Welcome to the World of E – Commerce By: Dr
Welcome to The World of E – Commerce By: Dr. K. T. Subhas chandra., Govt. R. C. College of Commerce. Module 1 Introduction to e-commerce and e-business. Types of E-Commerce Modes E-commerce business models, B2B,B2C, C2C,C2B, B2G, G2G, G2E, G2C. E-Marketing, Techniques and Tools, E-Commerce Providers and Vendors Introduction Information Age/Era is knowledge – based Industrial Revolution. Information and Information Technology [IT] are new Drivers of this Era like other Drivers of the business viz., technology & Marketing, Research & Development, Entrepreneurship., etc., The changes in the Business – Environment is accelerated by IT and It‟s Change. The challenge into the next century is not only to survive competition, and use new technologies, but also to mange change in technology and in markets. The key business characteristics of industrial age and Information age business have been compared by Tjaden as follows Industrial Age Information Age 1. Mass Production Mass Communication 2. Labour serves tools Tools serve Labour 3. Labour performs repetitive tasks Labour applies Knowledge 4. Command & control structure Common control structure 5. Capital intensive Knowledge intensive 6. Capitalist own production means Labour owns production means 7. Capital is primary driver Knowledge is primary driver. What is Information technology? Information Technology (IT) in its narrow definition refers to the technological side of an information system. It includes Hardware, Software, Database, Networks and other devices. As such, it can be viewed as a sub-system of an information system. Some times, the term IT is also used interchangeably with information system or it may be used as a broader concept that describes a collection of several information systems, users, Internet, Intranet, Extranet and management of an entire organisation.
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