SECOND EDITION. - 46th ar of Publication. ,.. ~ ..-· .... llii.JALER'S PLANTERS' & MERCHANTS' •• ('­ ""'_,( , S'J.1A'fE RIGHTS ALMANAC, FDR THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1863: Being thu third ufl(lr Leap Year. Qn'IJ 3c'!J of .Soutvh:n ln'IJ~p~n'IJencr. OALOULATED FOB. THE MERIDIAN OF OAR OLIN A & , CO:ST.USJXO • 'l'he usual Astronomical Calcnlntions, with the Time of Iligh Watel', and a New Tide Table. TO WJJlCJl ARE AXNE.U;I) Aliu, 'l'ko Uehrow Co.tendnr (or the Y"ar 562~; 1md the dn!·* otu·crvcd as che Pl"in· cip:.eJ Featival• aud Fa•u by the Prote•t:.111t f:piN'AJ•~d Cburch.

TilE EXECUTlVJ~ OFFICERS &e. oftba Cunt.e~erute Statr~ Go•-.rnmeut. The Chief Officer~ of the State of 9outh-Ca.l'olina and cf the City of Charleston, &c., &c. With rbe 'l'itncs of holding Court6 in Sorult-Caroli-na qn(l Gc01·giu, ami utlu~r goucrullnformation; with aGARDENI•:R'S CAL~~i'I'· DAR, (eomlell~ed) for mouth. nt the head of the pn~c. &c ~ - - -r < THE C.A.LOULATIONS ARE MADE TO MEAN TIME, AND THE TIDES FOR OliARLESTON BAR. .. , 1 CllARLE~TON, 8. C. Printed, Publisltetl and So,d, WuOL£SALE &. R£TAtL Dy A. E. MILLER, No.3 State Street. And Sohl by the Book~elleril generally throughout the St:lta, '\Vat· Pa·ice- 2:5 ds. sin;:h! $2.'10 per uoz.-$1~ per 100. l . ~ ':'i:!! t I • • ~ ... •• • • • • • \ • I rr~~~~~~~~~~ 2 ~~~~~~~~ ~ ECLIPSES IN 'J.'IIE YEAR 1863. T h o r~ will \Hl t1vo E clip!~S of the Sun , nod two of the Moon, this yenr, as I fullnw,: f · .,. • f' 1. .\ p~rtial Jo:clil>~o of the Sun, on the 17th o Mny, V•• •u1 e 1u ~o mo ports o E urope, but not i11 the.. , St11t~s. . . 11. A T otal t:clip>O of tho Moon, on the lstof J une, viSiblo nt Charleston, S.C. :11111 th e udjuining Stales, llc!!i11nin g nt 3h. 29m P .III . uliddlc at 61>. 6m •· eudin.,. at i3h. 4:Un " IMt co»tnct with penumbra. J If. 1\ 11 Anuulnr Eclipse of the"s un, 011 the lOth of Novemh«:r ! invisib.lo !•ero .. I V. A Pnrtinl l'.clit»COf tho Sun, on the 24th of November, VISib le, pr•uc•paly, 111 tho grcut s.,uth ~r n Occn u. MORNING AND EVENING STARS . Ve,us w;ll be ~orn;ug Star until SctHcwbcr 28tb; thou 'Evening Stnr tho ro.t of the year. Mars \\ill he t:veniug Star until October 2\1. JttJ•ilrr will"" illol'llin:; Stnr outil A pril 12th, llu~n E••ening Star until Oct. 3ht Sat&~ru will bo Morning Stnr uutil March 22d; thou EYcniug Slur until Oct. lat.

l\JOVEABLE FEA~'l'S . :3o ptuage sin~ a Suud11y, Feb. 1 Rogation Sunday, .1\Jay 10 ( ~ niu. or Shrove S uuday, l"ob. 15 Ascension D ay, 1\Iuy 14 Ash-\ Vedncsduy, Feb. 18 Whit-Sunday, May 24 1'1\ lul Sunday, i\Jar. 2Y IT1·ini ty ~ unday, May 31 E11 ste•· S unduy, April 5 Advent Sunday., N ov. 29 CHlWi'\OLOGICAL CYCU:S. Durninic11l l,clter, • D. I Solar Cycle, • 24 Luuar c,·cle or Goldunl'\umb. 2 floman lndit·tion, 6 l::l'nct, (~loon's Age, .Jan . ht) 11 (.Julian Period, 6576

The Conven tion of the P. E. Church for the Dioceso of So. Ca. will moot ;J.t Charleston, on Wednesday tho llth February. 'l'be Colll.'ge ()f Cha•·lcslou. 0 Nl)J:tl TilE PR OTECTION AND'Si' l'P OJt'J' O J~ 'l'HE CJ'J 'Y COUNCIL. And euolowcd by the lute Elins Hony with n Po·ofcssor.hipof $10,UOU. T hr \;~>llo•gc i> m:oun:;cd by n Board of 21 Trustees, the .1\In) or nud Jlcconlcr uf tho City, f•>r the time bciug, :iro e.x·olficin membe o·s, nud tlu·oc Aldermen to be elected by (;ouncil uuuuully. An nuuualrucctiug of tho •r no.tces is held on the 3d \Veoluc.d:oy in Ocl.,IJt· r, nl the Collo~:c, to cl••ct u l'rcsitlcnt of the M11nr:ul of 'J'ruatoo•, nud ouch oth<'o' otlicrrs 11s may he tleonoralnccn•s:n·y. 'l'ho J~ncn l ty to consist of u Po·o,idcut, noul sncl• t'rt>fco>Or!, os may be aptlOintoy the 'l'rustee•, neitlol'r of "houo c:uo llold the nffico ot' 'l'ru.tec. OJit'lC .,;ttS AN•D ,H;)IIIJ.:RS OJ' TH & ROAHD OJ' TII US TtO.S. Prcoidcnt . UANI Jo: L RAVENEL, E•q., Yico-Prcsidcnt. JA<;OU W l LJ.Ul.\N, t::•'l·• Secretary anti 'J'i-onsuror. Ro.lni>OF 'J'RUSTEt:&-llou. Mitchell King, D a uicl l~u,· cucl, E sll, E~• • ·• J as. J.. Petigru, I.!:~•J. , H on, Hc111'Y U. J.c,•·•na, lion. \Y. l' .M•l•••, Charles M. l~ urmun , E••J., H A. DeSaussurc, J-: .., ·1.. Ed\\ard 1\. \Yiohe, l::JCI· :S1'A~'OING l;oMMITr&E,-Mitc lo cll 1\in;!. ESIJ., Chairman; llc ury A. OcSun. r.·oshlcut, Prof. of Logic. l'olilical F. conomy, nnol the t:videnccs of Christianity nnd B urry Profc;;•or of Moral, Jntcllcctual ruul Political l'hilo&ophy :-Willinmllnwkcswonh. A. Ill. Professor ofLatm and Greek . J ,an.rua~r.s nntl Literature, nnd of llomnn & Greek t\ utiotuillcs ;-Low is R . G ibhos M. ll.. l'rofc& sor ofMntlocmntics, Chomisli'Y, &c. &c.;-Jolooo Mc Crady, A.M Assi•ton: l' rolcs>Or of Mathomutics, GcoOlotry, .\1;.:-ebro, &c.;-l,rc:dorick A. Porclu:r. t' ro. f•·-.or of History, Ancient uud Modoru; Rhetoric, Uolles Letters, J.o:uglitih .Com· i'"'' tion & 1-:l ocution ;-F. S. H ol111c~, I'rofes~or of Zoology, iu all its l;rnuches . . '••nl o~y ""'' l'ulfcoutnb~y, nud C~1rator of the lllu seun~; - ll ev. J ames \V. Miles; \. ~(. Profo.;or of l utellectunl P lulo~ophy nud G•·cck Llle•·ature, nud Lib•·a rinn to lion ColltHrc Lilmwy. Lcwi• ll Gillbc~. J\I. D. Sccrctoy to the Fatuity. • •

~~~~~~~~~~~a ;a Astrononaical Chantctca·s Ext•laiue,l. I At head ofthe page, for each calenuar month, will be found a figure, representing the $ign of the Zodiac, into which the Sun enters during the month, according to the seasons, which begins with Piscos, theFishus, on the 20th uf March, the Vemal Equinox. S igns of tlte Planets, ~c. e S un, ll!t H erschel, Iu Jupiter, 9 Venus, 1> 1.\Ioon, ? Saturn, . ~ 1\lars, ~ Mercury, d Conjunction, or having the same Longitude or Right Ascension. o QuaJratui·e, or c.lifiering 90° in " " " 8 O pposition, or " 180° in . " " " Q The ascending node. ~ the descending node. I THE TWELVE SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC, And those parts of the Body which they are supposed to ~overn , added. Commonly called the Anatomy of Man's Bouy. Spring Sign1. .Attiumn Signs. · \ 1. * Pisces. F eet. 7. 11Jl Virgo. Bowels. 2.

