GOVERNING COUNCiL INTERSESS[ONAL CO~H,IITTEE OF THE ~ HOLE First session New York, 13-15 September 1982


Chairman President Mr. Douglas LINDORES (Canada) Presidente

First Vice-Chairma[~ Premier Vice President H.E. Mr. TaZeb SL~I (Tunisia) Primer Vice Presidente

Second Vice-Chairman DeuxiAme Vice President Mr. Shri Vatsa PURUSHOTTAM (India) Segundo Vice Presidente

Third Vice-Chairman Troisi~me Vice President Tercer Vice Presidente

Fourth Vice-Chairman quatribme Vice President H.E. Dr. Miguel A. ALBORNOZ (Ecuador) Quatro Vice Presidente

Rapporteur Mr. Qazi Shaukat FAREED (Pakistan)

Any corrections should be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Committee belore the closure of the session.

Les corrections doivent @tre soumises par ~crit au Secretariat du Conseil d’Administration avant la fermeture de la session.

To~as correcciones que sea necessaria hacer sobre esta lista debe ser presentada por escrito a la Secretaria antes la clausura de la sesion DP/1982/ICW/INF.2 Page 2

ARGENTINA Representante: Sr. Jorge Hugo HERRERA VEGAS, Ministro Plenipotenciario, Misidn Permanente

Representantes Alternos: Sr. Pedro Raul VILLAGRA DELGADO, Segundo Secretar~o, Misi6n eermanente

Sr. Pablo Anselmo TETTAMANTI, Tercer Secretar~o, Misidn Permanente

AUSTRIA Representative: Mr. Adolf J. KUEN, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives: Mr. Otto DITZ, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Mr. Dietmar Hans SHCWEISGUT, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

BARBADOS Representative: H.E. Hr. Harley S.L. MOSELEY, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternates Representatives: H.E. Mr. John Andrew CONNELL, Ambassador, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Ernest Besley MAYCOCK, Minister-Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Ms. S.R. OSBORNE, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

BELGIUM Repr~sentant: Mme. S. VERVALCKE, Directeur d’administration, Chef du Service de la Cooperation multilat~rale ~ l’Administration, G~n~rale de la Cooperation au D~veloppement

Repr~sentant Supplgant: Mme. Renilde LOECKX, Premier Secr~taire, Mision Permanente

BHUTAN Representatives: H.E. Mr. Om PRADHAN, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Achyut BHANDARI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission DP/1982/ICW/INF.2 Page 3

BRAZIL Representative: Mr. Adhemar Gabriel BAHADIAN, Counsellor of Embassy, Permanent Mission

BULGARIA Re pre sent at ive Mr. Mihail BUSHEV, Conseiller, Mission Permanente

CANADA Representatives: Mr. Douglas LINDORES, Vice President, Multilateral Programmes, Canadian International Development Agency

Mr. N. HARE, Director-General, UN Programmes Division Canadian International Development Agency

Alternate Representatives: Miss Carolyn McASKIE, UN Programmes Division, Canadian International Development Agency

Mr. Charles Richard MANN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

CHINA Representative: H.E. Mr. MI Guojun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives: Ms. ZHANG Zong-an, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Mr. WANG Jinren, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

"Adviser: Mr. SUN Jie, Attache, Permanent Mission

DENMARK Representative: H.E. Ambassador Mogens ISAKSEN, Under-Secretary of State for International Development Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives: Mr. Erik FIIL, Head of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Mr. Henrik R~e IVERSEN, Economic Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Mr. Finn Norman CHRISTENSEN, First Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission DP/1982/ICW/INF.2 Page 4

ECUAOOR Representative: S.E. Dr. Miguel A. ALBORNOZ, Embajador Exraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas, Mision Permanente

FIJI Representative: Mr. Rajendra KUMAR, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

FRANCE Reprgsentant: M. Jean-Claude FAURE, Ministre Pl~nipotentiaire, Conseiller ~conomique et financier, Mission Permanente

Reprgsentants suppl~ants: M. Antoine P° MERIEUX, Attach~ financier, Mission Permanente

Mlle Nicole COURSON, Premier Secrgtaire, Mission P&rmanente

GABON Repr~sentant: M. Jean-Paulin EBARE, Premier Conseiller, Mission Permanente

GERMANY~ FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF Representatives: Dr. Gebhard KERCKHOFF, Director, Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation

Dr. Heinrich-Dietrick DIECKMANN, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representatives: Dr.Wilhelm SUDEN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

GUINEA Repr~santant: M. Bassy CAMARA, Attach~ d’Ambassade, Mission Permanente

INDIA Representative: Mr. Shri Vatsa PURUSHOTTAM, Minister, Deputy Pemnanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives: Mr. T. C. A. RANGACHARI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission DP/1982/ICW/INF.2 Page 5

ITALY Repr~sentant: M. P. Paolo BRUNI, Conseiller, Mission Permanente

Repr~sentant Suppl~ant: M. Stefano STEFANINI, Premier Secr~taire, Mission Permanente

