Vol. 103, Issue 6, Dec. 10, 20200 InIn tthishis iissue:ssue: A looklook bbackack atat tthehe ddecadeecade NewsNews in BriefBrieff Nina AriasArias PagePage 2 COMMCOMM 281

MinotMinot StateState 22021-021- FromFrom vvariousarious election scandals, to fashion mistakes,s, to music that was 20222022 generalgeneral integral in our lives,livives, the past decade scholarshipscholarshipp has been lled with manyy de ningg application moments for pop cultureculture historhistory.yy.. availableavailable HHere’sere’s a look back at some of the highlights. PagePage 2 IInn 2011, PPrincerincece WilliamWilliam and Kate MMiddletoniddleton wwereere married at London’sLondon’s CollegeCollege DemDemocratsocrats WWestminsterestminster AAbbey.bbbeyy.. RRoughlyoughly 100 million people tuned in on TV and reactreact toto elecelectionttion online to watchh the rroyaloyal wedding.wedding. PagePage 3 BBritishritish singer AAdele’sdele’s rst album, titled “21,”“21,” was releasedreleased and instantly FestiveFestive feelinfeelings:feelinngs: hit the BBillboardillboarrd HHotot 100 charchartsts in America. NNewew to the celebrity HallmarkHallmark moviemovie spotlight, Kim KardashianKardashian led for reviewsreviews divdivorceorce fromfrom Krisis HumphriesHumphries after 72 PagePage 3 days of marriage.e. IItt was also the yyearear that marmarkedked thee end of “e OOprahprah WWinfreyinfrey SShow”how” aafter 25 yyearsears on airair.. Festivus:Festivus: A secularecular e yyearear 20122 kicked o the rst celebrationcelebration ““A“Avengers”AAvvengers” movie,movvie, as MarvelMarvel fans PagePage 4 swarmed the theaters in drdroves.oves. K-popK-pop’s’s global inuence began as “G“Gangnamangnam Style”Style” became the :Hanukkah: TheThhe rst videod on YYouTYouTubeouTTTubeubeb to rreacheachh 1 FestivalFestival of Lightsghts billion vieviews.ws. e literarliteraryy scene was PagePage 5 highlighted byby the publication of “F“Fiftyifty SShadeshades of GGrey.”reyy..” e yyearear sadlydly saw two of the What eveneven iss deadliest shootingsngs in U.S. historhistoryy BoxingBoxing Day?Day? at the time: a devdevastatingastating eveventent in PagePage 6 AAurora,urora, Colorado,do, wherwheree 12 people wwereere shot and killedlled at a moviemovie theater during a midnightght scrscreeningeening of the LeavingLeaving ccollegeollegeege “D“Darkark Knight Rises,Rises,”” and the SSandyandy withi h fulfilledfulf lfilled goalsgoalsl HHookookk EElementaryllementart ry SSchoolh l shootingh ting in NNewton,ewton, Connecticutcticut later that yyear.ear. PagePage 8 ese eveventsents promptedprrompted the debate about violence andnd gun rreform.eform. ReturnReturn of MSUMSSU LastlyLastly,y,, the night beforbeforee the women’swomen’s hockeyhocckey GGrammyrammy AAwards,Awarwwards, 48-year-old48-year-old PhotoPhoto byby Stux, ccourtesyourtesy of PPixabayixabay See Decade—Deccade— PPageage 7 PagePage 9 PPokémonokémoon Go wwasas ththee mmostost dodownloadedwnloadded app of 22016.016. Page 2 - Dec. 10, 2020 News Red and Green News in Brief Minot State 2021-2022 general Minot State COVID-19 Hub Dec. 14 to Dec. 30, 2020. Visit minot- scholarship application available, minotstateu.edu/covid stateu.edu/covid and click the Fall Grad- ing Options link for more information. COVID-19 testing on campus deadline Feb. 15, 2021 Upcoming testing dates include Dec. Finals Week 11, 15, and 18 from 8-11 a.m. on the Final exams for 2020 Fall 16-week third oor of the Dome, with 8–9 a.m. classes will be from Dec. 14–18. e reserved for MSU students, faculty, schedule for nal exams is available on and sta. Participants are encouraged the Registrar’s Oce page at minotsta- to pre-register to facilitate an ecient teu.edu/records. collection process and minimize the amount of time spent at the testing site. Late-Night Finals Breakfast A pre-registration link is on the De- is year’s Late-Night Finals Breakfast partment of Health’s website at testreg. will be on Monday, Dec. 14 at 7 p.m. nd.gov/. For further, updated information, follow MSULife on Instagram. MSU announces post-Thanks- giving option Fall rental books due e Minot State campus has weath- All fall rental books are due to the Mi- ered the fall semester as well as expected. not State University Bookstore by Friday, e same is not true in North Dakota Dec. 18. e bookstore is open regular or Ward County as COVID-19 cases hours and books can be checked in, in spiked dramatically in November. e person. For students unable to return in university made the decision to allow person, a $5 UPS shipping label can be students the option to depart campus generated at minotstateu.bncollege.com. at anksgiving break and complete the International students will not be able to remaining fall semester, including Finals use this shipping label due to customs. Week, from a distance. Regardless of shipping method, please e MSU campus will remain open make sure packages are postmarked by after anksgiving and classes currently Friday, Dec. 18. being oered face-to-face will continue that way for students who choose to Break attend in-person. Classes currently of- ere will be no classes from Dec. 21 fered in-person and remotely/HyFlex/ to Jan. 10, in observance of the holiday online-synchronous will continue on academic break. the day and time they are scheduled. For Spring 2021 semester students choosing to go home, it in no way excuses them from missing class- e Spring 2021 semester will begin es. Students must communicate with on Jan. 11 after 4 p.m. and Jan. 12 all their instructors if planning to utilize day. the distance option. Housing and dining Celebrate the holiday season services will continue until the end of the semester. Since leaving campus prior to For some additional festive cheer, consider taking part in the following the end of the semester is optional, there events: will not be any refunds or prorating for those services. Downtown Holiday Window Walk S/U grading option Enjoy an evening stroll through the In November, the MSU Faculty Sen- downtown neighborhood during this ate adopted a policy allowing students holiday window walk on Friday from the option to convert any current letter 5–8 p.m. Nearly 20 businesses will have grade (A-F) courses in the Fall 2020 transformed sidewalk-level windows semester to satisfactory/unsatisfactory into festive holiday scenes. (S/U) grading. is is similar to what Pro Tip: Grab a coee or cocoa to was done during the Spring 2020 semes- sip during your walk, and then stop for ter. is S/U option is only for under- Poster submitted by Tonya Critz, Minot State University senior financial aid officer. graduate classes, and the window of time See News in Brief — Page 11 to implement such a decision is from Red and Green Opinion Page 3 - Dec. 10, 2020 College Democrats Festive feelings: Hallmark movie react to election reviews

