WATCH WORD For & Newsletter of CITY & COUNTY NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH – (LEICESTER & LEICESTERSHIRE) Working in SUPPORT of LEICESTERSHIRE POLICE. Charity No. 1072275 Issue 32/2017 The City & County Neighbourhood Watch is here to represent the concerns of members and their families. We operate entirely outside the police chain of command, so we can always promise an independent and confidential service Working in SUPPORT of LEICESTERSHIRE POLICE


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Tradespeople urged to secure their vehicles

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Issued on 10/8/17 at 2:00 p.m.

Tradespeople are being urged to think about the security of their vehicles after an unprecedented number of thefts from vans during the last three months.

Since the beginning of the year the force has received more than 800 reports of commercial vehicles broken into and tens of thousands of pounds worth of tools have been stolen.

Enquiries led officers to execute warrants at addresses in Golf Course Lane, Leicester, and Evelyn Drive, Leicester, last month, and recover more than 300 power tools. Officers are currently in the process of trying to reunite the items with their rightful owners.

As a result of those warrants eight people were arrested on suspicion of theft offences and officers are following active lines of enquiry to identify others involved in such crimes.

Detective Chief Inspector Chris Baker from the Force Investigation Unit, said: “We have seen an unprecedented number of thefts from commercial vehicles so it’s timely for us to remind people to think about the security of their vehicles and property.

“Tools have been stolen costing victims thousands of pounds to replace. These incidents have a knock-on effect on people’s livelihoods and we take these crimes extremely seriously.

“We would ask tradespeople to be vigilant and think carefully about the security of the tools of their trade. Wherever possible, they should remove tools from vehicles parked overnight and ensure their vehicles are locked and parked in a way which would make access for potential thieves difficult.

“We’d like to stress the importance of keeping vehicles and contents secure, whether you park them at home or in a public place. We’re running a number of initiatives to reduce vehicle crime, including additional officers patrolling hotspots, checks on vehicles using the road network to commit crime and providing crime prevention advice in areas we know are vulnerable, such as car parks of local hotels.

“We’ve had some good results from the operations we’ve carried out to target those who have been involved in thefts from vehicles. We have recovered a substantial amount of tools, most of which we believe were stolen from vans and building sites.

“We will continue to carry out operations to educate people on how they can reduce their chances of being a victim, locate those responsible for such crimes and to ensure people report if they have been a victim.

“This is organised criminality and we urge anyone who sees anyone behaving suspiciously around commercial vehicles, particularly at night, or anyone offered tools for sale or who sees tools for sale in suspicious circumstances, to contact us.


“If anyone has information about those responsible for vehicle crime or if you have concerns about the security of your vehicle and require crime prevention advice please contact 101.”


Do you know how to keep your children safe on social media?

Leicestershire Police is hosting internet awareness seminars for parents, carers and teachers as part of Get Safe Online’s Safe Social Media Day on Monday 21 August.

The presentations will include material created by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) and will provide an insight into what young people get up to online and how to protect them in the digital world.

During the session, members of the public can find out more about:

 Kayleigh Haywood’s story and video  what the risks are for young people on social media  digital footprint and sharing of personal information  common apps, games and sites  where to go for guidance  how to report, and who to report to

The seminars will be held at Force Headquarters in Enderby at 5.30pm and 7.30pm on Monday 21 August. Each session will last for around 1.5 hours and are strictly for over 18’s only. There will be an opportunity to ask questions.

Anyone wishing to attend one of the seminars should complete a simple online form. Due to Force Headquarters being a secure property, one form will need to be completed for each person attending as only those who have registered will be allowed onto the site.



Child Sexual Exploitation


What is CSE?

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a type of sexual abuse in which children are sexually exploited for money, power or status.

They may be tricked into believing they're in a loving, consensual relationship. They might be invited to parties and given drugs and alcohol. They may also be groomed online.

Some children and young people are trafficked into or within the UK for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation can also happen to young people in gangs.

You can find the official definition of CSE on the NSPCC website.

Is this happening to you?

Information for parents and carers

Information for professionals and businesses

What are the police doing to tackle CSE?

