Bontebok ram (Damaliscus dorcas dorcas) in the at the National Park. Photo: Adin Greaves.

FLORALL~'~~~'~ OFTHE B0 NTEB ~~.:;~'f!e::;9i'\:"m NATION by David J. McDonald, Conservation Biology, NBI

etween the Langeberg reserve fell under the National a little slower and look a little Mountains and the southern Parks Board (now South African closer! Soon the apparently BCape Coast is land that is National Parks). Within a few nondescript vegetation will reveal locally called the 'nIens' years it was realized that the its secrets in sparks of colour: (translated as 'backs'). The area bontebok population was not wildflowers in a fynbos matrix. gets its name from the rolling hills faring well. Mineral deficiencies The vegetation of the lowlands composed of shale of the resulting from grazing plants of the western and southern Cape Bokkeveld Group. In places these growing on the calcareous soils is highly threatened by conversion shales are capped with a hard led to weaknesses in these of land to agricultural uses. The cement-like material called animals. A decision was made to area where the present Bontebok silcrete that is more resistant to de-proclai.m the existing Bontebok National Park is situated is no weathering than the softer shale. National Park and relocate the exception - cattle, sheep, wheat In other places the geology is of bontebok popnlation to a more and other crops are farmed in the conglomerates that consist of suitable tract of land. The area district and little is stones and boulders that have selected was close to Swellendam, left of the original vegetation. solidified into a hard mass. This is bounded in the west by a wide Apart from the food value of the livestock and grain-farming sweep of the Breede River. The vegetation for the ailing bontebok, country and large tracts have been soils of the chosen area had a little attention was given to the converted to agriculture. The land higher nutrient status than those intrinsic value of the flora of the is arable and what is left of the of the former park and promised new park. It was purely fortuitous natural vegetation, to be more suitable for the that in the process of selecting a and fynbos, are fragments that are bontebok. As has so often new location for the Bontebok unsuitable for the plough. To see happened in the past, the focus National Park, not only were the the flora of this region one must was on the well-being of the bontebok favoured but the fynbos rely on the plants 'conserved' in bontebok. What flora happened to and renosterveld vegetation of the the corridors of the road reserve be in present in the chosen area proclaimed area gained protected where they are not ploughed or was purely incidental. status as well. grazed. Alternatively one has to The Bontebok National Park is 'So what?' the cynic may ask, obtain access to remaining something of a 'Cinderella' since it 'As long as the bontebok and other fragments of natural on does not have the attractive animals introduced to the privately owned property for charisma of sporting 'the big five' Bontebok National Park are happy, which permission is usually or spectacular scenery and it has a who cares about the flora?' The necessary. But are these the only past with some distinct 'downs' answer, 'No, the flora cannot just options for those intrigued by this and only a few 'ups'. But that is be ignored.' There is much in this flora? not all there is to this national vegetation that is important. By In 1960 a reserve was park! As one enters the reserve the taking time for a closer look one is proclaimed near Bredasdorp to immediate impression is of a rewarded with an array of protect the rare , the featureless plateau with low attractive yet subtle plants that all Bontebok (Damaliscus dorcas shrubby vegetation. Yes, from the contribute to the ambience of the dorcas), endemic to the western confines of a motor-vehicle this is park and make it worth Cape region, the numbers of so and to the uninitiated this conserving, beyond the obvious which were dwindling. This impression may prevail. But drive value of the large animal population.

