Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 1 St Andrews

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!"#! Reserved. Licence No. AR152684. 2 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Executive Summary 1.0 Introduction 2.0 Analysis 3.0 Development Vision 4.0 Layout Strategy 5.0 Design Principles 6.0 Progress So Far

Strategic DevelopmenttFramework|R Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 3 St Andrews EXECUTIVE SUMMARY

This Strategic Development Framework has been B $%& +; M\ "' Council has insisted that an agreed SDF is *++,- J # within the Finalised Local Plan. The SDF has prior to its determination. It is also likely that the *? ;! SDF will lead to alterations to these applications + and will ultimately be adopted as Supplementary =#U Planning Guidance covering the site. The SDF J +X+ consent. high quality public realm. STA08 and covers a site that includes land owned >; B &"<";# + = + illustrated by an overall concept plan towards the >; neighbours and how best to integrate new #The SDF operates at a to sensibly consider these applications within a development within the Town and with its relatively high level and the plans are indicative ?# # only. Design guidance must always retain a ;! ? \B#J Development Frameworks to guide development ?; on large or important sites in the area. The most Council. Knightsbridge (Robertson Homes) has Y#+>; recent being the East Sands SDF. Supplementary + ? Guidance is a material consideration in ;! guidance to be used when determining current or ;! #;! ,-# use the SDF process to test options and arrive + time when it comes to considering detail. planning applications. The timing here is slightly

4 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 5 St Andrews INTRODUCTIONINNTRODUCTION

1.1. This Strategic Development Framework has A90 Z A9 A93 A94 DUNDEE $+&"+ A92 <";+$" A85 A85 A90 ;!# A85 PERTH A85 ? ST ANDREWS ,-*[+ A84 * A92 M90 "+Z?+ see Figure 2. A91 A91 1.2. ? A9 elements: A84 A91 #Site Analysis;

M90 #^$=_ A91

STIRLING A92 #Urban Design Strategy and Principles;

DUNFERMLINE #Development Framework.

M80 M876 Background and Context M9 1.3. St Andrews originally developed as a FALKIRK A90 A8 medieval market settlement around the castle and A1 + EDINBURGH HADDINGTON KIRKINTILOCH the 10th century. A71 M80 DALKEITH 1.4. Z GLASGOW M73 M8 LIVINGSTON A687 + A73 expansion came during the 19th and 20th A7 centuries. St Andrews location and geography M74 A71 MOTHERWELL meant that physical expansion could only occur in FigureM77 1 +# Site Location Plan

6 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

1.5. >fj+B 1.9. Whilst the Local Plan Proposals Map 1.13. To the extent that it comprises a material *[++$ Y + House (Adamson Court) has been built and + + ;;*[ + +" " {,,j the SDF. z#U{,+ *[# ?# 1.18. slowly to the west. This growth predominantly adopted Local Plan need to be considered in this 1.14. [+ + comprised owner occupied housing. context. ;;* insurmountable challenge. This development 1.6. ,- 1.10. ["{+OP+ [{,,j+;? ? St Leonards School and St Andrews Memorial Local Plan states: the established settlement boundary and also ++ Hospital. The site established through the St !#U+ general land ownership patterns although some OZ+ *R[+?f-f#Z ;[ J [+B site there are six existing buildings; Abbey Park " residential character and amenities will "%'+*R*+$ %&†,-M #? + "+<"%'+*R Mixed Use). ;! ;"R worked with land owners and developers to help 1.15. Site STA08 is noted as being appropriate Hospital. encourage a coordinated approach to delivery #P + through joint working wherever possible. 1.7. The current adopted Local Plan covering !ƒ+ 1.11. [ƒ+O!P *[+ access/open space. Vision adopted Local Plan states: was adopted in March 1996. In line with the 1.19. ;! 1.16. \BJ {€‚%{' O######> >;+ ![%'fjj‚+ conservation areas will be required to \X ;*[+ [+ # # + + The physical vision is explained in more detail in development requires to be assessed. + Land Ownership + ++ 1.17. There are two land owners within the site; understand the need to create a development 1.8. The Local Plan Proposals Map (St Andrews #P $* J+ '#* +B€#‚+<"; \ #" 1.12. [‚M- " St Andrews. At STA08 there is an opportunity to within the established St. Andrews settlement $+ B * B,##\ + ![ƒ+‚M- St Andrews Memorial Hospital sites within this STA08 (inset) Proposals Map within the Finalised and couples to live within the Town. >‚[# ?#

