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Board Committee Faculty Staff Documents I-B-2 THE CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Appointment of Lisa Farrington as Distinguished Professor at John Jay College WHEREAS, Professor Lisa Farrington is an internationally recognized art historian whose expertise includes the history of African-American women artists and the history of African­ Americanart; and WHEREAS, In addition to her widely acclaimed books, A/Ncan-American Art: A Visual and Cultural History (2016) and Creating Their Own Image: The History ofAfrican-American Women Artists (2005;201 l), Professor Farrington has published 3 additional single-authored books, two co-authored and co-edited volumes and 26 peer reviewed articles and reviews and since 2000, she has curated nine exhibitions and made over 50 invited lectures and conference presentations; now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees of The City University of New York appoint Lisa Farrington as Distinguished Professor of Artat John Jay College of Criminal Justice effectiveJuly 1, 2018, with compensation of $28,594 per annum in addition to her regular academic salary, subject to financial ability. EXPLANATION: As one of her reviewers notes, Farrington "has written the most scholar]y work available on the subject of African American women artists and her writings have helped expand a more inclusive and widely accepted definition of American art in general." Another reviewer notes, "her work on AfricanAmerican women artistshas been pioneering and her brilliant monograph, Creating Their Own Image: TheHisto,y ofAfrican American Women Artists, simply has no equal because of its interdisciplinary reach and its meticulous scholarship." As another reviewer points out, "Lisa Farrington is a member of a rising generation of art critics and scholars who are making new, significant, innovative ways and means of interpreting and philosophizing about art, culture, gender and history in America. Farrington's scholarship is too important not to support, champion and celebrate as much as possible." Since 2007, Dr. Farrington has served as Professorof ArtHistory at John Jay College. From 1993 to 2007, she was Associate Professor and Curriculwn Supervisor forArt History at the Parsons School of Design. Farrington earned her Ph.D. and Master of Philosophy in Art History at CUNY's Graduate Center, a Master of Artsin Art Historyat AmericanUniversity anda Bachelor of Fine Artsin Painting and Art Historyat Howard University. JohnJay College of Criminal Justice andThe City University of New York will be well-served by Professor Farrington'sappoi ntment as Distinguished Professor. Farrington CV 1 . USA FARRINGTON _ARtseatcbJnterest: Race and Gender In Artand VlsualCulture Contents Education & Experience p.A1A Awards . p.3A Pmentatlons p.A4A �u bllcations p.A7A Se.vice p.A10A Pre5S p,12A EDUCATION Doctorof Philosophy,Art History, The Graduate Ce nter,. New York Dissertation: •faithRfnaold: the �arty Works & the Evolution of the Thanlf(a Paintings.. Master of Philosophy, Art History, The GraduateCenter, Oty Universityof New York Specialization: European ArtSince 1860 Masterof Arts,Art History, American Unlversttv, Washington, D.C. Theses: "Ptero dell11" (Italian-Renaissance)and "Henry Ossawa Tanner"(African-American) Bachelor<>f fine Arts, mogna cum /aude, HowardUntverslty, Was hington,o.c. Painting & ArtHiS19ry: Thesis: •Egyptian Art of the AmarnaPeriod "' ACADEMICEXPERINCE 2�2013. Foundms Chair of the Department_of Art& Music,John Jay Collegeof Crimlnal Justice/CUNY 2007-2017. Professorof Art History,John Jay Colleseof Criminal Justice/City University of YorkNew 1993-2008. Assodate Professor an(t CUnia.lfumSupervisor for Art History,Parsons School of Design� New York 1998. Visiting Faculty, Museum On-Site ClassesIn Artand Architecture,Parsons Paris 1994-2004. Senior FacultyConsu�nt, Advanced Placement (AP) Exam In Art History,The Collese Board 1997. VisitingAssistant Professor, Art History, Brooklyn Conege/ aty'Universityof New York 1990-1993. AdjunctAssistant Professor,Art and Art History, B0ro111hof ManAhattanCoi:nmunlty College / CUNY 1990-1993.Adjunct Assistant Professor, History of Design,fashion Instituteof Technology(FIT), SUNY 1990. Graduate TeachingAssistant, Art History,Hunter College, CityUniversity of New York 1987-1990. Assistantto the Director, MarlboroughGallery, New Yori< 1980-1987. Assistantto WIiiiam Rubin, Directorof Painting & Sculpture, Museum of Modem Art, NewYork Farrington CV 3 SELECTEDA WARDS, FELLOWSHIPS.AND GRANTS 2017. · National David C. Driskell Prizefor Contributionsto African AmericanArt, Nominee ($30,000)l 2016. OxfordUniversity Press AuthorsGrant for African-AmericanArt: A Visualand CulturalHistory ($12,500)l 2015. Annual James A. Porter National Colloquium on African