Authorized to Use the National Sanitation Foundation Seal
DOCUMENT RESUME ED 025 903 EF 002 092 Listing of Food Service Equipment. National Sanitation Foundation, Ann Arbor, Mich. Testing Lab. Pub Date Jan 68 Note-274p. Available from-National Sanitation Foundation, Testing Laboratory, 2355 West Stadium Boulevard, P. a Box 1468, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 ($1.00) EDRS Price MF 41.25 HC-$13.80 Descriptors-Building Equipment, *Equipment, *Equipment Standards, *Food Service Industry, *Food Standards, Public Health, *Sanitation A comprehensive listing of food service equipment including--(1) companies authorized to use the National Sanitation Foundation seal of approval, and (2) equipment listed 'as meeting NSF standards including soda fountains, spray-type dishwashers, dishWashing equipment, cooking equipment. commerical cooking and warming equipment, freezers, refrigerators, food preparation equipment, ice-making equipment, food vending machines, special equipment, cloth towel dispensers. A final section presents an index to coMpany seal of approval numbers. (RH) Pt\ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION & WELFARE C) OFFICE Of EDUCATION ON Lf1 THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING U. POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS C\I STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE Of EDUCATION C) lik POSITION OR POLICY. CI _ L.Li la a 6 II : Annual authorization todisplaythe nSf Seal on equipment is grantedonly when, following laboratory and plant evaluation,theequipment is foundtobe in compliance with theadopted NSF Standards, Basicor Special Criteria. -Plant and laboratoryevaluations are conducted annually, thereby providing assurancethat Listed equipment complieson a continuing basis withthe NSF Standards and Criteria. Equipment evaluations are conducted jointly with officialhealth agency personnel whenever possiblein order toachievea better understanding andrelationship between in- dustry, public health andthe Foundation.
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