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 7 St Andrews

Purpose of this Strategic Development 1.22. ?+>; 1.24. ? 1.25. This document is based around good Framework ? ?=+† ?#? +_ z;! 1.20. A Strategic Development Framework (SDF) #?J documents are set out throughout this document. Q? #_ between the proposed development and the These are: ?#U B+ #?_ and to positively contribute to the ongoing #>M[ #R #? (The Scottish Government 2010) ‰;*[#U _+ town. #>[M[ a Masterplan in its own right. It will be a material # Scotland (The Scottish Executive 2001) #Core urban design principles to be applied to # # #;"?%;!{,,‚' B+ 1.23. ? 1.21. ?+ \ #;Š>z%;!{,,€' is a dynamic entity which is constantly changing Y proposed development; # #+ impact so it is important that proposals are based +++ # +? B+ _ # masterplan(s) and/or detailed planning applications would be expected to comply with.

8 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

St Leonards Lodge

St Nicholas House

St Leonards Fields House

Memorial Hospital

Abbey Park House

Kilrymont House

Figure 2 Aerial Photograph St Andrews ANALYSISS

2.1. This Strategic Development Framework Wider Context Analysis Open Space and Landscape 2.11. St Andrews is serviced by Stagecoach B 2.7. #+>+ Retail and Community Facilities ?#R <+++z 2.3. # f€{,? Leven. B#U + #U += 2.12. Dundee Airport is located approximately 15 decisions to be made in regards to the optimum €?# B # !?[?R # London City Airport. Edinburgh Airport is located z+f€? 2.2. approximately 50 miles to the south. +=$# ? ? 2.13. St Andrews has a highly permeable network + development area. East Sands # illustrations. 2.8. East Sands lies immediately to the east 2.4. South Street is approximately 150 metres $= R+= B +z&Z cathedral precinct and beside the main routes # Terrace. Currently this path is not directly <?;#!+ &?+ #;![ R!+z €,+<+ Bƒ,,+ *+!z+ f,,#! *!#; ?+J+ [#UB Council has recently set out a strategy and urban ++++ <MM # R+++?+ <‹+ # 2.9. The strategies key aims are; to enhance the # _ 2.5. Z-,, 2.14. The main vehicular access routes into St _ + Andrews comprise the A91 to the north and the access and movement into and through the area; #++?M A915 and A917 to the south. The A91 heads west B_ J# !+ +B *&+?+ the A92 which then heads north to Dundee. The redevelopment. garages and a veterinary practice. jf€jf‚_jf‚ Links and Transport the coastal route to Leven whilst the A915 is a 2.6. 2.10. The nearest mainline train station to St more direct cross country route to Kirkcaldy. ++ *+Bf€ + Built Form #>* Š+!" 2.15. U<? +U?+$?+ + ;+ ?+*?+!+>+!+ centre and adult learning centre. The community + ++*??++ environments stretching out toward the present [++>U# # town boundaries. 10 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Figure 3 Facilities Plan St Andrews

Visual Appraisal Local Impact 2.16. The local community in St Andrews has to the south east. The caravan parks elevational 2.17. + ? B B value and require protection. The existing planting vegetation along the burn. These views are at best ,-+ + development upon their privacy. Whilst this is a #<+ ?B+ + land rises gently and building heights increase ? the town. There are no views where new buildings ,-+ + ?# # B+ the SDF workshop process. $?![? #

view from Kinkell Braes Caravan Park

St Salvators Chapel St James Church

St Nicholas House Kilrymont House Abbey Park House St Leonards Fields House

St Andrews Skyline

12 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Figure 4 Wider Context Analysis Plan St Andrews

