a n rt w . i' a r n ii I i ii 1 1 a ii k it w it i: k t v FROM LIVERPOOL.

in nn i i nirrini J-- .. riVr.DOt.I.AflX A YKAR IN AnVANCi: V..' IXS5 1 hdteip AT; yiw nt- - rlpll n frrnn ., In j! Mt.af l'rMgri vg HTaalaUaBrxiC-ki- (milinc I" de.nnailnn vm:'A,rrxrm in.) Villi ()!t I) Saturday "llh.Ptlltar (ll.ftll.'f addlt 1 TUMI U Press. 1nsSr Mi Minn for lh "tslurdav I'mi a hnn Id h aildreaard it KM K II., NO. I!U II. I., .JAN 7, 1882. llffT T In III 1Tl llllli I'IIISn." VOI IIONOIilJIiU, SATURDAY UARY, IW.IOUO NUMBER 71. JHwMMHBB.aKl He mlnlKencM ctf Honolulu. No IB. MVSEaWLaiJssk..aps nn indii'lint'iV tf Ihe .Minister of I'Mniinre ii. w. sr.vi:iiANOi:, WII.IMilt 4,'0. 1'I)Ni:i:h.vd:am Roxlon of lvnrn. jif I Mlaiatla I Ititiixl ulii llnanl linilrrwrllfrn. Hnivnllnti Citlmil k Cniiiiiilaaloii Merrlmnt miii-- i .( II'.ibI ti..l iii.ii Ilnrlfwoll, tlin nilili,iicr " NVtrri," 'I'liey Hilld "Wo eoiiPider oillteles enlli'd IIIVKII'I ' lO'll ll"l' ll"FI"l'tll Cundy Mnnufnctorv find Dnkory A (lie of tlin T aillt airinlaNI , al,ll I N I; nd or.yiH for ll.aa.ll.n ill Uio prurient hlnlo of grnnt exeile t.nmW, 1'Alnti! Olli. nlti lUtt HulMlnfr ly IHlKWhll A II)miii -- f..,, llio Mr 'IVn Kyck, .4 1. 3i. I'l nrliii( tiMi mhirnof .1. M. DAVIDHON, " U. WTiry LI.J rraetlcal norxixr,Cook I) nn meiil nnil stioiig dintrust wlili'li pertmles "lnifirmir!...nt winn (:nfellonr, Faatry and J!aVr, IIIIIIIKI fill iiiMittitt'il notion in tlic 1'nliro Court, 71 Hnle)lreel,litHiin I y .'. Nn. 13 Kaaliumanii At . r?l rttiiinnnaiid Pnit I I'lilladrlplila Iln.ird of II the coiiiiiiunity, espeeinlly the foieigners Attornaj at law, fllrel, A. NMlllll!ll 411 IliulrrwrllfM uu, 11,1111 11 (ilohn ilnijM'r win lltn MnrtlrUinli') I.I M I. 11 1'. .ITU. iiu, nl llonoliilu, to ! Your . IIONtll.l Importnrn A, i '. rot lite llaivallen lal.n.la, m Wiilii.) Dr. .Iiitltl, forth in lif" lesldenl. express ."". . Jl tiommlfliilon Motchunt 4'OI,i:.IA. A I MIIKWI'.ll CO cutting J. A; CO., HAM.M Altf.Hfl,' l 11....).. I.. II... .11... I.l.a,.l I. AND '"It rtworn coiiiilninl llio Monloim IiiMiik by Majesty tlie light in which wo nro con M.OAT ii"imii'ihi iinnRiinfi iifi"'i ij BLACKSMITH machinist NOW rttrniuo'd to view tlm Into extrnordlnnry MKe Vlre I'runf lllmli, .h.iiipmJm. , lluraei MlMielMR, tnrrlna Xtiirlt, OPFIR IVnrock nl tln 'iiiniinfrfiipl'i, vnlniii nt o. r. i .ii. 1, lljiliilluii .Miirliltipry, air, fc nml uniirecedented jiriK'eduiK of iti of tlnnnlnln II I niinor.o.v iiomeopaiiikj miymciah. WILDER CO., ?l(n), until IVnrorfc ImiIiiit iiiHtlt'nliil llnr and HI Minp mi hlhjf Hlr'l nail ( all A ( oot ' Ir HnillllMltl. llMrlllf.l ItlMM.tl. Iit C Ainjesty'H ikIvIhith, nnd to :1 t'laga nf all itr.ciljillmia maile and lepajlfd. Ij omr- - t r HH CJA.n.3-- toll, (1. V ilutlil, Mininlor of I'liuuirn tf Your foreign ntiif Phil and llairliiila i llonoliilu (if (h THUS bo the hen HONOLULU IRON WORKU CO. rrnl AKntn tlin lltiwniinti (IoutiiiihuiI nwl ' W. !' which pioeednrn may nttiibuled J. NOTT fi CO., OP TIIK tlftlTIflir imiiietlliiln citiisn of llio existing crisis." :. Aii.t.xiis. lloinn, mi (iflli'cr in tin' iMtiplo.v of tlin Inlpnrleia nml Dculora III Sliiveia, Ilnnn", i. stptt-- Ti'.,t,n iifxii.xr.i, nviiMt mim.p Miiliiiil Life IaiaSimiiicc Comply of nml Hint ln m Tho "proceduio" lo which the nildress in MehlK llilil.a I tlmltl I li.lei. (ll. ami Auctioneer nntl L'ominlixlon Merehnnl, i Hnll'la'iHil.!., .,n, lliaii ami f ...I Collector C'listoniHi t II I l',.,i "OBERON,M such ilolinsoninii stylo rnfeiied, was tlin t,niii aie. 1'iariliiti Mr amri iiimiiiIiihi (OU 0,lieri Nlierl, un.il ll In BARQUE mill mill lirilii'il to romniit (In1 not liy onn I Ijr j Mnahlnory of Cvnry Unnarlfitlon oi i:v mint. - 1)1,1.1 - or IniIIi wtiil m Urn hiiiii of i'MH)t .Mmi. iitl'nlr, wtlh nil itn "iiHtounilinif elr : ioi,i,M'Bii,Ai:ai.i( a :o.. Ma.l. I. Lnrfont, Hnfost nntl Moat jrhoii"". Particular paid to From Liverpool, IViifiH-k- ' liml ilolivori'tl llio pro I'tiuiritniiroH," nntl lliey xxeiiton toiidviso IMI'DltrKltn AIM) COMMISSION MKKCIIAMTS attention flhlp'i nia.cltimlthlni' tlint wiil -- nit-'- I JIIM ECONOMICAL LIFE INS. CO. into tin' linmlri of'Hiiiil iltnlil, lin tlm King tlint IiIh Miuii'lei', who liml so CHAMrAONi: CIDER MANUFACTORY Jlnnoliitii.tialiii ll ly ro(K .i.fi,lUi, ll,..li,l..n..llf.. fi' sTTJar Ix'ity olVeinletl, must bo jiroinjitly AND GROCERY. ieclivx), , - lliu nnniu Iti linvo boim frnucln giii'vously JOHN HUbHIUX, HTltATKMJiYKn, THE (In IW days tornn teat IN WORLD! ssine ysr mad) and freiA lontly nml fi'loiiiously nltslrnrlod fnini tlm ileiill xx In "in older lo prevent coiisn-quenoe- s f, .No. lit I. Illlii. Mi ret. j yve'eojiivinv rvi' I'rnntlral I'ii Intuit mill D11101 utmii, GIIiIIiiri ithr retent lilpui.nl, lb fullonlaf t nAw a Anaotn.'ovor I ollii'ii of tln ooiniiliiiiiimti Mini pinyniK which might otlieiwiso prove still JNO. II.HHOWN. SI SI Menlmnl SI ,rnr nf Hurt . mil Ornlilllll nml I.nttnilliu, Cnsh 890,000,000 nun n snioiiK to our friendly intercouitio "" No M Hotel Hi oiipoalle Pamlly MaiVot. DRY for tlio iwtuiinrn of u wuirnnt for tlin m Inapertur til Wnlulila mill Menitirea, i T. I.ENl'.IIAN it COm mr SI ly nn Pnr liifnriualluii itinreriiliiD Hie f'oinpany. and GOODS AND CLOTHING with Your Goveiiuiient," Tho opporlu UU lleieiaula Sin el for Hale of A of Mifil .Iiitltl for iwnhiiitf ittoli'ii nmt Ciillllillillilll Mrrolinnla, lu.umur, apply to VSll.flKIt Ui , nt wns uupioxetl to present to Mnj-est- y 4 Order iaii lie left nl I'ulke Slnlliui lim Illllinrtria Oail'l Atfalltl, fit I'rltile of iniMity knowuif,' it to lntu lirtiii nIiiIoii, nity llis tV .Nilllanil Hlrrel. Iliiuiililln 111 WRAY TAYLOR, K Ulnf elerei, hut tnlnre,' J WIMt'XlA.t, Jllnr- - to tlin Viid Unit lie milit lo put upon nnolher giieMiiire. "Tho ojieu nod A. W. niCI'AHD.SON .t CO., .v .. I'l A NOIOKTK A N 11 OKUA N TIJ.NKIl Mr " rl.illcltlnn AkiiI. llctiliiu, While Crotlon Bliieiln;, nvowetl pnrtnership iu nctivo business bo Illilhtaill AMI UKAI Kli" II a. h. n.i..iiOit llonock'a I.oiij; Cldllie, Ilrovni'Llnta trinl tln'n'for nminliiitf to tlin luwt of miiillTClia likJII una Till: I I Fiumit-- llonla, Shiira, riuiiltliliit; Iliiinla, Hale, Capa, Tninlt, rn II I'uri) Muffin, M'lleeltf'if, tlii Kiliwlom. ween lie Minister of and llio l Order, enn lie left at T (I, TliruM'i I'orl Htrett i)til, Valfiea, I'erliinmjr and Sunt a, W.ilttiani Wairhra, rr Jlllio ami WJ1II0 (.litilc J.UlMrJ(in. iilViilr (Collector Geiiet id of Customs, It) (ho conti- f I and .Merrhaul Mlrr.it Mint M l.ui New England Mutual Life Insurance Co. . Tlin I'l'nn now to mrsuinn rnllicr Kiiin.le'telty, etc, rooter ml and .Mrrchaiii sta,, AVI t'oriier tjueen and Kaahuuiaiiii Hlreal. v horn) for-eig- n I - - ... J'fliic'y DrcM OikhIi, YaxAj VUUli. prn'oitH iiropmtionH. IVnrock liml nl nual annoyance nnd iletriiiu)iiLgfal .llnlioliiln. II, l. I.OI.MSTKK & C(h, : v g, Hiim1 Craiih, Kcatfe, 7tintiV''pfipWoft'lhrt':Wfli Jiierrhnnto who drt'liol'hnppon lo join ii. ii.t;iii'i.i.i :., 3Dl-t-lij;lnu- I M I,' It I It A M-- Tfe, (JlaraU, utrnI'lho of AUK , Apotllooitl'lon r i: II, urn) M. DICKSON, OKNKHAL COMMISSION NT Cruclifli Fumy iVork, . nnil tlio 1M of or bo iutciested in their uiorenntilo plu ANiiimiiiitciia or JochiltT Di'fonilx'r, on (111 UjiCiMi Honolulu, II, l, ly ot Phiitii(riililn Artist, Slreit, Tiilnrrn and t'lcnrat Aifinta fur P Lorlllanl A lit Oliktt J'tirrli Mutual I.tfelnturunc Co, in Tomi,ii;i and Tnwcle, of Hit liiht Hit suits," (On this subject, tho nlleged Co, Mi-n'- ilic ncning dny rofvivtutf IUI W , lt'e iVIillii ilMjwn inii'lnership lietweeii KUiihI Pint Sllerl. A . XX . II ll N II . h Kimball lil'u'. Vaully Pair. HihhIhIii X Co' Old Uitll'il Unlit. ami Cotton HnlMtnai, nioiii'V for llio job from Kotmii, nml triiiiu: business iJr Jiitld Jiidite, Ilnrliaiiaii A. Lyle'a rileliialrd Pint; Tubartoa, Iloai-- , l'lrtiirra nf nit lxta nml Mud made to tinier, and AND I.nillin' Mfli'n Clotlllnr;, full ler- j- nt upon n ilniiikeii ili'lmuoli. Jlui nnil Mr. I'aty, a lloyal Commission of l'miuea of all dciiliitlun roit'litnll) tin hiind, .Mn. CROCEn PROVISION DEALER. t'limu Perfumery, of London, lltimphiryh' llouiati Pollelei limed on the rnoit farorxbU Termi. oiiro tliiiia ami lain alj'lca; , Sheila, t mala, und t niliialile. uf the 1'Arlnr. 'i ljr Pamllj Ornieiy and Peed Mime, palhlcHnecllU,.U.c. M n "fn-.!- " com tor, n ir;oiil lutjniry hntl nlrendy been instituted, of wni wry post HI ly M Port Hliret, Iliiuiililln l:inniile nl ,(iu.'orreltiira I'Ihii Iritliu Hiiblior OiMt 4iid Capci, , Uio nulilio not E. WiSKMAN, nnrnl itrmti-r- nnd mti'Ilcctimlly up to which fact however xvero S. MAONIN, JOS. INHUIIKII AOi:,M VKAHMOIIDI.VAIIVLIPI! Itrafnltta ami Wewleil Hlilrld, wnsjsunjilo-mente- d - - MRS. M. MOLLIS, Rcnl Katalei Ik, Kmjiloyinmit s of men of liii nnd tlint then cognizant.) Tho address in lira- atml Fnncj- A. Ilrnllor Iliirfinu PLAN 1 ltlnu nnil io rwriitw craft Iminr,r)r anil Dnnlnr 1 (he Hone Illankcl", l'nalilnmtlile IJrcaa nnil Cloitk Mitltor, lleuti lliHiina, tollaKe. llouea, and aee ami lea.ea A1111111I premliini conllniii' Pnllry 'X year X days iniiilios i L'lHil dcciily tint liy iudixidunl remniksto llio king GtiittU, Hntita, Slinon, Ac, Iu of '1 Wliito Otitiun dinl. lln felt 11 Ileal P,tale all pull, the Klni:doiii, Employ, Animal premium ntitliiiie Pulky 3 day lllntikuU, I 101 I nit lliinolulii, 1. t yiar .At the (ireat Partem Slnie, .Sit ml St., Honolulu atrnl, meiit found fur .rrklnu' work In the I WihiIi-i- i dicriici' of liii net, iirofi'ssiinmlly. nnil nt this audience, verbally by Gen. Miller, tl 5.W lhne all vnilmu 3 Annual premium con In tie Pulley liyrar 77 day lllniikila,nll aliee nntl weffjlile; M ly Jy brant he bualue tolilierled Willi 4 A1111111I I) 4 liy of ther llnnd. prriiikius'iiiitlnae Pulley yean day Wrxilmi liniiru wts tiyuifc to iIikIoIiIiyiou m drink. nntl in writing Ion lyrl; anil Union N II Lejnil IhHuuiriila dtaiin, llllla Cr.llertnl, t Annual premiums coiiHim Policy Id yeara Mdays ntul CkfitAti FIiiiiiicI, iioi,i.i:h A; V - A wrvk ptif.cd before lit wmh in n rondi Tho tirst assured His Majesty that "llio I.. W. HOPI', ;., lliiok end Atiount keiii.niidifeiiiraltdni e nor k Iran Tapcairj- .Mile, Velvet I'lle HofaCirpelt, Ship Chandler! nnd Comrnmion Merchnnta. arted, Patrouiiiie .iillrfiiil modemie. Vjaajaajot-- a. earnestly as Cnlillint Mnlirtr, Utiiitilatnrnr, DenW In fiiiiiiniiluii I Mate nml nil al.-- a. lion tni'ittnlly to bo nlilo to nppcnr lioforti Powers xoio as desirous ever Inipnilera and liruleia In llrneml .M.itliuiiill,e,(iiern Iltiniiliiln. II. I. .11 MJ 9X0,000,000! Hut;', tint whoro liu titKUt'd lo uphold a just, stable mid iiitlopendeiil. l'liniltlirr, fs f lliiniilulii, II. I. ly I'it III Honolulu Aajmry, Mntjitrntt, tiinilonnd No. ft Kins Slrril, liili't'it Niiiimni nml Kurt Street. ;. w. :o.. Ii.am lliriiiicls fnot.M ndininistiatioii on those Islands." Tho ' iw,u.?sv.c. n rmorn UHtiitiou of nil tlio in tint Matltetac itiiiataiiily nn Intiid or made loonier. .1. .ii. r.k.v, .ii. . a," IMrOHTKKn AND COMMIbBION KKBOHANTS, J40.Q00 GALVANIZED enrfio speeches of the two latter worn replete ' ir win i., i. enso. In tint forenoon of the dny Dentnt Koomi on Port Street, llolilmoii'a Pile. Proof lliilldlui;, CASTLE & COOKE, llockwcll's tvitiiphiint, was lilitl, nnd iivury with bitterness against Dr. iludd per- THOS o. Tiinuiw, Orflce In lliettrr', llloct., (urnri lintel and 1'urt trr la (Jueeu Ntuel, Ilunolnlii, II. I, AJENT3 CORRUGATED KntrniKti, Until r 671 KOU TIIK IIAXVAIIA.V I HI. A.Ml y ROOFING, lxdy liMikcd fonvmtl to tlio roining trinl sonally nntl the Ministry generally, anil IiujioHltit; nml Miiiiufnctitrlnu Stntlnneir. I.M) tillirl imiT 'I he (llnotv and Honolulu Line of Packet. WORTH AMD Jn 0,7, eandllfl'lennllis (21 canife), Merewe' with nbsoiliiiiL' lut tlint. nftcr-noo- tho tone throughout was blustering and lllttlW.'N. Cu" BKIIUn MEBCAWTILE intcrcit. Nmvi A;ollt, BnnU lllnilni. &c, Vf.flt. John Hay .t Llierimol and London Packet!, and iVashri lornaieh. 1 llockwi'll rccciNcd n liriuf noto from arrogant. Jlcrclianl uml IHiili r Iu ATTORKKY AKD C0UNSF.LI.OK AT LAXV, 'I he ttalkapil I'laulatliili. Inajui-nuo- o rA stieet, 'IhuMpenrer Plantation, lo. Oomprtny Mr. Ten Eyck who, on the 10th of Do Hooka. Tnj" nml 1'aney (looda, MIT.MIV I'l 111,10, I'lain (lalraiil.cd Ironln 0 ft. length", 22 and tint Mnp'strnte to tlio cfl'ect tlint Or .ludd l'lne Slallnnery, Mu.lc, iiitknl in I'laiiliillon. I II lo. Of London nntl Edlnbarg. m I I near Until, llniitiliilii. And Ai.eiilfiirliil.lii,, lnrtriinienla 21 linblo to nircst, under Sec. 121, comber, when ho wrote his Inst dispatch to ort Slreit. ,cLiintlrt!;uieniof Mlrrleer.'lult A. Watioii. Kusar Mathlnery. Kiite. int not for the lain ml ot tinhu 'I he Piiuloa Hhri'p Kaiich CoiiipBiiy, K'7 tlnulixo-cutiv- Mr. Wyllio, did not suspect Clnip. 1, of "An Act to Oi'Kunmi apparently I'HANK OEUTZ, i1S Nn. S Knuliiiiimnu St., Honolulu, 11. 1. ly Ministiy." nntl Unit tlierefore Urn what was to bo llio political outcome for ii TFT i. T T . XT! TVf Entnbllahod 1800. rLoodCLaOLa. of the Mss. TuSj BOOT AND SH O E M A KEB .IOII.X 'I'. 1 A'l'l.lilKtlirai: Slates, Mnpstndo could not iisuo the wiurnnt himself business declared ltnonrce of the I'ompany n n 111 1'nil St., nppiialte Pantheon .Stable, IMrOllTKH AND DEALER 1H UERAL H.M. MOORE, at 3lt Decmber, IPfO: Wire, No. 5, , 7, nnd Slsplee, for. Huckucll nnd that "So illegal, disgraceful and criminal , ML'nsciimcii CariTil- jirnyed hii ndvisers Mini Nlinci In Orili-r- lli-i- t Jilt-- MkltCHANDlSE. . Hnr. Prmi lliKiia IIhiIii uf sa a 3 rs ' Pald ii JL 19 11 looked tlin luw nnd rend ns follow'H: a trnnsnclion on tho part of ono ot His II 11. .ro i jsk., Keerve....i?tll;s Railroad Iron nj l,rlrm. R" Oueeli Sinn, lulu, I. Ir r UliCJlled .7.il with Fish Plates, ti'rliil.iniil nl IIi'ikiiiiIiIi ANIi IlKAI.KJt IN Premium He. mini-jters- . Majesty's Executive Ministers and a mem ,tn,") "The .inid Iho ciecutivo nnd Hoots nnd Shoos mndo for Cash only JNO. A. HASSINGER, ere 317,10716 V) Units and Pptkes eutnpleta, the Hind nlinll not bo liiible to her of tlio Privy Council, needs no com- Stntlonory, CI;arnt Tobacco Sec, tec. 1)) IlatancQ of fncrnorh to tnkej AcltnnwlsdKiuentii to Con-trn- ct ) 8j1 No. IJI I'nrt Street. ly J'ronl and crimini'l jiroce-- except by order of llio ment." Ho insisted that "as his country Aceint 39, FIro Jlrlcks, 1'ortlaiul Cement, tut c r.nrwtiAitM rn.. for Lnbor. I,. Act. 9 2 Fire Kinm nor flmll they Imj liiible to bo tried man, xxhu had been most criminally Importer nnil Wliolcaulo Dculnr in Oanew hTil 3 Interior Olllte, lion lulu, ly t, 11 Clay, -4- - JUItJIn nnd punished criniinnlly, until nfter Uieir XMimged was, by the i'olicu Magistrate's mni'ClinniiiKo, Boriislilrejrtsjt oi'tiii: I'tiui'.sr i.TiiMiiti'cn3Flss IlrvntLT roil tub X'rn Ire Premium and In . ml A: ltCCOIIII.lt, nntl of all au-e- l'OIt HAl.K, ifmJSF 0. impeachment ns heioiubeforo proidod. or construction of tho laws, cut oil' from the JinUe n lllncl., tjuieil Street. ly II. 1...11clA'VHi: Golvntiied ItnckcU, Tube, Dnain, &C, OROCEHY, STOKE tUMaljal boteil and delhered to ateiiiner tir auaaavaali Ii. IIOPPHOIILAKHKH A CO., Vy tlio Kiii ordinary tribunals of tho country, tho FEED and BAKERY AT PCS llcnt Liverpool Halt, Ileal Wlilliug, until remonl from oliiciv S. AUM CO.. aihooner, .UOJiLIIATi: l'ltlUK. fl fur Hid llaivallan lalands impenclimenl. "rho'otlices con Minister should be loquirod to restore to M. GIUNB A Corner Kluu nnd Port .Ntiecle, Honolulu. Crocker, Iron Jicdalcuds, Vlthont Ml ly larrauiiai wlHlalnir l tliei Mlock v TKAiX - A'I'I.A NT1 C ferrwl them hIhiII bo jiriMTVetl from Kockwell his property; that tho Minister rorw nnlliii; nnil Commialon Morchnntn, ntnrl aillh lltal ujnm , con i ir tu lniiritai tthiil lltvy nti,r liavr, H uniin.riiiu nt rinciaco. II. . IIA1.I. A. titty In an Iras FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, indignity, though this Mctiou is not in- should remunerate liitn for tho danuigo (m paitlralir nttcutloii paid lo N;, rnn natakln. Powell Duffryn Steam'Coal Special Uclllllea nml IMPORTERS A.ND DEALKB8 IN HARDWARE rfTI' A. HKKIIP.IIT. Hawaiian Hotel. 01' iiA.xincnti. tended to shield the ollicors them-el- e, and injury resulting to him in consequence .' nlnalgnmenta nf lalniid prcMluce. ly Dry Palnta, Oil and (ienernl lrrchnndlir, Capital of the Company A He. ervrltrlchmarlcr,('1,(7) Worctnternliire Sauces, (Jrocerier, mi mon, liko of Ix'ing deprived of tho property pur- tloud, " Ihelr lOl'al.iW) fiom unishnicnt ith Pott nnd M111; Htf. i'. a. m;iiai:i'i:u, " loined; and also that tho Minister bo pun- mi ly Corner ZINCS, AND BOILED OILS, their fellow MiitjecU. Upon imeiiclmiuut VOLOAWO HOUSE KNTofllreiilni Hiinrit tif Ulnlerrrllra, Total... Kelcliemark to Gov- 11. a. r. t'jinTKii. i.jiini-- , jn AO Auenl ofjlreadeii llourd of Underwriter. MfiUlftn tff renionl, thoy cene to bo olliceris nnd ished in such manner as the King's ctt.vTi.it tit' or i(ii.m:. of EiirHiIi Jicatlier Uellinr;, from 3 to 10 fn, I. LKNTZ, MANAGER. Aent Vienna Iloaid of I'liderwrltera. IxTomo Miniple .subjects, linblo us nil others, ernment shall seem most conducive to tho W. J C. BREWER & CO.. Claim acalnat liiauraiue Couiiiiiilc "Ithlu the jurl north'cTrman Biiperior, they linvo committed." ends of justice and morality." I'lerty to eat. a ronlns lire, elnin lieila, and the bent & COmmiSSlQN MERCHANTS, diction of the nborc lloauU of Underwriter will hare Topaail Sheet Chain, or yrbnt nn llaitaliini lalind SHIPPING to be certified to by the noove Ajent In make them FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, "Admiralt Teat," w attendance the - 7-- So tho expectations of n public trinl Tho hole subject, and especially Mr. Vlrltnra requiring itu iiiiiihiijI dlapliy nf volcanic M'J Honolulu, lUwailnn liUndi, ly Talld. SH ly l- 1 1 A.XI II HUM. Sizes i, 3.S, were disnppoiutod, nnd the "News" rinetl ' Ten Eyck's dumand for justice to his coun- actlim "111 I.I111II) KiMi .Matiai'er nt lenal ten day notice Capital of tli Company A Ileaerve..ltelcIimarkS,8.Tr,rl r in.,., In Hue weather, and from eleven to thirteen In foul JlOUT, 1 Kwriw. c. n. CDOKE. Inauranoc their Companies 35,uti,0iJ iirenniiiiM.ir....i.. ti.r. xeii i.ijjcki. iwih up iiiui... tryman. Rockwell, was taken up in tho Notice. Hawaiian and American Ensigns, ii Privy Council, and, considering tho fact ALSO case diplomatically ns nn outrno upon fc riXHK AflKST KOII. TIIK IIH1TISII For. Total...... I.elchraatks,H30,(iuu T. MOSSMAN, bucccnora lo IEvrr.n JJicicsof, JaL the right.s of Kockwell, nn Amoncnn citi- that Mr. Wyllio was perhaps the principal J. elen Marine Initranee Company (Limited) baa dis- Importer nnil Senior in Crockery, IBTPORTKaS & DEALERS IN LUMBEH received Inatructlon to Itfiliirn ilit Itntr of In HrilWKIZI.IIIM'IIK I.MIYD zen, nnd demnndod 'justieo ngninst tho figure in that lxxly, was expeditiously 1'uiLiiliiln, Cut and ITcvcd auruncc between Honolulu and Port In Ihc ParlAc. and WINES AND LIQUORS, Plain nnd orcnratml Ola, And all klnda of Ilttlldln;; MaUrlal. RUCK Minister of forwarded, to posed of at oi o sitting. Hut then Judgo bluer Tlated Ware, Culler), Chandcllerr, Lamp, SV ly llonoliilu. la iimv prepared to la.ue Pollclea at the loweit rate, VERSICHERUNGS GESELLSCHAFT VIZi Finance. IIo Port Street. with a apiclal reduction on fn Isht per ateutttar. .Leo wns also a member, and his legal hand Chluineya, l.tc OF "WIltTERTHUR- - . , tlie Minister of Foreign ltelntions copies l'lre Proof hture, cor. Kins and hiiiianii bt., Honolulu. S. M. CARTER, iiir.u. n. ir.wiivs. " Pig Brand" Stout, in pints and qiinrla; xvas plainly to bo recognized in tlin con- ly . - 8Tfl ly Acent llrlt. Pur. Mar. Ire. Co.. Limited Capital of thi Com i my francs 5J00.090 of I'encoci's nllidnvit giving uu occonnt of Agent to tnko Acknowledgment to Con- - fiiilimc"' Stout, tht trmiMicUon; nnd ono" by Mr. ilohn G. clusions arrived at. In brief, tho Council nxnKtifiiiiXKiKiir.xr.nAi.Aur.xTn Blood Wolfa's Ale, pinls and & CO., trnotn for Lnbor. IIAMIIIIKUII- - rfiiiiem. k qtiarta; in-io- -- FllAXK H. AUSTIN inti:nKK nf the above conipinlrg for the Uio pnrticnbirs n decided that The editorial articles, letters thrc Finest India Palo Old M'jun, detailing of nn OITlce at P. M. S. Dock, Kpliiiudc, Honolulu, II. I. tpltinrli, urn tirepa;tl t" Imur-- UallUlni. Furniture Alec, Tom, low M'itli Dr. Judd, in which tho lnttcr from correspondents, and other documents Commission Merchants and For- Ml 15 Iv FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. iterthandl'-- nnd Trmloce, .Machlnrry, Ac., nli IS near Ilcnncas's llrand in ciacs, ho n lot described iu thu complaint, could not bo and Kite MIIU. Ami li In the harbor, Aalmt Iom Iirandics in bulk, told him hnd of the "News" warding Agents. UI.I.I.Xa'IIA.11 .Xr, CO., riim: iiM:it(ii.'ai:i iiavi.xi; iikhn at-- or datnasr hy flrr, on the rooM farorablr turm. which wns in tho subject of larceny, and tho receiving au polnteil Afient uf the abore Company, are pre tiM ly 11. UACKt'JMJ) A CO. Cases Scidch and Irish Whiskies, innnucrinU, iirnong ono OITlco No. 20 Calirurnlii St., San FrnncNco. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN HARDWARE Tiro of them xvould not, of course, bo a crime. itared to Inaiirc rik aalnat nn Mttni and llrick Clarets, Sherries, &c, &c. 'Muntt'ii nmuhmting; sftid ho was nftor Cutlery, Dry (food. and Oil, and Ueneral Ittllitlnira., and on yit.reliniutlie. atored therein, on gnmo nnd nsked if In support of this view, a formidable array Conl;nmenl from the llai.utlan laland derlred. McrihnndlM', the mod faruraDle term. Pnr particular apply at the GERMAN LLOYD higher though, Mr. A Sngar Bags, Coal xvas such as Thellist Price Xarniul.and halei (.Ukranteed. 1113 Xo.37 Port Mireq. Honolulu. ly ofllre of Bll ly P. A. hCHAKPKIt CO. Bags, Bice Bass, Dillon hnd not written n certain editorinl, of legal authorities cited, t71 I ly Marine Insurance Company of Berlin. nnd whether Mr. Wyllio hnd not written iinrlwur's Criminal Treatise; Itussol on chuj srntcXELt. m.m, a.iniMt. HAMBURG-MAGDEBUR- G Twines, Heaxr and Licht Burlaps, Crimes; Hnwko's Pleas to tho Crown; A. M. HEWITT. . for tho "Nowsj" to which queries ho got Clerk. wn. a mtvin a to., FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, j?' unsatisfactory answers. Mx. AVylho Blockstono's Commentaries; East's Mens FreiRbt anil Genernl Snipping 0 liru n a Sugar Factors and Commiision Zgenti "OK John- P 'All order left at E P. Adania' Auction lloomnlll IlAMUUr.O. Oil Cloths, Saddlery, by sending Mr. Ton Eyck a copy to tho Crown; Porter's Reports; bj be promptly altendcd to. .im Ilonol11ln.il. 1. M3 General InsuranceJCompany of Berlin. son's Reports, A:c. And further, tho .t:itciiA.niir.. ruRNi-TUR- R MinRIXES. TATT of a notfl from Dr. Judd as follows: that .XI. H. UICl.'NIIAaii.n Ac CO.. nnd Machinery Insured aalnet Fire nn the k WATSON'S " to bo hand-writin- g E. PONTOPPIDAN, M. rniiE Anovr. ixmihaxck cojiPAjtitja; It has como to my knowledgo on documents wero proved in tho IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALEEB moat favorable term. JL have eaiabllshrd a Ueneral Acencv here, and the authority, Anthony Ten of Mr. Ten Eyck. nnd that ho wns Fliiaiicinn nud Snrceon. A. JAI.I.;i, nl for the Hawaiian Iilandi. uuderli;ned, Ueneral Agents, are authorized lo take that Eye Dliejac a bpiclnlty. Ite.ldrneeandolllce 13'Fnrl In PnhlonabIu Clothing, Hut, Cape, Hoot, hhoe, Ml ly Rsq. tho Commissioner of tho Unit- therefore legally and morally responsible and Cluplatn l.ane(,.Mr. Chasc'a). and '.cry aricly of Ueiiilunrn' huperior Piirnl.ltlni; Itl.kn najalnal the Ilnngere or Ihr Br nt tlaa Centrifugals ivck, treet as tho of them. oven if ho omce iinurai in u a. M.aou i r. Wt 3mle liond. More In Makic'n lllock, (Jueen Mtel llouo. Must Itrnxonnblf Itsilea, nud 011 lue AND ed Stntos, is tho author of the principal author That lulu. II. I. yl Insurance Notice. articles in tho. ' Sandwich Islands Xows ' had compounded articles from tho let- MAX ECKAUT, i'.i:umu. .:! Aitt: j'ttKPAnr.n .Hunt I'Htiirnhlo Trrin.. CO., Tiir write unon Merehalidlae. lur flra!cla ve.aela M7 ly r. A. bCHAtyiiH A TO., tieneral Amenta. up to tho public tho ters or merely copied, ho had by such net A. W. PEIRCE & between this and the Cnjst covering or which hold scorn Watchmaker, Jeweller, Engraver and SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MERCHANTS Pott, loa Centrifugal Linings. (Mimst(;r of Government to which ho inado tho articles nis, nnd in law and equity damage. If amountliii; tu 10 per cent, or more, on the the Dlnmoiul Sottor. AursTs roii itound alue of the whole ahlpmeut at port of delivery, KNOWLES' ALSO ,is nccrcdiletl," WtU iinrticulnrly hnvo to ho wns responsible for tho publication. Jfo. 6 Kaahunianii blrcet, llo'iuliilu. All orders faith llrand duns and llomb Lonce, upon fatorahlc term. I fllllr executed. 3J ly Co. L. S. Perry Darla' Pain Killer, IllbllOP ii STEAM VACUUM PDMPS 500-Gallo- bring to your notice two nrlicles in No. II, II. Agent of the Plremen'a Punt! Inaurance Company. MD Two n Evaporators, 81.1 1 No. HI ly Nov. 1G, of said paper, entiUod ' Califor- HIGGINS lc JESSETT, Queen St.. lluii.ilulii. llonoliilu. .Inn. :. 1HW. hj I 3m No. ." and il! Klin St., 'pjii: uxi:iwk;'ki Ac, Ac, Ac nia CorrestKindence,' signed ' Artnxcrxes,' WE HAVE ON HAND, 1:0. 11. X received per .iny Turner, fromiiatimustlloilnn, a full ' Carriiaiie Bullilor-i- . Trlm-'ifat- -n tii iavii:n. "f these celebrated Pumpa, nhlch aresuaran Ma M TIIKO. 11. PAV1ES A Cf. and tho other eutitlel Extract of n Letter Alti: ..NSTA'tl.V ui:ckixi.u Jamov, li.r;a,s S. Co. FUND tied to be any AMI CALIPOIINIA y"w lent, Paintora, Varnisher-- i Kv I.itk FIREMAN'S cheaper and better than uther aiyle of vdatil Sim Frnncisc), OcU IS), 1848,' but " IMPORTER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT pump Imported. iXe call Iheatlentlun nf plantera par- without tiignntjirisH which articles hiu Haijr, Bran, Oats, Allklmluf )t:nlrlns attended to, and xnod ora. Insurance Company. ticularly tothe Xacniini Pump, nhlch la le.a coinpll NULL AND VOID! I Ciurautetd nt Low Itateaj ft ly axii aox.nt run tattiland inure itnlcable than other pnmp. I'maTintcd Cnko b7XI.ii 13 I A crodihlj' infonued from his pen. Corn. Wheat, Oil Meal. l.Ioyd'a and the Liverpool Underwriter. A Leading Home Company. tf intKUKR CO. Uihju receipt of this plenso tnko hiich olli-ci- Mixed Feed Cracked Corn, A. I.. SMITH. r.rltlali and foreign Murine Iunrini.e Company, IIKKK- - Hsi And Northern Aaaiirancf Cciupany. orij.1 ly .lime. 30th JTfiT.THT.i; T DKCIiAHE NUTX. AND stops as to you may seem proper and II niiiTBTiiKET, txroiiTrn AMinciLznti Aart, The Germania Market JL void the Nu. SH Jt 01, and in the fnlsre rov Store Whole and Ground Barley &c. Additional CbfIi Cnpltal(now bclni; called ln)3JH,iU.OI will by n,r hKW 113 iust, G. P. Judp. Milliliter. &c." M'lldrn ljuadriiple Plain! Ware, (ilatanare. Kills'' . X. CA8TI).. J. B. ATUCIITOV. am m: km Tiiunii;tiiii.Y .So... A 113. to will ell lower than l.l.is-i- ., Total Aaaela , il,117,:)T.lT ukmwx'atkd, with the Hawaiian At thla place Which kc Ktllt OANII, nr Combination npielacleannd Y.r llruckvir, 1". jiiu la noiv rouatjiiiiy 111 receipt or me uest 01 Dlrrctor. joa , "Wyllio smno tirao to, I .ollcltrd. 