Kayleigh's love story





The Fosse neighbourhood covers Tudor Road and the surrounding area. It is a predominantly residential part of the City and also includes a large recreational area, which was once part of the Leicester and Swannington Railway and now comprises a BMX track, locally known as ‘The Rally'.

Each dedicated neighbourhood team is supported by the .

Your dedicated neighbourhood team


Sgt Mark Brennan

Collar number: 2233

I am the supervisor for the Fosse Ward Dedicated Neighbourhood Team based at Hinckley Road Police Station. This falls under the West Leicester Neighbourhood Policing Area.

I joined the police in January 2007 and have in that time worked a variety of roles including as a emergency response officer, a local neighbourhood officer, a domestic abuse investigator, and as a Sergeant working to improve our multi-agency response to working with vulnerable adults.

I am passionate about finding new and innovative ways to improve the service that we give and to deal with local problems effectively.

 Send an email to your neighbourhood team  Leave a voicemail for Sgt Mark Brennan by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 2233.

PC Allyson Dryden

Collar number: 4694

I joined Leicestershire Police in 2008, where I have been based at Hinckley Road Police Station since. I have worked in different roles within the police but I have predominately been based in pro-active departments.

In February 2015 I joined the Fosse Ward Dedicated Neighbourhood Team.

I enjoy working closely with the community and our partner agencies to target problems that have an impact on your lives.

Please feel free to chat to me when you see me out and about

 Send an email to your neighbourhood team  Leave a voicemail for PC Allyson Dryden by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 4694.

PC Alex Baxter


Collar number: 4709

I joined Leicestershire Police in 2008 where I worked for a number of years on the Response and Neighbourhood Team at Wigston.

I transferred over to Police Station in Feb 2015, where I worked on the Investigations Unit. I then moved to the Fosse Ward Dedicated Neighbourhood Team in December 2015.

I enjoy the challenges presented to me during Neighbourhood Policing and tackling local issues that affect the communities on the Fosse Ward.

 Send an email to your neighbourhood team  Leave a voicemail for PC Alex Baxter by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 4709.

PC Pete Bown

Collar number: 1899

I joined Leicestershire Police in 2002.

Over the last 15 years I have worked in lots of different departments, at lots of different locations across the whole of Leicestershire. I last worked at Hinckley Road Police Station back in 2005, I’ve changed a lot since then and I’m sure the area has too.

I look forward to working with the local community, so if you see me on the beat come and have a chat.

 Send an email to your neighbourhood team  Leave a voicemail for PC Pete Bown by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 1899.

PCSO Stephen Jackson

Collar number: 6079

I have been a PCSO since March 2007 and very much enjoy my role.

I am committed to Neighbourhood Policing and I am regularly out on my beat; so if you see me please feel free to stop and chat.

 Send an email to your neighbourhood team


 Leave a voicemail for PCSO Stephen Jackson by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 6079.

PCSO Jake Dudman

Collar number: 6644

I joined Leicestershire Police in February 2014, where I started my career in the City Centre.

In July 2014, I moved to the Fosse Beat, where I have developed excellent working relationships on the area.

I enjoy proactive patrols and you will regularly see me out and about. I am focused on tackling anti-social behaviour and crime on the Fosse ward.

 Send an email to your neighbourhood team  Leave a voicemail for PCSO Jake Dudman by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 6644.

PCSO Qayum Jamal

Collar number: 6664

I have started my new role as PCSO in May 2017.

I look forward to meeting local people and partners while out on my beat.

 Send an email to your neighbourhood team  Leave a voicemail for PCSO Qayum Jamal by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 6664.

PCSO Sarah Baker

Collar number: 6617

I joined Leicestershire Police in 2017 and I am currently based at Hinckley Road Police Station.


I joined to be a Police Community Support Officer because I wanted to give something back to the community, and hopefully make a difference to someone’s life in the process.

I am very happy to be a part of the team and I look forward to getting to know and working closely with the community in my area as well as our partner agencies to target any issues. I hope to develop a strong relationship in the process.

My aim is to focus on tackling anti-social behaviour and crime that occur in this area whilst I am pro-actively patrolling.

 Send an email to your neighbourhood team  Leave a voicemail for PCSO Sarah Baker by calling 101 and follow the instructions to leave a message for an officer. When prompted, key in the identification number 6617.