$ 25 Fall Fair Weekend festivities 1(incl. GST) Entry Canada Day, Lavender Festival . . . . SEE INSIDE Catalogue New island sport Focus on volleyball. SEE PAGE 29 INSIDE


Wednesday, July 4, 2007 — YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1960 47TH YEAR – ISSUE 27

OCP REVIEW WORLD POLITICS Dubai Trustees prisoner hash out has ties to island OCP ideas Canadians asked to Tourism tax, house-size limits free ‘innocent’ prisoner remain in the picture BY STACY CARDIGAN SMITH DRIFTWOOD STAFF BY SEAN MCINTYRE It’s an international tale with DRIFTWOOD STAFF local ties, and islanders are Salt Spring Island trustees walked the fi ne line being asked to help. between jurisdictional reach and enforcement Canadian anti-drug advo- capacity during two days of offi cial community cate Bert Tatham is currently plan (OCP) review meetings last week. appealing a four-year jail sen- “If we cannot do it, it is important to fi nd ways tence after being found guilty to say it,” said Kim Benson, who chairs both the of possession for trace amounts Salt Spring Local Trust Committee and Islands of hashish and two dried poppy Trust Council. fl owers in Dubai. Talk of strengthening the Trust’s ability to Tatham’s mother and father, enforce existing bylaws and instituting a strategic Louise and Charlie, live in plan outlining how to implement OCP items met ; his fiancee, Sara the cold hard reality of inadequate staffi ng, fi nan- Gilmer, lives in Victoria; and cial resources and legislative authority to support Gilmer’s mother, Amanda Spot- the document’s ideals. tiswoode, lives on Salt Spring. “You don’t always know the ‘what for’ and All are appealing to friends, ‘when’ you are going to achieve goals, but you family and concerned citizens have to place yourself in that direction,” said to rally the Canadian govern- Mac Fraser, the Islands Trust’s director of local ment to free Tatham. planning services, refl ecting on the document’s “We firmly believe that our long-term scope. government could, if it wanted, Based on Salt Spring Island trustees’ decisions last put pressure on the authori- week, Islands Trust staff will spend the next three ties in Dubai to obtain a par- months researching and refi ning how recommen- don and get him home,” wrote dations gathered from eight island focus groups will Spottiswoode in an e-mail. fi t into a draft bylaw expected by the fall. “It’s only going to get solved Plan for island-wide DPA ditched through pressure from the gov- ernment,” she added during a One recommendation trustees did not forward phone interview last week. to staff is the Environment Focus Group’s propos- The family feels the govern- al to create an island-wide development permit PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY ment is not doing enough and OCP REVIEW continued on 2 CANADA CAKE: Marit McBride cuts the Canada Day cake at one of the July1 festivities to take has launched a letter writing place all over Salt Spring on Sunday. campaign to Foreign Affairs COMMUNITY PLAN Minister Peter MacKay and Prime Minister Stephen Harp- er. “The letters are going to start OCP blog set up for review recommendations landing on these guys’ desks in Accessed through limited at this stage of the process. review recommendations via a blog on the the hundreds,” she said. The June 28-29 sessions allowed Salt Spring paper’s website. They are also developing a Driftwood website Local Trust Committee members and Islands It can be accessed at www.gulfislands.net/ website: www.freebert.ca. Trust staff to discuss recommendations made by blogs/blog_letters or through the Gulf Islands “He is just an innocent vic- Last week’s two days of meetings on the various focus groups and modifi ed by two open Online home page at www.gulfi slands.net and by tim of circumstances and the Salt Spring Island Official Community (OCP) house events. then scrolling down the left-hand side to “Letters Department of Foreign Affairs review at ArtSpring have piqued islanders’ Since interactive online discussion is now the blog.” Once on the blog, simply hit the “Com- has basically abandoned him,” interest in what’s going on with “the plan,” norm in many circles, the Driftwood is offer- ments” button. (It will state “no comments” or Spottiswoode said. but opportunities for public discussion are ing islanders a chance to “talk” about the OCP the number of comments received to date.) TATHAM continued on 4

SANDRA SMITH INSERTS INDEX Health ...... 22 -/24'!'%15%34)/.3 • Thrifty Foods Arts ...... 14 Horoscope...... 34 • Field’s ASK!RLENE Classifieds ...... 30 Letters ...... 9 • Imagine That Graphics • Island Art Centre Society Editorials ...... 8 Sports ...... 27 • Ganges Village Market Ferry Schedules ...... 27 TV Listings ...... 15 • Lifestyle Market What’s On...... 21 ",/ saltspringhomefi nder.com *"/   537-5515 SALT SPRING REALTY e-mail: [email protected] website: www.gulfislands.net A year of “Book your Tune-Up for Summer VacVacationat ion SooSoon! celebration GANGES AUTO MARINE 100 SERVICE AND REPAIRS FOR ALL DOMESTIC & IMPORT CARS & LIGHT TRUCKS

#3 - 290 Park Drive Below Dagwoods, behind car wash Mon.-Fri. 8am-5pm 537-9221 2 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD CALL GAIL, SEAN OR STACY IF YOU NEWSBEAT SEE NEWS HAPPENING - 250-537-9933 ICBC CLAIMS - PERSONAL INJURY • 25 years successfully representing injured persons Trustees take a look at islander ideas • NO FEE until you collect OCP REVIEW homes constructed during that time “Disputes arise because of the OCP’s •Free confi dential consultation were larger, said Ehring. silence on the issue,” said Lamb. “It continued from 1 Tourism tax an just can’t hurt to be clear on the issue.” area (DPA). Language in the current OCP states PAUL B. JOYCE Under DPA classifi cations, property “intriguing idea” the Trust “will not support the opera- Barrister & Solicitor owners would need to apply for a Trust tion of transient accommodation units (250) 537-4413 (24 hours) permit before undertaking any work Trustees agreed to seek staff input on in residential zones . . . .” on their property. a proposed tourism tax. Focus group According to McNamara, the lan- Citing a legal opinion obtained by members proposed funds collected be guage “leaves the interpretation door the Islands Trust, trustees considered used to improve tourism infrastructure wide open.” +POJTMPDBM*OWFTUNFOU the plan “unwieldy” and “a logistical on the island. The fund could include Energy effi ciency meets "EWJTPSZ4FSWJDFIBT nightmare.” anything from off-island marketing “While I am sympathetic to the idea, campaigns to improving public wash- aff ordable housing BOFNQIBTJTPOUIF the proposal is somewhat problematic room facilities within the Ganges core. Trustees balked at Energy Strategy IJHIFTURVBMJUZ from a legal perspective,” said trustee “This is not an attack on the tourist task force recommendations for more QSPGFTTJPOBMBEWJDF Peter Lamb. “We must fi rst decide what industry,” said Sam Sydneysmith, a stringent energy effi ciency standards BOETFSWJDFBMPOHXJUI we want to protect before creating new member of the Economic Sustainabil- on the grounds they may discourage JOUFHSBUFEXFBMUI development permit areas.” ity, Jobs and Tourism focus group. “The development of affordable housing No mercy for monster future has got to see us expand and projects on the island. NBOBHFNFOU develop a diversifi ed economy.” “We have a moral obligation to get homes The proposal met opposition from people out of chicken coops, but I 1SPUFDUJOH Trustees did, however, pass a resolu- residents who felt the tax would dis- draw a distinction between the imped- tion calling on staff to provide more courage visitors. iments of energy standards overriding BOEHSPXJOH input into a proposal that could place “I think the ferry fares are already incentives for more affordable accom- a 3,000 square-foot limitation on the a tax,” said Kevin Bell, general man- modations,” Ehring said. ZPVSXFBMUI size of all homes constructed on the ager of Mouat’s in downtown Ganges. Recommendations for affordable island. “Then there are questions about how housing projects and new residential “This deals with the issue of the we collect it.” developments to meet industry-lead- character of the island,” said trustee According to Cathy McNamara, a ing effi ciency standards are essential to George Ehring. “Personally, I feel the planner contracted by the Trust to minimize the quantity of greenhouse island is not suited to large modern lead the OCP review process, other gases emitted from island homes, the .FFU+POJ(BOEFSUPO homes and, if the community agrees, Canadian communities found that task force said. we should have a discussion.” broad-based support from commu- Trustee Lamb recommended the ,°Êœ˜ˆÊ>˜`iÀ̜˜Ê Ê * “I’d like to hear more from the com- nity groups, including the Chamber of Trust take steps to create a housing ˜ÛiÃ̓i˜ÌÊ`ۈÜÀÊ>˜`ʈ˜>˜Vˆ>Ê*>˜˜iÀ munity. People who are concerned Commerce, is essential to the project’s needs assessment survey to determine xÎLJ£Èx{ÊÊÊÊÊ about monster homes need to speak success. the precise demands for affordable +ÕiÃ̈œ˜Ã¶ÊÊÊi‡“>ˆÊœ˜ˆ°>˜`iÀ̜˜J˜L«V`°Vœ“ out about why they should be limited.” Tighter language needed housing. ÜÜÜ°œ˜ˆ}>˜`iÀ̜˜°Vœ“ Limits need be considered to increase A full list of recommendations and Áʺ "Ê­ ‡L>ÀÊÀœÕ˜`iÊÃޓLœ®»ÊˆÃÊ>ÊÀi}ˆÃÌiÀi`ÊÌÀ>`i‡“>ÀŽÊœvÊ >˜ŽÊœvÊ œ˜ÌÀi>]ÊÕÃi`Ê՘`iÀʏˆVi˜Vi°Êº iÃLˆÌÌÊ ÕÀ˜Ã»Ê>˜`ʺ "Ê for short-term rentals iÃLˆÌÌÊ ÕÀ˜ÃÊ`Û>˜ViÊ*Àœ}À>“»Ê>ÀiÊÀi}ˆÃÌiÀi`ÊÌÀ>`i‡“>ÀŽÃʜvÊ "Ê iÃLˆÌÌÊ ÕÀ˜ÃÊ œÀ«œÀ>̈œ˜Êˆ“ˆÌi`]ÊÕÃi`Ê՘`iÀʏˆVi˜Vi° affordability and minimize impacts on results will be available at the Islands the environment, he added. Trustees agreed stronger language is Trust offi ce and online at www.island- The average home constructed on required to reinforce the Islands Trust- strust.bc.ca later this week. Public Salt Spring in 2006 was roughly 2,800 sanctioned ban on vacation rental hearings on a draft bylaw are set for Performance at square feet. Twenty-five per cent of accommodations. the fall. Incredible Prices! ACCIDENT $14995 Motorcyclist airlifted to VictoriaGeneral FS 38 $ 95 179 Well-known islander injured remained in intensive care at the Vic- Suffering severe injuries, he was FS 45 toria General Hospital Tuesday after- airlifted to Victoria General, Willis A 52-year-old Salt Spring man is in noon. said. FS 38 hospital following a motorcycle acci- Police were called to the scene The accident occurred on Upper Gas Trimmer dent on Upper Ganges Road Monday around 6:25 p.m. on Monday after Ganges Road between Moby’s Pub and FS 45 evening. learning a man lost control of his Long Harbour Road. Andre Skrypnyk, a long-time island motorcycle and went into the ditch, The investigation is ongoing, said Gas Trimmer resident better known as “Chico,” said RCMP Sgt. Danny Willis. Willis. FLOAT PLANES

HARBOURS END MARINE & EQUIPMENT Propeller mishap occurs in local harbour 122 Upper Ganges Rd. at Mon. - Fri. 8:30am - 5:00pm A Harbour Air pilot was security James Molloy. had been shut off, but the Lady Minto Hospital. He was the head of Ganges Harbour Saturdays 9:00am - 4:00pm 537-4202 hit by a rotating propeller The pilot injured his knee propellor was still rotating. released a few hours later. Monday. while docking the float Only the pilot and one “He’s feeling fine. He’s Tide Tables The accident occurred plane, which caused a chain other Harbour Air employee feeling a little embarrassed,” AT FULFORD HARBOUR Monday at around 1 p.m. of events that led to him were on board at the time. Molloy said. Pacific Standard Time – measured in feet in Ganges Harbour, said being hit by the propeller After the plane was secured, This sort of accident sponsored by Harbours End Marine & Equipment Ltd. Harbour Air’s vice president of the single-turbine Otter passengers waiting for the is extremely unusual, he JULY 04 03:13 2.6 8.5 08 06:40 1.2 3.9 of aviation and corporate DHC3T. Luckily, the engine fl ight transported the pilot to added. WE 06:25 2.8 9.2 SU 13:38 2.3 7.5 14:05 0.5 1.6 16:58 2.2 7.2 22:06 3.3 10.8 23:39 3.3 10.8 CRITICAL ILLNESS ÀiÊޜÕʏˆÛˆ˜}ʜ˜Êˆ˜Vœ“i] 05 04:09 2.3 7.5 vÀœ“ÊޜÕÀʈ˜ÛiÃ̓i˜Ìö 09 07:26 0.8 2.6 TH 07:36 2.5 8.2 INSURANCE !RETHEYTAXEFFICIENT MO 15:44 2.7 8.9 14:44 0.8 2.6 ■ Tax free lump sum benefit 30 days >Ê>ÊÌÀÕÃÌi`ʏœV>Ê*ÀœviÃȜ˜> 22:30 3.4 11.2 18:08 2.6 8.5 after diagnosis 06 05:03 2.0 6.6 10 00:04 3.3 10.8 ■ ‘It’s a fact’ - one in three Canadians FR 09:12 2.3 7.5 TU 08:13 0.5 1.6 will contract a critical illness! >À̈˜Ê°Êœœ}iÀ`ގ]Ê * 15:24 1.2 3.9 17:01 3.0 9.8 22:53 3.4 11.2 www.oceanswestinsurance.ca )NVESTMENT!DVISOR 19:38 2.9 9.5 [email protected] 07 05:53 1.6 5.2 ,œVŽÞʈ˜> >˜ SA 11:17 2.2 7.2 !DMINISTRATIVE!SSISTANT 16:08 1.7 5.6 DDDDD MAFALDA xÎLJ£ÇÎä 23:16 3.3 10.8 Hoogerdyk '2!#%0/).4315!2% 537-1730 MHOOGERDYK BERKSHIRECA

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(Ganges Vancouver) BOOK YOUR FLIGHT ON-LINE AND SAVE As low as $74 each way +GST $6.00 ON A RETURN TRIP AIRFARE. GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 3 Heads up! B.C. Parks public input meeting. Thurs., July 5, Lions Hall. Open house, 1-5 p.m.; Newsbeat presentation at 7. PHYSICAL FITNESS Youth fail fitness but activity promoted locally Report deems “Canada’s School Board, said that while most of the district’s initiatives remain up to individual young at crisis point” schools, the report demonstrates more action is needed when the board meets again in BY SEAN MCINTYRE September. DRIFTWOOD STAFF “It’s hard for me to imagine this when A nationwide report released last week I take a look at the kids, but other reports handed the country’s youth a D grade indicate that kids are sitting around more when it comes to health and fitness, and and more,” she said. it turns out Salt Springers are part of the “This is something that involves the whole problem. community and that’s where we need to “We are a microcosm of the start the discussion.” country,” said Doug Pearson, a physical education instructor at Gulf Islands Sec- ondary School (GISS). “This is something that “We have a special place, but we can- not afford to sit back and think that we’re involves the whole perfect. We can’t pretend we’re a utopia anymore.” According to the Active Healthy Kids community and that’s Canada report, the country’s youth are far from visionary when rated in 12 cat- egories, including family support, access where we need to start to facilities, participation in sports and obesity rates. “Three straight years of poor grades discussion.” should give all Canadians a major wake- up call, especially since we now know that MAY MCKENZIE children become less and less active as Chair, Gulf Islands School Board they get older,” said Dr. Mark Tremblay, chair of Active Healthy Kids Canada. Aside from encouraging federal efforts to According to the report, 90 per cent of reduce obesity and educate parents, teach- children and youth are not getting the rec- ers and students, the Healthy Kids report ommended 90 minutes of physical activity advises individuals to fi nd time for physical per day. activities that make exercise an attractive The report’s fi nding that children, espe- alternative to sitting in front of a computer cially females, become less active as they screen. grow older, fi ts Pearson’s observations over Pearson couldn’t agree more. his 15 years at GISS. “There needs to be a concerted effort to A year-long physical education pro- have some diversity,” he said. gram, prevalence of team sports and “We’ve got to change with the times and motivated parents, he said, are a great have some fun.” start, but only part of the solution to Something as simple as opening the gym- getting children and young adults back nasium doors during lunch can be enough in shape. to encourage people to get up and get active, More individual pursuits and activi- he said. ties extending beyond “ball sports” are “Since we did that, we’ve got 100 students required at schools. hanging out in the gym,” he said. Activities like yoga, pilates, skateboard- “Sure they get a little sweaty, but even the ing and rock climbing are needed to engage PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY students who are just eating their lunch on a and retain a wider range of youth. Harrison Johnson is among island youth who keep fi t at the local skatepark. Here, he goes bench may be inclined to pick up a ball once May McKenzie, chair of the Gulf Islands through his moves with a Canadian fl ag in honour of Canada Day. they’re done.” Newsbriefs

About 22 kilometres of Robinson, Stark, Walkers sound and will therefore be to doing our part,” said fi re lates and 20 per cent less Paving begins roads will be resurfaced by Hook, North End, Sunset, patched and paved only for chief Dave Enfi eld. unburned hydrocarbons. It JJM Construction, which Booth Canal, Rainbow, a nicer surface. “Besides switching to is biodegradable and non- this week was awarded the MOT con- Churchill, Quebec, Beddis, a more environmentally toxic. Apparently the govern- tract, in partnership with Cusheon Lake and Rourke. Department friendly fuel, we’ve also Biodiesel significantly ment signs in Fulford and local road service provider Elliot was unaware of the switched to environmen- reduces greenhouse gas Vesuvius aren’t just for show. Mainroad South Island Con- road construction sched- goes green tally friendly foams, and production. Salt Spring’s $1.5-million tracting. ule as of Tuesday morning, Salt Spring’s fire depart- we recycle as much as we When compared with die- road resurfacing project is As Mainroad likely con- but urged islanders to have ment is switching all of its can.” sel, greenhouse gas reduc- scheduled to begin Thurs- tracted out the work, con- “some patience” with road emergency response vehi- Biodiesel is produced tions range from 71 per cent day. struction should not be crews. cles to biodiesel fuel. from renewable sources for biodiesel made from The paving, which was delayed due to Mainroad “We just need [islanders] SSIFD vehicles will now such as plant oils (canola, canola to 92 per cent for fi rst set to start in April and employees’ current month- to allow a little extra time run on B20 biodiesel, cur- soy or palm oils), and low- biodiesel made from waste then rescheduled to June, and-a-half-old strike, Elliot for making their appoint- rently the highest commer- grade cooking oils and trap oil from restaurants and fast was delayed because of said. ments.” cial grade available on Van- grease. food outlets. weather, said Ministry of Mainroad did not respond Some roads will be repaved couver Island. B20 emits 12.3 per cent More biodiesel informa- Transportation (MOT) proj- by press time. entirely, while others have “Salt Spring is a “green” less carbon monoxide, tion is available at www.bio- ect manager Doug Elliot. Roads to be paved include been deemed structurally place and we look forward 12 per cent less particu- fl eet.net.

WBODPVWFSSJDINPOEMBOHMFZWJDUPSJBOBOBJNPHVMGJTMBOET 0OFJTHSFBU5XPJTFWFOCFUUFS $IPPTFUIFSPVUFUIBUXPSLTCFTUGPSZPV 50 50  XXXIBSCPVSBJSDPN 7"/$067&3 3*$).0/% BOEZPVSCVTZTDIFEVMF(FUUP%PXOUPXO :063$)0*$& 7BODPVWFSPS3JDINPOE7BODPVWFS"JSQPSU   (6-'*4-"/%450 %08/508/7"/$067&3 UIFRVJDLBOEFBTZXBZ‰GMZ)BSCPVS"JS 03 (6-'*4-"/%450 #PPL #PBSEBOE'MZ*UTUIBUTJNQMF 0%20%23/. /.%7!90,53'34 0%20%23/. /.%7!90,53'34 3*$).0/%7"/$067&3"*31035 4 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Put my 20 years of Real Estate NEWSBEAT experience to work for you! Letter-writing campaign urged Kerry Chalmers 537-5515 TATHAM continued from 1 Salt Spring Realty www.saltspringrealty.com Tatham, 35, was sentenced to four years in jail on June 19 after being found guilty of entering Dubai almost two months earlier with the pop- pies and hashish. Both items are banned in the emirate. For the past year, Tatham had been working with farm- ers in Afghanistan, trying to teach them how to “develop other means of livelihood SUMMER SPECIAL! than growing poppies for opium,” read a template let- ter to MacKay. “In a way, it’s worse than 99 Days. 99 Bucks. being in the Canadian forces because he didn’t have the Bert Tatham and Sara Gilmer. North End Fitness camaraderie,” Spottiswoode said of the work. Tatham’s family and friends also argue the She described the situation as cruel irony. Canadian government has not treated him 537-5217 Hashish is apparently “very very com- as well as they could have. “Basically all they mon” in Afghanistan, Spottiswoode said. did was hand them the Yellow Pages and say “They smoke it like cigarettes,” she added, ‘fi nd a lawyer’,” Spottiswoode said. SALT SPRING noting it is not viewed as dangerous or ille- The Canadian consulate didn’t send a gal there. representative to the original proceeding, MINI STORAGE “He was around people who were using it, she said. but he himself was not using it.” Tatham and Gilmer make a wonderful Tatham had apparently kept the poppies couple, Spottiswoode said. 537-4722 for props while lecturing in Canada. “He’s every mother’s dream for their Following the ruling, lawyers immediately daughter.” launched a formal appeal, which will be Although the situation has understand- held on Friday. ably been hard for Gilmer, she has appar- They will also appeal to Dubai’s ruler, ently been holding together well. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Maktoum, “My daughter is an amazing young woman for amnesty, which the family believes is and through all of this I can only say she is more likely to get Tatham back into Canada. very very calm,” Spottiswoode said. “She has “These pardons are granted regularly been very very strong.” as a means to empty their jails of minor Some Salt Springers might remember offenders,” wrote Spottiswoode in an e-mail. Gilmer from the time she spent working as “However, it has been shown that it is often a summer camp counsellor on the island a factor of how much support the applicant three or four years ago, Spottiswoode said. has from his or her government as to how Spottiswoode sent out an e-mail asking likely it is for the pardon to be granted.” for support last Wednesday. “Other governments have been much “I got a lot of really sympathetic replies,” more diligent at protecting their foreign she said. nationals abroad,” she added, citing a Amer- To receive an electronic copy of the for- ican case where the government moved to matted letters to Peter MacKay and Stephen free a music producer who was caught with Harper in which you can insert your name, drugs that were clearly for personal use. e-mail Amanda Spottiswoode at spottyon- “It just seems to be that that’s a Canadian [email protected]. For more information, thing — they don’t want to ruffl e any feathers.” call Spottiswoode at 537-1283. ISLAND CRIME Thieves make off with Family Jewels Sterling silver were lifted, said Ward. She was unsure how the items and thieves gained access to the store. semi-precious A large amount of ster- THE stones taken ling silver rings, chains and bangles, semi-precious driftwood’s friday edition Islanders should be on the stone jewellery and wedding lookout for stolen jewellery bands were taken, along THIS WEEK: THE DRIFTWOOD’S free and a large Buddha statue. with a large buddha statue Family Jewels was broken (pictured). Even Salt Spring has succumb into last week and thieves Ward notes she has photo- k]www.gulfislands.net it’s fun...it’s free...it’s friday! to Facebook. took between $5,000 and graphs of all items taken, and $10,000 worth of merchan- has alerted stores through- free at the following locations: dise, said owner Cathy out Vancouver Island about Admirals Meadowbrook Ward. the stolen items. Apple Photo Morningside-Fulford The incident took place Local RCMP had no fur- Barb’s Buns Movie Gallery sometime between 5 p.m. This large Buddha statue was ther information. B-Side NE Fitness among the items stolen from Café El Zokolo Raven St. on Wednesday and 9 a.m. If people have any tips Calvin’s ReMax on Thursday. The store was Family Jewels. they should contact Salt Chamber Offi ce Royal LePage closed Thursday so police Spring RCMP at 537- Core Inn Rock Salt-Rack could complete fi ngerprint- ing. A number of good prints 5555. Creekhouse Rogue’s Café Dagwoods Senior’s Centre Embe Seabreeze Fitness Friends Seaside Fish & Chip Fulford Inn Sotheby’s Fulford Ferry Salt Spring Coffee Golf Course Saltspring Book GISS Salt Spring Inn Greenwoods Salt Spring Physio Golden Island Sears GVM Shipstones Hospital Skin Sensations Harbour Foods Sports Traders Harbour House Hotel Studio One Harlan’s The Local Home Hardware The Fritz Island Savings Thrifty’s (Flower Shop) Island Star Video TJ Beans Jana’s TLC Library Transition GARY MASON Love My Kitchen Uptown Pizza Long Harbour Terminal Uniglobe Luigis Vesuvius Store Moby’s Vesuvius Ferry on Board GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 5 NEWSBEAT

COAST GUARD AQUAGULFGUGGULFFI IISLANDSSLANDSDS LLILIVLIVINGIVINGNG Available Now Ship’s future hangs in the balance • Pattersons Market • Vesuvius Store Crews contain • Raven Street Market terra firma • Salt Spring Natureworks BUILDERS LTD. diesel spill • Driftwood www.sirewall.com 537-9355 BY SEAN MCINTYRE DRIFTWOOD STAFF The fate of a 130-foot Bookkeeping, Payroll and heritage schooner perched Tax Services atop a reef near Winter Cove on Saturna Island remains David Waddington up to the tides, days after it Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor ran aground early Sunday morning. Coast Guard personnel QuickBooks Setup and Training continue to monitor the Personalized Tutoring • Ongoing Support status of the twin-mast- ed schooner after it ran 537-0854 aground at 2 a.m. while on SpecializingSpecailizing In Small Business its way to the annual Satur- na Island Canada Day Lamb Barbecue. A Ganges Coast Guard crew arrived on the scene shortly 77%347).$$ after passengers aboard the , 7"" Ê ° Robertson II reported the incident at 8 a.m. #USTOM&LOORING “It was really a sad sight to 3PECIALIZINGINCUSTOM7IDE0LANK behold,” said Al Hoskins, a #LEAR$OUGLAS&IR Ganges Coast Guard offi cer- PHOTO BY RICHARD BENNETT A kayaker passes by the overturned hull of the Robertson II. s"RANDNAMEmOORINGAVAILABLE in-charge, on Tuesday. “It s/VER(ARDWOOD3OFTWOODSPECIESINSTOCK was really a beautiful boat.” Three passengers were a light sheen of diesel fuel response crew spent Tues- setting up the meal-ticket £‡nää‡ÈÈLJÓÓÇx discovered on shore while on the water’s surface, said day afternoon conducting booth. ›xʇʣä£n™Ê V œ˜>`Ê*>ÀŽÊ,œ>`]Ê-ˆ`˜iÞ]Ê three others were found in Dan Bate, a Canadian Coast a hull survey to determine “Every time someone a dinghy nearby, Hoskins Guard spokesperson. the extent of any potential came around to talk about added. All diesel fuel remain- “underside complications,” the boat, it was getting big- No one suffered any inju- ing in the ship’s 1,900-litre Bate added. ger and bigger,” she said. “It ries during the grounding. (500-gallon) tank has been “The main focus is pre- was the talk of the day.” A hovercraft crew from removed, he said. serving a symbolic heritage The Robertson II is well Richmond set out pollu- The boat, which is heav- vessel,” he said. known as a training vessel tion booms to contain any ily damaged, remains on The crew was on their way used for years in the past potential leaks. the reef, listing at nearly 90 to the Saturna Island barbe- by the Sail and Life Training Crews reported no sig- degrees, Bate said. cue where event organizer Society (SALTS). It was sold nifi cant damage other than An environmental Melanie Gaines was busy by SALTS in 2003. LOCAL RADIO Two stations apply for broadcasting licence Public input August 27 in Gatineau, Qué- be viewed at Clement, Mur- cent special interest music, bec. phy and Woodward Barris- 24 per cent of which would received until Islanders can view appli- ters and Solicitors, located be concert music. This July 26 cations locally and make at 1-105 Rainbow Road. application can be viewed comments to the CRTC. Salt Spring Island Radio at Salt Spring Public Library, MAY 0759969’s application has also applied to oper- 129 McPhillips Avenue, Gan- WINNER: Islanders can have their has been submitted by Jack ate an English specialty FM ges, between the hours of say on two prospective radio Woodward, Eamon Murphy commercial station on Salt 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday Donna Orsi stations vying for broadcast- and Shilo Zylbergold to oper- Spring. The application has through Friday. ing licences on Salt Spring. ate a low-power English FM been fi led by Richard Moses Deadline for submission Applications by 0759969 commercial station. Eighty- and Gary Brooks. The station of interventions and com- B.C. Ltd. and Salt Spring five per cent of the music would have average power ments to the CRTC is July Island Radio Corp. will be played would fall under the and feature at least 33 per 26. held at a Canadian Radio- special interest category, television and Telecom- a majority of which would œ“«iÌi munications Commission be folk or folk-orientated. (CRTC) public hearing 0759969’s application can TOMOTIVE2EPA CHURCH ACTIVITY !U IRS UÊÞ`À>ՏˆVÊ œÃiÃU Þ`À>ՏˆV œÃià Visiting youth take on chores UÊ œ“«iÌiÊ>Õ̜“œÌˆÛiÊÀi«>ˆÀà A group of Christian young men and women from Kelow- UÊ iVÌÀœ˜ˆVÊi˜}ˆ˜iÊ>˜>ÞÈà na are offering their muscles and work ethic to Salt Spring UÊ/՘iÊÕ«ÃÊÊUÊ"ˆÊV >˜}ià SALES Islanders next week. UÊœÕÀÊÜ iiÊ`ÀˆÛiÊÃiÀۈVi Help with yard work or odd jobs is offered to senior citi- UÊ-Õëi˜Ãˆœ˜Êà œVŽÃÊ>˜`ÊÃÌÀÕÌà zens or others in need of help from Monday, July 9 through UÊÕiÊˆ˜iV̈œ˜ REPRESENTATIVE Friday, July 13. People interested in the assistance should call Community Gospel Chapel at 537-2622 and leave a message, including ," Ê, Ê, *,- Salt Spring Island’s Award Winning their phone number. Church representatives will then con- {ÓÇÊՏvœÀ`‡>˜}iÃÊ,`°ÊUÊxÎLJ{xx™ÊUÊ œ˜°Ê‡ÊÀˆ°Ên‡x weekly newspaper requires a tact those who have left messages to make arrangements. sales representative for the Gulf Islands Bellavance Welding Ltd. Driftwood Newspaper, AQUA Magazine, Gulf Islands Real Estate Magazine and Gulf Islands On-line. Ronald Besley Quality Boat Building & B Fabrication in Aluminium & Steel Good benefi t package, room for growth. & Sons Inc. since 1973 Advertising sales experience preferred. Reliable transportation required. Design & Build • Custom boats from 6 to 50 feet • Custom metal fabrication Email to: sales@gulfi slands.net Custom houses, additions and renovations • Marine ramps, walkways, fax: 537-2613 railings • Fuel tanks attention: RONALD BESLEY • Truck racks, boxes Peter McCully, Associate Publisher LIC.#29029 • Driveway gates, skylights Marine Transport Service • Garden gates, arbours Marine Salvage & Recovery '5,&)3,!.$3 Portable Welding & Fabrication 1229 Mt Maxwell Rd TEL: 250.537.8885 on Land or Sea Salt Spring Island BC, V8K2H7 $RIFTWOOD9/52#/--5.)49.%730!0%23).#% EMAIL: [email protected] SHOP: 250-537-4411 FAX: 250-537-4988 [email protected] CELL: 604-880-3896 www.bellavancewelding.com 6 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD

TAIT TECHNICAL SOLUTIONS NEWSBEAT Authorized Service Technician For YOUTH ACTIVISM FAAC Radical Automatic Gate Openers Roots fuels 537•5268 change First meeting on Thursday

WCB And Bonded Turning passion into Commercial & Residential action is the aim of a Radical 12 Years Island Expertise Roots youth program that Experienced Construction kicks off on Thursday. Site Clean-up Young people aged 15-30 Staged Homes are invited to join commu- SU PAM GENEVIEVE nity mentors in developing Pam Miskey 537-2186 skills that will help them www.nosurpriseshousecleaning.net change the world. “If there’s a personal, local or global issue that you care about, then come be part of The rose a team of youth and youth

mentors to develop skills PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY arbour is in that will help you change CANADA GRILL: Scott Merrick, left, and Bruce Wallace serve up hotdogs on Canada Day full bloom. the world,” states press material. as Island Star Video celebrates its 11th anniversary. Come enjoy “Over the summer we will learn and apply skills in FIRE DISTRICT the fragrance. engaging the media, event- coordinating, and using the multimedia arts to speak out about issues that mat- Fulford training hall report out ter. We’ll also meet people who are making things hap- Declares low to moderate likelihood of contaminants travelling from pen, and learn ways they the current training ground site to adjacent have worked to bring their environmental impact properties. visions to the public atten- Based on Madrone’s recommendations, tion to make real changes in BY SEAN MCINTYRE the SSIFPD will move to ensure all foam the world.” DRIFTWOOD STAFF and oil-based products used on the site are The first meeting takes A report prepared for the Salt Spring Island stored in special trays to prevent leaks. place Thursday, July 5 on the Fire Protection District (SSFPD) declares Report results are an important step for second fl oor of the Core Inn there is a low likelihood that training ground plans to expand the training ground, Wyatt at 4 p.m. activities conducted at the Fulford Fire Hall said. This Saturday’s OKA have caused signifi cant soil and groundwa- dance at Beaver Point Hall, ter contamination over the past 25 years. “It is gratifying to note that the Flowers timed to coincide with Live “It is gratifying to note that the fi ndings by Arrangement Earth! concerts taking place show minor potential problems,” said Mark around the world, is a Radi- Wyatt, an SSIFPD board member. fi ndings show minor potential Beth Cherneff 537-9252 cal Roots presentation. The document is one of four items 520 LONG HARBOUR RD. To get involved, come to requested by the Islands Trust before the problems.” Thursday’s meeting or con- land-use authority proceeds with its deci- Open 10am - 5pm tact Gary or Andrea at 537- sion on a fire district application to con- MARK WYATT 9925. struct a $400,000 state-of-the-art training Fire district trustee facility on the site. An expanded facility is required, fi re dis- Finding Your Way to Financial Independence. trict offi cials contend, to lower costs associ- “With the new applications, we are not “The simplest solution is usually the best.” ated with training staff and volunteer fi re- spilling oil and any applications we would Occam’s Razor fi ghters on Vancouver Island and the Lower do are designed to be much more environ- Mainland. mentally friendly,” he said. As there is beauty and c) While the investment products that Proceeding with the training ground Copies of the report are available at the longevity in individual your RSP funds are invested in may needs Islands Trust rezoning and a recom- Salt Spring Island Public Library and the handmade pieces there be liquid (that is; sold without re- mendation that the Agricultural Land Com- Ganges fi re hall. Questions and comments are, if you look at it a certain way, the same striction) the RSP itself is not, pro- mission approve it as well. may be submitted via the fi re department’s features within an investment plan that is viding additional incentive to leave According to the Madrone Environmental website at www.saltspringfi re.com. crafted for the individual. It just fits better and funds in the RSP until the capital Preliminary Site Investigation, “minimal Board members will also be available lasts longer. And it does require that certain objective is met. screening samples will be collected and ana- for comment during the next regularly fundamental approaches be adhered to. Often clients approach investing from the lyzed . . . to confi rm the suspected absence scheduled meeting on Monday, July 17 perspective that it is something they have to of hydrocarbons on the site.” at 7:30 p.m. in the Ganges fire hall board As so clearly espoused in David Chilton’s do, but don’t phrase their objectives in con- The report further states there is a low room. The Wealthy Barber the simplest way to crete terms. Objectives can be as simple as begin investing is the ten percent rule. For planning for a specific capital expenditure instance, if a student of this year’s graduat- such as a home or recreational property, or ing class from Salt Spring High School were improvements to such a property through to Do You Own A Heat Pump? to discipline themselves to putting ten cents college funds for the kids. of every dollar they earn into an RRSP earn- Your warranty can be void ing just five percent they will have taken the Choosing an investment approach to such first and most important step in preparing financial objectives is significantly less ex- if annual maintenance is not performed. themselves for financial independence. pensive than using the highly marketed refi- nancing or straight debt methods. The value 17 POINT HEAT PUMP MAINTENANCE & SAFETY CHECK Assuming a starting wage of ten dollars an of money over time and the removal or re- hour and a forty hour week that amounts to duction of interest charges is the prime ben- We will... 10. Check start capacitor and potential relay efit of using time as the value multiplier. investment savings of forty dollars per week, 1. Install gauges and check operating (if applicable). or one hundred and sixty dollars a month; that’s one thousand nine hundred and twenty So when you are setting up your budget pressures. 11. Check compressor contactor. dollars per year before any interest income. make the very first entry 10% of your income 2. Check voltage and amperage to all 12. Check all wiring and connections. Other immediate benefits are: that month. If you can discipline yourself to motors with meter. 13. Clean and adjust thermostat. do this you are well on your way to financial freedom. If you can’t discipline yourself to 3. Check CMF across evaporator coils. 14. Clean condensing coil. a) The entire $1,920.00 is deemed an 4. Check for adequate refrigerant charge 15. Check that condensate drain is open. RSP contribution making the sav- save 10% of your income into an RSP then ings serve double duty by provid- ask your employer to do it for you; you won’t and possible leaks. 16. Check reversing valve. ing tax savings. feel a thing! 5. Check evaporator superheat. 17. Check defrost control. b) The interest earned benefit from Robert E. Magee 6. Lubricate all moving parts. compound return if properly in- 7. Check belt and adjust tension. • Reduces your utility costs vested in one of the many mutual funds or money market investment Bobby Magee is a full-service Investment Advi- 8. Check fi lters. • Gives you priority emergency service vehicles available for RSP invest- sor with Wolverton Securities Ltd. He has been 9. Check pressure switch cut-out settings. • Assures your maximum safety ment. an Investment Advisor since 1978. Toll Free: 1-877-537-5510 SSI: 537-5510 • Prolongs equipment life The information contained herein was obtained from sources believed to be reliable but the accuracy and completeness of it is not guaranteed and in providing it, Wolverton Securities Ltd. and its affiliates and subsidiaries (WSL) does not assume responsibility or liability. This publica- tion is intended for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment, legal or other financial advice. This publication is intended for distribution only in those jurisdictions where WSL is registered as an advisor or dealer in securities. BILL MOSELEY • TEL. 653.9378 Any distribution or dissemination of this publication in any other jurisdiction is strictly prohibited. Wolverton is a Member of the Canadian Investors Protection Fund. 723 STEWART ROAD (SHOP) GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 7 NEWSBEAT GANGES CEMETERY Docks de RealtyLtd Hope Bay Pender Island

