Menbij ůŽƐƵƌĞŽĨƉƵďůŝĐƐƉĂĐĞƐ 17 ϭϳϴ Al-Hasakeh Nabul Al Bab Haritan Tadaf Daret Azza Rasm Haram El-Imam Jebel Saman Eastern Kwaires Dayr Hafir ŽŵŵƵŶŝĐĂƟŽŶŽŶKs/ͲϭϵƌŝƐŬ 1 194 As-Safira ZarbahHadher Maskana Banan Kasab Hajeb Saraqab Al-Khafsa Qastal MaafRabee'a Abul ThohurTall Ed-daman Maadan Kansaba Ziyara Ein El-Bayda Ma'arrat An Nu'man Khanaser Sabka ŝƐŝŶĨĞĐƟŽŶĐĂŵƉĂŝŐŶ 65 130 Al-HaffaSalanfa Mansura Lattakia Kafr Nobol Sanjar Mzair'a Heish Tabni Hanadi Shat-ha Madiq Castle FakhuraAl- Tamanaah Khan Shaykun Hamra As-Suqaylabiyah IRAQ Jablah Kafr Zeita As-Saan Suran Qteilbiyyeh Tell Salhib Deir-ez-Zor Khasham Dalyeh Muhradah ŝƐƚƌŝďƵƟŽŶŽĨƐŽĂƉͬĚŝƐŝŶĨĞĐƚĂŶƚ 179 16 Anaza Jeb Ramleh Banyas Saboura Qadmous Oqeirbat Rawda Masyaf As-Salamiyeh Muhasan Sheikh Badr Soda Khawabi Ein Halaqim Harbanifse Eastern Bari Sibbeh Oj Ar-Rastan Tartous Dreikish Talbiseh Al Mayadin Arwad HawashQabu Taldu Safita Ein Elniser Jeb Ej-Jarrah ,ŽŵĞŝƐŽůĂƟŽŶĨŽƌƐLJŵƉƚŽŵĂƟĐĐĂƐĞƐ 129 66 Kherbet Elma'aza Nasra Shin Al Makhrim Ashara HameidiyyehSafsafa Homs SisniyyehTall KalakhHadideh Sokhneh Kherbet Tin Noor Jalaa Kareemeh Farqalas Al-Qusayr Raqama Abu Kamal ,ŽŵĞŝƐŽůĂƟŽŶͬůŽĐŬĚŽǁŶ 193 2 Hasyaa Sadad Lebanon Mahin Qaryatein Tadmor Deir Attiyeh

An Nabk /ŶĚŝǀŝĚƵĂůŚĞĂůƚŚƐĐƌĞĞŶŝŶŐĨŽƌŶĞǁůLJĂƌƌŝǀĞĚ/WƐ ϭϴϴ 7 Yabroud Esal El-Ward Jirud Ma'loula Sarghaya Rankus Raheiba DimasMadaya SidnayaAl Qutayfah Az-ZabdaniAt Tall Ein Elfijeh /ƐŽůĂƟŽŶŝŶŚĞĂůƚŚĐĞŶƚĞƌĨŽƌƐƵƐƉĞĐƚĞĚĐĂƐĞƐ ϭϰϴ 47 Qudsiya Duma Markaz DarayyaDamascus Nashabiyeh Qatana Maliha Legend Babella Haran Al'awameed Dhameer Sabe Byar Sahnaya Ghizlaniyyeh Bait Jan Kisweh Sub-districts Boundaries Khan ArnabaSa'sa' Masaada Ghabagheb # Measures YƵĂƌĂŶƟŶĞĨĂĐŝůŝƚLJĨŽƌĚŝĂŐŶŽƐĞĚĐĂƐĞƐǁŝƚŚKs/Ͳϭϵ ϭϴϯ 12 Masmiyyeh Quneitra Little Sura As-Sanamayn Al-Khashniyyeh 0 - 3 Jasim Shaqa Sheikh MiskineAriqa Al-Butayhah Nawa Izra' Shahba 4 - 6 Fiq Tassil Ash-Shajara Mazra'a ZĞŐƵůĂƌƚĞŵƉĞƌĂƚƵƌĞĐŚĞĐŬƐĨŽƌĂůůƉŽƉƵůĂƟŽŶ 195 Da'el Hrak Mashnaf Mzeireb As-Sweida 7 - 10 Mseifra Dar'a Jizeh Qarayya Milh 11 - 12 Busra Esh-Sham Salkhad Thibeen JORDAN ^ŝƚĞŝƐŽůĂƟŽŶ;ŶŽďŽĚLJĐĂŶůĞĂǀĞƚŚĞƐŝƚĞͬůŽĐĂƟŽŶͿ ϭϴϰ 11 Gharyeh dĞƐƟŶŐĨŽƌKs/Ͳϭϵ 141 54 ^ƚĂƚƵƐŽĨĂƐŝĐ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ(% of sub-districts) Open WĂƌƟĂůůLJŽƉĞŶ Closed /ŶĂĐĐĞƐƐŝďůĞ Eͬ ;non-existent prior to COVID-19Ϳ