Site Analysis

2.18. The site is well screened by its topography the main species are Sycamore with some Horse # !+!+""?# $++ ++ B it is curently in a poor state. buildings along Abbey Walk restricts views into and 2.21. = # + 2.19. There are currently six existing buildings ? ? Abbey Park House +# listed building on the site dates back to the 19th species which it supports. + 2.22. The site has three vehicular access points the 20th century and one as recently as 2008. along Abbey Walk (A917); the west access at St {€ <"+ # Leonard’s Fields House/Kilrymont House and at ? R"# J#? z open space and vehicular access areas with equal $ measure. # 2.20. The site is located within St Andrews 2.23. B Conservation Area and is covered by a blanket St Nicholas House $+ [#= =#B $ $# the south and around St Nicholas and Abbey Park House with a remnant avenue extending down the 2.24. Z?[? B House. A tree survey has been carried out and ? proposed development.

St Leonards Fields House Kilrymont House

14 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Figure 5 Site Analysis Plan St Andrews

Local Character Analysis 2.25. Local character and distinctiveness Settlement Origins ++ 2.27. St Andrews has played a key role in and indeed community ownership. To create a Scotland’s recorded history. Archaeological development that strengthens and enhances the evidence suggests that the area was progressively + +B + B#B +U%€,,!' the basic design principles that underpin the sense X ;+ ++ # and managed woodland. 2.28. + +[ appropriate to its immediate context. +Q$R+ Methodology knows as Kilrymont. Further settlement was St Andrews Cathedral 2.26. B+ + new burgh being established around St Andrews # Cathedral. 2.29. The Medieval period saw continued #& # !+ <+?# Town. A design approach that considers streets + + #

St Andrews Castle

16 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Figure 6 1938 Historical Map

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 17 St Andrews

Streets and Movement development ensure a very well connected urban 2.30. R ? Q distance. R# 2.34. There are some gaps in this structure. ? + ++ ? # Street. The streets in St Andrews are however or parkland settings tend to have an institutional ? ?# + these sites is shaped by the need to retain existing permeable public realm. + 2.31. Historical development resulted in a variety \J# Building Form 2.35. urban design. A general theme is that buildings # # +\B use buildings in the centre. Family housing +? +M + + within development that took lace during the 19th planning new development. and 20th century. 2.32. U Parking +-+jf,# 2.36. The historic core generally has on street historical core has a density range between 50 to j ?+ 70 dwellings per hectare. 19th and 20th century turned over to on plot parking. The later 20th + century developments accommodate parking on +{€ƒ, += dwellings per hectare and 15 to 20 dwellings per or integral garages. The SDF emphasises the Density Sample Areas hectare. need to accommodate the required car parking Parkland Setting Areas 2.33. U+fj +# and 20th Century patterns blend. Perimeter blocks < Figure 7 create a permeable grid throughout the Town. street and private courtyard parking to limit its Figure Ground Plan impact.

18 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

- ‚

Figure 8 High Density Sample Tile

Figure 9 Medium Density Sample Tile

Figure 10 Low Density Sample Tile

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 19 St Andrews

Public Realm Components 2.37. St Andrews character is not determined Mews/Lanes solely by the particular materials or physical #Secondary route; + #Residential and service lane; Streets + derived through public realm components. #_ 2.38. #‚#€Mf{ give St Andrews its distinctive character and sense +† Pend/Wynd #Pedestrian and/or vehicular access; Streets

#Main avenue; #^ Mews/Lanes emergency vehicles. #?_ Square #^_ #_ #f-M,# #[Y X\_

#Material changes reduce speed by both visual perception and physical characteristics; Pend/Wynd



Figure 11 ;[ 20 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Materials 2.39. + #X historical materials used in St Andrews also vary Y? # # & † #Covered in clay pan tiles on older buildings Y? and natural slate predominates;

#Masonry construction is predominantly used Render #More modern buildings use tile and synthetic in the Town centre; slates; #Y #& grey sandstones; \_ #The masonry can be random rubble or #B Fenestration squared rubble brought courses; # # or textured; Chimneys # #Traditional chimney masonry stacks and brick used in 20/21st century housing clay chimney pots dominate and articulate the & and Materials developments. skyline;