Phone: 250.629.3166 Toll Free: 1.866.629.3166 Columbarium available locally Feature Properties Community Dock at Your Porch! Enjoy 660 feet of cemetery keeps up accessible beach front on this 9.83 acre piece with burial trends of Pender Island paradise. 2 BR, 864 Salt Spring now has buri- sq. ft. cottage to hang al options for those who your hat in while you choose cremation. build your dream home. As of last week, the island $895,000 has its first columbarium. Watch the sunsets, Dream by the Sea! Located at Ganges Com- whales & ever-changing munity Cemetery, the solid marble unit can hold 24 marine life from the urns. decks of this 1947 The cemetery purchased sq. ft., 2+ BR, 3 BA high the columbarium thanks bank oceanfront home. to a $10,000 donation from Come & enjoy the best the Lions Club. The dona- tion paid for the vault and a years of your life here! $759,000 bench in front of the unit. Dockside Lions Club member Pat COME Spencer was on hand last Realty Ltd. Tuesday as the unit was welcomes SEE put in place. She felt it was PHOTO BY STACY CARDIGAN SMITH Howard important for the island to US AT Members of Salt Spring Lions Club and the Ganges Community Cemetery board gather in Sanders have such a vault after her front of the cemetery’s new columbarium. From left (standing), Pat Spencer, Ben Martens, THE parents were buried in one Janice Dodds and Tom Volquardsen, and (sitting) Russ Spencer and Ken Barnes. to the on the mainland two years ago. Each unit is 12-inches unit can be removed and he said. Team! DOCK! “I think they’re finding square and only one urn is engraved. A columbarium unit costs www.propertyonpender.com there’s less and less people allowed per unit, said cem- “There’s a couple that a one-time fee of $600, Mar- in B.C. that have full buri- etery board member Ben are tentatively spoken for, tens said. A plot in the cem- als,” Spencer said. Martens. The fronts of each but nothing definite yet,” etery costs $400. YOUNG OFFENDERS ATTENTION B&B OWNERS! Criminal records don’t The elnapress© is back with 2 sizes to choose from. just vanish at 18 years 20”x8” and 26”x8” (with fl ip-up sleeve Youth not a free vidual’s youth record can last up to fi ve years after the board).100 lbs. ironing ticket to off end incident. pressure. That period may be $ 00 BY SEAN MCINTYRE extended if the individual Priced from 359 DRIFTWOOD STAFF faces subsequent convic- Young offenders under tions. Repeat offenders, the impression their crimi- Penty said, are liable to SAWYER SEWING CENTRE nal records vanish once they higher fi nes and longer sen- 3400 Douglas • 1-888-229-2266 become the age of majority tences. www.sawyersewing.com The Saltspring Water Co., located on the are severely misinformed. Police officers, border southeast corner of Mt. Maxwell, is pleased to “For some reason, there’s a guards, potential employ- present you with Saltspring’s Finest Natural Water. myth out there that everything From an elevation of 830 feet and bordering on is wiped clean when people “I really have no idea turn 18 years old,” said Barb “THE LOCAL” Mt. Maxwell Provincial Park, our 225 ft. deep Penty, Crown counsel for the Liquor Store groundwater source has provided us with excellent Ganges and Victoria provin- where this idea that water for almost 20 years. cial courts. “That couldn’t be farther from the truth. Charg- We carry some of Classi¿ ed as natural spring water, with only 60 es can stick around for a very everything returns to ppm of dissolved mineral salts, the exceptional long time.” the best for you taste and quality of our water is matched only by The issue arose during last normal comes from.” month’s preliminary hearing and your guests. its natural purity. into the case of a Salt Spring BARB PENTY With our state of the art bottling and sanitizing youth accused of painting Crown counsel, Ganges system and non-invasive ¿ ltration, we are proud to homophobic graffi ti on the wall of a Ganges business. Provincial Court share with you a ¿ ne-tasting and safe natural water During proceedings at experience. Ganges Provincial Court, the ers, in addition to the Sincerely accused said he was uncon- youth’s lawyer and parents, Fitz Lee and Malcolm Shoolbraid cerned about his criminal are among those with access record since it didn’t matter to a criminal file while it once he turned 18. remains open. Not only did the young “It goes on the person’s fi le man show a complete disre- and can cause a lot of diffi - gard for the consequence of culties,” Penty said. “I really his actions, he demonstrat- have no idea where this idea ed a poor understanding of that everything returns to the criminal justice system, normal comes from.” Penty said. The Youth Criminal Justice According to the Youth Act prohibits publishing the Locally owned & operated • open every day 9 am-11 pm Criminal Justice Act, which identity of youths alleged to came into effect in 2003, the have committed a criminal In Gasoline Alley 537-WINE (9463) period of access to an indi- offence. Friendly Downtown Sidney SIDNEY AUTO SALES Corner of 4th & Bevan ...so close to great savings! NEW STOCK 1998 MAZDA PROTEGE, 4 cyl, auto, low k's ...... $5,995 1998 HONDA CIVIC EX, 4 cyl, auto ...... $7,995 2006 FORD TAURUS, loaded, 40k ...... $11,995 IN New 1994 MUSTANG, 6 cyl auto, only 135k ...... $4,995 1995 GRAND MARQUIS, only 85k ...... $5,995 MINT price! 2007 FORD FOCUS, loaded, leather, 25k ...... $15,995 1999 TOYOTA TERCEL, 4 cyl, auto, only 85k ...... $7,995 SHAPE! 1995 GEO TRACKER 2000 DODGE CARAVAN CASH FOR CARS! Car buyer on duty 2004 CHEV AVEO 2001 CHRYSLER NEON only 114k ...... $5,995 Loaded ...... $6,995 Loaded, only 39k ...... Only 46k ...... Phone: 655-0611 Fax: 655-0612 $10,995 $7,995 8 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD

Special Section Award, Aqua, GOLD Best Tourism and Recreation Guide Award, The Gulf Islander, SILVER Best Website Design Award, www.gulfi slands.net, SILVER Ma Murray Community Service Award, Breaking the Family Violence Circle, BRONZE 2007 British Columbia Yukon Community Newspaper Association Awards Best Special Section, Aqua, GOLD • Best Christmas Edition, Aqua, GOLD • Best Ad Design, Pegasus Gallery, GOLD Best In-house Ad Campaign, TGIF Launch, GOLD • Best Business Writing Award, Aqua, SILVER Best All Round Newspaper, Gulf Islands Driftwood, BRONZE • Best Feature Series, Galiano Fire, BRONZE Opinion 2007 Canadian Community Newspaper Association Awards

EDITORIAL We need OCP chatter ne thing to rise clearly from last week’s two- day offi cial communi- ty plan sessions held Oat ArtSpring is that the trustees and Islands Trust staff need more help to complete the plan review. Trustees Peter Lamb and George Ehring had some opinions and preferences for certain recommendations put forth by focus groups and then analyzed by staff, but they expressed a desire to receive more direction from the public. For one controversial example — reducing by 20 per cent the development potential of certain large lots in order to “save” 200 densi- ties — the brief discussion held Thursday raised more questions than it answered. If Salt Spring continues to THE ISSUE: grow at the current rate, its offi cial population Bus numbers are better, in fact OCP review would be about 13,000 in 50 years, noted BY GARY HOLMAN In other words, 20 passengers per day is not the WE SAY: trustee Lamb. If that’s I want to clarify some comments in last week’s estimated ridership, but the minimum number Opinions needed the case, asked Ehring, Driftwood about the proposed transportation ser- VIEWPOINT of riders needed to ensure the service is fi nan- is it worth the upset vice, currently the subject of a counter petition. cially sustainable — clearly an attainable goal. now more than caused by decreasing Ted Baldwinson (“Stop spree” letter) feels the $100,000 Of course, we are aiming much higher than this, and unlike later 134 property owners’ annual provincial subsidy for transit will disappear, leaving private transit services that have previously failed here, the land values now? islanders holding the bag. BC Transit has clearly stated that provincial and local taxpayer subsidy will enable us to improve Another topic raised while the province has frozen funding for new systems in and grow the system. by Ehring was if Ganges the past, funding for an existing service has never been dis- Finally, Mr. Vincent cynically suggests that these buses and has only used one third of its current residen- continued. Mr. Baldwinson also complains that pedestrian facilities are just for “eco-souls,” but tial density, why are we talking about adding we should focus on bike lanes instead. I hope he [His] claim that forgets they provide essential access for island- more? knows that a “failed” counter petition will establish ers who can’t drive because they are too elderly, Pick any policy change under discussion and a transportation commission to do just this. The disabled, or can’t afford it. it’s clear we need to thrash it out further, and referendum he advocates will cost taxpayers an the bus will only I want to leave you with some good news about long before we get to the public hearing stage additional $10,000, funding that would no longer transit that has not received much attention: the of an OCP bylaw, after so much work has been be available for bike lanes. provincial bus pass. Available on application for done. No “free-for-all” public meetings have Peter Vincent’s column is always an entertaining carry 20 the disabled and for low-income seniors, the been scheduled in this process, although writ- read, and he never lets the facts get in the way of pass costs $45 per year, and can also be used for ten public responses are invited by the Trust. a good rant. But his statements about the trans- BC Transit buses in Greater Victoria. But there One islander questioned whether a blog portation service for Salt Spring are particularly passengers per is more good news. The province then makes could be used to generate some meaningful misleading. First of all, the average per household up the difference between the $45 paid and the discussion in the community, and the Drift- cost of less than $18 per year or $1.50 per month, day is deceptive. actual cost, to the local transit service. So for wood is eager to provide that forum. At www. includes not just public transit, but also funding for every provincial bus pass we generate on the gulfi slands.net/blogs/blog_letters (or through a transportation commission to build pedestrian island, the local service receives hundreds of the “Letters blog” spot on the Gulf Islands and cycling infrastructure. Mr. Vincent has a valid dollars as an additional annual subsidy. Funding Online home page at www.gulfi slands.net), concern about the cumulative impacts of tax initiatives, but is would be used to improve the service or reduce fares, or both. people can fi nd an OCP blog for adding their $1.50 per month really that onerous considering the potential July 9 is the end of the counter-petition period for our new two cents’ worth on any OCP topic. benefi ts to the community? Even more importantly, if we don’t transportation service. I realize these petitions have been con- Considering the potential impacts of a slew establish this transportation service, we can’t use the $100,000 troversial, and not without some justifi cation. However, given of ideas and proposed changes to the current annual provincial transit subsidy, or the $1 million in federal the provincial transit subsidy and federal gas tax transfers on plan, the more people conversant with the gas tax funds to build sidewalks and bike lanes. the table, and the additional $10,000 cost of a referendum, issues the better. It doesn’t make sense to wait Mr. Vincent’s claim that the bus will only carry 20 passen- I hope the community will agree it is time to establish these until a public hearing stage of a mammoth gers per day is deceptive. I have used this number on several essential services and facilities as soon as possible. If you do bylaw to fi nd out what islanders really think. occasions, but only to point out that BC Transit is being very agree, you don’t have to do anything at all. Do it now. conservative in relying on fare revenues to support the service. The writer is Salt Spring’s CRD director.

51% THIS WEEK’S QUESTION: LAST WEEK’S QUESTION: 49% Do you want an island bus and transportation commission? Yes No Are you in favour of a Cast your ballot online at www.gulfi slands.net before Monday at midnight or clip this box tourist tax? and drop it at our offi ce before Monday at 4:30 p.m. YES NO


PublishedPublished everyevery WednesdayWednesdayb byyD Driftwoodriftwood PublishingPublishingL Ltd.td. 328328 Lower GanGangesges Rd., Salt SpringSpring Island, B.C. V8K 2V3 Phone:Phone: 2250-537-993350-537-9933 FFax:ax: 2250-537-261350-537-2613 TTolloll FrFree:ee: 1-1-877-537-9934877-537-9934 Email:E il driftwood@gulfi d if d lfi slands.net l dWebsite: W b www.gulfi i lfi slands.net ld Offi ce Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday Yearly Subscription Rates: Tony Richards Peter McCully Gail Sjuberg Lorraine Sullivan Eva Kuhn Claudia French In the Gulf Islands $50.83* Elsewhere in Canada $85.60* PUBLISHER ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER MANAGING EDITOR PRODUCTION MANAGER OFFICE MANAGER CIRCULATION Six months elsewhere in Canada $58.85* Outside Canada $179.00 trichards@gulfi slands.net sales@gulfi slands.net news@gulfi slands.net production@gulfi slands.net ekuhn@gulfi slands.net cfrench@gulfi slands.net * Includes GST President: Frank Richards Editorial: Sean McIntyre, Stacy Cardigan Smith, Susan Lundy, Derrick Lundy, Elizabeth Nolan, Meghan Howcroft This newspaper acknowledges the fi nancial support of the Government of Canada, Advertising: Rick MacKinnon, Tracy Stibbards, Andrea Rabinovitch Accounting/Circulation: Kim Young Production: Kaye Segee, Emma Yardley, Nick Sullivan through the Publications Assistance Program (PAP), toward its mailing costs. Publications Mail Registration No. 08149 International Standards Serial Number 1198-7782 Member of: Canadian Community Newspapers Association, B.C. & Yukon Community Newspapers Association, B.C. Press Council GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 9 QUOTE OF THE WEEK: It just seems to be that that’s a Canadian thing — they don’t want to ruffl e any feathers. IslandVoices AMANDA SPOTTISWOODE, ON THE BERT TATHAM CASE SALT SPRING SAYS We asked: Has the rising cost of travel made you change your vacation plans?

ANN KING LLOYD BERNTSEN DOUG FRASER ANGIE HAMILTON MARSHA GOLDBERG No, but we’re not driving all No, because we don’t take No, not really. We’re not really I think so. We were planning No, because I stay home in over the place. We own a B&B summer vacations. We only going that far afi eld this sum- on taking a trip up to Merritt the summer. I’m a farmer so we’re enjoying the summer take winter vacations. mer. for the music festival but and I have to stay home . . . here. it was kind of expensive so Everyone comes here to see we’re just going to stay home. me.

Letters to the editor are welcome, but writers are requested to keep their submissions to 350 words or less. Letters may be edited for brevity, legality and taste. Writers are also asked to furnish a telephone number where they may be reached during the day, and to sign their letters with their full name. Thank you letters will not normally be considered for publication. Letters to the editor Read and reply to Driftwood letters online at www.gulfislands.net/blogs/blog_letters

for their actions. these malicious interlopers Box #228, Ganges, SSI, BC, Publications and Imagine home-brew software that Horror stories I ask this: if neither the would be held accountable V8K 2V9. That Graphics not admit cares about sequences of Do you know why it “takes parents, nor teachers, nor for undermining, by-pass- KIM DAVIDSON, responsibility for making an digits and doesn’t treat them a whole village to raise a the legal system is allowed ing and ignoring parental SALT SPRING error? Blaming the error on as simple word-processing child?” Because as parents to impose consequences rights, harbouring run- a “software glitch” appears text? Having some familiar- (particularly of teenag- on teens for inappropri- aways and outright lying. I Identifi ed to be in the same league as ity with text layout software, ers), we no longer have any ate actions — then who is? wish they themselves had In last week’s photo by blaming it on faeries or the I’d say it’s unlikely that soft- rights. Ultimately they will need a chance to experience the Louise Nye on Page B8 of the devil. ware is in any way respon- If you are a truly respon- Looking Back section, the to be dealt with, at a later very special hell they create As a software developer sible for the error. sible parent (translation: a age, when behaviours and for families — the demented unidentifi ed musician play- with 20 years of experience So in my mind the evi- parent with expectations of thought processes are even do-gooders in this area that ing the bodhran (Irish hand I have seen many software dence points to human error respect and honesty with more entrenched and much I have encountered really drum) with Derek Duffy and bugs and “glitches.” The in the manual inputting of boundaries and conse- more expensive to address. do live in glass houses and myself was Derek McAnd- complexity of software sys- quences), if you are a par- Be very afraid, parents, really shouldn’t be throw- less — a fine young man tems make them vulnerable telephone numbers, not a ent that is taking seriously because the demented do- ing stones, and the ones that who, like too many of our to unintended outcomes. “software glitch.” This might the task of raising an empa- gooders are everywhere. hide behind the bible would young people, was driven However, I find it hard to be an amusing “oops” story thetic, respectable, respon- Their approach into your be wise to follow the words off the island by the intoler- believe that production- were it not for the impor- sible and honest individual child’s life is insidious, and within: “Judge not lest ye be able rental situation. quality commercial soft- tance of the island’s only fully prepared to give to before you know it, you are judged.” Before 1992 the Saturday ware would be susceptible telephone directory, partic- home, family, work and the the witch in the witch hunt, I’m sure there are many Market was run by the ven- to such a fundamental fl aw ularly for businesses. community, rather than a and your entire role as par- other parents out there with dors (Market Vendors’ Asso- as transforming the digits So I think Lions Publica- self-absorbed, spoiled, lazy, ent is eroded without any- a similar sense of angry ciation) — a much healthier “653” into “538.” It’s not as if tions needs to take respon- dishonest burden to soci- one that should know better helplessness and horror and happier situation than “538” is a random sequence sibility for the error and in ety and its ever-crumbling seeking truth or evidence (I stories. Maybe it’s time as the CRD regime now in of numbers or in some way addition to correcting the systems — beware — you guess emotional conjecture parents that we empowered place. related to “653.” In fact, it is error by issuing replacement are both an endangered is much more exciting and each other to combat these HARRY J. WARNER, one of a very few three-digit pages, its representatives LEE’S HILL and hunted member of our dramatic.) demented do-gooders and prefi xes used on the island. certainly owe an apology to new society of “free-range” I really wish these self- eliminated their unhelpful Did Lions Publishing use the businesses affected and children and demented do- appointed champions of interference instead of con- No ghosts different software than it admit that they made a mis- gooders that believe indulg- children would focus their tinuing to be victims of their Re: “Software glitch mars used in previous years when take, rather than blame it on ing the “feelings” of teenag- zeal on the very real vic- passive-aggressive bullying. 2007 Lions Directory,” June the 653 prefi x was handled ghosts in the machine. ers is more important than tims of very real abuse or If anyone out there is inter- 27 Driftwood. correctly? It is using some MARK NAHIRNY, holding them accountable neglect. I also wish that Can the Lions Club, Lions kind of new untested or ested, please contact me PO SALT SPRING Perils of plastic discovered through credit card ‘swiping’ embossed on cards. These are protective If I am not asked to pay those charges, BY TOBY FOUKS measures. then who is going to? The merchant can’t be My Visa card was safely in my handbag, INDEPTH I was told that in Europe there has been faulted — the signature was checked. The so imagine my surprise when CIBC Visa great success with asking cardholders to card was never stolen, so the owner cannot contacted me for confi rmation about some es, and more than once used a credit card enter PIN numbers for each transaction the be faulted for not having informed Visa/ recent purchases someone else had made for payment. I smiled inwardly as the sales way one needs to do with a bank debit card. Mastercard etc. So, Visa or Mastercard picks with it. About $1,500 had been charged to clerk carefully checked my signature against This would certainly provide an antidote to up the bill, and all their borrowers who are my card over a couple of days, at various the one on the card. It is extremely likely credit card fraud, both for counterfeit and paying those unconscionable charges are establishments in the Vancouver area, while that when someone was using my account the stolen card situations. the ones who share the cost. I had charged nothing more than a few gro- number to spend $800 at Rona in Vancouver The fraud rep suggested I look into the I prefer the convenience of plastic to ceries in Ganges. in early June, the sales clerk also checked fraud alert service. This is a free service that paper. I don’t carry much money with me, As the fraud investigator read each charge the signature and thought s/he was dealing will send me emails if there is any suspicious and if I see a “deal,” a credit card allows me to me, I denied each until we got to the with the owner of that account. Signature activity. Once I had my new card and num- to take advantage of it. However, I am now last purchase that I had made myself with checking gives a false sense of security, and ber, I did sign up for this. However, what is more aware of the dark side of plastic com- my card, a recurring debit. I was told that I the banks pay. Or do they? really important is to check all purchases merce. I’ve made a list of all my plastic cards, would not be charged for the unauthorized It was very difficult to get information charged to an account when the statement credit and non-credit, with corresponding purchases, and that any interest charges beyond details regarding my own account comes (or in advance, online, if you can and contact numbers, and I’m hoping that I will that resulted would be credited back to from CIBC. I did learn that the major type want to) because there’s no guarantee that be spared the inconvenience of requiring me. That was a relief, but I was shocked by of credit card fraud is now through coun- the credit card company will fi nd them. Had a different account number, and having to the situation. When I asked how such a thing terfeit cards. Sometimes a replacement card the culprit made just a couple of transac- inform any business or charity using my old could happen since the card had never been swiper stores information from the mag- tions, I might not have been phoned. number that it has been changed. However, stolen, the answer surprised me. netic strip. (Possibly an employee has put Until recently, I have wondered why there it could have been a lot worse. It seems that someone had taken the this in place.) This information can be kept are no laws against the extraordinarily high If you use credit cards, at the very least, number and expiry date of my account, had for many months before being transferred rates of interest that credit card companies check your statements carefully! them embossed on a counterfeit card that to a computer that will create the counter- charge for purchases not paid in full by the If you would like some information about could have been for a Visa account with any feit card. due date. Now I think I know why. Someone how this is done, and to find out about institution, not necessarily the CIBC, had Visa suggests that merchants do not print has to pay for the millions of dollars stolen card-skimming, see the RCMP site: http:// used a name not my own, supporting it with all the numbers of an account on receipts, from the credit card companies. In 2005, www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/scams/ccandpc_e. identification (also probably counterfeit), and now most of them show only the three over $280 million was lost in Canada to htm. I found it by googling “credit card fraud and a matching signature. or four last digits of a card number. For credit card fraud. Of that amount, almost losses.” Yesterday, in Nanaimo for a medical online purchases, many companies now ask $127 million was through counterfeit cards. appointment, I stopped in a variety of plac- for the security code numbers that are never Today it would be much higher. The writer is a Salt Spring resident. 10 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD OPINION

of the size of the property. The ent people from coming to Salt should have no place here on Salt Nobody that I know did; rather, Sadly disturbing goal is to eliminate any more large Spring. Spring. we all went through the phase of I have read some of the propos- homes and reduce real estate val- But, is this a concept worthy of This is just narrow-minded apartment living. als put together by the Islands Trust ues. Canadians? Is this the welcoming and mean-spirited and their But, right now there is no such committees and fi nd the housing Thus, they want to seriously attitude we have always shown as justification for this policy is availability on Salt Spring. goals, in particular, ill-conceived curtail the free-market system a nation? unfounded. Oh, by the way, fellow Salt and sadly disturbing. here and reduce the value of all If this policy had been in force for This policy proposal, if imple- Springers, who is going to pay the First, trying to wade through properties on the island, which for the last 20 or 30 years, or so, think mented, would seriously diminish high taxes needed to sustain all the bureaucratic mumbo-jumbo most of us is our biggest fi nancial of all the amazing, wonderful, cre- the cultural richness and diversity the new developments and our of all the proposals is diffi cult for investment. ative, artistic, successful and, in of our island. social structure, such as the hos- many of us, myself included, and This impacts the real estate some cases, world-renowned peo- What we do need are incen- pital, library, schools, policing, fi re it effectively muddies the waters industry here, the building trades, ple who live here now who would tives for low-rise apartments department, pool, etc., that the on a lot of issues for the average nearly all other businesses in some not be living here. and a better plan for economical Trust and most islanders want for reader. residual way and specifically all It seems that if you are either multiple-housing units around our future? In a nutshell, the trustees want property owners. affluent or commercially suc- Ganges and up Rainbow Road, TREV AND NANCY MCLEAN, to limit homes to a maximum of Reverse-discrimination is cessful, or if you have a larger for instance. VESUVIUS 3,000 square feet, with no more the goal here. These committee vision of personal space than a Who of us started out buying our than two outbuildings, regardless members want to eliminate affl u- 3,000-square-foot home, then you own home after leaving school? MORE LETTERS continued on 11 Ganges Village Market News CLOSER TO THE COMMUNITY MEAT TUESDAYS ARE 10% OFF DAYS (some restrictions apply) ...... MONDAYS ARE DOUBLE COUPON VALUE DAYS 100% Canadian Beef Great for the BBQ GARDEN CENTRE * Plants * Planters Beef * Hanging Baskets Eye of Round 68 * Fertilizers * Pottery Roasts 3 LB % 8.11kg * Seeds BLOWOUT DELI OFF * Garden Accessories 20 and much more! PRICE ¢ Royal Edinburgh PRODUCE BAKERY All Shortbread California Deluxe Black 98 EA Canteloupe Forest Cake Made fresh instore Fingers 125g Large Size with fresh cream and 12’s real chocolate Bleubry SALT SPRING ISLAND The Perfect 49 2/ 00 99 Bleu Brie. 6 100g 3 12 8” FOOD BANK PINK TAG PROMOTION COMMUNITY NEWS at Thank you! Ganges Village Market is pleased to thank our customers who generously gave $1700.00, beating our last years record of $700.00. Many GANGES VILLAGE WOW! thanks to the team of volunteers from the food bank who cooked, cleaned, and cheered the customers on. Also thanks to our creative face painters... MARKET you gave Thank you Watch for the bright $1700! - GANGES VILLAGE EMPLOYEE ASSOCIATION ppink tagsg throughouthroughout thethe store!store! •What’s for Dinner? Shopping list: THE GANGES VILLAGE MARKET LEMON ROSEMARY INFUSED PASTA SALAD with Sarah Lynn Pasta Short cuts to cooking for one or two © R Lemons: Lemons are just one of the many citrus fruits that are native to the southern and southeastern mainland of Asia and Fresh garlic the bordering Malayan islands. Citrus trees require a minimum winter temperature of 45-50 degrees Fahrenheit. Lemon trees R are cultivated in orchards or groves and in gardens where the climate and soil are suitable; elsewhere lemons are grown in R Olive oil greenhouses. Their white five-petaled flowers smell sweet. Florida and California produce an abundant supply of citrus fruits. Rosemary I remember growing up in southern California where we had a wide variety of citrus trees in our yard. I could reach out & pick R the juiciest & sweetest lemon. There is where I first learned about how much flavour and colour citrus fruits can add to any R 1 Fresh lemon recipe. That is why I add their peels and/or juice to as many recipes as I can. Try zesting up your own favorite recipe! 4 Fresh asparagus R Prepare 3 cups pasta of your choice, drain & place in a large pan or skillet. Heat 4 tablespoons olive oil in stalks heavy large skillet over medium heat with 3 tablespoons lemon zest. (Use the smallest side of your grater to R 2 Fresh green onions aquire zest if you don’t have a rasp.) Add 1 teaspoon rosemary & 1 clove garlic minced, cook together for 1 Fresh yellow pepper five minutes. Add cooked pasta & 4 chopped asparagus stalks, 2 chopped green onions & 1 thinly sliced R yellow pepper. Fry until pasta begins to crisp at the edges, stirring frequently, about five minutes. Remove from R Parmesan cheese heat. Add 1/4 cup flaked Parmesan or feta cheese. Return mixture to high heat until just warmed through, Freshly baked about one minute. Juice one lemon. Mix 2 tablespoons of lemon juice & 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar & R toss with pasta mixture. Season to taste with salt and cracked black pepper (or chili flakes). Serve with a freshly French Baguette baked Ganges Village Market French baguette. *For an added touch you can top with cooked chicken. Come and try this wonderful dish at • This Thursday 12 noon - 4 pm THE GANGES VILLAGE MARKET • This Thursday 1:00pm - 5:30pm Y FOOD DEMONSTRATION • ThisThis FridayFriday 11:00am 11 am - -6 5:30pm pm SOMERESTRICTIONSAPPLY What s for Dinner? LOCALLYOWNEDOPERATED °°°Ì ˆÃÊÜiiŽÊÃiiÊ->À> ½ÃÊÀiVˆ«iÊ GANGES VILLAGE œ˜Ê«>}iÊ£{MARKET

"* Ê 9Ên>“ʇʙ«“ GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 11 OPINION Letter to the editor? Press release? What’s On calendar event? Pipers call Send it to news@gulfi slands.net. Congratulations to the Salt RANTS and Roses Spring Pipers and Drummers for placing fi rst in the Grade out when we brought her Hillis, Rhys Hardy and Ben 5 Mini Band Competition at Rants home and to my wonderful Barter (for entertaining us), the Legion Highland Games Please return my Cana- husband for being there and Kim and Aaron Dalton, Julia in Campbell River. dian maple leaf flag that being the best father I could Hatchard, Karen Hillis, Barb Doug, John, Bobby, Dave was stolen when returning ask for for our daughter. Also, Woodley, Greg Wiltshire, and Peter put on a great per- General Board Meeting home after the fireworks thanks to many others who Sandy Kyle, Kelly Kazakoff, formance. I was extremely & Sunday night. The address came by, brought wonder- Anne Buckley, Sarah Smith, pleased, as a former resident is 720 Lower Ganges Road. ful gifts and sent their best Sandy Buyze, Trene Kaye, of Salt Spring and member of Open House I am a senior citizen and wishes. We are truly blessed David Morgan, Jacqueline the band, to hear the results. Wednesday, August 1, 2007 have owned that fl ag for 10 to live in a great community Spiess, Derek Ball, Tania As a resident of the island I years. The first time it was like this one. Kathryn McK- Aguila, Jose Sanchez. Thanks found it hard to understand The Vancouver Island Health Authority Board of Directors is holding its regular General Board meeting: hung on Salt Spring it’s sto- eigan to those businesses whose why a community of some Wednesday, August 1st at 1:15 pm len before 24 hours pass — generosity made this a spe- 12,000 never had a larger Legion Hall, Royal Canadian Legion not a good indication of Salt A tower of roses to Flying cial event: Foxglove Farm & pipe band. I would have 9775 Chemainus Road, Chemainus, BC Spring young folks. Pauline Dreams. One of the great- Garden Supply, Oystercatch- thought that after all the In addition to conducting its regular business, there will be a limited amount of McDonald est shows on earth and sky er Seafood Bar & Grill, Tree positive remarks made after time set-aside during the meeting for scheduled presentations from the public that I have ever attended! ML House Cafe, Ganges Village the Highland Games held on and to respond to questions submitted in advance of the meeting. Roses Johnstone Market. From the staff and the island a few years ago, students at Salt Spring Island there would have been more Presentation Guidelines: An huge bunch of pink Bushels of native roses to Middle School interest in the band. A written request is required to make a presentation to the Board. Requests frilly roses to all who were everyone who helped with The band practises every should include the general nature and viewpoint of the presentation and there for me throughout my the Eco-Home Tour, espe- A dugout bursting with Tuesday, 7 p.m., at the Legion groups/organizations must identify one individual as the spokesperson. Presentations will be limited to a maximum of 10 minutes. pregnancy. Thank you to cially Salt Spring Books, the roses for Barb Robinson and and I know all would be wel- community midwifery on eco-homeowners, volun- Bill Crandall, coaches of the come. Any pipers or drum- Questions for the Board: Salt Spring for their great teers, Elizabeth White, Mari- Island Star Video peewee mers who have moved to the Questions must be submitted in advance of the meeting to allow for a formal care and also a big thanks to on Pape, Karen Hudson, and girls softball team. For fi ve island from the mainland — response, which will be distributed in writing at the meeting and posted to our Susan Eyres who attended anyone else who helped in years you’ve taken on the that’s from the West Coast to website following the meeting. the birth. A great big thanks any way. From the Salt Spring task of leading after-school East Coast — should come to Dawn for taking my dog Island Conservancy practices, organizing games out. The only resemblance Note: Should the number of applications exceed the time available at the meeting it may not be possible to schedule all presentations. You will be and for calling me everyday and taking care of hundreds the Salt Spring Island Pipers contacted to confi rm whether or not you have been selected to make a in the hospital to keep me Vast glorious Nootka roses of details on and off the fi eld. and Drummers have with presentation. sane. To Lindsey for planning to Nora at Stone Walrus Gal- All the girls and families are the mainland bands is they the baby shower. To Gene- lery for her superb customer grateful for your willing- play the same instruments. Presentations will not be accepted without prior arrangement and questions vieve and Colin for sharing service with the exquisite ness to volunteer so much They are a great group from the fl oor will not be addressed. There will be an opportunity to informally this experience with us and antique Tibetan amber, time, energy, skill and car- and do have fun and, I might ask questions following the meeting during the Open House. coming to visit. To Sunny and turquoise and silver neck- ing. Thanks also to the SSI add, it’s relaxing. Written questions or requests for presentations to the VIHA Board must be Sholeh for coming over and lace. Grace under pressure Minor Baseball Association, BOYD SHAW, submitted before 4:00 pm on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 by fax to (250) 370- bringing food. To Dave for indeed! KL sponsors Island Star Video, PACIFIC GAEL PIPES 8750 or by email to [email protected] or by mail to: Vancouver Island bringing movies and pres- parent Angela Anderson for AND DRUMS OF NANAIMO Health Authority, Executive Offi ce, 1952 Bay Street, Victoria, BC V8R 1J8 ents to the hospital. To Dr. A dynamic bunch of manning the e-mail lines, Machell’s office for the preadolescent roses to the Josh for assisting at games Read and respond to Open House Immediately Following the General Board Meeting – flowers that brightened my parents and students who and letting the older girls Driftwood letters online at Approx. 3:00 pm day. To Robyn for enough helped us make the SIMS manhandle him, and Erin, www.gulfislands.net/blogs/ clothes that we may never Grade 8 breakfast a success: Megan, Devon and Carley blog_letters. This week join Following the General Board meeting there will be a one-hour Open House to have to buy any. To Kaitlin Samantha Brunt, Elizabeth for helping out at practices the new OCP blog. What do allow for a general exchange of thoughts, suggestions and concerns between the VIHA Board and senior management staff and the general public. for calling and visiting. To my Fennell, Noah Van Hulle- too! you think about proposed parents for coming to help bush, Kevan Brown, Dylan changes to the island’s OCP? 653 Business Directory Supplement

We would like to formally apologize for the inconvenience The Lions Club of caused by the error in the business classiÀed listings The Lions Club Directory in this year’s 2007-2008 Lions Club Directory. 2007-2008 Salt Spring Island A new updated 653 BUSINESS DIRECTORY LISTING 653 Business Listings The 2007-2008 BUSINESS DIRECTORY has been printed and distributed through the Driftwood Newspaper. pages have the 653 listings displaying as 538 numbers. This supplemental listing is also available at the Lions Publications This supplement contains the 653 listings and fits into the cover of this OfÀce at 103 Bonnet Avenue on July 9, 2007. years book. An online Directory has been created with the inclusion of all island businesses. The 653 listings are displayed in prominent bold face at All the listings - including businesses - are correct in the www.saltspringlionsdirectory.com.

