
Pointers in Desert Stbrm nowI number more than 50 By Donna Walker Staff Writer tional Guard reservist. Ciaravino, 36, was College after graduating from Grosse Pointe Skip Kaal, a 1978 graduate of Grosse deployed to Saudi Arabia on Jan. 12 and is The Grosse Pointe War Memorial's list of North High School in 1982. Pointe North High School, also has been in local men and women who are serving in currently serving in a civilian hospital as a James F. Gatteno enlisted in the Army in the Navy for 11 years. Married, he is sta. Operation Desert Storm now comprises 52 nurse. A 1972 graduate of Grosse Pointe March 1990, and before that, served in the names. tioned aboard the USS Midway and has two North High School, he has a wife, Evelyn, Army Reserves. He was stationed in Ger- daughters. and five children, ages 12, 11, 8, 5 and 1. Over the past two weeks, 16 people were many before being deployed to Saudi Arabia Joseph Trane McCloud IS in the Marines, added to the list: Christopher DeLaere is serving in the Air about two weeks before Christmas. A medic, stationed aboard the USS Missouri. Norman J. Arends, M.D., is an Air Force Force. A 1982 graduate of Grosse Pointe he turned 21 on Feb. 21. Jason E. Power, 18, ISa 1990 graduate of reservist, currently serving at Scott Air South High School, he is married and has a Peter M. Hendrie, a graduate of Grosse Grosse Pointe South High School. He en- Force Base in lllinois. daughter, Elizabeth. Pomte South High School, is in the Navy, Anthony J. (Tony) Esperti, is serving in listed last July and was deployed to Saudi Lt. Dover M. Bell, U.S. Air Force, was statIoned aboard the USS McKee. He was Arabia on Feb. 3. He currently delivers sup- the Army. He was stationed in Germany be- deployed to Saudi Arabia on Jan. 18. stationed in Germany before being deployed fore being deployed to Saudi Arabia on Dec. plies and ammunition to the front lines. to Saudi Arabia in January. A 1984 gradu- Craig Higgins, a 1977 graduate of Grosse Becky Roberts, a 1982 graduate of Our 17. A 1985 graduate of Grosse Pointe South POInte South High School, has been in the ~te of Grosse Pointe South High School, he High School, he is 24 and has a wife, Chris. Lady Star of the Sea HIgh School, is serving Navy for approximately 11 years. He was in the AIr Force. IS 24 years old. He and hIS wife, Laurie, Eric Fordon, 27, has been in the Navy for have a 15.month-old son, Jim. previously stationed in San Diego and is about five years and is an underwater se- Vito Ciaravino is a Michigan Army Na- - now aboard the USB Anchorage. He has a dalist. He attended Macomb Community WIfeand two children in San Diego. See DESERT, page 20A

A Community Newspaper .,.-..,,,,,, ~. ~~ c', I~' Grosse j , i:~ News Vol. 52, No.9 50 pages Grosse Pointe, Michigan Since 1940 February 28,1991 Fate of Farms man's killers won't be announced in public - or soon

By John Minnis decide Miller's fate until after suggests the Juvemles should be AsSistant Editor the heanngs or presentencmg sentenced as adults The fates of the Juvemles who reports and recommendatIons Roberson asked Marc 'Hart, pleaded guIlty m the February are filed for the three other juve assistant prosecuting attorney, 1990 kIllIng of a Farms man WIll nIles mvolved in the case whether he planned to go not be revealed m open court Following the death through the lengthy hearing pro- and apparently won't be deCIded of Gravel last year, Miller, then cess for the two juvemles who soon. 15, and Kermit Haynes, then 16, pleaded guIlty to second-degree During the closmg arguments pleaded guIlty to first-degree murder - Hobbs and Brown. Feb. 22 over whether one of the murder Two other juveniles who Hart saId he dId not. youths - Cortez MIller - will be were 16 at the time - WIllie But Hobbs and Brown's fates sentenced as an adult or juve- Hobbs and Gregory Brown - will not be deCIded until after nile, Detroit Recorder's Chief pleaded guilty to second-degree the two adults have been trIed, Judge Dalton A Roberson said murder. While Hobbs and Brown Hart saId he wIll not make hIS deCISIon were charged with first-degree Therefore, if Roberson waits to concermng MIller until all the murder, the prosecutor's office decide all the juveniles' fates at Juvemles' cases have been heard accepted the lesser plea in ex- the same time, then the deci- and added he will not announce change for theIr agreement to SIOns wIll not be made until af. his decision in open court. testl1Y agamst the two adults ter the trial of the adults. Roberson's statement was charged in the case. Furthermore, Roberson saId he made before alxJut 50 me,llds . The two adult,s - RICO Searcy. wIll not announce hIS decisIOns and relatives of the deceased - then 17, and Christopher Sims, in open court, as Hart had re- BenJamm Gravel - and his wife, then 18 - have not entered into quested. ~ther, Roberson saur-' - SUS4h Gravel, in a packed court- plea agreements and will be he would draft written decisions, Arabian knights room on the eighth floor of the tried in April on first-degree whlch will be sent to the prose- Frank Murphy Hall of Justice. murder charges. cutmg and defense attorneys. The Gravels' supporters ex- Grosse Pointe Woods resident Gregory C. Grove. who was promoted to sergeant in the Ma- Miller's sentencmg hearings Roberson's decisIOns whether rine Corps Feb. L stands in the desert in Saudi Arabia. The Grosse Pointe North graduate has pected - based on news reports that ended lfll;t week began In to sentence the youths as juve- been in the service since 1983. Father of a son. Grove wrote in January that he was near the - that Miller's fate would be de- July. Haynes is also gomg niles or adults are cruCIal. If sen- cided that day followmg the final Kuwait border. "Our commanders are taking good care of us. They see to it we get a shower through sentencin~ hearings. tenced as juveniles, they WIll be- every couple of weeks:' he wrote. More from the front is on page 21A. arguments in his sentencing The purpose of the hearings is to hearing. come wards of the Department of present arguments on whether a Social ServIces untIl they are 21 But Roberson said he will not preponderance of the eVIdence If MIller and Haynes are sen- Youths impersonate police officers tenced as adults for first-degree murder, then they face a manda- On two separate occasions from Grosse Pointe Shores The tory sentence of life In prIson youths were caught playmg cops red beacon light was found on Time to bag it for needy WIthout parole. The dIfficulty for m Grosse Pomte Woods recently. the rear floor of the youths' car Roberson is that he has no op- Around 10 p.m. Feb. 20 police and was confiscated Once again Grosse POinters tion but to choose between life m received calls that two youths On Feb. 17, four youths, ages are being asked to brown bag It prIson for the youths or only were attemptmg to pull cars 15 and 16, were reported to po- for the needy. » '/'1*"" .;. some five years In confinement .}-=-.. over by usmg a portable, red hce for trying to pull motonsts 1" .; ...}").-:~% «7/{ The OpportunIty to help feed .>,.-,...... } ."-:- *4 < as wards of the DSS. There's no flashing emergency hght and by over by flashmg a badge. When ,...;4 ~ -=;; the needy is through the SIXth (.~/4.".A....-:;~ "" / ..... ~ ..;t:'< m-between sentence he can hand flashing their car's high beams Woods police located the youths, /4~ .{;. annual KIds Helping Kids , C f~y ..f....."'v down at motonsts. it was discovered they had an canned-food drive The Grosse Officers spotted the youths authentic police hat badge, Pomte public schools, the Grosse near Mack and Sunningdale and which one of the youths said he Pointe News and Republic Bank followed them north on Mack found. are sponsoring this year's cam- The youths were stopped at The badge was confiscated and paign with Gleaners Community Mack and Hawthorne. the youths' parents were noti- Food Bank. They were both 16-year-olds fied. The drIve will help Gleaners meet the prOjected 10 percent in- crease in food needs from Its Pointer of Interest more than 189 membel soup : kitchens, church pantries, emer- gency shelters and other feedmg agenCIes. The agencies prOVide Ronald G. Allen 155,000 meals a week to the area's hungry. By Pat Paholsky East LIverpool, OhIO, Editor "I tried out for several shows There WIll be food collectIOn The new dIrector of produc- and I wasn't very good," he saId receptacles at all schools Each tIOns for MichIgan Opera Thea- But the drama teacher needed a student will be given a grocery tre, Ronald G. Allen, was bItten stage manager and told Allen all bag, printed compliments of Re- by the theatrical bug when he he needed was a clipboard. pubhc Bank, to take home and was a hIgh school student In That was the beginning of a fill for the needy. career backstage m which he In addItIOn, the Grosse POInte has traveled throughout the News will msert a grocery bag country domg everythmg from in next week's Issue Readels gomg for coffee to puttmg on can either fill a bag of grocenes puppet shows for chlldren to teach them about opera, or use the coupon printed on the bag to buy a case of food fO!the Allen came to DetrOIt m Au- needy. gust from the PIttsburgh Opera where he was production man- Food donatIOns can be dropped ager He settled in Grosse Pomte off at Central Library O! an) of Park the public schools The food dille "I was lookmg for more of a WIll run from March 11 through challenge," Allen said, "which 22 MIChigan offered WIth the POSSI Last year, an mdependent bIhty of a new opera house." panel of Judges selected Gleanel~ The former Grand CIrcus The- Food Bank as a co WInner III a atre m Grand Circus Park w1l1 Cram's DetrOit Busmess conle,t be renovated "from the proscen- to select the best-managed non profit orgamzatIOn In metlo Dr trOlt

Ronald G. Allen ----....-....------.------1

2A February 28, 1991 News Grosse Pointe News Ex-Woods man could get 50 years Schools say no to D.A.R.E. Corrections Clown classes on fraud charges By Ronald J. Bernas Pointe South High School. There mner city youths and some of it Corrections wtll be printed Staff Writer were several reasons, in addition is "not a great fit" for students to begin The deCISIOn not to offer on thlS page every week. If A former Grosse Pomte Woods to the classtime issue, that led to With the Grosse Po1Ote socio-eco- there lS an error of fact m D A R.E. - Drug Abuse ReSIS- man faces up to 50 years m the decisIOn. nomic background. any story, call the newsroom The Grosse Pointe Clown tance Education - to students in prison after being convicted of "While D.A R.E. has many Beghin and Woods Pubhc at BBU)294. Corps wJ11begin a wmter session Grosse Pointe schools has disap- fraud and other charges valuable components, the ele- Safety Director Jack Patterson on clownmg Monday, March 5. pointed the Grosse Pointe Woods • mentary steering committee and hear the concerns, but can't un- The classes, held in the base- John Bruce Hubbard, 45, was police, who are toutmg the pro- A story Feb. 14 on page the substance abuse specialists derstand why the program ment of the Grosse Pomte Woods convicted Feb. 12 after a two. gram designed to keep kids off 3A regarding the Grosse recommend that the Curriculum wasn't given a chance week trial 10 U.S DistrIct Court drugs. POinte Farms meeting had PolIce Department, begin at 6 not be adopted in its present Developed In Los Angeles 10 p.rn The sessIOn ends April 29. in Ann Arbor on charges of After pllotmg the program last the name of Moran resident form because It fails to meet the 1984, the program has swept the bankruptcy fraud, mal! fraud year, the schools' Curriculum Bruce Greening misspelled. RegistratIOn will take place at elementary substance abuse country. More than 1.5 million and caus10g false statements 10 Coord mating Committee re- the first class. steermg committee guidelines," children go through the program • a matter before a federal govern- VIewed It and whIle It was a suc- Students are sought from the a report by the committee said. each year ment department cessful tnal, they decided not to The Feb. 21 story on Rex following communities that are The concerns were: "People across the country are Marshall's industrial tech- served by the group: the five Hubbard was conVicted of four continue to offer It in the • While the Information was schools Just crying for D.A.R.E ," Beghm nology class should have Grosse POlntes, Harper Woods, counts of testlfymg falsely under current and appropriate for the said. "Those school dlstncts who "It's a good program, and we identified Pierce Middle S1. Clair Shores, East Detroit, oath in fow' creditor hearmgs age group, it does not address aren't mvolved m It want to be, School. had a good experience With It, Roseville, Sterhng Heights, War- held during 1985 and 1986 m the topics of alcoholism as a dis- but don't have the money" but we had some concerns," saId • ren, Center Line and Macomb connection With hIS bankruptcy ease or issues relating to chl1d- Patterson saId that while County. case The tnal eVidence estab Alfneda Frost, assistant superm- ren of alcoholics. The Trombly Elementary tendent for curriculum teachers have an Impact on For more mformation, call Ar- hshed that Hubbard's false testi- • There IS no staff involve- teaching students self-respect School Safety Patrol Member Chief among the concerns was thur Kuehnel at 881-8186. mony dur10g the hear10gs was ment, although the teacher must and how to say no to drugs, a of the month should have the fact that most of the content deSigned to conceal hiS assets be m the room during all presen- Uniformed pohce officer offers a been listed as Nicole Po- m D.A R E IS already being from potential attachment by hIS tatIOns. new voice and a voice of author- tenga. taught m the schools through ~~M1Cii!GAN creditors • There IS a limited number of Ity Keepmg kids off drugs the MIChIgan Model Health Pr0- officers who are trained to offer Furthermore, Hubbard was gram means fewer crimes because the program, so there are a lim- most crimes are drug-related, he conVICted of causing hiS bank- "Some schools are using It," Ited number of schools which can said OUR 78TH ANNUAL ruptcy attorney to file two par- she said. "But my guess is they tially false pleadings m the take advantage of the program. "We strongly beheve In thiS don't have the comprehensive • The lessons are offered in bankruptcy case by supplying currIculum we have." program," Patterson saId "We, one grade only so they cannot be in this commumty, have always hIS unwlttmg attorney with false DAR.E. IS taught in either coordinated or built upon in suc- been proactive m fighting crime 1OformatIOn fifth or sixth grade - whIchever ceedmg years. to IEmmmr.!ilrJ We want prevent crime, not Fmally, Hubbard was con- grade IS the elementary school's The committee suggested the treat it after it happens. It's Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale Sale victed of three counts of mail last year The concept is to teach schools use the program as a much less expensive to have fraud regarding hiS submissIOn students to say no to drugs. The lunchtime emichment opportu- Sally here now than to deal With of a fraudulent msurance theft Idea is that If the demand is re- nity, or as an after-school club, the crime later. We're getting claim related to hiS boat and the duced, the supply will slow but because of DAR.E. regula- our money and then some out of submiSSIOn of fraudulent docu- down, tions those are not options. her." ments regard10g an out-of-state D.A.R.E is taught by a "Basically we decided that we Beghin considers it an invest- bank loan he obtamed through tl'alned police officer who gives the students Information about didn't want to take on a pro- ment In the future of the com- the' submission of false and munity. alcohol and drug abuse resis- gram that couldn't be offered in fraudulent documents "And it doesn't cost the school tance, helps them develop deci- all schools and where we have distnct anything, so Jf we're will- Hubbard's sentenc10g is sched. SIOn-making skills, discusses no control over either staffing or uled for May 21 before U.S. Dls- ways to resist peer pressure and curriculum," Pearce said. ing to go that extra mile, why tnct Judge George LaPlata in gIVes alternatives to drug use. Whl1e Pearce said officer Sally not let the program go for two or Ann Arbor. "D A.R.E IS a program that Beghin - who taught the pilot three years, then evaluate it," program at Mason Elementary Patterson said. According to U.S. Attorney requires the schools use all of it, or none of It," Frost said. "It re- School and at Our Lady Star of But Pearce says the class time Stephen J. Markman, Hubbard the Sea - has great rapport faces a maximum sentence of up quires us to use 17 hours of spent on information that is al- classtime which makes it prohib- with the students and is enthu- ready covered is not worth fur- to 50 years m pnson and fines siastic about DAR.E., she may totalmg $2 5 million Itive when looking at the ele- ther study. mentary curriculum when we al. be replaced or get another posi. "We can't just take what The case was mvestlgated by ready teach the same things." tion and there are no guarantees we're given and accept the rigid the FBI. Hubbard was indicted Susan Pearce was on the com- that her replacement will be as 21435 Mack Ave. guidelines imposed by D A.R.E.," FurnishIng by a federal grand Jury last July, mIttee that decided not to offer competent St. Cralr Shores she said. "We believe there is Fine Homes In the small mall at which time he was a Woods the program. Pearce is a student AdditIOnally, Pearce says that reSIdent another, better way to get thiS Since 1913 n6.551 0 assistance coordinator at Grosse the program was developed for information across."

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I • - - February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 3A City approves curbside recycling; not all residents happy with plan By John Minnis materials to warrant weekly re- Assistant Editor ogy that can prevent such has. residents' questions were not ad. lic Works makes ItS regular gar- cychng or the cost. He said he sles. rages, but the bids came back A curbside recycling plan was dressed and he was concerned bage pickups twice as expensive as the curb- was on a fixed income and that Councilman Dale Scrace approved by the Grosse Pointe that the Waste Management WIth the acceptance of the side recyclmg bids. The Shores his CDs (certificates of deposit) pOInted out that while there may City Council Monday mght, but contract does not adequately Waste Management bId by the has since sohclted new bids are not earning what they once be such technology avaIlable, not all the residents were mandate that the recyclables be City, Farms, Park and Harper based on curbside pickup on a did and he cannot afford recy- none of the bIdders had It, and actually recycled rather than pleased. chng. Woods, curbside recyclmg should weekly and biweekly basis. even If it was avaIlable, It would The City'Jomed the Farms, dumped mto landfills. begm In the four commumtIes The Shores plans to have its Another reSIdent said she be more costly to residents Park and Harper Woods in ap. The Waste Management bid by the end of June or early July new bIds back in time to begin could not understand why the Kressbach and Administrative provIng a weekly curbsIde recy- also stIpulates that all the CIty'S Grosse POInte Shores ongl curbSIde recyclmg by the begin- cIty has to pay someone to pIck Assistant Chris Bremer pointed cling bId from Waste Manage- recYclables be pIcked up on one nally stIpulated m a bId for ItS nmg of July If so, then all the up recyclablE'S. She pomted out out that federal regulatiollS and ment Inc. The bIds were sought day, dod not necessarIly on a CIty that recyclables be pIcked Pamtes should be participatmg that years ago the Junk man state and county laws have man- day that the Department of Pub. by the Grosse POIntes.Clmton used to collect cloth items and once a week from IeSldents' ga In CUIbSIde recyclmg Incinerator Authority Waste dated that some kind of recy- turn around and sell them for chng efforts be in place by 1992 Management was the lowest bid. profit, and he dIdn't make resl. der. or sooner and that the city has dents pay hIm for collecting the Shores residents want recycling The authOrity sought the recy- no choice but to go mto recy. rags. cling By John Minnis chng bIds on behalf of Harper Assistant Editor "Why are we paying them The city recently sent post- Woods and all the Pomtes except Nearly all Shores residents (Waste Management) when they cards to its 2,465 households the Woods in an effort to get a want recyclmg and two out of Shores recycling survey results m turn are going to make great asking whether they wanted lower cost per household than three want curbside pickup, ac- profit from this?" she asked. curbside recycling Some 33 per. each city could have receIved by cording to a recent survey. 2.54%. Not City Manager Thomas Kress- cent of the households re- Ioterested seeking individual bids bach explamed that the revenue The Woods acted indepen. sponded, and of those, 77 percent The YJllage of Grosse POInte receIved by Waste Management favored curbside recyclIng, 21 Shores mailed questionnaIres to dently last year and contracted for the recyclables IS not great its own private garbage hauler dId not and the rest returned the all households recently. The re- 31.42% • enough to cover the company's survey cards without checkIng a sponse rate was 70 percent. Rear Yard and curbsIde recycling company. labor, eqUIpment and transporta. At a special meeting Monday box. VIllage Manager MIchael Ken- tion costs assocIated WIth collect. There was some dISCUSSIOnas yon said he was quite pleased mght, several reSIdents among mg the recyclable" to ho\\ the lesldents would 00 with the lesults "They want to the some 25 who attended In response to the request for balked at paymg extra for curb- charged for curbSIde recyclmg. tell you what they think," he bIweekly or monthly collection, Some reSidents favored paying said. side recycling. Some of the resi- Kressbach saId Waste Manage- dents also beheved weekly curb. the $58,000 net CItywide cost of What the residents thInk was ment's bId was based on weekly recycling with taxes, but Scrace made qUIte clear: SIde collectIOn of recyclIng was collectIOn m the four Pointes and too frequent. They favored bi- pointed out that owners of ex- 1) Pickup of recyclables should Harper Woods and that deVIat- pensIve homes would be paying be bi-weekly or once a month. weekly or monthly collection ing from weekly collection would Waste Management's three- several tImes more for the same 2) The cost for recycling be more expenSIve. weekly pickup than would own. should be added to taxes year bid for weekly curbside re- He mmcated that collectmg cycling in the City came to 51.46 ers of less expensive properties. 3) Recyclables should be every other week probably would Following the discussion, the picked up at the curb. cents per household per week, or not result in cuttmg the recy- council accepted Waste Manage- Of those responding to the sur. $26.74 a year By the thIrd year cling cost in half ment's bid for weekly curbside vey, 66.04 percent (494 house- of the contract, the cost will be Another resident favored recy- 66.04% • recyclmg and approved costs to holds) favored curbside pickup of up to 56.84 cents per household chng but he didn't like the has- Curbside be added to the water bills. recyclables; 31.24 percent (235 per week, or $29.56 a year. sle of having to prepare the reo Councilman Peter Waldmelr households) favored rear-yard One resident said he was reo cyclables, such as washing out cast the only vote opposed to the pickup and 2.54 percent (19 tired and livmg alone and does cans and removing the labels recycling plan After the meeting households) did not want any re- not generate enough recyclable He saId there must be technol- So far, the Park, Farms and curbSIde pIckups. The cost for he saId he believed some of the cycling program. Harper Woods have approved Waste Management to go weekly Because the residents over- the bids for weekly curbSIde into Shores residents' garages to whelming wanted curbside recy- pickup of recyclables by Waste pIck up recyclables was $1.63 a Tuck fund donates money to CFSM chng, the Shores recently re- Management. The CIty is await- week per household. Curbside By Ronald J. Bemas she instructed that it not be con- also made substantial donations jected bids from Waste ing results of its own survey and pIckup was 70 cents a week. Staff Writer tinued indefinitely after her to the arts. Management Inc. for once.a. public input at a special meeting The Shores is also seeking to A new support organization death, saId Thurber, a member Because Tuck was never inter- week, rear-yard pickup of recycl- that was held last Monday have curbside pickup done on for the Community FoundatIOn of the Tuck Fund of trus- ested in publiCIty, no formal bi- abIes. night. the same day as the regular gar. fori Southeastern Michigan has tees for 25 years. ography of her nor history of the The bids were gathered by the The Shores is seekmg- new bage pIckup. No pickup of recycl. been formed with funds from the Tuck Fund has been WrItten, but Grosse Pointes-Clinton Incinera. bids for bi.weekly, curbside abIes would be scheduled on Fri- recently disbanded Katherine The Grayling Fund took Its I Thurber remembers her as "a tor Authority on behalf of the pickup of recyclables. Kenyon days to elIminate the risk of Tuck Fund. name from the now-extinct gracious, warm person who did a four Grosse Pointes without reg- said the bids should be returned Items for recycling sitting at The Tuck fund, WhICh had grayling fish that used to thrIve lot of good WIth this foundation ular recycling pickups and Har- in time for the Shores to join the curbs over the weekend if for been I'n exIStence since the In the Great Lakes, Thurber d' h per Woods. Grosse Pointe City, an WIt a number of gifts she other Pointes and Harper Woods some re:'\SOn they were not 1930s, was disbanded in accord- said. made on her own." Farms, Park and Shores and in curbside recycling, beginning picked up. ance with the in~ructio~ o~ ~ "MJ-s,-T-uclt-~-th"'e- __ N_n_Iandsaid.t~ H~~~~ !io not have regu,: in July. Kenyon said the Shores has foqndet:. Grosse Pomte resl(f~nt fund in the 1930s when it was major boon to the foundatiorl I~ pickup of recyclables. Grosse 1M &i6R!!F~Si) bfef~ tlfe':."-iiof decIded whether--tO pay the I Kathenne.. Tuck.. th Thef $6d mullont th knownas th e Kath'erlne. DougasI and the entire southeasternI Pointe Woods began curbside Waste Management bids for cost of curbside recycling with remalmng III e. un a e Fund" he said. "DUrIng her hfe- MIchIgan community pIJkup of recyclables last sum- rear-yard pickup because they taxes or to charge a fee and, per. time of the dissolutIOn was used time' she was the moving and With the additIOn of the mer. were tWIce as high as those for haps, add lt to the water bill. to cre~te a new fo~datIo~, The guiding SpIrit of the Tuck Fund. Grayhng Fund, the finanCIal as- Graylmg Fund, WhICh WIll .be She had defmite ideas as to who sets of the Community Founda. used to support the Commumty were appropriate beneficiarIes of tion exceed $28 million. Since it Foundation for Southeastern the fund." began, the foundation has made MIChigan. more than 1,500 grants totalmg It is the largest single dona- Those beneficiaries included more than $8 5 million to hun- tion ever given to the founda- many educational mstitutions, dreds of charitable projects and IIEIr~9Jh-. tion. such as Julhard, St. Peter's orgamzations. "This IS an exciting thing," Home for Boys, the Detroit Insti- The foundatIOn is governed by said Mariam C. Noland, presi- tute for Children and Leader a 45.member volunteer board of GLASS dent of the Community Founda. Dogs for the Blind The fund trustees. tion. "There aren't many people who give $6 million to one or- ganization." The board of directors for the Grayling Fund - which includes Peter P. Thurber as president, MARCH GEM Joseph L. Hudson Jr. as vice Please Stop in & See president, George E. Parker ill $25------, Off WI1VDIII1ILD : as vice president, Richard B. Our Fine Selection of Beautiful Gushee, Dean E. RIchardson, I RIPLACIMINT I Barbara C. Van Dusen, Jona- AQUAMARINE & DIAMOND • ALL WORK GUARANTEED I =j; than T. Walton and Mariam C. : expires 3-21-91 I;} ;1 Noland as secretary-treasurer - I • Gem Stone Rings. IN WRITING 100% has yet to decide how the money I ~ _ will be dIsbursed. • FREE MOBILE SERVICE The long-tenn plan of the ...... - Grayling board is to merge the - I fund fully into the Community (313) 7 7 8 • 51 6 1 I Foundation. Because Tuck 20445 Mack I 18254 E. 9 MILE ROAD I wanted her foundation to do its G.R Woods 886.2050 work without a lot of publicity, EastDetroit

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•ADOmONS • DORMERS • KITCHENS • BATHROOMS • WINOOWS THOSE WHO CHERISH AUTHENTICITY • GARAGES • RECREATION ROOMS' ALL TYPES OF EXTERIOR SIDING TEND TO LOOK DOWN ON ANYTHING LESS. Marvin Wmdows still makes lradlllOnal wood WIndOWSone at a time. To order Wuh everything from authentic dIVIded htes to Round Tops So whether we're reslonng a home or bUIlding a tradllional reproduclion. we can match vlf[ually ~\" \ MOTOR CITY any slyle, size or shape you wanl. For more mfOrm81l0n contact Pointe Wmdows Inc. for a complete demonstration of Marvm proollClS V~),MODERNIZATION Pointe Windows Inc. Extraordinary rooms begm with supenor custom cabmets from Quaker Maid avaIlable at For All Your Window Needs Grosse Pointe Building Co. 21612 Harper Ave. 777.4160 22631 Harper, Sf. Clair Shores 21612 Harper Ave•• S.C.S 777.3844 St. Clair Shores, MI References Available I 772.8200 4A February 28, 1991 Seniors Grosse Pointe News For seniors, fear of crime can be as intimidating as the reality Daily we read newspaper ac- One poll revealed that those over counts of cnme m all categories 65 rated crime or the fear of bolted to the door over the lock The police will give you stick- - breaking-and-enterings, mug- crime as their most serious prob- cylinder, leaving room to slide a ers to place on your doors and gings, rapes and senseless Vlo- lem key in and out, while most of the windows indicating you are par. lence Some of the measures advo- cylinder is covered. Small round. ticipatmg in the program. While crime IS not as preva- cated to alleviate this problem head bolts that do not yield to a Marked objects are more difficult lent in suburban areas as it is in include low-cost loans or direct screwdriver hold the plate to the to sell. the inner city, crime occurs more subSidy programs to enable older door. One of the first steps in crime often than we hke to thmk. The Citizens to make their homes Criminals would not want to prevention is to report the crime Imaginary wall of safety IS just more secure, neIghborhood pa- take the time to make the nOise Immediately. A five.minute de- Prime Time necessary to remove the plate. If that. Cnme exists everywhere. troIs, escort services and better lay reduces the chance of capture Nor are there any partIcular communicatIOn between the po- he has to work in the light, the by two-thirds. If the report re- segments of the populatIOn that hce departments and older Cltl- crlmmal may be discouraged If sults In an arrest, you should are free from the threat of crime. zens By Marian Trainor all three of these deterrents press charges even if it is time CrimInals are democratic in one Because the young are fre- (time, noise and light) are pre- consuming and it ends up c0st- sent, he will probably skip your respect: They take their victims quent perpetrators of crime handguns are restricted to those "pop" them, simply pushing or ing you money. home. where they find them agaInst older people, it has been licensed under strict conditions pulling the cylinder right out of There are pluses. You may be Because they are less able to. recommended that there be spe- involving certification by police. the door. Citizen patrols are IdentifYing your property is entitled to compensation for another crime.deterrent mea- defend themselves and conse- clal youth educatIOn, training Another proposal has recently effective. but can verge on vigi- medical expenses and lost in. quently more vulnerable, It IS and employment programs out- come forth. Law enforcement lantism. sure. Tho: police department will come. Also, 75 percent of all commonly thought that older Side the tradItional school set- ~~"u you an engraving tool for criminals who are prosecuted are profeSSIOnals have traditionally Such defenses as mace, eye ir- to marking such property as tape people are more lIkely be VlC- tmg Another suggestIOn IS com. adVIsed people under attack to ritants and rolled up newspapers convicted. If you follow through, tIms of crime. In a stnct statisti- mumty programs to strpss recorders, TVs, typewriters and "submit and stay alive." are possibly good weapons, but you will have taken one giant cal sense, thIS is not actually cooperative efforts to combat stereos. Markmg items with Spurred by the ever-mcreasing often the victim never has an step in securing Justice for your- true. crime your driver's license number is a Incidence of crime, however, this opportunity to use them. The vic- self and one small step toward What IS true, however, is that Handgun opponents see the good identification system theory of submission has been tim is not prepared for the at- the control of crime. these statistiCS fail to recognize control and restnctIOn of such replaced by a cry to "fight back." tack, the criminal is, and more to what extent older citizens weapons as a means of curtal1- Some of the measures suggested hkely will grab the weapon and must go to protect themselves. ing cnme, not only against older include pick-proof locks, complex use it on the victim. Many are virtual prisoners in citizens but everyone. They point electronic devices, security However, there are some mea- their own homes - self-confined out that dunng the Vietnam guards in housing developments, sures that do work. For instance, COMPULSIVE EATERS potential Victims afraid to go out War, more than 36,000 U.S. block associations and neighbor- instead of a pick-proof lock, a cyl- into the streets. troops dIed, but more than hood patrols. inder guard plate should be in- Their lIves are demeaned not 110,000 Americans were kl1led • Free yourself from addictive dependency. stalled. • Discover new ways to cope. only by the violations of property by handguns during the same Unfortunately, none of these A cylinder guard plate is a and persons that occur, but also period They contend there is measures are foolproof. Most small rectangular piece of steel • Learn to feed the hungry child within you. by the threat of those crimes. less crime in countries where burglars do not pick locks. They with a hole in its center. It is • Overcome feelings of powerlessness • Individual therapy Burczyk to play keyboard favorites Senior Adults • Experienced female therapist. MSW/CSW. Ruth B1.111:2yk,pianist, will selections w111provide an after- solo appearance with the Wiscon. to meet play a full program of "Key- noon of entertainment for young sin Symphony at the age of 16. 886.1792 board Favorites" in a recital ben- and not-so-young music lovers. Smce then, many residents of The Neighborhood Club Senior efiting Services for Older Citi- A long-time community resi- this area have become familiar Adults will meet Wednesday, zens (SOC) at 3:30 p.m Sunday, dent, B1.111:2ykcame to Michigan with her musical talents, not March 6, at 1:30 p.m. A speaker March 3, at the Grosse Pointe as a young bride from Wiscon- only as an engaging pianist, but will talk about geneology. Unitarian Church. The program sm, where she made her fIrst also as an outstanding local Call 885-4600 for more infor- teacher. matIOn. In 1988, she was designated Michigan Teacher of the Year by Seniors picked the Michigan Music Teachers Association. She is the past pres- ident of the Detroit Musicians for awards League and has appeared in re- Senior citizens from across citals and solo appearances with Southeast Michigan have been the Grosse Pointe Symphony, nominated for the 1990 Con- the Detroit Symphony Orchestra cerned Citizens Awards, an- and other local and out-of-state nounced Sheila A. Wright, pro- orchestras. She is on the presti- gram coordinator for the awards gious roster of Steinway artists Conducted by Citizens Insur- and teaches each summer at the ance Company, the Concerned National Music Camp at inter- Citizens Awards are giv,en .an- lochen. . nually to recognize senior CItI- The program includes Bee- zens who have made outstandmg thoven's Sonata Op. 27, No.2; contributions to their communi- Chopin's Fantasie Impromtu, ties Nocturne Op. 15 No.1, and A panel of judges comprised of Scherzo Op. 31; Debussy's Las local senior Citizens advocates plus que lente, Mmistrels, and and Citizens' agents will select Clair de lune; as weil as three the winners in each of Michi- preludes and Rhapsody in Blue gan's SIX regIOns. The SIX re- by Gershwin. An afterglow fol- gional winners WIll receive a lows. cash award and a personalized For tickets, call 882-9600 or wall clock. A $250 donation will send checks payable to Services also be made to the community for Older Citizens Inc., Ferry organization of the winner's School, 748 Roslyn, Grosse choice Pointe Woods, 48236. Tickets are From the six regional WInners, $20 for patrons, $10 for adults, a stateWide winner will be se- and $5 for students. Ticket or- lected as the "Concerned Citizen ders will be held at the door. of the Year." That person will Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church receive an all-expense-pald vaca- Ruth Burczyk will perform. in a SOC benefit at the Unitarian is at 17150 Maumee (near Neff) tion for two to Hawaii or compa- Church March 3. in Grosse Pointe. rable destination

Family Law Specialists Divorce. Child Custody. Visitation Child Support. Probate • Estate Plans PAYTHE PRICE OF Free Initial Consultation NICHOLS & LONG, P. C. BRUCE R. NICHOLS WARREN E. LoNG 18430 MAcKAva GROSSEPrEFARMS A lESSER CAR. 886.7670 OR 885.5511 Grosse Pointe News (USPS 230-400) Published every Thursday GETSaab announces Aa fmancmgSAABprogram that re- INSTEAD. Never has a carmaker asked so httle for cars By Anteebo Publishers wards both dnvers and companson shoppers that give so much m return TIns years Saabscome Includmg the low payments you see here, avatl- 96 Kercheval Avenue WIth larger,morefuel-efhclent engmes, a dnver's- able WIthJust 20% down Ithrough March 3lstl" Sideair bag and an ann-lock brakIng system Plus Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 Buya 5aab 900foronly Buya Saab9000 foronly Saab'sgenerous 6-year/80,OOD-nule warranty"" PHONE: 882.6900 So Instead of settlmg for a lesser car,conSider Second Class Postage paid at a lesser loan Seeusto- ~ __ ~ DetroIt, Michigan and addrtional day for full hnancU}g ~ malhng offIces $299 '~NTH* $399 U:NTH* SubSCription Rates: $24 per year via for 48 months for 48 months detalls and an exlnLirat- WlIIOII'TlWE I:OJIIIlII1ISES mall, $26 out-of-state. mg test dnve WElWESUIIS:" POSTMASTER: Send address changes 10 Grosse POinte News, 96 Kercheval, Grosse Pomte Farms, MI 48236 The deadline for news copy IS Monday noon to Insure msertlOn. All advertiSing copy must be In lhe AdvertiSing Department by 10:30 a.m TUesOily. CORREcnONSAND ADJUSTMENTS: Responsibd rty for display and clas- - SIfied advertJsing error IS hmltfd 10 - ellher cancellabon of the charge for FIame's fIInace ixIair package deal. 0( a re-nA'l 01 the portIOn m error Now you can get a deluxe Blyant air condlbonef and furnace from Flame and get $200 NotJfic3Ion must be grven III bme 20% ~t MlUDC11l.Ito qu.a]lhed tnd.~ ttUlI buym t~ MarchJl 199] throu&h Sub-Scanll FlNncui Semcc:s c~ Subtecc to tv&JlIbhry S299 00 pa mondl fOI' Sub 900 3- dollars cash back EnJOYthe quret pelfoonance, durabllily and energy savmg elficlency doot5- fof48JDOO.W roull'lll14,.3S2.oo hUtdon APR 012 IS'\. $,J9900rermoClthforSub~ 1Ij-doot ~ spc-rdfof48 monwrouhncSl915200 t.ledonAPRof ....JSlJ(, MSllP SlI n2.00 for

..._--_.-.~ ... """'"----_. - ~--~--- " February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News J 5A

SERVICE OUR SPECIALTY GROSSE 18328 Mack Avenue • In The Farms POINTE FARMS fine Daily: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Prices In Effect, It:;::s Wednesday and Saturday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. February 28, March 1 & 2 /,VILLAGE FOOD MARKET IS EXPANDING TO BETTER SERVE ITS CUSTOMERSv~~~j!, WHOLE BEEF FRESH TENDERLOINS 4 to 5 lb. Avg. COFFEES Cut into steaks or roast $5~~J

FRESH ,FRESH FRUHLY ROA.rID AND CUSTOM GROUND TO YOUR NUDS. COFFU QRINDIR. NOW c14rcl(EN 89 PICKEREL FILLETS $498 SWORDFISH AVAILA.La. $2 TRY OUR OWN HOUSIi IUND AVAILAIU IN CORDON BLEU lb. SKIN.ON lb. STEAKS $ SI! REGULAR OR DECAF. A.K AIOUT OUR COFFU CLUB MEMBERSHIP CARDa FOR FRlIa OOFFlL \ ;Ch,~ FRESH ~ 2 LITER COKE 00 ALL .... J~ ij., $1 f $4 lI!II Cok., CI... Cok., C_".lne COFFEE PORK 29 ,c 996 F'\ 1..4 "",il - ' F... Cok., Coffol •• F_ 01•• Cok., ,. OFF PER POUND *~:.\ TENDERLOINS R.gular Sprlt., R.gul_r end lb. DI.t Squirt, Ch.rry Cok., Mlnut.MIdOrang. + dep. RELSKY VODKA HEAT.N.SERVE 1.75 Liter ITALIAN MEATBALLS pre packaged 39 $2 lb. 2 LITER PEPSI '12.24 She" • • 2.00 M8l1ln ReNte STUFFED CABBAGE pre packaged P.pal, DI.t P.pal, Mount_In D.w. 936 $~9Ib. Pepal Fre., DI.t Pepal Fre., e!lc., " 24 MEAT or VEGETABLE LASAGNA DietSlice, Or_nil. SlIe., DI.t O,.nll. $10 Final Cost 69 SUc., Vemora,Diet V.rno,., A &. W, pre packaged lb. m~A&W +de~ FRANZIA $2 5 Liter FRESH BAKED 5 $100 7 UP 2 Liter LABATT'S A~':"~~:~~S BAGELS FOR 7 UP Reg. & Diet 24 PACK CANS SAVE $3.30 8le 29 69 NEW VEAL LOAF $3 lb. G inge'3re~ p~~!I) RE;U LAL~;HTR $7 Ji: DOMESTIC SNACK CAKES SWISS 9 + dep. 1 2+ dep BARTLES & JAYMES CHEESE Creme Filled 49110 ALL TYPES ANGEL CAKE " NEW SIZE SEALTEST SALE $309 FRENCH TWIRLS HAAGEN DAZS HOMOGENIZED PRICE $22~. 2 oz. pkg. each ICE CREAM MILK LESS $100 LUNCH BOX STUFFERS ALF~:S L t,.J;' $j 89 ::~~~~- _ ,--.f.i." ~PEI1RERIDGE FARMS ~ qackages} I S • J' ,", iiiirl' ) I dr~1 " • • F,INAL $ft09 'i;-~b; Slngl.-Serve or Two Pack 99- 2qu." ••,. COST ~ + dep. I' Sausalito, Chesapeake , " or Nantucket B:A-:.r::ll COTT~~~~~EESE ~:~::;IWINES,"~ BERNIA PAUL'S SOUR CREAM WHITE BREAD TOWELS ~::: g:: ALL TYPES $ lilt 69 CHIP DIP ~-:-:.-~-~ - 98~ - YourCholc8 1.5 Liter 6 r.J/j ~ r .'T 83~=" $1!!. SAVE $2.00 79'60~ ~ loal GOLD MEDAL DAIRY FRESH MARTINI & ROSSI PACKAGED RICHARD SIMMON'S ALL VERMOUTH PURPOSE SHREDDED CHEESE Dry SALAD SPRAY DRESSINGS FLOUR All Varieties Sweet LOW CHOLESTEROL • LOW FAT 750 mi. preoprlc. $f.29 SAVE $2.00 8 01. Jar • Umlled Supply 89~ $5°9 OUR PRICE BUY 1 GET ONE FREE OF EQUAL VALUE 89t~ ANDRE LENDER KRAFT OCEAN SPRAY BACK AT VILLAGE PHILADELPHIA CHAMPAGNE FROZEN BAGELS FOOD MARKET CREAM COCKTAIL In Frozen Food Section • Caulder's Dairy JUICES All Types 3 $7 All Varieties CHEESE 750 mi. 00 ~ • Chamberlain Breads Regular or Lite ~~ Cranberry • Cal's Pizza SAVE $2.87 FOR ~ • Tabatchnick Soups Cran Raspberry Sf O CranApple Un Froz.n Section) -" z. 89~'k.. 89 lMIU8 ... 64 02. Plastic FRANKENMUTH OLD DETROIT Piesporter FARM FRESH OLD GERMAN 6 PACK Michelsberg STYLE BEER BEER SAVE $3.00 FRUIT & VEGETABLES :~~~er$429 1.5 Liter Dark Your 8 P8ck Choice + Dep. -$4~:.,Chardonnay, Cabemet Sauvignon, Sauvignon $400 SERVICE Blanc, Blush OUR BELLRINGER SPECIAL Chardonnay, SPECIALTY WhIte Zinfandel SAVE $2.00 750 mi. FRESH ~. m.uJAD SAlE HARVEY'S ASPARAGUS 98~ lb. .NTJt •• H bury St•• k- 1.7. BRISTOL CREAM H••• V.,.I P.rrnlgl 1.7. GREEN or RED SEEDLESS H••• Hom.etyl. M_tloa' _ ,••.••.•••..•••••••1.7. SAVE $3.00 $ H••••• ked Chlok 1.7. H••• CIolok.n P.rmlgl.n 1.7. 750 mi. i8 H••• R_et Turk.If 1.7. 39 GRAPES ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••$i .b. H••• Fried Chlok.n 1.7. THEDRIGINAL H , • Noodl t.7. 8RISTOL CREAM 8 FA.MeM 0 PIZZA RED Pepperoni. MuchroomPi 1._ Pepperoni PI.- e - •••••••••••••••• _ •••••••••••••••••••••••• t." Del UK. PI.zrz-. _ .. Doubl. C _ Pi t._ COOKS CHAMPAGNE 111:11111:1155 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••till~ LB TRADITIONAL PIZZA 7'"" P.pperonl Pi _••••••••••••••••••••••1._ Brut, Extra Dry or 7" .. u.... Pia •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 .. CALIFORNIA .,.. Delux. PI _••••••••_•••••••••••••••••••••••••••t .. Spuma"te 7'"" I!xtr. C _ PI_ 1._ 750 $3 7" .. u IP.pperoonl PI _••••••_•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1 .. mi. 00 A"~c:JlI)()!5••••••••••••••••••••••••ESII~.Ich .. IGHTCOU"_ SAVE $1.00 .pegh.tt' w/M •• tbell 1••• ..._.n. w/M •• t .. uo t ••• ._f C.ool.to 1••• ... 1 Chlok.n Tenderlolna 1••• FOR Chlo k.n It.ll.no 1••• LEM()NS ••••••••••••••••••••••••••3 411" Chlok.n In 811Q _ 1••• KORBEL CIolok.n In p•• nut .. _ t ••• Chlok.n Orl.nt.I 1.e. Brut, Extr. Dry or $ BOSTON out 1._ 7 ._f".. Brut Rose Pi f 1••• 59 V I. ChIlL 1••• .Ich ._f Pot ,,_.t 1••• SAVE $3.40 LEnUc:E ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••48- • _f DIJon. 1••• _"oed Turk.y. 1••• 750 mi • -~~------.------

of recyclabJes pick up, sorting, trans:porting City vows and marketing far exceeds the mcome from the sale of recycled materials. In some instances, the contractor must pay restraint recycling facilities to take the materi~l. Even with some savings from reduced m- cineration expenses, there IS still ~ sub- on tax hikes stantial net cost to recycle.

iven the current economic condi- Two new advisory commissions are ac- tions in the , the war tively at work. They are the BeautIfication Gin the Persian Gulf and horrendous percent this year as mandated by the state of an opinion survey show City residents Commission chaired by Frederick Neuman budget deficits for both our state and fed- and executed by Wayne County. This favor this program by more than 3 to 1. and the Parks and Recreation Commission eral governments, the City of Grosse shows property values were still increasing Joint bids to provide recycling by a private chaired by Chuck WItzke. Eleven new Pointe and other local governments must during the measurement period, ending contractor were taken by the Grosse tl'usteeS have been elected to the Board of consider these factors as they determine March 1990. Importantly, this means local Pointes-Clinton Refuse Disposal Authority Trustees of The City of Grosse Pointe directions for the year 1991. taxing units (Wayne County, Grosse Pointe on behalf of the City, the Farms, the Foundation. The 16-member board, headed Public Schools and the City) must carefully The forthcoming City budget will have Shores and Harper Woods. To date, Harper by Hudson Mead, is working on projects consider their budgets so they do not auto- the typical consumer price index (CPD cost Woods, the Park and the Farms have and fundraising activities for 1991. matically pass this assessment increase on increases for existing programs. It will also voted to institute the program. The Grosse Volunteer work by the arbitrary commis- to the local taxpayer as higher property reflect funding already committed such as Pointe City Council will have held a spe- sion members and foundation trustees and the City's share of the costs to fight the taxes. The Grosse Pointe Council has con- cial meeting on this matter Feb. 25. If ini- the tax-deductible contributions to the City sistently shown restraint by adopting expansion of Detroit City Airport, the reo tiated, it is anticipated the program would of Grosse Pointe Foundation will signifi- budgets and tax rates which have been duction in state-shared revenues due to be paid for by a user fee or quarterly util- cantly improve our city's amenities and near and often below the CPI and general state budget cutbacks, and revenue cuts ity bills rather than increasing property quality of life. due to population census loss. inflation rate and also well within the taxes. All in all, 1991 promises to be a busy "Headlee moral and legal" tax limitations. Citizens have asked if the sale of recy- State equalized valuation (SEV) of pro- and interesting year! A new program now under consideration cled materials would pay for the program. Mayor Lorenzo D. Browning perties in the City will increase about 11 IS weekly curbside recycling. Early results Unfortunately, the answer is no. The cost City of Grosse Pointe

CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADVERTISING CRFATIVE SERVICES 882-6900 882.3500 AND PRODUcnON JoAnne Bul'ClU'. Roger ~ Ad>ertmn~ Mtnagn 882-6090 Asslstant to Pubhsher J. BenjamID Guiffre, M.L. Valentic-Liclr.teig, &ridO&SSlfiedManager Ass1.sw11 AdYemSlllg Manager Manager Anne Mulherin Sliva, Peter J. Birkner, AdvertiSIng RepRSentanve Renee Graham, Assoaate Manager. A9mwl1 Manager 01ris DeI1as, Advel'llSlng Representative Art Coord1nnon and PromOllOft Ida Bauer Kim M. KozJoWIIId, Assisun I to the Robert Greene, Assoaate Manager. Shirley Cheek Advertising Mana«t r Systems &ridProduCtlOll .... ::. SuePIpClUI KathI-. M.Ste-. BobCoe ...... ;(, Sbeni SteIur Ac!velt1SlllgRepRSentatlVe Valerie Enc:heH JulieThbin FnnVe1ardo CIRCULATION DimeMorclh .e the _JoIlcJquPr. Nl~" 882-6900 'Thoy Sc:hJpani Audit "-""_ .... No ,0001 Deborah Placlr.e, Manager Pat Tapper aureau ~~~ ... ~ ~ ~ '<.,-. :; v.:: .. ,,,, character pIe In the bUlldlllg, but the stan' weeks ago It had only been two case always felt hke a cnmlllal the better pi epared they will be The scene on the evenmg years SInce my last VISIt,but the to compete later lookmg for a VIctIm Run up fast In my tIme there was a cafe- The! e was a street poet who changes are slgmficant news was dlsturbmg Some of and hope some unseen thmg I don't hke any of It I think a tena of sorts on the mam floor frequented the place For some The strIp has been lengthened the spectatOl s ~vat~hing the doesn't gI ab yoU! leg. casmo should look hke a casmo It had some vendmg machmes spal e change, he'd recite hIS lat- consldembly, the older casmos event chem ed r cned mSlde Then when you got to the I don't think buildmgs should be and tables and chaIrs and a sur. est 1\101 k All of hIS poems con- have had elaborate make overs In mere seconds, Mack Hall light floor and looked down the torn down to become parkmg pnsmgly mVltmg mtenor. In my Sisted of one word, repeated over

, ,< Grosse Pointe News ,. February 28, 1991, Page 7A - --""&.c. Nn.>/. The Op-Ed Page •ola6o.~// Letters IfMM? Bill of Rights US tradItIOn guaranteed by Fortunate? sary serVICes taxpayers the BIll of RIghts m our Con- want Collectmg more than To the Editor: To the Editor: stitutIOn Thomas Jefferson, IS reqUIred IS taxatIOn WIth. The Feb. 14 and 21 Issues I have been a reSident of one of the framers of the out representatIOn The £ity of the Grosse Pointe News Grosse Pomte Woods for the Constitution, wrote "Eternal fathers and the board of edu- camed letters cntical of past 25 years Each year my VIgilance IS the pnce of lib cation should reduce the mIl- peace demonstrators. taxes increase due to an in- erty" lage rate to offset the in- In the first instance, the crease in state equahzed LIke many other peace evaluatIOn, millage or both crease m state equalized wnter saId he felt demon. valuation strators were "slamming" demonstrators, r conSIder George McEachran, the war barbarIC and immoral. It equalizatIOn dIrector for the Rlsmg home values mean and hence weakenmg the nothmg to the retiree or CItI- Umted States, the second ISnot enabling or ineVItable Wayne County Department of Assessment, tnes to pacify zen on fixed mcome. Mc- wnter found the mssenters Non-VIOlent measures of Eachran says the Grosse "disturbmg" because he felt COnflIctresolution have been taxpayers by statIng that, II "While thIS IS a bIg jump Pointes are fortunate Fortu- they were short-sighted. He developed to a sophistIcated nate? Hogwash. I[ again for most people, the considered war enoblIng and level such as memation and thmg to keep m mmd ISthat Soon we are all gomg to thought the alhed coalition sanctions Please remember thIS means property values be so fortunate that we will was mvolved primarly to that most of the casualties of are still on the nse Not all be forced to sell ow- homes prevent another holocaust war are unarmed ciVlhans. due to the continued in- , ,1 He seemed certain that God commumties are as fortu- Leadership from most of crease m taxes There IS no IS on ow- side and seemed to nate as the Grosse Pomtes " the mamline churches in the reason for an annual tax In- adVIse us that loss of life is a United States are active m crease to provide for a sur- fact of war and recom- the anti-war movement It's plus Those who feed from mended that we accept thIs Letters good company, but It'S not the pubhc trough WIll see to fact pass.ively, _.,a,-y,.-,' .. easy - tPlt\ confrp,i;ltatlpn."q it that i~ dIsaDmfH'SiPu/'ckl~. •These. ale ve~ -d'6Jb.~ WIth one's neighbors and fel, ( I fill \1 trltk' J ~£f't itditu17StI!ator~ times. It's noC easy to d~d'e' low CItIZens who are con page SA and the board 01 education what to think and do about Vlnced that they are also should lower the millage such serious matters. Critics nght Let us at least respect rates to prevent a tax m- of peace advocates and non. one another's right to ex- If property values are crease. If they choose not to VIolent demonstrators need press opposing opinions gomg up, that doesn't mean listen to the taxpayers, to be remmded that such ac. Kay Gee that taxes should go up each maybe it's time for us to re- tivitIes are a time-honored Grosse Pointe Park year. Taxes should be col- move them from office. lected in an amount suffi- Thaddeus P. Gudsen cIent to prOVIde the neces Grosse Pointe Woods Rotten apples spoil the whole region

There are two kinds of Grosse People in my town are getting senger by dropping out of SEM Pomters. quahty due to auto emISSIOns accustomed to hearing me hold COG for 15 years. WIll be much greater than that One kmd is out there in the up the Hlll as a model Yeah, As people m seven countIes of any municipal solid waste m- trenches, JOlning block clubs, vol. the HJ1I,with all Its traffic and scream about retainmg local con- cinerator, including Detroit's, unteenng for the PI' A, argumg parking problems. The HIll's trol, development careens across but no one is 5Cr'eammg about at the council meetmgs. These problems, its posslblhtlCS, Its po- the landscape, crowding streets air pollution from shopping cen- are the people who drop by the tential solutIOns, and its promIse and schools, overloadmg utihtIes ters. Based solely on miles newsroom with notices of com- - they all apply to my town, too and sewers, forcmg taxes up - driven wlthin the parking lot, munity meetings or letters to the That was probably me you whlle, back m the urban center, editor, the people who focus the site will generate 3,869 tons saw last spring, pacing off the population drops, mdustry mainly on thIS community. of CO per year. That is more SIdewalk to find out how much leaves, taxes nse and the mfras- than the actual ellllssions from space you need for both pedestri- tructw-e deteriorates. either the General Motors Cen- ans and trees Yikes. tral Foundry, the Southeast Oak WIth the number of people in- Possibly the one inCIdent that land Incinerator, or DetrOlt Edi- SIde and outside the Pomtes who awoke metro DetrOlters to the son's Monroe Power Plant." GoT A LOTOf take an interest m matters be- mess they are making is the Air pollution doesn't respect yond theIr geographical bound- Auburn Mills megamall plan boundaries;.And the instant you LIVING TO DO ... arIes, you'd think we'd all be Court battles slowed the plan for cross the Grosse Pointe border, used to looking at the bigger pIC a whde, but as thmgs stand m any direction, the problems ture To put it in ow- own frame The Whittier offers countless opportunities for a now, the developers can start created by sprawl are obVlous. personally enriching lifestyle. You'll be living the Nane" of reference, you'd think that re- more or less when they feel hke Grosse Pointe knows that it gionalIsm would be an estab- way you want to live in your own distinctive apart- it - because there are no laws can't exist as an island It needs hshed fact m southeastern MIch- Parmenter establishmg a reglOnal say-so. viable areas around It. ment, overlooking the Detroit River, with a spectac- igan. Karen Kendnck-Hands, a So far as I can see, the only ular view of Canada and The Detroit Yacht Club. Grosse Pointe needs them. Grosse Pointe barely has jos- Grosse Pointer who has taken an people domg well m thIS situa- They are the people who agitate thng room for the throng of m- abldmg mterest in trying to stop tion are the developers and the for better libranes and schools dustnahsts and bankers who and work agamst outsIde InflU- the megamall, writes about It 111 people selImg them the land understand that theIr own the current issue of the newslet- (who, I tremble to thInk, are of- ences Glke incinerators and air- health depends on the health of ter from the East MichIgan En- ten the same offiCIalsin charge 00 NICE TO ports) that they fear win down- the region. Grosse Pomte IS vIronmental Action Council. of regulating the process) grade the community standing room only for lawyers She points out that state and If movers and shakers are COME 1I0ME ro.. The other kmd hves in Grosse and politiCIans who take a state- federal taxpayer dollars wIll starting to talk about the prob- Pointe, but treads a larger stage. WIde view to SOCIalproblems eventually be spent to proVlde lem, good. That's where Grosse All the amenities you could hope for are included In Community leaders m the met- So why IS regionalism stIll adequate roads Less WIdely un. Pointe comes m, home of people ropohtan sense, SOCIalites,mter- such a dirty word? one affordable monthly rent. derstood IS what she has to say who can look at the bIg pIcture national bUSIness people, philan- Last week, leaders from Oak- about pollutIOn: and wield enough mtluence to thrOpIsts, leaders In state land County, where sprawl is ''The mall's impact on all' affect it government, the people you the worst, got together to see mIght read. about in the New what they could do about it To schedule a personal York Times. Talking about It is better than luncheon tour telephone Grosse Pomte has rather more not talking about It; btter late Lake levels higher this year of the second kind than most the Marketing Department. than never also applies. But I'm Lake St Clair at the end of commumtles. These are your monthly mean level, whIch was one real dIscouraged camper JanuaI)' was at an elevatIon recorded m 1985 Fords, your Ferrys, your Wil- when It comes to regional ap- 57404 feet above the man watel The forecast shows that at the (313) 822-9000 liamses They are your Anita proaches to lImitmg urban level at Father Pomt, Quebec. 01 end of February, the level of Bakers, who brought a little Ius sprawl I mean, JUst look around 28 mches above chart datum Lake St Clair WIll be about 1 tel' to Preppy Town when she - we're m a senous mess ThIS was about 9 mches aboV(' Inch below what It was at the won a Grammy last week As long as I've liv~ m metro what It was a year ago. and end of January The level of the Grosse Pomte needs them, too. DetrOIt - and that's going on 26 TIlE WtIITTIEQ about 6 mches below one month lake IS expected to complete Its They bring a WIder world VIew years now - SEMCOG has been ago "easonal dechne m February - and some eXCItement trymg to wake us up to the ben- Ua tradition of excellence in senior living" The January monthly mean The water level III July 1991 Grosse Pointe has a thIrd kmd efits of a regIOnal approach to level of 574 29 feet was about 17 IS expected to be about 8 inches of citizen, now that I thmk about transportation, water, sewers mches above the long-term avCl above the long term average for It: the person who works there and development. And we have 415 Burns Drive age for January The lake, ho\\ that month, 01 about 4 Inches and takes a partICIpatory Inter refused to pay attentlOn. Ma- ever, remamed about 22 mche, above what It was at the same Detroit, Michigan 48214 est in what goes on. comb County even shot the mes- below the all-time hIgh Januan tIme m 1990

d .... _--,. a'" .._- ze • •• «M C ... _ . ft._ ."c .-=+ ,eG n' r =, _ .. dewh.Wb.),,'" ,. 5 #. nt 'Nt.' d February 28, 1991 8A Letters Grosse Pointe News

Teens Indian Vl1lage IS a na- the Grosse Pomte War Mem. Protestmg this war or any other options, and combines idea to have this program To the Editor: tIonal hlstonc distnct of 350 onal's use of the Griffin war Just gets our servIcemen both college preparatory more than once to give pe0- I'm WrIting to you about homes, the first of which was house WIll test the good of kIlled. Every day we have to courses and vocational ple that could not attend an. the article printed Jan. 24, bUilt m 1895 The dlstnct commumty usage vs mdivid- read about protesters, which classes so the students with other chance. titled "Youth Conference at was ongInally platted by the ual property nghts Smce demotIvates our Amencan learmng disabilIties have a Cook Farm Company, a limo both causes have merit, it servicemen and women in choice. Sandy Dragovic Westin Hotel" It Interested Grosse Pointe me that teens were getting lted partnershIp formed by Will be interesting to see thmkmg that the American I think it would be a good the heus of Abraham Cook more and more Involved In what the outcome IS In the people aren't behind them, teen groups and activItIes. (1774.1847), who had ac- case of Indian Vdlage, the whICh m tw'n lowers their Although the conference qUIred the land m 1805 The courts' upholdmg of indIvid- concentratIOn on the jobs was sponsored through the Cook Farm Company was ual property nghts prOVIded they have to do and in turn Cathohc Youth OrganIZatIOn led for many years by Cook's for the Sillvlval of a presti- gets good Amencans killed. (CYO), I think for future ref. grandson, John Owen Jr giOUS reSidentIal neIghbor I can see protestmg not to erence a mixed seSSIOn or (1861-1924), and after hiS hood go to war, but durmg time of seSSIOns would Improve rela- death by hiS son, John Owen Robert W. Cosgrove \\'ar, US troops should be tIOns among teens and alert III (1895-1982) He was a Vice President ~uPPOlted. Let them know them also of violent cnmes, Grosse POinte Farms resI- Indian Village that the U S people are be. drug abuse, and other prob- dent from 1939 untIl hiS Historical CoUections hmd them and care about lems that have ansen and death and reSided at 168 Ste them WIll anse, in their commun phens Road Talking How do you thInk the pat.- Ity The Cook Farm Com. ents of U S troops feel about If teens who are easily In. pany's plat plan of 1893 reo newspaper people protesting what their fluenced need to learn useful stricted land use to" a To the Editor: children are dOing? They ways how to "say no," thiS hIgh gIade smgle pllvate It's such a tl aglc thmg have enough stress on them program and others WIll en- reSident dIstnct" In 1937 that the \\ ar I:::' gomg on 111 by wondering If their kIds able them to do so. Programs the Indian VIllage Assocla the l\hddle East We aI e all al e safe and If they'll ever whIch Involve teens can af tlOn was formed m response so ploud of OUI men and get to see them again feet their hves and change to homes on Semmole and \\ omen :::.el\'"log thel e The I was amazed that my fi- IroqUOIs avenues between theIr hfestyles In maJOl tIling most people don't leal ancee, Jennifer Thomas ways East Jefferson and Ker Ize IS that we can all do

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10A February 28, 1991 Automotive Grosse Pointe News Former Bug owner discovers '60s are gone forever The subject of small cars elic- fuel-injected engInes pullIng I was anxIOus to be of service as of it In the dark The thought of its no small amount of conversa- them around town and are able well as to relive some personal gettmg stranded on a lO-degree tion among car enthusiasts and to keep up With the big boys on hIstory out on the open road February mormng on westbound those of us who might better be the freeway They have mcredl- Problem was, neIther the Bug 1-696 m this adorable 25-year-old called "appreciators." For sound ble amounts of mtel"lOl room, collector nor hIS wife mentIOned Beetle was not appeahng We reasons, young people like them theIr little dools are hghtwelght 0 S that the snow at the edge of the thanked the Bug collector and and older people say they do, but and easy to open and close and Aut curvmg dnveway was actually hIS Wife and headed back to De. don't usually buy them they are great for parking and the nm of their own lIttle vel'- trOlt Econoboxes, the hIgh-mileage, running en ands <;Ionof the Grand Canyon. Could I live With a Justy or a easy-to-park, hard-to-get mto On the other SIde of the com' ~, The begmnmg of the test dnve Festtva or a Storm? There'd be subcompacts in which many of They are nOISY,theIr w111dO\\s "" was extremely short. The black no concern about gettmg us launched our drivmg years, can be impoSSIble to keep clem By Jeo K' Bug eased over the edge of this stranded Fuel,wlse they're easy are one kind of small car. An- of steam and Ice m bad \\eather oy 109 chff, stoppmg at about a 45-de- on the pocketbook when It's time other kind begin their pedIgrees they have tmuble gettmg up to gree angle from the unseen base to fill up _ but theIr tanks are WIth names hke Porsche, Cor- speed 111 a hUIlY and thell' back gIve them short shrIft cold February Saturday, a day or of the canyon In the next scene, so small, you're at the gas sta- vette, FerrarI, Maseratt and Lo. seats aren't recommended fm As I said, my first econobox two after a substantial snowfall the Bug collectol' was behmd the tion Just about as often as WIth a tus. But thIS piece IS not about anyone over the age of 6 112 All 1m e was With a VW Beetle I My colleague seemed determmed wheel and his wife, my colleague Lmcoln or a Mercedes-Benz them m all, they are good, sen<;lble had longed f01 one of these cute to use hiS checkbook that day and lwei e pushing with all our And as I get older, I find the ThIs is about econoboxes of to- cars and we Will diSCUSSthem 111 httle fellows for years. So three He claimed he had never hked mIght to get that shmy little comfort of an automatIc drIve, day and yesterday And about more detail 111conung \\ eeks yedrs ago a colleague and I Beetles much, but thought he rear engme, 40-hp Iascal back up full power-equipped car more ap- their drivers. But I am 111 a phllo<;ophlcal dlOve to Battle Cr.eek to see a might be persuaded thIS day. on the dl'lveway. pealmg My frIend claims no one Among them is one of my fa- mood no\\ and It I" not fall to Bug collectIOn It \\a<; a blight, Our host had seveml gleammg ante on the Battle Creek tho- buys a second econobox Except VOrIteDetrOIt-based auto writers, Beetles on the premises, plus a roughfaJes, the fun couldn't be my colleague who bought an- a gentleman of the press from rare Karmann Ghla, a VW Iecaptured. For one thmg, we other Chevette. And that same whom I learned a lot over the Thmg and a couple of one-of-a- were totally exhausted from our fnend who bought a second VW years - not all of It good, per. kmd pieces He was as equally pushIng efforts The little black Rabbit But I must admit, that haps, but always interesting. He determmed to part with a Beetle Bpet Ie was slow and urn espon CUI cd hIm and he began buying mamtamed a paIr of econoboxes as my colleague was to be sepa- slve Had mine been lIke that? old BUIck Regals and wouldn't at his home in Rosedale Park - rated from hIS money The stage No' Well. maybe Ptpbably, ac look at anythmg that didn't a Chevrolet Chevette and a was set tually. have a V-8 Dodge Omm. In fact, he owned I was inVIted to dl'lve the Anyway, I was Just starting a I'm afraid I have owned my two Chevettes in succeSSion, black Beetle m question - the Job m Troy and had a 52-mile last VW Beetle Well, the '60s which may be somethmg of a 10- one on the sales block Of comse round.trlp daIly commute, most are gone, I guess, maybe forever. cal if not a national record (ex- cept for the U.S. Postal Service Michigan child with Its fleets of little white Pon- passenger safety fact sheet 1991 tiac T.100s). Michigan's Child Passenger killed and 10,416 were injured m borad. The safest place for a One of the important Journal. Safety Law traffic crashes while riding in a child IS m the rear seat of a ve- IstlC lessons passed down from MIchigan's ChIld Passenger motor vehIcle (MIchIgan State hicle, correctly buckled into a this colleague reads: "Don't let PholAJs by Jenny Kmg Safety Law, Implemented m Pollce, 19901 child safety seat (NatIOnal High- facts get in the way of a good A Beetle, a custom pickup and a VW Thing in the snow on a 1982, reqUIres that all chIldren • A 1990 direct safety belt ob- way Traffic Safety Admmlstra- story." So no effort will be made February morning, under age 4 be buckled up re- tlOn, 1990) to discover if it was two Chev- gardless of where they are servation study in Michigan ettes or two Omnis or whatever. seated m a motor vehIcle found that for children through • Safety belts have been Suffice it to say that he liked Children under age 16 are cur age three, 78.4 percent were pro- proven to prevent deaths by 40 small cars. Same here, beginning rently required to buckle up tected by a chIld restramt seat to 50 percent and reduce serious with a 1965 Volkswagen Beetle when rIding in the front seat or a safety belt For chIldren age mjurles by 45 to 55 percent in and running through a recent However, legislation takmg ef- 4 through 15, overall restraint motor vehIcle crashes. (National Plymouth Horizon. So I admit I fect in AprIl 1991 will reqmre use dropped to 39.3 percent. The Highway Traffic Safety Adminis- am a soft touch for these little chIldren under age 16 to wear a 4 through 15 age group had one tration, 1984) of the lowest safety belt use automotive rascals that have safety belt In the rear seat at all theIr own ways with their drIv- times. l'8tes compared to other age • Con'ectly used child safety ers and the road. gI'oups (Umversity of Michigan seats m passenger vehicles are Child Passenger Safety about: Over the past couple of Facts Transportation Research Insti. months we had opportunities to tute, 1990) - 71 percent effective in pre. • Motor vehIcle crashes were venting fatalities drive '91 versions of some econo- the number one cause of death • The most dangerous place - 67 percent effective in reo boxes. They included a Ford Fes- for children under 15 m MIChI- for a baby to ride m a motor ve. ducing the need for hospitaliza. tiva, a Subaru Justy and a Geo gan during 1989 (Michigan De- hicle is m an adult's lap. Even tIOn Storm. Pretty good looking on partment of Public Health, 1990) in a mmor crash, the chIld IS ~ *" ->t: - 50 percent effective m pre- the outside!, spacious inside, they black. Beetle eventually made Its way Into a gorge along • In MIchigan durmg 1989, 73 Thts torn from the adult's arms and ventwg minor iIlJuries.

