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The Guardian Student Newspaper Student Activities


The Guardian, May 20, 1983

Wright State University Student Body

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Repository Citation Wright State University Student Body (1983). The Guardian, May 20, 1983. : Wright State University.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Activities at CORE Scholar. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Guardian Student Newspaper by an authorized administrator of CORE Scholar. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE DAILY QUARDIAN Friday May 20. 19«3 . Number 17, Volume » v • Wgfcht Sute Itoh-ersity

According to army reserve officials , , Enlisted .students are neglecting aid programs

By WWW DIXON have no idea >ow much unlisted studenu .scale of 0-99. (The average score on the test StaM Writer in the forgiveness program receive, because In the Daytqo area is between 45 and 60.) of the limited number of studenu in the Thrpropam I* only available through Financial forgiveness of loans program. ICMClCa a I a ist a Qil anslllipOCilrOTXn f LOlI milttarDUifUuYu OCCUPUIOnanrnnin"' *i studenu enlisted hi the anny reserve if a skill* in the army that are tied In with the. potenbaBy valuable resource many students "I think the main Reason for the smaQ program This program « not linked with ' «en't aware of. according to Major number of studenu in the program is the the Amy. ROTC which ha* to own scholar- Tftomsn Harris, professor of military faa diet Otg public if not aware 0/ the op- ship program. science at Wright State. portunities the loan forgiveness program . Captain Kenneth Chagfc, military enroB- Currently, there art three financial can provide," according to Harris. assistance programs available to students - If a person « enlisted in due amy i-eserve, in the army reserve: Active Army ROTC the army will pay for-15 percent or $500 tgram virtually pays you to to to scholarships, reserve loan forgiveness, and a year (whichever is greater) toward a stu- the Ohio Army National Ouard tuhioqr^* dent's loan. Under this formal, a person gram program. Nonetheless, according to — wouiU take six year* to pay off the loan Harris, only the ROTC scholarship Knd National Ouard programs are being used i«md' djr ai Wright State. Since INI, at Kent State, nearly IIS million has been paid to students in th^se aid'programs At Wright Stttt, officials Virginia studen• . t chose.. n t-ov •- sit->»—•! o. n Board of Truistees

(CPS)*- When school open, in the to. there will be a student sitting with the University of Virghsie's baatd of trustees The for thefint lime ever. BOARD mission of the Slates survey found 34 Hates now have at leaM one stateschool 'wfth a student on its fovernmi board. x v • But the governmg boards themselves often put up Riff fights against letting student* sit on them They fed the boards should be independent^ objective advocates ofthe whort campus, not representatives of special lnterert. groups nke students or faculty member*. ' "Students do represent a specific consti- tuency," asserts the'AOS'* Henderson, "and Our national commission recpro- mends thai gowning board members not have any kind of oonetituency or spmal in- terest to serve except what 6 best for the university." , /

2 The Daifv Guardian May 20, IStJ

Students losing control of school papers to local publications

tion of faculty members and students that MACOMB. II. ~ "We've lost it." ooe local paper folded, and another local who chum they wot put out of business mourns Glen Ponciak, outgoing editor of has bought out a nedgling campus paper because of the Wildcat," be says, although the Western Courier, the student in a heated bafltfe to compete with the he would'not name any references to con- newspaper al Western Illinois University university's Daily IHini tact from other of the defunct pebfcatiom. •We employed oyer 90 students this "Competition between student and local The competition can get intense for com- the campus.. "It's a one-paper town no*." concludes year, and now thai tna - tor to have to compete with state or local "reaBy wasn't honing us that much." press "win hun.everyone, because that's legislature to pass a law, which, among institutions," says Ed Jewett, head Of Ter- The Daily Journal nevertheless careful- where the future staffs of commercial other thing?, will make it more difficult for ritorial Publishers in Tucson. ly underbid Bitter Carrot, Inc. - a coali- papers come from." student papers to compete with local Jewetl and other Arisooa bitatoess publishers. leaders successfully pronged a new Mate

