COMMUNITY EDUCATION SPORTS Funding Campus Fall sports for tourism notes postponed Page 3 Page 8 Page 7 SERVING PALMER, MONSON, BRIMFIELD, HOLLAND & WALES The Journal Register A TURLEY PUBLICATION ❙ July 30, 2020 ❙ Vol. CLXIX, No. 28 ❙ $1.00 SPORTS COMMUNITY Vigil focuses on tackling racial injustice Turley Publications staff photos by Jonah Snowden (L to R): Vigil organizers Lauren Melinda-Reuter, Taysia Franco-Smith, Kailey Shepardson and Rebekah Herring. By Jonah Snowden Field to take part in a discussion Dozens of fans came out to the
[email protected] about the racial injustices, ranging Steaming Tender Restaurant last from systematic racism to police Friday to interact with successful PALMER – In the past few brutality and white supremacy. stuntman and Palmer product Doug months, efforts to combat and con- Co-organizers Lauren Melin- Danger. quer racial injustice have been tak- da-Reuter, Taysia Franco-Smith, ing place nationally. Last weekend, Rebekah Herring and Kailey Shep- a similar effort took place right in ardson put this vigil together to the town of Palmer, in the form of serve as a wake-up call to the res- a vigil. idents of Palmer, who they believe Danger returns to the area On the afternoon of July 25, at the Steaming Tender Restaurant. holding motorcycle jumper who a month. attendees made their way to Legion VIGIL ❙ page 12 Daredevil signs The 58-year-old daredevil has per- first entered the Guinness Book of Last Friday, he reminisced on biography formed all over the world but rel- World Records in 1991.