The Titular Barony of Clavering [Microform] : Its Origin In, and Right Of
t4S°l '\%°\\^ FOL ' "; SfißwfN*W^^Hoiise ofClavering, "" ¦>|^-S^itiieMicated and illustrated • < fix)mthe Fublic Records, '. Lord 'iif"War|twQrth. of Clavering. The Baronial Seal of Robert fitz-Roger, Lord of Warkworth and Clavering : • v (affixed to a Deed between 1195-1208). London: Privately printed 1891. e ¦>! 12?: SOUTH VIEW OF AXWELL PARK, IN THE COUNTY OF DURHAM Tim- Seat of Sir Henry Anglistics ClaveHng, Baronet. The Titular oarony of C^layering. Its Origin in, and Right ofInheritance by, the Norman House of Clavering, authenticated and illustrated from the Public Records n j Lord Lord of Warkworth of Clavering The Baronial Seal of Robert fitz-Roger, Lord of Warkworth and Clavering : (affixed to a Deed between 1195-1208). London: Privately printed. 1891. ,*\ < T BEGAN gradually to perceive this immense fact, which Ireally advise every one of you who read history to look out for, if you have not already found it. It was that the Kings of England, all the way from the Norman Conquest down to the times of Charles 1., had actually, in a good degree, so far as they knew, been in the habit of appointing as Peers those who deserved to be appointed. In general Iperceived those Peers of theirs were all Royal men of a sort, withminds fullof justice, valour and humanity, and all kinds of qualities that men ought to have who rule over others. And then their genealogy, the kind of sons and descendants they had, this also was remarkable : for there is a great deal more in genealogy than is generally believed at present.' — ' Carlyle, Inaugural Address at Edinburgh? 1866.
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