Electric Sail Technology Demonstration Mission Spacecraft

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Electric Sail Technology Demonstration Mission Spacecraft https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=20170001821 2019-06-22T08:27:43+00:00Z The Conceptual Design of an Electric Sail Technology Demonstration Mission Spacecraft Presentation at: 40th Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference Breckenridge, CO, USA February 3-8, 2017 Bruce M. Wiegmann NASA-MSFC-ED04 [email protected] Presentation Agenda • HERTS/Electric Sail background information • Findings from the Phase I NIAC • This propulsion technology enables trip times to the Heliopause in 10 – 12 years • Fastest transportation method to reach Heliopause of near term propulsion technologies • Current Phase II NIAC tasks • Plasma chamber testing • Particle-in-cell (PIC) space plasma to spacecraft modeling • Tether material investigation • Conceptual design of a TDM spacecraft • Mission capture Image shown is copyright by: Alexandre Szames, Antigravite, Paris, and is used with permission National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2 Solar Wind Basics-> Solar Sail • The relative velocity of the Solar Wind through the decades The solar wind ions traveling at 400-500 km/sec are the naturally occurring (free) energy source that propels an E-Sail National Aeronautics and Space Administration 3 Electric Sail Origins The electric solar wind sail, or electric sail for short, is a propulsion invention made in 2006 at the Kumpula Space Centre by Dr. Pekka Janhunen. Image courtesy of: Dr. Pekka Janhunen Phase I Findings • Electric-Sail propulsion systems are the fastest method to get spacecraft to deep space destinations as compared to: • Solar sails, • All chemical propulsions, • Electric (ion) propulsion systems • Technology appears to be viable . • Technology Assessment – Most subsystems at high state of readiness except: • Wire-plasma interaction modeling, • Wire deployment, and • Dynamic control of E–Sail spacecraft… • These are the three areas of focus for the current Phase II NIAC National Aeronautics and Space Administration 5 Electric Sail – Concept of Operations • The E-sail consists of 10 to 20 conducting, positively charged, bare wires, each 1–20 km in length. • Wires are deployed from the main spacecraft bus and the spacecraft rotates to keep wires taut. • An electron gun is used to keep the spacecraft and wires in a high positive potential (~6 t0 20 kV). • Positive ions in the solar wind are repulsed by the field and thrust is generated. Electric Sail – By The Numbers An Example • 10 – 20 wires • 5 - 20 km long • 25 microns thick • Wires kept at ~6 kV potential • The electric field surrounding each wire extends ~ 10 meters into the surrounding plasma and gradually expands as the distance from the sun increases. • Produces ~1 mm/s2 acceleration at 1 AU Why An Electric Sail? • Has the potential to fly payloads out of the ecliptic and into non-Keplerian orbits, place payloads in a retrograde solar orbit, missions to terrestrial planets and asteroids, and position instruments for off-Lagrange point space weather observation. • Low mass/ low cost propulsion system • Electric sail acceleration extends deep into the solar system (6 times further than a solar sail) • Propulsion system is scalable to small spacecraft • Readily meets the requirements for relatively near-term interstellar precursor missions out to 500 AU National Aeronautics and Space Administration 8 Velocity vs. Radial Distance Comparison for Equal Mass Spacecraft • Thrust drops as 1/r2 for the solar sail and 1/r7/6 for the electric sail • The solar sail system velocity is limited to 1.5 AU/year since the system stops accelerating at distance of 5 AU: whereas, • The E-Sail accelerates to 15.8 AU, thereby creating a velocity of 8.3 AU/year National Aeronautics and Space Administration 9 Normalized Thrust Decay Comparison The AU distance where the thrust generated by each system = 0.04 * Thrust (1AU) is 5AU for the solar sail system and 15.8 AU for the E-Sail system National Aeronautics and Space Administration 10 E-Sail vs Solar Sail Mission Ops The Solar Sail spacecraft stops accelerating at ~ 5AU whereas the E-Sail spacecraft continues to accelerate over distances of ~20 – 30 AU Velocity Comparison Between E-Sail and Solar Sail Propulsion Systems • E-sail velocities are 25% greater than solar sail option because of the rate of acceleration decline (1/r7/6) vs solar sail acceleration decline (1/r2) • E-Sail and Solar Sail propulsion options exceed the 2012 Heliophysics Decadal Survey speed goal of 3.8 AU/yr National Aeronautics and Space Administration 12 In-Space Propulsion Options Compared for a Heliopause Mission • High-thrust propulsion option (All chem) • 1 to 2 solid rocket motors (SRM) in SLS stack Subsystems • Low-thrust propulsion options: Low-thrust Propulsion • MaSMi