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I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 11A News; J Major crime in City down slightly, hits 5-year low By John Minnis reported in 1986, and the num pleaded guIlty to a burglary in Assistant Editor from 40 in 1989. 1964 pumper, which the City ber has declined slightly each the City. Five fewer major crimes were Parkmg meter VIOlatIOnswere had purchased new 25 yeats ago. year since There were 184 larcenies reo reported in Grosse Pointe City down from 8,831 in 1989 to -Grosse Pointe City MBJor or Part 1 cnmes, accord- ported m 1990, one more than in last year than In 1989 as the in- 7,381 last year. Traffic accidents The department also replaced ing to FBI uniform reportIng the prevIOus year. the officers' SmIth and 'Wesson 1990 Crime Report cidence of such crimes fell to a standards, are homicide, cnml- were up from 273 in 1989 to 305 five-year low. Auto thefts declmed from 15 In 1990 Traffic injuries, how- revolvers with Glock 9mm semi. nal sexual conduct, aggravated m 1989 to nme last year. "They automatIc handguns assault, robbery, burglary, lar ever, were down from 54 in 1989 Major (Part 1) Offenses really dropped," Kennedy saId. to 36 people injured last year ceny, auto theft and arson. Two arsons were reported last The officers were also prbvlded Offense 1988 1989 1990 There has not been a homiCIde There were no traffic fatahtIes WIth bullet-proof Vests TWenty. year Fire runs were up last year, or rape in the city SInce 1986 five vests were purchased at a Homicide 0 Total cnmes, mcludIng Part 2 totahng 161. There were 102 0 0 FIve robberies were reported last offenses, numbered 415 last cost of $400 each "Bunker Criminal year, of which three were armed runs m 1989 Twenty-one of last pants" - heavy duty, fire-reSIs- year, down from 419 the year be- year's runs were to assist other sexual Four robbenes were reported m fore. tant trousers - were also or- conduct 0 0 0 1989. departments, eight were actual dered for officers Part 2 cnmes include fraud, Assault 1 1 One aggravated assault was structure fires; 33 were false 1 vandalism, drunk driVIng and All In all, Kennedy saId, the reported In 1990. alarms, and 60 were mIscella- Robbery 3 .. 5 disorderly conduct. neous outdoor fires 1990 report ISposItive DespIte a surge of burglanes Burglary 27 20 There were 88 cases of vandal- 23 In the summer, breakmg-and- The publIc safety department "The officers are out there Ism reported last year, up from larceny 185 183 184 enterings were down from 23 In made some major purchases m tryIng," he sald "Officers are on 71 1989 Auto theft 19 9 1989 to 20 in 1990. "It was the 1990 In April, the department patrol, and CitIZens call We en 15 There were 29 drunk driVIng Major crimes totaled 221 last only rash we had," Kennedy purchased an FMC, 1,250-gallon courage citlZem, to call lit any. Arson 0 0 2 year, accordIng to the City Pub- said. arrests III the City m 1990, down pumper truck, replacing the thmg SUSpICIOUS,and we \Vant to lic Safety Department's annual Several of the burglaries may contInue to make Grosse Pomte 'IOta 1 235 crime report for 1990. There have been the work of the career CIty a good place to hve 226 221 were 226 major crImes In 1989. losing a Joved one - a pet "ThIs IS a safe httle cIty to be cat burglar that Park and City Source Gro$$8 Pointe City Public "We're gratified to see cnme polIce caught and charged In III It's really a great ILttle cIty to is down," said Bruce Kennedy, If you have never been a lover of animals, I suggest live m" Safety Department July. The cat burglar IS sus- you stop reading right now, because there IS absolutely public safety director. "We do pected of some 30 burglanes have high visibihty and, of no way you will be able to relate to what I am about to throughout the Pomtes, except say course, luck plays into it." the Shores. He was found guIlty There were 259 major crimes What It means to be an ammal lover IS to know uncon- of a burglary In the Park and • ditIonal love. It is to experience the Warm pressure of a • • furry body tucked next to yours when you go to sleep. It OUR GROSSE POINTE LOCATION Be a hometown tourist IS the ego high you feel, subconSCIOUSthough it may be, You don't have to go far away able age groups, fees, the knowing that another being is totally devoted and depen- to have a great tIme WIth your amount of hme to allow, where dent upon you. There is the gratIfication of feeling loved NOW OPEN kids to eat and nearby sItes every tIme you come home, even if you only went outside Outstanding Savings Learn about local SIteS and to empty the garbage. A pet provides companionship and New & Used Cars & Trucks events for spring vacation, Mich- a frIend to talk to whom you know IS gomg to agree with igan summer adventures and off- every ingenious thought you utter. He is a wholly accept- • LEASING. beat suggestions for creating mg friend for the duration of hIS life, who never ques- Excellent Service memorable excursIOns any tIme tIOns you, stays out too late, or forgets to return your car, "Dedicated to 1btal Customer Satisfaction" of year m "Great Ideas for Fam- dress, scissors, etc. There is nothing in this world as for- ily Vacations" with Ellyce Field gIving and understanding as a creature with trusting Field IS the "Kid Stuff" col- eyes, a waggIng tail and a soft nuzzle all WIlling to share ummst for The Detroit News with you at the end of a frantIc day. and author of "The Detroit Kids There is a down side to being owned by an animal, but Catalog: The Hometown Tour- it is almost too negligible to mention. We can deal with ISt," whIch will be avaIlable at muddy paws, stray hairs and an occasional upset tummy. ELEGANTE COLLISION the War MemorIal for purchase The tradeoffs are worth it. SERVING THE GROSSE POINTES WITH QUALITY & SATISFACTION and autographIng the mght of But, oh the pain of separation! When we lose our pets the lecture She IS also a fre. there IS a wrench so deep it is impossible to define. Our quent guest on Detroit's WJR ~.;~ SPECIALIZING IN pets are our soulmates and best friends. They are the FOREIGN CARS "Midday Magazine" as the De- children who are ever kind and obedient, always loyal .. <;=-=. '* troit area's expert on famIly \ AND SiteS, events and actIvities. and lovmg. Small wonder we still hear the jingle of a col- lar, see the form lying in its accustomed place, hear a DOSMESTIC CARS FIeld is a recognIZed authority familiar bark for weeks and months after they are gone. on more than 800 area SIteS of There is no way to diminish the emotions we feel at interest to children She will the death of our pets. They were as much a member of Ellyce Field share her knowledge of a month- our family as any other, though granted a briefer stay by-month calendar of special The lecture IS Wedne~day, with us. -Feel ellipathy' for those friends who have lost events, and mformatlOn needed March 13, from 7.30-9 pm and theu' pets. Their pam is very real and those of us who to make trips WIth youngsters a IS $10 a person For mOle mfOl- have suffered similar losses know that time Wlll be their success For specific attractIOns matlOn, call 881 7511, Monday- best accomplice. she can tell you directions, suit- Saturday, 9 am. 9 p.m - Offering from the Loft Critic to speak tirns5£ Jninf£ JuhI it FURNACES & BOILERS at library RepJ.cecl The Fnends of the St Clair ~t4nnl ~llstem BRUCE WIGlE ELEG.ANTE COLLISION Shores PublIc Library WIll hold NOTICE OF AVAILABILITY ~ 16740 E. NINE MILE RD. their annual meetIng Wednes- OF NOMINATING PETmONS day, March 20, at 7 p.m. ALL FOR BOARD OF EDUCATION 17600 UVERNO'S. 863-7800 24 HOUR The featured speaker will be 15304 KERCHEVAL. 822-9070 INSURANCES SERVICE Molly Abraham, colummst and THE i\NNUAL ELECTION of the School District will be held on 1726 MAPLE RD •• 643-4800 ACCEPTED 773-6077 AVAILABLE restaurant cntic for the DetrOIt Monday, June 10, 1991. Three members of the Board of EducatIon w111 Free Press, who will share her be elected at that lIme. l\vo members will be elected for terms of four expenences as a restaurant critic (4) years (Iuly 1, 1991 - Iune 30, 1995)and one member w111be elected for a term of one (1) year (July I, 1991 - June 30, 1992). and talk about the new edition of her book "Restaurants of De- Nominating petitions for candidates seeking electIon 10 the Board of trOIt." FollOWIng her talk she Education are available in the Personnel Office at 389 St Clair, Grosse WIll autograph copIes of her book Pointe, MichIgan, from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through IGFARMS cWAR/(ET Thursday, and 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Fridays. I which will be avaIlable for pur- chase. Proceeds will go to the Friends. 1\venty-one (21) signatures of registered electors are requlfed [0 355 FISHER RD. u.P.t=:E:-up 882-5100 Everyone is welcome to attend become a candidate for the Board of EducatIon. and there wIll be refreshments. OPEN 8 to 5:30 p.m. DAilY; Wed. iii NOQn- Closed Sunday WE DEUVER Petillons must be fIled WIththe Personnel Office no later than 4:00 p m. The library is at 22500 11 MIle on Monday, Apnl8, 1991. Prices Good FEB. 28, MAR. 1,2 Road, comer of Jefferson. For more uiformatlOn, call .JUMBO COOKED FRESH FRYING SMALL ~EAN FRESH COOKED Vincent F. LoCicero, Secretary 771-9021. G.P.N.: 02/28/91 & 03/14/91 & CLEANED CHICKEN fa SPARE TURKEY Board of Educallon 1 ii:14~45!.' $1 :;. $3~T- ALL 626 & MX6 $1,500 CASH BACK "',JIJ~~Q'JM,=•• $' LARQ.~ ~/~LIVERY:'$._V'C.:" ~.a(~~1l: ~. RED IIOT ALL SPICE ~ HURR~ENDS~. "~~=;;?-...rV?'1?-- SPECIALS ISLAND 4'l[r~-::-~------•---~~~-.:.:~:~"_ MARCH 4th! . ROLAND SKINLESS LONDON DAIRY SPICES ...... -... ~ MPV,Mlala., 323, ." Protege and pickup. - & BONELESS $379 COTTAGE CHEESE 29 150~lOFF 1991626 DX ,,0'" $10 789* all draatlcally • 1991MX6 OX,,0'" $10 890* SARDINES $1~ 6 oz. can $1 ~ lbc:rc':~1 10 reduced! Sik. .MS.248 Was $14,212 SIt tM5374Was $14,412 , •Add tax, bile & desl, rebate Included. 15 At Similar Savlrlgs , MAPLE LEAF fI' Diet Coke ;OIMonUr..Mftld I FARMS ' . Diet C.fe. 1__ OR.oINGF Jut( [ I CORDON ILEU .. I Free Coke I",:. I , 1~E~!I:r:~~~G~1MA~'J~6400 TISSUES CHICKEN KIL~V $299 $119 t75ct. $ 99 ea- +dep $179120:1. SA\nNGSSPECTACULAR box - 12 pack c.n CALIFORNIA ST/R.OH'S. D'AN~OU NEW LEGACY LS SAVINGS A.."It...... lfn'AIo'....,t11'''. STRAWBERRIES BEER. REGOR LITE PEARS '13953 UPTO 24 looM Peck , $5,OOO! 99 PREMIUM COLOMBIAN $1 ., +dep 9 $10" COFFEE $4 ' ... 69-lb. FRESH FANCY BOSTON IDAHe) BAKING CELLO CALIF. BROCCOLI LETTUCE POTATOES CARROTS 69' 69(1!~. 0"1' .. 99- ~- 29- ...... hd. ~ 5 Ill. H9 .. "IIIlIIIP- Ib, bag

.=--~------• e em m = ~~ ..- .... 12A Schools February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Hunt to vie for academy

I\!lChlgdll Democl atlc US, Sen C.ul Levm announced the nOIlUllullOllof Matthew C Hunt, ..on of 1\11' dnd MIS James E Hunt of Glosse Pomte, to the All' FOIce Academy Hunt I" a semor at GlOsse POIlltp South High School and adlvely pm tlclpdtes In student govellllllent, the CIvil All Pa- tlol, chlllch youth b'l'ouP, the Commul1ltv Cancel ns CommIt- tee thp NdtlOnal HanoI' SocIety, dnd h dn dll-"t

I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 13A New heating system should cool down Brownell Middle School's bills By Ronald J. Bernas The school has heavy mght ~ystem how much It should heat that ,ldJusts the temperature grammed Into the computer so Larry Yankauskas, supervisor Staft Writer usage and previously sectIOns of "I'm in Room 52-A," says a the au It mom tors the tempera- The dU' In the natatorIUm and heatmg and coolmg IS adjusted of the building department, saId the school that were unused st1l1 ture of the outgoing au', too, to the '.'.atm In the pool are also for the tIme the school IS closed It IS difficult to determme ex- teacher at Brownell Middle had to be heated or cooled so the School. "It's cold in here, I think determme If heat IS bemg manito! ed constantly and the Before, Reaume or an employee actly how much m heatmg costs sectIOns that were bemg used af- wasted, and then It adjusts pre""Ule In the boilers can be would have to turn the heat on the dlStflCt WIll save, although there's something wrong with ter school hours would be com. the heat." Each room IS set wIth a day. checked with the push of a but and off manually he has been told It will be about fortable. Now, rooms can be time hIgh and low and a differ- ton A flick of the sWitch will show 10 to 15 percent Ted Reaume, slttmg m hIS of. heated or cooled on an as-needed ent hIgh and low for the night- HLdume ,>ald the new system Reaume If the outsIde hghts - Last year the dlStflct budgeted fice down the hall, can check basis. time If the temperature m a hd~ Ieduced the amount of oper whIch are run on a IIght-sensl $120,000 for heatmg and elec room temperature, determme the The computer constantly mom room for some leason gets too atmg pIessUJe In the two bOllels tlve photocell - are on tnclty for Brownell Middle problem and what is needed to tors the outSIde au and tells the low or hIgh thele 1San overrIde Slhool hohdays can be PIO- The system has a battery School, meanmg savmgs could fix it and schedule a time for re- back up III the case of d power be between $12,000 and $18,000 pairs - all without moving from f3llm e compared to last yem his chair. The system cost $160.607 fO! "A lot of work went mto thIS, Reaume, head engineer at mstallatlOn at Blownell The to a lot of wmng," Reaume said. Brownell, IS learning the new tal cost fOl the system m the "We got to use all the eXIsting computer-run heatmg system m- three middle schools and the equIpment and we worked hand stalled last year in the three administratIOn bUlldmg - which m hand wIth the company, mIddle schools, After 21 years m hds yet to be on Ime - cost whIch was a great experience the school district, he says he $415,036 and was paId for by a Now we're at the fine-tuning never thought he'd ever have to 1987 eneq,,'Ybond ,tage" It'<; !,TJ eat" use a computer, but with the dis- play terminal m front of hIm, he can check and adjust the temper- ature of any room in the school, the pool water, the boilers and even the temperature in the walk-in freezers "I've never worked WIth any. thing like thIS before," Reaume said. "It's very different." Before the Installation of the new system, if a teacher said her room was cold Reaume would have to find a time when the room was empty, take the heat vent apart, determine the prob- lem, then go find the part he needed The new system cuts down on that frustration. The computer shows a floor plan of the building by sec- tIOn with the temperature of 51°,10 OF NEW each. room displayed. Each room Phoro by Rona] d J Bernas can have its temperature set in- HOMEOWNERS From his office. Ted Reaume can check and adjust the temperature in any room in Brownell diVIdually, and therefore heating Middle School thanks _to the new computer-run system recently installed in the three middle NEED THE and cooling can be turned off schools by Building Automated Systems and Services. Grosse Pointe is one of the first school dis- when not in use. SERVICES OF tricts in the state using the innovative new system. A LAWYER ... That's what they told us In a recent survey We're Classes for kids encourage 'Creative Heights' Gettmg To KnowYou,the experts Inwelcomingnew "Creative Heights" for child- ing on Wednesdays 01' Thurs. $64 for eIght 90 mmute sessIOns fOl'ages 13-15 households In communities ren 6-10 combines art, music and days, from 4.5 p.m. or 5-6 p.m. on Tuesdays, from 4-5.30 pm fol' Fol' more Information, call across the nation Ifyou movement. "Advanced Drawmg SkIlls" IS ages 10-12, or f10m 5'30-7 pm 881-7511 would likenew homeown. Instructor Daniel 'Keller said: ers In your area to have "By linking these elements, stu- your name and address In dents are stimulated in their , their personal address book, become a GettmgTo Know Yousponsor Were Inour thirddecade of helping profes- projects using media such as pen City of (irnss.e Jnint.e Jar k Michigan GARBAGE GRINDER? Sionalsand merchants welcome new familieseffectively, and ink, pastels, collage, draw- II exclUSivelyand Withdignity ing and pamting. The class is so INVITATION TO BID I I popular we offer It in two ses- _ sions .. 1 • ~, ' , -:Die ~~ty p( GroSS€i,PointePark wJ11aClfeptbIds for the purchase of the I &HEmIIIl The first three - week sesSIOn loifowmg city owned vehicles: runs March 9-23, and the second 17600 UVERNOIS. 863-7800 WELCOMING NEWCOMERS NATIONWIDE 15304 KERCHEVAL. 822-9070 session is April 20- May 4. Each #7,1973 Chevy Dump To become 8 sponaor, c:all (800) 645-6376 1726 MAPLE RD.• 643-4800 In New York State (800) 632-9400 sessIOn is $30 or two sessions for #23,1974 Dodge D600/Stahl Body $70 including s~pplies. Both #9,1968 Dodge meet from 14 p.m. on Satur------. r days. Also offered to delight the cre- Bids for a particular vehicle or as a lump sum for all three; and shall be I ative chl1d are Margaret Hall's received in a sealed envelope marked as "Bid Proposal for Pubhc I "Drawing and Painting" for ages Works Vehicle." I 6-9, beginiring March 13 and 14, I The bids will be accepted by the City of Grosse Pointe Park until I and "Advanced Dra\\ mg Skills" 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday,March 6, 1991. starting March 12. Her "Draw- I mg and Pamting" class is $46 James G. Ellison I for eight one-hour sessions meet- Director of Public Service I G.P.N.: 02/28191 I I I How to I I treat burns I City or ~rn55£ Jnint£ J"ar k Michigan , ~,WIITER I Each year about 2 nullion peo- ple are burned in this country. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SERVICE 1 Some are minor incidents - 1 touching a hot pan, a grease Advertisement for Construction I splatter. Others, like the burns I from a house fire, can be bfe- of I threatening. Charlevoix Avenue Streetscape I Dr. Steven Rossmore, an emer- I Sealed proposals for the construction of the Charlevoix Streetscape I gency physician at St John Hos- Plan will be received by the City Clerk, City of Grosse Pointe Park, I pital and Medical Center, says Michigan 15115 EastJefferson Avenue until 2:00 PM on April 2, 1991 I that the first step in treating a and then at such time and place will be publicly opened and read aloud ~ •• EMOVAL I minor burn at home is to .cool I down the skin. The work in general consists of providmg all labor, materials, eqUIp- .Qf/ Most homeowners do not I "It's recommended that the ment and supervision necessary and incidental to the complete con- I V:,:: consider landscape J patient or a family member struction of stteetscape construction in a three block commercial area I place something cold on the skin, from the city line west of Wayburn. east to Beaconsfield, located withm ~r !;::1'rJ maintenance at this time of I run it under cold water or wrap the City of Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. The work includes demoh- tion, concrete paving, curbs, brick installation, utility adjusunents. site I C7' year. This is, however, an I It in towels that are soaked in electrical, lighting and landscaping. ill ideal time of year to do I cold water," he said What this tree trimming and removal. I does is provide some comfort, ~.!.'J.'P::~ The bidding documents which must be used 10 the submission of a bid I and It also literally stops the proposal may be'obtained by each bidder from the City of Grosse 1~.4 During the winter months, I burning. The tissue burns Just Pointe Park Public Service Office located at 15115 East Jefferson, iyl,l/ trees are in a semi-dormant I like when you take a turkey out Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan (313) 822-5020 after 10'00 AM on ,1, state and take very well to I March 5th, 1991 during normal business hours (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM) of the oven and it's still cooking '1 trimming. So, give us a call I even though it's removed from Monday-Friday. Copies may be obtained upon payment of $15.00 per 1 I the heat source." set. Payment is non-refundable. A set consIsts of.Qill!copy of the bid 'I;ij now for your free I It's best not to put ointments, forms and specifications and ~ copy of drawmgs. Make checks used for bidding documents payable to "City of Grosse Pomte Park " '~ professional estimate and I creams or butter on a burn. l'1/ beat the spring rush! I Avoid breaking any bhsters that Each proposal must be accompanied by a Bid Bond, CertIfied Check of I Value up to $200 00 I form, as this might mcrease the Bank Draft in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the III Present thiS ad for your 20% d,scounl Discount nol applied to spraymg I nsk of infection. amount of the bid made payable to: The TreasU1~r,City of Grosse 11l 'll feeding mJectlOnsor storm damage I In more serious accidents, the Pointe Park, as guarantee and security for the acceptance of the con- IJ~1 Not valid w,th any other offer I priority is to douse or smother tract Perfonnance Bonds, Labor and Material Payment Bonds for One \ \ Expires March 31 1991 I any flames on the person Do not Hundred Percent (100%) of the Maintenance Bond WII!be rcqUired [ try to remove clothing that is from successful bidders. !~~~ I stuck to the burn. Again, cool I The withdrawal of a proposal is prohibIted for a penod of Nmety (90) ':!~ For the finest in total tree care. • • down the burned area, and seek days after the actual date the bJ(lsare opened. ',.11.. I medIcal help. ,••d\~ I "With any serious fire," Ross- The City of Grosse Pointe Park reserves the nght to rCJectAny or All I more adds, "we're always con. bids, or to waive any irregulanty In any bid submitted a~ deemcd to be I cerned about the patient's ablhty in the best interest of the City. I to breathe. If someone's m a I house fire, or If they happen to For further information contact Jeff Mueller, ASSistant to the CIty 5118£1( I get their clothes caught on fire Manager at (313) 822-5020. I whIle in a closed area, the BROTHERS I chance of developmg respIratory Dale Krajniak I problems is slgmficant So those \ City Clerk TREE CARE I people should be brought to a City of Grosse POlDtePark I hospItal nght away G.P.N.: 02/28/91 26800 BUNERT, WARREN, MI 48089 822-5044 I I 14A February 28, 1991 ;e .ii:vents Grosse Pointe News LeE throws bash for Dvorak On March 3 at 3:30, the Lyric viohmst James Van Vanken- which he Joined in 1974, and has Chamber Ensemble closes its burg; and DSO members Lenore partiCipated m the European Grosse Pointe War Memorial se- Sjoberg (vlOlin) and Craig Rifel Chamber Music Festival at ries with "Happy Birthday Dvo- (double bass). Lochenhyaus, Austria, in 1989 rak''', an all-Dvorak program Applegate (violm) has ap- Lenore Sjoberg is a former mem- dedicated to the composer born peared as a soloist with the DSO ber of the Kansas City Philhar. 150 years ago in the Bohemia as well as orchestras in Brazil mOnICand, along with her DSO area of what is now Czechoslova- and was a featured artist at the chair, currently serves as con- kia The program will feature Kapalua Music Festival in MaUl, certmaster of the Windsor his Strmg Quartet in F Major, Hawaii. Chamber Players. Op 96, and the Quintet for Chanteaux came to Detroit in- Strmgs m G, Op. 77 Itially to succeed Mischa Kottler Ruel has been with the DSO Dvorak's music IS a clear re- as pianist for the DSO, and four since 1985. Before that he was flectlOn of his own Bohemian years later she Jomed the orches- With the Syracuse Symphony life, of musical trends during his tra's cello sectlOn. Orchestra as principal double hfetime and of the major politi- Van Valkenburg (vlOla) has bass player. cal movements of the time. One toured , the Far Tlckets for the concert are $15 can hear 10 his musIc the influ- East, and the United and $13 for students and seniors. ence of the Bohemian folk Idiom, States 10 times as a member of For tickets and information, call based on tunes he learned from the International Strmg Quartet, 357-1111 any time his father - an amateur com. Poised and ready for Saturday's performance of Verdi's opera "La Traviata" with Michigan Op- poser himself. One also hears the era Theatre are Pointe Singers from Grosse Pointe South High School. The students are. front row nationalist influence which was from left. Sarah Kaiser. Matthew Hart. Jennifer Tipton. Ian Deason. Delanie Boon. Shanna Mc- so much a part of the polibcal '"17.//1 BEACON POINTE Namee. Andy McKim and Sarah Leonard: middle row. from left. are Carolee Beyer. Toby Roberts. movement of his day, when the AA PHARMACY Elizabeth Agby. Heather King. Van Fox. Deborah De Fauw. Sara Carlson. Jamie Lewis and Leslie Czech people sought to establish AND SURGICAL Lickfold: back row. from left. are Charles Lickfold. Susan Tucker. Stephanie Stebbins. David their own nation. But 10 Dvo- McKim. Jennifer Andary. Jeff Huebner. Jennifer McEntee and Ryan Robson. Not shown are John ~ (WIUiON'" WOLFERl rak's Strmg Quartet m F, PRESCRIPTIONS Armaly and Erin Tusa. named the "American," one hears the influence of American CONVALESCENT AIDS & HOSPITAL SUPPLIES IdlOms such as negro spmtuals 15216-22 East Jefferson • Near Beaconsfield Pointe Singers to join MOT and Amencan Indian music to 822-5474 • Grosse Pointe Park • 823-0060 which the composer was exposed • FREE DELIVERY • ~ Words like "aria," "reCitative" era-In-Residence 1991 tour The "The MOT Opera-In-Residence during his three-year tenure as -HOURS- and "so1o voce" have been heard full-length, fully staged and cos- tour offers a professlOnal perfor- director of the National Conser- ~ Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m - 7 p.m. 0_ m the halls of Grosse Pomte tumed performance of Verdi's mance within the community at vatory in from ~ Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m. I"y- South High School the last few timeless opera Will be performed affordable Prices," said Lisa Gan- 1892 to 1895 Closed Sundays and Holidays flI&I Gerald E. BocIendislel.R Ph -.nuy weeks 10 Enghsh. delot, co-ehair for the parent Performing the works of Dvo- Students have been usmg Verdi's "La TraVIata" IS based commIttee. "This IS an excellent rak m this concert will be DSO those words In preparatlOn for on the Alexander Dumas tale opportumty to introduce opera to pnncipal second violinist Geof- their one-night only performance "The Lady of the Camelhas." the entire family. The afterglow frey Applegate; 080 assistant With the Michigan Opera Thea- Set in ParIS m 1850, the opera following the performance gives principal cellist Marcy Chan- tre company of "La Traviata." tells the story of courtesan VI- the audience a chance to meet teaux; 080 assistant principal The performance will be at 8 oletta Valery's tragic love for a the cast." pm., Saturday, March 2, at the young man from the country "It's educationally sound for Community Center for the Per- The story is the basis of the the students to learn opera," Dance is formmg Arts at Grosse Pomte 1937 motion picture "Camille," said Ellen Bowen, director of vo- North High School starrmg Greta Garbo. cal music at South. "The stu- ~~ The performance IS the culmi- Produced by MOT Director of dents now appreciate what is in- tomorrow natlOn of a week's worth of work Commumty Programs Karen volved m presenting an opera as at South as part of MOT's Op- DiChiera, the 1991 Opera-In- well as the historical importance The Grosse Pointe War Memo- ReSidence tour features a cast of rIal's "By the Light of the Sli- T~eTinlIill~gellcy,hlc. opera has had m developing MOT veterans including soprano modern productions like 'Les Mi- very Moon" dance IS Flrday, Family is topic Maria Cimarelli, tenor Thomas serables,' 'Cats,' 'Godspell' and March 1, from 8:30 to 11.30 p.m. PRIVATE TRAINING Laine, bantone Richard Lewis in 'EVIta.' " The Crystal Ballroom at 32 the lead roles Other performers MOT's annual residency tour Lakeshore provides the perfect IN YOUR HOME of discussion include Karl Schmidt, Alicia offers communities a week.long setting to enjoy the music of the Despite hurried lifestyles and Hunter, Larry Henkel and John menu of one-act operas, musical Joe Vitale Quartet. Feel Better •••Look Better conflIctmg demands, families to- Riley. South's Pointe Singers revues and educational experi- Dressy, not formal attire is day can find time to buIld solid, and some community members ences at local elementary and suggested. The evening is $25 a TIMOTHY .JUDE TIMLIN, CPT supportive and caring relation- wIll make up the chorus. middle schools. . couple. Light nibbles are in- President ships among family members The production is under the Tickets for "La Traviata" are cluded, however brmg your own At 7:30 p.m Thursday, March d1rection of Grosse Pointe resi- available at Village Records and beverages or purchase soft National Academy of Sports Medicine 7, Dr. Ann SOderman will ex- cent' Suianne Acton. A commit- 'Tapes(I17116' Ker'theval in -the drInkS. j', LJ) II' I ", plam how families can tee of South parents, staff and Village or at the door. All seats For more mformation, call 354.6430' ,. strengthen their relationships students are proVlding assistance are reserved and prices range 881-7511. usmg 10 characteristics of strong and muscle in the areas of stage from $5 student to $25 patron. families. Her presentatIOn, "Tles management, lightmg, costumes, For mformation, call 343-2140 or that Bind: 10 Characteristics of make-up and props 885-5068. a Strong Family," will be given m Grosse Pomte South High School's Aud1torium, 11 Grosse Po1Ote Blvd large Variety of Soderman IS an associate pro- Cruise and Summer Wear fessor at MIchigan State Univer- sity and an expert on the posI- 20% OFF Studded Sequins "" tive qualities Two Piece Suits of family life. Her VlSlt to Grosse Pointe $i1~mffi]Q;WU Boutique is sponsored Clothmg & Accesscnes by the Grosse 26717lrttle Mack. S.C. Shores Pomte Public (In Victoria Place) • n1-1007 School System and the Grosse Pointe PrO CouncIl, With aSSlS- Q&ueett's QIurin ~4nppe Soderman tance from Visit With Us This Month And Bon Secours Hospital whIch is Save On Our March Calendar prOVIding ushers for the pro- gram 1ili Admission is free and the pub- Pick :=ndar Now I~OI~ 57' 6 't ~ 8 To Enjoy A Whole Month Of ;7 1137,'; 13 T~ 13 g::? lic is inVIted 4 <'''i <0 15 SPECrA 7' BUYS 31 <'6 ::?? ::?I « '6 ~ <13<'9;; Dance to benefit 26717 LITTLE MACK. ST. CLAIRS SHORES leukemia patient 778-3243 There Will be a dinner dance for Denms Gardner Friday, March 1, from 7 p.rn to 1 a.m , at Petruzzello's Banquet Hall, 6950 Rochester Road, Troy, south of South Boulevard. Gardner IS a 41-year-old leuke- mia patient who has responded well to numerous blood and If\ ~ pheresis transfusions and chem- VICTORIA PLACE - otherapy The St Clair Shores 26717 UttIe Mack. SC S resident, father of four children, needs a bone marrow transplant, Victoria Place will be opening it's which IS not covered by msur- doors for a delightful four course sit ance. Costs can go up to down brunch on Sundays from 10:30 $100,000. i a.m. till 2 p.m. for only $11.95. What a heck the Real Estate The event IS $30 a person, C f with a 10.person patron table way to start your weeki You will be I' available for $2.30. treated to the melodious strains of a section of the Classifieds There will also be a benefit live musician while enjoying the , country breakfast Sunday, for the very latest home listings March 3 , from 9 a.m to 1 p.m "service of San Tropez Cafe. a ~ at Pointe Masonic Temple, 1850 name that has come to be known on the market! Vernier Road, corner of EIght for It's palate pleasing dishes served I Mile and Mack. Adults, $3, children under 12, $1.50 an atmosphere abundantly full of Grosse Pointe News Both events are sponsored by charm and comfort. Please come In My Friends' Care Leukemia and Join usl 96 Kercheval Fund For dinner dance tIcket • RESEINATtONS RECOMENDED • Grosse Pointe Farms Information, call Diane Jones at 651-4564, Mary Ellen Abraham VICTORIA PLACE, 26717 Little Mack 882.6900 at 897-6670 or Cathy Seato at 776.0819 St. Clair Shores. 772.8383

I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Events 15A Have dinner Learn opera before 'Cole' Among the 78 new classes for EnJOYdmner at 6 30 P m pnor adults offered by the Department to GI'OSsePomte Theall e's 8 p.m of Commumty EducatIOn IS a pel10rmance of "Cole" Dlnnel' smgle-sesslOn class on Richard buffets Will be offered on Tues Strauss' opera "Anadne auf Naxos" day, March 5, Wednesdayb, Mdl ch 6 and 13; Thursdays, The lecture WIll famlhanze March 7 and 14. Fridays, March students WIth the story and the 8 and 15, and SatUlday, March music before the AprIl produc 9 tion of the opera by the MIChI- gan Opera Theatre Dinner IS $11 50 Includmg tax and tip Checks should be made The program will be presented payable to the Grosse POinte at Barnes School, 20090 Morn Wm MemorIal and mailed to the lng-side Drive in Grosse Pointe War Memorial In a stamped. Woods at 7:30 pm. on Thursday, "elf addressed envelope Pel101 March 7 The fee IS $6. Call 343. mance tIckets are $10 and can 2178 for informatIOn he 01dered through the thealel Photo by Ka) Photography

Friends to sell used books /Cole' The Friends of the Grosse FrIends can beat the crowds and Rehearsing "Begin the Beguine" from "Cole:' a coUectlon Pointe Pubhc Library will hold a lelsUlely SIp mulled cldel Ubtht'y of musical short stories, are Madeline Alexander of Grosse used book sale at the Woods mull over their selectIOns. Pointe Park and Vince DeRita of East Detroit. Branch of the Grosse Pomte Anyone wIshmg to Jom the "Cole" will be presented by Grosse Pointe Theatre March Public Library on Friday, March Friends of the LIbrary may SIgn 5.10 and 13-16. On Sunday. March 10 there will be a spe- 8, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The up at the door IndIVIdual mem- cial 2 p.m. matinee and a 7 p.m. evening performance. sale wIll continue on Saturday, berships are $15 and famIly Curtain time for Tuesday through Saturday performances is March 9, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. membership IS $25 All proceeds 8 p.m. and Monday, March 11, from from the book sale and Friends' All shows will be presented at Fries Auditorium of the 12:30 to 8 p.m. memberships go to benefit the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. Tickets are $10 and can be On sale will be used lIbrary Grosse Pointe publIc hbranes ordered by calling 881.4004. materials from all three branches, includmg adult and juvenile hardback and paperback books, magazines, long-playing records, audiocassettes and framed art prints. Prices range from 50 cents for paperbacks to an.b- $10 for framed art prints. Since GEIGER 1981, the library has held an 1liake Wnfun54ip y, -._iiiiilii THE ORIGINAL average of three book sales a 4,£j year to make room for new Board of Review Sessions ~ books and materials to meet pa- fJi FALL trons' needs. The Assessment Roll for the TownshIp of Grosse Pointe, Wayne L Friends of the Library are in- County and the Township of Lake, Macomb County, Grosse Pointe TRUNK SHOW vited to a Friends PreVIew Sale Shores, Michigan, for the year 1991 has been compiled. The tentative Fine Wool Jackets and IoX """ f~ to be held at the Woods Branch equalization rates for residential and commercial property IS50.00 and .-., Coordinated Separates on Thursday evening, March 7, the estimated residential multiplier for 1991 is 1.00, and estimated " -q from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p m. commercial multiplier is 1.00.The Assessor will be available for mfor- ,) The Claymore Shop is delighted to mal conferences MONDAY, 2/25 THROUGH FRIDAY, 3/1/91. invite you to a special shOWing of the Township property owners may call 884-0234 to schedule an appoint- Geiger CollectIon for Fall. menL The Board of Review will hear official petitions on the following Art classes offered dates: Thursday, March 7th The deadline is fast approach- 12:00 to 7:00 p.m. mg for three art classes includ- TUESDAY,MARCH 5, 1991 mg "Copperplate Calligraphy," l:fand, "' Oils(and!or., .. 1 ,l.{'Flgure Painting in MONDAY,jfARCH 11,1991 -- HJll. ) • r, ~crylics," and "Sculpti11g:' Por-' , 9:00 a m. - 12100noon The_Claymore Shops traits in Clay" offered at the and " 16910 Kercheval, in the Village 886-3440 Grosse Pointe War Memorial. 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Open weekdays and Saturdays 10-6, Thursday night tU 9 Try your hand at learning The Board will meet in the Grosse Pointe Shores MUnicipal BUIlding "Copperplate Calligraphy" while ~firs~ floor) 795 ~e Shore ~oad, Grosse Pointe Shores. All persons Improving your handwriting. mqwry or complamts regarding assessments, and wishing to fIle offi- Students learn to write the 17th cial petitions will then be heard. century French "Rhonde" and the English "Round Hat Text" Timothy E. O'Donnell it.v~itv ItriJ<~1 AqAiN! or the "Engraver's Text" used to G.P.N.: 02/21191 & 02/28191 Assessor write the American Constitution. Dick Matzka's Annual This class is offered for the 6 first time. It begins Thursday, March 14, from 7-9:30 p.m. and costs $80 plus a $20 materials Cityor ~r(lSSe J.oint.e Jark Michigan fee. Registration one week In advance IS required. INVITATION TO BID ~~ au Daniel Keller mstructs the fig- STEVENS ASSOCIATES, INC. ure painting class exploring tra- PROJECT: Main Improvements Starts Friday, March 1st dItional and creative painting Windmill Pointe Park Ideas through lme, shape, struc- Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan ture, space, value and compOSI- I DOORS OPEN AT 5:00 p.m. I tion. OWNER: City of Grosse Pointe Park The eight-week class begins 15115East Jeff'ersonAvenue Monday, March 11, from 12:30- Grosse Pornte Park, MI 48230 3:30 p.m. and cost IS $68 plus a ARCmTECT: Stevens Associates, Inc. weekly $3 modelmg fee. Architects, Engineers, Planners James Oxford, a recent gradu 577 East Lamed Street, Suite 200 ate and current teacher from the Detroit, Michigan 48226 Center for Creative Studies, will Tele. (313) 964-0100 share his sculpture knowledge concentratmg on portraiture, TYPE OF PROPOSALS: emphasizing anatomy and how Sealed bid proposals will be received by the Owner for the construCllon forms create tensIOn. of Site Improvements to Windmill Pointe Park Main Entry and Parkzng Areas. The bidding requirements, conditions of the Contract and The eight-week class starts description of the work are contained in the Contract Documents. Monday, March 11, from 7 to 10 p.m and cost is $80 plus a $20 DATE OF SUBMISSION: clay fee payable to the instruc- Date: March 14, 1991 Time: 2:00 p.m. tor Location: Office of the City Clerk, City of Grosse Pointe Park For more information, call 881-7511, Monday-Saturday, 9 COPffiSOFDOCUMENTS a.m.-9p.m. Documents are available to Prime Contractors at the Office of the ArchiteeL A deposit in the amount of $75.00 per set shall be required for each set of documents, which is refundable upon return of the com- Budget meeting plete issue of documents in good condition within ten (10) days after the bid due date. Up to 2 sets may be so obtained. The Grosse Pointe North High plus ... School 1991-92 budget WIll be Additional documents may be purchased and shall be furnished only zn presented to the community and complete sets for a non-refundable pnnting fee of $75.00 per additional PREVIEW '91 COLLECTION general public on Tuesday, set All sets shall be returned. of SWIMWEAR NOW! March 19 at 7 p.m. in the Per- Documents may also be examined at the following locations forming Arts Center at Grosse 1.The Owner; City of Grosse Pointe Park, Municipal Offices. 10% OFF All ITEMSin SWIM IMAGE! Pomte North High School, 707 2. The Architect; StevensAssociates,lnc. Vernier Road, Grosse Pointe 3. EW. Dodge Corporation, in DetroiL ~l).S. • Discounts on Sole Merchandise Including Woods. 4. ConstructIon Association of Michigan, In Detroit. o 5. Daily Construction Repons, in Madison HeIghts. r Casual and TennisApparel. PROPOSAL SECURITY WE'RE COMMITTING OURSELVES TO THE WILDEST Each proposal shall be accompanIed by a BId Guarantee in the form of a certifJCdcheck, cashier's check, or Surety Bid Bond in an amount not SALE EVERI =~five percent (5%) of the base proposal amount, payable to the MORE HOURS TO SAVEl MORE BARGAINS IN STOREI PROPOSAL ACCEFTANCE T!?eOwner reserves the unconditional nght to W8Iveany lITegulanty, reject any or all.proposals or to ~cept proposals which in the judgment of the

••• ".on""OAnUI('\ 0 ,... rJ"llTf"l'U.II"" J ... JIo,.. ... "'A ..u~ ~ 16A February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Major crIme• down slightly In• Farms in 1990 By John Minnis He saId robberies are always se. Mack and Moro88. That ATM aId Wooten, a shIft commander tlOn in the Farms last year and from seven such arrests in 1989. Assistant Editor rious because they can easily reo area is completely enclosed with MaJor cl'ime in Grosse Pomte The three men represent a com. the year before was Mack and The total number of fire runs suIt m great bodily harm darkened windows, preventing Farms was down shghtly last bmed 111 years of police expen. Moross. There were 18 aCCIdents last year was 162, up from 149 Robberies also may become police or passersby from seeing a year fl'om 1989 levels ence. at the mtersectlOn last year, m 1989. Of last year's runs, 53 more prevalent as a result of robbery in progress inside. There were 29 fewer auto acci. down from 24 aCCIdents m new technology or services, such were false alarms. Residental The repol"! also POints out that dents in the Farms last year In 1989. The intersectIOns of Mack as outdoor automatic teller ma. fire runs totaled 59, up from 45 three experienced members of 1989, 278 accIdents were re- and Calvin and Lakeshore and chmes, whIch were not as com. the year before. Ten of last the public safety department will ported; last year, there were 249 Moross were the next most dan. mon 10 years ago, Ferber said be retiring in 1991 - I.A. Back. year's fire runs were to assist accIdents. None of the 1990 accI- gerous with 11 aCCIdents reo other cities. The Farms recently experl' man, chief of police operations; dents were fatal. One fatality ported at each locatIOn last year There were 375 ambulance enced two robberies at the Na. Detective Lt. George VanTiem, was reported in 1989 Eleven arrests for drunk driv. runs in 1990 vs 379 emergency tlOnal Bank of Detroit ATM at chief of detectIves; and Lt. Ron. The most dangerous intersec- ing wel'e made last year, up medical runs III 1989

Grosse Pointe Farms 1990 Crime Report

Major (Part 1) Offenses Offense 1988 1989 1990 Homicide 2 1 0 Crimir'Oi sexual conduct 1 1 0 Assault 16 4 4 , Robbery 9 5 9 Burglary 34 43 53 larceny 311 316 282 ~ Auto theft 67 55 59 f Arson 0 0 2 ORIENTAL 101a1 440 425 409 Soorce: Grosse Pointe Farms Public Safety Deportment. KlRMAN There were 409 major crimes reported m the Farms last year, accol'dmg to the Pubhc Safety Department's 1990 annual crime AUBUSSON report. That's 16 fewer than the 425 major crimes reported in 1989. MaJor or Part 1 cnmes, accord. BOKHARA mg to FBI uniform reportmg standards, mclude homiCide, crimmal sexual conduct, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, auto theft and arson CHINESE There were no homicides or Illcldents of criminal sexual con- . duct III the Farms last, year In. ;- 1989, one homICIde and one TIBETAN""" 1, cnmmal sexual conduct mCldent were reported. Robbenes were up last year from five m 1989 to nme m 1990 Of last year's robbenes, seven were armed In 1989, one of the robbenes was armed The number of aggravated as- saults remamed the same There %Off were four aggravated assaults in 1989 and four more in 1990 Burglanes were up from 43 m 1989 to 53 last year Of last scott shuptrine year's burglalles, 45 mvolved homes and 17 were solved Some of the burgl811es may have been IF YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW commItted by the career cat bur- MORE ABOUT RUGS ••• VOUR EVERY glar who worked the Pomtes OUEST ION Will BE ANSWERED THIS early last summer and was sub WEEKEND. sequently alTested by Park po lIce m July For three days only, Scott Shuptrine will Larceny, the most frequent host an extraordinary Oriental Rug Show major cnme reported, was down and Sale. last year There were 282 larce- The Patusan Importing Company has put mes m 1990, compared WIth 316 together a world class collection of III 1989 international rugs, both new and antique. Four more autos were stolen In Michigan, these rugs will only be In the Farms last year than the year before In 1989, 55 autos shown at Scott Shuptrine Furniture. The wele stolen. III 1990, 59 vehicles expert curators from the Patusan were taken Company will be available to answer your Two arsons wel e reported last questions, and to explain the history, year None \\ere repOlted the derivation and symbolism evident in this year before ancient art form. Choose from Indian Of the F81ms' 409 major Floral Aubussons, Persian Bokharas, CrImes 1epol'ted last year, 179 luxurious Tibetan and Chinese. Sizes wel e deal ed - 01' solved That translates to a clearance rate of range from 2' x 3' to 13' x 21: , 43.8 percent, accordmg to the Takeadvantage of this rare opportunity to annual clime report The aver- acquire the rug you've always wanted at age clearance rate m the Umted exceedingly low prices. States was 21 1 percent In 1989, accordmg to the FBI Umform CrIme Report for 1989 "00/0 OFF EVERY RUGr But whJle major CrIme was down overall m 1990, Robert FRIDAY, SATURDAY Ferbel, public safety director, remams concerned WIth the m AND SUNDAY ONLyr crease In burglanes A certificate of authenUc;ty wm be prov;ded. The Farms' 1990 CrIme report states that residential burglarIes mcreased by 44 percent durmg the past two years and that rob benes almost doubled Current law enforcement forecastmg mdl cates burglarIes and robbenes are expected to Increase, accord mg to the crime report Ferber saId that the cat bur- glar caught by Park pohce last summer IS suspected In 17 of the 4107 Telegraph Road (Bloomfield Village Square Just Soutt. of Long Lake Rd.l Bloomfield Hills Farms' burglarIes last year 642-0070- • 18850 Mack Avenue (Just South of Moross) Grosse Pointe F=arms886-5200 "Our mam concerns are rob. • 12200 Hall Road (Between Van Dyke & lakesIde Mall) Sterling Heights 739-5100. 19435 bery and burglary," Ferber saId Mack Avenue (On Mack Between 7 & 8 Mile Rd ) (jrosse Pointe Woods 881-9390 "There's no scaner feelIng than Optn doi/f 9 30. 530 • Man 1lIuts Frl bl9 pm • NoNOptn Si.Jndat /2 Noon-5 30 pm • lIst}W1 VIlO MofMDfrJ ~CDfrJ or Sallt's RMJMng Chorg~ someone Invading your privacy"

I *- -. -- --...... - - --_ • .....-. _ ..__ .._-----'"'-.- ~~------_ ... ~ ------~ ..... - ~ ... - - ~ • I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 17A I 'A G.P. Woods wants seat on Milk River drainage board By Donna Walker Staff Writer Boston Harbor years ago," said often overflows durmg heavy Councilman Paul E. Beaupre. The petItIOn also was signed The Grosse Pomte Woods City rains, sending untreated sewage by the mayors and cIty clerks of So, at Its meeting Monday, the Council thinks the city should mto Lake St ClaIr St ClaIr Shores and Harper have a representative on the cIty council unanimously The Michigan Department of Woods Milk RIver Drain Intercounty adopted a resolution that asks Natural Resources says the over- Dramage Board the MIChigan Legislature to flows are a health hazard and In the petItIOn, the cities After all, about 60 percent of amend the state Drain Code to has ordered the dramage board asked the MIChIgan Department the waste water and sewage that allow each municlpahty that to clean up the MIlk RIver and of AgrIculture to allow the MIlk flow mto the drain comes from pays for the MIlk River Dram to Improve the pump statIOn River Dram to be improved, and the Woods, and the city must have a representative on the Necessary Improvements in- acknowledged that the cost of therefore pay 60.49 percent of dramage board clude the "acqUISItion, construc- the Improvements would be as- the dram's operatIOn and repair "It would have been mce to tIOn or mstallatlOn of dlsmfec- sessed agamst the three cIties costs, accordmg to city attorney have somethmg like this years tlOn facIlItIes, an approximately and the other pubhc corporations George B Catlm ago," saId Mayor Robert E Nov- 188 mllhon gallon retentIOn ba that have a stake in the Milk The Woods share of operatmg Itke sin, samtary flow routmg and re- RIver Dram, includmg Wayne costs exceeds $600,000 a year The city council plans to send routing, river circulatIOn system and Macomb counties and DNR-mandated improve- copIes of the resolution to Gov and clean-out and removal of ex- John Engler, state representa. The petItIon was one of the ments to the MIlk RIver Pump cess mfiltratlOn," according to a formahtIes the cItIes had to ob StatIOn could cost as much as tIves and senators, Wayne petItIOn authorized by the Woods serve In order to receive low-in- $26 mllhon by the time they are County executive Ed Mac- cIty councIl at ItS Feb 4 meet Namara, the Macomb County terest loans (2 percent) for the m place, sald cIty admlnlstrator- mg. project from the state. clerk Chester Petersen. board of commISSIOners and "To me, thIS IS Just flat out members of the MIlk River taxatIOn wIthout representation, Dram Intercounty Drainage and I thought we settled that at Board Estahhshed in 1956 to oversee Free resume writing the operatIon and mamtenance of the MIlk RIVer Drain, the workshop offered hoard consists of three members - the state dIrector of agrICul. ture or hIS designated represent- A 13Sanmtelephoto lens enabled Nagler to keep his distance atIve, and the actmg dram com- and capture this natural. delightful photograph that "says it aU" mISSIoners of Wayne and about the wonderful children of China. Macomb counties In Wayne County, the acting drain com- mIssioner is Jim Murray, public works dIrector, and in Macomb County, It IS Thomas C. Welsh, pubhc works commissioner If the Woods city council had ItS way, Grosse Pointe Woods, Harper Woods, and St. Clair Shores would have representa- tives on the drain board, because Photogrnp~y' the MIlk RIver Drain hes within their borders and they are the By Monte Nagler cities that pay for the drain. "1 have no quarrel with them NOW OFFERING! Barbara Ellman wantmg a say on the board, but Catching child's spirit Barbara Ellman, a career they are already adequately rep- & management speclahst, WIll pre- resented by the Wayne County BLACK WHITE DId you know that children focal length of 100.200mm al- sent a semmar, "Wntmg an At- public works drrector," said are the most photographed of all lows you to keep your distance tentlOn-Gettmg Cover Letter and Welsh. FILM PROCESSING ••• subjects? What, other than a and WIll be far less intimidating. Resume" on Thursday, March 7, Having three extra representa- photograph, can provide an en- In fact, the child may not even at 7 30 P m at the Grosse POInte tIVes on the board from Grosse 2 DAYS GUARANTEEDI during record of the growth and know you're there. Central LIbrary. POinte Woods, Harper Woods 2 Days guaranteed or receive a FREE roll of film activities of a child If outdoors, shoot on an over- Ellman IS a prmclpal in the and St. Clair Shores "wouldn't IExcludlng W.. ends) And because these pictures cast day. Overcast skies provide consultmg firm of Ellman and affect us either way (positively or will grow more meaningful as the best lighting for people pic- ASSOCIates whIch specIahzes in negatively)," Welsh continued. time goes by, you, the photogra- tures. The lighting is soft and skIlls assessment, analySIS of ca- Murray was unavailable for 24 piqure~ '$6•• pher, must utilize the utmost .PECIAL 'PRICING harsh shadows are virtually reer optIOns and communication comment Tuesday morrung. care and attention m capturing 36pictwes $B•• " eliminated. If It IS sunny, posi- skills development PartICIpants The MIlk River Pump Station ,tIlROUGH,MARCH the preciou,$ times of childhood. tion yourself so that the sun is are encouraged to bnng their re: collects and pr~ .Bt9.I'Ili !U1d Most important is obtaining a behind your subject and then use sumes to the workshop for evalu- sanitary dra •• Rei ~ child's spirit on film. Some kids fill flash to add sparkle to the atIOn Grosse Pointe Woods, Harper SPE_IPHOTO are natural "hams" and will re- face. The workshop IS pmt of the Woods and a small portion of St. 20229 Mack Ave. • Grosse Pointe' 881.7330 spond delightfully in front of the If indoors, how about natural ThW"sday Adult Programs of- Clarr Shores. However, the basm camera. Others are shy and will light from a WIndow? You may fered free to the community by not react well to posing direc- need a faster film, but the re- tions. Stiff, artificial expressions the Fnends of the Grosse Pomte sults will be most pleasmg. Pubhc LIbrary will tend to replace a natural look and it is only after the cam- era is put away that the child's naturalness returns. Beechwood Manor But if a child is enjoying a toy or an activity of his or her own HOlDe choosing, the child will become For The Aged unaware of the camera and cap- turing the child's "spirit" will be ...when a nursing home easy. is not what you need. So begin by concentrating on candids. The unplanned and the • 24 Hour Supervision unexpected provide the opportu- nity for that exceptional photo- • Assistance With Medication graph of your child. The objec- • Private Bath Facilities tive in candids is to capture the fleeting expression and spontane- • Emergency Call Buttons ity of the moment. • Separate Heat/Air Conditioning However, if you are shooting in a more controlled, posed envi- Controls ronment, let the child "do his own thing." Let him assume p0- • All Meals & Housekeeping & sitions or facial expressions that Laundry Services Included are a reflection of his own per- sonality. • Beauty And Barber Shop Within Here are some specific point. the Facility ers that will help you to get children's pictures with impact. • Daily Activities And Outside First, It is very important to get on the child's level, even if it Functions Planned means lying down on the floor • Private And Semi-Private Rooms Photos looking down on kids simply aren't flattering. Child- Social And Recreational Activities ren live in a world of giant Skis - Boots - Bindings - Poles adults and huge surroundings. Such As Sing Alongs . Bingo. And Many More By getting low, you can share Skiwear - Outerwear - Accessories the child's perspective and Many Extras greatly improve your pictures. Downhill & X-Country - Up to 500/0 Off Try using a telephoto lens. A For Men, Women, and Children Call For More Details Great painters • • 773.5950 24600 Greater Mack is topic (Between 9 & 10 Mile) Michael Farrell WIll dISCUSS some of the greatest painters of ST. CLAIR SHORES all times, including Titian, Van Dyck, Sargent, Van Gogh, Char FULL LINE. FULL SERVICE SKI SHOPS din Picasso and others, m a oBLOOMFIELD HILLS 2540 WOODWARD at Square Lake Rd 338-0803 r-----SEND FOR MORE INFORMATION- NO OBLIGATION- ., slide presentatIon on "Pamtmg' oBIRMINGHAM tOl TOWNSEND corner of Pierce 644.5950 oMT CLEMENS 1216 S GRA TlOT '/~ mile north of 16 MI 4&3-3820 I I Past and Present " oEAST DETROIT 22301 KELLY between 8 & 9 MI n8-7020 : NAME,- l Topics for dISCUSSIOnare three -ANN ARBOR 3336 WASHTENAW west of U S 23 973-9340 subjects that have been treated oFLINT 4261 MILLER across Irom Genessee Valley Mall 313-732.5510 oFARMINGTON HILLS 27847 ORCHARD LAKE RD at 12 m, 553-1515 I ADDRESS, I by artists from ancient Egypt up °SUGARLOAF SKI AREA 18 miles NfW of Traverse City 616-22U700 to the present mcludmg Land oTRAVERSE CITY 107 E FRONT SI (Bay Side Entrance) 6*941.1tt9 oGRAND RAPIDS 2035 28th S E between Breton & Kalamazoo 616-452-1199 : CITY zIP 1 scapes on March 11, POltraIture oNOYI NOVI TOWN CENTER SOuthof 1-96 on Novr Rd 347-3323 on March 18 and StIlI LIfe on oEAST LANSING246 E SAGINAW al Abbott 517.337-1MIII6 March 25 oOEARBORN HEIGHTS 26312 FORD Rd 1'1~rTHlesW 01 Telegraph 5&2.5560 I PHONE I Each lecture meets from 7'30 eYISAeMASTERCARDeOINEASeDISCOVERoAMEAICAN EXPRESS to 9 P m The series IS $30 or OPEN DAILY 10.9, SATURDAY 10.6, SUNDAY 12-5 $1250 each sessIOn For more m- 1----- SEND-TQ..246J!.0~.!!.~R_MA~~T. CLAI'!..SHORES~8080---- __ 1 formatIOn, call 881-7511. WE'RE THE PLACE FOR SKIERS

Ull"l:lnr.I:l.ll.DI-lII" It ~1l:I'TDnllll' IUAf'C ""lII'CDCOII'" 18A J.~ews February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News • • Major crIme In the Park cut In• half sInce• 1986 By John Minnis He also pointed out that auto 1 CrImes mclude homICIde, CrImi- DlU"lng the rash of breaking- Assistant Editor thefts had dechned nearly 80 nual crime report. There were nal sexual conduct, robbery, ago and-entermgs, Park police recog- Grosse Pointe Park Major crime in Grosse Pomte percent In the past five yeal s. In 299 accidents in 1989. gravated assault, bw-glary, 1m- IHzed the method of operation Park last year was roughly half 1986, 195 cal s were stolen; last ceny, auto theft and arson There were 2,072 speeding 1990 Crime Report what it was In 1986. common to some 30 burglaries tIckets issued as the result of ra- year 40 auto thefts were re There was one honuclde last <1'> the MO of a career cat bur- dar momtonng last year, down Major {Part 11 Offenses ported year when a 33 year old man glar who had been on parole for from 2,118 issued the year be- Carettl saId the mergel of the shot a 52 year old woman last 886-7073 r;; it .. .:! .. ~~..: "J"- SOPPORT uOPERATIO" DESERT STORM" with WKSG RADIO ~::: ..~}

..-=-< ":- SO"DA~ MfiRCH3rd - "00" TO MID"IGHT ~~{:~ ~j~~~~ ..~~..... ;:::: .. ~.. Play Pool Against D.):s from KISS FM - Receive Complimentary T-Shirt ::-.:::-.,. fill pool rentals for Sponsor a table for T-Shirts and sweatshirts ~t : .. the day will be >i'"::-...... $200.00 Name of for sail with profits I donated to the sponsor will be going to the familia of familia of oar service OtIrslrviel mln :1 men and women over top or table il and womln t )' I "EXT POOL TOURttflMEHT - MARCH 17th 00 Call ~'\...... $1000 1st PRIZE $40.00 $10.00 For -, - .. ::: .... :::~ ...... ~0 .. (Bas" on Fall Field' Entry Fee Green Fee Info ., ~..;:...,.~£ x ~.. "'~- -...... ~<: ..