Submitted by the Minot State College Democrats Club By Alyson Heisler

e Oct. 29, 2020 issue of the Red a club stand by those with uteruses and ‘Tis the season for predictable holiday e fuzzy feelings they bring could warm — which adds to the experience. and Green published an article regarding their personal, private decisions. movies with paper-thin plots and far too the coldest hearts with their mention “On the 12th Date of Christmas” is a the College Democrats’ perspective on e Democratic Party also many Christmas trees. ese are primarily In “On the 12th Date of Christmas,” recommendation from me, and it makes the 2020 presidential election. As a club, acknowledges climate change and its produced by the Hallmark Channel, two game creators are tasked with working me wish for the time when real, in-person we want to correct the statement that we increasing eects on the planet. e which begins their holiday movie season together on a project to create a Christmas- holiday activities could happen. One day, “declined to comment” and elaborate Biden-Harris campaign promises to promptly near the end of October. Most themed app. ey are polar opposites — we will again be able to gather to watch on our beliefs. expand the country’s renewable energy of these movies have a similar plot line Jennifer is obsessed with Christmas and strings of Christmas lights be plugged in To begin, the College Democrats club capabilities and deemphasize fossil fuels. and festive theme. e main character — Aiden is an anti-festive scrooge. with joy. at Minot State welcomes conversation Likewise, the College Democrats usually a woman, but on occasion a man Using festive destinations and activities Honorable mentions include the about our political stances, but we believe healthcare is a human right, and — living in either a kitschy small town or in the city, they create a holiday scavenger following lms (if you wish to call them do not wish to speak on behalf of the the Biden-Harris administration plans a bustling city is dealing with a seasonal hunt centered around bringing attention that): “ e Christmas House,” “Never Democratic National Party. We are to protect the Aordable Care Acts as conict. to local businesses and Christmas Kiss a Man in a Christmas Sweater,” and, aliated with the party merely by name well as provide an aordable, public ese conicts include, but are not experiences. e scavenger hunt brings for the time-travel lovers, “A Timeless and by ballot. health insurance option. is brings to light our dissatisfaction We also support the LGBTQ+ limited to the following: a family business people together to celebrate — including Christmas.” with the two-party system in the United community and their rights to equal is at risk of closing, their professional job Jennifer and Aiden, as they spend the When times are tough and you’re States. Working within the constraints marriage, healthcare, and adoption. has brought them to the town to study holiday season together. thoroughly done dealing with your own of the political dichotomy, the In 2012, Biden announced on NBC’s or aid in their festive traditions, a family is one is a quintessential Hallmark family, watch another person’s seasonal Democratic Party is the side that most “Meet the Press” that he supported member is injured (they’ve come to care for Christmas movie and is a wonderful struggles to feel the holiday spirit. ings closely supports our beliefs. For the marriage equality, and earlier this them), or the elaborate annual Christmas viewing experience. It has all the heart- that pair well with cheesy, predictable 2020 general election, we endorsed the month, he became the rst president- festival is being planned. warming, festive elements with just Christmas movies include large bowls Biden-Harris campaign and are relieved elect to mention transgender people in Despite this stereotypical predictability, enough wacky moments to add some of popcorn, hot chocolate (or any other with their victory. their acceptance speech. these movies serve as an outlet for humor to the story. e production of the beverage, alcoholic or not), and enough We also acknowledge the censurable Finally, the College Democrats wholesome Christmas joy to prime movie is also really good — without weird judgment to ll approximately two hours pasts and lethargic policymaking of the understand that racism is a systemic viewers for the upcoming holiday season. background music or faux snowy overlays of your evening. Happy viewing! party and its members, but their current issue inherent in the country’s platform sides more closely with the policymaking, with the prison industrial stances that we claim as part of our core complex being a large contributor. Vice values. President-elect Kamala Harris promised However, this does not mean we do during the vice-presidential debate to not view the party with a critical eye. In abolish private prisons, a critical step in fact, we have done so and will continue ending racism in the justice system. to do just that. e stances on certain ese stances are what the College social, economic, and political issues are Democrats at Minot State support. what drive our beliefs, not the party, and While we are aliated with the we will continue to uphold them until Democratic National Party, our beliefs those in power make the changes they are at the forefront of our political promised us and more. identities, and we will continue to One of these topics is the right to support the most realistic political having a safe abortion. e Democratic choice who will enact policy that aligns Party has been the side that has with those beliefs. protected the right to choose, and we as Photo by Jill Wellington, courtesy of Pixabay Enjoying the holiday festivities.