Health Services ĂŬĞƌŝĞƐ DĂƌŬĞƚƐ WŽƚĂďůĞtĂƚĞƌ ůĞĐƚƌŝĐŝƚLJ 1% 5% 1% 1% 2% 2% ϳ% 17% 35% 2ϵй

ϴϭй 70% 63% ϵϴй ϴϴй 'ĂƌďĂŐĞŝƐƉŽƐĂů ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ &ŝŶĂŶĐŝĂů/ŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶ >ĞŐĂů^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ WƐLJĐŚŽƐŽĐŝĂů^ƵƉƉŽƌƚ ϯ% 5% 1% 12% ϳ% 1% 12% 46% 4Ϭ% 1ϲй

26% ϴϱй 99% ϴϴй 59%

WƌŝŵĂƌLJĐƚŽƌƐŝƐƐĞŵŝŶĂƟŶŐKs/ͲϭϵDŝƟŐĂƟŽŶ/ŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ(# of sub-districts)

ƵƚŚŽƌŝƟĞƐ Medical personnel NGOs Other

171 121 ϴϮ 27 DĂŝŶŽƵƌƐĞŽĨĐƟŽŶŝĨ,,DĞŵďĞƌ&ĞĞůƐ/ůů(% of sub-districts)

^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Go to the hospital Call the doctor

45% 44% 11%

Disclaimer͗dŚĞďŽƵŶĚĂƌŝĞƐ͕ĂƌĞĂƐ͕ĂŶĚŶĂŵĞƐƐŚŽǁŶĂŶĚƚŚĞĚĞƐŝŐŶĂƟŽŶƐƵƐĞĚŽŶƚŚŝƐŵĂƉĚŽŶŽƚŝŵƉůLJŽĸĐŝĂůĞŶĚŽƌƐĞŵĞŶƚŽƌĂĐĐĞƉƚĂŶĐĞ͘1/1 Humanitarian Needs 4/20/2020 measures GOS 20 April, 2020 Assessment Programme COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Government of Controlled Areas Sub-districts ImplemenƟng COVID-19 MiƟgaƟon Measures Sub-district AddiƟonal Closure Communi DisinfecƟon Distribu Home Home Individual IsolaƟon IsolaƟon QuaranƟne Regular TesƟng hand of caƟon on campaign Ɵon of isolaƟon isolaƟon/ health in health of the facility for temperatu for washing public COVID-19 soap/dis for lockdown screening center for site diagnosed re checks Ks/-19 faciliƟes spaces risk infectant sympto for newly suspected cases with for all with soap maƟc arrived cases COVID-19 populaƟon cases IDPs

