WHERE KIDS GROW Past  Present  Into the Future Child Care Pro-vi-der (child’kâr prõ vid’er)n. chef, baker, janitor, shoe and sock finder, coat buttoner, dance instructor, bottle washer, grocery shopper, diaper changer, protector, dish washer, nose wiper, vegetable pusher, floor sweeper, waiter, story teller, playground attendant, PE teacher, activity director, bus driver, zoo keeper, inspector, aerobics instructor, tutor, entertainer, therapist, manager, performer, bookkeeper, self-esteem builder, teacher, helper, well-wisher, nurse, traffic controller, noise controller, life saver, thinker, problem solver, engineer, designer, counselor, safety instructor, arbitrator, creator, inventor, companion, musician, historian, technician, dietitian, athlete, beautician, fire marshal, analyst, artist, dentist, scientist, biologist, technologist, accountant, manicurist, receptionist, environmentalist, pharmacist, hygienist, speech therapist, reader, builder, informer, composer, supervisor, author, navigator, peacemaker, friend… - Author Unknown

FY’20 BOARD ROSTER FY’19 STAFF Aubrey Abel, Edgar Acevedo, Frehiwot Afman, David Aisenberg, Rawan Alamoudi, Iman Ali Jofey, Ali Al-Mishinawi, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Christian Anastacio Trujeque, Iris Anderson, Aly Arismendy Ruiz, Natasha Atmadja, Nikki Au, Siham Aydiid, Joe Jornadal, Chair Alan Ayers, Amanda Bakke, Roxane Barber, Samuel Bert, David Blackwell, Esther Booker, Rebecca Borda, Jonathan Siegel, Treasurer Lauren Bridges, Brittany Brooks, Susan Brown, Kristina Broyer, Curtis Buckallew, Evelyn Cardenas, Ryan Lauren Offenbecher, Secretary Carr, Brianna Castilleja, Charles Champion, Shayla Chandler, Doug Chidgey, Alex Choi, Arriana Cinocco, Ezgi Cohen, Grace Conklin, Matthew Coopersmith, Cathy Crowe, Alexis Cura, June Cutler, Jessca De Francia, Susan R. Brown, Ex-Officio Moira Dewey, Austin Dickman, Gloria Djongakoy Ekuwo, Celest Doney-Toland-Newberry, Tony Dorsey Jr, Yvonne Dorsey-Tucker, Raeven Douthett, Monica Drummey, Erina Ekmecic, Julia Flores Perez, Morgan Jenna Bevilacqua Follette, Enning Foo, Adam Foote, Priscilla Gabel Ruiz, Seila Garibay, Alexander Garver, Chloie Goldy, John Hoverson Charmaine April Gonzalez, Vanessa Grasing, Seung Han, Miranda Hatch, Audrey Henry, Lee Hernandez, Katrina Johnson Francene Higman, Candice Hile, Richard Iano, Juanita Izabal, Gerleza Jackson, Ha Na Jang, Melanie Jessica Kolta Jochheim-Atkins, Anders Johnson, Donovan Johnson, Lewis Johnson, Chanelle Jones, Elijah Juri, Austin Kain, Shawn Larsen-Bright Katy McNaughton Courtney Kapp, Alexandra Keers, Vanessa Kitchner, Katie Kraskouskas, Jeneane Kruchoski, Nicole Laasanen, Valeriana Lach, Christine Lamb, Maritza Leon, Viviana Lopez, Janelle Losse, Hsiao-Fang MacDonald, Samantha-Nicole Manalo, Maija Margonelli, Celso Martinez, Wendy Martinez, Elizabeth McCallum, Marjean FY’19 BOARD ROSTER McCraw, Brenna McGinnis, Patrick McLane, Jesica Mendoza, Sara Metcalfe, Christine Miles, Rosalinda Militello, Safia Mohamed, Anne Musquiz, Loan Nguyen, Rebecca Nguyen, Rosemary O’Brien, Neo Olin, Paul EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ouraga, Deepa Patel, Mitixa Patel, Georgia Paterson, Andrew Pekar, Bernadine Pickman, Kelsey Pualani, Kellen Reeder, Gillian Rekem, Adriana Rendon Bautista, Julia Robinson, Klarissa Robles, Natalia Rodriguez, John Hoverson, Chair Samantha Ruelas, Patrick Russell, Mary Salter, Sid Andrew Santiano, Michael Scheinine, Danielle Schierhoff, Joe Jornadal, Vice-Chair Sydney Schwartz, Kyenaat Sheikh, Brittany Smathers-Nelson, Dee Smith, Chrysthel Songco, Kymea Staten, Jonathan Siegel, Treasurer Kimberly Stephenson, Josiah Sum, Emily Trabolsi, Mackenzie Tracey, Amanda Trainum, Jenny Tran, Catherine Lauren Offenbecher, Secretary Wadley, Linda Walton-Sawadago, Cassy Wass, Katia Watson, Courtney Welsh, Robin Whipple, LaFawnda Susan R. Brown, Ex-Officio Williams, Harriett Wright, Jacob Zweschi