TUESDAY -:..... ~~ } LADIES' HIGHT ~...... -'< ...... :.- '- , ,~ < LADIES' SHOOT POOL F~EE :: ...... to • PASS TV • GIAHT TV ~ MARGARITA"S WHITE RUSSIAnS • GAME ROOM • EOCHRE • 01" ~...... :::.:: 99t SloO • DARTS • BASKETBALL $}99 SOUP & ~"DWICtt S350 • CHECKERS. BACKGAMMO" • CHESS IiBREW CHILLED MOG IFtSH. QtKKiI1 Of HAI1) • VIDEO & PI"BALL GAMES. saNDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY MON THItO Fltl Mon.-FRI. llf1.M.-6~M. 25 DIt'"KS $1 CO(JPLES HIGHT 3 P.~..7p.m.' POOL PRICES PAMILYDAY COUPLES PLAY TOP SHELf 50 25 DIt'"KS $1 1/2 PRICE $1 DltfiFT PLflYEItS PltlCE FAMILY POOL $125 50 LOrtG rtECKS 99( SCtfHAPPS WELL 1 - $3. hr. $150 $125 1/2 PRICE 'MPOIUS $3°0 tfUMMERS 00 CWB FRRHK Ii CH'U 99 FISH SlI"DWI~ItI$~-:: 2.3 -- $5 hr. PITCHER POP • $300 (Cheers. Dogs) S2 Gyros $225 Ii FRIES 4.5.6 _ $600 hr.

I ;,'i «~:V' -:,,«d.~y >':'~-i"<:~i.'>'~::':C~/~ ~ ";0: .. Yo .[ "'" "..;.- ~...... h...... " SECQRITYQaflRDS... 0" 'I 7 nIQH1$;.< I I I - I- •

February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News News 21A Conference Letters from the front Deadline for exchange. I to spotlight Undated I would hke to express my student applications near Great Lakes, deepest thanks to the Grosse AFS Intercultural Programs their experiences have made Pointe War MemOrial Asso. Will accept apphcatlOns from them more observant, more cul- ciation and all the people In- high school students who want turally aware and more fleXIble environment ~ volved in the effort to sup- ; to be mternatlOnal exchange stu. - useful advantages m thiS port us who are particIpating . dents until Apnl 1, 1991 Stu. shrinkmg world. An environmental enforce. in Operation Desert Storm dents must be at least 15 years SIX to eIght week summer pro ment conference covering the I've mcluded a photo of old by June 15, no older than 19 grams are avaJiable 10 27 coun. Great Lakes IS scheduled for Sat. myself and of our Chnstmas by Aug 1, and must be able to tries for students who would hke urday, March 2, at Lawrence tree The ornament the GIrl obtam travel documents to leave an mtense cultural famlly.on. Technological University in the Scouts of Troop 2226 sent and return to the United States ented expenence, but for a architecture building. me IS also hangIng up near Students may go for a year to shorter tIme A few placements The Great Lakes E,.nvironmen- the top It looked very mce one of 24 countnes m , Eu- are now avatlable m Czechoslo. tal Enforcement Conterence in. hangIng up, I might add lOpe and South America, or for vakla and Hungary; the cultural tends to bring cItIzen groups and Aboard ship we have the fall semester to Honduras, minIster of Czechoslovakia IS a government agencies together to close CllCUlt televl.'>lOncapa. Portugal 01' Thalland A 2 6 former AFS student. Applicants network and mesh common bllItzes (CCTV) The news IS grade pomt average IS reqUired Will be placed in their country of strategies in the fight agamst read off mghtly by one of the for apphcants who will be at. chOice as long as openIngs reo environmental violators Manne sergeants tendmg hIgh school abroad mam For more than a century, the Newspapers are a good All students hve With volun. For informatIOn on exchanges Great Lakes have been assaulted source of InformatIOn, hke teer host famIlIes, becommg part to specific countnes and for ap. by a burgeonmg populatIOn the copy of the Grosse Pomte of the surroundmg culture pllcatlOns, call AFS Grosse whose disposal of waste, much of News I received Former AFS students from Pomte Chapter President Ann which is poisonous, threatens the You asked If thel'e are any around the world have found Nicholson at 8844637. very balance of life in this delI. Items that I needed There cate ecosystem in which we lIve. are, m fact, some Items that Gain experience through volunteer work Over the past 20 years the gov- would make hfe a httle more ernments of Canada and the comfOItable whlie we all Fmdmg a summel Job can be al e elIgIble to apply for one of Lance Cpl. Robert Marsh. U.S. Marines. poses with his United States have enacted nu- walt for the cn. challengIng 10 a competitIve two $1,000 youth scholarships to ship's Christmas tree in December. The ornament and card merous laws to reduce water pol- SISto end They mclude bev- market Young people can plan support post-high school educa- directly below the star were sent to Marsh from local Girl lution, like the Clean Water Act for tomonow by explormg the tIOn erage mIxes, newspapel s, Scout Troop 2226. and the Fisheries Act. gum, tOlletlles, AA batterIes future today through Red Cross Most volunteer programs re- The Great Lakes Water Qual. volunteering (for pel sonal headsets), musIC the holidays That IS why It quire a 30- to 60 hour commit- Ity Agreement IS a model for in. pOltmg troops, VIP's and The Southeastern Michigan tapes - anythmg CUllent, IS so ImpOltant to keep busy supplies ment on a regular basis over the ternational envIronmental coop- wntmg paper, large enve- the best you can out here Chapter of the Amencan Red course of the summer. Interested eration. It calls on both I have been m the Army Cross offers young people ages lopes, readmg matenal _ So far we've conducted fO!SIXyears youth should call 494-2858 in governments to seriously restrict 14-17 an opportUnIty to enhance Wayne County, 778-5600 In Ma- magazmes, crosswords, etc three trammg excerclses in I take college courses at their permissable release of tox. The Items I named above the countzy of Oman, which their resumes whtle servmg the comb County, or 334.3575 in mght back in the States. I needs of others. ins with the ultimate goal of would come m handy and be IS part of the United Arab Oakland County. "zero discharge." am cUlTently working for my Valuable hands.on expenence very much apprecIated Emirates (U A E) The de. Although these prmciples bachelor of science degree m m hospitals, child care programs I am 22 years of age, selt was a very hal sh and plOfesslOnal aeronautIcs (PA) have been largely crafted at bm. and I Jomed the Mannes desolate place while there and nursmg homes allows youth WIth Embry.Rlddle Aeron. to develop leadershIp skills es- ational and federal levels, 80 to back m the summer of '87 Intense heat dUlmg the day, autICal University based in sentIal to success in any field In 90 percent of the burden of en- This IS my first tzme on a cold at mght All thl ee train Daytona Beach, Fla I cur- addition, actIVe youth volunteers forcement fall on state and local ship for me and many 109 ell.CelCISeSwele a success governments. rently have the eqUivalent of others It took some tzme to and showed that the Ma- an assocIate's degree m PA. Traditionally, a state's most get used to at first, but nnes could pezfO!m many prevalent monitoring strategy everythmg IS for the most chme and place I have receIVed several let. has been based on a "self.polic- "We're Saving An Extra 39% part routme now I hope that thIS letter gave ters from children of your 109" permit system supple. Our hving spaces are all of you there a better Idea (War Memorial) association. On Our Homeowners Insurance mented by inspections. The main small, the food Isn't the about me and the condltzons I try to return all letters to lImitation to the success of a greatest, and anybody who's of ship hfe children With Citizens Best" state's enforcement program is ever been aboard a Navy Until OUI leturn we can lack of will and allocation of re- I am married. I have been ship or spent any time in the only walt and hope for the for a little over two years. I Ifyou're a member of any qualified retirement sources. Because of this resource Navy can probably relate to best have a son, CalVIn Lawrence assOCIation, you may be ebgible 10 save an lImitation the general public what I'm saying Agam, 1 want to express Rock, who WIll be 1 year old additional 39% orr Citizens slandard must become "environmental 100. I thmk I might be paint- my thanks for the support Feb. 6th homeowner rate, CITIZENS BEST is a watchdogs. " special group insurance program for mature mg a very grIm picture? But you have gIVen us I am stationed at Fort General admission for the con. adults from Citizens Insurante Company. It'S not all bad Boredom IS - Robert Marsh, USMC Bragg, N.C. My family and I ference is $25. Food and refresh- our worst enemy right now hve in Fayetteville, N C I ments will be served. Seats are And, if yours is a non-smoking household, you For enteltamment, movies Jan. 20, 1991 am 30 years old. can recelve an extra 10% Non-Smokers limIted, so make reservatiolW.be. are shown mghtly and ..the).'1~ .,..i LI have.;been recel'lUlg xour My father;,Cal\'in C::R6


18720 MACK AVENUE at Kerby GROSSE POINTE FARMS PARKING IN REAR 9.237 APR Based Upon $50,000 mortgage 2% discount fee $300 clOSing fee

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I' ~I February 28, 1991 • Grosse Pointe News l~elax, join the.party - let Pointe firm do. the planning By Ronald J. Bernas nan charges a $50 consultatIOn gomg mto business two years Staff Writer fee. If customers want to use her ago when she planned her Now that you've decided to ideas but not her services, they daughtf>r's bIrthday party and have a party, what next? keep the sketches and get tips enjoyed the experience. A retired Do you serve your guests food, from Doman. If they want Dor- Detroit pohce officer, she saId and if so what kind and where nan to continue, the $50 fee is she wanted to get into a line of do you get It? And what about applied to the total bill. work that would allow her to decoratIOns? Should there be en. deal with people who smIle when tertainment? She provides plates, sIlver, they see her The questions go on and on, glasses, serving trays, trained "I hke workmg WIth people," but the most Important may be servers and bartenders, decora. she saId. "I especIally hke work. "When will I have time to do It tIons and hnen. And what's Ing WIth people In a dehghtful all?" more, she cleans up after herself. atmosphere as opposed to what I $.,, Carol Dornan has the answer. She is not a caterer - "You used to do." Celebrate! opened in September wouldn't want me to cook for She has branched out a bIt to take the hassle of party plan. you," she jokes - or a baker or and proVIdes balloon bouquet de ~ nlng off your shoulders so you an entertamer. Instead, she pulls liveries. can Just enJoy the party. all the parts together, finding A businesswoman WIth a con- "In the '90s, servIce businesses the best prices, so her clients SCIence, she sells yellow rIbbons are gomg to be big," Dornan save money. to support the troops and do .•\'1""• saId "And I know of no other All labor IS contracted, except nates $1 for everyone to the ~ serVIce m thiS area that does for her asSistant, Donna Baxter. War MemOrIal to help finance what we do" "People automatically think care packages She also uses Out of a tiny office In the that It'S gomg to be expensIve," only reusable or paper products Dodge Center on Kercheval on she saId. "It's surprising people that are good for the enVIron- the HIll, Dornan has planned don't understand how inexpen. ment. holiday parties for as many as slve I can do a party for them." Another servICe she offered 100 guests and teas for 40 She's As an example, she points to this past year went so well she Olgamzed business luncheons the holiday party she organized will offer it again durmg thl<: dnd chllwell's partIes. All, she for 100 people where she holiday season She an-anged fOl' baYs, for less than what you prOVIded hot hors d'oeuvres, dec- her personal friend, Santa Claus, might pay to do It yourself. oratIOns and two servers for SiX to ViSit several homes on ChrIst Carol Dornan's business is planning events. so you can celebrate. Photo by IWnald J Bernas "When someone calls me, we hours. The price was about $11 a mas Eve make an appointment and sit person. For more mformation, call down and diSCUSS what they She receives discounts from Doman at 884-3330. want to do and what their the caterers and bakers she uses, M dell ff 'I I B 5 d T J I budget is," she said "Then I but charges her customers what a onna 0 ege to 0 er nternationa usiness tu y rip in une make plans and sketches based they would pay if they did the What will the European bUS1- ing major fIrms such as the Ford conversational German classes man only. on their ideas and we meet work themselves, and that's how ness.market be like in 1992? Motor Co. in Cologne, Germany, will be held at Madonna College For more information on the agam to discuss them" she makes a profIt WIth the proposed combming and Seidman and Seidman in on four Thursday evenings from "International Busmess Study At the second meeting, Dor. Dornan started thinking about of business communities among Frankfurt Stops will also be 6 to 10 p.m. begInning May 9. Trip," contact Barbara Kobe, the major European cOWltnes, made at mternatIOnal trade There is no additional cost for chairperson, Computer Informa. changes are now under way. To farrs, European manufacturing these classes and dinner will be tion Systems, (313) 591.5116, Business People learn exactly what is taking plants, and Erasmus University included. The instructor will con- Madonna College, 1.96 and place and what implications this in Rotterdam. duct the classes speaking Ger. Levan Road in Livoma. By Ronald J. Bernas will hold for the United States, Primarlly targeted toward Madonna College is offering an Madonna students in the under- "InternatIOnal Business Study graduate and graduate business Play pool; support troops Johnstone & Johnstone, Inc. recently announced the top producers Trip" Wednesday, June 5, programs as a college credit for the company for 1990. Repeat winners were Ann Chapelle and through SWlday, June 16. course, the trip 18 also open to Pointe BIllIards Will donate all tables. For more information, Jane M. Marshall, both residents of Grosse Pointe Farms, with Included in the trip will be the pubhc. The fee is $2,500. proceeds from a day of pool in call owners MIke Smith or Ray combined sales in excess of $10 million. In addition, Marshall re- visits to Frankfurt, Rotterdam, So that those going on the trip which two disc Jockeys from Maneml at 886.7073. ceived recognition for having sold the highest priced residential list- Brussels and Amsterdam. Con- WIll be able to speak German to WKSG.FM will take on the pub- Busmesses or indiVIduals are ing, having listed the highest priced company sale and for the most centration will be placed on viSIt. some degree before departing, lie to help the families of service- invited to sponsor a table for overall sales in 1990. Chapelle received honors for the most sold list- men and women serving in Op. $200. The sponsor's name WIll be mgs in 1990 and has been a multi.million dollar producer since eration Desert Storm. displayed over the top of the ta- 1985. Both are members of the Grosse Pointe Board of Realtors, the Info Expo is March 14-15 The day IS Sunday, March 3, ble. Macomb Board of Realtors and are affiliated with REW, a r~t.ional and the event will be held from There will also be T-shirts and and mternational relocation service. Each has completed advanced .EP Info Expo '91 seminar and trieval, electronic document int. noon to midnight. For $25, play sweatshirts for sale. The public courses in real estate and are regular delegates at the National Real exposition will be held March 14- aging, program auditing, file KISS-FM personality Tom Force IS mvited to stop by to lend sup- Estate Convention. 15 at the Van Dyke P~k Hotel managt:ment, r~rds retention or. Scott Sch~.llte and get a T. port. . I 1,!~~.Ip.A __ .~ ~,_ _ ~d limr.onf~rence~ ('''''ntex in W",,_ ann mtelUatinl!' teei'"oloID~s 'shirt There IS a $10 charge to The goal IS to raise $10,000 Thomas A.;-LilLonde, M.D., r.A.C.C., of' 'Grosse Pointe Woods, rerl: Of 1I1r.'1- ,. 'u, l~"T' r:;'lhq~:rq a611/-9!1~9W I lJh~f) rnpla'Y'~rQne~our. 'if]' '? 'Ion 11andrthe be~eficIa~ ~111 r .th~ '1 be has been elected to Fellowship in the American College of Cardiol- Topics will include document For Information, call Marilyn Pomte Bllhards, 18000 E. East Area Family Support ogy. LaLonde is a graduate of the Wayne State University School of indexing, text storage and re- Brozovic at 597-2710. Warren, near Mack, has 28 pool Group. Medicine. He is currently associated with Eastlake Cardiovascular Associates. ACC is an 18,()()()..membernonprofit professional medical society and teaching institution dedicated to fostering optimal car. diovascular care and disease prevention through professional educa- M&M tion, promotion of research and leadership in the development of DISTRIBUTING CO. standards and formulation of health care policy. Get Your Lighting On Trac Cleaning Materials Susan Wheeler, Grosse Pointe City councilmember, was elected & Equipment chaIrperson of Region ill of the Michigan Municipal League for For As litttle As 549. 1991-92 at the 38th annual regional meeting. The Michigan MWlICi. pal League unites 501 member cities and villages throughout Michi. DUring our storewIde trac gan to work cooperatively to improve the administration of mWlici. WE DELIVER pal government. lighting sale, YOU'll save at 884-0520 least 30% on all in-stock trac George M. Bourgon Jr. was elected a sernor and recessed IIghtrng fixtures vice president of First Federal of Michigan and 167M E. WARREN So make tracks for Ray lighting named personnel director. A resident of Grosse DETROIT. MI0224 Centers today! Pointe Farms, Bourgon joined First Federal in 1975. In addition to experience as a manager in branch operations, he has managed the branch Sale ends March 9th» administration department and most recently was fIrst vice president and manager of compensation •••• e e•• ,e •••••• and benefits. He is a graduate of the University of MichiganlDearborn and the DetrOit College of _HalO Starter Kit Four-foot trac Law. and two fixtures In white finiSh. Bourgon ust 57381 SALES49 \N1TH BAFFLE $59 Bruce Anderson of Moehring Woods Flowers in Grosse Pointe Woods was elected to the Michigan Floral Association board of direc. IIHalo Deluxe Starter Kit Four- tors. His three-year term began in January. Anderson is a member foot trac and two fixtures In white finish With black baffle of the Northeast Lions Club and has been an active member of the A Mack Avenue Merchants Club and has served on the local district's list $9640 board of the Florists' Transworld Delivery board. SALESS9 I Halo I Walsh College in Troy recently appointed Joseph M. Drolshagen of Grosse Pointe Woods as assistant professor of finance. Drolshagen, save 30% on all trac and who has taught at the college as an adjunct faculty member since recessed lighting. I 1987, will also direct the master of science in finance degree pro- I, gram. Prior to joining the school, Drolshagen worked with the treas. I, ury division of AT&T Communications. He has also worked in com. , I mercial lending with the old Kent Bank and Trust Company and ), has commercial real estate experience with the Trammell Crow and II Martin Rom Companies.

I, I' Beverly Henry, a Realtor with Johnstone & Johnstone's Grosse Pointe Woods office for the past 11 years, has attained the designation of Cer- Ii tifed Residential Specialist, a distinction earned Mort Crlm II by only 1 percent of all Realtors. These residential local hOSI o ,I specIalists have not only completed special classes David Edwards adult ambassador o ,I in listing and selling property, but have also demo onstrated sales performance through documented Cathleen O'Srlen postar child -{) ROSEVIllE execution of residential sales. GratiotAve N of II MIle Henry Chuck GaJdlca 771-2211 co hOSI o STERLING HEIGHTS Hall Rd r M-59) I W of lakeside Mall Monique T. Kortz has been appointed director of corporate sales 7.19-9700 CENTERS for Travelworld, a professional travel management firm which em. phasizes cost control and time management, with locations in Madi. 'lr '~rr lROY I son Heights, Grosse Pointe, Detroit and MOWlt Clemens. Kortz had I The Power 14 Mile Rd E of Oak/and Mall been sales manager for the River Place Inn. To Overcome 585-1400 DETROIT Open Moo & Thurs 930-900. Tues. Wed & Fn 9 30-5 30 $at 10()().500 -

February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries 23A Alton P. Donnell Martha Vllo Smith Doris Critton Bell Antoinette Kalthoff Feb 27, 1933, to William and . A memorial service for long- Pointe Woods and the Grosse Funeral serviceS for Martha Bonnie Weed in Grosse Pomte time Grosse Pointe Park resident Services were held Feb. 21 for Nowak Pointe Senior Ladies. Ullo Smith, 73, were held on She had been a resident of Vero Alton P. Donnell, 74, will be Doris Critton Bell, 69, at First She is survIved by her daugh- Feb. 23, 1991, at Grosse Pomte A memorial mass for Grosse Beach since 1981, movmg there held at 1 p.m. March 2, 1991 at Congregational Church in St. ters, Mary Kasper of Grosse Memorial Church. Mrs. Smith Pointe Woods resident Anto- from Coral Gables, Fla. First Presbyterian Church in Clair. A resident of St. Clair, for- Pomte Woods, Margaret Van died Feb 21 at her Grosse mette Kalthoff Nowak, 99, will A homemaker, Mrs. Cavan- Canyon, Texas He died of can- merly of Grosse Pomte, she died Reynolds of DetrOit; son, George POinte Farms home Feb. 19, 1991, at her home. be h?ld at noon, March 1, at St. augh was Episcopahan She was C. Leachman of LouiSVille, Ky.; cer Feb. 24, 1991 in Amarillo, Paul s Catholic Church m Grosse Texas. Born in Detroit, she was the a graduate of the Grosse Pomte grandchildren; and a sister, Sis- Pointe Farms She died Feb. 23, Country Day School and the Born May 29, 1916 in Tulia, daughter of Glen and Helen ter Mary Ursula O'Connell of 1991, In Fraser. UniverSity of MIchigan, where Texas, Mr. Donnell attended Critton. Mrs. Bell and her hus- Louisville, Ky. She was preceded Mrs Nowak was bom on Dec she was a Kappa Kappa band moved to Algonac in 1960, In death by her husband, Joseph, West Texas State University and 14, 1891, to Mathilda and Robert Gamma later received an appointment to where they owned and operated and a Sister, SIster Mary Kalthoff m a sectIOn of Detroit Her memberships mcluded the the U.S. Military Academy. He the Bell Harbor Marine for 20 Mercedes O'ConnelI called I..€esville Her father was Junior League, the Coral Gables graduated from the academy in years. They retired to St. Clair the mayor of the small commun- Country Club and the Birmmg- A private family service will 1940. in 1980. be held at a later date ity In the Conner Creek area of ham Athletic Club During World War II, Mr Mrs. Bell was an officer in the the city She IS survived by her sons, Donnell served with the Army River District Newcomers Club. Mrs Nowak graduated III VIO- Wilham C ReIlly and Richard Corps of Engineers and the She also was a member of the Jeanne E. McLean lin from the DetrOit Conserva- C Reilly, of Park City, Utah, Army Air Corps m the Pacific. River Distnct Marathon Bridge tory of MUSICand played III the Stephen M. Reilly of Seattle, Jef ServIceS were held Feb. 23 for He later was assigned to the Club, the Otsikita Yacht Club DetrOIt Concert Orchestra, a frey W Reilly of MIami, James Jeanne E. McLean, 72, at St. Manhattan Project and the and the Pine Shores and St. forerunner of the Detroit Sym- D Reilly and James R Cavan Sylvester Catholic Church in AtomiC Energy Commission Clair golf clubs. phony Orchestra. augh of Vera Beach, Fla; daugh- Warren. A Warren resident, for- working at both Oak Ridge: She and her husband also An aVid horsewoman In her ter, Laura Anne Redly of Vero merly of Grosse Pointe, she died Tenn., and Washington, D.C. were members of the Detroit younger days, she boarded her Beach, Fla; brother, Lt Com- Feb. 19, 1991, at Bi-County In 1954, Mr. Donnell was Yacht Club, the Grosse Pointe horse on Belle Isle where she mander, ret, John Weed of Commumty Hospital in Warren. named vice president and gen- Yacht Club and Grosse Pointe rode dally. Sprmgfield, Va; and a grandson. Mrs. McLean IS survived by eral manager of Atomic Power Memorial Church. Durmg her long hfe, she was a Interment was In Grosse her daughters, Mary McLean of Development Associates, a non- She is survived by a son, John C. Bell of Highlands Ranch, devoted Wife, mother and grand- Pomte. Kentucky, Dianne Thomas of St. profit membership corporation mother, a caregiver to her par- Clair Shores, son, John of War- organized to research and de- Colo.; daughters, Lynda Lee South of Algonac, Naney Ellen ents and enjoyed friends of all Clara G. Leachman ren; and nine grandchildren. velop the design for the Fermi 1 ages Bunal was in Resurrection fast breeder reactor. He was Martha Ullo Smith Morton of St. Clair; five grand- Clara G (O'Connell) Leach- children; sisters, Mary Catherine She IS SurviVed by her daugh- Cemetery, Clinton Township. named an assistant vice presi. She was born in Elmira, N.Y. man, 94, a resident of Grosse of St. Clair, Audrey of Romeo ter, AntOinette Nowak Roesch; Arrangement were made by the dent of DetrOIt Edison in 1971 Mrs. Smith was a member of Pomte Woods, died Feb 24, 1991 and Sally Jay of Green Valley, daughter-m-law, Jane Black A.H. Peters funeral home in and returned to federal govern- the Grosse Pomte Symphony at Cottage Hospital m Grosse Ariz. She was preceded in death Nowak; and six grandchildren. Warren. ment in 1973, working for the Women's AssociatIOn, the Grosse She was preceded m death by Pomte Farms Federal Power Commission and Pointe Semor Women's Club, the by her husband, John T. "Jack" Bell. her husband, Frank John No- Born Nov. 13, 1896 In Louis- later the U.S Department of Grosse Pomte Woman's Club, wak, and son, Frank Joseph ville, Ky., Mrs. Leachman gradu- Energy. Pointer Girls, the Swmging Burial was in Hillside Ceme- ated from Sacred Heart Acad- tery, St. Clatr. Memorial contri- Nowak. He retired from federal service Sweeties Golf Club and the emy in LoUIsville. She worked at Pose your pet butions may be made to First CrematIOn took place at in 1980 but returned to the pri- Grosse Pointe Historical Society. the Quartermaster Depot in Congregational Church in St. Mount Ohvet Cemetery in De vate sector, working for Over- She was a former vice president Louisville before she married, with Easter Bunny Clair or the Michigan Cancer troit. Arrangements were mad~ seas Advisory Associates, a De- of the Grosse Pomte Woman's by the Chas Verheyden funeral and worked as a secretary dur- The Anti-Cruelty Association Club. Foundation. trOit-based consulting firm. home in Grosse Pointe Park. mg World War II. will host pet photos with the In 1984, Mr. Donnell retired to Mrs. Smith IS survived by a Donald G. Hanna Memorial contributions may be "My brother was a captam in Easter Bunny on Sunday, March Canyon, Texas, to pursue the daughter, Mary Knowlton; a made to the Father Solanus the Marines, and she went to 17, at Pet Supplies Plus, 42241 family's Hereford cattle opera- stepson, Theodore H. Smith; four Services were held recently in GUIld or the Dominican High work to aVOid a nervous break. Garfield, Clinton Township, from tion. grandchildren; two sisters, Rose Kissimmee, Fla., for Grosse School Endowment Fund down," said Mrs. Leachman's 11:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. He is survived by hiS wife of Frasco and Elame Pierro; and a POinte Woods resident Donald G. daughter, Margaret Van Rey- Animal lovers can get their 50 years, Marie Siefke Donnell; brother, Joseph UBo. She was Hanna, 78 He died Feb. 12, James Ross Marshall nolds pet's picture taken with the sons, Alton P. Donnell Jr., Law- preceded in death by her hus- 1991, at his winter home near A reSident of Grosse Pointe Easter Bunny for a $5 donation rence Alexander Donnell; daugh- band, Ray W Smith; a Sister, Orlando, Fla. following emer- Services were held Feb. 21 for Woods for 10 years, Mrs Leach- to the association. ters, Susan Donnell Fink, Anne Josephme Marzullo; and a geney gallbladder surgery. Dr. James Ross Marshall, 95, at man was a member of Our Lady For more information, call Donnell Kithcart; seven grand- brother, Anthony Ullo. Born in Wilmot, Mich., Mr. the Chas Verheyden funeral Star of the Sea Church in Grosse 891-7188. children and his sister, Kate Inurnment was in the Grosse Hanna lived in Grosse Pointe home in Grosse Pointe Park. A Gamble. Pointe Memonal Church colum- Woods for 51 years. He was re- resident of Grosse Pointe Farms, Memonal contributions may barium. tired from the Chrysler Corp. he died Feb. 18, 1991, at his be made to the American Cancer Arrangements were made by and participated in the Port Hu. home. DISCOVER BELLINI Society or to charitable groups the Chas Verheyden Funeral ron to Mackinac boat race many Born in Scotland, Dr. Marshall supporting the fanulies of Ameri- Home. times. His memberships included came to the United States with cans serving in the Persian Gulf. Noreen R. Solomon the Chrysler Management Club his family as a young man. He and the Travco Motorcade Club. earned his medical degree from Vincent P. Lewis Services were held Feb. 22 for He is survived by his wife, He- the Detroit College of Medicine Services for Grosse Pointe Noreen R. Solomon, 77, at St. len; sister, Eileen; and three in 1922, and had an office in Farms resident Yitldent ('P. ,A~brose Church .in JOt;~Sf:} Iq grandchtldten: He was preceded Grosse Pointe Park for many Lewis, 81, were held Feb. 26 at Pomte Park. A resJ.dent of m death by his daughter, Donna years. He retired in 1985. St. Paul's Catholic Church in Grosse Pointe Park, she died Jean (Hanna) Robertson. Dr. Marshall is survived by Grosse Pointe Farms. He died Feb. 18, 1991, in Detroit. CrematIOn took place in Kis- his wife of 15 years, Helen Ham- Feb. 21, 1991 in North Beach Born Noreen Schultz In De- simmee, Fla. A memorial service mer Marshall; six grandchildren; Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, Fla. troit, Mrs. Solomon was a regis- will be held locally at a later and six great-grandchildren. He Mr. LeWls, a Chrysler Corp. tered nurse. date. was preceded in death by his transportation manager for 45 She is survived by her hus- daughter, Sally Long, and son, years, was well-known as a pro- band, Fred; daughters, Candi Dr. James R. Marshall Jr. ducer of car shows throughout James and Maureen Kraatz; five Elizabeth Griffin Burial was in Grand Lawn the United States and helped grandchildren; three Sisters; and Sleeper Cemetery, Detroit. two brothers. promote the Chrysler Imperial Services were held in January Rose Automobile, the subject of Burial was in Mount Olivet Sarah Weed Cemetery, Detroit. Arrange- for former Grosse Pointe resident an article soon to be published in Elizabeth Griffin Sleeper, 78, in Cavanaugh Bellini offers European crafted baby and children's Chrysler Times. Mr. Lewis also ments were made by the Chas Verheyden funeral home in California. She died Jan. 25, furniture, unrque bedding and accessones. and helped to establish Delta Air- A memorial service for former prOVides outstanding qualJty and design Grosse Pointe Park. 1991 at her home in Apple Val- Grosse Pointe resident Sarah lines at the Wayne County De- ley, California. troit Metropolitan Airport. Weed Cavanaugh, 57, was held Bonita J. Leahy Toner Mrs. Griffin 'lived in Grosse Feb. 22 at Christ United Meth- In retirement, Mr. Lewis con- Pointe until 1953, as did her tributed to a variety of organiza- Boruta J. Leahy Toner, 45, a odist By-The-Sea Church in Vero mother, Evangeline, and broth. Beach, Fla. She died Feb. 19, tions, including the Grosse former resident of Williamsport, ers, Robert, John and Edwin. Penn., died Feb. 6, 1991 at her 1991, at her home in Vero Beach Pointe Senior Men's Club, the The granddaughter of Eliza- Grosse Pointe Farms Boat Club, home in Eagle Lake, Fla. after a bnef illness. beth &aufait Marion, Mrs. Grif- Mrs. Cavanaugh was born 1875 S. Woodward. Birmingham. 1 block north of 14 Mile the Knights of Columbus. He de- Mrs Toner was a former em- fin's lineage included early land- lighted in entertaining from his ployee of Maire Elementary holder Francis &aufait, Adolphe School in Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe and Highland Nazaire Marion, and Archange Beach, Fla. residences. She is survived by her hus- Campau, who came to Detroit He IS survived by his WJfe, band, James Toner; son, Marc with Antoine Cadillac. Ella Lewis; daughters, Patricia Leahy of Grosse Pointe; daugh- She is survived by her son, Larson of St. Petersburg, Fla., ter, Michele Leahy of Grosse David; daughtp.r, Dian; brother, Joyce Parsons of Peninsula, Pomte; parents, MarVin and Edwin; and sister-in-law, Mrs. Ohio; son, Philip Lewis of Cali- Eloise Stalker; and Sister, Shelva Donald Slutz, all of California. fornia and four grandchildren. Kosmer. Burial was in California. He was preceded in death by his sister, Helen Campbell. Arrangements were made by the Chas Verheyden funeral THINKING OF home in Grosse Pointe Park. Memorial contributions may be made to the Michigan Cancer REmODElIIS? Foundation or Cottage Hospital Hospice. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE, CAll THE PROFESSIONALS (ustomcraft Inc has all the qualificatIOnsyou would want a Alice M. Sievers competent remodeling contractor to have A memorial service for Grosse PLACE OF BUSINESS: We have a complete. fully-staffed Pomte Woods resident Ahce M. showroom With samplesof our custom cabinetry and aUtypes of Sievers, 80, was held Feb. 26 at building matenals the A.H. Peters funeral home m EXPERIENCE: Over 34 years under the same management Grosse Pointe Woods. She died QUAUTY: We use only the best matenals and the most highly- Feb 23, 1991, of Alzheimer's skilled tradesmen Disease at the Georgian East PLANNING: We plan your project so Its anraetlve as well as Nursing Home in St. Clair functional Shores. SERVICE: We guarantee our work and se,V1ceyour Job for 2 years Born in DetrOit, Mrs Sievers was valedictorian of her graduat- EXPEDIENCY: We plan your Job so Its started and completed In the shortest time span pOSSible mg class from Memphis High School in Memphis. She was a PRICE: Our prICing ISextremely competitive, when companng charter member of the Grosse Similar matenals. deSign and workmanship Pomte Woods Presbyterian ASSURANCE: We are licensed and Insured. and we offer you the Church. names of several hundred satisfied customers Mrs. Sievers IS Survived by FOR OVER 34 YEARS, SPECIALISTS IN CUSTOM

I-~-'-.-..-~-~~-~--=~-_~~ _ ... ------February 28, 1991 24A Grosse Pnlnte News NOW AT RAY LAETHEM BUICK QUAUlY FOR THE PRICEOF AN ORDINARY CAR.

@ Riviera BUICK' The New Symbol For QUalIty In Amenca NEW '91 BUICK RIVIERA M.S.R.P $26,879 LAETHEM Air conditioning, driver's side air bag, 3800 V-6, 4 Wheel DISeOU NT $3284 YOUR PRICE REBATE •••••••.•$3000 anti-lock brakes, PIS, PIB, power 6-way seats, remote key- OR $20,595 less entry, electronic trunk pull down package, day/night LEASE mirror, heated left mirror, twilight sentinal package, pres- FOR 48 MONTHS- • 19 tige p~ckage, theft deter., accent str~pe, Landau roof an4 $348 " much more. Stk. # B-258 Refundable Security Deposit $37500 Total Payment *16,71312

Air conditioning, 55-45 seats, pwr. '91 SKYLARK SEDAN door locks, pwr. windows, recliners '91 LESABRE CUSTOM SEDAN Air conditioning, split bench seat, car- pkg., carpet savers, cycle wipers, rear Air conditioning, 55-45 seats, pwr. pet savers, trunk trim, body side mold- defogger, lited vanity, mirror, cruise, locks, pwr. windows, front & rear ings, whl. opn. mldgs., rear defogger, 3.3 liter V-6, tilt wheel, wire wheels, mats, cycle wipers, rear defogger, front arm rest, visor mirror, dual mir- AMlFM stereo cassette, luxury pkg. cruise, wire wheels, white wall steel rors, tilt wheel, styled sport wheels, Stk. # B-174 belts, AMlFM stereo cassette, premi- luxury pkg.,Stk. # B-359. um package. Stk. # B-127 M.S.R.P $16,805 SALE PRICE M.S.R.P $12,668 SALE PRICE LAETHEM M.S.R.P ~19,239 SALE PRICE LAETHEM DISeOU NT ~,060 LAETHEM DISCOU NT $1420 REBATE ••.•.•.•••• $750 $13,995 DIseo UNT $2,300 REBATE •••••••••••$750 $10,498 OR IlEElA1rE•••••••••••$!i()() $16,439 I: OR 10 OR 35 LEASE $294 " 56 ,: LEASE $227 " FOR 48 MONTHS LEASE $334 •• FOR 48 MONTHS FOR 48 MONTHS I. Refundable Security Deposit Refundable Security Deposit Refundable Security Deposit *25000 $32500 '37500 .)., 'Ibtal Payment *10,91280 Total Payment '14,11680 'Ibtal Payment *16,05888 . •• Leaae pymt. based on approved credit on 48 mo closed end lease, 60,000 rmle limitation. Lesseehas the option to purchase at lease end at value detenmned at lease inception Lessee is responsible for excessive wear and tear. Security deposit , $250 first month pymt" license, title and tabs addItIOnal down To get total amount multiply payments by 48 SubJect to 4% use tax ExceSSIVemileage charge IS 10(/ per mile If60,OOOmile Imutatlon is exceeded. Dealer participation may aITect 't: final savings. ~. ,• , ~, ~.'i' I' ,f' I=»ONTIAC. BUICIC CiMC:TRUC:K. 17677BetweenMACKCadieuxAVENUE& Moroa. 886 _ 1700 GROSSE POINTE, MICH.

I , ,I ------I , Sectio3n.B/-j' Bridge Colwnn 2B February 28, 1991 Churches 4B Grosse Pointe News Entertainment 8B eatures p S: rts lIB 'J t, I ~ Auxiliary members work hard to keep small-town, community feeling at Cottage Hospital By Margie ReinS Smith "We are the only one (of the Feature Editor circulates" take orders" She saId i':lheworks Hazel KaIser ISchaIrman of The auxllimy holds two- Nanette QUlOonesIS servmg three Grosse Pomte hospitals' Peg Noble is m charge of an at the hospItal one day a week the PatJent's LIbrary GUIld. sometimes three - fundralsers a her second term as presld~J?t of awn!tanes) that ISservice 01'1- exhIbIt of baby Items that WIU and spends countless hours on ented," QUInones said Members take magazmes and year the Cottage Hospital AUXlhary. be avatlable in the gift shop proJect,; dt home books to the hospital lounges Nancy Lepley ISchairman of The Holiday Mart, held m Her first term was exactly 20 when the hospital's new OB umt "It's so fulfilhng I get a lot of and to patients' rooms the Gift Shop GUIld. She SaId October, is a grand sale of bou- years ago opens In mld-Apnl satisfactIOn from thiS I look for- A newer group is the RetIrees "We've faced many changes the group has about 140 mem- Charlotte Moreland IS chair- ward to the days I work," De- tIque and gift shop Items for Guild About 25-members strong, ChrIstmas giving. It also m- due to the chmate of health care bers, about 100 of these are ac- man of the boutique, whICh IS Bruyne said the group is composed of retired tive They serve as buyers and eludes baked goods and a raffle. today" QUlOones saId. "As aux- part of the gift shop. The 15 ac- EIleen Hunt ISchairman of hospItal employees They work staff members m the gift shop, The annual klwhen tour IS Iliary'members, we've had to tive members of the commIttee the Sunshme GUIld, a group of on fundraIsers which ISopen daIly. usually m September, featunng adapt to changes so that we can meet every Monday to work on 10-12 women who use donated Loretta Cross IS chaIrman of serve as volunteers In ways most "We sell Items such as Hnge handmade Items to sell m the greetmg cards to make tray fa- a half dozen Grosse Pomte klwh- the General GUIld, a group of ens useful to the hospital. l'le, small gifts, toys, Jewelry, boutIque vors and Items to add a bit of people who support the hospItal cards, sweets, flowers, and m- OccaSIOnally, the auxlhary "It's stImulatmg to be in- "Everythmg IShandmade," tender lovmg care to patients' when they're called upon - for volved agam WIth a hospital I fants' Items," Lepley said "We saId Suzanne DeBruyne "And days Many members of the Sun holds a benefit fashIOn show and speCIal events, speCIal occasIOns, they're planning a profeSSIOnal care about a great deal" also have a gift shop cart that 100 percent IS donated We also shme GUIldare III theIr 80s fundralsers and so on QUinones may have a 20-year mUSIcal reVIew to be presented gap between her presIdencies, m sprmg, 1992 but she has been mvolved With All of the funds raised In 1990 the aUXIliary for more than went to the renovatIOn of the those 20 years. hOspItal'S emergency room. The group was founded m QUInones saId members of the 1954 and some of the charter auxIlIary work hard to maintain members are still active in the the small town, fnendly, com- orgamzatIOn. munity-hospital atmosphere for The hospital itself was which Cottage HospItal is founded in a small cottage on known. Oak Street, now Muir Road, dur "In a small hospItal like Cot- mg the world-wide influenza epi- tage, I think I know everybody, demic that marked the end of from the basement up, " said World War I. The core of the Mary Nolan, chaIrman of the present-day faCIlIty at 159 Ker- Ways and Means committee. cheval was dedIcated in 1929 "We have a family feelmg," The Cottage HospItal AUXIl- saId Noble "Many of us had our iary, which has 349 members, IS children here. My daughter be- divided into several smaller came a doctor because of her as- groups, or guilds SOCIatIonwith Cottage Hospital" y "Some volunteers can't cope Some things have changed with working with people who durmg the last 37 years, Qm- are ill," said Isobelle Sayer, nones said. "We now have about chairman of the Patient Service a dozen men who are members. Some couples work together in Guild "We have lots of other the gUt shop. The retirees' gwld things to do, too." is new. The gIft shop is bIgger The approximately 90 mem- and better bers of the Patient Service Gmld "We work very hard to find assist the hospital staff by work- stimulating things for our volun- ing in the sv.rgical lounge, doing teers to do. And we're always clerical work, dehvenng flowers looking for new, younger mem- and mail, serving as escorts for bers." clients who are taking executive physical exams, grading CPR Anyone who 18 interested in tests, transportmg patients and joimng Cottage Hospital's AUXIl- Photo by Marg>e Hems Snuth Iary should call the volunteer of working in the therapy depart. Members of the Cottage Hospital Auxiliary are. standing. seated. from left. Nancy Lepley, President Nanette Qui- ment. flee at 884-8600, or call QUl- from left. Peg Noble. Mary Nolan and lsobelle Sayer: nones and Suzanne DeBruyne. nones at 886-3159. DRAPER'S 26th ANNUAL WINTER SALE Winter Clearance Sale Sofas Now $699 & $799 FINAL REDUCTION Chairs $349 Due to a factory speCial, we have a tremendous selectIOn of sofas at these very speCIal pnces Plus other styles slIghtly hIgher Come In soon'

Many More Styles To Choose! Any Selected Style, Any Selected Fabric All At The Same Price! It's Like Getting The Fabric FREE! 70% OFF



shuford furniture 35 DAY DELIVERY A Division ON SPECIAL ORDERS of Century )ht .sbop.s of fjbra/!.e,,:r WattOJ1,.Pitr,~ FINE FURNITURE SINCE 1965 .. 16828 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe At Draper's you never pay extra for delivery, quality or service 884.1330 23200 Mack Avenue (near 9 Mile) St. Clair Shores OPEN MONDAY - FRIDAY 10-6 THURSDAY Till 7, SATURDAY Till 5:30

- .... - _-...... -.....l. .. .. Cpt ... «.. . . -~"'e ..-_ .. 28 Community February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News I Information on agoraphobics is available Going to the market can be a without fear. the agoraphobic literature. Send terrifying experience for some. The American Agoraphia As. inqUIries to American Agora. For those afflicted with agora. sociation publishes a monthly phobia Association, 7377 Juniper phobia, leaving home is a cause newsletter which contains valu. Lane, P.O. Box 980, Joshua for fear. And the further away able information on treatment Tree, Calif. 92252. from home he or she is, the more methods as well as a review of afraId they become. One may no- tice the onset of agoraphobia by Alzheimer's support group meets a sudden pamc attack in a pub- hc place. Agoraphobic pamc at- The Warren area Alzheimer's zheimer's disease or other de. tacks may increase in frequency, support group Will meet on Mon. mentla. gradually leavmg the sufferer day, March 18, from 10 a.m un- stuck at home, unable to go to Group co-leaders are nene t11 noon at A Friend's House Zakul.Krupa of the Detroit chap- J the market, to shop, to do any- Adult Day Care Center in War- thmg outside his or her home ter of the Alzheimer's Disease ren, 28111 Imperial, one block and Related Disorders Associa- east of Hoover and one block tion and Suzanne Szczepanski- Foster care program south of 12 Mtle Road. White of A Friend's House. The group provides support For mformation, call 751-6260 needs volunteers and information to family mem- Mondays, Wednesdays or Fri- bers caring for relatives With AI. Vista Maria is lookmg for in- days. diViduals who can prOVide a teenage girl with a lovmg, nu- turing home environment and assist her in growing success. fully toward adulthood. The Vista Mana Specialized Foster III I NEED PERSIAN BUGS III Cottage auxiliary donates $50,000 Care Program IS a umque, mno- vatlve approach to providing a I'M PAYING The Cottage Hospital Auxiliary held its annual meeting during the last week of January at famIly atmosphere to teenage the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club - at which time the auxiliary presented its donation to Cottage gills, ages 11-17. The program 3x5 - $300 - $400 8x10 - $600 - $800 Hospital. prOVides intense training, ongo- 4x6 - $400 - $500 9x12 - $1.000 and up The $40.000 donation displayed on the check presented to Cottage board of trustees Presi- mg guidance through a dedi. 5x7 - $500 - $600 1Ox13 - $1,200 and up dent Earl 1. Heenan Jr. was just the beginning. Due to the success of the Cottage Gift Shop cated staff and reimbursement at during the month of December. the auxiliary was able to add an additional $10.000to the do- a competitive monthly rate. Buying nation. for a total of $50.000. A series of four pre-service The meeting also served as the inauguration for the new auxiliary president. Nanette Qui- training sessions will be on American and Eoropean Paintings nones. and other auxiliary officers. March 5, 12, 19 and 26 from 7 to From left. Joyce Rock. outgoing president. Cottage Hospital Auxiliary: Greg Vasse, execu- 10 p.m. on the Vista Maria Cam. Music Boxes - Cut Glass - Fine Lamps - Pottery tive vice president. Cottage Hospital; Shirley Giller. treasurer. Cottage Hospital Auxiliary: pus in Dearborn Heights. For Toys - Weapons - WristIWatches - Clocks and Heenan. more information, call 271.3050, ext. 271. - Insured Consignments - .. CALLING DOUSE ANTIqUES • ..• New Loeadon: 207U Mack (norCh 0' Vernier) Briclg....c ~ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.~';;;;;;;;;;;;;;;',~'Vy;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:~,'i'<;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;H~~U;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~:~,~":.k"'\ '% 882.1652 r.;.::. ======:.;;t. Jun's lead-gave his father nothing which was won by dummy's jack. #2 the • tlAVE A PLEASANT TRy AT PERFECTION • heart six to Ozzie's jack lost to West queen #3, Jim continued with the di~ mond nme won by dummy's king and !he club ten to the queen successfully. I. BRIDGE BY WOODY BOYD .1 Ozzie could now count six minor winners which necessitated three more from Someone You Love can Use Our Help t' ... either hearlS or spades. This mandated a super spade speculation and the same astuteness in hearts. #5, Declarer next played the heart king won by West's ace. Since 1929, the Jacoby name has been synonymous with the brilliance the Jim now rationalized that tf he played a third diamond, his father would win m game manifests and the digruty of its' greatest performers. Pust, father Oswald his hand and playa spade toward dummy theorizing he couldn't make the con- (1902-84) and !hen that maJestic reputation was bequeathed to son James tract if he didn't guess !he ace. Then a club to the jack and a heart toward dum- (1933-91) who was eminently qualtfied from his years of exceptional success my's ten-eighL From bitter past experience, Jim knew the more cards played to carry the fanuly mantel until early this February. JIm'S sudden death cut the better feel his fa!her had for the hand. Best to make him guess now so at short a master crafted playing career !hat some felt may some day eclipse his trick #6 he played the heart deuce I Declarer's electronic mental sense gave tJus father's glory, but God has obviously not intended that to happen. play some thought, like twenty seconds. and that's a lot for Ozzie, who then I was very fortunate to lcnow ha!h so well. Everything Ozzie did and emu- guessed wrong inserting the heart eight. Everyone was quick to congratulate the lated by Jim was spurred by a tremendous desire to be pre-eminent and do it yOlmg Jacoby which father acknowledged, but all Jim was heard to say, "We with dignity and glory for the game and Its participants. It would take a twelve were very lucky." You see was abnost eighty When this hand foot role of golden scroll to recount thelTworld class, national and regional ViC- was played and even at that age tlus remarkable legend of bridge rarely guessed tories. No family inbridge Iustory have come close and there seems to be none incorrectly. b on the horizon. I think Tlffi'S greatest moment was when he accepted posthumously Ius .E .om. 11 father's World Bridge Federation cita1lon for Ozzie's contributions and excel- 1NT 3NT! lence in bridge. Jim spoke eloquently and with humility about his fa!her who he admired and loved so well. As I look back upon that moment, it was really a tribute to both. Long live their exceptional memory for !hey will reign no more. Bolh yulnemble Many great bridge hands have been attributed to Ozzie, but few to Jim for t K 104 he played at an efficiency rate near perfect and made the game look a lot easier • 1087. Our reputation is for compassionate caring. than we know it really is. Such an uncommon talent as this is rare. He thor- • KoI74 REGISTERED NURSES. LICENSED PRAOICAl NURSES oughly enjoyed playing with his puplls and took many of them beyond !he rank .. 108 of life master. NURSES AIDES" lIVE.IN C.OMPANIONS When IOge!her at the prestigious Regency Whist Club in New York, they • Prillate homes vohmtarily played at separate tables as the chance of success against two t A85 • Q932 • Hospital or nursmg homes Jacoby's presented the membership who wished to play stake bridge with an • AQ2 • 854 • 24-hour appalling hlllldicap. On JUStone occasion, I can remember them together, but in • Q 1098 • 3 • full or part-tllne cOIIerage • Bonded and Insured competing partnerships. This time the famous son got the best of his exalted .. 87. Jlm[~} • K5432 father. It was an olympian sized confrontation that had a dozen lalntzers in 263-0580 breathless suspense awaiting !he outcome. Ozzl. W.. IHDi0 When Ozzie saw the dummy. he chilled, but no one could noUce for he was t .17. expressionless. It wasn't the fitst time he made the best of a partner's bad bid, • KoI3 but this contract was obviously a high risk venture. NURSiNG UNliMiTEd • A852 INCORPORATED • .. AQoI •• •• A Community Professional Nursing ServIce

'I. .... ~v" ......

MAIER-WERNER would like to wel- Summoning all GROSSE POINTE MOVING & STORAGE CO. come Doris, who is new Spring and Summer ~ STIYI'IILACII Think ••.NEED STORAGE? ~"",n~'G~Sw("" . "~"'t~UK)"S Spring!! to the area and Patty, Brides. Come and see We've got it! 100,000 ~ formerly of the Green the collection of Tiffa- 1k'.NJrg,9r square feet of secure, Be sure and stop by to see our r~- ~ House to their hair stu- ny sterling flat wear new line of spring and summer dry, clean storage clothes. Also, we carry a complete • dio. Let Doris create and accessory pieces .•, at The Lea- space available for your Special NEW gue Shop ... 72 Kercheval on-the- your belongings. line of communion dresses and LOOK with a new hair design just for Hill, 882.6880, Short term, long term veils. Plus a large selection of boys you. Shape-up your nails -- call Patty and seasonal rates. Ask about our suits, sport jackets and pants. Reg- and she'll give you a relaxing mani- * * * ular, slim. and husky sizes. FREE ~~ ANTIQUES in tlie pointe vault and record storage service, alterations! ••• at 23240 Greater eure and pedicure ... Services for both :i since 1921. ladies and men ... at 373 Fisher, 882- Ii \ ~'] Be sure and stop by to 822.4400 Mack Avenue, one block south of 9 6240 (evening hours available). --:..- see our large selection of Mile Road, 777-8020. Antiques and our variety of ~ - collector books. Belleek Chi- * * * * * * na, including a very rare pitcher and bowl. Furniture and glassware, Victor- ANGIE'S Fashion "p0091'U€:; .7ewelel'$ ian thru Depression. fuesday through .5;1!!~~~F'. Winter Clearance SALE now in pro- Traditionally Aqua- Saturday 10:00 to 4:00, evenings and gress, Huge Savings! Hurry for best weekends by appointment ... at 21020 marine is the birthstone ~ Does your kitchen look tired? Have selection, Cruise and resort wear ar- for the month of March. 'I.~ ~ you ever had a craving for more stor- Mack Avenue. 881-0260. riving daily ... Come see us at Jeffer- age and counter space? A convenient Be sure to stop by PON- t~~~ son and Marter in the Lakeshore VIl- GRACZJEWELERS and ' , " "" place for the microwave? "State of the * * * lage Shopping Center, 773-2850. art" appliances? More efficient light- see our large selection of } ing? Care-free countertops? Attractive f:'MotOWt\, FLOOR COVERING Aquamaime jewelry and •• ~ ~. and functional cabinetry? NEW carpet SPECIALS are going on * * * receive 30% OFF from You can have it all in a kitchen de- NOWI See our large selection of floor March 4th through signed, just for you, by Customcraft. coverings in vinyl, tile and wood. A March 9th ... at 91 Kercheval on-the- Let our highly qualified and experi- New Thar is here . give your house a Organize Unlimited Hill, 881-6400. NEW LOOK. Hurry to Eastown . don't enced kitchen designed specialists Who has the time to keep a house or- ...... show you how you can have a kitchen miss out on our SPECIALS '" See you at ... 20605 E. 9 Mile and Harper ganized and uncluttered top to bottom? "of the 90's at a competitive price. We do. Call Ann Mullen 821-3284 or Visit our showroom at 89 Kercheval (across from K-MART) 771.0390. And. our other store is still at 14410 Harper, Joan Vismara 881-8897 ... Insured, • For more Pointe Counter Points on-tke-Hill or call 881-1024 for a free bonded and confzdential. __ consultation. 822-2645. please see 14B

- .-...... I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Faces & places 36 £ Eton Academy plans auction fundraiser at the Fox Theatre

Eton Academy will hold its of Groshe POInte Shores, and Appolloship, a gospel concert and 011 Feb 6 second "A World of Difference" Tipp of Grosse Pomte Mary competItIOn, on Saturday, March auctIon on Monday, April 15, at Park Mort Crim was elected to the 2, at 7 pm. at Kmg Solomon's foundatIOn's board of dIrectors. the Fox Theatre in Detroit. Pro- A new feature this year will BaptIst Church, 6125 14th Street Elected to three-year terms on ceeds will benefit the academy. be the pIesentation of HEART at Marquette, In Detroit. Pro- the board of trustees were Dr. awards, (HelpIng Eton Academy The evening's events wiII in- ceeds wIll benefit the DetrOIt Al- Donald Austin, Ted Gatzaros RealIZe Tomorrow), in three cate- clude a sIlent auction from 5:30 zheImer's Adult Day Care Pro- and Mary Matuja. to 7:30 pm. and a live auction gories, The corporate award WIll gram at VirgIma Park CitIZens Leonard Jaques was named beginning at 8 p m. Items up for go to Pat and J an Hartmann; ServIce Corp, the first facihty In to the foundatIOn's endowment bId include jewelry, antIques, the sports award Will go to Lynn the city speCIfically deSIgned to board Last year Jacques and hIS clothing, vacatIons, a 1991 car, and Isiah Thomas; and the ad- accommodate AlzheImer's pa- WIfe,Sybil, endowed the Mlchi parties, a baby grand plano and vocacy award wIll go to Jackie tIents. gan Cancer FoundatIOn's cancel' a full-length sable coat. Stewart. TIckets are $5 m advance; $7 regIstry WIth a $1 mIllIon gift Eton Academy IS MIchIgan's One item is a trip to Scotland at the door. For more Informa- The foundatIOn's headquarters only non profit accredIted private wIth a day at the Jackie Stewart tIOn or tickets, call 557-8277 or al e In DetrOIt and It conducts school fO!children WIth speCIfic Shootmg School and three days 8634020 baSK laboratory research mto learnmg dIsabIlitIes and two nights, wIth meals, at the causes and treatments of the Glen Eagles Hotel Another cancel, conducts statistIcal re biddable Item is first class round- Board members: The "earch mto the mCldence of the trip aIrfare to New York City Preparing for a benefit for Children's Hospital of Michigan Flapper flap: The RoarIng MIchIgan Cancer FoundatIOn dl!,ease III the tn county area, and a behmd the-scenes tour of are. from left. Lisa Ford. who is honorary chairperson with her TwentIes ISthe theme for a ben- announced appOIntments of "ev and offers servIces to cancer pa Sotheby's husband. William Clay Ford Jr.; Karen Hailer. president of the efit for ChIldren's Hospital of el dl Gro"se Pomte reSIdent" to twnts and theIr famIlIes Honorary chairmen of the auxiliary; and Louise Dudy. chairperson of the event. MichIgan, the seventh annual ItS bomd of dllectOis and bomd event are Jan and Patricia CUlsme Extraordmmre, on Sun- of tl u"tees at Its annual meetIng - Margle Rems SmIth Hartmann. General chairmen Grosse Pomters on the commIt- day, March 10, from 6 to 9 p.m Grosse Pomte Farms, Elizabeth at the Dearborn Inn. are Richard and Brigid Distel, tee include Karla Scherer of Eldridge and Debbie Graziani An array of temptmg treats wIll be prepared by 22 members Motherhood at thirty- something of the Chefs de CUlsme ASSOCia- Grosse Pointe Unitarian Church & tion Members of the auxlhary, women age 30 have a 1 III 385 By Ezra C. Davidson Jr., MD cal condItIOns, such as dIabetes, who are sponsorIng the benefit, PreSident, The Amencan College of chance, women age 35 have a 1 The Center for New Thinking can be momtored and tl eated to have promIsed to be dressed m ObstetriCs and Gynecologists m 192 chance, and women age offset the nsks to the fetus Not long ago, women who put proper '20s garb. 40 have a 1 In 66 chance We also have many new tech- off chlidbearIng untIl their 30s The evening Will mclude an proudly presents Another concern for women mques to treat InfeltllIty. For auction (OrIental rug, Detroit were a umque breed Today, who delay chlldbeal mg IS declm couples WIth problems that can't Red Wmgs tickets, speCIal dm- WaItIng past age 30 to have Ing fertlhty with mcreasmg age be corrected, thel e may be other chIldren IS becommg a popular ners, and more), door prIZes, A decrease In the frequency of optIOns, such as m vItro feltlhza- Charleston lessons and dancmg (and growmg) practIce. ovulatIOn, blockage of the fal- RELIGIOUS tlOn to the Mark PhIlhps Band. One reason for the trend to- lopIan tubes, and endometnosls DespIte the Increased nsk of WDIV-TV's entertainment re- ward later motherhood IS the de- are some causes of mfeltlhty. some condItIOns for 30-plus porter Neil Mandt will Judge sire of many women to postpone In additIOn, some medIcal con- FUNDAMENTALISM women, most women over 30 the Charleston contest and man'lage and a famIly to fulfill dItIons such as hIgh blood pres- have low-nsk pI egnancies, ex- WKQI-FM ramo personality career and educational goals sure and dIabetes are more often cept for age related genetIc risks Mark "Doc" Andrews will be Some also want to WaIt to have plesent among 30 plus women an exclusive Remembel' that you play the the master of ceremonies. children until they feel settled and may mcrease the nsk of most ImpOltant role III haVIng a Honorary charnnen for the and finanCIally secure. In addi- complIcatIOns durmg pregnancy four part program healthy pregnancy Gettmg early event are Mr. and Mrs, William Speaker: tIon, divorce and reman'lage Also, the nsk of mlscarnage IS and contmued prenatal care and Clay Ford Jr. SHERWIN WINE have led some older women to slightly mOle common m women followmg your doctor's guide- TICkets are $75 each. Call start second familIes over 30 Christian FundamentalIsm: The New America hnes wIll help enSUle that your Children's Hospital of MIchi- WhIle thniy-somethmg moth- Muslim Fundamentalism: Conflict In the Middle East Although the potentIal for gan's aUXiliary at 745-5373 for ers have maturity, wisdom, and baby IS born nOl mal and JeWishFundamentalism: Transformmg Israel problems durmg pregnancy m- healthy tIckets or informatIOn stablhty on their SIde, they do Hindu Fundamentalism. Death of the Secular State creases with age, we now have Proceeds will be used in the face some nsks with pregnancy ways to identIfy and aVOId or Smgle, free copIes of "Preg- hospital's neonatal unit. not as common among their treat many of these problems nancy After 30" (AP060) are GROSSE POINTE UNITARIAN CHURCH twentysomethmg counterparts Prenatal testmg (such as amm- available by sendmg a stamped Neff at Maumee The most serIOUS risk for older ocentesls and ultrasound) enable self addressed, busmess envelope GIM Produc- 7:30 p.rn. Grosse Pointe Admission: $7.00 mothers is havmg a chlld WIth a doctors to detect buth defects Gospel truth: along WIth the name of the book- tIon Co, WIll sponsor The Gospel bIrth defect, a risk that mcreases and other problems befOle bIrth let to- The American College of gradually with age While When a disorder is identified, Obstetncmns and GynecolOgIsts, women m their early twentIes couples can plan for treatment Resource Center, 409 12th have ~ 1:UI 500 chan~e -or .havmg Tor the baby or choose to terml- Street, SW, Washington, l DC a Chlld-with a genetIc- dl~OI'der_ ~ ~~~"""""i\ ~ _nate ~he pregnancy -other medl 20024 .)' ENIIANCING TIIB NATURAL YOU You are cordially Invited to attend a unique fun-nlled evening at the Grosse Pointe Plastic Surgery Center. For people who wish to learn more about ways to maintain and enhance the natural beauty we all possess. this evening will include dynamic and informative presentations in the field of nutrition. hair fashions. and plastic surgery.

