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OF THE One Hundred And Thirteenth Legislature

OF THE State Of Maine


SECOND REGULAR SESSION March 25, 1988 to May 5, 1988 Index



THIRD SPECIAL SESSION September 15, 1988 to September 16, 1988 Index


FOURTH SPECIAL SESSION November 28, 1988 Index


OF THE One Hundred And Thirteenth Legislature


APPENDIX TO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD Paul Morton, of Boy Scout Troop #509 in FIRST REGULAR SESSION Hanover, who has attai ned the hi gh rank and 113th MAINE LEGISLATURE distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 20) Randy A. Chari ty, of Boy Scout Troop #580 in Dixfield, who has attained the high rank and The following expressions of Senate Legislative distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 21) Sent iment appeared on the 1st Regul ar Sessi on Senate Mike Novaria, Brunswick High School's all-time Calendars of December 3, 1986 to June 30, 1987, 1eadi ng scorer, A1 bert Hansen, Brunswi ck Hi gh pursuant to Joint Rule 34: School's full back, Brandon Matt, Brunswi ck Hi gh School's goalie and Brian Matt, Brunswick High David Murphy, of Andover, who has been awarded the Schoo l' s forward, who have been named to the distinction of being Maine's Outstanding Elementary All-Eastern Maine Soccer All-Star Team, 1986, which School Principal for the 1986-87 school year; (SLS 1) is made up of players from three classes; (SLS 22) Mike D'Alessandro, senior wing/stopper at Yarmouth Andrea Ranger and Melanie Carslick, of High School, who has been named to the 1986 State Brunswi ck Hi gh School, who have been named to the Class B Division All-Star Soccer Team; (SLS 2) 1986 Western Maine Girls' All-Star Soccer Squad; Davi d Mangan, seni or sweeper back, who has been (SLS 23) named to the 1986 State Class B Division All-Star Andrea Ranger, Melanie Carslick and Rachel Soccer Team; (SLS 3) Nixon, of Brunswick High School, who have been named Dan Connor, seni or tri -captai n at Yarmouth Hi gh to the 1986 Class A Western Maine Girls' All-Star Schoo 1, who has been named to the 1986 State Cl ass B Soccer Team; (SLS 24) Division All-Star Soccer Team; (SLS 4) Brunswick Junior High School student Ellen Chri s Cheney, seni or tri -captai n at Yarmouth Hi gh Domingos, 13, who has been named the 1987 Miss Schoo 1, who has been named to the 1986 State Cl ass B National Pre-teen; (SLS 25) Division All-Star Soccer Team; (SLS 5) Mrs. Theo Morri 11, of Freeport, a very speci a 1 Kelly Marquis, a senior at Freeport High School, and giving person who is the principal leader of who has been named to the Triple-C Division II Freeport Community Services Christmas Project and All-Star Field Hockey Team, 1986; (SLS 6) who has devoted years of service helping people and Debbie Wheat, a junior at Yarmouth High School, reflecting the true joy of Christmas through her who has been named to the Triple-C Division II love and sharing all year long; (SLS 26) All-Star Field Hockey Team, 1986; (SLS 7) Patrol Officer Robert F. Annese, of the Caria Manganello, a junior at Yarmouth High Brunswick Police Department, who has been named 1986 School, who has been named to the Triple-C Division II Officer of the Year by Crimeline, Inc.; (SLS 27) All-Star Hockey Team, 1986; (SLS 8) Mike Novaria, Scott Frizzle, Albert Hansen, Terry Pelton, a senior at Freeport High School, Brandon Matt and Brian Matt, of Brunswick High who has been named to the Triple-C Division II School, who have been named to the 1986 12-man Class All-Star Field Hockey Team, 1986; (SLS 9) A Eastern Soccer All-Star Team; (SLS 28) Peggy Seymour, a senior at Freeport High School, Mr. and Mrs. Wi 11 i am Wi 1 son, of Stoni ngton, on who has been named to the Triple-C Division II the occas i on of thei r 50th wedd i ng anni versary on All-Star Field Hockey Team, 1986; (SLS 10) December 29, 1986; (SLS 29) Scott Loomis, of Yarmouth High School, who has Brunswick High School senior, Michael Novaria, been named to the 1986 Tri p1 e-C A11 Star Boys' Cross who has been named the Gatorade Ci rcl e of Champi ons Country Team; (SLS 11) Player of the Year in Maine soccer, 1986; (SLS 30) Jenny Allen, a junior at Yarmouth High School, who Dr. David N. Widmer, of Brunswick, who has been has been named to the 1986 Triple-C All Star Girls' named President of the New England Dental Society; Cross Country Team; (SLS 12) (SLS 31) Jason Burri 11, of Yarmouth Hi gh School, who has Henry L. Favreau, of Brunswick, a candid, been named to the 1986 Tri p1 e-C All Star Boys' Cross conscientious and colorful citizen volunteer, who Country Team; (SLS 13) recently retired after 15 years of inspiring service L.L. Bean, Inc., Freeport's world-renowned to the Brunswick community as a member and chairman sporting and outdoor goods retailer, which received of the Brunswick School Board; (SLS 32) the 1986 State of Maine Award for promoting the state Al LeClerc, Community Service Award Winner for from the Maine Public Relations Council; (SLS 14) 1987 and proudly hailed for his dedication in Eri c Bl akeman, a freshman at North Yarmouth i nspi ri ng the qual i ty of 1 i fe in the Oxford Hi 11 s Academy, who is ranked #1 in the singles and doubles Area; (SLS 33) in the 14-and-under division of the New England Lawn Grace Emmerton, Communi ty Servi ce Award Wi nner Association season, as well as in 14-and-under for 1987 and proudly hailed for her dedication in and 16-and-under in Maine Junior rankings, 1986; (SLS i nspi ri ng the qual i ty of 1 i fe in the Oxford Hi 11 s 15) Area; (SLS 34) the Maine Lung Association on this the 75th Betty Brown, R.N., of Norway, upon her anniversary of the founding of their outstanding ret i rement from the staff at Stephens Memori a 1 organization; (SLS 16) Hospital after 17 years of outstanding service in Angela Lansbury who portrays television's Jessica the Obstetrics Department; (SLS 35) Fletcher, novelist-sleuth from the fictional town of Hector L. LeCours, General Superintendent of Cabot Cove, Maine, in "Murder, She Wrote," for serving the Rumford Water Di stri ct, who retired on December as the 1986 Maine Christmas Seal Chairman and for her 31, 1986 after some 38 years of dedicated service to ~arm affection for our State which is greatly community and district; (SLS 36) appreciated; (SLS 17) Fredrick Hirsch, of Dover Foxcroft, for his Mr. and Mrs. Justin L. Wi 11 i ams, of Freeport, who contribution to the field of broadcasting and to the ce 1ebrated the 50th anni versary of thei r marri age on people of Piscataquis County, with best regards; October 17, 1986; (SLS 18) (SLS 37) Richard Agreste, football coach at Thornton William H. Craig, of East Millinocket, for his Academy in Saco, who has been selected Maine's 1986 many years of service to the citizens of the Class A Football Coach of the Year; (SLS 19) Katahdin Region, including his service to the veterans, Katahdin friends, senior citizens, handicapped citizens, boy scouts, girl scouts and so many others in the area; (SLS 38) SENATE SENTIMENTS APPENDIX

the Honorable Mari on E. Martin, of Hall owe 11 and Cameron Hammon, of Harri ngton, State Wi nner of Kingman, a dear lady who was recognized nationally and the Maine Developmental Disabilities Poster internationally for her work and who distinguished Awareness Contest for 1986, depicting activities herself as a leader of women, Commissioner of Labor handi capped students enjoy "After School," and and Industry and member of the 86th, 87th, 88th and teaching that people with handicapping conditions 89th Maine Legislatures; (SLS 39) (in Memoriam) are people first, people who need to have their the 30th anniversary of Stephens Memorial Hospital accomp 1 i shments emphas i zed and thei r 1 imitat ions of Norway, an outstandi ng hospital and a proud moment accepted; (SLS 54) for all of the Oxford Hills community; (SLS 40) Juanita Wallace, Milbridge, State Winner of the Ed Pelletier, of Coles Express Presque Isle Maine Developmental Disabilities Poster Awareness Terminal, who has been cited for a safe driving Award Contest for 1986, depicting activities handicapped having driven 2,000,000 miles without a preventable students enjoy "After School," and teaching that accident; (SLS 41) peop 1e with hand i cappi ng cond it ions are peop 1e Ken Plourde, of Coles Express Presque Isle first, people who need to have their accomplishments Terminal, who has been cited for a safe driving award, emphasized and their limitations accepted; (SLS 55) having driven 3,000,000 miles without a preventable Eri ka Cl eaves, of Addi son, State Wi nner of the accident; (SLS 42) Maine Developmental Disabilities poster Awareness Mr. and Mrs. Delsie Laferriere, of Fort Kent, on Contest for 1986, depi ct i ng act i vi ties handi capped the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary on students enj oy "After School," and teachi ng that November 9, 1986; (SLS 43) people with handicapping conditions are people Wilma Warner, Second District President of the first, people who need to have their accomplishments American Legion Auxiliary and a member of Unit #24 in emphasized and their limitations accepted; (SLS 56) Rumford, a patri ot i c Ameri can who works in her town Dale Smith, of Columbia Falls, State Winner of and state to promote freedom, justi ce and democracy; the Maine Developmental Disabilities Poster (SLS 44) Awareness Contest for 1986, depicting activities John Kezal, Second Di stri ct Commander of the handi capped students enjoy "After School," and Ameri can Legi on, member of Post #24 in Rumford and a teaching that people with ~andicapping conditions dedicated leader, who is always ready to stand up and are people first, people who need to have their defend the freedoms that make this country such a accomp 1 i shments emphas i zed and thei r 1 i mi tat ions great place in which to live; (SLS 45) accepted; (SLS 57) Biddeford High School football players: Jim Ethel Torrey, of Franklin, who celebrated her Ve lton; Peter Underwood; Ti m Labonte; Denni s Walton; 90th birthday on January 28, 1987; (SLS 58) Chris Laverriere; Jim Gauvin; and Ed Scott for being John R. "Di ck" Condon, Propri etor of Condon's named to the 1986 Class A All-State Football Team; Garage in South Brooksvi 11 e for 60 years, a very (SLS 46) speci a 1 man who loved people and whose mechani cal Michael R. Petit, Commissioner of the Department skills have been immortalized in Robert McCloskey's of Human Services for the past 7 years, whose tireless book, "One Morning in Maine"; (SLS 59) (in efforts have achieved the lowest infant and maternal Memoriam) death rates in the nation and improved the quality of McDonald's Restaurant, of Millinocket, for life for all Maine citizens; (SLS 47) active participation to recruit foster homes for James T. Wyman, General Superintendent of the abused and neglected children; (SLS 60) Norway Water District, who retired on December 31, McDonald's Restaurant, of Calais, for active 1986, after 18 years of dedicated service to community participation to recruit foster homes for abused and and district; (SLS 48) neglected children; (SLS 61) John Hoyt, of Thomaston, on the occasion of his Rena Johnson, of Vinalhaven, on celebrating her 106th birthday on January 22, 1987; (SLS 49) 100th birthday February 3, 1987; (SLS 62) Brian J. Bouley, of Van Buren and Grand Isle, McDonald's Restaurant, of Rockland, for active State Wi nner of the Mai ne Deve 1opmenta 1 Di sabil i ties participation to recruit foster homes for abused and Poster Awareness Contest for 1986, depi ct i ng neglected children; (SLS 63) act i vit i es handi capped students enj oy "After School," Richard C. Rideout, Director of the State and teaching that people with handicapping conditions Bureau of Identification, a good friend and loyal are people first, people who need to have their public servant; (SLS 64) (in Memoriam) accomplishments emphasized and their limitations McDona 1d's Restaurant, of Houlton, for active accepted; (SLS 50) participation to recruit foster homes for abused and Tim Weems, of Hallowell, State Winner of the Maine neglected children; (SLS 65) Developmental Disabilities Poster Awareness Contest Laura Ames, of the Norway Nursi ng Home, who for 1986, depicting activities handicapped students will be celebrating her 90th birthday on February 8, enjoy "After School," and teaching that people with 1987; (SLS 66) handicapping conditions are people first, people who McDonald's Restaurant, of Gardiner, for active need to have their accomplishments emphasized and participation to recruit foster homes for abused and their limitations accepted; (SLS 51) neglected children; (SLS 67) Lori Whi te, of York, State Wi nner of the Mai ne Heidi Mitchell, of the Katahdin High School Developmental Disabilities Poster awareness Contest Gi rl s ' Team, who has scored her 1000th for 1986, depicting activities handicapped students career point; (SLS 68) enjoy "After School," and teaching that people with Wendy Nadeau, who has been named captain of the handi cappi ng condi t ions are people fi rs t, people who University of Maine at Orono Girls' Field Hockey need to have their accomplishments emphasized and Team; (SLS 69) their limitations accepted; (SLS 52) Boys Scouts of America Troop #87, Pine Tree Ni col e Gagnon, of Westbrook, State Wi nner of the Council, of St. Hyacinth Parish of Westbrook, on Mai ne Deve 1 opmenta 1 Di sabi 1it i es Poster Awareness their 40th anniversary; (SLS 70) Contest for 1986, depicting activities handicapped Dorothy Austin, a regi stered nurse at the students enjoy "After School," and teachi ng that Stevens Memorial Hospital for nearly 30 years, for people with handicapping conditions are people first, her devoted care to patients of this community; people who need to have their accomplishments (SLS 71) emphasized and their limitations accepted; (SLS 53)


Emily Sprague, a registered nurse for 30 years at Chief Carmine Russo, who is retiring as Chief the Stevens Memori a 1 Hospi ta 1, for her many years of of Police of Westbrook after 25 years of dedicated devoted care to patients of this community; (SLS 72) service; (SLS 94) McDonald's Restaurant, of South Paris, for active Lynn K. Garrity, of Yarmouth High School, who part i ci pat i on to recrui t foster homes for abused and is a student award wi nner, scori ng in the 99th neglected children; (SLS 73) percentile in reading, writing and mathematics on Maurice R. Lambert, of Kingfield, who has been the Maine Educational Assessment; (SLS 95) fire chief and fire inspector and has worked Scott Whitney, of Stearns High School, who diligently for the town of Kingfield for 31 years; has received Honorable Mention for the 1987 Class (SLS 74) A All Tourney Basketball Team; (SLS 96) Margaret Elizabeth Thomson, of Kittery, a very Peter Levesque, of Stearns Hi gh School, who speci a 1 person who bri ghtened and i nspi red countless has been chosen for the 1987 C1 ass A All Tourney lives in her life's work as an elementary school Basketball Team; (SLS 97) teacher over a peri od of 33 years; (SLS 75) (i n Wade Dup1isea, of Stearns High School, who Memoriam) has been chosen for the 1987 Class A All Tourney Minal Caron, one of Fort Kent's most prominent and Basketball Team; (SLS 98) successful citizens, highly respected as a man of Chris Mooers, of Hodgden High School, who has vision and great wisdom; (SLS 76) scored hi s 1, OOOth career poi nt for the Hodgdon Di anne Perki ns, who has been named Sacopee Hi gh Hawks Basketball Team; (SLS 99) School Secondary Physical Education Teacher of the Tony Qui nt, of Hodgden Hi gh School, who has Year for the Eastern Di stri ct Associ at ion, Ameri can scored his 1,000th career point for the Hodgdon Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation Hawks Basketball Team; (SLS 100) and Dance; (SLS 77) Matthew 01 i ver, of Hodgden Hi gh School, who Ti mothy A. Wentworth, of Boy Scout Troop #375 in has scored his 2,000th career point for the Parsonsfield, who has attained the high rank and Hodgdon Hawks Basketball Team; (SLS 101) distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 78) Bill Owens, of Greenville High School, who Albert Smith, of Camden, who is retiring as Chief has scored his 1,000th career point in high school of Pol i ce after 21 years of ded i cated servi ce; (SLS basketball; (SLS 102) 79) the Schenck Girls' High School Basketball Robert "Ki" Owen, a member of Topsham Memorial Team, of East Mill inocket, winners of the 1987 Post No. 202, Commander of the State of Maine American Class C Eastern Maine Championship; (SLS 103) Legion and a dedicated leader who has served his state Raymond Henry Fogler, who celebrated his 95th and nation in an outstandi ng manner, and one who has birthday on February 29, 1987, an outstanding always stood ready to defend the freedoms that make busi nessman, former Pres i dent and Di rector of this country such a great place in which to live; Montgomery Ward and W. T. Grant Company, Assistant (SLS 80) Secretary of the Navy and past Presi dent of the John L. Stehli, a member of Post #5986 in Canton, Board of Trustees and active supporter of the Department Commander of the Mai ne Veterans of Forei gn University of Maine; (SLS 104) Wars and an outstanding veteran who has served his Amy Johnston, of Millinocket, who is the town, district and State with distinction and is recipient of the Girl Scouts' Gold Award; (SLS a lways ready to defend the freedoms that make thi s 105) country such a great place in which to live; (SLS 81) Alison Boutaugh, of Millinocket, who is the Verlie A. Child, who is retiring after 28 years of recipient of the Girl Scouts' Gold Award; (SLS dedicated service as Town Clerk and Tax Collector to 106) the town of Peru; (SLS 82) Jo 1eanna Mi chaud, of Mi 11 i nocket, who is the Ferd W. Dahlgren, of Stockholm, born March 16, recipient of the Girl Scouts' Gold Award; (SLS 1887, on the occasion of his 100th birthday; (SLS 83) 107) Denise L. Lajoie, of Lewiston, upon her retirement Laura Archie, of Millinocket, who is the as Deputy City Clerk of Lewiston, after many long reci pi ent of the Gi r 1 Scouts' Gold Award; (SLS years of exemplary public service; (SLS 84) 108) Reverend Maurice Williams Venno, of Cape Rosier, a the Belfast Area Hi gh School Wrestl i ng Team, Navy Chaplain, Rector of st. John's Church in and Coach Theodore "Ted" Heroux, who successfull y Ki ngston, New York, Rector of the Tri nity Church of defended thei r State Cl ass B Champi onshi p for the Saco and St. Andrew's Church in Newcastle; (in 1987 season; (SLS 109) Memoriam) (SLS 85) Thomas Pelletier, of St. Francis, who is Eva E. Bearce, of Norway, born March 14, 1881, on celebrating his 100th birthday on April 7, 1987; the occasion of her 106th birthday; (SLS 86) (SLS 110) John R. Harvey, of Boy Scout Troop #130 in South coach Paul Vachon, j uni or vars ity coach Jim Paris, who has attained the high rank and distinction Clark, freshman coach Brian Callahan, assistant of Eagle Scout; (SLS 87) coach Mark Snedberg, co-captains Duffy Doiron and Michael E. Richards, Jr., of Boy Scout Troop #130 Debbie Gleason, Robie Hodgson, Joanne Levesque, in South Paris, who has attained the high rank and Brenda Fielding, Angela Cleary, Cat Jabar, Becky distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 88) Demos, Lisa Morang, Jenny Perry, Donna Gilbert, Scott M. Walsh, of Millinocket, who has attained Marci e Lane, Meaghan Lane and Holly Washburn of the high rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 89) the Cony High School Girls' Basketball Team, John A. Jamieson, of Greenville, who has attained wi nners of the 1987 Cl ass A State Champi onshi p; the high rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 90) (SLS 111) David M. Nice, of Millinocket, who has attained the Belfast Area High School Gymnastics Team, the high rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 91) and Coach Larry Dutch, for a very successful Wayne A. Archie, of Millinocket, who has attained season in Class B Competition; (SLS 112) the high rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 92) Clifford A. York, a Selectman for 8 dedicated the staff and board of Sweetser Children's Home, years, in the Town of Woodstock; (SLS 113) in Saco, for 160 years of cari ng servi ce to Mai ne' s Robert Pratt, Brunswi ck Hi gh School sci ence children and families in need of residential, day teacher, who received the 1987 award from the treatment, foster care, home-based and educational Maine Section of the American Chemical Society for services; (SLS 93) his demonstration project called, "The Exciting Science of Chemistry;" (SLS 114)


the Lewiston-Auburn Chamber of Commerce on the Erni e Cavanough, a seni or at Rockl and Di stri ct occas i on of its 100th bi rthday, for its unfl aggi ng High School, who recently scored his 1,000th career commitment to the people of the greater point in basketball for the Rockland Tigers; (SLS Lewiston-Auburn area; (SLS 115) 135) Diane Boettcher, Assistant Professor of Physical Raymond Alley, a sophomore at Vinalhaven High Education at Bates College, of Lewiston, has been School, who recently scored his 1,000th career point named the Coach of the Year by the National Soccer in basketball for the Vinalhaven Vikings; (SLS 136) Coaches Association of America; (SLS 116) Captai n Hubert Joy, who is ret i ri ng after 20 Shawn Johnson, an 8th grader from Wales, winner of years of dedicated service to the Rockland Fire the School Union #44 district spelling bee, held at Department; (SLS 137) the Libby-Tozier School in Litchfield; (SLS 117) Roy Scott Si 11 i ker, of Wi nthrop, upon hi s Anthony Hazelton, of Harrison, who has been graduation from the Maine Maritime Academy; (SLS selected as the Most Outstanding Young Man in the 138) Community for 1987; (SLS 118) Kevin A. Gardiner, of East Machias, upon his Derek Marshall, who has been named Maine High graduation from the Maine Maritime Academy; (SLS Schoo 1 Swi mmer of the Year for 1986-87 by the 139) Interscholastic High School Swim Coaches Association; Mildred Merrill, of Rockland, the 1986 (SLS 119) reci pi ent of Rockl and's Chamber of Commerce Person David Unruh and Robert Girard, co-captains, and of the Year, a teacher for over 30 years, a former all the members of the 01 d Town Hi gh School Men's Mayor of Rockl and and for many years of unse lfi sh Varsity Swim Team, for winning the 1986-87 State gi vi ng of duties to Rockl and area ci t i zens; (SLS Championship; (SLS 120) 140) David Ploch, coach of the Men's Varsity Swim Team, James and Dori s McBreai rty, of Perham, on the who has guided his Old Town High School Team to 3 occasi on of thei r 50th weddi ng anni versary; (SLS consecutive State Championships and has been named 141) Coach of the Year for 1987; (SLS 121) Thomas A. Dukes, Jr., of Temple, for scoring in Rosanne Castonguay Boutin, of Wi ns low, as Maine's the top one percent of the State's new Standardi zed Mother of the Year, one who finds time for family, Achievement Test and subsequently being chosen as employment at the town office and volunteering for one of 11 University of Maine scholarship winners; church service work; (SLS 122) (SLS 142) the Reverend and Mrs. Arlyn F. Barnard, of the Notre Dame Church, in Springvale, on the Portland, on the occasion of their 60th wedding occasion of its 100th anniversary; a church which anniversary; (SLS 123) has long provided much comfort and joy to its parish Edgar J. Lei ghton, owner of Lei ghton' s Fi ve and and all the people of Maine; (SLS 143) Dime, who is the recipient of the 1st annual Freeport Brandon Cody, 2nd grade student from Pownal Merchants Association Distinguished Member Award; Elementary School, who is the first place winner in (SLS 124) the Maine Commission for Women 3rd annual Women's Joanne Palombo, former Brunswick High School Hi story Month Essay Compet it ion, K-3 category; (SLS All-Ameri ca basketball choi ce and seni or at 144) Northwestern University, who has been named to the the Yarmouth Junior High School team which 1987 honorable mention list on the All-Big Ten Women's placed first in the State Science Olympiad Finals Basketball Team; (SLS 125) held at the University of Maine in Orono and which 12-year-old Liz Rosensweig, of Brunswick, who wi 11 represent Mai ne in the Nat i ona1 Sci ence earned a pair of silver medals at the 1987 Coca-Cola Olympiad at Ohio State University; (SLS 145) National Handicapped Ski Championship and Winter Ke 11 y Prosser, a 7th grade student at Durham Festival held at Attitash in Bartlett, New Hampshire; El ementary School, who is the wi nner of the 1987 (SLS 126) State Spelling Championship in the 49th Annual Maine Mary Fillebrown, of Waterford, who is retiring Sunday Telegram Spelling Bee; (SLS 146) after 30 years of dedicated service to Stephens Marge Jones, of Rockport, the 1986 recipient of Memorial Hospital; (SLS 127) Camden's Chamber of Commerce Person of the Year Perry Carter, a senior at Maine Central Institute Award, for her contributions as a member of the in Pittsfield, for his outstanding achievements on the Rockport Board of Selectmen, the Y.M.C.A. and the basketball court which have earned him numerous honors Camden Women's Club; (SLS 147) as the hi ghest scori ng post-graduate in the country; the top 10 students of the 1987 graduating (SLS 128) class of Oxford Hills High School; Eric J. Nelson, Lawrence R. Boucher, of Fort Kent, on hi s Donal d J. Medd, Sherry L. Tri pp, Lora Verkoui 11 e, reti rement after 39 years of dedi cated servi ce as an Amy J. Drigotas, Ted L. Coulombe, Lee A. Fortier, emp 1 oyee of the Maine Public Service Company; (SLS Scott C. Bickford, Henry E. Lawrence and Steven A. 129) Elder; (SLS 148) Ryan Heath, son of Jim and Tessa Heath, of the top 10 students of the 1987 graduating Brunswi ck, who has been named the 1987 March of Dimes class of Lake Region High School in Bridgton; Ambassador for the State of Maine; (SLS 130) Pri sci 11 a Ve 1 entgas, Davi d Spenci ner, Chri st i ne James J. Gallent, born in Egmont Bay, Prince Kimball, Kimberly Foye, Chris Cote, Diane Cole, Edward Island, Canada on January 29, 1892, who Richard Starets, Kathryn Sykes, Carmen Albert and recent 1 y celebrated hi s 95th bi rthday wi th hi s fami 1 y Laurie Yannelli; (SLS 149) and many friends; (SLS 131) Joe Kreisler, a devoted community social worker David Murphy, Principal of Woodstock Elementary and educator, who has been named Soci a 1 Worker of School, who has been named Maine's Elementary the Year by the Portland Chapter of the National Principal of the year; (SLS 132) Association of Social Workers; (SLS 150) Captain Robert Widdecomb who is retiring after 40 the Honorable Donal d F. Co 11 i ns, who has been years of dedicated service to the Rockland Fire recogni zed by the Cari bou Rotari ans as bei ng a Paul Department; (SLS 133) Harris Fellow, the highest distinction awarded in Assistant Fire Chief Fred Beal, who is retiring Rotary International; (SLS 151) after 25 years of ded i cated servi ce to the Rockl and Frank Hazeltine, of Pittsfield, a beloved Fire Department; (SLS 134) teacher and sporting dog trainer; (in Memoriam) (SLS 152)


Ethe 1 Emerson, of Farmi ngton Fall s, who has been the Honorable Henry W. Black, of Baldwin, who named Public Citizen of the Year by the National received the 1986 Maine Dairy Cattle Breeder Award Association of Social Workers, for the leading role from the Mai ne Dai ry Promotion Board and has been she has played providing support and services for nomi nated to the Nat i ona 1 Dai ry Shri ne by the Mai ne people with mental illness and their families; (SLS Dairy Industry Association; (SLS 170) 153) Jean Ginn Marvin, of Scarborough, who is a Chester C. Grady, of Belfast, who has been recipient of the 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and selected as the 1987 Outstanding Citizen by the Modern Industry Award; (SLS 171) Woodmen of Ameri ca for hi s many years of outstandi ng Thea Wheelwright, of Falmouth, who is a service and dedication to the citizens of Belfast and reci pi ent of the Fi fth Annual Women of Achi evement Waldo County; (SLS 154) Award presented by the Women's Career Center at Di ri go Mi ddl e School' s Odyssey of the Mi nd Westbrook College; (SLS 172) teammates, Stacey Houghton, Jeffrey Marcoux, Eri c Elizabeth Barker, Brunswick High School junior, Mulkern, Shelley Howes, Jamie Moore, Jeffrey McCarthy who won first place in oratory at the Maine Forensic and Melanie Smith, on winning the State finals and Association statewide speech competition, 1987; subsequently chosen to represent Maine in the world (SLS 173) finals at Michigan State; (SLS 155) Police Chief Fred Gould on his retirement after Anna Bell Pl ummer, of Mil bri dge, on the occas ion 20 years of dedicated service with the Fryeburg of her 100th bi rthday on May 26, 1987; (SLS 156) Po 1 i ce Department; (SLS 174) L. L. Bean, Inc., of Freeport, Corporate Jerome Matus, of Gardiner, who is retiring Leadership Award winner in the National Wildlife after 25 years of dedicated service as an Assistant Federation's 1986 National Conservation Achievement Attorney General; (SLS 175) Awards; (SLS 157) Gavin Batchelder, who has attained the high Rep. James Mitchell, of District 41, who received rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 176) a New Engl and Envi ronmenta 1 Network Leadershi p Award Kevin Brodeur, who has attained the high rank for outstanding leadership in environmental protection and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 177) at the 1987 New England Environmental Conference Raymond Poulin, Jr., Principal of Dexter sponsored by the Lincoln Filene Center for Citizenship Regi ona1 Hi gh School, who has been chosen as and Public Affairs; (SLS 158) Pri nci pal of the Year by the Mai ne Secondary School Sarah Imes, Brunswick High School freshman, who Principal's Association; (SLS 178) won fi rst pri ze in the poetry category at the Mai ne the Stevens Memorial Hospital, its board of Forensic Association statewide speech competition, directors, administrators, physicians and staff, who 1987; (SLS 159) diligently work to provide a high quality of health the Brunswick High School Marching Band, the care to the residents of the Oxford Hills area; "Dragons," and thei r band director, Davi d M. Ai nes, who (SLS 179) will represent the State at the national Independence Karen A. S. Haskell, of Yarmouth, who is a Day parade in Washington, D.C. and the Freedom Day recipient of the 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and parade in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; (SLS 160) Industry Award; (SLS 180) Ri chard Bancroft, of Brunswi ck, who earned a Jane E. Honeck, of South Portland, who is a first-place award for the best portrait and best recipient of the 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and unclassified photograph at the 38th Annual Convention Industry Award; (SLS 181) of Maine Professional Photographers' Contest; (SLS Jennifer L. Anastasoff, of Cape El i zabeth, who 161) has been selected as a 1987 United States Judith Hunter, Treasurer and Tax Collector of Pres i dent i a 1 Scholar, an award gi ven to honor our Auburn, as she embarks on a new career following 19 nation's most distinguished graduating high school years of dedicated service to the city; (SLS 162) seniors; (SLS 182) Kevin James Lapham, graduate of Freeport High Leon and Jeanne Con noll y, of Auburn, who have School and a freshman Dean's List student at Emerson reached a milestone in their lives as they celebrate College, who received a 1987 Arts Award in Visual Arts 50 years of marriage on May 28, 1987; (SLS 183) as a level 2 finalist sponsored by the Presidential Ronald L. Banks, Jr., of Orrington, who has Scholars Commission; (SLS 163) been selected as a 1987 United States Presidential the Freeport Mi ddl e School 8th Grade Gi rl s' Scholar, an award given to honor our nation's most Basketball Team who had an undefeated 1986-87 season; distinguished graduating high school seniors; (SLS (SLS 164) 184) Camilla Fox, a Freeport High School senior and Archie McEachern, a R.W. Traip Academy senior, reci pi ent of the 1987 Pri nci pal's Award sponsored by who received the 1987 Robert E. Butler Award for his the Maine Secondary School Principals' Association; outstanding sportsmanship, leadership, dedication (SLS 165) and ability as a ranger basketball player; (SLS 185) the Durham Gi rl s' Basketball Team, who capped an Senator R. Peter Whitmore, who has been unbeaten season wi th the 1987 Mi ddl e School Ath 1 et i c selected as the Auburn Business Association "Citizen Conference Championship; (SLS 166) of the Year" for 1987; (SLS 186) Alan Yuodsnukis, Brunswick High School senior, who Suzanne Sanborn Austin, of Kennebunk, who is a has been selected to receive the 1987 Principal's recipient of the 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and Award for his academic achievement and citizenship; Industry Award; (SLS 187) (SLS 167) Katheri ne Maxi m Greenleaf, of Yarmouth, who is Amanda Scott, a 4th grader at Hawthorne School in a recipient of the 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women Brunswick, who is a winner in the Drug Abuse and and Industry Award; (SLS 188) Mi suse Poster Contest sponsored by the Brunswi ck El ks Osmond C. Bonsey, Town Manager of Yarmouth, who Lodge 2043; (SLS 168) has been elected to the off; ce of pres; dent of the Ruth Porter, of L. L. Bean, Inc., in Freeport, who International City Management Association; (SLS 189) has been named Secretary of the Year by the Portland the Yarmouth Hi gh School Ice Hockey Team, and Chapter of Professional Secretaries International, the Cl; ppers' Coach Roger Gri 11 0, wi nners of the 1987; (SLS 169) 1987 Western Maine Class B and State Class B Hockey Championships; (SLS 190)