Lik ewise, the publisher of "•th*e Columbi— a —taw " tWoW limi— t competitior ; n Tbetwee • 'n stale-i - Community, junior colleges need more Tribune in Columbia, Mo.f has spoken oyt^^itpported institutions and private vehemently against having to compete with' businesses.. ' ' the University of Missouri's paper, The _ "We have documented evidence from 'high tech* degrees, according to report Missourian. " two other newspapers - The Mountain And at the University of Ifflnois-UrtMna, Newsreel and the Tucson Weekly News -

of Com-

i^ngineer rrogrannSJI YOSJ trimy Qualify for a apccial program that ^ ps^ra too mora th#n •1.000.00. a month H you ffa^ Juntor. Mnlori or graduate aoglnaarlng ktuSlint Otiw MtMimwtti fncUK < WHERE THE — tariptitt tmdkx/md dmnt*/ earn for ychgeK'm W#e*f can unthr tfmArmad Strvkm CHAMPUS HELL IS THE ORBIT INNt May 10,19t3 The Wy O-arf-n I

Snow White returns to silver screen for sixth time

•y Cten Uonard, -• EntwtainmMit Wrt«*^

In IW7, before It went on to bacone Duney'i best-loved animated feature, It was catted "Disney"* Poky.** Al thai time, "Sw« White and the Sev*» jDwarf«"~to be re-released thit lummer for the sixth time-was MM to.an Improbable risk. "Up ontil "Snow White" etitoosrwoe seven minute short*. played Wictly for . laugh*," recaB* veteran Disney animator Ward Kimball, "They •thought Walt waa erazy to try to' make a cartoon feature. They thought the bright colon wwild hurt yowr eyes. It wai cmgy-to think that 4 car- toon girl and cartoon prince rapid fall in lo**." The world premiere of "Snow White" wa> on Owotir M0C' AU*Angtfa^ Carthay Gird* Theatre. Hollywood) per- tooahtiea ftt*n d«k .GaMe to Marlene Dietrich attended. "We couldn't befieVe it," recall! Kimball," when Snow Wbte .is- lying In the bier and the dwarf* think ihe i> dead, the entire audience w*i crying. All that over a cartoon!" ' Interestingly, more people *aw "Snow White on Its initial rakaa* than tew "Star War*"' 40 yean later. Disney wd* the •"-Snow Whka" revenue* to bofld the Wait ' Disnev. Studios, aad to prod** aierter of DWARF'S YOOfL SOHO-Aftnr «tw«, Ow M«wii«ra>fa «MM« tarhily * animated fettara* that *et new standard* foMMrytelling prodnear Wolfgang Reitherraan "They model for Snow WW*. But wlio wouk! be Production-on "Snow White" began fak could all have funny hat* and'ao on, but thevqice of Saow White? • 1934 aad was -completed la 1937. More we .anted byusing ;*iec*m-Vop». More than 150 giri. auditioned for the than 7S0 artiits worked on the Itbn Airing Sleepy, Happy, etc.'-thefe central part. Arabians Caaotetti, daughter of a those four year*. characteristic was already developed," . well-known vocalfcoach, won. th< astign- . OoAwtiK dwarf* posad a proMem for MargeBBcher, who later became Marte raent. "It's oat my normal voice. of the animalor*. '.'How do you make seven Champion of the famou*_ Marge ant! conr*e,".Ca*otecti say*. "I had to pub It different?" ask* retired animator- Oower Champion dance team," *** the up,aoto«eak, toget that bever-oever land



— -SUNHTTt: .»»am. 8 to MM# . Mokim 4 The Daly OiwiHaa May 20. I Ml Two by Two touchingly' funny