A tour of the new state-of-the-art facilities of the Grosse Pointe Plastic Surgery Center will be available. Also. a complimentary assortment of tasty health foods will be proVIded for your enjoyment.


lIIary Busse. Direclor/Diet Counselor David Cockell. Owner Diet center Program. Grosse Pointe 13 I Kielle. Grosse Pointe Ms Busse willdiscuss a holisticapproach to Mr CockellWIlldiscuss how to select the nght personal diet and nutritionbased on natural hair deSIgnforyour best appearance Agraduate foods and modifyingeating behavIOrsShe of GlenbyInternationalin London.Englandand a received her trammgthrough DietCenters. Inc.. partICipantm the VidalSassoon Academym a national companyWIthcenters throughout the Londonfor I 2 years he is a leadmgprofeSSional UnitedStates and canada m hISfield


You'll set a wonderful table for everydaymeals and special dinners With thiS stoneware dmner set from Wedgwood. Famed for craftsmanship, elegant Blue Pant goes from oven to table With ease. The vltafled stoneware ISchip-reSistant and its umque shape allows for easy stackabllity Set consists of four each: dinner plate. soup bowl, salad bowl and cup/saucer. Microwave and dishwasher safe. Also available 2-pc. bowl/platter set. $35. Creamer and sugar set, $25. Iltiguel Lorenzini. III.D.- Plastic Surgeon Grosse Pointe Plastic SurgeI}' center From a collectIOn of casual dinnerware available In our Kitchen Shop. Dr lorenzini WilldiSCUSSthe latest procedures and alternatives availableIn faCIaland body rejuvenationto helpyou look your best Learnhowmore people are attammga fresh confident look Dr LorenzmiIShighlyregarded m hiSfieldwithover 20 years of experience

WIIERE: Grosse Pointe Plastic Surgery Center 131 Kercheval Center. Suite 300 • Grosse Pointe Farms, MI WIlEN: Wednesday. March 13, 1991 COST: $5.00 7:00 PM- 9:00 PM payable at registration Registration: 6:30 PM CALL (313) 881-5001 TODAY Jacobson's for reservations as seating is limited. Sponsored by Grosse Pointe Plastic Surgery Center Look up our Calendar of Events on page 148 1.31 Kercheval. Suite .300 4.3750 Garfield, Suite 10.3 Grosse Pointe Farms. MI 482.36 Mt Clemens, MI 48044 (.31.3)881-500 I (.31.3)228.Q770 We welcome ,acobson's Charge, MasterCarcP, VISA~ and Amencan ExpresS- Shop until 9 pm on Thursday and Friday Unt" 6 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday

-- ~..-...... - .. .e #--....:r<.:;;'~---- ..

".I("I~I"II('In .. nlJlf' 0 .-. ,.."',.. .." ...... "" •••• ,...... ~ • 4B February 28, 1991 Churches Grosse Pointe News The Pastor's Corner St. Paul A.M.E. to hold fundraiser Guest preacher at Construction yard grace The St Paul A M.E. Church that in addition to raising funds Women's Day KIckoff CommIt- for colleges, the benefit will help Christ Church BV Rev. William DeVries tee IS planmng a ball, "A Salute motivate young people to up. Fnst Chnstlan ReformedChurch to Black Colleges," on Saturday, The Very Rev. Bertram N. grade their educational goals Herlong, dean of St. Paul's Ca- March 9, from 6 pm to mid. and to consider black colleges as It probably was not a very high fence. It just looked that mght at the WhittIer Towers, thedral in Detroit, will be the way to a 10-year-old. The owner of the small construction one of their options. Wilson guest preacher at 9:15 and 11:15 415 Bw'ns in Detroit AttIre IS Copeland, an attorney with firm had put the fence up to keep thieves away from the a m on Sunday, March 3, at formal Grier and Copeland, wiII speak equipment yard. DonatIOns are $20 a person, Christ Church Grosse Pointe, 61 to the group and students from Grosse Pointe Blvd. We were not thieves. Nor were we vandals. We were whIch mcludes a $5 contribution 15 black colleges will present a chIldren And to a child's eyes, old wooden forms and rusted to the black college of one's Herlong is a Grosse Pointer skit and has served m the diocese of metal cement mixing troughs looked tempting beyond resis- chOIce For mformation, call 567-4210 FLOrida and at Trinity Church in tance The commIttee expressed hope 01 886-9118 New York CIty. He is currently EspeCIally when seen through the narrow slits between spearheadmg a capital drive to the tall veltical shafts of the fence. Children's grief workshop support a new building for the And so we clImbed We wedged feet in slits, and boosted Cranbrook HospIce Care wIll teers who prOVIde care, servIceS Cathedral School in Detroit each other, and grabbed and pulled. All we needed was one present a workshop for chIldren and support for terminally ill The public IS inVIted to either person over, then we could be alded by whatevel' he 01' she between 4 and 12 who have ex. pel sons and theIr famIlies It IS worshIp service as well as to an could drag to the fence We knew what the fence meant. It penenced the death of a sIgmfi affiliated with St Joseph Mercy educatIOnal class for adults at meant "keep out" and "danger" and "thIS is not yours" cant person m theIr lives HospItal-Pontiac, sponsored by 10.20 a m m the Undercroft For Mom had warned, Dad had threatened. Huge burly con. The plofesslOnally facIhtated the ReligIOUSSIsters of Mercy. more mformatIOn, call Christ task-onented program wIll be Rev. Bertram N. Herlong Church at 8854841. struction workers had yelled But like the proverbial moun- The workshop IS free and wlll tam It begged to be climbed. After all it was there presented from 7 to 8 p m on SIX consecutIve Thursdays from faCIlItate children's understand- Musical ministers Dust and Ashes And once inSide, It was every delight of a child; strange March 14 through Apnl 18, at mg and expreSSIOn of grief and metal shapes, huge pleces of wood, piles of sand and brick. Cranbrook Hospice Care office loss, as well as encouraging feel. to perform at Redeemer United But most of all it was a stack of cement forms 10 or 12 feet mgs of hope and support. buIldmg, 2555 ClOoks Road, Dust and Ashe~ IS a group of cal mmistry in the mid.I960s high and a couple overturned cement troughs. We would Suite 101, m Troy For more mformatIOn, or to three mUSICIans, Tom Page, and have built a repertoire of Jump from this dlzzymg height and land on the hollow Cranbrook Hospice Care is a enroll a chIld, call Joy Tahaney Mary Lou Troutman and Lee songs based on personal expen. metal wlth a deafening "thwang." WIth flailing arms and group of profeSSIOnals and vohm- at 6438855 Domann Thf'y '''111 pelform at ences and Scripture They have kicking legs we flew. We laughed. We fell. We hwt We 7.30 pm on Monday, March 4, recorded Slx albums and have climbed. We flew agam. Support group for post-adoptive at Redeemer United Methodist performed at colleges, churches The child on top of the stacks was to always keep an eye Church 20571 Vermel in Hal"' and on radio and TV out for trucks turning in off the street. But we forgot. For- birth mothers meets every month per W~. The community is mvited. A got where we were. Forgot to look. Forgot the consequences Dust and Ashes began a musl- free.will offermg will be taken. A free SUppOIt group for bIrth Clemens. of breakmg and entering and whatever unwitting damage mothers who have released theIr The group meets the first we were inevitably causing. babIes for adoptIOn wIll meet on Wednesday of each month to diS. Jefferson Avenue United Church to And then suddenly the gate flew back and there he was, Wednesday, March 6, from 7 to 9 cuss concerns, such as feehngs of all muscle and size and frown. A worker had driven up, p m at Catholic Services of Ma- loss, grief and conflict. explore the meaning of prayer unnoticed. comb, 235 South Gratiot, Mount For mformation, call 468-2616. It's been a long time and I don't remember who got away. The chOIr and SOlOIStsof Jef. swer all prayers? The music will It probably was Don. He seemed to always get away I got Fashion show, luncheon ferson Avenue Umted MethodIst embellIsh these subtopics. caught. I always got caught. His iron grip had my arm and Church WIll present a servIce ti- Jefferson Avenue United The ChristIan Brothers awnl. The fundraiseI' will feature the tealS of guilt and fear began to flow. Suddenly I remem- tled "Prayer" at 10 a m on Sun- Methodist Church is at 14456 E. Iary of De La Salle will present fashIOns from the stores of bered how wrong all of this had been. We had no business day, March 10 The tOPICwIll be Jefferson. The Rev. Linda ItS annual sprmg fashIOn show, 'l\velve Oaks Mall. Donations there. We were breaking and wasting what did not belong broken down mto six SUbtopICS Slaughter of Grosse Pointe Park "Spring Fantasy '91," at 11:30 are $20 a person. Tables of 10 What IS prayer? Why pray? How is pastor. Stella May of Grosse to us. Further, we were seriously endangering ourselves as a m on Wednesday, March 20, are available. Call 882-8659 or well as our friends. at Zuccaro's Country House, 8868166. to pray Where to pray Hin- Pomte Woods IS the music direc. And then he let us go. I can't say why. We weren't partic- 46601 Gratiot, Mount Clemens. drances to prayer Does God an- tor. ularly cute ordinarily, certainly not covered with cement dust, dirt and rust stains. We weren't good kids, not then, Children of Mary Bible study not that he could see - probably not at all. Christ Church elects leaders He just let us go. I still shudder to think what my Dad of the Sacred Heart Jefferson Avenue United Christ Church Grosse Pomte Other members of the vestry, would have done, let alone my Mom. I can't even imagine Methodist Church will hold Bi. elected the followmg leaders for the church's governing board, The ChIldren of Mary of the what the owner of the yard would have loosed upon my ble studies for the neighborhood 1991 at Its annual parIsh meet- are: Joseph Alff; Robert E. Sacred Heart WIll meet FrIday, head. on Saturdays from 11 a.m. to mg in January: Monte Jahnke, Booth; John W. Coe; Selden B. March I, at the Grosse Pomte 12:30 p.m. and Sundays from 9 Lent is a traditional time to get ready for Easter. And semor warden; Howard TIschler, Daume Jr.; Charles Norton ill; Academy, 171 Lakeshore Road to 10 a.m. at the church, 14456 JUnIor warden; Mrs John Wil Allen Ledyard; William Easter is, according to Christians, God's great shout of Mrs. The Rev. Eugene Simon will E Jefferson Avenue at Marlbor- hams, secretary, Jeffrey Craig, LudWIg; Mrs. Helen Santiz; Rich- grace across the passing of time and the events of our lives. speak, followmg a Mass at 10 ough. The Rev. Linda Slaughter treasurer, and Bruce D Birg. ard Wilhams; and Dr. Calier H. That afternoon in the gateway of the fence, with the hard am WIllcoQ,duct the classes. bauer, chancellor Worrell See PASTOR, pageeB- ,

~ Warm and Loving Care Friendly companionship and speCial activities for older adults who need supervised day care In a spacIous WORSHIP SERVICES setllng convenient to the POlntes Call today for full details or drop In and VISit DIAL.A.PRA YER 882.8770 Grosse Pointe UnUarian GROSSE Paul Ev. Lutheran Church Church 240 CALVARY DAY CARE FOR ADULTS st. Redeemer United t POINTE Chalfonte A Center ot Lutheran Social Services ot MiChigan. 881.6670 Methodist Church "KeepingSaneWhenThe .t-- TED at 4950 Gateshead near Mack & Moross {} 375 Lothrop at Chalfonte 20571 VernIerJust W. of 1-94 ''WorldSeemsInsane" ~ UN I Lothrop 881.3374 9:00 & 11:15a.m. Vlbrshlp

886.4600 881-3343 • 21336 Mack Ave., GPW (comer of old 8 Mile) _ _. J - r 16 Lakeshore Dnve • GrossePomte Farms. 882-5330

.- I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Engagements 58

Wey-Wright ,..... ',J: MlCou earned a bachelOl' of SCI the Massachu!>ett<; InstItute of LJnJo- ence degree from the Unrverslty Technology He IS a pmtner and Mr and MIs Henry Wey of of MIchigan school of engmeer- ownet In Caldwell Mlcotl A..."o- Hmgham, Mass, announced the zmmerman mg and a master'f> degree from Clateh In Boston engagement of theil' daughter, Jack and Eleanor Grifo of Alison Wey, to MIchael Herron Gro<'&e Pomte CIty have an. WI'lght, f>onof Mr and Mrs Rob nounced the engagement of their Blood pressure tests offered ert A Wl'lght Jr, of Gl'Osse dUle check~ the Harper Woods Commumty T nlty College, where she Will be gIVen Feb 20 and 27 and Center, 19748 Harpel, In Harpel' ea ed a bachelor of degree March 6, 13, 20 and 27 arts Woods. In ngltsh. She IS a pubbc rela. For more mfOlmat/on call 774 The next free screenmg IS tlO S assocIate With Faml1y Cir- 9370 cleMagazme scheduled for March 13 For more mformatlOn call 343 3738 , mmerman earned a bachelor Metro DtlI amed IS a home Nurses from 8t John Hospital of Ience degree in communica- medical eqUIpment and supply Anne Henriette McCarthy also take blood pi essure read- tlO from Ithaca College He IS company servICIng southedstern mgs, at no charge, every Michigan McCarthy- a<; late buymg dIrector for Sa tchl & Saatchl m New York Jill Edgar Chapman Montagne Cll Chapman- Mr and Mrs F. Denms Mc. Carthy of Grosse Pointe Woods "DRAPERIES BY PAT" Milazzo have announced the engagement Mr. and Mrs Benjamin Michael Herron Wright and of theIr daughter, Anne Hen- -MARCH SPECIAL- Games Chapman of Grosse Alison Wey riette McCarthy, to P Martm Pointe City have announced the Montagne, son of Kathleen Mon. engagement of theIr daughter, Wey j<; a graduate of Demson tagne of GIOShe Pomte Park. A -FREE RODS*- Umverslty, where she earned a Jdl Edgar Chapman, to Jon June weddmg ISplanned. bachelor of arts degree • Complete Inlerlor de51gn serviCes TIllele MIlazzo, son of Alice E. McCarthy IS a graduate of OW' • Resldenllal & commercial Wl'lght IS a graduate of Grosse Milazzo of Montpeher, Vt., and Lady Star of the Sea High • Complete Ime of hard & soft wmdow trealmenl5 Pomte North HIgh School and Robert Milazzo of Holiday, Fla School and Michigan State Uni. • let us coordmale the whole room With carpet, A July weddmg is planned. Babson College, where he earned versity's James Madison College, wall paper, fabriC & pamt selection a bachelor of sCIence degJee • Custom com Ice boards & upholstered Chapman is a graduate of St where she earned a bachelor of headboards Lawrence University, where she arts degree She is employed by (°Some ExciuStom) earned a bachelor of arts degree The Addison Group m government, and the Univer- Montagne is a graduate of 22224 Gratiot (jushouth of9 Mile) sIty of Vermont, where she Grosse Pomte South High School 778.2584 earned a master's degree in pub- and the Umverslty of MichIgan, hc administration. She is em. where he earned a bachelor of ployed as housmg programs coor- science degree in engineenng. dinator for the state of Vermont. He IS employed by York Interna- Milazzo earned a bachelor of tional arts degree in mass communica. tions from the University of - Hartford He is athletic coordina- tor for the University of Ver- Mr and Mrs Carroll LeWISJr. mont. of Lancaster, Pa , announced the engagement of their daughter, JulIa LeWIS of Boston, to Hilary Herbert Micou III, son of Mrs HIlary Herbert MICOUof Grosse Pamte Farms and the late Mr Mlcou A May weddmg IS Kirk Terrill West and Susan planned Carol Long Long-West '.""'1~:,: , ," Mr and Mrs Thomas F Long 6 : ...... Jr. of Grosse Pomte Park an- »~ t/~ nounced the engagement of their daughter, Susan Carol Long, to ...... , KIrk Temll West, son of Mr .' / "."./' .. .1''' ~ and Mrs Reece A West of Wich- Ita Falls, Texas A March wed. ding IS planned Long attended the UniverSIty of Texas and Duke Umverslty, where she earned a bachelor of George J. Reindel David James Ellison and Jill trOlt and Mrs. Jam s G. Mc. arts degree In economICS, She IS Shantel Dalby Mahon of Grosse Olnte CIty a member of Kappa Kappa /...,. '" --: ... Dalby-Ellison Gamma soronty and the JunIOr have announced the ngagement ~~..~~~;t:.. League of DetrOIt. She is an as- of their daughter, Susan Buell :' •• )~ < "«,"" Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ken sistant financial analyst for WIl- Reindel, to DaVl,rald Tobbe, Dalby of Grosse Pointe Farms son of Gerald E. T be of Grosse ~ " son Kemp & Associates. ... ::. .. have announced the engagement Pointe Woods a d the late Hilary Herbert Micou illand " , of their daughter, Jill Shontel West attended VanderbIlt Um Odonna Tobbe. April wed- Julia Lewis « .. Dalby, to DaVId James Ellison, verslty and Southern MethodIst ding is planned. LeWISearned a bachelor of sci- son of Mr. and Mrs. David Umverslty, where he earned a Remdel is an account repre- ence degree from the Umverslty :'.', ".. Henry Ellison of Portola Valley, bachelor of scIence degree m ge- sentative with Marsh & Mc- of Delaware. She IS product man- .. ~--: ... L:::==- Calif. A June wedding is ology. He IS a member of Beta Lennan. ager for The LimIted mAn...... planned. Theta PI fratermty He is presI- Tobbe IS an dover, Mass <'~.Y • dent of Commanche ExploratIOn %\: Dalby graduated from Grosse neer with Na , " Pointe South HIgh School and Co m Wichita Falls Machme Co. , o} ... :: ...... earned a bachelor of arts degree in. international development, I WIth honors, from Wellesley Col- lege. She was employed as a re- search associate and casewriter for Harvard Busmess School. NURSING HOME FOR 5 X 7 or '8 X 10 She IS presently pursuing a STOREW~DE 8045 EAST JEFFERSON Ph.D. In orgaruzatlOnal behavior DETROIT MICH at Harvard. She is a member of Reprints Sigma Gamma Association. 821-3525 QUALITY NURSING CARE Ellison is a graduate of Stan. ford University, where he earned CLEARA CE a bachelor of arts degree In m. - ternational relations and a mas- ter of science degree in in. dustrial engineering. He is a SAVINGS F AUTUMN WOODS member of Phi Beta Kappa and Tau Beta PI SOCIetIes He was a management consultant at Bam and Co. in Boston He IS cur. HEALTH CARE FACILITY rently pursumg a Ph.D. in busi. ness econOlnics at Harvard. Domulewicz- COMMITMENT TO CARE Brooks o NO HIDDEN CHARGES Mr. and Mrs Michael V. Do- NO REQUIRED PRIVATE PAY muleWlcz of Bloomfield Hills o have announced the engagement CONTRACTS of their daughter, Knstine MIch. CREDIT CARD, ACCEPTED elle DomuleWlcz, to Charles AI. MEDICARE, MEDICAID AND E'xander Brooks, son of Mrs. o George E. Snyder of Birming- BLUE CROSS CERTIFIED ham, formerly of Grosse Pomte, and the late Charles R Brooks 24 HR SKILLED & BASIC A May wedding ISplanned. o Domulewicz is a graduate of MARGA~ET RICE NURSING CARE Lahser HIgh School She at- tended MIchigan State Univer. 78 KERCHEVAl ON-THE-HILL 10 MINUTES FROM GROSSE POINTE sity o Brooks IS a graduate of Um- OPEN; sho - 5:00 CALL US AT 574-3444 verslty LIggett School and MIchi- gan State Umverslty He IS em- 29800 HOOVER ployed by MichIgan NatIOnal 881-7020 Bank m Lansing. (NORTH OF 12 MILE)

, --~-...,------'= lor ~ 68 I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 050' s Pr ludes East concert series to begin

I The first of the "Pr des MUSICand the CurtIS Institute, East" series of mini-mus ales man of hostesses, at the Friday presented by the Detro!t m she graduated from CurtiS In event will be Dorothy Ignasiak, phony Orchestra's Volull eer 1984 WIth a bachelor of mUSIC Mary AlIce Plummer, Marge Sle- degree. CounCIl, under the chairman hIp zak and Dorothea Vermeulen. of Mary Baynert, will be eld Conway, a frequent solo recit- Each event mcludes a lunch. FrIday, March 8, at thE' Grosse alist and chamber mUSICian, has eon at 12:15 followed by the con. POInte War Memorial. been the pIanist for the DSO cert. The cost for the entire se- smce 1989 Formerly on the fac- FollOWIng a 12:15 luncheon, nes IS $37 50 IndIvidual ultIes of Oakland UniverSity and the program, WhICh WIr feature luncheon concert tickets may be AdI'ian College, he has been In- DetrOIt Symphony Orchestrd purchased for $15, a concert-only vited to teach a course In the members Bryan Kennry, Em tIcket IS $5 manuelle Boisvert an Robert 20th century PIano Literature For tickets, call the DSOH vol- and Performance PI'actIce at the Conway, will offer a Br~ms trIO unteer office at 962-1000 01' the UmversIty of MIchIgan for French horn, vIchn and chaIrman at 884-2458. Reserva- plano A natIve of Tulsa, Okla., Con- tions may also be made by mail- way receIved a bachelor's degree Kennedy has been vith the ing a remIttance for the proper m pIano performance from the DSO since 1982 A prue-winnel amount indicating the dates of New England Conservatory of in the Heldenleben Inte-national the concert to: DSOH Volunteer MUSIC and master's and docto- Horn CompetItion In blth 1977 Councll, Attn: Ann Lawson, 400 rate degrees from U of M and 1978, he studied eLensively Buhl Building, 535 GrIswold, ASSIStIng De Shaheen, chaIr- WIth a number of oU1standmg DetrOIt, MIch 48226 horn players before lttendmg the UmversIty of Mlchi~an. He was awarded a bfchelor of mUSICdegree WIth hOlors cum Emmanuelle Boisvert In the post 6 months laude In 1979 the Cleveland Orchestra before HAVE YOU MOVED! Jommg the DSO in 1988 PrIor to Joimng the Olche::.tla BECOME ENGAGED! Celebrity series m Cleveland, she peformed With In the post 3 months The Bon Secours Hospital Assistance League. sponsor of the Concerto Soloists Chamber the 1991 Grosse Pointe Celebrity Series at Parcells Middle Orchestra, the Colorado Philhar- HAD A DADYl School Auditorium. will present the final act of the series mOnIC,and the Orchestra de Ra- We have 10lsof local information and over 59 gifts - No stnngs' on March 14. at 11 a.m •. a program by Nien Chang. author dIOCanada. She has also per- GROSSEPOINTE 882.1790 of the best seller. "Life and Death in Shanghai." formed in chamber ensembles at Chang will tell the story of her imprisonment. her heroic the Marlboro MUSICFestival and resistance and her quest for justice when she was finally has made solo appearances in released. Quebec, Toronto, Montreal, Phil. 'UfKom~Oll Tickets for the performance are on sale on a first-come. adelphIa, Anchorage, and Colo- rado first-served basis. For information. call 882-0621or 882-2179. Phone - even if you only moved next door! Boisvert began her mUSIcstud- Ies at 3 at the Conservatorire de MusIque de Quebec ContInuIng Grosse Pointe Ski Club at the Meadowmount School of Wlu?n the choice is home ... The Grosse Pointe Ski Club place on Sunday, March 24, will hold its next meeting on when the group takes off for an Wednesday, March 6, at 8 p.m early sprIng nature hike to Ken- tKtmII7$R{ at the Grosse Pointe War Memo- sIngton Park, followed by a pizza rial. A coffee and brownies so- party at a private home. The cializmg session will be held be- club will meet at-the War Memo- EXTENDED CARE fore and after the meeting. rIal at noon, rain or shine, to car Bryan Kennedy The business meeting WIll fea- pool, or at the Nature Center ... R.N.'s ... Therapy Services ture nominations for officers and Building at the park at 1 p.m. In addition to hIS duties with ... L.P.N's ... Personal Care Aides board members for the annual Call Freda Vecchio at 851- the orchestra, Kennedy perfonns electIOn in April. Nominations 8213 for details and reservations. with the Detroit Symphony HomelHospital Services for the 1991-92 season will be There is a $2 charge, payable In Brass QUIntet, IS a member of R.N. Assessment and Supervision presented by the nominating advance, to help defray the cost the DetrOIt Chamber Wmds, and committee, charred by Jack Co- of the party. has appeared on several commer- Employees Screened and Insured cial recordings in the DetrOIt taling. Also, pictures of the For information on the club's Insurance Benefit Assistance club's various skI trips thIS past year-round social and sports area. year will be displayed. events, call Virginia at 881-0909 An actIve educator, he teaches Dependable Prompt Service The next social event WIll take or Dick at 771-3868 French horn privately at Oak- land Umversity and at the Cen- 24 Hours Per Day - 7 Days Per Week ter for Creative Studies - Insti- Louisa St. Clair, DAR tute of Music and Dance 882-3860 The Louisa St Clair chapter of BOIsvert, Detroit Symphony national chairman of the geneal- AffIliated with the Daughters of the American ogical records committee for the Orchestra concertmaster, has 6'ftm-tty~ Health System Revolution is sponsoring a ge- NSDAR, assisted by chapter captured the attention of audI- SERVING THE EASTSIDE AND THE GROSSE POINTE COMMUNITIES nealogical workshop on Satur- members ences, critics and musiCIans alike day, March 2, from 10 a.m to 3 The workshop is open to the dUrIng her brief career. The p.m., in Grosse Pomte. public. Participants should bnng young VIolinist was a member of The workshop will be con- data concerning therr ancestors ducted by Mrs. James R. Greene, such as birth, death and mar- Fontbone Auxiliary to spo sor retreat riage certificates, BIble records Single Way and other family memorabIlia. The Fontbonne AwolIary of mformatIOn, call For information or reserva- St John HospItal and MedIcal Christian singles are invited tions, call Mrs. Kenneth M. Center wIil sponsor "A Day of to join The Single Way on Satur- Wheeler at 882-7516 or Mrs. RecollectIon" on Tuesday, March day, March 2, at 7;30 p.m. for a John R. Hopkins at 751-3097. 12, at St. Gertrude Ch AI ch, Bible study fellowship at a mem- 28839 Jefferson (between 11 and ber's home in St. Clarr Shores. 12 Mile roads), St. Clair Shores. era Club An optional complimentary din- Windmill Pointe This specIal day of reflectIOn, ner will be offered at 6 p.m. for The Grosse Garden Club conducted by the Rev Thomas those who plan to attend the Bi- Club WIll m t on Tuesday, The Wmdmill Pointe Garden Radloff, wIll begm at 8 30 a m ble study. There is no charge for March 5, at 7: 0 pm. at Brow- Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. on and end WIth Mass at 4 p.rn the event or the dinner, and in- nell MIddle Sc 001, 260 Chal- Wednesday, March 6, at the Cost for the Day of Recollec- terested teens and kIds are wel- fonte, Grosse Pm te Farms, for a home of Joyce Blumenstock. Co- tIon IS $7 50 (lunch Will be come to attend. Reservations are monochrome a color prInt hostesses WIll be EdIth Johnson prOVIded), registratIOn deadlme requested by Friday, March 1. competItion and pictorial and and Pat ErIkson. The program IS March 6 Make checks payable ChristIan SIngles of all ages nature slIde com tition VISItors will be "Floral and Garden Pho- to the Fontbonne Auxlhary, are invited to attend. For more are welcome tography," presented by Lilian 22101 Moross, DetrOIt, MIch information, call 776-5535. Call 824-9064 0 Kirchner. 48236 more information Polish Genealogical Society of Michigan The Polish Genealogical Soci- Branch of the DetrOIt PublIc Li- ety of Michigan will present a brary, Jocelyn Koenig, PGSM series of lectures for the begin- board member, will give a ner in Polish research. Each ses- han~n seminar about filling sion WIll be from 10 a m to Pastor ;.;.:.;.:.:-:..-:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;::.;.;.;.;-;.;.;.;.:.:':';':':':';';':';:;':';':-:'.;.:.:.;:;.;.:.:;::;;;: out famIly group sheets and From page 4B noon. ancestor charts, Including find- On March 2, at the Conley Ing the informatIon required. PartIcipants WIll get individual hand of justice solid on my arm, I found out what gr ce is Bridge group aSSIstance In filling out theIr He just let me go. charts. There IS, of course, much more to Easter and Lent t an The Grosse POInte Woman's On March 9, also at the Con- Club brIdge group WIll meet at ley Branch of the DetrOIt PublIc this. But really, it all grows out of this spring soil He ust let me go. noon on Wednesday, March 6, LIbrary, Judy BarmatoskI and for lunch and bridge at the Kathleen A LaBudie, PGSM I hope that grace finds you this Easter. I hope it thrII Grosse Pointe War Memorial. treasurer, will present an over- you like a chIld runDIng home free. Ihope it floods over The prIce is $6. VIew of sources available In the with a force that will shape the life you live. Ihope you Reservations are reqUIred, Burton HIstorIcal CollectIOn and be ready for the grace when it hIts you with no cancellatIOns after Sat- other lIbraries LaBudle will dIS- He just let me go urday, March 2. Call 885-0179 cuss the Importance of CIty dIrec- for information tories in research

Is There a New Home on Yo r Horizon? Orrr. Town or country ...wherever you're looking for a home apartment, co-op or ~r &3~~ condominium ...shop the RealEstatesection of the Classi eds! "")-..;0

------.... I I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Weddings 78

The bride's SIster, Cathy Ann Gro'l'le Pomte Woods Pomte; Wendy Flynn of New Mestdagh of St. Clair Shores, The bride is a graduate of The mother of the bride wore York; and Juha Frank of Nan- Grosse Pomte South High School was the matron of honor. a two piece SUIt of IVOry cream- tuckett, Mass BrIdesmaids were the bnde's and MIchigan State Umversity. colored wool crepe and chiffon Attendants wore floor.length She IS employed by Xerox Corp. sisters, Camilla Jane Coats, Car- With Illdescent beadmg gowns of forest green mOIre and The groom is a graduate of ohne Lindsey Coats and Court- The mother of the groom wore carrIed bouquets of gold, rust, Seaholm High School and Michi. ney ElIZabeth Coats, all of Fort a perlwmkle blue pleated SIlk coral and cream-eolored wIld Wayne; Suzanne Marie Lynch of gan State University. He is em. dre% WIth a WIdeJeweled belt flowers ployed by AT&T. Grosse Pointe Woods; Wendy The soloist was Elizabeth Par- The groom's brother, Walter The newlyweds traveled to Lee Moms of Harper Woods; cells Becker, accompamed by Hell of BIrmingham, was the Bermuda They hve in Birming- and Mary Kay Gallagher of WIlham De Turk. best man Grosse Pomte Woods. ham The bride IS a graduate of the Groomsmen were Peter Struck Attendants wore tea-length UllIversity of MIChIgan, where of ChIcago; David Thomas of teal two-pIece silk shantung 'lhe earned a bachelor of arts de. ChIcago, Matt Uphoff of Blr suits WIth V-necklmes and pe_ !,1Jee m economics. She IS em- mmgham, Kreg Kessee of Blr. plums They carried bouquets of ployed a'l an account executIve mmgham, John Bookmeyer of deep yellow lilies and alstroma- at Lmtas Campbell-Ewald Ad- Denver, and ChnstIan Gross of ena, tIed WIth pale yellow satin vertising bows BIrmIngham The brIde's The groom IS a graduate of brother, Robert Palmer, and Mr. and Mrs. David George The groom's brother, Christo- MIchIgan State Umverslty, Kurt Gerber served as ushers pher Warren of Pompano Linington B. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicholas where he earned a bachelor of The mother of the bllde wore Beach, Fla., was the best man. Leto arts degree In busmess admmls a rose tea-length sIlk dress and Engaged? Mitseff-Linington Groomsmen were Kevm Mc- tl atlOn He IS employed as a carned a smgle whIte rose Mahon of Grosse Pointe; Scott Emlly Kay Mitseff, daughter sales representative for Techn The groom's mother wore a Married? McPhaIl of Honolulu; Daryll Reic hert -Leto of Carl and Phylhs Mltseff of aGroup Inc teal tea-length dress WIth ac- Nlhem of Grosse Pointe Woods, Grosse Pointe Woods, marrIed Paula Ann Reichert, daughter The newlyweds traveled to St cents of fuchSIa, lavender and Announce it Jim Morriss of Harper Woods; DavId George Llmngton of of Dr. anti Mrs Carl E ReIchert Maarten They lIve In GIOSse green sIlk She carrIed a smgle and Dan Gallagher of Grosse Jr of Grosse Pomte Farms, mar- Pomte whIte rose in the Mount Prospect, Ill., son of Pomte Woods. George and Jeanme Linmgton of rIed Joseph NIcholas Leto, son of Readels were DaVId Palmer, The bride's mother wore a sap- Grosse Pointe Washmgton, on Nov. 17, 1990, Mrs NIcholas Leto of Grosse JIm Palmer and Kathleen Han- phIre blue taffeta suit WIth jew- at Grosse Pomte Memonal Pomte Park and the late Nicho- dley The SOlOIst was Pat La- Church eled buttons and a white orchid las Leto, on Nov 10, 1990, at Barhera News corsage. The Rev. V Bruce RIgdon offi- Grosse Pomte Memonal Church ciated at the 6 pm. ceremony, The groom's mother wore a The Rev. V. Bruce RIgdon offi- two-pIece burgundy silk suit and which was followed by a recep- CIated at the 5 p.m. ceremony, a whIte orchId corsage. which was followed by a recep tion at the Detroit Athletic Club. WillIam Mestdagh Jr. read a The bride wore a whIte sheath tion at the Country Club of De- poem at the ceremony. troit gown of shIrred sIlk that fea- The bride is a graduate of tured an off.the-shoulder design The bride wore a gown fash- MIchIgan State Umverslty, ioned of white silk taffeta WIth a and a flared tram Her shoulder- where she earned a bachelor of length vell was attached to a full skirt, short sleeves, a Basque headpiece of whIte silk roses and arts degree m advertising. She is bodice, a low back and appliques she carrIed a bouquet of whIte medIa director at Kolon, Bittker of Venice lace. Her headpiece, a & Desmond, Inc. roses and stephanotis band of Venice lace, held a long PrOVIding speCIalIZed home care services The groom is a graduate of veil and she carned a bouquet of Tina Louise Ricca of Grosse to the Adult and Pediatric patient Michigan State University, gardenias, white Casablanca hI. Pomte Woods was the matron of RNs • LPNs. Home Health Aides honor. where he earned a bachelor of ies, whIte roses, stephanotis and arts degree m telecommunica- Bridesmaids were the brIde's cascading dendrobium orchIds. Call us 24 hours a day, 7 days a week tions. He is a manufacturers' sisters, Julie Mltseff and Faye The bride's sister, LIsa Reich- Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. HeiJ Jr. representative for Cobane Corp. ert Adams of Grosse Pointe Mitseff, both of Grosse Pomte Woods. The couple traveled to Ja- Woods, was the matron of honor. (313) 772-5360 maIca They live in Grosse Bridesmaids were the bride's Palmer-Heil The matron of honor wore a Pomte Farms sister, Carla Reichert Snell of floor-length dress of black velvet Kathleen Palmer of BIrming- Professional Medical Services WInnetka, lll.; Elizabeth Wach- and satm wIth white sleeves. ham, daughter of Thomas and ter Jones of Boston; Tracy Echlin Bridesmaids wore floor-length Marguerite Palmer of Grosse St.[,] of Boston; SUSIe Mascarm Keane HospItal and Medll~al Cenler dresses of black velvet and satm. Pomte Farms, married Edward John of Los Angeles; Nancy Wright of They carried bouquets of white R Hell, son of Dr. Edward and Grosse Pointe Farms; and Laura and yellow roses Rhea Hell of BIrmingham, on Servmg the tn.county area Cote of Harper Woods. Robert Rachford of Glendale Sept. 22, 1990, at St Clair de Attendants wore street-length HeIghts, III , was the best man Montefa1co Church. black crepe dresses with white Groomsmen were James The Rev. Fred Taggert offici- organza sleeves and carried bou . . ATTENTION Cordes of Washington and Dale ated at the 6 p.m. ceremony, quets of white Casablanca lilIes which was followed by a recep- Stockman of Farmington Hills. and ivy. Ushers were the bride's brothers, tion at the Detroit Golf Club. CHEVROLET OWNERS The flowergirls were Kristen Randy Mitseff and Brad Mitseff, The bride wore a satin gown both of Grosse Pomte Woods Adams, Carly Adams, Elizabr..~h fashioned with a sweetheart OUR GROSSE POINTE LOCATION Snell and Lauren Lata They The mother of the bride wore neckline, a bodice decorated WIth wore black and whIte stnped taf- a floor-length dress of black vel- pearls and lace, a dropped waIst feta dresses and camed baskets vet with gold bead trimming on and a chapel. length train. She NOW OPEN of flowers. the bodice and sleeves carried a bouquet of white roses, Outstanding Savings Bnan Doyal of New York CIty The mother of the groom wore gardemas, stephanotIS and lilIes- was the best man New & Used Cars & Trucks a floor-length black dress with a Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward of-the-valley Groomsmen were the groom's sequmed bodice, a lace overlay Gallagher The brIde's SIster, DIane Rmg • LEASING. brother, Peter Leto of Grosse and long sleeves. of Grand RapIds, was the matron Pointe Woods; Bill Yates of Excellent Service Maggie Rees was the SOlOIst. of honor. Shorter- Grosse Pomte Park; John Har "Dedicated to Total Customer Satisfaction" The bride is a graduate of Bridesmaids were Rebecca rington of Cypress, Texas, TIm Grosse Pointe North High School Miller of Florida; Molly Arpm of Gallagher Luzadre of New York CIty; and MIchigan State UniverSIty, Chicago; the groom's SIster, Elis Bnan Withers of Grosse Pomte where she earned a bachelor of Pamela Cordelia Shorter, abeth Gerber of San FranCISCO; Farms; and John Adams of arts degree in English and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John ChrIstina Nihem of Grosse master of arts degree m curncu- Woolsey Shorter of Grosse Pointe lum. Park, marrIed Charles Edward The groom IS a graduate of Gallagher of LIvonia, son of Mr. Michigan TechnolOgical Umver- and Mrs. Edward E. Gallagher ~ sity, where he earned a bachelor of Pontiac, on Jan. 26, 1991, at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church. • Deep relaxation and stress reduction of science degree He IS employed • Relief of muscle tension and stiffness by UOP in Des Plaines, Ill. The Rev. V. Bruce Rigdon offi- The couple traveled to Or- ciated at the 11:30 a.m cere- OJIIJittiu ~ • Reduce muscle/joint pain mony The reception was at the lando, Fla They hve In Mount • Enhance well-being Prospect. Grosse Pointe War MemOrIal. The bride wore a tea-length • Increase capacity for clearer thinking ecru sIlk brocade gown featuring ../6n1o/ae Y!ntIJ Thomas K. Fine, B.S., C.M.T., R.R.T., R.C.P.T. metallIc gold-thread decoratIOns, Held in the Historic Whittier Towers, long sleeves and a V-back. She MASSAGETHERAPIST.certified by the AM.T.A Crystal Ballroom * camed gardemas, stephanotis MEMBERAmerican Massage Therapy Association and IVY, and an heirloom gift * 41 5 Burns Drive l3 Years experience" Health Care local references upon request book whIch has been m the fam- * * at EastJefferson Formerly of Grand Traverse Resort Ily since 1859. * Detroit, Michigan The matron of honor was Di- HOUSE CALLS - GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE ane S. Hentschel of Kenosha, MARCH 2 & 3, 1991 886-2653 WIS. She wore a pale gold dress 11:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Saturday In the same style as the bride's and a round bouquet of blue iris, 11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday whIte daisies and Ivy. Admission $3.50 The groom's brother, Michael 50 discount with ad T Gallagher of Waterford, was Event Sponsored by the best man Gryphon ProductIOnS. 415 Madison Ave S E • Grand Rapids, MI49503 (616J 459.2228 Ushers were Kenneth Mager- man and James Magerman, both of Clarkston The mother of the bride wore an ohve silk brocade dress deco- rCOUPONS-'COUPONS ;COUPONsl Mr. and Mrs. G. David Warren rated WIth metallIC gold threads and a corsage of gardenias. :FIND VALUABLE COUPONS FOR ... I Coats-Warren The mother of the groom wore ChrIstine Kay Coats of Gro'>se a sapphire blue Jacquard street- Pointe Farms, daughter of Dr length dress and a corsage of I r~------, : and Mrs. Wilham D Coats of WhIte carnatIOns. I r/ AMJ Electronics I : Fort Wayne, Ind, mamed G Maggie Rees was the soloist. I r/ Cuomo Pro Hardware I I David Warren, son of Mr and The bnde earned a bachelor of Mrs. Gerald E Warren of Grosse arts degree from the Umversity r/ Domark Custom Apparel I I Pointe Farms, on Oct 13, 1990, of MIchigan and a J D. degree, r/ Josef's French I I at Grosse Pomte Memorial cum laude, from the Detroit Col- Pastry Shop r Church lege of Law. She is a trial attor- I The Rev. Stanton Wilson offi ney WIth AAA Michigan. r/ Junior Boot Shop I I ciated at the 5 p m ceremony, The groom earned a bachelor r/ Metro Ski & Sport I I whIch was followed by a recep- of science degree from MIchIgan r/ One Hour Martinizing I I tion at the Detroit AthletIC Club State Umversity and a J.D. de. The bnde wore a long.sleeved gree from the DetrOIt College of t!_Vil~ge Cyclery -- J : lace sheath gown adorned WIth Law He IS a partner m the law Look/or savings in the back of your I pearls and seqUInS and featunng firm, Brashear, Tangora & a V-back, a sllk peplum and a Spence "the little Blue Bwl.:" I cathedral-length tram She car The newlyweds traveled to I 1(.'" I Business and Professional Telephone Directory ned long-stemmed hhes tied South Padre Island, Texas They I I WIth WhIte satin ribbons hve m Llvoma L 882-0702 • 19650 Harper. Grossc Pointc Woods I ------.J

it l -'>~c !!!!!!!!!!!!lr.!!err=:!>=l=::!~~-----~-'~~.- - - - _ f : Entertainment February 28, 1991 ~8a Grosse Pointe News Comic strip elevates the ordinary to the extraordinary

: By Ronald J. Bernas work well together, they also have the .", 1ok better rn swealers INn they do you don't know what month it is, how can versal Press SyndIcate, asked them to ere. "That's one of the reasons we sent our you possibly care what time it is?" ate some more. It's selling in the small towns as well as stuff to them," Aldrich said. "We like the the big cities and is carried in major mar- The two met at Ross Roy. "They wanted to see If we blew all ow' other stuff they offer." "I'm an associate creative director," humor m those 12 panels," Aldrich said. kets by the Atlanta Constitution, the Balti- Aldrich and Wise carry small notebooks Wise said. "And he's a 'real' creative dlrec- They created more panels and UPS de. more Sun and the Sacramento Bee. In which they jot down words or phrases 101." Clded to repl esent them. They re m good that come to their minds that can be used "Because small towns are buying it, too, The two combined their talents on company UPS represents stnps lIke Cal. for strips. They get together to expand the it must mean that we're doing what we set award-winning advertising projects for sev. vin and Hobbes, The Far Side, For Better ideas and come up with pictures to accom- out to do," Aldrich said. "We're appealing eral years and found that not only do they or For Worse and Doonesbury pany them. to the widest possible audience. What they "When we get together to do these like about it is the fact that this is one of strips, we don't know where the time the rare one.panel strips that's not a rip-off goes," Wise said. "We have a lot of fun." of The Far Side." The ideas are fleshed out with thumb. The pair feels that doing the comic strip nail sketches and are sent to an editor. is merely an extension of what they do at Once they get approval the actual panel is Ross Roy - selling an idea. created and the final product is shipped "We were attracted to this business, the back to UPS where it is distributed. advertising business, because it's fun," Not all ideas are accepted. Some that Aldrich said. "Doing the comic strip is they think are funny - like the one ques- doing what we know best, but in a purer tioning what event led to a proctologist's form. I think it makes us better at both." career choice - are rejected. Ideas come at any time on any day and "They tend to frown on scatological hu- each say that they notice things more mor," Aldrich said. acutely since starting the strip. "It's a sur- Although Wise does most of the drawing vival skill now," Wise said. and Aldrich does most of the writing, they Aldrich is 45 with two grown children don't pigeonhole themselves. and Wise is 33 and has a toddler. Between "I can draw a dog," Aldrich said. "But the two of them, real-life experiences are only from the front." wide-ranging and fresh. "If I went down in a plane crash tomor- "We're different enough so that we don't row all the panels would have a dog pic- come up with the same sorts of things," tured from the front," Wise said. Wise said. "I can adapt it, though," Aldrich count- They have been told that the critical ers. "I can make it a beaver." time for a comic strip is one year. After Real Life Adventures is the only new that it either expands or levels off. They strip is offering this year. Pholo bl Ronald J Bernas vPS have 11 months to go. Aldrich has been told it's difficult to sell Until then, they're still coming up with Gary Wise and Lance Aldrich (seated) have created a new comic strip being distributed across single,panel strips, but in less than a ideas, and hoping that one day their proc- the country by Universal Press Syndicate. month, nearly 30 papers have picked it up. tologist panel might get the OK. DSO rel!.ort: Classical Roots Concert is too studied to offer any inspiration By Alex Suczek politely encouraged to stand, and mUSIcal Ideas and encouraging tinction that nught be possible. by the heroes he had in mmd. It throughout there is an introspec- Special Writer did so appreciatively passages WIth mterestmg orches The quartet of soloists, s0- is a surprisingly effective expres- tive and !>Ombremood. But the "Lift Every Voice and SIng," The combined Brazeal Den- tral effects In thiS first perfor widely regarded by black Amen. prano Daryl Taylor, contralto sion of a deeply felt cause. It musIc is well conceived and cap- nard Chorale, Community Cho- mance, however, idea develop- Delores Ivory Davis, tenor cans as their anthem, was the Sam. could have been even more so able of a moving impact and tell- rus and Youth Chorale sang ment was almost ImpOSSIble to inspirational opening of last uel McKelton and bass-baritone with a freer and more energized ing climax. beautifully With obvIOUSdedIca- assess week's Detroit Symphony Or- Clarence Semmes, sang with at- performance. Again Maestro Dunner, this tion and DSO Associate Conduc- The program contmued WIth chestra program. It set the tone tractive feeling and blended time with orchestra alone, did tor Leshe Dunner led with hiS an ImpressIve ReqUIem Mass by It was impressive to have the for the DSO's second annual effectively in their ensemble not seem ready to bring it off. usual authonty. However, Imbal. the BrazIhan composer Jose two living composers then ap- Classical Roots Concert, an occa- parts, but. were unable to While giving the symphony a ance between orchestra and cho- MaurICIO Nunes GarcIa Rather pear to take their bows. They re- sion to present classical composi- achieve the clarity and fluidity clear and competent reading, it rus and an aIr of too much stud- than leflectmg hiS African-Por. ceived an appreciative ovation tions by African.Americans. required by the music, particu- was not the expenence it should Ied care kept the performance tuguese hentage, Nunes Garcia larly in their solos. A stirring piece, originally per- For the second half, the pro- have been. from taking mspirational flight, pays clear homage to Mozart In The last and most effective of- formed at a Lincoln's Birthday gram departed from its special a feehng that persisted through- both plan and style The Mass fering in the "Roots" half of the This week's concert series be- celebration in 1990, the an- purpose with the Symphony No. out the program has grand scope and could as program was Kermit Moore's gins tonight (Thursday) at 8 p.m. them's persIstent rhythm is rem- 5 in E flat major by Jan Sibel- A starthng and Impressive well have been written In Eu "Many Thousands Gone." Com- with guest conductor Zdenek iniscent of gospel smging, lend- ius. Yet there was linkage in the contrast followed In the premiere rope as m early 19th century pleted and fIrst performed in Macal and violIn soloISt Midori. ing a clear Identity to the sense that Sibelius' homeland, performance of the wmmng BrazIl WIth Its characterIstIcally 1971, it was intended to honor The program includes "SaSiMa" performance by massed choir too, has fought for its liberation selection from the Composers' claSSIcal themes and develop- contemporary fIghters for human by Roberto Sierra, "Pictures at and full orchestra It obviously and freedom which gave rise to a Forum, "TransversIOn I, Opus 6" ment Much to the composer's and civil rights. With a some- an Exhibition" by Moussorgsky had great meanmg to Its audi- strong ethnic and nationalistic by MOOal Richard Abrams. The credIt, It has a dlstmctlOn all Its what jarring alternation of spir- and the Violin Concerto No.2 by ence in Orchestra Hall which feeling in his music as well. work commands attention With own and transcends any ethmc ItUal singing and atonal orches- Bartok. The additional perfor- rose respectfully for the perfor- its openmg tone clusters by the IdentIty But agam Dunner and tra interludes, Moore has This symphony IS a difficult mances are a coffee concert at mance. A number who, like our- plano, percussion and winds, be- hIS fOlces seemed unready to hft succeeded in evoking the conflict and moody work. A langwd horn 10:45 a.m. FrIday, and Saturday selves, were not fully aware of fore moving to sustamed phrases the perf 01 mance to the level of of faith, bondage and struggle and winds open to create a "for- evening at 8:30 p.m. For tickets the anthem's Significance, were by the strings It has mtngumg emotIOnal tot ce and aliistIC dls that must have been experienced ests of Finland" atmosphere and and mformation, call 833-3700. Bach Festival begins Saturday kid concert series begins The Michigan Bach Festival and Dance Suite for Stnng Or- opens its 1991 season with an c~estra by Jean BaptIste Lully The Grosse Pointe War Memo- and Tom Wall on keyboards, guI- ~rn instruments that are rarely, Organ Recital and Chamber Or- A student of Ray Ferguson rial will begin a new "Koncerts tar, mandolin and ukulele. if ever, played together Their for Kids" series on Saturdays to chestra at St. Paul Cathohc and Marilyn Mason, WE..,TIer On March 16, a show the InstrumentatIOn includes bala- enhance the musical offerings Church Sunday, March 3, at holds a doctor of musical arts Michigan Touring Arts calls one fones, steel drums, berimbau, vi- available in the community for 3:30 p.m. degree in organ performance "of the finest professional tour- braphone, m'biras, tabla, rain. all ages. ing performing artists" will per- maker, cuica, gongs, bass, donno St. Paul music director and from the Umversity of Michigan. "We are very excited about form. Chautauqua Express dru~' rhumba box, congas, WQRS-FM music hostJprogram The concert is sponsored by Nave, Inc. of Dearborn, and the this new program," said Mark Children's Program entertains OCarInas, shakers and others. dIrector, Dave Wagner, Will per. Weber, president of the Wax parents and children of all ages The final concert m the series form WIth members of the De- Earl Beth FoundatIOn from Grosse Pointe Farms. Memorial 'We feel there is a with songs, stories and audience features the SongSlsters on April troit Symphony Orchestra with strong demand in the commun- participation, drawing on ele- 27. The SongSisters, Chris Bar- organ and orchestra. Honorary chairmen for thIS Ity for a musical series geared ments from Amencan folk mu- ton and Julie Austin, perform Tickets are $8 and may be concert are. Frederick and GaIl toward children that the whole sic, popular music and native children's music on a variety of purchased at the door or by call- Kaess of Grosse Pointe Farms family can enjoy. There are a American stories. A wide array folk instruments. They aCCOm- ing the Michigan Bach Festival and Mr. and Mrs V.C. Madlas of couple of Saturday children's of stringed instruments IS used pany their clear VOIces with gui_ at 271-1939. Dearborn programs offered in Detroit, but mcludmg mandolin, banjo, lute, tar, bongo, hammered dulcimer This year Wagner will repeat Other MIchigan Bach Festival we wanted to offer a program violin and various guitars. autoharp, recorders, flute and the performance on Friday, concerts include: whIch is both outstanding and homemade rhythm and folk toys. March 22, at 8 p.m at Christ • Sunday, March 17 at 3 pm close to home at the same time." Their presentation IS a colorful Church Cranbrook. TIckets are at Christ Church, DetrOIt, WIth • Fnday, Apnl 12 at 8 p m at The audience can sing-along to mudure of songs, stories, humor $10, With a reception following Ray Ferguson, organist the Chnst Church, DetrOit, fea- well-known children's songs as and movement. the performance in Guild Hall at • Friday, March 22 at 8 pm turmg the Brazeal Dennard Cho- the series kicks off on March 9 All concerts are from 11 a.m. the church. at Christ Church, Cranbrook. rale with Skylark, a traditional, to noon on Saturdays. TIckets for The concert Will feature organ With Dave Wagner and members • Sunday, AprIl 14 at '1 pm. SWIng, folk and country group. The series continues April 20 adults are $16 for the series of of the DSO. music of J.S. Bach: Toccata, Ada at the RadIsson-Ypsilanti \',Ith Skylark is an acoustic trio fea. with a world of music and st0- four and $12 for children, or can gio and Fugue, Organ Concerto • Wednesday, Apnl 10 Lunch- pIanIst Dady Mehta turing Betsy Beckerman on ries presented by the Storytell- be purchased mdividually for $5 in F Major Op. 4, No 5 of G F. eon Concert at the First Presby- For more mformatlOn, cd11 the hammered dulcimer, guitar and ers. The Storytellers create new for adults and $4 for children 12 Handel, the Symphony m F Ma. tenan-Dearborn WIth pianist Jo- MIchIgan Bach Festival office at tm whistle; Anne Jackson on and exciting timbres by blending and under. For more infonnation jor WeIhe 1m Friedemann Bach, seph Gurt 271.1939 keyboards, guitar and autoharp; the sounds of ancient and mod. please call 881.7511.