1 A. Mr. nt tho transmitted other Dim mn. Mo(IM rKltl.1 cmlom Vaaea, Luilral Wlru Ware, ancy boaii, Picture CAMTI. (JOIIUli. II WILL We bale received es KalnViia, ' nf l'utnun A Co." a Woatenholnpa Pocket Pia SHIPPINO AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS - I1KKF, MUTTON, YKAL AMI LAMU, FISU copies of tho articles referred to. Tho Carta, there Prauie, Untie, ctaor, ruiEMAN's j'und insuk- " Patent Sprltiz whlihareln cieat demand; tola, Puntltr, Miol and Ainiiiiinitlon, ClArka tfitool (MrOItTEHS AND Tin:X ANOK COMPASX" haI ll claim to the " Cnlifornin Corregpondenco contained carl, are atiperlor tnaiiythlu: of the kind heretofore Cotton, .MachlnoOII, all kind nf .Matlilue Needle, tutrnnazc upon Its round nnanclal roudlllnii, reluforeedbt Prom Choicest Ilerda. The Most Complete Stock or Uoods een here. Telephone No. Hi, Paper 1 uahlona, Solo Agent fur the unl in ny Ita acceaaltui nf capital, a a., porno spiteful doggerel, which arausol our CO. ltiiictlc" Dealers Conoral Morchandiao, slvliu It nrer million J'ork Sansases, llolo-i.- Head Cheese, Herman i,lm LAlNi: .t miully acknimlvdsed SO dollar In ll ejtenivc In i No. Kin: Hlrrcl, Honolulu, II. I. aeta; aiatein nf Amende, fansazes, .vc, alaraya 011 baud, as also the beat of Poul- for the Holiday Trade. community not little. I'erluips, as n aiirlnj; It a premium Income, necea-alty- Lic-h- t Rnnnlui; Dtuueatio Sowing Mnchin larxu ivlthout the try and 1 lh. memento of tho times, it is worth repro- AOENTS POIt I.eny cnncenlratlon of Hue; lla adherent e In Our .Meats j re alt cnt and pnt up In L'astrrn atyle.' All 97 C1SES JUST ARRIVED BY THE D. C. IURRIV. the hot principle, and practice of Undcrwrltin:; by order laitnfully attuidid to, ami dell. crcd In any part ducing henv After somo disparaging The Union Insurance Cnniiaiiy of han KranclacQ. upeu, f ilrand clcjrly exprea.ed contract, and prompt AND itOUE ON THE WAY. Received, WM. McCANDLESS, llio Ncv England Lifu luaurance Co'upauy, lloaton. of thu city. remarks on tho personuol of tho Huwaiinu Just and equitable adjnatmcut nnd payineut of lejltlmate A KADKIU TO BY THE u , libm HU'PP bCII Proprietor. ARRIVE W. H. METER Ministry, tho ' Correspondence " says: Mn. a. Iliic-- .strt'i-l- H-.- li Jlnrkcl, TheOfeeon Packet Line, iThai Knhala Plantation, ioa.e. AND- - Deiler In Cholieat Ilocf, Vial. Mutton, Mali, etc. Dr. .layuii A Soipa Ctlebrat-- ' iTtiK Hulku Plantation, Kor acrcntee n year It In been favorably Known aa a ur.u. r. mci.iji, nro too much prono to Pamlly Mlilpnlnc Onleia e.irefullj to. . 1 conaervathc underwriter, and dtiriu: Hut time haa CWf III and Hi "on fit., Honolulu. ( "We inrluips nud nlliinlid 3dedlelr.f. miiiiiikii laiiiniion. JNO. FOWLER & CO. speak uur minds freely, for wo do notseo l.i Mock fiiriiUiinl to ecle at eliorl notice, und Wheeler t Wll.ana Sewlnjr: Hamakii IMJiitatlon. paid otcr V tyetalilr of all kind aupplled to ordi-r- . irt Mac til no. inCid ly 1,000,000 IN LOSSES, Lcedi, England, to why what is destitute of dignity 'and l)r in prepared Pai!uj; triumphantly XT' worth should Imi treated with forbenroncc, Sale! & I1Y.UA.. llltO.. throiili the heaviest conflajra. FURNISU PLANS AND ESTIMATES T TRUHI For CHAS. BREWER CO.. tliiiia kiiuwii In luolern hlatoiy, POIl TT IS 'C)T TItU AS ASSKUTED, much less nwo: si miii) m ii.miiiii. Importers of General Merchandise IIIHIItll a In, Akpiii., lhal(li:o. V. WLLLH 13,ii Honolulu, H. I. X ,ri up his OLD hTANli ' Shbtild xnonVrj wear ft cronn, KIIOM wntn he tneaerd IheAt,, nlllaii; 11 u7 IsiMT i Agents of Hawaiian Packets, Steel Portable Tramways, tr--1 he truth his iluil nt tremble it lila (rnwnt Bbls. Columbia liivcr Salmon, & & MK.i;r, Is. Itccent luporlatloni Cuulil e nut, thrvash all til rtmtnr, General Commission Agenti. THE LIVERPOOL LONDON GLOBE With or without Cars and Loeoniottves, , ifimluj FltAXOE, EXGLAX1), UEHMAXV, AA'lt OK hpthe atrutlnr, dialled": - ' Shoulil Jttrtvr hl tliop, special attention ulveu 10 the piirihaalni; of llnoda INSURANCE COMPANY. S'reclnllj- atlaptiMl ror.Sugrtr riaiitatlnrm, t lJc Kxtra jIuii UX1TUD STATES, PIANOS. ORGANS, FURNITURE INO FANCY Ant mount u fbrone In one bop, Nice. for the llau trade. PnUlita at tin: loueit rate, l'eriunncnt HailsmjH, with locoiuollvea aud GOODS Could h not, tu all he dirt, yiy No. S3 Merchant htreel, Honolulu! II. I, tabllhcd 1H.M. can, fcnr Arm n( and 1'hM? TruLtlon Kii;i!ic nml lliixd Ixicuiuutiiea, roil TIIK HOLIDAY TKAIIB, Ida JiUp htoiiih I'IuukUIiii; Macbiucrjr, a C. E. WILLIAMS, Unllmitotl to nml Cultirntlti)' " Hlinuld a Jmlj4 put on tack, IJbls. Skccna River Salmon, Liability Stockholder. l'ortnlilr Kuj;iiir. nil has Breti so larF, that be was compelled to tela ".tf 'c'rr to HI lila liacl.. HVIIAN IIIION., fur iiatpoacn, aaQtarrSlwe r dnliitd Importer, Manttfacturor, Upbolatercr, Aeact , Winding Kniillii-- s lncliuta. . Uuuld not an nooi, for w inroueu tuf Uearrve , 5 i,7U),v.1 Spy thf poclot At Uo pulll In Intiiiiie. L'atalo'ues vtlth llliitratlor,a. .Models, and Thnto and ltealir Purulluienf Pury Deacrlptlon. Piirnl. WHOLESALE GltOCEKS, lor la.lli i;raph til ahovo 1'l.utt may To Display Hi Mammoth Should it SaMltr Icait till awl, Largo Rod Fish and Fat. Ware Nn. Pott Work Shop ut ' l'rrintuma ro'iu- - the aud Machinery be aeen Stock. turn It.Kiiu. nl htrcet. rccchld alur dtduitlou uf at the vOlcea uf the nnucr.lrnrd. Nntl wr own a italranian ullj thu Old stand 011 Hotel strict. JKSaml'.'H Callfornlit.s'lrrct, ' auruncc ) S,34i,'SI3 HT-A- JIPMEU DCCMITUE Could e nut. In all lil acta, All Order Pniinptly Allended lo. 11 ty V. L.rtKK.f and !, Hindi the ot cubbltr'a Loaars promptly adjuittd and paid here, II, U . ilAUPAULANK A CO.. ilrnch ul If A.N 31 A;dnta Powler AT WKLUe' XlMIsJ ItroMC. bbls Frazer River Salmon, MAN UlNVII, - for Jim. A Co. 1U7. " Should an A't (ml on a akin. llf u.x.HIMTMir. Eataullaliid tJ"i. 1, w, nonKUTaoM IB l!lm IIIWIH.I' A- 'n.. Ageiiaia. lf No. IU aad IIS KortlntU Nature ne'rr draicned 'or him: Particular attenllon paid toniUnKan.d ahlpnljig Could we not. hen he'a fed lujblj, WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, tV ARTESIAN WELL i to II, M. hltuey) UNION TUBES, Hpr the tool-- ftl nell aa WllT IFACIU.D (bucirooi laland nrdera. Kb ly INSURANCE COMPANY ENTERPRISE " Should a Jltrtrtml leave hla itatloti, Importlnfs nnil ManufncturliiR Stationera UF A.N PlUMimt'U, l'oi cwxl o( the Kanaka nation; Puulialien, Newa Denlera, Book The Honolulu Iron Works Could uot, j hla leer. HAWAIIAN spy l hundred pounda a jear XT Binder and Pnper Ruler. 3VTvvi.xxo. l now faixxlly PJ Honolulu, Rid SO INVESTMENT & AGENCY CO., prepared lo Mr. Ten Eyck proiured tho written For I so. .! Mcahuut Street, II. I. Planing Mill, LIMITED. INOOHPOllATED, 1805 FUSNISH PRICES AND SHOW SAMPLES affltliiYits of Dr. II. W. and of Mr. 1VTI SaXaet, j . rort Hsaelmlta. G. Munn, to tho cfl'ect Unit he, Mr. Bbls Naas River Salmon, diszxop 00., i.ua.o:i riH..ri...H hk. tV Or Till: AllliVl. t'MOM John of BANKERS, M'cariic. lor lou; or auori Berlmli. Apply lo CASTLE COOKE, AGENTS Ten Eyck, waH not tho uuthor of tho IIO.VOLUI.C, ll.WVAil.V! INLASUlt U L. HUE N. Manlier iirorm. ;i Kor tht Hawaiian lalanda. ly Nationnl Tube Works Co's Worki, e. queen Ht.. nver U. V. .Macfarlane .t. Co. 14 ll C. J. "California Corroopoudtmco " nor of the DHAW r.XCIIAN(lE ON ATMcICKKSPOItT, Hrda, Red, Full Weight. lilt RhenUlx Wostphallon Lloyd PA., M P. rhymes; but yet tho Government hud Bright I HE B1NK OF CALIFORNIA, : : : : SUN rMNCISCO And lo make contracts lodelltcr it In larje or amali Bartalrann, Wailuku Poi Factory. In this city both in that gentleman's own lmudwritiug. AXU Tiinu lar-- is INSURANCE COMPANY. Unaiullles m m if Tho theory wus that vo had merely Ktw York, I3i:ST QUAIjITY Ol' PAIAI MAX- - or X. taKtllBAl'll. Itheulabi Priiula. Contractors and Builders. Plantation Salmon. Uualuil, A J ufacturadiuiiaUiilly All urdir nllrd asltti dii McCHESNEY & GITHENS, 4 copied them for tho " News," an occupa Bbls. of I'nrla, patch. hi, II. II.ULLY IlKALKHs IN I ly Maul Aaohen and Leipzig Insuranoe Co., Plnaniivj, Shaping, Tuntlmj, tiou by no menus excusiiblo in tho repie-bontnli- A lie It and, Wailuku. Limited, Hides. & pf a Foreign Goverumunt, und THEORICNTAt BANK CORPORATION. : : : ; LONDON HALMON, Leather, Tallow Band and Scroti Saviiy, Mr. Toil Eyck J!' AACIIUX, (AIX.iq.CHAI'KI.M:.) for; which amuM'Uicul was 4!cb Turin b ruse" it in A FlNi: AKTICJalJ AND IN FEU. Doort, Satb, Ulindl, "eventually nmde to jpiiy rather dearly. lloiitf Keiif;, order, bale ly A I.I. C'laAIMN Kill Al UK. MBItOUAnTTa lut lor AOK by lAltrit'UI.AR A UK NTs KOIl and Dil-lou- , nyiliiay.aiid xiMX DOLLErt A CO. iV aiiatalned llo?d arililn; here, and In ConsidGeueral Miller Consul SALMON BELLIES aured In the aboruCnaipaulea, ham to bo made with Ihorand Wintha Framu, reproBentn-tive- s, Jfrlbanrue, oap tho British and French Ihe coxnlcince of audirrltacd iu by Ilia usderliied. Hoar,ie'UI No. IKJneeu l llonnluln.il.Oomp'r.I. ly Dracltli, liaUuttert, " griovunces " ouuur. And trantltl a llenetal Dankluc llua.ne.,. rj ly REFINED SUGAR. In order Iu be vjlld, J, V, ULAllr:, A;eut. Slnirt, te,, hnd each his list of 'iu HI.' ly PRESTOH," well largo twrumln ash tour EDWARD Mtul to OrtUr. ngaiust tho Miuibtry, as as a DR. EMERSON M hu;ar. In harrc'a, hall baritl and boira, ill-wi- AtUtruey urnd amount of spito and against Dr. rUH ft.W.1. II . M) UOLLEn A CO. IRRIGATION I Couna.llor at Iaw, Moulding) andFiHkWiug ly Wi 1 Orakaieats Judd particularly, aud thoy improved the E. O. McOANDLEBB. itK.Mfiv.i:i inn oFnqi; AFTKIl T1IIH DATK Port Mreet. Ili.utlnlu. 5" 3m Has Dr. Ilnlnunu'a Dm'filoie, .'Im'iaulMieel, IIIHIGATION except beloean the hnura of ALWAYS ON HAND. presont oiiportnuity in coujunction with Ilonoluln. HajiallttSI. to hi lealdence, on IU. corner of Kukul and Jon Callforiiin Billiard Table For (Sale, .a, o!a,ta..,MUe!4 lad .M. II. U. PlltUril. tho Auioncun Commissioner, to usk a biio-ci- ! t ! Hutf.- fllRK IM l.a AX Ii3 HAUKEM Approie.li jiuperlmcndeninf Walir Wbrka PKKFKCT WAI1 orders tiled on short notice, and JcbWac Flour Flour Flour ttr- OPPICE lIOl'RXt J lo U a. u... andj to I p. m. bk halakaua. lalxuedj A P, IX OUIIKlt, STItAHI.K prntnptla aitcbdrd to, lay Telephone Pltl ' - II. L'.uria, Mlnlatcr uf Inlnlor. t. A lltnilKrtraaket I'hf Ian A Colleader cushion! uudieneo of tho King, in order to apimnKM r.xTitx rMnii.v connection. UMm Kor rale by lSo) IIOI.I.KB A CO, Honolulu. Apill llUh.leel Ifla Silt marble bed, Pnr particulars enquire Miinldlnja made lo aov pattrra wllhoat chart IM" per Kalaktua,iuri: Por bale by run'i, at for kulies, tltra Imforu him "certain mutters of import- '' XI CoVlaf r.ltl.'IAI. ull.LIAWU PVItLOIW UOI.LCX A CO. CALIFORNIA LIME J ance." At tho reception, an address, MANILA COItDAUK. Hams and Bacon. BAHLI'.Y, HHA.X AM UKIIl'aU I.III', i: UAKHVt: KALAKAVA AMtourMEiir wr mixkm rmnu LIMEII LIME! Price of Machine Work. SI.00 U which was iu tho name of all three and OATH. per by . AMMAI.I. ur mkatn. rmiin, jamm, ivalakaua. Pet bate .' PorMlebr Arui.i. o Ore lucb. . CAr.H Ac, Ac. Poritltby road by General Miller, vwu. mainly U 110LLES A CO. UOI.LEM A Co. 4) nKT"K"WituTX.Kn"ArniL S1.50 per hour. wk Ill' UOI.LES A co; Oct. Jtl. UOLLES A Co. Ex IMI.' Por sale by 41 UOLLKS A CO.

tati. i. ii,A, A. it&Jti' AsaUuaaia4si . 4iiaJii;ji(.it,-"- . yyitfi)itbm$t&i$mkL A COMMIliltllAI., flrll lik Nlnli. Ilrt, Nw N N V.,dn.tn LKT TIIK I'KOrLK JUDOK. it was llin Hniinlinuiis opinion that limy Mould not III In, llrrnar A In, AcilK,'ll. nuswrr, HIIII'IMNU, Am ll llilnard Mar, .Inlmann, l,lrpnnl, In aall nlmill II was iin.vm.i .ri.vru'i'fih ift I'rr llilli, II H Marfallan . t'n. .tp'nl A rimli'inprirnry Itifurni IU ro'iilorri "llml lliouulil ndvlsililn fnr llm tluvernment In it nnalal Hi pnilleu-Intl- . T1i year p "Ith a aiitmillen In Am lik ,Mil.t, In aall Mrn!' lilliiulnif Immlitrniils linto, O. eptne fair debtee nf llnati, H.dIkii, atniiil SON l'nrni It In pnaalliln In n III A run llila I'OltSAN I'liANUISUO. HALL A 1'n, ininr cninliiillilljl nml elillilieu, us It would Im a goml bnalneaa tttrlea Mhletiwe (.inUI.lt rrri l an liar r Ainl wnniiiit mi Am Ulna MUllal.rnll.r. I'niUlanihla.dilftl lla(kfld wlilili iIct ilo.il Ih Miiii)uullttti " mill liivraliuenl lor llm country liimpoml iimiiny lu so Cnll to Imllealtan nf lha it,rral batiaitlnal allrlaaata, A not Would Attonlion Tholr failii In, Ac'lilllr outing ii ile..f,tli.i sildlllon liiimr iHipiilstlun, 'I Im Till! AMIIIIKJAN fAf atlltltr la nl'etitrd.n aliahtra The nmliul unar Am lk liiifn Vlala, I'altinnn, I'l flaliill,diia llarlifrld llml It will lio (In miiloitviir In liiitllllnlll " tlin I'lillliHiioan tlin bust s.ltlaf.lf i niiril In (lit linn i iwc n the .i ii, .ifnia, I m telly f ufianf. nf aiteiinle date l.t tllrnllini A unlirially, IiIm; cvury thing Into ennaldirnliiu. Bnrkcntlnc "Elln," Am IV l.iutnl.l. I.nrd, Tor I llmliliilii HarVfald l.'r), anlno ,K, alniiilatil wlilcli ll linn nliruiily f the lta.lt, and Ihelt alrnt r.riiii(lnnl Ilia lalanda Aim a. It was thou (lit Hint with that priiposoil Innisnsn uf HI(liH"N, Matter, ! al tmalneee of Ilia lilahde for the pan Mr lik Tlitl 1111. Mnlgnard, I liaipiml, T II llatlaa remiltPil." Wn mo i;1ml tn Inirn nf llila ma. wngis, ami diuilouluu nf lutmuf nrrticn, tlial thrjr Asst. of Goods Atlanta the Splendid Apaiil i Will linto (lulek IlUpntali for nlinve port. lall.f.rliof. iintnllhilatnllnii lillilv, mill ll Willi llm iilialmii'ii til inTnr lh iiiuat Inilimeuunt. C3T y.arinna iMitt! Am aid Ida MtliMiiar. I.ntdal, I'nrt llamlil, fnr lUIni rlillal.iiv Tliom In ship limit nf imupln from tlm I'nr I'rrlglit nr I'aaean, apply In OonxilaatlilK lh ilraoliaeaa that halt bean eipetltn'ed, and In the I'll " iimrn tif n " lilli aliiliilniil lit linaiuinr lllfriilllln, AfiiienuH tlin way liein, hat lint ntiiiuiih Infill llin KNI IHM'.WHII A Cn, AfMil roihllrtllii. nf I lie RifOII Talilt ft Hi' Ji at timed ll w III Lmhl., ,N l'll,N N W.du.ln was suggested .. .1 IH.III , ciiliilllliHi fmiil llm nf llm unlets wilt fnrwanl. ll Hint be aeen Itial lh .1nar nrnditft In fiereded Ilia rill Anl nlilih Vnry linllirn Im HI. ' Pill kk l.aitr l,amiiim, Manlnn.fan iln nul In llm nuniln nt Mlchnrls In i i , N 1 l n II Kntdirn, linil ninny I m In it () s a n'kua 0 HCl). IImII'h rM ' aatay malt foe f IJi lent. Jan M", f lliaw r A I'n, Anl man wn niliinni In in rule Imiiilursnls nn Ihn Isrius niknii n( nlmtc, furrow Plow. N't the of rdraaanl wrullirr, anilltiipr Am lik I'amdaii, Mnatitnn. I'ntt dn Jan ft 10, II hut nn net Ion was on llin iiiiiIIit, ltm rttnin tlamlil. it t ia tin t to Ainl ilralriio-llv- o taken A liimnmn n miilinlly , Til I'stnrll I'arlrl llarkaiitln the ra nf nut atnrmt M .Inter Iraann baa riaiaed, llarkfalil In. A(nla, jrt It was lhuiiilit boat In liavo ntlmr meetings, nud r AmkV ll.lnl'i, VNnlir, I'mt llamlil, dna Jan WB.II nf rnnli nllirr, In Jiiiiriniln nncmtnln as far ns imnnllitu what Is wanlMl nml Irienirt IK ai.al Kena'a hat f ll1 In nnl In llielr ! .1 nrrillii; rt. MlrkM.1 t'n, Agrnla, what can bnilonn by llin (luvciniimiit ami by llin fiearaitte, nrtrilheltet Ida trade norma thai pinall.il Am hkln ('iinallliillnii, , Kanalmn, dna Jan & rlimlwly ilovnlril In piiiiily at'lrntllln nr pliiulnrn, no its luseiul wind fnrwaiil by tlm ifURiIlKA,"aTDftjC liMHItMHN, Ma. h lorn S nf nuicli tiaiitihlr1 ami iirhallnn l. ,Acnta. urit r, iiii Am rh lln.ail.i, hulll, fnt Kalinlnl. itn. nlialrnijlliiiia, llniv In uviilil alianiiir. In man; illllrlrle and tanrilnt t on llir lalamla, aip'tlal Am dn hnvn Dlnpntcli fur nhovn rh I'aaal llayward, l,ltalllilr, llnml'nldl, In lllnnilnm, wlilili linn fnr ll" i.'oniiiiiiuli Will llulok Port, It Har,aaua, Hawaii, (Mmigti Hit Inability nfrntllere Jan Mil, Allrn A tlntilninn. Airnl) atil M I'nr frl;lil nr paaaaj apply In fn atolla f B'iUi. Thr alraln and nf Uhik In Am arh Tnlll(lit, hlln), Nan I'ranHirn fnr lllln, dna nvnwnl nlijoct llm linirnvonint nf rnu:luy lijr Street Talk. Jan Mil. 1.0 tmri II. II M KIT. Ml A 110,. .1 theta narhela Inn hair been ntnn anil Ar'ld lilrllnt ntnl. Am J II Npiackal. rranilafii, dna llm t. I'ttii I'll, fan jnat rtltlrlani nf liiihvliliifila, inrllin, nr nr iiun-nr.- (infoilnnalalj, tllfc Ihe mtalM nie nflli' VarwlrV Jan W II If in A Anntt jEtx-A-j- t'l. l, III-- linillfi. nf iniin nf wlilnli I'Olnlnianl, In n iiwiiii. M ami har dan nf amilt, Tn the rrllrf of man; Ihe Jn Am kk II I' Muirat, ltatna, (n rranriarn. du Jn ll h 'x' jta. IK. I' A A I n, Is that full tmiiiof Ita rrlnrnr.t te p..Mtlnl Unnrtaj Mrharfrr Acmta, iriiinalliiin wn inn jrrt I iitin pnliln nf jnur n. lth her eirl(nlrarcn, Am kk rmrat Ijiirru, M Imlinf , fan 1'ranflarn, dn i'iininn Vos. y hatlae. ham detained lij aliria nf weather kit the Jan 111 IV II Cn, nml nliiill laikfld.l AKna. t lirinllum tliriol'mn liy nnr inliilin:!, Why do run cull yiiursolt linn ? & Kotiela mail. Am ik II U' Aliny, I'irrmaii, Man I'raiitlrrn, dn Jn III, I'aall A I link. Acuta, iinvnr ntlrniit Ilrt iliiliinnatriiilun. Whnn wn 'I hnl's mi abliievlatlnii, llku Abu fnr Abrahnm, font Imlldlnt. lull at Knlanlatina, an Klnan aa Am Win W II lilimmit, llomllrll, Kan I'lanrlarn. dn K M liiivo niL'ttnlnn wn llio Wliut's business ? Ll KE E a a. f.f I'unf hl"i..),l (n VVrdtietitay laal tl a'irllnti Jan IN.'. ll Itttlli A In. Anta, In ihilf, will link jnur STEAMER Ll M M N Tin 1.1. H In .Mr. V N. II f.w JJ.ONI Th l aae I' Aualralla, t'aiill. riydnry, Jan ll'V nf lit I'm In llm street gos'ilp, nnd nplnlnu lluu, I 1. 1, i i 11. nf A cliniijn irniinnllty tmr (iiiiitilnn. nml mi, iaiii;ii. iiiillin Mil in. Aunla, stniul llm li'tiiplmnii iliHlng tlin gut forinjari, anlil Inr fM pet tannin t. J. Krau, thna I' SI h ll l"lly nf !ijiIiij. lirailmtii, Nan I'raiiflafn, dn wntiltl only ootinlilnr It rnwnrilly If wn fnllril at day and up may I. Jan'.'J, II llarkfald A Cn, Acmta, I fimiUh Hlraiurr I.lkrllk will Iratn Honolulu tli 'rnredaj lh year raid la r..fn tip prnmlaliif siiinn rani hits, euutuisallon tin easy . kMlLUt. 13pavaar , rVXJtr a lilninn ciiiiiIIIIiihn It al l.iiloillin, I y, . jfaaaaaLa In llila If In iiilnilnhliir iiihIit wliem IiiikIiHii' Mnslais Makrua, i .cc raaaaBBraai- j.ibiiiiiiiiiiiiv fw,riKiiah. It- tin. Hit fntecnlnt; an; Indlratlnn letlllS, .Mrs.Maliukuna, liSHallmi', l,si,piiliiiiliii ami lllln, ..r, a. ii ll i...uiMVi -, rf hal will be al SIIII'IMNONOTKS. In rnllnl fur, irrnm vliij; ttlwuyn n ri'ijnlil fnr Mow ? dene lh eilenilte an,l niurli llliiriilni( ivlllliiuih at nil III nluiVf pull, aniline iH7"kr V talea al nn Monday I Ilullnr nu hour, llnnis nru A. M. antllnn, mil, lif ntdr nf Ilia Tbf Am bkln I'.lla I al llrrnrr t ("n iilmif Inad r il It it ml vlnliilliii; llm miliUlly nf nnrnnill. Hivrlnl etlrn. al llilliullllil rmli rlilliilny wtsmsM&sm III What did ynu elinrgii fnr euiivprsallnii Until lni)lrinf l.nnallh ICiatr. al nhleh lain num Ing fnr lianrl.ro in aall nn or about lint lu -- bn Hull nf pilviltu llfr, llflltl niiclnil liV riiliilimll Ilial ulmiil r (rcitll lor IMissnii .'luiiej, n tier efdrilrable tiatla In latlona tiatla nf the Manila Tb Am bk Martha llldannl la al Allan A llnblnanii'a .ttlrnllnfi't "cliuri'li meinlu'rn ,o Mb raking iiiud," "Oliilsllalts keeping W pnalllvly atrnuiil for PaaaNorr, lllni Mlftnl. nhaif itaciailiiF a rarcn nf liimbrr Kill tllirit rnlinrnt ol t'llnlnm, secrets alioiit rfun lu upni PLOWS, 20 DIFFERENT SIZES In lb nuiinil nn lVdn.day nrtl Ihelr neluhbnrn lu plwiou liulesi'' and "llluraiy anil nr I'liilkuliiriy mil Hi alliiHiiii nf tlm tlimiliix Ijiill a teerrely nf la tinllfed In Hi marVrl. Wn litkn It llml nnilor n rnrront liili'rinln. things " pulille In lhriiic.i..lly uf linvllia llBiur (ml I lllnlil Tb Am bkln i;urkn la at Hi lEaplauad nppnall iilnliily llm Ii 15-irsraDJ- eeptrlally Ma;, of uhlrlirda tale nf Only rates, Horn's my liuukrili Hlraiurr llll uia rpiiutllila leertil al antllnn an Hi I'lialnm lluu Inodrit fnr Halt rranriarn, In aall linn nf llm wnnl " iiiinniinity " llin cnniiiin. usual card) lur any iniinarkcil llK;ageiur fur l'leluhl ur I'arirla, u3L.ixrx Intnlee, Injured lb DON-KI.- tnmrwhtt mi vnjjr, reallied 5.1. e V.M). llllleaa lleeelpleil mr, n III tiily liiivn ii In ilrmnml ll nf lit In nil Ilall'a I'lnwa, rutllnir from lull Inrhrat llall'a It ami nri I'rrakria, II birli Knla (Hittnt, per pound, and anion nnr riealrtetl la illmtnlt In nil Th llrll bk hlr l,anrlnl la al lb nld lannlilp rllit . nilNlI'lmaa M.I lllll I'lmta, III. IVaml ( rilNttllNATHINUi IllTI-Jl- 'night Monty Due on Ilamnrl. Hull. llnll'a I'nrruw I'lowr. llln(lira wharf Mil will aall Inr I'nrllainl Or , In ilaya, Mint HI t tit la Hiilby inailn apxrlally fnr Nu, X I i nc W V.jo nrdara al rnnaldaralil nf an adranr. tiinttm) til imlillti fnluriiil, Imlli llm In all riitna uf firlnlit for paitlia lint rrapiuiallilr, or I'luwa, llamaklia I'lanlnliuiia, Vinarri. 11 a ('uiiitimn iirilluary, M liimr. all I'lnwa wfj Til r bk Krlirnyd la at lh Kiplanad dl.rliarelnr tvnls pr I I'luw llanillra, rilra pulula niul hania, fur that lirpf In building malarial we la rernrd a " Im IK) link nun n, lis firliflit niunty nlllli irojultt'i lot vitnt. rtrl ttarrtly foren'tif tnal fruni N .1 W, nud tliu Am bk llilrf limy ilni;;i'il In jnnlli.it," nml lli.it Deeply aolnlllll, acln nf Mlela which materially irlardt Hi pnjreaanf In at Hi NtaH,Hi dock, " " IMllli.Hlr.is ol nml M I M.N Ml llriar fiini nf rlmr l,lkllk'a 111 lilenlllll.'ittlnti m.iy nrrvu In prnli'i't llin Whining, in l.lil:nllN ! th CM4ill lllMk, fnrmr nf gnn and I'ml Kla , mal from Drpnrliir Hay, lllglitiiuiiiliiiilluunlloii.til " in; f i,a i.mi, i ,iiaiiki;ii AOKIOULTUKAL IMPLEMENTS OF ALL KINDS , llm la alar) ld In k h(ld at rain, noltii; In Th Hr bk I'arHIo riliipoarrltrd from Nmra'll, N H iinwnry uiiiliiail ii ri'pulllliiii ofliln ih:Ih. Wn I'urlouii wralli, iilmnl ami tliumler, real I'nr Hi pnrly wliuni limy am for, or plainly lail In Hi a- V, nn Wrdna'day laal and autlmrrd In lh alrram, put In wfinm Hicy an Hi ahnrl alnck and lh larn riairdrmand llironuli Hi Imlnlun In tin rl ulul Ioiih j nml In llila lliiibutgeri hnl sulphur, him in rilU lunaltliMl ri aiiatlliit; a btrlli In ill. i hitrjrn- - eterlnsiiug uijit ronvcmiillon, I wr hour. AH ilrinaiula fur iliuiisrr or luaa iiiuat lia mail wllliln lanrlrr linlldlnr; oprrallnna enlnj; nu In nnr intlriinlla rnnli f nus inuiiHi, SHELF ALL particular will nlwuyn nnilcaviir In Im iinpnr-miii- iil What wnstliu rnlo lor talk about tliu hlniphcrd MECHANICS' TOOLS, HARDWARE, KINDS; or mm llm pad, In llll- war Until fnr Inaa nr anlilinl tn lit tlnrk. IMI'OKTS. lint lonvn llm of llin liislKiilnriliiv? llm k liuya, sriil III", will nut u Hi rnuilrar Id .Minlilrr w pnlillu Injinlno I Itr- uiivrra, audi Tlirmih nf nf I'lnanr Dear nld Hliiiiherd lfnw I IotiiIiIiii I Igotuiit nn liiniril tlm Hli nu Hi 3- - bMIInn In allounl airier arrival, uiilll afjrr NAILS AND SPIKES, of all kinds and sizes; pr'a-'n- l harrnllh nrrparrd I'mm Nowraatlf, pr lirbrnld, Jan mal V.ilil nml Initial it nf nnr nlmiitiuil, nnd a Hint my A, In u lhrarfntlr lalilrnfroll. Wlldfr A I'll. nf him $ l.(, iirllllenln father piiaujjrr liai r lamlril, Hii. W. V Alln, nf lh rapmla, nnl nntjr nf Ihl pnrl Ass, r.m wns uriglniilly eiintrllmled tu tlm nottlo. "7.1 WIMH'.II A CO, From Now Mlop. Jan it -I- ,C11 Inna I'aall, pt l'atltr im. ut binnl by a knnaka from O.iliu. Mkml Rccd and Barton's hat cmrrallji dnn, liiilnftlin nhol lalanda, tnaj In Wllikr A t'n, TEAGHERS' ASSOCIATION. at lin talk did yuu 7 MAIL tinih thn laal i n r I r and Hi Jnai cIikkI. with Unit struct PACIFIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY. fr )ar Vns, was nu hlgliilmrso. Ihrtnniparallvo flgntra fnr alinlUr pfrKnla nf Tlin inoctlnt: nf llm 'rMialiiTri' Annncliitlnn nf ll the SILVER-PLATE- D .'1 llir r.xi'oiiTs. High- ass ynu mean. I let nut nu llm hriiiui. CELEBRATFD WARE ! jar, xlneh almna tar; liandanma total nr tlin lluwiiiliiH ImIihiiIn wliicli nnnniililril ut llin ntreleh there. I gut up mid rolled my eyes, Mnppi-- For San Francisco. H,Vl,.1l(l In ar Knr rnn I'niiclar", prr Kalakaua, Iter ln, acln nrrr lail l,r,ir;. ll .1 r bonk., I r a T,: my briiiist, and tent my garments (llin only coat I I.V A OIIKAT VAHIKTV Of JtOHT lll'.AUTIPl'I. IlKNKINHf It nifar, JlO.tkailli. rlor, bll Lyt'i'iiin IliU uui'k In illaiMiaa t'llin.'iilinii.il wl nnllcrd trial llir ltma nf Inrmai ar Hniiar, Inirba baiiauaa, Valur I'trn. SIf'n V"l. Ibuii JII.'JM.I'J,li'a, lind). Did yuu milieu how I went fur Hum? rut: hi'i.i:Mini nriunaiiiii tnplcn nml inipinvti nn innuli piiHalliln prufi-sse- In Mnlatata, ltlr, l'aitdy, llananaa, halt, Tlloi, I'iiIii, Knr Jaluli, ptrttlaqliniiiid, II pntalnaa, in im llin "Many of our legniinrnlns, many loud AND many Wnol, 4 lO Itnur .MiikIpb nhd :t ku priilcsslnit love fur n Hnviuiir, nru tlin nf 8TOVE8 RANGES, of kinds and sizes; ale. hll t'nltrf, Pllncua, Onal Mklna, llldra, cralra nnlmia, l lnmbr, liiflllmil nf ttmchliif; III llila ktniSoitl, Im bitterest n I pkija In Valuo l'i!ii. cull liiiclcbltnrii 1" yy!fi,. . Oil and linn h dtfr aifd. nail., ra puliit, and U? trnnall, That's Juicy. tmm.it. i f l WK jIAKK A HI'KMIAI.TIT OK- - flW.IMl. prniiniinct'il u unccoHa, Tim iiiiuniliinen wnn Docs tlm dear nld Miepherd, an ynu null him, "''SSwS.f llimland, !kl - Valno 1 Tor Mil It, pr John Jan l'ttn. Ciiiiil mill nil atrmi'tl timcli InlnriMteil In llin never b.iek.lnte, himsulf Br,i; JSifl.M, Never! Dn yuu Hint S5 ! supiwsii an oi'lllgh l'rlnst S'2E I'ur Han l'ranrlarn, pr Anna,. Ian - Tltl.Mi'J Ilia r, woik, Tlin pnprrM Kind, nililri'HcH innilu, uf llm oritur nf Melehlsi'diii) will s,iy bail things AU8TI4ALIAt'Aiiiiii.f,. Hum, Valu lii,ll4Jl"i, 7 I tii.tiii aniii:ii, OILS, M AND Imtlia banana, ! ulioiit know family which Inlrr-I'lmii- his nelchbnr a lakes PAINT tnili'n illnuilnaril, nml tlin cniint'ipiinil nn WILL LEAVE HONOLULU his piK'r, nud bnliuves it Is tlm nulypiirn literature FOR SAN FRANCISCO A nd hating lh". uf llulibiirk' Whit Lead and Zlnr. nf IMirrnl flnallllr, liMr a I'nll Mn nf'all m ""pASSKNOEIiSr wnnli-il-nrr4'. w ' nf llinti;lit ilrnw nnt ninny vnlnaliln lu llm wurlil. On 10, Dry anil nvrr Onll'ino nf llnlilinrk'e llllll.r.l) I.I.Mtlll'.ll Oil,, ran K.ll or about Wonrtny Jan, r 'Jl I'l.i: Dims tlm dear nld Hhephnril never furget him-sel- at tlm l.nweal I'lgnr. On-- !" Ilnlluna of I.I HIIK' t rl.NII ohm, lit Hi barrel, ita or iiallou. -- In AHV'Htor-- 1'nr San I'raiicUm, pr Kalnkaua, Hoc III W tbo miri'siIiiiih to ttiaulilni MiiijIIiiIi In IMIIIM: i.MI l!ll,H'll lllll, IIIIH, llir lloat AmrrlCail!'I'.lllll" knnwil. Wo tut" low Ih l.trgr.t of M offered III Hit Ilolta Hacking. ip Whal Imn, ltia. :5 man, Mr IMmkaun I An I nay tu old fellow, FOR SYDNEY l,i: riir.K frmn Ifallfomla, Hi. Katl and rrance.rtcr Markrl. I'nrnii. Hot. unlive HnwnlluiiM, nml ntlmr I'llnciillnniil null, Never him, Hour yuu aro VIA AUCKLAND! wo attempt Hi iiuinf,rati-nn- on- - arjlelra w ll I" r Anjtt JanS-- MI Hronln-pr- r ,tr. ,tr but will nut morrif tho Hiou.nii'l nnd thai kp, - lliiiisknnc. llail, ton kind. Inn mild, nu man can succeed whu car- m .V.-i- - r 'Jin ir lorn, llml niiiNt lio nfvuliio ! llm oliaorvinj; wniihl rnrer mure than whole page of lh 1'imaa. W conllally Invito our filciul" and ciiitoi"r to eall ami ! and I'hln. ries Christianity Into tlm nuwspapur businins as amliieoiirNI'I.II.VIIIII.VriMICOI'tioolOI for Iheinaeltra, and will l, runtlnt'd of what w aay. (.'J 4 Hrrk-nlth- , ''in: mi,r..iriii rvrcA.vtMiii' lhy IVahhrpHklna Tor Nan I'rantlaco. nr Anna, Jan Mla.'nlla liMiijIicr wlioan liuiitt Ih In llio yuu dn. The orders uf Molchiscdcu and Kala m K WalWi r, A. r wnrk. ll Mniiinr. olfo ninH tbllilrrn, Ilium havn uiriilu yuu too high tuned. II (HII, J 1' : llrnry, Jarl.ili. .Inn Hrrru. Wu ran limit npnn tliu Ai'cliitinn nn lirlni; t lliuMiupiicril CITY OF - fisr! und his fi lends struck at llov. . SYDNEY! ciriMtKMi-- iia- lllrll.raialtia From Nrw prr l'arllln Mupf, Jan Sill Jtilm siu ll.