httlo separatee them from the (Ireat , dug There was such Infinite sndneea In vrilllii's Amontlment. Nlnrr " 1nn even n faint clapping nt hands, nnd Western railway. If a hole were m Hong of waa oonsldercu nut three feet deep In tho roadway tn Ihe young voleo, such dreary despair In Aiiierlrmi M'lisl alienm Wllllo's "amendmont" ( good ef-- 1 pedestrian through tne young raeo, that ho was touehed Mrunt A lire Olrl llrlmt Wlmt hopelessly lost. Tho other might drop direct woro not hoard j on lino, eighteen In spite of his anger and contempt. V flw to HimnUrili. feels of the vile weed tho for only some , Inohe eighteen daughter. "Tell me," ho said, "what made you from. of earth covers the The Usurers nm really proud of your wrrk thl Inchon lun- - do this thing-t- his oruol, ungenerous, "I of brickwork of which the CHARLOTTES A Utile Ailrentere. mornlng. eeholar." said Mis Heed, her net consists, nnd separates tho patter BY M. BRAtME. unwomanly deed?" - v A Hi a tree faee glowing with "Your nn- nbovo below, he thought ho referred to hor eon- - rribret sat eherry ami!. from tho train Tho INTERNATIONAL PRCS AtfBOCIATION. HiHRiHg ner sweetest Msg, ewer to WIIIIc'b Incident nro almost engineer not duet l.i following him, and thoy scorn- beugh of tho Orent Western will White an ewl perebed Mbh, en a wont for wonl llko those of n very nltow nn upon XXXlX.-(Contlnu- ed.) ed to ounco of weight to rest OIlAWHIl fore. She turned to fly; not fer any her hard worda. Hnr oy, him Was tteelHir the whale wey tang. tinted physlelnn. Borne ono asked hi tunnel, nnd nowndny the city ur "Ixiter on In tho avenlug." Hho thing that eould be glvon w&uld ehe" "What mado mo do It? You will Using heartburn, and only desplso about tobneco for veyor will not allow oven a flimsy ratil tho word qulto thougntloMly: bo enught there. She wmited to has- and hate mo tho moro If Ah, met Ah. met" Ihe re lite., said she, thing. And now na you," ho said the tamo strurturo to bo erected. This ha been they roturnod to her afterward with ten, hut she eould not; It wui hi tell sho replied. "Yen Intv eld fellow, ira atonal our Is up wo will hear tho pro sponkfnir. You nothing steep, sleep and tlmo tho cause thnt for year hni kept open kwn twin, fine was reckless as to though great weights of lend were fat- - "Frankly Mildred, nothing de but ami tomor-- 1 IMP, and con of the liquor question ,hnt p,wo of ,nm, nwir Cnrr.t Unp followed: ns to wbothor her hus- ened to her feet. Hor waa dlxr.y; tlmt you onn say to mo will mako the what brain Ami 1 tell you It's wreng, wren., row." And all went at tneir loesons Clfnpcl nt ono tlmo tho resting place band ho angry or not who war In- the unusual of mottor worse, hut It may certainly bo would excitement, the freniy wren I" with a peculiar cost. of ghost shows nnd circuses. Tho price different Tho only thing was Utat she lore and Jealousy, been tnueh ntnuo neiter. Toll me tho plain truth." say had toe "Wo . what did teacher nuoiu demanded the" modor-at- hus-ban- d uhi enrptng for land seemed hnd reeolvod upon ; rovoutlng her for hor; her tall, graceful flguro swayed "Yet, I will tell you." tho replied. Tbt ewl wlnkftl at m friend, your Mr. Hwenson of hi net n never n went; story?" aiked enough, nnd deposlta have been rival front jesting about her: for a minute In 'I see that all good understanding utternl supper and like a loaf tho wind, a It l'er ymi knew right well, m I needn't tell, boy. na they all sat arouhd tno mndo and plana prepared, only to bo should never he. monn at an ond hotweon us." that eame from her Una. and thai uio awl Is a very wine blrtl. table that evening. condemned nllko by the city surveyor Sho vent round hy the postnrn-doo- r, then, na In a dream, tho white, angry "Thnt Is certain," ho Mid. with em- - "Oh. sho say much, but ivn Been didn't and railway engineer. Architects and and In the distance she caught n face of her was pheels; "with my content you dimk stele stealthily over the ien, Adolph and Otto, they husband looking Into ihall Aim wie new nest; nnd Anna nnd others of recognized nblllty hnvo tack- cllmpso ot and the fli- bora, and novor cntor my doora ngnln." renin Into her alio knock- the white dress he grasped her arm In a Hut the owl was as bright as the fairies did, ond Uura Hollne. Just led tho problem, only to give It up. Tho tter voll. hard, grasp. 