By KAREN WEBER Charmnaoag. 's sons and their wives Entertainment Writer fal to thdr knees Is disbelief whan they see two of every kind of creature gather qsrfet- • TWQ BY TWO" a musical baaed on 1» in the Mds. Par Gotfs taatructkma tkaqr the story of Noah's Ark, made .it's debut gather cypress wood and etunawnee' laai'week at Dayton's Community Theatre. taidhw the aik. ReJuUnadnt with fte Ho- Based-on -" by ly Sphit. 600 year old Noah statu ainglag, Clifford Odeu, "Two By Two" appeared "1 fed like I'm 90 Again". on Broadway in 1970 starring Danny Kaye There are many comical sceoea involv- 1 as Noah. ing finding a mate for the youngest Jon. The play deals with It'i biblical th«ne in . Bventuatty Noab emraata a cur- a light hearted manner. Whan requested by vaoeous dandng girl named Ooldie (Bon- WANTED TO BUY: Tee for ACC 332; (to build an ark add. put two of every nie Binzer) to iota their entourage. He 1983 Corp. Tai By Weet. Wffl pay Mr creantre inH, Noah's, response is hope* to piair he^-off «Hh son Japheth but price. Cal John 232-7904 or Wave measa#e 'Why met". Frpan hia commenta and other thtnp develop. in H-434. - .' gejturea one gathers he doesn't want the Thereof!* serious momenta: before boar- BOGIE BUSTER90OLF TOURNA- honor a* he grudgingly complies with ding the ark Noah asks,"Fo» the hut dm. MENT. Sunday A Monday, June 3 * 6. God's request. Dressed in a striped oh Lord, must ir beT" The audience Is still Celebrities include Bob Hope «nd Johnny . " Joseph's Coat" an overweight, bsJdin- Bench. Tickets available in HoBow Tree . refleting when a wild atorm Wws Bp; tor- hM< (110,222,444) aratar. Two vaina Mork Lieberthal plays Noah'with genuine Box Office. Two-day ticket-! JO. Sunday rential ram could be heard, nmuUting the of oonL MSnanri rtghta. gOO ft blacktop gtdfo. 36 year old Lieberman apdtt ( yeara tickei-S7. Monday ticket-JS. For more V great flood. Later, disembarking on dry frontn^a. S9S.000. Cafl 2334284. in New York playing dinner theatfea. land, Noah jokes,"! did bare one thing- ^ formatton call est 2329. Twelve years ago he played in "Barefoot never drink on a boat. Do you know what FOR SALE: MoMe Home 10 minutea Rickjtoahore of Dayton Inc. has openings la The Park" (thefirst play ever perform- it's like to wake trp with a hangover and from WAU. 12 ft X « ft- Shed, rent for guitar five string banjo students. Instru- ed ia the Dayton Playhouse). reaBy aee an affigatir?" n phu utilities, Lew than JlOO/momh ment rental available. CaD 275-7771 / ' The play's drsimatk coniduskra mvolveti Ava^ibie June. S3S0O. 23*3323 leave 273-9114, ... | Ueberman protraya Noah aa.an impa- the death oj Noah's patient, loving wife menage or 1.-559-4457. tient, Kroag-wilkd family man, devoted to Esther Noah touchingly cradles her in Ma NATIONALLY KNOWN ARTIBT on USED WHEELCHAIR FOR SALE. wife lather (Julia Smith PrijaieO. As aooa arms and Nngt,"Hey Girlie, Don't You Go crfmpusttl Steve Gipson, Matter Caric- Everest A Jennings electric model 12 volts, Yet". The song's lyrics may sound turist!!! May 23-11 a.m.-Steve Qipeoo in exceflent catffln. Arfi* MOO or best of- from Noah'sMHrte bdp is enlisted to humorous but the scene is sad and tragic. the U.C. cafe. 1 p.m.-Gipson on the fer. Contact Rkk Rshman, maOboa H-509 tefl their Utrtetooc Japheth (Jack Brad- " Faith is restored to Noah whin, at hia re- Quad. May 24-7 p.m.-Much Ado Revue. or phone 274-91 IS after 6 p.m. ford), Shrai (Norman June* VaOone), tod queet far a aign. Ood SHda Urn a rainbow. (Date JfL Min ntx) - Noah's qaiet reply/That's ntaT says k aL BACKPACKING TENTENT-T -2 penoaperson--- • Confronted,**!! his startling nm, they -Two By Two" can be seen May 26, 21, frostline Kodiak—ripatop nylon top; confer together-and dadde thear father is 22 at the Dayton Playhouse, 1728 B. Third urethane coated nyicie floor, back and rain '•Mitt". The three MH start singing "Put Street. For ticket information call fly. include*s vestibie, poles,. Hake*stake*. S9J. HiraAwav". a Richard Rodaers/Martin 222-7000. V~ CalCaDl Wayne at 173-3173. . CMS ^gryrB >•%•*» «*»»*» i»^|

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