NOTES TO THE READER. CLOCit TOH: A Nn AI' I'A IU, N'r TIME, !st.-There nro two kind ~ of time u-cd in common Almnllacs for ll>c Snu's ri ~ il•g alld • cttill;!: OliO i• clock-time, and tho othe r is Sllll·limc, or time. Clock· time i• :..!Wft}'S •:orrect ; but apparen1 limn varies evury dny, :1nd is nllcruatcly too "fa•t" or tno "slow " of tho clock. 'J'hc !'ltu• and Clock n!(rcc nu the 15th of April 311<1 J nnc, .::; e pt ~ mbe•· let, nlld December 2·hh. Nlluu and I:.! o'clocl< nro not i hc •nmo . . Tho irrc!(nlarity or the Sllll's motions cm1scs the IWO kimls of time, nucJ, iu cun&e· qotmco of l his_vurlntion ,_ u~ ~cpc•ul o n cc. c_uu b~ l•!ao~d 011 tl~e Sull fo_r true lime without kuowtug u;/Jtn. tt •~ 111 the ancruhuu. l'h1s Jufor111utaou wo gn,c for this • AlllmlHi• cil), I he flr il i.J, Nau1icul Aluia­ nac for 186:1, aud will• aid or a IIILUi ic·al iublructor, gi I' C il as the boot that call be obtaiucd for the-e :States. Some omisious in tho ~~ ~ ing nud !iiCUiny or Stnr:- Wa:. llllll\·oidnbie for Wflllt of time. 2d.-·'l'llt: ris in~, and selling of a slnr, nr.1y J,..:a.-ricd sovcral days llnclcwards,by nclJin;;, or forwnrds, hy subtr.. cting four nriuuto> pur clay, SJ.-t\s 1 ht> tlays entl at nridnig ht, I he _ri>iug, nml 6<:11ing of I he J\l uun wheu af1er t h"llime, will be found in the mominl! oft he succ.-e•linl!' flay, &c: 11h.-Tho tinrcs given for lfi:;:h \Yater are fur thflt t itle which succeed• tho Moou'• pnssngo over the Mcr•diau, The winds will vnry the tides. L atitU

A method to cw:ertain1chcther the Tide is rising or jallit1g /.Jy the llfoon­ "'hene,·or tho Moon is Wost of ;\1 ~· ridinu it is ebb tide, and wheu East of Meridian it is flood tide. ~----~--~ ----~--~------.~ •

Sun on Me1·iclian after 12. IF~ll ~ 3d, 5h 5m even. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :::; -.:t ~~"- .-I ? Last Q 11th, 5h 26m mom. N ew J> 17th, 9h 46m even. ~ ~ ~:;: :;::;: ~ ~ ~ ~ :.: j First Q 25th, 7h 14m morn. "'" ...... 1\:1 1\:1 ~ 1\:1 ..... c.n ~ ""- ~-""' c.n_o~.- 0} ,;:.. 'f::..._._ I ~------,.s·u-n-, Sun Ie dec J) 'Moon.lll w a 1\l W Aspects,Weather,&c. rises. sets. South PIn.. S. u. i\1. - 1! ------1---' ' § 1 ~ Scptoag. S. se. 6 46 5 13117° 6 8 20 7 1.5 2m Puri£.B.V.l\L . 6 4515 1516 49 9 10 8 15 1 3 tu Clears pleasant. 6 44 5 16jl6 31 cS'l 9 59 9 5 1 4 w 1stProv.Con. atM.'61 6 43 5 17116 13 l 0 491 9 55 1 5th [Race week 6 42 5 18 15 55 'flJZ 11 39 10 45 6 fr fin Charleston. 6 41!5 19 15 37 l\:lorn.111 35 1 7 sa ? o J) 6 40:5 20 15 18:::!!:: 1 19 Ev.25 8 S Sexagcsi. Sun. 6 40 6 20 14 591 2 191 1 15 1 1 9 m A sudden clwnge 6 3915 21 14 40 1Tl 2 59! 2 10 10 tu l'o·o''· (J o, ·mt. Cou. Stn: 1811 1 6 38 5 22 14 21 3 49 3 5 llw P.E,Ch.Con· l!sta. 6 3751 2314 1 4 39 4 6 12th perhaps rain. 6 3615 24il3 41 t J> rise 4 55 13fr 6 36 5 2•113 21 G 19 5 45 14 sn St. Valentine. 6 35'5 25,1:3 1 ~:S' 7 0 6 35 15 S Quinqagesima S. 6 34 5 ~G 12 •!O j 8 20 7 15 16Im 6 335 2712 20 1~ 9 10 8 6 17 tu Pr.Davis inaugurat'd 6 32';) 28111 59 10 1 9 55 18w Ash W ednesday. 6 31 5 29 11 38 7€ 10 51 10 45 1 19th ~ d j) clctt1' and cold 6 3015 . 30 11 17 11 4111 35 20 fr 0 e; ", Clw.ngrahle. 6 29 5 31 10 55 6 26 5 34 9 28 3 51 4 35 2:> w Ember day. ~varmer, 6 25 ~ 5 35 9 5 IT 4 40 5 25 26 th 'With 3ltowers. 6 24 5 36 8 43 j) sets 6 15 1 27 fr } Ember }) in apogee 6 23 5 37 8 21 6 20 7 5 2·S sa days. 6 22:;; 38 "7 58,:!!= 7 10 7 55 ,Sunda_ys after Ember ~ays, are the ft~ted .timea for,O rdination. I fhe D10cesan Convent10n of the P. E. Church n South-Carolina meets this yeat· at CharltJston S C., on W edn~solay the 11th of Feb: L . J ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ III. MARCH, begins on Sunday, hath 31 days, 1863. ·-Sow carrot'5.beets;Swisschard, parsnips, salsary, cabbages, spinach, turnips, leeks, tomatoes, peppers radishes, luttuce and Guinasquarsh. Plant cucum­ bers, okra, squashes, melons1 snap beans, cushaws, sewee beans, New Zealan<1 spinach. Transplant tomatoes, peppers, Guina squash, cabbages and lut- j tuce. REMARKS -The above vegetables should be got in as early as possible. Carrots should be sown plentifullf Luttuce separatelv. Radishes should be sown every three weeks. lr1sh potatoes should not be planted later than this month. • Sun on Meridian after 12. Full® 5th, 9h 26m morn. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t; ~ --t ~ ..... 1~

Last Q 12th, lh 35m even. 0 ~ ...... ~ New l> 19th, 9h 17m morn. ~ ~ 0') 0') --t ctJ ~ o .- ..... l\:> ~ First Q 27th, 3h 38m morn. ~ --t ~ ~ ~ ~ ::i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Sun JSun- ® dec l> Moon irwa 1\! IW A spects,Weather,&c.l'ises. sets. South Pl R. S. H. M. 1 ~ 2d S. in Lent. 6 20 5 40 7°35' .sL. 8 0 8 45 2m Commettccsl6 1915 41 7 12 9 50 9 35 3 tu pleasant, 6 1815 42 6 49 f1JZ 10 40 10 25 4 w but soon cltangcs.j6 17 5 43 6 26 11 3011 15 5th Milder andl6 16 5 44 6 3 ~Morn. Ev. 5 6ft· vet.. !f 1·ainy. 6 15 5 45 5 40 1 10 1 1 7 sa. ? 6 141 5 46 5 17 11l 2 1 1 50 o }) 1 8 S l3d Sunday in L ent. 6 125 48 4 53 2 50 2 _20 9 m2! o l> Unsettled.6 115 49 4 30 t 3 40 3 10 101 tu 6 10:q 50 4 6 4 30! 4 0 11 w Becomes windy and 6 9 5 51 3 43 5 20 4 50 12th unsettled. 6 8 15 52 3 19 VJ }) rise 6 40 13 fr 6 7 5 53 2 56 7 30 7 30 14 sa »in perigee. 6 615 54 2 32 -Z: 7 50 8 20 1 15 S 4th S. in Lent. 6 5 5 55 2 8 8 401 9 10 16m 6 451 56 1 45 9 3010 0 17 tu St. Patrick's day. 6 3:5 57 1 21 7E ,10 20 ~ 10 50 18 w a clwnge6 25 58 0 57 11 1011 40 19th witl~ 1·ain. 6 115 59 0 34 '¥' l> sets Morn. 20fr 0enters1E & l> 6 0 6 ON. 00 7 501 8 27 ~ 1 1 21 sa Begining of Sp1·ing 5 5916 1 0 14 ~ 8 46! 8 59 22 S 5th Sunday !n Lent. 5 5816 2 0 37 9 41 9 ~9 23m ? 8 0 Now tlte5 57j6 3 1 1 10 35 10 0 24 tn ~ u;eatlur5 56 6 4 1 25 IT 11 2710 33 o }) 1 25 w Annunciation B.V.M. 5 5516 5 1 48 Morn.ll 7 26th becomes mild 5 54 6 6 2 12· § 0 17 11 4 7 1 27 fr }) in apogee. 5 5316 7 2 35 1 · 3 0 24. 28 sa antl pleasant. 5 52 6 8 2 59 1 4 7 1 12 29 $ 6th S. in Lent, cal Iii 5 51J6 9 3 22 .sL. 2 27 2 33 30m Palm Sunday. 5 50 6 10 3 46 3 4 3 57 1 1 ~ 31 tu Calhoun died 1850. 5 49,6 11 4 9 flJt 3 41 5 ... 8 l ~

,. - •