• ------I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News ! Entertainment 98 ..,; , " , , x' . Dance school / ," ~~t~, ~ " 1 ~ / i~~::="' i c~ holds auditions 1~.' 4 The dance department of Mar- { ! 1-"/;;-; ygrove College will conduct audi- ) ~. tIOns for adnusslOn to Mary- / ".4 0} grove's bachelor of fine arts > dance program on Friday, March 15, from 3-5 p m in the Liberal Arts Buddmg, Room 228 on the college campus located at 8425 West McNIChols at Wyoming Marygrove College offers an excltmg, professlOnlly-onented program leadmg to a bachelor of fine arts degree by auditIOn un- der the dllectIon of the dance faculty and approval by the ad- mISSIOns office Students must prepare a two-mmute perfor- mance ScholarshIps are avaJiable for mcommg students Successful candIdates should be prepared to take a techmque class and are expected to have a proficIency In either claSSICal Seated from left are M.R. Licko as Professor MOrIarty, Ken Kelly as Inspector Lestrade and Molly ballet or modern dance Johnson-Dodge as Mrs. Hudson. Standing from left are Kim Marlinga as Lady Anne Bliss, Daniel Interested students should con- Taylor as Sherlock Holmes and Richard Davis as Dr. Watson. "Murder at the Golden Lion or Sher- tact the Marygrove College ad- lock Holmes is Coming to Dinner" plays at the Golden LIOn FrIdays and Saturdays through April miSSIOns office for mformation 6. and forms at 862 5200 or the dance department at 862-8000, ext. 283 Auditions Sherlock's back at The Golden Lion Denms WICkline ProductIOns, Professor MOlldI ty's hIdden, tery, "The DInner Theatre Mur- /Plaza Suite' scheduled Inc.'s thIrd world premiere pro- grotto estate The plofessor and ders," has been produced in sev- ductIon, "Murder at the Golden East Detroit Theatre an- Holmes have establIshed a truce, eral areas around the country, The Greasepaint Players will present Neil Simon's "Plaza LIOnor Sherlock Holmes Is Com- nounces open auditIOns for the and MOriarty has InVIted and was seen at the Westgate Suite" March 7-9 at B p.m. at the Grosse Pointe South High Ing to Dmner" opens on Fnday, drama "Cnmes of the Heart" by Holmes, Mrs. Hudson, Dr Wat- Dmner Theatre in Toledo. Jane School audltorium. The three-act comedy tells three differ- March 1 at the Golden LIOn and Beth Henley. AUmtIOns will be son, and Inspector Lestzade to Vreeland, who mrected the pre- ent stories about people who stay in the same suite on dif- runs Fnday and Saturday eve- held at the East Detroit Recrea. dinner to mscuss a lastIng peace miere productIOn of "The Dinner ferent occasions. Above. Larry Grillo and Paula Rink star mngs through Saturday, Apnl 6 in the first act about a marriage on the rocks. The second tIon Center, 16600 Stephens (9-1/ Theatre Murders," IS the dIrector The audience wIll be cast as act involves a Hollywood producer hitting on his married 2 Mlle), one block east of Gra- The show is an audIence partI- of thiS show as well. . tIOt, on March 6, 7, 8 at 7:30 cipation mystery evenIng WhICh Baker Street Irregulars and Mor- PrIce for the evemng IS $23 95 ex-girlfriend and the hilarious final act deals with a wed- Iarty's henchmen durIng every pm features the claSSIC characters per person whIch Includes din- ding where the bride has locked herself in the bathroom performance Theil. role IS to ob and won't come out. Tickets are $6 in advance and $7 at There are roles for four women from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's ner, show, tax, and gratuity. serve the dealIng" between the door. Seniors and children are $4 in advance and $5 at and two men The characters' books and stones about Sherlock Cocktails begin at 7 p.m. Dinner Holmes and MOrIartv to make the door. For more information, call 774.0309 or 714-4054. ages range from 20's to 30's For Holmes, the master detectIve IS at 7:30 p.m., WIth the show more mformation, call Tom Jar- sure that everythIng' IS handled followmg dessert. Gift tickets are The play IS set at the tw'n of "above bomd" Unfortunately, rell at 771-7893 the century and takes place in avaIlable. Group rates are also murder and mayhem begm avaIlable, and special semor citi- shortly after dmner and the au zen group rates are offered for dience IS confronted WIth chOIces Fnday performances only. as to "whodumt?" Week at a glance The Golden LIOn restaurant is The original script for "Mur- located at 22380 Moross, near der at the Golden LIOn or Sher- Mack, in Detroit across from St. Items for thIS column must be lock Holmes is Coming to Dm- John Hospital. For further infor- Center & Gallery - DetrOIt and Arts on the center campus of the Wednesday," written by Muriel ner" was wrItten by Denms submitted by 10 a.m. Monday the MIchigan's only gallery relatmg college at Hall and Garfield mation and reservations, call week before the event. Items Resmk. It shows Just how funny Wlcklme WICklme's other mys- 886-2420. the arts to world peace - cele- roads in Chnton TownshIp. The the game of love can be The wlthm the Grosse Pointes WIll be brates ItS fifth bIrthday with a eclectIG concert features the mu- show runs Wednesdays only IIi' given preference. fundraiser at the center located SICof Broadway, HollyWood and " through April 3 at 7.30 pm. •• •• . at" 33 E' 'Adams DinbetJ,' pro"" ' 'TH:ket!!' are' '$8 for Mults, TIckets, whIch mclude an all gram and entertamment are m- $6 for stUdents and senIOr Cltl- •At the Grosse Pointe War Memorial • you-can-eat buffet, are $15. Dm- 32 LAKESHORE near Cadieux Friday, March 1 cluded In the $20 tax deductIble zens and $5 for children under ner starts at 6.30 p m For reser- fee. For mformatlOn and tickets, 12 For tickets and mformatlOn, The Notre Dame Players Present An HIlarious, Uproarious, Even Funny vations and informatIOn, call New Irish Play By Charles Kray call 965-5422 call 286-2222 469-0440 or 772-2798 The Golden Lion Dinner Thea- "IRISH STEW AND YORKSHIRE PUDDING" ter presents "Murder at the March 20 and 21 at 8 p.rn. Golden Lion or Sherlock Holmes Saturday, March 2 Tuesday, March 5 • Admission $8-$10 Call 884-5741 Is Coming To Dinner," an origi- .. ••• nal play by local author Denrus The Lake St Clmr Symphony Grosse Pomte Theatre's season Orchestra, under the directIOn of Wickline. The show is an aum. continues with the mUSIcal ~ James Hohmeyer, and the East ence participation mystery which "Cole." The revue style show Pomte Chorus present a cabaret features the classIC characters looks at the life, tImes and mUSIC RAM'S HORN The Detroit Kennel Club featuring musIC from Beethoven from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's of one of Amenca's greatest com- RESTAURANT to barbershop from 6 to 11 p m 885.1902 books and stories about the mas- posers, Cole Porter. The show 73rdAnnuaI Dog ShoW ter detective. Tickets are $23.95 at the AssumptIOn Cultural Cen- runs through March 16 every 17410 MACK AT ST CLAIR and include dinner and show ter, 21800 Marter Road m St mght but March i1 and 12 DAILY DINNER SPECIALS Call 886-2420 for tickets and in- Clair Shores. Dinner, dancmg, a Performances are at 8 pm ex- 11 a.m. to 11 pm only formation. raftle and a cash bar are In- cept for March 10 when they are HOMEMADE SOUP DAILY WE ARE FAMOUS for OUR DESSEFrrS cluded in the $22 50 admiSSIOn at 2 and 7 pm Ttckets are $10 .-- For reservatIOns and ticket infor- and can be ordered by callIng WEIGHT Semor Citizen Marc Anthony's (formerly the mation, call 776 1012 8814004 Student prices are WATCHERS Age 65 Discount 10% Heidelberg) and On Q Produc- avaIlable for some shows. Group Frosted Treat tions present the classic comedy & Desserts Minimum Order rates are avaIlable La Cal Menu $250 "The Honeymooners." The The Detroit HistorIcal Mu- Kramdens and Nortons will be seum, in conjunctIOn with the NOW AVAIL.ABL.E AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION MENU revisited Fridays and Saturdays costume exhIbitIOn "From Wednesday, March 6 Bunny Suits to BUSIness SUItS Try our delICIOUS at 9 p.m. through March 16. Swordfish. Yellowfin Tuna ~-_ .. Detroit Goes to Work," wIll offer Marc Anthony's (formerly the Ttckets are $10, with dinner and Halibut. Orange Roughy drinks optIOnal. For reservations a chance to face off WIth Steve Heidelberg) and On Q Produc- 00'1'1' Speclolo. Breakfost oerved onyt,me and information, call 469-0440 or Yzerman and Dave Strader of tions present the comedy "Any Ovt!r200 ttemaon menu Sunday, March 10, 1991 • Coho Center 772-2798 the Detroit Red Wings. They ( hildll" ""d" 12 & "l"'"1 ( "'/' ", S IIlIl wIll appear from 1 to 2 p m to \<1"1,, S () Oil I '''"'' I' '" (2 "1,,1,, ., 1"ld" Il) 51,IIIl The Cerone-Podis Duo, featur- answer chIldren's questIOns ing well known violinist David about their busmess clothes The }(ll lrLfllllllll1011 (It II I It!.., h I\,LII Jbh lit ((11>0 (t IHt r dlld presentatIOn IS free, but seatmg IHd !l.,1I"" Cerone and pianist Eunice Podis, DKC-SHO\V will perform at 8 p.m. at the is hmlted For InformatIOn, call TICKia'~v.:tsn:R@ Lila Jonew..Johnson Theater on Lon Naples at 833 1419 352-7469 ( 111\ ()f-, bhbh the Royal Oak Campus of Oak- land Community College. Gen. Sunday, March 3 eral admission is $18, students The MIchIgan Bach Festival and seniors $12. Special group rates are available. For tickets opens WIth St Paul Cathohc and information, call 341-5597. Church music director and WQRS-FM mUSIC host/program The Center for Creative Stud- director Dr. Dave Wagner per- ies-instItute of Music and Dance formmg at 3.30 pm. at St Paul presents an "All French" concert CatholIc Church, 157 Lakeshore Road m Grosse POInte Farms r":-::IJ featuring the music of French Tickets are $8 and are available CHAMPIONSHIP composers Claude Debussy, Jean at the door Mane Le Clair, Cesar Franck Fri.. lIAR 8 • ISJID " 8 JID Mstl1 u. 1cJ &: 1f) and Marin Marais at 8 p.m. at "" " -...... GJ!!!::.ft FelIx Resmck will conduct the 8:00 p.m. the school, located In DetrOIt's BIrmingham-Bloomfield Sym- 11M IEII sat.~~~~~pm Cultural Center. The concert fea- phony Orchestra's concert, "Sym- F"Ii.~~ Jeep O1amplonslup Doubleheader tures Mark Mutter, violimst, phonic ShowpIeces," at 7.30 p m ," r~ IZ:::I nCZETSFACHDAY Sunday, March 17 (Matinee 2:00 p.m.) and James Wdhelmsen, plamst m the Sanctuary at Temple 1 "WI" ",,,,,, "'''I__-.:..:~;~ $16, $1.Z!IO. $10" $8 Mutter, a graduate of the Um- Beth-El at 14 MIle and Tele STUDmrs; $8.00 TIcket REDUCED1'0 $5.00 with LO. Tickets available at: Hedy's Book & Gift Shop versity of Michigan, is a faculty graph roads In BIrmmgham Re On Campus In advanced or at the Box Office day of gamr member at CCS-IMD and Wil- nowned pianist Fedora HorOWItz 19451 Mack Ave., G.P.W. helmsen, a former Fulbright will perform Mozart's Plano Con Scholar, has performed as soloist certo No 20 m D mInor TIckets GREAT COlLEGE HOCKEt .. at THE JOE! Mail ticket requests to: 42nd Street and chamber musiCIan through- are $10 and $6 for students and • F~ Ii'e COlA's4 Best out the Umted States and Eu- can be ordered by callmg 645 • ~ WlTlTlCT ~ a br:l to Ii'e NO\A k:e Hodrey ~ip 1295 Fairholme Rd. rope and IS also a faculty memo BBSO, or are available at the TIckets on sale now on campus, Joe LouIJ Arena 801 Office and an ber at CCS-IMD. Ttckets are door G.P.W., MI48236 $750 for adults and $4 for stu- ~~~~ dents and semor CItizens and including Hudsons aM Harmony House The MetropolItan SymphOniC Make check payable to: Grosse Pointe North Choir may be obtained by calling 872- Band wIll present "Broadwayl 3118, ext 278 CHARGE BY PHONE (313) 645-6666 Reserved Seats $6.00 Unreserved Seats $5.00 MOVIes, Itahan Hohday Pro- GROUPDlSCOum AVAILWl by caIIIDg (313) 567.7474 gram" at 330 p m at the Ma GeDeral Information 313 567-6000 Swords mto Plowshares Peace comb Center for the PCl101mmg ~ vertnIhI Arts tenter lVl Vernier Dd.

.... ---- ..~------I ~--_ • JOB February 28, 1991 Entertainment Grosse Pointe News • 'Nothing But Trouble' IS nothing but bad By Chris lathrop Specral Writer Travel You've heard of the Brat Pack Now meet the Over the Hill ~\~ ~ t y Gang, WIth charter members •• Chevy Chase and Dan AykroYd. Trends MOVIegoers have fond memo- nes of the days when alumnI of the Saturday NIght Live and By Phyllis Hollenbeck SCTV comedy troupes got to- gether and actually made funny movies like "The Blues Broth- Deregulation, yuck ers," "Stripes," "Caddyshack" and "Ghostbusters." But in the past seven years, these washed- The Airline DeregulatIOn Act of 1978 is on the brink of up clowns have churned out becoming a teenager. Before the act was passed, the U.S. more garbage than anyone cares commercial air transport system was the envy of the world to remember Mile for mIle, our air fares were lower than almost any- The latest pIece of trash, where, and the service levels were superb The alrlme m. "Nothmg But Trouble," could be dustry proVIded flights to large cities and small towns. It the worst yet, a complete mess of "wasn't broke," and yet the act set out to fix It. As we re- a movIe that contams almost no flect on the last twelve years m the airline mdustry, we see legitImately funny scenes or SItu- atIOns And although Chase's a lot of changes - some good, some awful and many pretty performance IS by no means sad. above CrItIcIsm and scrutiny, Frequent Flyer magazine, pubhshed by the Officml GUIde Aykroyd is responsible for the Publishing Company, celebrated its 10th anniversary m creatIOn of this dog and therefore September 1990. In honor of thIS event they beefed up theIr deserves most of the blame. annual readers' survey to include questions about the state Chase plays an investment of the arrlme mdustry over the past decade. No one was pubilsher who, along WIth a surprised at the respondents' negative reactions to the won. shapely lawyer (Demi Moore) ders of deregulation. and a parr of South American Dan Akroyd. Chevy Chase and lohn Candy star in the abominable "Nothing But Trouble:' screwballs, takes a dewur off the I When asked to complete the statement, "When all is said behInd many of the previously ments and pratfalls, although he make him disappear. , and done, deregulation is: The best thing since the Wright New Jersey turnpIke, coasts through a stop sign and is mcar- mentIOned successful comedies has one hilarIOUS scene in which Aykroyd's talents have deten. brothers" - 2 percent opted for this description; "A decIded cerated m a b1Z8ITe village Aykroyd decIded w work with he struggles w say "I do" durin.g ora~ w the point. where they improvement, though with its own problems" - answered called Valkenvania. hIS brother Peter, who obviously a forced marrIage W Candy m are virtuallr ~on-eXlstent. QUIte 57 percent; "A failed though interesting experiment" - was The place looks like a salvage possesses the sense of humor of a drag. On tha~ score, Chase fares SImply, he Isn t fun~1.Yanymore, the choice of 28 percent of the respondents; and finally "A yard and IS home W a strange 10-year-old. The sophomoric gags better than hIS co;-stars; Aykroyd an~ he shows ~o SIgnS of ev~r disaster" - was the feeling of 13 percent of those who reo bunch of characters - an an- include such thmgs as police and Moore prOVIde no laughs bemg funny aga~n. Chase ,hasn t fi k assl'n I' d fi t whatsoever. completely lost It, but he s get- sponded. And, when asked about the state of air travel cIent Justice of the peace (Ayk- rIS mgs p g w n ee I' I d these days, these same respondents replied: Safety . worse royd), hIS grandson and grand- stuck m bedpans and ani~al ex- Candy's talefnths. a ~o are tll~lglthereb.IFortfunoodatey, Can y IS crement. "Nothmg But Trouble" wasted. Most 0 IS . time on stl capa eo. g . come, y,d as 54 percent, better 46 percent; service . worse 86 percent, daughter (both played by John Candy) and a grotesquely obese is a Pro riately rated Pa-13 ex- screen IS devoted W hIS role ~s long as he dISSOCIates hnnself better 14 percent; routes - worse 45 percent, better 55 per- t lhis case a bo the mute granddaughter. ThIS from has-beena cent; fares - worse 79 percent, better 21 percent. blacksmith (Aykroyd, also in a ~~ m f 13 .' ~yonel a ve forces him w rely on physical "Nothing But Trouble" is so dual role). The remainder of the g The hope of the Airline Deregulation Act was that it t e adgebo t th IS rte°ntYf ca 1!- humor whIch was never his spe- bad, It makes "The Great Out- film revolves around Chase and lOne a ou e con n 0 thIS It d " d "S' Lik U" I k would lead to new carriers offering lower fares, new routes fil cIa y, oors an pIes e s 00 company's hapless attempts W and improved services. The actual result is a fiercely com- I m "Nothing But Trouble's" only hke side-splitters. To those who escape Valkenvania's evil As tnte as they are, though, redeeming qualities are imagina- have seen those two bombs, petitive struggle pitting airline against airline. Whether clutches the jokes aren't half as bad as tlve set deSIgn and makeup, there's really nothing more w the consumer or the industry has benefited is questionable. Instead of seeking out a tal- Fares have been reduced in many sectors. The traveler the performances themselves. which makes Aykroyd almost say. To those who haven't, spare ented writer like Harold Hamis, Chase can only deliver a tired unrecognizable Now, if only yourselves - don't bother find- who makes a trip in these sectors gets from place to place another SCTV alum who was assortment of smart-aleck com- someone can figure out a way wing out what that means for less money. Economics dictate that to make up for the losses on these high-density sectors, airlines must raise fares on less-traveled sectors. Across the board, air fares in Martin's witty /L.A. Story' is breezy and warm the United States have not been greatly reduced. By Marian Trainor (Steve Martm), a wacky weather WIth Sara Victona Tennant who foUl"years she'll be 27 " The two Improved service? Well, there certainly are more flights SpeCial Writer man who has nothmg new to 's Martm's Wife m real lIfe She In the romantIc, fanCiful com mls matched couples end up in in the busy sectors. The end result is an overcrowding of forecast because It'S always IS a beautIful, bramy young En- edy, "L A Story," writer-pro sunny the same hotel m adJommg airport facilities, crowded skies and flight delays at levels glIshwoman who shares hIS looms WIth walls thm enough to ducel-star Steve Martm does for Outside the studIO, Telemach that would have been unheard of 10 years ago. Passenger affectIOn for the cIty. hear mght noises ObVIously, Los Angeles what Woody Allen er's life is not that exciting service at air terminals and in flight is minimal. Meals in The feelIng IS mutual, but be- sparks fly dId for New York In "Manhat- either He IS seeing TI udl, a fme she can make a commItment The role of the wacky weather- first class are similar to coach meals of ten years ago. tan" But WIth a dIfference Al- blrdbral~ who IS more interested Coach meals are now similar to the tourist class sandwich she has an obhgatlOn to fulfill man SUits Martm Tennant fills len glossed over the realItIes of m hittmg the high spots to show She has promised to spend the and soup meals of the early 1950s. The airlines simply can- New York and presented It as a the bIll as the mtelhgent and off her wardrobe than she IS m weekend With hel' ex-husband sweet EnglIsh girl who steals his not reduce fares to the levels generated by deregulation and lOmantIc place him. All hiS friends are W1apped and refuses to break the prom- heali Sarah Jessica Parker IS a provide good service. With few exceptions, service is sad. In an accumulatIOn of gags, up In themselves, so much so Ise not as the spaced out sales clerk Jokes and parodIes, Maltm zeros At least 12 major airlines have disappeared since the ad- that they barely take tIme out Hal'ns deCIdes that as long as who bounces and dances all o\'er m on all the drawbacks of hVIng vent of deregulation and competition is getting narrower, from talkmg about themselves she IS not gomg to be around, he the screen, never seemmg to m the CIty of Angels: the smog, not wider. In 1989, just eight airlines carried 89 percent of when an earthquake locks the Will take a pletty young thmg touch ground the traffic and the hIgh voltage restaurant where they ale eat the airline industry's traffic. Competition is shrinking, not (Salah JessJa Parker), who lIves "L.A. Story" IS an ambitiOUS ilfe styles - yet he stIll manages growing. Projections of airline financial performance for mg Only one observant charac neal" the beach, on a weekend comedy that hIts a lot of angles, to pOltray It as a great place to ter stops long enough to remal k, 1990 indicate a new - and unwanted - record will be set. tnp When someone suggests perhaps too many. However, It IS lIve "I'd glVe that a four" The U.S. airlines will probably suffer about $2 billion in that he's too old for her, he re- an amIable effort and one that Presentmg thIS senes of satm LIfe begins to look up when phes, "She's not so young. In fizzes and bubbles WIth chal ill losses, more than double the previous record loss of $778 cal riffs IS Han'ls K Telemachel' Harns meets and falls m love million during 1982 - the last period of major recession in our country. The Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 has created many ************** casualties among the established pioneering airlines of the United States and has brought service and comfort levels to Michigan Opera Theatre presents Cleveland San Jose Ballet performing new lows. When you take the next trip with a wonderfully ; c7CI low fare, think about what the tradeoffs have been. As with , the S&Ls and the banks and with Chrysler, eventually the taxpayers take up the slack on major American business * failures. Somebody will have to pay for the airlines also. As COPPE:LIA * '1H~ they say, there is no free lunch. "THIS LIGHTHEARTED BALLET IS PERFECT FAMILY FARE" SIMPSONS'M . -San Jose Mercury News LIVE TOUR! Uarch 8 and 9 at 8 p m * 'One of the ten best films ever' lfarch 10 at 2 p m and 7'10 p m all pertonnances on the MaSOniC Temple Theatre * opens at the Detroit Film Theatre TICKETS $11 to $57 CHARGE nCKETS BY PHONE 313/874-SING * The DetrOIt Film Theatre full-time ill and are available in orvis It the MDT Iieke! office at (OF!) of the DetroIt Institute of advance at the DIA tIcket office 6519 Second Ave In DelrDI1's New Center * area M.F 10-5'30 Sunday 12-5 Arts presents the exclusive en- or at the door. A five-admIssion * bckels are also avarlable through gagement of French director coupon book IS avaIlable for Jean Vigo's 1934 classic, "L'- $17.50. ~(2Z~A 645-6666 Atalante," shown for the frrst tlus produchon IS sponsored I!y @ ~ Bel and AIRRInCR "'"'''''''''' we * time in its complete, newly re- The DIT's Cyrstal Gallery *i;1990ad,v oflBC stored version. "L'Atalante" will Cafe IS open one hour prior to * be presented for one weekend each performance for light only, March 1-3. snacks and a complete beverage and bar service, All cafe pro- Known for Its freewheeling, ceeds benefit DFT programmmg * * exuberant style and Its remarka- For further information, or W bly natural performances, the receive a schedule of DFI' films, * * lyrical love story set in and phone 833-2323, from 9 30 a m * Tue" MAR. 12 - Sun" MAR. 17 * around Paris is one of only two until 5 p.m. daily Joe Louis Arena films created by the brillIant ~ * -----PERFOJUlANCES - _ * Vigo before hIS untimely death B at age 29. SPIRITS & EATERY 293-1412 * Tue. MAR 12 •••••. " ••••••••••••••••••.••• 7:30 PM I * Wed. MAR 13 11:00 AM ' 7:30 PM' t After first encountenng the If what happened film in the 19508, dIrector Fran- 30750 Little Mack, (south of 13 Mile) Roseville * Tho. MAR 14. • • • • .. • ..••.•••••••.••..••••. 7:30 PM' * Fri. MAR•••.•.••••••••••••••.••••••••••••• 7:30 PM' cois Truffant wrote that "L'- on your inside sat. MAR 16.•••••• 12 nooD ••••• 4:00 PM' 8:OOPM Atlante" IS a "masterpIece " EARLY BIRD SPECIAL * * Sun., MAR 17 ••.••••• 1:00 PM' 5:00 PM' one of the ten best films ever happened on your PAIME AIB Mon •• sat. 3pm. 6 pm made." When this carefully re- or $6 Sunday 1pm .4 pm (II OPENING NIGHT WIYZ-rv 7 ~ NIg1It, All tickets 1/2 price 95 (No coupon aeceuuy) * stored definitive versIOn was re- outside, would N.Y. STRIP STEAK SPECIALS VALID leased in 1990, The New York (t IFAMILY NIGHT - $3.00 OFF with co1lpOD, ~ _ ~ * DINNERS THRU MARCH. , * courtesy or .• 4. ~ MEIJER ~ Times' Vincent Canby called it you still smoke? * I KIDS (12 l' aaderllJld SENIORS (62l' emf!. SAVE $2.00 "a one-film archive of cmema CATERING TO YOUR HOME: SHOWERS, PARTIES ETC. * (.(ao cOlIpODaec:e.."., (no double dIscouats) riches .. , hypnotic, funny, aston- NOVEMBER 15, Ishing" THE GREAT AMERICAN DINING, DANCING & ENTERTAINMENT TICKETS: $13, $10 & $8 (lImited VIP ~uvallahle) * "L'Atalante" will be presented * at Joe Louis Arena Box Office & aU ~ on FrIday and Saturday, March SMOKEOUT. NOW APPEARING 1 and 2, at 7 and 9:30 p.m., and MA RKO 5 NIGHTS *1* CHARGE BY PHONE (313) 645-6666 J* on Sunday, March 3, at 4 and 7 APPEARING A WEEK p m 1'tckets are $5 general ad- TUES, WED, THURS. Starting At 6 pm, FrI., sat., 7 pm TILL *Group 8ales discounts (313) 567.7474 GenerallDfo. (313) 567-6000 * mission; $4 for students WIth **************

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February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News ports 118 North finishes 4-16-1 Blue Devils end Norsemen's season By Rob Fulton voma Chw'chIlI game (Tuesday, but then we went down 5-0 and Rob Fulton Sports Editor Feb 26) on Thursday, Feb 28 at thIngs dIdn't look good at aIL" All thIngs pointed to an upset 8pm But North got on the board In the Feb. 25 playoff hockey In the tournament's first WIth Ryan OlIver's unassIsted game between NOlth and South game, Southgate Anderson beat goal at the 12 19 mark, and sub Yackity Yack North hadn't beaten South m Roosevelt and Will play Livonia sequent goals were notched by two le!,'Ular season games thlb Wyandotte? Franklm Feb. 28 at 6 pm John Ferguson, his first of two season South hadn't won at "We wanted thIS one pretty on the mght, and BrIan Quinn. Where In the world IS that'~ Wyandotte's Yack Arena on two If you drive southbound on I. bad," SaId South's JIm Mc- "The la"t thmg I told the kIds occasIOns thIS season, and the Cauley, who saw hiS team aI- befO!e the game stmted was to 75 you can get there You could Blue DevIls hadn't won a pos take 194 to 1.75 to the Eureka mObt blow a five goal ledd "Now stay out of the penalty box," said tseason game m three yeal s the kld..<;can hang onto the bl ag- McCauley, whose team took five Road eXIt, 01 you could Jump In Plus, It'S dIfficult to beat a your boat dnd CrtIl!>edown the gmg nghts m Grosse Pomte " penalties In the second penod team three times In one season rlvel And South did hung on - "As soon as we started gomg to The upset didn't happen, barely the box we were out of sync and though, as the Blue Devils pre South took a 2 0 lead after one really lost our rhythm" Wyandotte IS not hockey's vaIled to take a 6 4 decISIOnfrom penod on goals by Malcel Chag- And almost the lead haven, but It gets the Job done. the Norsemen m the first round non and Steve TuckeI, and ex "In between penods, we Just of the Region 4 playoffs Wyandotte'~ Yack Alena 1S tended that ledd tv .J 0 III tlll:' told the 1.1(1, tv get l:ldck to fun home for several teams, mclud. "We were lookmg for Cmdel second pellOd on goals by Todd damentals and gather their ing North and South, during ella's Shppel'," said North coach Fredenckson, Chagnon and Pe thoughts," McCauley saId. "The the state hockey playoffs The MIke Manzella, whose team lost tel' Bourke. But, Just when It kids wele Iedlly bent out of arena serves the finest CUlsme, five straight games to end the looked like South was about to shape aftel gIving up three mcludmg hot dogs and fresh season 4 16.1 overall "We be- bury the Norsemen, Manzella's straIght goals, so we had to I"e popcorn, a slIce of pIzza or even heved we had a shot at the upset team fought back WIth three lax I remmded them that half of nachos. It's a fine rmk wIth and a shot at bemg the Cmdel goals m less than three mmutes thiS game IS played from the bleachers tucked behmd both ella team of the tournament, but "We're used to playmg game" shoulders up, and If they weren't goals, but no bleachers behmd we're gomg home" m whIch we'le down by three concentl atmg for the third pe- the benches South, 147-2 overall, wIll play goals," he saId "We figured It nod we'd be m trouble." Photo by Rob Fulton the wmner of the TJ enton LI was 30, that \',e'd stm t playmg, Maybe South relaxed too The regional tournament got South goalie Jason Hall makes a point-blank save on a shot much to start the thIrd perIod, from North's Brian Quinn. under way Feb 25 with South. because Ferguson converted a gate Anderson whippmg Wyano pass flOm Scott Nesom and Gary dotte Roosevelt, and then North Corona to cut South's lead to 54 and South battled In the 8 p m forcmg North to go up the mId- out of the perIod WIthout further WIth Just under 10 mmutes to dle. game North, WhIChhad lost to play damage" "We kept tellIng the kids to South tWIce m the Iegular sea- Nesom fimshed WIth three as- son, couldn't manage to stop blStS dump the puck up the mIddle or "South controlled the puck in skate It out thlOugh the mIddle," the losmg streak to the Blue South then WIthstood some our offenSIve zone and beat us to Manzella saId "But they kept DevIls, losmg 6-4 pressure from North, and With It m the neutral zone," Manzella trying the boal ds We couldn't 6 57 to play Brad Warezak bald "We wele caught standmg beat South to the outSide, plus Perhaps last week's com- "ealed the DeVIls' VIctory With a alOund lookmg at the puck too we dIdn't handle the puck very ments from South coach JIm power-play goal, makmg a wm long and dIdn't stop them We well In our own zone" McCauley sparked the Norse nel out of goalIe Jason Hall, who watched too much of the game men to make it a close game and didn't go to the puck." tm ned back 24 shots UntIl the second perIod when Perhaps the Norsemen were "We were lucky Warezak got tired of gettIng stepped on and the Norsemen scored three North dId fimsh with a flurry that goal," said McCauley "If he times. something to prove had missed that one, well, let's of shots on Hall, but he was equal to the task not thInk about that" "We Just weren't domg the McCauley, after hIS team McCauley wanted to get an fundamental thmgs we were "In order to beat our next op beat North 5-4 Feb. 14, SaId, "I eally lead to start the game by domg III the first period and at ponent we really have to be don't thmk NOlth should have attackmg North in its own zone. the start of the second perIod," sharper," McCauley said "We'll gIVen us a one goal game. Not It worked to perfectIOn, not Just McCauley SaId "North really take thIS one and run, and in to be degradmg to theIr kIds, because of South's outstandmg made great efforts and took it to order to- win again we have to but they don't have the talent forecheckmg, but because North us a bit, but fortunately we got we do" keep guys out of the box." was shootmg Itself In the foot. "We wanted to go with a 2-1-2 McCauley may have used WIth a heavy pinch on defense those words to fire up hIs own team, but the Iemark also and at the blue line," McCauley raIsed the lie of several Norse SaId. "We weren't finishing the men Photo by Rob Fulton early opportumtIes, but we knew South to play Notre Dame, that If we stayed m theIr zone North's Gary Corona (11), John Ferguson (10) and Scott Nesom. long enough we could wear them See FULTON, page 12B as well as the rest of the Norsemen team. celebrate after a Norsemen meet Southeastern Norsemen goal. down." South also Jammed the boards, The boys' basketball tournament will begin for North Whitfield to play football for Wayne State and South at Notre Dame High &hool March 4. North and South stlll have one regular season game to By Rob Fulton Wayne State's No. 1 tmget In and captaIn play March 1, but after that March Madness starts when Sports Editor a guy from DetrOIt Kmg, and what most are callmg the Tar The 6 foot I-Inch, 185-pound South battles the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame at 7:30 KeVIn WhItfield was heavily that's what bothered me I felt tal s' finest recrUltmg season semor lInebacker/fullback Isn't pm. Monday, March 4. recruited by several major col- MIssouri lIed to me Although upset that most of the pi omlses leges for hiS football abilItIes, Whitfield SIgned a natIOnal they did tell me I could be a were unkept In fact, he's velY and he heard a lot of promIses letter of Intent Feb. 6. walk-<>n" North drew a bye in the first round and advanced to content to Jom Coach Joe HOI In hIS CaIeer for the Kmghts, the semifinals where it will play Southeastern from the an's pi ogram. "Kevm was told a lot of things But the Class C all-stater from Whitfield rushed for 1,453 yards by a lot of schools," said ULS DetrOIt PUblic &hool League. That game will be played Umversity Liggett School de and 18 touchdowns He had two "It's funny how all the stOlles football coach Bob Newvme Thursday, March 7 at 6 p.m. If South beats Notre Dame, cided to stay home and play foot- touchdowns on punt retums and you heal' about recruitIng wally "But the schools weren't there m it will face Finney at 7:45 p.m. March 7. The champion- ball at Wayne State University two on kIckoff retums In hiS are true," said Whitfield, who the end. I'm happy to see him go ship will be played March 9 at 7:30 p.m_ next fall, after major colleges senIOr season, he set a school re fimshed With 388 career tackles to Wayne because he can fill m dropped hIm from their recruit- cord with 190 tackles, and dou and five mterceptlOns "1 really and play right away" Ing lIst That's when he became bled as the team's No 1 fullback wanted to go to a big school, but after being let down, I turned to Cmcmnatl had wooed Whit- Wayne and I know I'll be happy field since hIS Junior season, but GROSSE POINTE SOCCER ASSOCIATION there I am very pled.,ed \\ Ith fOl one reason 01' another, my decIsIOn" dlopped Its offer, too. SPRING 1991 REGISRATION Whitfield now has somethmg "I was all set to go there, but I Get a Big Kick Out of SoccerI n to pi ove to all the . former" Ie don't even know what hap pened," WhItfield saId. "They '~ ~ CI'Ulters were always m touch with me "I am gomg to show them ex and sendmg me letters, but all of actly what they passed up and a sudden the coach called and exactly what I can do," he saId. saId I was no longer bemg . I know I have to get bigger and looked at. It's amazmg how lIft weights mOle, but I am many things can be saId, and ready to do that I'm gomg to how many thmgs are never real. Wayne where I can help them I thmk recruitmg should be out- gam more respect fol' then pro lawed." gram" But all that bItterness turned Eastern Michigan, CIncmnatI, sweet when Horan gave Whit MISSOuri and Iowa State were field the nod among the colleges recrUltmg "I like Coach Horan and him, and nM,. didn't follow Wayne's program," said Whit- through WhItfield saId field, who WIll study engineer We have a spot just for you. "I was scheduled to go to MIS 109 "I never really got upset or Teams forming for our House Leagues: dwelled on It too much I Just "oun for a VISItand I got a call Under 12 - Under 10 - Under 8 - Under 6 from the coach one mght," said hept tellmg myself to work hard WhItfield, who runs the 40 yard and someday all those guys (re. for '85 Birth year only. dash m 4 4 seconds "I thought cfUlters) would see exactly what Sign up: I can do he was callIng to remmd me When: Tuesday, March 5 and Thursday, March 7 dbout the VISit,but mstead I wa... "Wayne State IS where I'm Tuesday, March 12 and Thursday, March 14 sUI1>rIsedto hear him say the fi gomg and I am very happy I Where: BARNES SCHOOL, 20090 Morningside Dr., G.P.w. nal scholal''3hlp went to a defen thInk I can make an ImmedIate Time: 6.00 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. Bring $45 00 Registration Fee SIVe back m state He also told Impact I know I have to get Make checks payable to G P.S.A. me I was no longel bemg Ie. -tronger, especially In my legs, crUlted so he canceled the trip hut I'm ready for that chal lET OUR GOAL BE YOUR GOAU lenge" University Liggett School fullback/linebacker Kevin Whitfield. "That Ieally dldn't bother me Grosse Pointe will play football next fall for Wayne State UnivE>rslty.Whit- If you need any other information or Soccer but I pIcked lip the paper about field. flanked by ULS coach Bob Newvine. received a four-year And ready to prove that he have any questions please call • Association a week 01 two later and dlscov could have played at a higher .. POBox 361-56 scholarship. 886-6790. G~DGrosse POinte, Ml 48236 el ed that Mlssoun had recrUIted level

'---.-..------= ...... - -...... _-'--.~ ..~ - -- 128 Sorts February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News South looks for swim title; North to play spoiler role By Rob Fulton " Sports Editor Michalik, who sports four of the Michalik, like all the coaches, son, Jeff Dungan and John Gal. When North meets South top 10 swimmers in the league will shuffie a lineup that will vin. ~"' ~'" *", ~ March 1-2 at the North pool III m Ted Stedem, Andy Walter, exploit the weaknesses of the "Fred's got a good team, as '-!"- , the Macomb Area Conference TIm Jogan and Jim Bellanca other teams, and make South does Utica," said Roddis "But ~~* "The key for us will be where more competitive in other '<- American DIvision swimming they had better not forget about and diving championships, don't we can place our second or third events. The relays Include the us We aren't as deep as some of expect the Norsemen to win It, guys m the events. I feel we 200 and 400 freestyle, and the the other teams, but we're gomg , have a good shot at winning it, 200 medley. to be ready to do our thmg." % but look for them to be a thorne » , III the SIdes of many. but It depends on how we can "We're probably going to The dIving competitlOn, whICh ~-.::: ~ place. We stand a good chance at -.t"':~"'; However, look for South, weaken up one of the relays, Just Will be highhghted by the divmg ~:~~' coached by Fred Michalik, to takmg our share of first places, to try to sweep them," said of South's Chad Hepner, will be $%",,",", ,~-..,~" "- but even if we win every event MichalIk. "We'll put some guys 'V~"t-=:=h,-.: challenge for the champIOnship. held at 5 p.m. Thursday, Feb. , North, whIch finished the we still won't win the champion- in different spots and see what 28. The swimmIng prelimmaries , '" dual-meet season 6-6, is coached shIp because we have to collect happens." will start at 5 pm Friday, by Les RoddIS, who feels his the pomts by scoring in the top North WIll be led by Charlie March 1, and the finals begin team Will not contend for the SIX. " Roddis, Rusty Milne, Peter Elli- Saturday, March 2 at 1 pm. hardware, but will be noticed. "I don't think we can win it," he saId. "It's going to take two good kids to place hIgh in each Lady Norsmen, Lady Devils event, and we're not to that poInt yet We'd lIke to fimsh no lower than third, and we could be the most dIsruptIve team in look to knock off Regina decIdIng what happens between By Rob Funon Ford and South." Sports Edllor go home a winner. The Lady UtIca Ford is the favorite be- Grosse Pointe South volleyball Blue Devils are also 284 (two And those warm.up games cause It has beaten North, the coach Cindy Sharpe is tired of regular season games were should allow South the time it thIrd place team, and South. the being such a gracious host; played after the paper's dead- needs to prepare for Regina or second place team, dunng the that's why she's pleased with lIne). North IS 13.11-2, WIth one North, which play at 10 a.m regular season. playing at Regina March 2 in game played Wednesday, Feb. 27 "It's gomg to give us time to "We're going to disrupt thIngs the district tournament. (after deadline). get m sync and get our offense and play a spoiler role," Roddis Regina waltzed in and out of South, which finished second going," Sharpe said. "I don't saId South the past two seasons with at the fIrst Wayne State Invita- thmk playing weaker teams will South's Ted Stedem will be shooting to win the breaststroke But for MIChalik, the strategy the district championships, but tional of the year Jan. 26, re- hurt us - If anythmg It may event when he competes in the MAC divisional meet at North wIll be far different. thiS year Sharpe and North turned to Wayne State Feb. 9 gIve us the momentum we March 1-2. "We've got to go after it," saId coach Leslie Harwood hope the and won it need." Saddlelites' reign is over. "We play in tournaments duro North and Regma both drew North sRorts "They are a very good team, ing the year just to get ready for fIrst round byes and scooted but they're not unbeatable," said the state tournament," Sharpe right to the semifinals, where Sharpe, whose team won the saId. "We know what we have to North IS more than capable of Macomb Area Conference White do and we just have to do it." knocking off the defendmg ~N orsemen swim team Division championship. ''They've South, North and Regina are champ. won it in our place, so now the favorites going in because "Physically, I know we have maybe it's our turn to win it Southeastern and Finney are the abihty to stay with them," over there." traditionally weaker teams. It saId Harwood. "If my girls really .finishes season with split Harwood wouldn't mind tak- also appears that South should want to wm they have to keep By Rob Fulton Fll st place WInners included POInts Stephame Gore had 20 ing the hardware, either. walk right into the 12:30 p.m. their passes off the net and we Sports Editor Steve WIlhams (200 and 500 hits and four kIlls, and Bonnie "We have to face Regina in finals because it drew Southeast- must get better blockmg. Coach Les Roddls' sWIm team fl'eel, Charhe Roddls (50 free, Krieg had three blocks. Tricia our fIrst game, and we better be ern m the fIrst round at 9 a.m., "We haven't had a solid block- at Grosse Pointe NOlih made 100 butterfly), Peter Ellison (200 Campau was perfect on 16 sets prepared," she said. "We have and if It wins will play FInney ing season, and it has cost us in great strIdes thIS season, but 1M, 100 breaststroke); and and Lon Haskell had five sets, the physical capabilities of beat- at 11 a.m. some matches. Also, we have dIdn't Improve enough to knock Rusty MIlne m the 100 free and one for a kIll. mg them, but if we don't come "I would say the draw was a this tendency to pass the ball off Its No.1 foe, Fraser 100 back Dungan, Elhs, WIl. prepared and ready, then we'll good one," said Sharpe. "It looks right into the net, giving the op- After beating UtIca EIsen- hams and MIlne teamed to wm Gymnastics make a quick exit. Sure 1'd like like we'll have two warm.up ponent the chance to slam It hower, 10268 on Feb 19, the the 400 free relay Paula Herodote led North WIth to win it, but that's up to the games before the finals, but any- right back in our faces. If we can Norsemen lost to Fraser, 105-82, NOlih fimshed the regular sea- a 7.95 on the floor and a state. girls and the way they approach thing can happen. We know stay away from those two things, for the second tIme m as many son 6 6 m dual meets qualIfying score of 7.5 on the the tournament." Southeastern and Finney are not we should be in It the whole meets strong teams, but we have to be Volleyball beam, but the team fell short to Sharpe's team is tournament- way." At home vs Eisenhower, the Fraser, 137.3-1143 tested and that's why she may ready." If North beats Regina, and Norsemen were led by Jeff Dun- It took three games, but the Herodote also had a 7.8 on the South beats the two Public gan, who fimshed second m the Lady NOlsemen managed to vault. School League teams, North and 200 freestyle and third m the dump L'Anse Cleuse North, 15 Meagan Gray .had an 8.2 on Nor'h, South laaHI. for Yolleyball .i.le South would meet for the fourth 100 freestyle Jon Schmaltz was 11, 6 15, 15.6, Feb 20 on the the vault for North and Debbie Regina High School will host the district 9 volleyball tournament March ~, i~ time thlSt-season. fifth in the 50 freestyle and the road Stevenson had a 7.6 on the bars which North and South will be competing. All games are played on "We haven't beaten South m 100 butterfly, and J.P Gamrat NOlih was led by Katie Loe. and a 7.9 on the floor She will Soturday. South kicks the day off with a match against Southeastern at those three matches," Harwood 9a.m. was second m the 100 back her's 12 servIce pomts and one also be competmg m the state said. "It would be great to play stroke and fourth III the 50 frees ace DefenSIvely, Loeher had regIonal meet on the bars them again, and It would be tyle eight passes, four saves and was TOlTey Teetaer! needs only even better to have a WIn .. ChrIS Ditty was fourth m the 15 of 16 on sets, mlcudmg two two more qualIfYing scores to Sharpe's got other plans. 200 mdlvidual medley and thud that went for kIlls compete m the regIonal meet on 100m. "Physically, we're probably III the 100 breaststroke Jenny ShapIro was pelfect on the vault Her score was 7.7 the toughest team, but if we're eIght serves, and had SIXservIce agaInst Fraser out of it emotionally, we won't RegIna prove our worth," she said. "If Fulton :.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.;.:.;.:.;.:.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.:.;:;.;.;.:.;.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.;.:.we play with guts and emotion, From page lIB 1230pm. we'll win. I don't think we have by ItS lackluster 4-15 1 record zelIa and hIS staff of Joe Pon. Champion to play totally out of our minds "The kids read those quotes gomg mto the tow'nament But, m your paper and immediately tone and Jeff Henchel ille not physically to wm, but we have to the NO!semen aren't that bad to be condemned or ostracIZed be mentally geared up. began talkmg about it," saId Any successful season, as the Southeastern 110m. Manzella "These kids had lost for theIr losmg record. Sure "We've had a few slip-ups Umve1 slty LIggett School they dIdn't always have the to South tWICebefore, and emotionally during the season hockey team that won the answers to why there were didn't want to lose agam - es. Finney and we can't afford one m this Class BCD state tItle a season tournament." peclally after readmg hIS (Mc- three four-game losmg streaks ago WIll agree, relIes on some durIng the season, but they That's because It'S a one-game Cauley's) comments. However, breaks and North dIdn't get they really were qUiet about constantly tried to correct the elimination tournament one mIstakes and didn't gIve up hIS comments They Just felt Behind the fine playmg of they would prove him wrong on BIg deal, NOlih struggled all the ice" John Ferguson, who fimshed season long Parents and fans second m the league III scormg, Grosse Pointe Park Little League 1991 But that, too, was wrong were down on the team, but Perhaps what McCauley said and the repeated efforts of the they dIdn't understand what coachIng staff, the Norsemen IS true, that North Isn't as tal. was gomg on All they could TRYOUTS • EVALUATIONS ented. Manzella would agree are WInners. Don't look at the see were the losses piling up, record, and don't look at the WIth that, to an extent Man- but a win over South would off-Ice problems a couple kIds & zella has saId that he has many have washed all that away "house" players who had to had Look at the hearts and South wIll play Trenton to mmds of these kIds who can LATE REGISTRATION playa travel-league schedule mght Web 28) at 8 30 p m thIS season. stantly had theIr teeth kicked In the past three years, the m game m and game out, but SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 1991 North had only one patsy Norsemen have sent five guys (Ann Arbor Huron) on the persevered and salvaged a sea. on to play college hockey. Man son WIth prIde and class Grosse Pointe South High School Gym schedule, and that was eVIdent 1:00 • 5:00 p.m. Sports schedule for rest of winter season TRYOUTSIEVALUATIONS The following IS a list of athletic events (varsity only) at North, South, UniversIty LIggett School and Star of the Sea for the remaInder of the winter sports season MINOR & INSTRUCTIONAL EVALUATIONS: NORTH SOUTH LIGGEIT 1:00 • 3:30 p.m. Basketball Basketball Basketball Minor and Instructional League players are encouraged to March 1, home VB. Fraser, 7:30 March I, home vs. L'Anse Feb. 28, home vs. Kettering, attend evaluation session p.m.; March 4-9, district tourna. Creuse North, 7:30 p.rn.; March 4- 3:30 p.rn.; March 4-9, district tour. ment at Notre Dame. 9, distnct tournament at Notre nament at Hamtramck St. Dame. F10rian High School. MAJOR LEAGUE TRYOUTS: Ice hockey Boys' hockey Season is over. Ice hockey 3:30 • 5:00 p.m. Feb. 28, vs. Trenton in semifi- March 2, 8:30 p.m. in second nals of Region 4 tournament at round of regional tournament at Tryout attendance is mandatory for Major League candidates Yack Arena, 8 p.m. Allen Park Civic Arena. Wrestling who have not already played in Major League Season is over. Keith Giannico Girls' hockey and Reid O'Brien wrest.led in the Wrestling Season is over. state meet. Season is over. Volleyball LATE REGISTRATION Volleyball Volleyball March 2, at district touma. March 2, district tournament March 2, distnct tournament ment. Children Ages 7-12 at Regina High School vs. Re- at Regina HIgh School vs. South- gina, 10 a.m. eastern, 9 a.m. Swimming Fees: $45.00 single; $70.00 family March I, at Greenhills, 7 p m. Swimming Swimming March 8-9, state finals. Must bring child's birth certificate March 1-2, home for MAC March 1-2, at North for MAC Open to Grosse Pointe Park residents only championship meet, 5 p.m. and 1 championslups, 5 p.m. and 1 p.m., respectively. pm .. respectively. STAR Gymnastics Gymnastics Volleyball Volunteers Needed. Sign Up at Registration Feb. 28, league meet at Tren- Feb. 28, league meet at Tren- ton. 4 p.m. ton, 4 p.m March 2 at district tourna- It's Your Little League . Get Involved! ment.

I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News Sports 138 (\ South sports ~W/ Blue Devils hand Roseville MAC title Junior guard Mike Mc. Higel had 25 and 24 kills, reo South's Tom Rajt and Todd kids," said coach JIm McCauley. and played shutout hockey after Laughlin led South with 11 spectively By Rob Fulton FrederIckson had golden oppor- "We were around the crease the gwmg up Anderson's goal 10 the Sports Editor points off the bench. AB a team, tunities to win the game in the whole mght, but couldn't get It first penod. The RoseVIlle Panthers needed South shot a miserable 30 per- Hockey third penod, but couldn't tuck past the goalie. However, the tie "The kids had been down emo- only one more victory in their cent, gettmg only five points At Southgate Anderson, the the puck away on breakaways. did us a lot of good." last four games to clinch the from Its starting five players in tionally for so long, but when Devils picked up a much.needed Peter Bourke got the tying goal they got that goal m the third Macomb Area Conference White the fU'St half. moral victory, tying the Titans, for the Devils with 2:20 to play. Goalie Jason Hall was out Division championship, and "We didn't make our shots; period they really celebrated," 1.1. "It was a big game for the standing in goal WIth 25 saves, McCauley said South's basketball team was anytime you only get five pomts more than accommodating. from your starters in a half, South, which has split its last you're not going to win a ball ULS sJ!orts III six games, took its worst pound. game," Petrouleas said. ing of the season Feb. 21, lo&ing to the Panthers, 8249, at home. Volleyball Lady Knights advance to MIAC finals~4L~ "There's really nothmg from Coach Cindy Sharpe's team that game to reflect on or worry The Umverslty Liggett School thIS tIme of the year The team Milton led the Kmght'; \\ Ith n£>t, "topp1l1g 14 shots, befO!e has rattled off 10 straight wins, gIrls' volleyball team hosted the IS lookmg forward to thIS week- 18 pomts, followed by Whltfield\ gIVIng \\ay to Tom Best midway about any longer," saId Devils' including a championship at the coach George Petrouleas. "We've Michigan Independent AthletIC end" 13 pomts and McMahon'~ 12 thlOugh the <;econd penod Best Wayne Invitational, since a loss Conference tournament Feb 23 On Malch 2, ULS Will face POints ,>topped23 "hote; got to move on and concentrate to Fraser Jan. 9. and advanced to the finals for Our Lady Star of the Sea in the Enc Klsskalt notched hiS 14th on our next goaL" With a league.leadIng record the fIrst time m the school's hIS dlstnct tournament at BIShop goal of the season late m the South, 7-5 in the league and of 11-1, It appears South will 12-6 overall, would hke to catch tOl'Y Gallaghel Game time IS 11:45 Hockey third period lock up the Macomb Area Con. ULS placed second m ItS pool a m second place Utica, and then ference White Division. The defendmg Class B-C D move into the state tournament WIth WIns over Lutheran West- Basketball Swimming The Lady Devils got victory land (15-9, 155) and top-seeded state champs w111enter the state at Notre Dame with wins in its No 10 Feb 20, with a sound 15 Southfi~ld Chllbtldn (17-15, 15- Th~ ULS bOYb' basketball toumament WIth a 1273 II.-L0)(.! Tilt. ULS ",WIIll lCdlll pili tl<"l- final two games. 6, 15-1 win at Roseville, behind 8), a spht against Oakland team was a team of contrasts ULS fimshed the regular sea pated m the reglOnals at Ene "That game was a bad one the five kills of Ashley Moran. Christian (156, 9-15), and a loss last \'leek, thumpmg Lutheran son With a 62 loss at POIt Hu Mason and fimbhed fifth among like many teams have during Angela Drake and Tina Rigel to Lutheran Northwest (3-15, 12- Northwest, 8267, then gettmg ron Northern Feb 21 Chl'ls eight teams the season," Petrouleas said. "It each had four kills, and Emilie 15) pounded by U of D JesUlt, 82-55 Crain put mug on the board at Jon SIebel placed thIrd In the didn't come at a great time be- Ayrault and Sue Faremouth The Lady Knights advanced to The Kmghts got off quickly the 5 25 mark of the second pe 200 and 500 fleestyle events, cause we'd like to be rolling combined for 16 service points. the semIfinals and thrashed Be- against Lutheran Northwest on nod, but that only cut the defiCIt and Beth Weyh10g was thIrd m right now, but we've still got a ''We started out slowly and thesda Chnstian 15-5, 15 5 Sen. Feb 19, but then hIt a cold spell to 4-1 Omar Sawaf and Alex the butterfly 111 a field of 40 couple guys hobbling around and made it close through the first 101' Ali Frederick had 10 aces m the second quarter ULS fell Crenshaw aSSIsted on Cram',; male competitors Weyhmg and we're not at full strength. six points of the fIrst game," said and five attacks for ULS In the behmd by three points, 39-36, goal. Amta Warner also placed m the "But, take nothing away from Sharpe, "but after that we got finals, ULS fell to Lutheran before outscormg the Crusaders, Chns Eldndge played well m 200 indIVIdual medley Roseville because they played a on a roll and didn't fool around." Northwest, 15-5, 615, 10-15 2912, to put the game away strong game." At the Ann Arbor News Invi- Lynn Sinkel, Martina Jerant, Brent McMahon led all scorers Co-captains Bill Leins and tational Feb. 16, South finished Frederick and Natasha Levy all WIth 25 POints, and DeDan Ml1. Tim Gramling are both nursing second in its pool after tying had a great tournament for the ton had 20 pomts Kevm Whit- Busse holding seminar sore ankles, but both played in Battle Creek Central, and then Lady Knights field and DaVId Darby combined Mary Busse, Grosse Pointe nar w111 focus on developing the loss. beating Saline and Airport Carl- "The girls are playing really for 23 POints. News "Eat Smart" colummst healthy eatmg behaviors as well "We had to play them and get ton. In the fU'St round of the fi- well as a team right now," Sald Against the Cubs of U of D, and director and owner of Diet as phYSical, mental and spirItual their minutes in," Petrouleas nals, South beat Milan, but then ULS assistant coach Mike Bro. the Knights agam had second Center-Grosse Pointe, has been said. "Basically, it was just a well-being through various easily fell to Lakeland in three games. zowski "They have the conti- quarter difficultIes, fallmg be. successfully teaching holistic workout for them, but they are learned techmques " Drake led the way with 41 dence and matUrIty to wm It's hmd, 42-25. But an msplred principles of losmg and mam Busse has been teachmg popu- making progress." kills on the day, and Moran and so Important to be peak10g at third quarter turned th10gs taining welght loss for more lar classes and semmars m the around and ULS made a game of than 10 years. Her success not Grosse Pomte area, sharmg Star of the Sea it. only comes from teachmg and knowledge mixed with a blend of WIth three mmutes to play, counseling nutritional education, her own personal philosophy. Star of the Sea takes 3rd at Dominican ULS cut the lead to eight, before but also from practicing those The fee for the semmar IS $15 five qUick Cubs' pomts put the techniques. for current DIet Center mem- Busse will off'er a semmar, With seniors Amy Melvm and Star defeated DommlCan 15 at the sel"Vlceline. game out of reach. bers, and $40 for non-members. Laura Kean on theIr semor tnp 11, 15-11, and Cardmal Mooney "Despite the loss we were "Finding Balance. Body, Mind To register, send a check or and with four players sick, Our 15-11, 15-11 on exceptional play Against Country Day, Star fairly pleased with our perfor- and Spirit," on Wednesday eve- money order with your name Lady Star of the Sea's varsity by junior LIZ Mange who was 21 lost 5-15, 8-15 Setters Anne mance," said ULS coach Chuck nings from 7:30 to 9 p.m March and phone number to: Diet Cen- volleyball team had to rely heav- of 26 on attacks. Samantha Ciar- Zimmer and Teresa Dobbs led Wnght. "We had problems stop- 6, 13 and 20 at the Standard ter, 131 Kercheval, Grosse ily on underclassmen and substi- avino was 12 of 14 on receptions the Tunas. In a final playoff' ping their half-court offense be- Federal bank building, 131 Ker- Pointe Farms, Mlch, 48236. tutes to place third in Dom1Oi- Jenny LisowskI was the key game, Star was beaten 9-15, 11- cause they have so many weap. cheval. Space IS hmited. For more Infor- can's Tournament Feb 24 player along with Cathy Colby 15. 'ons But we played hard According to Busse, "the semi- mation, call 882-5885. oJ • espeCially in the Second half" -Center Ice in the GPHA------Ben Karle (2), P J. Mallon (2), and Bryan Breslin, Mark Voor- Mite Kmghts Chns Holloway led the Sabres 4, Devils 3 the shutout. while Troy Berg- Jimmy Denner and Trevor Mal- hees and Charhe Eldridge scored Canadians with a hat tnck and Arrow Stars 5, Blues 2 The Sabres won on goals by man scored a hat tnck and Ja. lon Tom Manion got the win in solo goals to spark the Wings Chris Gellasch added a solo goal. MIke Schorer and Evan Denny Ignagm, Sammy Tocco, son Popham notched two goals goal, WIth help from Adam Fish- A.J. Rohde, Adam Whitehead (2) Danny Collins, Billy Denner, Thomas led the Stars WIth two Anne Morns and DaVId Dwalhy and three assists. Matt Moran man, Paul Bnlesm and Jeff' and Belenky drew assists, while Matt Gorczyca and R.J. Wolney goals apIece. Randy Graves AssIsting in the wm were Mor- had two goals and John Stani- Schroeder. Joe Arnone and Steve Dely led drew assists, and Adam Gor- scored a single goal for the ris, Ignagni and JamIe Kirk szewskI, Jason Donahue and The Caps got goals from Dan. the Wings' defense. czyca, Nate Bradley and Matt Stars, and Justm Graves had Chris MItchell added a goal leI Horstkotte, Stuart Cooper Matt Mannino scored an un. McGrail played strong defense in Squirt A travel two assists. Others asslstmg and Jeff Brown, and assIsts apIece. assisted goal for the Stars, and front of goahe C.J. Williamson. Bruins 4, Saints 3 were Jonathon Stone, Jeremy came from Joey Gorczyca, Brett Ken Maratta scored on a pass Maple Leafs 6, Sabres 2 The Bruins won the DIstrict 3 Pee Wee travel Holifeld, Kenny Wieczerza, Faber and MIke Kaslborskl from ChrIS Miotke. Danny Tannheimer and Pete Neil Komer scored twtce for championship on goals by Ben Rangers 7, Wyandotte 4 Johnny Ghanem was strong in Canadians 7, Chargers 4 the Leafs and Chuck Thiel, Pe- Barker. Jason Graves, Adam Weaver (2), Francis Rodriguez ChrIS Coates led all scorers for net with defensive support from Chris Gellasch had his third ter Torrice, Rami Zayat and Raab and Alex Rush played ex- and Stephen Andns. the Rangers WIth a hat trick, Avery Schmidt and Kurt Faber. hat trick of the seaosn for the Brendan Joyce notched solo ceptionally well, and Kyle Tan- and Kevm Kasiborski, Marc Bil- Bulldogs 3, Cougars 2 Canadians, with Chris Holloway goals. Jon Hudson added two as- Squirt AA travel nheimer got the win m net. ItJ, MIchael Weyhing and Matt P.J. Mallon scored the win- receiving a playmaker patch for sists, and was also supported on Alex Thomas and Alex Nl- Bruins 4, Trenton 3 Benfer each had a goal. George nmg goal for the 'Dawgs when his two goals and three assists offense by Torrice, Chris Robin- kesch scored for the Blues, WIth Eli Wulfmeler's goal Wlth less Massu pIcked up two assists and he converted a pass from Ben Christian Farkas had two goals son, Tommy O'Rourke and Jon John Thomas assistmg. The than three minutes to play Joey Lucido earned the win in Karle. Also scoring for the Bull. and two assists for the CanadI- Pasquenelh Blues were also led by Tanner proved to be the game-winner for net dogs were Mike Hackett and ans, and Billy Thompson scored Jim Wood, Ian Watt, Brendan Horsley, Marc Kaplan, MIchael the Bruins in Adray playoff ac- Rangers 3, Ohio 2 Chris Getz. Assists went to on an assist from Bill Denner. Shine, David Presnell, Justm Bill and goalie Scott Cederwall. tion. Other goal scorers were Ja Defenseman Pat Brennan Hackett and Nick Doran, and R.J. Wolney, Matt Gorczyca Holmes and Patrick Blake anc- Arrow Stars 5, Maple Leafs son Popham, George Andary and scored tWIce for the Rangers and JImmy Denner was the winning and Jay Lambrecht were out- hored the defense. I Troy Bergman Jordan Damm, Matt Benfer got the other Rang. goahe. standing on defense for the Ca- Scoring for the Sabres were Randy Graves, Micheal Jason Donahue and Sarkes Solo- el s' goal. Kevin Kaslborski and The win gave the 'Dawgs the nadians. Anni Morris and David Dwaihy. Schorer, Kenny Wleczerza, Jus. mon picked up assists. Ryan Robson had aSSIsts, and Mite House championship. Canadians 4, Knights I Rick Carlson was strong in net. tm Graves and Evan Thomas Bruins 10, Wyandotte 0 James Robinson was the WIn- C.J. Lee fIred in an unassisted The only GPHA team in the Sabres 1, Kings 1 scored smgle goals, and Justm Goalie K C. Anderson earned mng goahe goal for the Cougars, who also "Over 500" Little Caesars play- Anne Moms scored for the Graves had two assIsts for the got a goal from Brendan Hillyer. off's advanced to the third round Sabres, with help from Kevin Stars. Stuart Ymgst, Danny Michael Damos and Devm with a victory over the S.C.S FIsher and Andy Benfer. Tannheimer, Pete Barker, Evan ChIesa picked up assIsts, and Grosse Pointe Thomas and Kenny Wieczerza Brendan Keelean was terrific in all had smgle assists. Ryan goal Giannetti, Alex Fields, Jason Red Wings 1, Whalers 1 Farms • City • Park Graves and Adam Raab had ex- The game was highlighted by AGE 13.15 ceptional games, as did goalie the sound goaltending of Jake Covered and Uncovered Alex Rust_ Wardwell (Wmgs) and Jay Min- Danny Scott scored an unass. ger (Whalers) Alex Chapman BABE RUTH isted goal for the Leafs, whose scored for the Whalers, with BOAT WELLS attack was also led by Lukas John McNICholas and Anthony BASEBALL Morawski, Steven Seyler, Daniel Tocco assistmg, and RobbIe VARIOUS SIZES AVAILABLE Olson and goahe Mark SpIcer. Crandall countered with a goal Capitals 3, Canucks 2 REGISTRATION for the Wmgs. Chip Baker and • Water at Each Well • Laundry Facilities Joey Silveri scored twice for John Lamia also played well for e Caps and Jeff Brown added a the Wings. • Telephone • New Bath Houses 10 goal Jason Capaldi, Joey Red Wings 2, Cougars 2 • Large PicnicAreas • Large Parking Areas LAST NIGHT- rczyca, Chris Waigand, Mi- Scoring for the Cougars were • 24 Hour Security TONIGHT! :\chael Kasibotski and Damel Jason Elliott and Justin Dloski, •ilIorstkotte earned assists for the and sconng for the Wings were • From 30 Amp 110to 50Amp 220 Electrical THURSDAY, "'Jeaps, and Donnie Jaeger pIcked Jordan Materna and Jack Don- FEBRUARY 28th r i; 'Up the Win In net. nelly. I David Neveux scored both Ryan Thomas and A.J. Stani. Rent Wells For 12 Months 7.9 PM .... ",~rCanucks' goals, WIth assIsts szewski anchored the Wmgs' de- NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB .~. .going to John Onofrey and fense. Or By The season ClIftlor pttCft 1M further-Intotmidfon ~ Lauren Vallee TIm McIntosh Red Wings 3, Jayhawks 1 Waterloo at St. Clair i'ltl})layed a strong ga~e 10 goal for Jake Wardwell got the wm in • Late registrants - call number below. \,' the Canucks and Ehzabeth Auty net, whde the Wings' offense • League age determined JUly 31st ii, i1kated well. was paced by Mac Brodenck, . } Bulldogs 4, Capitals 3 Charhe Keersmaekers, Robbie Markley Marine • Prep Division (age 13) fJ ChIp Getz's hat tnck for the CrandAll and Patrick Copus. • Intermediate and Major divisions (age 14 & 15) -', 'Dawgs was the difference in this Squill 31300 N. River Rd. • Birth Certificates required of new players "game Chris Ahee scored the 469.6000 • Fee due at registration '" other goal for the 'Dawgs, his Red Wings 5, North Stars 2 MT. CLEMENS ann. career goal Asai&ts went to Walter Belenky lICOrM twi~ • For information call Kevin Sullivan 822-1624

~...... • ... ~ ~ ... sf:? "-'-~-=----::------_ I 146 February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News

DON'T BE AFRAID edmund t. AHEE jewelry co. Wetve NORTHERN FIREWOOD CO. 'Ib go topless this sum- Aquamarine is the birthstone for brought back mer in your NEW 1991 Exceptionally fine mixed hardwood March. edmund t. AHEE jewelers ~ the old fash- of Oak, Ash, Hickory and Fruitwoods. Alfa Romeo Spider convertible. For an has a wonderful selection of aqua. ion basement appointment or private showing at lI\ Guaranteed to be quality seasoned fire- marine jewelry. They also have fI) SALE for one place wood or double your money back. your home or office, please contact J an loose aquamarine gemstones that week only. DiSanti, Lochmoor Chrysler-Plymouth ~55.00 PER FACE CORD. Call 777- can be used to design a unique Beginning today, Thursday, Febru- 4876. Alfa Romeo Dealer ... 18165 Mack Ave- piece of jewelry. See their collec- ary 28th. Come early for the best nue. Contact Jan DiSanti, 886-3000. tion Monday through Saturday selections. Take an additional 10% 10:00a.m. to 6:00 p.m. except Fri- OFF merchandise already marked * * * * * * day 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m•... at down 40% through 50%.Open till The month of March we are fea- New arrivals!! St. Patrick ~ Day 20139MackAvenue at Oxford, bet- 7:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Monday turing WiI- stickers, pencils and window decora- ween 7 & 8 Miles Roads in Grosse through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to mingtonts pre- Pointe Woods,886-4600. 5"30 p.m.... at 110 Kercheval on- work Needle tions. Large selection of the-Hill, 881-7227. cute Easter basket stuff- Pointe Trunk Show. Lovely ers. Come early for best ~y~iFJ_ * * * selection. See our Opera- c\ .~. arountrt!