We sincerely apologize for any and all alphabetical listings in pages 9-68, so if you are calling a inconvenience to the businesses and individuals affected. This sup- business with a 538 preÀx, you can conÀrm the listing here. plement and online directory will provide additional exposure for Also note that all display advertising has the correct phone numbers. our advertisers and all Salt Spring businesses listed in the directory.

For more information: www.saltspringlionsdirectory.com We have also created an online business listings directory at www.saltspringlions.com www.saltspringlionsdirectory.com and are in the process of entering only the business listings Salt Spring Island 27th - 653 Supplement for further reference.

Once again, we are sorry for the inconvenience and we appreciate your understanding at this time. For more information contact Lions Publications at 537-2000 or see www.saltspringlions.com. 12 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD The Final Touch NEWSBEAT Experienced Job Site Clean Up MAYNE ISLAND Commercial & Residential WCB/BONDABLE Tempers ease with new resort plan “Putting the Final Touch on your Hard Work” Eco-friendly design appease neighbours, includ- early 1980s, Dodds said. expanded to include a busi- Genevieve Price (250) 538-8427 ing making sure the project is Although Rosengren had ness centre, small confer- for small footprint extremely green. every right to build, his pro- ence facility, full spa, fi tness [email protected] In fact, the two “bent posal upset many island facility with salt water pool, BY STACY over backwards” to oblige residents. games room, and beer and CARDIGAN SMITH requests made by Islands However, the partners not wine store. DRIFTWOOD STAFF Trust that were outside the only downsized their project, The 18 ocean-front units Three years after the Trust’s jurisdiction, Rosen- but also agreed to a covenant are also low to the ground Mayne Island Inn ruffled gren said during a phone with the Mayne Island Local and not invasive. feathers amongst locals, interview. Trust Committee limiting the Without any lakes or riv- some tasteful grooming has “We reached a compro- development to 26 units. ers on-island, water conser- helped the inn move towards mise. A lot of people wanted A development permit vation is of utmost impor- becoming a resort. nothing, but the fact of the focusses on maintaining the tance. The resort will feature At 18 cottages and eight matter is that they have the look of the property as much a 50,000-gallon rainwater inn rooms, the Mayne Island permit,” agreed Mayne Island as possible. catchment system, which 02%&!"2)#!4%$2/5.$(/-%3 Resort is smaller than the trustee Jeanine Dodds. The original inn is about is enough to handle the UNIQUEDESIGNSsHEALTHYsSUSTAINABLE original 33 units proposed. The property had been a century old. The restau- resort’s non-potable water Co-owners Murray Rosengren zoned for 44 tourist accom- rant and pub are being fully needs for three months,    s   and Dave Hinton worked to www.mandalahomes.com modation units since the renovated and the building Rosengren said. Low-flow shower heads, kitchen taps and dual-fl ush ★ 1521 McKENZIE at Cedar Hill Road, Victoria Prices effective July 2007 toilets are being installed, as ★ QUADRA STREET VILLAGE ★ SHELBOURNE PLAZA WED THURS FRI SAT SAT MON well as waterless urinals in 2635 Quadra St., Victoria 3651 Shelbourne St., Victoria 4 5 6 7 8 9 the inn. ★ ATHLONE COURT ★ SIDNEY BY THE SEA The resort’s sewage plant is 2187 Oak Bay Ave., Oak Bay 2531 Beacon Ave, Sidney All Locations 8AM - 10PM also state of the art, fi ltering ★ WESTSHORE TOWN CENTRE ★ GORGE CENTRE Locally Except Sidney Location 8am - 9pm effl uent to the point it is nearly owned 2945 Jacklin Rd., Langford 272 Gorge Rd. West, Victoria and drinkable, Rosengren said. ★ BROOKS LANDING, NANAIMO ★ PORT ALBERNI PLAZA operated An ocean geothermal #130-2000 Island Hwy N. 3737 10th Ave., Port Alberni We reserve the right to limit quantities. loop will be used for heating Photographs used in this ad are for presentation purposes only. and air conditioning. The system sees a mesh of - SIDNEY BY THE SEA — FORMERLY SIDNEY SUPER FOODS ing submerged in the ocean FAMILY PACK, FRYING CANADA GRADE “AA” BEEF “ALL SIZE PKGS” BC GROWN NO. 1 “FIRST OF THE SEASON” and a fl uid run through it to extract and exchange heat CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS BEEF STEAK SALE FRESH CHERRIES from the ocean, Rosengren. “The only heat source for the building is the ocean,” 28 % 98 he wrote in a recent e-mail. 1 Lb. 20 OFF 1 Lb. “Geoexchange technology FRESH claims a proven reduction of Limit 2 Per Family 2.82 Kg. At The Till Weather Permitting 4.37 Kg. heating and cooling costs by up to 70 per cent. We hope FAMILY PACK, REGULAR BC GROWN NO. 1, “FIRST OF THE SEASON” IMPORTED this is true, but we think it   GROUND BEEF RASPBERRIES HADEN MANGOS is fair to expect at least a 50 FRESH per cent reduction in our heating and cooling costs, ¢ 98 ¢ which will translate directly to a 50 per cent reduction in 98 Lb. 2 88 carbon footprint.” FRESH FRESH Landscaping is using 2.16 Pint Each Limit 2 Kg. Weather Permitting Pkg. drought-resistant plants. “ALL SIZE PKGS” + HOT + MILD BC GROWN “EXTRA FANCY” In addition, guests will FRESH PORK 88 FRESH ITALIAN 38 SPARTAN ¢ complete an education pro- BUTT STEAK SAUSAGES APPLES gram concerning water con- 1 Lb. Lb. 4.14 2 2.16 98 Kg ...... Lb. 5.25 Kg ...... Kg ...... servation, the area’s delicate FIRST OF THE SEASON, WILD, FRESH VAN. ISLE GROWN, “NEW CROP”, STD. SIZE BC GROWN GREEN HOUSE flora and fauna, and other FRESH SPRING 28 FRESH EARLY ¢ LONG ENGLISH ¢ potential conservation SALMON FILLETS POTATOES CUCUMBERS issues. The program is cur- 100g 68 88 rently in the works, Rosen- 2 1.50 10.34 Lb ...... Kg ...... Lb. Each ...... gren said. The Mayne Island Resort is expected to be completed in a year and a half. Cottages are fractionally owned and man- ASSORTED VARIETIES + SOFT + ¼ SQUARES + TOMATO + CHICKEN NOODLE + VEGETABLE + MUSHROOM aged by the hotel, with 55 per cent of the income generated ITALPASTA PASTA IMPERIAL MARGARINE CAMPBELL’S SOUP earned by the owners. Sales are going well, and the green initiatives seem to be ¢ 47 ¢ a factor, he added. For more 97 2 67 information, call Murray Rosengren at 250-539-3122. 900 Gram Pkg. 2 Lb./1.36 Kg. Each 284 mL Tin PEPSI 7-UP AQUAFINA FROZEN McCAIN ASSORTED VARIETIES + + + + McCAIN ZWAK PUNCH +SCHWEPPES GINGER ALE PREMIERE PIZZA + OLD SOUTH JUICE

3 99 77 2 00 FOR9 3 FOR 5 + 12 x 355 mL + 6 x 710mL 667 - 743 Grams Each 5’s 200 - 250 mL Ctn. + Deposit LACTANTIA+ HEALTHY ATTITUDE + OLIVINA 68 ISLANDMULTIPACK FARMS 98 PAMPERS42 - 60 99 MARGARINE YOGURT DIAPERS Roger Bruce 3 12 x 125 5 17 907 Gram Tub ...... mL Pkg ...... Mega Pack ...... Investment Advisor KRAFT MOZZARELLA OR KELLOGG’S CEREAL + RASPBERRIES + STRAWBERRIES + BLUEBERRIES + FIELD BERRIES HSBC Securities (Canada) Inc. CRACKER BARREL 99 + SPECIAL “K” 2 00 EUROPE’S BEST 99 TOLL FREE CHEDDAR VECTOR 1-877-715-4722 + — FOR — FROZEN BERRIES 4 360 - 400 7 300 3 Gram Pkg ...... Gram Box ...... 600 Gram Pkg ...... [email protected] + REGULAR 24 ROLL + DOUBLE/ULTRA 12 ROLL + MEGA 6 ROLL GATORADE ASSORTED VARIETIES YAMAY + GATORADE THIRST QUENCHER JASMINE RICE NOW OPEN IN CHARMIN BATHROOM TISSUE + PROPEL WATER DUNCAN 698 98¢ 899 Issued by HSBC Securities Your Choice Pkg. 700 - 710 mL Bottle 8 Kg. Bag (Canada) Inc. Member CIPF. GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 13 NEWSBEAT OUTDOOR BASKETBALL Howe Court over the top with grant New courts within with many others, felt that this particular court could reach for Ganges be used for so many pur- BIG poses by students and the students, residents community at large,” said After three years spent Bob Howe, who has taken searching for funds and up the cause following his the right people, a multi- wife’s passing. use outdoor sports facility “So many people have PAINT SALE appears within sight. become involved and it’s Last week Gulf Islands great to know we’ve almost Secondary School (GISS) done it,” he said. heard the RCMP’s Mount- ed Police Foundation will donate $7,500 to the cause, “So many people have which could see the Howe Court finished by the time become involved and students return to class in the fall. Welcome Back The amount of money it’s great to know Lyle! in hand is now roughly $80,000. “There was always the we’ve almost done it.” understanding construction would not proceed until all BOB HOWE, the funds had been collect- Court supporter ed,” said Judy Raddysh, Gulf Islands Secondary School vice-principal. “The plans are all finished up and we Nairn, he said, inspired are now ready to go.” so many to act on the proj- The final cost does not ect. School staff, commu- include countless hours nity organizations and other of volunteer labour from island residents helped keep teachers, students, business Nairn’s dream alive with owners and members of the their new ideas and contri- Salt Spring Island Construc- butions. tion Association, she added. Members of the local con- Additional fundraising struction association have may also be needed to sup- also agreed to supply equip- ply some of the “bells and ment and time. whistles” once the 36-me- The facility will be avail- tre X 24-metre (120-foot X able free of charge to anyone 80-foot) plastic surface is in the community outside of rolled out next to the GISS school hours. gymnasium on Kanaka It will provide space for Road. basketball, tennis, roller Plans for the court were hockey, lacrosse, dodge-ball initiated by the late Nairn and other sports. Howe, a Parent Advisory The Mounted Police Committee member and Foundation grant was made active community member, possible thanks to the efforts General Paint who died from cancer in of Salt Spring RCMP Const. 2005. Nick Widdershoven. WOODCRAFT “The schools here don’t For more information really have any outdoor about the project, call Bob Semi-Transparent Oil Base facilities and Nairn, along Howe at 653-4542. $ 88 Family Dentistry DECKSTAIN 24 GAL. at GRACE POINT WOODCRAFT WOODCRAFT ALL PAINT BRUSHES Dr. Bob McGinn Solid Colour Solid Colour & ROLLERS Latex Latex Deck

New Patients Always Welcome STAIN STAIN 537-1616 % Bob $ 88 $ 88 10 OFF 24 GAL. 27 GAL. SIKKENS ALL PAINTER’S Dina LADDERS Jeanette SRD POLY Good for 2 ml siding, decks 500 sq. ft. Cara Pamela $ 88 % $ 88 • General Family Dentistry 39 GAL. 10 OFF 7 • Orthodontics • Check-ups and Cleaning • Mercury Free White Fillings since 1986 • Safe Mercury Removal FINISHING... And • Crown and Bridge Windsor Plywood • Cosmetic Dentistry BUILDING SUPPLIES • Teeth Whitening SALE ENDS JULY 14, 2007 166 Rainbow Road, Ph: 537-5564 / Fax: 537-1207 Member of the International Academy of Open Monday-Saturday 7:00am-5:30pm / Closed Sundays Biological Dentistry and Medicine 14 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Rock Salt Restaurant & Cafe besideon the the dock dock inin fulford fulford Arts& thursdayANGUS PRIME night RIB atwith rockall the À xings salt $15 PrimeEVERY Rib, THURSDAY yorkshire NIGHT! pudding garlic mashedReservations potato accepted gravy 653-4833 & vegetables Entertainment PERFORMING ARTS Real Wood Flooring Local Logs Local Lumber Mesmerizing, bewitching, awesome HüM aerial arts show an practices, it was diffi cult to tell the Douglas Fir flooring from Edge Grain to Wide-plank story was about the Shaman’s disillu- not to be missed sionment with the material world and We also mill Cedar and Fir Lumber and Timbers his quest for immortality. However, BY MEGHAN HOWCROFT this did not detract from the show. DRIFTWOOD STAFF Flying Dreams creator Victoria Mih- Call us to discuss your solid wood needs: 250.616.8748 When I hear the words “aerial arts,” I alyi, who plays the opposing elements imagine trapeze artists performing tra- of Water and Fire, was a force to be ditional routines above a net, amongst reckoned with. Performing on both elephants balancing on three legs. silks and a span set and silk harness, After seeing the aerial arts extrava- Mihalyi’s years of acrobatic experi- ganza HüM last weekend, I’ll never ence were evident as she played a fl uid think of circus acts the same way Water, smoothly unravelling herself again. down a silky waterfall, and as the red- Created by Flying Dreams Aerial garbed, demonic Fire, who battled the Arts Productions, HüM follows its star Shaman and the Hummingbird. SUNDAY Tenzing Tsewang (a former Tibetan She literally fl ew around the stage, monk and internationally renowned skimming just over the laps of those in Breakfast 8am - 11am musician) as a shaman on a mystical the front row. Sunday Brunch 8am - 2pm journey of enlightenment where he is Lunch 11am - 5pm A radiant and pregnant Sondra Jor- helped and hindered by the fi ve ele- Dinner 5pm - 10pm Jazz6pm-9pm dan represented Earth, seducing the ments: earth, air, water, fi re and space. Shaman with sultry, belly-dancing featuring... Held in the aptly named Temple, the floor movements. The dance, which Local, fresh, vegetarian, building becomes a character itself, appeared improvised, still provided seafood, rotisserie chicken, NORRIS CLEMENT with the 25-foot window providing a some fun as Jordan placed the Shaman lamb, pasta... TRIO backdrop of trees, sky and ocean, and under her hypnotic spell. All the Island’s featuring the mélange of silks, hoops and trapez- The element of Air, played by Paz, favourites! Ian Van Wyck & Laurent Boucher es transporting us to an unusual world demonstrated the corde lisse with where Tibetan spiritual traditions meet strength, masculinity and grace, exe- fl ying circus performers. cuting dramatic drops, drives and The Watcher, played by stilt artist twists on the bungee-style cord. Bryan Jamieson, introduces us to the When representing Space, Paz and world of HüM. Although his opening Natasha stole the show, with an incred- sequence was slightly drawn out, he ibly daring and seamless routine on remained bewitching, occasionally a still trapeze. Their movements were popping by to “watch” the Shaman’s executed in perfect unison and grew www.saltspringinn.comn.com 537.9339 journey. more audacious and impressive with The Shaman’s guide is the curi- each passing stunt. There was a sensu- ous and wide-eyed Hummingbird, ality between the couple, and an obvi- performed delightfully by a playful ously deep trust that allowed them to Natasha Danchenko. appear, at times, like one body. Moving through and around a hoop The fact that each acrobat made suspended 30 feet above, Danchenko’s their motions seem effortless speaks fluid motions and flawless position- volumes about their strength, fl exibil- ing held the audience enraptured. Her ity and skill. thisthis week’s showcasshowcasee fl ighty and fragile movements created Both strange and delightful, HüM a nice counterbalance to Tenzing’s is a phenomenal experience, not just grounded and deliberate actions. a performance, and Mihalyi should “Visual Elements” Exuding a gentle kindness, Tenzing be commended for her fi rst full-scale is masterful as the Shaman, carrying production. new works by the story with only quiet muttering, That Salt Spring would have such a laughter and telling facial expressions. PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY professional show atop our own rocky Playing traditional Tibetan instru- Oria Atkinson promotes the HüM aerial cliffs is very special indeed. Be sure AntonioA i AlonsoAl ments and performing the mesmeriz- arts show in the Saturday market. to take advantage of it for remaining ing chanting he is renowned for, Tenz- shows this weekend and next. Joan Carrigan ing provides a sonic experience in a moves slowly about the minimal yet Tickets and show dates/times are building whose acoustics amplified effective stage set, allowing for some available through the ArtSpring Ticket Stefanie Denz every note. audience respite between the high- Centre, TicketWeb (1-888-222-6608) Tenzing is never in a hurry to per- fl ying aerial sequences. and at www.flyingdreams.ca/events. Martinus form his shamanic rituals, and he Without an understanding of Tibet- shtml. Nicola Prinsen ARTCRAFT Margarite Sanchez Seven artistic visions expressed, from wood to gold Seven artists will represent explains a press release. Antonio Alonso, Joan to express their visions. Joan Warren seven mediums with “Visual “Line, colour and balance Carrigan, Stefanie Denz, Artists will be present at Elements,” the next show- work with texture, shape, Martinus, Nicola Prinsen, an art and coffee reception th th case presentation at ArtCraft space, movement and Margarite Sanchez and Joan on Saturday, July 7 at Mahon Fridayriday July 6 to Wednesday Wednesda July 1 18 opening Friday, July 6. rhythm. The infi nite possi- Warren have used their cho- Hall from 10 a.m. to noon. “Visual elements are the bilities are drawn into tan- sen mediums of wood, plant The show runs daily at daily at mahon hall 10-5 components considered gible fi nite forms using vari- fi bres, oil and canvas, silver, ArtCraft until Wednesday, by artists when creating,” ous materials.” gold, bronze and porcelain July 18.


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WEDNESDAY JULY 4 :00 The Rumeurs George (4:00) Tennis CH News Happy Days Early News CTV News Punjab A Channel The Ellen My Wife and King of the KOMO 4 KING 5 News Zoboomafoo The Hour KIRO 7 News Fairly Odd MLB Simpsons Shrinks Wimbledon - Times News at 5 Degeneres Kids Hill News Family Game Parents Baseball - Arrested Kif-kif Arthur Men's Full House Global Phoenix Show My Wife and King of the ABC World Nightly CBS Evening SpongeBob Seattle vs. 5 :30 Switch Hitter L'alliance Quarter-finals National World News Kids Hill News Business News SquarePants Kansas City News Le Popular News Full House News News CityCooks That '70s The News News News CBC News: News Being Ian (Live) :00 Téléjournal Mechanics Prom Night Show Winter Simpsons The National Piano Man Y parait que Kratts' Malcolm in CTI News Vancouver CityNews That '70s Malcolm in KING 5 News Weird Years 6 :30 Creatures the Middle Report International Show the Middle Coronation Des Meerkat Sportscentre FANatical Reba Entertain- Etalk (N) The South Wheel of Star! Daily The King of The Wheel of Evening Rick Steves' Generations Entertain- Sabrina Teen :00 Street squelettes Manor Knight Rider ment Tonight Shaolin Fortune Queens Simpsons Fortune Magazine Europe The Chan ment Tonight Witch Rumours L'Épicerie Wild at Heart Malcolm in According to Ent. Tonight Canadian Pure in Heart Jeopardy Friends [Part The King of Malcolm in Jeopardy Inside Seasoned Legacy Access Malcolm in 7 :30 the Middle Jim Blow-Up Canada Idol (N) 1 of 2] Queens the Middle Edition Traveler Hollywood the Middle Dragons' La petite Oh Baby! To "The Matrix" Friends 1 vs. 100 CSI: NY Vancouver Stargate: Next Top Hidden Drive The Next Best Most A Capitol CBC News: CSI: NY Fresh Prince Poker :00 Den séduction Walk  Sweet 16 Nights SG-1 New Model It's Palms (SF) Extra Mile (N) Thing Outrageous Fourth (N) The National Sweet 16 Bel Air Ill Will European (N) Off the (Act, '99) Home Iranian Pop Order Go-See Day! (N) Most FIFA U-20 Yvon of the Masters 8 :30 Record Keanu Improvement (N) Outrageous Today Yukon CBC News: Bons baisers Science Boxing - Reeves. The Standard American Criminal Sabor Latino "The Duke" Hidden America's Drive American Macy's 4th of CBC News: Criminal Mystery UFC 73 :00 the fifth de France Shack Briggs vs. Inventor Minds The  (Adv, Palms Next Top Rearview (N) Inventor July The National Minds The Hunters Countdown estate The Rebuilding Ibragimov Diya Fisher King, '99) John Dangerous Model [Part Fireworks The War Fisher King, Ghost Sherk vs. 9 :30 Good Father the Past Part II Neville. Liaisons (N) 1 of 2] Part II Trackers Franca CBC News: Le Rage Against Religions of Friday Night Traveler The Ordonese de Supernatural Seinfeld Q-13 Fox 4th of Dateline NBCA Capitol Generations Boston Pops Prank Patrol Sportsnet :00 The National Téléjournal the Darkness World Native Lights Little Retreat la Risa [Part 2 of 2] News at Ten Julivars (N) Fourth The Chan Fireworks Spider Connected Bunny and American Girl I Wanna Seinfeld The Legacy Spectacular Weird Years 10 :30 Leona Spirituality to Marry You Switch (N) Sausaginator FIFA Soccer Le Sportscentre News It's a New News News Teledvarvo News RAW Frasier The News News CBC News: News Bob and Sportsnet :00 U-20 World Téléjournal Day Simpsons The National Margaret Connected 11 Cup - Costa Des kiwis et Dotto Tech CTV News CTI News (:35) Star! (:35) The Frasier Scrubs My (:35) News (:35) BBC World (:35) The 15/ Love :30 Rica vs. des hommes    Daily Tonight  T.C.W. Nightline Wimbledon / News Late Show :00 Japan Organ Works Off the That '70s Coach (:05) Ent. (:05) The Jai Fiji (:05) Jimmy Show With M*A*S*H (:05) Jimmy (:50) Tonight Charlie Rose The Hour With David Malcolm in Pratt & Record Show Tonight Daily Show Kimmel Live Jay Leno Kimmel Live Show Letterman the Middle Taylor Making Snowboardin (:35) Late, PR Maxx (:35) E.T. (:35) Colbert Sabor (:35) Conan South Park Cheaters (:50) Conan (:35) Late, Fresh Prince 12 :30 Mast. g Shakedown Late Show Canada Report Musical O'Brien Grey Dawn O'Brien Late Show Bel Air Ill Will

THURSDAY JULY 5 :00 (4:30) FIFA Rumeurs George CFL Football CH News Happy Days Early News CTV News Punjab A Channel The Ellen My Wife and King of the KOMO 4 KING 5 News Zoboomafoo The Hour KIRO 7 News Fairly Odd (4:30) Poker Soccer U-20 Shrinks - Montreal vs. Times News at 5 Degeneres Kids Hill News H2O Parents After Dark World Cup - Kif-kif La fille Arthur Winnipeg Full House Global Phoenix Show My Wife and King of the ABC World Nightly CBS Evening SpongeBob Pratt & 5 :30 Austria vs. ordinaire (Live) National World News Kids Hill News Business News SquarePants Taylor Canada (Live) Le Spellz/(:10) News Full House News News CityCooks That '70s The News News News CBC News: News Being Ian :00 Téléjournal Spellz [Part 1 of 2] Show Simpsons The National À la carte Reach for the Malcolm in CTI News Vancouver CityNews That '70s Malcolm in KING 5 News Erky Perky Sportsnet 6 :30 Top the Middle Report International Show the Middle Connected CBC News: Des Profiles of FANatical A- Reba Here Entertain- Etalk (N) The South Wheel of Star! Daily The King of The Wheel of Evening KCTS Planet Earth Entertain- Sabrina Teen MLB :00 Canada Now squelettes Nature Team (N) We Go Again ment Tonight Shaolin Fortune Queens Simpsons Fortune Magazine Connects Caves ment Tonight Witch Baseball - Coronation Fric Show Beauties and Malcolm in According to Ent. Tonight Access Pure in Heart Jeopardy Friends [Part The King of Malcolm in Jeopardy Inside Access Malcolm in Seattle vs. 7 :30 Street Les poubelles the Beastlies the Middle Jim Canada Hollywood 2 of 2] Queens the Middle Edition Hollywood the Middle Oakland Canadian Perdus Par With Sportscentre "Blue Friends Big Brother CSI: Crime What's in Smallville Ugly Betty Smallville Are You Ugly Betty My Name Is Travels to CBC News: Big Brother Fresh Prince (Live) :00 Antiques avion (La voie Glowing Smoke" (SP) (N) Scene Vancouver? Static Queens for a Static Smarter Queens for a Earl Blow the Edge The National (SP) (N) of Bel Air Roadshow des airs) (N) Hearts  (Thril, Home Investigation Ago Bahen Day Than a 5th Day 30 Rock The Travels Peru: FIFA U-20 Yvon of the 8 :30 '07) Ben Improvement Chugli Karen Grader? Break-Up Manu Today Yukon Diet Bons baisers The CHAMPS Ayres. The Standard From the Pirate Jaildarian "X-Men" PEEP: A Supernatural Are You Grey's The Office The Standard CBC News: Pirate Mystery :00 Confidential de France Adventure of Golf U.S. Ground Up Master  (Sci- Fashion Playthings Smarter Anatomy Initiation of Perfection The National Master Hunters English Senior Open - Muslim Faith The Kitchens Lambs to the Sadabahar Fi, '00) Hugh Cares Than a 5th Wishin' and Scrubs Show Cats Lambs to the Ghost 9 :30 1st Round (N) Slaughter (N) Naghmae Jackman. Special Grader? Hopin' Slaughter (N) Trackers CBC News: Le Wild at Heart Painkiller Promised Shark Sins of CSI: Crime Main Goongi Supernatural Seinfeld The Everybody Men in Trees ER P.O.V. Planet Earth CSI: Crime Prank Patrol Sportsnet :00 The National Téléjournal Jane (N) Land Civil the Mother Scene Nahi No Exit Pitch Loves Power Shift Somebody to Standing Fresh Water Scene Connected Rebuilding Wars Investigation Desi Seinfeld The Raymond Love Silent Nation Investigation Weird Years 10 :30 the Past Sweet Jane Rhythms Label Maker The Model (N) Sweet Jane Pipes FIFA Soccer Le Perspectives Sportscentre News It's a New News News Teledvarvo News Realty Frasier The News News Allo! Allo! CBC News: News Bob and Sportsnet :00 U-20 World Téléjournal Moscow Day Television Simpsons The National Margaret Connected Cup - Mexico FIFA Soccer Freestyle CTV News CTI News (:35) Star! (:35) The Frasier Scrubs My (:35) News (:35) BBC World (:35) The 15/ Love 11 :30 vs. Portugal Coupe du Daily Tonight Kingdom Nightline Wimbledon / News Late Show     :00 monde U-20 Tenant of Off the  That '70s International (:05) Ent. (:05) The Punjabi (:05) Jimmy Show With South Park M*A*S*H (:05) Jimmy (:50) Tonight Charlie Rose The Hour With David Malcolm in Pratt & - Canada vs. Wildfell Hall Record Show Laser Clinic Tonight Daily Show Vibes Kimmel Live Jay Leno Payday Kimmel Live Show Letterman the Middle Taylor Autriche [Part 1 of 3] CIS Basketb. (:35) Late, PR Maxx (:35) E.T. (:35) Colbert Desi (:35) Conan South Park Cheaters (:50) Conan (:35) Late, Fresh Prince 12 :30 Final Late Show Canada Report Rhythms O'Brien Butt Out O'Brien Late Show of Bel Air

FRIDAY JULY 6 :00 The Rumeurs George (4:30) CH News Happy Days Early News CTV News Punjab A Channel The Ellen My Wife and King of the KOMO 4 KING 5 News Zoboomafoo The Hour KIRO 7 News El Tigre (4:00) MLB Simpsons Shrinks NASCAR Times News at 5 Degeneres Kids Hill News Crocodilian Baseball - Arrested Kif-kif Dans Arthur Auto Racing Full House Global Phoenix Show My Wife and King of the ABC World Nightly CBS Evening Avatar The Cleveland vs. 5 :30 Burning Love la peau Busch Series [Part 2 of 2] National World News Kids Hill News Business News Blind Bandit News Le Lilly Lilly and - Winn-Dixie News Full House News News CityCooks That '70s The News News News CBC News: News (:05) Puffy (Live) :00 Téléjournal Houdini 250 (Live) Tough Love Show Simpsons The National /Robotboy Pour l'amour Backyard Malcolm in CTI News Vancouver CityNews That '70s Malcolm in KING 5 News (:35) Team 6 :30 du country Science. the Middle Report International Show the Middle Galaxy Coronation "La légende The Life Of FANatical Reba Red Entertain- Etalk (N) The South Wheel of Star! Daily The King of The Wheel of Evening Rick Steves' CBC News: Entertain- MAR Sportsnet :00 Street des Mammals The Munsters Alert ment Tonight Shaolin Fortune Queens Simpsons Fortune Magazine Europe the fifth ment Tonight Connected Rumours baleines" Chisellers CFL Football Malcolm in According to Ent. Tonight Access Pure in Heart Jeopardy Friends The King of Malcolm in Jeopardy Inside About the estate Access Zatch Bell MLB 7 :30 (Dra, '02) - Edmonton Middle Mono Jim Canada Hollywood Queens Middle Mono Edition Money Hollywood Baseball - Canadian Air Rawiri "Why Shoot vs. B.C. (Live) Zoe Busiek: Friends Bones The "A Friend of Weekly Kool The Collector Friday Night Bones The George 1 vs. 100 NOW CBC News: Ghost Naruto Seattle vs. :00 Farce Paratene. the Wild Card Girl With the the Family" News Forum Countdown The Historian Smackdown Girl With the Lopez The National Whisperer Oakland Ha!ifax Teacher?"  Pilot Home Curl (Susp, '05) CTS Night (N) Curl George Washington FIFA U-20 Cat's Claw Naruto (Live) 8 :30 Comedy Fest (Dra, '77) Improvement Kim Coates. Club Lopez Week Today Intelligence Bons baisers Bud Cort. Psych From The Standard Standoff Ex- Hwang Jin Yi "Monkey- "Frequency" Standoff Ex- Kyle XY Las Vegas Bill Moyers CBC News: Jericho Pilot Inu Yasha :00 de France the Earth to Factor (N) bone"   (Sci- Factor (N) Balancing Act Died in Plain Journal The National the Starbucks Insights Into (Com, '01) Fi, '00) (N) Sight Gundam S 9 :30 Sikhism Brendan Dennis Destiny CBC News: Le The Last 20/20 (N) Promised Numb3rs Law & Order: Open Fraser. Quaid. Seinfeld The Q-13 Fox 20/20 (N) Law & Order: "My Darling CBC News: Numb3rs Full Metal Sportsnet :00 The National Téléjournal Detective Land Mr. Take Out C.I. Brother's Concert Ticket News at Ten C.I. Brother's Clementine" the fifth Take Out Alchemist Connected Tricia Bowling All- Muscles Keeper Seinfeld The Keeper  (West, estate Bleach 10 :30 Star Shootout Scofflaw '46) Henry Bleach 16 FIFA Soccer Le Historylands Sportscentre News It's a New News News Teledvarvo News Frasier The News News Fonda. CBC News: News Eureka Sportsnet :00 U-20 World Téléjournal Day Simpsons The National Seven Connected Cup - Brazil Des kiwis et Historylands CTV News CTI News (:35) Star! (:35) The Frasier Miss Scrubs My (:35) News (:35) (:35) The Gundam 11 :30 vs. United des hommes Daily Tonight Right Now Interpretation Nightline Wimbledon Late Show SEED :00 States National Off the (:05) That Coach (:05) ECW (:05) CSI: Vancouver (:05) Jimmy Show With South Park M*A*S*H (:05) Jimmy (:05) The Charlie Rose The Hour With David Invader Zim Pratt & Geographic Record '70s Show Wrestling Miami Free Masala Kimmel Live Jay Leno O.R. Kimmel Live Tonight Letterman Taylor The New CHAMPS Golf (:35) Late, Kingstar Fall Music Bank (:35) Conan South Park Cheaters Show With (:35) Late, Justice 12 :30 Chimpanzees Senior Open Late Show O'Brien Jay Leno Late Show League ArtSpring Treasure Fair Gillian & David Don’t miss it!