Red and Green EDITOR ADVISOR such as clarity, punctuation, spelling, Views expressed by this publication Shalom Baer Alison McAfee 148 Hartnett Hall and length. We reserve the right to may not be those of the university, ASSISTANT EDITOR Minot State University refuse to print letters we consider 500 University Ave. W Alyson Heisler Letter Policy: Letters to the editor its administration, faculty, or student FEATURES EDITOR libelous, superuous, or ridiculous. must bear the writer’s name and body. e Red and Green is printed Minot, ND 58707 Lauren Reeves contact information. Students must Letters may be emailed to redgreen@ SPORTS EDITOR minotstateu.edu. at Minot Daily News, Minot, North 701-858-3354 Philip Green include year and major. We will not Dakota. [email protected] SOCIAL MEDIA DIRECTOR print unsigned letters, and we reserve Calli Delsman the right to edit all letters for factors Page 4 - Dec. 10, 2020 Features Red and Green Festivus: A secular celebration

By Calli Delsman

Courtesy of Sony Pictures Television ‘’ episode, from the TV show ‘,’ aired Dec. 18, 1997 and introduced viewers to Festivus.

e holidays are coming up fast, and A writer for the show, Dan O’Keefe, according to a New York Times article him or her. Festivus is not considered corporations make money. Festivus is many dierent cultures and beliefs are was introduced to Festivus by his that ran on May 11, 2020. over until the head of the household is a way to forget about the presents and practiced this time of year. While many father, who invented the holiday to get To get into more specics, the pinned. money, and just be in the moment with people are familiar with Christmas, a leg up on Christmas. aluminum pole acts as a type of Since the holiday was originally the ones you love. there are a variety of ways that people Similar to Christmas, there are , although it really is the aired on “Seinfeld,” many have Festivus is a great holiday to celebrate this time of year, including a specic traditions that are done on the opposite of a decorated tree. Before the adopted Festivus into their own lives experience with friends or family, secular holiday known as Festivus. days or weeks around the holiday. Festivus dinner, family and friends tell by celebrating on Dec. 23 or during a whether you celebrate another winter Festivus, celebrated on Dec. 23, “To mark the occasion, an aluminum all the issues they had with one another dierent time in or year. holiday or not. e quirkiness of the provides an alternative to religious pole is set up in the living room or over the past year. e main idea of Festivus is to festivities takes away from the stress holidays and was originally brought to backyard — the Festivus pole. After a After the Festivus meal, the feats celebrate in a non-commercialized way. of buying gifts. Happy Festivus — light from the show “Seinfeld.” “ e Festivus meal, celebrants must air their of strength take place. e head of the Many argue that Christmas is over- or Happy Holidays — for whatever Strike” episode aired on Dec. 18, 1997, grievances with each other and engage household chooses another person, advertised, and it is one of the biggest holidays you choose to celebrate. the 166th episode of the sitcom. in feats of strength, like wrestling,” who may decline, to attempt to pin holidays where retail businesses and Red and Green Features Page 5 - Dec. 10, 2020 Hanukkah: The Festival of Lights

