12:45. 2:30. 4:15. 6. 7:50 and 9:40 p.m. — Even Where and When Metropolitan "The Corn Is Sonja Practices Green": 11:10 a.m., 1:15, 3:20, 5:20. HOLLYWOOD. Current Theater Attractions 7:25 and 9:30 p.m. Superlative skill is acquired only effort. One Palace—“Blood on the Sun": 11 through great Sonja Henie Cliche Irks and Time of three whole Hollywood Showing a.m., 1:10, 3:15, 5:25, 7:30 and 9:40 spent seasons nracticing the common toe whirl on skates Stage. p.m. before she attempted it in public. A — Capital Medicine Man National “Life With Father”: Pix—“Escape From Yesterday”: 8:30 2, 4:40, 7:20 and 10:10 AMUSEMENTS. By JAY CARMODY. p.m. p.m. An Trans-Lux—News and obstetrician friend of ours—we have all kinds of friends—is no Screen. shorts, con- admirer of tinuous from 10 Hollywood's vaunted research departments. He won’t be Capitol—‘‘Murder, He Says": 11 until the movies rid of a.jn. get one of their most overworked and inaccurate a.m., 1:45, 4:35, 7:20 and 10:05 p.m. cliches. And he is not sure he will be even then. Stage shows: 1, 3:45, 6:35 and 9:20 The cliche in is question the one in which a doctor rushes into a p.m. AMUSEMENTS. | scene, drops his off his bag. slips overcoat and says: Columbia—“Where Do We Go hoi water, please. And plent.v * From Here?”: 11 a.m., 12:35, 2:25, 'Shoothi, v Dm vm u crmo •§ of it.” MW Yoait TIMH • ■ open tomorrow morning at the 4:15, 6:05, 8 and 9:50 p.m. Our O. B man. as the trade phrase Fifteehth street house. Geraldine Earle—“G. I. Joe": 10:50 a.m., has it, is at a complete loss to under- Fitzgerald. and Ella 1:25, 4:15, 6:50 and 9:35 p.m. Stage stand. Raines have the leading roles. The “It is shows: 12:45, 3:30, 6:20 and 8:55 p.m. an invariably piece of busi- play served as a vehicle for two Hippodrome—“The Silver ness and dialogue in scenes having years for and Fleet”: to do with the delivery of infants, Eva Le Gallienne. 2:15, 3:45, 5:10, 6:40, 8:10 and 9:40 he says, “but I’ve p.m. delivered more Miss Harrison's interest in mys- than 1.000 babies and I've never used tery tales was born of her long Keith’s—“Back to Bataan”: 11:40 hot water yet. I don’t know of any association with Mr. Hitchcock, the a.m., 1:40, 3:40, 5:40, 7:40 and 9:40 of who do my colleagues either.” master of whose work she gave a p.m. Lukewarm he water, could under- fine imitation in her first picture, Little—“On Approver’: 11 a.m., stand. he says. But not the steam- "Phantom Lady.” ~ kind on the ing they prepare kitchen * * * * AMUSEMENTS. range when the obstetrician shows ■ Waifs and The r.... up in a movie. The lukewarm strays: Lunts, now back in this after two water is used in real life by doctors country years in England and on the who want it to wash their hands. Continent, will revert to their first Actually, it seems to us that Holly- love, reper- f tory, after their run wood's practice of medicine is more completing in; 'Oh Mistress Mine.” The advanced on the hot-water score latter! which will be bv the The- than is the craftsmanship of its produced