Al Bab Al-Hasakeh Al-Khafsa Ariqa Ash-Shajara As-SaĮra As-Sanamayn As-Sweida Banan Busra Esh- Sham Da'el Dar'a Daret Azza Dayr HaĮr Eastern Kwaires Ghabagheb Gharyeh Hadher Hajeb Haritan Hrak Izra' Jasim Jebel Saman Jizeh Khanaser Kherbet Ghazala LiƩle Sura Mashnaf Maskana Masmiyyeh Mazra'a Menbij Milh Mseifra Mzeireb Nabul Nawa Qarayya Rasm Haram El-Imam Salkhad Shahba Shaqa Sheikh Miskine Tadaf Tall Ed-daman Tassil 1/1 Thibeen Humanitarian Needs 4/20/2020 2measures GOS 20 April, 2020 Assessment Programme COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Government of Syria Controlled Areas

Sub-districts ImplemenƟng COVID-19 MiƟgaƟon Measures Sub-district AddiƟonal Closure Communi DisinfecƟon Distribu Home Home Individual IsolaƟon IsolaƟon QuaranƟne Regular TesƟng hand of caƟon on campaign Ɵon of isolaƟon isolaƟon/ health in health of the facility for temperatu for washing public COVID-19 soap/dis for lockdown screening center for site diagnosed re checks Ks/-19 faciliƟes spaces risk infectant sympto for newly suspected cases with for all with soap maƟc arrived cases COVID-19 populaƟon cases IDPs

Al Makhrim Al-Qusayr Ar-Rastan As-Saan As-Salamiyeh As- Suqaylabiyah Damascus Eastern Bari Ein Elniser Ein Halaqim Farqalas Hadideh Hama Hamra Harbanifse Hasyaa Hawash Homs Jeb Ej-Jarrah Jeb Ramleh Karnaz Kherbet Tin Noor Maadan Madiq Castle Mahin Mansura Masyaf Muhradah Nasra Oj Oqeirbat Qabu Qaryatein Raqama Sabka Saboura Sadad Shat-ha Shin Sokhneh Suran Tadmor Talbiseh Taldu Tall Kalakh Tell Salhib Wadi El-oyoun Ziyara 1/1 Humanitarian Needs 4/20/2020 3measures GOS 20 April, 2020 Assessment Programme COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Government of Syria Controlled Areas Sub-districts ImplemenƟng COVID-19 MiƟgaƟon Measures Sub-district AddiƟonal Closure Communi DisinfecƟon Distribu Home Home Individual IsolaƟon IsolaƟon QuaranƟne Regular TesƟng hand of caƟon on campaign Ɵon of isolaƟon isolaƟon/ health in health of the facility for temperatu for washing public COVID-19 soap/dis for lockdown screening center for site diagnosed re checks Ks/-19 faciliƟes spaces risk infectant sympto for newly suspected cases with for all with soap maƟc arrived cases COVID-19 populaƟon cases IDPs

Al-Haīa Al-Qardaha Anaza Arwad Bahlolieh Banyas Baramanet Elmashayekh Bariqiyeh Beit Yashout Dalyeh Dreikish Dweir Raslan Ein El-Bayda Ein Et-teeneh Ein Shaqaq Fakhura Hamam Wasil Hameidiyyeh Hamin Hanadi Harf Elmseitra Jablah Jneinet Raslan Jobet Berghal Kansaba Kareemeh Kasab Kherbet Elma'aza LaƩakia Mashta Elhiu Mzair'a Qadmous Qastal Maaf Qteilbiyyeh Qumseyyeh Ras El- Khashufeh Rawda SaĮta Safsafa Salanfa Sheikh Badr Sibbeh Sisniyyeh Soda Khawabi Taleen Tartous Tawahin 1/1 Humanitarian Needs 4/20/2020 4measures GOS 20 April, 2020 Assessment Programme COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Government of Syria Controlled Areas Sub-districts ImplemenƟng COVID-19 MiƟgaƟon Measures Sub-district AddiƟonal Closure Communi DisinfecƟon Distribu Home Home Individual IsolaƟon IsolaƟon QuaranƟne Regular TesƟng hand of caƟon on campaign Ɵon of isolaƟon isolaƟon/ health in health of the facility for temperatu for washing public COVID-19 soap/dis for lockdown screening center for site diagnosed re checks Ks/-19 faciliƟes spaces risk infectant sympto for newly suspected cases with for all with soap maƟc arrived cases COVID-19 populaƟon cases IDPs

