NZART AWARDS NZART currently offers 23 different amateur radio awards. They offer a range of challenges. Some are relatively easy to attain and others are very difficult. All awards are open to all licensed amateur radio operators and to shortwave listeners. RULES FOR ALL NZART AWARDS 1. NZART stresses the ‘honour system.’ Award applicants do not have to hold QSL cards for claimed contacts. It is sufficient to merely certify that the QSO was legitimately made. This rule applies to all NZART sponsored awards. 2. QSOs made by IRLP, Echolink, or other web-based communication are not acceptable for any award. All QSOs must be by two-way conversation made by radio. 3. Cross-band operation is not acceptable for any awards. 4. Repeater QSOs are valid only when specifically stated in the individual award rules. 5. Awards are open to SWL (shortwave listeners) as well as amateur radio operators. APPLYING FOR NZART AWARDS When applying for any award please observe the following: 1. PRINT your name, address and call-sign. 2. Clearly state which award and endorsements you are applying for. Endorsements for single mode or band etc. are usually only provided if the applicant requests them. 3. Supply a checking log sheet with the call signs, date of each QSO, mode, band, and any other information required for the award. Excel files are preferred but scanned copies, paper, pdf, or other files are acceptable. 4. You can apply for awards by email to
[email protected] and pay via PayPal to the same address. Or you can post applications to The NZART Awards Manager, PO BOX 1733, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand.