Ronald Reagan Presidential Library Digital Library Collections This is a PDF of a folder from our textual collections. WHORM Subject File Code: GI002 Case file Number(s): 023720-023721 To see more digitized collections visit: To see all Ronald Reagan Presidential Library inventories visit: Contact a reference archivist at:
[email protected] Citation Guidelines: National Archives Catalogue: - .. 02:3 720 Yb?() ("7.:Z:-(JIJ)_; May 4, 19Bl ;P,Pt)Jt?-~ /'? ()/tJ -o// Dear erry: //v{)~~I s. ReaCJan and I want to thank you and the members of the nation l Conservative jJ JO()/{) Policy visory Council for your generou essage of concern. It certainly is en /7£ couraging to kno that so ny friends care. We are particularly grateful to 11 of you for your prayers and for the assurance of your support. The beautiful floral gift wa also deeply appreciate • Many thanks for this pecial remembrance. iith our arm best wishes to you your colleagues, incerely, RONALD REAGAN I Jr lr,. John T. Dolan ation l Chairman K tional Conservative Political 1 ction c o ittee Suite 513 1500 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virqini _ 22209 RR:AVH:MP:CMF:ms~ -.. _ ~ - 4-/7- ff/ · rfmv.o&~ff~ ~ r/7<Z2A-#&.EM6'Nr o,e ~sso~ /Z.owb-:e~ H<7 ~ -,1 /f/R.,;;.. ~Sr4=-a Lt'frE ~/D41/ 6t;2oJ?H) I / a/ER I I I I I ~-----------------........... JV~Cef~ f/Jditicd ~ct'~ Yui!b 51.J, 1500 ~~PA~ ~ OJ!~PPP0.9 April 17, 1981 Mr.