the Gerasenes alsohadaselfishreasonfor wantingJesus evidence ofHisdeity.Other commentatorspointoutthat refused toacknowledgethat Hispowerandauthoritywere chapter three:theywereafraid ofJesus,becausethey that thereactionissimilar tothatofthePhariseesin to leavethearea.Why?Some commentatorspointout Gerasenes: afterseeingJesus’ power,theybeggedHim passionately freethemanfromtheirpower(vs.19). Luke referstoas“theabyss”(8:31)—buthedidcom- Mark referstosimplyasanothercountry(vs.10),but St. at thattimesendthemtoeternaltorment—which St. ity), andbeggedHimnottodestroythem.Jesusdid recognized asacknowledgingJesus’statusandauthor- and St.Mark’sGentileRomanaudience—wouldhave of theMostHighGod,”whichGentileGerasenes — thority overthem(evenusingtheGentilephrase,“Son mon inchapteronedid:theyacknowledgedJesus’au- (vv. 12-13)). is alsoshownintheirdesiretodrowntheherdofswine ineachperson(thedestructivenessofthedemons torment humanity,attemptingtodamagetheimageof His conditionteachesusaboutthegoalofdemons:they been futilelyboundwithchainsinthetombsoutsidetown. and sothreateningtohimselfothers,thathehad the desperationofdemoniac:hewassowretched, exorcisingdemonsfromamaninGerasa.Notice We shouldpayattentiontotheresponseof The demonsrespondedtoJesusmuchlikethede- St. Markbeginsthischapterwithadescriptionof MARK 5:1-20 MARK 5:1-20 LESSON SEVEN:THEGOSPELACCORDINGTOST.MARK5

FAST FACTSFACTS raised her. reach her,Jesussaidshewasonlysleepingandthen l out toHimforhealing. l garment. was healedfromaflowofbloodbytouchingJesus’ l to healhisdaughter. l swine, whichthenranintothewateranddrowned. l Gerasa. l When Jairus’daughterdiedbeforeJesuscould Before JesusreachedJairus’daughter,awoman Jairus, therulerofalocalsynagogue,askedJesus The demonswereallowedtoenteraherdof2,000 Jesus exorciseddemonsfromademoniacin Jesus praisedthefaithofwomanwhoreached teousness? You needtoaskyourself:amI aslaveofsin,orrigh- reminds us, which leadstorighteousness”(Romans6:16)?Hetherefore obey, eitherofsin,whichleadstodeath,orobedience, one asobedientslaves,youareslavesofthewhom asks, “Doyounotknowthatifyieldyourselvestoany not controlledbydemons.TheHolyApostlePaul,however, think thatwearesuperiortothedemoniacbecause IT’S INTHEBIBLE... IT’S INTHEBIBLE... IT’S INTHEBIBLE... IT’S INTHEBIBLE... IT’S INTHEBIBLE... IT’S INTHEBIBLE... eastern shoreofGalilee. the nameas of theGospelswhoseworkwastranslatedinKJVgive gives thisnameinMark5:1andLuke8:28).Latercopyists east oftheSeaGalilee(Matthew8:28;NKJValso thew mentionsthelocationas Gerasa occurred. Theoldestandmostreliablemanuscriptshave We arenotsureoftheexactlocationwhereMark5:1-20 IT’S INTHEBIBLE... IT’S INTHEBIBLE... 17-19) members torighteousnessfor sanctification. to greaterandiniquity, sonowyieldyour as youonceyieldedyourmembers toimpurityand terms, becauseofyournatural limitations.Forjust slaves ofrighteousness.Iamspeakinginhuman and, havingbeensetfreefromsin,havebecome standard ofteachingtowhichyouwerecommitted, of sinhavebecomeobedientfromtheheartto But thanksbetoGod,thatyouwhowereonceslaves controlthosewhomtheypossess.Wemight , thirty-fivemilesfromtheSeaofGalilee.St.Mat- Gergesa , whichcorrespondswithruinsonthe Gadara MAP , acitysixmilessouth- (vv. to leave: they were afraid that to prostrate himself before He would perform other TIMETIME TRTRAVELAVEL Jesus and ask for His help. miracles that might cause them The was a region of ten cities southeast Jesus, even after hearing to lose property or money, just of the Sea of . Greek traders and immigrants that Jairus’ daughter was as they lost money when the had settled in the region several centuries earlier, and dead, told Jairus, “Do not swine were destroyed. Do we thus Jews were in the minority. Many of the citizens of fear, only believe” (vs. 36), Christians, who have experi- the Decapolis became followers of Jesus (see Matthew and later commented that the enced God’s goodness and 4:25). girl “is not dead but sleeping” power, still value our money (vs. 39). Christ’s exhortation and possessions more than we value Him? is central to the funeral services of the Orthodox Church, where we proclaim our belief that the dead have not MARK 5:21-24, 35-43 ceased to exist, but have simply “reposed” and are rest- St. Mark next describes Jesus’ encounter with Jairus, ing in Christ until the Day of Resurrection. It is for this the leader of a . If you remember that the reason that in the Panikhida service we frequently pray, — with whom the leaders of most “Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy servant,” and in the were affiliated — were bitterly opposed to Jesus, you will burial service of the Western Rite we pray of the dead, realize what an act of courageous faith it took for Jairus “Rest perpetual grant to them, O Lord.”

said, ‘trembling’); and He caused her to be of good cour- MARK 5:25-34 age, and together with health of body, He gave her also The story of the woman with a flow of blood teaches other provisions for her journey, in that He said, ‘Go in us a great deal about God’s love for us, and the power of peace.’” faith. The woman’s continual menstruation was not only This story provides a powerful example of faith. The a physical problem (as serious as this was), but was also fifth century Chrysologus writes, “In faith she a religious matter: according to the Law, a menstruating touches God. With her hand she touches His garment, woman was ritually unclean, meaning that this woman knowing both healing and forgiveness may be was religiously unclean for twelve years. Jesus showed bestowed…In an instant, faith cures where human skill His love not only by restoring her health, but by restoring had failed through twelve years.” This story emphasizes her place in the community. St. John Chrysostom says, the Orthodox understanding of synergy (which comes “For this cause He brought her forward, and proclaimed from the Greek words syn, meaning “same, together,” her praise, and cast out her fear, (for ‘she came,’ it is and ergos, meaning “work”): the Christian life involves actively cooperating with the grace of God. Jesus did not OUROUR FAITHFAITH TEACHESTEACHES simply heal an unfortunate The Greek word for “well” in verse 34, sozo, also re- woman who passively sat fers to salvation, which in the Orthodox Church we under- on the side of the road — stand to mean being restored to spiritual and physical He healed the woman wholeness. Fr. Stanley Harakas explains: when she reached This healing vision of God at work in the world out to Him in is…inclusive. It speaks primarily to the religious, faith. the spiritual and the moral dimensions of life. But not exclusively so. Being inclusive, it forms a matrix of concern which includes every aspect of life, restoring and healing it toward the trans- figured life which is fully in communion with God and His creation.


l How would I have reacted if I had seen Jesus exorcise the demons in Gerasa? What is it about my relationship with God that would make my reaction different from that of the Gerasenes? l How can my faith be like that of the woman healed from the flow of blood? l Why did Jesus tell Jairus to “not fear, only believe?” How can I follow Jesus’ command when there are things in my life that cause me to be afraid?