Renders/Harling #! # # applied traditional harl; Chimneys #Harling can be cement/sand based or use #+ traditional hydraulic lime; +Y +B_ #U tints using lime wash or special paints.. #Rear and side property boundaries are

+ Fenestration + Treatments #B hedgerows and/or railings. sash and case windows; and Figure 12 Public Realm Palette Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 21 St Andrews DEVELOPMENT VISION

Purpose 3.1. &"+;!+$ 3.5. This is a unique situation. The Strategic "<";+ Development Framework covers sites where ?>;# applications have already been submitted. These +; applications are not contrary to the proposed Local !>{,f,# Plan or indeed the Adopted Plan.

3.2. ;+;! 3.6. The workshop approach has however expressed the view that it still needed work. In + ?#U # development and established core design and development principles. workshop approach. 3.7. The document will now go out to Workshop 3.3. ?f‚{,ff ;!#?= the workshop process was to resolve issues with #>;? #?+& ? ?+ Z + B# #

3.4. The team reported back on the 5th April {,ff process and there was broad agreement that one %' ;!# #

Site Walkabout Site Walkabout

22 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Options Testing Figure 13 Figure 14 Figure 15 Movement Concept Heritage Concept Completion Concept


3.8. >; Heritage Completion !# 3.10. \ 3.13. The completion concept considered completing the blocks; by +++ B+ f+fƒf€# #? # considerations in structuring the public realm. Movement 3.14. 3.9. 3.11. The main movement route is the existing loop road through +? #+ ++? ++Y#< the structure. This concept positively integrated the site with its _+ ?+? surroundings by improving existing vehicular access points and moving toward a stronger built up edge with substantial planting and #"+ creating new pedestrian access points. The sequential journey # B+ +++ Y# ++#? #"++ J+ certain movement routes worked visually but physically were 3.12. !+ # +B+ M_ separate and distinct landowners. +#

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 23 St Andrews Viable Locations for Mixed Use Figure 16 Figure 17 Figure 18 St Nicholas/St Leonards Lodge Abbey Park St Andrews Memorial Hospital

Positives for Mixed Use Development Positives for Mixed Use Development Positives for Mixed Use Development #St Nicholas site is a gateway to the St Leonards development; #[?" #>Z?_ _ # #" be restricted by existing walls and planting; #U[? to the broader St Leonards site; ?+? #** _ #There is no obvious requirement to retain existing buildings on !{ƒ_+ _+ #Z? #The broader site is large enough to accommodate some car [? #ge. ?# < _+ Limitations for Mixed Use Development Limitations for Mixed Use Development #X_ # #Z[? the land next to and surrounding St Nicholas House; Z?# #*?_

#X% Limitations for Mixed Use Development #*??_ B<"'+ #*?_ #Concern regarding noise generation and impact on regard to a hotel development; neighbouring residents; #[?" #^<+ _ #The neighbouring land is predominantly residential in nature +B#U and a hotel use could be restricted by concerns over noise and service vehicles and those associated with routine deliveries to # B_ _ the land next to and surrounding Abbey Park; #>!_+ # #X% ;*[#U B[?"'_+ #*# J[RM _ #*#

#The neighbouring land is predominantly residential in nature and a hotel use could be restricted by concerns over noise and impact B_+

#*< site.

24 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Options for Mixed Use 3.15. ;; # *[{,,j,-+ B++!ƒ +# #[? Z?# 3.16. U;!+ Z? _ direct with minimal impact upon the neighbouring %< residential development. Abbey Park is a possible and St Andrews Memorial Hospital) and the # earlier planning application (Abbey Park). The 3.18. The St Andrews Memorial Hospital site is + limited in suitable developable land due to its ? %'+ B along its southern edge. The constricted area development. It did not express a view on the ? requirements associated with hotel use such as # +?# process provides an excellent opportunity to look B #U relation to noise and privacy issues. >;# 3.19. B + *Š[fj# [?""Š # **Š!{ƒ# It is worth noting that no signage can be erected at the St Leonards Fields House access along † Z?++ 3.17. Abbey Park is a large enough site to *;"+& accommodate a hotel but only where this " BB erect signage to advertise a hotel.