JAPAN Representative: H.E. Mr. Wataru MIYAKAWA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives: Mr. Nobutoshi AKAO, Counsellor (Economic and Social Affairs), Permanent Mission

Mr. Yukio TAKASU, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

KUWAIT Representative: Mr. Ahmad Abdel KARIM AL EBRAHIM, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

LIBEPIA Re pre sent at ive : H.E. Mrs. Abeodu Bowen JONES, Ph.D., Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives: Mr. Marcus M. KOFA, Minister Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Mr. Saymah Y. TUAN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

Mr. Amos C. WALKER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

MALAWI Representative: Mr. Henry Chaseta MIKAYA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

MALAYSIA Representative: H.E. Tan Sri ZAINAL ABIDIN bin Sulong, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representative: Mr. A. W. OMARDIN, Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Adviser: Mr. RAMLI bin Naam, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission DP/1982/ICW/INF.2 Page 6

MALl Repr~sentant: S.E.M. Seydou T~\ORE, Ambassadeur Extroardinaire et Pl~nipotentiaire Repr~sentant Permanent aupr~s des Nations Unies

Repr~sentants Suppl~ants: M. Cheick CISSE, Premier Conseiller, Mission Permanente

M. Th~ophile SANGARE, Deuxi~me Conseiller, Mission Permanente

M. Moriba KONE, Premier Secr~taire, Mission Permanente

MEXICO Representante: Sr. Carlos Ignacio GONZALEZ-MAGALLON, Segundo Secretario, Misidn Permanente

NETHERLANDS Representative: Mr. Gerben RINGNALDA, Minister Plenipotentiary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission

NEW ZEALAND Re pre sentat ive: H.E. Mr. Harold H° FRANCIS, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives: Mr. Richard J° MARTIN, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Phillip H. GIBSON, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

NIGER Repr~sentant: S.E.M. Id~ OUMAROU, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Pl~nipotentiaire Repr~sentant Permanent aupr~s des Nations Unies

Reprgsentants Sup~l~ants: M° Mahamidou ELHADJI YAHAYA, Conseiller, Mission Permanente

M. Ousseini SOUMANA, Premier Secr~taire, Mission Permanente Page 7

NORWAY Representative: Mr. Knut TORAASEN, Head of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representatives: Mrs. Aase S. DANIELSEN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Mrs. Synnove Fjellbakk TAFTO, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

PAKISTAN Representative: Mr. Qazi Shaukat FAREED, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

POLAND Representative: Dr. Jerzy SZEREMETA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

ROMANIA Representative: M. Pavel GRECU, Premier Secr~taire, Mission Permanente

RWANDA Repr~sentant: M. Andre D. MAYIRA, Deuxi~me Secr~taire, Mission Permanente

SOMALIA Representative: Mr. Yusuf Ismail KHALAF, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representative: Mr. Ali Abdi MADAR, Counsellor (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission

SPAIN Representante: S.E. Sr. Don Jaime de PINIES, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas

Representante Alterno: Sr. Don Jes6s ATIENZA, Secretario de Embajada, Misi6n Pennanente

SRI LANKA Representative: H.E. Mr. Ignatius Benedict FONSEKA, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives Mr. S.W. Arthur DE SILVA, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Natimons

Mr. R.B. WEERAKOON, Director, External Resources, Ministry of Finance and Planning DP/1982/icw/INF.2 Page 8

SWEDEN Representative: Mr. Erik BACK~N, Head of Section, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

Alternate Representative: Mr. Steen HOHWU-CHRISTENSEN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

SWITZERLAND Representante: M. Jacques F. FAILLETTAZ, Chef-adjoint, blission Permanente d’Observation

Representante Suppl~ant: M. Daniel WOKER, Deuxi~me Secr~taire d’Ambassade, Mission Permanente d’Observation

TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Representative: H.E. Mr. Frank Owen ABDULAH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives: Mrs. Leonore Sylvia DORSET, Minister-Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Francis Anthony McBARNETTE, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

TUNISIA Repr~sentant: S.E.M. Taieb SLIM, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Pl~nipotentiaire Repr~sentant Permanent aupr~s des Nations Unies

Repr~sentants Suppl~ants: S.E.M. Ali TEKAIA, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Pl~nipotentiaire Repr~sentant Permanent Adjoint aupr~s des Nations

M. Hamda KBAIER, Premier Secr~taire d’Ambassade, Mission Permanente

TURKEY Representative: H.E. Mr. A. Coskun KIRCA, Ambassadeur Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives: Mr. Onur GOKCE, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Adnan BASAGA, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission DP/1982/ICW/INF.2 Page 9

UGANDA Representative: Mr. Biruma-Sebulime ISAAC, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission

UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST REPUBLICS Representative: Mr. Vitaliy Ivanovich CHEKAY, Senior Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representatives: Mr. Nikifor Ivanovich YEVDOKEYEV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Mr. Lev Ivanovich MALYSHEV, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Mr. Oleg Vadimovich KONSTANTINOV, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission

UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND Representative: Mr. David LAWLESS, Pincipal, Overseas Development Administration

Alternate Representative: Mr. John McHardy BRAND, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Representative: Mr. Gordon L. STREEB, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Economic and Social Affairs, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State

Alternate Representatives: Mr. H. Bernard GLAZER, Economic Development Division Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Department of State

Mr. John HOSKINS, Adviser, Permanent Mission

VENEZUELA Representante: Dr. Oscar de ROJAS, Director General de Cooperaci6n T~cnica, CORDIPLAN

Representantes Alternos: Dr. Enrique ter HORST, Ministro Consejero Asu~tos Econ6micos, Misi6n Permanente

Sr. Otto Rafael VEITIA, Consejero, Misi6n Permanente DP/1982/ICW/INF.2 Page i0

YEMEN Representative: H.E. Mr. Mohamed Abdulaziz SALLAM, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Alternate Representatives: Mr. Ahmed SALLAM, Second Secretary, Pennanent Mission

Mr. Sultan Ali Saleh AZAZY, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

ZAMBIA Re pre sent at ive - Mr. Jonathan M.S. LICHILANA, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Alternate Representative: Mr. Elias Mfute C[lalwe KAZEMBE, First Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission


AUSTRALIA Mr. C. TERRELL, First Assistant Secretary, Programmes Division, Australian Development Assistance Bureau

Mr. P. ZOLLER, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC S.E.M. Simon Pierre KIBANDA, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Pl~nipotentiaire, Repr~sentant Permanent aupr~s des Nations Unies

M. Jean-Pierre MBAZOA, Premier Secr~taire, Mission Permanente

CHILE Sr. Alvaro BAZAN, Consejero, Misi6n Permanente

Sr. Hern~n REITZE, Consejero, Misidn Permanente

CUBA Sr. Jos~ FERNANDEZ DE COSSIO, Vice Presidente del Comit~ Estatal de Colaboracion Economica

Lic. Salvador CABEIRO QUINTANA, Funcionario del Comite Estatal de Colaboracion Economica


EGYPT Dr. Hassan GADEL HAK, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission

Mr. Raouf SAAD, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

EL SALVADOR Lic. Jos~ Robert o ANDINO-SALAZAR, Minister, Alternate Representative to the United Nations

EQUATORIAL GUINEA Sr. Jesds NDONG BINDANG, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission

FINLAND Mr. llkka RUSO, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Mr. Andreas MAETZOLD, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission

HUNGARY Dr. Ferenc SOMOGYI, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Tibor GUBCSI, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission

JAMAICA Mr. Harold Peter BARTLETT, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

LESOTHO Mr. Gerard Phirinyane KHOJANE, Counsellor (Economic), Permanent Mission

Miss Mahlape Theresia QOANE, First Secretary (Economic Affairs). Permanent Mission

NEPAL Mr. Yadab Kant SILWAL, Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations

Mr. Keshav Raj JHA, First Secretary, Permanent Mission

PHILIPPINES H.E. Mr. Luis MORENO SALCEDO, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations

H.E. Mr. Reynaldo O. ARCILLA, Ambassador, Permanent Mission

Mr. Jos~ U. FERNANDEZ, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Mr. Hermes J. DORADO, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission DP/1982/ICW/INF.2 Page 12

UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA Mr. Pastor NGAIZA, Second Secretary (Economic Affairs) Permanent Mission

YUGOSLAVIA Mr. Ljubomir SEKULIC, Minister Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent to the United Nations

Mrs. Vesna KNEZEVIC, Counsellor, Permanent Mission

Mr. M11omir MIHALJEVIC, Attach4, Permanent Mission


UNITED NATIONS Department of Technical Co-operation for Development Mr. Luis Maria GOMEZ, Director, Programming and Implementation Division

Mr. Faqir Muhammad, Director, Policies and Resources Planning Division

Mrs. Sylvia BRYANT, Policies Coordinator, Policies and Resources Planning Division

UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Mr. George SUCCAR, Representative of UNIDO to the Intersessional Committee of the Whole

Mr. Hassan H. BAHLOULI, Senior Industrial Development Officer, UNIDO Liaison Office, New York


UNITED NATIONS FUND FOR POPULATION ACTIVITIES Mr. Stafford Mousky, Chief, Office of the Executive Director

Mr. Jeff HESTER, Office of the Executive Director


INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGISATION Mr. Prabha KUMARAKULSINGHE, Representative of ILO to the Intersessional Committee of the WNole DP/1982/ICW/INF.2 Page 13

FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Mr. Bhim S. MAHAJAN, Representative of FAO to the Intersessional Co~mnittee of t~e Whole


Mr. Doudou DIENE, Director, UNESCO Office for Liaison with the United Nations

WORLD BANK Mr. Guy A. de LUSIGNAN, Special Representative for United Nations Organizations

Mr. Vincent J. RILEY, Adviser UNDP/UN Operational Activities, International Relations Department