Shanda Boyett Katrina Johnson Shawn Larsen-Bright Katy McNaughton Bart Wilson Susan Brown Joe Jornadal President and CEO Board Chairman 1989–present 2020–present


In 2019, Kids Co. had a monumental birthday! We celebrated our 30th It is with a divided mind that we even speak about this while year of serving families with quality licensed child care in the showcasing an annual report filled with highlights and celebrations of community. This was no small feat and over the years, we moved from a fantastic year, but the magnitude of this disease and its effects on a single child care center nestled in the heart of Seattle’s Ballard the child care industry is undeniable and ever-present. Since March neighborhood to 15 centers throughout Seattle and Mercer Island. 2020 we have seen the cost of care more than double due to physical distancing which leads to small student to teacher ratios (some as Since 1989, we’ve both observed and overcome changes in the small as 4:1, depending on room size). On the heels of the new ratios business. We’ve seen more women enter the work force and child and maximum group size, we watch families scramble to find quality care is more commonplace in families’ lives. Kids Co. lived through care since centers are forced to cut their enrollment. In addition, the Dotcom bubble bursting in the mid-90s and grew our business businesses are hurting because their workforce don’t have either the during the 2008 mortgage crisis. Today, quality care is a windfall for necessary care or are working from home — trying to balance their parents who have to work long hours to pay the bills and simply can’t workload with home schooling and taking care of their kids. find enough time to give their kids round the clock care. Kids Co. provides parents with the peace of mind that their kids are getting With this said, as parents, business owners, donors, or community professional care from qualified people who take care of young members, we invite you to embrace the child care community and children while they are away at work. realize our business is foundational to the essential workforce and economic recovery—“no childcare, no recovery.” Without a safe Of course, along the way, there were hiccups and lessons learned that place for kids to go, families are at a loss, employees are missing pushed us to create a child care experience for kids and their families work, and business owners are losing money because they need their that is holistic, educational, play-based (believed by Albert Einstein as team in place. the highest form of research), and develops the whole child.* In all honesty, we do not know how long the COVID-19 pandemic will Throughout the year of our 30th anniversary, we spoke often about affect our services but there are indications that this could be 18 Kids Co.’s next phase and the bright future of quality care. Our lofty months or more. All we know, with absolute certainty, is that we will visions about the next 30 years included modern programming, continue to serve our community by providing licensed, high quality, expanding our business, and working with city and state governments fun, and educational child care. to create regulations that are family-centric and have the kids’ best interest in mind. We also felt it important that child care programs be Enjoy reading about this community that thought it could—and has, child focused, be culturally sensitive and aware, and available where for 30 years. and when families need it most. We were confident this path would serve our families well into the future. With the warmest of hearts, We did not anticipate the COVID-19 pandemic and the havoc it would wreak on families, our healthcare system, our economy, and our society as it helped blaze a shining light on the inequities toward Joe Jornadal black and brown people in everyday life to racism that is embedded Susan R. Brown in every system of government.

*A whole child approach to education is defined by policies, practices, and relationships that ensure each child, in each school, in each community, is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.

Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 19 | 1 The Importance of Social and Emotional Development in Your Child

Every child needs a loving and affectionate environment in order to become a socially and emotionally healthy adult. Social emotional learning (SEL) is a cornerstone of Kids Co.’s programs as we help kids learn how to get along with others, encourage kids to express their needs and help them identify the words to express how they feel. According to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning organization, SEL is “the process through which children and adults acquire and effectively apply the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions.”

Kids Co. helps our kids develop important skills through social-emotional learning that support kids in school and in life.

Our professional staff provide:* This is important because:*  Creative programming that allows kids  SEL improves self-confidence to try new things and acquire new skills  SEL increases positive attitudes  Team building games and activities  SEL reduces aggression  Positive adult mentors In the long-run it promotes:*  Alternative expressions to promote positive outcomes  Increased rates of high school graduation  Higher average wages * bullet points provided by the Afterschool Alliance SEL Took Kit  Positive behaviors and lifestyle

AT A GLANCE: Things That Are Great About Child Care

 Provides safety and supervision  Makes learning fun  Homework help  Gives kids new challenges  Improve kids’ social skills  Helps businesses thrive  Keeps kids physically active  Allows families to go to work  Kids are less likely to get involved in risky behavior  Make friends  Creates a sense of belonging  Opportunities to practice what kids learn in school  Builds confidence and social-emotional learning  Fun and friends

2 | Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 19  SPONSORS: Our 30th Anniversary began with a party designed for our families, on a gorgeous Saturday in September to play at the zoo.

THE FUN INCLUDED: * Free Entry to the Zoo * Mini-Silent Auction * Bouncy Houses * Popcorn Flavor Expo sponsored by Beecher’s Foundation * Games & Activities * Tummy Pleasing Food * Photo Booth & Live Photographer

Media Sponsor: We even had a special guest-star, a pot-bellied pig!

Booth Sponsor:


Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 19 | 3 Kids Co.’s 30th Anniversary

 MAJOR SPONSORS: Where Kids Grow, isn’t just a tag-line, it is the heart of Kids Co. Our core belief--our raison d’être—is partnering with families to help our kids grow into caring, community-minded big people, who can work well with others, SPONSORS: achieve academic success, learn new skills, and be excited about life. We wanted the essence of this zest for life—joie de vivre—at our gala! The décor was bursting with flow- ers—this included aspects of our gourmet meal as well—the auctions were filled with fun items and adventures, each center created a raffle basket ready for a lucky winner, we created a “restaurant” board so our guests could test their luck at winning a number of gift cards at popular restaurants, we had a drawing for an Ethan Stowel Gift Card, and another to win diamond jewelry from Ben Bridge Jewelers. And let’s not forget UNDERWRITERS: PRINT SPONSOR: the wine ring toss, art frenzy, and dessert dash! But no matter what we planned, the true magic in the night came from our guests! It was their heartfelt care for Kids Co. kids and the families we serve, that made the evening fun, energetic, and fruitful. The $161,514 raised that night went directly to the Kids Co. Scholarship Fund, ensuring kids from low-income homes have access to our services. PHOTOGRAPHER:

CASH DONORS: Christian Arnold, Diana Carey, Adrienne and Jeremy Clem, Le Ho, Ji Young Kim and Mark Germack, LeeAnn Baker Stedig and Douglas Steding

4 | Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 19 Social change is brought about by those who dare and act, who can think unconventionally and who can court unpopularity. – Indira Gandhi

Our 30th Anniversary gave us the perfect opportunity to honor some of Seattle’s finest movers and shakers in the world of child care. Not only do we admire these women, we call them friends!

