Assistive Technology Resources

Assistive technology (AT) and AT services for children with FACT are now a greater part of pediatric practice due to the increased availability of technology and federal legislation that promotes the use of AT. Many pediatric physical therapists are seeking reliable SHEET information and resources for this part of their practice. Resources and online training and discussion communities are now available to enhance the ability to meet the AT needs of children.

The following is a select list of the many resources available to assist service providers in evaluation and assessment of the need, effectiveness, and fit of AT. The resource list includes funding, online discussion groups and learning communities, professional associations and organizations, research, technology and devices, training modules, and federal- and state- funded assistive technology projects.

Books Alliance information sheet. Assistive Technology for Infants and Young Children. Minneapolis, MN: PACER Center; 2002.

Angelo J. Assistive Technology for Rehabilitation Therapists. Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis; 1997.

Bryant DP, Bryant, BR. Assistive Technology for People with Disabilities. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon; 2003.

Flippo KF, Inge KJ, Barcus JM. Assistive Technology: A Resource for School, Work and Community. Baltimore, MD: Brookes Publishing Co; 1997.

Judge SL, Parette HP. Assistive Technology for Young Children with Dis- abilities: A Guide to Providing Family-Centered Services. Brookline, MA: Brookline Books; 1998.

National School Boards Association’s ITTE: Education Technology Programs. Technology for Students with Disabilities: A School Leader’s Resource Guide. Alexandria, VA: National School Boards Association; Section on Pediatrics, APTA 2004. 1111 North Fairfax Street Alexandria, VA 22314-1488 Olsen DA, DeRuyter F. Clinician’s Guide to Assistive Technology. Phila- Phone 800/999-2782, ext 3254 Fax 703/706-8575 delphia, PA: Mosby; 2001. E-mail: [email protected] Scherer MJ. Assistive Technology: Matching Device and Consumer for Successful Rehabilitation. Washington, DC: American Psychological As- sociation; 2001.

Scherer MJ. Living in the State of Stuck: How Assistive Technology Im- pacts the Lives of People with Disabilities. Brookline, MA: Brookline Books; 2000. Evaluation, Assessment, and Determining Matching Person and Technology (MPT) and Need Matching Assistive Technology & Child (MATCH) Process and instrument for matching the individual Consortium Model for AT Decision Making with the proper assistive technology. The framework Issue brief on a 10-step assistive technology decision- assists in determining need for, selection, and imple- making model for children and youth with disabilities mentation of AT. MPT is for youth and adults and and special health care needs. (Consortium for Chil- MATCH is for children. Institute for Matching Person dren and Youth with Disabilities and Special Health and Technology Inc: Care Needs. Consortium Brief #13: Promoting Assis- tive Technology in an Outcome Driven Model of Ser- Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology (QIAT) vice Delivery. Washington, DC: Georgetown Univer- Services and the QIAT Consortium sity Center for Child and Human Development; 2003.) An interdisciplinary Web site about the development and delivery of quality assistive technology. The site html#assistive contains resources and sample documents for consid- ering AT and AT services on an Individualized Edu- Education Tech Points Web Site cation Program. The site has a link to join an active Framework for assistive technology planning in early online community about AT called the QIAT list. intervention and school settings, including making AT determination, assessment, and implementation. Re- sources for providers, parents, and a “help desk” sec- Student, Environment, Task, and Tools (SETT) tion that assists the user with pinpointing breakdowns (Zabala, 2001) in the AT implementation process. Framework for making decisions about AT in the school setting, including determining if AT is needed, assessment planning, and implementation of the AT. Human Activity Assistive Technology (HAAT) Model tion.htm The HAAT model was developed to analyze the com- plexities of function and participation with the use of tion/Assessment/sett.php assistive technology is part of that context. (Cook AM, Hussey SM. Assistive Technologies Princi- Learning Tools Web SiteAssistive technology Web ples and Practice. St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby; 2002.) site that has a section dedicated to evaluation, assess- ment, and decision making. Lifespace Access Profile for Individuals With Access/Assessment/eval_tools.htm Severe or Team-based AT assessment and planning observational Funding protocol that evaluates an individual’s abilities across physical, cognitive, emotional, and support resources AbleData as well as an environmental analysis. (DeCoste D. Resource for assistive technology information includ- Assistive Technology Assessment: Developing a Writ- ing funding options. ten Productivity Profile. Volo, IL: Don Johnston Inc; 2004.) Book and computerized version available for purchase here: teacher_resources/assistive_tech_assess/index.html Assistive Technology Funding and Systems Change Project (ATFSCP) Provides training, technical assistance, and informa- tion on assistive technology funding and systems change issues nationwide.