Abul Thohur Al Qutayfah Al- Khashniyyeh An Nabk Arbin At Tall Az-Zabdani Babella Bait Jan Deir Aƫyeh Dhameer Dimas Duma Ein ElĮjeh Ein Elsharqiyeh Esal El-Ward Fiq Ghizlaniyyeh Hajar Aswad Haran Al'awameed Harasta Jaramana Jirud Kafr Batna Khan Arnaba Kisweh Madaya Maliha Ma'loula Markaz Darayya Nashabiyeh Qatana Qudsiya Quneitra Raheiba Rankus Sabe Byar Sahnaya Sanjar Sarghaya Sa'sa' Sidnaya Tamanaah Yabroud

1/1 Humanitarian Needs 4/20/2020 1ServicesGoS 20 April, 2020 Assessment Programme COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Government of Syria Controlled Areas Status of Basic Services by Sub-District Open WĂƌƟĂůůLJŽƉĞŶ Closed Inaccessible N/A (non-existent prior to COVID-19)

Governorate Sub-district Health Bakeries Markets Water Electricity Garbage ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ Financial Legal Psychosocial disposal ŝŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐ services support

Aleppo Al Bab Aleppo Al-Khafsa Aleppo ƐͲ^ĂĮƌĂ Aleppo Banan Aleppo Daret Azza Aleppo ĂLJƌ,ĂĮƌ Aleppo Eastern Kwaires Aleppo Hadher Aleppo Hajeb Aleppo Haritan Aleppo Jebel Saman Aleppo Khanaser Aleppo Maskana Aleppo Menbij Aleppo Nabul Aleppo Rasm Haram El-Imam Aleppo Tadaf Aleppo Tall Ed-daman Al-Hasakeh Al-Hasakeh Ar-Raqqa Maadan Ar-Raqqa Mansura Ar-Raqqa Sabka As-Sweida Ariqa As-Sweida As-Sweida As-Sweida Gharyeh As-Sweida >ŝƩůĞ^ƵƌĂ As-Sweida Mashnaf As-Sweida Mazra'a As-Sweida Milh As-Sweida Qarayya As-Sweida Salkhad As-Sweida Shahba As-Sweida Shaqa As-Sweida Thibeen Damascus Damascus Dar'a Ash-Shajara Dar'a As-Sanamayn Dar'a Busra Esh-Sham Dar'a Da'el Dar'a Dar'a Dar'a Ghabagheb Dar'a Hrak Dar'a Izra' Dar'a Jasim Dar'a Jizeh Dar'a Kherbet Ghazala Dar'a Masmiyyeh Dar'a Mseifra Dar'a Mzeireb Dar'a Nawa Dar'a Sheikh Miskine Dar'a Tassil Humanitarian Needs 4/20/2020 2ServicesGoS 20 April, 2020 Assessment Programme COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Government of Syria Controlled Areas Status of Basic Services by Sub-District Open WĂƌƟĂůůLJŽƉĞŶ Closed Inaccessible N/A (non-existent prior to COVID-19)

Governorate Sub-district Health Bakeries Markets Water Electricity Garbage ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ Financial Legal Psychosocial disposal ŝŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐ services support