~JAY, begins on Friday, hath 31 days. 1863, ~=====::=~s;ow~c~ab~b~a;,ge~s~,~be~eit s~, ;sa~v~o~ys~,~c~ar~ro~t-;s,:ltl.;u~rn~r~ps;:-,~cauli - flowers, brocoli, ct:lery, radishes. Plant snap-beans. Transplant cabba[:"eS. Priclc out celery. R EMARKS There is not much probability of either beets, par­ snips, carrots, turnips succeeding a t thisse:1son, espe cially the last, yet i r wanted, a few may be ventur· ed- under very favorable circumstances they nray Su"cced. 11 carrots be sown, tlie ground should be shaded and lcept moist, and tltis protection continued for some titne after they are up, or they will be k:lled by sun. · Sun on :Meridian, after 11. Full® 3rd, 9h 49m morn. t.) 1\:l 1\:l 1\:l ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 o ~ en o. 1\:l (0 Ol t.) o --l >F» ~ • L ast Q lOth, lh 55m morn. o. '-11<:110lo. o. o. o. o. ~. o. 3: New.::> 17th, llh 28m morn. ~ 0') 0') C) Ol 0') 0') 0') 0') C) t.) • I First Q 25th, 3h 27m even. ~ g ~ ~ ~ 0') o. 6 ~ ~ g: !"' Sun Sun ® dec (.~ l\Ioon H Wa / ~1 IW Aspects, Weath er. &c. rises sets. North~ R . S ~~ l lfr ::3t. Philip &::it. James 5 20 6 40 15 4't~= 4 10 6 17 1 2 sa a cll-ange, 5 19 l3 4115 22 111 ~rise Ev. 51 3 S 4th S. after Easter. 5 18 6 42 15 40/ 8 25 7 51 4 m ~in perihilion. rain. 5 17 6 4316 51 1 9 31 8 38 ' 5tu ~i n perigee. .5 176 4316 151 10 29 9 26 j 6 w T ennessee & .Arkan· 5 16!6 44 16 32 YJ 10 19 10 14 1 7 ' h sas scceds '61. 5 156 45 16 481 ~fo rn . 11 4 1 Sjfr Clwngeable 5 1416 46 17 5: 0 211 43 9 sa Blockade com'enced. 5 13j6 4717 211 0 40 0 27 10 1S RogationS [10. '615 13 6 47 17 37,· 7€ I 13 1 31 1 nlm~ F air -5 12 6 48 17 52 1 44 2 43 12 tu Rogation days 5 11:6 49 18 8 'Y' 2 14 3 50 1 13 w 5 10 6 50 18 23 2 44 4 53 14jth Ascension day. 5 10:6 5018 37 3 16 5 46 .. 15 fr L ike for a 5 9 6 5118 52 ~ 3 49 6 29 1 16 sa 1·ain, witlt 5 8 6 52 19 6j 4 26 Morn. 11;s Sun.aftcrAscension.5 86 5219 19IT ~sets 7 45 18 m tlmndeT 5 7'6 53 19 331 8 18 8 19 19:tu Ttl o ~and liglttni11g. 5 6.6 54 19 46j 9 6 8 54 w § 201 N.Carolina seceds'61 5 6 6 54 19 59 9 50 9 26 21 th ~in apogee. 0 e ~. 5 5,6 55 20 11 10 3010 1 • 1 1 22 fr J)!Jild witli 5 5 6 55 20 23 S'L 11 810 37 1 1 23 sa light slwwers. 5 416 56 20 35 11 43 11 lS j 5 24'S Whit-Suuday. 316 57 20 46 Morn. 11 53 251m Whit-Monday. 6 3 6 57 20 5111Jl 0 16 0 33 26 tu Whit-Tucsdny. .5 2 6 58 2I 81 0 50 1 30 27'w Ember day. r;> ~ i 2 6 58 21 18 ~ 1 24 2 44 1 o 28 th 1VJO?·esetlled5 16 5921 28 2 3 3 46 29 fr } Ember 2..! J ~ anrl 5 1 6 59 21 37 111 2 13 4 46 30 sa days. waon. 5 0 7 0 21 46 3 30 5 45 \ 31 S Tduity Sunday. !5 0 7 0 21 55 t ~ riscl 6 39 ~--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; :;;;;;;;;;;;. ;;;;; J3 2.;; ;J •

VI. JUNE, begins on Monday, hath 30 days. 1863 ]1 r-:==:::;:::::;;~:;;;:- S-o~ cauliflowers, brocoli, cabbages, carrots, toma- II toes. Plant snap-beans, okra. Transplant celery1 cabbages, leeks. Prick out cauliflowers, brocoh and celery. R EMARKS.-This month is generally very dry and l1ot, and all of the crops ~ecommended _....._, to be sown now, nust be protected l ~om tl~e sun, most of them should have been sown m A pnl, and it is only in case of failure, or omission that I hey should l>e now so~n. Sun on Meridian aftel' 11. Full ® l st, 6h 1Om even. ~ ~ ~ t; ~ ~ ~ ~ ....:~ ~_ ...... ! !' Last Q 8th, 8h 32m morn. > c:;, c:;, c:;, c:;, c:;, :: New 1> 16th, 2h 16m morn. w ~ ~ ...... o? c.o c.o m ....:~ ....:~ · IFirst Q 24th 5h 11m morn - c:;, ,_. ~ c:;, ...... ~ ~ c:;, ~ Cf1 ' ·~~c:Jl-.JC'J)~ ...... ~(.O~~ Sun Sun @ dec/ 1> 1\'Ioon HWa M W Aspects,1Veather,&c.l.ises. sets. North PI R. S. H. 1\1. 1m .I> rises eclipsed visi. 4 59 7 122 3' T 8 11 7 32 2 tu ? stat. H ot and 4 59 7 1 22 11 9 6 8 24 3 w 1> in perigee. 4 59.1 122 19 VJ 9 54 9 14 4th cloudy, pcdtaps ~ 58 7 2 22 261 10 3510 1 5lfr min. 4 58 7 2 22 33.=' 11 1010 49 6 sa 4 58 7 2 22 40j 11 43 11 40 7 S lst S. aft. Trinity. 4 577 322 46 7€ Morn.Morn. 8 m Sultry witlt 4 57 7 3 22 51 0 14 0 55 1 9 tu 1·ain. 4 57 7 3 22 501 fin '62!4 55 7 5 23 17 1> sets 7 18 16,tu Viet. atSecessionville 4 55 7 5 23 22 § 7 45 7 56 17w Bat. B.Bill.1775. 14 55j1 523 24 8 26 8 30 181th Waterloo, 1815. 1> in 4 55!7 523 25 9 5 9 14 1 19fr1 [apogee. 4 557 523 26Sl. 9 40 9 40 20 sa Q. Viet. ascend '1'.'37 .14 55 7 5 23 271 10 14 10 17 21 ~ S 3d Sun. after Trinityj4 55 7 523 28 I1JZ 10 4610 56 • 221m 0 en II. Now a change 4 55'7 5 23 27 11 1911 40 23 tn witlt ligltt ?'ain.l4 55]7 523 27 11 54Ev.16 1 24lw St.JohnB.-:Bp.Gnds4 5517 523 26 ~ ~Morn. o 55 25th dendiedi852. !4 55 7 523 25 0 32 1 54 1 I 26/r Sultryand4 55.7 523 23 111 115 3 0 :27 sa sltowcrs.l4 55 7 5 23 21 2 1 4 8 1 281 S 4thS. a. '1'. Bat. of Ft.'4 56 7 4 23 18 I 3 f. 5 18 .,.29 m .;L. Pt:ter.[Moult'e'764 567 423 15; 1 4 56 21 1 30~ tu [H. Clay died 1852. 4 56 7 4 23 12 VJ 1> rise 7 17 .~To find t~e length of any day in the year, simply mul-11 I t1ply the time of the Sun's by 2. h£:11 C; • ~ .J VII. JULY, begins on Wednesday, hatb 31 days.- 1863.' Sow early Dutch turnips, ruta ba~a, cattols, par­ snips, cabbaJ!;es, cauliflowers, brocoli, endiTe, rad­ ishes, spinach. Plant snaJl·beans, Irish potatoes, melons. Transplant cabbages, celery, cauliflowers, brocoli, tomatoes, and leeks. R~;~1ARKS. -A lew .. carrots, parsnips, spinach or radishes, should be sown, and w hile young, should be protected I rom the sun. The early Dutcb turnips, should be sown in small quantities to­ wards the last of the mont b. The Irish potatoes will be fit for use in Oc­ tober, and tomatoes when the spring sown crop ceases. Fu·If® - 1st, 1h 26m morn. Sun on Meridi'~·a_n_a-:f:-te_t_·- 1-2-.- Last Q 7th, 5h Sm even. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 01 0 New )) 15th, 5h 34m even. ~ ('J) ~ c.o m ~- --=:::L.~ ? First Q 23d, 4h 12m even. m m mOl 01 01 01 01 .,._ .,._ ~ ~ Full ® 30th, 8h 13m morn. "'" ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ o ~ ~ ~ .oo Sun Sun Q dec D'M:oonHWa 1\,r W A spects,W eather,&c. · t No tll Pl R s JJ.l --:;----:------nses. se s. r _ 1 • • H. l'tt. 1 -;i )) in p erigee. 4 56 7 4 230 8' VJ 8 22 8 7 2 th Rot days and 4 56 7 4'23 4 .:::::' 9 1 8 56 3 fr mgltts. 4 57 7 3'22 59 9 36 9 42 1 4 sa FIRST Independ. '76. 4 57 7 3 22 54 7E 10 810 27 1 5 S 5th S. a. Trin. 4 57 7 3 22 48 10 39 11 9 • 6m Unsettled 4 577 322 43 ·r 10 1011 40 1 7tu 1oitlt slwwers.4 587 2 22 37 t1 42Ev.1 2 8 w Warm witlt 4 58 7 2;22 30 ~ .Morn. 0 5.7 9th thunder and 4 58 7 2 22 23 0 17 1 50 10fr liglttning.4 597 1!22 16 0 54~ 55 11 sa 4 59 7 1 22 8 IT 1 :15 4 2 1 12 S 6th S. after Trinity. 5 0 7 0 22 0 § 2 21 b 10 1 13m ~con . )) Cl1,angeable 5 0 7 0 21 52 3 10 6 7 14 tu ~in a ph ilion. 1·az:n. 5 1 6 59:21 43 4 5 6 50 t 15 w )) in apogee. 5 16 5912 34 Sl. )) sets 7 31 16l!l 5 2 6 58, ~ 1 24 7 37 8 8 17 fr warm mght.s. 5 2 6 5821 14 fTl 8 12 8 46 1 18sa Battle Bul1Run.1861. 5 3 6 57 21 4 8 45 9 19 19 1S 7th S. a. Trinity. 5 3 6 57 20 5 C• 9 18 9 55 20m 0e.§. 2gr.elong.E.5 46 5620 42~ 9 5210 32 2ltu Vic. of Manassas Pia- 5 4 6 56 20 31 I 0 2911 12 22 w rins '61. 5 56 55 20 19 11 9U 45 23th a clta11ge, 5 6 6 54 20 7 fllll 5 .'l 0 21 24ft· ~ perihilion. sultry. 5 6 6 5419 .54 Morn. 1 17 25 sa St. James. Dog days 5 7 6 5319 42 I 0 48 2 25 26:0: 8thS.a.Trin.jbcgin.5 76 5319 29 146 3 45 ~; m ~ Battles before 5 8 6 5219 It VJ 2 50 5 5 ~8 tu Richm;nd in 1862 5 9 6 &118 l 3 ,~7 6 12 ':·1 w )) in perigee. 5 10 6 5018 47.::::)) rise Morn. 30th Unsettled. anrll5 10 6 50 18 3:3 7 29 7 57 31 fr stormy. .5 116 49 18 18 7E 8 8 42 •