ater Guild and John C. Wilson was AT EASE—Deanna Durbin relaxes with on writers. So far as we recall the Ralph Bellamy the a great hit in London. set on a Train cliche, which is pretty far, the hot! "Junior of “Lady I.esle Charteris mystery tale filmed by i Miss,” the Capitol's next attraction, water never is used for anything. Universal. It offers her an entirely new type of role, that of But the imperativeness with which was screened for critics today. .1 amateur sleuth the cinema Vivienne Segal takes a whirl at i obstetrician asks for it1 straight drama in "Forever b indicates that the only hope for sav- Is Now." Indian Family" in the production AMUSEMENTS. “SOPHISTICATED BEE LILLIE a new-born It was written another ac- _ U vl *0n V£ ing infant is to dun* it by \ starting Thursday. ... He is Robert '* * ft* Star Adele *P AT HER BEST” )“> Carmody. instantly in water of such a tem- tress, Longmire. She was Hunt who also has worked in Hol- • M0W 'L*Y,NG F*E0CBWt ©ROOVC last seen here B**1 1 BVllilfci ct perature. in "A Connecticut j lywood The play, starring Aline NATIONAL Em 8.3# Mali. *:3# bV^ Vankee.” “BROAD SATIRE ... YOU’LL HAVE A Hollywood would please our man F. Cowles Strickland,! McMahon, will go to Broadway if of America's Greatest Laugh Hit! TODAY'S NEIGHBORHOOD MOVIES very much by dropping the cliche, formerly the Washington Civic everything works out according to SWELL TIME.” Betty Hynes, Ttm^Her I or at least the Theater, now at Leland Stanford schedule. Bill y»T»7TT»] Buy War Bonds and Stamps at Any Local Theater. modifying dialogue ! Johnson, Metro “ to let the doctor say. “Cold W'ater University, will use a Washington player, will headline the Capitol's ANYONE WHO DOESN’T LOVE MISS LILLIE please.” He could drink that while aoy in the cast of Pearl Buck's show CAROLINA nth& n. cav.s e. ; All Time Schedule* Given In Warner "My stage starting Thursday. ISN’T FIT TO LIVE.” Tom Donnellv, tHnuuina Bros.' Ads Indicate LIFE WITH \eus Con, from 5;45 p,m. Time Feature J» sterlizing his instruments in alcohol, Presented. if Healthfullv Air Conditioned. they are not already sterilized, “A SURE-FIRE HIT. MAJOR AND THE MINOR GINGER DELIGHTFULLY ROGERS. RAY MILLAND Plus MR Theater*^Having Matinee*_ * * * * AMUSING, Deal Proves DISARMINGLY ‘RISQUE’/’-\^o,, b bm, r,>,t MUGGS RIDES AGAIN. LEO GORCEY Palm for the summer's most suc- Draper Costly _ AMBASSADOR Md. of Bv HAROLD HEFFERNAN. Copitol Heights, I cinct piece movie criticism goes to G. I Joe": Robert Mitcham, as CAPITOL Matinee P.M. FATHER"‘•h Healthfully Air Conditioned. of the James HOLLYWOOD. Secretary Navy For- Capt. Walker, hands Burgess Mere- YVONNE DE CARLO in "SALOME, WHERE ERNIE PYLE S STORY OF GI JOE ** Behind Carl Benton Reid restal for his review of "The Fleet movie headlines: Yanking dith, as Ernie Pyle, a bottle of lik- & Betty Linley SHE DANCED (in Technicolor'. At 1. 2:05, 5:15, 7:20. 9:35. Cartoon. Paul *»•*■ ll ’l. % | Mn. »2 4ft 13 Ml l»j That Came to Of it. he said: Draper, famed dancer, from ker. takes a Stay.” Burgess long swig and Mat«. »i.2o, si.fie a S2.