By Alyson Heisler

Hanukkah is an eight-night Jewish stacked against them. e rituals of the celebration of symbolize the miraculous oil. Latkes, celebration of Hanukkah, gifts weren’t celebration, also known as the Festival ey relit the Ner Tamid, an Hanukkah include the lighting of the potato pancakes served with applesauce traditionally part of the Festival of of Lights, and stems from a storied past. eternal light in every synagogue, and menorah, prayers, songs, traditional and sour cream, and sufganiyot, jelly- Lights. Children may be given gelt, or e holiday is based on the rededicated the temple. is led to foods, and the dreidel. lled doughnuts, are often eaten during money, to reward them for their studying rededication of the Second Temple in the naming of the holiday Hanukkah, Each night, one branch of the the celebration. of the Torah and to remind them to Jerusalem during the second century meaning dedication. menorah, or one candle, is lit as the sun A dreidel, a four-sided top, is used to give money to charity. Exchanging B.C. — considered by many the ere is a popular legend that one jar sets. A ninth holder, called the shamash, play a Hanukkah gambling game. Each gifts has become more common in holiest place at the time — after it had of oil was found in the destroyed temple is for a candle used to light all the other side of the top has a dierent Hebrew the celebration of Hanukkah in North been desecrated by the Syrians. e that miraculously burned for eight candles or serve as an extra light. One letter: nun, gimel, hei, and shin. Each America. destruction was directed by Syrian king nights, when it should have only been candle is lit on the rst night, two on the player takes turns spinning the dreidel, Hanukkah is both a time to celebrate Antiochus IV Epiphanes — he was on a enough for one day. But this is not the second, and so on. Candles are added and the letter on the side it lands on family and friends, but also a reminder mission to spread the worship of Greek reason for the eight-day celebration. e and lit from left to right, but no specic represents an action. ese actions to rededicate or purify and take time gods by abolishing Judaism. holiday is instead celebrated for eight order is specied. include adding to the pot (shin), to reect on the past year — what A resistance movement led by the days in coordination with the festival ree prayers accompany the rst winning part (hei) or the entirety of the happened, responses, decisions that Maccabees to maintain the Jewish of , which is another eight-day night of candle lighting, and two prayers pot (gimel), or doing nothing (nun). A were made, etc. — to improve choices culture against Antiochus’ rule led to Jewish celebration that gives thanks for are said or sung on the next seven nights. variety of items can be used as currency, and behaviors in the new year. a battle between the Syrians and the the fall harvest and has also come to e traditional foods associated most often small coins or chocolate is year, Hanukkah begins on the Maccabees. e Maccabee ghters commemorate the 40 years of Jewish with the Hanukkah celebration revolve coins. night of Tuesday, Dec. 10 and will end defeated Syrian forces despite the odds wandering in the desert. around oil. Foods are fried in oil to In contrast with the modern on the night of Wednesday, Dec. 18.

Photo by SiB 535, courtesy of Pixabay The shamash and menorah. Page 6 - Dec. 10, 2020 Features Red and Green What even is ?

By Tyler Luban

Graphic by Kim Heimbuch, courtesy of Pixabay

For many Americans, the day after began when the rich would box gifts student Nathan Slobodian described the crowds on the holiday than any other people that look forward to having the Christmas usually means getting back for the less fortunate the day after day after Christmas as an opportunity time. In Canada, the International whole day to watch hockey.” to work and looking ahead to the new Christmas. During these times, Boxing for family time. Ice Hockey Federation World Junior In the United States, the day after year. For other countries, the day after Day was a day o for servants and they “For me, Boxing Day is a day for Championship is a popular ice hockey Christmas is recognized as a public Christmas is a recognized public and would receive a gift to give to their spending time with family and taking tournament where Team Canada plays holiday in Texas, New Hampshire, federal holiday known as Boxing Day. families. in the holiday season before it’s gone, against other countries in an elimination North Carolina, South Carolina, and Originating in the United Kingdom, In Canada, the day after Christmas along with checking out what kind of style tournament beginning on Boxing Kansas; it is not recognized federally. As Boxing Day is mainly celebrated by is recognized as a federal holiday and post-Christmas sales there are,” he said. Day. most school systems are closed, many countries formerly under the British for many, it is the biggest shopping day Sporting events are also notoriously Minot State Canadian student Blake families use the day after Christmas as a Empire. Some of these countries include of the year. Numerous companies save popular on Boxing Day, when many Gallagher recalled spending the day vacation day in order to be with family. Canada, New Zealand, Scotland, and their best deals for the day. Boxing Day of the top soccer leagues in the United cheering on Team Canada. Boxing Day is celebrated in many Ireland. is comparable to the popular, unocial Kingdom and Italy play their most “It’s a tradition like no other,” ways across the globe, but one constant As far as the origin of the holiday shopping holiday known as Black important regular season games of the Gallagher said. “I would go as far as to theme remains: the celebration of goes, two theories dating back to the Friday in the U.S. year. Other sporting events like cricket say it’s one of the biggest traditions in tradition and family. early 1830s suggest that the holiday Minot State senior and Canadian and horse racing, draw in much bigger Canada, and personally, I know many Red and Green News Page 7 - Dec. 10, 2020

