2010 Alumni and Business Partner Awards

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2010 Alumni and Business Partner Awards 2010 ALUMNI AND BUSINESS PARTNER AWARDS THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2010 THE GOVERNOR HOTEL — PORTLAND Hit the ground running. Intensive. Innovative. Integrated. Whether you are a continuing student or working professional, Oregon State University’s Master of Business Administration prepares you for the challenges of today’s global marketplace. Through experiential learning, you’ll cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset that emphasizes social responsibility, sustainability, and ethics. Complete your degree in as little as nine months. Evening classes available. Global Top 100 www.bus.oregonstate.edu 2 OSU College of Business 2010 Alumni and Business Partner Awards A word from OSU President Ed Ray By Edward J. Ray, President Brown, who retired from a tre- the many reasons why the college that emphasize experiential learn- Oregon State University mendously successful career as a continues to grow in size, impact ing and for students who graduate PricewaterhouseCoopers partner and reputation. Enrollment last prepared to make a difference, Oregon State University has and now teaches at OSU as an fall included 2,327 undergraduate the college is now on the cusp of always been a place with a pur- Executive in Residence—embody and graduate students, compared a bold and exciting new era. As pose—that of making a measure- the very best of Oregon State. Their to 1,775 just ten years ago. Like state and business leaders look able difference in the lives and professional contributions and the rest of our university, the col- with growing consistency to our communities of those we serve. commitment to excellence dem- lege attracts increasingly higher faculty and students to be leaders This purpose is what draws onstrate that they are dedicated achievers with particular excel- and doers in building a bridge to our gifted students, motivates to solving the problems critical lence in such areas as account- a more sustainable, more prosper- our faculty and staff, drives our to Oregonians and are work- ing, entrepreneurship, finance, ous and more innovative economic research and teaching and carries ing in every corner of our state. management and marketing. The future for Oregon, I’m excited our alumni through their accom- These outstanding professionals MBA program is now at capacity about the transformational oppor- plished careers. Nowhere is our are being recognized at the 2010 and preparing for further growth. tunities for the college itself. Your commitment to that purpose bet- College of Business Alumni and Adding to its momentum, the col- participation in this year’s Alumni ter illustrated than in the stories Business Partner Awards dinner, lege recently received reaffirma- and Business Partner Awards of the individuals represented in along with four exceptional high tion of accreditation by the pre- shows that you share that excite- these pages. school educators. Truly, these win- mier accrediting agency for degree ment, too. Our honorees—powerhouses ners show by example what it programs in business schools, the Congratulations to this year’s like Doug Deurwaarder, a 2001 means to be Powered by Orange. Association to Advance Collegiate winners, and congratulations to OSU alumnus who excels as an The leadership shown by these Schools of Business. the OSU College of Business. Its associate director at Cushman & and others associated with the Recognized ever more widely for legacy is rich, but an even brighter Wakefield of Oregon, and Larry OSU College of Business is one of the real-world impact of programs future beckons. 2010 Alumni and Business Partner Awards OSU College of Business 3 CONTENTS 6 INNOVATIVE BUSINESS LEADER 14 DISTINGUISHED BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL 7 CEO SUMMIT: WINNING STRATEGIES AND 16 HALL OF FAME LEADERSHIP IN DIFFICULT TIMES 18 COLLEGE OF BUSINESS PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS 8 DISTINGUISHED BUSINESS PARTNER 2 0 PREVIOUS AWARD WINNERS DISTINGUISHED YOUNG BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL 10 2 2 OUTSTANDING HIGH ScHOOL BUSINESS 12 DISTINGUISHED EARLY CAREER EDUCATOR AWARDS BUSINESS PROFESSIONAL Special Thanks On the cover: The Morrison Street Bridge and its OSU College of Business Willamette River reflection take on the hues Ilene Kleinsorge of Oregon State's Powered by Orange campaign. Thuy Tran (By Chris Ho Photography) Published by COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS PORTLAND TRIBUNE 2010 ALUMNI AND Pamplin Media Group BUSINESS PARTNER AWARDS Community Newspapers | Portland Tribune THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2010 6605 S.E. Lake Road, Portland, OR 97222 THE GOVERNOR HOTEl — PORTLAND Publisher Oregon State University Steve Clark College of Business Editor 200 Bexell Hall Thuy Tran Corvallis, Oregon 97331-2603 