• ~~~~~~~~ ] 'VIII .. AUGUSrl', begins on Saturday, 31 clays. 1863. ----S;;w- peas, early D~.otch and other va rietJe!l oft ur­ III r uta ba~ta, onions, cabbages, cat!lifiowers, bro­ black ~pan ish radishes, radoshes, carrots, beet~, ' ~ abafy, luttuce and endive. Plant snap- ns. 'ransplant cabbages, cauliflowers, bror.oli, ; co:.•c• y, rut a ba;!a and endive. R J::~1ARKs.-Not much can ue expected from peas sown in this month, as they wtll be ve~y much crippled by the high w inds and.rain. The bee~s and spinach are l1able to the atlaclcs of the worms, winch destroy the1r leaves, they may be very tine. Sun on MeriJian after 12. Last Q. 6th, 4h 45m morn. :, "' ~ 1\:1 - ,...... 1 ...... en <:.n "' ID C') .;v o -.l ~ ...,. ? New J) 14th, ~ h 43 m morn. 1-=~~::..!::::-::!:~:..: 0 First Q 22d, 1h OOm morn...... {\!) c.>~ ~ <:.n <..~ <:.n O'l ~

Full® 28th, 3h 35m even. 00 t-.:. ~ ~ ~"' ~ <:.n ~ ~ ...,. !'h l,u.l.Aspccts, W cathcr,&c. -~-u:' ~ut n !NG.) d~tch i PJ>lj~R1.ooSn HH )1\i\fT a 1\l ' ,, , t:,f ~. :se s. ot . . . . J:·sa - unsettled.~ 1 2 6 48.180 3'17€ 8 36 9 20 1 2'8 9th Sun. aft. Trinity. 5 1216 48,17 48 ')" 9 8 9 571 31111 J 1316 47:17 33 9 4010 34 1 41tu !Col. HayM a Martyr:; 1416 46 J 7 17 10 1511 10 5lw f1781.:) t:)16 4~h7 1 ~ 10 5111 47 6th { np. Dohon died 1817.- :; ) 6'6 44,16 44 11 31 Ev .18 Vtcl. at liang. Iluek, J,SO. I I M 7 1fr .; I 6 6 441 6 28 TI om. 0 54 8Isa Sultry and. warm. 5 17I 6 43,1 6 11 0 16 1 (>5 1 1 9;::) lOth Sun. aft. Trin. ;; 1S 6 42 I 54 1 4 3 12 1 o 1 § 10 m !Lyon's defeat '61. 5 J 916 41 115 36 1 57 4 31 U 1tu J> in apogee. :i 20 6 40 15 2 52 5 38 1 1 Bl 121w still unsettled, 5 20 6 40 I 5 0 &t 3 51 6 28 1 !31th pedtnps:) 21 6 30:14 43 4 51 7 ]0 j 14/r min. :; 22 6 38,14 24 }) sets 7 48 15 sa :) 23,6 37 1 4 6 llJl 7 22 8 24 1 1 1 168 llS.a.T.Bat.atUam· .') 246 3613 471 7 57 8 58 1 1 17 m jden 1780. .) 2:; 16 35,13 28 ~ 8 38 9 35 18:LU Now clears;) 26 6 3 I 13 9 13,10 13 1 sl 19lw fair and lwt.. i 266 34 12 49jfll 9 57.11 52 20,th 0ent..Q. 5 27 6 33121 29 10 461 11 37 21 fr Sultry. ;, 286 3212 9 t 1l 42l\lorn. 1 1 22 sa ~ grt. brilliancy .i 29 6 31 11 491 ll\Jorn. 0 58 I ~38 12thS.aft. 'l'rinity. ;, 306 301 1 29jl,IJ 0 43 2 14 I 1 24 m St. Barthol. Bp. Bow- 5 3 I 6 29 11 9 1 48 3 41 I 25;tu [endiedlS39.:J 326 28 10 48: 2 54 5 4 1 I 26 w )) pet·igeo. 5 33 6 27jl 0 271 3 59 6 9 27:th !2d Victory at the ;, 346 2610 67€ 5 13 7 1 28,fr Plains of Manassas 5 35 16 25 9 45 J) rise 7 45 2U sa on 3 days in 1862.5 36 6 24 9 24 7 12 8 24 1 3o.s 13th Sun. aft. 'l'rin'y :, 37:6 23 9 21'r 7 45 9 1 \l 31m1 Cloudy. 5 38,6 22 8 41 8 lD 9 34 (1 •

IX. SEPTEMBER, begins Tuesday, hath 3odays. 186.3.-l Sow early Dutch and other varieties of turnips, rutabaga, b~ets, S wiss chard, man)!:le wurtzlc, can ots, parsn•ps, salsafy, lulluce, spinach, cabba­ ges, (English seed,) onions, radishes, endive. Plant .. ~nap-bean s . Transplant r uta bagal<, cabbages, cauliflowers, brocoli, celery, luttucc, leeks, end•ve. . REM ARKS. -ln this month, the principal crops of turmps, beet.s, carrots, ~arsn ps, &c., should be sown, as they \'\'ill acquire suffic•ent stren~th to w1thstand the cold weather berore the \\'inter sets in. When thining out the ruta baga, the plants should be reserved anu transplanted out into these spaces, where they have failed. Sun on Meridian after 11. Last Q 4tl1, 7h 45m morn. ~ ~ ~ ~;; t;; 5 ~ ~ ..... 1::' New 1> 12th, llh 22m even. ! First Q 20th, Sh 13m morn. ~ g ~ ~ ~ g: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Full® 27th, Oh 42m morn. <:11 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <:11 <:11 <:11 ~I (j)(j)(j)(.OI\!)(X)J-'I\!)I\!)t0'fl "- Sun Sun Q der .D jl\ 1v ou U Wa A spec t s,W eath er,u:c. . N tl PI R M__ W =---=------Irises. sets. or \- ' . 8 . 11. M. 1 tu Gen. Lee crosing the 5 39 6 2 1 8019' ~ 8 55 10 7 2 w Potomac. 5 39 6 21 7 57 9 34110 41 3 th Cool and5 40 6 20 7 35 10 17ju l5 · 41r pleasant541619713IT11 3114.! 1 5 sa D og days end. 5 42 6 18 6 511 11 54 };v.16 6S 14thS.aft.Trinity . 5 43617 6 29§1Morn. 114 7 m mornings. 5 4 1J 6 16 6 6 I 0 48 2 31 Stu Din apogee. 5 4!:1 6 15 5 44 1 4 ."• 3 55 9 w Bat. E ut aw 1781. 5 46614 5 21SL 2 44 5 9 I 0 ; h 5 4 7 6 I 3 5 5 3 45 6 4 11 fr wa·rmwithrain.~) 486 11 4 350.Jl 4 47 6 48 I2sa !?stationary. 5 496 11 4 131 ! }) sets 7 27 1 13S.' 'l'riuity. 5 506 10 3 50~ 6 401 8 31 14 m l;1 o 1> Clears.5 516 9 3 27 7 20 8 39 15 tu 5 52 6 8 3 4 111. 8 4 9 17 16w Emberday. 5 536 7 2 40 8 58 9 58 17th Bat. of Sharpsburg, 5 54 6 6 2 l? J 9 47 10 40 i 18fr }Ember [1862.5 5.'>6 ~ 1 5! Ito 4711 26 1 19 sa days. 5 566 4 l 31 \15'] 11 50 ~l orn. 20 S 16th S. aft. Trinity. 5 57 6 3 1 7 .Morn. 0 56 21 m :::)t.Matthew. 5 586 2 (l 44 0 .'H 2 15 22 tu E qu.inoctial rtorms. 5 59 6 1 0 21.,...., 1 5::, 3 41 23 w 0e.rrJl.Autum begins. 6 0 5 0 So. 0 3 1 5 5 24 Lh .D perigee. 6 1 5 59 0 26 * 4 2 6 5 25 fr Unsettled. 6 2 5 58 0 50 5 2 6 51 . 26 sa E xpect a change. 6 3:; 57 1 13 <'f' .D rise 7 32j 27 ~ 17th S. af. Trin. G 4 :; 56 1 37 6 27 8 7 28 m F air. 6 5 5 55 2 0 ~ 7 2 8 42 ~9 tu St. Mich. & All Angl. 6 6 5 54 2 23 7 40 9 16 30 IV 6 7 5 53 2 47 8 22 9 47 L X. OCT OBER, begins on Thursday, hath 31 days. 1863. -- Sow cabbatres, luttuce, (•arrots, beets, t urni11s, rad- v 1 ishes, spinach, salsafy, parsnips, rut a baga. Trans- . • J: plant cabbages, caulifio>wers, brocoli, onions, lut- 1 r- 'I ~ tuce, !eel's and endove. R}; MARI

r~as t Q 4 t l 1, 21 t 1 m even . -~ m"' "':_., "'"' - -(j') w- -0 ...., o~:- - I !::'• New 1> 12th, lh 22m even. : . ~A~~~~~~ A ~ ~ ~ F1rst Q 19th, 2h 45m even. w w ._ tPoo >~=> '-' (j')"...., CJJ Full ® 26th, Oh 35m oven. ~ ~:Jt ~ ~ w ...,.. ~ ~ w en ------,~~~W~O~W~'!Q').,_. I\? 'I . 1 I , r 1 Sun ;:iun Q.) det.ll> 1;\ Jo oun iH W a ~! I \\' Aspects, '" eathru·,&c. ~·ises .. ~t> t ,; . Snn tlt . Pl R. 8. 11 1\1. 1 l tlo l UlmrsG 8 ;, 52 30101 .IT 9 71 0 18 21fr o o 0 Fair. 6 9 ~' 51 3 33 9 55:10 53 31sa \G lO1l:J 50 3 37 10 4711 38 4 S 18:h "un. aft. Trinity G l L5 49 4 20 42 Ev. 5 1 1 §Ill 5 m J) in apog1'C. 6 12J:-• 48 4 43 t\ lorn., 0 46 1 1 6 tu GoolforllleG 1 3 i ~•47 5 0391 1 35 • 7 w Oat. at Kiug's.Mount.:G 14!:; 46 5 29 1 38 3 20 8 th ( 1780.6 J ;),} 4:, 5 52nJZ 2 38 4 37 1 flfr season. 6 16 1· ~ 44 6 15 3 40! !5 36 1 LOsu 2 d l> Clourly.6 175 4 3 6 38~-! 4-! 6 2 1 ll,S l9thSun. aft. Trinity,!6 18 5 42 7 0 I 5 51 7 2 t2'm d}) a_clta11¥e 6 19.3 41 7 23 j Dse_ts 7 41 o 1 13 tu l wttlt ram. 6 20.1 4(• 7 46111. 6 u4 8 23 I '~ w 1G 2 I :-1 39 8 8 7 48 9 5 15th l r3nnk Panic 1857. !6 22.1 3 :::- 8 30 I 8 47 9 48 lGfr 6 23:-~ 37 8 53 9 51110 ltaidatll'sFcr'yl8591 34 , 17 sa Burgoyne sm. 1777. 6 ~I:> 36 9 I 5 VJ 10 56 l1 25 18.::; St.Lukc. 20 'l'rJG 2!5 :'i 2:. 9 37 l12 oo'i\I orn. 19,m Cornwallis sur. '81. 