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 25 St Andrews

Figure 19 Land Use Plan

26 Strategic Development Framework | August 2011 St Andrews

Workshop Process Preferred Option 3.20. ?? 3.21. ?+ 3.22. A movement grid evolved which enhances {,ff+ _ permeability and integrates the site with its {,#[ surroundings. The street layout takes into account ;!+$+ +*Š[ + Z fj# # *#<"; ++ observers at the day. concept were also implemented into the layout. + spaces where appropriate.

Figure 20 Process Timeline

;!;!;!;!workshop 1 @ St Andrews (on site)workshop 2 @ St Andrews (on site)workshop 3 @ St Andrewsmeeting (on site) with Community Council @ St Andrews 26 11 25 2 17 5 17 4

January 2011 February 2011 March 2011 April 2011 May 2011

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 27 St Andrews LAYOUT STRATEGY

Urban Form Character Zones 4.5. Key Spaces + 4.8. Through the variation in building lines and 4.1. The development has a distinctive urban 4.3. ?>; † ?+? \ development with a distinct identity. Seven will be created within the streetscape. This is a + # {{+ Landmark/Key Buildings in St Andrews. These spaces will contrast with +? 4.6. *?Y? + ++? #† aspiration to create a new integrated yet distinctly #† # #St Nicholas; #Completing views and vistas; # #_ 4.2. #Creating gateways and pinch points; #The Walled Garden; 4.9. ? J+ #_+ + ++ #Abbey Park; #! # {f #$_ key spaces. #$_+ Gateways #Memorial Hospital. 4.7. > #+ 4.4. X to the junctions and surrounding landscape # character.

28 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Figure 21 Urban Design Plan

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 29 St Andrews

St Nicholas 4.13. 4.16. Kilrymont + [?"?+ 4.10. < 4.19. $? + J the key gateways in to the site. The St Nicholas + # development within this area. Abbey Park House ?+ *;" B#€+ ?+ in comparison to the primary gateway which is $"%B + any new development must not exceed 4 storeys. #U occupancy). St Leonards Fields House positively this key open space. Due to several tree preservation orders in this Z?+? + + gateway building which aids legibility and way ?# principles are proposed. These layout principles The Walled Garden # 4.14. The Walled Garden character area is strongly # B#> Kinness Burn Memorial Hospital + 4.17. $ 4.20. " Zz + 4.11. #U area is located is on lower lying land than to the integrated landscape seeks to create a sensitive <"?+ + and appropriate transitional space within the J + to 4 storeys in height. The stone wall is to be #+ development within this area. St Nicholas House principles are proposed. These layout principles + X# ?+ it is equally important to positively address the B # historic building in height. Car parking should be key space/public realm. Car parking should be chapter. 4.21. In keeping with the adjacent character \B# \B# $$+ 4.18. $ " + The Orchard Abbey Park Bƒ+ + 4.12. 4.15. The Abbey Park character area provides address Abbey Walk. Car parking should be +# + +# Bƒ+ integrated landscape seeks to create a sensitive In order to achieve a clear distinctiveness within \B# ?Zz+ and appropriate transitional space within the + Y+ #+ components and principles are proposed. These #!? X# \B# chapter. chapter.

30 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

St Nicholas # Storey heights lower than St Nicholas House # Landscaped setting # Positively address orchard # Preserve and enhance St Nicholas House and its setting # Predominantly courtyard parking

The Orchard # up to 3.5 storey Kilrymont # # St Leonards Fields House and # Positively address orchard Kilrymont House are existing # Preserve and enhance pedestrian route # Formal landscaping # Predominantly courtyard # Positively address Abbey Walk parking # !? Abbey Park # up to 4 storey Memorial Hospital # Landscape setting # up to 4 storey # Preserve and enhance Abbey Park House # and its setting # Positively address Abbey Walk # Predominantly courtyard parking # Predominantly courtyard parking