«e i»ri is nne of 2105 Po- Ave* N W- RE 0184 “This the finest the the top spots in "Blue Skies" j his PIRPIOUlUAib F i picture nearly strangles. Finally getting •- Sterilized A,r BEVERLY ,, has will cost Paramount a Conditioning. Navy produced. Every Amer- hundred breath, he asks, “What’s that—the Last Day— ‘WITHOUT LOVE" with SPEN-I Healthfully Air Conditioned. ican should see it.” or Comins Today housand, maybe twice that secret weapon?" Bob agrees and THURSDAY CER TRACY. KATHERINE HEPBURN. and Tomorrow. PETER LAW- Open ft. Feature at ft:*J5 7 9::ift. FORD. . SON OF He was absolutelv as much smount. adds: “We i />U L. right, give a Purple Heart after .” 1:111, 3:1S. 5:20. 7:35. i>: 25. as we liked "The No reason for the Fighting Lady.” sudden shift, every third drink." rnumrcc 2931 Nichols Ave. s e. ifter the tURUIlLOJ rai WPRT 2324 Wi,. Ave. N.W. * * * * picture was three weeks * * * * TR 8700. Air Conditioned. (.Hi.vx.ni wo 2345 Ma) , P M_ before the YVONNE DE CARLO in "SALOME. WHERE cameras, is offered. It Healthfully Air Liberty Films, the Hollywood pro- Frankie Carle, SHE DANCED"

routine, FE The character will be a for it. One tramp ! worth of year later. Carle reports, ’The CORN Is GREEN" LOVE THEM FATRT AU/N 1342 Good Hope Rd. S.E. PHILIP DORN HELMUT DANTINE regalia. r AiniiAWn in who lives in a boarded-up mansion his friend sent him a check for H 9193. Air Conditioned ESCAPE IN THE DESERT.” At "Blue Skies" is the elaborate mu- ■ntroouong He. $iji JOHN DALI on Fifth avenue. “It on $9,000 in royalties. The was FREDERIC MARCH BETTY FIELD in Call Happened > sical song « f Irving Berlin is co-producing "Sunrise TOGETHER! "TOMORROW THE WORLD At I ft. Fifth Avenue” is the title which Serenade.’’ which, inci- K. 9:4ft It's the most amibitious effort of its sounds not unlike the title of one dentally, Carle is featuring in his KEIWEDYlr^oN^Nri: j tind Paramount has ever essayed. Healthfullv Air Conditioned. of Capra's greatest early successes, current movie. GREENBELT Las? Day ROSALIND RUSSELL. * * * * ! JACK CARSON in 'ROUGHLY ‘It Happened One Carle also reports that he has 1 Night.” Double Feature—DONALD O CONNOR SPEAKING At 1:25. 4:05. 0:45. A Susan Peters, been for 9 couple of Capra's partners in tragic victim of a trying more than eight Barbara JACK OAKIE. PEGGY RYAN. MERRY, 20. Plus IT HAPPENED IN 1 MONOHANS ANN STEN. KENT SMITH Films are bunting accident last is still years to purchase the on SPRINGFIELD Liberty William Wyler fall, piano THREE *:.'.(• ”_ tnable to which RUSSIAN GIRLS 7. and Samuel Briskin. wfalk and all but bedridden he composed the hit. but Pa Avc- at 7th s.e. 1PFNN one of fa- 1 is a result of spinal paralysis. MGM without success. The instrument is DOORS OP‘1 FR. 5200 Mat. 1 P.M. Gary Cooper, Capra's J Lost 2 n C vorite 1 jfficials are her owned by a Doys HIGHLAND, Healthfullv Air Conditioned. heroes, could be the actor giving every possi- wealthy friend living 10,C,M STANWYCK Today and Tomorrow 1 ROBERT YOUNG. DOROTHY McGUIRE PETER LAW- who will ble attention, as witness this ad in in Troy. N. Y. But the -jjl ^ FORD DONALD play the tramp. If he Is friend won t 1 in THE ENCHANTED COTTAGE At CRISP 'SON OF 1 he with SOMETIMES TENDER OFTEN That Double-Trouble * d S. 2:05. 