16 2o ;j 34 9 f·8=J\Iorn.j 0 54 20;tu Din perigee. 6 ~7 .> 33 10 20 1 ·3 2 11 21 1w 0 enters~. G 28:; 32 I 0 41 7t 2 3 3 36 1 221th Vrmablc witll G 29 .) 3 1 11 3 3 2 4 19 23' fr a sudden clumge. I 6 30 5 30 l l 24 'Y' 4 00 5 48 24 1sa 6 31 5 29 11 45 4 57 6 32 2 '>8 21stSuu.aft.'l'rinity.6 32:-) 2811 6 5 53 7 13 1 26m Cool niglits 6 33 :'i 27 12 26 ~ }) rise 7 49 1 27 tu antl mornings. 6 34 :> 26 1 2 47 6 25 8 24 28' w 16 3!> :i 2 ·. I 3 7 § 7 8 8 56 29th St. Sim. ami St. J u lOth, 2h 39m morn. ~ ..c::. ~ ~ ~ "'" ~ ~ "'" "'" .~:>. First Q. 17th, 9h 45an even. w w -..1 O'l ~"'""'" ~ c,.) CN c.: :!! Full® 25th, 3h 4lm morn. ~ ~ ...... 1\:l c,.) ~ 1\:l ~ "'"~~>- ~ O• 1\:l c,.) 1- O'l en ctJ ~ o 1\:l 110 • -~ ------~Sun Sun e de~: l J) ~17,oni UW a l\I W Aspects,Weathcr,&c. ·. 1 t South PI R s ::_ _ __ _ n ~;;es. 1 se s. 1 _ __• • H. J\1. 1 1 :::; All Saint's day, and 6 38,5 22 14026 § I 0 33 11 11 1 1 m 6 2 22dS.aft. Trinity. 1 395 2114 64Sll l 29 1141 3 1tu }) apogee. Biennial6 40,15 20 15 41 1\lona. Ev.18 4!w City E lection in 6 41 5 19 15 23 0 27 1 191 1 5th Charleston. 6 42!5 18 16 41 11JZ 1 26 2 33 ti fr ~ cS .» Cloucly'6 43 5 17 15 591 2 27 3 46 1 1 7 sa Taking of' F. Walker 6 43 5 16 16 1 7 ~ 3 31 4 62 1 8 8 23d Sun. aft. T rinity.16 44 5 J 616 36 4 36 5 44 1 1 1 9 m Change .fai1·:6 4515 14 17 52 111 6 45 6 30 J0 tu Bat.atPerrysville. j6 465 1317 9 })sets 7 16 11 1w pcrltapsfrost. 6 47J5 12 17 26 t 6 33 8 6 t2lth Becomes clear 6 48 5 1 1 17 421 7 37 8 60 and Cold. 16 49 15 11 17 58 '\IJ 8 42 9 36 J41sa J) in perigee. IG 5015 10 18 141 9 5110 26 t:>jS 24thSun.aft.Trinity,6 515 9118 30 ...... ,10 5411 16 16 ,m ~ bright. :Foggy and 6 5 1! 5 9 I 8 4Sj 11 66 11 f>!) 1 17 tu U?~scttlcd . 6 52 5 8 19 0 1E f\lot'n. :i\Iorn. 18w l6636 71914 056 1 46 19 1th Still6 :>315 7 t9 28 1 •64 2 56 1 20jfr changeable. 6 53 6 6 19 42 'r 2 50 4 10 1 21 sa 0entersfTl. !6 54 6 ~> 19 56 :J 45 6 15 22!S Clear a and 6 65'5 6 20 9 ~ 4 41 6 2 1 1 231m becomesvcry 6 65 5 4l20 22 5 36 6 44 241tu 25 S. aft.Trin. Defeat;6 5.615 3120 34 }) rise 7 24 26:w of Abolitionistsi6 5715 3 120 46 II 5 48 7 59 26lth at P ocotl. & Coosa.;6 67 \'3 2 20 67 6 37 8 33 27{t' in 1862 6 68 5 2 121 9 § 7 28 9 7 28 aa cold. 6 5.815 1 2 L 1 9 8 29 9 40 2918 Advent Sunday, 6 6.91!5 1 21 30 9 16!10 16 1 30,m St. Andrew. }) apo~. 6 59 6 1 2l 40 .Q 10 15 10 50 r XII. DECEMBER, begins 'l'uesday, hath 31 days. 1863. ----- Sow pt!as, spinach, radishes, carrots, sals~fv, lut- nce cabbages beets, parsnips. Plant Insl1 pota­ oes' mazaoror: and windsor beans. Transplant ' l~ttucc and on10ns. R &M ARKs.-Any of l u:u1ocJ ies ot peas may be sown in this month. rhc Irish potatoes will como up so early as to have their tops destroyed by frosts, b~t the~ Will not be I injured materially, ir at all, by this. All seed sown ~unngth1s month, ex- cept spinach, peas and beans, must be protected dunng the cold wea th~>r · Sun on Me ridian after 11. LastQ 3rd, 6h 45m morn. ~ ~ ~ ~ ;D 6 c:; o "'~~~It:=' I1 New I> lOth, 3h 3m even. ~ ~.... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'"" I FirstQ. 17th, Gh 26m morn. ~ ~ ~ oo "'~ v" ~ w ~--" o "'~--" 'I ~ 1 - Sun- Sun,® <.l ec J)- l\foo1o H \V11 M W Aspects, W eathcr, &c. rises. sets. ~outh1j Pl R. S. u. M. J tu Now cold and 7 0 5 0 2 1049 .Q 11 9 11 28 1 1 2 w disag1·ccable. 7 14 0 2 l 58 flJZ Morn.1Ev. 0 3th ~ in apehilion. 7 14 59 22 7J 0 1; 0 37 4 fr perltaps rain or 2 4 59 22 15 ~ 1 1 35 7 1 71 5 .;a 7 4 22 9 Sno10. 2 1 58 23 2 1 2 44 6:3 2d S. inAdv.? 6 1> 7 2 4 5822 311f11 3 15 3 57 7 m ~ d }) Frostyl7 3 4 58 22 38 4 23 4 58 8 tu U cS }) ~ o » 7 3 l 57 22 H I t 5 33 5 55 9 w .tL clt.ange·7 3 4 57 22 501 1> sets 6 48 tO•h perltapsrain.7 34 5722 56VJ 6 11 7 39 llfr 7 44 5723 11' 7 21 8 30 12 sa J)inperigee 7 44 5623 6:8 291 919 13 S 3d Sun. in Advent. 7 4 4 56 23 1 0 9 34 10 6 14m lWasbington.d. '99. 7 4 5623 14! 10 37i10 56 r 5 tu Ev. of Oharl'n '82. 7 4 4 56 23 17: * 11 86 11 42 16 w Ember day. 7 54 56 23. 2 01 Morn.IMorn. 17 1h ~in perihilion. 7 54 5f) 23 23! 'Y' 0 34 0 57 18fr {Ember rain. 7 5 4 5523 24 1 30! I 55 J9 sa days. 7 54 5523 261 ~ 2 251 3 1 20 S 4th S. in Adv. So. Ca. 7 54 55 23 271 3 19· 4 7 21 m St. Thos. [Seccd. '60. 7 54 55 23 27 4 13: 5 12 22 tu 0en t. t . 17 5 4 55 28 28 rr 5 5 6 5 23 w . Fogg y.j7 54 55 23 271 5 54 6 48 24 th @ and clock Agree. 7 54 55 28 26 § J) rise 7 28 25 fr Christmas.jF.Moultri. 7 54 55 23 2-5 1 6 4 8 5 26 sa. St. Step.r evac.F.Sum-)7 54 55 3 23 6 56j 8 37 27 S { S. a . Christmas. 7 4 4 55 23 2 1 .Q 7 55 9 10 28m St.Jo.Ev.[terocup-7 44 5623 18 8 51 9 44 29tu Holyinnoc.fiedl860·7 44 5623 1511JZ 9 4710 18 30 w 28th 1> in apogee. 7 4 4 56 23 11 10 45 1 0 56 3 1 th Hazy, 7 4l41 56!23 7 11 45 11 34 ..... L-- - rr 1v-.~~~~~~~~~ Government oCthc ConCcd e t·a te States of Antea·ica . E XEC UTIVE. P~csiden t-. J efferson Davis, of Mi ssissip~i. Salary $25,000 pr. an. V1 ~e- Presidettt-Alex. H . S~ephens, of Georgia. Salary, $6,000 " Pnvatc Secretary to tho Pres1dent-Benton N H arrison. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. J . .1:'. Benjamin, 8ecr~taq o.f Stat~ . Wm M Bro.wno, A'Sslstai'lt, Secl'ctary of State. P. P. Dnndndge, Ch1ef Clerk. \\m J Bromwell Clerk aud Distributing Ag(:'u t. ' DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. Thos . H. Watts, Attomey General. fl Jules St. Martin, Chi.ef Clerk, J-am es ~~ :Matthews, Law Clerk. ~

I District .fudges-A. G. M~grath, for 8-outh-Carol'iua. Edward J. Harden , for Georgia. I O. A. Lochr:\lle, for Georgia, at Macon. William G. Jono~, for . William Lanier Hanis, for . I' ...... • ...... for . - ...... for Texas. Je~se J. Finley, for . M oQnecn Mcintosh, Admiralt.y, at Key-,Vest. . Patent Office-Rufus R. Rodes, Connn}ssionor J no. S. C. Danner. Chief Clerk. 3 under clerks. Office of Superintendent of P ublic Ptinting-Geo. E. W. Nelson Superintendent. E G Dill, Clerk. H. l\1 Smith, Pub. Printer. ' jI TREASURY DEPARTMENT. 1 C . G. M emminger, Secretary of tho Trensury. P. Clayton, Ass't· Secretary of the T reasury. . -.-- ...... Chief Clerk and Di sb ur.~ · incv .'\gent. Clerks, J W Anderson, S S Simmons, J A Crawford, and E 't Atkiuson, Treasurer's Office-E C Elmm:e, 'frea~ure r . 'J' T Green, Chief clerk or Teller, Treasurer's office. M F Govan, Clerk. 'I' Taylor, cleric l IC omptroller's Office-Lewis Cruger, Comptt'ollcr. A J Clark , Chief Cle1·k; Clerics, Samuel .Melvin, Jno. Ott, H Sparnick, 'vV L Corbin,~ and A r. Edwards. R egister's Office-F C Jones, Actinf\ Register and Chief clerk Clerks, C C Th11yer, Geo Ball. A L ~ erguson. S W Hampton. J W. , Woolford, E C Ualdwell, II H Goodloe, R McRae, F Fillet, een, and S Duncan. 