-- t couitT or tiik I'aall. niul Hi llm last mick ; nut mtic.li char-It- v lll'.A lllltl O.tirtA.MICIt. O WAIIAN lalandr In I'mliate. In the Eatalr of paitnmiiiiilly iirKimlnil, Irnnt llml llio air. Parker IJfit r I M . llontlaon. I I'.I.I.KN I'. A . r Itonnliiln, ilae.raied, Inleatale, Ham, ca.lt "I IT; lu lliatattuck, think. On or about Saturday, .liuld, fc ul itn. inumboiM will mil ll.ij; liofnro tlin H'bu trinililii is yuu diiu't umerslnml things. Jan. 15th, llofore Chief Ju.tlr Mrrtfflit hihI On reading uiuinilng the petition nf William V. Alien :l! Now eiiuminu is nun tiling) that t'nr liimiiBf't nit))' In Kllen 181! nooildl rofiirnm in tlin nelnml nyHtnin nrn H. i , ( (),, ARfMlHa of Itoniilnlu, lalAtid nf Oiihu, llplng tlint P. t Whio ou,ei. nt n If pubhslicd nbuut llm Shepherd is all dtuadful SMt. ,:'V,M Ilarrla, late of aalil Honolulu. dl'l at anlil .SIVIIHII In thl illy. Hrr.stih, Mr, Atilmio .Slnprr. Tliin lirnl Hi'riHimi in u atop fnr-wn- gossip. Jooilt tttr .SIiliiniiC prr Mrtuurr I'lin iinw llnnoliilii. on Ih '.'Mh ilny of Inly, A. I).lntttWl, and pray a anattvnir iiiirmaiiy, nj;fii yrura. lUTrH.ou inn i Isn't lit .slnrril, i'vvv ol ChurK In llir lug that kiln, of Ailinliil.triitloii laaii to liliu, ald Ilia mnl nno tlint in tlin fill n re, wn Impo, it trim? tVitirlMMidr Hip Mt-jiiii- U rirririf. Wool. pi In lliinnlitlu fur a itifinbtir nt)rara,nuil lata a Iln ynu think I'm sitting hern In bn iM'iir r Iihi William V, Allen. family In hta Inaa - ilaillilu (a dny .! M- l i nil and inuiirn will lio Innkril li.u.k- nn n ? ll oiilerd that TUr.MIIAV. the Villi of to niurkvil nvent in cornered Hint question Votl corner tlm h- KAI'AIVMIIIII.AM (in buiiilay, Jan 11. at tbo oil dll'l CHAS. BREWER & COB iliary, A. 1, IHHj, - and hereby laappnlnll for hearing Turn : ra. old Hhepherd, Jump nno uf or I r: drnro nf II. J, .Nnllo, KtiapaliiiHani, Aunt of Mra, llio liintury nf Kilnuatiun in llio lliiwiiiinti dear either. He'll like aald petition before the .aid fuatlco, In the Court room II Nolt, i;il about riiynara, his wild nhoep out uf any comer. of thl Cnuil, nt flounlulu, al whleli time and place oil Ialumln, It wim nlinw'H wlmt vmi lio ilnnc by BOSTON LINEOF PACKETS may appear and ahow If any rmr.NTAl.V Al Mnlnkal, Jan (!. B, l'nunlaln, How about that attack nu Parker? peraont contruil cauau. :!, 1 limy petition ahoiild he grained. nml i'51'i" M didn't likn much tu make ll, butltwnnnnolcnm hate, why aald not i C'd fciyrar and inniiiha, a nallvo nf Main. I', f, A. iippliinillini nml purriuvniiincn nn llm purl nf TIIK lik "MAKTIkV IIAVIH." tie In Hi I'.ngll.li -- Talloir, lba. '1 duty, paid fur my high I got a plo-ui- Wll.l. III. thai till onter publlhd langung and rralilrnl nf lb. lalanda fnr llinpnal Iblrly ytara, at rates. llaiiiilr.hcil from lluatnn fur liruiiiliilu on ur for aurceaalve week In the "Natunlay Treat a and rneaKMl until In Urn arivlto. llin liMclinr, nml wn linpn In lio iililn to ntnla n pair nf as extra Unit. Did three California tnnlly riM.lltitf and boots, fnr it hurt newapaper In Honolulu, 1 I.'lf feelings ? , k .IHna.JM it llio noxt nnntiul mceliii"; what piogtcni liuu Parkr's Tho tiny of Novomlier next. uairti iioniiiuin. ii. I. mil lanuary, a. ii. ien.-- 01 u. NATIIMIIAY Now Hint's junl tho trouble. Ho duu't inlnil it, lat A. KltA.M'lH. 1111)11, i? Till; I'lll'XH (icon iiukIo.-- " I'raona ulaliliii'liiuriliir (rimila hliinl liy llila J C llldra. by ur pay liny attention lu it, und everybody eluo Chief ii. tic Hiiurem .urt. rubllahrd fnr the SaTUuinr l'nr. AaauctiTniN alinulil mull irilvrauu or lirfure HFiloinlier V'.lh.talKor -- Hlmp-hiir- A. Clerk. 7 8 laughs when I'm working fur tho dear old further luirtlciiluia apuly tu Attatt ftox. I)puty It " IIOIIKKT (I1I1KVK, Wise my LS Things and Otherwise. nt "furious wrath blisid and thunder" nrrijlm O. IIHUWIIH A CO. IIIHIII' or TIIK HWVAIIA.V llook,.lnb and (Icnural 1 - Furniture ('.at Sklni, pta i3 l'llnltr, rate cumulated lut week's Kith Mould set liim SIll'III.Mi: I'rnhnl. In the K.tali- nf HAHAII n ; : to llnnoliilii, It. I. The Innt ltin nf tlin '.(.',.I. rnritril tlin dirty to wringing his Imml'i and erjiug fur mercy. Iln M, IIKCKWITII, late of Honolulu, deceaaed, Intertate. column uf tliu I'. S. I., in ulifcli Im npilli tunea is Just impudent enough, and callous euuugli, mid A. COOK 12, Ilnfuri- - ChlrrJli.tlci-Jlldd- . itiSl on 111 ratANIi nixl filing petition of Kdward llananaa, tirhi. xn Xntlct of any tvrntanf tniorrat tranaplrlnr; Ida lyrn nnd liiiuNln tlin Hiimunlil kuj "l)on"kiiy. liiirduned enough tu go about, tlm streets as If noth- AtlK.NT I'OHTIIK KOM.OWI.Nd UOAhTKIlHi On remllng the 0, Ia ?i : : nthrr lalanda hIII alnay be tlianklnlly rccrtml ing had hiipiivneil, ami I am told that ho laughed mull, nf Honolulu alleging llml riirnli it, llrckwltli of ft Wn Wnllolo, .j Mitlolo lloiinltilii, illerl lute.tale at llnnoliilii, on the Eflth day Comp'y,, pnbllrallon, (?orrrpnnipnla aro rrqurated (n append mngMtulato mir nitter dintrlet on llm West, hi tlm must irreverent way about It. Is a man lit ofAilmln-latratlo- ii F. Wniolt. nt .lilno A. II. IHTII, anil prnylllg that letter Kiincna, lb,,.. TFT thrlr truo iiamr tu all rntnmiiulcnlloua, not for publl Wliiiuin, In tlin appointment nf a now uingliitr.itii to bu a Pastor who jmys no attention to what the MfV Jnlln laauo lu htm the aald Kdward O Ilamon. ration nraaarlly, hula a guarant that lb twilir tu iirt'Hitln over llm irnulilfu ut itn imnplu, and Irunt dear old Shepherd says 1 Ill ordered lhat'l'iie.iluy the I7lh ilay of January A. 1 full la ' , IS- Tnl. blila attlncln c"d lm will prove to bu a terror lu nvil ilm'tri." Well good-bye- what charge do you makn for Gnu. SitiBel aaiawLaaih Knlnnn, I). 1MJ be nnd lier'hy la appointed fur hearing aald talking uqiihiil your precious, doar old Hhephnril ? 'petition before the aulil Juattre, In the Court room of torn.. Nutwithntniulhig tliu euipliatia denial fnr tlin nud Mitiuu Hilt Court, at llnnoliilii, at which lime ami nil Ilt name price ; I'm a IiiisHuims cuncern. liulweeu Itoit may atiow If fiiutiilntioti nf llm retKirtcd truulilcH in tliu Iluuin-ku- a I FLAd with While Hall. Onif uf qneeii peraoiiN cnnci'riii'it iipprnr and cauae. any vnu nnd me, wuuld llku tu lio umployed fur nn Htri-rta- . 1 SATURDAY dihlrlet Hawaii. H.U and .Nuunuii they have, why aald petition aliould not he granted, and fff MESS. uf throiiKli tlioiiiolllnii'iiey.ur Iiiiitr uii tlint hty. thai llila order Ire pulilUlieil In the Hngllah lancuagn Cofrrr, lha riiiiiiivnuce, nf tliu iiolleo,uv Inivu additional testb CAMPBELL'S Very wellj I'll unmo nrunnd next wcok. for three ucceanlve week In the ttaturdai Preaa," I lu llio Hint uufoitunuteiy JAXUAlirifWZ. limn) inntter imlidtua .. , From Honolulu to Hilo Direct. newapaper lu Honolulu, 2.1. rviS : miiru truth than jHielry, The A i Clipper Kcluinurr, Dated llnnoliilii, II. I., lire. With, A. I). 1W1. ; aH TitE ntinti.il uicnlininf tho f tho A. 1'IIANOIH JIIIIII, lllco.lh : JOURNALISM. j 'to IR-- i IMPERSONAL Hlmilcrt of llimpill linker fall thin year upon llnwnllnn Hull Tnlephouu Co. vtnn held im thn nth 1 Juallce of the Supreme Court. 3NT3EI"Vr 3H I : " A I, K. 7U HI Jut Iialiiliild, who plnatlH fur lci;isliillvo lionorn nl tlm lust, nt thu ulUon uf A. Jnecer, K.V.; l)7r uhnriH uf & M 0 O," & Atleatt Jko. IIaiivaiiii. Clerk. Wnllcr Murray (liliaon, very liko Daniel lmiuls of tho ix'oi'lo on tliu priiilinu. His ntmik wurn rt'iircnunted. After henriui; tlm renut tlOOHMAN. JIAHTKIt, iani:.tii: t.'oiiirr uv iuhmiia.m lt Hindu Will eall frnm Honolulu to lllln direct, anil will call al In iin: llio l'addy, Iba.. AVcbnter, wnnlil wnil till it qnlln nnnwiiig ro iniuilfCHtii npM'arcd thia week, Ihihiiiu Ins elniniR uf thu TrenHiirur, tip tu tlm closo nf lf8l, thu Silalanda. Probate, lu the matter of Oiinrdlau. nu a iiiillinu.dollar loan, contitiuanou uf ltecipruc-it.- flection of ultleurn wnn iriicccilcd with, mid Inlrruieillatu Porta nn the return trip. hlp of the minor children of CHAM. AI'IANl I.UMI, IiIm off-rii- o lio tlouolulti, deccntrd. Order to allow on lio clonrs aiilawnlk riijr, and UcMiulu Iiahul. in thn elt'Otin:i u( thu fulluwiiia uniiicd ;cu-I- h I'nr Freight or l'nrnii;, apply lu Hi Captain on linarrl. late of raii.u Han I or A. CUUKK, nppllratlon of Otiarillaii for order of rale of Ileal Kalate, Mntaaaa,ctla. ct moll tu nervu ns the ulllcorn uf thu Cumtmiiv fur '.ll AKrnt. u Block, St. W implyini; tliat ut kiiiho fnttirn limn wo may On rending and tiling the petition nf l'rederlc Auitu.-t- Fort Tlin nation iniigiitu hortly nlllioli'd. Ancwnrilrr thu oiiHiiiiiL' yimr: II, A. Wiilrm:inn, I'mnldcnt) hchaufcr. the Ounrdlau uf the properly of the minor tn neo it cleared and clean, which tin of knighthood lu lie kiuiwn an tlm Order uf tlin Chnii. It. Illahuii, 0. O. Hcrnur, PLANTERS' LINE Chae, Aplaui deceiiai-d- , praying foran 75" FOR SAN FRANCISCO children of -- AHE im lionent man will ovor nliject tn llin ilnitiR if lio Cinlilen Urnwii ut lluwuil Iiiih hcen iuMilutcd liy Hi.crutnry nnd 'trunmircri .lohn II. I'.ity. Auditor; order or aula of certain rial uaiate altuaiedon LlllliaHt,, Co.-Agon- tn aald warda, Sncar, Iba, tbnkluu. Wuiinw hiiMittieUnleruf Knincliuniehn, nnd Directum: II. A. Widcmiiun, 0. It. lliahop, II. aV C. Drowor 4. tB.i llunnlnln, belonging hit and aetllnc hits llio ability tn do it, lint purhnpn them in CHdtirof luilnkiniii, ut Kapiulnni Mucf.irlnno, K. Adntuu, lluriicr, forth certain legal rcatona why auch real ealate ehoiild Drilor and Order 1. C. O. John II. BsLB Mercliandler. received Mornar Frrf.vCaJ he aoldt nf tli ti Gulden Cruwu nf nml l'nty W. W. Hull. an much dinpnrity between llio nrca of tlin Hawaii, underneath nnd nnd liberal rn.ti advancea made on ahlnment liy thl ll la, hereby ordered, that the next of kin of the aald nil this Mangers poor liltln Hawaii 7Kl ly C. IIUKWKlt & CO. ri ml. n. waul, and all puaona Inlerevted In the aald eatate, 5J, niiUwalka to be clonrcd nn them in between T'ltr. Amu Turner wnn noken Nov. 2 instead of appear before Ihl. Court ON HATUItllAY.Ihe Hth day NOW OPENED When tho law nliliging drivers nf vnhicleai ntJANllAItY, A- - U. lnrt:. 10 o'clock, a. m.. at the nml ability dinpn-ilioti- to 12, nnd wna in Int. in 8., long. 31 W., nud wnn Diwolution of Copartnership. al llio men compared, their and carry light wnn framed, wo liavo nut tlinslicjitret Court Iloiini of till Court, In Honolulu, then and there a a iiiiiKiun; iiiou pruKreisn. NOTIO10 IS IIKKK1IY allow cauae why nn order aliould be granted for m n tu keep clt m wcllua between uiua iii.il our oioim eiiHicit'ti llm nuntn to Im pUIITjIC tn not tliiiiRi mi, I Kitrn thai lh tlrm biialnear aa Ornernl Tin. of and wo Conlinlly Invito ss rSiSS cirriod within tho vehiclu at tlm drivers feet, , dulnit thn tale aiuh dale: tlio Ptiblto of quantity quality of llio ncctitiinlttlion and The IleRiilar I'rayrr Mpetlns of th Y.M.U. A. will he Worker, riiiiubrra ill-.- at Nu, fiNiiunnu M. Honolulu. And It la further ntdered, that a copy of thl. order be the and tbis nicllmd nf cuinpljiiiu with tho law is ijet-tiii- - jet IIKMI EVlillY SUNDAY KVKNI.NO til the Vtalry uf under tliu Arm nam nnd rtylo of tl. SKIIKI.KKN A. piihllahcd al leaal Hire aiiccea.lve weko before Hie Honolulu tn Call and Eiam- - In Im ton commuu fur Bafcty, We givu dved on iNy IleCfin newspa- -- and llio niiurccn of their nnpply. The mow this Kort Ctlilla parlueralilp tho of aald day of henrlug, In the Turtt and Kuokna Wl a c a canliouary hint lu tho puhllo and our StrrelClinrch. oar Srrtlct couimcnclnuatOilS. her, IbSI, liy mutual content nf the Jltp.nrtlea Hi city fathers 71 tlirreto. per publlaheil aald Honolulu. ino our that fell on the nidownlk nf Umdcl Webntcr before accidents shall iirisu thetefrum. All PHrlle luili'bteil to aalil Ilrm are requcated to Dated llnnoliilii. II. I., r.M, ie8l. mnki; liiiinrilhiio paytneiit. nnd thoau hnvlnc cltitnia A. FIlANC'tri JUIll). J 4 wan- no iinptiritv derived from hinoini jmmite, WnUkam Watoboi. aculnrt llio Ilrm will present them ullhout delay fnr Chief Jiiatlce of the .Supreme Court. sr. Which In tliu most malicious kind nf journnlUm From tht Sydnty Daily Ttte'jraili, Jurit 2fi, IflfiO. o a wilh hia own indicia plainly ntotnped therenn; exposing retlli'inenl- - Atleatt A. ItUSA. Ilepiity Uletk. t0 3t o o k k 0? tlm of a iermm'n character as shown Tlio Waltliain Watch Ouniiiuiiy hnva liocn awanlril the Kltlier partner nf the lute tlrm (I. Hrzelken and tl. HANDSOME COLLECTION nu bin iiuliKiilii)n or want of ability liy documents of Inn own wrilinu? ur by the nnly colli nifilal rjlvrn fnr walcliet al tlio hyilni-- Hiqllnn will itUh'nutMaiHllin; rccoimK. t'OltltT Ol' 'I'lIK IIAtV.tllAX remit nf StlIIK.tlK .MKT1IU-rlKI.A- "uukh" uf "stipendiary luyalty," toiiliu tntu'curn EihlblHim. anil are tlio only exhibitor In any Wlillo thunktnx the public fur their ccniruni palrnn-a- n Ill rmbate-- Ili the Kitstcur Wc It hrolth our Tabl of Kiporta for llunnlnln, to kep hii preinii-- e clouli, and thereby In ixilltical favors, and liy harping nn " Invo fnr tho clnaa rroni Hie Unllrd Slatea who hnve received thla during the many r the lain Itrm ha cnrtleilon K, MA1IUKA. of Honolulu, deceaaed, lntc-lat- lltfore the Chief Juallce. OY-- mm montb nf December and the for dear ieoplu" endeavur tu drown tho echoen of dtatlnctlvo rcceznltlon, bualneaaiit the old aland, thry rctpcctfully tullclt a fur the totali tlmjrrtr prevent other, at will, from nliovelliiii; the M.MclNKItNY. conlltmniice of (he aame to their tucceaanr. On reading and filing Hie petition of Hlmon K. Kaal, eloatdl ' wronged contributors to I'nlnwai, that continually of Honolulo, lalaud or Oahn, alleging that Methutelali 1I Jil uiic1cntincni( befara ids door in heaps ex- I Sole Agent tor the Hawaiian Itltnria (i,skui;lken aco. llut keep coming nnr Uut truth orunhed to earth will Honolulu, January 3, 1W2. K.Mahuka, of aald Honolulu, died Intettate at aald u 11 1W1. SSSSS3SSSISS s haled llio nanty nrdur induced by titno umoiif; rite again, mm thowhiuuof "malicious journal. Honolulu, on tho day of December. A, II. and nalism" oaniiut hold it back. W- - R. CASTLE, praying Ibat letter of Admlnittratlon Ittun tn him. acciiiiiubilioiiK never ut tiny period disinfictcd Copartnership Notice. Itlaurdered that TUKSI1AY tho 10th day uf JAX-UAH- C - M rt O -- II I JVTTOH.WHY JVO A. H, 184.', be and hereby la appointed for FURNITURE ( OllillCtt.li U rlcndorixed, Welmtor ublo to Tho P. S, I., proposes in his fomicn pnimr "(o XJ.r rpiIK ITNUKltUIONEl), 8UCCKS8 or Daniel wuh cloa r oil his hidcualk whun It guts thruui;h snow, and Notary I'liblle. Annul all the Court nt the X 0118 to (1. hrirclktii A Co.. will hereafter conilur hiiirliig tali) peilllun befurn Ihn auld Juatlc. lu th IIiipI ni-t- Court ruom of thlt Court, al Honolulu, at which lime niaka llin nwtt clcniililieaa apparent and ncciu lug," wlrilti in his nalivii paier-n- n shuun liy our JM Kliir;ilom. ly tlin central Tlntnillhlnc unit I'luinbliij; at the : Old Hlanil. miller thuilrni name and atyle nf II. KN(). and plare all pereon concerned may appear and thow esoss S2 8 triinslatiun Inst week he assumes tho riito uf M NO A anil Ihey cuiite, if any Ihey have, why .aid petition aliould not be :s larly demonstrnble; and iiovoron uny uccaaiun MISS BERRY'S SCHOOL I CO., will emlcnvor In merit tho cimd , " injuied iiinooiiiin," and vents his vituperative rcpulatluu rarned by tlielr pmlari-.toi- fur pruiuiitiieat eranti-d- and thai Mil. order be publlahrd In the Ilawa Largest Stook. ntteinptcd tu necrcte rtlbbinh beneath HlniT nf spleen on tlin reelected Itev. editor nf tliu Knok;t, and thoroiish wnrkmuiitlilp, Tlio Ann la rnnitiuapd of Han and I'.ugllah language fur three aucceaalve wecka v IIIOUHY'S HC1IOOL WfliTi to ' newapaper In This hliiwiug hot and culd won't dn, neiu'lilior, -J, OUhTAV KNdl.INO, the " Kuokouaiid Saturday Preaa tlio Mama natiiro ; and nover uttompted tho but MISS Juuiiary Vth, 1K- Corner ut Alnkea Honolulu. : j o" o" clean oil' sidewalk blii-ol- JOHN KMMKf.UTII, Mi if )uu can jour it is about tiiuu anil llerelnnln Tl lit St I 18.11. by rll Honolulu, January a. 116?. 8SH 70 lm Dated Honolulu, II. December Md. A. V. " anliqiiated prnctico of nno odnr in jou started tu, clso these storm a will bo forever A. r'HANOIH.IUHII, i "TsTTSFSTS" S'S s coming up. Latest Stvles, truducint; nomuthiii); moro nlTi'iuive mill. WANTED. Altealt A. ItoaA. Chtrf .lu.lice supreme Court, 6'j ill Deputy Clerk Lot llio iddewntk be cleared 1 and it in all The Tcnornblo t'ntml for January seems to have AOOVKKNKSH VOK HKVKUAIi Engine For Sale. f- - ' : : K quite away moorings Mutlcal tnilnlnc illrnl, 1 KN- - i drifted from its undent Into - NKff F()Vi;it Hint ii asked, oven ti:unj;h it bo dono by tlio "Flowory IjiiiiiI." Whal etpcclnlly for IcarliliiK' i'lalii- nu Hie I'lanu. Inuulre I (HNC, III perfect uriler. KurSalrby Lowest with "Tho work r (71 It) K A, SDIlAKlKIt A Co. Prices Hirer t Talk man bo tn nmong the Chinese" " Employment fur 69 If O, 1IKKWEII A CO. ASTOR HOUSE v e'e !! I prosy, and the enugtd wanted :'ecoofc.i.si-.- Cliiuameit" "China mid tliuChiucMi" "('hiui'su I ai : : : : dn tho job. lint du nut invito tin into n draw. in New rSoulh Hunio the Homeless LIBRARY MEETING NOTICE ! SIS CC wCiC u"w 2 Wales"" fur For Sale! DINING AND " m SBCRC"t.ac ! itig.mum nn mid pure mid Chlmimen" "Hawaiian Hoard mid Chinese Wnrk" K U MlOKT- - : : : : rcptcaenlcd clean 'pil KEG riAUMONTU LY ui.inANn 2CS2CcC2 Ill "Editor's Table," about Chineso" Christinas L. llio Mlirarr Ion will lukehlacn Ita well tn nld. breathing utt ntmoaplicro puivudcd with tliu Iniof A"ctal nl trentli, broken h.lrnraa, aeien yejra 1 T'nn nt the Chinrsa Church" "Tho Cliiuntunn is Hu.iiii.TIIIHSATHIIDAY KVKNINd.Jun. 7th. cl 7i 63 I oi Knqiilln of W. MAUNIN. B hobchsRoca ti n a) ; ; New " A which Hut Klectlnn nf Secretary ami oilier LUNCH PARLORS, AWENT I : ; aroma nf iiinucciico and lovo ; but nn the Kuulauder uf the I'aeillc." and Chl n'cloek.al x.yfx.y,U. j. j. j . wili Important Liialncft will up for attenlloii, hcmi Supploiiienl "visions uf rice, elinp-stiek- toino 'I &, miry frunt tu bo waded thriiii;h boftiru Dragon ting 71 It I'lllt DIlDKlt Hollleter Co. 70 nud 78 Hotel .Street, fl P . I J . n nud the rise before us, nml welnvnlun. No. t "Z I b Ilor-- i tartly clap our liaml tn the back nt our head fnipnrleit of Oi;.d " i e tho nacred prccincln aro nttuined, ll nut in an. joiim exar.i.iTii. a. kmulixo. California tieipaliou of tlin coming tail I Q. HART BROTHERS, Proprietors. unottgh that uthcrn be nimply rominded nf their ENGIiINQ & CO., TOBACCO, CIGARS AND CIGARETTES, No. & Niiiuiiii SUrrl, In justification uf llio exist- to Discuss own puaalble filth Meeting Immigration Matters. Tiruunitlia nml Plmubora, Doilom in Storm, INOIAJUINU - Hoiml bj' tlio Day, Week or Truusionl Furniture Shti-- l trim ing mire wo Imva boon pruiuincd nliull be An Itmiirra, Tin, unit t'njiir Wnrr, keep run Kraxraul Vanity 1'alr iufuriunl luwlluu ol iiu.rcliniit.MilAiikrs.MHl plainly pn hjmrl u full iifTliiniiri', flnhan-lie- d iihhIo nnrtineni Oh) Judge, cleared away; tliit of reasoning will ntliuru, wnn c.iltiil tu Im huld nt tliu InUrtu olllco lrini amri.cail I'ljir, Inilta Hubber llue, Ac,, Ac. Drawing Ttoom, and 1 il ly 13 huld among reaHimablu men in any Wt'iltii'iuliiy nfteriiiKiti nt '.' u'uluok, tu LLIA.RDS, Company, . PORT OF HONOLULU. iiovor Lorillard'i Plug and Fine Cut Tobacco't, Tobacco, A. civilized community. Clilmnu ban unkod lh.it cuiifer rvK'irilliiK tlm Itiuiiiuriitluri qniutttuii with Cigan,Clgarettesand m Arrived. 1h iucoiiHuiianco tho llu.iril u( Iiiiinl;riitiuti, Huuio fifttuu gentle. THE HAWAIIAN ANNUAL! Soda and other Iced Drinks THE HAWAIIAN Am Y hinu put into "aluipt;" with Notice. Water HOTEL, I)e II h bk Jrihit (lowland, Orrtn, from San iiu-i- i , were irviM'iit, Mr. Arnistruiij ntntt'il Hint tliu jiiV-.j- v Ff. I lit bk frnm .Nrranli-- N a y - zrimf.iS e -v- Jan' Kfhrnjd.rilorfj, tho reqiienl (hoy bavo iiHiiutned " obapoj" nml 'PIIK IIKUK- Sfl -- viZiylV! HtMhi Nalanl, tniru Kna, Kau and Alaalara anlij'rt ut Iniiurriitiuu lautin uf viMl lniKirliiiiou 1. lufitre rxlatlui: between II Trnui.eau A W, II, I'ur-v- Tirst-Clas- s iiCXT "Ztj-tJ'- . J e " lowd Stylo ..m Ur bk I'arltc Mnn, llarnra, from .Nrncaill mi ugly bbim'iii they make. Storica uf tu ttili KiiiKiloiu, niul wjhIihI tu knuw tliu viu'tn uf tor the puriiiiaentcatryinson hnsar I'luntlnj lu Meals Served in l1 ataxia rilnt Jaa Makf. from Kauai miU Haw llio name .ias..i!sd:S!4-i- W riirxl nf llaniuknii. ill, under nf naaocialinlia and luot.iidy," have not been iilnutrra utlicrn cotici in tu it. Tho thu Illatllit A It AniblnJ ll HpiKkal. 1'illa, from ban K winhtnl iiitclliuuiilly, li.TrouaaraU A I'urtl hat been dlaauheil by mutual AT I.I, IIOtlllN. b Wallelr, from klallkn lluvriniuput to net mill iih tliu tiacd an weapon in the attack, neither haa tho lijuplu iiro tliu Clururiimniu, tliu vuiuti uf all nluiuld The Register and Directory conarut frmn date uf Oelobir Ut, lrel, hrb llaliakala. from l'pkco .Mr, W. ll.l'utvUnf lltninkua, and Mr. John I'urila HKNltYJ. 11AUT. m 0 KI.MBA.IIAIIT cb Kill liny, from Mulukal aanctitj ut tliu litniie and prlvato lifo been in lio hoard. Ho rcfrrrril to tlm iiiimirntioii nf I'ur. nf Kuialdy, c(ltlanll, haling purchati'd tholnterett nf c ,. .. .T-- blw C U lllabop, fromklaual tiiUUfkn, nml Mid Hint it wnt rury forturnitu tlml FOR 1680. In llm latetlrin, ham entered Into part, ;MHKBMK.m'' Il.TrniiaaFHil vuded tu niniitcr atoleti aucreK, ur tu exptino Mr. ('nrtur Iiiih Ronu thrru nt thlt tiiuu nn Utn in. nvralilp frum aniu. date under tho .trie and name of Hollistcr Co. itii-li.in- k (rum U tlju A cany on siui. tho defotniily "family nkeletons" nor tilll(;i'iif tit. tu iiirvul th.it Are now limed and 1'OH NAI.K at lha tHoreauf W. II. l'UIIVIN CO. and will the butliieaa AOKXT fihi for Ha Kran uf lus tho nut willing tu hum utiluH aaaiiinlnti nil the llablllllet of tliu old Itrm. lire Jl IJan bk Kalakaua. Ilanitn. utu cuiiio nv, w. cq. Am acb Maghuiiod. Ilaiirru, fur Jaluli ANV ifi'tif ttiitlnmU uf juunmHim l:tn unuilur iiiiliirt'iuciiu iru ultenili thoy f.ivori-- tllm HHQ8. O. THRUM. Tuai it. rcuvia a numphrcy'a Horuooputhlo Modlclaa Co'a $ l.fhua, (or Mnlnkal and liana litOH-rmuiith- , Jan Mm in lnm politi- tun mlvnnce of tlm rutu uf wnurn AMI! him Llkillkc. fur Maul and 1111 what been writlru uf the uf tu lm throw yearn counTukan. oats, !tfcV YllHK lluu, for Kabulul nnd tliu term cuiilrnot fur KXTUA FAMILY 1II.KF! Mbi Kllaura cal and public record uf V, M. Olbaun and Ave. Suvernl letkrn, utllcinl nml irtvAlo, &C. .VC. aVC. Co., liy IIJIUV JIAUUKlaH. PIG l'OUK TTAY Crown Porfumory London. 4- -Ilr S r Aujrr Ilcad, for UvuitiK uii this iitlijcct wrru ru.ul, mid tlii'M, It IT n.ii.i; nv Ki.r, llonckont in tho culumiia uf tlii What In ,. and lulf barrel!. ttrtou (VI itnucd X IL n- -J pjper. iictlun U no. lli h u IVlh, Ml. IIOI.I.KS A CO. Ia Am hii ok 4tmu nuiiana,irrru, lur Cfn wu tu.ida nimreiit tlint immediate ttr-ra- ra.al.t. HI tlio, U. AWLOR OOn aVrUtatra, ft o,ti lalul, ivi Ma.laia. Koua and Kan has been published waa " published with good man try tu nwurn furtlmr iiuiiiiKrnthni (rum tliu HI noi.i.Ks ,v co. Mm Jaa Staktt, for Kaull Azorea. Mr. ArinatruiiK thtu naked fur thu opinion riASK doons, uuir.l, SSIIIKKT, HOROLULt;, A liin-- Krulla. Klah. FO OUR BUSINESS COMMUNITY! Britrancct on tiiollvcn and for jimllli ible end," and in du. uf llmae printout coiictTiiluu iiiuulitrntiuii frum thu UKOOKUIKS Si PROVISIONS. ai.ortiiieiilof Meatt. lintel, ftlehatdt, and lltrtUnla Strrttl VtMiatlt In liy I.nijatrt, f iamt.iiyai.rt, ourinina, .te., Port. fence of n cnnimiiu und univeiaally vdmiltt'd Azorea ur other iiecti. It nt nUtrd tho nuvtit at recelted, and for talt by IIOLI.KH A Co, riRST-CkAt- S Hr bk Sir Lancelot, ohoillanit nt Bt. MU-liu- A VUUU AWHOUTMKNTOli' FINK IN KVKWY tutu uf tlm IW.ird uf luiiniiirntluii tlint HltPieT. naw ntnt aiuiio light which proplu liavo tu rnquiro lha Ulmrera he iirouurtnl frum nmllierii 1'ortu-L'n- l, lltUCKflU'.S al Whuleaala anil Ittlall. Am bktu Ear Cmtraoa uiilit - MY 1 TAICh THIS OCCASION OF Prletttti.aanieatKlrit-Clj.-t ltot.lt In Saa rranelttaj. la, hut it una thuuuht In-- to awnit il(rr- mil Htl.t; liilllyliig Am bk Haunt. Mclnlyt nulecedeul public record uf any man necking Intellltiico iiwv llh, !. IlObLKS A CO. tl REOEnD'rliTs BAY i. our MKI'CIIANT.I that Aw bklut Ella. UiuautH fruni Mr. Curlvr hnfurs tnktny Btuua tu aocuro any Am bk iltrlba Uldruul, Wlckburr tho public couflilenco and favor in hli own from thuru. EX BARK KAIiAKAUA. AH BUU Uft wit). for CoUocUea dur. atopped by -- i II Y. llrll bk Ktbroyd, blvrrr uppoit, aa a leader in pulilica, or religion, or fgChlutao ImailiirAtlon luu been tho A.i.3vro3Nr fr.KII-t.tl.lKall- y5""w EinoiKiT Aw bjint J Uprcktlt, Krlla uulhiiritlea iu Chliia, nnd It waa not tuuuifUt ItlVKIl ANI FUA-- J Culltornla Ilarley, California Ground Parity, tatfr tkaj aleaUf; ortkU 4)aarUr ft Ur bk l'aclCc Blopt, Uarntt inorult. ZKK Hirer balrnon, In perfect order, In Ilarrelt. California Corn. California heal, CallfurnU Hran, llonoiu. at aay!?of th. Ittancjt way mora uny to bring uf thuno peopln I n low b. will receive prompt attention. Book) and account la tk. joo M All fro ah ana goad ordrr, ind far .alt lie lus only been clothed In garment of hi htr. roll HAl.i: lllll.i.KS A CO. b balanced up, and In VtMMla CsyMU4tit HaaMtlaUm. (rtm Tho aubjret of Indian Imrulgrntion waa NovifflOtb.'ai. BOLLKH CO. M w"l rartfally nttttrt ptrtalulng Want of Imploy rNriss .'.-antra- Will rilrt.e talk, Part. own making, und vuluutarily worn by him in but uu fnYorable conclaaiuu una arrived nt l offlc. work will b aliendel laal moderate thtlr waott known to UKaAKH. MANILA CIGARS. computation, iSatpecifally, hue,l, Uo will da all In their lo ikJi, SSI? Qti kk Ai?nla. Utbardt, Uitiutm, dn 11. llackMd bis own hand ill ink, not in rvtiard to it. The princiiul drawback la tout "I past years, wbllo yet Ins com: vkhy tttHfiiM. P.O. JOSEM.lt. P. Co, Actnla. thry would hato to relumed nt lha expinitiun riro: uy A CO. INVOICE OF FINK MANILA 11. V ..... Am Amy Nlw IVSJ, uuthorshlp and aZT Kt Kaltlaua, foratlt UOI.I.E. Clti.VKS, Willi a fine anlclt, nnd altaau J. ATIIKHTUN. Etanln....i tk Tuiarr, Voik.dnt Jaa expunged, atilt attests their uf their turmt of aervlca, nnd would not make u M IU, 4ft boi. , J. WltlMAN, I). Y. 11ILMNIIIIAM. V U A Ho.Nll.Atnt a rcti tool. Invoice of Manila Chtart, Ml In boi, Juat rreelvttl I. J H.UTa. iftiItaT llrar ownership. Men that seek war must cut is permanent addition to the population. from Maul! guaranteed Otneral Uutineta A(tnt, Brit tbtn Itokt ot Abtirnru. lilnult, Llitipool, dut Jan New iUbridca Ulnnucra were apoken uf direct, aed to b. Ih. gtnulu. &.JI.TII Uailta.Actm Tin EXTKA MESS BEEF! arllel. fur bait by UT M.reUttyt HI. ,1 very nbsurei uppearauce when lint ublo tn with- favorably, but they nru etiwnaive imiuiuranta to Mil HOI.I.KH A CO. lirril't:. H ii Hollisttr 4, acbr Alaaka. Jaiull, la tlaniutia. dut II LHHKLM. H Utttxl C. A the Uuvenuueut, and tl U Uitbcult tu woure niilny "IN Wnrraiulea Arllel. Astutt fot Iht llaxkfrld Co, Attnta stand the tfTccis of (heir own old clothing M. KALIS Ma K , II rUH HOl'E. Gti bk C Ulabup. Waltrrt, Utrutii, dut Ktb on nrouuut uf the driunnd fur labor nearer liuinu. Sir UUI.I.KS A 00, UKMl'COUDAOK. AND HOLT PERFUMERY ! llackfrU X Ot, Asmla thrown lack upon ihcm in defeuco by tiio It wn uuitod that when the nun lot uf lalnuil. AMtKIKrMKWT Of ttlatKM rMtHS 9 ; Oct bk Aulanla. Monnuaau, I.llri'rpool, dut March MO, aro iwnt home, tint vcaiwl trikinu them iiilnht HA1.MON, Iiii.Ii, Mpuujarn, Htldng, Kalllu, ' J T Wattrkuaao but aro wont immediately to cry fur ire - OKUMHIA HIVKIt IN Inch Ion Ala. lUla Una to be found In city Airul I'liciny; Yltlt Iht Kaw Hebrides and brine tmek mure. and half baritlt. laid b; lh. a - Btltbk Karl Ualbuualt.JtlUa.LQUdon.tltSlMkUtli, c btrnlt lfr "" ' " W - and fur weapons. 1 iuiiuigronU from uoilheru Kutopo, HOLLSli Co """' BOLLKS A CO. HOLLttifEU A CO.' Nnm,1,, d Mank Uicuct Co, Aicnla quarter, (dead toudcter In rtc&fd "!" R tir, wuii a, CD ;

fl T gftaaaWWtWaiaB WHDIHillliWiliTIl - . Jin esr """ JWwimUMW- MMS-- i mill MWMiiIWmiii ' i, nyim JmeiHW'Hli t - llti' ' l.-W- w .