'Have I acted so very wrong?" or night. It hlgher'n kite and thoy nit rruel the ed a difficulty hn been thnt tho whglo of To think her hubsnd did not asked, sadly. As the sen lay hW In the West. laughed. I going to stand up for that CHAPTMl'xr.. ain't tho frontage I over tho tunnel, roeognlxo as horn! Hhe Wrong?" he nxelnlmed contemptu dirty again." nnd Willie then street that silver veil rssn ) IfiAtl in llin 1nL' Now, two Imrt hoys, two wry Usrt boys, tho stuff nnd nt nn awkward anglo.varylng from had worn It ever since aim had beon ously. "Wo will wnlvo that, Mildred. DelermltiMl iin Iwnt told nil thnt hnd boon tald. nnd n across which the in their four feel to twonty-flv- o, but not a par Hnvonsmcre; wns not a wir-vn- You hove done I Te ehnie robin uway. estlly lively tnlk followed. nt there last red glimmer of that whloh will never nnd then ihr tlclo of weight would tho company al plnen who would not pardon. Now toll me why you sieai an llrt egga in her nett. Indeed, the story of Willie's "amend-mont- " about the the sunset had fad- did It low to rest upon tho tunnel, nnd cross recognised It tnlnuto; where-n- s You may aponk you wns the toplo In have In a ed hurband and tho truth to mo; nut the ewl en gusnt In the tep ef tho girder could not be used on account her hiwbaml did not even knbw to boor my nnmo. I will shlold you from ovcry homo In tho neighborhood that wife stood for one bo-g- or tho shnllow depth. What tho Intid whttin It belonged. all harm. No ono knows but myself." Was A InAtflh far IIm. uraMM nml tnnrAi night, nnd moro thnn ono parent m o m e nt beneidh In a very concerning owner wnnted to do wui to erect a proven what notlro ho "Then sho did not rco mo?" Mil wt tttfulit thar returned that to seriously Inquire "That little the darkening sky. snld night. thrco-ttor- y building, with very little bestowed on mo," abe thought, blt-tori- dred, drearily. this thing. has looking nt (rh Moeh wleer ung men tlwn befere. Indeed to rest It upon, and It wag ovl , "No and you may bo thnnktul other. Iird Cam-- for dent thnt tho twcnty-flv- o feet of build- were so It," Ton wonder, no nenbt, hew I feund this A (tlrl llrlgaile. Tlie grounds of Hnvensmero ven's f n c o was answered the earl, severely. "Bho Ilro ing over tho tunnel would havo to bo wooded Mm wife abet- did not seo you. You may win, awopt over our woll that behind ghastly whlto. an speak qulto Whre It bapnened, and how, and wheni Blnco tho wnr tplrlt suspended held out nt nrm'a length, na walk frankly no ono 1 oven glrla so sllrrod by tor of the tall treei alio could unknown, untold horror lay In his oyos, knows anything about riism will tHl, I wnt etM e( thwe-w- ell, land the arc It wero. In other words, ns the pro- qulto by win-jtttiilflt- i. It except mysolf, Now prevailing pawilon for all thing unseen the earl and hit his lliw tromhleil with uncontrollable toll mo." tbo poned building wna forty-fiv- e feet deep 1 IH never reb Wrdr mete aanln. The sweet southern wind Hint emotion. Mildred pale, torrlflod, won "What havo to tell you?" alto wild. military thnt muny of thorn havo bo 2! I'equlgnet. ut and from this hnd to deducted brditght I did I JnineA I.. soldierly compntile In dlffor-o- nanreely stirred the leave to dering- - gated nt him like one "I It; followed you hero be feet of tunnel, It but 10 feet of solid parts country. left tier from time to time chance worda, cause oh, how bard It Is to tcllt hcv of tho foundation to carry nn oroctlou forty of her. She cnuse 1 wna of I Willie's "Amrn.l til." MoMlnnvlllo, Ore., rojoloo In n mill bflt none of them were "What la It?" ahe gasped. Jealous her. thought . five wldo nnd three stories high (Ily Hstollo Mondell Amory.) r....