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HOUSTON DALLAS 2900 Richmond I§)mrrnev5S 26150aklawn [MEN ONLY) PHONE 524-9932 \@)XOHrR1fi6e PHONE 526-1220 NAUTILUS FOR MEN AND WOMEN PACIFIC STREET CONNECTION ALL DAY & ALL NIGHT MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 5 'S LARGEST • -~ HOUSTO~PARTMENT HAPPY JdIIa' . GAY COMMUNITY •••• URNEEDS 5 VI· •• •• SERVING Y~LlFESTYLE HOUR 6130 • HATFIT YOU WITH 805 PACIFIC PRICES HOUSTON ;..;. 529-7488 f,J '~\Tender .~~\..\ Loving Care THIS MOTHER'S DAY WITH INCREDIBLE RENT SPECIALS IN MAY FOR NEW LEASES O·MOVE IN • FIRST MONTH FREE EFFICIENCIES $)C" $225 1 BEDROOMS laC $300 DROOM/DEN lIMIt $305 PARK ONCE-PARTY ALL NIGHT \i&Ij _-----CONTENTS Volume 11. Number 8 May 10·16. 1985 11 TWTNEWS _ Rope Case Dismissed, Cooksey Is Austin's New Mayor, Boker Hearing Set. 21 COMMENT _ Letters to the Editor 24 NEWSTALK _ Pedro Tijerina's Bottle for Justice by Chuck Patrick 29 HIGHLIGHT ~::--~~--------------------------------- Na·Win Situation About AIDS by Tim Sweeney 32 SPECIAL AEPOAT _ Upcoming Texas Goy Rodeos by Scott Miller 37 HEALTH -------------------------------------- AIDS Update: AIDS Dimentia 41 BOOKS _ Fellow Travelers by 1. C. Worsley Reviewed by Dovrd Fields 45 VINYL FLASH _ I Was Born to Love You by Freddie Mercury . by Mardi Coleman 50 THEATAE _ La Cage Aux Folies by Billie Duncan 54 MOVIES ~~--~----------------------------- The Hit, Starring John Hurt & Terrence Stomp Reviewed by Harry Deutsch Gotcho, Starring Anthony Edwards Reviewed by O. Flares Alvarez 58 SHOWBIZ _ Peyton Place, Malice in Wonderland, Lucille Boll by Jack Varsi 60 BACKSTAGE _ Teddy Bears Picnic, Turtle Creek Chorale, Dallas Museums. by Rob Clark 64 ART __ ~~----~--~------------------------------- Spanish Still life in the Golden Age by Mitchell M. Bartlow 68 FEATUAE _ The World's Ugliest Four-Letter Word Nan·Fiction by Christopher Hart 72 HOTTEA _ Biggest·Ever Splash at Austin & Galveston by Chuck 79 SPOATS __ ~ __ --~--------~-- __ --~----------------- Dallas Kicks Off Softball Season, Ft. Worth's Texas Tennis Tournament. 83 STAASCOPE _ Full Moon, Sensuality and Money by Milton von Stern 86 COVER/PHOTO ESSAY -- -------------------- Austin's Barry Bonks Photographs by Scott Taylor 88 SNAPSHOTS __ ~--~--------------------------------- Austin & Galveston Splash Days Photos by Scott Taylor & Scot Roberts 92 CLASSIFIED --------------------------------------- Wont Ads and Notices 103 CALENDAR-::-~ __ _:_:"__ :_::_:_----_:_----------------------- Specol One-Time Only & Non-Profit Community Events 105 THE GUIDE--:-::-:-:--::- _ Texas Business / Club Directory TWT (This Week in Texas) is published by Texas Weekly Publishing Co., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006, phone: (713) 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $66 per year, $44 per half year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must 407 COLORADO • (512) 474-9667 accompany all orders. Copyright © 1985 by Texas Weekly Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of austin any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute. PAGE 6 TWT MAY 10 - MAY 16 1985 TWT MAY 10 - MAY 16 1985 PAGE 7 THE PLOT THICKENS ... WEDNESDAY, MAY 15 THE SEASON CLIFFHANGER EPISODE OF OOR FINAL DYNASTY PARTY OF THE SEASON VIDEO 8·9PM WITH COMPLIMENTARY CHAMPAGNE BEGINNING AT 8PM 3923 CEDAR SPRINGS • (214) 528-1004 THEN LEAVES YOO HANGING! PAGE 8 TWT MAY 10 - MAY 16 1985 ~ ~ THIS WEEK IN TEXAS .~~ NEWS Weekly Circulation: 20.,0.00 SATURDAY, MAY 11 HOUSTON OFFICE (713) 527-9111 DON BAKER HEARING HGPC CRITICAL OF 2205 Montrose LYNN CHRISTOPHER Houston, Texas 77006 SHOW, 11PM SET FOR JUNE 17 REAGAN GERMANY TRIP DALLAS OFFICE (214) 521-0622 WITH SPECIAL GUEST DALLAS - The Texas Human HOUSTON - It was revealed at the D/FW Metro 949-2353 monthly meeting ot this city's Gay 3920 Cedar Springs Rights Foundation has infermed TWT Dallas, Texas 75219 NEWSthat the Den Baker hearing in the Pelitical Caucus en May 1 that HGPC PUBLISHER/EDITORChuck Patrick DONNA DAY 21.06 case has been set fer Menday, had jeined the Jewish community in de- FEATURESEDITOR/ARTDIRECTOR Blase DiStefano June 17 at 9 a.m. in New Orleans at the neuncing President Reagan's trip last ASSISTANTSTO THEART DIRECTOR Fifth District Circuit Court, Fer the first Sunday to. a military cemetery in Bit- Rob Clark, Carlos Palma, Fred Hinton TEXAS ENTERTAINMENTEDITOR Rob Clark time all 14 judges will sit in en the case burg, West Germany, where many NATIONAL SHOWBIZ EDITOR Jack Varsl to. make judgment. troops