2 Assistive Technology Resources Family Center on Technology and QIAT Consortium at the Quality Indicators for (FCTD) Links to Funding Resources Assistive Technology (QIAT) Services Resource on technology and disability, including links Online community about AT called the QIAT list. The to funding information and conferences. QIAT list is a well-monitored interdisciplinary group of experts in AT, especially in early intervention and php?id=496 educational settings. Funding for Assistive Technology and Assistive Technology Services Technology and Devices Publication about public, private, and community Ablenet funding resources for AT and AT services. (Consor- Products for children. tium for Children and Youth with Disabilities and Spe- cial Health Care Needs. Consortium Brief #3: Funding for Assistive Technology and Assistive Technology Ser- AbilityHub vices. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Center The site directs you to adaptive equipment and alterna- for Child and Human Development; 2005.) tive methods available for accessing computers. html#assistive Access Ingenuity Assistive Technology Funding Search Tips From Universal access specialists for all disabilities and United (UCP) helpful resource material. 86/2938 Devices Online Discussion Groups and Learning Devices, including adapted toys. Communities Augmentative Communication On-Line Users Group (ACOLUG) Enablemart Listserv created to information and experiences on Education, learning, computer access, and communi- augmentative communication. cation devices.

Alliance for Technology Access (ATA) Meal Partners Network of community-based resource centers that Assistive dinning devices and equipment. provides information and support services to children and adults with disabilities, increasing their use of standard, assistive, and information technologies. Has Rehabtool an online community. Assistive technology and adaptive equipment for adults and children. The Infinitec Assistive Technology Coalitions Managed by of Chicago. Online Simplified Technology community based on assistive technology. Links to AT resources, products, and handouts on how to make simple switches and other simple technology.

Section on Pediatrics, American Physical Therapy Association 3 WheelchairNet Association for the Advancement of Assistive Dedicated to information on for consum- Technology in Europe (AAATE) ers, clinicians, researchers, and funders. Resources Membership from countries throughout Europe. for products, services, research developments, discus- Focus on creating awareness of assistive technol- sions, products, industry product standards, funding, ogy, promoting research and development of assistive services, etc. technologies. redirect=true&accept-initial-profile=standard

Training Australian Rehabilitation and Assistive Technology Assistive Technology Training Online Project Association (ARATA) (ATTO) Conferences, special-interest groups, Web site, list- Information and resources on AT in elementary class- serv, membership directory, and a quarterly newsletter. rooms. Contains modules on decision making, re- sources, and tutorials. . International Society for Augmentative and Alter- native Communication (ISAAC) Closing the Gap Focus on ACC, membership, training, conferences and Information, publications, conferences, and other information. training on assistive technology. National Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center (NECTAC) Assistive Technology Strategies, Tools, Accommo- A section of the Web site devoted to AT and AT re- dations, and Resources (ATSTAR) sources in diversity, funding, plan development, inclu- Online training modules. Must subscribe to take the sion, policy, and quality assurance. modules. Collaborative effort between Arlington, Texas School District, the Austin Community Col- lege, the University of Texas at Austin, Austin Harvard Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technol- School, Sylvan Learning Center, Far South Communi- ogy Society of North America (RESNA) ty Schools, and Region XIII Education Service Center. Professional society for assistive technology and dis- ability. This is the body that certifies assistive technol- ogy professionals (ATP). Many resources, professional Professional Associations and Organizations development opportunities, and information. Assistive Technology Industry Association (ATIA) ATIA is a not-for-profit membership organization of Web Initiative (WAI) manufacturers or distributors selling technology-based Focus on accessibility of the Web through technology, assistive devices for people with disabilities or provid- guidelines, tools, education and outreach, and research ing services. An annual conference is held in Orlando, and development. Florida, in January. Research Assistive Technology Training Online (ATTO) Provides internet-based training in both general and AAC-RERC specific areas of adapted computer use. Focus on AT in Augmentative and Alternative Communication Reha- elementary classrooms. bilitation Engineering Research Center (AAC-RERC) on Communication Enhancement. This is one of a network of RERCs funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) of the United States Department of Education.

4 Assistive Technology Resources Consortium for Assistive Technology Outcomes The Family Center on Assistive Technology Research (CATOR) Resources, news, discussions, and a free family Conducts research to improve measurement, reduce guides: barriers to the use of outcome measures, and under- Family Guide to Assistive Technology: stand the processes for AT adoption and abandonment. Learning Tools: Assistive Technology & Regular Trace Center Technology for Students with Disabilities Research and information about how to make current Comprehensive assistive technology resource Web site and emerging technologies accessible to individuals for children and youth in school, including evaluation, with disabilities. access, learning, and recreation resources.

