Record Dedicated to Serving the Needs of the Music & Record 11 1 Industry Zoess Rih11( R! HS- 1 a V C T4 7 N D H V CI July 4, 1910 VI I H 15C
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'record Dedicated To Serving The Needs Of The Music & Record 11_1 Industry zoess riH11( r! HS- 1 A V C t4 7 N D H V CI July 4, 1910 VI i H 15c I - In the opinion of the editors, this week the following records are the WHO SINGLE PICKS OF THE WEEK DO YOU SEE MY LOVE IN THE (For You Growing) Soul (Jobete. BMI) 35073 WORLD JR. WALKER & THE ALL STARS The winningcombination "Summertime Blues" (Rum- NeilDiamond is a "Soli- Jr. Walker & theAllStars ofDionneWarwick, Burt balero /ElvisPresleyViva, tary Man" (Tallyrand, BMI). ask "Do You See My Love BacharachandHalDavid BMI) is goingto 5e a Acousticbacking is just (For You Growing)" (Jobete, come up with "Paper Ma- summertimehitfor the rightforhimtogetan- BMI). It's certain that we'll che"(BlueSeas/Jac, AS - Who. Live cut is the group otherridetothetopof see sales(for them grow- CAP). How can youlose? at their best (Decca 32708). the charts (Bang 578). ing) (Soul 35073). (Scepter 12285). (SLEEPER PICKS OF THE WEEK ON PAGE 3.) ALBUM PICKS OF THE WEEK Originol (cut 'Soul to Soundtrack-The "Re Sesame Street Book "SusanSingsSongs from "Cob McGrath fromSesa- & Record" stars the regu- Sesame Street"isself-ex- me Street"sings bright National General Records larsof the popular televi- planatory. Loretta Long, new songs written by Rob- sion show forkidsofall who playsSusan,has a ert Allen, Bob Hilliard and story Appears This Issue. ages. Delightfully packaged perky voice, awareness AlStillman. Winning pack- (Columbia CS 1089). and simpatico (Scepter SPS aging (Affinity A 1001S). Above, from left, Some of 584). Those Who Helped to 11111.1100.90,11,1TARS Write It: Barbara Mason, 3 Blues Singer; Fred Piro, A & R; Mike Gruber, Artists Relations; Freddy DeMann, Sales, Promo Director, and, Seated, Al "flood, Sweat & Tears 3" "The Association 'Live' " is Engelbert Humperdinck "Bessie Smith the World's isthe long-awaited album an electrifyingrepriseof sings"We MadeItHap- Greatest Blues Singer"is from the multi -Grammy some ofthe Association's pen,""Words," "Some- thefirstina comprehen- Kasha, VP, Music Divi- winners. The fellows fuse greatesthits,like"Cher- thing," "My Cherie Amour" siveColumbiatributeto rock and classical dynam- ish," "Never My Love" and plenty of other swoon- her. Her first and last 16 sions. Story on Page 42. ically (Columbia KC 30090). (WarnerBros. 2WS 1868). ers (London XPAS 71038). sides IGP 33). Scenes '70 Conclave Allen, McGrath Find: Set for July 16, 17, 18 Children's TVer Proves The Buffalo -based w e e k l yalong with his assistant Mickey'Open Sesame' on Records newsletter Behind the ScenesTurntable, claims that "Scenes has announced its first annual'70" will be "an innovation in a By DAVE FINKLE two -and -a -half -day conclave fornational gathering of music and NEW YORK - Within the Niagara Falls, Ontario, people." past year "Sesame Street" be- "Scenes '70" will initiate its Startingwith aninformalcame the most important influ- conference on Thursday, JulycocktailpartyonThursday, enceonchildren'stelevision 16, with a cocktail party for allJuly 16, the two -and -a -half -dayprogramming, and one of the registrants. George Lorenz, who affair will officially get under-most important influencesof owns Behind the Scenes and hasway on Friday, "Music Day."the century on children's edu- since inception in the late '50s, (Continued on page 34) cation in general. Now the show is influencing Scepter Launches 'Sesame St.' records. As of last week there are Bob Allen, Record World's Dave threenew"SesameStreet" Finkle and Bob McGrath. With Major Promo Push albums on the market-Colum- bia's original cast album, Scep- New YORK - Scepter Rec-winner JoeRaposo,ispre-ter's "Susan Sings Songs FromMcGrath from Sesame Street," ords ismarketingtheLP, sented in a full color uni-pakSesame Sreet," featuring Lo-featuring Bob McGrath. "SusanSingsSongs Fromjacket. It will carry a suggestedretta Long, and Affinity's "Bob (Continued on page 33) Sesame Street," from the na-retail list price of $4.98 tionally acclaimed educational Scepter's Stanley Greenberg TV series "Sesame Street." Re-worked closely with Raposo and Carlton Resigns as VP lease is scheduled for July 1. ISesameStreet"writerJef- The record, which featuresfrey Moss in cutting this album star Loretta Long, contains 12in Scepter studios. Supporting At Command / Probe well-knownsongsfromtheRaposo was the NBC orchestra NEW YORK-Climaxing sev- Carlton, who held a long-term current TV series. The record,and the Lois Winter child sing-eral weeks of top-level manage-employment contract as the head which was produced and ar-ers. mentchanges,JoeCarlton,of the Command/Probe division, ranged by 1970 Emmy Award (Continued on page 