- - in feet lltl not want to llaten to tholr con- "You gtillty woman." erled the earl that you woro both ridiculing me, that "I. To overcome this difficulty tho archl Hho to ptcvent you would toll bar thnt you been "Tomorrow," snld Mlaa Itood, "you Hi juiunT?.8'in '7.2:7.:iti'v- v esa . ,1.: versation; only wished "you cruel, gulltyi jealoiia woman!" hud may liui tert who had tho work In hand devised the story of marriage from being obliged to marry mo to novo yourself an bring me some Incidents show Tho young ladlos nro relatives nnu ber Hho shrank hack at though he had Ing an Ingenious system of huge cnntllev tehl. reoitieltmos low, musical from ruin, but thnt you did not lovo the harm that liquor and tobacco friends of the Orogon volunjoers who the struck her, her lip parted aa though dono; ers, six In number, running to nine I mo, you have something you havo road havo gone to Manila. Only girls of laughter of Udy Until ton ranched died did not euro for me, you dls out I ted to carry shn would speak, hut all sound In tho paper or know of yourself." Mis prepossessing npponranco and fine foet drop, and inn her, and then the rlrli ring of her hus- uway liked me, you hated mo, you Inngod 400 tons, on thim. Hoed was just going to dlimls her physique were pormlttod to Join. They weights v vlng from 100 to band's voice would aotiml cheerily In to be free from mo my accursed com- "You guilty woman," repeated the little country school n was handsomely uniformed, tho uni- and t" .Idlng will soon bo the gathering gloom; and nil the time monoy wna all you wantwl thnt you when hand nro supports earl, "own tho truth! You followed rnlsod, and "Tonchor," came from a forms following tho government regu- pleted. 10 cnntllovor tho hhe, hit wife, was slowly threading her would never like me. And I fancied 400 torn, Uuly Hamilton and me here to watch, bright, questioning boy. lations ns closely as girls' dress will greatest weight, estimated nt .way after lilm like the shadow of fate, to listen. Hpeak!" she would pity you In thnt soft, oarora and calculated to support a strain of "Don't thoy nik- - permit. A snug fitting blouse of blue There had tint linen one word of ber Ing voice of hers -- pity you for being never do no good?" 'May Honvuu pardon mo, I did en cloth ornnmentcd with brass buttons 875 tons. Wo may. perhaps, render yot the conversation hnd all bcun burdened with a wife you did not love. wiillo Swcnton taking she moaned. a bluo reaching above ta tho the matter moro Intelligible hy yonra be- - I believed you "Thnt Is a good question. Willie: we and skirt about ieopte they hnd known "Morn you must remain. I shall that would toll ber thnt linn (mil u'lll. Iwn ivliltn strlncB an typical tho cantilever known to the I was must nlwoya bo Jutt, oven to our foro; and now they Mood on tho bor oomo back. I know wlloro to Jealous of her. that thon both of on' a -- i.i- ... i. n.t.,ni,,ni - ' architect as Al. which projocta over shall mles. so I will nsk you to also bring liuwil caul....u Bine, hid mi: ,i mw . rn. deni of the lake, whom the crimson find you, crouching the of tho you would laugh at mo." tho tunnel 2G feel and support at end any fnct or case where thoy havo dono lures of tho drees. A bluo can with a water, to theilnzed mind of the young nldor-tree- e, you hid yourself to Tho pnsslon of her words hnd dead will support Its due shnro (.170 tons) where tiny broom mndo of mnnlla grass wrap . , shud-dere- d good." And In tho burst of uncon .. . . . i . i n ...... oountvMi, looked like blood. Hhe guest. ened nil sent of shame. Hho hail for mo wnuo uiuy m u-i--i t lletcn to your husband and his ccrned morrlmont nnd nolso fol ped In red, whlto and bluo cord stand- oi imiiuing, ui an the Idea orciirred to her, (Ireat spy gotten that which her Jealousy hnd thnt tho building will rest upon u Heaven, that a should hoar lowed tho tnp of tho bell, It would ing out In front, and tan loggings com- It under Home of tho crlmiton kIow foil on tho 1 prompted her to do, and remembered add to tho safe- my name! titay hero until roturn. If icem that nil of "tencbor'a" Injune plete tho costume. On tho loft breast solid foundation. To