5:10, 7:15. 9:2«t. not too busy with his acting chores Hollywood Reporter: part the piano for the very Dame! 1 ft. 9 4 5 LASSIE."_1. reason and his work as a In- "Wanted to rent—Three-bedroom that Frankie wants it The Go. Ave. & Sheridan. producer for FUNNY-BUT ALWAYS HUMAN' 3227 M St N.W. WHITE ONLY. dnCaltlUAn^HPRinaW 1 in West- man from is a but linn RA. 2400. Mat. 1 P.M. ternational Pictures. bungalow Beverly Hills, Troy , he's a (Air Cooled THEATERS Healthfully Air Conditioned. * * * * 1 wood, Brentwood or for sentimentalist, too. ; Hollywood Today and Tomorrow Only—Two Hits LAST DAY. ROEERT YOUNG. DORO- "THE NEW ADVENTURE TARZAN For Busan Peters. Must be one floor, no 'Released by North American ERNIE PYLE’S Dennis OF THY McGUIRE in ENCHANTED the opening of “Uncle Harry,” Newspaper Plus THE HOUR BEFORE THE DAWN. Alliance ) Sydney COTTAGE At o fleps, so she can into sunshine i.15, 3:20. 25, the film fashioned from the greatly get 7:20. >250 furnished or 1 9.40._ popular stage of the same title. tops, unfurnished, 608 Ninth St N w* play TG.I.JOE LITTLE CIV Go. Ave. A Colesville Pik« Keith's will "all Ashley 43311." jitiiLnvm abandon its Thursday Miss Bondi SH 1 That is Has Own IfSItR COMAS P'OduCliOft MORGAN , BEATRICE LILLIE in 550Q Mat PM# the of or telephone number GREENSTREET BROS.' Healthfully opening convention, policy. Air Conditioned. “Uncle vietro-Goldwyn-Mayer. All calls Clothes “ON La5! Day SPENCER TRACY. KATH- Harry,” produced by Jean Department Is That Fat of the APPROVAL.”_ ARINF ire being referred to Louis B That "God My Co-Pilot" Guy! Man' Hour! HEPBURN WITHOUT Harrison who loves a mystery as Mayer, HOLLYWOOD AND ON STAGE 13th & H Sti. N.W. LOVE 1 15. 2 20. 5 25. 7 9:35. studio head. P|Y*1A much as Alfred Hitchcock does, will j* Beulah Bondi runs a Conti',uoui 2-11. Susan made “property A 14th & p°rk Rd- n w- her first social ap- all Rousing Revue packed with ESCAPE FROM YESTERDAY "THE TivmllVUbl i department" her own. Frequently- co 1800 Mat , bearance since the accident as hon- cast in the BIG SHOW OFF," roles of aged women, as and tOlwrenf I | in Healthfully Air Conditioned. br at Comedy Rhythm!. Warner guest Lucille Ball's birthday she is in "The Bros! Today and Tomorrow PETER LAW- Southerner," Miss ( FORD DONALD barty. Lucille hired an WAUY CRISP in "SON OP ambulance Bondi is a visitor to rum- WIST -CARR IROS. -SIDNEY LUST THEATERS- LASSIE 1. .2, 5:15. 7:25. regular WARNER ’._At 9:40. LOANS i o bring Susan from Beverly Hills mage sales. LOIS o IK TARI VANCE BETHESDA Conn. Ave. A Newarii. 79 her Chatsworth farm. She also Ir;/’" UPTOWNU1 1UTT11 years of and There she wa 5400 Maf 1 p buying, selling j bad chairs and picks up old-fashioned Hoiyettes k lomturdi l Orck. "CHRISTMAS IN \VI. •!