Supplement to the Saturday Press, January 7, 188?. Oiillvnlltliiti, 'rniiliaiV jliuwiiiit llmt llm olileel iiynm wa n,n Dr, liyiln MM, Ilium, .t, riMtill In la rue nrynbiln In Mr frrriUir limn liynnv iiionl neat, ami gnnlniillliu liipurHiiniionnfnrraiigmiiiiiitHiiimln In November, Hint of natlven who ennui bi lilin, iiiiiIIiihI, clean, have y.t mi. hi Kim Inb wan Mn,kmi other llniiHilarliilb)iiiir('.ii'' biilreilnluly ..in..., fin if, Mllfl Ml.ff..tf,llM I'"'"1 "' mill lOnf llm Inliuul lnt by lli r,ilnd In tlm rolor lu poor, mtivr.l fYlUlllllOU, tenchem llm llnyal H'iIiihiI, freo from wrrxbi, I naw one iilmm of young l 'llmiblmlii wan rnrilnl on by " Wbnii tbiiwiKar.lHilliir, nfUir long lorn Ami nmIiiii on Monday hint III n, m, .Mnnurn, Mil ilwln. Miirblnli.-.li- . II.... i I M...... uiatilpiitatloii nana lliiim imnrly ton high nnd Inr.hwi nl ' , ....., ...... ill. rnmoveii from bin pan a feel eight In I.Im lu a ftDlknltJiiwIwniiliiiiKinnl rfrcuiiifereiirvif llirrniflifffil. A- ,.l, r.. Hhnitly aft.tr Unit li.mr I'renldenl .foneu culled hitler liuiiiiiiniin way o,!vlni lil inpnrl. bio Ui ...... iiKM.il nf nueeenn In boll o nuy ileKro of ftmnlnUiiiny, wlilrb baa liml bomi eienvnlml in thu meeting toorilitruiidmiidiillmiiKtuliig nihilism. In ii)liln( iinllveulu Knunl, Mr, nauneM Iroubln nliill topnanr by nnd a nulil I lyrt llieu iniokn lu llm rnntrlfnsaln, mnl, when new fluiiin, U carry hlniinim Ui HI Iln Unit llm meeting liml been willed together ii,n illncliillun lu nnllTii niIiihiIi. Hm llm tea mill, la Hi iliiled riirlberuioro, remitting mnnMj U Onct ngilii imnrly coiuplelMl, to r.log la lo ichilligi thiiuglitii iioii imhjieln of viinl Iln. uut that ilineipllnn in not piiiiUlmienl NliwirbMl In Mnblllly nbvlnUil by llm Jiilrn". .llmfKiluJ aiignr.bollnr n urmln or U Mirliinr, mihjcnln that muni tuuinoiH overy nilnilt IIMinnatlly, front il nkelell of bin own nfliool Mioulil bn uniform X Inch llm fx,l, nlino.t a , illneinried Imuieillalely, na It aliowa Im ilirant line betwxnu mill lin f..l t lluil llm very si rongi.nl thought should iiiiiliflUiiinniill wan partluiiliir abuul cleiinllni-nn- known but very lurmlnl. Im bentowed. Ii,iin illiuul iiweepliiK Hm llltln about Hiignr.holllng generally Ilnmeillalely prewdlng llm Klrig'n ilepnrliiro : Iln liU hiuiroiriweluoiiio to thin rooinn, about nminmrri. He nml iiiiii uriiiln augnr In pitrlluulnr, for (IiIh uid Ihiiiii very niieoi-iinru- l Koun Im IiivIUmI John flunk, nnaoclntiuu, mill lmp.il iimiii together would In L'eltlnn i nlillilrni lu Onu thing In, malinger of Nanlebn bin , li nnoll gonl Juice with poor mo. plmiUitluii, Ui lunch Im pNidimtlvn (if iiiiiiiIi good, 'flu, ncmsil Iciu'hetn illntrlnt lu m;jImh,j imi ,u, enellent Irumil Innnenj with him. When nil were oil miollier, Ui i:rvnlnlllr.o tlm sugar lu ixKir around llm royal would hecuiun known to mm another) nud would ivr. Iln Died however lu rule tlirnuuli lovn. inulnnnen llm nmtd board Ilia Mnjonly rnwi win, AfliTA r. Dyer'n by aid of Juleii, A miHnr-Uille- r will iMiiieatliig tbow preneiil Ui fill glnanen, meet M.,in had H,i, limn,, jatyM, tlm nitinii mldrenn, Hiern wan oounlilnrablii know how in do tlio Imil, lliulr which &? i Ineiinnlou In bill nu lunoiiiimlonl mail being done, he requnnU'd nil U Im iwnU-- tlm n.ltint ttlilK. They miint have wlilnli Minnrn, Mnorn, MiieklnUmli, will Im morn na Im had iiiiiiiIi Meull, Alklunou mul cortalii Ui nhow bin luabnity by mm n few wordn Ui ay. Hit U Im thought lii nnmmou, A blnok Willi it iiiimll Mm. HiibbiirdliHik tKirt. 'flin grailo boiling than bv any other mode, ,r'K:lil ntnle that thing, lint wliiin it niiniliiir joined jH.lnl nf a triianl nllloer for Honolulu bad bimrd gratlfylrig ncwiiinlaof Mr. Ibiok'n J of hiookn o. win rained by DihiH mm uriiiln bolllun piy? In n iiuentioii dnnlly lug dn. gnllier limy 11 Hm city loneliern, mid with uallvea, nit of whom worn loud in nwellod Into river Unit iiwi.pt ii, It wan Keiierally nureed that If In their Willi i, ii eltlitlent niiNwrri'i the ciionr nobl iu llm nmrkiil, irnli; of that gentleman. Ilia Majoaty Hell realities foir.ll HO III! I,H, tllllt III), iiiiim man oiiKht ui Im ni.iioliitei!. On wlmro color In llien In niotloii nf tivorTlhliiH, II la undoubtedly more Inuiiched forth IntoaillutrUillou knigfilbHl, menial rills might In III iiiivmitlnii run lugellmr Air. MimkliiUinb.necuiiiled by Mr. Over, iirofllnblii lo make iik,ii iuihIiu-,- , llm different urmlon, but when hold Itn mitliiiilty. objeel mid varying mill it iul(liiy river iif thought, Ilu htul uieetiiiu. uiljouriieil till Tuemlay at 10 A.u. Ui reanona for lUi Hint the rednery, thru one grnilii nugar will nhow tlm ImiUiwnl, Having obtained Mr, Hunk's heard notnn of tlm tcnchcrn were iifmlil to Tiiimi aicHiuoH, Urgent reltirnn ImiIIi In nuvar mul conaonl, ris-u- dollnrn. !.?,.t,l?r'.'"l'"ll Informally, dubbed afraid lent limy nilnilt mnkn eoum mistake. Ibniiieetluii wnno.tllnl A. I,, nnyni '" 'llt him , IniHik Willi loonier by I'renldnut "Wonni Uild Hint high liming In "Hlr John lluok." first of Hm it full In It wnn holler limn imiii with .luium proiuptly tun. 'I'lm Heoriitary nerennnry III order of the Ooldrn tlm (In, al mail llm the inaiiufncturniif one grailu augnr." Crown of llawnll, Thin In a naw iuatltuUxl nut) f.illn of niliiil in miu ihusoii, might iiiluulen and limn Mr, niKike I mn happy to nay I order glvu llm nooennnry I'ralt upon llm that have inivorlienrd II, nnd by Ilhi Majesty afler n alinllar one prevailing lu lllllp In tin, tnliiil of another, iiinlboilnof leaelilnu lluuleaf and iliuuli. bavo never been of llmt opinion, na high Many im liml boon Illnob. liming (liirmniiy, Hlr John inmln a brief nj running in narrow oIiiiiiiioIh, ieet w.ih Ui n mw Unit Knullnb inlubt Imtauubt nnd not n one muiHeu a limn uf augnr, nlno lower resisaisn m. fittlnif Into our own now In but it prisslviiof bin thanks nml nnceptnricn of tlm I liven; an importunity bniliir tanulit by a tn.ielinr whuilld not umlnrntauil IHilnrlr. illon, nor ban ltveriiumUiiiiykiiowleiluii, honor of spreading nut and rorllll.lng other minds! In, llawallau, than by one Hint lime, conferred, wlmretitxm roynl Imped wboilld. Tlinilluntrntloun imril iu a il.irlller or rlwiwhere, will gantrouomlrj feallvitlen wem Inaugurated nud llmrn would Im it widening. It wan uooiili or tliu HioroiiKh nynteiu ilHin whlobiliiaf throw to tlm Uip orgnulu fur lilin loihn.il llm inulemire nlbiimlnoiiH InipiiritlrN. till tlm hour or Tlmlr MaJenU-y'- ilitparture. I im plasticity of tlm youthful laiiHbt wnn ineennlvrly liileredlnir. Mr. I'ritt V M mlnd nil liU ImarorH knuw nlsiut Hull. When wn liaii.ed ruiiiid ropy bimkn Wim. OAnaoN. have tlm rontiilnliiH noniinxiltloun taught algebra mnl arithmetic, tin, by deaf iiiutoH, wble.b relleclml rrnllt uihiii llm Special Correspondence. rhetoric, tlm geometry nud no fitrlli intil stored anil leiinlmm.tlm lileiiMbeliiKclearlyanil well iiiprennml. Kaa, Hawaii, Dcoml,r .'II, IftHI. we I NAii.Kiiij Dr. It. nt enriched llm inlinl, lutvn also been doing iioum. bn iipealrer ntated Hint tlm learnlnij of imrhapn rr.tNTATioN, Kan, Hnwiili, Oliver ami mynelf Chrlnlinan oveu-In- g lliliigolsni llm llm pupil liati Immiii Ihreii at Knbiikti, tlm home of O, W. (J. Jonen, 'I Im character ul wordn iullil laki.H weekn, but tlml then llm . .. D:.imlHir 2Hlb, IHHI. moulded i following at tlmiinum Hum. '' tin, iiiihiI Im. prourt-Hi- wan very mplil, Hoiimillumiiinloi, followed A nliorl Hum ngo nnother oorriMnindeut of llm morning wn worn escorted ,y (tiir g!nlal IHirtmit purl of tin, edimatlmi It in this which and a reoimn or II vn mliiiiU n wnn I 'Mai giiviiunoiiiprniioiiHlvnnoRoiiiitiif thin boat Ihroughout bin oxleiislvo grounds, where It taken. wan hitv'iii lo niiikii iigisnl rltliui. TIiIh thought of At 11 Mr. hhiIo, or when llttliioliangn baaUikeiiplam, A obib'rvad frarrinbouson bad Iwen movtsl b,llly oii tlm nulilect from tlmlr training tlm character hIiiiiiIiI iiiiilnrly llm wlinlit iiih-IIIv- Ilimalil tlinrenlioiild wit of iHiuderoiiH trlpplueireolH with other now nnd original Mono foundations, nml brick iiohonm of education. Tu llm conslilnrutloii of Im oiiii cenlriil iiiaiuliial!ou lu Honolulu every year, Improve.! mnohlnery lor Mm mill am at llononiK,, chimneys, nnd nlurm wnlln rned Ui tho ground In tlii-m- MiiliJfiitKi hi, hade bin Imaroril to which ami will noon bu iu iNinltlou. moat deinornlir.lng fnahlou by tlm Wclenum. puplln from all parln or llm kingdom Notwlllinlmiillng llm -. rront earth I Im scorobiry road llm of momhorn mill min- iiihthl eniim. Mr. Alklunou prolnieled ilroiitb, which linn Heriuunly liuiirded quitk- Hi Hioroiiohly illncourngeii In Mr.Jonea llt niicnted thai wnlreii by C4,iiile. utes of llm llmt uioolln,;. Upon Hm motion of Dr. mlMht be (lumen on Hmollmr Inhuiiln, tlm Innpeolor oiwralioun uim,ii other pl.iutntloiiH lu llm dlnlrlct, this event, by n alinilar oimin 1B77, that Ilyli'i " nli'il by Mr. Ncoll, it wiih priiKiHiil Unit of Holiooln iitainiului; llm iieliolam and puhllnbltii( thin nun ban had an ubiindnnt Hiipply ol walnr, anil liiiileclnren Im will frewi btforo ho bulldaniiolbxr Mr. .loncii Im elected 1'ri'sldcnl fur tlm ensuing tlm rentilla. Mrnnrn. Hoott linn fuiuinliPil enougli to keep tlm mill chimney, while inch of bin new nUin walln iih Im anil Dyer i!oniidereil llonoaim flmls yimr, Mr. Mackintosh Vlcc.l'nisldunl and Mr. A. T. thai tlm ijrmled nynlem lulioiluiied Into Mipplliul with iiann. 'I'liiiHouroiior ItHwaUirHiiinily It nbauliilHy liecennary to rebuild lack their the in former geooietrlu Atkinson, Hccrotury ami Troasuier. Carried. nohooln wan pieforal lu, no lenrher beiujf wIIIIiik to iiimn tho iiiimmlt of tlm IikIk-h- hill in tho veiien nud nymnulry, am) tlm Dr. liyiln tlniii nominated llm following ladlcHUH rink bin reniitalloii hvnomlliiif upiiiiiritjmti'd boyii. lieluhborbiHKl, being Homo half doe!i M'reunlal riilnn of olborn nro likely Ui reiiiaiu UmUiliimm till iiilililional ico judgiiient or members of tlm Kirnutlvn Coiiiuiltlcoi Mr. AlklniBiu uiplaiued it nynteiu of and nearly cold npringH gimhliig in cryntnl day, another earthquake. MIkm tuarliliiu Knhiiku la n dellgliiful I'nrnoy, MIki Uiilmrlmiu anil Minn Wlntur. hlnlory, llluHtratliiK bin remarlin with a cluirl. Hlreniun f rum minute crevice in nolid roe.k. When riirnl sK,t. 'Mm ncnipn-lou- n Carrli'il. A Bet or resolution wero tlm ruynl party wan hero It vliilUal llnwi nprlrign of r.lenullnens, order, and regulnrity la U"gi-ntlv- rend mid were ordeied of nhlnbonrd Dr. llilrorl(.il fur llmCoiumltlcoof Arinnco-inciit- to Ixi laid on Hm tnbln IIII llm HeiMiou. wlilnli llm Queen drank from a baiiau.t lunf, on a llritinh To one ufliuimou nprlukli-- wltli n largo ramlly Hlallo llmt (lie rnlmillK.ini hoiim.llimpjKilnl-niniili- u A ilinounnlonu)on tlm bookH iu noiuii Unu her head fur Hood luck, nnd of llltln ones audi mothodlcnl let iiw followed. n, ri'cmil liip.iirH ami aililifUni'M tn Im iln. Mr. Dyer uruid llm iieronnlly carried nwny neveral bullion full. A renorvulr near maiiagemont would itemiilmpon-lhl- but Mr. Joimn nf a better primer Iiiim n dozen IImiIiiI In llm aiMoniHtiini, lint Klviii a full mid llmt reader niiitablo to tlm wnnln of by recelven nurpliia water in order that iiouoof tho yiniiig and nretty ollvo branchi h, who, m.hsIoiui, tlmnallven. precioun Instead ol turning llifiign fur llm Mr. AtkliiHon proH,Hed Hint an account of Hm fluid may bo lied. When diminution uf "topsy turvry" Uiko In llm iiIiniuii'o of Air. It. llltcliciH'k, Dr. liyiln ucournphlonl the main nupply in fell thin in utilli-tl-. Thin viml prills in knowing thero inn plant for everything, feaUiriiof llm liiliiniUiiiul u HynoimU In iciiil a nliort iirmiiuil of tl arly lilnlory of Flu- - of Ihiiliinlory Im bound up with llm oeoKiaplilea recepiacio wan limlly cracked by Hm riccnt oiirlli-quak- and everything itn place. If this only applied waiiau bollooU. 'llm alplialmt wiih coniplclcil uu now In use. Minn Norton her opinion ltipiirH on tlmcenmutof Iln Inner Htirfuc., lo llm family resilience It would Imlenn surprising, Moiul.iy. IH'A'. avi iiimn but when .lauiliirv Imluu work of Amorlniu rniilliiK InHiliH.mid nhowed iiaiiiileiiof iirlodicalH riweiiiblo trankH IIk)u whllo p in.r iniiile by a Hwarrn intended to tlm Insignificant mluutlm of .MlHiiliiimrii'H. Kauinliaiiii'lia iI.hikI whlnunliutiiu.il, of llien dipped in ink, ningiiilled neveral u dairy, slaughter house, fancy pig pen, chicken clilnliiiit oncn Hlmalno nHilolu faorot furrli'il thounaiid ranch, Ihiiuiiiii piipilri. Ilnf tlm y,.ar rliwril. limy couM leiieherH liiHtriirtluu HaualfaiiH in I.'iii'IIbIi, Tlm lllamolorH. It will hoou bo ruiiily for iihii again. blacksmith, carpenter and nndiller kliopa, rurriwpouif. In IH'.'I, iilnnln wantiol mcIiooM A ridu over thin plantation In like ridlui; through HU,rii.bouson, klUiheu nnd llower gardens, cablneU mil, Hm iiujuiirueu ai tweivo to meet niiallint four. nf lliruiu liiiut tin, IhIiuhIh, lint fallcil lorlimlcof toacli-I'- a v.mt laiidneiipo garden wliero tho cyti nliiHlo volcanic and nborigliinl curio... etc., hi IIIIIUTII at a HI'linlON. glaui'u mul-berr- etc., tho thing's llm llrt hIioiIh In arillimutlii worn prlulnd In taken in orituun, Hum, maiigu, banana, v marvelous nnd rilcits unl.ounilcil lH-.- ' llm llmt Ki.oKrapliy wan pulilUlii'd 1KU, 'I'lm President callcil tho meetiiiir loonlornt '.' nud ouava rnvlnen. e.uiii.f.iwi.r,ul hlllu iviiii adinlratlon. mill Homo Iroiii limn tu 1KCI, tin, prlutln pi cm wiih ery In iihneno,, i,r tlm Keerelary, Hov. Aliiiauiler liiniileil dalcn, vant IraclH ol farm land, woudii, tall of Dr. Oliver'H plantation Irnnils struck Dr. Iljiln ntliiliili'd iipiviinoiiH Mnoklulimh arled im Hecretnry tiru tern. waving grann, lluwrrlng Khrubbory, Ibis morning, and refused to go U, work, under of tln.i and hhow llm IriipreHiiou ciiriniin liuutiH, full nf iinaliit wooiI-imiIh- , nvliUnlly Afleraipienlliiii fruin Dr. llviln, renardlui' llm eunliluuiled Manna Iia llaHhing tho bright that llkn tho day beforo Wt triuii lilookHtut In tlm fallur uf lant bent nielliod of le.irhliiK aritliiuetlo, Mr. Aliniro from Uh lofty dome lu dar..llng Hpleudor. (hrlstmnH. in n holiday. Am It wna only cano pail iii.iilury, limning or llm lici;innliiK of tlil, wllliaHiilallHprluklluifiit that mm Hynteiu would uut bu well ror I'lm uihiii In uf miH-rlo- qimllty bolug ihoroughly that wan required, some nomrn wen, orlnliuil lilouka uut hcrii. In rnvimviiiK llm hoIiimiIh lu theno i.l.uulH, JtmtiiKoim niediuiiio cultivated, uatiiru beliii; allowed to perform llm secured to icrfonn tho wrvicn, nud Ihus shutting ir llm Doolor iiihiiIIi d tin, lloyal lln.irdlliu KcIiimiI would not Im Ho then Irrigating, ami iih it rule nlio docn lier duty down of tho Houoasi mill wan obviated. Vim an llm llrnl tu claim iiltmitinu. It win imIiiIiIIhIiimI llluntral.il hotv Im tanulit arltlimetln by olijcom. well wilhoiil falling into thov, oxcennu.! Tho now tripplo olTeclH for Nnalohu mill nro be- in IHiK), ami cdiitinli'il llm cliililron uf llm lii((h.Hl AnhtHHiifRirlH mm entered tlm rimni, and Mr. nlm In guilty of lu llllo and liaiuakua dintrictH. ing drawn up from Honoapo y by 17) yoke of Mourn Im ; 2fi yoko llllillfM, NOIlll' Of Wlllllll liril Htlll IIIIIUIIHt UU. Jill- - nliowuil how jiuu.ht ho biilldiuu of MiiiiieHlhre.nl tlm plantation, and lliuih thocauu men failed Ui movo n pier,, of the liiiiiiiiluua Kimiiiiaiy wan I'Htalillnlit'il in eniM.clally wiih rcitmd lo tho formation of to tho mill utu comparatively iniilgnillcauti!H.in.u. up till! yenUirday, so poiidemnH la II. IKII;in tlm (JIlrintiuiiH An 1KUI il wua IniKirporaliil. lion, a liljjlii'r uoiirMn nliiKiilar, plural and verlm. On iiiorntug hoiiiii eioitoment wiih irt from occasional strong winds, the weather wan Kivrii, lncliiiliui; ulfu'lim, lrloninii. I Im npoaker dincrlbed the urdiir of bin own hcIkmiI. derived from tho burning of rt largo tract of wanto, iu thin district has been delightful during thu past rtry, iiiuiKiitlon, umiiHiirall.ui, HiirvoyiiiK, ito. in Mr. Moore, on tlm iiieHtfoii beliiK unlied, replied whenro c'anu hail jr.nl been removed. Tho flcrco month. Hut littlu rain had fallen. 1KI0. a fcnialii liuaulliiK noliuol wan ul that Im wiih thirty davn etlin order lu bin own parching wlndH which bavo prevailed fanned huiiio Wim, ('Aiutott. UalluliU, Maui, imil in llm kiiiiiii jnir,onv forluiyH Kchool. llo then lo ileKcrlbo n reaillni; iidJucontMriiuuliloriiig embem into fhiuio nud in nt llilu, Hawaii. 'l'hiH hcIuhiI wua It'HNOII. iitautly Held alU-- r fluid igulu-d- . Korn tiiuo It np. Plncea ilonluiud uh a I)r. Ilydo ofWorahlp. fculcr to l.ahalualiina. In lIO, Hunu vn-- then lead a number of loi'olutiouH iih Iie.irid tlml ninny ncrenof valiiablucarm would bo milccl HKAMKK'a am ei-- -1 lev H U L'ainoi,, hcIiikiIh for iinliti.nt Waloll, Kauai, at Walaliia, follmiH: dentroyrd, mid thai Wiiiohlnu would bo involved l.'linnlolu. Klrm ( . atreel, near the Mailers' Hriiae. Prracldtig at II x , laliu, ut Kooluu, D.ilni. lutti-- r Itnmtvril 'flint wo arli ileeply imiirelsed with iu tbu common deiiolatlou. Mun.igoiH John Duck and at Honolulu, tlm tho Mt'aln free. Hahhalli Hcli.wil hefere Hie iimriiliig ervlce. cHtnlillHlii'il l,y llllu,p Maitt. At tliia time, tlm luiiortuneu of thnruiiKh trniuiiiK uf llm mid K. V. Hopko,. witli Chan. Arnold, J. A. Kcott, I'rujfcr iMCi'lliiireu Wrilnrtilay evenings al 1', o'clwik lu llm priuclplcH (J. W. (J. U) rlillilrrii u( lialf.u hium uIho on 'I'lio elementary uf tlm Kiik-- I II. Cenler, Jouen, anil oIIioih, runlied l'"iiTHTil(;KTCuuiu.u-llovJ,A.i;iii(- in with ml fur. nh ImiijuiiKc, Pinter, corner O.iliiiC'liarityhclioolwiiHi.nlnlillHlifdlti;!;!, with .Mr. and would renpeotfully reprrncnt to tho Hceuo ol conflagration. Tlieru wiih liurryllig ef I'nrt amj llrrrtanla lrecl i'rracldng mi Humlay. tho I mid Mm. JoluiHloimaa li'acluimj tin in weru dur- - Hoard of Kilunilioii, that for thin priumry an general confiiniou among tho eiclled thioiig, at II A anil ly, I'M. Nablwlh Kchcol atlOa K. 1! teuiihini;, tlm very l"K U 'Xl jenm, IwuprlviltimclMKilMiirKiinlzcd tact and Hklll Hliould bo whllo Iho ilaiueH lapped up dry calm Hbilkn, leaveH, HTAsiinKiv'aCATHisiinAi'-KiiRllsliarrvlcra- i lit llev fur tlm hiiiiiu puipuhtt. In Irllli, a II Mi hcIiooI wan and rubbish with fearful rapidity iu its appalling tlio nf llnimliilii ami llev Tli.m llluckliurn. Ilu. uoiiiiiii'iifccd lor tlm IkiiiIU uf J. ittmlvril'Vhnt wo, tlm lonchom of thU lligbt. It valu it wan houghi to lire a path iu ad- HAllan ervlci llev Alex .Mackliituah. U?ii, Holy foreixu ulilldiru, Ueiiiiiiiinloii; U.WI, .Mntlri- - anil nf ismrnu lliurn wiih 1'iiiialiuu cliililrun feeling ileeply inlercnted ill tint educt-Ho- n vance and Hum bond il oir. Finally tho canyon anil ISennnii (llawallau); II, fur tlm .Malbm. I.ltnuy ami Horinnli (l!iiglli); 4, Kvcn.iiiii; uf inntitu-Ho- n of tlm riniiiKKonerattonof theno InlaudH; north of Wiiioliiim wan reached, furuipn paii'iitHiil Hint date; tlm luttiT and if not arrented (Hawaiian); DJ, KveruniiK anil Hsriimii ( i: lei, f. lnul IK) NcliuiaiH. uhhIiiiiih tonecuru icHUbvrltymid piinotualltyof hero, that pretty little town would iu riilim ncl lie IIoman Oatiiui.10 C'uiiitcit- - I'or morn ilt'lailn, in both lenoliomnnd pupllH, riwiHintfullv presently, mid liopu of Having tliu canu beyond Unilcr Ihe cliaree of It noiint Dr. Ujilu milled on llev llllioi .Malxrct.iui-Utc- il by Itcv lllrhep lirrniutui; otliirn, wliu worn In'ttcr uitli wliat hail unit llm Hoard of Kduoation to furnlHh copleno'f might bo abandoned, for, no farther obstacle lay I'nrt ulreet, aniiiaintod tlmlnwH in near llcrclnidn. Hcrvlcea every Hundar al lii'ou ilumi, lint falli'd lo utt amply, i'ri'niilunt roKnrd to puucluilattmidanco.iu order ill the way of tlm lire. At thin point Mr. Duck IU A Mailll!! I'M, lonoii rt'iuarkiij Hialitwan curiuun lu better inforinatinu of Hm purrutH preparatory secured concerted action, and directed Iho water KAWAIAiiAoCiiuaru-It- rv lo nolo tlml a II II Parker, I'atlor. King (lovuriior l'lioliMju, wluni a littlu liny, liadbuou Hunt lo mom Hsntematic eirort to eufurco tlio rulcH. lo bo turned from tho ilumu above. Tlm manner Irirt.uleive the I'alure. Hirvliis In llawallau every iluwu lioru lu Irani Kuulinli, California at Hint .7. ffrmiivif 'flint wo lonpectfiilly ank tbu Hon. of ho doing wiih novel nnd iuJcnioiiH, anil being Humlay at II a h. Hahhalli ISiIkkiI at 10. u. Kveiiiie: tlniii iKitHiipiilyliiK fucllilli'H ; tlm fuluru (ioviimor Hoard of Kilucation to (frinit lo every teacher in iln thoroughly effective, dived tho day. Delighted acivlcrast7K o'clock, nlleriialliii; wllli KaamokaiilH. uf (Jalifinuia liad lio.ui by (imiiloy nt, it nulllcient npacoor lime, not iucie.1- - native and South Boa Inlandom, men and women, Dt.lrlcl ineellnu'i In varloua cbnpcla ul 3.11) v Ji. I'ravtr tauulit Mm. Jolinntunu. Hireling every Weilne-ila- y 714 v . Tlm aililifHH wiih folloiMil by no dtibatu. iiK live iIiivh iu each yo.ir. to bu einplojoil in vinlt-in- u throw off their "Hiindny " clolhon al After n fuw runiarliH by Mr.MiiokiulunliiiMiutliu hcIiooIh, and uut utlierwino ; tho teacher to and Jumped. into tbu flume, wiioro they Hiiuatted wed of Hynloiu in our mjIiuuIh, Mr. M. M. Hcott luako Hpeulal tipplication, mid to ntnto tlm timo down iu Indian (lie shouting gleefully whllo tho Kuvo im account of tlm h:Iumi1 nynttuu in Japan. It and tho hchooln to bo vIhIUmI, wnter How over mid about them iu thin sheets mid Celluloid Trusses, 4. spray,-coverin- well-nig- wiih not till IhdH, tbal tlm Japanciui Im'kuii Jtftutetil'Vlint wo recnuiinend to tlio Hoard lino but not oouounllug Hieir h A lit the Hpcclalty. n I(iiuwliilKof KiikIIhIi. In 1H.M, wlieu o prcpirntiou of a vocabulary of common undo forms, nnd poured down tho bill aide 1'nrry Kuulinli wonU 'villi their Hnwaiiau eipilvulentq, n saturating It thoroughly, and dampening tho Warranted not to Ilu, II llrcakl cr Weor Out! arrived, tlioru weru only a fuw wliu , ardor knew Dutch, mid noun of thonu ronlduut in Vedo. primer and a llmt render adapted to Hawaiian of tlm ilanii-H- which slowly diminished, but stub- All itylea anililitu nt Ju 1NW, a Hclioul wiih cHlaliliHlud nt Tokio, in 1870, hchoola, mid alfoof an apiwiulli Uiordiuary nohool bornly refused to die till Monday night, when tho Wi IIoi.Msri'K .t no 'i. Mr. Hoott lauded in Jnpntt : no uiatliuinaticH bad yet KoottrapliicH t!ivin niH'dful iuforiuatlou of the laat vostlgoH expired iu n llirlco welcome shower, iihyKlcal featurrn, nnd Hm continued HAWAIIAN TRANSLATIONS. been tnnuhli liv uuvu too llmt Ii'hhuii. Oiiii Kft-'u- t political history of iiitermiltliigly during yeHlurdny.laut ttillluulty wltli Jaiiaueno II ,d buou Hieir deniiu to Baudwirh InlaudH. Vo would also rcnucHt that light and Apart from burning a portion furiiinh the hcIiooIh with of tliu iluiuo, nml alngeiug u rpiiE UNm;itsioNi:i is luirit tliu liinlicr HtuiliuH witliout Kuttiuu tliu Krounil they Ku;llnh illuntrnted littlo cane, no harm was O. pared to Iramlate, with accuracy and dlipalcb,vmi. work. Aflar IiIh arrival pliranu bookH ru Intro- clillilieu'H porioilicnln. done by the tiro. andou reaaonaule trrrna. duced, mid Mr. Hootl illtmtraU'd on tliu blackboard A. litnolerd- - 'I'b.il tho thnnkH of thin convention Ureat Improvements bavo taken place in llono-nt- Deads, bo tendered to Mr. WatcrhouHoforhlnpiiicroHity in and others of yet gru.itor magnitude nru Leasea, Ac. &c. tliu nictliodH of teacliiiiK Kuulinli. Tlio lioya who iu Krom Knrllnh lo Hawaiian, and xiet oaiiiu to T'okio, bad u placing tho Lyoctun at tho iliflpiM.il of tliu tuachom. prospect. Tlio narrow channel from tho harbor to No. 47 Km tirta. IlFsldancf kihhI rcadine kuowleduu of tho in a atreet. May Ii. found at tha Law Offlca of KiiKliHli,HOipjiredfrniuJnp.uieiiu;itbucaiuu tliu duly Mr. .MaokintoHh imkod to remind tho tenohom of lauding has been widened nnd deepened since linn. A. H. Ilartwell, daring builnoa hour.. uf tliu protcHKorn at Toklo tu tuaoh pruuunciatiuu tho other InlaudH that nil paiHim or oHHay on tho untimely death of tliu Into Mr Hutchinson, SLlS' ' HIIRI.DON, V and ixiinH)ltion. T'bo ,iupmu'uo nro very ileHlrous TooIch could bo gladly received nnd rend nud n lino wharf of solid masonry lias been erected by tbu Tonoliorn of Honolulu tho ineot-lu- from tbu rock excavated. in uf acquiring kuowledKo and ill order tu o.ihh tliulr nt monthly It proiwscd to farther THE I'lmniuatiouH tu enter tint hoIiooIh nt Tokio, lie lind iucronuo the channel's width, nud erect a break- UNDERSIGN ED fi known bojH Ut trudttu overlKXI inllen. Tim Japaneso After n hhort receRH Mr. Muoro lllnatrated IiIh water nt some distance from the wharf withm Ik patriotiug IiIh inelbod of leaching arlthinctlo Iwforo a cIiihh of which vessels may llo in safety, Tlio tramway RicspKerFiTnY ikvoiim ti object in Htudyiui; in fur tliu ;ood purcbattd tba eftabllahtuk of UU country. T'uoy nro very quick to learn, n twy nt KlrlH from Knwnialiao aeiuiuary. originally laid for Hi lea plantation tutu being now uif nt Vi h iu thought eipial to an Aiuuricmi or Kuropeau A voUi of thnnkH for Mr. Mooro wnn proponed by Hourly monopolized by the incessant reiiuiri'iuenW Dr. Hyde, uudHecouded by Mr. Mnokinlonh, of HouoaiKi s new mill, nuoossltatoaa , of 18, but after that uku tbuy rarely improved. for douhlo truck 1Q7 jFzi-t- A normal hcIuhiI bad been organized by Mr. Hootl hia kiiidueHH in giving "" iimtructivo n leuaou. soon Ui bo laid. It in expected Uononpowill ero Wo. long be etrcot iu Toklo, which had had (rent huccohh ; tbu tench-e- Curried. a port of entry. Tho ninouut of trfllao KNOWN AH 8. 1), IlUllitOHS' weru trained to loach in Japanese only. In Tho nioetinK then adjourned ii'mi ii'. being quito largo and plantation requirements 1H7U, when ho trnvoted ovur tho country ho found constantly increasing, Hunoapo is beginning to BobouU from onu end of tlio empire to tbu other, One Grade Sugar vi. Different Oradei. assert her commercial Imjiortnuc, whim tho road AtXlii, thouce to thu volcano is preferable to couduotod oil tlio Now Kuulnnd Hyntom, neat and that from PlaulnsAnd that we Intend, and are now Kpitob l'nuui: Homo alnoo A. Ililo bocauso of freedom rain, liealdo prepared, cloan. At tbu head of thenu wero uraduatoB from time ti. made boiiio its from to carry on ibe builnrta of Honoapo post-ofllc- e, tho normal vobool. It wiih uid that under theao reinnrkanbout the different modes of boiling Bugnr; the new mill, has several stores, a teacUern u church, diy school, restauraut and lodg- tho Hchoola uiado inoro proKrewi iu two ho preforred making No. 1, 2, U nnd 4, nnd spoke yearn tbnu iu H under tho old HVHtoin. After n fuw ing bouses, etc. Contractor and Builders queatiomi about tho Uiiling of onu grade augnrna aoiuething Hilen. is also tho soeue of much improvement from thonu nreaeut, Ihe Bvwioa oloaod to Under the fc.t iuoetH(;iiiu nt 2 v. H. he personally bad oipcrleuce in, but had dlacardud which is beiug steadily prosecuted. 1 1 ia connected corporative name of beoause it wna ruination tuboth the good Juice and with Honoapo by the finest road upon the island, moond imioM. tho plantation. 11 Boeing A. L. doaa uot kuow the which, by the way, is saying very little in its favor, ENTERPBISE PLANING MILL, l'ronldont Jouen oallod the mootliiK to order, and principle of one grade boiling. However, it is macadamized, broad, even, firm, tho llev. A. Muckiutoiih rend a paiwr upon tha Ily introducing already made cryatnla in a poor and on an easy regular grade suitable locomo-tiv- u And that by ttrlct attention to baalncai wa be dilUcultleH for thai! of tcnohius uatUtH Eii;lUb. llo cited aolutlon (Uko molnBuea) it ia powilblo tocryatalllio trafflo though such conveyance is yet unneces- warranted In reducing prlcea to a atandard that will many of tho obitaclon, tho ntvithy, augar iu which Fature J1' tha conatnut tho tho latter, could not be done sary, whatever requirements may be. Chan. make II an Indaciment for all par.tlea wLblnj any work coiivenmtion iu Hawaiian when oat of school, tbu otherwlne. Thia is a vory old truth, which ban Hpenoer, Mauager of Hilea, who laid this road, is In our line to na oareleiwuefui of parent, and ditllcultien been used give a call, and we aball u.e our'btit ' tbu actual iu many different ways and oountrlM occupied upon another extending from iu Hliea endcavora to to Im) overcome in pronunciation. Mr. Dyer fol- before now, nnd this is the principle of ouo grade terralnua to Kalaiki the home of Capt. N. 0, Haley, she satire satUfKtlon, lowed with luius remark upon teaching bt,luuem, boiling and the cause of IU larger returns. The whose plantation, away up on ihe bill tops, Is the ,, , O.J. lUltDIK, J


: , MT- vl ' y rJi. ' qrr SilJijl(ssaaM r . " "Mi, iinjataii w ' 4 '.V 4 jrr p "ws im" "'wy "?C """ TV"K

