05Th WEGEMT Workshop on Non Linear Wave Action on Structures
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Book Ref. T098001 Vth WEGEMT WORKSHOP fl~aLOGEA& WAVE STRUCTUlRES AM© SIP3 W (4th September 1998 Venue EGEMT University Toulon-Var France W~EGEMT A European Association of Universities in oU Lo.O VAR Marine Technologies and related Sciences Vth WEGEMT WORKSHOP NON-LINEAR WAVE ACTION ON STRUCTURES AND SHIPS University Toulon-Var France 4th september 1998 * AZEMER Ville de La Seyne Sur Mer N S I CQNSEIL A- GENERAL Information / Workshop Secretary Vincent REY, Wegeit Workshop Secretary. ISIiTV. 1I1 56. 83162 I.i Valcue dui Var (cdex. FRANCI." Fax: +33 (0)4 94 14 24 48. E-mail: rey (0isit,.uii v-t In. f' ABOUT WEGEMT WEGEMT is a European Association of 42 Universities in 17 countries. It was formed in 1978 with the aim of increasing the knowledge base and updating and extending the skills and competence of engineers and postgraduate students working at an advanced level in marine technology and related sciences. WEGEMT achieves this aim by encouraging universities to be associated with it, to operate as a network and therefore actively collaborate in initiatives relevant to this aim. WEGEMT considers collaborative research, education and training at an advanced level, and the exchange and dissemination of information, as activities which further the aim of the Association. N-B For marine technology and related sciences, WEGEMT includes all aspects of offshore oil and gas exploration and production, shipping and shipbuilding, underwater technologies and other interdisciplinary areas concerned with the oceans and seas. ABOUT THE PUBLICATION This publication represents a series of lecturers' papers, which were presented at a one-day Workshop entitled Non-linear Wave action of Structures and Ships presented at the Universit6 Toulon Var on Friday 4 September 1998. Published by WEGEMT ISBN Number: 1 900 453 08 8 This volume has been made available so that it contains the original authors' typescripts. The method may from time to time display typographical limitations. It is hoped however, that they do not distract the attentions of the reader. Please note that the expressed views are those of the individual authors and the publishers cannot accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. PROGRAMME Friday 4 September 1998: Registration Welcome An overview of flow induced vibrations with emphasis on Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV) for marine risers Pr. Geir MOE, N7INU, Norway Slamming Pr. Odd FALTINSEN, Marintek, Trondheim, Norway A quasi-3-D method for estimating non-linear wave loads on barges and FPSO's Pr. Philip CLARK, Heriot - Watt University, Edinburgh, U. K. Semi-analytical methods for some linear and nonlinear problems of diffraction- radiation by floating bodies Mr. Sime MALENICA, Bureau Vedtas, Paris,France Station keeping and slowdrift oscillations Pr Joe PINKSTER, Tech. Univ. of Delft, The Netherlands Design load predictions by non-linear strip theories Dr. Jorgen JUNCHER JENSEN, Tech. Univ. of Denmark., Denmark Non-linear interactions between waves and a horizontal cylinder Pr. John CHAPLIN, City University, London, U. K Transformation of non linear waves in shallow water and impact on coastal structures Pr. Stephan GRILLI, University of Rhode Island, USA LIST OF PARTICIPANTS NOM PRENOM UNIVERSITE A.ALBERS Pr. A. Delft University of Technology ALLWOOD Dr. R Cranfield University BERHAULT Christian Principia R&D et ISITV BOOTE Pr. D. UniversitA di Genova CARDO Pr. A. Universith degli Studi di Trieste_ CHAPLIN Pr. John City University London CHUDLEY Dr. J. University of Plymouth CLAMOND Didier Univ. Toulon-Var CLARK Pr. Philip Heriot - Watt University UK CORDONNIER J. P Ecole Centrale de Nantes CORRIGNAN Philippe Sirehna DE JOUETTE Christine Principia R&D et ISITV DEVENON Jean-Luc Univ. Toulon-Var DEVILLERS Jean-Franqois Ecole Nationale Sup6rieure de ______________Techniques Avanc6es _____________ Cyril Univ. de Provence FLISNPr. Odd MARIN*TEK FEDDr. Graham FUGRO GEOS FRATPierre Sirhena FRAUNIB Philippe Univ. Toulon-Var FUMEY Fr~idrfic Global Maritime GAILLARDE Gujihem MARIN GRANT Jim WEGEMT Secretary GRIIETHUYSEN Pr. J van University College London GRILLI Pr. Stephan University of Rhode Island GUIGNARD Stephan U T V et Principia R&D HENRIKSEN Martin University of Science and ________________ ____________Technology Norway JUNCHER JENSEN Jorgen Tech. Univ. of Denmark KRUPPA Pr. C. Technische Universitact Berlin LECALVE Olivier Univ. Toulon-Var MALENICA Sime Bureau Veritas MATUZIAK Pr. J. Helsinki University of ________________________________ Technology MELING Frode MARINTEK MOE Pr. Geir Norwegian University of Science ________________ ____________and Technolog NTNU MOLIN B . ESIM NIJNEZ BASANEZ Pr. J. Escuela Tecnica Superior de __________________ ______________ ngeiers N vales PAPANIKOLAOU Pr. A. National Technical University of Athens PELISSLER Pr M.Claude Univ. Toulon-Var PINKSTER Pr. Joe Tech. Univ. of Delft REINI-OLDTSEN Svejn-Axne MARIN4TEK RBSCH Franqois Univ. Toulon