Thurs.-Sat., July 12-14: Silent Auction & Cash ‘n Carry Room, 10 am - 5 pm Sat., July 14: Silent Auction, 9 - 4 pm; 6 pm to fi nal bids at 7:15 pm Sat., July 14: Cash ‘n Carry Room, 9 am to noon; and Community Flea Market, 9 am - 3 pm; and then the Live Auction – the Grand Finale, 8 pm. Reserve free tickets through ArtSpring Ticket Centre - 537-2102 All events at ArtSpring

Ganges, Mouat’s Centre • 7:30am to 9pm • Customer Service 537-1522 16 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD

STATION CBC-CBUTSRC-CBUFTKnowledge TSN CH VictoriaOMNI BC Global BC CTV BC Channel M A-Channel Citytv CW-KSTW FOX-KCPQ ABC-KOMO NBC-KING PBS-KCTS NewsWorld CBS-KIRO YTV Sportsnet Shaw 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 ExpressVu 257 120 268 400 255 251 250 254 256 253 290 288 287 291 502 289 552 407 Starchoice 308 702 354 400 358 336 321 389 359 382 380 379 383 390 381 543 419

SATURDAY JULY 7 :00 (4:00) CFL Beautés George (4:00) CH Weekend Happy Days The Twice in a (4:30) Swiat Hollywood Best of 24 Day 4: M*A*S*H KOMO 4 KING 5 News Test Kitchen Antiques KIRO 7 News (4:00) (4:30) Poker Football - désespérées Shrinks NASCAR News Simpsons Lifetime Polskiej Countdown MuchOnDem 11:00 PM - News Flame On Roadshow "Batman: ... European Toronto vs. Se sentir en Zoboomafoo Auto Racing Happy Days Global Wiadomosci The New and 12 Midnight Raymond Chefs A'field Rochdale Evening Mystery B.D. Sports 5 :30 Hamilton sécurité Nextel Cup - National Canoe Lateness News Hunters Show Best (Live) Le Meerkat Pepsi 400 Room to Home News News Xin Tan Ren Bravo!Fact Speaker's Star Trek Raymond No News News Lawrence Saturday News Prank Patrol Damn Top 50 :00 Téléjournal Manor (Live) Grow Improvement Presents Corner Return to Thanks Welk Tribute Report Blunders Le match Wild at Heart Whose Everybody KCTV This The Word Fashion Tomorrow According to KOMO 4 KING 5 News to Swing & Mansbridge Ghost Sportsnet 6 :30 des étoiles Design Loves Ray Week This Week Television Jim News Sweet Bands One on One Trackers Connected FIFA Soccer Royal Maya Canadian Ustat Global W-FIVE Entreprene- The New Making It The King of American Wheel of NW Nature A Beetalker: Entertain- "Batman Poker After :00 U-20 World Massacre Case Files Currents Presents urial Leader Canoe Queens Idol Rewind Fortune Backroads Mystery in The Secret ment This Forever"  Dark Cup - Ici Louis- Canadian Aaradhna Dads Who Speaker's Behind the The King of Jeopardy Inside Alaska World of Weekend (Act, '95) Val 7 :30 Scotland vs. José Houde Case Files Fought Back Corner Movies Queens Edition Bees Kilmer. Costa Rica "Six jours, Heartbeat Sportscentre Alexandra's Voices of Andromeda Cold Squad Phoenix Missing Last "Heaven's That '70s Cops (N) "Monsters, Live Earth: Antiques Saturday Cold Case The Ultimate :00 sept nuits" Auld Echo Hinduism The Others Girlfriend in Gathering Night Fury"  Show Inc."  The Concerts Roadshow Report Superstar Fighter 3  (Act, Acquaintance Women in the Closet Satrang (Thril, '03) That '70s Cops (Ani, '01) for a Climate As Time FIFA U-20 8 :30 '98) Anne Focus Joanna Show Voices of in Crisis Goes By Tonight Heche. Inspector Boxing HBO "The Islam 101 ReGenesis To Be Asian Variety "Martha: Pacula. Frasier America John Mormons Saturday 48 Hours Poker :00 Morse Championshi Obsession" Spare Parts Announced Show Behind Bars" Most Wanted Goodman. [Part 1 of 2] Report Mystery European "Jaws" Absolute p - Klitschko (Thril, '06) ('05) Cybill Frasier Mansbridge Naruto Tour 9 :30  Conviction vs. Brewster Daphne Shepherd. One on One (Hor, '75) Le Zuniga. The StandardAndromeda Comedy Now Made in Funniest CSI: Miami Q-13 Fox Funniest Mormons Beetalker: 48 Hours Naruto Sportsnet :00 Roy Téléjournal Trusting the India Home Shock News at Ten Home [Part 2 of 2] The Secret Mystery Connected Scheider. Perdus Par PBA Bowling Rabbi Noor Gordian Maze Comedy Inc. Vanna Videos Scrubs Videos World of Inu Yasha 10 :30 avion (La voie All-Star Malargal Halloweenies Halloweenies Bees des airs) Wild at Heart Sportscentre Mad TV It's a New News News Teledvarvo The Story SeXtv Without a Mad TV News News Globe The Hour News Gundam Poker :00 Day Of... Shakira Trace Odds Trekker SEED European "La maison A Scattering Saturday CTV News Sabor Ed and Red's or Evens (:35) Saturday Cambodia (:35) Insider Shadow Masters 11 :30 au fond de la of Seeds   Night Live  Musical Night Party Northern Night Live Weekend Raiders :00 "Godzilla vs. baie" (Susp, The First IIHF Hockey Spike Jack Van (:05) Making "Guide" ('65) Professional "Someone Is 24 Day 4: Spike Exposure Soundstage CBC News: (:05) Paid "Batman The Ultimate the Sea '03) Dennis World War World Junior Feresten Impe the Band 4 Dev Anand. Poker Tour Watching" 11:00 PM - Feresten Macy Gray the fifth Program Forever"  Fighter 3 Monster" Quaid. To Arms Championship JR Digs (N) PR Maxx  (Dra, 12 Midnight M*A*S*H (:35) Girls estate (:35) Paid (Act, '95) Val 12 :30  '98) B.Badly Program Kilmer.

SUNDAY JULY 8 :00 (4:30) FIFA (3:30) LSU George (4:00) CFL CH Weekend Happy Days The Instant Star Spazio Hollywood (4:00) World All Of Us American KOMO 4 KING 5 News This Old Planet Earth KIRO 7 News (4:00) MLB Soccer U-20 Soccer Shrinks Football - News Simpsons Libero Countdown Poker Tour Idol Rewind News House Deserts "Beethoven's Baseball - World Cup - Caroline/Impa Zoboomafoo Calgary vs. Happy Days Global Alice, I Think Sport Italia Careers TV Girlfriends Hometime CBS Evening 2nd"  Teams TBA 5 :30 Canada vs. ct de Montréal Armour Saskatchewa National News (Com, '93) (Live) Congo (Live) Le Serious n (Live) Whose Home News News "Guide" ('65) Wheel of Star! Daily The Game Friends News News History CBC News: News "Lost in :00 Téléjournal Desert Design Improvement Dev Anand. Fortune Detectives Sunday Night Space"  Découverte Rough Driving TV Everybody Jeopardy! Everybody Everybody Friends KOMO 4 KING 5 News (Sci-Fi, '98) 6 :30 [Partie 1 de Science (N) Loves Ray Weekend Hates Chris Hates Chris News William Hurt. Planet Earth 4] National Sportscentre Doc Lost and Before You King of the Degrassi Canada's America's Reba Locked War at Home America's Dateline NBC Antiques Bombay 60 Minutes :00 Geographic Found Die Hill [Part 1 of 2] Next Top Funniest and Loaded Gaza Strip Funniest Roadshow Calling Laflaque Wetland Wild The Instant Star Model Home Reba King of the Home Reno, NV 7 :30 Simpsons (N) Videos Hill Videos [Part 2 of 3] "Sliding "Traduction The Royal Makeover: 3D Dialogue Big Brother 7th Heaven Making It 7th Heaven The Makeover: Nature Big Brother Sportsnet :00 Doors"  infidèle" Hour Home (N) You Take the You Take the Simpsons Home Kalahari: The (N) Connected (Dra, '98) (Com, '03) Thinking Too Motoring Koepke Robson High Road Behind the High Road American Koepke Great FIFA U-20 8 :30 Gwyneth Bill Murray. Hard 2007 Family Arms Movies Dad Family Thirstland Tonight Paltrow. The Last Boxing The Old Christine Sikh Virsa Family Guy Cold Case "Tatort: "Dodgeball: "Connie and Supernatural Family Guy Desperate Law & Order Mystery! CBC News: Cold Case Prank Patrol The Ultimate :00 Detective Contender Knuckle Up Blindekuh" A True Carla"  Night Shifter Housewives Murder Book Foyle's War: Sunday Night Knuckle Up Fighter 3 Lofty Challenge The Loop Family Guy (') Underdog (Com, '04) Family Guy Like It Was Casualties of Ghost 9 :30 The Dutch Story"  Nia Vardalos. War (N) Trackers CBC News: Le (:15) Who's Billiards One Tree Hill The Voices Brothers & Law & Order: (Com, '04) Seinfeld Q-13 Fox Brothers & Law & Order: Bombay Without a Falcon Sportsnet :00 Sunday Night Téléjournal Aping Who Mosconi Cup Pictures of of Religion Sisters [Part Special Vince News at Ten Sisters [Part Special Calling Trace Fade- Beach Papa Connected Hearts and You Leprosy 2 of 2] Victims Unit Vaughn. Seinfeld The (:35) Q It Up 2 of 2] Victims Unit Independent Away Was a Rolling 10 :30 Minds Mission Opera Sports Lens Stolen Stone FIFA Soccer Water Under Sportscentre News It's a New News News I-Watch The Story Fashion CSI: Miami The Shield News News News Mystery Jays :00 U-20 World Fire Day News Of... Bruce Television Open Water Grave Hunters Connected Cup - Canada Sportfishing Driving TV (:35) House CTV News Pass Da Mic Cockburn Pink Planet (:35) Ebert & Upfront With CBC News: (:35) Access Dark Oracle This Week in 11 :30 vs. Congo  BC  (N)  & Home  III Geneva Roeper Robert Mak Our World Hollywood Trapped Baseball :00 Heartbeat TSN the Technical PR Maxx (:05) Paid (:05) CSI: "Tatort: Inside World Poker Without a Stargate (:05) Da Casey and Great Generations Weekend "Lost in Poker Auld Reporters Knockout Program Miami Dead Blindekuh" Edition Tour Trace The Atlantis Vinci's Wendy Treat Performance The Chan Space"  European "Baisers Acquaintance FigSkate Driving TV Kingstar (:35) Paid Air (') "Dodgeball: Stranger Aurora Inquest Paid s at the Met I Legacy (:35) Paid (Sci-Fi, '98) Tour 12 :30 volés" Championship (N) Program A True Und... Program Puritani Program William Hurt.

MONDAY JULY 9 :00 The Rumeurs George Boxing Card CH News Happy Days Early News CTV News Punjab A-Channel The Ellen My Wife and King of the KOMO 4 KING 5 News Zoboomafoo The Hour KIRO 7 News (4:00) Zone- Pratt & Simpsons [Partie 1 de 2] Shrinks TBA Tall Story Times News Degeneres Kids Hill News Hot and Cold A-Cadabra Taylor Arrested Kif-kif Le Arthur Full House Global Phoenix Show My Wife and King of the ABC World Nightly CBS Evening SpongeBob 5 :30 Development club des DCD National World News Kids Hill News Business News SquarePants News Le Fetch! With News Full House News News CityCooks That '70s The News News News CBC News: News Being Ian Sportsnet :00 Téléjournal Ruff Ruffman Show Simpsons The National Connected Zigzag rétro Kratts' Malcolm in CTI News Vancouver CityNews That '70s Malcolm in KING 5 News Ruby Gloom Homerun 6 :30 Creatures the Middle Report International Show the Middle Preview (N) Coronation Des Sustainable Sportscentre FANatical Reba Entertain- Etalk (N) The South Wheel of Star! Daily The King of The Wheel of Evening Rick Steves' On Tour With Entertain- Sabrina Teen MLB :00 Street squelettes Region Star Trek ment Tonight Shaolin Fortune Queens Simpsons Fortune Magazine Europe the Taliban ment Tonight Witch Baseball Rumours FranCoeur Historylands Malcolm According to Ent. Tonight Access Pure in Heart Jeopardy Friends The King of Malcolm in Jeopardy Inside Antiques Rd. Access Malcolm in Home Run 7 :30 [Part 1 of 2] Jim Canada Hollywood Queens the Middle Edition (N) Hollywood the Middle Derby Doctor Who Que le Africa Desert Old Christine Friends The Real On the Lot 11 Founding The Collector Stargate: Everybody On the Lot 11 Wife Swap The Real Antiques CBC News: Old Christine Fresh Prince :00 Gridlock meilleur Odyssey Wedding Cut to 10 & Emperor of The SG-1 Line in Hates Chris Cut to 10 & Allemon and Wedding Roadshow The National of Bel Air gagne Off the Old Christine Home Imp Crashers 10 Directors the Ming Photographer the Sand All Of Us 10 Directors Johnson Crashers Reno, NV Old Christine Yvon of the 8 :30 Record [Part 1 of 3] Compete (N) Dynasty Compete (N) [Part 3 of 3] Yukon Hustle Bons baisers Perspectives PBA Bowling Two and a The Standard Age of Love Canadian I Luv New Monk Mr. Hell's Girlfriends Hell's Extreme Age of Love History CBC News: Two and a Mystery :00 de France No More All-Star Half Men Idol Top 14 York Monk Meets Kitchen (N) Just Joan Kitchen (N) Makeover Detectives The National Half Men Hunters Tears Sister PBA Bowling How I Met 3D Dialogue Performance: His Dad The Game (N) How I Met Ghost 9 :30 All-Star Your Mother Boys (N) Your Mother Trackers CBC News: Le Perspectives Yachting Janice Before You Without a CSI: Miami Balik-Bavan Supernanny Godiva's Seinfeld Q-13 Fox Supernanny Dateline NBC Simon On Tour With CSI: Miami Prank Patrol Sportsnet :00 The National Téléjournal On Place America's Dickinson Die Trace High Octane Smith Family Begin It Now [Part 1 of 2] News at Ten Smith Family Schama's the Taliban High Octane Connected Called Home Cup - Final Finale (N) Seinfeld The Power of Art Weird Years 10 :30 Kiss Hello Picasso Infoodelity The Hour Le With Sportscentre News It's a New News News Teledvarvo News Speaker's Frasier [Part The News News Allo! Allo! CBC News: News Bob and Sportsnet :00 Téléjournal Glowing Day Corner 1 of 2] Simpsons Around the Margaret Connected Des kiwis et Hearts CTV News CTI News (:35) Star! (:35) The Frasier Scrubs My (:35) News (:35) The BBC World World (:35) David 15/ Love 11 :30 des hommes    Daily Tonight  Drama Queen Nightline Tonight News Letterman Reckoning :00 Arrested Bryn Terfel: Off the (:05) That International (:05) Ent. (:05) The Kurd TV (:05) Jimmy Show With South Park M*A*S*H (:05) Jimmy Show With Charlie Rose The Hour (N) Malcolm in Pratt & Development A Feast of Record '70s Show Laser Clinic Tonight Daily Show Kimmel Live Jay Leno Timmy 2000 Kimmel Live Jay Leno the Middle Taylor Into the West Opera Can. (:35) Late, PR Maxx (:35) E.T. (:35) Colbert Wiadomosci (:35) Conan South Park Cheaters (:35) Conan (:35) Late, Fresh Prince 12 :30 Sportfishing Late Show Canada Report O'Brien (N) O'Brien (N) Late Show of Bel Air TUESDAY JULY 10 :00 The Rumeurs George Poker U.S. CH News Happy Days Early News CTV News Punjab A Channel The Ellen My Wife and MLB KOMO 4 KING 5 News Zoboomafoo The Hour KIRO 7 News Fairly Odd MLB Simpsons [Partie 2 de 2] Shrinks Championshi Scholarship Times News at 5 Degeneres Kids Baseball All- News Armor Parents Baseball All- Arrested Out Kif-kif Le bon Arthur ps Full House Global Phoenix Show My Wife and Star Game ABC World Nightly CBS Evening SpongeBob Star Game 5 :30 on a Limb gars Fast Friends National World News Kids (Live) News Business News SquarePants (Live) News Le CG Kids Poker U.S. News Full House News News CityCooks That '70s News News News CBC News: News Being Ian :00 Téléjournal Championshi Show The National Artiste dans Heads Up ps Malcolm in CTI News Vancouver CityNews That '70s KING 5 News Prank Patrol 6 :30 l'âme the Middle Report International Show Lost Dog Coronation Des Working Sportscentre FANatical Reba Reba's Entertain- Etalk (N) The South Wheel of Star! Daily The King of Wheel of Evening Rick Steves' The Cross Entertain- Sabrina Teen :00 Street squelettes Animals Heart ment Tonight Shaolin Fortune Queens Fortune Magazine Europe and Bones ment Tonight Witch Rumours Le monde en Recreating Malcolm According to Ent. Tonight Access Pure in Heart Jeopardy Friends The King of Jeopardy Inside Everyday Access Malcolm in 7 :30 parlait Eden [Part 2 of 2] Jim Canada Hollywood Queens Edition Edisons Hollywood the Middle Rick Mercer Beautés Masterpiece NCIS Friends House Criminal Filo Diretto "Rat Race" Stargate Gilmore Q It Up According to America's Nova Origins: CBC News: NCIS Fresh Prince :00 Report désespérées The Christ of Suspicion Human Error Minds P911  (Com, Atlantis 38 Girls French Sports Jim Got Talent Earth Is Born The National Suspicion of Bel Air LittleMosque La vie peut St. John of Off the Home Imp Pop Italia '01) John Minutes Twist King of the According to Yvon of the Sportsnet 8 :30 The Convert changer (N) the Cross Record [Part 2 of 3] Cleese. Hill Jim Yukon Connected The Second Bons baisers Freedom Boxing The Inside the The Standard Big Brother Canadian Made in "Critical Veronica Malcolm in Shaq's Big Nova CBC News: Big Brother Mystery B.D. Sports :00 City's Next de France Contender Box (N) Idol Top 14 Germany Assembly" Mars Spit & the Middle Challenge scienceNOW The National (N) Hunters Show Best Comedy Classical Challenge The Singing Passages Performance: euromaxx (Act, '03) Eggs Malcolm in (N) The Singing (N) Ghost Damn 9 :30 Legend Now Bee (P) (N) Girls (N) Katherine the Middle Bee (P) (N) Trackers Beatdowns 2 CBC News: Le Whole Notes Billiards The Shield Promised The Best Pirate Schauplatz Heigl. Seinfeld Q-13 Fox Primetime: Law & Order: Wide Angle The Cross Pirate Prank Patrol Sportsnet :00 The National Téléjournal Mosconi Cup Chasing Land Par for Years All Master A Europa [Part 2 of 2] News at Ten Family Special Victory Is and Bones Master A Connected Landscape Ghosts (N) the Course That Heaven Deal With the European Good to Go Seinfeld The Secrets (N) Victims Unit Your Duty Deal With the Weird Years 10 :30 as Muse (N) Allowa (N) Devil (N) Journal Beard Sin (N) Devil (N) Dirty Laundry The Hour Le Reach for the Sportscentre News It's a New News News Teledvarvo News In Fashion Frasier [Part The News News Allo! Allo! CBC News: News Bob and Sportsnet :00 Téléjournal Top Day 2 of 2] Simpsons Kidnapped! The National Margaret Connected Des kiwis et Moving On CTV News CTI News (:35) Star! (:35) The Frasier Scrubs My (:35) News (:35) The BBC World (:35) David 15/ Love 11 :30 des hommes Daily Tonight Detour Dream Job Nightline Tonight News Letterman :00 Arrested Bitter Off the That '70s Coach Define (:05) Ent. (:05) The Aina-e- (:05) Jimmy Show With South Park King of the (:05) Jimmy Show With Charlie Rose The Hour (N) Malcolm in Pratt & Development Harvest Record Show Romance Tonight Daily Show Afghan Kimmel Live Jay Leno Hill Kimmel Live Jay Leno the Middle Taylor For Laughs: Seeds of Stihl (:35) Late, PR Maxx (:35) E.T. (:35) Colbert Pass Da Mic (:35) Conan South Park Cheaters (:35) Conan (:35) Late, Fresh Prince 12 :30 Gags Anger Challenge Late Show Canada Report O'Brien (N) O'Brien (N) Late Show of Bel Air Driftwood Letters Online http://www.gulfi slands.net/blogs/blog letters/ GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 17 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Rock Salt MUSIC AND MUNCH Restaurant & Cafe besideon the the dock dock inin fulford fulford thursdayToast to local farmers night and Attention Saltat Spring rock growers salt & food producers. Distinctive Montreal We wantartisan to feature food your& wine products producers! on our new AnnouncingSalt Spring ‘Saturday Market Market’ weekend Menu special. Our willInnovative purchase localmeals food based products on what on Thursdays is ripe, & Fridays pianist makes return betweenfresh 3pm and & available 5pm. Please on call the À rstisland & ask today! for Bruce. PHONE FOR RESERVATIONS 653-4833 & INFORMATION 653-4833 visit to All Saints Graeme Wilkinson Conservatory of Music, Toronto. plays July 11 In May 2005, Wilkinson One of Music and Munch’s completed a Bachelor of most popular performers Music degree at l’Université takes the stage on Wednes- du Québec à Montréal and day, July 11. Pianist Graham plans to continue on to a Wilkinson knows how to win masters program. the hearts of his audience His many awards include with his distinctive style and the Van Cliburn Interna- aplomb. tional Competition for Almost one of Salt Spring’s outstanding amateurs and own, Wilkinson resides in more recently the Piano Montreal but maintains a Texas International Acade- home and a 1927 Hamburg my and Festival in 2006 and Steinway on the island. the Boston International He was born in Vancou- Competition for exceptional ver and fi rst studied music amateurs in 2007. seriously while completing This will be Wilkinson’s a Bachelor of Arts in Politi- seventh recital in the Music cal Science and French at and Munch series and, as UBC. always, his program has Further studies in Swit- some exciting and chal- zerland included piano lenging works to delight his instruction at the conser- fans. vatories of Neuchatel and This year his music is pri- Lausanne. marily devoted to operatic

PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY He continued his musi- selections at the piano. BLOWING HER HORN: Salt Spring Concert Band cal education at the Van- Free music begins at couver Academy of Music 12:10 p.m. in All Saints member Lara Coelho plays one big instrument — a baritone and obtained an Associate- church, followed by a saxophone — during a Canada Day concert at the middle ship Diploma in Piano Per- scrumptious optional school fi eld. formance from the Royal lunch for $5.50. ISLAND AUTHORS New islander wins new % award for new writers Closing Out Sale reduction Veteran traveller By setting her novel in Florida, Smallman did just C 40 sets story in Florida that. on all merchandise In Florida, there are a lot of This includes all of our original jewellery, artwork, BY STACY old-timers and a lot of new- special collections from many continents, notable CARDIGAN SMITH comers, she said. People who DRIFTWOOD STAFF have lived there for a long patio furniture and accessories. Be careful who you drink time can’t really afford to live margaritas with. there anymore, and many Salt Spring newcomer people behave badly because Phyllis Smallman’s crime they are on vacation. manuscript Margarita Nights just won an Arthur “I wanted to write a Ellis Award. Smallman’s novel follows Sherri Travis, a single mom book that I who lives in a trailer on the edge of a swamp in Florida. wanted to read.” When her estranged hus- band is murdered, Travis PHYLLIS SMALLMAN, “sifts through the debris of Author his life for answers . . . but along with the murderer she fi nds the true value of friend- “There’s a lot of tension ship,” states press material. between people and a lot Margarita Nights picked of beauty. Florida’s a place up the award for best unpub- where a lot things can hap- lished fi rst crime novel. pen and generally [they do].” The book beat out 96 full- It is similar to Salt Spring length manuscripts to take in that way, she added. top spot, Smallman said dur- Smallman has travelled ing an interview Monday. to Florida for 20 years. She Although it is the fi rst year is currently looking for a this category of award has publisher and has had some been offered, the Arthur Ellis interest, she said. Awards have been handed Margarita Nights is the fi rst out by the Crime Writers of in a series of books. Small- Canada for 27 years. Arthur man already has the plots for Ellis is the pseudonym of the next two fi gured out. The Canada’s hangman. book was also short-listed Smallman chose to write a for the 2004 Debut Dagger crime novel “because that’s award in the United King- what I like to read. We all have dom, and was a finalist in an idea of the perfect book, the 2007 Malice Domestic Please note that we will be closed occasionally so that’s where my interest is, Contest for St. Martin’s Press thru the summer to set up our Christmas stock. and I wanted to write a book in the . that I wanted to read.” Smallman moved to Salt Her favourite writers Spring from Ontario just include Agatha Christie and two weeks ago in order to be Janet Evanovich. closer to her children. “I really like traditional Aside from writing, Small- mysteries,” she said. “I like man worked as a potter. ordinary people in unusual “I play golf and I pot,” she situations.” joked. SALT SPRING ISLAND 537-9896 • TUESDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 18 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT ISLAND MUSIC A TOTALLY DIFFERENT Kostaman brings good USED VEHICLE EXPERIENCE vibrations to Salt Spring 07 Chevy Silverado LS 2500 07 GMC Sierra SLT 3500 07 GMC Sierra SLT 1500 $47,995 $52,995 $43,995 Snowboard Festival in 2005 and 2006, • Crew cab • Extended cab, single rear wheels • Crew cab Reggae sound to rock Moby’s • Duramax diesel – Allison • Fully loaded, leather, • Fully loaded, leather power opened for the Long Beach Shortbus in transmission power everything everything • 4 wheel drive • Duramax diesel, Allison • Sunroof, DVD player, 20” BY STACY CARDIGAN SMITH December 2005, and most recently for • Power package, power seat transmission wheels • 4 wheel drive • 4 wheel drive DRIFTWOOD STAFF Fishbone, who Lymbertos described as the Whistler-based band Kostaman, a six- “godfathers of Sublime,” last year.

2 TO CHOOSE FROM 06 GMC Canyon SLE 05 Chevy Silverado LS 1500 member group classifi ed as reggae but lean- They also play weekly shows in Whistler, $ $ 05 GMC Sierra SLT 1500 24,995 27,995 $33,995 ing heavily towards the dub sub-genre with and heavily promote the local music scene • Extended cab 2WD • Extended cab 4WD some rock undertones, will bring their laid- by bringing in musicians of all genres. • Fully loaded, power • Fully loaded, power • Extended cab 4WD everything, sunroof everything • Fully loaded, leather, back vibrations to Moby’s Pub July 6. The band released their fi rst EP, Setting • Sport package • Vortec V8 power everything • 5 cylinder – 220 hp • Only 38,000 km • Onstar These vibrations are key to the music, Roots, in December 2005. • Only 33,000 km said Kostaman lead singer and guitarist They are working on their fi rst full-length Kostas Lymbertos during a recent phone album now, but Lymbertos said they’re not 3 TO CHOOSE FROM 05 GMC Sierra 2500 SLT $ 04 GMC Sierra 1500 interview. in a rush to get it fi nished. 41,995 $ 23,995 “The way we communicate with each In addition, Lymbertos and Kostaman • Crew cab 4WD • Duramax diesel – Allison • Extended cab 2WD other when we are playing music and the started Bands Against Hunger (BAH) in transmission • Loaded, power • Fully loaded, leather, everything way the band communicates with the crowd October 2005. BAH gained charitable status DVD player • Vortec V8 • Onstar • Manufacturer’s • Low low km’s is through vibrations,” he said. in April 2006. warranty “Singing is where the real vibrations come BAH’s goal “is to grow a musical family 2 TO CHOOSE FROM 04 Ford F150 XLT 4WD Fx4 out,” Lymbertos added. that glues together musically and helps to $ 03 Chevy S10 22,995 • 150 + point $16,995 In turn, many band members take a spin create awareness and funds for humani- • Loaded, power at the mic. tarian issues . . . .” states the Kostaman everything inspection • Extended cab 2WD • 5.4 L V8 • Vortec V6, automatic Aside from Lymbertos, Kostaman is made website. • CD stereo • Air conditioning • Bed liner • 30-day/2500 km • Alloy wheels up of Jana Marie on lead and backup vocals, “It’s a vehicle for the community,” Lym- no-hassle exchange Phil-T-Beats on percussion, Rajan Das on bertos explained. “It’s an organization that double and electric bass, Rob Funk on the community can physically take part in.” 04 GMC Sierra SLT 2500 privilege 03 GMC Sierra SLE 2500 $38,995 $26,995 drums and backup vocals and DJ Phroh on Community members of all skill levels turntables. volunteer their time at fundraising concerts, • Extended cab 4WD • 24-hour roadside • Extended cab 4WD • Duramax diesel – Allison • Vortec 6000 V8 Lymbertos established the band in June he said. transmission • Power everything • Fully loaded, power assistance • Only 39,000 km everything 2004, a year after moving to Whistler. Prior Two large BAH shows are held in Whis- • Canopy to settling in B.C., Lymbertos lived in Miami, tler annually — Reggae Fest and Summer Florida, where he was part of the Monkey Splash, the latter of which is coming up this BEST SELECTION! 02 GMC Sierra SLT 2500 01 Nissan Frontier XE Village movement. month. $ $ 07 GM Cargo Vans 27,995 14,995 $ Monkey Village is a sort of music collec- A local and international recipient for the From 21,995 • Extended cab 4WD • Crew cab 2WD tive. funds is chosen for each show. • Vortec 6000 V8 • Canopy • 1500, 2500 • Fully loaded, leather, • 4 cylinder, 5 speed • Air conditioned “The vibration from Monkey Village is Friends have even thrown fundraising power everything transmission • Low km’s • Lots of extras • Rare similar to the vibration you’ve heard from events under the BAH name in Vancouver. me,” he said. Lymbertos hopes to see the concept Kostaman quickly developed both a fol- grow. lowing and a name for themselves, and have Kostaman plays Moby’s Pub on Friday, DAVE WHEATON PONTIAC BUICK GMC • 382.7121 | 1.800.890.3338 performed more than 300 shows in the last July 6. For more information on the band 2867 DOUGLAS STREET AT TOPAZ • www.davewheatongm.com two and a half years. and to hear some tracks, check out www. DL5701 They played the Telus World Ski and kostaman.com. ArtSpring Cruising, Fishing & Summer Fun! Treasure Fair Live & Silent Auctions, Cash ‘n Carry Room & Community Flea Market / July 12-14, 2007

OVER 400 ITEMS INCLUDING - Artwork (prints, including a Carol Haigh print, Stephen Freidman photograph, stained glass lamp by Jerry Ringrose, sculptures, paintings, glassware, pottery, quilts…) - Furniture (upright piano, mahogany chairs, tables, bedroom suite, antique blanket box, fl oor loom, armoires, dining room suite…) - Gardening items (horse manure, heritage apple tree, 237 S at easwirl Deckbo gardening tools, bark mulch, consultations with gardening experts…) - Toys (handcrafted log doll’s house, rocking horse, model schooner, antique doll…) - Miscellaneous (items such as jewellery, Cascade Clipper canoe, wooden model ship from the movie ‘Shipwrecked’, Japanese wedding kimono, Clamshell tent trailer...)

Seasw Pilo der Je - And lots of “unstuff” such as dinners at island restaurants, a crab dinner 18’ irl Str sprey thous Thun t Luxo iper O e 28’ Long Cabin r OB Offshore for six cooked at your own home, art lessons, weaving lessons, kayaking excursions, an afternoon sail with gourmet lunch, twig chair workshop, language lessons, dance lessons, video editing session, manuscript evaluation and edit, a weekend at Long Beach Lodge...)