Supplement to the Saturday Press, January 7th, 1882. wnJ.uul. nny ,r nl. tf) nlt,.m,t l,.f.n:nt hut nillmr llirow my lank Poinl, Long Island, where I hern in n At IIIEj SHFPHPRT1 I self wholly upon your omey General, who received tils ap for becoming Mm Ortln Ur r',xcellonry'n cleinonevnn.l tlmtof your k'v nalural harbor which averngen a mihi in polllcn scavenge of eminent. f III. llm tnmmm! til lilw.rt - I,,,l ,.l!.,.. poinl incut on Friday, is considered mm of Mm Custom lllll. ....?,., width, anil hann ihmlh of at leaM, Ion thu most Houso ring by recoIvinV Uin ion at any 1 llial, I learned of Iho Pennsylvania npiK,inlmei.tofCuHlm. lime. iiiuhI hmv, feel Ibis slnlo of uncertainly lo fnthoum of water. A large block Iloi,, draytnan. Priest of Mololiiscdoo and Ohiof Prosidont of tho In) I of land legal fraternity, and will make anooru piiniHhmeul. know, and avow most roHpeotfully, (hat has been secured for a mtmt llm biliolirt Hy.tem f ttirohirU. hnvo Iho coimlriiclion of vigorous prosecuting oDIeer for Mid Gov havi) t, allowed my fancy and my vanity to gel iippenrHlo tixliniiMttl 11. laloa of tlio Son. the heller of my wiinrven nntl wareliouseH, and it in pro eminent. Ho Ima itself, an in Jutlgmmil. Much or the lime, during my nlny llm poHed, for homo limn been but rarely thnt il way uilhin jurisdio through this enlerpriiie, lo rentort. Mm gives to tmoof ilu lull I retained lo jirotecntu Route, ortlie Nelherlnntls Ititliaii (loveinmenl, Star weakly doses of spleen Hn-waii- remember lo havo in to Ihn United Stnloi, her former commer- nntl regarding nn ilulgcdin biavadoiiM Ilia! I would thieves, is ono of tho stalwart element affairs. Jh jxwAiblo RICH "PRIMACY" REVELATIONS. become a polenlalo in Iho Knn cial Huproiiiaey on llm ocean. With faster of thii It that Mm and Ihiii lo I'iiiiopeans and naliveti, vylm I cannot Republicin parly, and of course element Htipptwy lo havo lime bolh on thu Allanlit: ami on Mm over friendly Mm has become lirod of attached any iniptn lance lo wlinl I Haiti, lo Grant, faction, which could nhrfcnling Mm - then ana vninglorioim nntl rtmd, Mm Australian mails will reach ....( I... ..!.! .. l..if ,. i, . ... Chronic machinery as a boasti bill I niiihl, atltl in " '" I'ltsM'iign, uio mil! Attorney l mt I Mm JPrkotta foi- Pooplo. t.er extenuation that this wim afltic, a (heir tlesliimlion ,,, ,,,18l t1ir cImvh "" lob.as respeclablu portion of tho tlio plentiful indiilgo)fo in wine. General. Tim oilier departments will Uo ahead of Mm usual lime, and Mm delays ifortiia and IvtHtern press has notneuii I hnvu doubtless bo decided upon (ho I Tint few wo Mm been loooflun led away in life by before fit to fa lino dirty-wor- Iml significant facta which hove now given to stmiu high colored rt occiinng during Iho winter inlo by doing thu k innnlie itleai bill, as J Iho nionllm will expiration of tho week. of world, 1o nol fiti tifrili nil of Hie highly colored pigment willi which said at eoiiiinoneomoiit, f write not forth), no longer occasion any disappointment, tho New York sugar clique, Jn-stc- feiicti on thii occasion, but lo avow that I committed grave iu an tAiini:!,i)'n ahmahhin. of the Icnj .)r,.HH to mini Mm of Mm mo orrorM at present. ,.,,i,JnK nny pictiiicsqim ehiiiaelcr Ocenniu Mohch. Tho a loo free way of spi'iiking Mm with nalivens anil ultimately allowing Tim Guiteuu trial nt Waihinglon lias Hympnthy for VhronitU'i pitiful whint) quo! of liin career in I hew Islands nmy poiniltly coricHpoiitl with Ihn my mate lo tlepai I, inlo Mm interior, and in Higning THE NATION'S I.r.tllHIiATUIIK. or assistance in it a letter addressed reached iIh twenty eighth day anil is it miBeroblti efforts U, beginning Mini in to a natno chief, iu Mm .Malay Interfere, int-ni- of career cttutilrios more highly favored with his character, without iiiilllciently exam The legislnloiM of Mm ledums affair Owing tit Mm dentil of wilh llm business b, of tho inmg, or eutlcnvtiring know, iln American Nation a port, ban youthful and untamed activities. II, makes tci mindful of tln tont lo iiillamnmlory fontmilit. I nc art) now actively engaged at juror h wife, Mm trial was yeslenlay jKjst it on Mivorul occasions received knowledge tho HeriiuiH Hiuuling their work in live, faull of a fominiinication of what- Wnshingloii, and tlio ijoiietl until loinorrow. to Im aMivero snubbing. Thin u,0 vuw ot (insertion of Ihe ioel icguriling " certnin kind of vane, thai, if it ever nature I., lobbyist ami the Il appears Mm such a personage, and allowing tho of voh-Ht- r Oil,, Aryi on Mm malo my local wnji-niille- nro nlno he general impression Mint subject: worn cniHlied Ihe pcifuum that had lilted it would leiimin with Iho lo leave lo penetrate on hand. I'aci Guileaii will ( "The inlo Mm interior, without acquainting tho lie. Const iiiturcslH Imconviclud of murder, as Mid hrnnirtt, tor some Mum pant, has been autliorilies. I cannot are already mealing insanity broken fragments. Whatever nd verso circiiniHlaiiccM may hnvo tic lomonibor morn pailicuIarH than J havo al Willi considerable nlfniiflim H..,ml.-- theory Iihh been thoroughly exploded. laljoring industriously to convince) llm ready given in pievioim hIiiIiiiudiiIh; I cut red, Mm smim iliHiilmhlc denim to to ami now crave your oxcul Miller anil Failoy liinory Mtorrs, a prominent, law- i""iic mat tlio iniwr contract system become n"Alosos" noiiin n coiiHitlorallon and Iteprominlntivo criminal fncy of all the fuels, and then ilinptwoof mo an your I ngt) havo iiroptiriid yer of Chicago, who was which prevails in the Hawaiian Jsliinthi people in Ihe great tranttiil sea ban ftmed and bnriieil in tlio morn I icHlriclivo mcasuies a witness in leniency shall dictate. make no 1 ! . is Mm most defence, but only pray for a ..H,.fiirriinul,..,, l'liii..., ,, if m( whom the defence placed gteat hornlilo lytic of peonage, nntl Jug, noon, nntl now the evening of life. Hpei-d- IINIIIInm0M ,(,.H reliance, in jutlgnienl, hoping that thorn will bo ftmnil n Htilllciuncy of final action (, rather injured Mm that every contract laborer Mmro is exleiiiiiiling ior before llm nl.un ,,f prisoner's chances, ami a The printed icpoil of the IIoiiho of Itepresoiilutives, (U.S.A.,) circiimstanceii lo mitigate Mm nontonet f may strictly session The American his testimony created a great llioUMiind limes worse off than was tho I peonlo am awaken surprise. much-abuse- No, 1107, tlesere. remain, your excellency's most I (,'tllh CoiigrebH, 1st Session, lKr(!,) in an extraordinary tlocu obedient Hervanl, nig to tho fact that decisive measures, Storm ami tho divorced wife or Mm nHns 'man ami brother' who ment. covora Wai.tkii M. Gidho.v. in til in miml lw, ,l,,,.i,..i hi'ii emphatically deny wore Mm volte of slavery in the no colled It three hmidretl nntl fotuteen pages of printed mat IJatavia, KiOiruary connection any belief in his 2th, 18515." Itecently, in (ho insanity. Ouiteau's health is halcyon tlays of Mm South befo' Mm lalo lor relating solely lo dilllcultioH between Waller iM. CliliMon anil the convention of the Jiitlus breaking iinpleahnnlnimH.salit trial League of A morion, Mm feeling in down, nntl in Hpito of his periodical Ami lliat for nil thin Dutch Goortuimnt. Ah il wouhl be impossible to mnkn even ex- Mm reciprocity treaty This letter slioulil have been transinilletl with other pnporn lo (his respect was unmislakalile, as the bombast in court, ho is completely un- between the Untied tracts from it here, we filial! biielly nolo of Miliciil I e il, Sates and Mm mime the points, (.ongroHs. til was found lo be misHing. industrial centres of Ihn United nerved, and is daily becoming more anxi-oii- n Hawaiian Islands nntl it was regarded by the Slates Clans Sprockets, leaving those who are curious to the perual of the material gather- ItJI as a strong uviilenco to justify Mioir action. hnvo only of lain yearn commenced lo for Mid termination of llm (rial. Six- sugar refiner, of' tho lierilhi)h)HMof this letter wan apprehend tho competition teen of Mm experts suiiimoimtl by city nnd county of Snn Francisco, nro ed together in Ihomi pngen. discovered, llm Secretary of State with tho Asia both the wholly wrote the following loiter: tics, nntl fearing an inroad by these moral prosecution nntl defence are tmuniinniiH in resjmiiiible, Jf there was ever The extracts which we make will be made in every instance from any doubt that tlm "To tiik I'iikhiiiknt or tub U.NiTKti Statf.h: --Aflor the publicntion IpeiiHto inlo Mid social fabric of tho Itepuh agreeing that Guileaii is sane and legally VhimiMr i.r;.i .... Jie testimony of lo Gibson, in May, IHfit, Gibson or the correHpontlcnce he, demand responsible for IiIh untrue, llm Htaloiiietit made in this city betwi'eu tho Secretary of Statu and tho Mill-V- I that Iho Government shall act. Although tho a bought tho revenue tukt) opinion in day or two s nee, before cutter Wirt, andaltenipted to Hell her Iti General ,'i Uiti'il States to the Netherlantls, in tho caHti of Waller lminetliatti action in llm premises. universal that lie ought to bo the Congrega- Can-er- of " M. Gibson, called for by a According lo tho stipulations hung, there nro those who tional Club, by the Itev. W. Frear, Gualeniolu. He wan compelletl loabantlou Ihe attempt," resolution of the JIouso or Representa- of tho treaty doubt whether many years for tives or thoUTthor July lust, it, wan on immigration, mndo by Mm lie can ho found guilty of murder iu pastor of Mm Fort Street I ta.vh tlio Coiniuillee on Koieign Affairs, " because Mm vigilance of discovered that an important American tho Church, paper emuraceti in mat, resolution iiatl not been transmitted, nnd Chinos!) Oovernmentn, our represents tirnt degree, considering Mm length of Honolulu, relative to Mm contract (lie United SIoIch iiuthorilieH prevented il." Ft will be soon that Tho system in the islands, pnjier rofirrtd to was the alleged coiiy of a loiter om AValter M. ntiven at Washington have Mm right and time that Garfield lived after being shot clinches Mid noil. here !h Mm first authentic recortl of Ihe maii'tt public character, (lib Gibson to Mm of power to piiHH nntl nntl the treatment of the Mm Air. J'roor says tlm contract system Governor NetherlandH Intliu, thilei put inlo efl'ect any wound by very differs w won (hen loadetl Iho Flirt with ice and Hailed Hoiithwanl. At I'orlo February, 18515, restrictive measure consistent with said all ending physicians, who were by no materially from forced Hcrvitudo. :M I doom it proper to send to you one treaty. Tim final action will nmnnn unaniinoiis in their ideas in Contract nro legitimately entered into Prnyii his vessel was Hcarched ; at I'trnambuco his ice was reduced which I believe to bo a dupli- probably this between cate of Mint, which wim received at tho department mint tho number of Chinese passengers connection. Lawyers nro watching Iho tho employers ami employed; to one or two Ioiih, which he Hold. Doing the owner of the vessel he from our Minis- lo that Mieso contracts ter at the Hague, with up explanation of the reasons why not fifteen per vessel, exclusive of thorns to bo case with great interest, and occasion illy aro not transferrabb), took command iih captain, nntl iiailetl it did but when Mm away towards the Kiwi Indies, accompany my report to you of the Kith ultimo. i'h tho designated an merchants, businoHH men, points aro given to tho public that aro of concluded. law strictly It common a enforced them, tlm law nnd nfter nrious adventures reachett the l'alembang River. While practice in Ihe department lo allow Mhmo having claims against for- Htudonts and Government employees. startling nature. It i'h now claimed by that specifics Mm rights of both, and in on tho count, of .Sumatra, he Muted that his object in desiring to eign Governments for losses of property or personal injuries, under certain lawyers who aro familiar with all no ciwu is tho M go ... . . THE CAIIINET. .in ...... I i.. i i ii tho details, that two of llm imvu-- u l. ..,.,. laborer deprived of tho common nnd ordi- to Singapore was to " make inquiry after the estate of a collateral Manout. left. Miis nliv for been in tho employ of the nary rights of humanity; that the con- relative who Washington Government for had died (hole Home eighteen yearn before, which had hist Wednesday, nntl it is lo several yearn, ami are therefore disquali- tract sK!Cify the character nntl quantity bo inferred from this or Mm antl tloHcended tohim." Adjoining the Dutch territory of In, rviiiiiii.ttil,. . that lio is certain of fied. Each juror wn made to Mm food, tho number of cubic feet l'alembang , . . . i.rnuu "w illJ- - answer I, .IMIIVHHT tho appointment of Into-no- r, was Mia territory Djambi, by n plieil for permission lo thn dimmueiifu0''' , ;i n.i :i Secretary of tho question whether lm hail served under tho "' '"eniiiiiig-roo- eacii Jalwer is entitled governed unlive prince, the Sultan examine as il i'h well to, nntl was always grunted lo him. Mr. Bulmont'H Iho'fith known that President Government, or was then in its employ, tho hours of work per day; that of Djiimbi. The Mutch claimed thatthiH territory was subject to despatch of of Arthur fnorn the idea or nitm hours tlm v. California being before being accepted. answor-eret- l, is ordinary day's work miiimi, nntl mo papers posst-SHio- Each juror then authority. Tin- - mate which acconipaiued it, were in his represented in nntl if any Mm of the Flirt, one Graham, in attempting out of the tleparlineiit for some time. Ho his Cabinet. As Grant is upon his oath, "No." is now of provisions aro broken by to take, a returned, iih was supposed, now very officious iu It Mie employer, tin, letter from Gibson to the Sultan of Djambi, was arrested, all that had been intrusted to him. is not known or believed cabitiokmnking, and churned that it can bo shown that two laborer has a ground of It that as Sargent is a staunch friend of tho action against him, antl enn the lettur was taken from him, and Gibson also wuh arrested. The any of the papers in Mr. Gibson's care havo been in the liandH or jurors perjured IhemsolveH, nnd therefore bring him to (ho it is more than probable that aro disqualified to justice; and that for any violntion following is the letter : under inspection of any person but Mr. Gibson, and those em- servo. Tho fact was of any California's will bo honored Mm clause of a contract, Mm ono ployed in the tleparlineiit. Ono of the documents which accom- overlooked by prosecution at the em- so guilty is " with the portfolio of tho Interior Depart- paneling Mm liablo to a l,ne of not Jess Mian ixtteii to tiik hui.tan or riamiii." panied that despatch was Mr. Van Hull's note of Fobrunry SMtli, of jury. At present it is fivo nor , ment, Hpito Mm more JSn-1- Which he in of Ohrtmielr'i spleen and stated thoy aro fearful lest im- than one hundred dollars, nntl " .1 Taut; W'oniy in states that a copy or Mr. Gibson'H lotter to tho abuse. Certain such an in Governor of the Netherlands (tho irieiidn of Sargent would portant fact should leak out. A gnntelman dernult, imprisonment. There is no doubt India missing letter), was attached; I- i prefer to see him nt the head of Navy Mm the lev .Mr. rear tells Mm "This lottor accompanied by many balutatioim and ceremonies ana there no doubt it accompanied tho copy of that note sent to the familiar with earlier stages of the case whom truth. this Department, but the Interior Department stated to tho Timt Jim fact is, im Vhronirlr K honont from me, Lord Captain Walter, residing in America, to whom department by Mr. Belmont. corroHixindont ml hi the Aftor carries with it an inlliinucu equally, if not that tho defence, was evidently ignorant its light; and further, its ' returned con- I Loul of all hosts grant tho papers wore returned, Mr. Belmont's dispatch wnn not moro of that he may appear in the presence of the powerful, nntl ho qualified to (ill tract hilwrer,' has been , found among them ; but as Mr. Gibson was in Europe and could is """ iuiiiu in uieir jnvor. xim mattor is Interviewed Lord Sidtnif, who reigns over the Kmpiic.of Djambi. I further not bo culled on to account for it, oitnor position. being quietly discussed in legal circles, and under so many oliairt, that Micro application was mndo to Mr. Bel- Last Sunday ovening has got to be a painful fnltfiTulIyiiuil sincerely make known to you that my first ofliccr, mont for a duplicate which was obtained from him. H. P. Spedd nun uiu upuuon is expressca mat Uolonol snmnr" in i.;u delivered a lecture on tlio lifo and char-acto-r Corkhill is statements, which is not flattering Mm with Ihreo of his followers, will appear before you, Finding the copy or the letter of Air. Gibson to tho Dutch gov- seriously to blame. The ques- to Sultan, as I wish of Benjamin Franklin, ono of Mm tionable ingenuity of Mm 'horrible to ronn a ernor hnd been omitted in the documents published by tho Houso jurors aro Gates and Wonnloy. outrages' re- great friendship witli you, Sultan. 1 am now able to as- ancestors of tho new Secretary of Mm Gates was porter, or calculated to inspire of Boprosontiithos, all the papers in Mr. Gibson's enso havo been recently employed as a machin- tho average sist you, Sultan, with everything you may desire, Treasury, and from which it was ascer- Mm reader with tho truthfulness stories-an- d as tho American since cnrofully examined, but this lotter is not found in tho files of ist in Navy Yard. Wonnloy was not of his Government has no want of powder, bullets, guns, tho is tained that Poter Folger a lad ot eighteen long ago a messenger in tho just now it looks very much as though muskets, and department. It quite certain that it hud become detached yonrs camo to Pension the bottom lclahs, (or long, molal, from tho other pnpers before the copies America from England in Office. This sensational story has not vet is about readv to drop out of native guns with small orifices.) I can assist worn mndo for tho purpose tho year 1C15, of answering Mint call. Mr. in tho wimn ship with Hugh boon contradicted, anil it true, will seri- uiu scjieme, aim unit when it does Mm to make it good to all Malays, because 1 do not like all the Dutch- Gibson has boon questioned in rolntion Potors, who had been it wunmmc to this paper, nntl states that it was not among tho Chaplain to Oliver ously affect Mm trial. Tho press has win not do eitlier richer in repu men, of which you, Sultan, can give tho to all correspondonco Cromwoll. Pofor Folgor married tution or money. Tho treiltv-- , ahsurnuco Malays, and placed in his hands for examination, and cannot account itn Alonell, already taken cogniznnco of the District reciprocity you will be able to for who accompanied Hugh Peters us a serv- thus far, has been of moro make one with me. I uIho wish to know tiie way but expresses tho confident opinion that ho roturned to Attorney's disposition to resort to trick- benefit to San ant, and whoso romnining period of serv-ic- o Guit-oau- Francisco than to the Hawaiian Islands-an- d from Djambi to Palembang, and in what time this the department all tho papers ho look from it. ery, ami on ono occasion Scoville, 's distance can bo That it was among ho purchased for X20, or $100. solong as.thopeoploof made. I can assist to tho piipors received from Mr. Belmont is cortnin, is They lawyer, was openly npplauded in thisCoastaro make everything fine, and 1 wish tlio for it distinctly'' woro 10-14- tho that recollected by soveral persons married in tho year and sottletl court for suppressing a bit of trickery on gainers, thoro is no rcabon why thoy Malays may bo ruled as in former tinios. ono belonging to tho department. It was Nantucket, Alass.. 1CK). should complain. In month I can bo at regarded as an important paper and in in Among tho part of Corkhill. In any event, there Like tho nverngo Irish-nv- tho of much relied on by tho govern- Uioir children wero Abinh who Ai'io itosriiiiHenimo.' ' mouth tho Djambi River. "With this, my first officer, you can ment of Holland in resisting Mr. married "!?p,rVHP ltti'c'tiu t6 Guilcau, limf it' is Gibson's claim for indemnity. Josias they woro t Another agree, is Tho subs anco ot it as win b -- Franklin; the imrent,") weekly Sultan, what best, as tho American Government has no Heon.nnn is "T , sum tho warden of tho jail has received a called noto of Van to examination, ,, V ' ' Public which is thoroughly war-ship- an tho Mr. Hall Want of stonmors and s of both there1 urn many i nnd you, ui "54 ,;,'Mary Barnard; they wero tho ances- number of anonymous lotters ndvising tho 0,ii., familiar in tho printed correspondonco. It is also remarked on in Mr. Van! tors of Charles James Folger, lotoly removal of with the workings of this mud-throwin- g Sultan, need not trouble yourself on this head. Tho whnlo of tho other prisoners from tho gives Hall's noto to Air. Belmont of tho 29th of June, and in our Minister's appointed Secretary of tho Treasury by vicinity of Guitenu'scell, so that no other machine, the following hard hit, upper countries of Djambi and Mint of Palembnng will '1th which has licon copied Alocfor-lnuo- I bring in reply to that noto of tho tho of July. Prosidont Arthur. It strikes mo that oltl lives will bo endangered in Mm event of a into E. C. 's good order, and, if possible, got rid of all tho Dutchmen excepting 1 havo received a communication from Air. Govern, tho Alinistor Capt. Petor Folger, who succeeded Capt. dyjiamito explosion. Tho latest sensation bright and spicy illustrated journal, tho and a Home. Within a fow days I will come, and can then tnko possession of the King of Holland to thin government, accompanied by tho James Alakoo in tho ship chandlory busi- connected with Guitcau originated with Itdc, dozon other imperii which wnn throughout tho letter tho Dutch Government alleges writton by Mr. ness in Honolulu about 1855, wns a roln-tiv- o a ho wjote to tho Stato: of Mn's Empire I send many greetings to you, Sultan, and to all letter District Attornoy, Ulirunidc Gibson to tho governor of tho Netherlands, India. I rend enref nlly, of tho now secretary. asking for which struck ns 'Tho has for weeks lwenin tho your officers. "Wai.tek Bin Gibson, - bail, Corkhill tearful mood mom Minn once, the copy of flint letter which wns transmitted by General Grant's manipulating influcnco resombling clearly tho famous Alorey let- over tho suffcringH of Clans W.u.Tr.n ( . ) Asak (bon of) Ginso.v, Air. Bolmont, nntl do not doubt that tho ono which accompanies Mr. is ngain visible in tho appointment of ter, and several experts Spreckels' alleged ' Serfs ' on thu Sandwich hnvo bo pro- Island Sugar Cover's note to mo is a duplicnto of that which was on filo in the Frederick T. Frelinghuyhon of. Now Jer-so- y; nounced it. The first three letters iu Plantations. Canning's fen dor-boule-d department, but cannot now bo found. Tho copy furnished by tho ns tho successor of JnmesfGftBlnino, Guiteau's nnmo in tho letter to tho Dis- philanthropist weeping over Uomniaiidante Srlmonrr American knifo-grmde- Flirt, Alinister of tho King of the Netherlands, nnd liis noto to mo in re- which mot tho approbation of tho Senate Attornoy, and tho tho woes of tho needy r ' wuh trict first threo letters not half so Kemmandantc tfkoon'tr prang (" tear) Merikan Flrt." lation to it, accompany this communication. All which is respect- by its affirmation. Tho now Secretary of in Garfield's signature in tho Alorey let- sad antl sympathetic ns Alien-a- el "W. do Young when At. Pnlombang, 1th of Fobrunry, 18312. fully submitted. L. Marcv. Stato assumed tho control of his dopnrt-mon- t ter, ore absolutely identical. Tho letter is contemplating the Jons Paiikkii, Dei'aiitmen-- t ok State, AVashington, Jan. 10, 1855. yesterday. Frolinghuysen it may now in tho possession of tho Chief Clerk misery of Sir Chum' 'peons.' What u touching ! Steorn Translator" Gibson seems to hiivtj had a livoly perception of hifl own gifts. bo of interest to know, was born nt Alill-tow- of tho Stato Department, and no one who spectacle Yot why this reck- Governor-Gouora- less oxpendituro of crocodile tonrs ovor chargo made by tho Dutch was Gibson was In anothor paper written to tho l of tho Nether- Somerset county, N. J., on ,Uio 4th has yot seen tho original Alorey letter and Tho that engaged in Rut-go- such remoto suffering J lands, India, ho says: " While rny poetic imagination might lead mo of August, 1817. Ho graduated 'at rs Guiteau's letter, out has pronounced Why is thero no stirring up treason in thoir dominions. This Gibson donied. Aftor into many excesses or extravagancies not approved of by tho mutter Collogo.in 183b", ond was admitted to them written by tho sumo person. At tho commiberntion for victims right under Alichaol's well dovelopcd 7 Uiroo Hupnrnto trials by the inferior courts, in which Gibson was ac- of fact opinions of tho world, yot still I nm not of u nature to plot tho Bar in 1839. From 1861 to 18G6 ho timo tho Moroy letter was written Guit-ea- u noso Thoro quitted, ho was arrested by tho highest criminal court of tho Dutch troasonablo designs much loss to oxecuto thorn." i was Attorney Genornl of tho State. In hod boon driven from tho Republican 'soris' and 'peons' in the Vuvnicie hnlf-an-ho- After tho Secrotnry ot Stnto discovered his papers had been 1866 ho was nppointed United States hendqunrters Now office territory, tried, couvicted nud sentenced to stand under that in York, but was .still who witness tampered with, ho dropped tho matter of Gibson's indomnity. Sonator to fill a vacancy, and was elected hanging around in thnt city. Somo of tho tho approach of tho holiday the gallows, to imprisonment for twelve years, and thon to banish- It season with will bo noticed Mint ho does not chargo Gibson with taking tho Sonntor in 1867 for tho term which oxpir-o- d papers facetiously sympathize anguish and dismay. Tho with tho weeper has in his ment. Two weeks nfter the sentence, Gibson ebcnped, returned to lottor, but ho sotb forth tho circumstances, in detail, and thon loaves in 18G0. In tho following year ho was WTotch, as thoy aro not inclined to con- own employ a host of over-worke- underpaid tho United Stntes and requested the Government to demand in- eachono to make bin own iuferonces. Tho Secretary ovidontlymado choson Sonator for tho torm beginning in sider him guilty of moro than his own drudges who aro not a whit better nil" than Iho y up his mind on tho subject. Air. Belmont ceased to press tho matter 1871, nnd in 1874. Ho was also laborers on demnity of tho Dutch Government. Mr. W. L. Mnrcy, thun Secro-tar- loroy tho sugar plantations. at tho Hague, or threaten tho Dutch with war, tho House of Rropro-Hontntivo- H a mornber of tho famous Electoral Com- noss is ou a with tho attempt Tho intolerable of State, took tho matter up with enorgy. Sir. August Bel- about par nature cooled oil", and tho whole affair tho tnble." mission. Ho wns offered tho positiou of of thoir bondago is attested bv the "wont on It motio nt ono time lo implicate Uonkliug, nmaziug mont, American Minister at tlio Hague, demanded an indemnity of soemn to hnvo been fortunuto for both tho Dutch nnd American Minister to Groat Britain' by Prosidont Arthur ct al in Garfield's assassination. nlucrity with which thoy quit tho $100,000. This wan rofusod by tho Dutch Govommont on tho Governments that this letter was discovered. Grnnt, but doclined it. Ho is a stalwart Uhnmiele Uio niomont nny oUior chuueo of Wo may also congratulate ourselves on having n historical charac- Republican. Blaino's plans for tho futuro LOCAL MATTEUS. earning bread antl butter is offered them, ground that Iho arrest and conviction of Gibson was justifiable. A Tinimins ter with us. On Iho word of this man tho United. States linnlly aro known only to himsolf; but is cer- San Francisco has undorgono n politi- wont off to the Kxaimnrr soon Congressional Committee from whoso report wo hnvo obtained tho it nfter Charles do usetltowurtls Hollniid that peculiar languago which procodes n dec- tain that ho will remain in Washington cal redemption. This desirable event Young's death. Heudor-so- u, facta nlrondy sot forMi strongly urged tho demaud for indemnity. laration of war. If this letter had not been discovored, it is rnoro for Uio pnrposo of attonding to long occurred on Uio 5th of this month, when tho city editor, speedily follow ed, and Mr. Gibson domauded in a lottor to tho Secretary of Stato, dated thnn possiblo thnt war would havo boon deciared, treasuro squan- neglectod private interests. This much tho municipal Government fell into tho found tho Vail otlico a hoavon ns compared r, Sand-Lo- with tho Chiomclc hell. Townsend, Nov. 11th, 1851, " that Iho Government of tho United States resort dered, blood spilt, and au irroparablo damage amounting to millions ho admitted to n pemihtont nowspnper-intorviowe- hands of tho Republicans. Tho t ono of . would havo followed. it had so n war ndding thnt his principnl regimo is no more. Tho tho most brilliant of tho local btaff, was to tho only moans romnining for enforcing just demands." If happened and after such reverend and tho next thin lotter hnd been produced, showing Unit tho Dutch woro not far businoss will bo in connection with a rail- notorious Isaac Kalloch, tho whilom con- defection. And thero is not novr Mr. Mnrcy wroto to Mr. Belmont instructing him to press tho wrong, whnt would havo been tho feelings of contempt for tho mau, road in which ho has considerable