The Walled Garden # up to 4 storey # # Positively address public realm Kinness Burn # Preserve and enhance stone # up to 4 storey wall where possible # # Predominantly courtyard # Positively address street/public realm parking # Preserve and enhance landscaping to the south where possible # Mews and courtyard parking

Figure 22 Character Areas Plan

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 31 St Andrews

Space Typology St Nicholas 4.22. Spaces within the development are Character and Role Built Form categorised according to their intended 4.25. < 4.27. < + + BB #+ landscaped area along the principal street. The Nicholas House in height. They will provide St Nicholas space has an important gateway and enclosure and natural surveillance over the area. their location in the site which guides their space characterised by distinctive avenue tree planting. Landscape/Public Realm landscape approach. 4.28. Tree planting and landscaped verges will 4.23. Movement Function is intended to: 4.26. < # + ++? #Help to provide legibility and variety; + # Y# #Respond to the anticipated volume and type _

#! clear priority to pedestrians;


#Provide a permeable network which provides

St Nicholas House ?_+

#! speeds appropriate to their surrounding.

4.24. ;{{ FOR ILLUSTRATIVE + PURPOSES ONLY with illustrative cross sections and associative text B# Figure 23 St Nicholas Cross Section existing wall {M- fM{ fM{ ƒM fM{

open space principal street 32 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 landscaped verge landscaped verge St Andrews

The Orchard The Walled Garden Character and Role Built Form Character and Role Built Form 4.29. 4.31. 4.33. The Walled Garden introduces a more 4.35. Zz # area will not exceed 3.5 storeys in height. They #U Bƒ + + + + enclosure and natural surveillance. There will be ++ + within the site. # ? key spaces. Abbey Park.

Movement Function Landscape/Public Realm Landscape/Public Realm 4.30. < 4.32. Tree planting and landscaped verges will Movement Function 4.36. [ + 4.34. The Walled Garden street provides vehicular this street typology. Materials will be selected that + # access to individual dwellings and private ++ ++? ?+ ?# # $# Y Y# carriageways. The Walled Garden The Walled \? St Nicholas House

FOR ILLUSTRATIVE FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY PURPOSES ONLY Figure 24 Figure 25 The Walled Garden existing wall Cross Section Cross Section fM{ fM{ ƒM fM{ fM{ {MfM{ Mf,

orchard open space open space principal street private garden principal street landscaped verge landscaped verge Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 33 St Andrews

Abbey Park Character and Role Movement Function Landscape/Public Realm 4.37. Abbey Park provides a pivotal central point 4.38. [? 4.40. Tree planting and landscaped verges will + + landscape setting along the principal street. movement. # The Abbey Park space has important historical [?"++ + ?# Built Form B Y 4.39. [? [?"+z carriageways. BB listed building. Park House in height. They will provide positive + surveillance.

FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY Figure 26 Abbey Park Cross Section $ existing wall

Abbey Park House 1m fM{ M- ƒMj {M€ fM{ fM

parking open space open space open space principal street landscaped verge

34 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Kinness Burn Character and Role Movement Function Built Form Landscape/Public Realm 4.41. $ 4.42. $ 4.43. $ 4.44. " + + B# ?+ movement. Secondary streets in this area provide associated with Abbey Park. vehicular access to individual dwellings and +$# the development block. Materials will be selected accommodate private parking. Pedestrian routes ++ ?+ ?# $ Y edge. carriageways.

FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY Figure 27 $! $ $M{ $\? Garage Mews

{M€ M {M€ fM{ 10m 10m

parking parking open space private garden secondary street landscaped verge


Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 35 St Andrews

Kilrymont Memorial Hospital Character and Role Built Form Character and Role Built Form 4.45. Kilrymont provides the main vehicular access 4.47. St Leonards Fields House and Kilrymont are 4.49. The Memorial Hospital provides a semi 4.51. " Z?+ B#* # Bƒ+ ;"Z?+ street. The Kilrymont space has an important $ Z?+Y# Movement Function # landscaped garden between the two buildings. 4.50. The Memorial Hospital street provides vehicular access to individual dwellings and private Landscape/Public Realm Movement Function Landscape/Public Realm ?+ 4.52. Tree planting and landscaped verges will 4.46. $ 4.48. [ $# + this street typology. Materials will be selected that # vehicular movement. ++ ++? ?# # Y Y# carriageways. St Leonards Fields House

FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY FOR ILLUSTRATIVE PURPOSES ONLY Figure 28 Figure 29 Kilrymont Cross Section Memorial Hospital Cross Section

fM{ ƒM fM{ ,#€M {M€ ƒM {M€ 2.3m

parking parking open space open space principal street landscaped verge secondary street landscaped verge 36 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 shared surface shared surface

St Andrews

boundary treatments pedestrian/cyclist priority car/cycle parking

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 37 St Andrews DESIGN PRINCIPLES

5.1. The option testing process resulted in the orchard Objective 1 - Embrace the unique environment # +B +=+ the site. ? and these are set out below. All development will B\ 5.2. Principle - Key buildings, open spaces 5.3. Principle - The retained buildings on detailed design and layout proposals. and features on the site should be retained/ the site shall have active streets and spaces refurbished where possible. The listed buildings connecting them. All streets and spaces overlooked by the existing historic buildings #$+ J+ $ + active street frontages ?+ avoiding standard design solutions to these + # Zz# B 5.4. Principle - Care should be taken to walled garden will be reused and improved. The preserve and respect the very different nature of routes that run south from Abbey Walk. The will be incorporated into the detailed design and western access road entered through St Nicholas will be subject to change. Development around St ?+ < B#U+ B+ development adjacent to St Nicholas House possible. XYB St Nicholas access #^Y<" Z? #U+< "++ retained through any new development to the + #

38 Strategic Development Framework | August 2011 St Andrews

Objective 2 - Expand the potential range of integrated mixed use development uses where possible.

5.5. Principle - Create an integrated, mixed 5.7. Principle - Provide appropriate, well use development. There is an opportunity to integrated affordable housing which suitably B+ adds to the variety of house types. =++Y+ !{ the overall design. Housing would be phased ƒ# =+ # should be sought. Subsequent development B B+B+ where residential can coexist alongside Class 2 Yƒ# + #

5.6. Principle - Provide an appropriate mix of uses to help create a distinctive development. public art adds quality and legibility B B + ++ #> subject to market conditions and extensive market # [?" ++f{ + obtaining a hotel operator.

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 39 St Andrews

St Leonards Fields House dual frontage public art adds quality and legibility Objective 3 - Maintain a distinctive character + considering new development at STA08.

5.8. Principle - The historical land use context 5.10. Principle - A landscape, open space and shall be used to inform design and layout greenspace framework should set the context solutions.?+ for future development proposals and result Leonard’s School and Memorial Hospital use usable and with purpose. The landscape ++ ? + ?+B analysis described earlier in this document. + >+\ biodiversity throughout the site. Care should be calming measure enhance this context. taken to avoid too much visitor car parking around these areas. 5.9. Principle - Development should provide car parking behind frontages positive street edges to building frontages, where double frontages occur, a distinctive approach to this should be explored. ? +# #

40 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Objective 4 - Create a high quality public +B+ through the development and improve access to sustainable transport choices.

5.11. Principle - Detailed proposals for the 5.13. Principle - Public art should be used 5.15. 5.18. Principle - Future development proposals public realm should demonstrate the creation appropriately to add quality to, and assist with space/junctions to help create quality will be expected to provide a range of building of a high quality environment for the user. legibility. A public art strategy will be required streetscapes. Key road junctions within the heights, from 2.5 storeys to 4 storeys across The public realm is the area around and between #[ buildings and streets. Detailed designs should vehicular movement but primarily to maximise the character area strategy set out in Section demonstrate how these spaces deliver an ?=+ Y+ 4. =B legibility throughout the site. #Z Y +?# development plans are drawn up it is important Y 5.14. Principle - All streets and spaces ++ that consideration is given to development # shall be well connected, both internally and ?# + ++= externally.! # # 5.12. Principle - Car parking should be an important element when designing detailed \ accommodated by a variety of means to layouts. Developments should promote easy 5.16. Principle - Development should attempt + to reduce reliance on the use of the car as a # A design led approach should be considered to particularly by pedestrians and cyclists. The movement choice. ?+ development should provide appropriate links and development shall be designed to encourage and well integrated with a high quality public realm. + Y ?J? the Town centre and East Sands. This will assist cyclists. B + 5.17. Principle - The design of streets shall be # ?+B =? #> should not rely on hard measures such as speed #! Walk at St Nicholas House and St Leonards #< private courtyard parking will be required to ensure ;"J; + J !+ + P# site. points. Some visitor parking will be on street. + #

