Class Magazine

CBSE Affiliation No:3630132 Academic Year 2019-20 (July) Class IX

SELF-DISCIPLINE…A DRIVING FORCE FOR GROWTH. “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self- discipline, and effort.” - Jesse Owens Self-discipline, though sounds to be simple, has a broader perspective. It begins with the mastery of one’s thoughts. If we don’t control what we think, we can’t control what we do. It is the capacity to control one's instinct, emotions, urge and behavior. To possess self-discipline is to be able to make the decisions, take the actions, and execute your plan regardless of adversities, discomforts, or hardships, that may come in our way. How to develop self- discipline? There is no shortcut. The process to develop self-discipline is not an easier task. You can begin by learning about yourself. Sometimes it is very difficult to fight off urges and cravings, so know the areas where your resistance is low and how to avoid those situations. Set yourself up in an environment that encourages the building of self-discipline rather than one that sabotages it. Eliminate distractions and tempta- tions and surround yourself with soothing and encouraging items such as motivating quotes and pictures of what you want to achieve. Learn also what energizes and inspires you. Your willpower can go up and down with your energy levels so play energetic music to perk you up, move around and laugh. Train yourself to enjoy what you are doing by being energized. This will make it easier to implement desirable and appropriate behaviors into your routine, which is really what self-discipline is all about. Sports are an excellent way to enhance self- discipline. They train you to set goals, focus your mental energies, become physically fit, and to get along well with others. Participating in sports provides a situation where you learn to work hard and strive to do your best, which in turn, teaches you to integrate the same the thought processes and disciplines into your everyday life. Self-discipline helps to build self-confidence.You accomplish more, and are therefore more productive.You are able to maintain a higher tolerance for frustration, obstacles and negative emotions. It allows you to obtain better health, better finances and a good work ethic. You are able to reach your most difficult goals more efficiently. The more disciplined you become; the easier life gets. If we are to be masters of our own destiny, we must develop self-discipline and self-control. By focusing on long-term bene- fits instead of short-term discomfort, we can encourage ourselves to develop of self-discipline. Ultimately our health and happi- ness depend on it. Hold responsible for a higher standard than anybody else expects of you. Never pity and excuse yourself. Be hard master to yourself. - By, Peri Aruna (English Faculty)

NEVER CHALLENGE On 14 February 2019, a convoy of vehicles carrying security personnel on the Jammu Srinagar National Highway was attacked by a vehicle borne suicide bomber at Lethpora in the Pulwama district, Jammu and , India. The attack resulted in the deaths of 40 Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel and the attacker. The responsibility for the attack was claimed by the Pakistan- based Islamist militant group Jaish-e-Mohammed. Nearly after two weeks of the Pulwama Attack, The conducted the Balakot Air Strike on 26 February 2019. When the Hindustan was sleeping, the Indian Air Force dropped bombs in the vicinity of the town of Balakot Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan.Later on 26 February 2019, India confirmed the Airstrike stating that the Indian Air Force conducted them in retaliation to the Pulwama Attack.This attack resulted in destruction of Jaish-e-Mohammed terror camp at Balakot(Indian claim). It was also claimed by Indians that more than 300 militants were killed and injured due to this Air Strike. But later on 27 February 2019,Abhinandan Varthaman – a in the Indian Air Force was flying a MiG-21 as a part of a sortie that was scrambled to intercept an intrusion by Pakistan aircraft into Jammu and Kashmir. But due to some circum- stances, he ejected and descended saftely in the village of Horran in Pakistan administered Kashmir, approximately 7 km from the .He was interrogated by Pakistan Army. In the first few videos, Varthaman did not divulge any details other than his name, his rank and that he was a Hindu. Later on 28 February 2019, Prime Minister of Pakistan announced at a joint sitting of the that the government had decided to release Abhinandan the next day as a "gesture of peace". Varthaman crossed the India-Pakistan border at Wagah on 1 March 2019.Indian Prime Minister welcomed the release of Abhinandan at a political rally, asserting that the nation was proud of him. Akhil Bharatiya Digambar Jain Mahasamiti has announced that he will be awarded the ‘Bhagwan Mahavir Ahimsa Puraskar’ on April 17, on Mahavir Jayanthi. His became very trendy in India. It was popularly named as “ Abhinandan cut “ . To sum up, never challenge INDIA . By, Shreya