capital fidential advisor of Dennis Koarney, has a man in Michael's employ who would not IM Ex-Judg- desert with raptiuo matter " tomperntoly but resolutoly upon the Dutch Government." who would havo permitted life to bo wasted, knowing all the Unio invested not millions, as has boon stated, been succeeded as Aluyor by o upon an offer from any other quarter." I Ma. Belmont did press the matter closely nntl sharply. Tho Dutch thnt thoro wnn evidence given by himself, which would havo, if dis- but sufficient to make it an object for him Blake, who is a conservative and lionora-bi- o bull-dos- to look first-rat- o Whnt with its vain efforts to o Government informed Mir. Belmont that if Gibson entored tho closed, prevented such a terrible catastrophe Gibson is ontitlcd to after. The property is a gentleman that will reflect credit on tho bonotit of every reasonable doubt. will bo asked, howovcr, ono, and as tho says, its tho position. Ten of tho twolvo com- oprecnois out 01 uio iLsunl " buy-off,-" and ho bo arrest od and sent back to Java. Mr. Belmont It Hague would what niotivo nn interpreter hired to niuko up n simplo lottor ton high dovolopmont will occupy all his spnro posing tho now Board of Supervisors aro roplicd Mint if that wero done " tho most deplornblo consequences personage from an unobtrusivo travello'r, could possibly hnvo to time. This, of conrco, disposes of tho Republicans, and thoroforo have tho power might follow." That is to say that tho United States would hnvo make it u letter involving revolution and treason. the dispatch many rumors ntlont concerning Blaine, to shape, municipal legislation. The old In .knocks as these, and declared wur agninst Holland. In tho nioantimo a thorough inves- of Van Hall, Dutch Alinister ot Foreign Relations, to Air. Bolmont, including his reported southern tour. Board, in iti expiring hours, attempted a is gradually rctiriii' in a remark which smacks of Primacy." Van Hnll is Thoro is no doubt, however, ho will pieco of infutnous legislation, 11 uiu iia uusiiuniiiciury uguu 4 tigation was made of tho whole subject, and all of tho material wis "Hawaiian that and had it discussing Gibson's act iu Java, tolls tho Amorican Government bo hoard from and his politicni power felt not boon for tho intorferonco of tho judi-cinr- Mt.NOn MENTION', gathered anil printed in these documents. On tho part of Gibson that it should make allowance forthohtamontnof one who "oxhntiModi boforo tho next Nntiouid Republican Con- a misfortuno would havo been Lieutouant-Colone- l W. H. Diniond, raii-roa- of tlfcro is his vigorous denial of having written a treahonnblu lottor. in menus, sufl'ered himself (o bo betrayed into tho commission of n vention conyonos in 188-1- . ontoiied on the city in the shape of a d Governor Perkiu's btaff, has boon npioiiiUcI Ho says that his first mnto, Mr. Grnham, wished to visit tho interior rrimo almost akin to mildness- - tho consequence, no doubt, of tho Tho prosont indications nro that tho franchise to a gong of monopolists Brigadier-Genera-l of tho Second Brigade high-colore- mndo Prosidont has determined Chiiuncoy was working of Sumatra, " and with a viow to insure his safety and to facilitato romantic idea, which him dream of tho power of upon that iu tho interost of tho National Guard of Californin. vi ii..,. a potentate in tho East." J. Filloy ns Postmaster General. Tho Central Pncitio Railroad Ring. This oral John AlcComb, who is 1 ordered my Secrotnry, Kiagoos Lanaug, to write placed on tho his uiovemontH, In 1852 it was Primacy in Jnvn. In 18S2 it is "Primacy in admirable innovations recontly inaugur- Board, which was looked upon ns Repub- rut i red list. passport, to bo addressed to tho Sultan l. bouio lines as a kind of of Hawaii," but always Primacy iu tho Pacific; thirty yoars of "Eter- ated in tho mail service will niuko tho lican in it complexion, has passed into An effort will bo made in Congress lo Jambce, or other priuee, to the north of Sumatra, stating niy friend- nal grind " at Primacy. retirement of Postmaster Geiferal James history as one of thu most daring nntl plnco General Grant on Mm rotirod Army n mattor of ly regurds, tho skill and good character of Mm botuor, tho value of This review of Gibson's experiences at tho East does not intrudo general regrot to tlio peoplo of unprincipled uver called into oxistonco list with his full rank. on private uflhint. These facta havo been published to tho world, Uio Pacific Slope. In a recent intorviov since tho days of the Vigilanco Commit- D. W. Haskell, who was his services might bo to tho nativo powers, and other remarks of ii ono of tho nntl nro as wo hnvo said, a part of tho foreign hiblory of tho in connection with tho ovcrlnud mails ho tee. Tho Shorilfa otlico, which wns pro-side- d founders of the pioneer banking and ex- dictating a singlo hostile word against tho " a biiuilnr import, without American Republic. said: I havo not yot completed nrrongo-inont- ovor by an mirimmeU press firm of Adams & Co. in tin's city Dutch in Mint region. 1 could not, at this time, hold any conversa- for tho now schedule of mnils, but Admiral Tom Desmond, nud his crow of und at one time was tho possessor of an' merely knew tho moan to remain hero until I do. What uncivilized bog-trotter- is now in tho annual incomo of $70,000 tion in tho Malay language. I unities of a fow Our Ban Francisco Letter. a your, died iu articles of common iibo. I did not thon know a single character of wo aro trying to do is to savo on mails to hands of un intelligent American born Uio Aim Hottsu Saturday afternoon at tho Sultan of tho West, and also to arrnngo n through gontloraan by tho namo of John Swig ago of 65 years. the, Arabic script, in which this lotter to tho Janibeo was it written, nnd so hnd great difliculty, by ttigns and ti fow words to (From Iht Sjvtinl Carrtiouiltiil of the Saturday Prtis.) timo table to San Francisco, bo that a innn wick, a pioneer Cnlifornian, who has dili- The whalers havo nearly nil loft iort my desire to tlio writer."' uiosun'b secretary, for turn pur- in that city can answer a letter from gently sot to Mork to cleaiibO this deport- oxcopt those which belong hero. Tho Washington ho pose- was n Mnlny, who hnppeuod to bo employed in tho government Svn FiiANeibCO, December 20th, Tho mail steonior Xtalamlia on tho same day ivceives ment and run it in tho interest of tho J'rogrtn sailed for Now Bedford on tho 1st ho it. At present tho train from Washing- peoplo, Tho Board of Education is also uiidor command of police. Ho wroto tho lotter and Gibson signed it, but buys that leitNos at uooii today, having been detained three doya boyond Capt Fisher, Tho not knowing tlio .Malay languago no tliil not Know wnat no was ton arrives in San Francisco at 11U15 a. m thoroughly Republican nnd in harmony doparturos to cruiso sinco then, are tho hchediilo tiino of departure, owing to the non-orriv- of signing, nnd ho donied over having Higuod tho letter which was her nnd tho through train for tho East loaves with tho spirit of tho underlying princi- Abraham Marker, Smith; Jlmtter, ll.truiM; !h to at 3:!)0 r. m. hope to mnko arrungo-inont- ii of tho termed in tlio proceeding tho " treasonable letter." The Govern tho English mails, which! undoubtedly duo tho rough weather I ples Ropublio. From this it will Kurllurn Light, Campbell; John HoieUwi, mnitt of Netherlands India, on the other hand, insisted that Gibson encountered iu crossing tho Atlantic A projoct has boon bturtod to hnvo tho train from tho East bo observed that San Francisco is onco Green; Jilini, Sinimonds; and btoamer nrrivo about nn hour hour ond n half moro a representative knowingly and willfully wroto this fingulnr letter, intending to stir by a combination of Now York capitnliht.n for Iho establishment of or American city, lioth Jletetdrre, all of which will probably reiwrt recolt. Much testimony was submitted by it. Tho earlier, and the train to tho East leave iu sentiment and practice, ami tho Sund-Lo- t at Houolulu boforo going north. up tho Djiimbi to a now fcti'iiuiHhip lino between Livorptiol and Now York, which Gqvernmout of tho United States, however, was disposed to think about two hours later, aud make up thono element ami its doctrines, which were Freight for tlm Lslniuls iloiw not appear Gibson had been harshly treated, and tho corresinmilenco will land pnssongorn nnd mniln in hix days. Jacob Lorillard, two hours in tho run to Washington." fostered into growth through tho vicious to lie abundant just now, aud vssels do that Air. also boon till) A'cirt shown " at overy point On the iKh of September, 1851, Mr. who is interested in thoj hchitino, nayn nil tho uecossory capital has James has contemplating inlluolU'o. of FrttHfltco l'lirvniclet not meet witli rapid despatch. Tho lMj "teeth feasibility of two tilings Belmont hinted to tho Dutch Government that ulterior mensuros been nubscrilHtl. Vessels are to bo constructed without musts, with tho giving us mails a havo become of tho past, but to Ijiiiijuoh for Honolulu, aud the lUtario for to rodi day, ns ho considers thu increasing busi which all honest citizens must refer with Kahului, havo cleared and will would bo roortod to in order ess Gibson'a wrongs. Finally nothing whatever above deck except tho pilot- - house ami funnels. sail Unlay. Dutch placed iu tho hands of Mr. Mnrcy u copy of noss intoribt.n of tho wcbtern country disgust and a sense of shame. Dennis Tho Furrett Queen and J. IK Spreelth nro tlio Government This will obvi ate many of the difficulties encountered during demands it. All this naturally Kearney, n lotter written by Gibson to tho governor of tho Netherlands India, intcrosU tho agitator nnd londiug for Honolulu, and the schooner tho peoplo ot tho islands, und is to bo deinogoguo, denouncing Repub- Tuilight which is ub followB ; tho rough winter trips. Tho cost of tho now stylo of steamship, it nftor tho for Hito. Tho Murray arrived on hoped tlio now Pobtmnstcr Gonorul will lican party as a puck ot thioves nnd tho Kith, '21 daya up, OK it in estimated will range from ?550,000;to ?550,O0O, and they nro and narrowly CAPTAIN OI1ISOS TO TUB OOYEllKOll NETIIEBLANDS INDIA : carry out tho liberal ideas of tho present bloated bondholders, finally becamo sort nshoro is vessels will hind thoir a goiug iu n calm wliilo enter-in- g to bo American built. It proposed that thu s, " May it pleiiMi Your Excellency, I onco morn take tho liliorty of incumbent. ot Judas Ibcurtot to his ignorant iHirt. Sho hoa not yot commenced mldi-Cbsin- you in relation to myenso; aud I now desiiotodo so passougers, mails aud heights nt Fort Pond Bay, just above Mou Bonjitiuiu Harrison Browster, tho now and was eventually rewarded loading. j, j.t x.

V ' !.s sjr, I t SA-LKS- A Propo.ed Amendment. ilmnkennea., forfeited J. Ilnchnnaii, e.imo nafro-- eseape, he had wit ncragh lo charge thtrrt A JOT ON . AUCTIOiV 8ALKS. HY AUTHORITY. ( by Itlt To Article . of the on.lllntlon granted Ilia Ma SATUHDAY MESS. charRe, forfellil l linllt Wm. Conleons, croai fmlh villi li'lnc drunk, and arrested Ihem. Smart J'My Kamchtmeha V, on Ihe aith day nf Angnat A. II., rheal, n nlle pneil entered hy procntlon. Iloo-klek- fellow lhat Fawn, seeing that they were both as - rernnndetl to Jlj- K. P. ADAMS. BY E. P. ADAMS. IW, 11 amended tnd approved on the 13th day nf Mty JAXUAllY 7, 18M. lnrrcny, A. Holster, sober as I am Ihi rninnte. 'Iliey were locked np A Article W of the drunkenness, senlencrd In seven days' Imprison- few hcM nntll Rome of the people around began A. II, W. terordlng lo Conatltntlon. Imrd cost be tnd the Manager' Notlre, ment st hlr, f l. Knlnrn, insnnlty, to protest ngilnst It, (at though it was any of their Thtt Article.' of the Constitution time romrnitleil lo Instno Asylnm. Civil lmalnes.,1 ONIONS, followit All tdvertltmntt for the hTimur Puts, meat be fe.cord Uefi Ihcy were allowed to depart with r. ! APFiES, POTATOES, hereby emended so t. loretd ta 'Ilioinin II. Hohron ts. I'nhokoln, Knma, llttlo advice tm my After that the girl alull receive for snt In by Friday noon Ko Interttons for the current tnrt aetu' Sale "flection M. The Itepfeaentalliet J. .Manlon and Nnhinnl.tn, deserting conlract ser-lc- ally enmn to her husband acknowledged Great he guaranteed when In and tho Issue rtn tent titer. loern-ploye- i their terslcea 1 compenstllon to be ascertained by law nil fonr defendants ordered to rtnm r. whole truth. Aa n cohse'tuenee they wenl leforn will Insertlonsds-sire- d Knhn-lelk- out of Treiauryj but no Increase of Advertisers mark th number of costs f.1 each. II. Mncfsrlnne vs. i, the Jndgennd swore n Ac, AT AUCTION, ! tnd paid the Pnbllc from which Any so ont rharge against rae and Expreia Cnrrlarfn Rnicitlntion Stnnit Ko. 8 due they charge nut marked d'rwrtlriK contract sorvier, ordered lo Mr. Fawn J ht (ompeneallon shall take tried dutlnie tlir year In which will b charged months return for mofMoht. Oh il hafd to think .Noll' In h'rrhy fltiiid .No. 1 li'lntf Hi to employer, roils 1. Dalton . A. A. 11. or such Ingratitude I As yet gvsl Inek wonld SATURDAY JAN.7 (ln lint llahall have been made ( tnd no law ahall be ptaaed TIIOS. (I TllltUV, Mtnigtr. I. not 14 JtiNWAW J3 ! THIS DAY. mtktl ld'nf Hotel Nt , frnri llrewr'n lllnck (tit, tin Klliott, nctfon of nastiniisit for $ lll'.-- Judurnent d"ert me. 'Iho Judge') commission bad expired, J, Inerea.lng th eiimpenatllon of ttld ll'presenutlrea 1 , J. Ilors-r- d.- II liern rhinr'il I'lllie mtnka alttc of lintel fit , at th for plaintifT. K. T. ri'linn vs. Allrrd and ho could nothing nntll It was renewed. In Al II o'clock noon, at Hales Hoom, beyond th auni of Five hundred Dollara for etch NOTES Or THE WEEK. netkiri for tl.'M-Krxs- Ini llv.r-- Jnnrllon nf Union rlt, short il' from Anj'r Ihe meantime I net my talents to wofk fo save ni 'tttcrl Hesalon." Jlni'l, continued to tho K. A. Hehnefer A from disgrace. Nn mot I he erllfy that th for'Rolnir tllll II. third ntjnln llt'i. l'o. 'Hie little vampire declared waf than Kli Ctrrlas'1 will k allowed on thl rhy ptad Tnr. pntillo aciiool. open neil Momlty. n Apples, reidlng In Legtaletlve Aoembly of Ihe Hawaiian vi. YniiK Ynnu Yew and Yip Cheonu hliinr, ilcrt-l- against me, refusal to recognise my rights In the) bxs. Aland llm'-f- nir Union the 50 ttnne. n the Ht. fronl,tnd Iwn on A. II. H"). rontrnrt dcfemmiU ordered to return matter, and iroiiof M;,vf give MONDAY, JANUARY 9, laltnd. the Wh diy nf July A pcIioxjI lerrn lc-n- nt l'uimliou Inst srvle. yu it f refused lo nn th lintel Ht, front. JA.MI.rt M. MO.NHAIiriAT, row to employer, costs .1 ench. mo so much ns n drink P 74 sks. Potatoes, (77 01 3m Meetttiry, At r M.. by order nf lh Trm! nf lli f.nni-I- I V. N. AltMHlltONd, the thonght of these trying times, he was ol II No-rr.- it I Ma L'l Heed to slop long enough In Kattl, will i' ITT for .tie it .Mlultler of Ih Inlrrlnr. Propoaeiil Amendment. Klnu nml Queen returned from Hawaii by to emply thn bottle into public auction, the following 79 bxs. Onions, Interior Office. Tnr lialn nnd mud for eight days, nnd n prospect of his glass, and fortify himself wttli another ri.Ii Jtnntry Uli, IM. 7121 M7SI To Article (I nf by Kamcha Ihe Constitution xrint'd llio Ittahml on Ttie Jny liiat. nn Indefinite oontititiation of thn tui me,,... Yon r nfter that he resumed; " I knew that if I ronhl ln. II. I', lUlliwi-- r hit thlmtay lie'ii appolnl'd an tnehi V. nn the SOlh day of August A. II, I'tJI In lecord rorres()iidenl of Inst In Hie Knlr only keep hlrn short of money I would safe, aa Magnificent List of Lands in all Ex J. D.SPRECKELS.fm.SauFraucisco HATtintiAT waa (Jnccii Knplolitnl'n MrtlnlAy, wek, retiortlnK be A(cnt In cratit MirrluRO I.lc ni for the Dlitllrt of snes with Article Wof ttld Cun.tltutlon lutt nt Wmlnkn, was In rrror In regard to the flno ex- ho would bo nnable to prosecute me, therefore I K. P. ADAMS, Anet'r. gave parts of tho Kingdom, .Mikawio, Inland of M.ul, II, I. Nectlon I, Tint Article CI of Ihe Constitution granted nnil n nnlulo wnn fired from I'nnchliowl Imltory nt hibit of apart tin. All tho work nf this strict orders lo have him arrested on every W S AIIMlTKflMI, Mlnlnten.f Inlrlor. by Ills Mtjesly Kamehimeha V. on the SVth day of noon. description wns eircntrd by Mrs- - (llllln and Miss opportunity. Fawn carried out my orders nobly, MortRagcfi's Notice of Sale. Drc'-iMh-, I8DI, nnd the Judge being obliged lo take a policeman's Kice Interior unite, W tsw) IBai he la In leror-danc- e Hortur..... Christmas ipiletly in vallnku, Comprising Pasture, Timber, and the sime hereby imended Clilric"') 1 tnoiMl f list ,sel row-Ki- t 'Inr. Tlientro liclni rom mi account of bndweather. An interesting, rvice word against his, lined him for drunks, being n, or with Aillclt Mnfatld Conatltntlon, hy ttrlklnx im- vinrri; or a OITlclil notlco hi. thl. day been trcelvej Hut In con old nn Urn Kaptntmdo to a plaeQ nenrer wns held nl tho Knglinh church, which was beAUtl-full- y common nuisance, etc. The sen run had the Sea and I ) Maleninlaliirilln a irrlnln ehstlle mnrrgsge glsen nut the word" "file mil by anbatllutlnr irtllloti and Knlo Lnnds, lv W Ihe of the reilgnailnn by hundred" there dccorntid. 'I ho church was well filled. pudence to say that I had caused lilm to take to by nnd I' Johnston In "iinee .liion I'erry F.rjnlre, of tlto wnler. Jce.e .M.Thnmp.nn llm fore words by drinking by taking Hawaiian Agricultural Company, dated Feb Pith, IMI, Hi' olllicof (Joii.ul for I'ortiuil, theCmi.nl for Italy, the "two thousand" ind alrlklngoiilthe Away his wife, as though ho Fisheries, It l forcelo.e Tnr. It. Sprtcktlt Arrived In ixirt ycslefiLty, .Votes, was not better off without I crowded him un- Inland lli unileralgiiid give, tn'tlce that Intend K. A. Hchicfur, Ki'inlre, will temporary diich.rj: the words " two hundred tnd fifty' and aubitllntlnr thre. J. Hawaii her. nlil mnrlgjge condition broken vl.i for Ihe words "one, thonxiid" so tint the Article flftirnilnya from the Ctmut. Our thank nro dno Along Iho windward IIaw.iII, tho old til he wna obliged to sell out his Millard table, and ml Inetmllnr I'xrcrU f ter site, suitsbie noi I 'r tiy. will 1,,v" ilullMiif Cnimtil for Portugal. All p'r.on. ar re'inent-eltnKl- r coisttf ho I A ""' nf Ihi' .ecitreil llirn nn" "r" "' i"""" ahall follow., (Jnptnin trllt. hiving a little money left, brought fourth rur purchase uy inc cup "" "' lion ollheealc room of li I'. Ailaim, nt Honolulu, on full faith and credit In all hi. onicltl In reid IS year went ont In storm. Northerly and easterly charge against for being disorder- mi' means I ... tut him, drunk snd those nf inudntlr U. llin ltd iIhy nf .Imiiifirv. A. I'' lcv. II "Article r,l, yu person shall b eligible for a e Iw At winds with he.vy inlnswere followed by strong In tlutcptcly W. U, Oltl'KN, Tlir. iniliiii prnyer idetllriK will continued ly. Although tome of the leading people of Ihe dis- n'elmk.M. nil the gntsli. chattels anilincl nninfil Is southerly wind with huge quantities beat- 1 nf Hie people, who Insane or in Idiot! nor week overy evenlnn, of cold trict were in his company, and had the cheek to nlil niurlgn.'rvlri A line or l.irvsi'ti Wire rninwaj, .Mlnliter nf I'orelen Aflalm. tlio 1'ort Hlrtot Chnrcli next ing rain down fresh the snow Ahupuaa of Kcaau, and appurtenance and a nnlcsa lis be male .object of Ihe Kingdom, who shall from covered mount- contradict tho statement of Mr. Fawn by saying he Ingelhrrwlih all llttnrr" tlo llept nf I'nrclgn Arr.lrt, Hnnnliilu, Dec -- Jih, t except Mnlunmy, 17 Ml, have Hi of twnt-o- ains for Koine timo tho stream were impassible ( lot rope, tastings .le..tniw on tho Com arrived it full ate yar. who that he had not tnkin n drink all day. I had Mr. illnit In runt. Island Hawaii, wllh " ' ' nf wlr'. pr., 70 .It or nt dntigeroas, the wns nin' nrm ra at I'annii. ivnn. nawaii. ahall know how In read arid write, whn shall uiiiler. land Tiimik wcro n number of tmchcrsi from tho least nnd ocenri brown with Fawn crnwl under the houses of some of oor pro- lliimlrril anil 'I Go Hawaiian Aitrlci.lltiriil l.n, actoiinl. anil snail have ben diinilclleil In Ihe King- discharges of mud nml dirty water, lo say nothing minent Inst night, h discovered ll'ftiirTlniiiinilTito Snln of I.nria nf Government i.nm1. other l.tninU In town tlili week to nltotid tho land-slidi- cltl?tit and that lir ! V JoNi:H,.lr., Trnnrr dom for tt least Hire years, the ia.1 of whlth shall of s from the sen bluffs. 'Iho planta- are taking tho B7 On Wedned, Jnnimry )Blh, ltuJ, Hi front year Immediately pircedlrie his election Tenchnta' Convention. they up a subscription to assist ttesily.ln.s.cre. Itnmiliiln, tlcc Till 1811. 3t it ind whn tions romplaln of writer liends carried away, tlnmcs scoundrel In lo of Alllnlanl Hale nt 13 ti'clcck noon, will hi nld shall own tetleaiitp within Ihe Klngdoji nf 1 clear Hrltlsh prosecuting me. Till, Award SV.9 II., psrl Unjtl I'tlenl 71, over nlmv of Unnil I on A was smashed nnd blown down, runds wnshed nwny nnd " When I!is .Majesty wns here the day one l, Adminintrator'ii tt I'libllc Auclliiii, the lean; of Hint tract of land value tnd til Irriimtirances it letat Iwo Tub doty nnln. concert filled up, nnd genernl other Ttllllam ('. I.iintlll'i. Sale tboueand dollars, nr nhoalmll have an inritiil Income rniti Incident on theirenMer. of my enemies! carried ft openly a uIvpii nt the Ilotsl on 'Ihuradiiy 07onlnK, nnd nlil bottle ol olnJthai rnnl.il portion bslnr. lieloiitflni; tn thu avk it (Internment, ltuated In 111 one Hollars, any ....Actual stirvntion is wttlng in in Jlninnkun, 1 hi l desirable properly, lh viii'i'irr, or AN oui)i:it it leant tiinuaaiiit oHvil from piny Kmiim Kqnnrn to htm nnd presented It to him, as a siiecimcn of A (,'hlr IIA.M.VKI'A, bounded properly or sum luwful i'nipluymnt " nt owing to tho iniioslbilltyof landing freight nt n grazing lantl, tnd llif nppsr pill ente ml with TtlnJ tvmini by Ihr llnnoMliI" I'nuirU .Imld. JtAl'Allir, HAWAII, what tho district Is nlivo with! ns ranch na lo say lj HU112 (Joint 1 rren certify that he foicenlm tllll tina.ed Homo Lor-- ln,tlrp nf tlir Hlltirnnr l.'niirt. (it n of on Hit I'a.t by (Irtnt In Knma and ll'nlainliil, nn the it. most of tho landings. nrn beginning to i that we, 1 Is officers, nri" backward in our duty. bit llmb-- r. 1.1I1, IIRI, mid lijr nrdir nf Itnli-- rt II. lilrrl illriK In the I.'ul.ltllve Assembly nf Ih Hi Oaitu CoM.ror. Iim Another liiian for Ihenccomo- - tliervi more rrnlialr, dnlid llrr Went by Krehln, on aldo by (luvernment air from fortunately situated nt n fair 'Iho King rotnls.il to attend lo this business in Iltln-- r and .lolin T llal.ir. Adinlnlirtlnr nf th' tho Miuka wtllan lalands on th 9t'i day nf August A. ll. Iw. Its. nml will lwnpprecl- - landing l'J miles off rlt JAMho II. .MON.1AIIIIAT, drttloiiof pupil nodonht Urentconiplaintsnremnde the next legislature, but J also Intend to Introduce Ka- - ofllHNHV A. KAIIANU, iln'ii"d. Ih iindcr,liid rntd ltd runnlne In a point at the ei, containing an who prttrnnlrn it, ulwut tlio bridges Ho. '2 Ahupuaa of MO.NIIAV Ilip'JIh day 877 nt 3m h'crettry. Kttd hy tliowi between Ianiinhoehoa and II nn act in the next Legislature making It a crimin- The will llnl Public Anrilon on of uri a of 1(x) icrv., more or Several the largest nnd nl Wn'rlmk M . nli'" room on 1.. of most dangerous streams al offence lo speak ill against Apuhlio ofnear. I .lANl'AIIV in'tt athln npnet Mn. Will. ('Annon, who in tmvelinK on llnwnU hanalea, Uiiffii MtM"t, nlllhut dcrnf I.1111I fllmili'd at Knlla, TKIIMM. I.rnre llyenri, price $'per tnnnin Licenaes Expiring; in Janriary, 1882. nre tinbridgrd, the strnctures having rolled down. win senu inr your commission tins wren, ana you alMM, lilnnd nf Onliii.ini Ihi' ' makal" aide nf Klnit for the whole, poyible tunuilly In advance. In tho Interrnta of the H. F. IIhIUiIh, In nulhorlzed 'lheMj places aro dangerous in tho best of weather, must Iniinedlitely go wllh area or on duty." Fnna, Hawaii, tn Htri'i'l mid on Hi' Walklkl of Major Miielinniur prrni It. P. UAKTKIt, to receipt for the Satcmjit J'nrjm. nun merely jjuringtne I prornhwil to bo on band, nnd the bottle being llic rlracilhrcl In Itojtl A. iitrTAH.-iiAHi- ', l. TlionitHHrt rarer llttiirlreil irsrl li'lnc part nf pr'inl recent heavy weather, tho Uokala landing was I withdrew. TvteiHr-s- l,', DiHI I. Knnroii nn I,oraii, Mlnliter of the Interior. mpty, You see now liow much a public; Patent MM Ktilnnn to. th' 1 Wm l'ennell. King at, Honolulu In tho thovr window of Mr. Turom'a gtoro on somewhat damaged, nnd n sheet of the iron roof, officer has morn In Dcid nf 1M1. M-- lt to stand. Yours pitifully, Twenty Arm, more or nnio Ii'Iiik fnllv decrtliid cnn?fri.nce Dept. of Interior, Honolulu, DielJtli, 1 Whitney A. Merchant log of Rtore-hous- n ft A. Kahann, dated Hie I(brtinii, it. " Kurt mny lie wen n crnyon tKiflrnltof nlrtdy the upwards of hundred feet l'r.LTIAIl l'jLiOODT. C. frmii DpiiniiKk.) lit ll'iuj ".t a I) K M.hu. Kallhl, "trrcl Award parttl.tc. Williaml. I.unillln. dny .Mnrcli, A. II, l"TI. and recnrdid In the Hawaiian which hy Mm Wnllukn,.Mnal. nbove wa level wns carried off by n heavy tea Till. nf !l l.um Wal Ki , Nuuanu at, " waadniwn Uilllriof I I 4 ' Notlco to Mariners. Christmas was obBTved In Kohnli on Themakal portion grazing lind, and the upper ptit llellry of l)red. I,llier. pp. Hand a. Contiilu. .1 Nowleln. Hotel si, the 2llh. The Native or Public Notice la hereby ulren, that nn tnd after the ?m The day came in fair, with n gale held un- Freit tntered wllli limb r. lie an arm I Knnng Yin flnj .t Co, Nnnuiiu it, " TriEtir: will ho n meeting of tho I.ihrnry and but that Iierdn nt Hie exprnn of Hie tuirrlimer, JA.NUAIIV eihlblted on A til Hnmli) night. evening FIICiT of IWi, there will be Hop HlnK, llenlnnla at, IliKim Association thl at which In the there wain small Tho Pat Ainu says of the coming elections: a. 8M m k. P. AIIAMH, Ancfr, r Wo A. Iteadmu evenln. Keahl-alak- the extreme Mouth Wet Point of Mnlokul, a filed while ham Chortg Co, Hotel at, " will gathering nt the house of the lterr. Mr. Smith, for of II &. thu election of n Secretary tnko plnco to fill "The names nre mentioned of numerous candi- 4-- Freenel f.l(ht of fourth (Ith) magnitude nhnwlnj tronnd f.'hlng On Co. Nuaanii st, " the purpose, of gl'lng n surprise, hut some of the C 1 1bbelts A Koiensnn. Ulakohen. " tho Tncnncy in that nlllc. cnllers wcro themselves Borprised, to see n couple dates, nnd some of them have already flashed up- theinmpa.a. The I.lht I at an deration of W ft, from 8 l.ewert A Cook, Fort st, " ! prrrtnt theinselvett for tnirriagi Mr. William on public with A re- It vlmblc a 111 Honolulu Iron urka Co, Ulaknheo, " Tirr. for tho ojxTtitlon of tho ordinance tho statement of their own of CREDIT SALE aea level and from common lilp deck In tlm' J'nty to Mlts I.i7le . Mnny wero kept at Itltuit In runt, lltwall. nllli in tret 10 Ah Ted., Nuuanu at, Sril commendations as Legislators. It is we Hawni-iinsth- at clear weather adlttince of II mllrt, Toer t. painted I, to cisn-txx- will expire on tho -- of thl homo by tho Inclemency of tho weather, nnd pre- Twelve lliaiiilrrtl mid Ml rail Aerri., 13 ale Plantation Cnm'y, Iile, Knoltuloa will yl AT.AUCT10N, white. Lantern red. The beirlngiarc Mi'netlcand at 15 Wtinu l'ark,.Snuiiii'i at, Honolulu moritli, nfter which dnto tho refrointlona bo vious engagement. Monday came with heavy nro thus moving; no signs of prepara- iittue) or lea, follnwat 19 He Akol, .Maunakea at enforced by tho Hoard of wind nnd rain that tins conlinu'dwithoutmnch in- tion nre visible hy others, who aro perhaps keep- S) Will Levy, Kill,! King st, " Tho is water- KA9 11.. IS. to William C. I.nnalllo BY ORDER OF G.W. MACFARLANE A CO. (1) To Wmnml Head P Wet. .t. terruption. enrth saturated, nnd ing quietly In reserve till the timo come in which ml. Award vrl h. ) Ahiina X. Akaiin, Kaalnen. Koolnnpoko A nuiMiiNii U Itolng erected on tho vnlley rond courses usually dry nro now filled. Tho thermom- The mtkal portion l (.rising I.tnd, wllh Cocoanut ('.') To Xnkupu.i Point N. CO' Weat. gJT.I Mosrman, Niiniinu et, Honolulu to pluck tho prize. The prospects are that tho S3 liv Mr. Wnlerhouso for Mln Harah Klnc' kinder- - eter nt 'J o'clock on the morning of the Sjth, stood near III uppr 'limber. T() Cl(IM) (JOIIHlgllllUllltS, (3) To Motnpn Point N. VH We.t. T.I Mo.sman.cor King and Nuuanu Sta, " L ITrf tt pirt 31 Cnnchee A Aliiing, minnii M, " school. It will probably bo completed ntGt. coming session will tw In mnny respect an Im- (I) Tn NW Point of Moloktl N, S Kaat. (tarti'it 2t Hlng Chung A. Cn. Hotel nt. " nbout tho hitter pirt of next month. Kav.ii NoTra. portant one, nnd it will bo well for those who nro U of Hono- - ('.) To NW Point of Lnnal a. M" Util. lit Hup Hlng. cor Nuuanu and lleritst.lt HI, " The Ahupuaa 37 pulling themselves forward as candidate ONWEDNESDAY.JAN.il Offlce of the Interior .Manuel lie ((ilsdr.a, King St, ' Ax Fort Htrcet O'hnrch, J. A. Cromn, pnstor, SIX MmonAxncM of tho rainfall nt Kolo.i, Kau.il, by to be 2", Anee, King Ml, " 1881. thoroughly posted in everything pertaining to lua. Honolulu, Nov lSlh, IH3I. M 3m pronclt on Sunday nt the nunal hoar. In tho cvo-nlr- Dr.J.W. Smith, for of itirrAii-KAUA- i. Hunt'il it Kitntpall, Maul, wllh in irrt of at Ida. m. nt Hilei Itnom, cnnlitlng lliero will lion tmion rovlrnl service, nnd nn IJICIIW. pnbllc affairs. It will not do ferr us to run away The election of llepreaentttlve tn the next !5 Wo Hon Ke. Italiflpepe, inrpiirii'ii in tho vestry. Three 'riinuaunil Light lltinilretl anil fllxty I.er.1' III Ilonr Lung, Kllauea, nftcr nicctini' for J nnuary 2.0)' Jnly .r..10 with extravagant ideas, inconsistent witli the style place Ittlve Anaembly, will ttke throughout the vnrl if) (1 M I'lnkham. Knlna, February 1.03 Ausrunt. .C.23 nnd condition of our Government; bat let us Aries, DiiYUOODS, in variety on Wednerday g7 Ah.lall, Ktp.a, Kawnlhall. Humptt Dompii wan prodncid nt tho new more or leia. on. F.lectlon IllilrlrU of the Kln;doin, March I.'