From the Middle Triassic of Yunnan

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From the Middle Triassic of Yunnan ivist stlin di leontologi e trtigrfi volume IIV noF Q ppF QSWEQUQ xovemer PHIP p exivish hixqs qixq i evFD PHIP @yisgrriD egsxyiqssA pyw ri wshhvi sesg yp xxex ysxgiD y r grsxe I P P I y x D gssxe vywfehy D exhie sxys D heyxq tsexq D I I I isgrixq rey D exvsx x 8 r xsx vsx eeivedX wy PID PHIPY eptedX tuly QD PHIP rousti denti piolo on un pie umintoA dlle lte sglie medioE uey wordsX xew txonD etinopteryginsD erleidiformesD widE lterli e l pinn udle he present rggi epxiliF uesto txon dle rissiD outh ghinF mostr tuttvi un disposizione uni delle sglie @qui onsidert estrtF wo well preserved speimens of puyunperleidus ome utpomorfiAD dt dll9inserzione di sglie supplementri in dengi qeng et lFD PHIP re desried from the pper wemer of the isun fil vertile posteriore lle pinne pelviheD ppen sotto le qunling pormtion @elsoninD enisinD widdle rissiA in vuoping sglie dell line lterleD dove l loro ltezz diminuise rusmenteF gountyD unnn rovineD outh ghinF he ttriution to erleidiE er questo rttere presente solo in questo txonD e nonostnte l formes is onfirmed ording to omintion of fetures suh s the reente desrizione del genereD si eÁritenut neessri l9istituzione dell generl skull ptternD with the lrge preoperulum showing promiE nuov fmigli puyunperleidideY vengono inoltre fornite nuove indiE nent infroritl proessD the mxill with deep posterior region nd zioni sulle tendenze evolutive e le speilizzzioni morfologihe dei dentition mde of long nd stout pegElike teeth with n uminte pexD suolostei99F n9nlisi ldisti dei perleidiformi giÁ notiD inluso il the deep midElterl flnk sles nd the udl fin with epxil fin rysF txon in oggettoD support un monofili possiile dell9ordineD e si roweverD this txon shows n unique rrngement of the squmtion dtt perfettmente lle relzioni pleoiogeogrfihe dei tx d9qu @here onsidered s utpomorphyA given y the insertion of severl dole del qondwnF s perleidiformi speilizzti orpo lto del sles ineh vertil row posterior to the pelvi finDjust elow the qondwn e dell etide si sono evoluti in modo indipendenteD ome sles rrying the lterl lineD when their depth dereses ruptlyF ertto dll9nlisi di prsimoniF ywing to this unique hrterD nd in spite of the very reent desripE tion of this genusD the uthors onsidered neessry the eretion of new fmilyD puyunperleidide offering lso new insights on the evoluE sntrodution tionry trends nd morphologil speiliztions of the suholosE tens99F e ldisti nlysis of the well known perleidiformesD with this he term suholostens99 ws ever onsidered s txon inludedD supports possile monophyly of the orderD nd n informl txonomil nme or grde levelD sine mthes well the pleoiogeogrphi reltionships of the qondwn freshEwter txF he speilized deepEodied qondwn nd ethyn frough @IWQTA first oined itD to lodge possile unnE perleidiformes re independently evolvedD sertined y the prsiE turl ssemlge of fossil fishes whih possess mosi mony nlysisF hrters of pleonisoids nd higher tinopteryE gins eFgF holostens @or sl neopteryginsY frough issuntoF engono desritti due esemplri en onservti del perleidiforme puyunperleidus dengi qeng et lFD PHIPD provenienti dl IWQWY heffer IWSSD IWUQAF evenorders @rsemionoE wemro uperiore dell qunling pormtion @elsonioD enisioD ris tiformesD edfieldiiformesD holidopleuriformesD vugE wedioA nell gonte di vuoping @rovini dello unnnD gin weriE noiiformesD gephloxeniformesD erleidiformesD eltoE dionleAF v9pprtenenz i erleidiformes viene onfermt grzie ll pleuriformesA hve previously eenproposed @heffer ominzione di rtteri dt dll struttur generle del rnio @mE IWUQAF rowever further txonomi revisions proved pio preoperolo he mostr unproesso infroritleensvilupptoD msellre on un9lt regione posteriore e denttur ftt di lunghi e tht only if the suholostens99 is severely restritedD I heprtment of qeology nd qeologil wuseumD eking niversityD feijing IHHVUID eople9s epuli of ghinF iEmilX sunzuoyudpkuFeduFnY djingdpkuFeduFnY whodpkuFeduFnY ylsundpkuFeduFnY linsnidITQFom P hiprtimento di ienze dell errD niversitÁdegli tudi di wilnoD vi wngiglli QRD sEPHIQQ wilnoD stlyF iEmilX ristinFlomrdodunimiFitY ndreFtintoridunimiFit QTH un FD vomrdo gFD intori eFD ting hFD ro FD un F 8 vin rF n possily synpomorphies e identified @furgin ghin iFeF the enisin nxin punD the vte vdinin È ingyi punD nd the irly grnin qunling pun IWWPY qrdiner et lF IWWTAF xowdysD the suholosE @ting et lF PHHSY vi PHHTY wotni et lF PHHVAD is tht it tens99D restrited to peltopleuriforms nd perleidiformsD yieldsD esides mrine reptiles nd invertertesD represent morphologilly distint group whih is highly undnt fish ssemlgeD proly with more hrterized y the omintion of primitive skullE thn PS tx of tinopterygins nd rossopteryginsF ptternwith the mxill stritly rtiulted to the preE he good