world on the cover of Vanity Fair. Summer Olympics, Simone Biles led forward to speak against him and shed of all time. A college admission scandal . . . decade continued from page 1 Former Olympic athlete Bruce Jenner the U.S. women’s gymnastics team , light on the dark side of fame. took the U.S. by storm. After news that went through a public transition and dubbed the “Final Five,” to gold and “Black Panther” hit box oces Lori Loughlin and Felicity Human R&B singer Whitney Houston died hadn’t disclosed any photos of herself received three for herself. And, of course, worldwide and made $1.3 billion, paid William Singer to guarantee of an accidental drowning. She was until the magazine cover. Towards because 2016 was an election year, after becoming the top-grossing movie of their children’s admission into the inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall the end of the year, the U.S. Supreme many celebrity endorsements, Bernie the year. is had a huge impact on top colleges in America, the debate of Fame in 2020. Court declared the federal Defense Sanders and Hilary Clinton lost the the Black community because of the on whether fame constitutes special In 2013, young adult novel of Marriage Act unconstitutional presidential election to Donald Trump. culture depicted in the lm and because privileges was a hot topic. enthusiasts were rewarded with the and paved the way for legal same-sex To start 2017, Trump took his seat the lm was created by a Black director. While there are a few weeks launch of “ e Hunger Games” marriage in all 50 states. in the Oval Oce. e Fyre Festival Yet another royal wedding graced remaining in 2020, it is safe to say franchise. Prince William and Next came one of the most was a complete failure. Attendees, the British royal family in 2018. that this year has been full of major Middleton welcomed their rst baby, surprising years yet. In January and some of whom paid thousands Prince Harry and Meghan Markle events, including: raging wildres in Prince George. Miley Cyrus twerked at April 2016, respectively, the world was of dollars after seeing the festival broadcast their wedding, making it the Australia and across California; the the Video Music Awards and prompted shaken by the deaths of David Bowie advertised on Instagram, arrived in social event of the year. Four years in deaths of NBA star Kobe Bryant, U.S. people worldwide to start questioning and Prince. Beyoncé surprised fans the Bahamas only to nd that there the making, Lady Gaga and Bradley Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader her behavior after she shed her Disney with her second album, which dove was no concert. Concert-goers had to Cooper’s version of “A Star is Born” Ginsburg, and rock legend Eddie Van Channel alter ego. deep into the experiences of black stay in waterlogged tents and suer was released in theaters. eir single Halen; Black Lives Matter protests; In 2014, the Ice Bucket Challenge women, trust, indelity, and strength. through food shortages until all ight “Shallow“ was the hit song of the year. the rise of the coronavirus pandemic; was the most popular post on social After this, several songs from her album and reimbursement methods could be In 2019, Taylor Swift was named the impeachment of President Donald media sites. Kardashian and Kanye “Lemonade” appeared on the Billboard gured out. the artist of the decade at the American Trump; and the election of former West threw the wedding of the year in Hot 100 charts. e biggest news of 2017 was the Music Awards after winning album Vice President Joe Biden as the 46th Italy. Around the same time, George Several months later, Pokémon #MeToo movement. e New York of the year twice in a row. Marvel president. Clooney and Amal Alamuddin tied the Go was released on the iTunes Times and e New Yorker published fans cried and bid farewell to Robert Hopefully the next year and the knot. and Play stores. Millions articles in October detailing the Downey Jr.’s Iron Man in the last new decade is welcoming to all of us e year of 2015 was a great success of people downloaded the game, harassment and assault allegations Avengers lm, “Avengers: Endgame.” and, above all, nally an end to the for the LGBTQ+ community when making Pokémon Go the number against Harvey Weinstein. Half a dozen e lm made $2.8 billion worldwide, coronavirus. Happy Holidays and Caitlyn Jenner was introduced to the one downloaded app of 2016. At the of Hollywood’s biggest celebrities came making it the highest-grossing movie Happy New Year!