Advertising Sales 541-737-2551 Fax: 541-737-6023 Bill Hunter www.bus.oregonstate.edu Graphic Designer Karl Deutsch Ilene Kleinsorge Contributors Dean, OSU College of Business Abby Metzger, Radalyn Nickelsen, Sara Hart Kimball Chair Marie Oliver, Todd Simmons, Thuy Tran ©2010 Community Newspapers/ Portland Tribune. OSU College of Business 2010 Alumni and Business Partner Awards is published by Community Newspapers / Portland Tribune, 6605 S.E. Lake Road, Portland, OR 97222 • Phone: 503-684-0360 • Fax: 503-620- 3433. Reproduction in whole or part is prohibited without written authorization by Community Newspapers / Portland Tribune. www.portlandtribune.com www.commnewspapers.com 4 OSU College of Business 2010 Alumni and Business Partner Awards Building bridges, building business By Ilene K. Kleinsorge, Dean Sara Hart Kimball Chair Oregon State University College of Business At Oregon State University’s College of Business, we are build- ing bridges—bridges that make dynamic connections between higher education and the world of business, bridges that link our institutional past with our vision for the future, bridges that span generations of students and alumni, and bridges that bond healthy profits with healthy peo- ple and a healthy planet. The 2010 Alumni and Business Partner Awards dinner is a cam- pus-wide celebration that hon- ors College of Business alumni who have played a part in build- ing these bridges. The event, held this year at the Governor Hotel in Portland on May 6, celebrates the innovation that is at the core of economic development and social progress. As dean of the college, I am continually impressed and inspired by the positive contri- butions our alumni are making locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Our gradu- ates have integrated, applied, and added to their higher educa- a financial crisis. But for people the opportunity to be among tions. They participate by offer- tion to bring economic, social, who are willing to apply creativ- tomorrow’s pioneering leaders. ing their professional assess- and environmental improve- ity and an entrepreneurial mind- A few years from now, I hope ment of our students’ integrated ments to communities across the set to society’s problems, these to look back and say that our business plans. They participate globe. Their contributions are uncertain times also present future graduates partnered as curriculum advisers and by not limited to working hours, but opportunities. At Oregon State with others to create a robust, sharing their thoughts about our extend into their personal lives. University, we prepare students healthy, sustainable global econ- teaching methods and programs. This year, we will honor to recognize and seize these omy that encourages the planet They inspire us to constantly vibrant examples of alumni who opportunities. We help them and its inhabitants to thrive. evaluate and improve. And, of have made a real difference by develop the talents and skills One of the ways we continue to course, they provide essential starting innovative companies, necessary to face and devise encourage the creative thinking financial support. finding ways to do business bet- solutions for the challenges of it will take for our graduates to Without our alumni, we would ter, and strengthening the fabric our day. achieve this worthy goal is to not be able to adequately pre- of global enterprise. Our award As educators, we want to grad- invite our distinguished alumni pare the next generation of busi- winners truly embody the spirit uate students with the skills and to directly participate in the life ness leaders. Although we are of academic distinction that flexibility to thrive in any econo- of the college. choosing to celebrate six people grounds Oregon State University. my—but, better yet, to be part of Our alumni participate by this year, countless others go The world has faced particu- creating more stable and endur- sharing with our students their formally unrecognized but by larly difficult economic chal- ing business models. I have great business experiences, including no means unappreciated. Please lenges in the past few years. As faith in this generation. Like the their trials and their successes, help us honor all our valuable any bank or auto maker will tell alumni who have come before through scheduled informal dis- alumni who are helping to build you today, danger exists during them, our current students have cussions and formal presenta- business in Oregon and beyond. 2010 Alumni and Business Partner Awards OSU College of Business 5 INNOVATIVE BUSINESS LEADER Roger W. Hinshaw President, Oregon and Southwest Washington, Bank of America Portland, Oregon A global recession and the retrofitting of America’s banking system has necessitated the innovation, flexibility and dogged insistence for positive repositioning to which Roger Hinshaw is uniquely suited. The fact that his nomadic childhood
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