Organized Hate – Part 4


Hate Group Ideologies - Power

„ Many groups are concerned with losing their traditional power over others

„ KKK „ Other groups are concerned with gaining some of that power, usually at the expense of other groups „ Skinheads „ Rarely discussed overtly, but usually implied „ “White power”

Hate Group Ideologies – Power (cont.)

„ Inherent superiority of the white race

„ White supremacists believe that the power is rightfully theirs by virtue of that superiority „ Believe that: „ Jewish bankers and media moguls conspire and corrupt gov’t. to take it „ Blacks take it by force through criminal behavior „ Non-whites take it by immigrating to the US and then reproducing when they get here, eventually taking power by sheer numbers „ Race-traitors contaminate the Aryan gene pool by interbreeding with non-whites „ Affirmative action

1 Hate Group Ideologies – Racial Separatism

„ Some groups advocate for an Aryan homeland

„ Only white of pure Aryan background will be allowed „ Some non-white hate groups also espouse racial separatism

„ Nation of Islam „ Other groups would permit a limited number of non-whites to live in their country as long as those non-whites conformed to white culture, stayed in their place, and did not intermarry with whites

Hate Group Ideologies – Religion

„ Frequently plays an important role in some hate groups, but not all „ Can be: „ Fundamentalist Christianity „ Radical Judaism „ Radical Islam „ Paganism „

Hate Group Ideologies – Religion: Christian Identity

„ Origins: Great Britain, Mid-19th Century „ Current estimated size: 25,000-50,000 „ Ideology:Anti: Anti-Semitic, racist, anti- government, conspiratorial „ Subscribers: KKK, neo-Nazi groups, anti- government militia groups, sovereign citizen movements

2 Christian Identity - Origins

„ Created in England in the mid-1800s by a small group of religious thinkers „ First articulated by John Wilson and Edward Hines „ Known as British -Israelism or Anglo-Israelism „ Held that: „ The people that call themselves Jews and not the true Jews „ Actually Khazars, people of Mongolian-Turkish origin „ Modern Europeans were actually God’s Chosen People „ Modern Europeans were biologically descended from the ancient Israelites of the Old Testament--specifically from the “Lost Tribes”

Christian Identity - Origins (cont.)

„ The Lost Tribes made their way to Europe, and from them descended the modern European nationalities „ AlAnglo-Saxon „ Germanic „ Nordic „ Basque „ Lombard „ Celtic „ Slavic

Christian Identity - Early History

„ British-Israelism peaked in the 1920 with about 5,000 adherents „ No real political agendas, and probably not any more anti-Semiti c or rac is t than the res t of society at the time „ British-Israelism doctrines migrated to the US by the late 19th Century „ Established adherents in NE, West Coast, and the Midwest, but remained small and obscure

3 Christian Identity - Early History (cont.)

„ Once in America, BA began to evolve

„ Anti-Semitism began to permeate the movement at a time when anti-Semitism was increasing in the US „ On of the most influential BA advocates was William J. Cameron „ Editor of the Dearborn Independent, a weekly paper published by Henry Ford „ Published the infamous anti-Semitic hoax “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion”

Christian Identity - Early History (cont.)

„ Anti-Semitic strain of British-Israelism became particularly strong on the West Coast of Canada and the US „ Changed i nt o was i s now b ei ng call e d “Chr is tian Identity” „ Key figure in the transformation was Wesley Swift, (1913-1970) a former Methodist minister „ Active in extreme right-wing groups, including the KKK „ Started his own church—The Church of Jesus Christ Christian—in the mid 40s

Christian Identity - Theology

„ In the 1960’s, under Swift, Christian Identity developed an extreme anti-Semitic theory known as the “two-seed” (or seedliner) theory „ UdUnder thtthe two-seedthd theory, the se duc tion o fEf Eve in the Garden of Eden was sexual „ The product of that liaison was Cain, who became the father of the Jewish people „ Therefore, all Jews are the children of the Devil-literally „ The other seedline was Adam and Eve’s son, Abel, father of the lost tribes—the forefathers of the modern White Europeans

4 Christian Identity - Theology (cont.)

„ Many CI adherents also believe in pre- Adamic races „ Adam and Eve were not the first people God made, but were the first in God’s image „ Other previous creations were the forerunners of all the non-White people—the “mud” people—and do not possess souls „ Cite evidence that “Adam” means “to show blood” or blush, which they claim is only possible for White people

Christian Identity - Theology (cont.)

„ Another significant aspect of CI is millennialism—the belief that the world is in its final days „ Beli eve Jesus Chr is t w ill ret urn t o th e E arth following a period of “tribulation” „ CI is post-millennial—Jesus will not return until after the Tribulation „ CI adherents believe that they will take part in the Tribulation, which they believe will be a racial war

Christian Identity - Theology (cont.)