the North Yarmouth Academy Ice Hockey Team, and Melvin D. (Mickey) Boutilier, of Gorham, an Coach Mark Knapp, wi nners of the 1987 Eastern Mai ne outstanding leader, teacher and coach who speaks Class A Hockey Championship; (SLS 191) effectively to countless followers across this State Eileen Farrell, of Yarmouth, who is a recipient of and Nation. A great humanitarian, who knows no the 5th Annual Women's Achi evement Award presented by bounds in he 1 pi ng the 1ess fortunate, the retarded the Women's Career Center at Westbrook College; (SLS and in worki ng for the betterment of manki nd. A 192) pioneer in Special Olympics who developed their Senator Nancy Randall Clark, of Freeport, who has winter games, he is a great asset to his community, earned an Honorary Doctor of Laws Degree from Husson State and Nation; (SLS 210) College; (SLS 193) Melanie Cars1ick, a Brunswick High School Larry Doyen, a 6th grade student from Meroby senior forward, who was the only player in the Elementary School in Mexico, recipient of first place Kennebec Valley Athletic Conference to be elected to honors in the periodic table competition at the the Class A All-Star Team and the All-Defensive Science Olympiad Tournament; (SLS 194) Team, 1987; (SLS 211) Richard McKenney, of Eliot, a senior at Marshwood Thomas J. Landers, Bath, who was active in High School, who has been selected to receive the 1987 drug-abuse prevention efforts and the reci pi ent of Principal's Award for his academic achievement and the 1984 Maine Chief of the Year Award for his citizenship; (SLS 195) dedication in the field of law enforcement; (SLS the top 10 students of the 1987 graduating c1 ass 212) (in Memoriam) of Marshwood Hi gh School in E1 i ot; Ri chard McKenney; the top 4 students of the 1987 graduating class Stephen E. Bryant; Jay A. Victas; John C. Stutz; of Buckfield Junior High School: Heather Lynn Brown, Thomas P. Fahy; Kindra Simms; Stephanie Anne Bag1ivo; Valedictorian; Elaine Roseanne Bennett, Kellie Ann O'Reilly; Lou Jean Lord; and Stacy Marie Salutatorian; Sonja Marie Abbott, 3rd highest; and Schwingle; (SLS 196) Jennifer Hinckley, 4th highest; (SLS 213) Renee Bois, of Ogunquit, a senior at Wells High Albert W. Mosley, of Waldoboro, credited with a School, who has been selected to receive the 1987 fulfilling career in automobiles and aviation, which Principals' Award for her academic achievement and eventually earned him the title of living historian citizenship; (SLS 197) of the Owls Head Transportation Museum where he Milton Landeen, of New Sweden, for 21 years of often participated in special events; (SLS 214) dedicated service as the Town's Road Commissioner; (in Memoriam) (SLS 198) Felix P. Dyro, of Portland, a proud husband, Everett Larsson, of New Sweden, after 21 years of father and beloved family man, who retired as dedicated service as selectman; (SLS 199) foreman of Jarko Corporation after 29 years of Everett C. Barry, former Road Commi ss i oner in the dedicated service as a longshoreman; (SLS 215) (in Town of Farmingdale for 40 years; (SLS 200) (in Memoriam) Memoriam) Louise E. Peacock, of Randolph, who celebrated Matthew Dow1 i ng, a Brunswi ck Hi gh School graduate her 90th birthday on February 5, 1987; (SLS 216) and sophomore at Bates College, who has been named one Esther M. Saucier, of Fort Kent, upon her of Maine's 2 Harry S. Truman Scholars; (SLS 201) retirement after 21 years of dedicated service as a Lucia A. Nixon, a senior at Brunswick High School, teacher at the Patrick Theriault School in who has been named as a recipient of a National Merit Sinclair; (SLS 217) Scholarship; (SLS 202) Todd Pendleton, who has been named Rebecca E. Zorach, of Brunswi ck and a seni or at Valedictorian of the 1987 graduating class of Waynfl ete School, who is a reci pi ent of a Nat i ona 1 Camden-Rockport High School; (SLS 218) Merit Scholarship; (SLS 203) Mari Si mmons, who has been named Sal utatori an Tom Jones for his award portrait titled "Ben," of the 1987 graduating class of Camden-Rockport High which received a First Place and a Court of Honor School; (SLS 219) Award from the Maine Professional Photographers Will Sweetser, a student at Edward Little High Association 1987 Annual Print Competition; (SLS 204) School, who has been selected as a Student Victoria Crandall, Executive and Artistic Director Ambassador to the American-Soviet Youth Exchange of the Brunswick Music Theater, who is a recipient of Initiative for Understanding project scheduled for the 5th Annual Women's Achi evement Award presented by this summer in the Soviet Union; (SLS 220) the Women's Career Center at Westbrook College; (SLS Lauren Traister, a student at Edward Little 205) High School, who has been selected as a Student Anita Cooper Stickney, of Yarmouth, who is a Ambassador to the American-Soviet Youth Exchange recipient of the 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and Init i at i ve for Understandi ng proj ect schedul ed for Industry Award; (SLS 206) this summer in the Soviet Union; (SLS 221) Fred Sprague, of Kittery, upon his retirement Steven Kent, who has been named Valedi ctorian after 37 years as a dedicated educator to the students of the 1987 graduating class of Georges Valley High of Maine serving as a teacher and coach and most School; (SLS 222) notably, for the last 21 years in the role of Scott Candage, who has been named Valedictorian Assistant Principal and Athletic Director of R. W. of the 1987 graduating class of Vinalhaven High Traip Academy; (SLS 207) School; (SLS 223) Angie Suffridge, a York High School senior, who is Suzanne Heath, who has been named Valedictorian the reci pi ent of the 1987 Robert E. Butler Award for of the 1987 graduating class of Rockl and Di stri ct her outstanding sportsmanship, leadership, dedication High School; (SLS 224) and ability as a Wildcat basketball player, a 3-time Lawrence T. Potter, long time Watervi 11 e Ci ty Southern York League All-Star; (SLS 208) Councilor, for his dedication to the community's Darlene Holston, of South Portland, who is a economic future and quality of life; (SLS 225) reci pi ent of the 1987 Y. W. C.A. Tri bute to Women and Industry Award; (SLS 209)


Shirley Kilbourne, of Brunswick, who received a the Lewi ston Hi gh School "Odyssey of the Mi nd" national Community Service Award from the National team and Coach David Therriault, which placed 3rd in Retired Teachers Association for her volunteer the World Finals poetic license competition, for servi ces and outstandi ng communi ty contri but ions; thei r creativity, dil i gence and perseverance; (SLS (SLS 226) 248) Ben Conant, of South -Paris, recipient of the the South Portland High School volunteers, annual Paris Grange Community Service Award, one whose special people who have contributed to excellence in dedication to the Oxford Hills area is appreciated by educat i on through active part i ci pat ion in the SPAN many; (SLS 227) Project, an outstanding volunteer program of the Heather Osgood, who has been named Salutatorian of South Portland School District; (SLS 249) the 1987 graduating cl ass of Vi na 1 haven Hi gh School; the Mahoney Middle School volunteers, special (SLS 228) peop 1 e who have contri buted to excellence in David Maurice, who has been named Salutatorian of educat i on through active part i ci pat ion in the SPAN the 1987 graduating class of Rockland District High Project, an outstanding volunteer program of the School; (SLS 229) South Portland School Di stri ct; speci a 1 people who James Weaver, who has been named Salutatorian of have contri buted to excell ence in education through the 1987 graduating class of Georges Valley High act i ve part i ci pat ion in the SPAN Proj ect, an School; (SLS 230) outstandi ng vol unteer program of the South Portland Scott M. Taylor, of Troop #544 in Mexico, who has School District; (SLS 250) attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle Ali ce Sawyer El ementary School volunteers, Scout; (SLS 231) special people who have contributed to excellence in Lynn Morneault, a 1986 graduate of the University education through active participation in the SPAN of Maine at Fort Kent, who has been named Maine's Project, an outstanding volunteer program of the Outstanding First Year Teacher by the Student Loan South Portland School District; (SLS 251) Marketing Association; (SLS 232) Dora Small Elementary School volunteers, Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Grover, Jan Phil i ps and 8th­ speci a 1 people who have contri buted to excellence in grade students at Oxford Hills Junior High School, who education through active participation in the SPAN won in the Odyssey of the Mind Competition in Mt. Project, an outstanding volunteer program of the Pleasant, Michigan; (SLS 233) South Portland School District; (SLS 252) Charles M. Begley, who is retiring after 38 years Redbank Elementary School volunteers, special of dedicated service as a teacher in SAD #40; (SLS peop 1 e who have contri buted to excellence in 234) educat i on through active part i ci pat ion in the SPAN the 5th annual LA KERMESSE, Festival Project, an outstanding volunteer program of the "Franco-Americaine", the organizers, workers, South Portland School District; (SLS 253) volunteers and the people of Biddeford for their fine the Simon Hamlin Elementary School volunteers, Franco-American tradition; (SLS 235) special people who have contributed to excellence in Lynn K. Goldfarb, of Portland, recipient of the education through active participation in the SPAN 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and Industry Award; Project, an outstanding volunteer program of the (SLS 236) South Portland School District; (SLS 254) Anne B. Pringle, of Portland, recipient of the the He 1ena H. Dyer El ementary Schoo 1 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and Industry Award; vo 1 unteers, speci a 1 people who have contri buted to (SLS 237) excellence in education through active participation Elaine D. Rosen, of Portland, a recipient of the in the SPAN Project, an outstanding volunteer 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and Industry Award; program of the South Portland School District; (SLS (SLS 238) 255) Pamela Katherine Allen, of Portland, a recipient the Frank I. Brown Elementary School of the 1987 Tri bute to Women and Industry Award; (SLS vo 1 unteers, speci a 1 people who have contri buted to 239) excellence in education through active participation Mary Rines Thompson, of Portland, recipient of the in the SPAN Proj ect, an outstandi ng vo 1 unteer 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and Industry Emerita program of the South Portland School District; (SLS Award; (SLS 240) 256) Katherine and Clinton Graffam, of Portland, for the Memorial Middle School volunteers, special 112 combi ned years of performi ng with the Portland people who have contributed to excellence in Symphony Orchestra; (SLS 241) education through active participation in the SPAN the Mercy Hospital School of Nurs i ng and its long Project, an outstanding volunteer program of the list of distinguished graduates, a school that was South Portland School District; (SLS 257) estab 1 i shed in 1920 and wi 11 graduate its 1ast cl ass James Otis Kaler Elementary School volunteers, in June of 1987, foll owi ng a 63-year commitment to special people who have contributed to excellence in exce 11 ence in education by the Si sters of Mercy and education through active participation in the SPAN faculty of this outstanding school; (SLS 242) Project, an outstanding volunteer program of the Michael J. O'Connell, of Naples, who has been South Portland School District; (SLS 258) selected Warden of the Year by the Department of Dagmar Greenleaf, of Monson, who is ret i ri ng Inland Fisheries and Wildlife; (SLS 243) after 25 years of dedi cated servi ce to the Monson Deborah L. Gallant, of Gorham, who is a recipient Post Offi ce; (SLS 259) of the 1987 Y.W.C.A. Tribute to Women and Industry Blake Smith, of Dover-Foxcroft, who has been Award; (SLS 244) named 1987 "Student of the Year"; (SLS 260) Jeff Sandler and Deb Hall, from S.M.V.T.I., known the Westbrook High School Band, and Director as "Mr. and Mrs. Fish" to the many school children Bookataub, winners of the 1987 National Chocolate whom they educate about the marine environment, on Town Band Festival in Hershey, Pennsylvania; (SLS their recent marriage; (SLS 245) 261) Jacques R. and Roseanne D. Pinette, owners of Bertha Learned, a resi dent of the Oxford Hi 11 s Parkvi ew Cl eaners in Brunswi ck, who wi 11 "close thei r area, on the occasion of her 102nd bi rthday; (SLS door" after 28 years of fri endl y , personal i zed, 262) cheerful and professional servi ce to area customers Lauree Gott, of Old Town, a senior at the and the Brunswick business community; (SLS 246) University of Maine, who is co-captain of the Anna Elizabeth Klus, of Milo, on the observance of 1986-87 Women's Basketball Team and who recently her 102nd birthday; (SLS 247) scored her 1,000th career point; (SLS 263)