Deir-ez-Zor Abu Kamal Deir-ez-Zor Al Mayadin Deir-ez-Zor Ashara Deir-ez-Zor Deir-ez-Zor Deir-ez-Zor Jalaa Deir-ez-Zor Khasham Deir-ez-Zor Muhasan Deir-ez-Zor Tabni Hama As-Saan Hama As-Salamiyeh Hama As-Suqaylabiyah Hama Eastern Bari Hama Ein Halaqim Hama Hama Hama Hamra Hama Harbanifse Hama Jeb Ramleh Hama Karnaz Hama Madiq Castle Hama Masyaf Hama Muhradah Hama Oj Hama Oqeirbat Hama Saboura Hama Shat-ha Hama Suran Hama Tell Salhib Hama Wadi El-oyoun Hama Ziyara Homs Al Makhrim Homs Al-Qusayr Homs Ar-Rastan Homs Ein Elniser Homs Farqalas Homs Hadideh Homs Hasyaa Homs Hawash Homs Homs Homs Jeb Ej-Jarrah Homs Kherbet Tin Noor Homs Mahin Homs Nasra Homs Qabu Homs Qaryatein Homs Raqama Homs Sadad Homs Shin Homs Sokhneh Homs Tadmor Homs Talbiseh Homs Taldu Homs Tall Kalakh Idleb Abul Thohur Idleb Sanjar Idleb Tamanaah 1/1 Humanitarian Needs 4/20/2020 3ServicesGoS 20 April, 2020 Assessment Programme COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Government of Syria Controlled Areas Status of Basic Services by Sub-District Open WĂƌƟĂůůLJŽƉĞŶ Closed Inaccessible N/A (non-existent prior to COVID-19)

Governorate Sub-district Health Bakeries Markets Water Electricity Garbage ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ Financial Legal Psychosocial disposal ŝŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐ services support

>ĂƩĂŬŝĂ ůͲ,ĂīĂ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Al-Qardaha >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Bahlolieh >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Beit Yashout >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Dalyeh >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Ein El-Bayda >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Ein Elsharqiyeh >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Ein Et-teeneh >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Ein Shaqaq >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Fakhura >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Hanadi >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Harf Elmseitra >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Jablah >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Jobet Berghal >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Kansaba >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Kasab >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Mzair'a >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Qastal Maaf >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Qteilbiyyeh >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Salanfa Quneitra Al-Khashniyyeh Quneitra Fiq Quneitra Khan Arnaba Quneitra Quneitra Tartous Anaza Tartous Arwad Tartous Banyas Tartous Baramanet Elmashayekh Tartous Bariqiyeh Tartous Dreikish Tartous Dweir Raslan Tartous Hamam Wasil Tartous Hameidiyyeh Tartous Hamin Tartous Jneinet Raslan Tartous Kareemeh Tartous Kherbet Elma'aza Tartous Mashta Elhiu Tartous Qadmous Tartous Qumseyyeh Tartous Ras El-Khashufeh Tartous Rawda Tartous ^ĂĮƚĂ Tartous Safsafa Tartous Sheikh Badr Tartous Sibbeh Tartous Sisniyyeh Tartous Soda Khawabi Tartous Taleen Tartous Tartous Tartous Tawahin

1/1 Humanitarian Needs 4/20/2020 4ServicesGoS 20 April, 2020 Assessment Programme COVID-19 Rapid Assessment Government of Syria Controlled Areas Status of Basic Services by Sub-District Open WĂƌƟĂůůLJŽƉĞŶ Closed Inaccessible N/A (non-existent prior to COVID-19)

Governorate Sub-district Health Bakeries Markets Water Electricity Garbage ĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ Financial Legal Psychosocial disposal ŝŶƐƟƚƵƟŽŶƐ services support