Ruth Kagi, Best Advocate for Early Learning Ever

First elected in 1998, Ruth served in the House of Representatives for 20 years, chairing the Children and Families Committee that became the Early Learning and Human Services Committee. Her focus has been expanding high quality early learning opportunities for children in and reforming our child welfare system. She retired in January of 2019, and now co-chairs the Oversight Board for the Department of Children, Youth and Families. She is also the Early Learning Ambassador for the Children’s Campaign Fund. Ruth Kagi and family

Mari Offenbecher, Best Youth Development Advocate Ever

Mari spent her professional career as a nonprofit leader including nearly three decades as the CEO of School’s Out Washington (SOWA). As the leader of SOWA, Mari advanced quality, equity and innovation in building the field of after-school and youth development across Washington State. She spent her career dedicated to bringing quality educational opportunities and supports to children and youth. Currently she is a Senior Associate with the Valtas Group, a consulting firm focused on supporting leadership transitions in the nonprofit sector. For the past year Mari has been the Interim CEO at Tiny Trees Preschool, an outdoor nature based early learning program. Mari Offenbacher and family

Bobbi Bridge, Best Children & Youth Justice Advocate Ever

Justice Bobbe J. Bridge, ret. is the Founding President/CEO of the Center for Children & Youth Justice, a nonprofit organization she established in 2006 to reform Washington State’s child welfare and juvenile justice systems. She served on the Washington State Supreme Court from 2000 to 2008 and on the King County Superior Court from 1990 to 2000, where she was Chief Juvenile Court Judge for three years. She continues to chair the Washington State Supreme Court Commission on Children in Foster Care. Throughout her long career, Justice Bridge has spoken and taught on issues pertaining to system involved youth, sex trafficking, domestic Bobbi Bridge violence, and criminal justice.

Meiko Thompson, Patron of Play Founders Award

Meiko was born in Oita, Japan, to her parents, Masaru and Masao Tsuzaki. Meiko married an American Navy Seaman at a time when mixed race marriages were illegal in many states. They were married for fifty-five years until Paul Thompson, the love of her life, passed away in 2015. Meiko’s life journey brought her across the Pacific Ocean in a naval ship with three young children to build a life in America. She is fearless. For these and so many other acts of courage and love, Meiko was awarded Kids Co.’s first Patron of Play Founder’s Award. Meiko has four children and nine grand children. Meiko Thompson

Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 19 | 5 Field trips are fun! Journeying away from the Kids Co. center provides our kids with hands-on learning experiences at places around town (and sometimes beyond) that they can touch, watch, and do. The kids call it fun—we in the child care biz call it experiential learning!

Get On The Bus underwrites the transportation for these adventures. This is the quickest and safest way to get to and from our destination. Thanks to the support of kind folks like you, we raised $4,000 for bus rentals. KIDS DON’T LIE! THANK YOU! Becky Musebe and her daughter Megan Kids Co. Family and Scholarship Recipients

Becky is a working single mom who has her  DAILY INCENTIVE PRIZE DONORS: daughter’s best interest in mind. It is important to her that Megan have a safe place to go after ACT Theatre First & Goal, Inc. The Museum of Flight school. Kids Co. is more than a great, fun place and learning opportunity for Megan but it Emerald Downs Ivar’s & Kidd Valley Tutta Bella allows Becky to go to work and better yet, grow her career. According to Becky, Megan loves Kids Co. and often doesn’t want to leave at the end of the day. She says “Kids don’t Lie” and Kids Co. ensures her transition from work to home is smooth sailing!

6 | Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 19 The generosity of our friends and our supporters throughout our 30-year history has been heartwarming and humbling. Thank you – danke – gracias - marci - Thank You! mahalo – takk skal du ha – mahadsanid to the people, businesses, foundations, and organizations below who made our 30th anniversary a joyful success.