McDonald's Restaurant, of Lincoln, for active part i ci pat i on to recrui t foster homes for abused and APPENDIX TO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD neglected children; (SLS 264) 113TH MAINE LEGISLATURE Skowhegan High School, which has been named one of FIRST REGULAR SESSION the top hi gh schools in Ameri ca by the Uni ted States Department of Education; (SLS 265) Floss i e Twitchell, a resi dent of the Oxford Hi 11 s The following expressions of Senate Legislative area, on the occasion of her 100th birthday; (SLS 266) Sentiment were received in the interim of July 1, Laura McIntosh, a resident of the Oxford Hills 1987 to October 21, 1987, pursuant to Joint Rule 34: area, on the occasion of her 100th birthday; (SLS 267) Joy J. 0' Bri en, Secretary of the Senate, and her Jess F. DeLoi s, husband of Helen M. Mauney and staff, for thei r dedi cated servi ce during the Fi rst father of 4 sons and 2 daughters, former pri nci pal Regular Session of the 113th Legislature; (SLS 268) at Cari bou and Brunswi ck Hi gh Schools and an active Jim Gormley, Postmaster, and his staff, for their participant in various professional groups including dedicated service during the First Regular Session of the Maine State Principals' Association and the Big the 113th Legislature; (SLS 269) Brothers and Sisters organization; (SLS 284) (in Molly Pitcher, Sergeant-at-arms, and the chamber Memoriam) staff of the Senate, for their dedicated service Thomas A. McGillicuddy, of Winthrop, long-time during the First Regular Session of the 11 3th Mai ne Di stri ct Di rector of the Uni ted States Small Legislature; (SLS 270) Business Association, past President of the Economic Dan Kane, of Surry, who has been named the 1987 Development Council of Maine, active member of Eastern College Athletic Conference Division I New various development organizations, distinguished England Player of the Year by the region's reci pi ent of numerous communi ty awards and devoted head coaches and sports information directors; (SLS husband and father; (SLS 285) (in Memoriam) 271) John Brogan, 1987 Freeport Hi gh School honor Dr. Andrew L. Allen, a Brunswick dentist who graduate, who received the Army Reserve National developed an AIDS Awareness Program for Maine Scholar-Athlete award for excelling in academics and dentists, who has received the 1987 Community athletics; (SLS 286) Prevention Dentistry Award at the 121st Annual Meeting Kelly Marquis, 1987 Freeport High School honor of the Maine Dental Association; (SLS 272) graduate, who received the Army Reserve Nation "Mr. Nice Guy," Arthur McKinney, Brunswick school Scholar-Athlete award for excelling in academics and bus driver, who retired after 27 years of driving the athletics; (SLS 287) Harpswell Road route; (SLS 273) Edwin H. Greeley, of Morrill, who was a beloved Rory Putnam, of Brunswick, senior patrol leader of and dedicated community leader having served in Boy Scout Troop #633, who has attained the high rank elective office for over 50 years, including 45 and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 274) years to the Town of Morri 11, 4 years as Be Hast Lynne McGui re, of Brunswi ck, who has been named Ci ty Manager and 20 years in the Mai ne Senate; (SLS the Woman of the Year by the Brunswi ck Busi ness and 288) (in Memoriam) Professional Women's Club; (SLS 275) Helen Grover, of East Stoneham, on the occasion Osmond C. Bonsey, Town Manager of Yarmouth, who of her 90th birthday; (SLS 289) received the Greater Portland Council of Governments' Freeman Hall, who is retiring after 41 years of highest award, Regional Citizen of the Year, for his dedicated service to the Norway Savings Bank and the commitment to excellence during 35 years of service in Oxford Hills Community; (SLS 290) municipal government; (SLS 276) Louise Lorimer, of Hebron, on the occasion of Julie Lynn Yates, 1987 Brunswick High School her 89th bi rthday; (SLS 291) graduate, who was selected from nominations made by James Bryan and Emily S. Smith, of Grover's BPW C1 ubs in Mai ne to recei ve the state Busi ness and Crossing in Freeport, who celebrated the 60th Professional Women's Club Futurama Youth Scholarship; anniversary of their marriage on July 5, 1987; (SLS (SLS 277) 292) the North Yarmouth Academy Baseball Team, who Mr. and Mrs. William H. Powers, Jr., of captured the 1987 Western Maine Class D Championship; Brunswi ck, who cel ebrated the 50th anniversary of (SLS 278) their marriage on July 26, 1987; (SLS 293) Amy Hinkley, a 1987 Brunswick High School Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Brown, of Yarmouth, who graduate, who placed 2nd in a nationwide Spanish test, celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage on 6th in a nationwide French test, 2nd in a New England July 6, 1987; (SLS 294) French test and 1st in both Spanish and French in the Fred and Helen Holt, of Norway, who celebrated Maine tests; (SLS 279) their 50th Wedding Anniversary on July 7th; (SLS Chri sM. St. Savi our, of Boy Scout Troop #329 in 295) Limerick, who has attained the high rank and Gerald C. and Lena T. Robertson, of Blue Hill, distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 280) on the occasi on of thei r 50th weddi ng anni versary; Norman and Beatri ce Chapman, of Harri son, on the (SLS 296) occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary on May 30, Mi lton and Nell i e Smith, of Sedgwi ck, on the 1987; (SLS 281) occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary; (SLS Richard (Dick) Denison, of Norway, on his 297) retirement after having worked 38 years in the banking Esther A. Davis, a cherished and dedicated industry, one whose commitment to servi ng the pub 1 i c citizen to the town of Woodstock, on the occasion of both at work and through community activities has been her 75th birthday; (SLS 298) appreciated by many; (SLS 282) Suse Weissman, whose 20 years of dedicated Alfred R. Morrill, of Sumner, a 70 year member of service, discerning influence and responsive Pleasant Pond Grange, who is the recipient of the leadership as head librarian, has provided the Community Service Award; (SLS 283) inspiration behind the present day, highly successful, Captain John Curtis Memorial Library; (SLS 299)


Elise and John Quinn Jr., of Oxford, on the Shirley Thornton, of Millinocket, 1987 state celebration of their 50th wedding anniversary; (SLS award recipient in the nurse category, for exemplary 300) contributions towards the Emergency Medical Services George Bailey, of Lovell, on the celebration of System; (SLS 321) his 87th birthday; (SLS 301) Winona Clark for her long and distinguished Bryan G. Moore, of Troop 15 in Brewer, who has career in the field of banking which began in 1951 attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle with a position as clerk for the former Norway Scout; (SLS 302) National Bank and will end October 2, 1987 as the Moosehead Lake Regi on Chamber of Commerce on Assistant Treasurer and Loan Officer for Key Bank of the occasion of their 40th anniversary; (SLS 303) Southern Maine; (SLS 322) Wi 1mot and Grace Lord, of Bolsters Mi 11 s, on the Brent V. W. Putnam, President of Explorer Post occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary on #633 and Junior Assi stant Scoutmaster of Boy Scout September 4, 1987; (SLS 304) Troop #633 in Brunswick, who has attained the high Detective Kenneth M. Taylor, a 20-year veteran of rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 323) the Brunswick Police Department, one who will be Dr. Raymond Gosselin, D.Ph. for his remembered for his relentless determination and skill contribution to New England and Maine health in police work as well as his genuine concern for education on the occasion of his retirement as humankind; (SLS 305) (in Memoriam) Pres i dent of the Massachusetts Coll ege of Pharmacy Mrs. Maud Damon, of West Paris, on the occasion of and Allied Health Sciences; (SLS 324) her 90th birthday; (SLS 306) the Honorable Senator R. Donald Twitchell, of District 15, for not missing a roll call vote in 5 APPENDIX TO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD years; (SLS 307) 113TH MAINE LEGISLATURE Mary Ouellette, of Millinocket, a six-time winner FIRST SPECIAL SESSION in the Women's State Association Championship; (SLS 308) Robert Bri dge, of Parkman, who has been selected The following expressions of Senate Legislative Soil and Water Conservation Di stri ct 1987 Cooperator Sentiment appeared on the 1st Special Session Senate of the Year; (SLS 309) Cal endars of October 9, 1987 to October 10, 1987 Carmen Fecteau, of Winslow, who is retiring after pursuant to Joint Rule 34: 15 years of dedi cated servi ce to the people of the State as a member of the Maine Labor Relations Board; David Murphy, principal at Woodstock and (SLS 310) Andover El ementary Schools, who has been named as a Chet and Peg Woodbury, of Brunswick, who "National Distinguished Principal" in a nationwide ce 1ebrated the 50th anni versary of thei r marri age on search for those principals whose leadership has August 4, 1987; (SLS 311) produced excellence in their schools; (SLS 325) Paul Dion, Coordinator, Nova Scotia Life Guard Patricia Jones, of Dixfield, recipient of a Service for his years of dedicated service to the U.S. Department of Education Christa McAuliff Maine State Lifesaving Association and the people of fellowship; her selected field of study will involve Nova Scotia; (SLS 312) researching and visiting programs for gifted Norman K. Ferguson, Sr., dearly loved by family children throughout the state; (SLS 326) and friends, well known for his many years of active Charles E. Day, President of Lewiston Raceway, participation in both state and community service with who wi 11 be inducted into the New Engl and Harness highlights being a member of the State Senate and Writers' Hall of Fame on October 25, 1987; (SLS 327) House of Representatives, State Treasurer, chairman of The Times Record's Summer Lifestyles '86 issue the Hanover board of selectmen for 32 years and which received the 1987 Maine Press Association's founder and first chairman of the Maine Municipal Bond first place award in the daily category for special Bank; (SLS 313) (in Memoriam) supplements; (SLS 328) the Town of Sebec on the 175th anniversary of its Jeff Pert, editorial cartoonist for the The incorporation, September 26, 1987; (SLS 314) Times Record in Brunswick, who, for the 4th Eleanor Houston Smith, of Freeport and consecutive year, received the Maine Press Phi 1adel phi a, a generous benefactress, act i ve Associ at ion's top award for editori al cartooni ng at conservationist, and zealous champion of environmental a daily newspaper; (SLS 329) causes, whose lasting efforts to preserve Maine's Mr. and Mrs. George Gamache, of Brunswick, who natural beauty have so amply enriched the people of celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage on Maine; (SLS 315) September 11, 1987; (SLS 330) Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse J. Beaul i eu, of Brunswi ck, Monson Elementary School, recipient of the who cel ebrated the 50th anni versary of thei r marri age 1986-87 Presidential State Physical Fitness Award, on September 16, 1987; (SLS 316) for havi ng such a hi gh percentage of students earn Nancy N. and Robert R. Masterton, of Cape individual fitness awards; (SLS 331) Elizabeth, for their selfless contributions to the Daryl E. Witmer for his success in coordinating Portland community which have earned them the 1987 the Monson communi ty project to purchase a computer Kiwanis Club Award for Distinguished Service to for the students at Monson Elementary School; (SLS Greater Portland; (SLS 317) 332) Kennebec Valley Mental Health Center's Programs Jason Raven, of Boy Scout Troop #58 in for outstanding services to the community; (SLS 318) Cumberland, who has attained the high rank and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Hinton, of South Freeport, distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 333) who will celebrate the 50th anniversary of their Donald and Phyllis Dyer, of South Portland, who marriage on October 12, 1987; (SLS 319) will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on John P. "Jake" Comer, member of Thomas J. Roberts October 17, 1987; (SLS 334) Post No. 79 in West Roxbury, Massachusetts, National Reuben and Clara Cohen, of Bangor, on the Commander of the American Legion and a dedicated occas; on of the; r 50th wedd; ng ann; versary; (SLS leader who has served his State and Nation in an 335) outstanding manner, and one who has always stood ready to defend the freedoms that make thi s country such a great place in which to live; (SLS 320)


Shannon Lancaster, of Chi na, for capturi ng 7 APPENDIX TO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD awards including 1st and 2nd place prizes in the 113TH MAINE LEGISLATURE National Riflery Championships in Camp Perry, Ohio; 2ND SPECIAL SESSION (SLS 355) Hector Hebert, of Yarmouth, who received the Latchstring Award given each year to the person The following expressions of Legislative Sentiment chosen by the Town Council to be Yarmouth's "Citizen appeared on the 2nd Special Session Senate Calendar of of the Year;" (SLS 356) October 21, 1987 and November 19, 1987 to November 20, the outstanding Greely High School Girls' Cross 1987, pursuant to Joint Rule 34: Country Team, and their coach, Dan Paul, on a highly successful season and thei r 3rd consecutive wi n as the staff of the Waldo Independent of Belfast, and Class B Champions; (SLS 357) its editor Jay Davi s, who was awarded the Journal i st M. Kathryn Graham, of Beaver Cove, for her of the Year by the Maine Press Association; (SLS 336) generous gift to the State Law and Legislative Marc A. Tarbox, of Boy Scout Troop #339 of Reference Library; (SLS 358) Lyman-Dayton, who has achieved the high rank and Frank Friel, Chief of Police of Millinocket, distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 337) who has been named 1987 Outstanding Citizen of the Norman Kenney, who is ret i ri ng after 18 years of Year by the American Legion; (SLS 359) service as Assesor for the City of Belfast; (SLS 338) Robert "Robbi e" Lane, of Boy Scout Troop #496 Perry A. Conrad, of Boy Scout Troop #1 in Brewer, in Embden, who has attained the high rank and who has attained the high rank and distinction of distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 360) Eagle Scout; (SLS 339) Kennebec Valley Mental Health Center's Programs Mark E. Gray, of Boy Scout Troop #1 in Brewer, who for outstanding services to the community; (SLS 361) has attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle the "Mi nutemen" of Stearns Hi gh School in Scout; (SLS 340) Millinocket on winning the 1987 State Class B Brian S. Nichols, of Boy Scout Troop #1 in Brewer, Football Championship; (SLS 362) who has attained the high rank and distinction of Lloyd and Eva Mae Burr, of Winslow, on the Eagle Scout; (SLS 341) honored occasi on of thei r 70th weddi ng anniversary: Mrs. Hazel A. Rawstron, of Auburn who will be (SLS 364) celebrating her 100th birthday on November 25, 1987; (SLS 342) Chi ef Denni s Dyer, of Dover-Foxcroft Police APPENDIX TO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD Department, who has been named Police Chief of the 113TH MAINE LEGISLATURE Year for 1987 by the Mai ne Chi ef of Police FIRST REGULAR SESSION Association; (SLS 343) the Rockland High School golf team, winners of the 1987 Class A State Championship; (SLS 344) The following expressions of Senate Legislative Patrick and Jennie Profenno, of Freeport, who Sent iment were recei ved in the i nteri m of October celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary on October 21, 1987 to January 5, 1988, pursuant to Joint Rule 22, 1987; (SLS 345) 34: Herbert Merri 11, of Brunswi ck, reci pi ent of the 1987 Li vi ng Legacy Award by the Central Mai ne Area Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Dumont, Jr., of Agency on Aging for exemplifying excellence in public Brunswick, who celebrated the 50th anniversary of contributions and personal development; (SLS 346) their marriage on May 8, 1987; (SLS 365) Chris Belyea, of Boy Scout Troop #184 in Caribou, Mr. and Mrs. G. Raymond Campbell, of Brunswick, who has attained the high rank and distinction of who celebrated the 50th anniversary of thei r Eagle Scout; (SLS 347) marriage on September 4, 1987; (SLS 366) Wayne Rich Nordick, of Caribou, who has attained after 2nd Special the high rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS Lisa Perrow, of Millinocket, who has been 348) chosen for the 1987 Class B All-State Field Hockey Margaret McCarthy Beliveau, of Rumford, who will Team; (SLS 370) be celebrating her 80th birthday on December 25, Sarah C. "Sally" Diamond, Portland, who, as 1987. An except i ona 1 woman who has devoted much of Execut i ve Di rector of the Legi slat i ve Council, has her life to helping the underprivileged and the been selected as Maine's Public Administrator of the mentally retarded, her efforts realized the Hope Year by the Mai ne Chapter of the Ameri can Soci ety Training School and the wonderful Horizon Unlimited for Public Administration for her outstanding residence. The people in the Greater Rumford area and contributions on a sustained basis, demonstrated the State of Maine have benefited because Margaret leadership, dedication, ability and exemplary walked our way; (SLS 349) service; (SLS 371) Donald Hunt on the occasion of his retirement Mr. and Mrs. Hobert W. Chellis, of Boothbay after 40 dedi cated years wi th the Town of Norway as Harbor, who will celebrate the 60th anniversary of Road Commissioner; (SLS 350) their marriage on December 24, 1987; (SLS 372) Union Saint-Jean-Baptiste, Joseph Croteau Council Mr. and Mrs. Rocco M. DeMonte, of Brunswi ck, #320 on the occasion of its 75th anniversary, November who cel ebrated the 50th anni versary of thei r 10, 1987; (SLS 351) marriage on October 16, 1987; (SLS 373) Irving Richardson, of Freeport, recipient of the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Caron, of Brunswi ck, who 1988 Maine Teacher of the Year award; cited for his celebrated the 60th anniversary of their marriage on "obvi ous love of, and exci tement about, 1earni ng", a September 16, 1987; (SLS 374) teacher who makes students of all abilities feel that Mr. and Mrs. Murray B. KiHoi1, of Brunswick, they can achieve; (SLS 352) who celebrated the 50th anniversary of thei r the Stearns High School Minutemen, of Millinocket, marriage on November 27, 1987; (SLS 375) on thei r vi ctory in the LTC football play-off; (SLS Joseph L. Willett, of Brownville Junction, on 353) his retirement after 42 years with the Canadian Lydia Butterfield, on the occasion of her 100th Pacific Railroad; (SLS 376) birthday on November 18, 1987; (SLS 354)