11 First A uditor's Office-S Bal,er, 1st Auditor. W 'V Lester , Chief clerk· Clerks, J W Robertson, A Roane. A L ill oiso, Ed Old, D W Arch e~· . Lewis L Devin, J, Heart. S econ d Auditor's Office-W H S Taylor, 2d Auditor. S H Nash, . I· Chief clerk ~d Auditor. Clerks, D L Dawson, J Cal not, A Ellery. : LightHou se Bureau - 1' E Martin, acting. i WAR DEPARTMENT. J am es A. S eldon,, Secretary of War. John A. Campbell, A.;sistlmt St:c'y. J B J ones, Clerk in Secre.tary's office. Clerks, P. B Robiuson, jr., J H Wogno~ , .John T>:le~. JUn, J E P eebles, J Jones, J ulien F razier, Charles Gookm, T B \\ 1llcinson. Quarter Master General's Office-Col. A C Myers, Quarter ?lfn.stec , General. Capt. A H Seloon, Assistaut Q';l Ma Gen. John F Whit· field acting Assistant Q M. 0 Bull, Assistant Q M Department of Fora'~e nnd Lumber. W L Bailey, chief clerk Q M General. Geo· B Samt Clair, clerk do. T P Alston, do. S I-' Sutherland do. Cbs.!'. ~ 0 -- ~ ' ~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~1 ~bot do. W A Rind, do· 'l'hos W Graves. do. T H W1ig?:t, l D~~k-kct:pcr. Ea. Kmg, .Assistant do. J C Redwood, do. John I A Mosby nnd J ohn Hodkm, clerk~. . I Commissary General's Office-Lieut. Col. L B Northro~, Com!Ws­ sarr General. S B Brewer. clerk to com, gen. J S Robmson,Jun. aud Richard Scott, clerlts. 1 Ad_jutant and Inspector General's o.mce-Gen. Samuel. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspeetor General. L1eut. Col. B H Chtlton, 1st Asst. Adj & Insp Gen. Capt. John Wi.thers, 2d Asst. Adj & !1~sp. Gen. 1st Lieut Y D Groner, and 2d L1eut C R Forsyth, detll!led tin· duty in the office. <;:lerks, H G Wall, E E Portlock, C H Wade. Act: Adj: General nt Richmond, George Dea,. I Ordnance Office-Gen. B. Huger, Ordnance Officer. Capt S Stan-t Icy. of Artillery, Paymaster. Lieut R Talley, of Artillery,Draughts­ man : J l\1 Marshall, clerk; G S Sawyer. Storekeeper; L Gibbon, captain of Artillery ; Clerks, S Nl Pearce, John K Martin, 1~ Her­ bert, G A Pearce, W S Drovouer, A G Brerizcr. IS urgeon General's Office-D C DeLeon, Surgenn General. C. H. Smith, M 0. As~istant Surgeon Gcnern.l. S G Capers, l\1 D, clerk to Sur,.eon General; Wm Duxbury, D. do. Offic:of Indian Affairs-David Hubbard, Commissioner. Lieut. S. S Scott, Clerk in Indian Burean. · NAVY DEPARTMENT. \ R. S. Mallory, Secretary of the Navy. E .M Tidball, Chief clerk. Clerks, W P Hilliard. Z P .Moses C N Farmell, Theo . Gal'llet. Office of Ordnance & Hydrography, Construction and Repair, and Yards and Docks-D. N, Ingraham, in charge of offict:. Genrge Minor, Assist. I nspector of Ordnance. J P McCorkle, clerk. Office of Orders & Detail, E quipment of Vessels, Recruiting, Courts i\la.rtia.l, and Courts of I nqniry-I... Rosscau, in charge of office. James S Jones, clerk. Office of Medicine & Surgery-W. A. Spotswood, M D. in charge of office. F. Doyle, clerk. Office of P rovisions and Clothing, &c.-John De Bree, in charge 1 of office. T C De Leon, clerk. I POST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT. - John H Reagan, Postmaster Geneml. H St. Geo. Oft'utt, Chief \ of Contract 13nroau. N B Clements. Chief of Appointment Burean· IJohn L Harrell, Chief of .Finance Bureau. W D Miller, C!Jief clerk. J oseph]!' Lewis, Disbursing Clerk. J ohn Uach, Owen llfegaro and thirty-two others as Clerks. Hirnm Haines, Topographer. ' I

, I WHERE THE---~~~-~E SITUATED I In Richmond. ' · The Custom House is situated on13nnk Street. between lOth & lith· I I The President's Office ca n be found in the Custom House <>d s1ory first stairs to the right in entry. ' - ' I The Secretary of the Treasury can bo found in the 2d story of the Ct~ s lom H.ouse, iu front part of bn.ilcliug, 2d stairs to the right. I fhe Olltces of Oomptrollet·, Regtster, and Treasurer, can be found on the first. floor of the Custom House: . Persons will find the signs on the doot s. 'l'he St~~;te _Department 1s 111 the 2d story, !!d staiu in the front part of the bllll

I ~~~~~~~~19~~~~~~~~ Bureau of Chief Eoginer of the Army in 4th story. ,I The Navy Department is in the 2d stt)ry of the Mechanic's Institute, right hand side. The Light HouRe Burean, i~ in the 4th story of the same building. The Patent Office is in the 3d story. I The Second Auditor of the Treasury, is in the some b uildin~. 1 The Surgeon of the Na.vy, can be found in the Mechanic's I nstitute. The Surgeon General, first fioor, right hand side, the same building. The Medical P urveyor can be found in Pel\rl Street The Post Office D epartment is situattlcl in Goddiu's Hall, corner of Bank and lith Streets. The First Auditor of the TreA$ury, is in the same building. t I The Attorney General's, and Superintendent of Public Printing of· fices are situated in 2d story, left baud side, Mechanic's Institute. The City Post Office 1s situated 3 doo1·s above the Mechanic's Insti­ tute. Open daily (except Sunday) from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 OFFICERS of the CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT in 15everal of t he States.-not perfect. SOUTH-CAROL TN A. 1-l on. A. G. Magrath, Judge, residence in Charleston. Henry Y Gray, Clerk, " " " J ames Conner, .Attorney. C Richardson Mile.'!, acting, D. H. H amilton, Mars/tal, J B Irving,jt·. acting. C.:ommissumcr~-Geo. W Egleston, & Robt. C Gilchrist, Charleston. 0. E. Townes, Greenville. Prize Contmissi.onet-Wm H Grimball, Charleston. Rccei11crs-John Y Stock and John W Caldwell, Charleston. W J De 'freville, for B11a.nfort, Colleton and Orangeburg Districts. S. J Townsend, for Darlington, )£adboro', Chesterfield and Lancaster. R E F razer. for Georgetown, Marion, Williamsburg and Horry. I .John Dausket, Columbia-for Richland and L exington. J . R Aiken, for Fairfield, Kershaw 1wd Sumter. r I .1. S Rynn, for Barnwoll, Edgefield a.ud Abbeville. IE PLake, for Newberry, Union and Chester. 1 C J Elford for Greenville, Spart.1.uburg 1md York. ' J B Sitton,' for Anderson, Pickens and Laurens. GEORGIA. Ron. Edward J Harden, Judgo, residing in Savannah. J. C Nichols. .Attorney. " " Wm H Hunt Clerk, for the Northern Dist.l'ict Charles S U~m·y. for the Southern District. - ---- Marshal, at Savannah R eccivers'"*James 1' Ne!:lbit, of Bibb, for the Southorn District James C Daniel, of De Kalb, for the Northern District. FLORIDA. Ron. Jesse J Finley, Judge, at Mariana. . .. . • • • , ••••• Attorney...... • • • Clcrl,, I E B Blackburn, 1\larshal (or the Northern District. . Collectors-J B Baldwin, Key West. Paul Arnau, St. Augushne.- Ths. L edwith, Jacksonville. l<~. Livingston, Fernandina. Surveyor-George Lucas for Pila.cka. ALABAMA.R on. Wm G Jones, Judge, - A. J., Attorney. I Alfred H Moses. Marshal, at Montgomery. Collector, Joseph Sierra, for P ensacola. N. Baker, for Apalachicola. I Surveyor, A J Decater, for Bay Port. Receivers; Nicbolns Malone. . . Benj. Patterson, Marshal, Northern DtStnct. F. B. Moore, Clerh, ditto. bL ~~~~~.