«(»« or Wl. ^ lounging couches 1 Free Healthfully Air Conditioned on etc. clothes and other accessories which Parkins—Air Conditioned. AT lending diamonds, jewelry, , blaced at strategic points about the harmonize Today-Tomor.-Thurs.—At 7:«*5. 9 55 LaM Day. PETER LAWFORD. DON- with the types of char- ' ’* > bool and barbecue. "SON OF ALD CRISP in SON OF LASSIE OLD GOLD DOUGHT acters she portrays. However, dur- LASSIE" At 1. 3:10. 5:15. 7:30, 9:45. * it * * ing her years of she «in Technicolor * "rummaging" CONNECTICUT" Enjoy our Retiscope screen—The finest theaters Having Eve. Performance*. has picked more E. HEIDENHEIMER Closeups: Paulette Goddard and up many costumes in America than she could ever 1 3urgess Meredith, after finishing use herself with GARDINER S. Z. SAKALL Rob't. APOLLO LOAN OFFICE "VALUE A FACT" Consequently, when the Reginald SHAYNE ~34,h n e‘ BONDS Diary of a Chambermaid," in which property or CAMEO Today and Tomorrow JOAN FON- 505 King St. 1215 H St. N.W. v wardrobe department of a Va.1^* TAINE GEORGE BRENT in ‘AF- 10th are interested, will picture Air Conditioned—Double Feature. financially on which FAIRS OF SUSAN. At 0:55. 9 20. ALEXANDRIA, VA. NA. 1527 she is working finds itself Last Complete Doublp Show .v*25 _:__ — C :o to their New York farm for a March of Time in need of some outmoded style of Warner GEO SANDERS DONNA REED. PIC- est and perusal of prospective Bros Featured TURE OF DORIAN GRAY HUM- stage dress, earrings, shawls or feather 56,2 N W- ft PHREY BOGART. JOAN BLONDELL. WAR AVALON will co-star one Ht^TPWCtSCMll (lays. They in on “boas,” she goes home to the trunks STAND IN ^ "America Healthfullv Air DELICIOUS | Sroadway before returning to Holly- in her attic the Beautiful” Conditioned and. more than Will Prevail Today vood. likely, and Tomorrow KATHARINE SEA FOOD emerges with the desired article. ,n Techn*coior HYATTSVILLE HEPBURN SPENCER TRACY m After buying “Stray Lamb" as a WITHOUT LOVE At rt:45, 9 1 <^

With BUY LUNCHEONS v ehicle for his next Starting I N 1‘»:t0 nr Hvatts. 055!. personally pro- Black Cats for Free Parking—-Air Conditioned Last 645 E Luck — AVE. GRAND DINNERS ceed picture, Jimmy Cagney has HIROSHIMA Times Today—At 6:1ft. s. 9:50. ROB- ^ ^s jc Warner Bros. Cool ERT YOUNG. DOROTHY McGUIRE c lecided to pass it up. Reason given HOLLYWOOD. REFOIE AND AFTER ROHRINt Attraction Today & Tomorrow. ROSALIND RUS- the Irish Ann Blvth has |hj$ ENCHANTED COTTAGE *_ SEL, JACK CARSON in "ROUGHLY Serving Only l: 5 that the leading role is more for many super | SPEAKING.” At d:40, .0:10. stititions, but black Rockville, Md. Rock. 191. finest FRESH SEAFOOD a Bob Hope type and Cagney doesn't cats are not RUSSIA STRIKES • among them. This 1 A w J ■ Free Parking. Two Restauranti to Serve You l eel that funny. 16-year-old ™j| l|Ba COLONY dramatic actress considers them WMAL—Hourly Nouitcatt Conditioned—At 7:17. 