Natasha Kempers-Cullen, of Freeport High School, Charles "Chuck" Arthur, the "Lion of Freeport," who has been named Mai ne Art Educator of the Year by a man of good will, giving and sharing, who reflects the Maine Art Education Association for her the true soul of a grateful community and is living outstanding work developing a high school and middle proof that "a 1 ife that reaches out in love to all school visual arts program; (SLS 377) is a life that is full and rich, and continually Mrs. Maggi e E. Pi tts, of Naples, who celebrates expanding in beauty and in power"; (SLS 392) her 105th birthday on December 28, 1987; (SLS 378) Robert L. Morrell, president of Brunswick Coal Mr. and Mrs. W. Stanwood Skolfie1d, of Brunswick, and Lumber Co., who has been named Maine's who ce1 ebrated the 65th anni versary of thei r marri age Lumberperson of the Year for hi s performance in the on November 16, 1987; (SLS 379) industry, the active role he has played in the Jerry Maj or, known as "Mr. Oxford Hi 11 s Ath 1et; c association and his contribution to his community by Booster," who has demonstrated long and dedicated the Northeastern Retai 1 Lumbermen's Associ at ion; commitment to improvi ng the qual i ty of 1 i fe in the (SLS 393) Oxford Hills area and is being honored with the 1987 Irene and Gordon Pierce, of Winslow, on their Communi ty Servi ce Award presented by the Oxford Hi 11 s ret i rement from many years of dedi cated servi ce to Chamber of Commerce; (SLS 380) the Mid-Maine Medical Center's Recovery Program; Sean MacBride, of Dublin, Ireland, who is a world (SLS 394) 1 eader in ci vi 1 ri ghts, author of the MacBri de Robert E. Crossley, of Auburn, who retired Principles, founder of Amnesty International and December 31, 1987 following 50 years as a skilled winner of the 1974 Nobel Peace Prize and who has manager and corporate official in engineering and worked dil i gent 1y for human and econom; c ri ghts research of the Pulp and Paper Industry, well known through peace; (SLS 381) for his outstanding leadership in many areas including his work with the University Foundation and scho 1arshi p program for future engi neers; (SLS APPENDIX TO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD 395) SECOND REGULAR SESSION Claire Letellier, a Yarmouth High School 113th LEGISLATURE teacher, who is the mathematics teachi ng wi nner in the outstanding science and mathematics teacher competition conducted by the Maine Science and The following expressions of Senate Legislative Technology Board; (SLS 396) Sentiment appeared on the Senate Calendars of January Arthur B. Lawson, of Falmouth, on the occas ion 6, 1988 to May 5, 1988 pursuant to Joint Rule 34: of his 102nd birthday, January 15, 1988; (SLS 397) Frederick Berry, of Boy Scout Troop #37 in the Pej epscot Hi stori ca 1 Soci ety on the occas ion Be lfast, who has attai ned the hi gh rank and of its 100th bi rthday, January 10, 1988, for its distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 398) valuable service to the citizens of Brunswick in Cory L. Morse, of Boy Scout Troop #37 in preserving their historical traditions; (SLS 382) Belfast, who has attained the high rank and Wi 11 i am "Scotty" Whytock, chi ef of the Mexi co Fi re distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 399) Department, who has served his friends and fellow Samuel Cassida, of Boy Scout Troop #37 in cit i zens wi th great di st i nct i on for 53 years, often Be lfast, who has attai ned the hi gh rank and risking his own welfare to protect the lives and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 400) property of others; (SLS 383) Mark J. Andy, of Blue Hill, a senior at George Peter W. Johnston, formerly of Caribou and Fort Stevens Academy, for excellence in academic Fairfield, well known and highly respected as a achievement as demonstrated by his exemplary businessman, farmer and state spokesman, having served performance in the Maine Educational Assessment as a Senator in the 107th Legislature, as the New York tests; (SLS 401) Mercant i 1 e Exchanges 1 i ai son offi cer wi th our State's Nicole L. Roy, of Winslow, a senior at Winslow potato industry and as a member of the Board of Sr. Hi gh School, for excellence in academi c Trustees of the University of Maine; (SLS 384) achievement as demonstrated by her exemplary John Hoyt, of Thomaston, on the occasion of his performance in the Maine Educational Assessment 106th birthday, January 22, 1988; (SLS 385) tests; (SLS 402) Leo and Mabel Fecteau, of Westbrook, on the Philip W. Calvert, of Steep Falls, a senior at honored occasi on of thei r 50th weddi ng anni versary, Bonny Eag1 e Hi gh School, for excellence in academi c May 7, 1988; (SLS 386) achievement as demonstrated by his exemplary Stephen Morse, of Bath, who on January 24, 1988 performance in the Maine Educational Assessment attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle tests; (SLS 403) Scout; (SLS 387) Karmen J. LaCasse, who was a dedicated teacher Kacy Lavallee, a freshman at Brunswick High for 20 years at Stearns Hi gh School and an active School, who received the first place award in the high participant in community organizations in the school division of the statewide poster contest Millinocket area; (SLS 404) sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving; (SLS 388) C. Scott Hoar on the anniversary of his 35th Mr. Roland Sutton, President of Maine Machine year as a journalist for the York County News Products Company, recipient of the "Administrator's Bureau, an individual who has always shown Award for Excellence," in recognition of outstanding enthusiasm and dedication to providing excellent contribution and service to the nation by a small news coverage for citizens of Maine; (SLS 405) business in satisfying the needs of the federal the Sanford Lions Club 9th annual procurement system; (SLS 389) Franco-American Night, February 6, 1988, a festive Scott S. Millett, of Boy Scout Troop #15 in celebration in honor of the traditions and Brewer, who has attained the high rank and distinction contributions which this group has made to the of Eagl e Scout; (SLS 390) community; (SLS 406) Edward B. Denny, formerly of Damariscotta, Moshe Myerowitz, D.C., of Bangor, the only successfu 1 busi nessman and communi ty 1eader, who Maine participant representing the U.S.A. at the 7th served as a Member of the House of Representatives World Veterans Track and Field Games in Melbourne, during the 90th and 91st Legislatures and in the Australia, recipient of the bronze medal in 20K Senate duri ng the 92nd, 93rd and 94th Legi sl atures; competition and a silver medal in the Australian (SLS 391) (in Memoriam) Masters Track and Field Championships; (SLS 407)


Bert M. Fernald, of Auburn and Poland, for his Lee S. Fields, Sr., formerly of Fort Fairfield, many years of dedication to harness racing and his successful local businessman and community leader, recei pt of the Harness Horseman Internat i ona 1 Man of well-known for his active participation with the the Year Award for 1987; (SLS 408) National Guard Unit of Fort Fairfield and several Lewis A. Tetreault, of Westbrook, on the occasion fraternal organizations, including the Rotary and of his 100th birthday on February 6, 1988; (SLS 409) Lions Clubs, Eastern Frontier Lodge and Anah Temple Maine State Museum director Paul E. Rivard and his Shrine of Bangor; (SLS 427) (in Memoriam) dedicated staff for their exhibit called "Made in Gerry Therrien, of Boy Scout Troop #160 in Mai ne," whi ch has been ranked as one of the 3 best Lewiston, who has attained the high rank and exhibits in the nation; (SLS 410) distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 428) the people of Finnish decent in Maine for their Gary N. Veilleux, Assistant Scoutmaster of Boy cultural, technological and historical contributions Scout Troop #160 in Lewi ston, who has attai ned the which have significantly enhanced the quality of life high rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 429) and for the preservation of thi sheri tage for future Scott Nadeau, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader of generations of Maine citizens; (SLS 411) Boy Scout Troop #160 in Lewi ston, who has attai ned Sean MacBride, of Dublin, Ireland, who was a world the high rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 1eader in ci vi 1 ri ghts, author of the MacBri de 430) Pri nci p1 es, founder of Amnesty Internat i ona 1 and Flora Hill Lenfest, of Belfast, on the honored wi nner of the 1974 Nobel Peace Pri ze and who worked occasion of her 100th birthday, March 23, 1988; diligently for human and economic rights through (SLS 431) peace; (SLS 412) (in Memoriam) Leon A. Gorman, of Yarmouth, who, as President Ellen Ross, of Scarborough High School, recent of L. L. Bean, Inc. in Freeport, has been named 1988 recipient of the Presidential Award for Excellence in Business Leader of the Year by the Maine Chamber of Science and Mathematics Teaching for 1987-88; (SLS Commerce and Industry; (SLS 432) 413) Mr. Leo Martin, of S.A.D. #71 consisting of Josephat Moreau, who will be 95 years of age on Kennebunk and Kennebunkport Schools, for being November 28, 1988; recipient of the Sanford Lions Club chosen the 1988 Maine Superintendent of the Year by 1988 "Senior Citizen of the Year" award; (SLS 414) the Ameri can Associ at i on of School Admi ni strators; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Berthiaume, recipients of the (SLS 433) Sanford Lions Cl ub "Coupl e of the Year" award for Earl "Bud" Colby, Jr., member of Wells-Hussey 1988, and a beloved couple by all in the community; Post No. 42 in Damariscotta, State Commander of the (SLS 415) American Legion and a dedicated leader who has Daniel Burgess, who is the recipient of the served his State and Nation with much distinction Rockland Area Chamber of Commerce "Person of the Year" and stood ever ready to support and defend those award; (SLS 416) rights of freedom that make our nation such a great Arthur Sprowl, who is the reci pi ent of the place to live; (SLS 434) Camden-Rockport-Lincolnville Chamber of Commerce Danielle St. Cyr, of Mexico, the American "Person of the Year" award; (SLS 417) Cancer Soci ety' s Daffodi 1 Chi 1d for 1988 and Gary C. Agger, of Portland, who has been named Daffodil Days, March 17th through the 19th; (SLS police officer of the year by the Portland City 435) Council; (SLS 418) Thomas Warner, member of Rumford Post 24 of the Marion Bagley, of Norway, for generously devoting Ameri can Legi on and Grand Chef De Gare of the Mai ne in excess of 6,000 hours over the past 32 years in 40 and 8 Society, a dedicated leader who has served vo 1 unteer servi ce to Stephens Memori al Hospital; (SLS his community and state in an outstanding manner and 419) who has always stood ready to defend the freedoms the Pownal Panthers soccer team, and thei r coach that make thi s country such a great place to 1 i ve; Jim Donoghue, on an extremely exciting soccer season, (SLS 436) the team havi ng been named co-champi ons in the Mi ddl e the rapi d response and profess i ona 1 efforts of School Athletic Conference of 1987; (SLS 420) Robert Moody, of the Augusta Public Safety Florence Gill, Fayette town clerk, for 39 years Department, who helped in safely extricating a of excellent service to the community of Fayette; 9-year-old child's foot which became ensnared in (SLS 421) catch-basin grate; (SLS 437) Mary "Moll y" Neal y, of Brunswi ck and Bowdoi nham, the rapi d response and profess i ona 1 efforts of who celebrated the 100th anniversary of her birth on Sergeant Robert Wagner, of the Augusta Fire January 31, 1988; (SLS 422) Department, who helped in safely extricating a Phillip A. St. Amand, of Durham, assistant 9-year-ol d chil d's foot whi ch became ensnared ina scoutmaster for Lisbon Falls Troop #109 and volunteer catch-basin grate; (SLS 438) with the Durham Volunteer Fire Department, who has the rapi d response and profess i ona 1 efforts of attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle Norman Arbour, of the Augusta Public Safety Scout; (SLS 423) Department, who helped in safely extricating a Kenneth K. Weston, longtime owner and operator of 9-year-o 1d chil d's foot whi ch became ensnared ina S. H. Weston and Sons Company in Waldoboro, an active catch-basin grate; (SLS 439) member of several local organizations including the rapid response and professional efforts of dedicated leadership as president and director of the William Cusick, of the Augusta Rescue Squad, who Waldoboro Lions Club, treasurer of the Waldoboro helped in safely extricating a 9-year-old child's Public Library and on the Board of Directors of foot whi ch became ensnared ina catch-bas ingrate; Waldoboro Lockers, Inc.; (SLS 424) (in Memoriam) (SLS 440) Ronald Lester Lobdell, Jr., of Phippsburg, who has the rapi d response and profess i ona 1 efforts of attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle Chief Keryl Clement of the Augusta Fire Department, Scout; (SLS 425) who helped in safely extricating a 9-year-old David A. Gluck, of Bridgton, recipient of the 1988 chi 1d's foot whi ch became ensnared ina catch-basin Principal's Award at Lake Region High School. This grate; (SLS 441) award is sponsored by the Maine Secondary School the rapi d response and profess i ona 1 efforts of Principals Association and is given to a deserving Officer Charles Winslow, of the Augusta Police high school senior for academic achievement and Department, who helped in safely extricating a citizenship; (SLS 426) 9-year-o 1d chil d's foot whi ch became ensnared ina catch-basin grate; (SLS 442)