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 41 St Andrews PROGRESS SO FAR

5.19. Knightsbridge have worked on the STA08 #++ f,# proposed development; have worked closely with the local community # and stakeholders to ensure that development be obtained concerning the SDF; proposals blend well with the existing environment. They have held numerous public exhibitions and #_ met with key stakeholders throughout the process. #B++ 5.20. The Consultation process undertaken by persons wishing to make comments on the Z$ SDF may do so; and ;![ #%'{,,# #a statement that comments made to/ >;,-+ in connection with the SDF are not J; + ‰;*[# extant Planning Applications. >; 5.22. The advertisement was published 7 days ++ # ++ _+ ++ area. It was key that this came across throughout # !+ B ! Public Consultation Event exercise. 5.23. [B? 5.21. ;{{,ff+ !+? advertisement was posted in the St Andrews between Thursday 25th August 2011 and Thursday !X {,ff# ![+ 5.24. St Andrews Town Hall was selected as the a public event was to be held on Friday 2nd + {,ff#+ and central location within St Andrews. out:

42 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

5.25. [>; JM + ?+ [& ;‚{,ff# Andrews Community Council on Thursday 1st 5.28. $ +? [?M+ >;+ >;++ ?J++ ? $ # ?+ #ƒ#,‚#,+ 5.29. [=+ [+ ;!$ Housing Association were present at the event to $# explain the boards and the proposed development f,-;{ + {,ff+? J boards. # 5.30. A questionnaire was issued to all attendee’s 5.26. € who were encouraged to answer the questions M#B and make any additional comments on the reverse >;?+ J# $R+ 5.31. B,+ B+ {‚J# J+ debate. comments received it was viewed that the majority 5.27. Following the public event on the 2nd B {,ff+B+ + €*# ++=+ + principles and open space provision within the SDF.

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 43 St Andrews

44 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Strategic Development Framework | RevisioRevisionn Q | OctobeOctober 2011 45 St Andrews

Traditional Detailing #Crow steps have heavy skew putts base Figure 23 stem at the eaves and gutter. Traditional Detail Palette 6.1. & + # Dormer traditional and appropriate detailing. and new properties. 6.2. Chimneys † #!?B &> masonry or harled; #^M & #Chimney stacks have a heavy moulded cope important to ensure traditional character is to hold clay chimney pots. maintained. Windows Gable and Skews #[ #Gable ends have an exposed stone slab _ Skew ?X_ #X# #? stone. Masonry #>_ Crow Stepped Gable Chimneys #_ # considered and set out.



46 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 St Andrews

Architectural Strategy Details Figure 24 6.5. Material and Colour Palette 6.1. development include: Walls + #! ? 402c 467c *# jambs/surrounds;

6.2. The architectural strategy is a response #Prominent sills; Render 7527c 467c 600c { #Large prominent dormers; document. The strategy seeks to balance the ## need to create a cohesive development and # 6.6. Š Stone 7403c 4655c 467c # distinctive development.

&> 6.3. The local character analysis gives details on & #"+ Slate 425c or contemporary solutions should not be precluded and may be acceptable where appropriate.

Materials Tile 425c 1565c 6.4. Guidelines are given on the colour or hue #;fj materials used in traditional buildings in the area. Doors Y 282c 626c 216c 425c #? # colours and hues which can be used occasionally. Windows 282c 626c 216c 425c

Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011 47 St Andrews

48 Strategic Development Framework | August 2011 St Andrews

Strategic Development Framework | August 2011 49 St Andrews

50 Strategic Development Framework | Revision Q | October 2011