4 Family CFP 8-2-10.Indd 1 8/2/10 12:45:02 PM

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4 Family CFP 8-2-10.Indd 1 8/2/10 12:45:02 PM Page 4 Colby Free Press Monday, August 2, 2010 Family Deaths Lulu L. Grady Cantaloupe aroma scent of success Lulu L. Grady, 93, Colby, died Services are pending with the One of the crowning achieve- Kay No. 2 given by many garden- wonderful aroma it gives off when Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010, at Citizens Kersenbrock Funeral Chapel, ments of any northwest Kansas Melia ers is the diffi culty of coaxing ripe. An even better test is called Medical Center in Colby. 462-7979. gardener to my way of thinking is the seeds to germinate. This can “the slip” method. When you the successful growing of a good sometimes present a problem for thing the melon is ready for pluck- cantaloupe. •The one of two reasons: either planting ing, pick it up carefully and give it High Plains Lions Club There is just something about Gardener too early in cool soils or by piling a slight tug. If it is indeed ready, it the aroma and fl avor of a home- too much soil on top of the seed will detach from the vine easily. If The High Plains Lions Club met up sheet was passed around for grown ripe cantaloupe that gives a several hundred years ago. Of one and literally smothering it. it doesn’t, try it again tomorrow. Monday, July 12, at the Robert the Thomas County Fair conces- gardener an indication it has been thing we can be sure: both names Some of us have learned the If you think the color of the mel- Burnett Student Union, following sion trailer. The State Fair needs a good season. The nurturing of a describe the wonderful sweet, hard way that planting before on indicates it is ready to harvest, a chili-dog dinner with homemade volunteers Wednesday, Sept. 8, to good crop of cantaloupe from the musky, earthy, fl oral, spicy or ber- the soil temperature reaches 60 be advised that different varieties cherry and apricot pies provided Sunday, Sept. 19, to man the Li- planting of the seed to the day of ryish taste that is truly ambrosial, degrees just isn’t a good idea. show different colors at maturity, by Norm Whittaker. ons sight-screening trailer. harvest is not the easiest garden the nectar of the gods. A reading of 65 degrees is even some still with a few green streaks Justin Burris called the meet- The Colby High Homecoming project, but perhaps the most sat- Several good gardeners tell me smarter, and that means that the in the good tan color. ing to order. The club sang happy football game will be Friday, Sept. isfying to one who has success- they just don’t plant cantaloupe cantaloupe seed should be one of Years ago, I heard the story from birthday to Norm for his 69th 3. The Lions have their annual fully completed the task. and generally give a couple of the last crops to go into the ground a gardener that when cantaloupes birthday. The president then intro- Candy Day at homecoming. You can call them cantaloupes, reasons. No. 1 is because they just in the spring. Not only does the are ripe and the aroma begins to duced his wife Kelli as a special Francis Britton held three draw- or you can refer to them as musk- don’t have room in their small seed need a warm birthplace, but drift over the neighborhood, the guest to lead the program. ings before adjournment. Virgil melons if you wish. Both names backyard garden plot for all those the plants require warm tempera- possibility of theft is extremely Kelli talked about the Caring Jones won a Lions belt buckle, are correct. The name muskmelon vines. And yes, cantaloupes tend tures to give you good growth and high. A famous plant breeder Assessment for Rehabilitation Ed- Melda Moore won the money, and refers to the “musky” aroma and to move around their planted area. proper maturity in August and sympathized with that assessment, ucation Services. This is an orga- President Burris won two tickets taste of the melon. The moniker Unlike newer developments in cu- September. but was not encouraging: “Finger nization that trains dogs for people to the Bluegrass Festival. cantaloupe comes from the Castle cumbers, I haven’t heard of the of- Even harvesting a melon can be blight,” he said. “Very serious. No who need physical assistance. The The next meeting was to be last of Cantalup, Italy, where they were fering yet of a bush type, compact tricky. One indication of a canta- cure!” organization has placed about a Monday at the fairgrounds. fi rst grown successfully in Europe cantaloupe plant. loupe’s readiness is the absolutely thousand dogs in the last 16 years, she said. Kelli said she believes that the program would be a good On the Beat 4-H project for boys and girls. COLBY POLICE 6:54 p.m. – Suspicious incident: ployment of equipment. 