.r.'rfiteinber.. ., .2.11 semtiniza with deliberation and care tho preten- IIKrAII.-HAWA- lI. Unit tho fonrth April MX) (Ictobtr Tlllf, awn 8V.0 Jt part il to William C. I.nnalllo. the l.tday nf Kebrnnry next. Miotic liint Saturday uvenlnc for sions put forth by candidates; and if, in their il were in- 3.(7N'ovembcr (lood eraalni; lind. NAMKI.Y The Poll, it the aeveral placet of election will bt Mhen Foot Kre A Co, Kelt, Kan, nnd Inst time. A numlior of tiiecinltitH liny. .4.r. utterances we find thnt upon which wo may safely 8 o'clncir dny 7 Ton;; Wo, Makapula, Kohala, troduced nud thu jivrformnnca w.ik hu enjoyable June 1.12 December .4.41 I.tnen and Col tun Hlicitlnj,' nnd . Nnpklnt, opened l a.x.onthe above named, and II stand, then let as meet them upon a mutually Tuck OngA Co, .Makapala, N Kohala, iOIIO- Total M.7.". inches. 5-- The of Kaapa- - l.lnen Hiiidkerchl'f.,1able l.lnrn, Itnllnnr, cloeed o'clock HnOln, - ngreetl platform, which shnll have for Us object Ahupuaa Tlirifldnhd IMIIuu l.lnen, tl i r.. l'l Punahua. llllo. In 1830 the rainfall wns IVl.'.'J inches. l)rei lloodn. I.tice. The following place are designated for holding Hit l'J V II Holme., Walplo, llamakut, Ijabt Mondny, which wna oberred no n holiday, me puuuc goou miu me aavanccmeni ol tne wel- V Ilicrtlon. Ileautlfiil nf C'n.tlmere .tTweed., 31 Armltngr, linnokaa, fare of the tiAtluii, , hu. Illimkcti.. In Woolen ."hlrt L'mdn, Henry Hnmakna, New Ye,ir' dny fnlllntt on Sunday, wo noticed n of variety; A'lakle election. 34 Hul llongATnnz Wimif, llonlnwa, llamakna, Country District Troubles- - " would seem, from the general Ilntted In Klpalinln. Maul, with an area A Mplendld of IStiip-.-- A. t Indlvidunla on tho It feniurcs of A. ft. AxinlnMer, Velret Ilawnll 3J 0 Melnecke, Waiohlnu, Kan. forgo number of iiituiieatoil the manifestoes pat by some KlRhly Htreeta. Kcvtr.il Sghta look ptaco dnring the day forth of the candi- UneiTliouaniiil four lluiiilrrit mill Dlatrlct of llllo Court House, IIIIo KKl'AII.-tlA- Ul. PAnKrasuuno, Hawaii, Dec. l."th, 1881. dates, that the principal thought in their of evening nlfx. minds in In.p'Llorn Khctlon I nnd going into tho Legislature, will bo agonize Arrr.. J. W. A. Ilnpal Police Justice E Ilatchelor. Wnlliiku, Enrron Satchdat Poess : I wish to call yemr to in L, Tax 3 Ja. W (iirvln. Walluku, William Uatis, accond oDlcer of the lyr opposition to tbo policy of the Government. Be- Title, awird 8.V1, II., pirt 15, lo Wllllim C I.nnalllo. of New and Klcinl Dccljnv, Inrludlng Heveranc Aeror 10 Akau, Makuwan, attention to tha manner in which oar dignified Jos. Nawahl, Tax Collector Head, who shot n Chlnnmnn on Cbriatmru) morn-iii- fore we commit ourselves by jumping into tbo kind li oiiiewlialcutiiihysulclie, hut la rich W I. Akana, lltlkn, Deputy Sheriff is being persecuted by the common Btrenrn, it will be well to paus and 'hl M W.in Ainu, Kokomo, Maknwan, wag foond Rnllty of munslriURliter In Ihe third consider, what fnttenlnc; Court Home, HounUaa nt measures we propose to and ultAhle for raining and Hoc. fc Carpets Dlatrlct of llamnkua 15 Ah decree, nnd wuh K'ntenccd to onu yertr'B impnaon-lue- people of this community, who are unable to ap- support," Stair Border luepcctor of Election Clieong, Hui.ukoltaii, Lahiilna, The same paper, in wishing its patrons Small of 17 Hong Hiin Kue, Walluku. and lined aJHJO. preciate his many noble qualities. I considered it a , A Involve lieaiitUul llfavy Itrocaded J. P. Mini District Justice "Happy New Year," has a, 6 The lliaina of Puako, Jt. A. Lymun Tax VIC'rt'AI.INO. . , retrospect of tbeyenr Asa's.or Tiie prayer meelinKS darini; tho week nt the my duty the other dny to call on him and eipresi tluit is past, and says that oor cup tutn not been ittuateil In Wilmea, llnwall, with an irea of Chaa. Wllllania, Tax Collector 1 Apan, Knloa, Kautl, one of unalloyed to small-po- x Silk Curtains and Drapery, 3 Sung Ai, II imakuapoko, Mini, Dethel In the forenoons and nt Kort Street ehnrch ray sympathy; at the name timo I hinted that If ho joT,referTing the visitation. Hut it Is for re- ftercu nml Uncllnir Arrr. to 111c lu place of Folding Doora, rjonicthliig Dlatrlct of Kohala.... Court House, Walmea, bo. Kohala t Afo, l.abalna. Maui, in thu evening), have been iiiterehtini nnd well would hnve me instated as policeman, I would thankful tho King'a Inspector of lllectlou ft turn from Title, award KM. II., In Mltllom C. Lnnalllo. Loo Kan, Hulawa. N Kohala, The Attendance nnd interest ntthenativo heirtily assist him iu circumventing hist enemies. his tour around the world in good part. Entirely New ; H. 11. Mahuka District Jnsllct II) Atal, Hotel very health; the office of Itegtut was filled J laud Salt. hi. Honolulu, churches have nlto been marked. He seemed favorably impressed, nnd placing doting his Tim chief product of tills I. 14 fuck T.I, Nunanu St, Honolulu, on a oivlthno nnd two Absence with credit and to tho advantage of A I. AHOi; AbbOHT-MEN- T OK the table bottle of glasses, tha Geo. licit Ttx Collector. 1U Kuiig l.ung. Ullauea. Kuual, public high And a beennd Polllnj; pltc at J. IIamuoan and Davis have been nrresled for naked me if I thought I was qualified for such service;; the office of Chief Jnstice, & Allen it Mtackpole. Kawnlh.e. Hawaii, drinking to his made vacant by the death of n who was 7 The lliaina of Kapahulu, CROCKERY & EARTHENWARE Couit Houae ...iiiriunontia Aknna. Wallili', llllo, Hawaii, attempting to break opn Mr. J. A. Hopper's safe. work. After confusion enemies I man a Inspector of Election trjuls they used said: " Y'our Honor, I deserted from n ship a lew power in the land, baa been jodidouspjr filled by tltutted at WilkIM, Calm, wllh m area of i! Jo Malkaloa, Kalalll, llllo, Hawaii. The hauruer3 nnd other which His Majesty's choice AND A B.MAI.I. LOT OF II. Johnaun, Dlatrlct Justice Yt'lltH.hfcAi.t:. hnve been identified ns belonging to Mr. Whitman, yeirs ngo, nnd for a while tried hard work on a of one who it son of tbo Threei plantation, but manunl labor was never intended soil, and to wbom the Hnwniiau confidently look Tat Tliotumul lluiilrrl rartyOn D. S. Kahookauo Tax Collector Mclntyre A llro. King nnd Fort Sts, Honolulu. around whose shop Uarrigan was often seen. IHE for such finely developed natures as yours or mine; for tbe proper administration of juatlcc and even-hand- 73-10- 0 Arrr. KKTAII. enjoyment of righta; District of North Kona School House, Kallua Hl'lKlr. , Tub following officers were installed in Polyne so I soon dropped that, and tried waiting on the both oar agriculture SM9. 31, C. I.unallln 1 Henry Ylelra, Nunanu, tit, Honolulu. n was slave and our commerce nre flourishing, oor, Title, Award II., port to William SIKIAH IIACS, COM, IIAOS, liipectur of Election sia Encinipmcnt, I. O. O. F., Friday evening, Jan. table in restaurant; there I the of heretofore Is inoitly patture, ha a valuable fUliery J. O. Hoaplll District Justice everybody, so I took n step forward, and tended barren plains are enhanced In Tnlcc, and the Th land .a i'aui. i't:niii.iu. tith, lcW2: J no. Etiimelutu, U. 1'.; U. w. rascoe, s. of Twine. Engll.h nine Mottled 14 bar for n little while, but was soon owing the pro- wealth every district of the country is in- and Includes within lit boundaries the and Ilrown 5oap, D.Makalnal,. .Tax Collector Apana, Molokal. W.; J. 11. Morrill, II. P.; Is. S. Ticchnor, J. W.j creasing." Ulinoad Head. U.ilv. Duck) Knlleh make; in I.oo haii, N Kotiala. Hawaii, A. W. Bash, Treasurer. prietor too ninch, nnd he hinted that I had belter critcrof ltlack and KnainLkdt. rinttci 2A Gee, Jno. S. Smithies, Scnbe; resign, which The Kuoloa under the headinc " Th Mm tn Pin. Kona School House, Hookrna Wene Honolulu, I did rather reluctantly, but soon ' Illnkfinltlu' Anvil tnd Vk.ce, District of houth Sti Ah Cnong, Ewa, Oahu. got a position as lnna on a plantation. This waa Choosons Hepresentitltea," says. "Aa the time Drum- - of Dnlleil and Itnw I.lll.erd liispectorn of Election The cooper of tho whaleship John foitland, Mr. 8 The land of Kaea Oil. C. W. P. Kaeo 7. District n little more to my taste, but tho manager was a is near at hand when the elections will take place, - lie. t While Lrail, Zlne. Illaek Paint and tied Lead. Jnstice Burciir.R. Kennedy, 3 a.m. on a lei. of Kapahulu, tttuated at the of Palolo Til- II. II. Nahlnu Tax Aaaeeaor 1 jumped overboard at tho very mean man, who was continually watching, have our readers carefully selected tbe names Beat Auneuled Fence Wlro, Jine. 4, f nud 6; Ac, Ac. R K Pthee, Waiohlnu, Kan. Iltwill, Jjouember day leaving of ley tnd with irea of John Nahlnu , ; Tax Collector 21 WIl Cornwall. V alkopil. morning of Hlli. two after spying nround to see If I kept the men constantly those candidate for whom, they intend .to rote, in (ul, Bail Francisco. A boat wns lowered but nothing; aud to wbom be Ve ! n Half Aarca. AI.HO , nt work, lie actually made n row one day, because ahall entrusted tbeaaTai oftbo , and Dlatrlct of Kan t'.Hpencer' Store Houae, lloun.po raftK Htircitr.R. wna seen ot Itink Kennedy was nbont lottyjttan he Government and the interest ot ? la runiitly land.. of Ah Sim, nihonna'. IHIn, Hawaii, caught me asleep in tbe cane field while the the nation By Till fore.t Iaaptcturi Elrcllun of age. men silting clown to a smoke. Upon ft wise exercise of tbe right or the ballot, wise ' WINES, LIQUORS, ALE AND STOUT, J. U.S. Martin District Justice II FooKee, Hotel HUllonoluIn, Were take men II. M. Whitney, Aeteexir 20 Afat, Walluku, .Manl. exception of case of drunk- discovering whit n mean, mercenary wretch ho may be returned, qualified to take care of oor in- The lliaina of Pau, lax Wrrn the sixteen terests, which suffer 9 IN VAKIKTV. J. kauhane Tax Collector I.IVKHY strABI.E). was, I refused to remain any longer in his employ, will in the hands of the un- tltnated In WalMKt, Oahu, with an area of enness ip tho Police Court on Thursday, CTJmlual now beiagshoit of money. And seeing wise. We quote below the sentiments -, 13 Wm Levy. Honolntu.Oahu, and that of the Hon. 1- been vory light. Holiday being a Twenty. I'uur 37 100. F.. ADAJM. Anr'tr. District of Puna Court House, Poholkl 14 U W business has nnder you hare audi a good time of it, Noble, Simon K. Kaal, uttered iu a public meeting Inapeilort of Election Macfarlaue, Hawaiian Hotel, Honolulu. legnl holiday the Court wna not in session nnd on rilicemen days Title, award 63S9, H.. part W, to William U. I.nntlllo. you my raluible ecrviccs, and promise a few the election of ltoO. They con- J. W. Naeole District Jnstice mi.i.iAitis. Saturday ot last week nud 'Ihursday of this, tain much of value to be land and 4 to back you up lu any thing yon may do or say, considered by all true Thla land Include Manlenle Pasture. Illce T. Katlhlll,.., lax Aseeeeor Frank Sena, N Kobala, Hawaii, there were no criminal cares. disagreeing you any particular." Hawniiius." The article goes GASH SALE Mnkuhla Tax Collector 4 H Armltage, Ilonokaa, Hnmakna. Hawaii, never with in on to quote at Fith pondt. REGULAR 23 "My dear friend," said tho Sheriff, grasping my length from a speech delivered by Mr. Kaai Vara Nnwlein, Hotel bt, Honolulu. A cooBEsr-oXDES- write : is thought that at a WhiiIi It hand, " bike another drink. I plainly perceive, public meeting in Kaumakapili Church, in which) AMXM. intra-ducVT- 10 Land of Kaihikapu and District composed of Lahalno, Olowiln Uknraehame riMl. leprosy whs driven out of England by the thnt yon are eminently fitted for tho office of n said, " My advice ia that we choose two foceiga , STonngNlng, , Kona, Oahu of good fresh vegetables, and plenty of members," spoke ON FRIDAY, January 13th, and KahooUwe, 20 ' policeman, and I want you to nasist my Deputy, and favorably of several for- Court llonse Lahalnt J hpooner " them. is evident that il died out nfter their in- who were Kamilohai. 37 J JI Black, It Mr. Fawn, in silencing my enemies. We Are kind- eigners then before tbe f eople as candi- Itnated at Walklkl, a lele of l'au, Ith an Area of At 10 A. 91., at Hnlea Iliraaai, Inspector! or blccuon OAT. troduction aud use among the poor. It would not red spirits. And must go hand in hand. I suppose dates Mears. Dole, Green, Carter and Sheldon. D. Kamaloplll ;.'... ..T.T.".... Police Justice very expensive to one among the natives. " We OU.IOO Arrr". 10 Honolnln, Oahu, be yoa Are n loyal subject ?" must remember," says the Kuoioa, "that Mr. tnar J. W. Kalna, ::.,.:.:; Tax Avsea.or Mabel. whose Rlc or Kalo land. Goods, b. E. hulue, .'.;.:.:;. Tax Collector 14 Napoa, Honolulu, Oaha. " Yes, loyal to you as long; as it pays," said I. Kaal, are tbe words we have quoted, is a Dry At the Installation of officers of Harmony Lodge, "Of coarse, that is tho brat requisite, bat are native Hawaiian, and n person jf good sound 1 1 , District composed of Kaanapall Ai'rrie. No. 3, 1. O. F., which took place Thursday eve- you favorable towards present administra- sene. He 1 by no means ignorant a to Loko Opukaala, Ktlitkaloaand 15 Jos a Tucker, 0. the wbat is Clothing-- bihool Hou.e Honolua Kohtlt, Iltwtll. ning, the following geulleiutii wero installed for tion i" for the good of Hawaii, and it would appear that lltuated at Walklkl. a lele of Pan, with an Area of Inspector, of Klictlnn NAl.xl4l.il. tho ensuing year: J. It. Mornil, N. G.; Geo. W. " Your worship," I answered, " I nra personally he well understands the qualifications requisite Hum O.Vloti Arrr. Groceries. 3 Haul. Llhnr, Kaul. Puscoe, V. 5.: M. 1). Moniarrat, llec. Sect.; A. W. Indifferent as to who is King or Cabinet Minister, for one to be a member of oar Legislature Assem- Thlalt" deep fresh water flh pond. and Uichardsou, Per. S.; A. W. Hush, Treasurer. bat I am atwayain fnvur of tho upper dog in A bly. Natives and foreigners should herein coni-bi- ALSO tight, therefore ns long ns I seo nny chance of ob- in order lo bring nbout needed results. For 1 2-- A beginning and Including Walhe and LOSS OF TnE ballad on tho fourth page wns put into the nn easy job, with plenty uf money, am ourselves, we have no particular lele of Pau, By order of the Aailgnees of Estato of MR. CHASE District with THEJCANNETTE. taining I name or names th.' extending lo and Including Hnnuaula, being always ready to shout, Long live our noble King ! to support. All names are alike to us, provided Walklkl cnuanr-- u icte. forms without the errors corrected, and It llnnted on both ildea of the Manoa itream la lUJiKUUrT. is tub db lono and mctt or his 1 Court Hou.e Walluku wna not discovered until nil had been printed, in May ho lite forever What pay cm 1 get F" they are thoso of competent men. The sole object M with an Area of Inspectors uf Election CUCW BEACH etnBBIA. be- we have in new, in trying induce II. Kulhelanl Police Justice the uiuth verso "shednddled" abould be "ske- I Hint the generous heart of this noble to tbe electors to One 0 Arrr. in tho verso ungalted" ing was touched nt my frank nvownl of loyalty, as act conjointly with foreigners and to choose for- Stock & T. W, Everett 'lax A.sea.or brigantinn ). from daddled," and tenth Of which 1 acre l .uperlor Hlce or Kalo land Photographic W, JJ. Kcanu Tax Collector Tho J. Hpittkrh arrived here should be ungalled," "ply" should be " play," and he answered : " I was not mistaken. I foresee eigners and native ns, members, is to forward tha and acret Hula land .bore the level of the Auwul. Sen Francisco yestcrdny whence aho aailed on the " thin " should he " their." that you nre by nature fitted for n policeman. If interests alike of all classes the chiefs and the Dlstilct beginning with and Including Htmakntloa and yoa are faithful to me, under my tuition, yoa common people and topcrpetnato the indepen- Apparatus. anil Including 21st alt., nnd brings news of the ex iloring steamer naliwj 13 exieuulnx to hula. A NiTrvB's horse fell over tho'pali last Monday might even rise to bo a Deputy Sheriff, bat time dence of oar country." E. P. ADAMS. Auet'r. Court House Olakawao JruiiHttlt. Tha Jtanntllt twilled from San Fran- you high We translate from Ihe 83 le'.a Pan of below tha railing nt tha bend in the will tell whether nre qualified tor such n leader in Wednesday's Two Kalo palchet fett apart btlnc ,a of Inspeclort Election cisco July 8th, 1879 and was Inst wen by the afternoon position. The Government pays rather poor wages EMt: "From the very an Area of W. F.Mo.amtn...... District .Instlc. road. 1 he rider Jumped oil just in lime to save him- - commencement of thu tltnated at Walklkl with t:re;ite Y. to a policeman, but ot course no one expecta yoa little newspaper, and nil tbroufih II. Ilav.elden Tax Assea.or whaling vesseU Daicn nud lleltii Mar ou the 3d of hell, nucl me nuim.il reu w tue ronu ueiuw, mm tbe past year, Arre. A. Tux Collector to lite ou your salary. If yoa possess the neces- opposition and detraction have beeu Wtter TRUSTEK'S SALE roruauder September of tho name year. C inie near injuring some people who were coming against Viral ctata Illce or Kalo land. sary qualifications for tho office yoa will be able lo it, Its death has beeu prophesied, and Including Nuws wan received nt St. Petersburg Dec. 20th up from KooUu. The carcass lodged ou the edge its last OFTIIK- District with and Kahtkli.ui ind remains, make much more than your bare pay. For in- struggle for breath haa been eagerly looked for. - -- - cxienuing to aniiiuciuuiog nuuiau. that tho expedition had been heard from, 'the of the grade where It still couple shipped away M'tlA UAtl tfs.e. ! etainn .a 14- The land of Kaahaloa- Court Houae. liana stance, it of Chinamen run iiivtixtuitiui luioitiuuu vyijBiiiuu 10 ico paper diapatcb. sent to tho U. S. Government reads .18 from borne cane planters, he gets out a warrant for found in tlio fact thnt it published by nnd Inspector, of Kleitlon follows.. "The JtttHiittlr. wna tho ioe Uostday, January 2nd, was Queon Emma's it its nui, S. W. .Dlatrlct Justice crashed in their arrest, gives you tho warrant with n descrip- proprietor Is the Hon. W. M. Gibson. Certain Kaal on th 11th of Juno hut, in Inltitude 77 north nnd birthday.Ix A number of native gathered in a lele of Pan, tltuali d In Manoa, Oahn, wllh an Area of P. hawalku,,,. ,,,.Tax As.ea.or large tion ot the men, ami requests you to arrest them sentiments of this gentleman, tbe owner ot the longitndn 157 eust. The crow embarked in three yard thu afternoon, and remained until a - U'J IIIO P. hamal, ...Tax Collector her la for him. Yoa nsk him how much money there is ,,,r,n.v- ivuuno m mi oi n certain ring, and fclKilt Acre. IkmU, which ero separated by wind and fog. No. late boar. They wero nddruased by Hon. Albert in it fur you. If he says twenty dollars or ao hence tbe opinsition; and oat of the Hy L. (lHEEN. Esq., for 11 for abundance Superior Illce and Kulo laud. Order of W. Trustee District of Molokal and Lantl boat, with 11 men, under cbnrgo of Engineer K. Kuuoinki'ji uud uthers. Many iople culled to each to tho mileage, ot Hbuse spitefulneas ,,.,. Pukoo, Moloktl man, in addition well and and has arisen tbe expecta- E.tntonf J. 1100T1I, Court Huute. Melville, reached the mouth of thu Lena river on pay 'their raspeota to the Queen Dowager, She good; but do not demean the dignity ot tho pro-- tion and hope by some, that the F.Ult would really Inspectors of Election September l'Jth; bout No. 1, ' having ou board ounce at her iu thu even- - 15 The lliaina of Kamoku. K. K. Kunlhea. District Justice gave a social residence lessiou uy inrowing leg over your siuuia ior less taiut and its mouth be stopped. Hot, owing to of Captain Do Long. Dr. Amlihir iid 12 mou, reach- go fearless, independent Itnated at Walklkl watua. with an Area THURSDAY, 12, J. Nakalcka,... ..i.Tax Ae.ee. or T fi-l- t than fivo dollars, even to two hundred yards." the and energetic support ot ON JAN. K.lujiithu,ite. .. . '..11. , a, ed the in h pitiable oondilion. i'rouipt '""VOL right, , KIKklecu Acrra. J. 1.. VW.,VfcW, Inn is egpecied itbat Allen i.'UisIfamous cm- - "lint, your greatness," I inquired, "does not the tho the welfare and the progress of Hawaii, 111 1UU, 1 ruttiaLiuco wasntrendered, No. 2 been a OIIIHK at llout haa not paper baperlor Hlce and Kalo land. AT O'CLOCK A. M. .ccutia place Government regulate the coats in such cnes ?" which thi has always maintained and bchool House baohal, Lantl heard from." tntric9. will arrive at Honolulu by tbe next " Some simple people sometimes imagine so, which constitutes its platform, ' II., part 30, to William C. Lunillle Inspector, of Election hut the hope ot ita TUlo tuarJsM'J, As noon as the fact wns known Ihe Hnsaian steamer ru route lo the Loloulcs. Air. fcawm they soon get undeceived it they try any ot my enemies hate been disappointed, and it atlll Ou tho Premises, Nuuanu Street, h. Knhnnlinlahnli District Ju.tlce offiolnU sent which were bar ap- stands School them assistance, of they limit ne bus iimde nrrangeiueuts to have policemen. Mr. Dry man tried tn obligo me to unmoved on the grounds upon which v It. W,.Meyer, Agent in need. took some two get Musto it first 16 WILL 11E bOLl) AT PUU1.IO AUCTION, It. Ncntiui, " " groat It months to pear nt tho Hall if thu steamer naive ,loreo oue of my men to capture a man of his that started out on the ocean of journalism. It native Four Kalo palchea In Apana 1 Jof Award UTS noyil word to Irkutsk where them ii u station. hero iu proper time iu (.elections from, " La I way; be bad the insolence to write me a letter say- Hawaiian editor, John Sheldou, has alto been in- ft ttahii Patent adit In Anee, the fifth Kalo patch nf tltl Apaua Alllolinl Tho noxt new of them will probably tell nf helr Perchole,1' " Little Dnko," aud " Oirofle Girofl,." ing the laws Allowed euough, nnd be to cluded for a share of abuse from some District of Kona Utlt nt nlxiyu place. refused of Ihe the mauka on being ritcned, illuated In Walklkl, liiapeclnrs of Klcctlou arrival the Tlie point whero the She is uocorupiiuied hy Charles Drew, the noted pay over fiv dollara extra. As n result he lost his newspapers; bat he has particularly attended to It. F. llickcrtnu...... Police Justice JttiHiiflU is said to hate been crushed is noniu ISO leuor. man. vve Knew wuere be was, twelve away, his duties throughout. It is a fsct, with an area of about Stock and Fixtures SOO mites thnt the little of Liquors J. Il llu.li Tax A.c..cr mi leu north of labum nnd mile front policeman not see re- A7e lis been hotly by tttkioo ornn Arrc. " A is goiug the rouud uf A Chlnnmnn who bat the was obliged tu and attacked the pen of some ' U. II. Lucv Tax Cullectnr tho month of thu Lena river. After leaving the sionx cognize the man even if jvustug within four feet of the best educated sndigh in position cmel they were in their boats ou tho ae.i ntul ice stopped on Thursday night in tha 17 Naloou of KmpJro House, ConttUt School House, llououllull was lute on Berelauitt of him; five dollars would not open his eyes; the country, foreigners, and oeonaionaflf a Hawaiian; r cln District uf Kwa Walanao.... for three months nnd Miffered great privatiuns, by two melt who Attempted tu rob him. Vlth pond at Kawela, Mnlokul, with an area of about Inspectors of Election stiret, The man escaped and I hope it taugbt Mr. Drymau a Government officials and people not in office; Iiik; In Purl of W.(l. Necdham District Justice hut notwithstanding, there hnd been no deaths, story needs coutlrmntioii however," rn Unutlt. lesson not to interfero with me or mine, for I am clergymen and laymen, tbe big newspaper. Haw. Tnauty'Kliv Aeren. Wank Drown, Tax As.e.ior union the linatlug boat had tiecu lost, Kot whatyiiieufir reaaoudoea this particular tu aiian and English; on every 11., ffl, to William O determined tench to respect us." iwint of Us course it Title, part of Awaim, fSMI, part BOURBON WHISKY, GIN, PORT A. Kaubl, Tax Collector Ther are lu peod of money and hae telegrnphtd story need confirmation T Several reliable Hero ho stopped long enough to pour haa lieen attacked by a crowd WINE. Every oat an of assailants; but "S"'1!"' for funds. possible nts.at.incu will lie given were nrouwd hy Ihe cries of "haul in," aud other gluts of liquor, laughing lightly all Ihe never, in nil the blackness of tbe storm uf assault, y District of Walalua...... Court Houae, Walalua them by the ltuasian Government in lirmghig were present when tho man hi tale. Moro ' elila It a Mattinil I.Jke. leu tpniis., ri..f.. Hard, Hum. Irish Whirl), Hock Wine, Iliandy, Inspectors of Klecllon related time, lifted the gl.ieai admiringly between himself has the little Klttt receded one single step from ita ) ,iMi tea by only n 1. ind bank, ami It wllhln lour or Alo and Porter, Draught byrupa, them to St, 1'cterahurg, The next mail from the particularly now, howuver, we will any prob- Vv. the ,.hirAihftl.thuiitouclietevery llu:luuil Ao. S. ..,.,...., District Justice that olid tho light a with, hit critical eye he perceived position taken at the outset. It lias rrlicd upon nr .'... K...UC.L ..I K.H.hoe, coast will probably bring additional particulars aa ably nu rubbery whs intended, since good good r aswolmte pellucid look, tossed off, nnd smacking ibo will Mid fl.herlet In Iho Mnp-- s its clear, it sense of the people, and Aeekt II make, one uf Hit net O-uttoxi- X letter wore on tho way to tha N.Y. JltrulU from lenrui-- the probable identity of the of treat Humbert nf J. Amara,, Ttx Collector tho his lip ns he pushed buttle and glass toward me, we can proudly say that our confidence has been dnm. al.n re.orl . WlaiBlty ...... lilt. ,. rnrer - the panics youuu men of faniilti'H, but well placed, n - 111 ...1 ...l.tl...,w..v ..-- ill..iit - lor h00tlnc rei.vtable resumed i lor, like flood has been Ihe rush JUl, ,"'.1.1 which fringe ln Ac, ilc, J.c. District of KoolJiiloa bchool House. Ilauula of ' Larrikin " teiidcncien, which, if nut rewtrainid course we, the beluc atlbtdi-- Uy th Ueiuo bulriithrt luspeetors of Klectlun " Our liquor costs ns nothing; of as tor little sheet aud the demand fur it from all UJIIkt. Moxtna ' Report fozwetj9MBt)tr, 1881. mny bring themtc-Ue- trouble mid their families representative of the Government, cannot hay iiuartersi and wo nre happy also to say, to- J. Ktluhl, District Justlct , that to tho tbort ALSO, IN BOND, HOGSHEADS GIN, A.ees.nr disgrace. A severe iualty nttaches to this kind which is tabooed by law, therefore we day iu enemies are bat few, seeing Ih oppo- Further Information, If deilred. In resard 4 II. Kaualhlh ,,..Tax i Vex,! NaTTonatify, offence, will be 'well tint will bdaOorded toy one by S. . UOUb, Pauklalanl Tax Collector ., ., . of aud il for young gentlemen must allow etery dealer around here to make us sition of many baa been turned into a feeling of, property, in i i - 3 it. v nue of lie Ifll.tlva or ine i.uiiaiuii .,..i.iw. a or, I'aik. Whisky,! Cask Ituui, ti .. a (? lo remember voluntary contributions every week. Yoa perhaps strong approbation." JCj.ka men WhUky. I Cask Ilrandy, District of Kooliupokn Court House. Kaneohe saw that scurrilous article iu the Puts about Uuder tbe hcadinn, "Who'a Afraid,'' h SMs fb3 K All ANN. .ucl'r. bSCatv. llruiiily, IiiCa.ia Lion ilrandy. lusprctor. of Klectlon Am informal meeting of rsona interested in I. District Justice mel" says in connection with the subject of th lec- J.I.. Kaulukou Id forming an association for the promotion of " sure yoa I try ing tions t " There doe ALbO T. A. Lloyd,,, Asse.sor s 5 t Are you it inoaut V Inquired, not Appear to be roach inter, T" physical exercise was held at tbe residence of Dr. though snb-je- W. 0, Lane.,..,,...., ).Tx Collector i to look as I was uncertain. est manifested among tbo foreigners. The ct ,.. , 4 ....,. Hutchinson last Tuesday evening. Twuuty-u.n- o 1" he ejaculated, most talked of now, U ADO MfiDICINBS ! 1 UASOLINE MACHINE Mnnal I .,74 "Sure of it "How can it refer last the libel suit BftbCS it TIPES, Walmea From I lo 5 , gl.l 111., .. 