Cash ‘n Carry Room for items under $50— easw asp rber 26’ S irl Stri 4’ Se ort Ex 8’ Ha craft 2 replenished with new items every day! per 2 plorer 2400 2 825 Kingfisher July 12-14 Silent Auction & Cash ‘n Carry Room 10 am – 5 pm Celebrating 25 Years of Serving Vancouver Island’s Boating Community. July 14 Silent Auction 9 - 4pm and 6 pm to fi nal bids at 7:15 pm Fiberglass Boats Aluminum Boats Inflatable Boats Stern Drive Outboards Trailers Accessories Parts Service July 14 6771 Oldfield Rd., (at Keating) and 2115 Keating, Saanichton Cash ‘n Carry Room 9 am to noon ADMISSION FREE - Phone: (250) 652-6520 • Toll Free: 1-877-652-6979 Community Flea Market 9 am – 3 pm www.sherwoodmarine.com RESERVE YOUR SEAT The Grand Finale – the Live Auction at THROUGH ARTSPRING’S Sherwood Marine Centre -A Boat Show Everyday! 8 pm at ArtSpring Theatre TICKET CENTRE TODAY GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 19 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Business Owners • Doctor & Dental Offi ces ISLAND ARTISTS TEMPORARY SECRETARIAL SERVICES Qualifi ed • Experienced • Professional - work overload Stefanie Denz - special projects - vacation coverage - dependable & effi cient viewers invited ‘THE TEMP’ to ‘arrange’ work call Connie @ 538-0051 The Point gallery show opens Friday

When people visit The Point gallery beginning Fri- day to see Stefanie Denz’ lat- est show — called Invitation to a/rrange/ments — they won’t be put off by any “do not touch” signs. Always intrigued by the possibilities of narrative and the involvement of the Stefanie Denz viewer in the story-telling process, Denz has painted exhibit will change through- a large number of small out the length of its life, images. allowing the artist and view- “As visitors to her studio er to more fully understand well know, the instinctive the “other’s” role. reaction to these hand-sized Artist’s reception runs at objects is to manipulate and the gallery at 132 Beaver Point move them around, experi- Road (with the entrance on menting with juxtapositions South Ridge) on Sunday, July and associations,” states 15 from 2-5 p.m. press material. One of Salt Spring’s hard- “With this installation est working and strongest she gives permission and artists Stefanie has exceeded invites the viewer to become herself this July. a co-producer, to take as As well as “Invitation to a/ many paintings as they rrange/ments” at the Point like from a display shelf, Gallery, her work will be in and position them magneti- a group show called Visual

PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY cally as they wish on a much Elements at ArtCraft from FRESH CUT: Medina Hahn harvests lavender at Sacred larger object, a 16-inch July 6-18, and a further metal panel.” exhibit — The Children — at Mountain’s “you-pick” event held during Sunday’s island-wide The possibilities become Salt Spring Woodworks for lavender festival. almost endless and the the summer. NOW AVAILABLE

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537-9112 Located across from the Tourist Info Centre Andrew & Tracy Little Professional Installation Available 20 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT KATHERYN AND DAVID ARE BACK AFTER ARTBEAT SIX MONTHS, SIX COUNTRIES & 25,047 KMS IN ASIA WHICH MEANS MORE GREAT STUFF Artists impress at Steffi ch, ArtCraft FOUR DAYS ONLY Don’t miss Carol Haigh’s Ocean Series

Currently showing at Stef- fi ch Fine Art, Carol Haigh’s

VISA & MASTERCARD VISA large-scale paintings of the Pacifi c Ocean combine the artist’s love for her subject matter with exquisite atten- tion to detail. In acrylic paintings on canvases that average three by four feet, her meticulous brushwork invites a lengthy contemplation of the many minute surfaces — Haigh is expert at portraying water and the light reflected on Tumbling Sea in Carol Haigh’s Ocean Series is on exhibit at Steffi ch Fine Art. it. While a couple of pieces feature human figures, the The entire collection is that metal art doesn’t have ocean is the clear star of her one that visitors will want to be restricted to sculpture. seascapes, which mainly to return to, with paintings Contributions by Drew focus on the waves as seen Elizabeth that are at fi rst glance beau- Rokeby-Thomas, however, from the shore, with per- tiful, revealing more and remind us why metal sculp- haps a little sand and sky Nolan more complexity the longer tures can be so appealing. ...and more included. ON THE one looks. The Ocean Series A Tear, a smoothly polished Different textures from ROCK continues until July 15. steel tear-shape with a rough THURSDAY THRU SUNDAY smooth to rippled, in trans- ARTBEAT ****** copper center, wrapped in a 11 AM - 6 PM lucent waves about to crest ArtCraft’s Stage Gallery steel bar and centred on a to foaming breakers, are Tumbling Sea, Western over the past week has host- stone pedestal, is another all rendered with skill. To Shore and Rolling Jade all fall ed Precious Metals II, featur- case of combining a variety SALT SPRING ISLAND JULY 5-8 anyone familiar with these into this group, as large for- ing Salt Springers working of textures. The soft outer Farmers’ Institute 351 Rainbow Rd. waters, it’s almost like being mat seascapes that demand in both jewellery and metal surface of the tear invites a - 5 there in person. The colours the viewer to take a step back arts. This show demonstrat- caress, while the curlicued MAYNE ISLAND JULY 12 1 are exactly right, especially in order to take it all in. The ed the wide variety of ways steel bar adds whimsy to Agricultural Hall 430 Fernhill Rd. the jade green of the waves many different surfaces in that artists can use differ- an otherwise authoritarian PENDER ISLANDS JULY 19-22 in the centre fi eld. In some each ripple of water invite the ent metals to express their grip. cases, the large format eye to travel over each piece creativity, from sculpture Salt Spring’s jewellery art- 4418 Bedwell Harbour Rd. Community Hall results in giving the same for a lengthy time. Crescen- to furniture, from knives to ists were displaying a diverse note: Sat. July 21st 1:00-6:00 impression as being at a do is particularly impressive fi ne necklaces and rings. array of styles and person- GALIANO ISLAND JULY 26-29 surfing movie, where the in the way Haigh gives the Nycki Samuels’s card- al interpretations with the Lion’s Hall 912 Burrill Rd. waves appear about to crash impression of blinding sun- sized metal collages, mani- high standards of the craft. right out of the screen onto light refl ected on the waves, fested as small framed wall Two self-taught craftsmen the audience. by edging white with a touch pieces, were a standout with very different looks of pink or purple. in their many variations were Simon Rompre and Bill Sunlight and Water is a within a theme. The pieces Fedoriuk. more abstract work, taking were being sold as either Rompre creates gorgeous- the viewer into the centre singles or triplets, and were ly heavy rings in twisted gold, of the breaking wave. Haigh especially pleasing in their silver and copper, offset with focuses on the shapes and group arrangement. Sam- tiny gems, or else showcases patterns of colour within, uels layers brushed steel, large, luminous stones in but also projects a feeling wire mesh, and copper in imaginative settings. of vertigo since the cresting various states from bright Fedoriuk also is creative water at the top of the paint- penny to turquoise green, with his rings and pendants, ing is overwhelming, being making changes to colour, setting heavy crystals, fossils placed above most viewers’ shape and texture combi- and stones in playful swirls heads. nations. These works prove and curls of slender silver. ARTSPRING FESTIVAL Canadian-Celtic group plays July 6 West coast heritage comes is to tell the stories of the true characters and events of B.C.’s colourful past,” states alive with Tiller’s Folly press material. “Their CDs have topped sales charts, and both albums and indi- ArtSpring’s Way Cool Summer Nights fes- vidual songs have been nominated for and tival continues Friday, July 6 with Tiller’s received many awards and distinctions.” Folly, a fi ne acoustic roots band from Van- The Vancouver Sun said of Tiller’s Folly: couver. “This full-throated Canadian Celtic group, Songwriter Bruce Coughlan plays acous- a cross between Stan Rogers and the Clancy tic guitar and sings, while award-winning Brothers, is on a stirring crusade. It wants multi-instrumentalist Nolan Murray adds to establish an oral story-telling tradition layers of colour on top of bassist and vocal- for the settlers, fi shers, natives, loggers and ist Laurence Knight’s driving musical foun- adventurers of the misty West Coast.” dation. The concert starts at 8 p.m., with tickets “This is a band with a mission, and that available from the ArtSpring Ticket Centre. Let’s Face It NON-SURGICAL AESTHETICS

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Dr. Georges Benloulou, Dr. Jan Malherbe 537-4066 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 21 What’s On This Week Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sun. Mon. Tues. July 4 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Chamigos. Traditional & Gene & Jock. Old school blues. Tree Tiller’s Folly. Part of Way Cool Stephanie Rhodes. Untamed vocals Alan Miceli. Acoustic guitar at Tree The Mishras. Classical Indian music Open Stage With Tara contemporary South American music. House Cafe. 7 p.m. Summer Nights at ArtSpring. 8 p.m. at Tree House Cafe. 7 p.m. House Cafe. 7 p.m. at Beaver Pt. Hall. 8 p.m. Hollingsworth. Tree House Cafe. Tree House Cafe. 7 p.m. One Night Stand with Matt & Stephen King & Guest. OKA. Australian trio performs at Hum - Nouveau Cirque Aerial Tommy Hooper. Singer-songwriter 7 p.m. Open Stage With Stephanie Tom. Shipstones. 8 p.m. Perform at SS Coff ee. 6-8 p.m. benefi t at Beaver Pt. Hall. Doors, 7:30 Performance. Featuring Tenzing from Grapes of Wrath. Tree House OTHER ACTIVITIES Rhodes. Moby’s Pub. 9 p.m. Barley Bros. New grass music at p.m.,with Gettin’Higher choir; OKA Tsewang. At The Temple, 112 Sun Cafe. 7 p.m. Paula Kiff ner & Jean Knight. OTHER ACTIVITIES Tree House Cafe. 7 p.m. at 9 p.m. Eagle Drive. See www.fl yingdreams. Market in the Meadow. Tuesday Cello-violin duo plays Music & Munch Soul Food & Co. Community song Gene & Jock. Friday night BBQ & Hum - Nouveau Cirque Aerial ca; Tickets from TicketWeb: 1-888-222- OTHER ACTIVITIES farmers market behind credit union. at All Saints. 12:10 p.m. circle at 705 Beaver Pt. Rd. music at The Falconshead Grill. Performance. Featuring Tenzing 6608 or the ArtSpring Ticket Centre. Osho Kundalini Moving 11-3. 7:30-9 p.m. Kostaman. Live band at Moby’s. Tsewang. At The Temple, 112 Sun Meditation. Drop-in. 5:30 p.m. Info: Mixed Levels Yoga. Ganges Yoga OTHER ACTIVITIES Men’s Yoga. Ganges Yoga Studio. 9 p.m. Eagle Drive. See www.fl yingdreams. OTHER ACTIVITIES Amrita, 537-2799. Studio. 5-6:15 p.m. Catch the Reading Bug. Wednesday 9-10:30 a.m. ca; Tickets from TicketWeb: 1-888- Kundalini Yoga. Ganges Yoga Studio. Soul Food & Co. Community Knowing Me - Knowing You. summer reading program at the Hatha Flow Yoga. Ganges Yoga OTHER ACTIVITIES 222-6608 or the ArtSpring Ticket 4-5 p.m. chanting circle. 705 Beaver Pt. Rd. Understanding myself, others and library for ages 5 to 11. 1:30-2:30 p.m. Studio. 6:15-7:15 p.m. Ashtanga Core. Centre. Flow Yoga. Forest Hills Studio. 7:30-9 p.m. Info: 653-4186. managing diff erences, with MBTI. Register at the library. African Drumming. Thursdays with Forest Hills Studio. 7-8:20 a.m. Summer Faire in the Meadow. 8:30-10 a.m. Nia Dance. Ganges Yoga Studio. All Saints. 9:30-12:30. Expressive Drawing. Wednesdays Laurent Boucher at 162 Oakspring. Ashtanga Yoga 1-2. Music, food, games, kids’ activities, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Organic Make-up Event. at the Core Inn with Gillian McConnell. 5-6:30 p.m. Info: 537-4979. Forest Hills Studio. 8:45-10:15 a.m. plant & fl ower sale & more at SS Ashtanga Yoga. Forest Hills Studio. Look as young as you feel at any 7-9 p.m. Info: 537-5833 B.C. Parks Public Consultation. Hum - Nouveau Cirque Aerial United Church. 10-4. 8:45-10:15 a.m. age. Book free makeover. Harbour Free Yoga. Wednesdays at N. End To create plan for Salt Spring’s Performance. Yoga/Meditation. Forest Hills House. 7-10 p.m. 538-6279. Fitness. 6 a.m. provincial parks. Lions Hall. Open Featuring Tenzing Tsewang. At The OTHER ACTIVITIES Studio. 4:30-5:15 p.m. SS Painters Guild Sketching house 1-5 p.m.; doors at 6 p.m. & Temple, 112 Sun Eagle Drive. See Mixed Levels Yoga. Eckhart Tolle Practising Presence Sessions. Booth Canal fl ower gardens. presentation at 7. www.fl yingdreams.ca; Tickets from Ganges Yoga Studio. 10:15-11:45 a.m. Group. 7:30 p.m. Drop in. Info: 10:30-1:30. Info: 537-1980; 537-2498. Radical Roots. First meeting for TicketWeb: 1-888-222-6608 or the Core/Flow Yoga. Amrita, 537-2799. Soul Food & Co. Community activism summer program for 15-30- ArtSpring Ticket Centre. Forest Hills Studio. 4-5:15 p.m. song circle with Barbara Slater. No year-olds. Core Inn, 2nd fl oor. 4 p.m. Sunrise Stretch Yoga. experience needed. Mercer Gallery. Info: 537-9925. Ganges Yoga Studio. 7:30-8:30 a.m. 7:30-9 p.m. Info: 653-4186. Mindful Dreaming. West African Drumming Classes. Workshop with David Gordon begins Wednesdays with Annica Burnaby at at Absolutely Salt Spring, 7-9:30 p.m. Beaver Pt. Hall. 5 p.m. Info: 653-0022. Also runs Saturday.Info: 538-0196.

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CINEMA Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End — Will Turner (Orlando Bloom), Elizabeth Swann Pianist (Keira Knightley) are allied with Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) in a desperate quest to free Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) from his mind-bending trap in Davy Jones’ locker, while Graeme Wilkinson the terrifying ghost ship, The Flying Dutchman and Davy Jones, under the control of the East A Music and Munch favourite India Trading Company, wreaks havoc across the Seven Seas. Navigating through treachery, betrayal and wild waters, they must forge their way to exotic Singapore and confront the Free recital at All Saints, Wed., July 11, 12:10 p.m. cunning Chinese Pirate Sao Feng (Chow Yun-Fat). Optional lunch follows atio N CABLE TV P o • Attention Shaw Cable TV Channel 11 viewers — The Daily is your source for stories w reflecting Salt Spring and southern Vancouver Island people and places. This week see Parks Ganges, Mouat’s Centre • 7:30am to 9pm • Customer Service 537-1522 Input, a call to all islanders to attend the B.C. Parks meeting on the future of Salt Spring’s parks. O VancouverNext Tuesday evening and Wednesday is the Salt Island’s Spring arts and entertainment report. The largest selection p program is about half an hour in length and repeats continuously during the day and evening en! with new stories added daily. Also tune in for community messages, weather, B.C. Ferries and newsof headlines. For quality further details about community programming, pre-owned call 537-1335. SqueezeSqueeze vehicles! Me!Me! Try our Island EXHIBITIONS • Featured at the J. Mitchell Gallery beginning Fri., July 6 is the Summer Exhibition of new works by many of the 36 local artists represented. • Point Gallery on South Ridge Drive shows “Invitation to a/rrange/ments” by Stefanie Denz in the lower gallery. In the upper gallery is “On going” by Helene Day Fraser. Show Frozen Fruit runs Fri., July 6-Aug. 6, with a reception on Sun., July 15 from 2-5 p.m. Drinks • Visual Elements — work by seven different artists in various mediums — is the Stage Gallery show at ArtCraft in Mahon Hall. Opens Fri., July 6, with an art and coffee reception on Sat., July 7, 10 a.m. to noon. Runs daily through Wed., July 18. • Cre8ivity SOLD presents Beyond Black & White at the ArtSpring gallery through Sat., July 7, 1-800-887-4321 Yummy then continues in the open space at ArtSpring until July 31. www.tempurcanada.com • Carol Haigh shows The Ocean Series at Steffich Fine Art daily through Sun., July 15. The only mattress Tempur is sold in over 50 countries Flavours recognized by NASA • The Children — paintings by Stefanie Denz is the current exhibit at Salt Spring and certified by the worldwide, with hundreds of Woodworks. Space Foundation dealers across Canada. • See the Cornelius Krieghoff painting Caughnawaa Indians at Camp (circa 1850) at available Pegasus Gallery before it’s sold, along with other fine works. A better night’s sleep, no springs attached! as Virgin or • Tiles : New work by the Salt Spring Potters Guild. In Mark’s Work Wearhouse windows from July 1 to 31. Naughty • Rachel Vadeboncoeur shows fine and functional art at Spitfire Artwork, #7-126 Upper UNCLE ALBERT’S FURNITURE Ganges Road. 107 2nd St. Duncan Mon.-Sat. 9-5:30 121 UPPER GANGES ROAD 537-4700 • Richard Krieger exhibits photographs — Images of the Galapagos — at Island Savings Credit Union from now through July. 1-800-593-5303 Sun 11-4 VancouverSOLD Island’s largest selection of qualitySOLD pre-owned vehicles!


DAN CRAIG STEVE JOE JERRY ROB DARRYL MORGAN ANGELA RED DAVE GREG ROSS KIM EASTON HINDLE AYDON GRAHAM DEOL EASTMAN McDONALD HARRISON KETCH BELLIS PEARS POWERS MCCAULEY MACLEAN 6300 Trans Canada Highway, Duncan Sales & Service 250 746 7131 Parts 250 746 4466 Body Shop 250 748 4370 www.peterbaljetgm.com DL #8347 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 22 TO YOUR In the meet your Health fi eld? west coast health Health providers Advertise here!

Tracy Stibbards Island Farmhouse Limited space available for upcoming editions of Health Studio this weekly feature. • Popular with readers The Treatment: Each person that comes to Clare has unique needs: - in pain and needing relief • Great Rate and support; needing to learn exercises that they can do simply and easily to help their body move • We’ll tell your story better; wanting relaxation and stress reduction, or just wanting to be pampered. Clare offers a range of services that can be combined to meet your specifi c needs. Contact Tracy at Micro-Exercise: Micro-Exercise sessions are perfect for those in recovery or chronic pain as well as the new exerciser. Micro-Exercise is a subtle yet powerful movement system designed to assist The Driftwood you in the care of your own body. 537-9933 Through individual instruction you are shown exercises to increase your fl exibility and range of tstibbards@gulfi slands.net motion, strength, and joint lubrication; reduce pain and expand your physical abilities. Sessions are tailored to meet your specifi c needs an capabilities eg: instruction can include head to toe exercise for overall health maintenance, or a routine focussed on problem areas such as the hip, back and neck.

Massage: Clare offers massage for relaxation, improved health and healing. Depending on your Practitioner: specifi c needs, you can receive a combination of Swedish, Shiatsu, and hot rock massage techniques Rasma Bertz as well as Reiki healing. Micro-Exercise instruction can also be integrated into the treatment if desired. Quantum Biofeedback & Sekhem - Endorsed Master Sekhem teacher Herbal hot tub: You can come to the studio just for a herbal hot tub or end a treatment in the herbal - Allergy & sensitivity tests tub. Massage and herbal oils can be added to the hot tub as desired, plus you can enjoy drinking tea - Nutrition & health analysis made from home grown mints, lemon balm, rosemary or other organic herbs while you soak and - Stress reduction relax. - Personal development www.quantumnorth.com • 537-4728 In home treatments also available.

Clare McDuff 190 Reynolds Road 185 Horel Road West SUMMER PROGRAMS Meditation Retreat, Yoga and (250) 653-9898 or 1-877-537-5912 Nia Training Courses. FARM STAND Tuesdays Noon - 5pm 653-4308 for schedule and information

Island Farmhouse Health Studio Registered Massage Therapist • Massage for Health, Healing and Relaxation: using Swedish, Lucia Gabber RMT Shiatsu, & hot rock massage techniques as well as Reiki healing. Therapeutic/Relaxation/Sports/Thai Foot Massage • Herbal infused hot tub YOGA Craniosacral Therapy/Myofascial Release • Micro-Exercise for Healing, Health and Fitness: personal *RETREATS* training in Micro-Exercise - for those in recovery or chronic pain as *SUMMER SCHEDULE* 538-0241 well as the new exerciser. A subtle yet powerful movement system. *PRIVATES OR COUPLES* By Appointment Only • In home treatments also available *YOGA FLOW TO MUSIC* Studio/Mobile Massage Clare McDuff Dorothy 653-9453 147 Douglas Rd MUSIC FLOWS - July 5 Youth (under 25) JUST DO IT! 5 min South of Ganges (250) 653-9898 or 1-877-537-5912 Off Beddis Rd [email protected] / 185 Horel Road West - July 19 All Ages www.dorothyoga.com Rainbow Terrace Estate MANGOSTEEN DO NOT SETTLE FOR LESS THAN OPTIMAL HEALTH Tom Burton CPCA, UKCP reg. Therapy & Counselling Individuals, Couples DONNA MOULTON independent mangosteen distributor Cell: 250 537 6129 Offi ce: 250 537 4728 250-653-4618 Arbutus Therapy Centre, #5 - 121 McPhillips Ave. Email: [email protected] FRESH MANGOSTEEN FRUIT www.donnamoulton.discovermangosteen.com

Next issue Sept. 5th AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE Reserve Now - INCLUDING: Advertising Deadline August 3 • Pattersons Market • Vesuvius Store • Raven Street Market Call 537-9933 AQUAGULFGULF IISLANDSSLANDS LLIVINGIVING Toll free 1-877-537-9934 • Salt Spring Natureworks Aqua is distributed throughout the Gulf Islands, • Driftwood Email: sales@gulfi slands.net Victoria, and select locations on Vancover Island. Fax: 250-537-2613 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 23 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

wednesday 04 Chamigos Traditional & Contemporary South American Music thursday 05 Gene & Jock Old School Blues friday 06 Barley Brothers New Grass Music saturday 07 Stephanie Rhodes Untamed Vocals sunday 08 Alan Miceli Acoustic Guitar monday 09 Tommy Hooper Singer-Songwriter from Grapes of Wrath tuesday 10 Open Stage with Tara Hollingsworth

PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY ARTISTIC PATRIOT: Wisse Andringa paints salmon, bears and trees at an ArtSpring paint-in — one of many Canada Day events held in Ganges on Sunday. INTERNATIONAL MUSIC Mishras back for concert

Classical north (including previous visits to cal Indian Music — in their Indian ragas on tap Salt Spring) and the U.S. for hometown of Benares. They more than 20 years. have opened their academy at Salt Spring Island United Church for BPH show Pandit Shivnath Mishra is a to students and children of th seventh generation Benares any caste or family circum- July 7 , 2007 • 10:00 am - 4:00 pm On Monday, July 9, style musician, recording stance. islanders can join father artist and head of the music The school is also open to and son Sitar masters Pan- department at Sanskrit Uni- groups of Western students • MUSIC • FOOD dit Shivnath Mishra and versity, while his son Deo- or pilgrims, creating a “pro- • GAMES • KIDS’ ACTIVITIES Deobrat Mishra for a stir- brat has received the Jewels gram that includes music, ring performance of classi- of Sound award — India’s dance, yoga, devotional • PLANT & FLOWER SALE cal Indian music at Beaver equivalent of a Grammy. singing, voice, drum and Point Hall. Like indigenous cultural meditation studies, as well • CRAFTS • QUILT SHOW A recent press release arts everywhere, the tradi- as cultural/musical excur- • STAINED GLASS WINDOW states that “while India tional music of India faces sions through the rich and acquires much of its growing unique challenges, such as complex cultural and spiri- TOURS. technical prowess from the the prominence of Western tual life in Varanasi.” West, it has far more to give and Eastern popular music All proceeds from the July in the more subtle but no less and the pervasive infl uence 9 show will go directly to powerful realms of spiritual- of Bollywood songs. support the Mishras’ non- ity, via one of the principal “Sacred and traditional profi t music academy. languages of the spirit: music music is [therefore] increas- The concert begins at 8 p.m. and sacred sound.” ingly marginalized.” and tickets are $15 at the door. The father-son duo, In order to keep the music E-tickets, as well as further known as the Mishras, have tradition alive, the Mishras information, can be found at Cool been enchanting audiences constructed a new school www.kindmusic.ca or at www. Nights in India, Europe, Canada — the Academy of Classi- music-of-benares.com. FOLK MUSIC Way Summer Steffi ch Fine Art hosts Sara and Kamila COOL IS THE NEW SIZZLE! A folk duo with charisma performs Friday, Sara and Kamila have written and pro- July 13 at the Steffi ch Fine Art gallery. duced two full length CDs of original music Songwriting sisters Sara and Kamila will and have toured extensively throughout TILLER’S FOLLY present an intimate concert at 8 p.m., with Canada. FRIDAY, JULY 6 - 8:00PM doors open at 7:30. Their second release, Chasing Fireflies, BC's Tiller's Folly returns to ArtSpring. They're a “Sara and Kamila combine forces that was recorded in Newfoundland and was lively folk/roots band specializing in music about the result in a unique style of folk-based original nominated for four MIANL awards. The two colourful history of the BC Coast. music that is enticing and inspirational,” are accomplished instrumentalists accom- states press material from sponsor Mercer panying their songs on guitars, keyboard, Performance Gallery. fl ute, and theremin. “Audiences across the country have Tickets are available at the Mercer Perfor- enjoyed their songwriting and beautiful- mance Gallery, Steffi ch Fine Art and Acous- ly complex harmonies. They express their tic Planet before the show or at the door for Ñ views fearlessly through their music, gath- $15. Ñ ering fans wherever they perform. Their live Mercer Performance Gallery is located at show is a zestful display of fun and thought- the old Tread Shed location, 111 Robinson provoking music that includes a playful Road at Upper Ganges. CHIRGILCHIN exchange of energy with the audience and Watch the gallery web site at www.mercer- THURSDAY, JULY 12 - 8:00 PM an opportunity to witness the creative love gallery.ca for more information on upcom- Touring from North-East Siberia, Chirgilchin that they share when they perform.” ing shows. performs on exotic instruments and presents the traditional throat music of the Tuvan people. A fi ne ensemble from a remote corner of the world. Call Anna Haltrecht about a dance/ movement workshop with these amazing throat singers, 537-5681. THE SHIRLEYS FRIDAY, JULY 13 - 8:00 PM Nine superb singers from Vancouver, The Shirleys present an evening of compelling a capella music that’s irreverent, feminist and political, with a helping of Gospel thrown in. ANGELA HARRIS with FERA WEDNESDAY, JULY 18 - 8:00 PM We offer a double bill of stunning BC talent. Angela Harris is a singer/ songwriter from the Chilcotin via North Vancouver. Her music has country edges in a voice that is distinctly her own. She shares the evening with Fera, a band built around twin sisters who have been described as "the Dixie Chicks meet Sheryl Crow." DETAILS AT WWW.ARTSPRING.CA. • TICKET CENTRE 537-2102 24 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD

HARRY POTTER and the DEATHLY HALLOWS on sale @ 12:01 am Midnight Pyjama Party All Day Party July 21st (see coming events) People&

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Phone to book (June, July, August)

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Who Could Resist Us? This is Hannah. She is 1 year old. Hannah & her 3 sibling are still looking for homes after almost 1 year of SPCA care. They are perfect in every way, except for their shyness. Once they trust you, they are full of love to share. If you are a kind, compassionate cat lover, please consider meeting them. Call 537-2123. CAT OVERPOPULATION! Please be a part of the solution and have your cat spayed today. If you need help call us at 537-2123. GULF ISLANDS "Over 45 PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY SEPTIC LTD. SUN SOAK: Students at Salt Spring Elementary School celebrate the imminent end of classes with some wet fun as the minutes of sprinklers come on at the school fi elds. “Islanders serving Islanders” • Septic tank pump-outs guitar VOLUNTEER PROFILE • Electronic tank-locating • Inspections, repairs greatness" • Emergency service Jazz Thing II WE WELCOME VISA • MASTERCARD Ernie’s Angels work divinely for Legion • AMERICAN EXPRESS AVAILABLE AT Daily cleaning PH: 653-4013 www.randybachman.com 292 ARMAND WAY, handled by ADOPT A PET TODAY SALT SPRING ISLAND, B.C., V8K 2B6 volunteers BY SHALON SUGDEN COMMUNITY WELLNESS PROGRAMS DRIFTWOOD CONTRIBUTOR Nearly six years ago, the Coordinator: Sharon Glover 537-4607 Salt Spring Island branch of Salt Spring Island the Royal Canadian Legion COMMUNITY SOCIETY Caring for ourselves was in financial trouble. and others ... There was even talk of sell- July 2007 ing the premises and it seemed clear that some kind LOOKING for MORE of divine intervention was needed. FRIENDLY VISITORS!! That intervention came in Can you volunteer a bit of extra time to help a the form of Ernie’s Angels. Ernie Donnelly, a long- senior? Warm & caring people are needed to give PHOTO BY SHALON SUGDEN time on a weekly basis to seniors who are lonely time member and support- Ernie Donnelly and his “angels” enjoy a cup of coff ee after their volunteer cleaning shift at the or would look forward to a bright spot er of the Salt Spring Island in their week. Friendly Visitors go to branch of the Legion, said he Legion. From left are Cathy McDonald, Jim Sinclair, Donnelly and Don Small. seniors’ homes or take them out for about an hour once a week. could not stand by and see sweeping, the mopping and band. continue to do their part in Spend time playing cards, going for a walk, the Legion close its doors. the Hoovering on a daily “I have the key. I have to keeping the Legion doors going into town, or sipping tea + chatting. “We are custodians of basis.” come,” he said. open on Salt Spring Island. Please call 537- 4607 for more information. this organization for future At a savings of $1,200 a But he is never alone. He The spirit of volunteer MALE FRIENDLY VISITORS generations,” Donnelly month, Donnelly estimates is joined each day by a team service is alive and well on ESPECIALLY NEEDED! explained. that his Angels have saved of three or four other angels. Salt Spring Island as typifi ed “We had to do something. the Legion nearly a thou- After the work is done, a pot by Ernie Donnelly and his “Friendly Voices” So we decided to terminate sand dollars over the last of coffee magically appears Angels. A new social outreach program the contract with the com- six years. The result is that and heavenly conversation for seniors who would welcome a regular, friendly call. mercial cleaners and do the not only are the doors still begins to percolate. The above is a contributed Much needed by many seniors on our island! job ourselves. I thought if open, but the Royal Cana- Ernie’s Angels come to the article from Volunteer Salt We really need YOUR help! only 10 people came for- dian Legion has been able Legion clothed in human Spring, a non-profit group Call 537-4607 for more information! ward, we could do it. And to give financial support bodies that have seen the dedicated to matching volun- we got 20. We are now in to a number of community better part of seven, eight teers with non-profi t groups. BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC - relaxed & free! our sixth year and, while the projects. and even nine decades. But See the Volunteer Salt Spring Monday 30 July 10:00 - 12:00 number of our angels has Ernie is now 87 years despite the aches and pains website at www.volunteer- at Salt Spring Seniors (across from GVM) been reduced to about 15, old, but still comes in every that the years have brought saltspring.com, and watch the we are still looking after the morning to lead his merry them, this intrepid group Driftwood for future profi les.

RECYCLING & WASTE LAURIE’S SERVICES INC. CALL DROP-OFF: 8am - 5pm Monday thru Saturday CALL Next to Ganges Village Market 653-9279 PICK-UP: Commercial, Residential, Curbside 653-9279 Large Clean-ups & Recycling

AN ISLAND FAMILY SINCE 1861 • Laurie & Nancy Hedger GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 25 PEOPLE & COMMUNITY 3!,4302).')3,!.$ ISA Letter PIPES AND DRUMS 1=D;GE=19?GF #/--5.)49 to the Pipe band takes prizes one, two three editor? Success at Press Highland release? gathering

The Salt Spring Legion What’s On Branch 92 Pipes and Drums had a banner day compet- calendar ing at the B.C. Legion High- event? land Gathering at Campbell #ALL!NDREA,E"ORGNE River in June. WHOWILLBRINGGIFTSGREETINGS “We were small but we ALONGWITHHELPFULINFORMATION were mighty,” said Pipe ABOUTYOURNEWCOMMUNITY Major Doug Fraser, refer- WWWWELCOMEWAGONCA Send it to ring to the band’s win in the   Grade 5 Mini Band Com- news@ petition, taking home the gulfi slands.net. Angus MacLeod Memorial Trophy. Peter McCully placed sec- ond in Best Bass Drummer IS YOUR WELL WATER SAFE TO DRINK? on Parade, while pipers John PHOTO CONTRIBUTED Williamson, Bobby Crichton Award-winning Salt Spring Pipes and Drums members are, from left, John Williamson, Lor- and Doug Fraser took third raine Lowry, Jim Glenn, Peter McCully, Dave Kempling and pipe major Doug Fraser. Missing Contamination can occur without in the Senior Trio competi- were Bobby Crichton, Jan MacPhail, Barb McCully and Rod MacDonald. changes in colour or taste. tion. “We were all pretty have some promising stu- someone to help tutor young be great to hear from you,” $25.00 per test • Results in 24 hours pumped with our success, dents just graduating to the drummers. Fraser added. The Salt Spring Be Safe • Test Annually! since circumstances led us pipes, but we’re seriously “If you are an experienced Pipes and Drums played at to fi eld a rather small band looking for more members.” piper or drummer, or if you the car show and Legion dur- this year,” said Fraser. “We The band especially needs just love the music, it would ing Canada Day festivities. HEALTHY LIVING MB LABS 2062 Henry Avenue W. 656-1334 Salt Spring faces at Organic Islands Festival Sidney, B.C. V8L 1Y5 West Saanich Woodland on Quayle Road on island. Karr founded savoury condiments and event attracts in West Saanich. Quayaki 10 years ago in wieners to the summertime Salt Spring has been rep- California. It’s a regular part festival as well as local buns. KIDS island producers resented at the festival since of community lunches at Also at the festival will its inception. Stowel Lake Farm on Thurs- be whole grains cookbook CAMP An eclectic range of Salt According to an Organic day afternoons. A rainforest- author Lorna Sass, Pender 2007 Spring organic products will Islands Festival press release, grown product, it also helps Island’s Mae Moore and a be featured at this week- Salt Spring Gelato purveyors support indigenous people full slate of children’s activi- end’s Organic Islands Festi- Marck and Lauren Shipley in South America. ties. GET READY FOR AN val, from organic gelato, and have produced Canada’s Salt Spring Spice will The Organic Islands Fes- OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD ADVENTURE! wieners, to rainforest-grown fi rst organic gelato. tempt the palette with its tival is run with a part-time yerba mate teas. The gelato will be featured range of locally made hot staff and the assistance of Son Force Kids - Courageous kids on a mission for God! The third annual festival in a segment being filmed mustards and hand blended a volunteer team commit- in West Saanich is the largest at the festival by the PBS herb and spice mixes. The ted to sustainability. It’s COMMUNITY GOSPEL CHAPEL of its kind in Canada, with TV Show called The Hippy spicy mustard makes a sat- sponsored by Nature’s Path July 9 - 13 9:30am - 12:00 pm over 100 exhibits providing a Gourmet. isfying combo when paired Foods, Lifestyle Markets, look at the who’s who in the Yerba Mate drinkers on with organic hotdogs. Gail Level Ground Trading Com- 537-2622 green business community. Salt Spring are familiar with Bryn-Jones, who owns Salt pany and Thrifty Foods. It takes place July 7-8 the name Quayaki since Spring Spice and Hotties For more information, visit at Glendale Gardens and founder David Karr resides Hot Dogs, is bringing her www.organicislands.ca. IF YOU SNOOZE... From June 1st (while supplies last) 3!&%s&2%%s#/.&)$%.4)!, purchase a 2007 Legacy in stock and get a 3ALT3PRING4RANSITION $1000.00 (OUSE#RISIS,INE FREE GAS CARD  OR TOLL FREE    7OMENS/UTREACH 3ERVICES  OR TOLL FREE    3TOPPINGTHE6IOLENCE #OUNSELLINGFOR7OMEN Don’t lose out on the last ’07 Subarus. The Subaru Outback   with Symmetrical Full-Time All-Wheel Drive #HILDREN7HO7ITNESS FINANCE RATE FROM LIMITED The 2007 Subarus are disappearing fast. So come and get ready for the summer in a hot new Subaru Outback. !BUSE#OUNSELLING TIME Or in any of our Symmetrical All-Wheel Drive vehicles. They’re all available with a low 0.9% finance rate. % LIMITED That makes it easy to enjoy the safety, power, and control that only a Subaru can offer. So come down to   0.9 your Subaru retailer before summer gets here. Or you could be crying yourself to sleep. 24 MONTHSFOR 24 MONTHSQUANTITY @4RANSITIONS4HRIFT3TORE BC is Subaru country. For a dealer near you visit www.subaru.ca or call 1-800-876-4AWD(4293). Financing programs available through GMAC on approved credit. Offer of 0.9% financing for 24 months is available on all 2007 Subaru models. Example: $20,000 financed at 0.9% equals $841.16/mo for 24 months. Total interest paid is $187.84. Model shown is the Outback 2.5i. (6D1-UL)   with MSRP of $32,490 including freight and PDI. Administration fee, license, insurance, taxes, PPSA and registration are extra. Down payment or equivalent trade-in may be required. Dealers may sell for less. Finance program expires June 30, 2007. Visit www.subaru.ca for more details.


