Attachment C

Relevant Pages of TV & Cable Factbook Vol. No. 60 (1992, stations Volume)


50 I

Mlrkll Arbltnln ADI RInk Mlrkl' Am Commln:ial TV Stallons TV Hounholds

New York, NY .. 7075.000 WABC-TV (7) WCBS-TV (2) WHAI-TV (43). WHSE (68) WHSI (67). WliG 155) WNBC­ TV (41. WNJU (47) WNYW (5). WPIX (11). WTBY (54). WTZA (62) WWOR-TV 19). WXTV (41) Hartford-New Haven, CT . 911.400 23 WFSB (3) WTIC-TV (61). WTNH-TV (8). WTWS (26) WTXX (201 WVIT 130) PrOVIdence, RI-New Bedford. MA 559,600 45 WJAR (101 WLNE (6) WNAC-TV 164). WPRI-TV 112)

Connecticut Station Totals as of October 1, 1991 State Cross Reference List Communities that receive programs of stations that are located elsewhere. VHF UHF TOTAL WTXX, H.uon .... See Waterbury. CT Commercial Television Stations 2 5 7 wrws. H.uunI . See New London. CT Educational Television Stations o 4 4 WVlT. New BrIlI/n ...... See Hartford. CT WTNH:rY, New Haven . See Hartford. CT 2 9 11

A·2D4 TV , Cable FactbDok No. 60 Connecticut-Hartford

WFSB Ch. 3

Network SIIYIce: CBS.

Lien": Post-Newsweek StcDlns Connecticlt Inc., Broadcast House, Three Con- stilUion Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103-1892.

StUllo: Three ConstlWon Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103-1892.

Telephone: 203-728-3333.

Fa: 203-247-8940. T.chnIcal Facllllel: Cha1ne1 NO.3 (60-66 MHz). Alttlorized power: 1GO-kw visual, " 2Q-I(w aual. Antema: CrCllarly polarized, 904-ft above avo terrain, 518-ft. above r lJOIIld, 1225-ft. above sea level '"(

41° 46' 30· 7'l' 48' 20· Trllllmlll...: 375 DeercVff Rd., Avon.

MuIIchInnIlTV Sollld: Stereo only. Sill••Earth Stllllonl: S.-com Tectmlogies, 9.1-meter C-band; Vertex, 6.1-meter C-band; Vertex, 4.3-meter Ku-band; Scientific-Atlarta, Standard Communic

Ownerlhlp: Post-Newsweek St

I A-206 TV • Cable Factbook No. ~icut-Hartford ;.;---


Ch. 61

.....seMee: fox. .--:Chcnlel61 Licensee Corp., One Corporate Center, Hartford. CT 06103.

....: ()le COIJlOI'ale Certer, Hartford, CT 06103.

•...... ,.: 203-527·6161 .

.. m·293·1571. '..,;uA FIeMIe.: ChMnel No. 61 (752-758 MHz). AUIhorized power: 5000-kw nil wsual,1000-kwmax. aural. Antema: 1692-ftabove avo terrain. 1339-ft. above pTd 2049-ft above sea level.

Latitude 41· 42' 13" Longitude 7'l' 49' 57"

!~If: Ratlesnake Mountain, near Ate. 6, farmington, CT.

:lMfIIS[f ~ TV Sound: Stereo and separate audio program. Editon 6l MiDDlE· .... Earth Stlilolll: Scientific-Atlanta, 7-meter C-band; Scientific-Adanta, 6.1­ "C(~ ".'-OfWMQU'M ong Branch SCALE OF MilES .« Ku &; Microdyne, 5-meter C-band; Microdyne, 2.8-meter KU-band; JTrenton @ sburyPark o "",~, 5cieltilic-AtWlta receivers. l ....ood@ @ 0 50 100 rt 0 aMe GUire omt ~easant ~..J __ I I I AI A/IIIIe: WTIC-AM. wne-tv BMPCT-840106KE Granted 9126184 & American Map Corp.. No. 142c. AI A/IIII.: wnC-fM. ­II~I Nil W.dJy SIll. T.... TYHtaeWIa ~ \ .... semee.: AP, CNN, fox News. ClrcuIJIlolI Collllly H...... H...... CONNECTICUT 99 0IlWJIip: Chase Communications Inc. (Group Owner). 50% &Over Hartford 325,300 320,700 99 98 Litchfield 64,800 63,700 98 Middlesex 55,300 54,400 98 98 lip! Operillon: September 17, 1984. New London 92,500 90,700 98 99 _ ed (slles): Sekellnc. Tolland 43,600 42,900 98 98 Win