Photo by Gerd Altmann, courtesy of Pixabay President Donald Trump’s inauguration in 2017 was one of the most notable points in the past decade. Page 8 - Dec. 10, 2020 Sports Red and Green Leaving college with fulfilled goals

By Lauren Reeves

As he wraps up his last semester at growth in his abilities. what I’m doing in life, I’ll make sure I’m many accomplishments throughout his control. e NCAA national tournament Minot State University, senior Dean “Freshman year, it was exciting because wrestling also. But I am so happy to have athletic career. During his junior year, was canceled due to COVID. I know Arevalo re ects on his accomplishments it was new but also a tad stressful because chosen a major, too. Being able to say I he was a fourth-place nisher at the what I would have done there and so at what he calls his second home. there was a lot I wanted to accomplish was a student-athlete is big, knowing all National Collegiate Athletic Association does my family and team. I am happy I Coming from Riverside, California to while being here,” said Arevalo. “Now, it the responsibilities it has so that was the (NCAA) Division II Super Regional. am a NCAA National Qualier because I MSU, Arevalo wanted to feel a sense of feels absolutely amazing knowing what other main reason.” He earned a national qualifying spot his did the most I was allowed to do.” growth while he was in college. I have done here and having so much Double majoring in business senior year, upsetting the number-three After graduation, Arevalo is “I wanted to experience living respect at the university. Also, [it] feels management and entrepreneurship, ranked wrestler in the nation who was a considering starting a media/videography somewhere else and being independent,” like it’s my second home.” and graduating in Fall 2020, returning NCAA All-American. business back in California or becoming said Arevalo. “Also, coach Forde (Evan Arevalo admitted he didn’t focus much Arevalo highlights his academic “I have no regrets; it went the best as it a marine ocer or police ocer. Forde, Minot State head wrestling coach) on a major when he rst came to Minot. accomplishments, including a student- could go because I left nothing in me at As for advice to other students, Arevalo was a great coach and showed a lot of A lot of his attention was on wrestling at athlete award for having a 3.0 GPA or the end. Forde always said leave here with says, “Enjoy your time here — every belief in me. I had all the proper training the time. higher and creating a business idea called no regrets and knowing you gave it your second. All the good moments and all the equipment in the Dome, so I thought I “I came here originally with my main ijump for College of Business Instructor all, and I gave it my all and then some,” struggles, don’t forget any of it because it had the right person to get me to where I focus on wrestling because that is my Tawnya Bernsdorf’s class. said Arevalo. “I am still wishing I could builds your character and you will smile wanted to be.” passion and destiny,” said Arevalo. “It’s As a member of the wrestling team have been the national champion or an at it all later. Keep your true North along Looking back, Arevalo highlighted the deep in my soul and heart and no matter at Minot State University, Arevalo saw All-American, but that was out of my the way.”

Photo submitted by Dean Arevalo Wrestler Dean Arevalo poses during wrestling Media Day. RReded andand GrGreeneen SportsSSporp ts PagePage 9 - DecDec.. 10,110, 20202020 ReturnReturn ofof MSUMSU women’swomeen’s hhockeyockkeeeyy