Hall thruster Support • 50,000 hr. life Structure • Solar sail High-thrust • @ 10 g/m2; Characteristic Acceleration = Propulsion 0.43 mm/sec2 (Near-Term technology) • @ 3 g/m2; Characteristic Acceleration = 0.66 mm/sec2 (Enhanced technology) • Electric sail • Characteristic Acceleration = 2mm/sec2 • Characteristic Acceleration = 1mm/sec2 SLS Block 1B with EUS and 8.4m PLF MaSMi Hall Electric sail thruster Solar sail Trip Time Comparison Between E-Sail and Solar Sail Propulsion Systems V∞ Jupiter Earth Direct escape using SLS, Jupiter Gravity Assist (JGA) and onboard in-space propulsion system. The HERTS/E-Sail option dramatically reduces trip times by ~50% to 100 AU National Aeronautics and Space Administration 14 HERTS Technology Readiness Level (TRL) Assessment and Advancement • MSFC conducted a TRL assessment of E-Sail systems and components • Most E-Sail components are at relatively high TRL, but three elements significantly reduce the system-level TRL • Uncertainty of plasma physics model (used to determine current collection, hence, thrust) • Wire deployment • E-Sail spacecraft trajectory guidance & control via offsetting the applied S/C Cp through the voltage biasing of individual wires The Phase II HERTS Team Finnish Meteorological Institute Helsinki, Finland Dr. Pekka Janhunen University of Colorado - Boulder E-Sail Expertise Boulder, CO Joanna Fulton Tether Deployment Dynamics University of Missouri Tethers Unlimited Inc. Columbia, MO Bothell, WA Dr. Craig Kluever Tennessee Tech University Dr. Rob Hoyt E-Sail Trajectory Analysis Cookeville, TN Tether and Deployer Expertise Dr. Stephen Canfield Tether Deployment Dynamics Naval Postgraduate School Monterrey, CA Dr. Rudy Panholzer/James Newman Naval Research Lab Tether CubeSat Expertise Washington, DC Dr. Shannon Coffey Tether Deployment Dynamics Bangham Engineering Huntsville, AL Michal Bangham ManTech NeXolve Corporation Huntsville, AL Jet Propulsion Laboratory Spacecraft Integrated Design Pasadena, CA Dr. Nobie Stone Robert Shotwell Space Plasma Physics Expertise Trajectory Tool Development University of Alabama Huntsville Huntsville, AL NASA MSFC Dr. Gary Zank Huntsville, AL Plasma Physics Model Development Funded Team Members Bruce Wiegmann (PI) Unfunded Collaborators Jason Vaughn Dr. Ken Wright Future Partners Plasma Chamber Testing National Aeronautics and Space Administration 16 Animation of E-Sail vs Other Options Major Thrusts of Phase II NIAC • Develop a particle-in-cell (PIC) model of the space plasma dynamics and interaction with a spacecraft propelled by an electric sail • The development of the model requires experimental data from ground tests (MSFC plasma chamber) • Investigate tether material and deployment • Perform a conceptual spacecraft study on a HERTS TDM spacecraft • Investigate HERTS spacecraft navigation & control • Enhance low thrust trajectory models (JPL) National Aeronautics and Space Administration 18 Particle-in-Cell Modeling Simulation of solar wind particles near a charged wire using the LANL VPIC code Electron Density Ion Density Tether Solar Solar Wind Wind [km] y x [km] x [km] Results to date comparable with published values from Dr. Pekka Janhunen. Plasma Chamber Testing (Side View) 2.7 2.7 m 1/3 L 1/3 L 1/3 L 1.57 1.57 m Charged section Plasma chamber height (L) The middle third of the SS tube is positively charged and a sheath is created that deflects protons. Then measurements are made to determine degree of deflection of these protons 1.2 m Charged ions (protons and electrons) flow from the ion source towards the end of the chamber. Electrons are collected onto the positively charged wire & the current is measured. Protons are deflected by the charged Debye sheath E-Sail Plasma Physics Testing (a) (b) NASA MSFC has a unique history and knowledge base related to plasma experimentation and applications to space tethers. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 21 Inside the Plasma Chamber • Developed diagnostic suite to measure ion flow vector, ion energy, and electron temperature • Differential Ion Flux Probe (DIFP) measures ion flow vector in 2D plane • Retarding Potential Analyzer (RPA) measures ion energy • Langmuir Probe measures electron temperature • Measurements of plasma free stream underway, E-Sail wire simulator being installed Plasma Source Langmuir Differential Ion Probe Flux Probe Retarding Potential Diagnostic Analyzer Probes X,Y Mapping Stages X-Y Stage to Map Measurement Region Diagnostic Probe Suite National Aeronautics and Space Administration 22 A Sample of Plasma Chamber Data • Chamber calibration underway with new ion source • E-Sail wire being installed Differential Ion Flux Probe Data Characteristic RPA data Derivative of data Langmuir Probe Data Retarding Potential Analyzer Data Ion Beam Energy Three discrete types of experimental data are being collected which
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