34) VicePresidentandGeneralsaid that an amicable negotia- ManagerofCommand/Probetion of his contract had been Records, a division of ABC Rec-concludedwith SamClark, ords,Inc.,has announced hisGroup Vice -President of ABC, resignation from the ABC or-and that he was leaving to pur- ganization, effective the end ofsue other opportunities. June. (Continued on page 34) Transcontinental Music Names 3 Rack, Distrib Execs NEW YORK- Arnold Green -ident,hasbeenplacedin hut President of Transcon-charge of rack operations for tinental Music Corp. and Ex-the Western Region. ecutive Vice President of the He also appointed Richard J. company's parent organization,Godlewski President of TDC, Transcontinental Investingwhich handles the distribution Corporation,announcesthatof franchised record and tape Charles Schlang has been ap-labels. These three men, along pointed Executive Vice Presi-withGreenhutandHerbert dent of Eastern Regional rackKaplow, group controller of the operations of TMC and thatleisure time and entertainment Fromleft: Murray Ro..,Loretta Long, FlorenceGreenberg, Sam Coif. William Hall, Senior Vice Pres- (Continued on page 34) NLEEPER PICKS OF TIIF 1111TFti BRING IT ON HOME Ten Wheel Drive with Gen- Bobby Goldsboro sings his Andy Kim gets a bit heavier "My Girl'(Jobete, BMI) by "Bring It on Home" (Kags, Bert Sommer claims "We're ya Ravan have a biggie on own composition, "It's Gon- with "It's Your Life" EddieFloydishisfrom - BM!)iswhat LouRawls AllPlayingintheSame theirhands! "Morning naChange" (Detail,BMI). (Unart/Joachim,BMI).His the -soul version of the brought back from Muscle Band" (Lublin/Magdelena, Much Better" (Schefrin- Thisishisstrongest out- fans willloveitand he'll Temptations' oldie. Sounds Shoals, The Sam Cooke BMI).Mostpopularside Zager/Noma, BMI) sounds ing in recent times thanks pick up some new admirers completelyfresh andwill standard lives on with Rick fromhis"Inside"album great (Polydor 14037). tohis magic touch (Unit- on the way (Steed 727). score (Stax 0072). Hall and Dave Axelrod pro- will take off (Eleuthera ed Artists 50696). ducing (Capitol 2856). 470). RECORD WORLD-July 4, 1970 3 Capitol East GoingUp London Sales 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101111 record HOLLYWOOD - Capitol In- Meet in Fall dustries,Inc.,willcentralize worldi0 its various Manhattan facilities and functions with a move into London Records is planning 200 W. 57th St., New York, N. Y. 10019 new offices at 1370 Avenue of a major convention of allits Area Code (212) 765-5020 the Americas when that build- distributors and regional and Publisher ing is completed in late 1970. district sales and promotional BOB AUSTIN The New York structure will personnel next September. The be named the Capitol Indus- full-scale,three-dayconclave Editor -in -Chief will take the place of the com- SID PARNES triesBuilding to complement pany's usual July regional dis- the firm's Capitol Tower cor- Vice President, Advertising porate headquarters in Holly- tributor meetings, according to wood. The announcement was National Sales and Distribution JOE FLEISCHMAN Manager Herb Goldfarb, who is Doug McClelland made by Stanley M. Gortikov, blueprinting the sessions. Editor Capitol Industries President. Dave Finkle Associate Editor Goldfarb asserted that the John Kornblum "This action," said Gortikov, affair will be the first full-scale Chart Editor "emphasizes the continuing ex- Frank Mitchell Assistant Chart Editor distributor convention the com- Bob Moore Merlis pansion of our New York ac- pany has held in New York. Assistant Editor tivities. We chose this location Del Shields Jazz Editor "These meetings are being giv- Kal Rudman after a careful search lasting en class A priority all the way," Contributing Editor almost two years. In our new Susan Cooper Circulation Goldfarb asserted, adding that Larry Newman facilities we willhave more a number of dramatic new de- Art Director than doubled the space we cur- partures in both product and Spence Beilt7aAdvertising Solos rentlyutilize throughout theThe architect's rendering of thepackaging are to be unveiled West Coast city." soon -to -be completed CapitolIn- at that time. The sessions will Jack Devaney CapitolIndustrieshasen-dustriesbuildingin New Yorkbe held at the Summit Hotel, West Coast Manager tered into a longterm lease for City. Ron Baron commencing Monday evening. Assistant Manager 91,500 sq. ft. covering ten com-latestin16 -trackrecordingSept. 14 and continuing all day 6290 Sunset Blvd. pletefloorsofthe33 -story equipment, to be iinstalled inTuesday the 15th, and culmin- Hollywood, Calif. 90028 building. The company plansthe Capitol Industries Buildingating inafinal luncheon on Phone: (213) 465-6179 to use a major portion of theas a replacement for our pres-Wednesday the 16th. Eddie Briggs Country Report space and sublet the balance. 45-10 No. Arthur