the rapid response and professional efforts of Robert Whiteley Patterson, of Somesville and David Groder, of the Augusta Rescue Squad, who helped Mount Desert Island, widely known for his long and in safely extricating a 9-year-old child's foot which distinguished career in architecture and landscape became ensnared in a catch-basin grate; (SLS 443) architecture; an individual with a true passion for George A. Dawbin, III, of Gardiner, who has conservi ng our natural resources, Mr. Patterson was attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle the founder and first President of the Natural Scout; (SLS 444) Resource Counci 1 of Mai ne, Di rector of the Nat i ona 1 the Morse Hi gh School Gymnastics team, wi nners of Wildlife Federation and a Trustee of the New England the 1988 Class A Championship; (SLS 445) Natural Resources Center; (SLS 461) (in Memoriam) Wi 11 i am Bryant, whose ci vi c commi tment to pub 1 i c Adam Pelky, a student at Hi lltop School, who service as a selectman for 9 years and fire chief for has been named a state winner in Division II of the 10 years have greatly benefited the Town of Canton and 6th Annual Maine Developmental Disabilities Council have earned him the pride and thanks of this community Awareness Poster Contest; (SLS 462) and State; (SLS 446) Norman Higgins, of Guilford, who has been Adelaide Ray, of Canton, a dedicated public selected as one of 6 principals in the United States servant who has contributed greatly to the good of the to receive a 1988 School Administrator Award granted communi ty of Canton as school di rector for 20 years by the Kennedy Center All i ance for Arts Education; and whose commitment to excellence in education has (SLS 463) earned her the pri de and gratitude of thi s communi ty Anne Erickson, of Millinocket, publisher and and State; (SLS 447) former owner of the Katahdi n Ti mes, who is ret i ri ng Ralph Campbell, road commissioner for the Town of after 12 years of publ i c servi ce to the peopl e of Canton, who has served in this capacity for 29 years the Katahdin region; (SLS 464) and whose constant care and attention to the town's the Schenck High School Girls' Basketball Team, roads of this community have not gone unnoticed but of East Mi 11 i nocket, wi nners of the 1988 Cl ass C wi 11 serve as permanent remi nders of hi s outstandi ng State Championship; (SLS 465) ability and dedication; (SLS 448) the 1988 Yarmouth High School Clippers and the 1988 North Yarmouth Academy Hockey Team, Coach Roger Grillo, winners of the State Class B Ice wi nners for the 2nd consecutive year of the Eastern Hockey Championship for the 2nd consecutive year; Maine Class A hockey championship; (SLS 449) (SLS 466) Jennifer Ann Davis, a senior at Yarmouth High Scott Loomis, a sophomore at Yarmouth .High School and a 1987 Governor of Dirigo Girls State, who School, who won the 1988 State Class B Individual is the 1988 wi nner of the state' s annual Voi ce of Cross-Country Ski Championship; (SLS 467) Democracy speech contest; (SLS 450) Allen T. Mello, who has been named 1988 Man of John Campbell, a student at Brunswick Junior High the Year by the Bl ue Hi 11 Chamber of Commerce; (SLS School, who has been named a state winner in Division 468) II of the 6th Annual Maine Developmental Disabilities Ernest "Goose" Lyons, of Lincoln, who after Council Awareness Poster Contest; (SLS 451) working for 40 years for Lincoln Pulp and Paper and the 1988 Yarmouth High School Hockey Team, winners Great Northern Pul p and Paper has had a perfect for the 2nd straight year of the Western Maine Class B attendance record; (SLS 469) hockey championship; (SLS 452) Eric Newcomb, Troy Goodrich, Danny O'Sullivan, the Bowdoin College Women's Swim Team who, after Davi d Ril ey, Robbi e Whi te, Travi s Armes, Ni ck an undefeated season, captured the 1988 New Engl and Winchester, Chad White, Chris Taylor, Rick Women's Intercollegiate and Diving Robertson, Jeff Bryant, Rich LeClere, Jeff Brown, Association Division III Championships; (SLS 453) Robbie Hart, Ed Vanidestine, Kevin Debeck, Chris John Rioux, a member of Rumford Lodge of Elks NO Debeck, Jerry Maynard and coaches Mark Savage, Chris 862, President of the Maine Elks Association and a Co 1e and Dave Robertson of the Brewer Boys' dedicated leader with much distinction, who has stood Basketball Team, winners in the 1988 Class A Eastern ever ready to support and defend those rights of Division Championship; (SLS 470) freedom that make our nation such a great place in Michael T. Reinsborough, of Readfield, who has which to live; (SLS 454) attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle the Le Paresseux Inc. Club of Rumford and its Scout; (SLS 471) President, Steve Gallant, on their 60th and 20th Veteran Bowdoin Coach Charlie Butt, who was anniversaries, respectively, and for their dedication voted 1988 "Coach of the Year" by hi s peers at the and support of communi ty and chi 1 dren' s programs and New England Women's Intercollegiate Swimming and in demonstrating civic involvement that has made this Diving Association Division III Championship meet; State and country such a great place; (SLS 455) (SLS 472) Timothy J. Ellis, of Norway, a senior at Oxford Flora Hill Lenfest, of Belfast, on the occasion Hi 11 s Hi gh Schoo 1, who has been selected as a of her 100th bi rthday, March 23; Mrs. Lenfest has recipient of the 1988 Principal's Award; (SLS 456) 1ed an active 1 i fe hi gh 1 i ghted by bei ng the mother Eva Bearce, on the occasion of her 107th birthday, of 5 children, a vital partner in helping her March 14, 1988; (SLS 457) husband run the family farm; a school bus driver, the Yarmouth High School Girls' Ski Team, winner using horse and wagon; and an employee in the local of the 1988 State Ski Championship for the 4th sardine factory into her late 70's; (SLS 473) consecutive year; (SLS 458) the Houlton "Lady Shi retowners" and coach John the Yarmouth Hi gh SchoolBoys' Ski Team, wi nners Donato on their impressive victory in winning the of the 1988 State Ski Championship; (SLS 459) Eastern Mai ne Cl ass "B" Basketball Champi onshi p; Freeport High School senior, Mary Jeanne Daly, who (SLS 474) is among the nation's 1,200 finalists in the National The Restaurant at 22 Lincoln, which has been Achievement Scholarship Program for Outstanding Negro named the 1988 Small Bus i ness of the Year by the Students; (SLS 460) Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce; (SLS 475)


1ongt i me 1oca 1 phys i ci an Benj ami n Herrera, of Calvin Fowle Tupper, of Orrington, a proud Freeport, whose unt ime1 y death saddened many in thi s family man, highly respected businessman, and coastal community; Dr. Herrera was loved by family and devoted husband of our dear colleague Helen Marr fri ends and will be remembered by many for hi s active Tupper; a man well known as a caring and dedicated part i ci pat ion in chil dren' s programs sponsored by the citizen who took an active role in civic, historical church he attended; (SLS 476) (in Memoriam) and re 1 i gi ous affai rs of the community and who has Victoria F. Crandall, beloved Executive Director provided sound leadership; (SLS 492) (in Memoriam) of the Mai ne State Musi c Theatre, who has been named local businesswoman Frances H. Armington, of the Brunswi ck Area 1988 Ci t i zen of the Year by the Belfast, who has been selected as the 6th annual Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce; (SLS 477) "Citizen of the Year" by the Modern Woodmen of the top 10 students of the 1988 graduating c1 ass America; Mrs. Armington is a highly respected of Lake Regi on Hi gh School: Hei di Hunt; Eri ca Pond; community leader who has contributed greatly to this Adam J. Aja; Heather Snow; Jodi Underwood; Kevi n R. Waldo County town; (SLS 493) Newquist; David A. Gluck; Rebecca S. Cross; Adria W. Abigail Donovan, a senior at Brunswick High Lowell; and Cynthia D. Grimm; (SLS 478) School and recipient of the 1988 Principal's Award, the Caribou High School Girls' Basketball Team, sponsored by the Mai ne Secondary School Pri nci pa 1s' winners of the 1988 Eastern Maine Class A Association, in recognition of academic achievement Sportsmanship Award; (SLS 479) and citizenship; (SLS 494) the following members of the Rumford High School the March of Dimes Bi rth Defects Foundation on Girls' Basketball Team, winners of the 1988 Western the celebration of its 50th anniversary as a Maine Class B Championship: Lynne Wheeler; Kristen voluntary health organization, and the Maine chapter Martin; Becky Wing; Marny Elliott; Kerry Hotham; Karen for its continued efforts to assure healthy 1 i ves Roach; Judi Gallant; Kelly Dubois; Lisa Pomerleau; for children throughout the nation; (SLS 495) Susan Wei ri ch; Donna De Sall e; Ke 11 y Bri ggette; Patrick Pepin, a senior at Rumford Kirsten Brady; manager Bonnie Driscoll; and coach Junior-Senior High School, recipient of a 1988 Steve LaPointe; (SLS 480) Pri nci pal's Award sponsored by the Mai ne Secondary Jack Kelly, a senior at Camden Rockport High School Principals Association in recognition of high School, who is the 1988 Class B State academic achievement and citizenship; (SLS 496) Champion; (SLS 481) Aimee Ames, of Hanover, who has been selected Offi cer James P. Emerson, of the Dexter Pol i ce as a Congressional Scholar based on demonstrated Force, whose brave and heroic actions while in the academic achievement, leadership and citizenship; line of duty on February 29, 1988 were directly Aimee, a student at Rumford High School, was one of responsible for preventing injury or death to fellow 300 outstanding students selected to attend the Dexter citizens; (SLS 482) National Young Leaders Conference in Washington, Brian Downs, member of Rumford's 1988 Western D.C.; (SLS 497) Maine Class B Basketball quarterfinal Team, chosen as Ann Zomberg, of Rockland, for academic a 1st team forward on the Mountai n Vall ey Conference excellence which has earned her the honored All-Star Team; who led the MVC in scoring this season distinction of being selected as 1988 class wlth 21 points and 9 rebounds per game; (SLS 483) salutatorian at Rockland District High School; (SLS Chris Bessey, member of Jay's 2nd place Western 498) Maine Class C Basketball Team for 1988, chosen for the Ida Faber, of Rockland, for academic excellence second year as 1st team guard on the Mountain Valley which has earned her the honored distinction of Conference All-Star Team; who was voted the being selected as 1988 class valedictorian at outstanding player in this year's Western Maine Class Rockland District High School; (SLS 499) C Tournament and was selected to the East-West Maine Vocational Region 10, first place winner All-Star Team; (SLS 484) at the 20th annual Distributive Education Clubs of Chuck Huff, member of Jay's 2nd place Western Ameri ca State Leadershi p Conference at Husson Maine Class C Basketball Team for 1988, a junior College, 1988; (SLS 500) chosen for the 2nd year as a center on the Mountai n Maine Vocational Region 10, first place winner Valley Conference All-Star Team; (SLS 485) at the 20th annual Distributive Education Clubs of Lynne Wheeler, member of Rumford's Class B Western America State Leadership Conference at Husson Maine Girls' Basketball Championship Team for 1988, College,1988; (SLS) chosen as a 1st team forward on the 1987-1988 Mountain Paul Soucy, of Brewer, who has been named the Valley Conference All-Star Girls' Basketball Team and Girls' High School Basketball Coach of the Year; named as Rumford's a ll-t ime scori ng 1eader wi th 1,070 (SLS SOl) points and 2nd leading rebounder with 991 boards; Wayne J. Gallant, of the Rumford Police (SLS 486) Department, who has been sel ected as "Offi cer of the the Pemet i c El ementary School Band, of Southwest Year" by Voiture Locale 613 La Societe 40 and 8 and Harbor, winners in the 1988 Maine Jazz Festival junior who has demonstrated his ability to act swiftly in high competition; (SLS 487) emergency situations and has been praised by many the Mount Desert Island Jazz Band and its director for his voluntary participation in youth activities Oi ck Ordway, wi nners in the 1988 Mai ne Jazz Fest i val in his community; (SLS 502) competition; (SLS 488) the Rumford Hi gh School "Panthers" Boys' Ski Francis and Cora Martin, of Westbrook, on the Team, coached by Rick Kent, winners of the State honored occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, Class A Ski Championship February 18, 1988; (SLS March 26, 1988; (SLS 489) 503) who has been crowned "Miss Maine Teen U.S.A." for the top 10 students in academic achievement for 1988 and will represent Maine in the National Miss the class of 1988 at Oxford Hills High School: Beth Teen U.S.A. Pageant in July; (SLS 490) Watson; Jessica Story; Marc Morin; Ronald Morris; St. Domi ni c Hi gh School Hockey Team, wi nners of Christian Primozich; Tammy LeViness; Jeannine Kane; the 1988 State Class A Championship; (SLS 491) David Merrill; Jill Caradonna; and Sean Sawyer; (SLS 504)