preservtion nd the high numer of speiE operulumD peulir squmtionmde of deep nterior mensD mke the vuoping pun one of the most imporE flnk slesD n dvned dorsl nd nl fin struture tnt finds in the lst dedes for widdle rissi mrine with lepidotrihi equl in numer to their endoskeletl ihthyofuns @intori et lF PHIHAF o frD lredy IP supports exept for the lst rdil supporting more thn speies of W gener of fishes hve een nmed nd deE one lepidotrihium @s for the sl neopteryginsD see sried @wropoloihthys ni intori et lF PHHVY vuoE intori et lF PHIHAD nd the hemiheteroerl udl fin pingihthys ergi unet lF PHHWY urihthys dwzienE nerly rehing n externl symmetry with the epxil sis u et lF PHHWY urihthys yunnnensis hng et lF finrys @intori8 vomrdo PHHSY vomrdo et lF PHIHY qymnoihthys inopintus intori et lF PHIHY rE PHIIAF roihthys roughi vinet lF PHIIY erleidus sinensis uholostens99D so fr well reorded from the vomrdo et lF PHIIY ngiorgioihthys sui voÂpezEerE widdle rissi of xorthernstlyD witzerlndDpin rello et lF PHIIY inosurihthys longipetorlis u et nd ghinD re gretly morphologilly speilized lF PHIIY inosurihthys longimedilis u et lF PHIIY @furginIWWPD IWWTY vomrdo IWWWD PHHIY vomrdo È inosurihthys minut u et lF PHIIY uyphosihthys 8 intori PHHRY vomrdo et lF PHHVY intori 8 vomE grndei u 8 u PHIPAF rdo PHHSY unet lF PHHVD PHHWA euse of their noE he qunling pormtion of the vuoping gounty tly differentited trophi dpttionsF sn the vte generlly represents the enisin deposits of the southE rissiD suholostens99 rehed gin rther high western ngtze ltform in the ghin outhern flokF level of morphologil speiliztionsD suh s fins nd he fossiliferous lyers yielding the vuoping fun eE verterl olumndpted to gliding@ horopterusD long to the pper wemer nd were sudivided into intori 8 ssi IWWPAD powerful predtory dentition two horizonsD nmely vower nd pper erterte @qnelliD intori 8 vomrdo IWWTA or fully duroE rorizons @vr nd rD see lso un et lF PHHWA phgous one @indenniD vomrdo 8 frmills seprted y IFV m thikD rrendolomiti limestones PHHSAF with hert nodules @pigF IhAF he ronte mirofies he two firly wellEpreserved speimens of nlysis suggests tht the pper wemer of the qunE puyunperleidus dengi from the widdle enisin @widE ling pormtion represents shllowingEupwrd @regresE dle rissiA of the vuoping punD unnn rovineD siveA depositionl sequenes in n interpltform sin outhern ghinD suggest to eret new perleidiform @rung et lF PHHWAF fmily for this genusD nd to provide further insights he vuoping pun is supposed to e oevl to onthe reltionshipsof perleidiformsD espeilly regrdE the nxin pun @un et lF PHHTD PHHWY rung et lF ing the rrngement of the flnk slesF st must e PHHWAF etullyD onodont iostrtigrphy of the pper pointed out tht speimens desried herein re from wemer of the qunling pormtionD exposed in oth quite different fossil ssemlge in respet to the supE vuoping gounty @unnn rovineA nd djent nE posed one for the holotype of qeng et lF @PHIPAF xin gounty @quizhou rovineAD sertined the fossiE liferous lyers of these two mrine verterte funs within the sme onodont xiorell kokeli zoneD qeologil setting nd ge definitive inditor of the elsonin in the ethyn he vuoping punD from the pper wemer of relmF roweverD it is lmost impossile to ompre in the qunling pormtion @elsoninD widdle rissiA of more detiled wy the rel reltive ge of the two sitesF unnn rovine in outh ghin @orresponding to the wemer ss in hng et lF PHHWAD is reently disovered emrksF sn this pperD following the riniple of fossilEvgersttteD whih yields undnt nd very well È riorityD we use the nomenlture dopted y qeng et preserved fishesD mrine reptilesD different rthropods lF @PHIPAD ut some lrifitions re neededF @isopodsD depodsD horseshoe rsD mysidiensD sneretingthe txon puyunperleidus dengi qeng etFAD molluss @ivlvesD gstropodsD ephlopodsAD et lFD PHIPD the euthors indite s volity nd rorE ehinodermsD rhiopods nd onodontsD s well s izonX tiyngshnD hilinshnD puyun gountyD unE forminifersD mking it omplex mrine eosystemF nn rovineY widdle rissi @ pper vdininA huE he striking feture of the vuoping punD in ontrst gnpo wemer of the plng pormtion99 @qeng et lF to other rissi mrine verterte funs of outhern PHIPX WITAF pollowing this inditionD we st dout xew perleidiform fmily @ysteihthyesD etinopterygiiA from widdle rissi of outh ghin QTI IA the holotype of puyunperleidus dengi qeng et lFD PHIPD hs the sme kind of preservtion shown y the mteril oming from the fossiliferous lyers of the vuoping punD s the speimens here desriedF he field experiene of some of the euthors of this pper @FFD eFFD hFtFD FFA suggests tht the fossils oming from puyunhve kindof preservtionompletely differentX therefore the proveniene of the holotype of puyunperleidus dengi qeng et lFD PHIPD from tht loE lity nd horizon is highly questionedF PA he holotype of
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