11 a.m. – Cow out on north- answer door. The club heard there will be Thursday 911 caller reported boyfriend 8:46 a.m. – Two cows out at bound U.S. 83 at mile 169. Owner 6:54 p.m. – Assisted police in no Colby Relay for Life this year 1:59 a.m. – Sheriff’s offi ce wouldn’t let her out of truck at Franklin and Veterans Memorial contacted. looking for vehicle in reference to due to lack of volunteers. A sign- requested assistance at the fair- Pilot station; fi ve offi cers advised Drive. Owner contacted. 4:10 p.m. – Accident on K-25 at 911 call. grounds for an attempted burglary vehicle not found. 9:06 a.m. – Transient reportedly mile 203. Citations issued. 10:34 p.m. – Subject laying on Rotary Club 3:42 a.m. – Intoxicated subject 10:34 p.m. – 911 report of per- seen Wednesday in Levant. Thurs- 5:20 p.m. – Civil standby re- I-70 east of exit 53. left the 100 block of E. Fifth in a son on ground on I-70 east of exit day his dog was running loose quested in Brewster. Standby done 11:44 p.m. – Paxton E. Bohnert The Colby Rotary Club met at vehicle. Not found. 53. Hitchhiker was told to stay at around town. at 6:28 p.m.; other party wouldn’t arrested on warrant. noon Tuesday, with 23 members 9:29 a.m. – Stalled semi in the bottom of ramp. and guests including Dr. Luke 600 block of W. Willow moved. 11:26 p.m. – Ex-girlfriend ha- Tubbs and Brennan Ziegelmeier. 12:03 p.m. – Call about question rassing subject by phone. Offi cer Ken Frahm led the program, on checkbook ownership between spoke with subject; tried to make L L featuring Postmaster Kenton Kre- caller and ex. Spoke to reporting contact with ex-girlfriend but she OCAL TV ISTINGS hbiel discussing postal operations party; civil matter. hung up. sponsored by the and the Colby post offi ce. 2:43 p.m. – Dog complaint at Krehbiel has worked for the Second and Chickamauga. Spoke THOMAS COUNTY SHERIFF Postal Service since 1975. The to owner. Thursday post offi ce here processes 830,000 4:38 p.m. – Vandalism to bike at 1:59 a.m. – Attempted burglary: pieces of mail a week, and is 70 Colby swimming pool. report fi led on incident at the fair- percent automated. A worker can 4:50 p.m. – Disorderly conduct: grounds. sort 1,000 pieces of mail an hour Subject called 911 to report a 1:59 a.m. – Report fi led for de- while the machine sorts 40,000. problem with granddaughter. Re- The zip code system, estab- port fi led for domestic confl ict and lished in 1963, was known as Tuesday Evening August 3, 2010 criminal damage to property. Markets 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 the Zone Improvement Plan. All 5:04 p.m. – Vandalism to ve- KAKE/ABC Wipeout Shaq VS Primetime: Fam Local Nightline Jimmy Kimmel Live international mail for the U.S. is Quotes as of close of hicle at 1155 Terrace Dr. previous business day KBSL/CBS NCIS NCIS: Los Angeles The Good Wife Local Late Show Letterman Late processed in Chicago. KSNK/NBC Breakthrough America's Got Talent Local Tonight Show w/Leno Late 5:28 p.m. – Back windshield Hi-Plains Co-op In 1881, John W. Irwin was Col- KSAS/FOX Hell's Kitchen MasterChef Local broken out of vehicle in the 100 Wheat (bushel) $5.17 by’s fi rst postmaster. The Colby block of E. Fifth. Damage was due Cable Channels offi ce currently has 23 employees, Corn (bushel) $3.33 A & E Jewels Jewels Jewels Jewels Twisted Twisted Twisted Twisted Jewels Jewels to hail storm last week and owner AMC On Deadly Ground Thunderheart with four city carriers who walk Milo (hundredweight) $5.48 has been driving it. Soybeans (bushel) $9.62 ANIM Monsters Inside Me I Shouldn't Be Alive Confessions Monsters Inside Me I Shouldn't Be Alive about 10 miles a day each. There BRAVO Kathy Griffin, Bible Griffin: My Life Rachel Zoe Project Rachel Zoe Project Griffin: My Life are three rural carriers who take CMT Extreme Makeover My Truck My Truck Crocodile Dundee Blue Coll Smarter a census of wildlife several times CNN Rick's List Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 Larry King Live a year to assist the Department of COMEDY Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert South Pk South Pk DISC Top Five Eaten Alive Shark Bite Beach The Colony Top Five Eaten Alive Shark Bite Beach Wildlife and Parks.
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