9.16 4W5g?;&.N-w: “DINE WITH US TODAY” Sidney Franklin, the Brooklyn- Healthfullv Air Conditioned. good luck, and has two II IZlLli Last inkv-black Day. DICK HAYMES, iorn who once BETTY bullfighter, appeared feline pets. _in Technicolor )__ GRABLE in DIAMOND HORSE- n a __Urn} *Direct. 0 movie, "The Kid From Spain,”: Upp" Md- SHOE At 55. 9:25._ nth MARLBORO Eddie Cantor, has popped into “r e‘ CT ELLIS irominence again. He fought a bull AMUSEMENTS, Air Conditioned—Today and Tomor. HOME ROSALIND RUSSELL JACK CARSON 123?rc |;88n Sea Food Restaurant ji n Madrid two weeks Today and Tomorrow. GEORGE ago and El ROUGHLY SPEAKING 7:10. 9:15 Beer, Wine, Drinks c ; SANDERS. DONNA REED in "PIC- iidney announced he would 'theateri 1011 E St. N.W. ME. 6547 appear v TURE OF DORIAN GRAY." At «:ln. \ n a of HISER-BETHESDA 9:20. NANCY KELLY in SONG OF couple Spanish films during | | N0 L,'E HIPPODROME Also Municipal FUh Market t *7'™:.*" SARONG At. lis stay over there. "SESfP^^RKOKlmrslLAST •" Doors 1:45—W’ash Premiere. S_ Open W»‘»Hlm«S.«"OTTt. IE Most-laughed at line in “Story of COLUMBIA PICTURES RALPH RICHARDSON. GEORG Phone Cflvnv 3030 14th St. N.W. / s^mInutis'ofVicturi^^ WITHERS dit ?U I CQ 496g M ffiuc/tntan r Uidnty PLEASE DO NOT REVEAL THE “THE SILVER FLEET.” Healthfully Air Conditioned. UNUSUAL PLOT Today and Beautiful"—P.M. Tomorrow. . TO YOUR "Don't Miss It"—Cue JEANETTE MacDONALD in FRIENDS 4 NAUGHTY asomstoremember Steady Undercurrent of Suspense"— ; MARIETTA. _At 6. 8. 1". N. Y. Times._ 8244 Go. Ave., Silver Spring. alilrllerrn sum ARLINGTON FARMS SH 2540 -jumms, "v9a Today and Tomorrow. MICKEY ROSALIND RUSSELL. JACK CARSON ROONEY in NATIONAL VELVET." i ROUGHLY SPEAKING."—Cont. 7-11 At ti:50, 9:20._ 4,h s,‘ 15-16 PFNTUF 1513 Seminary Rd., Alex., TAKOMA Wed.-Thur„ Aug. OlaXllIlls aGeU43iT Va (Fajr|ington, Va.) Today and Tomorrow. FREDERIC Phone Temple 1000 for Information. MARCH. BETTY FIELD. TOMOR- MAT. BOTH DAYS 2 P.M. Schedules and Directions. ROW THE WORLD, ti 15. 7 :55. 9:4 NOB HILL. GEORGE RAFT. JOAN Ga‘ Ave & Quebec PI. N.W. SPECIAL STAGE ACT BENNETT_ YORK1VI1H 1555_ Phone Falls Chr. 1555 RA. 4400. VA. CTATF j M 1 ft A la Shows 7 and 9. Healthfully Air Conditioned AT 2:00 & 9:30 P.M. Today %nd Tomorrow. C. SALTY O'ROURKE.- ALAN LADD TALLULAH ! BANKHEAD in A 3AIL RUSSELL. ROYAL SCAN- Miss Rolonde PAL At B:15. 7:55, 9:35._ Young | ■ PI" A Treat for the Entire Family. at the piano Shows 7 and 9. j THE IT’S A PLEASURE SONJA HENIE I VILLAGE MARSHAL O' SHEA. Phone MI. 0227. 1139—F.


OX tlffl CAIV 1729 Wilson Blvd. NEWTON niuovn phone ox 1480 FALLS Scientifically Air Conditioned. -BREWSTER S MILLIONS." DENNIS NEW O’KEEFE. ._ “PAN-AMERICANA,” ACCOUNTS Phone A CUT AN 3166 wilson Bivd.' PHILIP TERRY. AUDREY LONG ftMAUn phone oxford 1139. “AFFAIRS OF SUSAN." JOAN FON- JESSE THEATER TAINE. GEORGE BRENT._ Phone DU. If you are a Washington new- BUCKINGHAM Scientifically Air Conditioned. “THE SONG OF SON OF LASSIE" PETER LAW- comer, you will find our New’ FORD. DONALD ARLINGTON CRISP_ j BERNADETTE,” hi rer 2130 no. Gfeb* w. .JENNIFER JONES. CHARLES Accounts desk a