No. 60 1992 Editiol A·207 Connecticut-New Britain-Hartford

WVIT Ch.30 NlIwork SIIYlc.: NBC. ArseM MSW 17 Inc., 1422 New Britain Ave., Wesl Hartfqrd, CT 06110. ",-. StudIo: 1422 New Main Ave., West Hartford, CT 06110. .-:=; T~.:203·521-3030;203-223-3603.T\MX:710-425-1078. FIX: 203-521-3110. fill#­ T.cflnIcII FeelllJel: Chemel No. 30 (566-572 MHz). Authorized power: 3090-kw max. visual, 309-kw max. cual. Artema: 1485-fl. above av. terrain, 1129-fl. above .. !10l1ld, 1849-fl above sea level. :.... lcdude 41' 42' 02" ''IIlIfIt Longlude 72" 49' 57" .... Trlllamlter: RatUesnake MOIJ1ain, U.S. Ate. 6, Farmington, CT. S1'.,. MuIIchIIIneIlV SOIIld: Stereo and separate audio program. Sit". EIrth Stltlons: Scienlific-Atlafta, 7-meter C-band; Harris, 6.1-meter Ku­ band; Harris, 3.5-meter Ku-band; RCA Americom, 3.5-meler Ku-band; OX Engineer­ i1g, Harris, MIA-Com, Scientitic·AlIanla receivers. SNG Mobile DiIII: Andrew, 2.3-meter KU-band. Hew. 8arYIces: AP, NBC. OWner.: VlaCom Broadcasting Inc. (Group Owner). SCALE OF MilES 0 50 8etIII 0per1tJon: Fetlrlay 13, 1953. Sale 10 present owner by Plains TV Corp. I I approved by FCC M..-cf113, 1978 (T.Ievl.ion, Vol. 17:25). Sale 10 Plains f; American Map Corp.. by NBC approved Sept. 23, 1959 by FCC (Vol. 15:26, 28, 39). Sale to NBC of WKNB-lV-AM, by JUiill Gross and associates approved Dec. 12, 1956 by FCC Total Households: eMSI Consl.Wll.' Mnlt Data as 0/111191. 1V Homes, M and Circullllon C191l (Vol. 11 :2, 9, 22, 26; 12:SO). County coverage based on Albltron s1udy.

Represented (1IIea): TeleRep Inc. Nel W••tty SIll. Tell/ CIUIIIy H.ulllleN, Re,resent.d (leta/): Arert, Fox, Kintner, Plotkin & Kahn. Circulation CONNECTIClIT Represented (engineering): A. O. Ring &Associates, P.C. 50% & Over Hartford 325,300 320,700 Pertonnll: litchfield 64,800 63,700 AI Iftl, Vice Presidert &General Millager. Middlesex 55,300 54,400 Mildred McNd, VICe Presidel1, News & Public Affairs. New Haven 300,800 297,100 ROIl Pulerl, General Sales Millager. New london 92,500 90,700 Tom O'BrIen, local Sales Manager. TaBand 43,600 42,900 Rob Ewert, Netional Sales MiI1ager. CONNECnClIT AonnI AtleneIo, PrOlJlIJl Manager. Between 25-49% Wtn

I A·20B TV • Cable Faetbooll No. , ~Icut-New Haven-Hartford

! WTNH-TV Ch.8

..-rt seMee: ABC...... :coo/l 1nlel communiCations Corp., 2525 C51., Suite 500, Anchorage, AK ~ f' .... 8E)Tl St., New Haven, CT 06510.

{. ~ 11I,11I: 2 Capitol Ave., Hartford, CT. I ... Adc*"SS: Box 1859, New Haven, CT 06508. •...,,: 203-784-8888. TWX: 710-465-1193. Fax: 203-773-1292.

....f.": Channel NO.8 (180-186 MHz). Authorized power: 166-kw visual, l.l l-tw val. Antenna: 121 O-ft. above av. terrain, 909-ft. above ground, 1549-ft. "-'If sea leVel.