31 persona were present and the naiars ot id mem- to any other person. The event! spoken ot could against the Hon. W. Jtl. Oihaon. It U gotten District o Wilmea School llojse, , I t sp' Looking 1 Forte, to 10...., ., bers were banded lu on tbe printed sheets which not, happen exactly the same two dis- oat ot jealousy, from a wish Chindrllers, Olaea, Plaun Inspectors of Kleition "5 ,.l 1 in ditftrent to defeat and to bring MOHT CUM' Wrapping 1'jper, lljgalelle Table, T "HI to 30 ,,. li.. ... had been circulated, nud it was stated that 123 I only who he discredit upou him. lie artit'K ANIt hcttei',Tiblet, ...District Justice , & $- -,, ,, I.. tricts. If wai certain wrote that, Therein tha only hop of ratiiK i.HUiMr 11 , "30 to JJ o.. digued AbbOUTMKSr. Pliluree, Wluu (llat.ee, (lublett. Tumblers, I, hapunltl .Tax Attetwr S 4r, , person had their names to theae sheet hat would be locked up upou some charge. I tbe ring of bird of a feather. They are bpnaiiu, htralnrr, .te,. Ice Clock, , Tax Collector "allot) J,. 3 afraid of hllirr bafr. A.Ksukau, MO U .,..,,,,,. a a a l .. ..8 nil had uot boen handed in. Dr. Hutchinson wan think I know the sneak however, and I have bad his voiCMAnd hi pen. They do til to fear, for he iH OF Fealhtr Uu.lcrs, Water Ullir, Ciuo And a second Polling place at &i..... 16 THE 1'KISCIPAI. 1'Alir MrulUialri.tte "SO in I'll 1.. 1 11 chosen temporary Chairman, and Iter. Mr. Swan him nrrested three times tiuoe then." U tbe defeiuo ngaunt their cuntpiracies and their School House Nlltuil a hecretary. A seven K. 1. AUtMM. Allrl'r, luepcitoil of r.lecllun "oo to to..,.,., s.. ttiuisjriiry committee ol wail " Whntever could cauao nny sensible person to greed." Over 70 si4 2 . It 5 elected to which tho nud .Secretary 1 OBTAINED Geo, (lay , District Jutllce 3.,. I.. Chairman persecute yoa in that manner ?' inquired, look- Au editorial review ot the year in the tnua OUR STOCK IS II. , wera added to arrange for subsequent meetings) ing ndiniriiigly upou his intelligent features, n MIU. IUUUHUV.I yCHtr, J. Kaika, t!.''x.A,.'',,"r 2j I l'l - ."" 1WII. 'iruting til pi. I K, Karult,,., lax Collector Total...,,... T l"li nnd for procuring a lull etc. Owing to tho aUteucu tfaey scow led st Use thought ot tb iuilsgnity jbos there hat) been n great religious awakening among KTOTIOE. of some who weia chosen members of Ihe com- thrown upon him. the people. Meeting were held with kiertsaing FromFirat Hands, ,...,. Home, Llhut ' CoararcTiix M Dlatrlttof Punt.,,, ...Coul isnar Uobtilitt. mittee no meeting uf that body was held; but a good evidtnt-Trul- HUUA Inspectors of Llecttiui "The little English stietk t" he bitted. "He kept intereaLand the rtanlu have ben y LOW klgiirw. TUB I ONU EaJTABIIHIICll Dec. IS77, I)ettht...,..U D.c, 19T. Dettht 73 meeting waa called for Friday oilernoou (yetter-day- ), Ihe billiard labia spoken of, and ooaasionallr bad th blessing of the Lord haa been U Soil YBKY k it lUimkn District Ju.tlct 1 - oosrt Eb.bIIb l Dec, lefJ. " rc- I8W, " il W ate pleated to see thU movement being a case And WATER Mr J. tl. Tinker , .TKA.aciaor Nov., 1C81, " .,,... oi 'jtentnony ravurita come upfront Hono- oat on that,- Island. while weMeakonheaM - energetically pushed forward and Hut it will lulu, which who pray love V A.W.Maloho .....Tas Collector CacsX triut with be treated some of the boys thine- that the of Godmiy abide W none but th bast. And a second Polling plact at or DxT. lie nisae a success. patronized bit table, Ot coare nude him sbU aud hi nghteotjsneta rule tbroaahoat kp 1 I th laad. Court nouss Koloa Convultloni ,,,.,. Heart Dliuit out to Ma to tbe tana at one bottle par weak, 'be- Mr. Albert Kanaiake Ibvio ( . In.pectota of klectlon..; Dyaentciy ,.,.,..,,,5 Dlaeaieof Ltvur ....I Foioownta is the record of Polios Coat! pro- drink, any- tTsia Itfn aatoil ta . a a a & GO. 4 side an occasional lie uettr sold .... ,i. HOLLISTER J Hardy ..Ttx Aaatt.or Debility.. t Fever ceeding. tor week: Davis, boutobreak-la- g, thing, 1 wan 14 bioi, tha UwrCCtiual tha Hoard Haattti 1 at - ..,,...... , .....,..,.. Bropayi...., ,..,.,,,4 014 Age.,... Ihe Georse bat able make tha coarse on af 9f tk aUy or alcht, i... 1 19 remanded to lb 9tU Utsii Plikol, Kantkoa, in case he went back ou roe. He 1 married lu a labor.- -. . twjsssr.;aar tear Kev.J.W. Hinllh i ,. bchool Agtal Dlsva.enf bladder Unknown inauwaaiouwiaporuiloBof Aaatuul STILL IN EXISTENCE. lb lolvnci....,,.., ,..,.,, ,,,...... ,,.. ., Loapaus, Kaelama, Kanekoa (2), Kaulahao. Kup-- native girl, who left him. Tonurt applied to me ih,-.Pt-- -- n- b U Law. tVTiei OOB-TH- I t1 5' i ea HOLUOTilit District of H.njlel Court Hcuie, Hantlel JSO. II. BROWN. nihi, Akepa, dronkvimeta, forfeited frj ball each; la arrest her if 1 could find her. I sympathized We have the Most Complete Xa loapectort ofSlectloo Agent Board of Health, William Druxe, drankennew, fined $10, ooau.f 1; with his wife, so using my authority, 1 took her J. Kaklnt... ,., ..District Ju.tlce proclty S. P. BULLETIN , Wm. Craze, second charge, sentenced to isVea quietly to uiy boas, whero Fawn and I took her Treaty aad tha Tea Million Loan at chlnory, It. Fuulkl,...... ,., ,i,..Ttx At.et.or days' iiuprisoumtnt at coats 1; under uaal pruUcllon. 8fee I young and simply mentioned, feat H be CLAIMS TO T1IE W. Uovell Til Collector Foixowruo U the programme for tbe Baud Con- hard labor, Chaa. oar lata inferred thai tha ITS Polling piact at1 r" Cox, David Purdy. Jas. HaalOe, J. Detirs, same piastly, afA4laJiiot iumediaWly inform the d geuueuian lllbeneejnneltabeth.) A MMs-a-sl-l PKOPLKOrXHKtlK ISLANDS AS Kocky Mountains, all of Audi second Emma at batf-pa- to be found West of the wth School Houat ,,,,,AnthoI cert at four o'clock this charge, forfeited t)6 baU aaohi Edward Janira, UaI w had fouud her. He not wind of it cauoA by MMan. Kuasiahea. Joan DM. noon t a Tho LeadiHg riper or the rcno tha lattsl luiprovtuient, that art lu use at tha Ettt Intpectort of Kltcttoa altar tame charge, aeuteuead m seven days imprison-mt- ut somehow, anal tried lu eU.il saaxob oa o by uoa), roapoe, and KaLaukc in L mn. J. II. K. Kalwl , ..District Ju.tlce Orsnd Much Vlendl,,., ,, ..Frtyllng at hard labor, eMHVll Ktktbi, same charge, coming to oar rooms unexpectedly. Ho aud a jointly otfer ihcioMlnai aa raadlsJait, mm forth CeHt. i.-.- .. ... u- ...... Jis. Hush,,.. i T.iColtrclor Ovetiiue Charles VI., (new)..,,,,,,,, ....ll.lcoy ocwu ; McDonald, avM ,. - .... u. .,, t the Mr. WIL1. fined &, Patar assault ...vciia . iu ia Aj,ai.i fvw. wi msi. inn thai aaoi total of tha aapwptilioa bitte foe aa a Faaillr Paper, Sttodt Unrlvtlled. pure S.W. WlcI...... PchoolAicnl Htmn.Pi.ln lha Lord.... weiiT 5, 1 be hsppaued them drove the gill oat last eleven ia ueer aiSvaa tan . , Corrtipondont UabacrlpUo Tor making a article. aaleellon Krnanl - V crdt battery oo W.Oade,flud cosU Ako.eacaaw lo hear aad laa var lAllSON. tad W. K. ABMRTKONQ. prison, aentencad Into cane field, to escape obaerva-Uo- aatjlhai candidate pleajfla WalU-- Mr (new) ,.,,, iug from Oaha tu two moatbs' the juat in tloie It lhaiiKaiii. for in. ..."-- - . .. .,... All water used In our Factory It FILTKBED. Not' Mlaltttr of l) Interior, ad Interim. Qs.cn. Coto tiaprisaniusMit If ;tai iia.i..? ...... CUM, March ewtclLcl Ltkut, (new) , Hcrger at t rd labor, ooata )1: atauiauoi. Haas, Uthoah Urrlbly wailed over kia aad,Wyl jjsj Aaaitti ws iiium, ....i over, we will aot be undcrtold. Ml Interior OSkt, Dec. 15, I8cl. e4 .. At 4i

IB it u " .Lw-J- - ' .tUata. Uwftiy- u- 4U3ua ,.. J)L'a -- ', Seaf-S-.- 1 1 '!-Ai- a.- Atl .,. t,i, ffjfa X'to. ' & Jffc.af tass ftlk!tj BBEBffS5S?a&Mr-i"W- 7 :.. m nii- - . . i 1 ' C4"Wwp S9C. 4NtV ssCv. a.,, , r .'j l -

SATURDAY PRKSS. WILDER CO. & Co. H.HACKFELD&COIMESSRS. & cooke 11 1 CLECfrHOItN JA XUA V 7, 8F2 A. S. castle Importers and DoalcrB in OFFER FOR SALE OFFER FOR SALE Walter of IMPOHTHH8 OP' Lanai. LOWEST MARKET RATES, A nll.t.AD. INVOICES OF NEW GOODS AT THE WAllnrlimlnlKllo Utnli, General Merchandise! JUST ItECElVKD J'KIl lrctoiMc Iti Ilea Trtrn wlilln nn Know) LUMUEE-- Ami o.rrywliero Hint Wnltrr wont A.XII- California, and the " IOLANI," H. Carrots. Master, OF NEW GOODS 'i flenn wrrn urc In Fiiom New York, Europe THEIR STOCK lit K". lMdayf from Itremen, Tlior followed lilm In town otto tiny, HKCKIVKI) IT.It I.ATK ARIIIVALS, AST) tO AIIIIIVF. Tim Vhlrli wnn not very fitter r, BUILDING MATERIALS! Colonies, Offer for Sale, C'onltltis In part of aa (olloirat England lint wlicn lio rno ti My III By W. H. Whiton, from New York, City of Madrid and City of Nankin, from (Jim Rot tip on liin !tr. ! For Wnltrr lliwyrf hi llttln (lock, Of AM, Kl.fllN. AX "tlxo LoTArest Rates A Largo Asst. of Dry Goods, THESK (IOODS AHK ADAI'TKD FOIl Ami nkinnrri them, it U writ, nam TIIKIIt Anil It wnn on thin Terr rock fiLCII AS! TliiU llttla Wnltcr npllt. Plantations, Country Stores and Families Ho ilrenmril o( wr.iltlt In utter junta JUST UJUCfilVJSD Fflttfy IVIntjTwcnty-Flr- c Xrir Stjtcs, Ami liorjRht from FIIIST HANDS FOIt CASH, nnd will be unttl for CASH, with best illfconut on And, nn rnrli Hook Incrnnar-it- , STOCK OF NEW GOODS. JUST OPENED lime, or on usiinl terms to partiea approved. Wn offer on hand nnd to nrrlvc, Up llintiuhl to pi; tlin niinlilii nhonm r.x Drnlim, Ilriiwtt titul Wlilln Cotliiin, And I)k tlto pillion Hereon. DrllM, Tlcltlttst, Turkey (cl. c, Palace Water White Hlph Test Korosono Oil, Fnr Woltor wn n lmt cif will Suitable for Country Stores & Plantations. Vulcan Water Whito Abovo Standard Korosene Oili With own litinhn nnd n wcllifT!' ARRIVALS Merinos, black and colored, 4 qualities And Wnlter, mmichnw, mntinijpd f till LATE Imrd Oil, Castor Oil. Nents Foot Oil, Cvllnder Oil. Flat Steam PirkinR, To (mil lilrmclf to((lhir, Jlcppn, ColmtirK", Alpacas, Itallnti Clolli, Mill India llnbber Flat 1'ackliiK, Mfi, Ac! Asbestos Steam Pnckliif?, Asbestoi Holler CovflnlB 'J'linn Wnllnr klio'.'lnn not illnnay, -- BKVEUAI.- llnliliit Alrtnl, tjniiai narrows, lice trainer, jxntner ni'iniiK.u, i, u, of aunnu i.incii) H.tld, "Hltnphord llioimli I nm, Large Dry Goods Weston's Ceiilrlfnunl Ilcltlnu, h snperinr nrlicle; Dlsston's Cnnehnivej, I nmy nn widl ho killed for n Assortm't of Goods, Hush Srvthen and Snaltlis, Ox Hows, Mulei Cart Axles. Mnln Collars nnd Hames, Mnle Hhcs, WELL-SELECT- DressSUOII A3 Muck slicep, m for u Until I" URGE AND CARGOES l'rlnta of Latent Style e, lde nnd narrow, rolorn; lllne tlrnlm. Slieellnc', llnrroek'a Lone Clotha, Heavy (inrdeti Hoes, Planters' Hoes, and Pick Maltoeks, Pari HrcnkfnR Plows, llfoivn Linen Drill, l'ure Llnenp, Mnlerklna,ft Jlnmti nnd White Cnttone. 11cklti;e, 'linker Ked, old Mollne Steel llrenkliij,' Plow. XII nnd XI Steel Horse Plows'. It win tlin Shepherd ill lied (nil well , Sntleena, I'miipnilonrit, 1'lnldi, 15, the favorite nnd nneieelled Whlto lotiiltn Nrllhipi,, .Mrrlnn. black nuil colored; t.'ntmurire. .!p(a and Ilrea (lootfi, l'rltilnl M) Plows. jr. Horre few MOI.INK GANG PIXJW8, On mutton, I Hhoiild untile, (.'oltoti OiniilmtnH, Victnrin Lnunn, Hntlii Ktrlpcn, Facie "o. Planet Hoe.n Tiiwellnira ndTorl. Men'e White and Itrrmn HnlMlo.e, j.adlr' lloe. In vnrleljr. at rery low rate' ; .t,.l, innLn f)U Hone. 1. 1 1.4. 1 l.'J Atld 'J tfirh ! Until tlin ycarllngi liroko tho Rmll HlanVeta, Woolen Ulan A. Vnticy Orctmdlnrii, llnr.. :il. BLANKETS llm'f lllankel. While Coiion Mhlleiind Kaner ketf, all elrro welcliU; Hlrliil Crntrliupnl Linings, 12 nnd 14 incli, best qnnlltr rortnblei Forpes, Of liln cnclmnteil into. Wooltn .tCaiiUti rintiiitla, Tapctlry, Veltel I'lle, .Vnla .t. Huri, I ml a HuLliir Ccala.Hcuatta.t, Woolen Sliltta Wlilln Hllk .Inpanew. TwIlU, Sornci, llest Standard Weston's ( A; Slulibr.' 1'cidIIim. Hatln ami Mtilrr. llaldwln Feed Cutters, linjilc Anvils, Spear A.lnckson's Disston Assorted Fies, The. frisky Una wah In ItU onr, Ilisston'scclebrntrd , all sires; Jlnclilnsts' Masons' nnd lllncksmltlia' Ilniiitneis, '1 ho wimiI In m lllnck nutl Cdlorcd Vflvotn, was hU eje; mu-- Full Linos of Australian and English Saddles, Bridlos. Girths. Hncchnromelers nnd Syrup Thermometers, Crrt Nails, nil sizes j Cut Spikes, Wrought Nnils, II Ix hlontiiiK flock refined to herir MWL Horse Shoes, Horsei Nnils, Finishing: Nails. Hweot Wither of Intnitl, Saddle Cloths, Whips, etc., otc. FiNK SILKS, lllnck, OrnHfimln, I'nticy, Colored and Hlrlped, And when ho oncn iiRnltt did ronni, COMI'llINIHd And thorn wnn nono to mind tlieni, Solo and Saddle Tnnncd and Goat JlnreRp, Crepp,Ac., A EULL LINE OE SHELF HARDWARE III nil ahrdnddled homo Leathur, Sheep Skins, SUCH Hut loft their tiles behind them. ATA. JHE USUAL STOCK SIZES TAILORS' GOODS: I on and for from Dtl.O TANNKHV, F. S. I.jrnnii, Auger Saws, Hrnccs, Holts, Oh hid the stricken tlo.irn go weep, Conetnnllr Hand Sale, tho IVoprlelor; lluckBkltid, DtnRnunK Tweeds, Cords, Ixicks, lltitts, Screws, HinRcs, AnRcrs, lilts. , Catches Ae.( The hurt unpnlted ttlvi t.v tierijeii, Hilesinn, Docnklnp, Cnnilitioros, Ac. Mnciiinn anil Carriage Holts, best miitiufaclute ; Smooth, Jack nnd Jclntir Planet, lo let thnni leitp, but kept thin sheep, Beautiful Lines of New Plated Ware, wonderfully low ! Plows and Match Plnnes. A Full Line of Ho rutin tho world nwuy I SCANTLING. A Splendid Asst. of twlf Shirts. I HlnMoryof thnt llltlo ram, I'linee, IlaKi and Albithti, AT ASTON'IMillNd I'ltlCKS. (Woolen, .MIjciI. Calico, , Denim, Ac) Pniiils and Oils of the Itost English and American Brands la proiniscd, mi with Iriiloneo TIMBER. PLANK, BOARDS, JCro history repi-nt- Itsolf .1 H2 TV Xj V TV B Merltin and Cotton UmlerHlilrto, ' ' ' Wo'ro wiiitlnu liln rouvenienco. FENCING AND PICKETS E ITl VVrX CUES! White IlosiiiiHliirlN,Ve., STAPLE G 0 OD S, S UCII AS- - Oh 1 wlimi ruinlti will Wnltcr blent ? AOHNTf) Hiirkn nttd StcK'tdngK, llnndkerclilofn, FOIl Till: Amoske.iR 8 t) Tiekitips, A C A anil D Hlenched 4- - ? ronlanli, UltivM, Denims. nnd or. It Cottons, wldebfsl mnksf On when nnfotd hU tnle Unbleaeheil Cottons, Cherp. Medium nnd Finn; Itrown nml lllue , I.inen'DrllN.lienTyi HU frosty pow Is whlto with sleet Long Cut A: Uruniilnied Smoking Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Htissla Diaper, Sheetitir;, Finn Moiqtiito Tjtcc, EicnHcn nil nro atntc. Celebrated Durham A LAUOE INVOICE OF CLOTHING Pure Linen Hltio Flannel, Scarlet Flannel, A Superior Assortment of American White Flannels. Tho merry yonrn k round nnd round; A Moit Completo Stock of CIkum, Ilatana flnd Manila; Clear Itoldrra. Mrerirliatttii; t'lfatrtte llnlilrri..Mftchnni np. AS , Tlin blight U on Iiitmi; llrlurMood I'lpei. ('lay riper, Cherry Heme, Amber Month-piec- e and Tnliecru i'oiichef, Wn rino Dlnck Cloth Frock Coals and Pants, : lint Iter's tnlo cntinot ho found, 1'nntn Knitn, GROCERIES V (Inlr. Mnitcrp.ins, Chnrconl Spoona. JitickHkin Sacks, nml STAPLE Now U ? FINE ASSORTMENT OF WAIL PAPER Ilnckcts, Till)., Uaslni, Sailor l'nus, Irons, Tinned Iron how that for IiIrIi Felt, Aluliiiir, Drill, Fluttriel Sackn and PanU, Golden Gate Kitr.i Family Flour, Hnwniian Pin, Corn Starch, Japan, Comet nnd Cheap TM, lloston Cnnl Matches, White Lcml, Zinc 1'nlitti, Ilollert Oil, IIojn' SlilrtM mihI Children's Jackets, i.iiiki MURnr, Hawaiian nucnrs, i;orn ami rtas, uonfipitscu Milk. Corttl Heef nnd TonRties, Flower and Heart. LATENT KTTMI, Monkey and Hnllor.Iiickcts, KnrrttiieM. f iTfneil .KntiuMi.en. MeMnrrnv'n flvuters. V.vnnn A I.of cher's Finest Spices, COAIj '.I. I.eBK'"(!Bi Carpet 'I ho Fnvorlto Fancy and Washing Honrm. California nnd Kastertt brands ( I1,"' blossom, for thy lino, DOWATJt'S KintOSENK AMI OILS, I. Coats and Slippers, I Ioto thee, little NAILS, L0CK8, Kdk and I. C. Umbrellas and raraitolR, limns, ioni .neai, .tvena, urnnam x'tour, ac, ivc. ac. Smilint! above tho dull grny enrth nnd ntonoj Fancy nnd Traveling Shawls, Knowing, tho whlto, no merit of thy own BUTTS, HINGES, ! Culloit and Turkish Towels, CoiirMig-iimoit- t : It 1h tlint thou Hhouldst lift thy cup of blue, A Choice Assortment of Groceries While Fancy (juilts. On So and nlninlnHH to my loving; view. BOLTS. SCREWS, and fnlr Etc I DrUHtels CnrpotinR, Illno tho sky, yet by thy decree; Conltlni:nf .Tellle., .Tninv Table 1'nilti. Tonitnc, Halted llenn, Ollre., Salmon, A 2 lb. tine : Totted Jauiace, Felt ltti;s nnd m not .Menti, Mfawii, Feet, Claniv Siirdlnc, of Lemnii, Knirdincd, becnuio thou ciuiHt lint help lint bo; Totted I'le'a Lnblcre. Ktidr The Geo. P. Blake Wfpr. Co's Stcum Peed Irrigating ft Vacuum Ptimpi Clod ifitvo theo life, God (fnvo tlieo beauty too, O dninty little floweret Hint I prnise, DRY REDWOOD ! Alaska Oulaghan (or Candle) Fish and Mackerel, 51b. tins; Weston1 8 J'utcnl Centrifugal, Soniotlmo thcro blooms n beautiful tmo heart, Horse Illankets. Whlto nnd Fancy lllnnkets, Woodward Brown's Cchln-nte- , A loroly IiIonviiii on lllii'n diiHty wnys. Full in ! rime; btrlpetl Woolen, two sizes, Pianos; ,,.," Scantling; mirfaco anil Bright Red, Weight Plantation Salmon, Barrels and Half Barrels 4 l'are, beautiful, nnd Hood, but not from nrt; I'litnk, roiiKh Scarlet, Oranpc, White Woolen,. land points, iV'ciw Haven Organ Co. Parlor Organs Iiovod all the mure, like thee, O blossom blue, '1 breads, t'nrx', Elastic, Scirfs, Ac, ; Soaps, Ilocnuiu it e itttiot hut bo ood nnd true. lln.iidH, surfuccil :itil rougli Dealers in All Kinds of Soaps Toilet a Specialty; Silk nnd Velvet lliblions, Washburn f: focn Mfg. Co. Barlxd Wire, the Jlcst Jlarltcd Wire manufacture! 1'ickulH, Itllntic, Ijiitticc, Clapboard. Jlnttons for Shirts, Coats, Fnttts, Dresies, Seiidik K. Aniikiison, In Deromber Californlan. TJluo Mottled Soap, 24 bars in a box. Purlhnd Cement, Sugar, Bags, Oats and Bran, California Hag, PEIIFUMRRY, FLORIDA WATER, 1'r.lil to Cnruful of (inodi for Country Orden at our f Store.. Queen Columbia Jtiver Salmon, bbls. and bbls., Sylvian Bellies in Kitb Veru Fine. , Rperlal Attention the Selectlnf- If. Al.ftO, IX NT4U-K- and Kanhuniunu Mrerta, Honolulu, II cc- i i.i.r.riuj?iu .o aw, in w-- Genuine V..u do Colounc, Luhin's Kitracts, -. Toilet Soaps, I'hilocomc, Hair Oil, Combs, .. "l --L- NOTT & Co Whitewash (Brushos, Mirrors (llasses, L'ipes, J. Paint and H. 1'iiUh, lllank llooks, X-- rS? I. llariuotilcns, HlllTKfl.KAlt, U 13 Albums, (Jold Le.if, .Juwelrj', Wntches liSHEET GrlVING II Hemp and I. It. 1'uckiiiR, Coal Hahkets, & TIN. COPPER ioN WORKERS wiUTi:zi.rr, NEW DESIRABLE GOODS VIKNNA FURNITURE: I. T Oil., numbers, Gas Fitters, GOOPS BUSIlfESN Extension, Ann, Dining Itoom and 1'nrlor Wo Have Recently Received a Large Stock of Coods in Our Line, DRY Chairs, Settees, Ax'., AND OTHER nnd Tin Roofers, METALLIC PAINTS! Saddles, Calfskins, Girths, Slirmp Leathers, (many of which are Entirely New in this Market.) ex Late Arrivals, to Keep in Slock, All Hindi of Miterlal In Aboil Class. Hnving Mnilo DilToront Arrangements, I Havo Concluded CRATES OF ASSORTED CROCKERY, viz: Barks F. 8. Thompson and Caibarien, from New York; Barks Llnei, and of Containing' Flutes, Cups, Teapots, Bowls, Salt, CHaniuers, Jttco utsiics mitt isaxurs. Ella, Lady Thompson, W. H. Meyer and 8. S. City of. Mew York,.-- . WORKING BRANDS Demijohns, 'A nnd ' (tails ; Sample Bottles, BEST Firewood. SELL OUT MY ENTIRE STOCK Vaset mid Glassware, ilanila'imd Tarred Hope, And lire Trt prd to Executi my nd ! DOORS SASH BLINDS Sugar c3 Rico Betes Large Invoices of Goods OF Of all hizci nnd qualities, IL MUDS WOKKIW THESE BBHIICHES N17.KN, Coal Baps, Gutmitti, Tninc.Harl.ipK, from Now and San A I.I. Woolpnck and Twilled S.ickinR, Linen Hose, York, Boston, Francisco. COOKING STOVES, Of Eastern and California Mako. Dry Goods, Faney Goods, Clofiiiiig and - GROCERIES- Bk. Sir Lancelot with Fence Wire, Paint Oil, &c, from England FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO SUIT Sardines in half nnd qnnrter boxes, Furnishing Goods. H. nnd 1'. Hibcitits, Salt in jars, LAUNDRY STOVES, AND AT Castor Oil in Tins, Stearino Candles, 4, S and (, Matches, Cocoannt Oil, AYnsli Blue, OTJH STOCK IS and X.O-- Tvnnt to got of everything boforo of Hnhbur.k's Linseeil Faint Oil, U White Lend, Ships' Schooners' Cabooses, pnionaini 71 I rid tho 1st January. I don't euro what White Zinc Faint. "Army Ranges," tho Goods bring, but thoy must bo sold. A. M. MELLIS. LIQUORS : VERY LARGE and COMPLETE cooMnc cupadtj for ICO men. G. & GO. LOOK AT MY PIUCES, AND SEE WHETHER J1EAN "WHAT I SAY Do Lance fils nnd Bontelleau Brandy, and BREWER I other brands, Lmllre.' Lwn Sacltt, Hnnloroely Trimmed I "5 Larue Size Silk lUnrfkcrctili-rf- , SOa ...... ;. 73 Rnm, Gin, St. l'nul Beer, Ale nnd Porter, EMBRACING DubeUre.eGiiufU. ilitrk uiHtllcltt, peryartl...... "5 jiuuurr i ippen l.enu I'encue, per I 55 ALBi . Port Wine, Sherry, Hhino Wine, MET IllacW Colored per 3D 1'aiK-r- V3 Sheet Lead. Sheet Copper, Sheet Zinc, and Hesee, yard Notu U liaekairc. HAVE HECEIYED. , Cm) lir Table Clarets, Champagne, Ualianlttd and Hlack Sheet lnm, I to 36 ; JUST TER Laun Drceecs, i plect-e- KiiHranterd to wili ..'J Size Frlnied Tldlc. !! Fine nnd lluxeaTIn I'late, lc, Ix, lxx, Ixxx; hllk (lnied)I)ree" Oiiode i:.i Lndici.' HalbilLNii IImku. silk, clockitl per box. 2 SO Dry Heidseick Monopole, Ch. Farre, Copper titeunt l'lpe, In 1 1n; Ladlte' Fancy Colored Ilosc, pt--r boz, J, dox 7., aummcr Silk, checked i HI G. II. Muimu & Co., Sparkllnc Hock, Agricultural Implements, Sheet Copper, 16 to W oz. tn aquara foot, " .Men'a ilcrlnu Underehlrl1 fl Moselle, Ac, Ac tinned and clean; American Bark Ceylon," r.raaa Holder, Tinmnn'a Solder. Cupper and Itras Wire, tSeff Every Visitor will llccoivo a Hnntlsomo Photograph of Well-Kno- Oalrunlied Water l'lpe. H. !(. 1. 1!. H4, 3 tn; German and Havana Cigars Full Anorlrocnt of Klbowi. Ta, Untona, etc. Cclobrit.es or Actresses Builders9 Hardware. FItEE OF 0HA1.GE. Plated Wnre Spoons, Forks, Cruets, Tea Sets, From Boston, Cups, Ac. Parties Buying Five Dollars' Worth, or ovor, will Rocoivo TEN PER HARDWARE: THE FOLLOWING LIST ON All Kinds ofMechanics' Tools, Plumbers' CENT. BACK. THEIR INVESTMENT. Knives, Scissors, Tocket and Butcher Sheep Shears, Needles, Spoons, Files : Spurs, Galvanized Bnsinn, Uoop Iron, Stock TEirLlVEJS, STJFLICJTITT Ke Eivets, Hammers, CASH. Yellow Metal nnd Composition Kails, House ! Water Cloaeta, Can Iron and Lead Soil Pipe, STAPLE AMERICAN GOODS STORE, GOOD WILL, AND FIXTURES TO LET ILibbitt Metal, Sugar Coolers, Hose lllbhs. Step Cock, l'luln lllbb, Iron Tanks, Clnritiers Ac. Also, Sllrer l'lated and Nickel llnvln Cocka and rlnja, Combination Cocka, for cold and hoi water; " Furnishing Iloae Coupling!, Tubular Shower lleada, WHICH IS SOW OFFKItriD FOU SALE A. M. MELLIS, Portland Cement, White Bros.," Hath Tuba, Hup and Ccppem, ,' 101 CAtt Iron blnUe, Soldering Coppcra, M '79 t'nrt ftlrewt, near llotrl PHrrrt, llnnnlnln. Firo Clay, Blacksmith Coal, Fire Bricks, l'lpe and laa Ton;, UPON EASY TERMS. Tiles, Hrupty Barrels, Bouts, Ac. Goods. Oalr. Clrculatluc llollers, for euppljlnr; bath link, & A.C., ulti hot nater; Terms Liberal. Samples sent Free of Freight Lead ripe, Ji to t In. Steam Coal, Cumberland Coal, OUT SAL.E Orders from the ether Idantla carefully si; CliEARIlVG attended to by l BETJTLFTJL LINE hoi kmsiiig goods Frnnklin Conl in cnslti, forFnmily Dte, -- ii H.HACKFELD&CO. OF- TO AJELLXTVJEl iiCJUitosKrvii: oil. ISO drRKoa test, ! FEB F. S. THOMPSON. REMOVAL! SILVER PLATED WARE Oliandeliers,8U01I AS Downer's Oil, Chandeliers.)' ONK TO BIX LIGHTS; Library, Hall, Ilracket, htudenta' and Staud Lampi, Hai'rel 8lioolifii, Chairs, Lamps, Now on Hand, a Fine Asst. Cut Nnils, Hd lo 40d, Lnntcri, Chnrcoal Irons, & .V.; 1 " Granite Iron Ware Hnnt'i , Hunt's Uatchtts, A Pneine'pf Boys Youths' Clothing, rut" '- Mrt. Pntta a t!lew Pan.. Milk llollrri, IlUcnl i utti'. - Lanterns? Cnttera, lolly Ntralnrre, .MoneLampa, Kernaene Slnrea , ALSO, Toilet Seta, Jclhr .Monlda, me aianrlraent; Dnat 3I n t o It o ii ' Prrub, Shoe. Yard and Mitble ltriiaho. Flour and Jalljr Card riniir. riiEBNi.-(F.i- i nr.m iroitM. & Sterea, Corn Ilrooma, Shoe Hlacklnp, Door Mat. Huz, Tnr, Pitch, Rosin, Turpentine, " M hit Cuitoinera and the I'lihlle senrralljrto that Averill Mixed Paints, Hubbuck Son's and Other Clothes Wrtneert, Crlmpliii; Irone, Sauce Pan, tinned if ami enameled; ChnpplngTrara and Knltea. Wire Meat I'urera, Clothea 1'lne, Store 1'ollih, Uera I'ani, Cake A Pine Line of MEN'S CLOTHING, of llte, 3MCo.xi.tla Oordago, HE HAS REMOVED Manufacturers m HIS nUSlNEbS TO THE Crockery & Glassware ALL S1ZRS, WhichMustbe Closed Out by March, 1882 Tick Handles, Shops on Queen Street BEST ENGLISH FAINTS & OILS HuchaaCupaand Sancrra, Tlatea, ati to 10 tnchta In dlametert ItnwU. Itakera, Soup Tureena, Veeetabla A Ilpndlcs, 1)1. he, Milk and Cream l'ltrheta. Kvrera and flaalna, ADJOININO II. HAUKFr.l.n A CO., Uliembrtt, Tumbleia. tlnbleta, Pinter Dowli, Hotter BESPIT end Sugar Dlahra, Cake Standi, etc , etc. A CHOICE ASSOUTMEENT OV AT No. 109 Where he la prepared to Carriage mkI Cart Material ! GROOE11IES! Manufacture All Kinds toNbisxisn or American Paints &Brushex To ArriTfxF 8, Tkoatpawa tuad Cartwriea, Corn Starch, Tontntoen, FORT STREET. Carriages, Buggies, lloston Baked Deans OP ALL KINDS. Felleea, Rime, Spokra, Klnalejr'a Axlea. ditto half Genuine), Ezprea Wagons, Falent Miiscr Carrlace llolta. ditto Lampi. hulkr Kima Green Corn, end Npakte, llu:vy Shafti, Whlffletrcea, Feriulei, tt. Open till 9 o'clock Every Evening, until Borryfe Bros. Superior Alio, llorie end Mne Shoee, ditto Nnll. Situkttgo Jlent, andCane Dump Carta , OUIl MOrrO- -" .MmW Sixpence," . SuccutnRh, Alan, to attend to ' " And'ne Intend tn nht It out on late Hue," Gherkins, Further Notice. Valontino's Carriage Varnishes, " . Lohstcru, Repairing-- Blacksmithing ' T. Ac Best Kerosene Oil, i. ' ,:' WOTT Co. J AND Brands of (fe , Ilaaoluln, Bept. Ilth, IMI. Mr ITn.iioy Crncktii'N wif ilV o-S- lti. Iluckin's Tomato and Hook Turtle Soup, Hora o ixxm American Lubricators and Lubricating Oxxwi, TO LET. FOB LEASE. I bilt alio kep a. FOU uaivt'8 lientl, Steel Rails IMMKIIIATI" I'llWitiWiinX THAT : Lubricating Compound, Hum nnd Tongue, WITH ileilubU rraldenca No. Ittt Muuanu TIIOSI-- VKUY llKSlKABrjK A PORTABLK OR PERMANENT Avenue, lontaliilns eight roonik, kite lun,jianlrj, biih E. frvmiteaknaunaa IILI1LANI." Kulju-r- Full and Complete Stock nioin, nriant' room, coach home, tame ami fowl Kauuu, istriy orciioieti njr il. n. ,m., lonnniMioner, home. Al'vlytn J. 11. W'UOll.nr ,liiie lUjr Wodilioiiie, Kiq. Tho balldlCL'a huc Jill', or ! IvxrLlly So SI1tf J. K. WI8CMAN. '.T Merchant tit becnatlinroURbl painted, upird. and Im UVUM, HPOKrM, A PULL LINE OF LUBRICATING Railways Soap proved for tha beuefll ol the teiuul, (inreiitment OILS Whulo Uoati, venter laid im, bealdea havlnj: a ulndinill, llh a auppl MIXH, AXLCM. II ft, laCUst 14 lbs. ta tka jmtd, Mule nnd Ox Cnrts, ShlD Chandlery! of xd .veel and clean licaHhy water, nblcli haa been 4UMHIAUI. TMIHMINGa, MANILA A - anuljinl bj I'rof. Iliuminon ol tha Challenger Kipe AND tESAL ROPK, Ctc. Etc. .ale to arrl per " Duke of Abercoru," VIJlaASSOltTMKNT 1XCI.ITD- proiiiiuined by be. I he had iveg VarnUhra, Iron, Kr Ins Aiietmrf, tlialni,l.'able. t.'utdaee, all alaea of illtinii.Biid kin the Talnta, ItcAurd liar from i Ami Ileum Call luce he lelt liui;Uml, riay ar.d hweden Iron, lor.ebnea, liTerool. Manila llemiu Cottuu Duck. and For particular. Imiulra Coal, U4k, Aeb. Tia, and r lax Matt Twine, CumbcrUvd and Hickory rianka. HT" Apply to W. L. UKKUN, or Burnett's Extraots, t'oltun 8rJ S) J AS. M. J.EHON'. WhltWicd,Ac.,c. U. W Xact.rlane A Co, It not.LKs Jt co. DILUNGHiAJ&Co.,FortSt. !( Ml-t- t AtenH fur Jng. fuwler A Co. BY THE LATEST AREIVAL WHICH I WILL OFFER HBBARDt!. EXPRESS! OwiiiR to the larce stock of rnarchnndls. in th COMET TEA I t'MOM BAN VKANtTHCW AT ATri, l.Anr.UY, 11UAX, CORX, market, vie propose to sell thil conaigunMnt or.oNo Kxoijsir hukak- - IIATB IIGCEIVEU A TiAltOE o nooniigi iitjr, jcr v. Murray una MM, II A Hi IX AtMuTBMTOrerls. In 3D. Javan Tra. H.nu verr nc to our former atock ef bblp l.'baudlerr r.r U bT I10LLKS Co. J Ju4i.ctlr4fnaiKnroiM b(kTftMtr At Price that itlU .Suit our ,Cni(omors. o l'ASr. boiel. WE v,hich ua ! nrtl.l nualltr. AU, Uauchonc and uther Black Tea. bblpStorea, I'torUloni, Ac, Ac, ln lb Bod HooU. Prlooa I.INSKKI itLiLv.i ?. 'u",, iwnSu 6IJ t 1'. hBWKM Cm. IV- - rUU NAMt Hk ORKM riLUB WITH MO MSTITCH. BOIIiKI) TAINT OII. Kranr.JKO, ?'' Nuv t'Jtli. 'il. liOLl.KH & CO. l all MWIKM I'alul Oil, Wcir.nted lb. Putu Attlcl. .1 Kalakaua. X.r.U aidTftaauTv iRlif Drajw Kxpreti Builaen of all klatt OrMtMt AMrtnnt f 0oU Ltnl Oil, for WUI b Mid to aalt Tr.a. Groceries, Tbanklnc iht Public fnr pait Patroutfit, I hope by Labrkttlnir. Cue. of bplrlt th. 1'roMplly Attcadetl to, Family Mm Ktptonthe.a UUuda, ill f which will b told at the t Atlantic Lrtd. la packs., of 1 lb, an'l Oct.l. J(75y ' BOU.SII Kztra Bttf Low rat Market 1'iicea, a utual. Our frlenda and th eon.lant tudtavor to attiafy my palrona, to aattll upward, ur M Wlnt Uru.b.a lu jrrcat C.. llj Office at King llonolnla, A NEW AfcMOUmKVr mCLtBlNU cgallnuanti of the aatnt. b. OVVKK-OJ- tin BuJertlRtttJ. OH ilt - umc OR NAM! nubile ccucrallv are reapcctfull Invlteit lo eiaralnt JU etrflue UuoJt tur oa'e .BY 1S 3 JkJLLES A CO 8TS tf 37 XONA OVFKK Cl 3i HKNRY HKBBARD CS UOLLIS Jk CO. P l B0LLK8 Ct. C. WIST. c " rorttal.bf OLLtc.

mm innmn, A . p?!fpi''?TS' 72XS tet MMMiMMfAIWIallM ir