The International Web Site for the History of Guiding and Scouting PAXTU A Bibliography of the Boy Scouts of America Part G: Membership Policies, Minority Groups and Legal Cases Compiled August 22, 2010 David L. Peavy The following is a bibliography of primary and secondary sources concerning the membership policies of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) regarding race, gender, religious belief, and sexual orientation. Additions to this listing will be made upon receipt of additional information. If you are aware of a source that is not listed, please send the following information to
[email protected]: author, title, journal name (volume number, issue number & page numbers), place of publication, and publisher. Membership Policies "The Exclusionary Boy Scouts." New York Times, December 12 1993, 161 (1 page). Boy Scouts of America. Scout Executive Reference Manual. Irving, TX: Boy Scouts of America, 1996. Brown, Jennifer Gerarda. "Facilitating Boycotts of Discriminatory Organizations through an Informed Association Statute." Minnesota Law Review 87 (2002): 481+. Harris, Teresa. "Protesting the BSA's Recruitment at a Public School." Humanist 66, no. 5 (2006): 47-48. Koppelman, Andrew. "Should Noncommercial Associations Have an Absolute Right to Discriminate?" Law & Contemporary Problems 67, no. 4 (2004): 27-57. Purkiss, Joel A. ""Chivalrous Asexual Manliness” vs. “Wholly Sexualized Lifestyle”: Gender, Sexuality, and the Boy Scouts’ Sexuality Discrimination." Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta Hilton Hotel, Atlanta, GA, August 16 2003. Membership Policies – African Americans "Vardaman Opposes Colored Boy Scouts." Cleveland Advocate, July 22 1916, 1. "We Need More of This." The Chicago Defender, 22 June 1929, A2.