EditorialEditorrrialial By PhilipPhhilip GreenGreen

Philip GrGreeneen Miinotnot SStatetate has been without SporSportsts EEditorditor athletics for much of the fall semester.semesterr.. e NorthernNoorthern SSunun IIntercollegiatentercollegiate ConferConferenceencece (NSIC) canceled all fall EEverver since NationalNationall Collegiate of SSouthernouthern California (USC) sporsportsts for 2020. NSIC athletics araree set AAthleticthletic Association (NCAA) goes 7-0 in theirr shorshortenedtened season, to rreturneturn after the neneww yyear,ear, and winter football added a playplayoo tournament the UniversityUniversity of FloridaFlorida beats sporsportsts likeke basketball and wrwrestlingestling alongside the many bobowlwwl games to the UUniversityniversity of Alabama in the rrecentlyecently rreleasedeeleased their schedules for the determine the nationall champion, SSoutheasternoutheastern ConferConferenceence (SEC) upcomingg season. thertheree havehave been many fans calling title game, and Clemson UniversityUniversity MMinotinot StateState men’smen’s and women’swomen’s for the playplayoo to be expandedpanded frfromom beats the UUniversityniversitysity of NNotreotre DDameame hockeyhockey,y,, wwho araree not members of the four teams to eight teams.ms. in the AAtlantictlantic Coast ConferConferenceence NSIC, havhaveavvee been able to play a fefeww exhibitionn games this fall and will IItt is denitely an interinterestingesting (A(ACC)CC) title game?e? at would leavleavee starstartt theirr regularregular season in the spring concept and givgiveses fans moremore college all four teams with one loss; and semestersemester.r.. SSophomoreophomorh e womenwomen’s’s goalielie football to watch, butt when yyouou what if a non-Pnon-PowerPower 5 team like Lexi BBeukereukeruker highlighted what can havhavee the number one seed bloblowingwing BBrighamrigham YoungYoung UniversityUniversity (BYU) be expectedted of the BeaversBeavversers for the out the number fourr seed like or the UUniversityniversityy of Cincinnati goes upcomingg season. Louisiana SStatetate UUniversityniveersity (LSU) undefeated? “ e fansans of MMinotinot SStatetate hockey can did to the UUniversityniversity of OOklahomaklahoma IInn the past, if thertheree wwereere four expect a grgreatreat season once wwee begin again last yyear,ear, it doesndoesn’t’t help the case for undefeated teams,ams, those four in the springpring semestersemester.. e women’swomen’s teams ranked fth, sixth,xth, sevseventh,enth, would get into the playplayo.o. BButut team has been worworkingking extrextremelyemely harhardd and eighth. IIff the fourthfoururth ranked does an undefeatedted team like BYU, this fall semester to get back to and team cancan’t’t make it competitive,competitivpetitive, why that doesndoesn’t’t playay as tough of a better thann the compete levlevelvelel wewe wwereere at last yyear.eare r.. e girls and I put in lots of should wwee expect these other teams competition, deserdeserveserve to get in ooverver hours on and o the ice in ororderder to bring to add to the competition?on? a one-loss Clemson?mson? DDoesoes USC our A gameme to the ice when wwee begin is yyear,ear, hohowever,wever, ann eight-team deserdeserveve a spot inn the playplayoo in an our rregularegularar season,season,”” BBeukereuker said. playplayoo might be necessarnecessaryry due to the undefeated shorshortt season ooverver a one- JJustust beforbeforeefore their depardepartureture for the unceruncertaintytainty of what teamsms araree rreallyeally loss FFloridalorida teamm that playplayeded a full national tournamentournament last yyearear and their aboaboveve the rest.rest. e Collegelege FootballFootball season? I knoknoww I wouldnwouldn’t’t want to chase for a national title, the tournament PPlayolayo (CFP) SelectionSelectionn Committee be on the committeemittee making that was canceledeled due to COCOVID-19.VID-19. e is tasked with the job off nding the decision, and thatthat’sat’s why — for this goal rremainsemainsins the same this yyear.ear. four best teams for the playplayo.o. ere ere yyearear only — havingving an eight-team “O“Ourur teamt has one big goal, which araree severalseveral scenarios thatat will make College FFootballootballl PPlayolayo might be is to winn nationals after wwee had the that decision vveryery dicult.ult. necessarnecessary.yy.. opporopportunitytunityity taken away frfromom us last yyearear due to the national tournament What four teams wouldould deserdeserveve being canceled.nceled. er eree is nothing wwee a spot in the playplayoo iff OhioOhio StateState would likee mormoree as a whole and for the UUniversityniversity goes 9-0, thee UUniversityniversity * is editorial may not reectreect the vieviewsws of MMinotinot SStatettate UUniversity.niversityy.. school, thanhan to bring home a national title for thehe univuniversity,”ersityy,,” BBeukereuker said. e BBeaverseeaverse dondon’t’’tt just want to prproveovvee that they araree the best in the nation, but they wantt to do it while intimidating all those whoo step on the ice to play them. ““WeWWee wantw to be that team that eveveryonevereryone hates to play because wwee araree a MarketplaceMarkkeetplace FFoodood painp to theireir systems,systems,”y ,” BBeukereuker explained.p Now Hiring All Positions MMuchuch llike the restrest of the sporsportsts world, 2 columncolumFulln or xPart 2 Time inchinch the ongoingng pandemic has led to a newnew normal forr MMinotinot SStatetate womenwomen’s’s hockeyhockey.y.. Flexible Hours “Co“Covid-19vid-19d-19 has caused a fefeww changes PhotoPhoto submittedsubmitted byby LexiLexi BeukerBeuker Competitive Pay to our hockeyockey schedule. WeWe nonoww havehavvee a limited capacity per game, which is GGoalieoalie LLexiexi BeukBeukerer wwalksalks dodownwnn ththee tunntunnelel as shshee hheadseads fforor tththee icicee onn gamgamee daday.y. Employee Discounts See HocHockeykkeeeyy — PPageage 10 Page 10 - Dec. 10, 2020 Sports Red and Green