I l Real state lassified Grosse Pointe News • February 28, 1991 Landlords, tenants: Know your law, know your lease By Donna Walker " , . Staff Wnter That s fine If the landlOl d has tllal, the landlOl d cannot altm nated early If the lea"e I" Before slgnmg a lease on an a good relatIOnshIp with the ten the lease wIthout the consent of bl eached by one of the partie!'>, apartment, duplex or house, ten. ant You don't have to do every, the tenant, and the landlOld'" accOldmg to Shehan ants and landlords had better do thmg to the nth deb'lee If there s lawyel fees cannot be assIgned For example, a tenant may their homework, a good IelatlOn!>hlp But If the to the tenant move out If the landlOld faIled to That means brushmg up on relatIOnship should SOUI' for some In addItIOn, the landlOld must plovlde ba"lc servIces m the the law, accordmg to attorneys reason, the landlOl d could .find make sm e the plopmty IS kept lea"e, such a" watel And a land "My experience m 21 years of hImself m a lot of tl'Ouble ' m I easonable repall and that It 101d may begm ploceedmgs to practice is that there al e a lot of The Secunty DeposIt Act also comphes WIth local and "tate eVict the tenant If he IS late WIth amateurs out there on both SIdes states that a landlOld must plO health and "afety laws fO! the the rent of the fence," said St. Clair VIde a tenant With two blank term of the lease, Llzza Said ''I've had people call me, ask Shores attorney Wayne Shehan COPieSof an mventory checkhst The tenant has a light to reo mg how they can bl eak thel!' "And I thmk it's partIcularly when the tenant moves Jl1 The POlt any safety 01 health VIOla lease, because they've got an dangerous to be an amateur tenant must complete one copy, tIOn to the govel nment and the othel Job and have to move landlord because they don't have notmg the condItIOn of carpetmg, landlOld cannot kIck the tenant somewhme else," Shehan Said the foggIest notIOn that there's a drapenes, wmdows, walls, etc, ~ out or lalse the rent Jl1 retaha "I tell them thew I"n't any \\ay security depoSIt law and other and retm n It to the landlOl d ~ tIOn you can bl eak a lease _ It'S a laws that they have to follow" wlthm seven days When the , Also, thc landlOl d cannot en legal contI act Thcll be"t bet I~, The most impoltant t1ungb tenant mo\cs out, he mu"t com tel' the tenant's premIse" WIth to go to the landlOld and say, I d that landlords and tenants plete the second copy of the out pel mISSiOnfrom the tenant, hke to move out, WIll,you let me should be aware of are the Mlch checkhst and gIve It to the land 01' WIthout glvmg the tenant no out' Usually, If thel e s a waltmg igan SecurIty DepOSItAct 100dbefore leavmg tlce of the need to enter the hst, or if the place Isn't hald to (MCLA 554 60ll, the terms of It's a good Idea to have the premises to pelfOlm repairs, rent, the landlord WIll let them the lease, and the conditiOns for landlord present when fillmg out Llzza saId out of the lease Other than that, terminanting tenancy, according the checkhsts, Llzza and Shehan When It comes to repaIrs, ten the only thmg a tenant can do IS to Shehan and attorney Tom say, to make sure that the ten- ants have to be patIent After sublet, If the lease allows sublet Llzza, of the Llzza, Mulcahy, ant and landlord ~gree about t.he POSItAct Wlthm four days of propelty on a long term basis asking for something to be Ie. tlng, or lathel, 1fthere's nothmg Berg & Casey law firm 111 De. condItiOn of the plOpelty How moving out, a tenant must gIve should conSIder consultmg an at pau'ed the tenant has to gIve In the lease prohIbiting sublet trol't ever, the law does not requIre hiS new address to the landlord, torney, he saId th I 'dl d" bl " tlng" . e an or a leasana e Enacted m 1972, the Michigan the landlord to be present so the landlord can send out the In addItIOn to the Secunty amount of time to make the re The landlord has the nght to SecurIty DePOSItAct apphes to The tenant also IS allowed to !tst of damages and! or the reo DepOSItAct, tenants and land approve the person who Will be all rental agreements, even look at the last checkhst filled fund check Otherwise, the ten. 100dsshould make sUle they un pa~at IS a reasonable amount subletting the plOpelty, however, those which are oral, LlZza said out by the prevIOus tenant ant forfeits hIS claIm to the secu derstand the terms of the lease of tIme? the landlO!d cannot dlscrlmmate According to the act, landlords Landlords use the checkhsts to nty depOSIt - ",hen It starts and ends, the on the baSIS of re1lgIon, race, cannot ask for a security depOSIt determme If the tenant has If the landlord and tenant dls. amount of rent and when It IS "That depends If the water color, natlOnahty, ongm, age, that is more than one and a half caused any damage to the prop agree ovel the amount of dam- due, and who pays for utIhtIes If heater or fm nace blows up, ob sex, mantal status or a phySIcal times the monthly rent, And elty ages, the landlord may file a It'S not m the lease, the tenant vIOusly that's more senous than or mental handICap once a landlord gets a securIty The landlord must mati an CIVIlsuit m district court withm should also ask the landlord who If you need a shelf fixed 10 your If a landlOl d wants a tenant deposit, he must handle that Itemized 1Ist of damages and es- 45 days of the date the tenant ISresponsible fO! mamtenance, closet It depends on the facts out, he can't lock the person out, money m a certain way. tImated repair costs to the ten. moved out If the landlord faJis mclud10g lawn care and snow and condItIOns of the SItuatIOn," 01' use threats 01 force or cut off If the landlord wants to use ant wlthm 30 days after the ex- to do eIther wlthm that allotted removal, and If sublettmg IS al- Llzza saId essential servIces (such a<;Iun the seCurIty deposit money nght plratlOn date of the lease. And, If time, he must pay the tenant lowed. If the IepaIrs are not made af mng water, electnclty) to get away, he must file a cash secu- the cost of the damages IS less double the security depOSit. The landlord may collect a tel' repeated requests and WIthin that person out, even If the ten rity bond with the Michigan sec- than the securIty depOSIt, the Landlords should also know that non-refundable cleamng fee 111 a reasonable amount of tIme, the ant IS late With the rent, accO!d retary of state, to ensure that landlord must mall a check for the law reqUIres them to use a addItIOn to the securIty depOSit, tenant may have the defect re- mg to MichIgan law the money will be there when the dIfference, along WIth the celtam type sIze on some written as long as It IS stated m the paired and deduct the cost from To have a tenant eVICted,the the lease ends list agreements and con'espondence lease or agreed to by both par- the rent However, If the land. landlord must obtam a Judgment Otherwise the landlord must If the landlord fatls to do thIS, with tenants, Shehan saId hes, Llzza saId. lord dIsagrees With the amount for possession and and a Wnt of deposit the ~oney in a regulated he forfeits hiS right to seek dam- Some stationery stores and h Tenants also are protected by spent on the repaIrs, or th10ks restItutIOn from a distnct court financial institutIOn, and the ac- ages, Shehan and Llzza saId tle compames have preprinted the Truth 111 Rentmg Act, MCLA he wasn't g1Ven a reasonable pe Judge If done correctly, thiS can count must be used solely for the "It's a real tIght timetable forms landlords can use, and 554631, Lizza said The statute nod of hme, he may begIn pro be accomphshed 111 about a security depoSit. "Technically, that some people do~'t reahze most 1Ibranes have hooks to help lists 13 provisions that are pro- ceedmgs to eVIct the tenant month, Shehan said. the security depoSIt IS supposed they have to follow. Shehan the nOVicelandlord, Shehan said hlblted In residenttal leases Ac "So, It'S best to try to work Before beglnmng such legal to be kept in a second account, said. People who are thmkmg about cordmg to the statute, the tenant these thmgs out before withhold. proceedings, a landlord should but I think a lot of people don't Tenants also have to act rentmg out more than one reSl and landlord cannot make each mg rent," Llzza saId read up on the subject or consult do that," said Lizza. qUIckly under the Secm'lty De- dentlal property, or renting out other forfeit the nght to a Jury A tenancy can only be terml- a lawyer, Shehan saId.



The Blake Company Has A Limited Number Of Condominium Homes Available At Harbor Place On Lake St. Clair Just North Of Nine Mile Road Off Jefferson.

• ONE FLOOR TERRACE HOMES STARTING AT $360,000. ~he Rest in eustom enbinctrg {rom eounfrg to eonfcmpOfth. • TOWNHOMES STARTING AT $395,000. We Pride Ourselves in Attention to :Detail, • BOATSLIPS STARTING AT $30,000. QI/nlitg ~ Old lashioned eustomer Service!

Visit Our Sales Center & Model Daily From 1-5 p.m. Or Call established 1954. TH~: NKM BLAKE is COMPANY ROYAL OAK KITCHENS (313) 881.6100 KITCHEN AND BATH DESIGNERS The Harbor Place site will be openjrom 1-5 PM Daily 4518 N. Woodward, Royal Oak, MI 48073 To visit the site enter through Riviera Terrace, 100 yds. North of Nine Mile Road, JIm off Jefferson Developers of Dodge Place, Windwood Pointe, Scherbrook and Harbor Place. Just 20 minutes away' PHONE: 549-2944 The Blake Company •..the newest Grosse Pointe tradition. Hours Mon-Fn 8 30 am- 5 p m Thurs 8 30 am. 8 pm, Sat lOa m . 2 pm. or by appointment

" I ------~--~----~------~-~- February 28, 1991 2C Real Estate Grosse Pointe News e:- ....,< "",nPt- ---' ~. Study compares home prices Do-it-yourself 'Build-A-Box' A Home PrIce ComparIson In. Coldwell Banker Residential surveyed reported It took over dex, conducted by Coldwell Group, said, "The survey shows 181 days to sell (category C) contest announced Banker Residential Group, re- that you get the most for your 'po' - The mdex notes seven of the veals that a 2,200 square-foot money in the central United 10 markets m the over-$500,000 Do It.yom selfer~ across the smgle-family home could have States, where m 10 markets the category are located in Califor- country are mvited to enter been bought m the last quarter subject property was priced un- ma: Beverly Hills, La Jolla, WGrkbench Magazme's thIrd of 1990 for as httle as $82,338 in der $100,000, includmg Fort Newport Beach, Palos Verdes, annual Budd.A-Box contest, with Corpus ChnstI, Texas, or for as SmIth, Ark, EvanSVIlle, Ind.; San FranCISCo,San Marino, and cash awards totalmg $5,000. much as $1,491,667 m Beverly Kansas CIty, Kan,; Jackson, , San Mateo. The other three are The contest, co sponsored by . HIlls, Cahf Mich., Omaha, Neb., Oklahoma Greenwich, Conn. (the only mar. Westem Wood Products Assn, is ElEVATION 8 The survey compares the aver. CIty and Tulsa, Okla.; MemphIS, ket m the East over $500,000), announced 111 the February. age sales pnce of at least three Tenn, and Corpus ChrIsti and Honolulu, HawaiI, and Vancou- March Issue of Workbench, cw', GENTRY SImilar houses sold during the San Antomo, Texas ver, B C, To find a bargam in rently on newsstands last quarter of 1990 m each of Califorma, look m RIverside 219 markets m the United The medIan price of all homes where the surveyed homes aver- In the BUlld.A.Box contest, en. States, Canada and Puerto RICO In the study was $199,036. In aged $203,750 or Temecula at trants are gIVen two box SlZes - The property studIed for this additIon to studymg the prIces of $194,667. 91/2 x 24 Inches and 24 X 28-1/2 year's mdex IS typical for a cor- the property, Coldwell Banker Coldwell Banker added several 1I1ches The depth IS optIOnal, pOl'ate mlddle.management also calculated the average days commumtles where more people and the entants can use as many transferee, approxImately 2,200 the homes were on the market have been relocatmg, mcluding boxes as they WIsh m their pro. square feet WIth four bedrooms, before they sold One-half of the Tempe, ArlZ, Coeur d'Alene, Jerts The boxes are to be bullt of 2.112 baths, famdy room or mal kets surveyed saId it took Idaho, Rochester, Mmn., Sante westel n softwoods The deadlme eqUIvalent and two-car garage less than 90 days (category A) Fe, N.M ; Vancouver, Wash., and for entnes IS May 1 fOl the homes to sell, whIle less Chandler Barton, chaIrman Blrmmgham, N Y Then, as noted m the contest than 10 percent of the markets and chief executIve officer of Nine of the 11 CanadIan mar- announcement, "You can stack kets studied were under the me. SECOND FLOOR boxes, pamt them, stam them, Home & Leisure Show at Cobo dian price of $199,036. Vancou add moldmg, fabnc and doors ovuu,lL t>IIENSlONS u-o l52'-(l vel' Proper was the highest Budd tables, chaIrs, tool boxes, UY'HG IW ~ ".1 pr1ced market m Canada where (i".Il"(j~ ••• ~~ 1"'" lu features home security exhibits bf'nchf't; Only thE' bo'{ size and COVERAGE ,~ 14U"" Iftl the homes averaged $504,701. In yom ImaginatIOn limIt you" Even homeownel s who dlshke \\ at d attl actmg the buymg pub. San Juan, Puerto RICO,the home shoppmg wdl find It hard to Ie IIc IS above the medIan pl'lce at The $5,000 m cash prizes SISt The first evel "SeCUl'lt\ 'The show orgamzers are $237,833. range from a $2,000 first prlZe Mall" at the Home & LelSut~ ~pendll1g $200,000 to plOmote The survey also has an index thlOugh 12, $50 Ment Awards. Show set for May 18 27 at Cabo tillS show on ladio, TV, and m feature, which makes 1t poSSIble In addItIOn, evelY entrant Will House plans features Hall . local pubhcations," Wdhams to calculate what It would cost to Iecelve a Certificate of Apprecia- saId tIOn WhICh IS SUItable for fram- Many of the newest and most replace a simllar home m an- alternate elevations "The Idea of a SeCUl'lty Mall is other location Usmg the for- mg sophlst'lcated home secunty pi od. long overdue Most homeowners Alternate elevatIOns provIde nook French doors lead to a ucts WIll be on sale fm the first mula provided in the borchure, u Past wmnmg entnes have m- the Gentry with two unique con deck, to enhance summer out- don't know what they need, you own a home in Sacramento, eluded a set of modular bedroom tIme, all m one place Producb what's avaIlable on the market, temporary styles. ElevatIOn A door hvmg, and a deep bay of wIiI mclude closed-clrcUlt TV en Calif., with a value of $275,000 furnIture, a lawn chair, a carved features ImpreSSIVe gable ends wmdows accommodate a nook m whel e to go to find out The and you are moving to a compa- chest and a bn dhouse One of try systems, electromc pIstol pIa SecUllty Mall prOVIdes them the WhIChproject a tall and dommat for mformal famdy meals tectlOn systems, and gun safes rable property m Dallas, Texas, 1990's wmners, a secretarial mg plan, whlle ElevatIOn B has The kItchen IS a practical U- OppOItumty to become more you would expect to pay bookcase, was only the entrant's Accordmg to Larry WIihams, a soft shed roof deSIgn that shape, yet enJoys the atmosphere a\\are of the concept of securIty, $121,785. fifth proJect. show director fm the Secul'lty blends the home mto a vanety of of the famIly room, WIth Its com. a~ well as the products, and how Mall, a slgmficant plOmotional settings. bmations of wmdows and the to go about acqumng the l'lght effmt IS being conducted by the An elegant entry IS the mtro- warmth of the fireplace. The plOduct or system they really Home & LeIsure Show Itself to duction to the Gentry. The floor kItchen features oak cabmetry need" COMO'S ~~ IS tiled, and the ceilmg rises the A formal dmmg room IS 771-5757 full two stones to take advan served from the kItchen through Study for a builders' license COLLISION '\ \ tage of the light from the cleres- louvered servmg doors above the tory windows Ahead, a wide kItchen counters m the shared The MIchigan BuIlders InstI- bmld theIr own homes The cost switch back stairway adds grace wall tute, m cooperatIOn WIth Grosse of the seminar IS $150 per per. ~ to the welcome. UpstaIrs, the hallway lofts to Pointe Commumty EducatIOn, son and mcludes all materials A half wall allows a VIew of the entry below, WIth a view WIll offer a 16 hour evemng sem- Bumping the large, sunken hvmg room, over the bamster through the mar to prepare people to pass Pre registratIOn is reqUIred no Painting later than Friday, April 26, to with its vaulted cellmg A guest clerestory wmdows as well, At the MIChIgan state bUilders' h. Frame Straightening closet and powder room contl'lb- one end of the hall IS a bonus eensmg exammatlOn Grosse Pointe Community Edu- ute to entertaimng WIth ease closet, and at the far end is the The semmar WIll be held on cation Call 343-2178 to register and style Buold doors in the bathroom. Two good sized b:d- Mondays, April 29 through May dunng school office hours. powder>Toom hIde the utilIty. rooms complete - ~: ~ .. 2(};~-at~ Barnes School, 20900 r' ~VOO\ii1i~r'1~r Ii#-~~ . "*-~.. ' c~ .~~<...... J~il:j(. t ii!:tv..' .- The ..d'ouhle..lfQOr..,~.r;ltrllnce to a .E~ch ha~ ad~~ ..tnj"e~sted ~nl1n~ide Drive, in Grosse " ,ceIll:leQ.-. uUUu.eJ;;....,w;l ex enSlve luxurIOUS master suite is situ. through thell~ of long, narrow \'Pomte Woods expel'lence teachmg builders~ ated at the base of the stalrway wmdows m a.dditIOn to the more The course IS designed for pea- pre-licensmg classes The co- Furniture placement IS easy m usual VIew wmdows pIe m the bUIlding trades who owner of a residential building ATTENTION this room, due to its SIZeand the For a study kIt of the Gentry are now workmg WIthout a h. company, he IS able to answer several uninteruppted lengths of (l0912), send $7.50 to Todays cense who want to obtam one, as questIOns related to all facets of CHEVROLET OWNERS walls. Shding glass doors open to Home, P.O. Box 2832-T Eugene, well as for those who want to home bUIldmg a protected deck. Oregon 97402 (Be sure to spec- OUR GROSSEPOINTE LOCATION A dressmg area mcludes a Ify plan name and number when double vanity, WIth sIdehght ordermg) WIndows offermg natural lIght, NOW OPEN and a huge walk-in closet. In a separate compartment are the Outstanding Savings shower and commode New & Used Cars & Trucks The family room features a - Roofing -Gutters • LEASING. brIck fireplace, recessed mto a • Siding Excellent Service - Storm Windows Doors & IlDedicated to Total Customer Satisfaction" FOR SALE - Replacement Windows CHARLESTON PLACE. EAST & Doors Luxury condos near Grosse - Kltchen & Baths Pointe Two bedroom. one and - Mdl1Jons/Dormers one half bath, ranch style. attached garages (approx 1,800 square feet) Now Renting: OPEN SUNDAYS 2:00-4:00 UCENSED GENERAL or shown by appointment CONTRACTOR CALL 881-8146 Pets welcome 541.8480 A landmark address. Since rts completion, the elegant Shore Club Apartment K:>werhas been a landmark for ships and boats cruising Lake Sf CIOIr But It's also been 0 landmark In luxury lIVing You con choose from hlghrlse, garden apartment or townhouse lifestyles All prOVide the same convenient, luxurious, enVIronment Shore Club IS situated In a park.like atmosphere Here we combine the peacefulness of the lake with stately old shade trees Our communlty-by-the-Iake ISconveniently located near major expressways and surface routes,leadlng to most every part of the Metropolitan _ area As well as close to Grosse POinte .. Shopping dIStriCts Whats more, because Shore Club IS on the water, renters have first Priority on our available boat wells. We're now renting apartments So come and see Why Shore Club IS the most prestigious address on the waterway we're sure you'll find everything about It 's of landmark quality VieWIng Hours. Man Fn 8.8pm Sot 9-6pm Sun 12-Spm

from $189,900 lakefront'l99,5OO

Sales Center Models Open Noon.6 ~op m Shore Club Apartments & Marina Jefferson 01Nine Mile Road SI Clair Shores Michigan (313) 775 3280

------I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 3C •

882-6900 Fax# 882-1585 96Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 DEADLINES INDEX • Monday 4 p m - ALL BORDER HELP WANTED AUTOMOTIVE REAL ESTATE FOR RENT GUIDE TO SERVICES GUIDE TO SERVICES and MEASURED (special type, 200 General 600 AMC 708 Houses Wanted to Rent bold, caps, etc.) must be In our 900 Air Conditioning 944 Gutters 201 Help Wanted - Babysllter 601 Chrysler 709 Townhouses/Condos For 901 945 Handyman office by Monday 4 p m 202 Help Wanted - Clerical Alarm InstaliatlOnlRepalr 602 Ford Rent 946 HaUling • Monday 4 p m - ALL CANCELS 203 Help Wanted - 902 Aluminum Siding 603 General Motors 710 Townhouses/Condos 947 or CHANGES must be In our office 903 Heating and Cooling Dental/MedICal 604 Antique/ClassIc Appliance RepairS by Monday 4 p m Wanted 948 InsulatIOn 204 Help Wanted. Domestic 904 Asphalt Paving Repair 605 Foreign 711 Garages/MIni Storage For 949 Jamtorlal Service • 12 Noon Tuesday - Regular liner 205 Help Wanted - Legal 606 Jeeps/4-Wheel Rent 905 AutolTruck Repair 950 Lawn Mower/Snow ads No borders, measured, can. 206 Help Wanted - Part-Time 607 Junkers 712 GargeslMlnl Storage 906 Asbestos Service Blower RepaIr cels or changes on Tuesday 207 Help Wanted - Sales 608 PartsmreslAlarms Wanted 907 Basement Waterproofing 951 Linoleum CASH RATES 12 words $5.00, 208 Employment Agency 609 Rentals/Leasing 713 Industrial Warehouse 952 Locksmith each additional word 45e $1 00 908 Bath Tub Refinishing 610 Sports Cars 940 Mirror Service fee for billing. Rental 909 Bicycle Repairs SITUATION WANTED 611 Trucks 714 LIVing Quarters to Share 946 MOVing/Storage OPEN RATES. Measured ads, Maintenance 612 Vans 715 Motor Homes For Rent 953 MusIC Instrument Repair $10.04 per Inch Border ads, 300 Babysltters 910 Boat Repairs/Maintenance 613 Wanted To Buy 716 Offices/CommerCial For 954 PalntlnglDecorattng $11 12 per Inch. Additional charg. 301 Clencal 911 614 Auto Insurance Brick/Block Work 954 Paper hanging 302 Convalescent Care Rent es for photos, art work, etc 912 717 Offices/Commercial BUlldlnglRemodelmg 925 Pat 10slDecks CLASSIFYING & CENSORSHIP. 303 Day Care Wanted 913 BUSiness Machine Repair 956 Pest Control We reserve the right to classify 304 General 914 Carpentry 953 Plano TumnglRepalr 305 House Cleaning RECREATIONAL 718 Property Management each ad under its appropriate 917 Plastering 306 House Silting 719 Rent wrth OptIon to Buy 915 Carpet Cleaning heading The publisher reserves 957 Plumbmg/Heatlng 650 Airplanes 720 Rooms for Rent 916 the right to edit or reject copy sub- 307 Nurses Aides Carpet Installation 651 Boats and Motors 958 Pool Service 721 Vacation Rental- 917 Ceiling Repair mitted for publICation 308 Ofllce Cleaning 903 Refrigerator ServICe 652 Boat Insurance FlOrida CORRECTIONS & ADJUSTMENTS. 309 Sales 918 Cement Work 912 RemodellrlQ 653 Boat Parts and Service 722 VacatIOn Rental- ResponSibility for display and clas- 919 Chimney Cleaning 960 Roofing ServICe 654 Boat StoragelDockage Out of State Sified advertising error IS limited to 920 Chimney Repair 961 SClssor!Saw Sharpening 655 Campers 723 VacatIOn Rental- either a cancellatIon of the charge MERCHANDISE 921 962 Screen Repair 656 Motorbikes Northern Michigan Clock Repair or a re-run of the portion In error 963 Septic Tank Repair 400 Antiques 657 Motorcycles 724 Vacation Rental- 922 Computer Repair Notification must be given In time 964 Sewer Cleaning ServICe 401 Appliances 658 Motor Homes Resort 923 Construction Service for correction In the following Issue 965 Sewing Machine Repair 402 AuctIOns 659 Snowmobiles 725 Rentals/LeaSing 924 Decorating Service We assume no responsibility for 966 S:lpalvers 403 Bicycles 660 Trailers Out-State Michigan 925 Decks/PatiOs 967 Solar Energy the same after the first insertion 404 GarageIYardlBasement 926 Doors 950 Snow Blower Repair Sales REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 927 Draperies 943 Snow Removal 405 Estate Sales REAL ESTATE FOR RENT ANNOUNCEMENTS 962 Storms and Screens 406 Firewood 800 Houses For Sale 928 DressmaklnlTailoring 700 AptsIFJatslDuplex- 968 Stucco 100 Personals 407 Flea Market 801 CommerCial BUildings 929 Drywall Grosse PointelHarper 802 Commerlcal Property 969 SWimming Pool ServIce 101 Prayers 408 Household Sales 930 Electrical Services Woods 803 CondoslAptslFlats 970 TV.lRadlo/CB RadiO 102 Lost and Found 409 Miscellaneous Articles 931 Energy Saving Service 701 AptsIFJatslDuplex- 804 Country Homes 971 Telephone Repair 410 Musical Instruments 932 EngravlnglPrlntlng DetroJtJBalance Wayne 805 Farms 972 TenniS Court 411 OfficelBusiness Equipment Excavating SPECIAL SERVICES County 806 FlOrida Property 933 973 Tile Work 412 Wanted to Buy 943 702 Apts/FlatslDuplex- 807 Investment Property 934 Fences Tree Service 105 Answering Services 913 Typewrrter Service SI. Clair ShoreslMacomb 808 Lake/River Homes 935 Fireplaces 106 Camps Upholstery County 809 Lake/River Lots 936 Floor Sandlng/Reflnlshmg 938 107 Catering ANIMALS 974 VCR Repair 703 Apts/FlatslDuplex- 810 Lake/River Resorts 937 Furnace Repair/Installation 108 Drive Your Car 975 Vacuum Sales/Service Wanted To Rent 811 lots For Sale 938 Furniture Refmlshmg/ 109 Entertainment 500 Adopt APet 704 Halls For Rent 976 Ventilation Service 812 Mortgages/Land Contracts Repair 110 Heahh and Nutrition 501 Birds For Sale 954 Wallpapering 705 Houses- 813 Northern Michigan Homes 111 Hobby Instruction 502 Horses For Sale 939 Glass - Automotive 977 Wall Washing Grosse PomtelHarper 814 Northern MIChigan Lots 112 Music Education 503 Household Pets For Sale 940 Glass - ReSidential 903 WasherlDryer Woods 815 Out of State Property 113 Party Planners/Helpers 504 Humane SOCieties 941 Glass RepairS - 907 Waterproofing 706 DetroJtJBalance Wayne 816 Real Estate Exchange 114 Schools 505 Lost and Found 978 Water Softening County Houses- 817 Real Estate Wanted Stained/Beveled 115 TransportatlonlTravel 506 Pet Breeding 979 Welding 707 Houses- 818 Sale or Lease 942 Garages 116 TutorrnglEducatlon 507 Pet Equipment 980 Window Repair 51. Clair Shores/ 819 Cemetery Lots 943 Snow RemovaV 117 Secretarial Services 981 Window WaShing 508 Pet Grooming I Macomb County 820 BUSiness Opportunities Landscaping 982 Woodburner Service

100 PEIlSONALS 100 PERSONALS 101 PRfoYERS 109 ENTERTAINMENT 112 MUSIC ~U£~ON 117 SECRETARIALSERVICES 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL CALLIGRAPHY- Wedding! TWO free airline tickets to 1 NOVENA TO ST, JUDE E~PERIENCED organlsl/ ORGAN / Plano Instruction MANAGEMENT and Pro- Party InVitations 886- RESUMES, tenm papers, LIBRARIAN With cataloging of 4 places, Orlando, Ja- May the Sacred Heart of planrsV vocalist available Pre- school through Uni- motion Some openings 1758 after 6 p m theses A profeSSional expenence wanted part maica, Acapulco, HawaII for wedding ceremonies versity level Popular! Jesus be adored, glOri- wnter armed With a Ma. for Independant contrac- trme for pnvate collection TAXES Honest Jefferson Corpo- Oberlin graduate Gary ClaSSical made easy fied, loved and preserved cmtosh Laserpnnter Will tors Tele communica- Resume and salary re- Private, Confidential ration Call 9 30- 4 30, 886-7684 Adults a specialty Your throughout the world now create and print your own tions, major company qUirements sent to The Anthony BUSiness Service 885-0930 home 885-6215 and forever Oh, Sacred FIRST IMPRESSIONS! 6 unique resume School Some College Must Grosse POinte News, Box 18514 Mack Ave VIC Tanny Llellme Member- Heart of Jesus, pray for piece band, specialiZing CLARIN ET, saxophone work proofread and show past promotional or 0.25, 96 Kercheval, Near Cloverly ship $1,600/ value Make us Workers of miracles, In weddrngs. Experr. speCialist, flute, plano printed 884-9401 sales success Enjoyable, Grosse POinte Fanms, MI Grosse POinte Farms offer 884-0174, evenings pray for us 51 Jude, enced, profeSSIOnal Lessons In your home credible bUSiness asso- 48236 Serving you since 1968 helper of the hopeless, reasonable 885-1222 LEITER FOR LEITER ciates and support $0 to COLOR AnalYSIS, certified certified Teacher 885- HAIRDRESSERS With clien- 882.6860 pray for us FAX low capital Investment color consultant Wanda PROFESSIONAL Sound 1222 tele for bUSy salon Good NEW AVON Representative Say thiS prayer 9 limes a Word PrClCesslng Recession proof $25,000 Warezak, 881-5923 Service OJ's for all occa. PIANO Instructions- many percentage. nl-9797. needs customers For a day By the 8th day your Resume Preparation to $75,000 annualized slons Call Dan, 882. years expenence, certi- prayer Will be answered General-Personal TYPing earnmgs after 6 months HAIRDRESSER. Stylist With free book, please call GOT A BUSY ? 6904 It has never been known fied All levels 839-3057 Medical, Legal, BUSiness Demetna at 343-0486 RELAX! realistiC Need bnef re- some experience for to fall, never Publication PIANO Entertalnment- So- 113 PARTY "LANNERS/ Cassette TranSCription sume Written company 'small contemporary INTERESTED In finding USE OUR FAX must be promised clar/ corporate/ private HEL"E~S < Harper-Vernier matenals and contract salon POSSible partner- your Amencan Revolu- Thanks St Jude for gatherings Make It a n4-5444 available at meeting Jef- ship also available Excel- tionary Ancestor? Call PARTYPAIR Children's Call and inquire about our prayer answered Special success ClaSSical! Popu- ferson Corporation J H lent finanCial opportUnity 882-7516 for details Birthday parties In your EXPERIENCED typmg ser- FAX MACHINE. When thanks to our Mother of lar, Slng- a- Longs 885- home Muslc- entertain. Vices, mailings, resumes, Bedsworth, POBox 885-4247 SpeCialiZing In time is short and our lines Perpetual Help J F B. 6215 36430, Grosse POinte, ment- refresh ments proofreading, etc PHONE girls wanted, full or Wills, Trusts and are busy, you can simply 105 ANSWERING 110 HfAlTH AND Clean- ups n8.3151, Reasonable rates 886- MI 48236-0430, (313) FAX the copy along with part time positions avail- Real Estate Transactions SERVIClS NUTRITION 296-5352 2454 885-0930 billing and category able Apply In person af- BODY MASSAGEI Soothe PART- time bar help, Ideal Richard Middleton information. 11 5 TRANSPORTATION/ ter 4 pm, 15134 Mack. DUNNIGAN answenng ser- nerves, tone muscles, in- for local College Student Attorney and Counselor TIlAVEL 200 HELP WANTED GENERAL WE need an Intelligent and Vice, 9 to 5, Monday crease Circulation for Club 500 17569 E War- 882-6725 GROSSE POINTE NEWS FLORIDA Express Cars through Friday Reason- male or female 526- positIVe bartender. Prefer shipped by truck to Flor- $5.50- $10 00 hour Setup/ ren WEDDING Photography 882-6900 able ratesl 885-1900. part- time Will tram 64a5. Ida and POints South In- server position available ProfeSSional Service at DELIVERY and stock per- Please apply nightly at 8 SMALL Dog Slttmg- not sured n~2339 Roostertail Catenng Club Reasonable Prices 331- son for pet shop, 3- 6 pm., ask for John, Amer- over 14 pounds, 24 hour 109 ENTERTAINMENT 112 MUSIC EDUCATION Day night hours avail- & P m and Saturday after. Ican Pie, 10723 Whlltler. 3t90 care Only 1 or 2 dogs SUZUKI Violin lessons, all 116 TUTORING/EDUCATION able Call 822-1234 noon 881-9099 NURTURE yourself With a Excellent references INKY & THE CLOWN WAITRESSES, full! part- ages Certified Lisa TUTORING PRE- School teacher for our massage Betsy Breckets, Please call before 630 CLAN Parties, promo- time Send work history Salgh,886-1743 3 year old program Must PM 885-3039 tions, family fun Face or fill out application at AM T A Certified Mas ALL SUBJECTS have early childhood edu. MR. C's painting, magic, and bal- PIANO teacher With degree The Whittier. Attn Dining sage Therapist House GRADES 1 THRU 12 cation background St calls and gift certificates 3 MARKETEERS loon animals 521-7416. has opening for begin- Room Supel'Vlsor 415 Need transportation to the PROFESSIONAL Paul Lutheran Nursery DELI available 884-1670 ning or advanced stu. Bums Dr Detroit, MI airport? FAIRY Godmother available FACUL TV Co- op Call for appllca- Flexible work schedule Women only dents Experienced In 48214 No Phone Calls Don't have time to shop? for entertaining at child- claSSical, pop, ragtime, WE CAN HELP tlon, 884-1068 Starting pay based WANTED: Hairdresser WIth WINSTED'S custom fram- Does Spot need a walk ren's parties Call Chan- GROSSE POINTE andjazz ~9314 LEARNING CENTER STOCK -dnver, 5 1/2 days upon experience. Will Ing Framing, matting and around the block? telle, 331-n05 clientele PaYIng 55% PROFESSIONAL mUSICian 131 Kercheval on the HIli a week Apply at Farms train for cashier, dell quality work Reasonable Call us today 886-3730 CLASSICAL music for any With teaching degree 343-0836 343-0838 _M_a_r_ke_t_,355__ Fi_ls_h_e_r__ clerk, cooks and stock rates Margaret, 331- and relax tomonow! WAITRESS- experrenced, occasion Solo, duo, tno, available for lessons In 2378 885-5486 MATURE woman to care posrtions. Must be 16. full or part time. Apply qUintet, gUitar, Winds, your home Plano or vo- 117 SECRETARIALSERVICES for semi- handicapped Apply at any Mr. C's T J 'S Cafe, 19524 Kelly, vOice 354-6276 cal 824-7182 man 4 hours dally- noon Deli. between 7 & 8 mile. 526- JACKIE'S to 4 526-9582, 371.3559 8889 100 PERSONALS Pet II Pal Service 100 PERSONALS BUSINESS AND COMPUTER Operator, part- BURNED OUT? Make more WEAR TAILOR MADE TECHNICAL SERVICES time InVOICing, reply Prel. Animal SItting. HOuse Slttfng money In a month than CLOTHES! Drive a • Alrpc;lrtShuttle LlIStT PnllUr ude Press, Box 44 most people make In a Mercedesl Call 396-1065, By AppO/ntmont only 17336 Harper Detroit, BUSIness. Techmcal year Call 748-3399, 24 24 hour recorded mes- Jackie Huckins 527-2440 ROSH SILLARS AcademiC MI 48224 Medical. Dental. Legal hour recorded message sage If you have the PART Time hair StyliSt for courage to call, It can YOUR HOME OR PET Letters. Reports. Memos rental Full or part time make you nch A WORKOFART Spreadsheets. InVOICIng nail techniCian for rental PenCil, Ink, Watercolor CASHIER full time 2- 9 Cassette TranscnpHon or commiSSion Come In BUSiness or Boat PHOTOGRAPHER Standard. Micro' Mini p m dally, no Sundays By Carol A. Sinclair :Wl"." and apply at Sun Kissed, Village Marathon Ker- PersonallZed TIHT_R 22221 Kelly Ad East De- 824-2614 RepetJl1ve Lellers cheval at Cadieux 886-8488 troit (5 blocks South of 9 -notecards and prrnts- Envelopes. Labels Grosse Pointe Ask for Mailing List Malllienance To apply film on Mile) --._._._-_._._ .... Phil autoltruck windows FINALLY ... A nad care system that delivers "Salon Theses • DlSsertalions PART time poSition for as- Term Pa~ • Manuscnpls slstanV receptionist com- ARE YOU SERIOUS Quality" Natural Looking Nails (without polish) at your : 1)'l'l'IO (;'ll?J~ ~ Foreign Language WOrK at busy eastside bination No expenence ABOUT SELLING convenience! And ... allows you to save hundreds of I Besta1ll'8ll1, Bakery.\ 'fIIke.Out Dell • Equations' GraphICS after market shop. REAL ESTATE? Luncb Monday. Friday 11.3 necessary Must be Statistics' Tables. Charts We're SERIOUS about dollars when compared With the cost of maintaining a I Saturday F!M ~ 6 8t 8 pm ... tlllp I Lots of work, Must outgoing, frrendly, team Sandar BnlllCh 11-3 pm YOUR SUCCESS! Exten- set of "Salon Nails., Call Today! )oln the thousands of Rtgum~ • Vitae member Reply to Box I (R_ .....tIo... SlIlC"lled) I Cover Letters be neat and detail- sive training, Including women who have said "Good Bye Nail Tech", Hello M.22, Grosse Pornte oriented. Leave Pre-llcense and Market. "Savings and Convenience •• I l/fJ). I 822.4800 News, 96 Kercheval, llJle.,U;,lN'S ()"TN, Ing In Grosse Pointe, I Gifts, An & Hand Crafts I M£MB£R message for Mr. Grosse POinte Farms, MI • Profe5S1onal Assoctaoon 48238 please call George Smale 275-2747 or 882.1194 I Made Exclusively In Michigan I of R~um4! Wnlers Barrie. at 886-4200 7059 Lake.bore, US 25 • NatIOnal ASSOCiationof HAIRDRESSERS. Top COLDWELL BANKER INDEPENDENT CONSULTANTS NEEDED 5ecretana I Services I l.exlnBfon Heillhll (15 MIle. N, of Port HllI'on) I commiSSion or rental, 5 SCHWEITZER INQUIRIES WelCOME • Engmeenng Soctety , (313\ 359-5222 I of DetrOIt 886.1763 chairs available Filippo's REAL ESTATE ----_ .._--_._._- 882-1540 19 OffIce.

IJlI nn"'nAftllll'\ 0 r"1 ,.",'9' ""' ~ _ 4C February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News

201 HHP WANTID 200 HHP WANTID GENEIlAl 203 HELl' WANTED 302 SITUATION WANTED IAIlYSITTEl! DENTAl/MEDICAL 207 HELP WANTED SALES 305 SITUATION WANTED 307 SITUATION WANTED 400 MERCHANDISE CONY AlESCENT CARE HOUSE ClEANING NURSES AIDES ANTIQUES AEROBIC Instructors LOVING and dependable SCHOOL FUND RAISING wanted Several loca. babySitter needed for $$ HOME $$ COMPETENT NEED help around the CARE tor the elderly Hon- Excellent opportunity for real DuMouchelles lIons, expenenced pre- Grosse POinte family IN.HOME CARE SERVICE house? Any work done- est, rehable, excellent rei. Free Appraisal ClinIc HEALTH AIDES estate sales person, re- ferred} bul will Iraln Part Non.smoker, full time p0- Come See us FIRSTI TLC elderly, chIldren call Laura or Ernie 296- erences, 573-7676 IIred school employee or lime, 2 10 6 hours per sition Monday through Earn up to S8/hour! Hourly, overnight rates 4250. FRI MARCH 1 other aggressIVe person NURSE'S Aide, 20 years week, $8 to $16 an hour Fnday, 730 to 430 Two CALL (313) 772.5360 available Experienced In NOON till 7 00 PM. to show our special ' LADY deSires houseclean. experience Excellent ref- Call Fitness Factory, 442- children 3 1/2 and 6 PROFESSIONAL the Grosse POinte area SAT MARCH 2 Michigan Products' Fund Ing Grosse POinte area erences, hve In or hourly 7367 Must have trnasportatlon, MEDICAL PreViously Hammond Own transportation, refer- 1000 AM till 4.00 PM RaiSing Program 313- 824-6876 references 390-8972, SERVICES Agency, 30 years LI. BANQUET set- up FulV 856-7112 ences 371-2696 weekdays, 884.2454, eve- afflhated With censed and bonded SEEKING employment, KINGSLEY INN part- time Heavy carrying DO you need a cleaning nings and weekends ST JOHN HOSPITAL Sally, n2-OO35 Companron/ Aide Refer- 1475 N. WOODWARD and lifting, Good pay SALES lady? Please call me at AND MEDICAL CENTER NURSES AIDE ences $500/ hr 521- BIRMINGHAM Apply In person, Geor- DEARBORN, recent sud- MANAGEMENT 882-6309 1376,8 til Noon WANTED ANTIQUES, ORI- gian Inn, corner 13 mile/ den Widower With 3 EOE Explore the management 11 years experience In Grosse POinte area Ex. EUROPEAN Style of clean- ENTAL RUGS, PAINT. Gratiot daughlers, 8, 5 and 2, 204 HEll' WANTED opportUnity With Prrmenca PRIVATE Duty Aide Exper- cellent references Want- INGS, SILVER, CHINA, needs mature, committed DOMESTIC FinanCial while enjoYing Ing Will refresh your Ienced Barb 822-3612 WAITRESS , expenenced, JEWELRY caregiver, Willing to de- the secunty of your pre- Ing to work 12 hours a house Local references, Grosse POlnle Lounge, POINTE couple seeks day, 7 days a week CERTIFIED home/health IMMEDIATE CASH velop long term nurtunng sent Job Call Joyce own transportation, 7 Apply In person Trolleys, woman for lIVe In care of Carol- 774-1125. aide wants evening work OR CONSIGNMENT relationship Saturdays- 8 ZOppl, n3-8883 days a week Washing 17315 Mack (3 blocks our 8 month old happy, In Grosse POinte area FOR APPOJNTMENT am to 8 pm , Sundays. 2 DEPENDABLE care for eld. and Ironrng 365-1095 North of Cadieux), be- healthy daughter Spa- 526-2472, Joyce 963-6255 pm to 8 pm , occasional SELECT the best opportu- erly, all around Indoor AIM TO PLEASE CLEAN. tween 7 00 pm and CIOUS hVlng quarters and weekday/ evenings 886- nity for success 10 Real help/ shopping Trained ING Quality service for LPN Private Duty FleXible 1000 pm good salary References GROSSE POINTE 3567 Estates Sales I We offer CPR Start 3/11/91 9- 3 your home or office Reli- hours References Trans- reqUired 885-6252 after DOORMAN, expenenced, extensive training, nalion- Monday-Friday, $200/ portation, 366-2932 RELIQUES NANNY needed for twin 600 pm able, Insured FREE esti- Grosse POinte Lounge, Wide referrals, and exclu- week Paula, 757-5145 14932 KERCHEVAL toddlers and Infant can mates Call 779-2875 301 SITUATION WANTED Apply In person Trolleys, LOVE WORKING sive marketing tools In anytime In The Park live In carnage house on RELY on Jewel's Kleanlng OFFICE ClEANING 17315 Mack (3 blocks WITH CHILDREN? Grosse POinte, call Mark 822.0111 property or commute HOME Care Services avail- Low & reasonable rates North of Cadieux), be- Be a nanny Full lime/ part- Monaghan at 886-58()() EURO Malds- European 1900's MAHOGANY Grand- Salary & benefits negolia- able by Medical ASSIS- Open days available tween 7 00 pm and time Good salary and Coldwell Banker style of cleaning Days or father clock MAHOGANY Die 823-0997 tant Mature, non- smok- 573-60n 1000 pm benetlts Call The Nanny Schweitzer Real Estate nights $15 Special for table, 4 chairs and china Ing lady Call 445-9419 cabinet MAHOGANY COOK , w8Itstaff & barten. LOOKING for a lOVing per- Network 650-0670 19 offices KNOWN and Famous Eu- thiS month 365-1095 vanity, mirror and bench der, experienced With ref. son to care for my 15 WILL care for the Sick or ropean style cleanrng IS a GROSSE POINTE Automotive Sales elderly In their home Ex- MAHOGANY double erences Near Ren Cen, month old daughter In my unique cleaning program OFFICES bed ENERGETIC & cellent references 841. Beige Simmons SOFA call 259-3273 between 9- home Monday & EMPLOYMENT for your home, condo or PROFESSIONALLY SELF - STARTING 3 WednesdRy afternoons, AGENCY 5851 office We can give a CLEANED BED QUEEN ANNE ta- Frldav mornings 884- SALES PROFESSIONALS unique advantage to help ble, 4 chairS, buffet Oak TEACHERI recreation direc- 885-4576 Reasonable Rates 8539' MIDDLE Aged woman, 20 stay refreshed, prOViding fireplace MANTEL, 50 years reliable service References Available tor for Easter break camp Who Wish to make $50,000 years experience Will give on the spot personal at. Chaise LOUNGE, Magna- Needs expenenced Cooks, LARRY 776-4570 and/or summer day plus, selhng 'Cad lilacs' excellent care to elderly tentlon For free esti- vox TV console MAHOG. camp Lakeshore YMCA, 202 HELP WANTID CLERICAL Nannies, Maids, House- and quahty used cars In thelf home n2-4054 mates call 884-0721 "A 310 SITUATION WANTED ANY tilt dlnrng room ta- keepers, Gardeners, But- n8-5811 Step Ahead- A Step Secretarial Services ble Mirrors, chandeliers, ADMINISTRATIVE ASSIS- lers, Couples, Nurse's This IS a chance of 303 SITUATION WANTED DELIVERY boys needed DAY CARE Above" pictures and many deco- TANT PreSident of new Aides, Companions and A Lifetimel EXPERIENCED Medical Apply In person after 4 rative Items to choose East Side company needs Day Workers for pnvate • High CommiSSions ENERGETIC degreed mom LET "First Mald"clean your secretary seeking Tran- pm Mama Rosa's, from energetic assistant Must homes • Gross & Volume Bonuses offers exceptional day home, office or condo SCription and clerical In 15134 Mack have excellent command 18514 Mack Avenue • Unique Demo Plan care In her Chnstran Bonded and Insured Ex- home 371-9540 ESTATE gold Jewelry, large PICTURE FRAMERS- CUS- of the English language, Grosse POinte Farms • Major Medical home UNLIKE OTHERS I cellent references Call collection Sunday only, TOM FRAMING DE. profiCient In word pro- 228-9262 400 MERCHANDISE 11-4 28706 John R, CARE for Alzheimer's pa- • Excellent Benefits hcensed n4-5626 SIGNER/ ART SALES cessing, spreadsheet, ANTIQUES South of 12, Madison tient needed POSSible LOVING experienced day HOUSEKEEPER seeking PERSON Full or part data base programs on APPLY IN PERSON Heights IIve- In. References re- more work Grosse DINING room set, 10 IBM PC Must have abil- care In my licensed time Including Saturdays qUired 884-1139 POinte area Already es- pieces, $1,500 Porcelain Ity to handle your self home 886-0427 ALSO, WORKROOM Roger Rinke Cadillac Co. tablished 756-2073 coal and gas stove, 401 APrUANCES PERSON All areas of confidently In conversa- 206 HELP WANTED "A General Motors Family" The Nanny Network, Inc. $1,200 Porcellan chan- tions With banking Indus- I'ART-TIME HONEST dependable and custom picture framing "Srnce 1917" Quality professional child deher, $350. Duncan TWO apartment size Full time Career opportu. try executives The Job 1-696 (11 Mile) care In your home Call experienced team ART & DESIGN STUDIO Phyle dlnrng room set, 8 stoves, $80 each. One nlty, benefits Write Will be diverse, hectiC and & Van Dyke (M53) us NOW for Information Homes, offices, move Seeks part time assistant for pieces, $500 SWivel large stove, $50 Two re- Grosse POinte News, Box exciting If your talent and Warren, MI 650-0670 outs Free estimates Tuesdays, Thursdays and plano stool, $t25 Baby fngerators- $80 & $125 T. 181, 96 Kercheval, potential IS being wasted "Master Dealer" n2-5789 occaSional Fndays, 9- 2 BABAR'S HOUSE rocking cradle With crank, 891-3212 Grosse POinte News, MI In your present position, GENERAL housecleanrng, $125 n9-0760 Responsibilities Include: Prrvate home, French mflu- 48236 send personally prepared REFRIGERATOR , large, -Secretanal dulles (filing, INSIDE two expenenced depend. resume Including salary ence, non smoker, hot double door, excellent able Ladles Excellent ref- LAID Off? Take ch81ge of reqUirements to the Fol- typing, atc) SALES meals Full time open- ON THE HILL condition, $350 822- ere nces, reasonabl e your hfe' Small Invest. lOWing box Mas, Grosse -Receptionist duties REPS Ings, ages 2 thru Kinder- Second Story Antiques 9213 -Runnrng Errands garten rates n3-2956 85 Kercheval ment starts you In reces- POinte News, 96 Ker. Established 20 year old G.E. electnc stove, Sears slCn proof hngene bus). cheval, Grosse POinte -Keeping studiO clean and 881.7522 HOME Cleaning speCialist, Above Something Special (East Area) auto refrigerator, Kelvrnalor ness 331-7531 Farms, MI 48236 organrzed very dependable With ref- 10-530 Mon - Sat, 10-7 aftermarket wholesaler LOVING mom has open- Side by Side All avacado Interested non-smokers re- erences Call Sue at n4- Thur RESPONSIBLE salesper-FULL Time receptlonrst for seeking personable Ings Non-smoker, excel- $50 each 526-3632, n5- ply to Box P-88, Grosse 4705 884-4422. phone closers 10 staff lent references Licensed 6027 son needed for quality re- Grosse Pomte Real Es- POinte News, 96 Ker- Representing 7 Dealers 885-2432 HOUSE Cleaning With a tall store near W S U. to tate office. Phone, com- cheval, Grosse POinte our order desk - TAPPAN 30" electnc stove, personal touch Refer. work With upscale cus- puter, light typing expen- Farms, MI48236 afternoons tll 9.30 p.m. CHILD Care- FulV part time FURNITURE refinished, re- $100 After 5, 882-5582 ences upon request tamers Diversified duties ence required 881-4200 Great "In demand" In my hcensed home Ex- paired, stripped, any type COLLEGE STUDENT. JoAnn, 521-8454 KITCHENAID electnc bUilt. In all phases of retllJl. Full CLERICAL. Grosse Pointe p!,oducts. r, Salary cellent references Oar- of canrn!;l Free esti- Apartment managemafll' or part- time 831-7201 Insurance OffICEl seeking negotiable/bonus -and leo.e 881-2506 HOUSE~LEp"NIN~. Afford- mates, 34~6258, 661- I In, self- clean double company has an Immedi- 5520 oven, 24"X51t" eleclr6nrc CASHIER! Receptlonlst- 2 a person with sttong incentives. Management able With Grosse POinte ate part time opening for 304 SITUATION WANTED Crock', black doors, $400/ year minimum cashier phone Skills, computer opportunrly available. references. 885-9047 a grounds maintenance GENERAL offer KitchenAld 36" expenence, must self- dl- knowledge and ablhty to person Independent Leave Message HAVE a Bnt clean your Heavy Duty gas cook. rect actIVities, computer communicate wrth chents HIGH volume food service worker, some heavy hft- home Maid In London J.£. WYNO'S top, 4 burners, gnll- gnd. mput skill necessary and general publiC Non Mr. Bryant bookkeeper seeks em- 109, fleXible hours Please Experienced, references die, $200f offer New- Starting salary $15,000 smoking office 886-3060, 886-1763 ployment 14 years exper. Antique & Contact Gerene at The Call Ethel, 286-1835 1988 Kitchen berng Send resume to Lamia after 5 Please leave lence. Dependable and Blake Company, 881- Collectible remodeled. 882-3883 Corporation, 98 Ker- name and number. accurate 885-5628 Leave CLASSIFIED cheval, Grosse POinte 6100 STOP smo .lng, lose Message I Show REFRIGERATOR. $100 CAREER POSITIONS weight, ear.l money Old DEADLINE ... Farms, MI 48236. TEACHING Position avail- Kenmore microwave, AVAILABLE company, /new In town IS IrOning a problem? I'll do is still Mareh2&3 able for degreed bUSI- $100.882-8371 COOK5- expenenced- short Expenenced people needed 881-4011 It for you I 882-4874 ness Instructor, part time NOON TUESDAY Dearborn Civic Center order and prepanng food for long and short term for all regular liner ads All SUBZERO under counter Monday through Fnday, 2 I Will do your laundry. $10/ 15801 Michigan Apply T J 's Cafe, 19524 assignments Some are 300 SITUATION WANTED measured, border, photo refrigerator Excellent to 5 p m Classes typmg, IlAIlYSITTERS hour. Grosse Pornte refer- (corner of Greenfield) Kelly, Between 7 & 8 temp to perm or other special ads must conditIOn Width 24", shorthand, computers ences 372-23n Dearborn, MI mile 526-8889 be In by height 34", depth 24" All Legal & executive Dorsey BUSiness School, VERY outgoing and patient NEED SOMETHING 4:00 p.m, MONDAY Sat. 10 - 6 refngerator, $175 886- Assistant Manager Secretanes RoseVille 296-3225 mom to care for your In. Word processors tant or toddler, days or MOVED? The office Will be open until Sun. 10 - 4 6180, 925-0361 RlVerplace AthletIC and Cr0- Two Pornte resIdents Will Data- Entry Clerks PART. time persons deSire- evenrngs References 400 P m on Tuesdays to Admission $2.00 quet Club seeks IndMd- G.E. electnc stove, gold, ReceptiOnists 45 wpm n4-2522 move or remove large or conduct other bUSiness, ual WIth exercise science 109 $13,000 or more per self cleaning, $150 777- Pleasant Working small quantities of furni- but the computers are The affordable degree and management year Reputable, environ- EXPERIENCED as nanny 8602 atmosphere ture, appliances, pianos down and show - Shop where expenence Qualified ap- mental company 882. Short or long term Refer- RUTH PARADISE TEMPS or what have you Call for NO CLASSIFIED ADS the dealers shop - DRYER, Whirlpool, 2 years phcants call for apPOint- 6608 ences 527-2869 964-0640. free estimate CAN BE TAKEN Glass Repair - old $125 Refngerator, ment. 259-1106, 9 00 am 822-4400 Whirlpool, 2 years old. 14 MOTHER of 2 wdhng to ba- AFTERNOON Furniture, to 4.00 pm UNEMPLOYED? 207 HELP WANTED SALES cubiC feet. $300 B85- bYSit, 8 & Gratrot area EXPERIENCED travel ON TUESDAYS! Glassware, Jewelry, MANICURIST wanted, If you have typing, good fig- 521-9381 Nurses Aide companron, Don't Forget. 3242. ure aptitude with com- SALES and marketing bUSI- Dolls, Toys, Art some clientele preferred PROFESSIONAL Grosse specIalty In mature adult Call your ads in Earlyl CLASS-IFIED Excellent opportUnity for puter and office expen- ness opportunrty I give Deco, Post Cards, POinte woman CHILDf dlsabdltles Local events GROSSE POINTE NEWS bUlldmg more clients ence, call now for dedicated and motivated Primitives, Pottery, DEADLINE ... ADULTIHOUSEIPET sft- to Special travel. Bonded, 882.6900 n8-0952 appointment 8aJary and people the training to is stili tlng Evenrngs, week- References n5-3958 Advertising, etc. benefits depend on exper. make money FleXible THE HOUSE.KE-TEERS CLASSIFIED ADS ends 882-1145 NOON TUESDAY hours Call Jack, 777- HOUSEKEEPING and CLEANING SERVICE lence. All Job Fees Paid I.£. Wl'NO PROMO CLASSIFIED ADS 882.6900 Graebner Employment 5251 GOT A BUSY SIGNAL? maIntenance. 3 people Professional, Bonded and lookrng for work 10 772-Z2S3 DRIVERS NEEDED I St. Clair Shores n6-0560 Insured teams ready to 882.6900 GOURMET FOOD SHOP Grosse Pomte Farms clean your home or bUSI- Good dnvmg record Will 203 HElP WANTED RELAX! Full or part time sales POSI' area Live- In. n2-4039 ness 402 AUCTIONS 402 AUCTIONS train Excellent money DENTAL/ MEDICAl USE OUR FAX tion Knowledge of food, Gift Certificates Available makmg potentIal Apply In NURSES Aide, experi- COUPLE / Child, live In, es- people onented Call 884- 10% Off With ThiS Ad person enced, non- smoker, to Call and inquire about our tate, manage small apart- 9On, ask fOf Jo First Time Callers Onlyl 15501 Mack Ave. care for elderly lady Sun. FAX MACHINE. When ment complex, house Sit EXCITING Income opportu- DISHWASHERS- after day 3 to 11 p m B84- time is short and our lines Husband can relfre law 582.4445 ESTATE AUCTION nity teaching skin care school and weekends 7358 are busy, you can simply enforcement soon and make-up application 306 SITUATION WANTED Thnight Thursday, February 28, 1991 at 8 Apply T J 'S Cafe, 19524 FAX the copy along with Grosse POinte areas only RN LPN cliniCS for reputable, mter- HOUSE SITTING p.m. Sale Location: 16135 Mack (at Kelly, between 7 & 8 billing and category 891-8420 Part-time days, aftemoons national cosmetic firm Bedford) Baccarat perfume bottle plus several mile 526-8889 information. RELIABLE middle- aged Excellent working environ- Training available Oppor- GAL FRIDAYI To busy or profeSSional woman more, Irish Belleek, assorted pieces of Lenox, MANAGER! Trainee Young ment housebound? I'll do your tunity to earn $200 on up GROSSE POINTE NEWS House/ pet slttrng Morcroft, hand painted Nippon, Meissen, corporation expanding In Henry Ford Continuing a week For Interview, erranr:ls, take you shop- Bonded 882-1145 accupied Japan, 15 pair of cups and saucers, Grosse POinte area Care Center-Belmont contact Jeannre, 777. 882.6900 ping or to the doctor Depression glass, IS" Hull art vase, Royal TENDER CARE house and Need to open 2 branch 19840 Harper 3831 LOVING mother lookmg to Weekdays only $8 per Doulton, glass paper weights, Bavarian china pet sll1lng services We'll offices No expenence Harper Woods care for Infant In my hour n3-2765 sets, large Limoges china sets, fountain pens, necessary Will tram In all 881-9556 home References 886- feed and exercise your dolls: Effanbeelldeal p.90 !Walking Doll, 30S SITUATION WANTED pets and give your house aspects of bUSiness Sa- 7358 Carnival glass, cut glass, 4 panel punch bowl PART Time position for HOUSE CLEANING that 'lIVed In' look while cunty fee If accepted dental hygienist Looking BUILD YOUR MOTHER WIll babYSit- day with cups, Lionel 50027 gauge 5 piece train set, BUSY Bee's Professional you're away Reasonable n3-1844 for outgOing, friendly time Mature, reasonable, two deco Greyhound Dogs on marble base, two CAREER Cleanmg Dependable, rates based on dally VIS- team member Reply to deco chandeliers with globes, 5 x 9 antique TIDEWATER GnU of East- UPON THE reliable 8 mile/ Groes- references, expenenced, It(S) Expenenced Confi- Box M.n, Grosse POinte beck area 372-7251 Persian Kelim, Crome Deco clock, c. 1860 Seth land Mall IS now accept. reasonable rates 843- dential Bonded 885- Ing apphcatlons for exper- News, 96 Kercheval, ROCK.- Thomas Mahogany shelf clock, c. 1889 Take advantage of all LOVING, mature, expen- 1125 9398 Ienced wart and bus staff, Grosse POinte Farms, MI Mahogany corner cabinet, assorted Victorian we have to offer: enced lady Wishes to ba- along ",rth dishwashers 48236 HOUSESITTER With 10 chairs, Victorian dresser, three piece Victorian Unsurpassed real bysit full time Excellent CARMEN'S years of experience IS 10- parlor set, carved Mahogany fOUT poster bed, Apply Monday through DENTAL Hygienist needed estate traimng references 886-6152 CLEANING Fnday, 2 10 5 No phone SERVICE terested In Increasrng walnut Victorian picture frames, highly carved full tIme In Grosse POinte programs. A top-notch goldleaf mirror, two Mahogany bookcases,small calls sales staff to learn LOVING mother lOOking to No time for housecleaning? bUSiness Will treat your restoratIVe practice Sal- top loading oak ice box, Rosewoodlap desk, mis- from Computerized take care of your chilo Let our team come and home, pets, and house PHONE girlS, $4 Pizza ary and benefits com- sion oak library table, French Armoire with sales suppon systems Part or full time Non. do It for you' plants With TLC Refer- makers, $4 50 Dehvery mensurate WIth expert. And a name that's smoker 884-4287 ences available 751- inlay, black bear skin rug, Mahogany fall front boys Ex-Domina'S em. ence Please caJl 886- second-la-none. SPRING CLEANING 5594 desk with gallery, four Mahogany Chippendale ployees welcome Lrttle 3120 Call our office today. 301 SITUATION WANTED end tables, two marble lamps, c. 1860pine grain CLEIlICAL SPECIAL Italy P,zzena 526-Q300 EXPERIENCED Chiroprac. And start your career on 307 SITUATION WANTED bin, Deco dresser with nightstand and much sohd ground 10% Discount tiC assistant for busy SMALL office bookkeepmg, NURSES AIDES much more! 200 lots. call your ads In Earlyl ASK FOR • Reasonable Grosse POinte area of- secretanal, payroll, billing, GROSSE POINTE NEWS DOUG ANDRUS • References PN seeking day work Will fice Ask for Kathy, 886- experienced Call Jo, • Expenenced GROSSE POINTE 882.6900 5442 Tre Prudentulli$ 259-4741 work 7 days a week, 12 Grosse POinte 584-n18 hours per day Excellent ANTIQUES & AUCTION COUNTER girl needed at Real Eslate Co MEDICAL office assistant PART time typmg. flhng, RELIABLE, honest cleaning Verdonckts Bakery 823- references Own trans- for East Side chnrc Call 882-0087 phone, receptionist 0722. lady desires work Reter- portatIOn, available Imme- 886.1111 445-3070 Jeanne 881-4632 ences 92~14 diately 893-0890