whlto dreee nnd on the silken voll. She 1 only her grent. bitter wrongs. Bho flvo-polnt- hangs a hugo mass of you attempt to ctcapo will send tho wbb Hons and requests must be forgottin. Is woro a star, wrapped In ty, from this aw I.nly Hamilton bold out her little I bo no longer n herolno-on-ly n patnlon- - concrete, somo 10 feet across by IB foot whole county after you. And was Hut boforo tho long across tho snmo kind of cord and ntto mndo of whllo bund nnd cry, gleefully: nte, Injured, deeply loving woman walks tho weighing some 100 tons, ginning to caro for you to think you beautiful prairies woro accomplished, mnnlla grass. high, and ius "Ijok, ljrd Curavon my hand U n She roHo to tho ooraslon. troop Is ponded by steel bars 22 feet long, Tho nohlo woman!" every hluo-oye- d. Tho Mnnlla (lunrds, nt tho ono of tho twenty weighing dyed red!" Hho cowering Tho earl was Impressed moro than flaxcn-hnlrc- nro swords, belts wholo matter resembles tho shrank from him. His d little Bwodos Danes cnllcd. equipped with Thoy spoken of her. The ho would havo and leg on tho butchor'a had not angry fare, tho anger that slinno In cared to own. wna eagerly searching his sennty col nnd hnversnoks. It Is drilled by an of n of mutton descending. "I eould' not sn-b- er acts as red sun wait fast his oyos, Uio etorn volno frightened bear It," she contln lection of 'acts, nnd almost befora tho old army votornn In marching and steelyard tho cantilever Is 1 you to see.' nod, passionately, warehouses and shops "Tlmt what wlih hor. Sho shrank lower and lower "i should havo dono "plcco" wns called for, mntnm.i was drill according to tho old Steven- tho Uio I end, nnd the wild earl. "Tho moment In which until tho fell an hor knees, sobbing us worso than this, am ture, If It could asked to holp out on "teacher's que son tnctlcs. Tho girls havo attained nro supported nt tho long (i water n been I - thoy weight concreto dangles tho mi seems to touch tho though her heart would break. havo done.. was mail. I will lion.- ai tno supper tnuies it was great skill In tho drills, in fact gigantic of rod Rleam passes I h rough It; then the "Stir at your peril!" ho said, and toll you all. I wan mail bocauto I had also an Interesting topic, especially may ho said "to move na ono nuin," as from tho short ono, acting In somo next moment It Ih qulto dark." then ho loft her. loarnoil to lovo you with all tho Wllllo Bwonson' "amendment," ono tho old phrase goes. Military disci- manner as a countcrpolte, whllo the at Delin- concrete Thoy watched It In alienee, while tho Kor some fow minutes nftorward she strength of my heart and soul. I could of tho oldor boys it. This seem pline Is carefully maintained. cantilever rosta upon n bod of termed vlgoroun dark figure stood motionless nnd Mill heard snundt on tho bordera of the not boar that you uliould Jost nbout ed to cspoclnlly plcnso the fntbers.moHt quents, If olllcors, nro reduced to tho It hna been suggested that a behind thorn. Tho nun, ur It act, (loom- lako; murmured bounds, at of IntutiK' mo with carolosn words; It was as of whom used tho subtle weed, whllo ranks and confirmed Insuhnrdlnates sneeze In a front portion of tho prom- ed to touoh the outer edge of tho lako; though you stabbed mo for pleasure." nil thought It no harm to tako are dismissed from membership. The ises or tho simultaneous entranco Into portly a red gleam ramu over It. beautiful "You lovo mo?" be Interrogated, In- "friendly glass" now and thon. Still guards know how to storm trenches tho promises of two or threo nnd curious, and thou, almost at once, credulously. tho little community was abovo tho nnd how to drlvo n mob from tbo customers might "tip the wholo thing It wna dark. The dark shawl fell from her, nnd uvornKo In Industry nnd mornllty.own street. When thoy nro engaged In up. Tho drawings oi a nunuing con- woll-tlllc- crlos recall to tho hnve. nnt "Wo will no home by the coppleo," she stood eroct boforo him In all the Ing largo, d fnrms, nnd having sham battle their structed on such novol lines raid Iord Carmen; and IiIh