AmericanArt, Honoree for Outstandingl Contributions to American art 2013-14. PSC-CUNYSenior Research Grantfor sabbatical year completion of AfricanAmerkan _Art: A Visualand Cultural Hfstory{Oxford UolversltyPress, 2016) ($11,000) 2011. Oedalus Foundation CuratorialGrant fornational tourins exhibit "Women Call forPeace" ($10,000) 2010. Andy Warhol Foundation Creative tapltalArts Writers Prize forcompletion of Emma Amos:To Enterthe Studiois a PoliticalAct ($50,000) 2009·2012. FacultyScholarly Excellence Award, John Jay College of Crlmlnal Justice, CUNY 2007-2008. Spelman Colleae / Atlanta UniversityCenter Cosby Endowed ScholarIn the Humanities ($125,000) 2006. American library.AssociationOutstanding Contribution to LiteratureAward for CreatingTheir Own Image: TheHistory of AfricanAmerican Women Artists{Oxford University Press, 200S) 2006. Zora Neale Hurston-Richard Wright Foundation Nonfictionliterary Award Finalist for Creating TheirOwn fmoge : The HfstoryAfrican of American Women Artists {Oxford UniversityPress, 2005)($1,500) 2005. American Associationof Black Women HistoriansLetitia Woods Brown Memorial BookPrize Winner for Creating Their Own tmoge; TheHistory ofAfrlcon American Women Artists($250) 2004-2005. U.S. State Department CuratorialGrant forArt In Embassies exhibition ($5,000) 2004-;2005. The New School for SocialResearch Faculty Development Grant ($3,000) 2002. Ford FoundationFellow forcompletion ofCreating TheirOwn Image: TheHistory of AfricanAmerican Women Artists($50,000) 1999·2000. National Endowment for the ArtsKorean Art seminar Fellow, Parsons School of Design, New York 1998. Foreign Research Grant for study In Haiti ofVodou art & practice,The New School($3,000) 1998. Diversity Curriculum Development Grant, The New Schoolfor SocialResearch ($1,000) 1997-1998. Magnet Post-Doctoralfellow, The GraduateCenter, City UniversityOf New York ($36,000) 199S-1996. President's DissertationYear Fellow The Graduate Center, City Universityof New York ($10,000) 199S. �ndrew Mellon DissertationFellow, The Graduate Center, City Unr.,ersitvOf New York ($1,500) 1989-91,94 University Fellow & Shenson Fellow, TheGraduate Center, CityUniversity of New York (varied sums) Farrington CV 4 INVITEDLECTURES AND CONFERENCE PAPERS 2017. ...Shifting:African American Women Artists& the Gaze," Symposium Moderatorand Keynote Speaker University of MarylandDavid C. Driskell Centerfor the Study of Visual Arts and Cultureof African Americans "The New AbstractionIn 21st CenturyAfrican AmericanArt,• Keynote Speaker, The NationalConference of Artistsand The Alliance of ArtistsAnnual Conference, FayettevilleUn iversity, NC "Conversation with Faith Ringgold," Museum of Modem ArtFriends of Education at ACA Galleries,New York "CollectingAfrican American Art," Harlem Fine ArtsF estival,Riverside Church, NewYork "'Faith Ringgold," National ArtsClub Annual Med�I of Honor Awards Dinner, New York "21st CenturyBlack FeministArt" & "The�orfd BeforeRacism," Freedom? Selectionsfrom the PoulR. Jones Collection ExhibitionLecture Serles, Alabama University,Tuscaloosa, 2017. 2016. "Women Modernists and the Harlem Renaissance,"Women Modernists Symposium, NortonMuseum of Art, Palm Beach, FL "AfricanAmerican Art: AVisual & CulturalHistory,"' Author's Talk, Annual College ArtAssociatio n Conference,Washington, DC "TheWorld BeforeRacism: AfricansIn European Art,"Schomburg Center forResearch jn Black Cultureof the New York Public Library 201S. "Lucas Cranachthe Eider's GermanRenaissance Painting of Saint Maurice,"' Metropolitan Museum of Art Ruth and Harold D. Uris Center for Education,New York "A Cnslsof Raceand Sex: Black Feminist Art,"St. Louis University,MO ·HaitianArt & Vodou Culture,U Bermuda National Gallery, Hamilton, Bermudao "Conversationwith Emma Amos," Museum of ModemArt Friends of Education,Ryan Lee Gallery, New York "The New Black Feminist Art,"Annual James A. Porter National Colfoqulumon.African American Art, Howard University,Washington DC "TheWorld Before Racism," Metropolitan Museum Grace Rainey RogersAuditorium, New York and the Bermuda NationalGallery, Hamilton, Bermuda 2014. "Rethinking African American Public Art/'Annual James A. Porter NationalColloquium on African American Art, HowardUniversity, Washington DC 2012. "Art & Architecture in HaitlariVodou Culture,"Annual College ArtAssociation Conference, Los Angeles "Picasso and Cubism,#Cullman Education Building, Museum of Modem Art Modernism, New York "TritoblaBenjamin: Championof African-American Art,"Annual CollegeArt AssociationConference Women's Caucus, Chieago Farrington CV 5 2011. "The HottentotVenus » at, "The Fairground & the Museum: Human Anatomy on Display"symposium, ConeyIsland Museum, New York #African AmericanWomen Artistsof the 20th & 21stCenturies/' University of Rhode Island,Providence •Historyof
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