David Kushner | 352 pages | 27 May 2004 | Little, Brown Book Group | 9780749924898 | English | London, United Kingdom Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture

He also does more accents and voices than I'm used to. For me, as a software developer, Carmack is the more fascinating and inspiring of the two. Some of the facts I already knew but there is alot here that I had no clue about and found very interesting. But Carmack kept working. Persistent Worlds. The Bookseller. More than anything, they lived a unique and rollicking American Dream, escaping the broken homes of their youth to co-create the most notoriously successful game franchises in history—Doom and —until the games they made tore them apart. I both love and hate this book. In general this book feels like a long magazine article - in talks about the personalities and events as caricatures but it never really delves into anything. Sep 28, Samuel Salzer rated it really liked it Shelves: audiobookbiography. The story uses an extended metaphor for The true story of and and how they created and became the most prolific computer game designers in the s. QuakeCon Masters of Doom. Like so many other stories of revolutionaries, this is also the trajectory of visionaries having no idea how to run a business or manage other people. In a world where people worry about patents and intellectual property, it is liberating to hear about two guys who only cared about creating cool things. Although Kushner adopts a novel-like narrative, Masters of Doom is a work of journalism. Neuroatypical, ascetic, Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture, focussed to the point of dissociation. While the two men initially complement each other well, eventually conflicts develop, leading Romero to be fired from the company. Carmack and Romero also finally break their silence on the Columbine shooting and the accusation that their game inspired the killers. The series, if it should continue, is expected to be an anthology series. It made me look at them as more than just game machines. I'd recommend this for anyone who's spent way too many hours gaming or playing Dungeons and Dragons. View 2 comments. Even with millions on his account and his games having cult-like popularity, he hasn't lost his work ethics - still over a dozen hours per day, 7 days per week. One could say that's because the story is still being told, but he could have tried to tie everything together by spending a final chapter looking back at where they started, or making closing observations on the character of each man. Archived from the original on May 27, The book describes the "Two Johns'" respective childhoods, their first meeting at in and the eventual founding of their own company, id Software. He has also worked as a senior producer and writer for the music website SonicNet. Return to Book Page. Maybe it's because these are the games I grew up with. Los Angeles Times. Publishers Weekly. Together, they ruled big business. Apr 10, April rated it liked it Shelves: ownaudionon-fiction. In one scene Cruise saunters into a billiards hall carrying his favorite pool cue in a stealth black case. PC games made me fall in love with the computer. I do think books like this do real harm, and not only because they pay bills for people like Kushner. This is certainly a more entertaining read than a general "dry" book about leadership and team building, especially if you grew up playing games by id Software. Maximum PC. I wonder how many stories there are like this throughout the history of the business: Romero and Carmack, Jobs and Wozniak, Zuckerberg and Saverin, etc. He can be reached at www. Really happy that I brought this book and is a great read. Palmer Luckeythe founder of the technology company Oculus VRfirst became interested in virtual reality after reading Masters of Doom. Kushner Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture an early entrant into the field of video-game journalism, and recycled some of his own original reporting in the book. Difference in personalities of "two Johns", coupled with the small size of the team in their Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture days, helped in creating a healthy diversity of ideas and building ground-breaking products like 3D, Doom and Quake, that are forever canonized in the video game history. Digital Trends. View all 6 comments. We slept on floors. It was a technical landmark, in that its graphics engine delivered brilliant performance on ordinary PC hardware. Friend Reviews. Oct 21, Nemo rated it it was amazing Shelves: non-fiction. It seems like a pattern that repeats itself: two friends that together propel each other to greatness, but whose success inevitably drives them apart. About David Kushner. I decided I'd rather play games than spend long hours making them. Kinda amateurish prose, everything "classic" and "legendary" in the same sentence.