National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation National Rehabilitation Information Center Research (NIDRR) (NARIC) Part of the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of A library and information center on disability and and Rehabilitative Services (OS- rehabilitation. ERS), NIDRR is the major U.S. funder of assistive technology research. Funds the Rehabilitation Engi- neering Research Centers (RERCs), which conduct Technology and Media Division (TAM) research and development in specific areas of assistive Resources and Web-based seminars on assistive technology application, including full , social technology. It also has an online publication called integration, employment, and of The Journal of Special Education Technology (JSET), individuals with disabilities. which is available by subscription.

Resources University Center of Excellence in Developmental AT Outcomes Disabilities at Georgetown University The AT Outcomes listserv and this Web site are dedi- A section of this Web site contains AT resources about cated to the development, evaluation, and application funding AT, wheeled mobility, a list of Web-based of valid, reliable, and sensitive outcome measure tools. resources, and an issue brief outlining a model for AT decision making. The Center for html#assistive The Center for Universal Design is a national research, information, and technical assistance center that evalu- Wheel Me On ates, develops, and promotes accessible and universal Page links include materials for users to design in buildings and related products. assist in everyday living and travel.

Do-It Center Promotes access and participation through assistive technology. General resources, education, technology, legal, social, and political issues.

Section on Pediatrics, American Physical Therapy Association 5 Federally Funded Assistive Technology National Center to Improve Practice (NCIP) Projects Located at Education Development Center Inc, funded by the U.S. Department of Education, OSEP to pro- Funded by the Technology-Related Assistance for mote use of technology to enhance educational out- Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1998, the following comes for students with disabilities. programs assist individuals with disabilities in obtain- ing appropriate assistive technology and assistive technology services. State Tech Act Projects

AbleData The Assistive Technology Act of 1998 funds programs Federally funded project to provide information on in the states and territories to improve the provision of assistive technology and rehabilitation equipment AT to individuals with disabilities across the lifespan available from domestic and international sources to and their families, guardians, and advocates. consumers, organizations, professionals, and caregiv- ers within the United States. Association of Assistive Technology Act Programs (ATAP) National network of state AT programs assist states in Association of Tech Act Projects implementing the AT Act. Has a comprehensive list of Provides links to the Assistive Technology Act Proj- the each State Tech Act Project. ects funded through federal grants under the Technolo- gy-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1998. The programs provide information, refer- Selected State AT Projects (See the ATAP Web site rals, and many other services to children and adults ( for a complete list): with disabilities. Alabama Statewide Technology Access & Response Project: Access Board fault.aspx?url=/Home/Services/VRS/STAR+System/ Contains information on Section 508 of the Rehabili- Main tation Act, requiring that electronic and information Alaska Assistive Technology Program: technology developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with Colorado AT Project: disabilities. Connecticut Tech Act Project: DC Assistive Technology Program: Florida: Alliance for Assistive Service and Center for Information Technology Technology: Accommodation (CITA) Georgia: Tools For Life: Facilitates an interagency network of accessibility Idaho Assistive Technology Project: specialists. It supports activities of the Council on Accessible Technology and the Federal World Wide lllinois Assistive Technology Project: Web Consortium. It provides resources on devices and Iowa Program for Assistive Technology (IPAT): accessories such as keyboards, readers, point- ing devices, screen readers, , and Kentucky Assistive Technology Services (KATS) mobility devices. Network: Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network (LA TAN): Maine Consumer Information and Technology Training Exchange (CITE): Maryland Technology Assistance Program (MD TAP):

6 Assistive Technology Resources Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership: New England Assistive Technology Marketplace: New Jersey: Assistive Technology Advocacy Center (ATAC) of NJ P&A: New Mexico Technology Assistance Program: North Carolina Assistive Technology Project: North Dakota Interagency Program for Assistive Technology: Assistive Technology of Ohio: Oklahoma ABLE Tech: Oregon Technology Access Program: Pennsylvania’s Initiative on Assistive Technology: Rhode Island Assistive Technology Access Partner- ship: Vermont AT Project: Virginia Assistive Technology Project: Wisconsin AT Program (WisTech): http://dhs.wis-

For More Information: If you have additional questions, would like to order additional copies of this fact sheet, or would like to join the Section on Pediatrics, please contact the Executive Office of the Section on Pediatrics of the American Physical Therapy Association at: APTA Section on Pediatrics, 1111 North Fairfax Street, Alexandria, VA 22314, [email protected],

© Copyright 2010. Developed by APTA’s Section on Pediatrics Practice Committee, with special thanks to Rachel Brady, PT, DPT, MS.

Section on Pediatrics, APTA Phone 800/999-2782, ext 3254 1111 North Fairfax Street Fax 703/706-8575 Alexandria, VA 22314-1488 E-mail: [email protected]

Section on Pediatrics, American Physical Therapy Association 7