. . . hockey continued from page 9 capped at 50 fans right now, but we also o er streaming online through our YouTube channel so you can still support the Beavers without being in the rink. Our team will be involved in rapid testing in the spring semester which will help to keep our team safe, which will also help our season to continue. e only other regulation that causes some major changes within our team is that we wear masks everywhere as it takes away from seeing all of the smiles after a great practice or a big win,” Beuker said. e Beavers have had a lot of success on the ice the past several seasons. Beuker highlighted a few players that fans can expect to have big seasons in the spring. “is year, our captain Sami Jo Henry and our assistant captain Haley Wickham, I think will have huge seasons. In our preseason, they showed great speed and skill, especially when they knew we needed a goal. One of our incoming freshmen, Gillian Gervin, proved that she will be a big impact player on the ice as she tested in as the fastest skater. With all our power forwards, I also have to give credit to the D-core which includes Mackenzie Heide, Sarah Martin, and our transfer student Jessica Walker who’s slapshot has the power and precision to nd the back of the net,” Beuker said. ere are several series fans can look forward to watching next semester. “Our rst set of games when we come back from break will be big games for us. Jan. 15 and 16, we take on one of our toughest opponents, which will set the standard for us for the rest of the season. In February, we y to and face o against Liberty University for a three-game series (Feb. 5-7) which is our largest competitor next to Adrian. ese two series are ones I know I am most looking forward to as they will likely be the opponents we face o against at the national tournament in April,” Beuker explained. e Beavers will make their return to the ice on Jan. 15 and 16, when they will face Adrian College. Fans are encouraged to sign up for the rae to be one of the 50 members allowed into games. e women’s hockey games will also be streamed live on YouTube. Photo submitted by Lexi Beuker Lexi Beuker poses at MSU women’s hockey Media Day. RedRed anandd GrGreeneen Redd & GreenGreen PagePage 11 - DecDec.. 10,110, 20202020

. . . newsnewwss in brbriefriefief continuedcontinued frffromrom page 2 dinner or dessertdessert tot decide on youryour fafa-- vvoriteorite holiday windowindow.ndoww.. SStaytay tuned for FollowFollow thethe a link to cast yyourourr vvoteote for yyourour favfavor-or- RedRed aandnd GGreenreen SleepSleep IInnnn ite windowindoww scene bbyy DDec.ec. 12. PPeople’seople’s Choice and JJudge’sudge’s Choice awardsawards will onon InstagramInstagram be prpresentedesented on DDec.ec. 14 on MMinotinot Apartments near MSU starting at $395 DDowntownowntown BBusinessusinessess & PProfessionalrofessional AsAs-- sociationsociation’s’s social media accounts. 2 columncCallolul IPMm 701-852-1157n x 3 inchesinch es ChristmasChristmas in ththee PParkark or MinotRentals.com Christmas in thee ParkPark lights up Minot.Minot. e MMinotinot SertomaSertomama Club will bring light once again to OOakak PParkark thrthroughough its display of Christmas-themedstmas-themed decoradecora-- Any Reason, tions for the communitymunity to enjoenjoy.yy.. e Any Season! Christmas lights araree displaydisplayedyeded thrthroughough We’ll do what it JJan.an. 2 and is openn SSundayunday to ursday Check out Minot’s ffrfromom 55:30-1030-10 pp.m.,.m.,., andd FFridayridayiday andd SSat-at- takes to make you NEW stores and restaurants! ururdayday frfromom 5:30-1111 pp.m..m. e cost for feel at home! Stay at the • Over 120 retail stores within one km vieviewingwing is $5 per carcar.. Christmas in the center of it • 24 restaurants within one km PParkark is a way for SSertomaeertoma to earn money all at Sleep Inn! • 9 Movie theatres attached and givgivee back to thehe community bbyy supsup-- Minot's #1 hotel choice • Free Wi-Fi and Direct TV Attached • Pet friendly and non-smoking porportingting local businessesnesses with beautifully to 14 years in a row! IIPMPMDakota FREE PARKING • Fridges and microwave lit Christmas displays.ays. Square Mall, THERE’S AIRPORT SHUTTLE • 176 rooms including suites SHOPPING • Home of Splashdown Dakota Water Park Santa SkateSkate at ththee MaMaysaysa ArArenaena 2 columncoluIN EVERY mn x 2 inchin• Bestc locationh in Minot ForFor those who ararere looking to embrace DIRECTION! 3:1c the festivities of thehe holiday season, the @msuredgreen@msuredgreen MINOT, ND, USA Families always welcome! MMinotinot PParkark DDistrictistrictict will be hosting a Great low rates available SSantaanta SSkatekate on Wednesday,WWednesdayednesdayy,, Dec.Dec. 23 at CALL THE INN DIRECT AT 6 p.m.p.m. at the MMaysaaysaysa ArenaArena PepsiPepsi Rink. 1.701.837.3100 CALL TOLL FREE 1.800.SLEEPINN

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