Lalitude 41° 25' 23" Longitude 72" 57' 06" ....-r.: Talmadge Rd., Mad Hare Mountain, Hamden, CT...... TV Sound: Stereo and separate audio program.

.... E~ Stlllons: Transmillreceive Andrew, 5.6-meter Ku-band; Harris, 9­ SCALE OF MilES ,.. C-beY1d; Andrew, 7.3-meter C-band; Andrew, 4.5-meter C-band' Andrew ..neck, OX Antenna, Harris receivers. ', 0 so 100 I I I .1IobIe Dish: Dalsal/Andrew, 2.3-meter Ku-band. _tv BPCT-loS82 Grantl'd 5117! 76 © .'"","un Map Coq>.. tUM 991Ar-. ..Sttv\Ces: ABC, AP, CNN, MediaLink, UPI. NIlW..t" Stll. T.... lYHtI...... -sliP: Coo/( Inlet Communications loP. (Group Owner). Cireulalion Cellllly HtUllfltl4. HtlIIfltWa 'hol4l ­\ CONNECTICUT " .... Operlllon: June 15, 1948. Sale to present owners by Capital Cities Com­ VUionS approved by FCC Nov. 14, 1985 (Television Digest, Vol. 25:30,31). 50% "Over Hartford 325,300 320,700 99 - lrtchfield 64,800 63,700 98 99 S- 1o Caplal Cities by approved by FCC Feb. 24, 1971. 98 ~MlUS sale by AIda DeDominicis-Patrick J. Goode interests approved June 20, Middlesex 55,300 54,400 98 New Haven 300,800 297,100 98 '956 (Vol. 12:21, 22, 25, 34). 99 New London 92,500 90,700 98 99 Tolland 43,600 42,900 98 98 ...... ed (sales): Katz Television. 98 CONNECTICUT ...... ed (legal): Wilmer, CUller & Pickering. Between 25-49% Fairfield 301,900 298,700 99 Wndham 37,700 37,000 98 98 'w1GnneI: L. freleld, General Manager. MASSACHUSmS 99 Ffwl nvild, General Sales Manager. Between 5-24% Berkshire 55,600 54,700 98 .... Jacobs, Nalional Sales Manager. Hampden 172,300 169,900 99 HiVllpshire 49,400 48,400 98 hIy KiJkead, Sales Manager. 99 local NEW YORK LIIfIIlCt Manne, Program Director. Suffolk 435,100 431,200 97 99 101I Russo, Engileerilg Manager. Ulster 63,700 62,100 98 98 UII franco, Public Affairs Manager. Station Tatals 1,998,000 1,971,500 99 99 SIft' Perler, Business MCIlager. Nel Weekly Circulation (1991) 955,500 700 RabeIt feldman, News Director. Average Dally Circulation (1 991 ) 528,800 400 ... Roman, Oper

ely 01 lIcen..: New Haven. ADI: Hartford-New Haven. Rank: 23. the

:...... eholds: QMSI Consumer Markel Data as 011/1191. 1V Homes, 1V'J, atld CileuJation Cll991 AIbltron -""l ,ov". med on AibilTon study. . Television & Cable Factbook

1.60 A·209 Connecticut-New London

WTWS Ch. 26 Network Service: None, ildependert. LleelllM: R& RMella Corp., Box 991, New London, CT 06320. Studio: 216 Broad st. New london, CT 06320. Telephone: 203-444-2626. Fax: 203-440-2601. Technical FecIlIUe.: Channel No. 26 (542-548 MHz). AUIhorized power: 282Q-kw max. viSua, 282-kw max. lUal. Artenna: 1251-ft. above av. terrail, 1200-ft. above ~0lIld, 1501-ft. above sea level.

