JIVAN | NOVEMBER 2020 JIVAN | NOVEMBER 2020 IN THIS ISSUE PUBLISHER & PRINTER November 2020 Antony Pitchai Vedamuthu, SJ EDITOR Vinayak Jadav, SJ COPY EDITOR Mark Barco, SJ EDITORIAL ADMINISTRATOR Dharmesh Barot DESIGNER Vinod Kuriakose EDITORIAL BOARD Astrid Lobo Gajiwala Evelyn Monteiro, SCC Myron Pereira, SJ Job Kozhamthadam, SJ C. Joe Arun, SJ CORRESPONDENTS John Rose, SJ (West Zone) Victor Edwin, SJ (North Zone) A. Irudayaraj, SJ (South Zone) Patrick Pradhan, SJ (North Eastern Zone) Rolphy Pinto, SJ (Overseas) PUBLISHED AT Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, P.B. No. 70, Martyrdom and Jesuits of South Asia 04 St. Xavier’s Road, Anand-388001, Gujarat. Let us together make a diff erence 07 PRINTED AT Anand Press, Gamdi, Anand-388001, Gujarat. Contemplation in Political Action 10 CONTACT FOR PUBLICATION The Editor, JIVAN, St. Xavier’s College Campus Ahmedabad-380009 Blessed Emilio Moscoso, SJ: First Martyr of Ecuador 13 Cell : +91 97234 49213, Ph. : 079 2960 2033. E-mail :
[email protected] JRS-South Asia: 40 years of Accompaniment 14 Website: www.jivanmagazine.com CONTACT FOR SUBSCRIPTION & A.T. Thomas: Liberator of the Oppressed and Exploited 18 CIRCULATION The Publisher, Gujarat Sahitya Prakash, P.B. No. 70, Anand-388001, Gujarat. Cell : +91 94084 20847, Thomas Gafney: A Prophet against Corruption and Drugs 20 Ph. : 02692 240161, E-mail :
[email protected] Mathew Mannaparambil: A Voice against Dishonesty and Disloyalty 22 SUBSCRIPTION RATES OF JIVAN (Visit jivanmagazine.com for online subscription) James Kottayil: Emancipator from Moneylenders and Bonded-Labour 24 Jesuits: `1000 / yearly Non-Jesuits: Herman Rasschaert: Peacemaker among Religious Communities 26 `750 / yearly Foreign: US $25 (Or `1500) The Heaven I Imagine 27 / yearly Online Edition: `700 / yearly BON APPETIT 28 NEWS 29 GSP AC details A/C Name: GUJARAT SAHITYA PRAKASH SOCIETY IN MEMORIAM 31 CRUCIAL CONVERSATIONS 32 Bank Name: ICICI Bank Address: Flavours, Nr Bhaikaka November is the month of feasts of the Departed.