of Hitler's SS lay buried. NEWS/SPORTSEDITORChuck Patrick The action comes after the U.S. Sue Levell and Thomas Celeman, the ART EDITOR Mitch Bartlow court of Appeals, in an ornlnous move president and vice president of the THEATREEDITOR BIllie Duncan POETRYEDITOR0. Flores Alvarez earlier this year, announced that it caucus, jeintly told radio. and TV CONTRIBUTING EDITORS weuld take the unusual step ot rehear- reporters that altheugh much is knewn O, Flores Alvarez, Mardi Coleman, Harry Deutsch, Bonnie Dornbroskl David Fields, ing "en banc" (meaning all 14 judges about the milliens ot Jews who. were Weldon Grahame, Tom Greenw311, would hear the case) the appeal of a put to. death during Nazi Germany, few Crlstopher Hart, Hollie Hollister, George Klein, Dean Malone, Bobbie R. Mona, James Marvin, lower court ruling declaring the Texas realize that perhaps a millien hornosex- Milton von Stern sodomy statute uncenstitutienal. uals also. met death in the cencentra- ADVERTISING ART DIRECTOR Mitch Bartlow A three-judge panel of the Fifth Cir- tion camps, Whereas Jews were yellew GRAPHIC ARTISTS Rob Clark, Fred Hinton, Carlos Palma, cuit had earlier upheld the lower court stars, gays were ferced to. wear pink Hek Cavazos, Eric Harden, ruling. But the decisien to. schedule it triangles, Lucian Rinando, Jay Verdon TYPOGRAPHERS fer another hearing strengly suggests "Decumentatien of the pel icy of ex- Tobi Chapman, Jay Adrian, B. Steele the pessiblity of a reversal, THRF terminating gays rests upon the in- STAFFPHOTOGRAPHERS ** believes. disputable record of Nazi philosophy Scott Taylor, Jim Hamilton, Oscar Mendiolo, Michael McKinney, Scot Roberts. In the wake of the setback, mere and German law." Elie Wiesel, chairper- Hollie Hollister, Blase DIStefano meney is suddenly needed to. fight the son of the U,S, Holocaust Memerial STATEWIDEDISTRIBUTIONSteve Miles RECEPTIONISTS expensive battle to. keep hornosexuall- Ceuncil, said that in additien to. Jews, Dallas-Steve Miles ty legal in Texas. A statewide fundraiser the SS "butchered Poles and Czechs, Houston-Rob Cox ** has been tentatively set fer Sunday, French and Dutch, Nerwegians and SALES June 9, at which time all gay-related Danes, Yugeslavs, Ukrainians, Greeks, EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER businesses and clubs across Texas Gypsies and gays." Jim Veteto * Advertising rates are available on request by tele- weuld be asked to. help raise money fer "Fellewing the war, gays were phoning the salesperson In your nearest city, from what has become knewn as the Den denied restitutien and reparation under 1o.am-Spm, weekdays. DEADLINE FOR AU ADS, Baker case. postwar German law, since they were Friday, one week prior to publication. Meanwhile, the Texas Civil Liberties viewed as criminals justly imprisened AUSTIN "COME HELP US WELCOME Union has become so. cencerned about fer being gay. The German law outlaw- Scott Taylor. (512) 926-0.253 lesing the case that it has said it will ing homosexuals remained en the DAUAS Alan Gellman. (214) 521-0.622 HER TO FT. WORTH" step up its efferts to. protect the rights . books until 1969," HGPC reminded FORTWORTH plus Autumn Leaves ot gay people in Texas. reporters. Steve Miles. (Metro) 949-2353 "Gay people seek nething mere than "We wish to. make it clear," Celeman HOUSTON/GAlVESTON and Niki Hanson Scot Roberts & Brian Keever. (713) 527-9111 protectlon ot the laws which most ether told TWTNEws/Heusten, "that a primary SAN ANTONIO/CORPUSCHRISTI people take fer granted," declared ebjective of Houston's Gay Pelitical Tim Ramm. (512) 822-9213 COMING JUNE 28 TCLU executive director, Gara La- Caucus is the recegnitien ot the full CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT Miss Gay Dallas Bureau-Steve Miles Marche. "They are basic rights ef self- and equal rights of all Americans. Houston Bureau-Scot Roberts Ft. Worth Metroplex expression, freedem of assoclatlon, Therefere, we would have deneunced TWT MAGAZINE and protectlon from discriminatien and the president's visit to. the Bittburg Texas Weekly Publishing Co, the TCLU stands by ready to. support cemetery even if there had been no. gay them." holocaust victims." PAGE 10 TUJT MAY 10 - MAY 16 1985 PAGE 11 BOAT UPDATES 69TH TIJERINA RAPE TEXAS LEGISLATURE CASE DISMISSED AUSTIN - With the current session HOUSTON - The long-running rape of the 69th Texas legislature past the case of Pedro Tijerina IV was dismiss- midway point, the executive director ed last week.
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