latitude 41' 25' 05" longitude 72" 11' 55" Tran.mlIter: 1.3-mi. SE on Hwy. 85, MOI1VIe. SIl"e Earth Statlona: Pinzone C-bcm; OX Engineering Ku-band; OX Engineering, Pilzone receivers. New. Semc..: Group WNews1eed, UPI. OWner.hIp: R& RMedia. Bepn Operation: September 15, 1986. SCALE OF MilES Repr..ented (legal): Reddy, Be~ & Martin. o SO I I Penonnel: 0-. Fo.hee, VICe Presidert & General Malager. 'C' Amencan Map Corp.. No. 14244 Bruc. Fox, General Sales Manager. B.H~N~SalesManager. ..w..u, 1111. Steven Ella, Engileerilg Di'ector. Clrcllllltl CIIIIIJ Steve VIral. News Director. CONNECTICUT Mille MegnIfJco, Operlfions Ma1lIger. Between 25-49% MkkIesex 55,300 54,400 T1IomaI ZIPP.... Pro~arn Director. Newlondoo 92,500 90,700 L.... SneI, Promotion Director. CONNECTICUT Nancy Gr....., Business Mcmger. Between 5-24% Hartford 325,300 320,700 Tobld 43,600 42,900 Highest One Hoti' Rile: $1000. Wrdlarn 37,700 37,000 RII..: On request. RHODE ISLAND W~on 38,500 37,900 City or Ucllll.: New london. ADI: Hartford-New Haven. Rn: 23. Station Totals 592,900 583,600 Nil WHIdr ClrculltJon (1991) 101111 Households: OMSI Cons.- MIll1tIl 01110 u ol1/1191. TV Homes, M and Citcullllion 01991 AltMtron. Counly COVIIOge bued on ArbIlron studV. AVIfIgI DaIIr ClrcullllJon (1991'

A·21 0 TV Ir Cable Faetboot No. i( .1\ Ch. 20 ...... $IfYICt: None, independeft. ___: ~sMCe ComtTllJ'Iications Corp., 630 5th Ave., SUite 3007, New YO/f(, t/10"'· ....: 37 Peach Orchard Rd., Prospect, CT 06712. ___: 203-575-2020. Fax: 203-753-2971.

I : ~1~ Meadow St., Walerbl.'Y, CT 06702. , flCll/el: Channel No. 20 (506-512 MHz). A~~ed power: 2240-kw IlIl &17QO-1

Latlude 41" 31' 04" Longlude 73" 01 ' or ,...mer: 37 Peach Orchard Rd., Prospect, CT 06712...... TV SolllCl: Stereo only...... EerI/I statlonl: Scienlilic-Allanta, 7-meter C-band; MIA-Com, 3.7-meter ~; 5cierMc-Allcr1ta, MIA-Com receivers. SCALE OF MILES .....: RencMssance Communications Corp. (Group Owner). 00 0 50 100 3 ....lIpIIItion: September 4, 1953. Sale to presert owner by Odyssey Partners, I I I ~oved ..... by FCC JlJ18 15, 1989 (Televillon Dlgeat, Vol. 29:20). Previous wrxx BMP(;T-82ll223KG Gr.nred 3/11/82 © A.-neon Map Corp.. lu.u ~ bV ThomaS TV Inc. approved Nov. 9, 1981 (Vol. 21 :18). 1ItWa­ .."...Id (Ialel): MMT Sales Inc. NIIW"1llr Stll. T.... 1111...... ,. eire..... CItIIIIy 1fMI'" 1fMI•••I•• ,...... ed (legll): Nixon, Hargrave, Devans & Doyle. CONNECTICtIT - Between 25....9% 301,900 98 .."...ed (engineering): JUles Cohen & Associates. Fai1ie1d 298,700 99 98 Hartford 325,300 320,700 99 PenomeI: Litchfield 64,800 63,700 98 lied BICOII, General Manager. Middesex 55,300 54,400 98 99 New Haven 300,800 297,100 98 IIIf M. 1.,..1, General Sales Manager. 99 New London 92,500 90,700 98 98 Forst, Local Sales Manager. n.u ToHand 43,600 42,900 98 Derlt Ollon, National Sales Manager. 98 Win1991 Ammon. :..utI c...,,'9t based on Arbilron study. Averlge Dilly CirculatIon (1991) 179,500