Investiture ceremony 18 July,2019, Thursday. Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality Warren Bennis The Investiture ceremony of Unicent School for the academic year 2019-2020 was held with great pomp and dignity in a special ceremony at the school ground. The event was presided over by the Mrs Rama Devi and our school Principal. It was conducted with the high degree of earnestness and passion. The investiture ceremony signifies the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly invested office bearers. They also pledge to bestow their duties to the best of their abilities. The ceremony was held with lots of zeal and zest. The elected leaders were conferred with badges and sashes by honourable chief guest. The Students council took the pledge to hold the school motto of loyalty, truth and honour in high esteem. Mrs Rama Devi congratulated them and motivated them to be impartial and honest in discharging the duties. She also exhorted them to uphold the values . She reminded them that with position comes responsibility towards themselves , their school and peers and struggles help one to achieve heights. At last head boy and the head girl gave speech The principal Mrs. Rachna Bhattacharya also appreciated and congratulated them. She also advised them to be role mod- els and extended a supporting hand to the Students council for the smooth functioning of the school. The function concluded with the National Anthem. - By, S.Seema

Reading Week ‘Books train your imagination to think Big’ Reading is an indispensable part of a child’s learning experience. Finding the right book at the right time can light an emotional spark, that can motivate one to read more, understand more and read joyfully. It is well established that reading with zeal and passion is very important in students ‘education as it improves their comprehension , confidence, fluency . Keeping this in view Unicent School,Nagole,celebrated , Reading Week, from 1 st July to 6 th July 2019, across the school to sensitize its students to enhance their vocabulary and comprehending skills and accentuate the significance of books in their lives. There were plethora offun-filled activities for the entire week Inaugurating the week, Mrs Geetha Jois Head of English Department stressed on the relevance of books and advised us to in- culcate the healthy habit of reading books . She also shared with us a book review which was written flawlessly and beautifully. The title of the book is The Beekeeper of Aleppo. The story was about a couple who had to go out of Syria because of the war. Besides all of these, there was an article shared by one of our classmates, Krishna Sai. It was about health and exercise an excerpt from the Reader’sDigest. Apart from this students read books on their own choice in the classroom . All the students from classes I- X remained in their class and read the books of their choice for 1 hour to mark the reading week. Everybody was excited in reading as one could see smiles on their faces. We were also provided support and suggestion by class teacher while we were reading. There was also a classroom presentation where some of my classmates read articles from their magazines. On 2 nd July 2019, our schoolmates spoke about their favorite authors- William Shakespeare, Rabindranath Tagore, and John Green – their writings and contributions towards English literature. Last but not the least, we did self reading in our class- room about our favorite authors. On 3 rd July 2019, we read storybooks. The school also organized an interactive session for its students with an eminent guest Mr.Vivekananda from NIE on 4 th July 2019. He shared in detail what reading is actually. Firstly he defined the difference between a hobby and a habit. He advised us that success depends on our routine. Developing the habit of reading is great activity. Self-discipline is the greatest value to be adapted.He emphasized his notion by giving examples of a few great personalities like Sachin Tendulkar, Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalametc . He also told us that our mind is our best friend, storybooks keep us in a right direction and help us in certain parts of our life. Despite all this information, he also shared with us his childhood memories. Puzzles and riddles entertain our mind. Visu- alization is the mind’s language. He introduced a new book to us- Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens. On 5 th July 2019 and 6 th July 2019, there were poem recitations by eighth, ninth and tenth class students and we read storybooks of different languages. The weeklong Reading week filled with activities came to end with lots of success stories and accomplishments. In a nutshell, I would like to conclude that reading books is one of the greatest resources of mankind. We gain ample knowledge and information through reading. Its not always possible to explore the world physically but by reading books and through visu- alization one can explore the entire universe. - By, Pranathi