Rural Damascus Al Qutayfah Rural Damascus An Nabk Rural Damascus Arbin Rural Damascus At Tall Rural Damascus Az-Zabdani Rural Damascus Babella Rural Damascus Bait Jan Rural Damascus ĞŝƌƫLJĞŚ Rural Damascus Dhameer Rural Damascus Dimas Rural Damascus Duma Rural Damascus ŝŶůĮũĞŚ Rural Damascus Esal El-Ward Rural Damascus Ghizlaniyyeh Rural Damascus ,ĂũĂƌƐǁĂĚ Rural Damascus ,ĂƌĂŶůΖĂǁĂŵĞĞĚ Rural Damascus Harasta Rural Damascus Jaramana Rural Damascus Jirud Rural Damascus Kafr Batna Rural Damascus <ŝƐǁĞŚ Rural Damascus Madaya Rural Damascus Maliha Rural Damascus Ma'loula Rural Damascus Markaz Darayya Rural Damascus Nashabiyeh Rural Damascus Qatana Rural Damascus Qudsiya Rural Damascus Raheiba Rural Damascus Rankus Rural Damascus Sabe Byar Rural Damascus Sahnaya Rural Damascus Sarghaya Rural Damascus Sa'sa' Rural Damascus Sidnaya Rural Damascus Yabroud

1/1 ,ƵŵĂŶŝƚĂƌŝĂŶEĞĞĚƐ 4/20/2020 1Informant GOS ϮϬƉƌŝů͕ϮϬϮϬ ƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚWƌŽŐƌĂŵŵĞ Ks/ͲϭϵZĂƉŝĚƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚ Government of Syria Controlled Areas


Governorate Sub-district ƵƚŚŽƌŝƟĞƐ Medical personnel NGOs KƚŚĞƌs DĂŝŶĐŽƵƌƐĞŽĨĂĐƟŽŶŝĨ,,ŵĞŵďĞƌĨĞĞůƐŝůů

Aleppo Al Bab Go to the hospital Aleppo Al-Khafsa ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Aleppo ƐͲ^ĂĮƌĂ Go to the hospital Aleppo Banan Go to the hospital Aleppo Daret Azza Go to the hospital Aleppo ĂLJƌ,ĂĮƌ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Aleppo Eastern Kwaires Go to the hospital Aleppo ,ĂĚŚĞƌ Go to the hospital Aleppo ,ĂũĞď Go to the hospital Aleppo ,ĂƌŝƚĂŶ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Aleppo :ĞďĞů^ĂŵĂŶ Go to the hospital Aleppo Khanaser Go to the hospital Aleppo DĂƐŬĂŶĂ Call the doctor Aleppo DĞŶďŝũ Go to the hospital Aleppo Nabul ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Aleppo ZĂƐŵ,ĂƌĂŵůͲ/ŵĂŵ Go to the hospital Aleppo Tadaf Go to the hospital Aleppo dĂůůĚͲĚĂŵĂŶ Go to the hospital ůͲ,ĂƐĂŬĞŚ ůͲ,ĂƐĂŬĞŚ Go to the hospital As-Sweida Ariqa ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ As-Sweida As-Sweida ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ As-Sweida Gharyeh Go to the hospital As-Sweida >ŝƩůĞ^ƵƌĂ Go to the hospital As-Sweida Mashnaf Go to the hospital As-Sweida Mazra'a ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ As-Sweida Milh Go to the hospital As-Sweida Qarayya Go to the hospital As-Sweida ^ĂůŬŚĂĚ Go to the hospital As-Sweida Shahba ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ As-Sweida Shaqa ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ As-Sweida Thibeen ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Go to the hospital Dar'a ƐŚͲ^ŚĂũĂƌĂ Call the doctor Dar'a ƐͲ^ĂŶĂŵĂLJŶ Go to the hospital Dar'a ƵƐƌĂƐŚͲ^ŚĂŵ Go to the hospital Dar'a Da'el Call the doctor Dar'a Dar'a Go to the hospital Dar'a Ghabagheb ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Dar'a ,ƌĂŬ Call the doctor Dar'a /njƌĂΖ Go to the hospital Dar'a :ĂƐŝŵ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Dar'a Jizeh Go to the hospital Dar'a Kherbet Ghazala Call the doctor Dar'a DĂƐŵŝLJLJĞŚ Go to the hospital Dar'a Mseifra Go to the hospital Dar'a Mzeireb Call the doctor Dar'a Nawa Call the doctor Dar'a ^ŚĞŝŬŚDŝƐŬŝŶĞ Call the doctor Dar'a Tassil Call the doctor ,ƵŵĂŶŝƚĂƌŝĂŶEĞĞĚƐ 4/20/2020 2Informant GOS ϮϬƉƌŝů͕ϮϬϮϬ ƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚWƌŽŐƌĂŵŵĞ Ks/ͲϭϵZĂƉŝĚƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚ Government of Syria Controlled Areas