Jason Jones, of Camden-Rockport High School, State Dr. J. E. Shankel, of Augusta, Maine District Class B Wrestling Champion in the 125 lb. weight Superi ntendent of 51 Nazarene churches for the past class; (SLS 505) 17 years and former pastor of the Augusta Church of Max Micoleau, of Camden-Rockport High School, the Nazarene for 8 years; a truly outstanding pastor State Class A Giant Slalom Champion; (SLS 506) who has worked faithfully to promote the cause of Maynard Pushaw, of Camden-Rockport Hi gh Schoo 1 , Christian principles; (SLS 523) State Class B Wrestling Champion in the 160 lb. weight Joe 1 Bruce, of Boy Scout Troop #657 in Bath, class; (SLS 507) who has attained the high rank and distinction of Derek Marshall, of Camden-Rockport High School, Eagle Scout; (SLS 524) State Class B record-holder in the following swimming Joseph Ezhaya, recipient of the Elias A. Joseph compet it ions: the 200-yard medl ey relay, the 100-yard Award, for his leadership and dedication involving freestyle, and the lOO-yard backstroke; and winner of economi c development and the well-bei ng of fellow the George Cri mmi ns Award as the outstandi ng swi mmer Mid-Maine citizens; (SLS 525) at the State Class B championship meet; (SLS 508) Elisa Thompson, a student at the Guilford Paul Soucy, of Brewer, who has been named the Middle School, on winning the 1988 State Spelling Girls' High School Basketball Coach of the Year; (SLS Bee Championship; (SLS 526) 509) Berni e Taylor upon hi s retirement after havi ng Evelyn Ellen Morrow, of Sanford, a kind and caring served for more than 2 decades as barber and woman who is loved by family and friends on the "advisor" to Maine Governors and Legislators; (SLS occasion of her 85th birthday; (SLS 510) 527) Gordon Smi th, who is ret i ri ng after many years of Father George Goudreau, recipient of the dedi cation and commi tment to the people of the Oxford Mid-Maine Chamber of Commerce's Distinguished Hills area; (SLS 511) Community Service Award for his dedication and Roberts K. "Bob" Lawrence, of Lisbon, an commitment to the welfare of the people in the outstanding citizen and dedicated teacher who was Waterville area; (SLS 528) active in many community affairs and whose involvement Loukie Lofchie, of Augusta, recipient of the in the school board, the board of sel ectmen and the Maine Chapter, National Association of Social Lisbon Rotary Club as a member and past president Workers' Social Worker of the Year Award for her contributed significantly to the Town of Lisbon; (SLS continuing commitment to social welfare, 512) environmental health and safety, and peace; (SLS Nancy Hayes Sununu, wife of Republican Governor 529) John Sununu of New Hampshi re and devoted mother of 8 Lorrai ne and Joseph Trytek, of Chelsea, on the children, for her laudable efforts as a community occas i on of thei r 25th wedd i ng anni versary on Apri 1 leader and active participant in various civic, 20, 1988; (SLS 542) political, educational and charitable organizations Melissa Bernard, who has been named for the betterment of communi ty, state and nati on and Valedictorian of the 1988 graduating class of in praise of her commendable role as New Hampshire's Vinalhaven High School; (SLS 530) gracious First Lady; (SLS 513) Alison Holmquist, who has been named Barbara G. McKernan, mother of Governor John R. Salutatorian of the 1988 graduating class of McKernan, Jr., an inspiring Maine citizen who has Vinalhaven High School; (SLS 531) distinguished herself in the service to our State by Kempton Wakefi e 1d, reci pi ent of the Watervi 11 e her long and faithful commitment as a member of Area Chamber of Commerce "Speci a 1 Servi ce" Award for numerous boards and commi ttees dedi cated to promoting dedication to volunteerism on behalf of his economi c growth and enhanci ng the quality of 1 He for community (SLS 532) others; (SLS 514) Kempton Wakefi e 1d, reci pi ent of the Watervi 11 e Marjorie B. Dodge, who is retiring after 25 years Area Chamber of Commerce "Speci al Servi ce" Award for of dedication to the Rockport Library; (SLS 515) dedication to volunteerism on behalf of his Geraldine Waddell, of York Harbor, whose unselfish community (SLS 532) i nvol vement in community affai rs and concern for the Bernard "Bucky" Runser red pi ent of the welfare of others set an example for her children of Watervi 11 e Area Chamber of Commerce "Bus i nessperson hard work and caring, and earned her the deserved of the Year" award for hi s generosi ty to worthy honor of being named Maine's Mother of the Year 1988; organizations; (SLS 533) (SLS 516) Peter Gorman, of Waterville, for outstanding Aran Shetterl y, a seni or at George Stevens contri but ions in servi ce to the State Lottery Academy, who has been selected as the recipient of the Commission, including his tireless efforts Principal's Award, sponsored by the Maine Secondary developing the new 40-number tri-state lottery School Principals Association in recognition of game; (SLS 534) academic achievement and citizenship; (SLS 517) AFCM Mervin K. Kilgore, USN, of Brunswick and Duncan Dunscombe, a senior at Freeport High School recipient of 4 Navy Achievement Medals, upon his and recipient of the 1988 Principal's Award, sponsored retirement following 30 years of dedicated Naval by the Mai ne Secondary School Pri nci pal s Associ at ion Service; (SLS 535) for academic achievement and leadership; (SLS 518) Christine Hastedt, of Freeport, who has been Elizabeth E. Barker, a senior at Brunswick High named the "Pub 1 i c Citizen of the Year" by the Mai ne Schoo 1, who has been named the 1988 State of Mai ne Chapter of the Nat i ona 1 Associ at i on of Soci a 1 D.A.R. Good Citizen; (SLS 519) Workers in recogn; t i on of her conti nUl ng commi tment Kathy Sobocinski, 12, a Maine Sunday Telegram and tireless efforts on behalf of Maine's low-income carri er and student at Brunswi ck Juni or Hi gh School, citizens; (SLS 536) who has earned the Guy Gannett Publishing Co. VIP Karen Haskell, Director of Advertising and award for February, 1988; (SLS 520) Special Projects at Cole Hahn, on being selected by Colonel Charles Gillis, U.S. Army Air Corps the Freeport Merchants Association as the Retired, a beloved citizen of Calais who will long be "Distinguished Member of the Year" for 1988; (SLS remembered for his outstanding service to community, 537) county, state and country; (SLS 521) (in Memoriam) Amy Katherine Marx, a senior at Camden-Rockport James C. Reilly, Boy Scout Troop #48 of High School, who has earned the distinction of being Orono-Veazie, who has attained the high rank and named Valedictorian of the class of 1988; (SLS 538) distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 522)


Peter Alan Kl i vans, a seni or at Camden-Rockport Lloyd T. Dunham, of Ellsworth, accomplished High School, who has earned the distinction of being educator and 1 egi sl ator, who served hi s communi ty named Salutatorian of the class of 1988; (SLS 539) and State as superintendent of schools, president of the Sovi et exchange students and thei r advi sors, the Maine Teachers Association, member of the House from Kharkov University, in recognition of the spirit of Representatives, and member of the Senate; (SLS of mutual cooperation and understanding between our 558) (in Memoriam) two nations which has been advanced by their visit to our fair State; (SLS 540) Marshall Cohen, of Brunswick, for 15 years of APPENDIX TO THE LEGISLATIVE RECORD skilled advocacy on behalf of numerous health, social l13TH MAINE LEGISLATURE service, professional, and business interests 2ND REGULAR SESSION statewide, with appreciation for his extensive knowledge of the legislative process and, above all, for his friendship; (SLS 541) The following expressions of Senate Legislative Lorraine and Joseph Trytek, of Chelsea, on the Sentiment were received in the interim of May 5, occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary on April 1988 to November 28, 1988, pursuant to Joint Rule 34: 20, 1988; (SLS 542) Jane P. Norris, named Auburn's Citizen of the Year L. Herbert "Bussie" York, who has been selected 1988, for her unselfish dedication and commitment to by the Counci 1 of State Governments as a reci pi ent the banki ng industry, her famil y, church and of the 1987 National Agriculture and Rural commun i ty; (SLS 543) Development Leadership Award for the promotion and Lee Theriault of Scout Troop #189 in Fort Kent who marketing of agricultural products and service. has attained the high rank and distinction of Eagle Bussi e has long been recogni zed on both state and Scout; (SLS 544) national levels for his work and leadership in soil Father A1 phi e Marqui s, of Fort Kent, for 30 years and water conservation efforts and was a driving of dedi cated servi ce to the Boy Scouts of Ameri ca; force for the Challenge Grant Program and the (SLS 545) Agricultural Viability Program in Maine; (SLS 559) Shawn Jason Theriault of Scout Troop #189 in Fort Patri ck K. McGowan, State Representative from Kent who has attained the high rank and distinction of District #101, recipient of the New England Eagle Scout; (SLS 546) Envi ronmenta1 Award for hi s outstandi ng 1 eadershi p Andrew Jansmann, of Cumberl and, who has attai ned in the protection of the New Engl and envi ronment; the high rank and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS (SLS 560) 547) R. David Jowdry, of Augusta, named Outstanding Christopher S. Aspinall of Boy Scout Troop #375 in Citizen of 1988 by the Club Calumet; (SLS 561) Kezar Falls, who has attained the high rank and Marc Lepage, of Boy Scout Troop #160 in distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 548) Lewiston, who has attained the high rank and Jenni e B. McGowan, of Skowhegan, be loved distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 562) grandmother of our colleague, Patri ck McGowan; (SLS Kenneth Rautio1a, of Boy Scout Troop #657 in 549) (in Memoriam) Bath, who has attained the high rank and distinction Davi dE. Smi th, of Woo lwi ch, concerned and cari ng of Eagle Scout; (SLS 563) educator, coach, and advisor, whose devotion to the Peter F. Miesburger, member of Post 9389, students at Morse High School and to the highest Caribou, State Commander of the Department of Maine principles of his profession endeared him to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, a dedicated leader who has citizens of the Bath and Woolwich area; (SLS 550) (in served with meritorious distinction and has stood Memoriam) ever ready to support and defend those ri ghts and Atlantic Salmon for Northern Maine, Inc., freedoms that make our nation great; (SLS 564) recipient of the 1988 Atlantic Salmon Federation's Pamela 1. Stewart, of Portland, recipient of a "Affi 1 i ate of the Year" award. The ceremony, whi ch Volunteer Services Recognition Award for her was attended by the Honorable Phi 1 i P F. Peterson, of dedication and commitment as a volunteer with the Caribou, a founder of the organization, highlighted Portland Coalition for the Psychiatrically Labeled; the corporati on's contri but i on toward the restoration (SLS 565) of the Aroostook River and the excellent work done in Todd Webster, of Yarmouth Hi gh School, one of the cause of salmon conservation; (SLS 551) 35 national winners in the National Society of Alice Hammond, chairwoman of the Sidney 1992 Colonial Dames of America essay contest; (SLS 566) Bi centenni a 1 Commi ttee and author of The Hi story of the Brunswi ck School Department school bus Education in Sidney, Maine, for her many contributions drivers, team winners of the 1988 Cumberland County to the vitality of the community of Sidney; (SLS 552) Regional "Road-e-o" bus driving competition, for Sharrlyn Parsons, of Carmel, who has been named thei r consi stent 1 y superi or dri vi ng performance and one of the 10 outstandi ng women in the nation; (SLS skill; (SLS567) 553) Millie Simpson Stewart, of Brunswick, named Alfred Wheeler, who is the recipient of the 1988 "Woman of the Year" by the Brunswi ck Busi ness prest i gi ous 1988 Communi ty Servi ce Award by the and Professional Women's Club for her outstanding Cascade Grange for hi s dedi cati on and commi tment to contributions to the community; (SLS 568) community service work; (SLS 554) Brian Thibeault, first place winner of the 1988 Michael L. Chamberlain, formerly of Boy Scout Cumberland County Regional "Road-e-o" school bus Troop #16 in Brewer, now of Boy Scout Troop #34 in driving competition, for exhibiting outstanding Cape Coral, Florida, who has attained the high rank professional skill and judgment; (SLS 569) and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 555) Teresa Cornelio and Mike Desjardins, first the continued efforts of concerned citizens and place winners in the Measurement Category at the agencies that have joined together to combat Science Olympiad State Competition held at the substance abuse at the 7th annual Maine State Alcohol University of Maine; (SLS 570) and Drug Abuse Conference; (SLS 556) Myrtle H. Austin, of South China, a hardworking and dedicated librarian at Erskine Academy who has been selected as a 1988 "Outstanding Citizen" by the Modern Woodmen of America; (SLS 557)


Aileen K. McLaughlin, of East Wilton, who was Kimberly Jacobs, who for high academic recently selected to participate in the 1988 New achi evement has been named a top honor student of England Regional Leadership Program, a cooperative the 1988 graduating class at Buckfield Junior-Senior program between the six New England land-grant High School; (SLS 588) universities, cooperative extension systems, and the Jay High School's 400-meter relay team, W. K. Kellogg Foundation; (SLS 571) composed of Craig Small, Matt Friedman, Dan Miller the following members of the Jay Junior High and Kevin Henry, who won the State Class C 400-meter School Science Olympiad Team, and their coach Ray event in the state meet held at Brunswick on Chase, winners of the southern regional competition Saturday, June 4, 1988. Their time for the race was and the State competition: Jason Bor, Kristal Brooks, 45.9, edgi ng out Orono by two-tenths of a second; Teresa Cornelio, Karen Cutchin, Mike Desjardins, Tim (SLS 589) Donald, Heidi Girardin, Zane Goodwin, Dominic Mancine, Kevi n Mi chae 1 Parker and ALMACA, the Jason Mancine, Stacey Mancine, Victor Mortero, Kirk Association of Labor-Management Administrators and Riley, Jason Stevens, Seth Towle, and Christina Consultants on A1 coho J ism, for thei r i nnovat i ve and Williams; (SLS 572). effect i ve efforts to combat a 1 coho 1 abuse, on the Teresa Corne 1 i-c.. Domi ni c Manci ne, and Stacey occas i on of thei r 1Oth Annual Eastern Regi ona 1 Mancine, first place winners in the Sounds of Music Conference; (SLS 590) Category at the Science Olympiad State Competition Patrick R. Desmond, Sr., of Winslow, World War held at the University of Maine; (SLS 573) II veteran and past commander of the Veterans of Kirk Riley, first place winner in the Hot House Foreign Wars, active member of the American Legion Category at the Science Olympiad State Competition and other civic organizations, and beloved husband held at the University of Maine; (SLS 574) and father; (SLS 591) (in Memoriam) Mike Desjardins and Kirk Riley, first place Scott Bernier, of Troop 443 in Winslow, for wi nners in the Computer Programmi ng Category at the attaining the high rank and distinction of Eagle Science Olympiad State Competition held at the Scout; (SLS 592) University of Maine; (SLS 575) Beverly M. Hancock, of Nobleboro, esteemed by Zane Goodwin, first place winner in the colleagues and students as an excellent teacher, on Orienteering Category at the Science Olympiad State her retirement from Freeport Hi gh School after 41 Competition held at the University of Maine; (SLS 576) years of outstandi ng commi tment to her students and Heidi Girardin, first place winner in the Rocks her profession; named Maine Business Education and Fossils Category at the Science Olympiad State Teacher of the Year and Maine Vocational Teacher of Competition held at the University of Maine; (SLS 577) the Year, she has always maintained the highest Karen Cutchin, first place winner in the Tree standards for herself and her students, and has made Identification category in the Science Olympiad State a lasting contribution to the field of education; Competition at the University of Maine; (SLS 578) (SLS 593) the community of St. Albans in Somerset County, on Ed and Laura Hamm, of East Millinocket, who the occasion of its 175th anniversary, (SLS 579) have been named Outstanding Citizens of the Year for George and Marie Sargent, on the honored occasion 1988 by the East Mi 11 i nocket and Medway Chamber of of their 60th wedding anniversary, June 20, 1988; Commerce; (SLS 594) (SLS 580) Tracy Brown, who for hi gh academi c achi evement Dorothy Noyes, of Yarmouth, who won the has been named a top honor student of the 1988 first-place Grand Prize Cook-Off award in the 1988 graduating class at Buckfield Junior-Senior High Maine Sunday Telegram "Best of Maine" cooking Schoo 1; (SLS 595) contest; (SLS 581) Darcy Hicks, who for high academic achievement George Morton, of Westbrook, on the occasion of has been named a top honor student of the 1988 his 100th birthday on June 12, 1988; (SLS 582) graduating class at Buckfield Junior-Senior High Anna Theriault, a resident at Forest Hi 11 Manor Schoo 1 ; (SLS 596) and formally of Fort Kent, on the honored occas i on of Nina Curry Stitson, of Limerick, esteemed by her 100th birthday on July 7, 1988; (SLS 583) colleagues and students as an excellent teacher, on Mr. and Mrs. Oscar L. Brown, of Durham, who her reti rement from S.A.D. #57 after 38 years of ce 1ebrated the 50th anni versary of thei r marri age on outstanding commitment to her students and her April 16, 1988; (SLS 584) profession; named S.A.D. #57 Teacher of the Year in the Honorable Horace A. Hildreth, who was widely 1973, she has always maintained the highest recogni zed for hi s 1eadershi p and numerous standards for herself and her students, and has made achievements in business and government, including an a lasting contribution to the field of education; extraordinary career as 59th Governor of the State of (SLS 597) Maine from 1945-1949 and United States Ambassador to Shawn Dutremble, who is graduating from Pakistan from 1953-1957; and whose efforts in civic Bi ddeford Hi gh School with a 4 year perfect and chari tab 1e interests of hi s communi ty and State attendance record; (SLS 598) will long be remembered; (SLS 585) (in Memoriam) Rupert R. Haley, of Kezar Falls, who is James F. Convery, of Dixfield, a dedicated and ret i ri ng after 25 years as school bus dri ver for involved public servant who, as selectman, devoted Parsonsfield; (SLS 599) himself to improving the town's position in the areas Geoffrey R. Stanwood, of Brunswick, who of waste disposal, water and sewer capability, and received the Alumni Service Award, the highest award road and park maintenance; and whose assistance to the bestowed by the Bowdoin Alumni Association; (SLS elderly and concern for all the citizens of Dixfield 600) have made that town a better place in which to live; 2nd grade Longfellow School student, Charles D. (SLS 586) Main, Jr., son of Charles and Pamela Main of Erica Perry, who for high academic achievement has Brunswick, 1988 State of Maine representative in the been named a top honor student of the 1988 graduating talent and beauty divisions at the 25th annual class at Buckfield Junior-Senior High School; (SLS Hemisphere Pageant in Miami Beach, Florida; (SLS 587) 601)