ART GALLERY RIDDLES Alphabetical song by Daniel Radcliffe 1.What belongs to you but your friends use it more than you? [A] Artificial amateurs aren't at all amazing 2.What has neck but no head .it has two arms but no hands? Analytically, I assault, animate things 3.What goes up but never comes down? [B] Broken barriers bounded by the bomb beat 4.What goes up when rain comes down? Buildings are broken, basically I'm bombarding 5.What can you change without touching? [C] Casually create catastrophes, casualties 6..What is hot even when in the refrigerator? Canceling cats, got their canopies collapsing [D] Detonate a dime of dank daily doin' dough

Demonstrations, Don Dada on the down low CHILLIES 6. MIND, 5. 4.UMBRELLA, 1. YOUR NAME, 2. SHIRT, 3.AGE, 3.AGE, SHIRT, 2. NAME, YOUR 1.

[E] Eating other editors with each and every energetic epi- Answers: leptic episode Elevated etiquette Good thoughts and deeds from A to Z [F] Furious, fat, fabulous, fantastic A-Always think good Flurries of funk felt, feeding the fanatics B-Believe in work [G] Gift got great, global goods gone glorious C-Cultivate good habits Gettin' godly in this game with the goriest D-Do good and be good [H] Hit em high, hella height, historical E-Enjoy every moment of life Hey holocaust hints, hear 'em holler at your homeboy F-Family, teachers, friends are a real treasure [I] Imitators idolize, I intimidate G-Give and expect less In an instant, I'll rise in an irate state H-Hope for the best [J] Juiced on my jams like Jheri curls jocking joints I-Ignore discouragements Justly, it's just me, writing my journals J-Just do good [K] Kindly I'm kindling all kinds of ink on K-Keep trying until you achieve Karate kick type Brits in my kingdom L-Love yourself and then others [L] Let me live a long life, lyrically lessons is M-Meditate for a healthy mind Learned lame louses just lose to my livery N-Never cheat [M] My mind makes marvelous movies, masses O-Open your eyes to see nature’s beauty Marvel and move, many mock what I've mastered P-Plan your time well in advance [N] Niggas nap knowing I'm nice, naturally Q-Quit bad company Knack, never lack, make noise nationally R-Read and become masters [O] Operation, opposition, off, not optional S-Speak less work more Out of sight, out of mind, wide beaming opticals T-Treasure a good book [P] Perfected poem, powerful punchlines U-Understand yourself to understand others Pummeling petty powder puffs in my prime V-Visualize achievements [Q] Quite quaint quotes keep quiet its Quannum W-Wait for the best Quarrelers ain't got a quarter of what we got, uh X-Xerox your strengths [R] Really raw raps, rising up rapidly Y-Yearn for success Riding the rushing radioactivity Z-Zest for achievement in life - By, Jaikar [S] Super scientifical sound search sought Silencing super fire saps that are soft “CAST YOUR VOTES!!” [T] Tales ten times talented, too tough

