Pro-Poor Development and Power Asymmetries in Global Value Chains September 2015 Ajmal Abdulsamad Stacey Frederick Andrew Guinn Gary Gereffi This report was prepared on behalf of Oxfam America. The research draws primarily on the available global value chain literature. Other data sources include a number of proprietary database, academic journals, and reports on the respective industries for each case study. Errors of fact or interpretation remain the exclusive responsibility of the authors. The opinions expressed in this report are not endorsed by the sponsor. The corresponding author may be contacted at:
[email protected] Duke University, Center on Globalization, Governance and Competitiveness (Duke CGGC) The Duke University Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness (Duke CGGC) is affiliated with the Social Science Research Institute at Duke University. Duke CGGC is a center of excellence in the United States that uses a global value chains methodology to study the effects of globalization in terms of economic, social, and environmental upgrading, international competitiveness and innovation in the knowledge economy. Duke CGGC works with a network of researchers and scholars around the world in order to link the global with the local and to understand the effects of globalization on countries, companies and the full range of development stakeholders. Center on Globalization, Governance & Competitiveness, Duke University © September 2015 Table of Contents Part I: Summary Findings ..............................................................................................................