WANTED PEOPLE & COMMUNITY TREASURER’S ASSISTANT VOLUNTEER FABRIC ARTS DUTIES: basic services to assist Library Treasurer, including organizing invoices, Local shop off ers payments, deposits, tax receipts EXPECTED TIME: 2 to 4 hrs/wk CONTACT: M. Ming at 537-4666 sneak fi bre peek Stitches quilt quilting arts can be. Two of Paynter’s designs currently on display now on display at Stitches give some Quality idea of the wide range of pos- Doesn’t Cost... BY ELIZABETH NOLAN sibilities. Her wall-hanging “4 DRIFTWOOD STAFF and 20 Blackbirds,” a strong It Pays! Quilting enthusiasts who pictorial employing mainly can’t wait for the Fibre Festival black, red, yellow and green, Fine cookware can take an early look at some immediately catches the eye & accessories available at: festival pieces currently on as one enters the shop. This display at Stitches Quilt shop. first-place winner for B.C. Susan Paynter, a member in the Great Canadian Quilt of the Fibre Festival planning Challenge 2004/2005 is bold committee and curator of in design and colour, featuring 140 Fulford-Ganges Rd. the festival’s quilting exhibit a yellow sun with red rays, the 537-5882 at ArtSpring’s Bateman gal- blackbirds and a stark black lery, says the quilts on display tree. This piece convincingly at Stitches are just a taste of argues that quilting is not just PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY what’s coming. The plan is a craft but an art form. GLEAMING GRIN: Islander Kerry Butler gets an up-close view of a 1951 Mercury Sedan, 4OOURFRIENDS to give people an idea of the An entirely different piece one of the impressive sights at the well-attended Salt Spring Island Show and Shine in Gan- ON3ALT3PRING many designs and styles that by Paynter that performs the ges Sunday. quiltmakers employ, and to same effect is a small framed h4HANKSFORSTOPPINGBYv get people excited about the landscape found behind the

Local support Sports& for local sport Windsor Plywood 166 Rainbow Rd Recreation Salt Spring’s #1 Building Supply • 537-5564 MOUNTAIN BIKING GI SPRING WATER EXPRESS

Locals Proud Supplier of Boys develop a C.V. of skills and injuries Serving Pricey past-time Locals Carley Spring Water gives healthy fun SSI Natural Source Spring Water Health Board Certifi ed BY STACY CARDIGAN SMITH Free Home Delivery DRIFTWOOD STAFF You can see the group Tr i a l ! 537-4830 from a distance — bodies on bicycles, circling, jump- ing, moving. The land, although still on SALT SPRING ISLAND SAILING CLUB an incline, has opened up into low-growth shrubs. The A few sessions are still open in boys have decided to make this area their playground. the Sailing School They have been working on this spot for a couple OPTI - ( for ages 8 to 11). July 9 -13, weeks, carving paths into the terrain (but only remov- July 30 - Aug. 3, Aug.13 - 17 and Aug. 20 - 24. ing shrubs when absolutely necessary) and building WHITE SAIL I, II, III – (for ages 11 to 18) jumps. Slowly, they’ve made July 30 - Aug. 10. their way up the mountain, graduating higher as skills surpass location. “FAMILY SAILING” – (combination of adults There’s six guys in all — and children to a maximum of 3) with A.M. or Rob Cronin, Dexter Rob- P.M. session (Aug. 20 - 24). son, Eric Peterson, Aidan Buckley, Ehren McPhee and Braden Young — who are BRONZE IV - (July 9 - 20), Bronze V (Aug 6 - 17) either 14 or 15 years old. and Laser Racing (Aug. 20 - 24) still have a few Today was the last day of spots left. school. Students picked up their report cards, but the group isn’t too concerned with marks — one hasn’t even bothered to check them yet. They are concerned, how- ever, with getting up the hill. They got dropped off at 11:30 a.m. — cycling up would have taken too long One jump they — and it’s now 1 p.m. They’ll be picked up again around 4:30. recently built sees Luckily the weather is www.saltspringsailing.ca for costs and further good. It rains intermittently, them fl y 25 feet information or phone Rob Irving at 538-0992 but it’s still quite warm on the open land. A milk crate with some granola bars and through the air. juice sits nearby, but they PATTERSON MARKET LTD. say they’ll be pretty wiped our family serving your family since 1915 after coming down. On this day, the The boys have been Summer Hours mountain biking for the past impact is so hard, two Salt Spring Island (Fulford Harbour) – year, after Cronin started cycling to school. He urged Swartz Bay Departures his friends to do the same, boys pop tires. CROSSING TIME: 35 MINS and the pastime took off CHECK WWW.BCFERRIES.CA FOR LATEST SCHEDULES PHOTOS BY STACY CARDIGAN SMITH from there. IN EFFECT JUNE 27 - SEPTEMBER 3, 1007 Dexter Robson, top, fl ies through the air on his mountain They explain the two DEPART FULFORD HARBOUR DEPART SWARTZ BAY main mountain biking bike. The boys take a break from riding to pose for a picture. SUNDAY TO FRIDAY styles: downhill and free- style. Downhill involves rac- island to bike sucks because of fun because everyone’s took fi ve stitches in his right ing down a track of obsta- you have to take the ferry,” happy,” said Robson. leg after suffering the same cles as fast as possible, a feat said Buckley. As the group has improved fate. that only Peterson cites as a Nonetheless, many of the and become more competi- Not only do the boys have favourite. boys take weekly trips off- tive, so has their equipment. high-end bikes, but they “I’m the only dedicated island throughout the year, Although they started with also wear high-end equip- SATURDAY ONLY one,” he joked. thanks mostly to Robson’s low-end, inexpensive bikes, ment — a helmet easily costs Freestyle, on the other dad Lari. the boys now own bikes $150 and a pair of shin pads hand, is “all flow,” said The group also fi lmed and which cost more than many (which the guys are more Robson. It’s about skill and edited a short film about Salt Spring cars — or rather, likely to wear after shin- technique, about “landing their excursions, which was their parents do. Most of the puncturing incidents) costs on the landing, not past the shown at the Strictly Student guys hold down part-time about $100. landing.” fi lm festival at Gulf Islands jobs to fi nance their hobby, As the boys hang out And land they do. One Secondary last month. or owe their parents a cou- on the mountain, they try jump they recently built sees Robson, 14, and Peterson, ple grand. jumps, joke around, and them fl y 25 feet through the 15, recently competed in an But having the proper basically just hang out. They air. On this day, the impact is under 19 category of a race equipment is extremely poke fun at each other and PATTERSON MARKET LTD. so hard, two boys pop tires. near Roberts Creek on the important. McPhee frac- speak the lingo — you “just our family serving your family since 1915 There’s not a lot of places Sunshine Coast. tured four vertebrae recently cased it” apparently means “SHEEP” ISLAND FUEL - we’re still the “sheepist!” to go mountain biking on- They fared well, fi nishing by attempting a jump on the you barely made the land- island, the boys said, and in the middle of the pack, wrong type of cycle. ing. Island made cheese from Salt Spring Cheese & you don’t fi nd many moun- but it was more about the “Don’t use a cross-country But more often than Moonstruck Organic Cheese, Island handmade Salt Spring tain bikers here. experience and the atmo- bike for jumps,” he warned. not, they offer tips on how Gelato, Island baked goods from Barb’s Buns and The sport is big on Van- sphere, they said. Buckley broke his arm, to improve their skills and Embe Bakery, Island made Fruitsicles couver Island and the main- Surprisingly, the event Cronin got 13 stitches in his praise each other for a job land, where there’s more was not that competitive or left leg after puncturing it well done. The sense of Hours: Mon. thru Thurs. 8 am - 6 pm / Fri. 8 am - 8 pm places to go, but “going off cut-throat. Instead, “it’s kind with his pedal, and McPhee camaraderie is strong. Sat. Sun. & Stat. holidays 9 am - 8 pm 28 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD Salt Spring Island Community Services SPORTS & RECREATION 268 Fulford-Ganges Rd. 537-9971 www.saltspringcommunityservices.ca CHARITY GOLF COUNSELLING SERVICES ARE FREE * Counselling Services: Short-Term counselling for adults, youth and families. Swing into action at hospital event * Alcohol and Drug Program: Prevention and treatment service is free and confi dential. Salt Spring Golf Club * Family Place: Rugg Huggers parent and baby (0-16 months) drop-in, Mondays 11am - 2pm. hosts annual event Information on Drop-ins, special programs and counselling support 537-9176 or [email protected] * Paddle & Play: Tuesdays 10am-1pm at What better way to spend Lakeside Gardens. July 3 - Aug. 29. Parents w/children 0-6. a summer Saturday, than * Food Bank: Open Tuesday, 11am - 4pm at the Lady Minto Hospital * The Wall: Indoor Rock Climbing Gym, Contact [email protected] Foundation’s 16th annual * Recycle Depot: Open Tuesday - Saturday 10am - 5pm, 349 golf tournament? Rainbow Rd., 537-1200. With a buffet dinner, * Seniors Wellness Programs: Call Sharon Glover at 537-4607. silent and live auction, a * Emergency Mental Health Services: Available 4pm to midnight new Subaru as the hole-in- through Emergency Room at Lady Minto Hospital. Call 538-4840 one prize, plus the chance * 24 HR. Crisis Line: Toll free: 1-866-386-6323. Caller is connected with the Need Crisis Centre in Victoria. to support a good cause, the July 14 charity tourna- ment will surely be a day to remember. T SPRI Three Texas Scramble tee- AL NG off times are set for 8 and 11 a.m., and 2 p.m., as well as S Sheet Metal Ltd. regular golf at 4 p.m. at the Salt Spring Golf Club. For people who don’t golf PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY or are novices, junior golfers From left, David Feitelberg, Steve Marleau, Gil Schutz and Bob Food get set with “Dr. Par” for can be “rented” to hit a long the annual hospital charity golf tournament. drive on their behalf. Up to four mulligans can will co-sponsor the tourna- Both experienced and to purchase new equipment be purchased, and golf pro ment and also enter a four- novice golfers are welcome for Lady Minto Hospital. Steve Marleau will give free some in the event. Other to participate, and once the Registration forms can tips on the driving range local businesses are showing game is over, the excitement be downloaded at www. prior to tee-off. their support by sponsoring continues with the silent ladyminto.org, or call the For the fi fth year in a row, holes and donating fabulous and live auction. Lady Minto Hospital Foun- Mouat’s Trading Company prizes. Funds raised will be used dation offi ce at 538-4845. YOUTH GOLF CUTTING YOUR HEATING COSTS WITH: Rain doesn’t deter A whole new generationgeneration ooff HHeating/Aireating/Air Conditioning 0)0%&)3(0,5-").' local junior golfers anandd HHeateat PPumpsumps TheThe most quietquiet and eefficientfficient Attempts to rain out last Friday’s Junior Day at Salt Spring heatheat pump you can buybuy '!3&)44).' Golf Club were defi ed by a group of dedicated youngsters. OneOne less thingthing They teed off in the pouring rain but fi nished in glorious to worry about 3ALT3PRINGS,OCAL'ASlTTER sunshine. We are the local dealer for The stalwart effort produced prize winners in Dylan ,)#%.3%$"/.$%$ Hunsberger for boys over 13, with longest drive on Hole #1, s0ROPANEHOOKUPSs'ASCONVERSIONS Ben Barter for boys under 13, for longest drive on Hole #1, Henry Van Unen • 538-0100 and Charlie Holmes for boys over 13 with KP on Hole #2. 165 Eagle Ridge Drive s&IREPLACESs2ANGESs3ERVICECALLS After the nine-hole round of golf the winners were con- gratulated and prizes awarded, followed by food, drinks and • CUSTOM COPPER & STEEL GUTTERS 4OARRANGEAFREEESTIMATECALL  camaraderie. • HEATING • VENTILATION • H.R.V.’S • FLASHINGS EMAILPIPElSH TELUSNET WHAT’S ON THIS WEEK? SEE PAGE 21

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Testing, solutions, installation, service from a team of qualifi ed specialists. 250-537-0071 250-538-8522 cell PHOTOGRAPHY email: [email protected] www.johncameron.ca 537–5830 GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 29 SPORTS & RECREATION Sports Schedule ISLAND SPORTS SALTSPRING ISLAND ADULT SUMMER GRASS VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Salt Spring volleyball set to slam Get active! Take off your shoes Memberships spike and enjoy the summer sun! for new club Co-ed, 6’s, level: HIGH REC Tuesday evenings from June 19-August 14 BY SEAN MCINTYRE DRIFTWOOD STAFF $150 per team Volleyball players are confident this past week- Register now! end’s 24-team tournament Contact Lindsey Lou at 537-6903 at Portlock Park marks the *no beginners please* beginning of the sport’s resurgence on the island. *must be over 18* Enter to win tickets “This was totally to the U20 World Cup!! DROP BY SPORTS TRADERS needed and I’m so FOR DETAILS glad it’s fi nally Support your team!! T-shirts, jerseys, track jackets, been done.” islandsportstraders.ca car fl ags, stickers, more!! 135 McPhillips Ave. JOANNE O’CONNOR Mon.-Sat. 10am-6pm 537-5148

Member, Salt Spring PHOTO BY DERRICK LUNDY Volleyball Association Local and off -island volleyball enthusiasts participate in a 24-team tournament held at Port- 16th Annual lock Park last weekend. LADY MINTO HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Two days of matches brought together teams from team was hastily put togeth- wasn’t the only volleyball “People are really excited “Hewitson Memorial” across Vancouver Island and er only days before the event. player waiting for a chance and it’s become extremely the Gulf Islands to compete It included players from the to get out on the grass. Since competitive,” she added. in three divisions. The lone island’s Tuesday-evening the league started up, it has “There is a really small and Golf Salt Spring team, the Salt volleyball league. attracted 40 players of all enthusiastic handful of vol- Spring Slammers, compris- The new summer outdoor abilities. leyball athletes who don’t Tournament ing Joanne O’Connor, Lorna league, based at Portlock According to Lindsey Lou necessarily fit into soccer, Walde, Tony Mason and Park, is only three weeks old, Kovats, manager of the Salt kayaking or whatever else is Darrell Watson, took top yet it’s an idea whose time Spring Volleyball Associa- on the island.” No experience necessary honours in the comp divi- has come, O’Connor said. tion, players are still wel- Even though the league is Great draw prizes & sion. “When I fi rst moved to the come to join, though a nearly a quarter of the way Silent & live Auctions “Winning our division island, I wanted to play [out- strong skill set is required. through its 10-week season, Dinner was really kind of cool,” said side], but there was never “This has been a vision Kovats encourages more Co-sponsored by Joanne O’Connor. “For our any opportunity,” O’Connor of mine for two years now,” players and teams to sign up. Mouat’s Trading Company fi rst effort, we did really well said. “This was totally need- Kovats said. “All these peo- Registration is $25 per considering we aren’t used ed and I’m so glad it’s fi nally ple have always wanted to person. More information to playing together.” been done.” do this and I’ve just taken it is available by calling 537- Saturday, July 14 The Salt Spring Island It appears O’Connor to the next level.” 6903. TEXAS SCRAMBLE SOCCER ROUND-UP 3 SHOTGUN STARTS: 8 am, 11:00 or 2:00 Hot Tub Covers “Twilight Special” regular golf at 4:00 Soccer registration on Sunday $299 PUTTING CONTEST ALL DAY LOTS OF OPPORTUNITIES as FIFA action gets underway 538-8244 TO IMPROVE YOUR SCORE: Rent a Junior Golfer for your tee shot July 8 at Training on Holes 3 & 5 Buy up to 4 Mulligans Sports Traders Other news includes SSI- Free tips on the driving range from the YSA now having its own AQUAGULFGUGGULFFI IISLANDSSLANDSNDDSS LLILIVLIVINGIVINGNG Golf Pro before tee-off The big news in the soccer Malcolm training academy during the world is the FIFA U-20 World Legg season for the keen athlete HaveHa fun & support $40 ENTRY FEE (tax receipt provided) Available Now ouro localloca hospital Cup being played in Victo- who wants extra training. $20 for dinner / $12 Green Fees ria, as well as fi ve other cities Our technical director will • Pattersons Market across Canada. SOCCER be setting up a program for • Vesuvius Store HOLE IN 1 PRIZE: ROUND-UP NEW SUBARU DONATED BY SAUNDERS SUBARU Attention will be focussed this user-pay training cen- • Raven Street Market on these youth players from never stop. tre. • Salt Spring Natureworks • Driftwood To register: call the Hospital Foundation office at 538-4845 around the world over the next The deadline is set for July We are also negotiating three weeks, and especially on 15, which is fairly close, so with the senior Salt Spring how our own Canadian U-20 get out and get forms from teams on a working agree- athletes will play. Sports Traders or the Salt ment that will see all soc- Teams from Nigeria, Scot- Spring PARC office. (They cer on Salt Spring under one FALL SOCCER land, Costa Rica and Japan can also be dropped off umbrella. play in Victoria in games on there) or come to Registra- There’s more news to July 1, 4, 7 and 11 (Uruguay tion Day from 10 a.m. to 1 come, but for now get your vs. Zambia is part of the 7th p.m. on Sunday, July 8 at youths registered so we can REGISTRATION double-header and the 11th Sports Traders. get the ball rolling on anoth- game is a group of 16 match) We will have people there er soccer season. th and tickets are still available at to take money and forms, Other than that, see you This Sunday - July 8 10 am - 1 pm Ticketmaster. and to answer questions. all at the U-20 games. If you have the time you should see a game or two, as @ Sports Traders this is the best soccer we will TOTALLY ORGANIC see in this area for a long time. Registration SIGN ‘EM UP! For the Salt Spring Island Family Oriented Youth Soccer Association it is time for our youth to Executive 9 Holes get registered as we try to Ensure your child’s prepare our teams for next Rentals Available season, which is only two place on a team months away. Fees are set at $130 for Minis (three to six year olds), SSI Youth Soccer Association $155 for U-8 and U-9s, $225 Blackburn Meadows for Super 6 and 8, and $225 for off-island play. Golf Club Questions? The slight increase in fees Canada’s #1 Organic Golf Course Salt Spring Island refl ects increased costs from Mike Barter 537-2446 LISA, the league we are affi l- iated with, and the expected 269 Blackburn Rd. 537-1707 ferry increases that seem to 30 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD

CALL CLAUDIA, KIM OR EVA TODAY TO BOOK YOUR CLASSIFIED AD! 537-9933 Classifi eds Or email [email protected] DEADLINES Classifi ed Information Place Your Ad

GULF ISLANDS 20 words or less $10.75 - Additional words 45¢ each Beyond Salt Spring TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY - DRIFTWOOD ONLY - 20 words or less $12.75 - Additional words 50¢ ea Buy Vancouver Island - $123 PUBLISHED WEDNESDAYS GET YOUR AD NOTICED! Bold and centered headlines $1.00 per line (Not available in Free/Recyclables) DISPLAY CLASSIFIEDS - $12.75 per column inch (minimum size one inch) Your 25 word classifi ed ad appears in the Driftwood and Ad deadline: Monday 4 pm 15 community papers on V.I. Over 262,455 readers. Too Late To Classify deadline: 12 pm Tuesday, July 3 IN MEMORIAM & CELEBRATION ADS - 1 column x 4” - $25 (reg rate $47.00) OBITUARIES - Wednesday $12.75 per col. inch. Repeat Fri. $6.38 per col. inch. $ .45 THE DRIFTWOOD’S Ask about special discounts for obituaries. Buy Lower Mainland - 113 k] Your 25 word classifi ed ad appears in 15 community papers in PUBLISHED FRIDAYS New Special Offers the lower mainland. Over 525,455 readers. Ad deadline: Wednesday 4 pm for our new Friday edition DOUBLE DIP - Buy Wed, get Fri 1/2 price - 1st ad: $10.75/2nd ad: $5.38 $ .95 Buy Fri. and Wed. (Fri. 1/2 price) - 1st ad: $5.38 / 2nd ad: $10.50 (incl. all classifi cations) Buy BC Interior - 124 How to Book Your Ad GARAGE SALE (incl. Fri. plus kit & map) 1st ad: $19.95 / 2nd ad: incl Your 25 word classifi ed ad appears in 22 community papers In person at 328 Lower Ganges Rd., Ganges SOLO (incl. all classifi cations) in the interior. Over 208,856 readers. By telephone 250-537-9933 or fax, 250-537-2613 Buy only Friday: 1st ad: $10.75 / 2nd ad: $8.40 $ By email to classifi ed@gulfi slands.net Buy only Wednesday: 1st ad: $10.75 / 2nd ad: $8.40 BCYCNA Network Classifi eds - 395 By post to Driftwood, 328 Lower Ganges Road, Salt Spring Island, B.C. V8K 2V3 3 FOR 2 - Get the 3rd ad free! (no refunds - merchandise only) Your 25 word classifi ed will appear in more than 110 community Payment By cash, debit, Mastercard or Visa. Buy Wed./Fri./Wed. or Buy Fri./Wed./Fri. newspapers in BC and the Yukon. Over 2.3 million readers. Classifi eds are prepaid unless you have an advertising account. 1st ad: $10.75 / 2nd ad: $10.75 / 3rd ad: free

Please check your ad after the first insertion. Should an error appear in an advertisement, Driftwood Publishing Ltd. is only liable for the amount paid for the space occupied by the portion of the advertisment in which the error occurred. Driftwood Publishing Ltd. will accept responsibility for only one incorrect insertion. 6 DEATHS 10 CELEBRATIONS 20 COMING EVENTS NOTICES 20 COMING EVENTS DAVIS,D DOROTHY Riding Lessons 5 BIRTHS Who woulda thunk it! You a ed PART OF the baby boom? Call ItI is with great sadness re vit ·now accepting new clients to experiencein Welcome Wagon for a personal ththat we announce the ·school horses available Baby Visit. Gifts & greetings from Colour Sense Natural Mineral ·will travel local businesses and a warm wel- ppassinga of Dorothy Davis, ·introductory rate come for baby. Andrea 537-8464. ouour beloved mother, Colour Cosmetics 6 DEATHS ggrandmotherr and friend. Tues, July 10 7-9 pm EC certifi ed level 1 coach DDorothy was born in Harbour House Hotel Banquet Room

