Prayer Guide for U.S. Officials

“Pray for all men, for kings and all who are in authority.” 1 Timothy 2:1-2 Please uphold in prayer the President, Vice President and senior leaders in the administration, Congress and the Courts. Ask God for his protection on those serving in harm’s way in the armed forces.

Pray for your leaders • That they would have wisdom to conduct the affairs of state (2 Chronicles 1:9-10). • That they would be ethical and fair in all their dealings (Isaiah 33:15-16). • That they would live in awe and reverence of God (Proverbs 1:7). • That God would bless and protect their families (Proverbs 14:26).

EXECUTIVE FBI Director Christopher A. Wray President Donald Trump Central Intelligence Agency Director Gina Haspel Vice President Mike Pence Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney (Acting) White House Senior Advisors Kushner / Miller U.S. SENATE White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) Sanders White House National Security Advisor Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) John Bolton White House Counsel Donald McGahn Senate Whips John Thune (R-SD) /Richard Durbin (D-IL) Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue Chaplain Barry Black Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross Secretary of Defense James Mattis U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Secretary of Energy Rick Perry Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD)/ Minority Leader Secretary of Health & Human Services Alex Azar Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) Secretary of Homeland Security Kristjen Nielsen House Whips Jim Clyburn (D-SC) / Steve Scalise (R-La.) Secretary of Housing & Urban Development Ben Carson Chaplain Patrick Conroy Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt (Acting) Secretary of Labor Alexander Acosta U.S. SUPREME COURT Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Court Chief Justice John Roberts Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao Samuel Alito / Stephen Breyer / Ruth Bader Ginsburg Brett Secretary of Treasury Steven Mnuchin Kavanaugh/ Elena Kagan / Clarence Thomas Secretary of Veterans Affairs Robert Wilkie Sonia Sotomayor / Neil Gorsuch Attorney General Matthew Whitaker (Acting) United Nations Ambassador Jonathan Cohen Use FRC Action’s latest congressional Scorecard to pray over (Acting) Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Joseph individual House and Senate members. Dunford National Intelligence Chairman Dan Coats Visit National Security Agency Director Paul M. Nakasone GOVERNORS

Alabama Nebraska Alaska Mike Dunleavy Nevada American Samoa Lolo Matalasi Moliga New Hampshire Arizona New Jersey Arkansas New Mexico California New York Colorado North Carolina Connecticut North Dakota Delaware Northern Mariana Islands Ralph Deleon Guerrero Torres Florida Ron DeSantis Ohio Richard Michael DeWine Georgia Oklahoma Lou Leon Guerrero Oregon Hawaii Pennsylvania Idaho Puerto Rico Ricardo Rosselló Illinois J.B. Pritzker Rhode Island Gina Raimondo Indiana South Carolina Henry McMaster Iowa South Dakota Kristi L. Noem Kansas Tennessee Bill Lee Kentucky Matt Bevin Texas Louisiana Utah Gary Richard Herbert Maine Janet T. Mills Vermont Maryland Virginia Massachusetts Virgin Islands Albert Bryan Michigan Washington Minnesota West Virginia Mississippi Phil Bryant Wisconsin Missouri Wyoming Montana Steve Bullock