,,60 1992 Editiol A-211 Attachment D

Relevant Pages of Broadcasting & Cable Market Place. 1992 Radio

Television ® Cable


Market Statistics

Advertising and Marketing Services

Programming Servkes

Services I Suppliers

Associations, Events, Education, Awards

Books, Periodicals, Videos

Laws I Regulations, Government Agencies, Ownership • Industry Yellow Pages T-'------A-r-b-i-t-r-o-n-A-n-I-M-a-r-k-e-t-A-t-I-a-s---A'_b_it'_O"_A_D_I_M_a'_ke_t_A_tlas 1 I The Area of Dominant Influence (ADI) is a geographic market design that defines each television market exclusive of others, based on measured viewing patterns. Each market's ADI consists of all the counties in which the home market stations receive a preponderance of viewing, and every county in the continental U.S. is allocated exclusively to one AD I-there is no overlap. The total of all ADI's represents the total television households in the U.S. The ADI is a standard market definition. As a television buying tool it is a geographical and demographic means for maximum efficiency. As a station tool it is a geographic and demographic means for maximum efficiency. As a station tool it has applications for sales, programming and promotion planning. Following, in alphabetical order, are Arbitron's 210 ADI markets for 1991-1992 with coverage maps for each, and county by county breakouts of TV households. Other data includes the markets' stations, their cities of license, channel numbers and network affiliations. Coverage maps show total survey areas in light shading, the ADI's themselves outlined in black, and Arbitron Metro raling areas in white. The survey areas consist of all counties in which the home market stations are viewed to a significant extent, including via cable. The Metro Areas usually conform to U.S. Census Standard Metropolitan statistical areas. Non-ADI markets do not meet Arbitron's criteria for having an ADI of their own, they are listed with the ADI of which they are a part. A cross reference list of cities in Multi-City ADI's appears on E-94 and a listing of the Non-ADI markets appears on E·95. Abilene-Sweetwater, Tex. (157) ADI TV Households: 107,100 KACB-TV San Angelo. Tex. ch. 3. satellite to KRBC·TV KRBC·TV Abilene. Tex., ch. 9. NBC KTX5-TV Sweetwater. Tex.. ch 12. ABC KTAB-TV Abilene. Tex.. ch. 32. CBS

~DI TV Counties State Households 3rown TX 12.900 Callahan TX 4,600 COleman TX 3,900 :astland TX 7,100 =,sner TX 1,900 ~askell TX 2,700 .ones TX 5.900 V,tenall TX 3.000 ';olan TX 6.200 ~unnels TX 4.300 Scurry TX 6,100 Snaekel10rd TX 1.300 Stephens TX 3,400 Stonewall TX 800 'aylor TX 43.000

Albany (Valdosta & Cordele), Ga. (153) ADI TV Households: 131 ,400 WALB-TV Albany. Ga eh 10. NBC ·WABW·TV Pelham. Ga. ch 14. ETV WFXL Albany. Ga. eh 31. Fox WVGA Valdosta. Ga. ch 44. ABC WSST·TV Cordele, Ga. ch 55. IND ADI TV Counties State HousehOlds Atkinson GA 2.100 IrWin GA 3.000 Baker GA 1,300 Lan,er GA 2.000 Ben HIli GA 5.900 Lee GA 5.300 Berrien GA 5,200 Mitchell GA 6.700 Calhoun GA 1.600 Tella" GA 3,900 CoHee GA 10.500 Terrell GA 3.600 Colquitt GA 12.900 Tift GA 12.100 Cook GA 4.700 Turner GA 3.000 CriSP GA 7.200 Worth GA 6.900 Dougherty GA 33,500

Broadcasting & Cable Market Place 1992 E·17 Arbitron AD! Market Atlas

Hartford-New Haven (New London), Conn. (24)

ADI TV Households: 925,600 WFSB Hartford, Conn" ch 3, CBS WTNH·TV New Haven, Conn., ch. 8, ABC WHeT-TV Hartford, Conn" ch. 18, INO WTXX Waterbury, Conn, ch, 20, INO *WEDH Hartford, Conn, ch. 24, ETV WTWS New London, Conn, ch 26, INO WVIT New Britain, Conn, ch, 30, NBC *WEDN Norwich, Conn, ch. 53, ETV WTVU New Haven, Conn, ch 59, INO WTIC·TV Hartford, Conn, ch 61, Fox 'WEDY New Haven, Conn, ch. 65, ETV AOI TV Counties State HousehOlds Hartford CT 324,300 Litchfield CT 66,600 Middlesex CT 55,100 New Haven CT 304,600 New London CT 92,700 Tolland CT 44,700 Windham CT 37,600