BUSINESSES Heather and Matthew Alvarado Elinor Dofredo Laura Klingler Kendall Anderegg Lauren Douglas and Martin Pieracci Kelsey Knowles and Grant Lahmann Adobe Systems Incorporated Anonymous (5) Jazmine Dredd Rhonna Kollenkark Aetna Christian Arnold Nikki and Sebastian Dreisch Kari and Jason Kono AssuredPartners MCM Danielle Baer Alexa and Shane Durham Ken Kriedenbeck Bader Martin PS Amanda Bakke and Jeffrey Bentley Natalie and Thomas Dyer Elena Krop Bernardo and Luis Bernardo Berntson Porter & Co. Lisa Bakke Caitlin and Nick Echelbarger Kimberly Kwock BlackRock Lorrie Baldevia Deborah and Peter Ehrlichman MaryLou La Pierre BMC Group Lisa and Raymond Barker Ann and Derek Emerson Kevin Lam Boeing Company Maria Barnes Lori Epler Hout Ashly and Ryan Lambert Dorsey & Whitney LLP Theresa Barreras and Matt Coglon Ceil Erickson Christina Larsen and Shawn Larsen-Bright Eakman Construction Candace and Nigel Barron Mimi and Todd Fairchild Darrel Larsen Fournier Insurance Solutions Adrieanna and Sean Beard Elizabeth and Karim Farouki Tara and Jake Larson HomeStreet Bank Andrea Becker and Sean Pisoni Nonna Florendo and Charlie Sy Dianne Learned and Tom Carmony Kaiser Permanente Laura and Shane Beharry Marina and Lorcan French Sarah and Peter Leary Microsoft Corporation Veronica Bello and John Webb Robert Gabel Tana and Troy Lehman Monkey Fist Marine Sherrie Belt-Hart and Darius Hart Misun and Chris Gerrick Jamilya and Keith Leitich Nordstrom Charitable Giving Kristen and Tim Benzel Eric Gillison Anne Leung and Michael Braude Ocean Fresh Seafood Company, LLC Bradley and Carla Berg Leanne Gilly Margaret Lillquist Okta April Bloomfield Margaret Glowacki Elle Lin and Ting Yip Kellis Borek Nancy and Joseph Greene Alyson Littman and Cornelius Van Niel FOUNDATIONS & Alice Bossart Kathleen and Matthew Groshong Elisabeth Loux ORGANIZATIONS Shanda Boyett and Christopher Bonnstetter Kelli Gustaf and Toby Jensen Hailing Lu and Shawn Li Kacy Braunschweig Daphne and Yuji Hakuno Shanon and Ben Lyon AmazonSmile Foundation Bobbe and Jonathan Bridge Deborah and Bruce Hanamura Leslie and Dean Maeda America’s Best Local Charities Janis Bridge and Family Cynthia Harper and Natalie Ward Lucy and Michael Magidman BECU Gift Matching Program Charles Brown Miranda Hatch Robert Mahler Benevity Elizabeth and Paul Brown Katie Hedgewood Anna and Alexander Makris The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Kelby Brown Elise Hegrat Jackie and Chris Mann Dorsey & Whitney Foundation Michael Brown Haley and Spencer Heit Marie and Jeffrey Marotta Fred R. Smith Foundation Susan and Jim Brown Kim and Jon Hemingway Joe Marth and Mike Ostoff Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle Kristina and Kevin Broyer Samantha Hemingway Sheely Mauck League of Education Voters Shannon and Josh Brugh Troy Henley Marjean McCraw The McNaughton Foundation Michelle and Ryan Brush Sudie and Brian Henn Molly McElroy and Dan Poux Network for Good Kassia and Brandon Buchholz Le Ho Emily McNaughton PayPal Giving Fund Diane Buckley Julie Hodapp and Rick Friar Katy McNaughton and Kyle Newton The Russell Grinnell Memorial Trust Fernando Canals Figuearas Gennie and Torben Hollingsworth Marna and Mark McNaughton School’s Out Washington Diana Carey Walt Hossfeld Gary Meikle The Seattle Foundation Lind Carr Mary and John Hoverson Shana Melanson and Jake Bradbury Starbucks Matching Gifts Program Jean Chaback Evelyn Hsu and Matt Kronman Reiko and Paul Mizumachi Tulalip Tribes Charitable Fund Debra Charles and Mike Parsinen Katie Hurley and Damon Agnos Laura and Jonathan Morarity United Way of King County Doug Chidgey Jackie Hyllseth Elizabeth Morrison and Richard MacDonald Windermere Foundation Kay Clark Kelsi Ida Paula Murphy Windermere Capital Hill Sonya Claxton Kathryn and Kyle Iverson Whitney and Paul Murphy Windermere Greenwood Adrienne and Jeremy Clem Holly Janes and Igor Shochetman Heidi Murray Windermere Madison Park Steven Clough Suman Jayadev and William Berrington Becky Musebe Windermere Magnolia Carrie Colbert Andrew Jenkins Lis Nelis and Phillip Garfin Windermere Queen Anne Jessica Colinares Shumei Jiang and Long Zhang Christina Nelson Windermere Wall Street Elizabeth Corbett and William Barnard Katrina and Taylor Johnson Julie and Brad Newcomer Deirdre and Michael Cross Natalie Johnson and Terry Hill Huyen and Thinh Nguyen Catherine Crowe Amy and Dwight Jones Kristin and Elton Nichols INDIVIDUALS Angela Culbert and Ryan Bianchi Joe Jornadal Colleen and Rob Nicklos June Cutler Brian Judy Kati and Brendan O’Brien Diana and Gary Abels Sally Darby and Michael Sheffield Ruth Kagi Mairah O’Callaghan Erin Abraham and Sam Haffey Char Davies Laura Kang Lauren and Cooper Offenbecher Cristina Acevedo and Elizabeth Whitford Brooke Davis Deborah Katz Mari and Peter Offenbecher Shikha Aggarwal and Vivek Thakyal Elizabeth Davis Shannon and Jeff Kavanaugh Miranda Ohm Lindy Ah Sam Laura and Steve Day David Kenny Erica Orr Molly and Brad Alexander Kimberly and Jim Decker Ji Young Kim and Mark Germack Justin Osborne Ruby and Nathan Alexander Julia and Brian Demitros Erin and Jonathan King Barbara Paige Senoria Allen Jen and Fiqri Dine Vanessa Kitchner and Adam Foote Vinay Patel

Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 19 | 7 Randy Pickett Cynthia and Bart Wilson Foodstirs Pacific Jazz Institute and Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley Donna and Kenny Pittman Ka’ohe Wong Fournier Insurance Solutions Pacific Science Center Chris Potts Dana Youlin and Robert Culp Friday Glass Pagliacci Pizza Jess and Drew Pounds Michelle Zeasman and Chris Gibbon GameWorks Palisade Maria Ramirez Juan Zheng and Joshua Vaughan Grand Central Baking Co. The Pizza Coop & Ale House Kathleen Rankin Zoltan Szuts Ilana and Jake Zweschi Harbour Pointe Golf Club Powerslide Design Co. Jennifer Reilly and Brian Selfon Hawg Heaven Charters, LLC Pure Beautiful You Eunice Rhee and Woosung Ahn IN KIND GIFTS Elise Hegrat QFC - Ballard Colin Rigby Kim and Jon Hemingway Ragen & Associates, LLC Joe Robinson GIFTS Herban Feast Rehab United Seattle Suzanne and Andre Ropeta 190 Sunset Gennie and Torben Hollingsworth Reptile Zoo Megan Roseman and Nicolas Michal ACT Theatre HomeStreet Bank Jennifer Rice and Dieter Klippstein Samantha and Michael Ruelas AGP Wealth Advisors Mary and John Hoverson Ride the Ducks of Seattle Alaina and Steven Ruiz Agua Verde Café and Paddle Club Ivar’s and Kidd Valley Ristorante Picolinos Kendra Russell ad Chase Huber Alliance for Education Jet City Improv Rockets of Awesome Aaron Ryskalczyk AlphaGraphics Katrina and Taylor Johnson Rocksbox Yasemin Sancak and David Shechner American Dance Institute Joie Rookies Sports Bar & Grill Laura and Rob Sanders Analemma Wines Joe Jornadal Alaina and Steven Ruiz Veronica Santiago and Benjain VanWinkle Angel Of The Winds Arena KAVU Salt Blade Hand Crafted Meats Jill Santillan Anonymous (6) KEXP 90.3 FM Say it with a Sock Michael Scheinine Anvil Studios, Inc. Kids Co. Michael Scheinine Janet Schmidt Arena Sports Kids Co. at Adams Amy Schwentor and Brendan Chase Kendra and Joshua Schmidt Argosy Cruises Kids Co. at Cascadia Scratch Distillery Julie and Aaron Schneider Associated Energy Systems Kids Co. at Cedar Park Seafair Kathryn and Collin Scott Amanda Bakke Kids Co. at Decatur Seattle Bouldering Project Shay Sealy Andrea Becker Kids Co. at Graham Hill Seattle Gymnastics Academy - Ballard Margeaux and Nick Serrano Beecher’s Handmade Cheese Kids Co. at Island Park Stacy Shalfont Sherrie Belt-Hart and Darius Hart Kids Co. at John Hay Seattle Police Foundation Nah-yoon Shin and Wonho Kim Ben Bridge Jeweler Kids Co. at Lakeridge Seattle POPS Brooke and Jason Shindler The Bloedel Reserve Kids Co. at McDonald Sejin and Jonathan Siegel Susan and Jim Brown Kids Co. at Northwood Seattle Seawolves Archana Singh and Puneesh Kumar