„ They hold themselves to “God’s” laws, not “man’s” laws „ Do not feel bound to a gg(overnment (which is run by Jews, the New World Order, or other sinister entity) „ Anti-secularism has led to reclusiveness „ Elohim City

5 Christian Identity - A Movement Develops

„ By the 1960’s, Swift had developed a set of CI leaders in California „ James K. Warner

„ Moved to LA; active in the segregationist struggle against civil rights „ William Potter Gale

„ Founded Posse Comitatus in the 70’s „ Richard Butler

„ Moved Swift’s church to Idaho and changed it to

Christian Identity - The Attraction

„ CI is attractive because it provides a seal of approval on their ideas „ Has been widely embraced by a large number of white supremac is t groups „ Teaches that the white supremacist movement is not just an effort for cultural and racial domination, but a battle between good and evil

„ The movement’s followers are literally doing God’s work

Christian Identity - Aryan Nations

„ Founder and Leader: Richard Butler (1918-2004) „ Founded: Mid 70s „ Headquarters: Hayden, ID „ Ideology: Christian Identity, , neo-Nazi, paramilitary connections

6 Christian Identity - Aryan Nations

„ One of the best known enclaves of anti- Semitism and white nationalism „ Richard Butler „ WW II vet; engineer for Lockheed „ Introduce to CI by William Potter Gale „ Worked under Swift for 10 yrs „ Formed Aryan Nations upon Swift’s death „ Built a compound in ID „ Issued a “call to arms”

Christian Identity - Aryan Nations

„ Butler espoused the two-seedline CI philosophy „ Went further by saying that not only were non- whites inferior , but that they must be destroyed „ Butler blended anti-Semitism with opposition to the American government „ Issued an Aryan “Declaration of Independence” „ Concluded with the so-called “14 Words” – “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Christian Identity - Aryan Nations

„ Aryan Nations also hosted youth activities

„ “Aryan Nations Academy” „ Youth conferences „ 1979: AN started a prison outreach program

„ Corresponded with prisoners and distributed AN materials „ 1981: Butler named Louis Beam as his “ambassador at large”

„ Beam expanded prison program and established the Aryan Nations Liberty Net, an early computer network

7 Christian Identity - Aryan Nations

„ To aid recruitment efforts, build support, and strengthen alliances, Butler hosted white supremacist summer “festivals” at the 20-acre AN compound „ Known as the World Congress of Aryan Nations „ Attracted as many as 200 participants „ July 1982 gathering had at least 13 KKK, neo-Nazi, and other racist groups „ Involved paramilitary training in urban terrorism and urban warfare

Aryan Nations – Funding

„ Butler financed his operations through: „ Membership fees „ Tithing „ Merchandise sales (flags, sermon tapes) „ In 1998, two wealthy computer entrepreneurs, Carl E. Story and R. Vincent Bertollini, donated a substantial sum of money to Aryan Nations „ Have since underwritten several expensive propaganda efforts for AN

Aryan Nations – Decline Begins

„ 10 Aug 1998: Buford Furrow, 37 year old former AN guard, shot and wounded three young boys, a teenager, and a receptionist at the Nor th Va lley Jew is h Community Center in LA „ Fled the scene and later shot and killed Filipino-American postal worker, Joseph Ileto „ Evaded authorities for nearly 24 hrs, but finally surrenders to FBI in Las Vegas

8 Aryan Nations – Decline Begins (cont.)

„ Stated that his killing spree was intended as a “wake-up call to America to kill Jews” and that he had killed Ileto because he was non-white and worked for the federal government „ History of mental illness and run-ins with the law „ 2001: Pleads guilty to avoid death penalty; sentenced to two consecutive life terms plus 110 yrs „ Resulted in a large amount of negative publicity for AN

Aryan Nations – Decline Begins (cont.)

„ 1998: AN guards, assaulted, chased, and shot at Victoria and Jason Keenan, who had briefly stopped their vehicle on the road in front of the AN compound „ Bullets strike car, which careened into a ditch „ Keenans held at gunpoint „ SPLC files a lawsuit against AN, arguing that they were negligent in their selection, training, and supervision of the AN guards

Aryan Nations – Decline Begins (cont.)

„ 2001: Jury ruled against AN „ Awarded Keenans $6.3 million and legal rights to the name “Aryan Nations” „ BlButler dec lare dbkd bankruptcy an dfd force d to hand over AN compound to the Keenans „ Butler renamed group “Aryan National Alliance” „ Bertollini and Story purchased a new home for Butler

9 Aryan Nations – Leadership Struggles

„ 1990s: Several key members left to start new groups following Keenan lawsuit

„ Formed Church of True Israel in Noxon, MO „ Some AN followers defected to new church „ 1995: Butler’s health declined

„ Prompted the search for a new leader „ A faction of AN state leaders attempted to wrest control from Butler, but fail „ 1997: Butler named longtime member and CJCC chaplain Neuman Britton as his successor

Aryan Nations – Leadership Struggles (cont.)