70 Veld &- Flora June 2000 Floral flagship species Perhaps the most special of the floral delights of the Bontebok National Park is Acmadenia laxa, a 'buchu' and a member of the Rutaceae or citrus family. This species is a low shrub up to 30 cm tall with branches arising from a rootstock at the base. The small leaves are aromatic, typical of buchus, and the five-petalled pink flowers are about 15 mm in diameter. The low bushes flower en masse from June to October providing a display for pollinating insects and the discerning visitor to the Bontebok National Park alike. Why is this plant species so special? Acmadenia laxa occurs in a very small area (it is locally endemic) on the hills around Swellendam and Buffeljagsrivier. Plants are found at altitudes from 100-300 m on dry, stony gravel or shale. Many of the places where it formerly occurred have been Above. Brunsvigia orientalis with striking red flowers. Photo: Adin Greaves. transformed by agricultural Below. Acmadenia Jaxa (Rutaceael, a rare species of buchu found in the Bontebok practices, threatening the future of ational Park. Photo: David McDooald. the species. Were it not for the population of A. laxa in the Bontebok ational Park, the chances of survival of the species would be limited. Acmadenia laxa is not 'big and hairy' but 'small and subtle'. It should be seen as the 'floral flagship species' of the Bontebok National Park as much as the bontebok is its counterpart in the animal kingdom.

Other floral vignettes A further look at the flora and vegetation of the Bontebok National Park takes one from the massive to the minute. In winter the stands of Aloe ferox, particu­ larly those close to the Breede River, present a breathtaking display of red-flowered cande­ labras. The flowers of these majestic plants provide copious amounts of nectar that attracts many species of birds and insects. The most striking of these are the malachite, lesser doublecollared and orangebreasted sunbirds. On the gravelly, undulating plain, fynbos of low stature is found, often dominated by sturdy bushes of Leucadendron salignum, a species of cone-bush that sprouts from rootstocks after fire. With this species are numerous species of Erica (or heather) and the less conspicuous low, grass-like restios, all contributing to make the fynbos as intriguing and as diverse as it is.

Veld Fr Flora June 2000 In spring, bulbous plants show Above. their heads and flower - with The majestic Aloe Watsonia species particularly ferox provides a blaze of red in the striking in areas where fire has Bontebok ational removed the vegetation cover and Park during the exposed the earth. These species winter. .... include Watsonia fourcadei, Pholo: David McDonald., W meriana and W aletroides. Right. The yellow or orange chinker­ The summer­ inchee, Ornithogalum dubium can flowering also be spotted in rocky places Crossyne guttata with shallow soil. has a large rounded, Sputnik- I As the days get longer and like inflorescence, hotter the spring flowers begin to which dries out fade giving way to those of and is blown by summer-flowering species such as the wind, distrib­ uting seed from its Crossyne guttata (Amaryllidaceael capsules as it which has a large rounded, tumbles along. Sputnik-like inflorescence. This Pholo: Adin Greaves. structure is effective as a 'tumble­ weed'; it dries out and is blown by observant, Gethyllis villosa and summer but then as temperatures the wind, distributing seed from G. afro (some of the kukuma­ cool and the days get shorter, the capsules. Two other amaryllids krankasJ, may be encountered. winter-flowering species come with similar flowerheads worth All these plants produce their into their own again. looking out for are Brunsvigia flowers long after the leaves have It is not always what first meets orientalis and Cybistetes died back at the end of spring. the eye that is important and this longiflora. Brunsvigia orientalis This condition is known as holds true for the Bontebok has dark red flowers with red hysteranthy and is common in ational Park. More is conserved flower stalks whereas C. longiflora geophytes or bulbous plants that here than just the large ungulates; has bright pink flowers. It should photosynthesize and build up the the vegetation with its special not be mistaken for its near carbohydrate reserves in their flora has an important place and relative, Amaryllis belladonna, the bulbs during winter. The leaves needs to be conserved and appre­ March lily, that it resembles very then wither and disappear at the ciated for what it is. The Bontebok closely. The snake-lily, Hoemonthus beginning of summer before the National Park is well worth a visit songuineus also in the Amarylli­ plants once again produce to do some flower-spotting. daceae, with its blood-red flower­ inflorescences. Put it on your 'must visit' list stalk and shaving-brush-like head The autumn is perhaps the for next winter.WJ can occasionally be seen. If one is dullest time after the long hot

72 Veld &' Flora June 2000