-~~------~-~~~ Members of the Confederate Congress, The time of" appointed bv the Constitution is the first 1\fonday in December ann~any. But the time fixed for the meeting of the 2nd Session of the present Congress is on tlie second Monday in Jan· uary 1863, nt Richmond, Virgiuia, and is composed of the follow- ing Members- SENATE. AL};X. H. STEPHENS, or Georgia, Pruidem. A labamos. Lotusitma. Tenae11su. Wm. L Yancey, Edward Sparrow, GustaYus A H enry, C C Clay, 1' J Semmes, Langdon C Haynes, Arkansa11. Miuis11ippi. Texa1. Robert W J ohnson, A G Brown, L ewis T Wigfall, C B Mitchell, James Phelan, W S Oldham, Tlt:tritla. MissoHri. Virginia. II I, J:\mes M Baker, John B Clark, R l\f T H unter, A E Maxwell R L Y Peyton, Wm BaHard Preston, Georgia. North-Cerolifla. Hugh V Jobnsoo, George Davis, B H Hill, W T Dortch, K entuckg. South- 1 arolin•. Henry C Burnett, Robert W. Barnwe)), 'Vm. E Simms, James L On, .. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES . Thos S. Bocock of Virg. Speaker. . • • • ...... • • . . Clerk. Alabama. Kentucky. Missouri. District. .Dist.rict. Oistrtct. l. T J Foster, I. - Hodge, ,1. W- Cook, 2. W R Smith, 2:. John W Crookett. ~ T C l-Iarris, l3. J P Ralls, J. H E Read, 3, Casper W Bell, 4. J L M Curry, 4. George W Ewing, 4. Adam II Conrow, 5. F SLyon, 5. J .S Crisman, 5. G G Vest, 6. W P Chilton, ~- T L Bu.-net, 6. L W Freeman, 7. 0 Clopton, 7. H W Bruce, 7. - Hyer, 1ll ..J S Pugh, 8. -Machen, 9. E S Dargan, 9. E l\I Bruce, North Carolina. Arkansas. lO. J ·w Moore, l. W N H Smith, 1· A H Garland, .ll. R J Breckinridge, 2. R R Bridges, 2. JameR M Patterson, 12. J l\'1 Elliott, 3. 0 R Kenan, 3. F J Batson, 4. T D McDowell, 4. '1' B Hanly. L ouisiana. !). A H Arlington, 5. G D Royston, l. Cl1arles J Villere, 6. JR McLean, 2. Charles- M Conrad, 7'. '1' S Ashe, Florida. 'l. Duncan F Keener, s. William Lander, 1. J :unes B Dawkins, 4. Lucien J Dupre, 9. B S Gatbier, 2. R B Hilton, p. - Marshall. 10. AT Davidson, Georgia. 6. Jol1u Perkins, jr. t. .1 ulian Hartridge. South-Carolina. 2. Cbas. J 1\tunnel'lyn, Mississippi. 1. John McQueen, 3. Hines Holt, 1. J W Clapp, 2- Wm Porcher Miles, 4. Augustus H Kenan 2. Reuben Davis, 3. L M Aycr, 5. David W Lewis, 3. Israel Welch, 4. M L Bonham, 6. W ·w Clnrk, 4. H C Chambers, 5. J ames J?ar~ow; 7, Robert P Tripp, .). 0 R Sinaleton, 6. WW Boyce, S. Lucius J Gartrell, 6. E Bark~dale, 9. Hardy Strickland, 7. John J McRae, 10. Augustus R Wright l J

• rr~~~T.~e~lll~l~e~s~se~e~.~~:~~:~~T~e·~~~s~.~~~~~D~i~~~tr~ic~t~.~~~=~~iJ, District. District. 5. - Collier IJ 1. John I3 Heiskell, l. John A Wilcox. 6 .•John Good, j.t. 2. W G Swnn, 2. C C Herbert, 7, Jnmcs P Holcombe, 3. - -Tibbs, 3, P W Gray, 8, DC OcJarncttc, 4. J B Gardenhire, 4. L" B ::iextou, 9, William ::imith, 5, H enry S Fout, !i. M D Grnh:un 10. A lex. R Botclm·. 6, Merdith P Gentry, 6, - Wright, 11, John B Bnldwin, 7, Geor~e W Jones, 12, Wnlter RStaples, 8, -- 1\fenees, Virginia. 13, \Val tor Prc>ton, 9, J D C Atkins, l. M R H Garnett, 14, ...... •.. . 10, John V Wright. 2. J ohn B Chambliss, 15, Robert .roltn~< ton, 11, 0 ~1 Currin, 3,- Lyons, 16, Charles W Bussell 1 4. . •••. -. .... ' 1 Order in toltich each State Se>eeecled from the Old Federal Union. 1860-0ec. 20, South-Carolina, 1861-April 18, Virginia, 1861-Jan. 8, Mississip[li, May 6, T ennessee, 10, }'lorida, 6, Arkansas, ll, Alabamll, 20, North-Carolina, 19, Georgia, October '25, Missouri, , 25 ~,ouisian11., Nov. 20, Kentucky, Feb. I, I e:I:as, VICTORIES g ai1ted and 10me of the Battles f owghJ by the Co11federate States Army,from tlltl commtnc-:ment of the Ret~olwtio rt to Oct. 1862. June lOth 1861, Great Bethel, J uly 5th 1861, Carthage, " ·16th Vienn~t, July 18th, Bull Run, July 21n Man a ssa~. ' " 21st, Manassas, Augu~;t 1-0, Springfield, or Oak Hill, Sept. 20, L e:t.;ngton, " 28, Hattcra..<>, Octob. 21, L eesburg, Nov. 7th, Belmont, Nov. 7, Port Royal, S.C. Since the commencement of 186~. Jan. 17th, Battle of Mill Springs, Feb. 4, Fort Henry surrender . Feb. 8th. Roanoke I sland surrendered ••' 9, Fort Donaldson surrend. March 7th Elk Horn, Arkasas, Ma.reh 21, Valverde, ltio Grand, " 23d, Kernstone, V. April 25th, Fort Macon surrend. April 5th, Shiwh, Mny 1st, New Orleans surrend. Jackson's (Stownwall) batt\~ at Macdowell, Front Royal, Win­ chester, Cros Keys, Port Republic, June 16th, Repulse at Secessionville, 19th Evacuation of Jamce I s!' d. " 17th, Stewat·d'i detour round the enemy. " W illiamsburg, Barhamville, SevC;D Pinea, Ye<'hauicsville. " Gain'11 Mills, Savage Station, Whtte Oak Swamp, and l\Ialvern " Hill, before Richmond. July Murfresboro', Cyntbiua, Gallatin, Tazewell, & Richmond, K. August 9, Cedar Run, Aug. 22d, Steward'• ride round Pope. " 28, 29, 30, Manassas Junction and Plains. Sept. 13th, Maryland Heights, Harper'• Ferry, Sharpsburg, " 16th, Shepherdsville. · Steward's ride into Pennsylvania. Morgan's and Forrest in Kentucky, Mnmfordnille. &c Oct. 9th, Battle at Perrysville. Oct. ~2 , Pocotalfg<>, Coo1a.:whatcbie. Soutk-Carolina had-- in the Field ilf Stpt. 1862. Infantry, 32,'286-28 regiments, 2legions, 8 battalion•, 2 ~omps.nie s Artillery, 4 ,g73-2 regiments, 1 battal.ion and 18 compao.ICI. Cavalry, 4,714-2 regiments, 5 bat.talwns and 7 ~ompatne•. . Conscrips, 1,100-32 regiments, 2 leg1ona, U battahuns 27 eompam~ Total, 42,973: ----~------~02------~

. 7 •· 22 I Times and Places of Holding · l SUPERIOR& INFERIOR COURTS OF GEORGIA, ~ Sup e rior Courts are correct, t!te Injerio1· are uncertain, for 1863. --~ --- ...... _,.._. _ ..., ...... ,... Counties. 1 Superior Courts. I Inferior Courts. leo. Towns. A t>pliug 1at Monrlny J\lnrch aud Sept. ht !lloodny Juno and Dec Holmoavillo Baker 3tl ~( ondny Mny and N.,v. Tues aft. 1st Ill on Jan. July Newton Baldw in 4th " F eb. and Aug. 3d Monday lllay and Nov lllilledgoville Bank s 'l'hursday aft. lst Min Oct. 1st " F eb. and Aug. " orr•'o•• 5 ~lond :ty uft. 4th M in April 2d " Jan and J uly Nashville ., l nnd lstillon. iuNov. Rihh 3d Monday llltly and Nov. last '' Feb. 4 MonA ug Brook• 2d " June and Dec 3d " Feb nnd Aug Macon 5 Mon. after Worth in A pl. & 4th " J an and June Eden l Mon. after Liberty in Nov. 5 F rid ay aft.3d l\lon. lllar. 1st " Feb nod July Statesboro' Bulloch l • nd 3d Mon. In Sept. Burke 3! Mon d ~y !\lay and Nov. lst " Jan and July Waynesboro nutt• 211 " Jllurclt and Sept. 2d " Jan and July Jnckson Calhoun 3d " lllorcb and Sept. 3d " .Mny and Nov Morgan Cumdon f'riduy nf.4th !11 in Ap.&.Oc lot " Jan aucl Juno Jetrereonton Campholl 2d Moudny f'eb and August. 