Caffé Umbria Kids Co. at Queen Anne Seattle Shakespeare Company Jessica Sloate Campbell’s Resort Kids Co. at South Shore Aaron and Lauren Smart Cappy’s Boxing Gym Kids Co. at TOPS Seattle Theatre Group Judy Smith and Thomas Glans Caroline’s Lash Boutique Kids Co. at West Mercer Seitel Systems Mechell Smith and Eric McNamee Charity Auction World Ladywell’s Vitality Spa & Sauna Silverwood Theme Park Nancy Smith Cheesecake Factory - Bellevue Lantern Press Simon Bethany and Bryan Smoltz Cheesecake Factory - Seattle Christina Larsen and Shawn Larsen-Bright The SIX Eva and Chris Snee Chinook’s Lindon Piano Studio Gary Skiff Molly and Jake Snorsky Chipotle Mexican Grill LoLo Spa Southgate Roller Rink Eaoh Sourichanh City People’s Garden Store Mariah’s Madison Park Stevens Pass Mountain Resort LeeAnn and Douglas Steding Columbia Tower Club Massaggio Galore Nicole Steele-Pritchard Costco Wholesale-4th Ave McCarthy and Schiering Wine Merchants Target - Northgate Keith Symonds Costco Wholesale-Aurora Marjean McCraw Teatro ZinZanni Josepha Taylor Costco Wholesale-Redmond McMenamin’s Top Ten Toys Meiko Thompson Costco Wholesale-Southcenter Katy McNaughton and Kyle Newton Total Wine & More Jena Thornton and Scott Shapiro Costco Wholesale-Woodinville Mercer Island CrossFit Trader Joe’s - Ballard Kristina Thorpe Tracy Cutchlow Mercer Island Pilates Trader Joe’s - Queen Anne Traci Timmons and Paul Herrin Darigold MI Athletic Club Trader Joe’s - University District Kelly and John Trotter DeLille Cellars Andrew Miller Anne Tucker Janice and Rich Tsai Eric Dillin Monkey Fist Marine Turpin Meadow Ranch Nazli Umay Din Tai Fung MoPOP Tutta Bella Samantha Usi Edmonds Center for the Arts Mox Boarding House Two Doors Down Kristen and Justin Van Veen Elliott Bay Book Company Museum of Flight Two Men and a Truck Christine and Tom VanBuskirk Emerald Downs Museum Quality Framing - Queen Anne Jeremy Tyler Marvin VanPelt Entercom Seattle and DJ’s BJ & Migs on 99.9 KISW Elle Nagie and DeAnna Martin University of Washington Athletics Department Alyssa and Shannon Ware Ethan Stowell Restaurants Jeff Natter UW Spirit Katia and Matt Watson Everett AquaSox Nettle’s Farm Kristen and Justin Van Veen Courtney Welsh Farm & Larder New Leaf Creations, Inc. Katia and Matt Watson Jennifer Werdell and Eric Krieger Field Roast New Seasons Market - Ballard West Seattle Bowl Erin West and Matthew Grabkowski Finnriver Farm & Cidery New Suncadia LLC Young Flowers Zalika Wheeler Fire & Vine Hospitality Ocean SF Ilana and Jake Zweschi Janet Wickersheim First & Goal Inc. Lauren and Cooper Offenbecher LaFawnda Williams Flying Circus OpperMelang Restaurants