Helena (208) ADI TV Households: 18,300 KHBB Helena, Mont, ch 10,INO KTVH Helena, Mont, ch. 12, NBC AOI TV Counties State Households Lewis and Clark MT 18,300

Houston (11)

ADI TV Households: 1,452,000 KPRC·TV Houston, ch 2, NBC KHTV Houston, ch. 39, INO *KUHT Houston, ch 8, ETV KXLN·TV Rosenberg, Tex, ch. 45. INO KHOU·TV Houston, ch 11, CBS KTMD Galveston, Tex, ch. 48, INO KTRK·TV Houston, ch 13, ABC KTFH Conroe, Tex , ch. 49, INO *KETH Houston, ch 14, ETV KNW5-TV Katy, Tex, ch, 51, INO KTXH Houston, ch 20, INO KRTW Baytown, Tex, ch. 57, INO *KLTJ Galveston, Tex, ch 22, ETV KZJL Houston, ch. 61, INO KRIV-TV Houston, ch. 26, Fox KHSH Alvin, Tex., ch 67, INO AOI TV Counties State Households Austin TX 7,200 Liberty TX 18,100 Brazoria TX 64,500 Matagorda TX 12,800 Calhoun TX 6,600 Montgomery TX 65,400 Chambers TX 6,700 Polk TX 11,900 Colorado TX 6,800 San Jacinto TX 6,200 Fort Bend TX 74,600 Walker TX 15,000 Galveston TX 81,700 Waller TX 7,400 Grimes TX 6,100 Washington TX 9,500 Harris TX 1,032,900 Wharton TX 13,900 Jackson TX 4,700

Broadcasting & Cable Market Place 1992 E-48 Attachment E

Declaration of Geoff Rose DECLARATION

I, Geoff Rose, do hereby certify and state, under penalty of

perjury, that the following is true and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief:

I am a stockholder of R & R Media Corporation ("R & R"),

licensee of WTWS, New London, Connecticut. I am

also the General Manager of station WTWS. I am sUbmitting this

declaration in support of a Petition for Rulemaking seeking to add

New London to the market designation for the Hartford-New Haven-New

Britain-Waterbury major television market designation (referred to hereafter as the "Hartford-New Haven market") set forth in section

76.51 of the FCC's rules.

As reflected in Attachments Band C of this Petition for

Rulemaking, WTWS places a Grade B signal over Hartford, New Haven,

New Britain and Waterbury and over most of the Hartford-New Haven

Arbitron ADI market. Moreover, as also shown in those reference sources, commercial television stations WFSB, Hartford; WTIC-TV,

Hartford; WTNH-TV, New Haven; WTXX, Waterbury; and WVIT, New

Britain, all place at least a Grade B signal over New London. The

Hartford-New Haven edition of TV Guide, a copy of which is included as Exhibit No.1, includes WTWS in its listings.

Arbitron Rating Service ("Arbitron") considers New London to be a portion of the Hartford-New Haven ADI market. See Exhibit No. - 2 -

2 hereto, a copy of a January 1990 agreement with Arbitron,

reflecting that WTWS is in the "Hartford-New Haven" Arbitron

television survey area. Moreover, the A.C. Nielsen Company

("Nielsen"), another major rating service, considers WTWS to be

within the "Hartford-New Haven" television market, as reflected in

the March 1990 service agreement between R & R and Nielsen attached

hereto as Exhibit No.3.

Program suppliers such as Orion Television Entertainment,

Republic Pictures Corporation and others also treat WTWS as if it were located within, variously, the "Hartford", "Hartford-New

Haven", "Hartford/New London", or "Hartford-New Haven (New London) " television market, as evidenced by the redacted agreements attached hereto as Exhibit No.4. Similarly, advertising companies such as

Young & RUbicam, Inc., Mintz & Hoke, Broadcast Buying services,

Inc., and Williams Television Time also consider WTWS to be part of the "Hartford" or the "Hartford-New Haven" market.