„ 2001: Britton died, failing to outlive the older Butler „ 2001: Butler named “Pastor” Ray Redfeairn as his successor „ Former Klansman „ Shot a police officer in 1979; pleaded guilty by reason of insanity; served four years in a mental hospital „ Pleaded guilty to attempted aggravated murder after being released; spent six years in prison „ Diagnosed as paranoid schizophrenic „ 2003: Redfeairn died „ 2004: Butler died

Aryan Nations – Present Situation

„ 2004: August B. Kreis III, former AN “Director Kreis of Information”, took over as National Director of Aryan Nations ( „ Currentlyyg runs organization out of Lexin gton, SC „ Motto “Violence solves everything.” „ Several factions claim to be the legitimate successor to Butler’s organization „ Church of Jesus Christ Christian, run by Jerald O’Brien, Coeur d’Alene, ID ( „ Church of Jesus Christ Christian, run by Jonathan Williams in Lincoln, AL

10 Christian Identity Present

„ Currently strongest in the Pacific Northwest & the Midwest, but CI groups/churches can be found in almost every region in the US „ Can be found outside US, but much weaker „ Great Britain „ Australia „ Canada „ Ireland „ South Africa

Non-Christian Religions

„ CI is not accepted by all „ Some reject Christianity „ Some are attracted to Celtic or Norse pagan beliefs „ Fit in with their reverence for Aryan peoples „ Also contain strong warrior ethos

„ Reinforces white supremacists’ self-image as warriors for their race

Non-Christian Religions – Movement

„ Founded in 1973 as the Church of the Creator (COTC) by Ben Klassen „ White separatist religion „ Creator refers to white Europeans--not a deity „ Primary objective is “The Survival, Expansion, and Advancement of the White Race” „ Embraces much of the doctrine of Nazism, and opposes people of color and Jews „ Motto is RAHOWA (Racial Holy War)

11 Non-Christian Religions – Creativity Movement (cont.)

„ Klassen committed suicide in 1993 and the movement almost died out „ Revived in 1996 at the World Church of the Creator (WCOTC) by Matthew F. Hale „ Sued in 2002 over name use by another organization and was forced to change to “The Creativity Movement” (TCM) „ In 2003 Hale is arrested for soliciting the murder of the judge who ruled against him „ Currently serving a 40 yr sentence

Non-Christian Religions – Creativity Movement (cont.)

„ As of 2007 the Creators have divided into two ideological factions

„ The Creativity Movement (aka “The Skinheads of the Racial Holy War”) „ Follows the structure set up by Hale „ For one to be a Creator, one must be a member of that group „ Creativity Alliance ( „ Follows the loose organizational structure first proposed by Klassen „ Group has a policy of non-participation in the White Power social construct

Non-Christian Religions – Creativity Movement Violence

„ 1991 – COTC Rev. George Loeb shot and killed Harold Mansfield Jr., a black serviceman, during a parking lot dispute „ Mansfield’s family sues and Klassen tries to hide church assets with the help of NA leader William Pierce „ 1993 – 8 people are arrested for plotting to start a race war by blowing up a black church in LA and by assassinating Rodney King, and leaders of the NAACP and the National Urban League

„ Some had connections to WCOTC

12 Non-Christian Religions – Creativity Movement Violence (cont.)

„ 1999 - Benjamin and James Williams are convicted of firebombing 3 synagogues and an abortion clinic, and the murder of a gay couple in CA „ WCOTC material was found at their home „ 1999 - COTC member went on a multiday, multistate, drive- by shooting spree targeting minorities „ 2 killed, 9 wounded

Non-Christian Religions – Creativity Movement Violence (cont.)

„ 2002 – Two COTC followers, Leo Felton and Erica Chase, were found guilty in federal court of plotting to blow up Jewish and black landmarks around Boston in order to spark a racial holy war

„ 2002 – COTC member Patrick John O’Sullivan of Victoria, Australia stabs another man after arguing about his white supremacist views

Hate Group Ideologies – Common Antipathy for the Same Groups

„ Jews

„ Architects of the vast conspiracy against whites „ Control the government and the media „ Resppg,p,onsible for globalism, capitalism, and communism „ Other minorities are just pawns of the Jews „ 9/11 has fueled anti-Jewish beliefs „ Jewish/Israeli plot „ Jewish-led American policies in the Middle East „ Anti-Semitism sometimes unifies seemingly disparate groups

13 Hate Group Ideologies – Common Antipathy for the Same Groups

„ People of Color „ Most often against blacks „ Are genetically inferior and so are less intelligent, less civilized, less industrious, and less capable than whites „ Are economic drains on white Americans (affirmative action, welfare) „ Are dangerous because they commit a disproportionate share of crime, especially violent crime, much of which targets white victims

Hate Group Ideologies – Common Antipathy for the Same Groups

„ Immigrants „ Anti-immigrant sentiment is extremely common among hate groups „ Assume immigrants are non-white „ Wish to stop or severely limit any immigration „ Other groups focus on:

„ Illegal immigration „ English-only laws „ Ending bilingual education

Hate Group Ideologies – Common Antipathy for the Same Groups

„ Gays and Lesbians „ Frequently targeted by hate groups „ Religious-based hate groups claim that homosexuality is morally wrong „ Others claim it is unnatural „ Some groups want them executed or imprisoned „ Others just want to have no influence on public policy or to just “stay in the closet”