Take that, challenges, get a tune-up

[U] Universal, unique, untouched There must be a ruler in every country ,State ,Union ,and Unadulterated, the raw uncut even in a school for the welfare of the particular field for [V] Verb vice lord victorious valid which they are selected. Our school Unicent Nagole had in- Violate vibes that are vain make em vanish tended for elections, where the representatives can be elected [W] Why is my world would a wise wordsmith just without any discrimination. The candidates for their respec- Weaving up words, weeded up on my work shift tive posts were asked to campaign in classes from 7th to 9 th . [X] Xerox my X-radiation holes extra large Pupils also interacted with teachers regarding their votes. X-height letters and xylophone tones The day when elections were held, all the contest- [Y] Yellow-back, yak mouth, young ones' yaws ants , schoolmates ,and the whole staff were very excited to Yesterday's lawn yard sale, I yawn cast their votes. [Z] Zig-Zag zombies, zooming to the zenith The election was organized in a systematic way , just Zero in, zen thoughts, overzealous rhyme ZEA-LOTS!... similar to the Assembly elections ’. The voters were given a -By , Siddhartha reddy ‘ballot paper’ on which they must tick on the specific name for whom they wanted to cast their vote .It was a secret ballot ART After voting ,they were supposed to drop their papers inside GALLERY the ballot box and the elector’s left index finger was marked. I t was indeed a great event. - By, Pragyan

Solution for the unsolved mystery of ‘Bermuda Triangle’ The Bermuda Triangle , also known as the Devil’s Triangle or Hurricane Alley , is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of ships and aircrafts are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstanced . Most reputable sources dismiss the idea that there is any Mystery. Karl Kruszelnicki says everything can be explained by human error , bad weather , and heavy air and sea traffic – not alien abduction or energy beams from the lost city of Atlantis. Defying 70 years of fevered speculation , a sceptical scientist has dared to declare that the mystery of the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ has been ‘solved’ – by claiming there was no mystery in the first place. Karl Kruszelnicki has insisted the reason why so many ship and planes vanish without trace in the area between Bermuda , Florida , Puerto Rico is nothing to do with aliens or fire-crystals from the lost city of Atlantis. Instead , the Australian scientist “revealed’, the high number of disappearances is explained by nothing more supernatural than plain old human error plus bad weather fact that lots of planes and ships enter that area of the Atlantic Ocean in the first place. There was a crew of military persons who went for researching about the mysterious triangle with a high powered radio sig- nals , but after entering the triangle the radio signals were lost and crew were unfound. So, Mr Kruszelnicki concluded the solution with saying that there are no aliens it’s just because of the bad weather as it is much closer to the Equator , near a wealthy part of the world , America . So, therefore you have a lot of traffic. -By, M. Soma Datta

Fun Facts • Space smells like seared steak! • Kids ask 300 questions a day! • The total weight of ants on earth once equaled the total weight of people! • “E” is the most common letter and appears in 11 percent of all English words! • Showers really do spark creativity! • Plastic Easter eggs and plastic Easter grass were invented by a man who had more patents than Thomas Edison! • Dogs actually understand some English! • Sea Lions can dance to a beat! • Chinese police uses Geese squads! • The first iPhone wasn’t made by Apple! • Napoleon was once attacked by thousands of rabbits! - By, V Krishna Sai

1. What 8 letter word can have a letter taken away and it still makes a word. Take another letter away and it still makes a word. Keep on doing that until you have one letter left. What is the word? 2. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I? 3. David's father has three sons: Snap, Crackle and _____ ? 4. A doctor and a bus driver are both in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Sarah. The bus driver had to go on a long bus trip that would last a week. Before he left, he gave Sarah seven apples. Why? 5. What has many keys, but can't even open a single door? 6. What has six faces, But does not wear makeup. It also has twenty-one eyes, But cannot see? 7. Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there the whole day and only caught 3 fish. One father said, that is enough for all of us, we will have one each. How can this be possible? - By, Aakash


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away! 5.A piano 6.A die (dice die 6.A piano 5.A away! doctor the keeps day a apple An 4. David. 3.

ps ps Footste 2. huh? Cool, I. in, sin, sing, sting, string, staring, Starting, starting! is word The 1.

Unicent School Nagole Campus: Vanasthali Hills, Sy.No. 25p, Thattiannaram, GSI Post (Bandlaguda -Nagole), R.R.Dist, Hyderabad– 500 068. Ph: 8500500404, 8500600404, 8500700404.