Eri c Bl akeman, of North Yarmouth Academy, wi nner Clifford L. Martin, of Caribou, who retired of the 1988 State Singles Tennis Championship for the following 38 years of employment with Maine Public 2nd straight year; (SLS 602) Servi ce Company and our best wi shes are extended to the Brewer High School baseball team and their Cliff for a very happy and well-deserved coach, Dennis Kiah, for their tremendous season, retirement; (SLS 631) capped by thei r 1988 Eastern Cl ass A Champi onshi p and Shannon C. Lancaster, of Weeks Mi 11 s, on State Class A Runner-up performances; (SLS 603) wi nni ng the nat i ona 1 champi onshi pin the Small Bore Virginia Katon, for 40 years of dedicated service Rifle Competition sponsored by the National Rifle as the Town Clerk of Chelsea; (SLS 604) Association; (SLS 633) Albion and Isabel Morton, of Detriot, married July Jane Tuttle, of Freeport, on the honored 4, 1938, on the honored occasion of their 50th wedding occasion of her 100th birthday, July 20, 1988; (SLS anniversary; (SLS 605) 634) Mr. Samuel Hillson, of Waterville, on the occasion Franklin R. Donley, Sr., of Brunswick, a of his 100th birthday, July 1, 1988; (SLS 606) dedicated person who has devoted much of his life in Chad T. Donovan, of Boy Scout Troop #135 in New service to his state and nation and in working with Gloucester, who has attained the high rank and our young people. He has served with distinction as distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 607) Director of the American Legion baseball program for Lisa Kelly, a Brunswick High School sophomore, who 10 years. Frank is also a member of the American has been crowned the 1988 Brunswi ck Teen Queen; (SLS Legion National Children and Youth Commission; (SLS 615) 635) Mr. and Mrs. Maurice E. Wright, of Brunswick, who Franklin "Fuzzy" and Norma Wilson, of Kittery, ce 1ebrated the 50th anni versary of thei r marri age on on the honored occasion of their 50th wedding June 12, 1988; (SLS 616) anniversary, August 14, 1988; (SLS 636) Rev. and Mrs. Leslie R. Craig, of Durham, who Mr. and Mrs. Roland W. Caron, of Brunswick, who ce 1ebrated the 60th anni versary of thei r marri age on celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage on June 16, 1988; (SLS 617) July 4, 1988; (SLS 637) James E. Patten, of Ellsworth, named a Paul Harris Blaine A. Littlefield, 0.0., of Brunswick, who Fellow by the Ellsworth Rotary Club for his dedicated is among 291 optometrists throughout the United involvement in Rotary and community projects for over States to have received the American Optometric 21 years; (SLS 618) Association's 1988 Continuing Optometric Recognition Rose Fioroni, born October 7, 1888, in Napoli, Award in acknowl edgement of the comp 1et i on of Italy, who will be celebrating her 100th birthday with continuing education classes in the field of her family and many friends on August 21, 1988 at St. optometry; (SLS 638) Athanas i us-St. John -Church in Rumford; Mrs. Fi oroni Donald Kilgour, whose tireless dedication and has made her home in Rumford since she moved to Maine commitment with the Rotary and other civic in 1911; (SLS 619) organizations benefiting the Rockland community Beatrice and Eldege Parent. of Wells, whose civic exemplifies the volunteer spirit of Maine and its contri but ions to thei r communi ty have earned them the citizens; (SLS 639) respect and gratitude of its citizens, on the honored Barbara Kilgour, whose dedication as a occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary, August 13, volunteer with the Rockland Women's Club, MFWC, and 1988; (SLS 620 other church and civic organizations demonstrates Winifred Mary Cloutier, of Livermore Falls, on the the generous spi ri t of Mai ne and its ci t i zens; (SLS honored occasion of her 100th birthday on November 17, 640) 1988; (SLS 621) Donald Bradford, of Scout Troop #55 in East Mr. and Mrs. Arnold M. Sturtevant, of Freeport, a Millinocket, who has attained the high rank and very special couple who are wished much joy and distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 641) happiness on their Golden Wedding Anniversary year; Mr. and Mrs. Forest R. Dodge, of Freeport, who (SLS 622) celebrated the 50th anniversary of their marriage on Andy Maier, of Freeport, who has served with July 16, 1988; (SLS 642) distinction as Co-Chairperson of the Freeport "Fun for the Keyes Fi bre Company on the occasi on of its the Fourth" Celebration for 4 years; (SLS 623) 85th Anniversery year; and extend a wish for Elizabeth W. Crandall, of Brunswick, who received continued success as one of the largest employers the Distinguished Service Award from the American Home in central Maine; (SLS 643) Economics Association Foundation; (SLS 624) Gary Kenniston, of Rockland, whose 31 years of Mike Brewer, of Freeport, who has served with dedication and commitment to the Little League distinction as Co-Chairperson of the Freeport "Fun for baseball program typifies the generous spirit of the Fourth" Celebration for 4 years; (SLS 625) Maine and its citizens; (SLS 644) Mr. and Mrs. Albert J. Cloutier, of Brunswick, on Sylvia Teasalu, Sylvia Vright, Igo Gryazin, the honored occasion of their 60th wedding Arvo Kuddo, Tiit Kqkkyabin, Olaf Lukk, Maila Saar, anniversary, June 18, 1988; (SLS 626) Ti i u Soommer, Tyni s Heamer and Yak Uri sson, citizen Russe 11 Guy, of Mi 11 i nocket, on the occas i on of ambassadors from the Soviet Union who have been his 80th birthday; (SLS 627) visiting Maine under the auspices of the Friendship Joelle Snider, of Caribou, who was selected as the Force organization; and extend our wish for 1988 Potato Blossom Queen; (SLS 628) cont i nued efforts in the promotion of i nternat i ona 1 the Wi 11 ard Doyen famil y, of Mapl eton, on bei ng friendship between our countries; (SLS 645) selected as the "Outstanding Aroostook Farm Family of Kirsten Blakemore, Miss Brunswick, who has been the Year"; (SLS 629) crowned Miss Maine U.S.A., 1988; (SLS 646) Molly and Frederick Van Stone, of Brooksville, on John and Margaret Donaghy, of Lubec, on the the honored occasion of their Golden Wedding honored occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary, September 17, 1988; (SLS 630) Anniversary, August 20, 1988: (SLS 647) Herbert and Opal Weed, of Cori nna, on the very Captain Leon P. Currier, of Sanford, for his special occasion of their 60th Wedding Anniversary, dedication and commitment of over 27 years as a September 8, 1988; (SLS 632) member of the Sanford Fi re Department; Mr. Curri er is a past president and charter executive board member of local # 1624 and has been a strong advocate for firefighter rights; (SLS 648)


Wendy Koch, of Machias, recipient of the Girl Steve and Peggy Wight, owners of the Sunday Scout Silver Award for her efforts in a wide range of Ri ver Inn in Bethel, who have been named the 1988 Girl Scout experiences and for her commitment to Innkeeper of the Year by the Maine Innkeepers bettering her life and the lives of others; (SLS 649) Association; (SLS 672) Heidi Bernheardt, of Machias, recipient of the John and Charlotte Druce, owners of Spruce Girl Scout Gold Award, which is the highest Point Inn in Boothbay Harbor, recipients of the 1988 achievement award given to a Senior Girl Scout who has Hall of Fame Senior Service Award of the Maine expressed a speci a 1 commi tment to herse 1 f , her Innkeepers Association; (SLS 673) community, her world and the future; (SLS 650) the Oakland Fire Department, on the occasion of the 39 college, university and vocational­ the 100th anni versary of thi s outstand i ng volunteer techni cal i nst i tute campuses throughout the state fire department, serving the community of Oakland; whi ch are part i ci pat i ng in "Come-to-Campus Day," and (SLS 674) to the Mai ne Hi gher Educati on Counci 1 whi ch has Irving Richardson, of Bowdoinham, a teacher in coordinated this first-in-the-nation, statewide, the non-graded alternative Morse Street School in higher education open hO"Jse day; (SLS 651) Freeport, who has been named Maine's Teacher of the Robert and Freda U~nnett, of Corinna, on the Year by the National Association of Secondary School occasion of their 60th wedding anniversary on November Principals; (SLS 675) 25, 1988; (SLS 655) Thomas Payson, of Yarmouth, reci pi ent of the George and Aari a Corkum, of Southwest Harbor, on 1988 Latchstring Award for his four decades of the honored occasion of their 50th wedding outstanding service, commitment and dedication to anniversary; (SLS 656) the Town of Yarmouth; (SLS 676) Ri chi e Phi 1 bri ck, of Scout Troop #580 in Rumford, Mr. and Mrs. Russell A. French, of Brunswi ck, who has earned the high rank and distinction of Eagle on the observance of their 50th Wedding Anniversary, Scout; (SLS 657) September 20, 1988; (SLS 677) Marl ene R. Gaudepte, for 33 years of dedi cated Margaret G Dunleavy, for 46 years of dedicated services as bookkeeper to the town of Greenville; service to her community as Executive Secretary of (SLS 658) the Hancock County Chapter of the American Red Mr. and Mrs. Rosario Levesque, of Brunswick, a Cross; (SLS 678) very special couple who are wished much happiness on and celebrating the Centennial Anniversary of the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary the First Baptist Church of Westbrook with its Year; (SLS 659) parishioners and pastor, Dr. Linwood Welch; (SLS Donal d Hall, former State Representative and 679) long-time community leader of Sangerville, for many the Honorable Albert Theriault, of Rumford, who years of dedi cated servi ce to the ci t i zens of with family and friends will celebrate the occasion Piscataquis county and the people of the State of of the 80th bi rthday on November 2, 1988. A1 bert Maine; (SLS 660) represented Rumford in the House of Representatives Madlyn Carr, of Camden, for over 16 years with the from 1970 to 1980. His many years od devoted Department of Human Services, serving children and service to his town, state and nation have made this families as state homemaker and case aide; (SLS 661) a better place because he walked our way; (SLS 680) Archie Higgins, of Tenants Harbor, for 28 years of Mabe 1 Russell, of Du rham, on the occas i on of service to children and families of the State with the her 80th birthday, October 29, 1988 and on her Department of Human Services; (SLS 662) retiring as Durham's Town Treasurer after 20 years Rick Litchfield, owner of the Captain Lord Mansion of dedicated service; (SLS 68l) in Kennebunkport, who is the reci pi ent of the 1988 Mr. and Mrs. Vi ctor J. LeMi eux, of Brunswi ck, Speci a 1 Servi ce Award from the Mai ne Innkeepers on the observance of their 60th Wedding Anniversary, Association; (SLS 663) October 22, 1988; (SLS 682) Robert A. LaGuardia, of Freeport, a 15-year Harvey and Rebecca Steward, of Corinna, and veteran of the Maine Bureau of Liquor Enforcement, who extend best wi shes on the occasi on of thei r 60th has been named that agency's fi rst "Offi cer of the wedding anniversary, November 29, 1988; (SLS 683) Year"; (SLS 664) Gai 1 Hodsdon, Town Cl erk of Brunswi ck, who has Mabel F. Russell, Tax Collector and Treasurer for been elected Chai rman of the Board of Di rectors of the Town of Durham, upon her retirement after 20 years the New England Institute and Academy which is of dedicated public service; (SLS 665) accredited by the International Institute of Ray Weymouth, owner of the Interstate Oasi s Motor Municipal Clerks; (SLS 684) Lodge in Brunswick, who has earned the 1988 Ethel Hawkes Blair, who, with family and Pres i dent's Award from the Mai ne Innkeepers friends, celebrated her 100th birthday on October Association; (SLS 666) 29, 1988; (SLS 685) Shane M. Stewart, of Boy Scout Troop #509 in Harold and Helen Blaisdell, of Dexter, on the Rumford Point, who has attained the high rank and observance of thei r 60th Weddi ng Anni versary, distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 667) December 22, 1988;(SLS 686} David S. Everett, of Boy Scout Troop #509 in the Georges Valley High School Soccer Team, Rumford Point, who has attained the high rank and which won the State Class C Soccer Championship; distinction of Eagle Scout; (SLS 668) (SLS 687) Derek C. Adams, of Boy Scout Troop #509 in Rumford the Yarmouth Hi gh School Cl i ppers, coached by Point, who has attained the high rank and distinction Brenda Michaelson, winners of the 1988 Western Maine of Eagle Scout; (SLS 669) Class C Field Hockey championship; (SLS 688) Richard Giles, of East Waterboro, who, as The following expressions of Senate Legislative President of Jordan's Food Corporation in Westbrook, Sentiment were received in the interim of November has been named recipient of the Maine Innkeepers 28, 1988 to December 7, 1988 , pursuant to Joint Association's 1988 Allied Award; (SLS 670) Rule 34: David Cartier, of Rockland, who, as Director of The Rams, of Cony Hi gh School, on wi nni ng the Sales and Marketing at the Samoset Resort in Rockport, 1988 State Class A Field Hockey Championship, and is the reci pi ent of the 1988 Community Servi ce Award ccoaches Sue Zimmerman, Marsha Giglio and Kelley by the Maine Innkeepers Association; (SLS 671) Seymour and manager/scorekeeper Jennifer Felt; (SLS 693)


the clients and staff of Opportunity Housing, Inc., of Bangor, recipient of the National Association of Private Residential Resources' 1988 Residential Services Award. Opportunity Housing has enabled hundreds of Bangor area citizens with developmental disabilities to find dignity and achieve growth and independence in noninstitutional community based settings; (SLS 694)


The following expressions of Legislative Sentiment appeared on the 3rd Special Session Senate Calendar of September 15, 1988 to September 16, 1988 pursuant to Joint Rule 34: Mary Small, Regi ona 1 Program Manager of Chi 1d and Family Services for Region 4 in Bangor, who is retiring in November after 37 1/2 years of state service; (SLS 652) Marshall Frankel, Mayor and former Councilman of Bangor, for hi s tremendous community and pub 1 i c service; (SLS 653) Richard R. Charette, who represented the 13th Senatorial District, the City of Lewiston, in the llOth and lllth Legislatures with compassion, warmth and dedication and who demonstrated his community spirit through many years of service on the Androscoggin County Commission, the Lewiston School Board and numerous other civic organizations; (in Memoriam) (SLS 654)


The following expressions of Legislative Sentiments appeared on the 4th Special Session Senate Calendar of November 28, 1988 pursuant to Joint Rule 34: the football team, coaching staff and student body of Thorton Academy in Saco, on thei r Novembr 19, 1988 vi ctory in the State Cl ass A Football Champi onshi p; (SLS 689) Chri s McCarthy, Son of 1Russell and El ai ne McCarthy, who has been selected to represent Freeport High School at the state conference for young leaders sponsored by the Hugh 0' Bri en Leadershi p Foundation; (SLS 690) Claire Letellier, teacher and chairman of the Math Department at Yarmouth Hi gh School, who has won the 1988 Presidential Award for Excellence in Math Teaching in Maine; (SLS 691) Geraldine LeBlanc, of Sanford, and in extending best wishes on her retirement after 34 years of dedi cated pub 1 i c servi ce to the Sanford communi ty as Deputy Town Clerk and Tax Collector; (SLS 692)