• ------I February 28, 1991 Qrosse Pointe News 5C

402 AllCTIONS • 409 MISCHLAN£QUS 405 ESTATE, SALIS 409 MISCHLANEOUS 409 M1SCHlANIOUS 409 MI5CHlANEOU5 .... AllTIClES ARTIClES ARTlCm ARilCLES 410 MUSICAl INSTRUMENTS 4' 2 WANTED TO BUY ANNUAL ESTATE gold Jewelry, large NIKON FM, black With 1990 John Deere 52" com. WEDDING ensemble- sim- FOR Sale- LP Records from collection. Sunday only, lenses and flash, $350 WANTED SELECTION merclal mower With bag. ple elegance, perfect for SO's • 70's, goodl like USED PIANOS 11-4 28706 John R, Yamaha FG 110 acustlc Vintage watches. Wrist or ger $2,6001 best. 885- summer wedding In- new condition, Rock, AT BARGAIN PRICES AUCTION South of 12, Madison gUitar, $125 Stereo cabi- pocket In any condllJon 2248 clUdes custom made Jazz, Blues, Mood and Used Splnets.Consoles SATURDAY, Heights net, $75 After 5 884- Uprights & Grands Rorex Patek, Philippe, LIGHTED steel & glass dls- headpiece and veil Ex- Easy Listening over 100 8636 ABBEY PIANO CO Vacheron $ Constantin, MARCH 2ND cellent condition, size 101 selections Call Paul after playl counter case, also Audemars, Cartier, Bre- 11A.M. WEDDING gown- size 9 12 Paid $1,100 Will sac- 600 pm 885-8785 ROYAL OAK 541-6116 WE BUY BOOKS store register Please call guet, Unrversal Geneve, Winter coats- size me- rifice for $350 Call Bar- It's Spring again and time 881-8660 or see at 19565 AUTOMOBILE, Home or PIANOS WANTED Movado, Breitling, Le- IN YOUR HOME dium Jeans. size 9 885. bara Monday-Friday, 9 to TOP CASH PAID for our annual selection Mack Ave, day time only Health Insurance at very Coultre, Hamilton, Lon- 5173 530, 965-6100 auctIOn sale for those of Free Offers 1989 SO" Gravley lawn pleaSing rates 527.2260 HEITZMAN Company, 5 gines, Omega, Gruen you famlhar with this No Obligation SMALL apartment size OAK bedroom set, dresser, feet, 5 Inch, walnut, Baby mower 885-3024 FOUR banquet chafing Paying $25 to $25,000 yearly event, we're sure Appraisals Furnished plano, upright, maple cu. large dresser With mirror, Grand plano With match. BACK IN TIME METAL secretarial desk dishes, two large black you are awaiting the Entire Estates rlO 886-8041 2 nlghtstands, $550. Oak Ing bench and IVOrykeys BIRMINGHAM, MI. Black! brown Formica Iron soup kettles, Silver unique opportunity To also DeSired waterbed, $350 882- $3,000 885-0990 (313)540-4646. MOVING. Burled oak for- top Includes type wrlterl (100 cup coffee urn, can- , those of you who don't al- 6388 mica, 65 x 42" pedestal keyboard stand, storagel delabras, trays, etc), two LOOKING for a wooden ready know about this JOHN KING CLARINET, Flute, B.flat based contemporary ta- file drawers Black metal button making machines, desk for a teenagers type of auction, the rule DINING ROOM SET, Thom- Cornet Reasonable 884- 961.0622 ble, 2 matching cabinets, SWivel chair- padded asville contemporary, 54" envelope addreSSing ma- 3775 room reasonably Priced are Simple. For one day 75 x 36 x 18 lighted , Michigan'S Largest $150 both 882-0682 china, 60" diameter drop chine, Pnced to sell Call Call 882-7154 only, we make our entire glass doors, no chairS AREAS largest selecllon Book Store leaf table With table pads, Jerry, 777-0381 CASH paid for baseball Inventory of antiques $500 Grey steel office KITCHEN cabinets, For- quality used pianos Bald- server and 6 cane back cards and all other sports available lor auction, all • Clip and Save thiSad • desk and chair $100 mica tops, vanities CONTEMPORARY wedding Win, Yamaha, Kawai, chairs Good condition cards 776-9633 you have to do IS select Kenmore sewing ma- Closed a showroom gown Size 7. 8 Straight Schimmel and others Cheap I 296-9322, 705. $850 Glass coffee table, line, satin With beaded an Item or Items and 406 FIREWOOD chine, pecan cabinet from $395 Spinets, con. WANTED to buy old cos- end table, sofa table With bodice, attachable train, agree to start the bidding $250 Early American 6264 sales, uprights and tume and Rhmestone two benches and match. $400 Veil, $40 Call 884- at half the marked pnce -GUARANTEED. n1ghtstand $35 Kenmore BUTCHER BLOCK dining grands MOVing, tunrng, Jewelry, brass lamps, ceil. Ing 38" Wide TVIStereo 7454 of that Item and the Northern Hardwood, 1.2- portable dishwasher refinishing and rebUilding Ing fIxtures, wall sconces set $200 Excellent con- cabinet $400 Navy bluel auction beglnsl and 3 year seasoned $150 885-8734 or 881- Estimates and appraisals 771-1813 evenings dition Call only If Inter- maroon plaid 58" love- LIONEL train set, 1946 era Delivered 7 days 0182 Michigan Plano Co SPECIAL FEATURE ested 886-7467 seat $100 Ready to With boxes, plus, 4 x 8 PRE 1970 games, lunch- 264-9725 Woodward at 9 mile road "The Timber Cart," all MENS Ski'S, K2 Gyrator's DINING Room set- medium deal I 885-3529 lay- out table With trans boxes, toys, records, TV FrUitwood & Birch avail- 548.2200 Open 7 days painting on canvas attrib- Geze GR 90 bindings, oak, 6 chairs, china cabl bUildings and trains, gUides, movie maga- able DOLLS. Madame Alexan- BUying pianos nowl With boots, size 11 to 11 $600 After 4 p m 886- Zines, automObile bro- uted to Thomas Galnsbor- net, $650 881-8853 der, Effanbee, Sasha, ough, from the Robert 1/2 $400 or best 882- 1914 BEAUTIFUL SteIOway chures, Beatles 875- MAHOGANY dining room and others 884-3997, Tefft estate, Saline, MI NORTHERN 8029 plano Must see to be- 2154, Mark set, bUilt In the mid 30's Dorothy JAMES A. MONNIG lieve, LOUIe XV, excellent FIREWOOD CO. SOUND SYSTEM Excellent conditIOn 8 BOOKSELLER SHOTGUNS, nfles and In addition, there Will be ap- COMPUTER Tele. caller condition 945-5720 • Exceptionally fine, mixed Shure microphone With chairs, 4 leafs, buffet, 15133 KERCHEVAL handguns wanted Par- proximately 100 cataloged machine Calls 1,000 per hardwood stand, twin 32 Inch col- china cabinet Best offer 331.2238 ker, Browning, Winches- consignment Items day New $1,500, asking umn speakers, wooden 412 WANTED TO IIUY ter, Colt, others Private • Oak, Ash, HICkory and May be seen thiS Satur- $750 885-3311. Selected books case for above Edcore bought and sofd collector 478-5315 Preview begins on Wednes- Fruitwoods day at 566 Neff Road, Wireless microphone re- SOUTH Bend speed- lathe, Vintage Video Rentals OLDER bamboo flshmg day, February 27 and • Guaranteed to be quality between 12 and 4 ceiver, Edcore transmitter, 9" sWing, extras Crafts- rods wanted, 881-3502 5 500 ANIMALS continues until the auction seasoned fireplace wood DAVE DEL DonO Real PREGNANT and need ADO'T A Sony Lavaller microphone man tilt- arbor saw 881- pm t09pm ,n beglnsl or double your money Estate Course- for sale or good maternity clothes? fiber case for above Ideal 8605 FREE to a good home, 9 rent 885-5173 Don't drain your budgetl CASH FOR SCHMIDT'S back $55 PER for performers and gen- and mother Shep- VIDEO EqUipment. Video Call me first before pay. pups eral P A use $625 885- 50% OFF Jafra cbsmetlcs KIDS' CLOTHES herd Collie mix 881- ANTIQUES FACE CORD recorder, Sony color cam- Ing full price Buy name- 5138 W. Michigan Ave. 4210 including gift sets 882- EXCELLENT CONDITION 5609, after 7 m-4876 era, tripod, microphones, brand OUtfitS practically 8088 CURRENT STYLES Ypsilanti, MI. 48197 LIKE new, couch, loveseat mixer, lights, 4 walkie tal- new at a fraction of Orlql- 409 MISCELlANEOUS VERY CLEAN, BETTER LOVABLE dogs and cats (313)434-2660 & matching chair Com- kies Must sell, call Jerry, nal cost Sizes 4-10, pe- ARTICLES CONTEMPORARY style BRANDS, INFANT need good homes For Open Dally 9.5 plete oak bedroom OUtlit 7n-D381. sofa table and end table, tite and regular, all THRU 14 adoption Information call Sundays 11.5. DINING room set, Duncan Wooden kitchen set 30 white $250 979-4339 freshly cleaned All sea- MUST BE ON HANGERS Northern Suburbs Anima! Phyle, mahogany, 6 gallon aquarium complete MAHOGANY sons, all occasions and 404 GARAGE I YARD TAN sectional With queen Bnng In Monday, Tuesday Welfare League Volun- chairs, $850 822-9213 With wooden stand Make INTERIORS office attire Have matern- BA5EMENT SALES sleeper and recliner or Thurstfay, 10.4pm. teer at Jeanette n3- offer 465-1279 (Fine Furniture EASTLAND Village Apts, DRESSER & mirror, chest Ity sWim SUit never worn 6839 $900 979-4339 Antique Shop) LEE'S RESALE 20481 Balfour, Apt 4, of drawers, dark, formlca LIKE new Sherrill love- seat & Sue 882-6679, leave NEW Ratan sofa, full mat. 506 Washington 20331 Mack 881.8082 South of Vernier, East of tops $150 for both 772- and matching Queen S. message. FREE to good home. Loud- tress, twin bed, colonial Royal Oak, MI Beaconsfield, 10 to 6 9007 Anne chair, dark blue, FURNITURE est purr In town, genlle, chair 881-1388 (5 Blocks North of 696 Free- February 28, March 1 also beige color t.lub 410 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Will buy used furniture, sin- neutered male cat, 10 SANYO stereo & cabinet, way at 10 Mile Take and 2. chair. $3001 $2001 $100 COMPLETE Game Boy gle pieces or entire months Donovan Veteri- $60, Kindergarten table & Woodward! Main Street REBUILT Grands, Players, 882-3390 Video Game, case, NC household nary Hospital, 882-n47 BASEMENT SALE. House- chairs, $195, Antique eXit Vertlcals- 10 year war. adapter, Light Boy, plus 8 hold Items, lawn mower, school desks, secretary, LADlE'S luggage- 3 pieces ranty. 571-1310 884.5740 Days WANTED good home, well games, $250 886-7867 Monday thru Saturday tools, firewood, baby Frigidaire refrigerator, American Tourlster One behaved Shepherdl 11 to 5:30 GRINNELS Bras spinet 882-6936 Evenings clothes- new born to 2T, $125, GE freezer, $125, smaller case Good con- SMALL size clothing (5-7), Closed Sunday and Husky, good wrth child- plano and bench, excel. OLD Fountain pens wanted! ren, neutered male. Call ladies clothes- 12, mens 92" sofa- earth tones, dition $75 886-9654 some deSigner. Coats, Wednesday lent condition $750 n5. Any type, any condition Steve, 882.8459. eve. clothes- Medium, and gas $200, Regency desk, LIVING ROOM set, 3 Jackets, sweaters, skirtS, Antique French dining room 7758 882-8985 nlngs dryer 5311 Harvard, De- large wood conference pieces, in good condlton, dresses, etc Reasonable set (10 pieces) Grand- table, SchWinn 10 speed 500 ANIMAlS troIt. Saturday & Sunday, Includes couch, loveseat 772-9007. father clocks Pelr satin- 500 MliMAlS 500 ANIMALS 10- 5 881-D836 bikes, $65 881-3392 ADOPT A PET ADOPT A PIT and chair. 885-6338 MONTGOMERY Wards wood French Demllunes ADOH A PET Mahogany sets (9 pieces) MOVING Sale. New furni- DECORATING goofl 2 MOVING sale- Mediterra- radial arm saw, 10" months old 80" hunter Antique English small ta- ture, water bed, dressers, nean sofa, $200 Antique blade Best offer. n1- b1el desk with boxes on toys and chlldrens cloth- green camel back couch wing M./:k "chalf, - $75 2442 '." ~O _, Ing, etc. 3981 GUilford $799 new, $500 822- lop Exqulsrte English China cabinet & buffet, SEGA -GeneSIS, new, -extra Friday, Saturday, Sun- 1588. , style double pedestal $75 Call 822-6529 day- controller, 5 games, day, 7 kneehole desk (2X4). 8- SATIN drapes- 63", French time $325 Scott 885-2933 Large Mahogany break- 700 Watt Panosonlc micro- Provincial sofa- 76" B84- WANT "BRASS door knocker" fronts & China cabinets wave Glass top kitchen 7756 ADS Large elegant lion's Mahogany banquet dining table With 4 chairs 4 BASEBALL Cards- Approx head, very omate, ap- room table WIth 12 Chip- piece bedroom set Ya- 50,000, (1971- 1988) Call In proximately B" diameter, pendale dining room maha key portatone 54 Best offer or Will conSider Early $150 886.6180, 925- chalrs (Will self separately) keyboard Off white Hen- trade for ?????? 885- WEDNESDAY, 8.5 0361 and server Chippendale tage hutch Glass top cof- 3931 camelback sofa, loveseat fee table. BOXing eqUiP- THURSDAY, 8-6 BEDROOM furniture- excel- & wing chairs. Klndal twin ment Lawn chairs 21291 LIONEL trains, 3 engines, 8 FRIDAY, 8.5 lent condition, king, $400 beds (solid Mahogany) Harper, -34 (8 Mile! Har- cars, mIscellaneous MONDAY, 8-6 Fisher stereo With cabl. French bombe With mar. per), Saturday 10- 5 net, $400 B81-3712 m- Circa 1970. Excellent GROSSE POJNTE NEWS ble top Sets of 6 Mahog- 6274 nights, 884-5412 any dining room chairs condition I $300 824- 882-6900 days 6998 ORIENTAL RUGS Bedroom sets and sepa- TOTO is an adorable little Cafin Terner TIRES- 205- 65 VR15. PI- Don I sell yours, unbl you rate bedroom Pieces On- about 1 1/2 years old. He is a real buddy CHARLIE is a gentle six 40S ESTATE SALES , 405 ESTATE SALES relll, P-600, Top notch, see us We pay lop dollar ental vases 011 paintings waiting for someone. high speed rated radials tor your Onenlal rugs Dropleaf & upnght dining month old Beagle mix. Like new Message for regardless ot size or room tables Small Very loveable. Rod 886-1763 condillon 932.3999 French cuno cabinet ~ Estate of Queen Anne This week's sweethearts 40. HOUSEHOLD SALES CRaiJtbow 8gtote ga~eg , 40. HOUSEHOLD SALES furniture Mahogany ESTATE AND HOUSEHOLD LIQUIDATIONS Queen Anne dining room set Oncludes pair comer up for adoption. Complete Servfce China Cabinets} Queen Excellent Glen and Sharon Burkett References 885.0826 Anne highboy & lowboy. Pair Queen Anne open arm chalTS. Tea table HARTZ HOUSEHOLD SALES, INC. Table desk. Set of 4 Side ~ SUSAN HARTZ FRIDAY & SATURDAY chairs Pair Wingback t1artZ lII.J GROSSE POINTE CITY 10:00 A.M. • 4:00 P.M. chairs More 886-8982 MARCH 1.2 545-4110 HARTZ HOUSEHOLDSALES, INC. 29 FISHER ROAD STAMINA stepper 940, Trust your sale to us knowIng that we are the most GROSSE POINTE CITY expenenced movIng and estate sale company In brand new, $120 882. In &; the Grosse Pointe area. The Old Orchard between Jefferson Kercheval 4534 In The Stable beside the House CHERRY dining room set, For the past 10 years we have provided fIrst quality ThiS sale IS a collectors and decorators dream china cabinet, buffet, ta- servICe to over SODsatisfied clients. feaunng antiques from all eras inclUding Victonan RACHEL is a two year ble, 4 chairs $700 882- CALL THE 24 HOUR HOTLINE. 885.1410 tables and chaJrs, 6 pnmltlve pine dining chairs, flip 4607. old smooth-coated FOR UPCOMING SALE INFORMATION top table, Inlaid French desk, Onental carved plant Adoption Hours: Mon. - Sat. Terrier. Very friendly. stand, mahogany butler's table, brass umbrella 500 ANIMAlS 10:30 am. 3:00 pm ADOPT A PH stand, Canterbury, pair of 4 poster mahogany beds, 1830's inlaid writing desk, carved dragon chait country chest to refinish, cedar chests, pine baker's table and much more. Get YourPet's Picture Taken With The Easter Bunny. Also available IS a pair of wing chaJrs, 2 uphol. stered library seats, loads of old framed prints, hide- ONE DAY ONLY! a-bed to recover, French sofa & set of 4 dining chairs, cherry bar cart, brass coffee table and much Date: Sunday March 17 more. Time: 11:30 am • 4:00 pm Grosse Pointe Estate Sales, Inc. Decorative Items Include sterling & Silver plate, Estate - Household. Moving Place: Pets Supplies Plus brass candlesticks, sconces & lamps, old Limoges, 42241 Garfield MARY ANN BOLL PATRICIA KOLOJESKI set of old Nontake, room size 1930's Chinese rug, 882.1498 885-6604 I,nens, lead statue, cement pieces, crystal including Clinton Township Waterford, etc . We also have a small refrigerator, gentlemens $5 Donation OVER 15 YEARS OF SERVICE References clothing & 14K Jewelry; 2 year old ladles Beaver coat, stuffed birds, beige deSigner area rugs and Proceeds benefit homeless more animals at the KATHERINE ARNOLD Truly something tor everyone In thiS very eclectiC & collection of sale goodies priced tor every pocket- Anti-Cruelty Association ASSOCIATES book and taste Estate - Moving Sales 13569 Joseph Campau WE WILL HONOR STREET NUMBERS AT 9:00 AM Detroit, Michigan 48212 OUR NUMBERS WILL BE AVAILABLE 9:00 • 10:00 AM 891.7188 CALL 771.1170 CALL TIlE 24 HOUR HOTLINE AT Appraisals Antiques 885.1410 FOR MORE INFORMATION

------_ ..." ~ ------6C February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News

500 ANIMALS 602 AUTOMOTIVE 501 IIIROS FOR SALE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 60S AUTOMOTIVE 60S AUTOMOTIVE 606 !tUTOMOTIVE ADOPT A I'n 505 LOST AND FOUND FOliO GENERAL MOTORS FOREIGN FOREIGN JHPS/4.WH£El TAME baby cockatiels Pair PLEASE IF you've lost a pet any- MUSTANG SALE 1990 GEO, Storm, GSI, 1987 Black 325 BMW Ex. 1985 Jeep Wagoneer lim- of cmnamon breeders where m the Grosse auto, 12,000 miles 1978 Toyota Celica GT, Ited, excellent condition, DON'T DELAY! 88 5 0 GT 26,000 miles, cellent condition good condition, Arizona SPAY or NEUTER Pair of while- faced love- Pomte area please call us aUla red $9,895 $10,595 Ray Lathem loaded, 45,000 miles $12,200 567-4480 week. car, $1,850 Must sell YOUR PET TODAY! blrds 886-4383 at the Grosse POinteAni- Pontiac GMC BUiCk,886- $6800 885-7470 89 5 ° GT blue, sunroof days, 884-0002 evenings, 527-2925 or 521-5425 mal CI,mc ThiS week we $10,495 1700 An altered pet ISa healthier 503 HOUSEHOLD I'm Ralph and hapPier companion have a male blond & tan 87 Convertible 5 0 GT 87 Saab 9008, 4 door auto 60. AUTOMOTIVE FOR SALE 1981 Pontiac Grand Le- 1990 MJATA, low miles, PARTS/TIRES! ALARMS Also, It spares you the Golden Retnever! Shep- $10,995 mans Stallon Wagon, red $8,995 LAB pups, AKC, 8 weeks herd X With a white flea hard. top Package A, air, grief and pam of havmg 88 Convertible 5 a Gt runs good, needs ex- 87 Toyota Cerlca, 5 speed, TIRES- 205- 65 VR15, P" old (black), first class $17,500 or best offer puppies and kittens de- collar, found at St Clair $11,995 haust $700 or best 824- air $6,495 relli, P-600 Top notch, bloodline, extremely 885.2649 stroyed when no homes and Kercheval In Grosse 90 Converllble 5 a GT 9545, leave message 76 Mercedes Benz 450 SL high speed rated radials can be found Counlless handsome looking 775. POinteCity A female With $16,995 1988 Honda Accord OX $12,995 Like new Message for numbers of sweet limo. 1984 black With white Spaniel Tamaroff Acura 1985 Pontiac STE, loaded, Hatchback 21,000 miles 77 BMW 3201auto $3,995 Rod 886-1763 newer brakes, tires, ex- cent little ones are eu. AKC Blue Merle Collie, 12 X found on Wayburn In 778.8800 Air, stereo One owner 86 Acura Legend $9 995 Grosse POinte Park A haust $4,295 or best thanlzed every day 10 month female fUlly 1987 T- Bird, loaded, auto- Garage kept Mint Tamaroff Acura FOUR Good Year Eagle female tan Corgi With a 772-4877or 224-4116 shelters across the coun- tramed, great family pet matiC, 45,000 miles, alloy $8,300 822-9033 after 6 778.8800 sr s- P195/60R14 Low try because a pet wasn't 884-7874 red woven and flea collar, DON'T WAIT miles 882-1015 wheels Needs minor 1985 VW Golf, automatic, 1986 BMW, 325 ES, black spayed or neutered If we found al Pemberton & Until Tuesday morning to work $5,200 775-5851 39,000 miles, new WIth black leather, moon- 611 AUTOMOTIVE cut down on the numbers IGUANA, Includes all ac- Jefferson In Grosse REPEAT your claSSIfied brakes, muffler, struls, roof, stereo, like new TIlUCKS of unwanted litters being cessories and book 886- POintePark For more In- 1986 LINCOLN Towncar, adlll Call our claSSIfied 7283 formation call us at 822- signature senes, excellent AM! FM casselle $3,500 $9,850 884-0801 born, we will also cut advertiSing department 886-1166 ALUMINUM camper top for down on the number of YORKSHIRE Temer pup- 5707 between 9 00 am condition, low mileage Wednesdays, Thursdays, 1986 TOYOTA Celica GT 3 full size pickup, excellent l abandoned, lost and un- pies, 5 weeks old, vet and 500 pm Estate sale $10,5001 Fndays, Mondays 1984 V W Jetta GU Excel. door, air, sunroof, nice condition, $100 526- wanted animals to de- checked AKC registered best offer Call Ganom 882-6900 lent condition New tires car $5,475 16820 Ker- 9288, leave message 963-5055 & breaks $3,900 882- cheval stroy $300 each 772-4868 506 PET IREEDING . 1982 CHEVROLET Capnce 1987 TOYOTA pickup, ex- WE WILL BE--HAPPYTO 2128 1989 Probe GL, dark blue ClaSSIC All power, good 1987 Mercedes 560SL tra cab 5 speed, air, PROVIDE ADVICE STUD SERVICE- for York- SOS LOST AND FOUND mint condition, auto, air, condillon, garage kept 1990 NISSAN 240SX, blue, One owner, black pearl, crUise, AM/FM, long bed, as well as a shire and poodle 296- $8 200/ best 886-8512 Best 771-2442 6,800 miles Under war- 26,000 miles Very nice bedllner, extended war- LIST OF ECONOMICAL 1292 ranty $13,500 885-1166 LOST dog Light brown and 1988 MUSTANG LX, fUlly 1973 PONTIAC Bonneville condition Wood Motors, ranty 31,000 miles SERVICE SOURCES white Corgi with pmk col- '00 AUTOMOTIVE loaded, sunroof, new GrandVille V-8, 455, air 1986 Honda CRX- 5 speed 372-7100 $5,500 882-44?8 Call us at lar, female Lost Sunday, AMC tires Mint condition 886- conditioning Many power Mint condition 52,000 1985 DODGE Ram, 0-50, 891.7188 February 24th In the area 1986 VW Jetta GL, excel- 7093 options New tires miles Ollglnal owner lent condition 399-8371 low miles, extra clean, Anti-Cruelty AssociatIon of Pemberton and Jeffer- 1984 Renault Alliance, 4 door front wheel drive, 1986 FORD Tempo, 58,000 brakes and exhaust Asking $4,550 Call morn- $3,250 882-6388 FREE female black Lab son The kids miss her $1900 881-4213 Ings 790-2352 1988 Mercedes station air clean Runs great miles, rebUilt engme 1983 Ford F150 pick up mix 6 months, shots very much Please Call wagon 300TE, 14,000 $2,ooo! best 771-2067 $3,950 775-3739 1988 Honda Prelude, Great condition $2 5001 great ....,th children Call 8222686 1977 Cad !lac SeVille Flor miles, $34,500 884-1600 33,000 miles, automatic, best 885-2248 Katie, 777-1891 601 AUTOMOTIVE 1988 Taurus, 39,000 miles, Ida car, loaded leather, 1990 MltsublShl Mirage FOUND. lOVing cat, black V6, air, clean Good con- white $9,300 822-0755 CHRYSlER sun roof ClaSSIC style EXE, 4 door, air, stereo, 612 AUTOMOTIVE FREE to good home, tan With some white, near dition $6,900 884.7763 Mlntl $4,150! offer 772- 1988 Honda Prelude SI, 4 Husky/ Shepherd male Balduck Park 884-6207 1983 RELIANT $1,300 4 9,000 miles Save thou- VANS 1978 FORD Fairmount sta- 7045 WS, 5 speed, black, fUlly sands at only $7,300 short hair, 6 months Will door, air Good condition loaded, sunroof, remote 1986 Ford 250 Windowvan tlonwagon, 73,000 miles 1988 CADILLAC Sedan De Wood Motors, 372-7100 be medium size Dono- LOST! Gray and taffy col- Manyextras 527-3027 alarm, sharp $10,700 Air, stereo, tmted Win- ored kitty on Valentine's extra clean, $1,350 775- Ville, Silver! grey Excel- van Vetermary Hospital 1987 LeBaron Coupe Ex- 756-6688 1978 Cellca GT. very solid dows, 7 passenger Good Day Vlcmlty of Lake- 3739 lent condition, 73,000 882-7747 cellent condition Loaded, runs great, all express- for work or play 884- pointe! CharlevoIx Her miles $11,950 886-4955 1985 Honda Prelude, CLASSIFIED ADS 61,000 miles, $5,300 Call 1989 Ford Probe LX, way mIles, over 100 K 3315 name IS Cleo, no tags 62,000 miles, well main- 826-3458after 5 p m loaded, like new $8,990 1979 DELTA 88 Excellent $800 882-7418 882.6900 We miss her very much tained, power steering! 1986 Dodge Royal van, 8 824-354S condition, $1,650 886- 1986 HONDA Prelude SI, FREE adult cat to lovmg Reward 881-4849 DODGE Omnl, 4 door, au. brakes, AM!FM cassene, passenger, short wheel 1982 Ford Fairmont 6 cyl- 8034 black, loaded and excel- home Litter lralned, tomatlc air, AM/FM, rear crUise, tilt, air, many ex- base, automatic, power Inder, air conditioning, lent condition Call after 6 fixed, affecllonate Call HOMELESS dog needs a defog, 56,000 miles, 1 1990 Skylark, 4 door, tras $5300 756-3796 steering, air, stereo, good home Bo IS a neu- power steering and 18,000 miles, auto, air, pm or leave a message, 882-2638 owner, garage kept, all WANTED Honda or Audl more Excellent condition tured black Lab mix male brakes, excellent condi- power Windows, lilt, rear 882-2625 maintenance records Any year or condition $5000 or best offer 527- FREE to a good home, 3 about one year old and IS tion $1,250 or best 331- defroster $8,995 Ray $1750 884-7034 Top dollar cash Call 790- 606 AUTOMOTIVE 3352 year old female cat good With kids and other 8824 Laethem Pontiac GMC 1990 LASER RS, black, 2900 lHPS! (.WHEEL 1987 Dodge Window van, spayed declawed and pets Days 827-1230 or 1988 T.BIRD Turbo Coupe, BUiCk,886-1700 shots Call after 5 00 pm , clean, low miles $10,000 ISUZU Amigo, 1990 Air, 1989 JEEP Wrangler Air, loaded New tires $1,000 evenrngs & weekends 5 speed, 47,000 miles 1987 Chevy Celebrity blue 884-0927 884-2413, Greg or best Must sell 884. 26L, white, back seat, storage councel, AM!FM radiO and tape stereo Mint condition, must sell, station wagon Excellent 8941,9- 5 cassette 8,000 miles cassene Sport mirrors, Excellent condition $7,500 331-3300 condltlOnl Bargalnl 500 ANIMALS $11,000 886-6426 folding rear seat, 14,000 $6,500 465-7154 SOO ANIMALS 1988 Plymouth Voyager $4,750 296-9322 ADOI'T A I'ET miles, excellent condition . ADOl'T A I'n SE, 7 passenger, cas- 1985 Mustang GT. Loaded, 1983 Chevy G-20 pick. up 1990 Grand AM LE, 18,000 1987 Acura Integra lS, 4 Asking $9,500 Call after sene, V6, automatic, air, low miles, runs very well 4 wheel drive, 22,000 772-3191 miles, air, stereo, auto door, 5 speed, air, stereo 6 p m 881-9510 running boards, power miles $4,200 Firm 526- $8,395 Ray Lathem Pon- Perfect condition, $7,400 steering & locks, luggage TAURUS wagon, loaded 1989 Jeep Cherokee Llm- 9288 leave message tiac GMC BUiCk, 886- Wood Motors, 372-7100 rack, sun screen glass With equipment mcludlng lied, sunroof, $14,900 or 882.7032 1700 1987 SClrocco- 16 valve, best Days 776-3955, SAFARI SLE, 1985 Excel- leather, crUise, Windows, lent condition, 51,000 1984 1/2 Celebrity, 2 door brrght red, leather, power evenings, 881-2885 1984 DODGE Charger, etc. Low mileage 886- miles, trailer package Loaded, low miles Very Windows, sunroof, air, good condition, air, auto- 1277 Call Monday thru 1987 Grand Wagoneer Ex- $4,900 775-4966 Wednesday, clean $2,729. 839-9511 stereo, 47,000 miles matiC, AM/FM stereo Only $7,400 Wood Mo- cellent condition Low $1,700 or best 8394971 MUSTANG 1983- GLX con- 1986 GRAND AM SE tors, 372-7100 miles Loaded Please 1978 Chevy 3!4 ton van, vertible 6 cylinder, air, V-6, white, loaded mint con- call 881-5115. good running condition 1988 Shadow, 4 door, auto, 1985 Mercedes 3000 4 crUise, Premium Sound ditIOn InSide and out $750 884-5755 air, tilt, crUise, power ' 1984 CJ7- 55,000 miles, system New top, new $5,300 door, sunrrof, automatIc door locks, AM!FM cas- Beautiful car, dealer hard top Garage kept, sette, 22,000 miles aluminum wheels, new 882-4160 excellent. condition ,1983 CHEVY wAldow'van, muffler, new radiator maintained, $13,900 power, Oalr ~ly: Very, $5,500 881-7315 1981 Chevelte 4 door, 4 Wood Motors, 372-7100 $5,800 882-8625 Good condition No rust cylinder Great mileage very clean Rust proofed '602 AUTOMOTIVE $4,000 371-1579 Needs some work 331- 1991 GTJ 16 valve, bnght 1987 GRAND Wagone~r, 886-8129 FORD 1987 Ford Escort GT, 5 5977. red, Recaro seats, BBS A-1 condition, low miles, 1984 Chevy van conver- 1988 THUNDERBIRD rims, sunroof, 7,000 loaded, 10 diSCCD chan- speed, extras, 1 owner, 1982 OLDSMOBlE Om. Sion, 55,000 miles, runs Turbo Coupe Lost Job miles New condition, ger, $12,500 or best of- excellent condition $4900 ega, 129,000 miles, new good, good condition TriXie ISa 3 year old female/spayed Airedale Irish must seW Medium grey, $13,400 Wood Motors, fer, 884-5223 or best 772-2249 front end! brakes! tires! $5200 886-78283fter 4 Setter mIX She IShousebroken, good With kids and automatic, loaded, clean 372-7100 LTO Crown Vlctona, 1989, exhausU battery (done at oLher animals. TriXie has a super personality and $8,900 777-0381 1987 Conquest TSI, white, LX,/4 door, options, one 115,000 miles) Burns no makesa great companion. If mterested m adoptmg, loaded, well maintained, 1981 LTD WAGON, 10 pas- owner $9,000 881-9701 011 between changes, TriXie\Sat the Central Shelter of MichIgan Humane senger, power steering, very little rust Asking new tires $7,400/ or best 1985 T-Blrd, red, good Society located at 7401 Chrysler Drive in Detroit or brakes, air, 83,000 miles $1100 or best offer 885- offer 884-2342 shape, 90,000 miles Best call 872-3400 Adoption hours are Tuesday- $1,700 772.3724 4778 offer 776-4737 1989 CIVICOX, 3 door, au- Saturday10 00 a m - 4 30 P m tomatiC, stereo, rear de- SOO ANIMALS 1989 Corsica LTZ, loaded, 1991 Mercury SabIe LS fogger Only $7,000 AOOl'T A I'n 38,000 miles, $7,495 wagon, 3rd seat, moon- 776-3955 or 881-0920, Wood Motors, 372-7100 roof, Loaded Like new evenings and week ends 1987 Accord LX, 4 door, $15,900. 822-8159 Budget wheels, 1978, automatic, low miles, air, 1982 Ford wagon- 78,000 Chevy Impala Wagon, air, full power, safety In- miles. Runs great' V8, 350, auto, runs good, spected, very clean Only $1,800 777-6529 $400 881-1324 $8,200 Wood Motors, 372-7100 1982 MUSTANG, 4 cylin- 1989 Grand Pnx SE, fully der, automatic, power loaded With sunroof, ma. TOYOTA Corolla SR5, steering, air, ver-/ reliable, roon- gray Intenor, excel- 1983. 2 door hatchback, good condition $850! lent condition $11,400 5 speed, air, stereo cas- Best 839-4284 882-0094 sette, sunroof, Alloy wheels, tilt & power steer- 603 AUTOMOTI'OE 1985 Cadillac Eldorado Ing, $2,400 372-3968 , GENERAL MOTOll5 Excellent condition Look for answers in next week's issue. 1984 Pontiac 6000 LE sta- Loaded All leather Inte- lion wagon, V6, sunroof, rior MIdnight blue King Crossword 0 $5,000/ best 886-1448 air, loaded One owner ACROSS after 630 9 10 11 $2,975 16820 Kercheval 1. Ancient 1982 Delta 88 4 door 1983 Cadillac DeVille, full kingdom power, sunroof, 89,000 5. Res1llOUS 72,000 miles $1,995' substance 885-2301 miles, good shape 8. ThIs, in $2,995 882-7737 Madrid 1984 Olds 98 Regency, 12. Hindu queen Doberman alarm, 93,000 1990 Cavalier RS- 4 door 13 Clean- miles, some nust $2000 Charcoal- gray G M ex- whislle 885-9272 ecutive car Air condition- 14 Related 109, stereo cassette, 15 Studto 1989 BonneVilleLE, low mi- power locks and win- window leage, ex1endedwarranty, dows, sun roof, loaded, 17. Ancient maritime all power, air, code kill 7,000 miles $8,500 882- very clean $11,200 882 CIty 9862 18. RJ vcr ducks 4210, evenings 19 Large Amec- 1982 Grand Pnx LJ, 6 cy- lean cat BUICK Park Avenue 1987 chnder, black extenor, extra clean, loaded, dark 21. Discharge loaded, new tires $20001 24 MIscellany blue 886-7495 best 773-8538, 778-3375 15 Final 50 1988 Celebnty Eurosport, 28 Diet need EL DORADO 1985, triple 30 PolISh V6, 4 door, loaded excel- 54 black, power moon, VIgorously lent condition, $5000 53,000 miles Offer 469- 33. Clumsy boat 881-9120 6091 34. Wild OLDSMOBILE 98 Regency, revelnes 60S AUTOMOTIVE 35 An ape of 4 door, good shape 57. Allot 16 Doetnne 42. Hem These healthy Bouvier mixed FO~EIGN indIa 58 Jaffe or $1,475 16820 Kercheval 36 Filthy 20 Containers and- pups are still waiting. They have 1987 VW Golf Gl, 4 door, place Lcvensoo 22. Wadmg bird 43. Countetfeit 1982 PONTIAC T-10Q0 4 59. Reserllful glossy coats, brIght eyes and are automatic, air, 47,000 37 Slave, once 23. Also called 44. Surface a door hatchback auto miles, stereo, sunroof 38 Ounese DO~ging urao road very playful. Perfect for the large matlc, good condition dynasty 15. Spanish 45 Vipers Only $4,200 Wood Mo- 1. Formerly f $1375 882-6608 39 Abyss article 47 Exporter dog lovers. tors, 372-7100 2 Looisc, 26 Slall 41 TCIUIIS slar of oil This well-mannered, obedient for one 27. Chaplam 1986 PONTIAC Grand Am BMW 1986 5351, 5 speed, 43 F10wenng 49 Roman Animal Welfare Society, 3. Author Seton (slang) Brittany mix IS about two years excellent condition 5 perfectly malntamed, ex- sluub 1,55S 4 Footge~ 29 5_1""" 49. Descry old, housebroken and very good a network of 50 veterinary speed, air, cassette rims ceptionally clean 46 Soft coral 5 Fall behind 31S~-r alarm, 75,000 miles SO HelIllhy 6 Sturdy tree 52 Large patrol with people, hospitals in Southeast Michigan. $13,500 885-2449 eanlOn 53 Sweet $4,500 or best offer 9n 5 I Directed 10 7. Roman All pets are examined by licensed heaven 32, Proscnbe pollIO 9208 1988 Accord OX Bright Slalesman Call Gloria at 751-2570 54 EnglISh 8 Consumed 34 Network veterinarians. red, air stereo Low 38 Slrategic Monday. Friday 9 a.rn. - 5 p.rn. nvcr 9 Son~birds 1987 S-15, 4 x 4 Sierra miles, one owner, 5 bndge Weekends-evening ClaSSIC,loaded, excellent 55 Size of COlli 10 NoVIce speed, new tires Full 56 Insh II, Used in holdmg 754-8741 condition $9,200 881 pnce only $6900 W00d hrneslone pickling 40 00ddeSs ofpeaoe 5226 Motors 3727100

• I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 7C

613 AUTOMOTIVE 700 APTS FlATSI DUPLEX 700 APTS/FlATS/DUPlEX 700 A"TS/FlATS/DUPlEX 700 A~TSIFlAlS/DUPlfX WANTED TO BUY 701 APTS/FLATS/DUPlEX 702 APTS/FlATS/DUPlEX 703 APIS/flATS/DUPlEX Poinles I Harper Woods Pointes/Harper Wa.ds "aintes/H.rper Woods Pointes/ Kerper Wo~ds Detroit/Wayne County S.C.S/Macamb County • WANTED 'TO flENT TOP $$ PAID NEFF near Village 2 bed. NEWLY remodeled Large MUST seel Remodeled For Junk, wrecked and un. 2110 VcHNIER. upper 2 INDIAN Village carnage LAKESHORE VILLAGE COUPLE deSires 2 or 3 room lower flat, many ex. 2 bedroom flat Newer large 2 bedroom apart. wanted cars and trucks bedroom, utilities In. house, one bedroom, Townhouse 2 bedroom, bedroom flat or duplex In tras, available April 1sl or appliances, plenty of stor- ment Includes lots more State licensed cluded 884-4776 $350 plus utilities 823- 1 bath, completely rede- Grosse POinte by mid sooner 882.2079 age/ closet space, laun- Call between 3 10 9 885- BULL AUTO PARTS 0997 corated, sWimming pooll April Up to $700 521. dry faCIlities Plus more 0673/ 822-6171 LOWER flat 3 bedroom, liv- 894-4488 BEACONSFIELD- One bed. club house $6251 month 1609 Call between 3 to 9 pm Ing and dining room, sep- E. OUTER DRIVE. one room apartment Appli. SOMERSET. three bed. 881-3241 want your beat up car, 885-0673/822-6171 arate garage and base- bedrooml den $3151 de. WANTED. room to rent ances, carpet, heat & hot room lower, separate Jim 372-9884 Days menl No petsl $575 POSit Pay utilities 521- POINTE rentals has rela. With priVileges Employed water Included $450 / STUDIO Apartment, Grosse basement & furnace, 1/2 822-6970 3669 tlvely new brick bUildings, lady Senior Citizen 882- TOP DOLLAR PAIDI month Available April 1 POinte Woods 1st floor, garage $550 month plus 1 bedroom luxury apart. 2535 Junk.Unuse


GROSSE POinte Woods, 3 NEWL Y decorated 2 bed. OFFICE Space for lease ONE or two small offices, CAPE COD cozy, house- CUSTOM three bedroom OPEN SUNDAY 2 TO 5 GROSSE POinte Farms. bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, room, 1 1/2 bath condo Newly remodeled, totally 18118 Mack, Grosse keeping beach cottage ranch Grosse POinte Reduced $20,000 for dec- den, fireplace, patio Carport, $625 Includes finished Between 7- 8 POinte Each $295 per Perfect for couple $385 Schools. Natural fire. 405 CALVIN GROSSE POINTE FARMS orator allowances 3 bed- $850 884-3756 heat Call lalla Abud Mile on Kelly 526-7771 monlh Vanous services weekly 886-9542 place, heated sun porch, Brrck Colonial. three bed- room Colonial, 1 1/2 NOTRE: Dame near Ker- Coldwell Banker. available Phone, fax, HILTON Head ocean front $84,500/ offer Open Sat- Schweitzer, 886-4200 THE MARK I BLDG. rooms, 1 1/2 baths, eating bath, formal dining, fire. cheval Two bedroom copier, etc 343-0000 Condo, one bedroom, off urday and Sunday, 2 to 23230 MACK AVE space In kitchen, formal place, family room, at- home completely remod- THREE bedroom condo In season. $275 per week 5 20904 Vernier 885- ST CLAIR SHORES KENNEDY BUILDING dining room, liVing room, tached garage, full base- eled Inside and out Mod- Grosse POinte )mmedlate 343-9053 0709 Office sUites available Affordable office sUites den, 2 car garage, fenced ment Now $89,900 ern kitchen with appli- occupancy $950 month Upper Level Large area/Single sUites MYRTLE Beach- Ocean- 715 Anita, Grosse POinte yard $139,900 Vacant, must sell Cen. ances, modern bath, plus utilities 886-5800 Variable Sizes 18121 East 8 Mile Road front luxury 2 or 3 bed. Woods (off MorningSide) 885.5903 tury 21 Kee, 573-6847 natural fireplace, new car- Coldwell Banker Modern.Affordable opposite Eastland Mall room condos, pool! Ja- Immaculate 4 bedroom peting 1 1/2 car garage Schweitzer Real Estate GROSSE POinte Farms. WANTED. male or female InqUire on other locations 776-5440 CUZZI From $495 weekly Colonial, 2 1/2 bath, 2 $600 Eastside Manage- 463 Calvln- 4 bedrooms, to co- purchase Grosse CONDOMINIUM for rent 771-6691 8863086 363-1266 car attached garage, cen- ment Company, 884- PRIME 2 full baths, large kitchen, POinte Park duplex Call Completely renovated 2 MOVE from your home of- tral air, 2350 square feet, 4887 HILTON. HEAD Island. 2 or finished basement 881.2883 bedroom townhouse In fice to our "botlque" of- OFFICE SPACE hVlng room, formal dining 3 bedroom, Condo or $l30's Century 21 East FARMS. 3 bedroom ranch. Lakeshore Village Hard. room, large kitchen & WATERFRONT mobile fice space at 15324 house Wanted Preferably 881-2540 newly painted $1,150 12 wood floors, finished Available In variOUS sUite family room With natural home, all appliances, ex. Mack $100 and up 884 on the golf course From Noon- 6 pm, 886-2044 basement family room sizes from 200 square fireplace, totally redecor. FOR sale by ownerl 3 bed- cellent condition DetrOit 2257/885-5916 1-1-92 to 4-1-92 822- With carpellng, all appll' feet to 800 square feet ated, hardwood floors, room bnck Ranch In Har- River. Lake St Clair Eve- HAMPTON near Mack. NEW Executive Office- 0116 ances, central air pool, To fit your indiVidual new carpeting, malnte. per Woods FInished nings 331-8824 Very nice 2 bedroom POinte Office Centre clubhouse Close to needs Prime Harper NANTUCKET ISLAND nance free extenor, large basement, newer furnace home, fireplace. den. Grosse POinte Park. 13 X WOODS, 4 bedroom bnck transportation & shopping Woods location near J-94 Summer rentals 1991 lot, deck, new landscap- and AC Immediate occu- basement carpeted. sep- 10, Includes reception/ Colonial, 1,700 square on a qUiet court 774. x-way lots of parking. Over 1,000 private Ing $229,000 By owner, pancy 20011 Woodmont arate utilities 1 car ga- answering service Janl' feet, family room, up- 7765 very reasonable homes All pnce ranges 884-2233 Open Sunday 12 to 4 rage $650 Eastside tonal and utilities $550/ dated kitchen, 2 car ga. Call Jim, 9. 9pm Best selection now The 881-3750 Mangement Co 884- TWO bedroom townhouse month 772 1160 GROSSE POinte WOods, rage, move In condition 881-1000 Maury People (508) 228- 4887 Lakeshore Village, all ap. open Sunday 2- 5 1797 INCOME. Harcourt, 2 bed- 885-6874 GROSSE POinte Farms law 1881 Open 7 days a pllances, central air 776- EXECUTIVE office Ideal for Brys Mack/ Vernier rooms plus Flonda room bUilding, has space for 1 week 978 Balfour, Park Center HARPER Woods- Grosse 3518 profeSSional, phone in. Great family home, 4 each Unit, separate fur. POinte school dlstnct, attorney John C Carlisle, entrance ColOnial, 4 bed- cluded, other services 723 VACATION RENTAL bedroom, 1 112 bath, hv. naces & utilities, 3 car small 2 bedroom stove. LAKESHORE Village 1 18430 Mack Avenue. room, 4 car garage, pool, available 774.3333 NORTHERN MICHIGAN Ing room, fireplace, for- garage Wilcox Realtors, bedroom condo Apph. 884 6770 hot tub, 2 fireplaces, fin- refngerator, washer. full mal dining, updated 884-3550 ances, kitchen & carpet. OFFICE for rent- Mack Ave, HARBOR Springs, 3 bed- Ished basement basement $550 month BEAUTIFUL office space kitchen, library, newer Ing are new Very clean Grosse POinte Park All FOUR bedroom center en- $239,000 822-9213 468-5079 for rent- 710 Notre Dame. room condo for winter roof $97,500 Homeown. $495/ month 884-5139 utilities inclUded Private rentals near ski resorts trance ColOnial, 1 112 TROMBLEY ROAD. SIX Grosse POinte In the Vil- ers Concept, 776-4663 CLEAN, sharp 3 bedroom parking available $125 254-7706, Tom baths Immaculate condi- GROSSE POinte Woods lage. 600 square feet brick Ranch built In bedroom 3 1/2 bath Col. per month 881-4052 tion Finished basement, condo 2 bedrooms, 2 full Generous parking space GAY LORD. exceptional TODAY'S 1982, 1300 square feet onlal Month to month new furnace, central air, baths, completely rede- prlvale bath Included SMALL office (9 x 10) Nice area of East DetrOit lease One month secu- lakefront homes Private BEST BUYS new roof, new landscap- corated, sWimming pool $600 per month 881- 17901 East Warren, an- beach, cable, phone, low 60's Agent, 882- flty depoSit Tenant pays NEW LISTING Ing Must see 915 Ros- $825/ month 881-3241 5322 swering service optional boat (517) 732-4493 1004 lawn/snow/utilities No GROSSE POINTE lyn 884.5419 By ap- pets please Available 885-1900 WOODBRIDGE EAST OFFICE! RETAIL SPACE VACATION In Harbor 5- 3 frame Income, Side pOintment only No 587 NEFF, for sale for 3 Immediately $2000/ condo, two bedroom, 2 available for lease In Sprlngsl Beautiful new dnve, 1 car garage, gas brokers $198,000 weeks only Perfect month CHAMPION & 711 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT bath, appliances $675/ pTime setting "On the condo In charming down- heat, fUlly occupied starter home perfect lo- BAER. INC 884.5700 FIRST offenng. Hawthorne month 343-9053 HIli' $1650 and up In. town, With View, JaCUZZI, $69,900 Cash to a new cation Motivated POSSI- PROPERTY management' Immaculate 3 bedroom PRIME Harper Woods area. cludes all utilities SUites fireplace Sleeps 6 313- mortgage ble rent With option to Speclahzlng in Grosse bungalow, hardwood WoodmonV Canton Two LAKESHORE Village- Bus from 200 sq ft to 1200 644-0403 GROSSE POINTE buy or land contract POinte Park and City rent- floors, natural fireplace bedroom ranch, updated line and shopping 2 bed- sq ft Allowance for ten- 6- 4 brick Income Side $89,000 After 6 p m als 12 years experience HARBOR Spnngs- Harbor Wilcox Realtors, 884- kitchen & bath, central air room, air, new carpeting/ ant Improvements dnve, 2 car garage, gas 885-2912 822-0755 Cove luxury Condo 3550 conditIOning, garage refrigerator May 1st Coldwell Banker heat, excellent location Sleeps 9, remodeled Inte- Historic Indian Village $700 month n1-4278 $650 886-0350 Schw9ltzer Real Estate Pnce to sell at $95,000 GROSSE POinte Woods- nor, new furniture, Indoor/ 99 9% Renovated 5 bed- 885-2000 720 ROOMS FOR RENT terms Open Sunday 2- 5, 1553 710 TOWNHOUSES/CONDOS outdoor pool Available room Colonial Featunng 70' HOUSES FOR RENT GROOSE POINTE Brys Immaculate 3 bed- WANTED for Winter and summer 2 1 baths, gourmet Detroit/W.yne County GROSSE POINTE SPACIOUS room In Grosse 8 room house, city certified, room home, remodeled vacation rentals 331- kitchen, hardwood floors, GROSSE POinte border on WANT TO RENT your fur. 2 ROOM SUITE POinte home Employed beamed ceiling In irving kitchen, newer furnace 7404 updated plumbing, electrl' a canal In DetrOit large nlshed, air conditioned non-smoker, private room, very clean, large and central air, Insulated THE POINTES cal. Home Warranty 3 bedroom. decorated home condo or flat for phone line 824-6876. HONEYMOON paradiSe', lot, 3 car garage Only FlOrida room, liVing room June 15 through October OFFICE CENTRE $84,500 (SE31) home Two full baths, liV- PROFESSIONAL. QUiet Mackmac Island. Condo $84,900 Cash to a new With fireplace, 2 1/2 car 15, 1991 Mature couple, Available Immediately- Great Real Estate One 296-0010 Ing room With fireplace, home Sleeping room for rent, located on a mortgage garage Must see. former Grosse POinte res- parking Why not have a $115,900 Homeowners THREE bedroom ColOnial family room, basement East Warren/ Outer Dnve tranquil, wooded bluff CROWN REALTY Idents With no children, really mce office? Fireplace, lake view and Concept, 776-4663 at 1611 Oxford, Pnced to With laundry, flmshed at. area Call before 6 PM. TOM MCDONALD & SON no pets, non smokers DAVID G. MILES INC. tiC, ceiling fans, natural 885-3039. more Open Year- round. BEAUTIFUL four bedroom sell Owners have pur- References Please call 357.1940 821-6500 woodwork, hardwood 1.906-847-3260 ColOnia) Newer kitchen, chased Open Sunday, 1-407-234-8364 or write 721 VACATION RENTAL March 3rd, 24 pm. or floors, Window treat- HARBOR Spnngs/ Peto- TODAY'S family room, attached ga- Apartment 3F, 1815 flORIDA call for appointment, 885- ments, fenced'in yard TWO MONTHS skey Luxury 3 bedroom rage Grosse POinte Moonng line Drive, Vera BEST BUY 2715 With pool and deck plus LONGBOAT Key, Sarasota, condo. Minutes to ski Schools. $130,000 19942 1/2 basketball court, pri- Beach, FI 32963 OPEN SUNDAY FREE lovely 2 bedroom, 2 1/2 lodge. Weekends or Fleetwood 881-n57. 876 Rivard, 1700 square vate & secure parking AU bath Available after 4/1/ 2-5 714 LIVING QUARTERS weekly. March weekends 1093 Beaconsfield. 2 family feet, double lot, 3 to 4 appliances Ideal for RENT 91 644-0643. Shoreham TO SHARf stili available 886-6922 or no flat, 6/ 6 Good rental bedrooms, 2 natural fire- profeSSionals $575 Grosse POinte Woods Plus a great location for HUTCHINSON Island, 885-4142. property Asking places, handyman spe- month plus utilities, secu- FEMALE roommate New Listing thiS very nice sUite of com- Ocean front luxury $119,000 Century 21 Cial 792-3075 after 6 rity and last months needed, townhouse SCHUSS Mountain Shanty Custom built 3 bedroom fortable and convenient of- condo, 21 2 Miramar. Available now Call 1-359- Grosse POinte Woods Creek chalet In The brick ranch, 2 fireplaces, East,881-254O FOR sale by owner, beautl. ilea.Jn ..Harper Woods $2,100/ month. 3 month 8439 or 1-359.5222, ::..$275-, ~7o-~22, - + -: Woods ' Sleeps" 8, ' 54 'flrHsh'iKl basement, corner OPEN Sunday 12 'to 4' fur family tfpe home 1,600 square feet near 1- minimum. Couple pre- In Diana FEMALE to stlare 41t5;j_ holes of golf Including lot, attached 2 car ga- Grosse POinte Farms 415 Grosse POinte Wood.~ 94 and Vernier Easy on/ ferred 886-5160. The Legend. TenniS, room home llgget rage Star of the Sea Par- Ro)and Court 3 bedroom Circular staircase, living 7 Mllel Kelly area 3 bed. off X-Way. SpeCial fea. pool 357-2618 or 822- school area Off Morning- SANIBEL on the Gulf 2 Ish Pnced to sell at CoJonial New family room, formal dining room, room bnck ranch. family tures include convenient 4000 Side 881-3232 bedrooms, neWly deco- $205,000 Cash to a new room, new kitchen, fin. kitchen WIth eating room, 2 natural fire. parking, entrance waiting rated, all amenities in- SCHUSS Mountain Shanty mortgage Ished basement, 2 car space, family room With places formal dining, ga- FEMALE roommate wanted area, speCial luncheonl cluded 794-5644 Creek chalet In The garage, large 101. For sale pegged wood floors rage $450 per month to share my home, $225 snack area With complete CROWN REALTY Woods Sleeps 8, 54 by owner, no brOkers Screened In terrace off 881-3153 plus 1/2 utilities Pets wel. kitchen faCilities Com- BEAUTIFUL Naples, two TOM MCDONALD & SON holes of golf Including please $173,500 For family room 4 bedrooms, come Non- smoker 885- pletely redecorated and bedrooms, two baths, fur- 821-6500 FARM BROOK and Here- The legend TenniS, appointment, Days 841. 2 1/2 baths, 2 car at- 4996 carpeted, With new every- nished condo, pool, ten- ford- 2 ranch homes of- pool. 822-4000. HARPER Woods- 19943 3240 or Evenings 886- lached garage, central thing throughout Super niS courts, golf, close to fered for sale or rent rent FEMALE. House In Grosse WOodmonl. Open Sunday 7286 air 886-7170, 884-7553 neighbors Come VISit beach and downtown HOMESTEAD, luxury 3 or With option to buy at POinte Woods $250/ 1- 4 Attractive 3 bed- Naples 574-3042 bedroom condo Su- $475/ month 881-4200 month, Includes all utlh- 886.1763 881.1000 4 room brick ranch, alumi- perb view and location ,mllllJ Johnstone & Johnstone ties 882-6897 BEAUTfFUL Naples, 2 bed- num trim, new furnace/ MICHIGAN HOMES 644-0254. -Amencan SO~lety of Home Inspeclolt room, 2 bath condo, fUlly central air/ carpeting/ TWO bedroom house, ap- ROOMMATE wanted, refer- REAL ESTATE CO -National Anociallon of Home Inspeclorl pliances, $400 plus secu. furnished, close to down. HARBOR Spnngs, 2 cozy kitchen/ deck, finished ences, responsible, work. 882-3200 Tn~TT.lI:nDN""'~ -MichIgan Builders license 1079686 town Naples and Beach. condo's Sleeps 8 to 10, basement, 1 1/2 car ga- g nty 882-4245 Ing leave message. 884- 28405 Harper- S C S 1800 U""U~~ oLicensed oBonded olnsured largest sWimming pool in furnished, close to skIIng rage Pnce reduced to - TWO bedroom lower, safe, 6950. square feet $875/ MO Southwest Flonda 6 ten- 886-8924 $84,900 Era/ /Aleardl, clean No pets Ideal for REAL ESTATE INSPECTORS LOOKING for female room- nis courts Cable T V 939-6700 Senior Citizen, $485/ 23420 Greater Mack, S C S TORCH LAKE- Secluded mate to share beautlfui, $400 per week Available month With heat Included 4,100 sq ft $8 50 sq ft estate 2 private homes FOR Sale, 17210 Berden, 3 newly decorated home In from Apnl 1st Call 867. Windmill POinte area Will diVide shore Side From $1,000/ bedroom Bungalow, very 886-4770 ~::oe:: great 5t Clair Shores lo- 8714 Upon 824-6668 week. Brochure 644. clean, basement, 2 car cation 25-35 years, non ST. CLAIR • 19830 Mack Avenue Completlon FORT Myers Townhouse- 2 7288 garage, stove, relngera. CADIEUX! Mack! Warren- 2 smoking profeSSional pre- Grosse POinte Woods, MI 48236 SHORES bedrooms, 2 baths, loft, tor, freshly painted Ask- bedroom, clean, car- ferred $295 per month Don't Forget. 1 000 to 6,000 square foot fUlly furnished Pool and Ing $33,900 882-3297 peted $425 Secunty n6-5081 Call your ads In Earlyl executive office sUites jacuzzI No smokers or 882-4132 GROSSE POINTE NEWS WANTED. House In Farms ROOM With full pnvllages Prestigious location on pets n2-6245 or CIty looking for a THREE bedroom Cadieux! lakeshore fu rnlshed Jefferson at 9 Mile/ bank 882-6900 house with 3 bedrooms, EAST DETROIT SIOUX Carpeted, garage, condo $300- 1/2 utilities bUilding Pnced under SAN BEL, Gulf front 2 bed- 724 VACATION RENTAL 1 1/2 baths, central air, In fenced 1 1/2 baths 775-7239 market rooms, 2 baths, available South Lake Schools • Bt.ifders Home RESOIlTS good condition to pur. 10 years ofd $475 882-4132 3/30- 4/6 and other FEMALE room mate MACK AVENUE HARSENS Island- four bed. chase from owner- NO spnng, summer dates Lovely 2200 square foot ranch with iwo and wanted to share my 4,000 square foot commer- rooms, 1 1/2 baths, 1,600 BROKERSI 886-4383 ST. John area, 3 bedroom, Mr Stocke, owner, 1-800- one half car attached garage With Grosse POinte Woods Cial building across from square feet Rrepface, 1 modem, hardwood floors, 325-1352 automatic opener. Family room With $450 plus utilities 881- home 886-3064 Rams Horn Restaurant acre on water, house- Great for medical or gen- KEY largo- Buttonwood fireplace. three bedrooms. four full baths. 3724 FEMALE 8 Mile and keeping amenities One 49 BELLEMEAD eral office use or retail central air. secur1tysystem. Beautlful finished Schoen her area, $175 In- Bay Condo Two bed- hour from DetrOit $600 707 HOUSES FOR RENT bUSiness GROSSE POINTE SHORES basement. doorwall leading to covered cludes all utilities 521- room Townhouse, well per week 822.9818 Four bedroom Colonial, S.C.S./ Macomb County furnished, manna View, patio. BuiltInchina cabInet, firstfloor laundry 4390 CANCUN Timeshare for finished basement, J. E. DEWALD & ASSOC. boat SliP, pools, beach, and much more. Lot slze 80 x 150, A great THREE bedroom, 1 1/2 sale StudiO wrth 2 beds library, outstanding 716 OFFICES/COMMERCIAL n4-4666 tennis courts, clubhouse value at $129,900. Call for an appointment. bath, family room, den, 1 week $4,500 Includes location, bu lIt 1977. FOR RENT OFFICE space $175 and $500 Weekly, $1,700 finished basement, ga- a RCl membership paid 3600 square feet. Fully NO BROKERS PLEASE up 15324 Mack Avenue Monthly 305-661.n43 m-2416 rage, pnvacy fence, or- OVER 1,100 SQUARE up till 1998 884-1458 Landscaped ganic garden $895 First FEET of office space on "Nottingham BUilding" SIESTA Key Condo, 2 bed- HILTON Head ocean Villa, call 886.1329 and last month plus secu. Fisher Road With off.street Beautufully decorated, room, 2 bath, over 1,600 2 bedroom, 2 bath, For Appointment. rlty St Clair Shores n8- parking lot Excellent for parking available 884- sq ft Available after May sleeps 6 $560 a week !~PWNER 2489 office or retail $1,500 per 2257/885-5916 60 HANDY ROAD 1st 881.5226 882.5997 ~59,OOO 10 1/2 and Gratiot. 3 bed- month- call for terms 20737 Mack and 20725 FOR SALE BY OWNER room $625 2 car ga. Mack Grosse POinte . 722 VACATION RENTAL 722 VACATION IlENUl 722 VACATION RENTAL rage, appliances n6- OFFICE IN GREAT LOCA. Woods Retail storefronts OUT OF STATE OUT OF STATE OUT OF STATE 78n TION' One offi~ In lower ApprOXimately 1,380 level of McCourt BUilding square feet at $1,050 a TOWNHOUSE 2 bedroom, In Village Great for man. month and 1,650 square 1 1/2 bath, full basement ufacturer's rep $300 per feet at $1,400 a month Garage No pets 882- month Including Utilities Owner pays taxes and 1850,885-7776 BOLTON. JOHNSTON exterior Insurance Red ASSOCIATES 709 tOWNHOUSES/CONDOS Carpet Keirn Shorewood FOR RENT 886-3800 884-6400 Real Estate, Inc. 886- * Breckenridge * Copper Mountal~ Keystone * Frisco/Dillon ON The HIli, 2nd floor of. 8710 ST, Clair Shores, 2 bed. CHOOSE FROM OVER 300 CONDOS. TOWN HOMES & HOMES f,ce Stair and elevator room, 1 1/2 bath, carport ST CLAIR SHORES- 4 room access, 885-3706 Authentic Cape Cod. prime Farms loca. Huge private storage office sUite on Jefferson, '!~Pay for 3 Nights - Stay 4 Nights \ Unique floor plan. Two to OFFICE SPACE $800/ month ~~ Pay for 4 Nights - Stay 5 Nights tion. Micou built, new wood shingle roof, choose from Call MiChi- Office available- all car. CENTURY 21 AVfD, INC. newer furnace. Three bedrooms, one and gan Realty n5-5757 peted phones In place, n8.8115 * Pay for 5 Nights - Stay for 7 Nights one halfbaths, living room, dining room, large reception area RETAIL STORE GROSSE POinte Manor. 2,200 sq ft FREE PARK. St Clair Shores ReseNatlons must be mode 14days or lessprior to library, family room, eating space - bay roomy 2 bedroom upper ING for over 100 cars Mack Ave near 9 Mile arrival.those made more than 14days recleve in kitchen. Charming! kitchen appliances In. St Clair Shores 2,200 sq ft High traffiC cluded, full basement. 15% DISCOUNT $238,000 Mack near 9 Mile area FREE PARKING carport Immediate occu. lease $9 per sq ft over 100 cars Lease $9 CALL THEMANAGERS LODGING 1-800-766-1477 By Appointment Only pancy $850 a month TPl net sq ft TPL net Call tor Restrlctlons .: 886-8921 778.3500 778.3500. 885-7386 or 882-9476