Governorate Sub-district ƵƚŚŽƌŝƟĞƐ Medical personnel NGOs KƚŚĞƌs DĂŝŶĐŽƵƌƐĞŽĨĂĐƟŽŶŝĨ,,ŵĞŵďĞƌĨĞĞůƐŝůů Ar-Raqqa Maadan ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Ar-Raqqa Mansura Go to the hospital Ar-Raqqa Sabka ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Deir-ez-Zor ďƵ<ĂŵĂů Go to the hospital Deir-ez-Zor Al Mayadin Go to the hospital Deir-ez-Zor Ashara Go to the hospital Deir-ez-Zor Deir-ez-Zor Go to the hospital Deir-ez-Zor Jalaa Go to the hospital Deir-ez-Zor <ŚĂƐŚĂŵ Go to the hospital Deir-ez-Zor Muhasan Go to the hospital Deir-ez-Zor Tabni Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ As-Saan Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ ƐͲ^ĂůĂŵŝLJĞŚ Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ As-Suqaylabiyah Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Eastern Bari Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ ŝŶ,ĂůĂƋŝŵ Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ ,ĂŵĂ Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ ,ĂŵƌĂ Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ ,ĂƌďĂŶŝĨƐĞ Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ :ĞďZĂŵůĞŚ Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Karnaz Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Madiq Castle Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Masyaf Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Muhradah Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Oj Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Oqeirbat Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Saboura Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Shat-ha Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Suran Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Tell Salhib Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Wadi El-oyoun Go to the hospital ,ĂŵĂ Ziyara Go to the hospital ,ŽŵƐ ůDĂŬŚƌŝŵ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Al-Qusayr ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Ar-Rastan ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Ein Elniser ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Farqalas ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ ,ĂĚŝĚĞŚ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ ,ĂƐLJĂĂ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ ,ĂǁĂƐŚ Call the doctor ,ŽŵƐ ,ŽŵƐ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Jeb Ej-Jarrah Go to the hospital ,ŽŵƐ Kherbet Tin Noor ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Mahin ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Nasra Call the doctor ,ŽŵƐ Qabu ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Qaryatein ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ ZĂƋĂŵĂ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Sadad ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Shin ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Sokhneh Go to the hospital ,ŽŵƐ dĂĚŵŽƌ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Talbiseh ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ŽŵƐ Taldu Go to the hospital ,ŽŵƐ Tall Kalakh Call the doctor 1/1 ,ƵŵĂŶŝƚĂƌŝĂŶEĞĞĚƐ 3Informant GOS ϮϬƉƌŝů͕ϮϬϮϬ ƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚWƌŽŐƌĂŵŵĞ Ks/ͲϭϵZĂƉŝĚƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚ Government of Syria Controlled Areas


Governorate Sub-district ƵƚŚŽƌŝƟĞƐ Medical personnel NGOs KƚŚĞƌs DĂŝŶĐŽƵƌƐĞŽĨĂĐƟŽŶŝĨ,,ŵĞŵďĞƌĨĞĞůƐŝůů

