Appendix D Draft Rural Communities Strategy – Northern and South West Community Assembly Plans NORTHERN COMMUNITY ASSEMBLY COMMUNITY PLAN DELIVERY PLAN OCT 2009 – MARCH 2011 Welcome to the first Northern Community Assembly community plan. This is the delivery plan. This is very much a working document, and will change as issues are solved and new ones arrive. The following pages summarise in one document a large amount of data, member requests, community concerns, partner priorities and council plans. To enable officers, members and partners to be able to quickly access the Assembly plan we have combined issues where relevant into priorities using Sheffield City Council Corporate Plan headings. The plan illustrates the large amount of issues the Assembly is receiving, over 100 separate issues to date. If you require further information or data on a specific issue please contact the assembly team on 0114 2037153 or email
[email protected] Guide to the rows and column Headings Community Assembly Priority = Working name for the Key issue(s) being raised Who raised it = details of where issue came from, member, community, public, partners Activity = what we would like to do to solve this issue Focus for Activity = location including ward Success Measure = what solving this issue would look like, how we would know Citizens Target (CT) = a solution to the issue from the community or public that is measurable, achievable and realistic Budget implication = direct cost to Assembly managed budgets (General pot, Small pot, You Choose,