8 | Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 19 ASSETS


August 31, 2019

Current Assets: Cash and Cash Equivalents $1,369,130 Accounts Receivable, Net 44,545 Contributions Receivable 6,000 Prepaid Expenses & Deposits 43,395

Total Current Assets 1,463,070

Contributions receivable, less current portion 24,000

Property and Equipment, Net 37,720

Total Current Assets $1,524,790


Current Liabilities: ALLOCATION OF FUNDS RECEIVED Accounts Payable $72,160 Accrued Salaries and Payroll Taxes 123,440 FOR FISCAL YEAR 2019 Compensated Absences 130,634 Refundable Deposits 67,185 Unearned Program Fees 40,547 Lease Incentive, Current Portion 790 8% Total Current Liabilities 434,756 9% Fundraising Management Lease Incentive, Less Current Portion 1,844 and General Total Liabilities 436,600

Unrestricted Net Assets 1,088,190

Total Liability & Net Assets $1,524,790


Revenue and Support: Program Service Fees, Net $4,469,774 In-Kind Contributions 210,198 Contributions 209,791 Miscellaneous Revenue 3,006 Investment Income 2,983

Total Revenue and Support 4,895,752

Expenses: Program Services 3,707,382 Management and General 409,928 83% Fundraising 376,397 Current and Those who are Total Expenses 4,493,707 happiest are those Future Needs

Change in Unrestricted Net Assets 502,045 who do the most for others.” Unrestricted Net Assets, Beginning of Year 556,145 – Booker T. Washington Unrestricted Net Assets, End of Year $1,058,190

Kids Co. Annual Report FY’ 19 | 9 OUR CENTERS


Kids Co. at Adams (Ballard - 1989) 2208 NW Market Street Suite 510 Kids Co. at Cascadia (Northgate - 2012) Seattle, WA 98107 Kids Co. at Cedar Park (Lake City - 2018) 206.781.8062 Kids Co. at Decatur (Wedgwood - 2018) [email protected] Kids Co. at Graham Hill (Seward Park - 1991) www.kidscompany.org Kids Co. at Island Park (Mercer Island - 1995) Kids Co. at John Hay (Queen Anne - 1990) FOLLOW US:

Kids Co. at Lakeridge (Mercer Island - 1995)  kidengagingfun Kids Co. at McDonald (Greenlake - 2010)  @KidsCoWA Kids Co. at Northwood (Mercer Island - 2016) Kids Co. at Queen Anne (Queen Anne - 2011)  Kids-Co- Kids Co. at South Shore (Rainier Beach - 2002)  kidsco.wa Kids Co. at TOPS (Capitol Hill/Eastlake - 1991) Kids Co. at West Mercer (Mercer Island - 2014) Future Kids Co. location opening Sept. 2019 at Magnolia School in Magnolia

Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly every child care programs’ existence is threatened. With grit, perseverance, and smart restructuring, Kids Co. will survive this pandemic. Kids will need expanded support to emerge from this crisis strong, resilient, and hopeful—and we’ll be there to help them do so.

We take pride in the community we have built over the past 30 years. Our vision of Kids Co.’s future is changing but knowing that we have you—our friends helping along the way—we are confident that we will be stronger, smarter, and a better organization to serve the families who need our care

The America’s Best Charities Seal of Excellence is awarded to charitable organizations that meet the highest standards of public accountability, program efficiency, and cost effectiveness. Applicant charities must provide evidence of their program activities and demonstrate the benefit of their services. These standards include those required by the US Government for inclusion in the Combined Federal Campaign, probably the most exclusive fund drive in the world. Of the 1,000,000 charities operating in the United States today, it is estimated that fewer than 50,000 or 5 percent, meet or exceed these standards, and, of those, fewer than 2,000 have been awarded this Seal. Kids Co. is one.

Photography Credits: Evergreen Children’s Association, dba Kids Co., is a Ike & Tash Photography 501(c)(3) nonprofit registered in the State of Washington and Motion (Tax Id #91-1450148). Sound Originals Kids Co. Staff