WTWS' programming also reflects the fact that the station serves viewers not only in the New London area of the market, but also in the Hartford-New Haven areas of the market. For example,

"Speak Out Southern ", a monthly live one-hour pUblic affairs telephone call-in program broadcast by WTWS, has included as guests local leaders, commentators or experts from the Hartford - 3 -

area. Furthermore, a WTWS weekly one-hour sports call-in program,

"Press BOx," has included on its panels newspaper sportswriters

Terry Price of The and Dave Solomon of The New

Haven Register. Also, beginning in January 1993, WTWS will begin

broadcasting, at 10:00 p.m., the 6:00 p.m. local weeknight newscast

of New Haven television station WTNH, demonstrating that the New

Haven station covers news of interest to New London viewers, as

well as viewers throughout other parts of the Hartford-New Haven

market, just as WTWS aims programming at Hartford-New Haven area

viewers in the market.

While WTWS is in competition with the other television

stations located in the Hartford-New Haven market, it is economi­

cally disadvantaged by the fact it is considered to be a "distant"

signal for cable copyright purposes by Hartford and New Haven area

cable systems. Thus, WTWS is not being carried by several cable

systems located in the Hartford-New Haven market and within the

WTWS Grade B contour, including the Heritage cable system serving the Guilford area; the Sammons cable system serving the Waterbury area; the Storer system serving the New Haven area; the Dimension system serving the Meriden area; the Telemedia system serving the

Seymour area; and the Continental system serving the Enfield area.

All of those systems have refused WTWS carriage because of the - 4 -

costs associated with carrying WTWS as a "distant signal". (The

Continental system at one time carried WTWS, but recently dropped

the station due to the copyright fees.)

The fact New London is not included in the designation for the Hartford-New Haven market has caused WTWS financial hardship. The

station, which commenced operations in 1986, has yet to experience

an operating profit. Furthermore, in October 1991, the station had

to cut back significantly on its staff in order to reduce losses.

And, the station is having difficulties in meeting its current

financial obligations.

The Hartford-New Haven market already has experienced the loss of one independent station, WHCT-TV, Channel 18, Hartford, which went dark over 18 months ago. Furthermore, there is now pending before the Commission a proposal for independent station WTXX-TV,

Waterbury, Connecticut, licensed to Channel 20 Licensee, Inc.

(Renaissance Communications Corp.), to purchase another independent station in the market, WTIC-TV, Hartford, retain a Fox affiliation there, then spin-off WTXX-TV to be operated, in part, as an affiliate of the Home Shopping Network. See Exhibit No. 5 hereto.

Failure to include New London in the Hartford-New Haven market would certainly result in WTWS also going dark. - 5 -


• Attachment E Exhibit No. 1

Portion of Hartford-New Haven Edition of "TV Guide"