Idleb Abul Thohur ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Idleb Sanjar ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Idleb dĂŵĂŶĂĂŚ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ ůͲ,ĂīĂ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Al-Qardaha Call the doctor >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Bahlolieh ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Beit Yashout ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Dalyeh ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Ein El-Bayda ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Ein Elsharqiyeh ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Ein Et-teeneh ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Ein Shaqaq Call the doctor >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ &ĂŬŚƵƌĂ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ ,ĂŶĂĚŝ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ ,ĂƌĨůŵƐĞŝƚƌĂ Call the doctor >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Jablah ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Jobet Berghal ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Kansaba ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Kasab ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Mzair'a ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Qastal Maaf ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Qteilbiyyeh ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ >ĂƩĂŬŝĂ Salanfa ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Quneitra Al-Khashniyyeh Go to the hospital Quneitra Fiq Call the doctor Quneitra Khan Arnaba Go to the hospital Quneitra Quneitra Go to the hospital Tartous Anaza ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Arwad ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Banyas ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous ĂƌĂŵĂŶĞƚůŵĂƐŚĂLJĞŬŚ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Bariqiyeh Call the doctor Tartous ƌĞŝŬŝƐŚ Go to the hospital Tartous Dweir Raslan Call the doctor Tartous ,ĂŵĂŵtĂƐŝů ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous ,ĂŵĞŝĚŝLJLJĞŚ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous ,ĂŵŝŶ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Jneinet Raslan ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous <ĂƌĞĞŵĞŚ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous <ŚĞƌďĞƚůŵĂΖĂnjĂ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Mashta Elhiu ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous YĂĚŵŽƵƐ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous YƵŵƐĞLJLJĞŚ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Ras El-Khashufeh ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Rawda ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous ^ĂĮƚĂ Go to the hospital Tartous Safsafa ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous ^ŚĞŝŬŚĂĚƌ Go to the hospital Tartous Sibbeh ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Sisniyyeh Call the doctor Tartous Soda Khawabi ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Taleen ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Tartous ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ Tartous Tawahin ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ,ƵŵĂŶŝƚĂƌŝĂŶEĞĞĚƐ 4Informant GOS ϮϬƉƌŝů͕ϮϬϮϬ ƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚWƌŽŐƌĂŵŵĞ Ks/ͲϭϵZĂƉŝĚƐƐĞƐƐŵĞŶƚ Government of Syria Controlled Areas


Governorate Sub-district ƵƚŚŽƌŝƟĞƐ Medical personnel NGOs KƚŚĞƌs DĂŝŶĐŽƵƌƐĞŽĨĂĐƟŽŶŝĨ,,ŵĞŵďĞƌĨĞĞůƐŝůů

ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Bait Jan Call the doctor ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Kisweh Call the doctor ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Qatana Call the doctor ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Arbin Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ At Tall Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Az-Zabdani Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ŚĂŵĞĞƌ Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ƵŵĂ Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ŝŶůĮũĞŚ Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Ghizlaniyyeh Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ,ĂƌĂŶůΖĂǁĂŵĞĞĚ Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ,ĂƌĂƐƚĂ Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ :ĂƌĂŵĂŶĂ Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Kafr Batna Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Maliha Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Nashabiyeh Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Qudsiya Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Rankus Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Sabe Byar Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Sarghaya Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Sidnaya Go to the hospital ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Al Qutayfah ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ An Nabk ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Babella ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ĞŝƌƫLJĞŚ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ŝŵĂƐ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Esal El-Ward ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ,ĂũĂƌƐǁĂĚ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Jirud ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Madaya ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ DĂΖůŽƵůĂ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Markaz Darayya ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Raheiba ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Sahnaya ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ ^ĂΖƐĂΖ ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ ZƵƌĂůĂŵĂƐĐƵƐ Yabroud ^ƚĂLJŚŽŵĞ