Kim McIntyre phone 537-8916 Elizabeth Lee KKentucky, Nov. 16, 1923 Demonstrations, Makeovers, Before & Aft er Photos cell 537-6588 Funeral aandn passed away June 21. COLOURS 6 PROTECTS 6 CORRECTS She worked for the U.U.S.S Army Corps of ALL SKIN TYPES Consultant EiEngineers and dtlld travelled to many exciting places 537-1023 John, Dovene, Courtenay 538-6279 BINGO while based in the Middle East and enchanted MEADEN HALL us all with her stories. and Jennifer would like to Royal Canadian Legion She retired to Salt Spring in 1985 where she congratulate CRE8IVITY 07 presents HAYWARD’S Robert “Casey” Steele THURSDAY FUNERAL SERVICE raised her grandson, Danny Chamblin. Dorothy “BEYOND BLACK AND WHITE” July 5 was a loving grandmother to Chad Williams, on his recent graduation works by J. Borbas, S. Haigh, D. Hodgins, Early Birds, 6:30 pm form Mt. Allison Sponsored by Lance Davis, and Brooke Olsen. B. Kaye, G. Sibley, M. Threlfall Her free spirit has been released and will be University, NB, where he Ladies Auxiliary st th Royal Canadian! Legion Br. 92. PATRICK BEATTIE forever missed by son Ed Davis and his wife received a BSc in Physics July 1 - 7 at ArtSpring All proceeds to bursaries for Licensed Funeral Director st Jean, and daughter Dawn. with First Class Honours Exhibition Continues until July 31 in Salt Spring Island students. #22 Merchant Mews A special lady with a sparkle and wit that will and Minors in Commerce ArtSpring’s Open Space. Box 315, Ganges P.O. long be remembered by all who knew her. No and Mathematics. SSI, V8K 2V9 http://saltspring.gulfi slands.com/hodgins/cre8ivity Tel: (250) 537-1022 service by request. 6 Well done. Now get a job! Fax: (250) 537-2012 LINEN SALE 20% off 8 CARD OF THANKS Happy OUR DEEP appreciation and grati- Anniversary! Bed & Bath Linens tude to the many, many people-doc- KIDS tors, nurses, lab technicians, ambu- PLUS with every purchase of linens over CAMP lance drivers, home care workers $10000 receive a free Mouat’s Anniversary Book 2007 and the Bessie Dane foundation for Limited Quantities helping Dorothy in her fi nal days. GET READY June 27 - July 8, 2007 The Davis family. FOR AN OUT- 10 CELEBRATIONS Mon - Sat 8:30-5:30 Sun & Holiday OF-THIS-WORLD 9:30-5:00 ADVENTURE! Congratulations to Son Force Kids - Courageous kids on a SS JAZZ & BLUES SOCIETY Mary Camille mission for God! Wish to thank the following Family and Friends COMMUNITY Regan Bartle GOSPEL CHAPEL sponsors and other friends whose would like to send July 9 - 13 generous support contributed to best wishes to 9:30am - 12:00 pm 537-2622 the success of JAZZ FEST 2007: Ben & Joyce 2010 Legacies Now, Karen and Don Taylor Arney, The SS Foundation, SS Arts In Celebration of their NEW WORK RUCKLE PARK Council, The Ray Newman Fund, BY 60th Wedding NATURE Bandemonium Music Society, SS Fine Anniversary SALT SPRING POTTERS GUILD Ales, The GI Driftwood and Apple Bachelor of Arts June 24, 1947 PROGRAMS in Political Science, Mark’s Work Wearhouse Photo, SS Royal Canadian Legion, Simon Fraser University, ‘07 July 1 to 31 with Park Naturalist Dave Vollrath of Living Water Media Stephanie King Way to get on 20 COMING EVENTS & assistant Services, Terra Firma Builders, Jim SUMMER TREAT. Joel Andrews, NATURAL FIBRE FESTIVAL Gordon Havelaar Fogarty Tax Accounting, Acoustic that bus, and harpist and healer offers “A Heal- ing Journey” seminar. Sunday, July Saturdays & Sundays GO! 22. Details. Phone Barb Lyngard July 21-22 – ArtSpring & Stowell Lake Farm Planet Music, Thrifty Foods, Ganges 653-4469. Starting June 30 Village Market, Mouat’s Trading Love from the FRIENDS FITNESS still waiting for KEYNOTE DINNER was sold out, but we’ve moved summer. Summer special still on, 3 it, and MORE TICKETS are now available! Call ArtSpring PROGRAM SCHEDULES Company, West of the Moon, Sea Neighbourhood months for $99. 156 King’s Lane. 538-0006. box-offi ce: 537-2102 10:30 am & 1:30 pm (Sat) Maiden Quality Fish, Embe Bakery, ART CLASSES with Amarah Gabri- 1:30 pm (Sun) 20 COMING EVENTS el, 7 week drawing begins July 10. Some WORKSHOP SPACES are still available for Sports Traders and Donn & Maddie Two Day painting workshop, July 12 crafts, guided nature walks, FOR A complete calendar of coming & 13. 537-0051. spinning, weaving, landscape art quilt, designing with textiles, events check the Driftwood Communi- Tarris of Mercer Gallery. Our venue AN EVENING with Anne and Hugh games, nature hunts & more ty Calendar, in our offi ce in the Upper surface design, knot-work. www.fi brefestival.com or 537-1346 McLean. Duets for pianoED and or- contributors, Barb’s Bakery & Bistro Ganges Centre, 328 Lower Ganges CANCELL *All programs meet Road, or on our website at www.gulfi s- gan. All Saints’ 7:30 pm., Thursday, at the Host Site in the July 5, by donation. DESIGNERS’ SHOWCASE entries have now been and the Treehouse Restaurant and the lands.net. Use the calendar for event campground planning and to make sure your date HERBAL MEDICINE MAKING juried, and this will be a fantastic, theatrical show. Tickets many businesses who donated to the doesn’t confl ict with someone else’s. WORKSHOP INTENSIVE at ArtSpring box-offi ce: 537-2102 KIDS CLIMBING CAMPS July 14 & 15 10 a.m - 4. Come Canada’s Parks Day fundraiser Silent Auction. Mondays, 10 - 3 at the Wall. Ages 8 out and explore plant identifi cation, and up, $30. July 9, 16, 23 & 30, Aug. harvesting, and herbal preparation. WEEKEND EVENTS: at ArtSpring this year! Hands- July 21st 10 am to 4 pm Thank you also to all the volunteers 13, 20, & 27. Registration 537-9971, Learn how to make medicinal teas, on demos, history of quilts show, displays, vendors. ext. 231 or [email protected]. tinctures, oil infusions, salves, and Some refreshments will who generously gave their time to FLOWER FESTIVAL. Tues., July 17. more. Beginners and intermedi- For more info, phone 537-1346 or see be available Open House, All Saints, 1 - 4pm. Tea ates. Cost $160- 180. For more make this event a success. from 2pm and music and Munch information call Saci Spindler @ www.fi brefestival.com www.parksday.ca Wed, July 18, 12:10pm. 250-653-0068. Spaces limited. GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 31 DRIFTWOOD CLASSIFIEDS – 537-9933 [email protected] 20 COMING EVENTS 34 NOTICES 34 NOTICES 55 HELP WANTED 55 HELP WANTED 55 HELP WANTED SOLACE ORGANIC SPA CLEAN MANORS will move Salt Spring’s first and only or- INTERESTING Turn the page furniture, brush and wood, trash, re- ganic spa and prodcut line. cycling, do yard clean up and main- INVITATION OPPORTUNITY tenance, deliver fi rewood, gravel Check for our weekly specials in for more abroad for a young, bright, etc. Call Paris Haase, for good reli- TO PLAY! “Too Late to classify” 653-4688. energetic person happy to Introductory ABOVE GROUND POOL HELP WANTED able work. Cell: 526-0099. LIONS GARAGE Sale will be closed carry out domestic work EXPERIENCED GARDENER for hire. musicianship for for purchases and donations during FOR REMOVAL to a high standard (mainly listings Phone 537-1431 and ask for Liz. young beginners July and August. We wish you a Our new Rainbow Road all-season indoor cleaning/ironing, a little JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER/con- nice summer and will see you again cooking/childcare). In tractor available for additions, renos, > 3 - 6 years old on September 1. pool is scheduled for completion this coming return, fl ights paid, room & 60 WORK WANTED etc. Quality & integrity. Guaranteed. board in fashionable Notting FAMILY PLACE fall so this will be the last year for Shelby GARDEN CARE, weeding, bed References. 537-2820,Jim Anderson. > group class Hill, London, the opportunity Parent Child drop-in Wednesdays prep, on-going maintenance, va- 60 WORK WANTED > begins july Memorial Pool at Portlock Park. of earning good pay with is cancelled for summer. Instead: cation care & more. Phone Kim, > inventive > fun Effective September 4, 2007 the existing plenty of perks and travel. 538-8495. Paddle & play at Lakeside Gardens, Start Sept. Interviews July- St. Mary Lake Tuesdays, July & Au- pool and equipment will be available for RELIABLE HOUSE cleaner, fl ex- Please phone Melissa Aug. on Salt Spring. ible hours. $20/hr. Call Jess at 537-5131 for details gust, 10 - 1 for parents with children removal. The pool tank, deck and equipment Email: [email protected] 537-2630. under 6. 537-9176. are available as a package on an as-is, where- Tom Clark Journeyman Carpenter is basis. The entire structure is to be removed Salt Spring Island Visitor Centre SUMMER READING and the site left in clean condition within a Renovations ~ our speciality at reasonable period of time. Requires 1 student for summer Phone (250) 537-6390 SALT SPRING LIBRARY Pool Information employment approx 35 hrs per week. TANK: Work with interesting people in a fast-paced JOB SQUAD Approximately 25’ wide x 70’ long x 4 ‘ deep; fun atmosphere while learning about the * CALL NOW FOR ESTIMATES “Catch the Reading Bug” vinyl liner, steel wall construction; wood frame island and assisting visitors from all over ON HOUSE PAINTING* deck and chain link fence. Note: the steel frame the world to enjoy a little bit of our paradise! ONLY 2 BOOKINGS LEFT 6 weeks of reading fun, prizes, and bug system may be reconÀ gured or made smaller. “Serving the Island investigations with Salt Spring Public Drop off a resume @ the Visitor Center or Since 1989” EQUIPMENT: the Chamber of Commerce, Attention Sonja 537-5703 Library and Salt Spring Conservancy. Sand À lter system and piping; slurry chlorine water treatment system; twin propane À red furnaces. Programs: Wednesday, July 4 to THE ALL OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED HELP WANTED HARDWORKING Aug. 8, 1:30-2:30 p.m. at the library. Written offers will be received until July 27, Salt Spring Island Co-operative Preschool is HANDYMEN 2007 and should be delivered to: seeking a part-time Early Childhood Educator Ages: 5 to 11 PARC Administration OfÀ ce (ECE) commencing September 2007. garbage pick-up • hauling 145 Vesuvius Bay Road clean-up • recycling Registration starts Our preschool has a learning through play lawn mowing • gardening Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1K3 philosophy and an ECE should work well brush cutting • hedge trimming Monday, June 25 at The Library Information: D.C. Gibbon, with children and their families. chain saw work • fi re wood Parks Operations Manager fencing • small repairs Phone: 250 537 4448 Fax: 250 537 4456 Please send resume to Box #2, The Driftwood, and more! email: [email protected] 328 Lower Ganges Rd., Salt Spring Island, BC ON TIME, RELIABLE V8K 2V3 or email: [email protected]. QUICK AND FRIENDLY KLAUS 653-9101 EMPLOYMENT 55 HELP WANTED SALT SPRING INN IF YOU ARE Requires dishwashers and house- LOOKING FOR WORK SERVICES Celebrate the release of 50 BUSINES OPPORTUNITY keepers. Drop off resumes or call Barry at 537-9339. THEN READ THIS! WORK AT HOME ONLINE - Start “Harry Potter a real home-based business. Work SSI TRANSITION House, On-Call • Local Job Postings 102 ARCHITECTS/DESIGNERS Support Worker. To provide practi- when you want. Apply online and • Internet, Computer, Telephone and Fax Services BUILDING DESIGN, drafting AND THE cal and emotional support to women start today! www.wfhbc.com. & permits. All types of projects. and children affected by violence and • Individual Support and Information On: Ready to use plans also avail- Deathly Hallows” abuse. Flexible scheduling. Resume • Wage Subsidies Programs able. Call 1-888-771-2286 , or THINGS ON WHEELS and covering letter must be received JULY 12 • Self Employment 250-886-5867 Cell. JULY 21 MOTORSPORTS INC. by noon on July 13/07 by fax to 537- • Employment for Youth & 0752 or email executivedirector@ People with Disabilities Join our guided wizard tour full of events, iwav.org or mail to IWAV, Box 376 - VOLCANO Ganges PO, SSI, BC V8K 2W1. See • Weekly Drop-In Resume Clinics Each Wed. 10 am - 3 pm LET’S GET games & crafts. Meet at... complete posting at www.iwav.org. ALL AT NO COST TO YOU 49CC DLX “TRANSITIONS” THRIFT Store STARTED! WEST OF THE MOON ...... 1:00 pm $2299 seeks a positive, energetic individual Phone 537-5979 / Fax 537-5976 or Drop In Bring your sketches & ideas and The Sorting Hat - Are you Gryffi ndor or who enjoys a busy retail environment, 10 am - 3:30 pm Monday - Friday together we’ll design (or upgrade) Slytherin? Pick up your Marauder’s Map, can take direction and work in a co- Beacon Employment Services, your dream home. Through the use of Sidney (250) 818-1973 operative manner for a Relief Worker 343 Lower Ganges Rd., Salt Spring Island then follow the wizard to... position. Flexible scheduling. Please computer-aided drafting, we’ll quickly DEALER deliver resume and covering letter produce the working drawings you’ll SALT SPRING BOOKS ...... 2:00 pm OPPORTUNITIES in person to “Transitions”, #1 – 144 The government of Canada has take to your contractor. There you’ll fi nd Ollivander’s Wand Shop, McPhillips Ave. by 4 p.m. on July contributed to this initiative. FOR ISLAND PLEASE CALL where you create your own magic wand. 10/07. See complete posting at www. www.thingsonwheels.ca iwav.org or pick one up at the store. HELSET DESIGN Then on to... Sales Representative FABLES COTTAGE ...... 3:00 pm BUSY RMT PRACTICE FOR SALE 537-1037 Wizard Crafts... Salt Spring Island’s Award Winning & ask for Jim GANGES UNITED CHURCH MEADOW 3:30 pm Looking for awesome Deep Tissue Therapist weekly newspaper requires a sales The Quidditch Pitch - Gryffi ndor vs. Slytherin to care for awesome clientèle. Also space representative for the Gulf Islands 114 CHILD CARE Play the game, then stay for the treats after. HEART N’ HANDS Montessori available in established down town Ganges Driftwood Newspaper, AQUA Magazine, now has spaces available in our The Leaky Cauldron will supply cake and Health Centre with busy RMT. Turnkey Gulf Islands Real Estate Magazine and all day program. For more infor- pumpkin juice. operation, amazing deal! Call Tia 538-7000 mation contact Denise 537-4944. Gulf Islands On-line. 118 COMPUTERS Prizes !!! Answer a trivia question at each stop ß¶ß¶ß Good benefi t package, room for growth. CALL BOB McIvor for trouble- on the tour to be eligible for prizes! shooting, software and network- Advertising sales experience preferred. ing support. We do housecalls. 55 HELP WANTED 55 HELP WANTED Reliable transportation required. 537-2827 or (cell) 538-7017. FIELD STORES Hatchery Technician Please go and back-up your im- has part time sales associate posi- Sablefi n Hatcheries on Salt Spring Email to: sales@gulfi slands.net portant data now! tions available. Retail sales experi- Island is seeking full time techni- fax: 537-2613 127 FINANCIAL SERVICES 25 EDUCATION 34 NOTICES ence a plus but not required. Fields is cians starting immediately. High a member of the Hudson Bay family School or college science back- attention: Peter McCully, 12% INTEREST P.A. paid BECOME AN INTERIOR DECO- of companies. Please drop off resume ground with knowledge in biology monthly, secured by Heritage RATOR with our professional @ Fields. No phone calls please. would be an advantage. Work ex- Associate Publisher Properties, developed for Olym- distance education program. BC CLIMATE FARMSIT: SMALL farm, chickens, perience in related fi elds is a plus. pics in Vancouver and Victoria. '5,&)3,!.$3 Gain practical skills and learn ACTION PLAN sheep and family pets; 2 - 3 hours We offer competitive wages and a See offering memorandum: how to start your own business. daily. Chores in exchange for free benefi t package. Please email your www.cambiehostels.com/inves- Free brochure. 1-800-267-1829. Teleworkshops at I-SEA resume with cover letter to sable- tors. Auditors PWC. Toll-free rent in August in old farmhouse. $RIFTWOOD9/52#/--5.)49.%730!0%23).#% www.qcdesignschool.com. by BCSEA (www.bcsea.org) Must be handy and have own trans- fi [email protected], fax to 250-537-4109. 1-866-279-7288. port. Apply to Box 1 c/o Driftwood SHOP FOREMAN/LEADHAND 26 LEGALS th Publishing, 328 Lower Ganges Rd, required for heavy-duty truck and CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian Tuesday, July 10 Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 2V3. trailer repair shop. Fax or email re- pardon seals record. U.S. waiver 12 - 1 pm. HARBOUR HOUSE Hotel is hiring sume to: 780-452-3499 or service@ permits legal American entry. in their housekeeping department. northwestspring.com. Why risk employment, licensing, Listen to speakers on the Keen eye for detail is a must. Com- NO PHONE this summer? Recon- nect for cheap! Only $24.95 for fi rst travel, arrest, deportation, prop- BC Climate Action Plan. mitment for the summer is essential. Drop off resume, Attenti: Charlene. month + connection fee! Paying too erty confiscation? Canadian much? Switching is easy! Phone PART-TIME DISPATCHER & RESERVATIONS AGENT - U.S. Immigration specialists. Bring a lunch to I-SEA & listen in!! ARE YOU Interested in learning to be a backhoe and excavator opera- Factory Reconnect 1-877-336- Salt Spring Air is looking for a highly motivated 1-800-347-2540. 2274; www.phonefactory.ca. Please RSVP to tor/ labourer, welder? Are you clean individual who can work independently in a fast paced work environment. 29 LOST AND FOUND cut, physically fi t, high school gradu- RESTAURANT/BANQUET MAN- 537-4400 or ate and 18 - 25? Call 653-9255. AGER. Full-service hotel requires en- REQUIREMENTS: FOUND: PANASONIC phone on thusiastic person with extensive F&B ROCK SALT Restaurant is hiring Knowledge of MS Offi ce, Exceptional phone skills Bulman Rd. Phone 653-4501. [email protected]. and supervisory experience. Join our bakers, summer servers and line Attention to detail, Good situational awareness, Ability to work independently 34 NOTICES team in BC’s most beautiful seaside Sponsored by Institute cooks. Please apply in person, talk city. Send resume to: Powell River DUTIES: MINISHUTTLE IS changing days to Teile or Bruce or email rocksalt@ Town Centre Hotel, 4660 Joyce Ave, for Sustainabilty shawbiz.ca. Answering phones, Dispatching aircraft, Flight Following, Taking reservations of operation. As of June 24 it Education & Action Powell River, BC V8A 3B6 or email to GANGES VILLAGE Market is look- [email protected]. MUST BE AVAILABLE TO WORK WEEKENDS will operate 6 days weekly, now (www.i-sea.org) including Wednesday. Sunday ing for a new personality to work in TRAILER MECHANIC for afternoon our busy & upbeat Deli Dept. A va- is now the new day off. Ques- and graveyard shifts. Commercial Please fax resume & cover letter to 537-9698 riety of hours & shifts are available. tions?? 537-6758. transportation skills, experienced or email in Word format to [email protected] Come on in & meet us, bring your on containers / chassis, welding. IF YOUR Driftwood subscription resume with you. Good wages. 100% medical, dental. PLEASE NO DROP INS / NO PHONE CALLS label has the date highlighted, PAINTERS WANTED. Must be ex- Surrey and Pitt Meadows locations. Only qualifi ed applicants will be contacted now is the time to renew! tremely energetic. 538-1685. Fax resume 604-460-8206. GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 31 DRIFTWOOD CLASSIFIEDS – 537-9933 [email protected] 20 COMING EVENTS 34 NOTICES 34 NOTICES 55 HELP WANTED 55 HELP WANTED 55 HELP WANTED SOLACE ORGANIC SPA CLEAN MANORS will move Salt Spring’s first and only or- INTERESTING Turn the page furniture, brush and wood, trash, re- ganic spa and prodcut line. cycling, do yard clean up and main- INVITATION OPPORTUNITY tenance, deliver fi rewood, gravel Check for our weekly specials in for more abroad for a young, bright, etc. Call Paris Haase, for good reli- TO PLAY! “Too Late to classify” 653-4688. energetic person happy to Introductory ABOVE GROUND POOL HELP WANTED able work. Cell: 526-0099. LIONS GARAGE Sale will be closed carry out domestic work EXPERIENCED GARDENER for hire. musicianship for for purchases and donations during FOR REMOVAL to a high standard (mainly listings Phone 537-1431 and ask for Liz. young beginners July and August. We wish you a Our new Rainbow Road all-season indoor cleaning/ironing, a little JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER/con- nice summer and will see you again cooking/childcare). In tractor available for additions, renos, > 3 - 6 years old on September 1. pool is scheduled for completion this coming return, fl ights paid, room & 60 WORK WANTED etc. Quality & integrity. Guaranteed. board in fashionable Notting FAMILY PLACE fall so this will be the last year for Shelby GARDEN CARE, weeding, bed References. 537-2820,Jim Anderson. > group class Hill, London, the opportunity Parent Child drop-in Wednesdays prep, on-going maintenance, va- > begins july Memorial Pool at Portlock Park. of earning good pay with 60 WORK WANTED is cancelled for summer. Instead: cation care & more. Phone Kim, > inventive > fun Effective September 4, 2007 the existing plenty of perks and travel. 538-8495. Paddle & play at Lakeside Gardens, Start Sept. Interviews July- St. Mary Lake Tuesdays, July & Au- pool and equipment will be available for RELIABLE HOUSE cleaner, fl ex- Please phone Melissa Aug. on Salt Spring. ible hours. $20/hr. Call Jess at 537-5131 for details gust, 10 - 1 for parents with children removal. The pool tank, deck and equipment Email: [email protected] 537-2630. under 6. 537-9176. are available as a package on an as-is, where- Tom Clark Journeyman Carpenter is basis. The entire structure is to be removed Salt Spring Island Visitor Centre SUMMER READING and the site left in clean condition within a Renovations ~ our speciality at reasonable period of time. Requires 1 student for summer Phone (250) 537-6390 Pool Information employment approx 35 hrs per week. SALT SPRING LIBRARY JOB SQUAD TANK: Work with interesting people in a fast-paced Approximately 25’ wide x 70’ long x 4 ‘ deep; fun atmosphere while learning about the * CALL NOW FOR ESTIMATES “Catch the Reading Bug” vinyl liner, steel wall construction; wood frame island and assisting visitors from all over ON HOUSE PAINTING* deck and chain link fence. Note: the steel frame the world to enjoy a little bit of our paradise! ONLY 2 BOOKINGS LEFT 6 weeks of reading fun, prizes, and bug system may be reconÀ gured or made smaller. “Serving the Island investigations with Salt Spring Public Drop off a resume @ the Visitor Center or Since 1989” EQUIPMENT: the Chamber of Commerce, Attention Sonja 537-5703 Library and Salt Spring Conservancy. Sand À lter system and piping; slurry chlorine water treatment system; twin propane À red furnaces. Programs: Wednesday, July 4 to HELP WANTED THE ALL OFFERS WILL BE CONSIDERED HARDWORKING Aug. 8, 1:30-2:30 p.m. at the library. Written offers will be received until July 27, Salt Spring Island Co-operative Preschool is 2007 and should be delivered to: seeking a part-time Early Childhood Educator HANDYMEN Ages: 5 to 11 PARC Administration OfÀ ce (ECE) commencing September 2007. garbage pick-up • hauling 145 Vesuvius Bay Road clean-up • recycling Registration starts Our preschool has a learning through play lawn mowing • gardening Salt Spring Island, BC V8K 1K3 philosophy and an ECE should work well brush cutting • hedge trimming Monday, June 25 at The Library Information: D.C. Gibbon, with children and their families. chain saw work • fi re wood Parks Operations Manager fencing • small repairs Phone: 250 537 4448 Fax: 250 537 4456 Please send resume to Box #2, The Driftwood, and more! email: [email protected] 328 Lower Ganges Rd., Salt Spring Island, BC ON TIME, RELIABLE V8K 2V3 or email: [email protected]. QUICK AND FRIENDLY KLAUS 653-9101 EMPLOYMENT 55 HELP WANTED SALT SPRING INN IF YOU ARE Requires dishwashers and house- LOOKING FOR WORK SERVICES Celebrate the release of 50 BUSINES OPPORTUNITY keepers. Drop off resumes or call Barry at 537-9339. THEN READ THIS! WORK AT HOME ONLINE - Start “Harry Potter a real home-based business. Work SSI TRANSITION House, On-Call • Local Job Postings 102 ARCHITECTS/DESIGNERS Support Worker. To provide practi- when you want. Apply online and • Internet, Computer, Telephone and Fax Services BUILDING DESIGN, drafting AND THE cal and emotional support to women start today! www.wfhbc.com. & permits. All types of projects. and children affected by violence and • Individual Support and Information On: Ready to use plans also avail- Deathly Hallows” abuse. Flexible scheduling. Resume • Wage Subsidies Programs able. Call 1-888-771-2286 , or THINGS ON WHEELS and covering letter must be received JULY 12 • Self Employment 250-886-5867 Cell. MOTORSPORTS INC. by noon on July 13/07 by fax to 537- • Employment for Youth & 0752 or email executivedirector@ People with Disabilities Join our guided wizard tour full of events, iwav.org or mail to IWAV, Box 376 LET’S GET VOLCANO Ganges PO, SSI, BC V8K 2W1. See • Weekly Drop-In Resume Clinics - Each Wed. 10 am - 3 pm games & crafts. Meet at... complete posting at www.iwav.org. ALL AT NO COST TO YOU STARTED! 49CC DLX “TRANSITIONS” THRIFT Store WEST OF THE MOON ...... 1:00 pm $2299 seeks a positive, energetic individual Phone 537-5979 / Fax 537-5976 or Drop In Bring your sketches & ideas and The Sorting Hat - Are you Gryffi ndor or who enjoys a busy retail environment, 10 am - 3:30 pm Monday - Friday together we’ll design (or upgrade) Slytherin? Pick up your Marauder’s Map, can take direction and work in a co- Beacon Employment Services, your dream home. Through the use of Sidney (250) 818-1973 operative manner for a Relief Worker 343 Lower Ganges Rd., Salt Spring Island then follow the wizard to... position. Flexible scheduling. Please computer-aided drafting, we’ll quickly DEALER deliver resume and covering letter produce the working drawings you’ll SALT SPRING BOOKS ...... 2:00 pm OPPORTUNITIES in person to “Transitions”, #1 – 144 The government of Canada has take to your contractor. There you’ll fi nd Ollivander’s Wand Shop, McPhillips Ave. by 4 p.m. on July contributed to this initiative. FOR ISLAND PLEASE CALL where you create your own magic wand. 10/07. See complete posting at www. www.thingsonwheels.ca iwav.org or pick one up at the store. Then on to... Sales Representative HELSET DESIGN FABLES COTTAGE ...... 3:00 pm BUSY RMT PRACTICE FOR SALE 537-1037 Wizard Crafts... Salt Spring Island’s Award Winning & ask for Jim GANGES UNITED CHURCH MEADOW 3:30 pm Looking for awesome Deep Tissue Therapist weekly newspaper requires a sales The Quidditch Pitch - Gryffi ndor vs. Slytherin to care for awesome clientèle. Also space representative for the Gulf Islands 114 CHILD CARE Play the game, then stay for the treats after. HEART N’ HANDS Montessori available in established down town Ganges Driftwood Newspaper, AQUA Magazine, now has spaces available in our The Leaky Cauldron will supply cake and Health Centre with busy RMT. Turnkey Gulf Islands Real Estate Magazine and all day program. For more infor- pumpkin juice. mation contact Denise 537-4944. operation, amazing deal! Call Tia 538-7000 Gulf Islands On-line. 118 COMPUTERS Prizes !!! Answer a trivia question at each stop ß¶ß¶ß Good benefi t package, room for growth. CALL BOB McIvor for trouble- on the tour to be eligible for prizes! shooting, software and network- Advertising sales experience preferred. ing support. We do housecalls. 55 HELP WANTED 55 HELP WANTED Reliable transportation required. 537-2827 or (cell) 538-7017. FIELD STORES Hatchery Technician Please go and back-up your im- has part time sales associate posi- Sablefi n Hatcheries on Salt Spring Email to: sales@gulfi slands.net portant data now! tions available. Retail sales experi- Island is seeking full time techni- fax: 537-2613 127 FINANCIAL SERVICES 25 EDUCATION 34 NOTICES ence a plus but not required. Fields is cians starting immediately. High a member of the Hudson Bay family School or college science back- attention: Peter McCully, 12% INTEREST P.A. paid BECOME AN INTERIOR DECO- of companies. Please drop off resume ground with knowledge in biology monthly, secured by Heritage RATOR with our professional @ Fields. No phone calls please. would be an advantage. Work ex- Associate Publisher Properties, developed for Olym- distance education program. BC CLIMATE FARMSIT: SMALL farm, chickens, perience in related fi elds is a plus. pics in Vancouver and Victoria. '5,&)3,!.$3 Gain practical skills and learn ACTION PLAN sheep and family pets; 2 - 3 hours We offer competitive wages and a See offering memorandum: how to start your own business. daily. Chores in exchange for free benefi t package. Please email your www.cambiehostels.com/inves- Free brochure. 1-800-267-1829. Teleworkshops at I-SEA resume with cover letter to sable- tors. Auditors PWC. Toll-free rent in August in old farmhouse. $RIFTWOOD9/52#/--5.)49.%730!0%23).#% www.qcdesignschool.com. by BCSEA (www.bcsea.org) Must be handy and have own trans- fi [email protected], fax to 250-537-4109. 1-866-279-7288. port. Apply to Box 1 c/o Driftwood SHOP FOREMAN/LEADHAND 26 LEGALS th Publishing, 328 Lower Ganges Rd, required for heavy-duty truck and CRIMINAL RECORD? Canadian Tuesday, July 10 Salt Spring Island, BC, V8K 2V3. trailer repair shop. Fax or email re- pardon seals record. U.S. waiver 12 - 1 pm. HARBOUR HOUSE Hotel is hiring sume to: 780-452-3499 or service@ permits legal American entry. in their housekeeping department. northwestspring.com. Why risk employment, licensing, Listen to speakers on the Keen eye for detail is a must. Com- NO PHONE this summer? Recon- nect for cheap! Only $24.95 for fi rst travel, arrest, deportation, prop- BC Climate Action Plan. mitment for the summer is essential. Drop off resume, Attenti: Charlene. month + connection fee! Paying too erty confiscation? Canadian much? Switching is easy! Phone - U.S. Immigration specialists. Bring a lunch to I-SEA & listen in!! ARE YOU Interested in learning to PART-TIME DISPATCHER & RESERVATIONS AGENT be a backhoe and excavator opera- Factory Reconnect 1-877-336- 1-800-347-2540. 2274; www.phonefactory.ca. Salt Spring Air is looking for a highly motivated Please RSVP to tor/ labourer, welder? Are you clean individual who can work independently in a fast paced work environment. 29 LOST AND FOUND cut, physically fi t, high school gradu- RESTAURANT/BANQUET MAN- 537-4400 or ate and 18 - 25? Call 653-9255. AGER. Full-service hotel requires en- REQUIREMENTS: FOUND: PANASONIC phone on thusiastic person with extensive F&B ROCK SALT Restaurant is hiring Knowledge of MS Offi ce, Exceptional phone skills Bulman Rd. Phone 653-4501. [email protected]. and supervisory experience. Join our bakers, summer servers and line 34 NOTICES team in BC’s most beautiful seaside Attention to detail, Good situational awareness, Ability to work independently Sponsored by Institute cooks. Please apply in person, talk city. Send resume to: Powell River DUTIES: MINISHUTTLE IS changing days to Teile or Bruce or email rocksalt@ Town Centre Hotel, 4660 Joyce Ave, for Sustainabilty shawbiz.ca. Answering phones, Dispatching aircraft, Flight Following, Taking reservations of operation. As of June 24 it Education & Action Powell River, BC V8A 3B6 or email to GANGES VILLAGE Market is look- [email protected]. will operate 6 days weekly, now (www.i-sea.org) MUST BE AVAILABLE TO WORK WEEKENDS including Wednesday. Sunday ing for a new personality to work in TRAILER MECHANIC for afternoon our busy & upbeat Deli Dept. A va- is now the new day off. Ques- and graveyard shifts. Commercial Please fax resume & cover letter to 537-9698 riety of hours & shifts are available. tions?? 537-6758. transportation skills, experienced or email in Word format to [email protected] Come on in & meet us, bring your on containers / chassis, welding. IF YOUR Driftwood subscription resume with you. Good wages. 100% medical, dental. PLEASE NO DROP INS / NO PHONE CALLS label has the date highlighted, PAINTERS WANTED. Must be ex- Surrey and Pitt Meadows locations. Only qualifi ed applicants will be contacted now is the time to renew! tremely energetic. 538-1685. Fax resume 604-460-8206. 32 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD DRIFTWOOD CLASSIFIEDS – 537-9933 [email protected] 55 HELP WANTED 302 APPLIANCES 350 MISC. FOR SALE 370 PETS/LIVESTOCK WASHING MACHINE top loading, BEAUTIFUL EARLY 1900s North GIVE AWAY to loving home: healthy, PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT Kenmore, white, HD. Good condi- American upright grand piano, all pampered, 11 year old black, French Home Sweet Home tion, 6 yrs. old, 4 water temps., 4 tuned, ready to go, reduced by $400 Bulldog. Cute as a Pug - requires OPPORTUNITY wash speeds, incl. handwash/deli- to $1450 obo. 537-4450 evenings. doting new parent and prefers to be 204 ARCHITECTS 220 CONCRETE cate, $600. 537-5659. PRICES HAVE gone down! I didn’t an only child. Enquiries to John or General OfÀ ce Duties believe it either. Water storage tanks Pat 537-2716. PARC requires the services of part-time on-call 310 BUILDING SUPPLIES and water delivery. Isles West Water FREE BUNNY. Black and white lop- Neil Morie m a i b c auxiliary staff for reception and general ofÀ ce duties. ROOF MATERIAL For Sale – 16 X Services. 653-4513. eared bunny. With cage and carry 20 feet of new tan metal roof. Val- architect Excellent inter-personal skills, good keyboarding ability LE CLERC 45 inch ,4 shaft loom; crate. 537-5654. www.neilmoriearchitect.com ue $700 – best offer. Ask the complete with sectional bem and SCOTTISH LURCHER pups, 9 wks. and computer proÀ ciency are required. The work yard office at Windsor or call 4, Fulford Marina apron $450 obo. 537-4282. old, veternarian raised, various ph. 653-4812 schedule may Á uctuate and will involve approximately 604-760-9169. POWER TAIL gate/ lift. Suitable for colours, male & female. Call 537- creative design responsive to site invalid scooer or wheelchair $1500. 9756 for info. 1-2 days per week, 7 hours per day. This is a collective 330 FOOD PRODUCTS craft and client Phone 663-0049. DOG CRATE wanted. Big enough GULF STIR CRAZY PRESERVES bargaining unit position (CUPE Local 1978) which for large dog (lab size). Good condi- Only at the Market! 5 pepper jelly, TERRACOTTA TILE outdoor COAST attracts a pay rate of $ 16.39/hr. tion. Please call 653-4322. ruhubarb chutney, wicked mustard table, 35 inches by 63 inches. Was 218 CLEANING SERVICES MATERIALS Candidates will have a minimum of high school relish, ginger & citrus marmalade $400.00, hardley used. Asking 379 FREE/RECYCLABLES graduation, preferably supplemented by business and le vrai caramel. All Stir Crazy! $150.00. Phone 537-2093. NEW LOADED COMPUTER only 1976 FORD, 16 hp, lawn and garden Serving the Gulf Islands or secretarial school training, plus a minimum of 99 cents/day! Everyone’s ap- tractor, with mowing deck, and pto Salt Spring, Galiano, CALDWELL’S rotatiller. It will run again. 653-4155. two years directly related clerical/administrative proved*. Get an MDG computer Mayne, Penders experience. At least 55 wpm typing ability is required. OAKSPRING right to your doorstep from only 99 FREE LOVE SEAT/sofa bed. You cents/day. Includes everything you pick up. 537-9101. We clean homes Advanced computer skills, including excellent FARM organize rooms • READY MIX need: 1 GB RAM, 250 GB HD, 19” FREE 24” harvest gold range. • WASHED GRAVEL working knowledge of MS Word and Excel are Since 1882 LCD fl at panel, Windows Vista & Works and looks good. You pick up. create spaces • REINFORCED STEEL required. Knowledge of additional software programs more; plus get free* shipping (*call 537-0783. the works... Currently available: for conditions) 1-800-236-2504. • BAGGED CEMENT • FREE RANGE FREE WHITE, sturdy shelving unit. and writing skills are assets. Superior customer service ADD AND SAVE on home phone 2.5 ft. x 6 ft. You pick up. 537-8565. GRAIN-FED PORK call today and communication skills are a must. reconnection. Bad credit - no prob- FREE, CLEAN full sized fridge. 537-2611 • FRESH CUT LUMBER QualiÀ ed persons should respond in writing, lem! Up to $30 off for new custom- Works well, has energuide sticker. 538.8282 345 Rainbow Road 537-5380 or 537-2152 ers, plus lower monthly rates! Call 537-0094. including a current resume, and be prepared to attend Tembo 1-877-266-6398 or sign up an interview. Include local telephone contact number, online www.tembo.ca. mailing address and email address and please provide 331 FARM GATE STEEL BUILDING super sale! REAL ESTATE 236 FIREWOOD Prices too low to publish! Colour references. Applications should be received at the TWO COWS for sale, hereford. available! Call now for free shipping! Home PARC administration ofÀ ce on or before July 20, Evenings 653-4164. www.crownsteelbuildings.com, 1- 410 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HONEST OL’S 2007. Email and Fax submissions will be accepted. 333 FIREWOOD 800-457-2206. Garages, workshops, RURAL ISLAND LIVING FIREWOOD heavy/farm equipment storage. PARC thanks all applicants for their interest and FIREWOOD FOR sale. Fire- Gabriola Island, 2 bdrm. home on •GUARANTEED CORD wood logs wanted to buy. Phone 350 MISC. FOR SALE .64 acres. Good water, lg. bdrms, Sweet Cut, Split & delivered advises that only those candidates under active 537-1238. 2 bthrm, new appliances, gas/ •Cedar fence rails consideration will be contacted. NO telephone CHEAPEST FIREWOOD on the wood f/p, workshop, landscaped, enquiries will be accepted. island. You pick up, we load, $50 SALT SPRING fenced, quiet, private, no through 653-4165 1/2 cord, $100/cord. Call Wyatt road. $389,000. 250-247-0159 or If further information is required, please contact: [email protected]. Home 653-9870. D.C. (Dave) Gibbon - Manager MINI STORAGE BUILDING DESIGN, drafting & KONIG & SON Salt Spring Island Parks and Recreation – 335 FURNITURE permits. All types of projects. call these 347 Upper Ganges Road Ready to use plans also available. FIREWOOD Administration OfÀ ce, 145 Vesuvius Bay Road FULL SIZE couchand chair, 1970’s Serving Salt Spring colonial style, light walnut, $125. "When convenience Call 1-888-771-2286 , or 250-886- Salt Spring Island, B.C. V8K 1K3 5867 Cell. professionals 25 years Kitchen cabinet hutch, 1970’s dark and security matter" Competitive & Reliable Telephone: 250-537-4448 Fax: 250-537-4456 walnut colonial, $80. 537-5142. 100 PLUS ACRES of beauti- today! FIREWOOD LOGS WANTED email: [email protected] KITCHEN TABLE and chairs, ful Shuswap Lake view in Eagle 537-9531 1950’s light walnut veneer, butterfl y Bay. 300 plus feet of lake access. leaf, 5 matching chairs plus 1 chair 537-5888 (250) 833-2515 or (250) 308-2842. needing repair, $350. 537-5142. $4,800,000. [email protected]. 510 COMMERCIAL SPACE MOVING SALE! Lots of furniture, 460 WANTED TO BUY call 537-2732 to view. LOOKING FOR... Upper Ganges Village GENUINE ANTIQUE armoire from Small house on small acreage. 127.1 GARBAGE 310 BUILDING SUPPLIES Brittany; 6’6” x 4’2” x 1’10”, $500. Year-round sun & good light. Shopping Centre Good dresser, 3 drawers, 4’4” Workshop/studio desirable. Pri- wide x 20” deep with mirror $100. STRONG WOMAN vacy & charm important. Cash Two twin beds, good mattresses, offer. Call 653-9620. 368 Lower Ganges Road HAULING SEE US FOR A FAST QUOTE $50 ea. 537-9890. • reno cleanup ON ALL YOUR BUILDING 350 MISC. FOR SALE 490 WEBSITES • appliance removal & recycling Prompt, courteous service since 1990 REAL ESTATE listings for the Gulf TWO SPACES AVAILABLE • tenant left over clean-ups DECK-PATIO-greenhouse. Tem- REQUIREMENTS! NOWNOW SERVING SERVING Islands are viewable anywhere • junk & garbage removal pered glass panels. 5 mm ., 4 mm., in the world with Internet access. FOR LEASE SALTSPRING AND AREA & recycling 3 mm., bronze & clear. Approx. SALT SPRING www.gulfi slands.net. • brush removal, windfall & • Flooring sizes: 34”x74” $24, 33 1/4”x73 1/2”, Heating Oil,Ken Commercial Bulcock owner/operator and Farm Fuels chain saw work 24”x48” $16, 30”x48” $12, 30”x31” SUPPLYING HEATING OIL, $8, 46”x76” $30, 28”x76” $22, 76 Lubricants, Tidy Tanks, Pumps & Contact: Ferd Kallstrom VANESSA • Heating COMMERCIALAccessories AND FARM FUELS RENTALS cell 1-250-858-1311 34”x76” bronze only $45 & other (250) 701-3591 or 537-8155 • Eaves sizes. $150 up, free delivery. Call 537-4732 anytime. 500 APT/SUITES FOR RENT EXPERT CLOCK repair and res- 173 TRAVEL • Plumbing TOLL FREE 1•877•715•1019 600 SQ. FT. 1 bdrm. ocean view 520 HOUSES FOR RENT toration - antiques my specialty. or (250) 715•1019 TIMESHARE RESALES - Sell-buy-rent. • Roofing Free estimates, reasonable suite, with own entrance and World’s largest timeshare resale broker. rates. Free house calls for shut- deck. Wood floors, W/D in suite, Stroman Realty - since 1979. Worldwide ins and heavy clocks. Mark’s wood burning stove, lots of stor- ISLAND EXPLORER selection of resort properties. Call today For all your building Clockworks, 537-5061. FRASER’S age, NS, NP. Avail. Aug. 1/long Property Management Ltd. & Real Estate Services toll-free 1-800-201-0864. term, $825/month. 537-0004. requirements, large or small! EXPERT WATCH repairs by certi- THIMBLE FARMS TIMESHARE RESALES - 60-80% off re- fi ed watchmaker. Located between tail! Best resorts & seasons! Call for free Crofton and Duncan. Serving the 175 ARBUTUS 510 COMMERCIAL SPACE timeshare magazine! 1-800-597-9347. Cowichan Valley over 25 years. Call 537-5788 AVAILABLE NOW, 550 sq. ft. of- 2 bdrm lake view home, sunny, private, 4 min Browse online for over 400 worldwide L.D. Frank - Jeweller and Watch- fice/studio, at Merchant Mews walk to Weston Lake, fully furn., util. incl. . ...$3000 properties - www.holidaygroup.com/bcn. maker, 250-748-6058 (Duncan). OPEN near Ganges. Lots of light, com- 804 Fulford-Ganges Rd. 12’ YURT, insulated. Good for stu- 7 DAYS A WEEK plete bathroom, wood paneling. 3 bdrm high end townhouse, long term, dio, guest or temporary housing, FROM 9AM - 4:30PM Richard 537-1669, rkrieger@ MERCHANDISE 537-4978 etc. Decking included. $7500 telus.net. avail. immed...... $1750 obo. 537-9616. 520 HOUSES FOR RENT CONCESSION TRAILER for sale. Spectacular array 310 BUILDING SUPPLIES Smart looking, incl. lots of supplies FARMSIT: SMALL farm, chick- along with BBQ and pressure cook- of instant colour ens, sheep and family pets; 2 - 3 537-4722 er, $2100 obo. Home 537-2358, hours daily. Chores in exchange work 537-1990, ask for Richard. for free rent in August in old farm- 1-800-800-9492 for sun & shade house. Must be handy and have SONY “WEGA”, fl at screen, 32” TV, Island Explorer is a fully licensed, bonded own transport. Apply to Box 1 c/o management company under the laws of the B.C. Govt. with matching stand/cabinet. As e Driftwood Publishing, 328 Lower No. 1 new, $450. 537-1014. Ganges Rd, Salt Spring Island, MOVING SALE Fantastic selection BC, V8K 2V3. 6 DRAWER 60’s vintage walnut BRIGHT & SPACIOUS, 3 br/loft, Expert Advice chest of drawers with/without mir- of 10” Hanging 2 bath home on 2 sunny acres ror, walnut sideboard and hutch, tall in south end. Large shared yrd/ cherry bookshelf with light, big and Baskets gardens, sauna, decks, hard- comfy patterned couch with shades Quality Service $ wood floors, skylights, vaulted SOUTH END 97747 SOUTH END 89908 of grey, green and multi, electric 19.99 ceilings, new appliances, wood/ lawnmower, weed whacker and elec. heat, close to school & secluded acreage Upper 2 bdrm Suite hedge trimmer, assorted garden WE GIVE ferry. NS, no dogs, cat OK. Look- 2 bdrm 2.5 bthrm elect heat only • Doors & Windows tools, assorted tools, variety of PERSONALIZED ing for eco-friendly folks who will wood stove elect heat upstairs/downstairs mahogany interior doors with SERVICE lovingly tend house and land. avail 1 July NS NP 4 appl NS NP • Mouldings frames, carved cedar exterior Lease and references req. Avail. 1050.00 + util 875.00 + Util door, dark blue wool carpet 6’ x Aug. 1, 2007 $1400/ mo plus util. 9’, beige wool carpet 5’ x 8’, black & wood. 653-2051. MID ISLAND 96927 • Paints & Stains shelving unit, 17” almost new MOBILE HOME for rent, 2 2 bdrm 2.5 bthrm computer monitor. Everything is bdrm, deck, washer/dryer, new- new exec twnhse clean and in excellent condition. • Flooring ly renovated. $750/month. Call 5 appl gas fi re place Call 653-9556 for viewing. 351 MISC. WANTED 537-6860. Everyday till gone: miscellaneous pool/exercise facil EVICTED AFTER 20 years. Dou- MOBILE HOME for rent. 2 bdrm, NS NP 2500.00 + util • Lumber & Plywood reno and household items. 653- ble wide mobile needs new home. newly renovated, private deck on 0009 to view. 537-5569. ravine. $750/month. Includes • Roof Trusses BARE ROOT and potted water SOFT TOP for Jeep YJ wanted. Call heat, water and sewer. Call 537- See these Homes plants for sale. Good selection. Lorraine @ 537-9933 daytime and 6860. at Call 653-4917. 538-7747 evenings. 1 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE, • Insulation TRANSFER HOME movies to DVD: DOG CRATE wanted. Big enough newly renovated, hardwood www.royalproperty.ca 537-5577 16 mm, Super-8, Regular 8 fi lms. for large dog (lab size). Good condi- floors, washer/dryer, patio, Avail- • Plumbing & Elec. We do video transfers too: Hi-8, tion. Please call 653-4322. able immediately. $825/ mo. Call 540 WANTED/RENTALS 540 WANTED/RENTALS 8mm, digital 8, mini-DV or dvcam 537-6860 to DVD or VHS tape. Foreign con- 360 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS YOUNG, RESPONSIBLE cou- THE GULF Islands International 2BDRM, 1 bath home on level ple with excellent references Program would like to rent a small • and so much more! versions. SaltSpringSound, 131 PIANO, IVERS and Pond upright 1/2 acre, 5 appliances, new reno, McPhillips Ave. 653-0046. with bench call, 537-5142. seek immediate, long term furnished house, cottage or condo close to town. NS, NP. $1350 rental due to sale of previous in the Ganges area for a mother STORAGE TANKS: water, septic, BEAUTIFUL BELL plus utilities. Long term. 537- rental home. We have 2 very and her ten year old son from sewage-holding (polyethylene). UPRIGHT PIANO 4759, pls leave msg. Mexico City. The mother is a pro- Windsor Plywood Ecological Systems: sewage- Circa 1930’s, ivory keys, full key- ONE BEDROOM apartment near wellbehaved children and are fessional art therapist and has ref- treatment plants, effluent filters. board. Sounds lovely, beautiful lake and ocean. Newly remod- able & willing to do light yard erences. Term of rental would be Visa, Mastercard, American woodwork features. Moving, elled. 255 Maliview, upper unit. work if needed. Please call August 25, 2007 to June 25, 2008. 537-5564 Express accepted. GIS Sales & must sell. Will sacrifice for $1050 No smoking. $700/month. Available Devon or Noah 537-9717 Please phone 537-9944 (ext 203 Rentals, call 653-4013. obo. 538-0133. now. 1-800-842-0814. or 218) for more information. GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | 33 DRIFTWOOD CLASSIFIEDS – 537-9933 [email protected] 540 WANTED/RENTALS 825 CARS, SALES 855 TRUCKS/4X4S 900 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 900 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LONG TIME island family with ani- 1997 SUBARU LEGACY wagon, great 2002 DODGE Dakota Sport Ext GOT STUMPS? I can grind them RURAL FORESTED property mals seeks large house on acreage condition, AWD, $7500 obo. 653-9196. Cab 4 x 4, Dark Blue - 4.7L au- for you, big or small. Also chip all owners: Are you interested in to rent or rent-to-own. Will consider 1999 PONTIAC Grand Am, 125,000 tomatic, air, cruise, tilt, CD, alloy your brush and branches. Fast and obtaining private, managed caretaking position. Skilled garden- km, fully loaded, $7000. 537-2732. wheels, 123,000 kms. Heavy duty friendly service. Call George, 653- forest status? Property tax ben- ers, artists & handymen. Referenc- towing package. Transmission and es available. Message at 537-4395. 2005 FORESTER X SE, 28,000 k's, 9993 or 538-8187. efits. Ecosystem-based forest 5-speed, silver, moonroof, heated fuel system recently serviced. New THE GREAT management. You decide what Michelins all the way round. Run- SINGLE WIDE mobile, must be seats, AC, power windows/locks, anti- to do on your land. Deadline ACCOMMODATION lock brakes/airbags. One owner/no ning boards and tonneau cover. moved, $3000 obo. 537-0061. accidents, immaculate. $24,900 obo. Set-up to pull with both tongue BATHTUB REFINISHING for the application is August 1-604-783-5159 Vancouver. and 5th wheel hitches, although it Professional reglazing of standard 15, 2007. Call me for a free ini- has only pulled a trailor less than tial consultation on this. David GARAGE SALE 690 WEBSITES 87 TROOPER and 89 Chrysler NewY- & clawfoot tubs. Phone 537-2526. a dozen times. $17,750 OBO.Call Barker, RPF. 250-744-3226, ACCOMMODATION INFORMATION orker. Asking $2000 each. 537-4098 SALT SPRING is sending a 40 ft. Peter at 538-0052. email [email protected]. for the Gulf Islands is a mouse-click CARVILLE AUTO CREDIT LTD. Larg- container in August 2007 to Leso- website: www.djbarker.com. away. www.gulfi slands.net. est dealer group, Western Canada. tho in Southern Africa. Items can Gets you a Mastercard!! We approve be donated behind the Community BE A dealer for the hottest scoot- MAP everybody. No gimmicks or free trips, 2002 Dodge Dakota ers in the business. See our ad TRANSPORTATION just approvals!! Rates from 0%, 0 down Gospel Chapel at 147 Vesuvius Bay Rd every Saturday between 12:00 in the classifi eds under “Business programs. Free delivery BC and Alberta. SLT Ext Cab 4 x 4 Opportunities.” Call toll-free: 1-888-508-4628, or apply noon and 2:00 pm. Items are re- 805 AUTO REPAIRS online: www.carvilleautocredit.com. quested to be in new or near-new FULL SCALE Excavating and AUTOCREDIT 911 - Good credit, bad condition. Contributions towards backhoe service. Driveways, credit, no credit. Let us help you get the shipping cost anytime. Contact ponds, tree removal, house ex- vehicle you want. Barrie, 1-888-635- SOLID at 537-0863 or see http:// cavations, drainage landscaping AIR MILES 9911. (DL #5952, O’Connor Group.) 4 now here! www.solidsaltspring.com/container. and rock walls. Call Drew 537- Apply online: www.autocredit911.com. html for wish list and more details. 7320 or 537-2650. BC’S LARGEST in-house fi nancing HERE ARE THE CARPET FOR SALE GARAGE SALE! Sat. & Sun., company, with 0 down and rates at 9am - 3pm on July 7 & 8. 208 0%. You work, you drive, even if you ANSWERS TO THE Approx. 12x21ft, peach-beige push 1 COMPLETE have good, bad or no credit. Call or carpet in new condition, Asking Park Drive. Something for ev- QUESTIONS YOU’VE eryone. VESUVIUS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS apply online and enter to win a trip BEEN ASKING; $100. Call 537-4953. 5 2 to Las Vegas. Call 1-888-859-8666 BOOKS WANTED: Specialized col- THE FIBRE Festival (July 21-22) is Unleaded Fuels • Diesel or carloanstogo.ca – 24/7. Why are you selling your lections, Antiquarian, Salt Spring great fun! To take part as a volun- teer, call Susan, 537-1346. Tires • Batteries • Accessories 1-877-792-0599: AUTO CREDIT beautiful truck? - Well books. Home visits by appointment. 3 FAST. Bad credit! No credit! Bank- I have been driving less Best prices. Sabine’s Bookshop, FREE KENMORE dryer, works 537-4554 or 537-9300 ruptcy! Repossession! No problem! GANGES than 4 kilometers a day Grace Point. 538-0025. perfectly. 537-1976. Call today and drive away in a car, so it seemed silly with FREE: OLDER upight freezer, Monday-Saturday 8 am - 7 pm truck or van! 1-877-792-0599. Free EVERYONE WELCOME at July another car at home in works, 537-1421 Sunday 9 am - 6 pm delivery anywhere. www.autocredit- the driveway, besides - I 14th Hospital Foundation Golf fast.ca - DLN30309. THE FALCONSHEAD GRILL bought a motorcycle too! Tournament. Emphasis on fun for a Corner of Rainbow Rd. and Jackson Ave. at the Salt Spring Golf and NEED A CAR or truck? Good credit, What kind of gas mileage good cause. 538-4845 to register. bad credit. Want a Visa? #1 success Country Club is seeking an en- does it get? - I have no WOULD YOU like to win a new rate. Delivery in BC and Alberta. www. Subaru? Everyone welcome at thusiastic part -ime prep cook/ 820 BOATS & MARINE, SALES drivehomenow.com or 888-501-1148. idea, I’m not one of those Hospital Foundation’s 16th annual dishwasher. Wage negotiable. 27 FT. NEWPORT Fiberglass sail- people who keep track of #1 IN AUTO FINANCING. BC’s largest Golf Tournament July 14th. www. Please submit resume to Jesse boat, Honda outboard, c/w rigid hull in-house fi nancing company for good that type of thing, however or call 537-1760. Zodiac, 9.9 Merc. Excellent deal. I can tell you that I used ladyminto.org. credit, credit counselling, bankruptcy, 1987 JETTA Carat. Great island $7900. 537-4447. fi rst-time buyer & divorce. We have the to drive an average of 500 NEW TO Salt Spring? Call Welcome car. All new brakes, battery, muf- 28’ FIBREFORM, 10’ beam, new in- lowest rates and prices in the industry kms per month and stopped Wagon for a Community Visit. Gifts terior, appl., small 6s, i/o Merc cruis- with a guaranteed approval on over 400 at the gas station every 3rd & greetings from local businesses. fl ers, plugs, wires. Auto. Sheep! FULFORD ers, full canvas cover, recent survey, vehicles. All fi nancing applications ap- week. I want a half ton, Andrea 537-8464. $1200 obo. 537-9312. compare at $10,000. 537-0612. proved - we fi nance everyone on any this seems like a mid size ELECTRIC BIKES MAKE SENSE! SKILLED CARPENTER and SAILBOAT. 26’ MIRAGE sloop, make of vehicle! Call us fi rst 1-888-859- truck - well it is a mid Quiet, pollution-free, easy to park. cabinet maker. Specialist in 1979. Force 10 BBQ and heater. 8666, or online carloanstogo.ca – 24/7. size truck but it is rated as Call 537-2840. [email protected], smaller jobs. Also, antique furni- Two burner propane stove, ships 835 MOTORCYCLE/SCOOTER, SALES a 1/2 ton, and will tow up www.evriders.ca. ture repairs. Reasonable rates. radio & GPS. Six sets of sails in- Complete workshop facilities. KAWASAKI 650 MOTORCYCLE. to 9000 pounds. We had a THURSDAY NIGHTS at Rock Salt cluding spinaker, 9.9 hp Mercury 537-9996. outboard. $13,000 obo. 537-1711. 1979, blue. $800. 653-4916. 5th wheel hitch installed Restaurant & Cafe - prime rib, and pulled a trailor less homemade Yorkshire pudding, gar- 2 BEDROOM LUXURY town- than 10 times with it, you lic mashed potato, gravy & veggies. house, Ganges area, new SS had to keep looking in the $15. appliances, hardwood fl oors, en- suite plus 2 baths, gas fi replace. mirror to make sure it was GULF ISLANDS Optical. 50% re- NS, NP. Now or Aug. 1, $1350/ there! Is It good in the fund on the cost of your eye test mo. Steve 250-818-5424. snow? - Ask any of the when you purchase a full set of staff at the Driftwood, last frames and lenses. Lancer Bldg. FREE SWIM 340 GARAGE SALES 340 GARAGE SALES Lease Returns winter I was their private 537-2648. Shelby Pool, Saturday, July 7, 1:30 DRESSER, MATES bed, MOVING SALE. 175 THINK TOUGH. taxi service during that - 5. Sponssored by Slegg Lumber. 1 YAMAHA OUTBOARDS ADULT POOL memberships at buffet, other furniture, 3 Don Ore Rd. Salur- 8, 40, 50, 90, 150, H.P. Four Strokes THINK KODIAK. dump of snow, this truck 537-1402. Summerside. Limited memberships twin mattress, books, CD's, day, July 7, 9am - 2pm. Factory Warranty till spring ‘08 GREAT SELECTION GREAT PRICES would climb a tree! Price?- available for $100/month. Includes CHARMING 2/3 BEDROOM, 2 videos, womens clothing 10- Kitchen, furniture, tools, SAVE $$$ I checked on buysell.com daily access to our indoor pool and 1/2 bath, separate studio. Close to 12, shoes 8, miscellaneous. plants, craft and sewing sup- and these trucks same exercise area. For more information town. Sunny. Available August 15 for July 7th, 9 - noon, 720 Vesuvius plies, framed prints, computer year, comparable mileage 730 Hillside Ave., Victoria call Julie @ 537-9433. ten months maximum. $1500/mo. Bay Road. Rain or Shine. components, stereos & lots and extras are selling for 730 Hillside Ave., Victoria 250-382-8291 538-5531. MULTI-FAMILY clear- more. 250-382-8291 www.sgpower.com $17,000 (plus) on the lots FREE DINNER at the Rock Salt 2 www.sgpower.com [email protected] BALI SALE AND TEA ance of antiques, funk TONS OF great stuff! in Victoria and Vancouver. Restaurant & Cafe on the day of 4 20 - 70% off all custom designed and junk. Enjoy a cuppa joe Household, garden, I am offering the truck at your birthday when you eat with 2 clothes and jewelery. Alandra’s and browse our treasures. books, cutlery. Some real trea- $17,750 (or best offer!) and other adults. Garden, 394 Walker Hook (purple July 7, 9am - noon. Old Scott sures! Sat. July 7. Not before SHERWOOD MARINE CENTRE you don’t have to travel WANTED TO buy: fi rewood logs. banner) 2 - 7 Monday, July 9. 537- House, 107 Atkins Rd. 8:00 am, 142 Trincomali Hts. off-island or talk to a used Konig & Son Firewood. Phone 537- 4819. 226 WOODLAND New infl atables starting at $999 car salesman! If you are 9531. HIP HOP 5 DR., Sat., July 7. 9am looking for a truck you AQUAFIT Good selection of used infl atables TILL YOU DROP II - 3pm. Rain or shine. Lots of should look at this one; AT With Vancouver’s Over the Infl u- good stuff, houshold items Trades welcome. Ask for Ray! 4.7L automatic, air, cruise, SUMMERSIDE POOL ence, Sunday, July 29, ArtSpring. and odds and ends. No early tilt, CD, alloy wheels, If you would like to loosen up stiff To register for classes call An- birds. 122,000 kms. Heavy joints, relieve stress or lose some drea 538-0116. Tickets for perfor- duty towing package. pounds and have some fun, aquafi t mance ArtSpring Ticket Centre. Transmission and Fuel is for you. Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 537-2102. system recently serviced. 9:30 - 10:30 am. “Easy does it” Walking 900 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 900 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY COME BE part of the Fibre ($700) New Michelins all Water class - Monday and Wednesday FULLY EQUIPPED 26’ trailer in FOR SALE: Round cedar posts & Festival! Volunteers needed at the way round. ($1100) 10:30 - 11:30 am. For more information old forest. Beautifully fenced, poles. 10’ split cedar rains for fenc- ArtSpring, a variety of jobs July Running boards and call Julie at 537-9433. landscaped patio, 10 min. walk to ing. Farm prices (no tax). 537-2920. 21-22. Call Susan, 537-1346. tonneau cover. ($700) You SOFT TOP for Jeep YJ wanted. Call Ganges. Avail. immediately, $650/ LOST can see it parked in front Lorraine @ 537-9933 daytime and LOST CAT - Kittigen disappeared mo. Call 537-4346. DOG of the Golden Island Rest. 538-7747 evenings. from Hedger Rd. in the Maliview/ FOUND: GREY cockatiel, north Monday night in south end, King $17,750 OBO. SAM ANDERSON Appliance Re- Fernwood area several weeks end, please call 537-0777. Road area, Wheaton Terrier, name ago after a move. She is a full- pair. Hot water tank and appliance FREE TRUCK canopy, Range tag with Asta. Phone 653-4499. Call Peter at The grown but small black cat with a Driftwood at 537-9933 or installation. Authorized warranty Rider; fi ts Chevy S10 to 1993 or BRIGHT 2+ br, 2.5 bath home on Celebrating of Serving Vancouver disinct hard lump at the end of a 25 Years at home at 538-0052. technician for all makes. Sears similar (needs back glass). Also quiet treed acre near Beddis Beach. normal tail. Very friendly and af- Island’s Boating Community. authorized warranty technician. renovation items: white toilet Ocean view, deck. Long term rental, 537-5268. fectionate. Please call 537-5248. 856 BUSES, VANS complete, dog house approved available July 7 to responsible NS. BEAUTIFUL YARD SALE! 174 Grantville, by previous owner (needs roof- References please. $1700/month 6771 Oldfi eld Rd., Saanichton (Victoria) BC 1990 CHEVY 3/4 ton van, luxury BELL UPRIGHT Sunday July 8. 10am - 1pm. Col- plus utilities. Leave message at 604- version. Swivel captain’s chairs, ing), quantity of 2.5 inch painted PIANO lectibles, antiques, groovy junk 898-5734 or [email protected]. Phone: (250) 652-6520 fold down bed. Great shape for casing. 537-5830. Circa 1930s, ivory keys, full key- years and miles. Make an offer. thats got to go. 650 S/F 2 BDRM. Vesuvius cot- GARAGE SALE: 130 Baker Rd. Wa- Toll Free: 1-877-652-6979 board. Sounds lovely, beautiful Must sell. 537-6758. FREE LARGE light oak desk. tage, large deck, avail July 15 ter distiler, queen size bed, variety woodwork features. Moving, must www.sherwoodmarine.com Three drawers, like new, you pick long term. NS, NP, $875. incl. of household iems. Gate opens at 9 860 VEHICLES WANTED sell. Will sacrifi ce for $1050 obo. up. 537-1304. water & satellite. References - 12, Sat., July 7. SOFT TOP for Jeep YJ wanted. Call 538-0133. MERRIT MT. Fest. 2 tickets for required. t538-0056 evenings or WEEKLY 822 CAMPERS & TRAILERS Lorraine @ 537-9933 daytime and POPPY SEED ADDICTS 845 RECREATIONAL VEHICLES four days. Great deal! 537-2872. leave message. SPA SPECIAL 1996 KOMFORT TRAVEL trailer, 538-7747 evenings. AND GLUTEN FREE OVER 200 NEW & used mo- FOR RENT. Long term, 2 bdrm, WINNERS OF the Sacred Moun- Solace Facial - A facial 'renewal' 20’, queen bed at rear. Two doors, torhomes, diesel pushers, 5th 900 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FANATICS TAKE NOTE that nourishes the soul. 75 min- excel. cond., $13,000. 538-0930. 2.5 bath, 1 blk from ocean. View, tain Lavender Festival Raffl e are: wheels, trailers, vans, campers. GOTTA SELL your car, truck, boat, Mhairi and Derek will be absent utes - $50 (reg $70). Solace Or- 28 FT. VANGUARD travel trailer, huge corner deck, light, fresh, 6 Leigh Martin SSI, Olive Mann Total RV Centre. Special RV fi nanc- RV, trailer or motorcycle? Advertise it from the market this Saturday ganic Spa 653-4688. great shape. Live in while you build. ing. Since 1984, Voyager RV - Hwy (July 7), Laughing Daughters appiances. NS, cat ok, refs req’d. SSI, Miki Kikuche SSI, Kirsten in the Driftwood for 8 weeks at only SALT OF the Earth Beauty & $3500. 537-4447. 97, Winfi eld, BC. 1-800-668-1447. Bakery (studio #31) will be $1250 plus utilities. 538-1922. Harms SSI, E. Perisic Lower $37.95. (Private party ads, 20 words, Wellness offering massage spe- www.voyagerRV.ca. closed July 4 - 6 as we cel- HARRY POTTER #7 Mainland. Grand Prizes: Joe 825 CARS, SALES 1 vehicle per special, must be pre- cial, $55 for 1 hour. Avail. for ebrate a family wedding. We Last chance to reserve your copy Balderston Lower Mainland, Sha- 1985 JETTA, 4 cyl., 4 door, golden, 855 TRUCKS/4X4S paid.) Call 537-9933 for details. the month of July. Call Annette, will re-open Thursday, July 12. & to make sure you have yours ron Glover SSI. Thanks to every- new alternator, rebuilt engine, ask- 1987 FORD Diesel 250. Rigged for 538-5515. PLEASE NOTE: Too Late to Classify Thanks for your patience and July 21. Deposit of $20 gets you one who attended, (obviously lots ing $2000 obo. 653-9294. 5th wheel pulling, no dents or rust. ads are accepted until 10:00 am Tues- 20% off. Fables Cottage, open 7 of Salt Springers based on the FREE CANOPY, full sized. 1987 NISSAN Multi. Good tires, Only 225,000K, good rubber $4500. support. day at the rate of $12.75 for 20 words prizes). We hope to see you next Washer & dryer $50. Heatilator standard transmission, good island Phone 653-4135. THANK YOU to our large and days. 537-0028. car. $800. 537-4663. or less and 50 cents for each addi- LOVE THE fi bre arts? Volunteer at year. And, a huge thanks to all zero-clearance fi replace $250. 2001 MAZDA B4000 pick up. Excel- loving circle of friends and 1991 VW GOLF Cabriolet con- tional word. The Driftwood cannot be the Fibre Festival, variety of jobs, the volunteers and all others who 537-9887. lent condition. Low mileage. A steal neighbours for all of your vertible, yellow, 145K km, auto. responsible for errors or omissions July 21-22. Call Susan, 537-1346. PART-TIME HOUSEKEEPER at $10,500. Must sell. 537-1004. steady encouragement, amaz- contributed to this amazing event. Summer fun in the sun. $3800 as these ads may not be proofread ing moral and physical support, NEWLY RENOVATED for Ben and Jacqueline Sutton and wanted. Own transportation obo. 537-4650. 2002 FORD EXPLORER because of time constraint. feedback and goodwill. We space, privacy, and tranquility, Joanne Stuart. needed. Call Margarite for more 1993 SUBARU Loyale, 4x4, new Eddie Bauer. Moon roof. Dealer information and for interview. maintained. Dealer serviced. Every JOURNEYMAN PLUMBER avail- wouldn’t be where we are to- one bedroom cottage. 6km to GARAGE SALE: Saturday, July cv joints and battery, lady driven Ganges, N/S N/P REFs. Suit 537-9102. only, second owner. Comes with extra. Premium Care Extended war- able for service calls. Day or night day without you. We are proud 7, 9 to 2pm. 145 Mansell Rd. Col- winter tires. Well maintained. ranty to Dec 07. Excellent condition. and always with a smile! Call Tra- and greatful to be in community single or couple. $1050 plus lectibles, furniture, everything you FREE: LARGE freezer, good con- $3150 obo. 537-4965. $23,000. 537-1883. vis 538-8522. with you all. Mhairi and Derek. utiliites. 537 9470. can think of. dition. You pick up. 537-8922. 34 | WEDNESDAY, JULY 4, 2007 | GULF ISLANDS DRIFTWOOD