1B.EVIIION GUIDE. CAlLE 1V GUIDE. Is Week's 8EGINNING SATURDAY. ~~-~~iteHa:~~ DECEMBER 11,1"2 Channels v=n edition IIVPrograms '" ------aro.dcut Stdons* MORNING Cl)COI".ClALPAOGMMI: eo IllIII. ~"IlACKFORUII1~ ~.Conn.- --New...--. --New York en,- AIIRINDA ...D .1' @Ii) WVlT (NBC) 30 IIAMI~S2llOOJUDGI~18722 "'aaida WFS8 (CBS) 03' WC8S (CBS) 02 ODD~12t71 wtB: (NBC) 04 *'-1ta.1IGIPI&:10 IIIIft. 411I110 HIADUNlNRWS117l17 WEDH (PBS) 24 -WaWbury­ .:aUOtlS(CC)CamIdy 21722 WTIC (Fox) 61 WNYW (Fox) 05 1ItI1'(..-....--..-te:Mll I f1i) WTXX (Ind.) 20 WABC (ABC) 07 S'IUDINTViDEO FU11VAL: 10 min. SAl,UqTOONo...... -NewH--. WWOR (Ind.) 09 531712 4p'fllllfleld...... - IHOWIIZlMSWBI' • .,.... • WTNH (ABC) 08 i 7110O ** WGQ8 (ABC) 40 12141800 WGBY (PBS) 16 ~"""'283lIa '9rMIdn' 2 EJeclrlc 8oogIIoo.• -New London- I COWERCIAL PROGRAMS; 2 !III. De*E~a"142ll m W1WS (Ind.) 26 CO.,.CIALPROGIWI$; 4 .... .AM CO..=IAL PROGRAM DRIAII1WE: 10IllIII. 483432 1IROADCAIT: NEW YORK 73074 SlmIIIltes 8nd their originating stations: lor programs on 59 New Haven. .,..~alllllly 424111 Conn., see @l!); on 11 Hartford. _ (!D. a BehInd the __ at the FlIIdIo CIty MusIc HiTQtCOCI(PRESEHI'S a;10 1'IlIn. In addition to the listings herein. Chi. 13. 24, 57 and 65 schedule l137310 ~=~~5074 Instructional classroom programs during the school year. I:OlIeIlOV5-11IIIIIf: 1 .... 3II1'IlIn. * 124317W WORLD TOMORROW RII,an I2lIOll ------CIIb1eTV*------"NoCtl~,·Tom Schenley. 10THE CON1'RARY I3IllO 1:20 1 .... 110 Artlt & EntertaInment Networt Home Box Ot'/Ic:e 33 ShowtIme 41 llIV a; min. ** U1'RAIUN: TOWARD THE FUTURE 55258 Amerlc:8n MovIe C1nsIcs 35 39'1 ur.tIme 46 TBS SuperStaIloo1 43 577!1117 WONDB YEAIIS(CC> 11114 Ceble News IMtwork 42 Cl_ 45 1M IIo¥Ie ChenneI 58 "Bayou.. (1957) Romance 8I1d lurld melo­ COMMERCIAL PROGRAMS: 2 ..... ao ftIIIl. dnwna In the New Orleans bayou country. 1 C·SPAN 29 MIIChan Squere 1M NaItwIh Network 49 SANTA aAUSIS COIlING 10TOWN The DIsney CMnneI 53 o.den Networt 19 T_Networt FIIrned on Iocatlon. MartIn: Peter Graves. Ma­ (~:IO mill. 384108 The~ChenMl37 T~48 I T...... 52 rte: Uta MI..... Herbert: DougIu Fawley. An IIllmated holiday tale, which begIna with I .... 1:30 (])WEEI

Ii-. EdIIlon TVGUIDEI38 38rrvGUIDE HeItIord-New ...,., Edftiot1

"""·"·'"!6\'"'?'·MlI!W·"""""~,WT~~ ~ f"r:>l('",,;o>r~,,;,_, .~ ~'--":~ '_ . ...,.pr..'f"" _•...·'T"·1'·";,",. ." "-(;,"".. -\ ';';:." , Attachment E Exhibit No. 2

Portion of station License to Receive and Use Arbitron Television Viewing Estimates (Redacted) , , :( , " ." C' -'y",'\( ",' /' Station License to Receive and Use Arbitron Television Viewing &timates - l./ .. _~ ()/ . JANUARY 5 /19.-90

\HIS AGREEMENT is between the Arbitron Ratings Company ("Arbitron; and the undersigned television broadcaster ("Slation"). Arbitron to S&aDon a timited license to n:ceive and use daIa and television viewing estimates ("Arbitron Ratings; in Reports prepared by Arbitron based ~ condudcd fOr the ~area desaibed in Section I. This Iic:ensc is personal and nonc:xdusive. Such Arbitron Ratings, derived from and ~a part d the survey service. will be furnished to SIation in printed form but title will n:main with Arbitron at all times. ,EI.Senices Prorided: This Ag=menl shall becomeeIkctive when countersigned by Arbilron's Contract ManaF'. This Agn:cment and the Arbitron License provided hereundc:r shall COItlJQCI1Ce on FEBRUARY 1 1990 and shall be for at least a minimum period eX time as designalICd below (the "Minimum1ennj: • .J SeYen \bus J FIVe Years L Three Years This Agreement shall continue thereafIer W1fil it is fa1I1inaa:d as provided in Section 2. The choice d Minimum 'R:rm affects the Base RaIl: set forth in Sedioo 16. :

_____...J,.~_ _=Rc=__:&~R:..:._;M~E=D..:::I=A=___::C::...::O:..:RP=_O:::.;RA=T=I_=O.::.;N:.__ ~ --__--'f.or use by JIn.wo1s "'": n~...;...SIItiaa W_TW_S Arbitron1elevisionSurveyAml HARTFORD-NEW HAVEN ("Market; Attachment E Exhibit No. 3

Portion of A. C. Nielsen station Index Service Agreement (Redacted)