Var REY Vincent Univ Toulon Var RIGAUD, Stdphane Principia R&D RUSSO-KRAUSS Pr. G. UniversitA Federico H1 SCOLAN Yves-Marie ESIM SEN Pr. P University of Newcastle Upon ______ _____ _____ _ _____________ Tyne TRASSOUDAINE Damuien S BM WIETASCH Pr. K W Gerhard Mercator Universitdt ZALAR Mirela Bureau Veritas Vortex-Induced Vibrations in Water Pr Geir MOE. NTNU. Norway Vortex-Induced vibrations in Water A review paper by professor Geir Moe July 1998 Abstract This paper gives an overview on transverse lock-in on sectional models subjected to a steady, uniform water current. Implicationsfor VIV motions of line-like structures are considered Introduction Structures subjected to a steady or oscillatory flow may experience flow-induced vibrations that are caused by several mechahisms, for instance * Turbulence induced vibrations ("Buffeting") " Galloping and Flutter * Static divergence * Flow interference, e. g. between members of a group * 'Jumps' from a position on the seafloor or a wall * Drag-crisis induced vibrations * Vortex-Induced Vibrations (VIV) In this review due to time and space limitations only the last of these phenomena will be dealt with, and the flow will be assumed to be steady. Furthermore situations with purely in-line VIV motions will not be considered. Vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) have fascinated people from the dawn of history. Thus the tones produced when wind created VIV on a collection of cylindrical objects, a so-called 'Aeolian harp' or 'Wind harp', was reported by Aristotle to be 'the music of the spheres'. It was also said "through it the spirit of the wind carries the Muses across the earth's surface", and "the music of its silvery strings gives voice to the Goddess Earth". Later one of the first scientific studies in the vast arena of hydrodynamics was conducted by Leonardo da Vinci who when studying the flow behind a circular pile in water drew the famous pen drawings of vortex shedding. His attitude was experimental, as this quote shows: "Remember, when discoursing about water, to induce first experience, then reason ". This was a bold departure from the 1000 year long 'scholastic' tradition that up to his time had dominated science. It had relied on 'pure thinking' and on interpretation of the text of earlier 'sacrosanct' works. Also the quote might suggest that Leonardo sometimes found the behaviour of water to be surprising, or even confusing. (Also today many of us may have the same feeling, for instance when working with VIV problems!) In 1878 Strouhal on the basis of experiments showed how the vortex shedding frequency could be predicted for a rigidly held cylinder of known diameter in a flow of known velocity. Since then a vast number of studies have been conducted on VIV both in air and water. Presently there is an increased interest in VIV of long cylindrical members in water, because of the development of hydrocarbon resources in depths of 1000 m or more. There turns out to be a significant difference between VIV in water and VIV in air, and the present review will concentrate on VIV in water. 2 VIV on a section model The simplest case of VIV considers a section model in which a short, rigid circular cylinder is situated in a steady fluid flow perpendicular to the cylinder axis, supported on springs transversely to the flow, while being either restrained or spring-supported in the direction of the flow. The situation is intended to be two-dimensional, and as a consequence the cylinder length L must either be roughly 40 times its diameter D, or some special means must be employed to prevent three-dimensional flow around the ends, so-called "end effects". For this purpose end plates have often been used, even if these may affect the motions in other ways than desired, e.g. by increasing the drag force in both directions. If the cylinder is rigidly held then the Strouhal number S (to be defined presently) is a constant close to 0.2 over a wide range of Reynolds numbers, so that the vortex shedding frequencyf, can be predicted as follows S- '= U /(fD) (1) f. =SU/D (1') Here U is the undisturbed flow velocity and D is the cylinder diameter. Fig 1.Section model: A rigid cylinder on transverse springs in a steady, uniform flow Experiments conducted in the situation shown in figure 1 may be denoted self-excited tests, because the cylinder in a certain velocity range is excited by the vortices it creates itself An oscillating cylinder will have a well-defined natural frequencyf, and it appears reasonable to expect vortex induced vibrations when the flow velocity is such thatf, as determined from (P'), equalsf,. Indeed vibrations will occur for this velocity, but when the flow velocity is gradually increased beyond that value, it turns out that vibrations of similar or larger magnitude will occur over a range of velocities. This is associated with a delay of the shedding frequencyf, compared to the value predicted from (1'), so that it matches the frequency of the cylinder motions. This phenomenon is commonly denoted 'lock-in', 'lock-on' or 'synchronization'.