contact point, ULC.DL Oxford 4266. BICKFORD. SON OF LASSIE." PETER LAW- Added Attraction—"DON'T HOOK _Information FORD. DONALD CRISP._; NOW." BOB HOPE, BING CROSBY helpful in making you feel secure, 1,1 St. A R. I. Av.. N.W. aiiiTitnAVIVAN I K-B THEATERS THEATERS_| Phon. NOrth 9689 settled, and welcome in the Capi- API-Y 48th & Mass. Ave. N.W. Scientifically Air Conditioned. nffcA Woodley 4600. Double Feature. tal. If are established Healthfully Air Conditioned. “A ROYAL SCANDAL,” you already Continuous l-l L P.M.—Doors Open 12:45 TALLULAH BANKHEAD, WILLIAM First Uptown Showing—Today and Tomor EYTHE PRESTON FOSTER and GAIL PATRICK know how ac- here, you readily in "TWICE BLESSED." At 1:55, 3:50. “SING ME A SONG OF 5:50. 7:45. 9:45._ cessible our officers are and the 1331 H St- n.e. at. 8300. TEXAS,” ATT AC ROSEMARY fllliflH Healthfully Air Conditioned. LANE. TOM TYLER. Continuous 1-11 P.M.—Doors Open 12:30 THE 3707 **• Vernon cordial reception which awaits JOHN WAYNE and ANN DVORAK in a VFRNMI*M»nUn NEW Vo. 1 smashing action and musical thriller of Ave„ Ale*., One Block from the old West. FLAME OF THE BAR- Presidential Gardena. Phone our customers without advance K BARY COAST." Plus TALLULAH BANK- Alex. *41*4-1. _ Free CHARLES HEAD in "A ROYAL SCANDAL" with BERNHEIMER'S Parkin* in Rear of Theater. CHARLES COBURN Scientifically Air Conditioned. appointments. “SON OF LASSIE,” prc««nf* PRINCESS PETER LAWFORD, DONALD CRISP i "V 9Ve' Healthfully Air Conditioned. 535 Continuous 1-11 P.M.—Doors Open 12:30 ACADEMY WALTER PIDGEON and ROBERT TAY- Air LOR in "FLIGHT COMMAND." Plus Scientifically Conditioned. DICK Double Feature. POWELL. and JACK I OAKIE in "IT HAPPENED TOMORROW." “MURDER, MY SWEET” SENATOR . ANNE SHIRLEY. ! t"Nr- vssr “Power of the I Healthfully Air Conditioned. Whistler,” RICHARD DIX. JAMS CARTER Cont fl:.'(0-ll P.M.—Doors Open fl 15. _ The amazing story of the most notorious gangster of our times. "DILLINGER STAMTOH At 7:40 and il3ltC Un- 10:10. Also CHESTER MOR- Air in "DOUBLE scientifically Conditioned. • RIS EXPOSURE." 6:40. jlOft Double Feature. _ BAM «« HAMILTON NATIONAL HISERBETHESM £ “MINISTRY OF FEAR,” RAY MILLAND, MARJORIE l MAIN OFFICE: 14TH ST. AT G, N.W. DOROTHY McGUIRE in REYNOLDS. “The Enchanted “G. I. A Cottage.” HONEYMOON,” _LOUIS GALE STORM. PETER COOKSON. —With 7 Community Branches— Feature 6,7:40,9:35. ■ dancing! Tomorrow and Thursday. Matinee Both Days 2 P.M. ALEXANDRIA, YA. Mows 1723 Klns *».—ai«. 3445. SANDERS nr he nrrnIICiCall "The Smart School forn FITZGERALD elui RAINES “SONG TO REMEMBER.” Conditioned. Parking Space—Air MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT * * • Fax Trat Walti • Rumba Jitterbui with MOYNA At 9:35. HUMPHREY BOGART. ALEXIS SMITH MACGILL SARA ALIGOOO HARRY VON ZELl 2:15, 4:40, 7:05, •CONFLICT." INSURANCE CORPORATION Summer Rates in Effect On Our Stage at 2 and #. MISS ROLANDE YOUNG » INOS BATAAN** DON n.w , TODAY—"BACK TO " MANTINI50213th ■*—■■■■—!■■■ m ■ .. ■ 11 ■■■■ ■ ■■ .—. .1.. ■■■■. ■ at the Piano.