This Week’s Horoscope by Michael O’Connor Practical Personal SPORTS & RECREATION TransportationThis Week’s Horoscope Aries (Mar 21 – Apr 20) Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22) WOMEN’S GOLF Spending quality time close to home is the New opportunities are available to you call now. On the other hand, you may be now. Assessing your worth based on past • Quiet • Pollution Free busy doing things there that may add up performance is likely. More importantly, to quality but will still require effort. Since affirm that the point of power is in the your ambitions are running high yet your moment and make your best history now. Blackburn golfers energies are in a lower gear, you may have Mercury Retrograde is full of such riddles ELECTRIC SCOOTERS to rely upon bribes and coercion of others and we get the prize when we play along. to achieve your goals. You can also expect Laughter in not just fun, it is a cornerstone Call Chris Dixon a few cheques…or is that reality checks!? of health, so keep it up. Of course, it is raise $1,100 for cure Since the Gypsy in you will probably be on good to let others in on the joke. Old fears 537-2840 the rise, you will be happy to clear out the are steadily melting away and this will old to make room for the new. You might continue from here on in. Tune-in to the Ladies night sees fun and surprises momentarily get snagged by sentimental moment and forgive others their trespass- memories yet you are probably not one es. After all, if you hold onto resentments Thirteen women had a fabulous time on Blackburn to linger longer than the moment affords. they soon become very heavy and suck Meadows Golf Course last Wednesday, while raising more Generating new sources of income from all your energy. Flow smoothly in the slip home may be a main focus. stream for success. than $1,100 for the fight against breast cancer. Playing Texas Scramble in groups of three or four, funds Taurus (Apr 20 – May 21) Scorpio (Oct 23 – Nov 21) [email protected] www.evriders.ca were raised in a Royal Canadian Golf Association-run An ambitious surge of energy finds you Cultural interests fi nd you out and about. Golf for the Cure tournament sponsored by Subaru and active in the game. The urge to go here and This is the most popular time to feast on there and pay visits, respects and perhaps festivals and explore fun places. Seeing Tournament Sports. bills long overdue is on your mind. Mean- yourself as a part of and one with the One of the women, who was in the group shooting the while, setting your sights on commitments greater society can be an uplifting experi- night’s low score of 35 with 13 putts, remarked, “The three of you can count on is dawning on the horizon. ence. All comparisons and judgements us make a pretty good golfer.” This implies love relationships and educa- aside, we are family. If aliens landed for FALL FAIR FOCUS Blackburn Meadows thanked all the ladies and their tional pursuits, training and/or apprentice- all to see and acknowledge we would F ships. For now, establishing a solid base feel a lot closer pretty quick, so why wait pledges for supporting the worthwhile cause and Anne that is secure, comfortable and attractive until that day comes? Imagination is the By Sandy Barclay Flieger for her hard work in organizing the event. is high on your list. Finding your place and key component in this regard, once again. your way may seem unusually challenging In this case, it serves to open the heart Everyone should be getting started on these days. This trend stands to continue and experience connectedness with all CELEBRATIONS for some time. Can you feel secure in the things just as they are. With this mode of their projects for this year’s Fall Fair!! unpredictable flow? That you the Fixed, consciousness we would all volunteer to Earth Sign in Astrology, the sign of the solid keep our world clean and safe, as a matter The theme this year is KIDS, CRITTERS turf, is in an overall fl ux is a refl ection of our of course. Don’t look for this from others, AND CROPS. There’s something for all Games and goods at faire entire world! Accept this destiny patiently lead by example. and peacefully. ages to participate in. Salt Spring United Church church, and take a guided

Sagittarius (Nov 22 – Dec 21) is celebrating summer on tour of its 10 stained glass Gemini (May 21 – Jun 21) In certain respects you are a mystic at The dates are September 15-16 at the If anyone realizes that the balance point is heart and others you are a surfer. Actually, Saturday, July 7 by trans- windows donated in mem- continually moving it is you, though you do surfers are sporty mystics. Their goal is Farmers’ Institute. The catalogue will be forming its meadow-in-the- ory of family or members of like regularity as well. From the cosmic to the to be one with the wave. This requires middle-of-town into a fair- the congregation. molecular and everything in between, every courage, skill and practice backed by a big ready July 4th, so be sure to keep a watch aspect of life is ever in a state of motion and desire for a lot of fun. Wisdom knows that ground with activities for all Chief among these is the so change. A literal translation of the San- if it is not fun then it is probably not worth out for it. ages. classic Good Shepherd win- skrit term Karma, is motion or movement. it. Some who deem themselves realists There’ll be face painting dow, which was dedicated Acting and keeping pace with the balance Please remember that no dogs (except would balk at this idealism only to fi nd and games, and a variety in 1911 and installed in point brings security. Worry, by the way, themselves dying in anger, frustration or seeing-eye dogs) will be allowed on the stems from thinking too much about what with humble realization that life is meant to of booths for exploring the the church’s predecessor, might go wrong and not as much directly be a ride. Of course, the ride is not really fair grounds due to the livestock exhibits delights of home cooking, built in 1905 in the Central upon the object or goal desired. Avoid this free as our actions are investments and painted furniture, plants area and moved to Ganges distraction as it conjures negative halluci- require energetic input. Filling the tanks found throughout the fair. nations and unwarranted fears. Visualize begins with a good attitude. An example of and flowers, used books, in 1926. precisely what you want, next! this is to remember: in your dying moment, For all the winners of trophies last year shopping and gift bags, and With the exception of the wink at the crowd. please remember to return them to the more. Teacher window by Den- Cancer (Jun 22 – Jul 22) A booth called Words and nis Marshall, the remain- With the Sun in your sign you are expe- Capricorn (Dec 22 – Jan 19) caretaker’s home at 351 Rainbow Road or riencing an accelerated pace. However, Life is all about relationships. Even if you Notes will feature books and ing windows were designed Mercury retrograde is simultaneously slow- are single and live alone in the deep wil- phone ahead 537-4755. all things musical — sheet and crafted by congregation ing things down, synchronizing with delays. derness your whole life is still about rela- music, CDs, DVDs, tapes, member Jack Clements. Balance this with a slow but sure patient tionships. There is the one with you, your and perhaps some instru- “Whether you’re a glass pace basically; and tune into the message conscience, heart, mind and soul. Then See you at the fair! in this week’s tip above for higher frequency there is your body, your environment, your ments. artisan yourself, or simply attunement. All things begin, live and then movements in time and space amidst the “A special attraction is someone who appreciates end just as each morning and night and many things of life, animate and inanimate. expected to be the late Alex fine craftsmanship, you’re each New and Full Moon illustrate. Peace It is good to re-acknowledge the obvious comes from awareness and acceptance of sometimes so that our use of language does McCauley’s impressive and invited to explore this dis- the fact that this cycle is a natural feature of not lose one in a trance of assumption, often venerable LPs. No music- tinctive contribution to Salt deeper spiritual timeless realities to which referred to as ‘common sense’. Gaining fresh lover can afford to miss this!” Spring’s art scene.” we are also connected. Life does go on and perspectives can begin by looking closely at states a press release. Summerfaire in the Mead- on because while death is a part of life, life is the obvious and seeing what is commonly not a part of death. Move with the changes overlooked. People fi nd diamonds in their Faire-goers can also enjoy ow runs from 10 a.m. to 4 playfully remembering that life lives on. backyard this way. Once you fully acknowl- a quilt display inside the p.m. edge your relationships show your gratitude Leo (Jul 23 – Aug 23) by giving them, it, him and/or her a big hug. A meditative time to dream has wisped in life like a fog – subtle yet sure. This is Aquarius (Jan 20 – Feb 19) Art...music...food...friends... your chance to get creative with ideas and What master piece are you currently con- plans. Time well-spent is an investment. juring? You may feel ordinary but your at home in The Gulf Islands Summoning the courage to move beyond friends find you extraordinary. A fertile conventional action is your inner task. Feel- imagination backed by sound logic and a ing emotionally comfortable with an action healthy ambition with a small appetite for a includes imagining ones self doing it and lot of work is the paradoxical play of ingre- succeeding. Sometimes it is valid to say, ‘it dients behind the method in your mad- Ronald T. Crawford is just your imagination.’ On the other hand, ness. Hoho! You are clever and all the bet- ‘WHERE’ 36”x60” acrylic & plaster on board as Al Einstein says, “Imagination is greater ter when you have your bread buttered on AQUAGULFGUULFFI IISLANDSSLANDSDSS LLILIVLIVINGINGNGG than knowledge.” Choose to recognize blind both sides. A wizened wizard who knows spots and to see through and beyond them. that to enter the kingdom one must again y Commencing July 6th, Do this for you especially, yet by way of become as like a child who sometimes J AquaA is distributed assisting others in like kind as well. Bear wit- stirs chaos or takes a tantrum for none to new works by . Mitchell Gallery artists throughoutth the Gulf Islands, ness from the seat of your soul so that you see but to get your way. Your greatest act is are featured in the Gallery Showroom Victoria,V and select locations may commune with and be nurtured by your when you disappear just like the universe ono Vancover Island. deepened connection. What else must you occasionally does, but that will have to wait throughout the summer. do rather than create a core connection with until September. Don’t worry, the caterpil- your source, amidst the fl ow of your day? lar becomes a butterfl y. For now attend to Neither you, nor your guests, should the matrix of your whole health. miss seeing the accomplishments of Virgo (Aug 24 – Sep 22) Nurturing your core sense of individuality Pisces (Feb 20 – Mar 20) these outstanding local artists. continues. In order to expand outwardly in A creative cauldron of ideas is bubbling Gulf Islands Living - a fi fine ne read. the world you must do the inner work. This in your mind. By inspiration and perhaps Published by The Driftwood Michael Robb means nurturing confi dence. This begins some desperation you are eager to go 10 am to 5 pm daily with embracing your unique qualities and big. Now is the time to more fully plan ‘SALINA’ 12”x14”x50” sense of individuality. Avoid doing what is Sundays & Holidays welded steel and plot for success. Review your notes, 11 am to 4 pm The latest edition now available! right at the full expense of what you feel. make lists, look to the big picture, set your 537.88 To do so, intend to tune-in to your feelings dates, make key phone calls, send emails, 22 Featuring • Liveaboards at Home rather than relying too heavily on logical say hello, write a Blog, set your intentions, [email protected] • Fibre Artist Jane Mackenzie thoughts and processes. Feelings are nur- launch into action, manage your time with www.jmitchellgallery.com tured by way of relationships. The primary • Seth Burton’s Cosmo Knives awareness, be focused and committed. Galler Mitchell J. one is with you and your inner source and If this all sounds too ambitious take your Jan Sharkey Thomas • Wild Fennel on Mayne Island authority and the very next in line is your complaints to the big boss and don’t shoot ‘CATWALK ‘ 24”x36” oil on canvas • Maritime Painter Malcolm Armstrong most intimate other. Your creative power the messenger. In order to assert your- is soon to soar (2-6 months) but you will self, you need to have a vision, a goal, a also have to make sincere efforts as well. dream or reason to do so. If it is not about AVAILABLE EVERYWHERE INCLUDING: Connect within and prepare to collaborate business do it for contribution or the pure without. pleasure of passionate, creative living. • Pattersons Market • Vesuvius Store • Raven Street Market • Salt Spring Natureworks • Driftwood ","- "* Ê ,"1/Ê/"Ê9"1Ê 9°°° Next issue Sept. 5th !RVID Reserve Now - Advertising Deadline August 3 #HALMERS Call 537-9933 Toll free 1-877-537-9934 ,TD Email: sales@gulfi slands.net Fax: 250-537-2613

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MSRP SAVINGSMSRP MSRP MSRP $14,679 SAVINGS$22,166 $47,788 $20,803 2008 Trail Lite CrossoverSIZZLING 2007 Arctic Fox SIZZLING 2007 Jazz SIZZLING 2007 Mallard Sport SIZZLING 140FB Travel Trailer 805N SB/LB Camper 3070UKS 5th Wheel 18CK Travel Trailer No excuses! With this price, this quality, Short or long-box, deluxe queen mattress, 2 large slide-outs, luxury interior, thermal UNBEATABLE Family Value! Sleeps 7, this towability, this payment, this hardwall horseshoe dinette, 3 burner range w/oven, panes, home theatre system, chrome wheels, hardwood cabinets, molded tub, awning fi berglass durability, it’s time to buy! microwave cocktail chairs Stk #S08N10790 Stk #07N841 Stk #P07N222 Stk #M07N426 MSRP MSRP MSRP MSRP $14,679 $22,166 $47,788 $20,803 SIZZLING SIZZLING SIZZLING SIZZLING SaleMSRP Price ◆ SaleMSRP Price ◆ SaleMSRP Price ◆ SaleMSRP Price ◆ $161 $ $14,679 $225 $ $22,166 $386 $ $47,788 $172 $ $20,803 P/mo oac* P/mo oac* P/mo oac** P/mo oac* #1 13,940SIZZLING #2 19,850SIZZLING #3 39,990SIZZLING #1 14,990SIZZLING

2007 Terry MSRP 2007 Pace Arrow MSRP 2007 Bigfoot MSRP 2007 Prowler MSRP 330FKDS Travel Trailer$53,087 36D Class A $218,293 9.4 LB Camper $34,727 280RLDS Travel Trailer$48,611 King bed, large slide, Extreme EditionSIZZLING pack- Workhorse 8.1L, full wall fl ush fl oorSIZZLING slide, Long-box basement model, R8 insulation,SIZZLING Rear livingroom, double slides, brightSIZZLING décor, age, LCD tv & DVD, dual pane windows washer/dryer, solar, slide-out awnings, 5.5kw molded f/glass shower, super durable 2pc. free-standing dining table/4 chairs, micro- generator clamshell construction wave, f/glass ext. Stk #07N813 Stk #A07N1304 Stk #S07N10732 Stk #A07N1217 MSRP MSRP MSRP MSRP $53,087 $218,293 $34,727 $48,611 SIZZLING SIZZLING SIZZLING SIZZLING Sale Price ◆ Sale Price ◆ Sale Price ◆ Sale Price ◆ $432 $ $ $319 $ $355 $ P/mo oac** P/mo oac** P/mo oac** #5 44,860 188,600 #6 32,940 #7 36,720 MSRP MSRP MSRP MSRP 2007 Citation 2007 Wilderness 2006 Jazz 2007 Gearbox 30RLS Travel Trailer$53,087 390BDDS Park Trailer$218,293 2810BHS Travel Trailer$34,727 375FSG 5th Toybox$48,611 Citation sets the standard - vac-u-lamSIZZLINGMSRP wall Great fl oorplan, centre kitchen, a/c,SIZZLINGMSRP 2 slide- Sleep 9 in this well-planned unit, SIZZLINGslide,MSRP rear The Ultimate Toy Hauler! Sleeps 10,SIZZLINGMSRP Rock the construction, full livingroom slide $60,087w/topper, outs, sliding glass door, desk chair,$54,959 large bunks, home theatre, thermal panes,$42,337 exterior Box sound, on-board air compressor,$77,376 custom bed slide, 2 stage furnace awning, dual panes storage space chrome StkSIZZLING #A07N1250 StkSIZZLING #M07N525 StkSIZZLING #A06N1095 StkSIZZLING #M07N460 MSRP MSRP MSRP MSRP $60,087 $54,959 $42,337 $77,376 SIZZLING SIZZLING SIZZLING SIZZLING Sale Price ◆ Sale Price ◆ Sale Price ◆ Sale Price ◆ $526 $ $468 $ $307 $ $545 $ P/mo oac** P/mo oac** P/mo oac** P/mo oac** #8 54,800 #9 48,640 #10 31,860 #11 56,840

2007 Excursion 2007 Regal 2007 Citation Extreme 2007 Pioneer Spirit 40E Class A 365FL 5th Wheel 780TC Camper 18CK Travel Trailer CAT350 Diesel pusher, 3 slide-outs, slide- 3 slides, central vac, fi replace, ultra-leather, Off-road design, basement model, thermal This bestseller provides excellent value, toppers, laminate fl oors, dual a/c heatpump, glass shower, lounge recliners, the WOW panes, fi ts long and short box, full Polar pkg. sleeps 7, microwave, oak cabinets, large sink 14cu Fridge w/icemaker - amazing!MSRP factor! MSRP MSRP w/2 covers, awning MSRP MSRPStk #07N832 MSRPStk #07N834 MSRPStk #A07N1290 MSRPStk #A07N1238 $60,087$300,357MSRP $54,959$81,672MSRP $22,650MSRP$42,337 $21,580MSRP$77,376 SIZZLINGSIZZLING$300,357 SIZZLINGSIZZLING$81,672 SIZZLING$22,650 SIZZLING$21,580 SIZZLING SIZZLING SIZZLING SIZZLING Sale Price ◆ Sale Price ◆ Sale Price ◆ Sale Price ◆ $ $714 $ $243 $ $181 $ P/mo oac** P/mo oac* P/mo oac* 279,800 #12 74,680 #13 21,480 #14 15,780

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PORT ALBERNI 250-724-4648 • Toll Free: 1-877-724-4648 Dl#8995 Total Price Freight Included. Administrative fees and taxes not included. Payments based upon 10% down (or equivalent trade), including life insurance and taxes. Amortized over *180 mo. pymts/5yr term**240 mo. pymts/5yr term***120 mo. pymts/5yr term****60 mo. pymts/5yr term. Total fi nance obligation #1 $11,054 + buyout $13,856; #2 $15,485 + buyout $19,424; #3 $27,158 + buyout $42,960; #4 $11,819 + buyout 14,844; #5 $20,406 + buyout $48,094; #6 $22,434 + buyout $35,528; #7 $24,972 + buyout $39,514; #8 $37,040 + buyout $58,572; #9 $32,944 + buyout $52,079; #10 $21,659 + buyout $34,255; #11 $38,384 + buyout $60,722; #12 $50,308 + buyout $79,528; #13 $16,728 + buyout $20,961; #14 $12,438 + buyout $15,590. Variable interest rate at the time of calculation based upon 7% OAC (on approved credit).