wlfa re dignity of hor pale, jHumlonato n Hundny school, and "preaching" oc older people's minds tho ynnkeo shouts urally. been examined with tho utmost beauty. ago. membercd that the long avenue of Her amber drees and casionally lu their own Inugungo, nnd robul yell of yenrs Chicago care, both by Mr. Hnglls, tho onglneer her rubles city tree extended to tho very gate. Hhe gleamed In the starlight; thp queenly As might be oxpociod, theroforo.facts News, of tho (Iront Wostcrn, and tho ob- eould thoreforo walk almost side by head was held aloft; sho no concerning "Wllllo's Amondmont" wero Burvoyor, and tho ono or two minor longer mot eirtn with thorn, yet quite timicen. pleaded and wept; tho memory abundant, and more than ono "Adolph" Wlmt "Muff n K.intr of Hlienre" Meant. jections havo heon successfully of her In It They hud not mentloued her nnmo. passionate lovo nml "Hmll" and "Thodn" were very You all know this rhymo, but havo When tho girders nro covered nnd her hitter wrongs to Could alio have been vrong In her filled her with nngry prldo. anxlou for "tomorrow." you ovor hoard what It really moans? will present no unusual features suspicion? Had eho mistaken hor hu (To bo Continued.) "Oh, I got ono; what you got?" was Tho niiicKuiriit rep tho cyo. ond will havo little to dlstln All baud'a words? tho universal greeting that bright Juno resent the twonty-fou- r hour- -. Vho lmt-- gulsh It from Its follows. the archi- Thoy wore standing nt tho edge of morning; but, ah, how the facta teem tom of the plo Is tho world, whllo the namo, it will ho a monument of QUERN ROSB. dovo-tlon- Birmingham Mall. the lako, n cold, dark nboot of wntor to vim lull, ns, nftor the short top crust la tho sky thnt overarches It. tectural Ingenuity. now, anil alio established heraelf be exercises, thoy wero oneh railed l'bo opening or tno plo is tno nay uuwn, At ii Ittitit llrr Trurit Interpreters lu ulder-tree- e. to give them. "This lolling about hind n groat group of It whon the birds begin to sing, and A Nervy n Urn Win (lie Olo-to- llruv. Art Arc Women Painter. things, llko a proaehor," at Claui n surely such a sight Is fir for n king. HHmed to her that the allver veil on Tho poor wounded In Cuba hnvo hn I woman'a head nnd ahoulder About the hut literary work com- tunned It, wns ono of Ml it Kiwi's The king, who Is represented silting the fair many "new wnya" of developing money, a hard time. Apparently the powers absorbed nil the light wui, pleted by the Into Corn Kttinrt Wheeler her lu his parlor counting out his there mid ns yot was a thought that there were not going 1'rawnlly ahe drew near. Another waa n beautiful tribute to "Some Court pupils, terrible strain is tho sun. whllo tno gold iiieeoe tlmt t an the cournge of thoeo timid ho bo any wounded, nnd, without doubt group of tree suparated her from the I'alntere to Queen Hoe," nubllehed I" little slip through his fingers, ns counts foreigners. golden lunhoams. fow on Cuban soil dremned there would two who won ao unconscious or her the Woman'a Home Companion. In them, nro tho -- Rome of the older one prefaced onsen, who alts In dark kit ho so many. Nowhere wero hospital -l- arge treea swaying (II which she says: Aa a rule women Tbe the jiresauee with "Yt, ILTY WOMAN! their quaintly told stories or incidents moon, tho honey with preparations comploto enough, lu through night by make the beet (lower painters. The chen, Is tho ami branches; them the pity and roinpaaeloii, followed the with, In the paper night," Is moon- touts, medicine, nuraoe or surgeons men who excel In this branch "It stood hut which sho regales horsolt tho wind brought overy wonl to her. They tramp of many foeUrtepe, and then all of art end, of course, wore the familiar tulea on tho field, or In tho roar. At Hlbonoy owly of light on water waa are comparatively fow. even alien we light. talked the the itlll. of t"ltery and ruin. Industrious maid, who li In tho aeonrdlng to John Fox, Jr.. In his lot Midden darknees there of Mfound waa coverad consider tho small number of artist The and the 'Ilie with dead "Hut hot no ono found any good garden nt work boforo her king tho tor to Harper's Weekly, the surgeons who loved dying luavea. Hung of both sexes who have acquired repu- ommmo had known and anil Idy Caravan that these things do?" asked the tenoh-o- r, I the day dawn, nnd had not tlmo enough to get the names, tation in the picturing of sun has risen, Lady IlaiHllton before her marriage heraelf down upon thaw, and aa she llowors. Tho ns Ilodn Iaaaeeon wit down, hor rlotho tho hnngs out nro tho or even to count tho number brought reason le not dttlletilt to aee. av tho Hhe unshed coquettlehly over It. lay there the obi worda came to her The rbcoka rivaling the sweet rosea pinned clouds. Tho bird who so tragically In. Tho men not seriously wounded erage womnn line n Haw ton was that nousenee to last? " me die!" Death would have been fonilnwi for llow- on hor blue gown. tho song by "nipping off hor note" lay for hours awaiting their turn after mercy. ors whlrh brings hor Into ends tho unhappy young wife aaked hereelf a the closest For n fow seconds there was an It tbo sunset. Bo wo hnvo tho wholo the men who were seriously Injured aymiiathy thorn, unci IIhw IflHR wm ahe to atatid under the The golden start came out In the sky. with enables ber awkward patwo, when tho doughty day. If not In a nutshell, In a plo. nnd yet fow complained, and they wero ihrV8lHK evening eklea, with the Wna It really heraelf. or waa she to appreciate and understand them as Willie Swoiueon roto to champion hi Exchange. usually tho mon slightly hurt. Ho grwt alder Uramb awaylug to and dreaming? Waa the Mildred, the beau- men seldom do. In the Interpretation amondmont. tells of threo men brought in from Han atMt the eouRhlnK of the wind In tiful, popular t'ouuteea of Caraveu. of certain subtlo phases of lloral life "Well, my fadir hnd a mint, and her The Heart' J.lfotriirk. Juan. The surgeon took tho ono wlio of love, lying there In all the abandonment of her sensitive temperament and stomach got had (heartburn), and she !lr Mra. the lire the wadoeee tho to The human heart Is so quickly re- was groaning. Ho had a moro scratch In - ber mlaery, her husband s angry voice eullsrly lymiwthetle feeling took all the medlolne In the drug store, 9f Jaftlotiar raging ber heart- hew that the It sponsive to every touoh of feeling in on his leg. Another won dressed an WNgT In earn, the of nugry apt to bring to espe- - tho didn't get no better, so tjio It ww almnat oHbearable. Hhe her marks his hor labor of lovo but and the mind thnt the people of nnolcnt tho third sat silently an a chair, still to rry reap on her arm? Outcast, wretched, daily qualify her for engaging doctor, be told her to chew soino to be- Mi luelleed out that It.muet In thli tlmo thought that It was the abiding another was attended, and another, 6WL deapalrlng, wae department of bacoo and swallow tho juleo, and ihe k ellnebed her Uttgern. abe bit i there only one friend picture making. In plueo of tbe soul, and all literature, fore the surgeon turned to Uio man point of marvel-otiil- y not well right off." kr Hp; then suddenly ahe beard th forher in the worlu, and that waa air technical ability some both nnolcnt and modern, contains who was so patiently nwaltlng his turn MWid of her name ber roaldeu natne Itaoul; If ahe could hut e him, If elever work has been done by ar-- ltvery other word of this short speech many poetic references to this Inter- "Where afe you hurt?" Tho man In the poor boy's "Mildred IUmnm!" Want were aha could but tell him! The pitiless Mats of the gentler sax In the renrtidue- - had stuck throat, but esting pointed to his left si do. "Through" by worming hi fact. kfy Mylnc Waa the earl telllnc ho night hid her from all eyes. Surely Hon of llffwara and In the treatment of mean at bare feet and of work performed dur- sir." working at kit one suspender, he scor The amount "Ye, he had been rompelled to eneNWher there had never been a Night ao fall jf almrull subjects,1 ing the lifetime of a person living to himieir with a wife pain. ed a vletory. Several of hi compan