NGC 1386 NGC 1365 Extras

Gas kinematics in the inner kiloparsec of NGC 1386 and NGC 1365: bipolar outflows, rotation equatorial outflow!?

Davide Lena

A. Robinson, T. Storchi-Bergmann, T. Seelig, A. Schnorr-Muller, R. A. Riffel, G. Couto, L. Shadler, N. Nagar

Rochester Institute of Technology

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 NGC 1365 Extras Two in the cluster

Figure 1: DSS image from the MAST archive.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386

NGC 1386

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 NGC 1386

Figure 2: HST, HST zoom-in, GEMINI (our observation).

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 Representative spectra - NGC 1386

Figure 3: Continuum image of NGC 1386 and representative spectra.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 Insights from the [FeVII] line

Figure 4: Continuum image of NGC 1386 and representative spectra.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386


Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 From single Gaussian spectral fitting

Figure 5: Velocity [km/s], [km/s] and flux [10−16 erg/s/cm2/spaxel].

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 Velocity from multi Gaussian spectral fitting

Figure 6: Blueshifted broad component, narrow component, and the redshifted broad component. Units: km/s.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 Flux from multi Gaussian fitting

Figure 7: Blueshifted broad component, narrow component, and the redshifted broad component. Units: 10−16 erg/s/cm2/spaxel.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386

Understanding NGC 1386

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 The inner 1 arcsec - a bipolar outflow

Figure 8: [NII] flux from our observation and [OIII] from HST imaging (Ferruit et al. 2000).

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 Isolating distortions in the gas velocity field

Figure 9: Velocity, model, residual, relevant features.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 Isolating distortions in the velocity field

Figure 10: Velocity, model, residual, relevant features.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 Our model for the nucleus of NGC 1386

Figure 11: [OIII] flux from Ferruit et al. 2000 and our model.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 Our model for the nucleus of NGC 1386

Figure 12: [OIII] flux from Ferruit et al. 2000 and our model.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 Our model for the nucleus of NGC 1386

Figure 13: [OIII] flux from Ferruit et al. 2000 and our model.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 The most interesting result

Figure 14: Kinematical features coincident with the equatorial emission.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386 The most interesting result

Figure 15: Kinematical features coincident with the equatorial emission.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Results Extras Understanding NGC 1386

for more details

Lena et al. 2015, ApJ 806 84 - in press arXiv: 1504.05089

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Preliminary results Extras

NGC 1365

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Preliminary results Extras NGC 1365: the region observed

Figure 16: HST WFPC2 and NIC2, PI: Carollo.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Preliminary results Extras Representative spectra - NGC 1365

Figure 17: Continuum image of NGC 1365 and representative spectra.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 Overview NGC 1365 Preliminary results Extras NGC 1365 - the narrow component

Figure 18: Left: velocity with model and residual. Right: velocity, density and [OIII] emission from Storchi-Bergmann & Bonatto, 1991.

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 NGC 1365 Extras


Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 NGC 1365 Extras Mass outflow rate

−1 M˙ out ∼ 0.1 M yr

mpLHα M˙ out ∼ Tdynne jHα

40 −1 LHα ≈ 2 × 10 erg s −3 ne ≈ 1400 cm 5 Tdyn ≈ 4 × 10 yr −25 3 −1 jHα ≈ 3 × 10 cm erg s

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts NGC 1386 NGC 1365 Extras Energy budget

E˙ out /Lbol ≈ 0.7%

2 2 E˙ out = 1/2M˙ out (v + 3σ ) = outflow kinetic power

Lbol = SBH accretion rate (proxy)

Davide Lena - June 16 2015 - Future and science of GEMINI Gas kinematics in nearby Seyferts