------I - February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 9C

100 HOUSES FOil SALE , 100 HOUSES fOR SALE 100 HOUSES FOR SALE 80' 'COMMERCIAL 8UILDINGS 800 HOUSES FOR SALE '103 CONDOS/APTS/FLATS 803 CONDOS 1APTSIfLATS 801 lAKE 1RIV!1l HOMES ST CLAIR SHORES Harper-Cadieux 6000 square foot bUilding, ST CLAIR SHORES- Co-op Just listed! SpacIous 3 bed- GROSSE POINTE GROSSE POinte Woods- ST, CLAIR SHORES 2 Relaxed IIvmgIn thiS 3 bed. $330,000 Retail or office, Large 1 bedroom With LAKEFRONT room, 2 1/2 bath bnck 1809 Stanhope, 4 bed. bedroom, 1 1/2 bath, bal. WOODS room brick Bungalow. 1200 square feet on first carport and private laun. ONE LEFT! ranch on large lot, big OPEN SUN.,1-4 room Cape Cod. 1,BOO cony, carport, new appli- close to shopping and floor 1,000 square foot dry room Seller Will fi- View Lake St Clair from kItchen with lots of cup- JUST LISTED sq It, new custom ances Lots of upgrades busllne SpacIousand fin- storage In basement On nance at 7% your private deck, liVing boards, first floor laundry, 740 Anita, need room, look kitchen, hickory cabinets, $54,900 Call 881-9281 Ished upstairs bedroom- Mack In the Park 885- CENTURY 21 AVID, INC. room, kitchen, Master 2 1/2 car allached ga. no further, 7 bedrooms, 3 2 full baths, 1 bath cus. new furnace, front porch, 2259/885-5916 778-8100. 576 Neff. A lovely condoml- bedroom & bath Spa- rage, central air Located full baths, central air, fin' tom bUilt Includes sky. garage door All thiS and ruum In a great location, CIOUSInteriOr, cozy fire. near the Lake with Lake. Ished basement, many light Hardwood floors, MACK AVENUE BEAUTIFUL lake View, l 2000 square teet, 4 bed- places, 2. 3 bedrooms, 2 extras priced rlght $33,500 new furnace and air 7800 Square Feet newly carpeted, 2 bed. view schools makes this a rooms, 3 full baths, beau- 1/2 baths, 2 car attached (OL33) Completly remodeled BetweenMorass& Vernier room, 1 1/2 bath Condo "one of a klnd " GROSSE POINTE tiful new family room, fire. garage ' Real Estate One 296.0010 over last 3 years Beautl' Attached garage, private GROSSE POINTE PARK Stieber Realty place $169,000 882- LAKEVIEW CLUB PARK NICE BRICK HOME ful home' Move In condi- resldental park, near ex- Traditional cape cod In 775-4900. 9940 Jefferson N. of 11 1/2 1424 Beaconsfield, 3 bed. Near Outer Dnve Features tion Exceptional value at press way, refined, move.ln condition Recent Mile room, basement, central two car garage, finished $148,900 885.{)997 15310 MACK 1,000 square profeSSional IIvmg Avail- WARREN ranch Condo- 2 updates Include newer Fri. & Sat. 1-5 air, updated InSide and basement, dlnrng room feet of office 2,000 ware- able 4/15/91 $86,900 bedroom, 1st floor laun- kitchen with built-in appli- ATIRACTIVE brick Colo- Sun. 1.5 out, garage, offered at and den FHAIVA terms house Parking In rear 725-8327 dry, attached garage ances, newer furnace mal In prime area of De- 293-1180 774-6363 $76,500 Only $24,500 (ROO3) Land contract terms avail- Showcase' 979-8515 with central alTand recent trOll Hardwood floors, 3 ST CLAIR SHORES Real Estate One 296-0010 able 881-1678 electncal upgrade Fin- HARPER WOODS bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths, Two bedroom 1 1/2 bath CHARLEVOIX Bnck Duplex, good Income Ished basement, Flonda GROSSE POinteWoods For finished basement, new townhouse In great loca- 106 flORIDA PROPERTY FUlly Furnished maker Located In good room and allached ga- Sale By Owner- 926 Ros- Lennox furnace/ central 103 CONDOSI AI'TS/FLATS tion Many recent updates Waterfront Condo area of Harper Woods, VERO BEACH, FLORIDA rage lyn Completely renovated air, 2 1/2 car garage Lot Including new carpeting Two bedrooms, 2 full baths, only $89,900 The PrestigiOus Moor- GROSSE POINTE WOODS 4 bedroom colonial, 2 full 54 x 169 $64,900 or best ST.CLAIR Shores-Edge- throughout, central air fireplace, sleeps 6, excel- 19390 Eastwood, sparkling Ings SpacIous condomi- Two bedroom ranch com- and 2- 1/2 baths, family offer 882-8997 wood Terrace Condo Only $67,900 lent rental Income, In pletely updated, newer clean, 3 bedroom, vynal room, updated kitchen, 2 Harper south of 9 Spa- WOODBRIDGE EAST nium, 1900 square feet downtown area roof, all appliances, ga- Sided ranch on park like car garage, beautiful oak BUYING OR SELLING CIOUSone bedroom car. Dorset Unit With 2 bed- For sale by owner $164,900 rage and finished base. lot Withmany extras Only floors, fireplace, air condi- A HOME petlng, appliances, car- rooms, 2 baths, family $169,000 Two bedroom, 313-377-4959 I Willprepare all legal docu- ment Best pnce In the $89,500 tioning Priced to sell POri air Convenient room, finished basement, two bath, liVing room, din- 112 MORTGAGES 1 Woods Land Contract 19740 Washtenaw, clean 3 885-6884 ments $200 complete locationI $42000 772- Ing room, Flonda room, newer furnace With cen- LAND CONTUCTS with 5-10% down bedroom Bungalow, fin- Also trusts, Wills,and pro- 9236 tral air, 2 carports, pool, kitchen, laundry room, MOTIVATED owner 1600 bate Thomas P Wolver- MOROSS/ KELLY Ished basement, garage, clubhouse & security screened porch Lovely FEDERAL Mortgage Corp Sharp 3 bedroom bungalow above ground pool, of- Hampton Grosse Pomte ton, Attorney, 285-6507 ST. CLAIR guard view ReSident manager, New Mortgage and Re. fered at $59,900 Woods brick Colomal 3 tennis pool Please call 1- In good east Side location SHORES Stieber Realty Finance Ask for Gwyn CALL TIM BROWN bedrooms 1 1/2 baths CLASSIFIED RII"e'3 Terrace, 2 bedroom, 407-234-8364 or write 313-851 9440 near St Jude Updated 775-4900. electrical, finished base. CENTURY 21 MACKENZIE Features family room, DEADLINE ... 2 bath Condo appli- Rousseau, Apt 3F, 1815 new carpeting through- 813 NORTHERN MICHIGAN ment and lots of storage 779-7500 Is stili ances beaullful decor & OPEN SUNDAY 1-4 MOOringLine Dnve, Vera out, new ceramic tile HOMES space. Assumable VA UNIQUE Ranch In Grosse balcony Beach, Ff 32963 floors, new furnace Call NOON TUESDAY 16822 ST. PAUL mortgage Asking only POinte Farms, open troor GROSSE POinte MOVing for other Improvements, $29,900! plan, large family room, 2 Lakeshore Road, 2 bed- GROSSE POINTE 101 LAKE/RIVER HOMES Company Regular triPS too many to mention Don't Forget - room Townhouse, freshly CITY north Partial loads wel- Stieber Realty or 3 bedrooms, 2 full Call your ads In Early! 115' LAKEFRONT year Immediate occupancy decorated, all appliances SpacIous English Tudor come 822-4400 775-4900. baths, central air, huge around house. Crooked 886-8074 GROSSE POINTE NEWS $62,500 yard & deck, 2 car at- condominium With Old Lake, 20 miles east of BENZIE County, near Crys- EAST DETROIT-3 bedroom 882-6900 Wilcox Realtors 884-3550 World chanm Well cared tached garage $195,000 STARTER HOME Mia Two bedroom 2 tal mountain, 72 acres, starter, remodeled, central for, qUiet corner unit, 343-0221 Nice 4 bedroom Warren ST. CLAIR Shores, 2 bed- bath, finished basement new home, 2 pole build- air, $52,500 PRIME AREA Within walkmg distance of NEW on market 1550 Ox- starter Includes stove, re. Great starter home Near room, 1 1/2 bath end With rec room Furnished, Ings, rental house, Irrlga. unit, air, appliances, bal- Village Features Include tlon pond, year round ST CLAIR SHORES- Great ford, Grosse' POInte frlgerator, FHAIVA flnanc. shOPPing and school pontoon boat, fishing cony, carport, carpeling 1/2 bath and library on stream With waterfall Ex- 2 bedroom starter be. Woods, 3 bedroom Colo- Ing E DetrOit schools Prrced to sell Many nice boat and more $55,000 Shores Manor-great loca- 1st floor With newer gour- cellent deer and turkey tween 8 & 9 Mile Rd Ga- nial, 1 1/2 baths, formal Only $39,900(JU50) features $29,000 (EA8?) 881-5226 tlonl $54,000 772-9236 met kitchen, 4 bedrooms, hunting Very unique rage Home warranty dining room, family room, Real Estate One 296-0010 Real Estate One 296-0010 "WANTED" 2 baths second floor, 3rd farm $155,000 Also $49,700 Mutschler kitchen, air, 14 Units- Grossing $44,000 Buyers Interested In beauti- floor bedroom and bath available 40 wooded many recent Improve- per year Asking ful Canal, RIVer or Lake. Hardwood floors through. acres, 1/2 mile of Little CENTURY 21 AVID, ments Move In condition, $159,000 Land contract front homes or condos I out With airy front bay In Betsy river frontage INC. 778-8100. pTlced competlvately terms Century 21 East hVlng room and upstairs have numerous such 882-1056 881-2540 $20,000 1-616-378-2747 BEAUTIFUL Grossse bedroom homes In various pnce ranges available for show- POinte Park street. Brick 467 McKinley EXECUTIVE 2 bedroom FOR SALE BY OWNER Ing on Canal, River and 117 REAL ESun WANTED ColOnial- 3 bedrooms, 1 For Sale by Owner townhouse 21627 11 $209,900. Lakefront In St Clair 1/2 baths, basement, 2 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath Colo- Mile New carpet, garage For more information or Shores and Hamson WANTED. House In Farms car garage, fenced yard nial With family room, din- $65,000 977-8232 appOintment Twsp Please contact me or City Looking for house Great family home Call Ing room, fireplace and 2 ST CLAIR Shores condo, 2 881-2146. direct With 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 George or Ann at Cold- car garage AnXIOUSto bedroom 1 1/2 bath FLEETWOOD , spacIous CALL GIL WITTENBERG baths, central air, In good well Banker- Lottie M move Askmg $120,000 CleanI Looking for offers one bedroom, appliances, CENTURY 21, AVID condition to purchase Schmidt Realty 949-7200 Call 885-7768 Prrced In the 50's Open full basement $58,500 778-8100 463-7513, eves. from owner- NO BRO- Sunday 1 to 4 Century Wilcox Realtors, 884. KERSI886-4383 21 MackenZie, 779-7500, 3550 ON Lake St Clair In Grosse GROSSE POINTE SHORES Jeanette POinte Executive retreat, CASH KINGSVILLE spacIous one all re- done In last 2 FOR HOMES 37 COLONIAL ROAD LAKESHORE Village, buy- bedroom, new Pella win- years Call John Hoben Ing/seliing/rentmg Call Serving Area Since 1938 BY OWNER FIRST OFFERING $149,900 dows, central air at Adlhoch and Asso- Diana Bartolotta, Century Stieber Realty Center entrance Colonial, three bedroom, Brand new duplex, two bedroom units. 842-44 $41,900 Wilcox Realtors, ciates 882-5200 or 886- 21 Kee, 75.1-6026 775-4900 two and'one half bath, faunal diping rOQm, 884-3550 2496 ~eac;p~~t~~)~'lsAq.}lJJ:lpfJeffersp'n!,~~se fu9!J1te CASH for your DetrOit or family rooml~place, kitchen with eating Park Perfect for owner occupied With rental 100 HOUSES FOR SALE 800 HOUSES FOR SALE II00 HOUSES FOR SALE East Side property or as- space, paneled library, fmished basement. income. $3,500 credit for appliances and paving sume mortgages Allied Outstanding move in condition. for off-street parking. Real Estate, 26640 Har- John E. Pierce and Assoc. per, St Clair Shores, MI For Appointment CALL FOR TIME AND DATE OF OPEN HOUSES 48081 881-8373 882.7033 325000 Building & Real Estate since 1975 GROSSE POINTE PARK ST. CLAIR SHORES 884-4750 119 (EMET AllY LOTS FIRST OFFERING CENTRAL AIR This sharp two famIly ~ncome MULTIPLE FIREPLACES HISTORIC Mt Elliott- Five features newer furnaces m each contiguous gravesltes- unit, newer carpeting, separate $350 each- $1500 for all- utilities, great cash flow, live in Perpetual care- 824-6442 WliAT A CIiOICEI one unit let the other half make the payment. TWO Crypts- Side by Side Holy Cepurchre Mauso- OPEN ~UNDAY 2-5 ~IXTY-fOUQ YEAQ~YOUNG FIRST OFFERING leum Immaculate Con- cepllon Alcove 4th row GROSSE POINTE FARMS up from floor Please call Spacious and well maintamed, 884-1899. four bedrooms, large country kitchen, natural woodwork, This custom built brick ranch 120 BUSINESS large recreation room with natu- features large updated country OPPORTUNITIES ral fireplace, newer windows, kitchen, one and one half baths, SALON for sale Great look. circuit breakers, owners want to full basement, two car garage, lng, well established 294- entertain an offer. walk to Grosse Pointe, one of the 2646 Shores finest areas. HAIR STYLISTS OR BAR. ST. CLAIR SHORES BERS: Be In bUSinessfor WATERFRONT yourself Without endless FIRST OFFERING overhead wornes, rent space In one of The ST. CLAIR SHORES errific offering on one of the Woods most fabu- C orne and reminisce as you enjoy the old home POintes finest salons T lous streets. This three.bedroom horne is suit- details this gently updated, four-bedroom Quality built two bedroom 882-3740 for appointment after 600 ed to professional couples, fannlies, as well as the horne offers. Fireplace, hardwood floors, coved ranch, located in prime Shores single minded. 1070 N. OXFORD $221,000. moldings are a few of the older amenities. locale, large room sizes, two car SUCCESS In the 90's IS garage, full basement, newer easy In growth markets Rcom 10 LM-IN ELEGANCE "UNlIANDYMAN" 6PECIAL thermal pane windows, newer Your eXisting sales, mar- roof, alummum trim. Owner re- keting or admlnlstra11ve est1ed on a cul-de-sac near the water in the his one is for the unhandy buyer - a mint con- tiring, looking at all offers. skIlls can make you nch N Farms, this one-of-a.kind English offers fire- T dition Grosse Pointe Farms Colonial with nu- This sharp contemporary ranch Call for ,nfonmallon 777- places in the step-down living room, paneled lIbrary merous updates. The highly motivated buyers are features three bedrooms, two 5251 and fabulous master suite_ offeringimmemate occupancy. full baths, partially finished basement, steel seawall, boat ST. CLAIR SHORES hoist, newer kitchen WIth oak OWNER TQAN~FERRED BAN TIlE BLAIi~ cabinets, attached garage, dou- CHARMING STARTER ble lot, fabulous professionally A nd must sell this immaculate three bedroom, armup the kitchen fireplace. Relish the flow- TIns spotless ranch features 1\. one and one half bath Woods Colonial with W ing rooms. Marvel at the wonderful backyard decorated great room with sky- three bedrooms, full finished den. It has natural floors, newer kitchen and cen. Or relax in the famIly room This Park Cape Cod lights and natural fireplace, basement with wet bar, and tral air conditioning. newer carpet throughout, Koehl- has something for everyone. large kItchen, pool in yard, two er baths. This home was the car garage. A must see priced in Better Homes and Gardens the mid 70's. rm UP AND AWAY... IT'o TIMETO Grr EXCITED! House, reduced to sell quickly. A re the three kid's bedrooms in this winning his will probably be the lowest sale on the 1\. story.and-a-half Farms horne. Renovated re- T block for the last four years. The owners are creation room, family room plus first-floor master anxious to sell this filled-with-extras, three-bed- GROSSE POINTE CITY suite make for ideal family living. room Grosse Pointe CIty home. LAND CONTRACT TERMS The Classified TIIE LOOK Of A '" AffORD/\BLE WAQMTIi Reduced, thIS cute starter is lo- word for today is J1 ingle family home but the financial benefits njoy not only a warm hearth but also lower cated in seconds from the Vil- ~ of a two-family investment property. Each E heatIng bIlls with the Park home's new hIgh-ef- lage, newer bathroom, newer VACATION unit has three bedrooms, dIning room and more. ficiency, two-zone furnace WIth central air. New ga- plumbmg, eled.•ical and hot wa- The third floor has two bedrooms. rage, kitchen and more. ter tank, owners transferred. vi-kii-Ihen' respite or lime EAST IN THE VILLAGE 01 retplte from lomethlng 16824 Kercheval Ave., G.P. Starl your VAcation In the CfasslIleds where you II fmd THE CENTURY i1 EAST, WEST AND, all kinds 01 resorls andvaca- 881.7100 NORTHWOOD OFFICES ARE !Pon spots I,sled There s one OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 AFFILIATE MEMBERS OF: 10 f1lavery taslp and bUdget ID ,1~ Buyers and lellers meel GI"OIN Pointe, Maeomb Coun~ WEEKENDS 10:00 to 5 every day lO the Classlf,Pds Oakland CoWl~ Birmingham, Networlc@Q)' where valup And QUAIIly Al- VIP National Bloom1l.eld, Weatem Wayne County, InlernatlllnaJ Referral ~N\ Ice ways cost less F,ndwhal you Relocation Service Roehe-w and South Oakland Board of need and sell what you don t and Realtors. need In the Class,f1eds Call Eight suburban otftces with over 2M and plAce your ad today 114 Kercheval 886-6010 Gold Crest Home 881el pro1elllJlonals to serve your real Warranty emte needs. GROSSE POINTE NEWS 882-6900

--_.._--~----~...... _--- February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News

Director of.. :- Services.. ::: I' ~ ~ ...... n ~ ~}> .. (.1'« 907 IASEMENT 902 ALUMINUM SIDING WATERPROOfiNG '12 IlUIlDING/REMOOEllNG 912 IIUILDING/REMODEUNG 921 DRESSMAKING/ 911 CEMENT WORK TAilORING LEONARD'S JAMES M. EASTVIEW J & F CONTRACTORS, EXPERT CARPET PLASTERING and drywall commercial, reSIdential, CLEANING, INC. R.L. STREMERSCH SIDING KLEINER ALUMINUM, INC. Nell Squires 757-0n2 QUALITY dressmaking, al- new roofs and repairs Truck Mount Extraction CEMENT CONTRACTOR Aluminum and Vinyl siding BASEMENT ALCOA PRODUCTS terations, repairs Complete custom tnm, Eavestroughs, back- Residential/Com merclal CODE Violations Repaired Cement WA TERPROOFING AWnings- Sidings Reasonable rates 20 soffit areas gutlers and boards, tuck.polntlng, DAVE TEOLIS 779.0411 Intenor/ Extenor Free Driveways years experience Ka- Walls Straightened Combination Storms porches Serving Grosse Family Owned-Operated Inspection check can Patios replacement windows LI- And Braced Or Replaced Screens-Doors-Rooflng trlna 331-4745 POinte for 35 years 331- save you time and Brick work censed and Insured Free 10 YEAR GUARANTEE Seamless Gutters K. CARPET Cleaning Com. estimates 2057 money Insured, expen- Basement waterproofing CUSTOM dress deSign and LICENSED INSURED B.F. Goodrich VlnylA pany Carpet SpeCialists & enced, references Steps ALTERATIONS Copies 884-5416. Products 882-0688 Quality work with pride 17301 MACK AVE NEAR BARKER Seaver Home Malnte. Tuck.Polntlng of your faVOrites accu- ALUMINUM/ vinyl siding, CONTRACTORS CARPET and Upholstery nance 882-0000 No job too small rately reproduced Call seamless gutlers/ down- 885.2097 CADIEUX Modernization. Alterations cleaning $20 for first Free Estimates LOUIsa, 527-6646 (Harper spouts, replacement Win- DETROIT, MI 48224 PLASTERING and drywall .Addltlons.Famlly Rooms room $10 each addi- Woods) dows/ doors, storm Win R L repairs TextUring and SPECIALIZING IN •• 881.1060 527.5616 • Kltchens.Recreatlon tIOnal room 773-2796, dows/ doors Ron Areas stucco Insured Pete Tar. DRIVEWAYS AND 26 Ye~~Ss~r~ L1C & Jim 930 ElECTRICAL SERVICE Vercruysse Company STREMERSCH JAMES BARKER omlna 469-2967 BASEMENT n4-3542 SEE SHOWROOM 886.5044 '16 CAlIPH INSTAllA nON WATERPROOFING S & J ELECTRIC 911 CEMENT WOllK LICENSED Resldentlal.Commerclal 903 APl'lIANCE SERVICE BASEMENT CORNERSTONE 914 CARPENTRY No Job Too Small WATERPROOFING FLOORING SALES 884.7139 CONST. CO. JAMES M. 885-2930 Walls Repaired CALL GEORGE Kitchens-Custom DeSign CARPENTRY. Rough & fin- Carpets, Linoleum, Tile, J & R CEMENT Concrete Straightened KLEINER Family Rooms Ish, doors, Windows, Sid- HardWood Floorrng, and Special IsIs Driveways, SERVING THE NUTTO Replaced CONCRETE & MASONRY Window Replacements Ing tnm, kitchen refaclng Padding We also prOVide garage floors, founda. GROSSE POINTES ALL WORK Installations, re-stretchlng, Flagstone, Bnck & Slate APPLIANCE CommerCial Remodeling & new, counter tops 20 tlons, light haUling 773- GUARANTEED cleaning, and any type of Patios & Walks SINCE 1965 Interror/Exterlor years In the POlntes Call 6528 Licensed and In- • Washer - Dryer Service Driveways, Garage Floors LICENSED Additions Mike, 775-1303 repair work sured Rick Porches & Chimneys CUSWORTH • Vacuum Service and Custom and Quality Always Open 7 Days Salas Tuck-po'ntlng, Patching ELECTRIC INC 884-7139 LICENSED AND INSURED AMERICANA 566-0777 • Used Stoves-Refngerators LICENSED INSURED 919 CHIMNEY CLEANING FAMILY OWNED AND JIM LAETHEM KITCHENS & BATHS Quality work with pride OPERATED 882-9310 CARPET INSTAlLA nON WE SELL REBUILT THOMAS KLEINER R.R. CODDENS. Chimneys ELECTRICAL • New Cabinets and Custom area rugs. 885.2097 WASHERS BASEM6NT Refaclng cleaned- Screens in- CONTRACTORS PROVENCAL Carpet Sales and Repairs. AND DRYERS WATERPROOFING stalled Chimneys rebUlIV No job too large or small • ExclUSive Cabinet Doors Free Estimates NO CLASSIFIED ADS • Digging Method BUILDERS repaired 886-5565 • Cuslom Carpentry CAN BE TAKEN Violations Corrected • Peastone Backfill Custom BUilding J & K FLOOR COVERING 445.0776 • Ceramic nle Specialists AFTER NOON THINK SPRING' Chimney Master Licensed & Insured • Spotless Cleanup Kitchens-Baths Grosse POinte references 778-8913 ON TUESDAYS! cleaning & inspection- • ReSidential - CommerCial • Walls Straightened, Doors-Windows For expert workmanship $55 complete ApPOint- • Fast Emergency Service PARQUETTE S Braced or Replaced Electrical-Plumbing at afforadable prices call CARPET CAPIZZO CON ST. ment slots stili available SENIOR CITIZENS' Rough-FInish Carpentry QUALITY WORK Washer & Dryer • Bnck and Concrete Work licensed owner INSTALLATION Call 423-1236 DISCOUNT • 10 Year Guarantee 882.7940 DAVE 885.5774. ALL TYPES OF Repair Service Licensed & Insured and RSp;lir Service CEMENT, BRICK AND J&J 886.4448 TEAM BUILDING CO Inte- CARPENTER- small home No Job Too Small BLOCK WORK IF BUSY, CALL 881-4664 A1 WORK 17 Years Expenence CHIMNEY Specializing In Whirlpool, rror and exterior altera- Improvements Intenors, Garages raised and set 15215 MACK 296.3882 tions, additions, base- trim, closets, shelVing, SYSTEMS Kenmore & General Electnc 527.9084 down on new ralwall and DECKARD ELECTRIC ments, bathrooms, Windows & doors Ask for floor Waterproofing MICHIGAN LICENSE 5125 Hot POinte cabinetry, concrete, dry- Chrrs, 885-3788 Chimneys repaired, rebUilt, CO. 917 CEILING REPAIRS . LICENSED & INSURED 778.7671 PROMPT SERVICE wall, garages, Siding and CARPENTRY- Porches, re-llned gutters Licensed and In- TONY 885.0612 Gas flues re-Ilned Violations Repaired Doors, Windows, Decks PLASTERING, drywall and sured Bruce- 794-3509, Cleaning Trouble Shooting 774.7054 FInish & Rough Carpen. ceramic tile 30 years ex- Remodeling Work Kim- n3-9029 try Repairs & Small AMERICAN Certified, Insured ALL WEATHER penence Absolutely New Construction Jobs Free Estimates 771.7678 REFRIGERATION guaranteed. Call Valen. WATERPROOFING Free Estimates Tozzi Builders, Inc. 885-4609 DRIVEWAYS REPAIRED & INSTALLED WET BASEMENT? tlOO, afternoons 795-8429. Licensed/ Insured 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE SIDEWALKS Commerclal.Resldentlal NO CLASSIFIED ADS PLASTERING, Drywall, Ufetime ADDITIONS ALL TYPES ALL MAKES & MODELS CAN BE TAKEN Taping & Spray Textur. CEMENT WORK & Coach light CUSTOM HOME CALL MIKE 882-0747 Guarantee AFTER NOON Ing New & Repair Free BASEMENT CHIMNEY SWEEP CO. WADE'S BUILDING ON TUESDAYSI Estimates 25 years ex. WATERPROOFING 778-6363 REMODELING Caps-8creens penence. Jim Upton n3- LICENSED CARPENTER Finish and Installed ELECTRIC LET FREE ESTIMATES 4316 or 524-9214 INSURED cabinetry, counter tops- Anima! Removah. GEORGE FREE ESTIMATES small jobs welcome MI- PLASTERJ drywall repairs, Slale LICensed COMPANY, 775.3257 FAX. 775-7696 chael 886-7828 Imured Grosse POinte 5154 DOlT references. 791-4811 C9fIlfied & IRUTO PLASTERING- Free Estl- INC. Major Appliance CONSTRUCTION 915 CARPH CLEANING 915 CARPET CLEANING Insured Repair m.~te~r25 year's. experi- Comm~rciall GUARANTEED ence 'All work' guaran- --Industrial 885-1762 teed Grosse Pomte BASEMENT "Truck Mounted Steam Cleaning Experts" references All types wet Residential WATERPROOFING plaster and drywall Lou ALL appliance repair n1- JARVIS CARPET CLEANING 777-3590 5268/ 254-3834 Blackwell 776-8687 884.6500 AND UPHOLSTERY EAST AREA DOC'S 912 BUilDING / REMODElING • Chimney Cleanr~o ReSidential, Commercial. Licensed' Insured 912 BUILDING/REMODELING • Caps and BUILDERS Screens APPLIANCE 911 IlIlICK/BIOCK WORK Complete Painting Services Installed 884-7955 SERVICE Free Estimates BILL & DAVE JARVIS (313) 949-5579 ' • Mortar and Fast, Courteous J. W. KLEINER . Reasonable Rates MASON CONTRACTOR -- ~ Damper Reparr Professional Service. ~"h Commercial! Residential Bnck, Block & Stone work- -&~i~.~. • Animal Remova~ Code Work Specialists and all types of repairs 912 IUILDING/REMODElING '12 IlUILDING/REMODELlNG Certified Master Sweep Washers Dryers DOUGLAS SHAW Master Electrician Dishwashers Ranges Bnck & Flagstone Patios ~~ TOM TREFZER HOME RENOVATIONS Emergency Service Refngerators & Walks, Porches, Chim- 882-5169 Remodeling or RepairS of 927-8113 10-321-9027 Microwaves neys, Tuck-Po Int lng, TRUCK all Intenor and Extenor BUILDING CO. Licensed/Insured Garbage Disposals Patch 109 T.A. BEAUDEm LETTERING needs From new to old, 920 CHIMNEY REPAIRS & MORE Violations Corrected REMODELING CO. ResidentJaJlCommercla/ ELECTRICAL work, resI- SpeCialiZing In Small Jobs and speCialiZing 10 finish Car- dentIal, commerCial Serv- A True Craftsman pentry, Intenor Wall Re- KITCHENS. BATHS 296-5005 247-4454 Free Estimates Licensed SIGNS JAMES M. Ing the POlntes since WINDOW SCAPING in every moval, Kitchens, Recrea- KLEINER 1939 Free estimates- li- 904 ASI'HALT PAVING/ 882.0717 Embree Sign Co. tional Rooms, Llbranes, CUSTOM HOMES phase of remodeling. Chimneys RepaIred censed n8-0745, Lloyd REPAIRS BRICK WORK Tuck-point- finish Atllcs and Base- ADDInONS & DECKS 821-7744 And Rebuilt Ing Small jobs Reason- ments Small jobs wel- LICENSED & INSURED COLVILLE C & J ASPHALT able 886-5565 882.5710 15120 CharleVOIX, G PP. come Serving the Grosse ProfsssionaJ Dssign Quality work with pride ELECTRIC CO. Improve the value of your POinte area since 1975. Availabls home With a professional JAMES M. n6-3032 885.2097 Ranges, Dryers, Services, WHERE QUALITY IS FlRST! Doorbells job Over 20 years servic- KLEINER 293-3566 Ing Grosse POinte In VIOLATIONS CONCRETE & MASONRY DAVID 881.9385 LICENSED & INSURED 927 DRAPERIES dnveways and sealing FAST EMERGENCY Flagstone, Bnck & Slate Parking lots repaired BROWN SERVICE Porches & Chimneys CUSTOM Made slipcovers Free estimates Owner/ Tuck-pointing, Patching HOME Sp6Cialirmg in quality custom work. at affordable prICes and drapenes Guaran. 774-9110 supervisor References LICENSED INSURED teed workmanship Ex- MARTIN ELECTRIC CO. Included Insurance IMPROVEMENTS ADDITIONS. KITCHENS • BATHROOMS Quality work with pride perienced Call now- All types of electneal work CALL ANYTIME Carpentty Kitchens, Rae Bernice 521-5255 No job too small Free es- 885.2097 Room, Basemenl, AttICS R.D. Priest Rochester 773.8087 timates Low pnces All For All Your Remode/mg 652-2255 CUSTOM DRAPERIES Needs BUILDERS, Inc. work guaranteed Balloons, Mini Blinds, 90S AUTO/TRUCK REPAIR 912 BUILOING/REMODELING MASTER REMODELERS Grosse Pointe GARY MARTIN 882.2007 CALL 885-4867 Verticals, Carpeting, RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL 881-8019 G a. M Auto Recondltlonrng WaHpaper, Bedspreads FREE ESTIMATES 934 FENCES and detailing Reason- LICENSED • INSURED • MASTER REMODELERS • Compare our prices With able rates Free pick. up department store 'sales' STEVE'S Fence New loca- and delivery 882-7227 before you BUY. tlonl 20844 Harper and n8-6610 Ask for FREE ESTIMATES ProfeSSional InstaJlatlon/ George or John DRAPERIES BY PAT Yorkshire Buildin8 Repair 882-3650 nS-2584 907 IlASEMENT WATERPROOFING ~ Qenovation Inc. 936 flOOR SANDING/ 921 DRESSMAKING / REfiNISHING TAILORING CAPIZZO CONST. Custom Kitchens & Additions T & G Floor Sanding & Re- BASEMENT DESIGN SERVICE AVAILABLE 884-0961 Licensed. Insured CUSTOM tailoring and finishing, staining, Instal. WATERPROOFING LICENSED.\ INSUFlEO profeSSional alterations lallon. and repair free es- WALLS STRAIGHTENED tlmates, 526-2747 251 Moran G.P. Farms 881.3386 for men, women & child- AND REPLACED ren European trained, 30 Don't Forget. DONE RIGHT •• years experience, effi- Call your ads In Eartyl 10 YEAR GUARANTEE • •• HOME IMPROVEMENT PERREAULT • cient & fast service 573- GROSSE POINTE NEWS LICENSED INSURED INCORPORATED BUILDER (} 8284 882.6900 TONY 885.0612 BUilders License No 59540 ENTERPRISES, INC. 923 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE BUILDING No need to pay 20% or more in 923 CONSTRUCTION r AMERICAN J JOC SERVICE ERvrCE AND REMODELING go-between fees to contractors " j) :/1u'!I/1l BASEMENT SERVICE who subcontract most of their atfi zt SINCE 1949 WATERPROOFING Additions/Dormers DIPAOLA a REIF CONSTRUCTION. INC. Kitchens/Baths Quality Building and Remodeling OutSide Method Rec Rooms/Allics WE DO CRAFTSMANSHIP WORK For de<:ades thousands of Grosse Pomters have trost- (Formerly with Tesolin Brothers) Porch Enclosures ed theIr fine homes to our care for mamtenance, add!- All digging done WE DO IT OURSELVES SPECIALIZING IN ALL RESIDENTIAL by hand Replacement WindOWS tlons and remodehng Aluminum Sldrngrrnm AND WE GUARANTEE IT DOESN'T YOUR HOME DESERVE CONCRETE APPLICATIONS Walls straightened GullerslDownspouls THE VERY BEST CARE~ HAND TROWEL or replaced Storm Windows/Doors WE SPECIALIZE IN Member National ASSOCiatIon of Home Builders Fully Insured Roofing/Shingles KITCHEN &: BATHROOM REMODELING and Remodelcrs Council Footings, Garage Rafsings, Porches License No 084515 One Ply Rubber Roofing but also offer a full realm of services LICENSED.INSURED-FULL SERVICE OFFICE BASEMENT WATERPROOFINGS 10 Year Guarantee Wood DecksfTnm RADIO EQUIPPED TRUCKS Licensed and Inlured CALL US AT LIcense 112102047608 LlcenHCI & In..,reeI 526-9288 886-0520 • 885-3137 882-

...... , _.. .._.-. ee. e._._ ••• no. ------~---=--~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~=---=._---- = 0-- I I I February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News 11C

/ / / /,. ..

Director/ / / of Services 936 FLOORSANDING/ REFINISHING 945 HANDYMAN 946 HAULING 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 957 PlUMIING/HEATING '57 PlUMIlING/HfATING HERITAGE Floors- Hard- THE HIRED MAN wood floors Installed, WOOD INTERIOR and Exterior Home & Small Business E-Z ROLLER DECKARD PLUMBING Sanded and Stained painting Stam or varnish, ALL plumbing repairs Maintenance & Repair REFINISHING PAINTER CO, Residential and commer. GROSSE plastenng and caulking profeSSional drain clean- Odd Jobs & STRIP STAIN VARNISH CommerClal- ReSldenltal Sales and Service clal Call 294-0024 or All Jobs welcomed Free Ing, Sinks tubs tOilets, Code Violations Duplicate EXisting Finish or References 563-4281 POINTE estimates Insured Call 885.0406 sewers $45 873-6266 LICENSED. INSURED Colors to Match Ernie s Home Malte- 774.8224 Licensed and Insured Kitchen cabinets, staircase KELM VISA/MC 294.3480 MOVING & nance 293.4250 Visa Mastercard TONY handrails, vanities, panel- BOWMAN Painting Inc In- Floor laying, sanding, refin- BASEMENT pumped, $35/ The Master Plumber Ing, doors, trim and mold- terior/Exterior Free Esti- EMIL THE Ishing Expert In stam hour & sewer cleaning STORAGE MIKES EUROPEAN PAINT- (Son of Emil) Ings mates Gary, 778-1447 Old floors a specialty We Call 884-7045 LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE ING ReSidential only In- PLUMBER No Job too small new and also refinish banisters AGENT FOR Licensed Insured tenor & ext enor FREE EXPERIENCED Painter 20 SPECIALIZING IN repairs, Violations RETIRED Carpenter, 30 535.7256 GLOBAL VAN LINES References Free Estimates estimates 875-8752 year s experience • Kitchens 293-3181 year's experience No job PRESTIGE PAINTING CO Grosse POinte area Jim • Bathrooms GREAT Lakes Hardwood INTERIORS too small Reasonable DAVID ROLEWICZ Craig 331-6537 • Laundry room and NORM'S Flooring. Complete floor 822-4400 BY DON & LYNN rates, FREE Estimates 296-2249 n8-5025 Violations PLUMBING refmlshlng, quality stains Clean. up Included Ref. • Husband-Wife Team MILAN'S PAINTING FREE ESTIMATES MIKE & Paul's Painting • Old and new work AND and finishes Old floors & • Wallpaperrng Interior-Exterior erences Please Call Earl, Free Estimates made new I 839-8619 • Large and Small Jobs Decorating Ccmmerclal • Painting Aluminum Siding Painting SEWER CLEANING 371-9124 Bill, Master Plumber • Pianos (our specialty) & reSidential Intenor & Patching, Plastering My prices won t take you PROFESSIONAL floor • Appliances 885-2633 (Son of Emil) QUALITY Home Repair- Exterior Minor home re- Stucco, Wallpaper down the drain sanding and finishing • Saturday, Sunday Service Reasonable rates, win- pairs Senior discounts JOHN'S PAINTING Window Glazing.Caulking 882.0029 293-8382, Free estimates W Abra- dow reparr, re-glazlng • SeOior Discounts Free estimates Licensed Intenor Exterror SpecialiZing Free Estimates HANDY DAN! Call for ma- ham, T Yerke 754-8999, Appliances, plumbing, Owned & Operated By & Insured Mike 776- In repairing damaged Reasonable Price jor and minor repairs COMPLETE 772-3118 painting, electncal 8 John Steininger 5515, Paul 758-7906 plaster, drywall and References, Good Work Long established reputa- PLUMBING years experience Refer- COUNTRY QUALITY ARLINGTON cracks, peeling paint, Wln- 759-5099 tion 885-6123 SERVICE Hardwood Floors Inc ences 882-7332, Erik 11850 E Jefferson oow puttying and caulk. ' CUSTOM Painting and Pa- MARTIN VERTREGT Installed, sanded, refinished MPSC-l 19675 PAINTING CO. ing, wallpapering Also, PLUMBING- Major or minor HANDYWORK, AU types of per hanging, glazing and Licensed Master Plumber licensed. Insured Interior-Exterior paint old aluminum Sid- repairs, references, low Old floors our speciality work done inSide and out wood finishing 40 years 15 Years expenence Ing All work and matenal rates Paul, 756-0197 886-2521 477-6262. Repair work No job too experience Free Esti- Drywall & plaster repair guaranteed Reasonable New work, repairs, renova- 938 FURNITURE small 527-6912 947 HEATING AND COOLING mates Pager- 705-6264 ANR Free Estimates Grosse POinte references tIOns, water heaters, REFINISHING/REPAIRS 296-9322 Maintenance & Repair NO JOB TOO BIG Free estimates sewer cleaning, code VIO- ALL WEATHER 774-4322 ElectriC sewer & Electnc FURNITURE refinished, re- NO JOB TOO SMALL JIM Russell LId for deco- lations All work guaran HEATING COOLING 882.5038 drain cleaning TOilets paired, striPped, any type FROM ROOF TOO JERRY RICHART rating- Painting, Paper teed REFRIGERATION and faucets repaired & of caning Free esti- BASEMENT 881-4414 BRIAN'S PAINTING hanglng- Wood finishing, ONE CALL DOES ALL Furnaces, Boilers ProfeSSional painting, Inte- replaced Reasonable mates 345-6258, 661. Surface preparation IS the glazing 40 years expen. 960 ROOFING SERVICE 28 YEARS EXP, LIC. Repaired & Installed rror and extenor Special- rates 5520 key to my 2 year war- ence Free Estimates All Makes & Models IZing In all types of paint- 775-0651 CALL NORM 398-1385. ranty Pager- 705-6264 776- FLAT Roof Problems? New 943 LANDSCAPERS/ CALL MIKE 882.Q747 Ing Caulking, Window 24 hr, Emergency Service RETIRED Handyman- Minor 19 years experience. 0410 rubber roofs Installed on GARDENERS glazing and plaster repair L. S. Walker Plumbing repairs, carpentry, electri- CUSWORTH QUALITY Master Palnlrng- flat roofs Stops all leaks Recession prices All work guaranteed For Quality work, reasonable cal, plumbing, broken Intenor/ exterror speCial- Guaranteed 552-6116 MAC'S TREE AND HEATING AND CJ'S ProfeSSional Palntmg Free Estimates and rates Free esttmates Windows and sash cord IstS Repair work guaran- SHRUB TRIMMING COOLING Interior, Exterior Resl- reasonable rates, call 882-1841, Pager 430- ROOFING Repairs, chim- replaced, etc Reason. teed References Free COMPLETE WORK Serving The Grosse dentaV CommerCial Also 872.2046, 3321 ney, screens, basement able References 882- estimates Insured John leaks, plaster repairs Reasonable rates, quality POlntes speCialiZing In Tuck- 6759 771-1412. service Call Tom 776- Family owned & operated POinting, caulking, Win- WHITEY'S Handyman work Insured THE Handyman lnc Top • Wallpapering Seaver's, 882-0000 4429. LICENSED dow glazing, steps, gutter PAINTING, Paper hanging FRANK R. quality workmanship for • Interror Painting REASONABLE TREE & Service & Installation cleaning and repair Code and paper removal Free carpentry, remodeling • Reasonable Prices TOTAL ROOFING STUMP REMOVAL 882- CommerCial-Residential Violation! repairs Free es- estimates, Grosse POinte plumbing, electrical, • Good Work WEIR SIDING SERVICES 5204 881.4664 timates Insured Quality references 824-9603 painting, wallpaper We work All work guaran- • Call-No Job Too Small ReSidential/Com merclal H & M LAWN SERVICE do It all Please caU, 884- teed for 2 years Reason- 774.0414 PLUMBING, HEATING Shingles, Single Ply Reasonable rates, quality 9146 or 792-8261. 956 PESTCDNTROL Rubber Roofs, Tear Ofts able rates Call Carl. 882- INTERIOR/EXTERIOR service For FREE esti- KEATING SEWER AND DRAINS RepairS, Ice Backup SUPER Handyman, large or 5097. PAINTING AND REPAIRS mate call KeVin, 778- ANIMAL REMOVAL BOILER SPECIALISTS VINYL AND ALUMINUM small jobs, general re- HEATING Wallpaper Removal 8774/ Arron, 778-8116 WALLPAPERING SAFE FLUE SIDING pairs, carpentry, electn- Reasonable, References AND PAINTING CHjMNEY SERVICE SPRINKLER REPAIRS Seamless GutterslTrim cal, plumbing, plastenng THE AlA OF QUALITY aVaJlable Semor discount J. BRYS SPECIALISTS Replacement Windows Semor discount Free es- Furnace Replacement Free Estimates, Insured 882.5169 LANDSCAPING Affordable Painting and Doors timates Rob, m-8633 TOM 7n.1617 WEEKLY CUTTING New Installations Wallpapenng, 20 years 885-7711 Storm Wlndows!Doors 957 PLUMBING/HEATING POWER RAKING DOORBELLS , Ranges, Custom Duet Work Free Estimates Refer- Michael's Painting LICENSED INSURED ences 3-R Company. SPRING CLEANUP dryers and miscellaneous & RON VERCRUYSSE BUSHJ;RIMMING electncal work. Reason- Air Conditioning 776-3424 Dan PLUMBING 381 KERCHEVAL, FARMS COMPANY , 88~087 .!lbte.~13S-JI8t\'6461. '; Wood ~efinlshing " ",REPR-IR~~ _~Ii 774-3542 &i~"=-~_\'BRUS'A" STROKE CUSTOM PAINTING L ,.) 'Sirrce 1925 STUMP & small tree re- E-Z ROLLER THE COMPLETE WOOD STAINING & Keith Danielson LEONARD'S moval 24 hours- 822- PAINTER ~~A1R o#iu!!f1 PAINTING SERVICE AND REFINISHING SEWER CLEANING Licensed Master Plumber ROOFING 9612 Commercial. ReSidential FREE ESTIMATES INSURED Reasonable Rates For All Shingles, flat roofs, com- 15133 KERCHEVAL DAN ROEMER YARD-N-GARDEN References 822.3322 MICHAEL A. MEDA Mike Potter -licensed plete tear-ofts, bUilt-up (AT REAR) 885-3230 882-1558 PLUMBING LANDSCAPING LAWN 774-8224 roofing, gutters and all GROSSE POINTE PARK PAINTING, wallpaper, wall- RepairS, remodeling, kinds of repairs CARE HANDYMAN WALLPAPER washing Senior DIS- BOB DUBE code work, fixtures. Work guaranteed Free esti- Call for a quote today' Call Bud for reasonable 331-3520 REMOVAL PLUMBING and HEATING Licensed, Insured counts Jan, 884-8757 water heaters Installed mates Licensed and In- pnces and prompt ser- BY TIM Licensed-Master Plumber Glenda, 293-0166 Licensed and Insured sured Member of the vice Experienced quality SEWER CLEANING 885-2248. 951 LINOLEUM 772-2614 Better BUSiness Bureau TRIMMING removal, spray- Home Repalrs- work. dependable, BETTER Home Decorating- SPRINKLER REPAIR, lowest price mg, feeding and stump Maintenance plaster repair, painting 884-5416 LINOLEUM & Tile Installed ETC DIRECT removal Free estimates PAINTING 771-4007 18 year's expenence and repaired Call Rich- Grosse POinte Woods Classified AdvertiSing Paul 773-3799 PLUMBING Complete tree seTV1ce Intenors, basements, etc ... ard,822-5444 886-3897 882-6900 Call Fleming Tree Ser- Masonry repairs, code VI- & Retail AdvertIsing Vice, 774-6460 olations corrected 9S3 MUSIC INSTRUMENT SEAVER'S Home Maintenance 954 PAINTING/DECORATING 954 PAINTING/DECORATING DRAIN 882.3500 882-5886 REPAIR News Room T&M General Services now COMPLETE plano service QUality Intenor ELECTRICAL Handyman, Pambng, Plastenng, 882-2094 accepting new wor'1< for Tuning, rebUilding, refin- 521-0726 no job too small Free es- most Home RepaIrs IKARMS PAINTINCI • Free Estimates our Industnal, Commer- Ishing Member Plano timates References Experienced, INTERIOR o Full Product Warranty GENTILE ROOFING Cial and ReSidential lawn TechniCians Guild, Slgls- • licensed Work guaranteed. 776- References, Insured • Senror Discount care/landscaping diVISion mund Bossner PAINTING * .Insured * • Re-Rooflng & 731-n07 SlNCE1979 Sign early Save 10% 8687 o References Tear-offs PIANO repairs, refinishing, 882-0000 26 YEARS see Ad In LIttle Blue Book Please call FREE ESTI- EXPERIENCE • All Work Guaranteed • Small Jobs MATES' Tony, 776-7326 946 HAULING moving and tuning 571- 791.4811 • Flat Decks 1310 Call for free MICHAEL HAGGERTY • Rubber Roofing "HAVE pick up- Will haul" PLBG L1C 82.16432 PIANO services- Tuning estimate -::A~~'WES1l:'h7" • Repairs f.I ARBOl POINTE .. Fumlture, appliances, etc 'ROFESSIDILIL and repair 12 year's ex- W";---Gl~~, ALL WEATHER Licensed. Guaranteed Local or distant. 521- PlIITIIIi LANDSCAPES, INC. perience FleXible hours 885.4867 HEATING & COOLING 2061 n4-9651 Is offerlng early bird Reasonable rates 881- UllllNPER.S WalIpaperlng BOILERS • RESIDENTIAL specials on lawn HAULING Garage tear 8276 PlasterlDrywaII BOILER PIPING o SENIOR DISCOUNT maintenance, downs, constructton de- HOT WATER TANKS o ANY SIZE JOB fertiliZing and briS, concrete, dirt, ga- 954 PAINTING/DECORATING ~ REPAIRED & INSTALLED • WALLPAPER REMOVAL landscaping. rage and basement junk, SpeCialiZing--In Interior/ CALL MIKE 882.Q747 Extenor Painting We Also, Aerating. brush Can remove or e!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ GORDON 9n-on3 offer the best In prepa- CalI anytime for a move almost anything INTERIOR ration before painting $ DI$COUNT $ free estimate, PhI! Wassenaar and use only the finest PLUMBING 823-1207 EXTERIOR FORESTPAlNllNG matenals for the long- 886.6333 .. est lasting results. • For AU Your INCOR PORAT E D WILL Haul anything Plck- 30 YEARS &CONST. CO. Great Western people PlumlJing Needs COMPLETE up truck 24 hours 822- PROFESSIONAL • Carpentry• Rough-FInish Painting - interior-ex- are quality minded and • sewers & Drains ROOFING 944 GUTTERS '4()00 SERVICE • RemodelingKitchens,Rae terior, paperhang- courteous Call us for Cleaned. _96_12___ 885-3594 the ultimate In reSiden- COMMERCIAL Rooms,Basements ing and paneling. WHY PAY MORE??!! SEAVER'S Home Mainte- tial and commercIal RESIDENTIAL • Palnling-Interlor/Extenor Free estImates 7 days. 24 hours nance Gutters replaced, MO~~~~~tB~~ING NICK KAROUTSOS painting • Any PlastenngRepairs cheerfully given. TEAR.OFF repaired, cleaned, roof EXPERIENCED PAINTING 839-9704 Licensed and Insured LICensed and in- REASONABLE RATES RESHINGLE repairs 882-0000 LOW RATES FREE ESTIMATES sured. FREE ESTIMATES DO your gutters need repair INSURED PLEASE CALLANYTIME 882-2118 CERTIFIED 882-9234 886-7602 882-0926 SEWER or replacement? Win- 526.7284 APPLICATIONS OF dows cracked or need re- MODIFIED SHINGLE WORKS, INC. PLY, glazing? 882-7332, Enk EASTPOINTE Licensed Free Estimates Insured MARCO PAINTERS INC. • Main Sewers RUBBER ROOFING MOVING AND Painting & Decorating • Storm Drains SYSTEMS 945 HANDYMAN JARVIS PAINTING INC. VENTS STORAGE CO. Custom Interior/Exterior • CleaninglRepairs GUTTERS CommerClal • ReSidentIal. Intenor. Extenor POWER WASH spnng Meticulous Preparation CALL FOR FREE REPAIRS cleaning, high pressure Brush. Roll. Spray EST 1975 • INSURED. Resident LICENSED - INSURED G.P. ESTIMATE machine, bncks, alumi- 884-8380 Truck Mounted Carpet Clearung BEAUTIFYING THE POINTES FOR 16 YEARS num Siding, driveways LICENSED & INSURED Prompt Dependable Neat Licensed and Insured 886-0520 Rodenck, m-7092 BILL JARVIS - 949-5579 PACKING & fo'IATERIAlS 24Hrso 777.5271 ERNIES Home Malnte. 939-7955 • 881-3970 957 PLUMBING/HEATING ANTIQUES & PIANOS nance. Carpentry, dry- FREE ESTIMATES wall, Windows, plumbing, RJE PAINTING palnttng, plastering 'Finest Interior Painting E.l. CALCATERRA INC. FREE estimates 293- COMPANY 4250 Bob Breitenbecher ~~~~ CUSTOM Emil L. Calcaterra - Founder Owner JOHN'S Handyman Ser- Plumbing • Heating. Cooling MoP.S.C. L21290 Interior - Exterior vice Quality work, low Charles "Chip" Gibson ReSidential • Commercial. Industrial rates, no job too small Rag Rolling & Marbleizing Serving Grosse POinte Area Since 1958 Semor CItizen discount Agent For: Patnting and '!Jewrating Free Estimates Andrew Emil Calcaterra 526-2886 Paul Arpin MlCh LIC No 0787521FulfyInsured Van Lines Worldwide Grosse Pointe References AA Handyman Electncal, Mechanical Engineer Master Plumber plumbing, brICk work, and \'JEEKLY TRIPS TO 884-5764 or m-2216 Bob Essian • 727-2689 24 Hour Answering Service palntrng No lobs to i~ORTHtRN r'!iICHIGA:~ Serving The "Pomtes" For Over 10 Years 839-4242 small 884-7064 Please Leave Message

----- t I -~~------~~~~------~~------12C February 28, 1991 Grosse Pointe News


ALL RITE SEWER SERVICE Sewer Cleaning $49 00 , Drams Cleaned $29 00 EMERGENCY SERVICE , 839-5324 96S SEWING MACHINE SERVICE TUNE-UP Special m your Newspapers Tip the Scale In Your Favor home Cleaned, oil, ad- Just tension, $995 All makes, all ages 885- You be the judge. When you weigh the differences, 7437 other advertising mediums just don't carry the YELLOW PAGES · There's your ad 973 TIlE WORK weight that newspaper advertising does: on page 735, sandwiched in among 15 other busi- TILEWORKS nesses just like yours. And there it sits all year CeramiC, Marble, Slate, Pavers, Quarry, Vinyl long. Maybe someone'll see your ad, but if they're Repairs 10 years experi- ence References LI- BILLBOARDS - You'd have to stop not looking for it, who knows? censed/ Insured 527- 6912 traffic in order for customers to read your ad. CERAMIC tile- reSldenltal Driving by at the speed limit doesn't leave much Jobs and repairs 15 years experience 776- time to get your message across. NEWSPAPERS - Customers turn to 4097, 776-7113 Andy newspapers for the advertising as well as the HERITAGE TilE news. Your ads are current, visible and they'll be CO. COMMERCIAL & An open and shut seen by our entire circulation. You'll get more RESIDENTIAL DIRECT lVIAIL - Ceramic and marble repair case. Does your message get read or thrown away? mileage from your advertising, at a cost that's and renovatlon(all types) Any size FREE estimate, comparatively lower than any other medium. Very RELIABLE Portfolio and references Fully in- sured Are your customers listening at the 1 YEAR WARRANTY BAJ)IO - Your advertising dollars are just too precious to 468-6616. exact time and tuned in to the same station your waste, so put them where they'll get the best WANT message is airing? results I ADS Call In Early TELEVISION -Willyour customers still CALL 882-6900 TO ADVERTISE IN: GROSSE POINTE NEWS be in the room when your commercial comes on? If 882-6900 they're like most folks, they'll probably be raiding 977 WAll WASHING the refrigerator. And even if they do happen to P & M Window and Wall catch your message, will they remember it ten Cleaning (Formerly Grosse Pointe News Grosse POinte Fireman minutes later? Ad) Excellent care for your home Free esti- mates- References 821- 2984 K-MAINTENANCE CO. Wall washing, floor cleaning and waxing Free esll- mates 882-0688


R&U WINDOW & DOOR CO. New Window Installation Residential & CommercIal 773-4925


GEORGE OLMIN WINDOW CLEANING SERVICE 35 YEARS IN THE POINTES 372-3022 P & M Window and Wall Cleaning. (Formerly Grosse POinte Fireman Ad) Excellent care for your home Free esti- mates- References 821- 2984 A-DKWINDOW CLEANERS Service on Storms and Screens House Cleaning Free Estimates 775-1690 LET OUR GUIDE TO GOOD SERVICE BE YOUR GUIDE Poor little DINO. eight months These six week old puppies will be old is so cute and smart. He Is small dogs. TheIr mother weIghs TO only nine poLnds. GETTING an ideal sIZe for retirees. Dino GOOD really needs a home of his own. He is also good with cats. Also available adult cats. neu- SERVICE. tered and blood checked for FlY. USE FalV. and FIA (ages 6 mos. THE .7 yrs.). CLASSIFIED PATCHESIs so brlght and beauflful. WANT These German Shepherd/Beagle mix pupS are in good shape and ready for He's about elght months old and ADS love, has the most gorgeous aubum K-WINDOW Also available are a mixed Springer coat. He Is great wlth other petsl CLEANING Spaniel, spayed and housebroken, two They are avallable at the COMPANY Siamese cats - on6 a seal point and the AnImal Welfare Society. a ne1work Storms, screens, gutters, other a lilac point, both spayed and of 50 veterinary hospitals In aluminum cleaned In- deelawed. Southeast Michigan, sured Free estimates Plus other young and adult dogs and All pets are examIned by 882-0688 cats. For dogs: 463-7422 and for cats: licensed veterlnaTfans. OBARR 773-6839. CLEANING SERVICES NORTHERN SUBURBS ANIMAL SECOND GENERATION WELFARE LEAGUE Call GforIa at 754-8741 WINDOW AND GUTIER Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CLEANING DALE 977-0897