by he did not love? the limit of human life prescribed tllirlitlan I'erulUrlf jr. Mow lun on the "defense" looked Jubilant, Waa he naylng that, although he did loag ahe had been lying there rtsmlHg Hlilw fur the. Naij, King David three score and ton years True Christian peculiarity Ilea In dlf her, they aha never waa aaded but almoit before the teacher asked powerful engine Is Nt low aad were etransrr kaaw. Tlma all The naming of veaeel of the Unlled would - by this small but faring from the world In character As h "hew they answer this fact," tfi ' other, she eared for him? for bar. waa roaaeloua only of Va-s- al Incredible. It Ii six Inehs In Was the Htata navy Is regulated by law. band were up. almost tu eonduet. decent men everywhere are b laughing mlaery. even feel llrst-rla- In diameter, and beats beeauae aha bad owied Innnilo Me did Hat ef tbe a are rwiulred to think It did euro the stotn length and four the same otilwurdly. Hev. Dr. F ihat he waa the aa It "I don't average 70 time a minute, 4,200 )ealoa of hlw? rblll breath of the wind be named after states, those of the aeh," replied Iva Latum, who waa en the Crane, naaaed 100.800 a day and 30,792,-Bo- o "I cannot bear It!" ahe thought. over ber. second after riven, that of the third studying physiology; "It only dead time an hour. The next worn eat there waa the Thin, after what teemed to her an principal in th course of it year, so that after the rltlea and towns, ened tho nerve, so she didn't feel The World to Come, asWHl of a nbot HMWethtag aeemeil to ana of aaepenae and atony, the heard and those of th fourth a tbe president the heart of a man 70 years old has It" now look as If the leading Chris raUw through the alder hraaches (ooUter amid the bruth wood, and may direct. did cure beaten over J.WO.OSO.OGO time. H "Hut If It that." added nations wore to bo consigned the iktfa waa a low ery, n eUrttert Lord Caraven railing ber by name. thoughtful Anna Ivorson. "tobaeeo Is Man hlior Fur guardianship If not the possession of "I am bare." ahe said. taltaeco. and It did other things, to- o- Aluminium Hurt. flnll.lllleil I'elroleiiin nt ruV Itussla has tried experiments with the world that Is to he. Hev. A. V. O The are Haaebara In the w4d," In the thick growing darkneai It was A Callfornlati, hy u special just what physiology says-nb- out tbo preseto, aluminium shoe for oavalry horse. A Allen. bs UHeajat; "he will surely go Ih with dlllleulty that he tl ed her. has succeeded In solidifying petroleum lung nnu juiees nnu Kidneys." tMroh f thaw, ahd then be will rind He eaw her at length lying with It hurts tho ohlppod In fow bone In the Finland dragoons her Into a hlask, wild mass, which burns "And eye," one fate hidden among the dead leaves. Adolph Johnson, a little follow of sev- were shod with aluminium shoo, A ruiplt ArtUu llko soal, with less smoke, and throw the taraati to Or: there "You may rise and thank Heaven," en, while his seatmate gained oeurage and three Iron then eaih. former A preacher should bo an artist whoie how tht Wt thrlie the heat. It can be east In on the fare toot in some ,iq dMNgar at being eHght. she he tald, In a stern volee, you to add, "And the heart, teacher." being ease, Is to mako men feel bis mes- ttui the "that brlaks, Ii eJean and gives eat little tho hind foot In The butlniH Spkm ta wake a (Mil eanwlauaneee have eaeceeded; the evil It not "Yes," said Mis Heed, "the physl and en other. sage. Hev. F. James. la nt to petroleum odar. experiment tatted six weeks, and show- b( what ahe datng; the bare faat great at It might have bten," elans who are now examining the men wf find a great many ed that the aluminium shoes lasted (bat the waa IbHaalnK teemed to eoue Hhe rose and stood before him, Wa Hxeautlve nblllty Is of fer tho war with Don't meddle with peopli who don't the fatuity Injured hy tnbaeea, and they longer and preserved the feet better home to her at it had atvtr came hi- - same dued look aa lux face getting tome one to do your work. bents (ton meddle with you, can nt take them, for thiy would not than the ami.