3d " June and Dec Cnmphollton 1 C~~rroll 1st &2d ~l ondny At>. & Oct 4th ' Juue and Dec Cur roll ton Cass 2d Alouduy l\larcb aud Sopt. 4th " Muy un•l Nov Cauville C:ltonAn 2ol 1 ' Muy and Nov. 41 h " Jun un•l July R111ggold C hathnm 2d '· J an. and Mny. 3d " t'r·b :Uid July Snvaunah C hutt a h oo c h c~ 4th " Murch&. Sept. 3d " ~"""· """Aug. Cus.Jetll Chattoogu l•t " March aud Sept. 4th " l\l ay .. n•l Nuv Summorvillo Cherokeril and Oct Wutkinsvillo Clnv 2d " · J uuo and Deeern. .ftb " J~&n nnd July Fort Gaiou C ln.yton l.t " May and Nov. 1st " Feb nn d J uly IJonesboro' Clinch 4th " 31s•·cb nod Sept. 3d " J on nnd J uly ftlagnolia Col>bl 3d " do do 3d " J uno aud Dec Mnriotta Collee 2d " do do ht " May and Nov. Douglas Columbia 1st " do do 1st " Feb aud July Appling . 5 I n•t " in lll ay, and I " • d J I ..f 1 · Co I quttt ~ &londay atlRr 4th ~( o n. Nov. u .,an an u y " ou lrte Coweta 1st " Jllurcb and Sept. . ht " June and Dec Now nan Crawford lat " do do 3d " J an and July Kuoxville Dade 4th " lllay and Nov-. 1st " lllurch and Sept 'rrenton Dawsou 2d " Feb. and Aug. 1st " J une and Dec Da,nonville Decatur 4th 11 April and Oct. 2d " Jan and July Bainbridge DeKalb 4th " olo do 3d " J l\n and J uly Decatur Dooly lot " do do 3d " June and Dec Vienna Dougherty ht " June and Doc. lat " March and Sept Alhany Early l•t " A1>rll and Oct. 3d " June nod Dec Blakely Echols ~lon.oft. 4th l\lou. Mnr.Sept. Moo. afler I of. Ct. in Clinch 5 Alon. aft. 4th 1\[on.l\larch &. s · Effingham l 181 Monday iiJ Nov. 2d Monday Fob and July prmglicld Elbert 2c.l l\louday 1\larch nod Sept. 3d " Jan ~~ond July Elbertou Emanuel IU " April and Oct. ht " do do Paris F nnnln 2d " lllay and Oct. 2d " do do Morganton Fayette 2d " l\larch and Sept. 2d " Jan nod Juno Fayetteville Floyd • 4th " Jan. & 1st ~Ion J uly 2d " Aprjland Oct. Rome Forsyth 3d " 1-'ob. aud .Aug. 3d '' do do Cumming Franklin ht " April and Oct. 4th ' ' J an and July Caruesville Fulton ht " do tlo 3d " Juno and Dec Atlanta Gilmer ht " May and Oct. 211 " Jan. 1 &ton July Elijay OlllScock 3d " Feb. nod Aug. 4th " H ay nnd Nov Gibson Glynn ~n. undJ 11ly. Franklin it May bold Court 3 weekt. I Not obliged to hold Court 2 wech, •

• ~~~~~~~~~~23~~~~~~~~~~~ SUPERIOR & INFERIOR COURTS in Georgia, Continued I Counties. I Superior Courts. I Inferior Courts. ICo. Towns. Henry 13d Monday April and Sept. 4th MondnyFeb. nud Aug. McDonough Houston 4th " olo do 4th '' J nu nut! July Perry Irwin 'fhsafler 4th Mo. Ap,&. Oct. 4th " J an. ht Mo.July IrwiuYille Jack&on 14th Monday Fch. and Aug. 2d " Jon. o.ud July JcfTeraon Jaeper 4th " April and Oct ~th " do do Monticello JcR'oroun 2d " llfay uud Nov. 3d " do do Loni•villc Johnson j4th " l\l,.och nod Sllpt. 2d " April and Oct. J uno• 3d " April nnd Oct ~th " Jun. and July Clinton l~uurene :.!d " iu OctviJt.:r, ht u J:tn. and Occ OuiJiin L ee 4th " lll nrch and Se11t. 4th " Jan nnr 12cl " in Octo bar 4th " March""" Sept Cohtuitt Miltun 4.h " March nuoi Sept. ht " Feh ,,,1 ~ •p t. A;lpharetta Mitchell 2d '' lllny aud Nov. 4th •· Feb. a111l An.r Cnnnlla Monroo 4th " Feh. n11d Au;c. 2d " JunP. ;wol lie~ Fonytb 1 Mon~<•omery f 4th 'fhurs. in March, nnd lot " F ob and A•tl! M't Vernon "' · 1 'l'bnr•duy nftGr 3ol Mnu. Oct. ' - lllorgan lot :llouda}· March ..ud Snpt. lat " June and Dec ~fndison 1\[urray 3d " April and Oct. 3d " Jan and July St>ring Place llluscogco 4th " lllav nnd Nov 2d " Jl{ar and Sept Columbu• Newton 3d " lllarch and So~ t. 4th '' June ano,J Occ Co•tn!lton Oglnthorpe 3d " April11nd Oct. 4th " Jnu and )une Loxingtou P!'uldiRg 4th " F eb. nod Aulf. 2<1 " J une and Or.c Dallas P!ckena 2d " Jltureh and Sept. 3d " Jan and July Josper P!erce • ht Thu.Jila.&.'J' M. Au~ 2d " Juno and Uec. Ulnck*honr l'tko 4tbMon.Apr&.'1'hu. n.l M (Jet ht " do do Zebulon Polk• 3d Monday in Feb. a nd Au~r. 4th " do dn Cedar Town Pulaaki 31 '' April and Oct. 4th " J .. n, I Moo July Hawkiuavillo Putnam 3d " Jllarch and Sept. 3ol " June and Dec. Eatonton Q uitmaa 3d " l\lay nod Nnv, 2d " Feb and Aug Gcorgctow- Rabun 4th ' ' !\larch ant! Se1ll. lot " J an and July Clnytoo Randolph 1st '' Jllay nnd Nov. l•t " F eb. Rnd Au;;ust Cuthbert R ichmond 4th " J .. u. & 2d 111. Oct. I at " Juoo aucJ Dec Augusta Schley 4th " April and Oct. 4th " Jan and Aus:. BlhHillo Scriven ht " 1\fay and Noov. 2d " J nn and Jnl.t Sylv:lllia 81o~lding :}d " lll ay '""I N ov. 3d " Feb and Aug Griffin Stewart :lrl " April11nd Oct. ht " f'cb nnol J uno J.mup~ in Sumter 2d " in October. 3d " J,.n :mol July Atnorieua 'r&lbnt :Jd " ~hrch au•l Sept. 3d '' June 1111d Dee 'J'ulbotton Talinferro 4th " F eb. nnd Aug. ht " do do Crawfordville 'J'atnall 3d " !liar.&. 4 1\J. Oct. 2d " Jl'ab and Aug Rcedavillo ·raylor ht " April and Oct. 2d " do do Uutlor T errell 4th " !lfay and Nov. 4th " do do Duwaon 'felf•ir Fr. aftor 4th ~1. in Ap.'&.Oc. Hb " Jt~n and July JocluonYille Thoma. 3d l\lnnrley Juno nnd Doc. 4th " Feb and Aug '1'honuuvillo 'fowna ', 3ol ?tl inlltay,&.4thNo. 3d " June and Doc Hi,.auee Troup 3d Mnndny May and Nov. l•t " Feb und Aug LaGrange 'fwigg1 4th " March and Sopt. 4th " J an and July lllarion Union 3d '' llfny nnd Oct • 4th " June and Oec Blaiuville Upaoa ht " l\flty and Nov. ht " Fob and Aug Thomaotoa \Valker 4th " Feb. 3Ud Aug. ht " !llay and Dec LaFayette Walton 31\ " F ob. llud Aug. 3d " ~lny nwd Nov llfouroe \Vare :Jd " 1\lnrch and Sopt. 3d " Juno :tnd Dec \Vnresboro' \Varron lot " April and Oct. 2d " t'eb and Aug \Varrenton \Va~hingtoo 2d " lllur and Sopt. 4th " Jan and J ~ l.r So.ndersvillo Wayno 4tla " April and Oct. 2d " do do \Vttynesville -Webster 2d l\londa.y Mnr. and Sept. 2d " June :uHl Oce Preston \Vhite Th. after 3d ~(. 1\l:l. &. Sept. 4th " Juuc and Uee llfouut Yonnb Wilcox 4th ~londav April and Octo 2d " Jan and July Abbeville Wilkec 4th " )lllrch and Sept. Jot " May a no! Nov Wusbington Wilkinaon 1st " April llnd Oct. 2d " Jan llnd July lrwington W hitfield 4tb '' do do l ~ t " do do Dnlton \Vorth 3d " du do lot " J11ue and Dec. habel!a :;;;;;;;;;;~ J

• •

~====~~~~~24~~~~~==~~~ SUPREME COURT OF GEORGIA. I Districts. J udicial Circuits. Place. Time . - I 1st Ea~tcrn, Miold ie nnd llnlll8wick SnvaDJJIIh 2d mondny Jnn. & June I !!nd Macon, South·\Vestern, Chntla· l\locon 4tb " " Jd" I coochee and Pntnula Flint, Coweta, Blue Ridge, Che- At:tlanta 4th monday Murcl• and 3rd rokcc & Tallapoosa 2d montlny Aug. 4th Weotern and Northern Athens 4tb monday l\lay&Nov. 5th Ocn>Uigce aud Southern ~lill edgoville 2d " " "

Return day Out 20 daiJS bcft~re Court. ffliji'" All sums under $50 l\Jngistratos Court. Conuuissionea·s oC Deccls in South-Carolina,

Ap1>vinted. by the Governors of other States. ~·T&I!IE-Tri s tram Tupper. N. H-'M PS HI RE.-J S Woodman, G W Egleston, S J Hull, F L Rour. l't>::u

ARE THESE LEGAL NOW t Co•nmtssioners oC Deed.s In otller States, By appointment of the Legi.Zature 4· Goventor of South-Caroli1aa. For Maine-James O'Donnell, at Portland. For Ne?O·Hamprhire- C. W. Woodman, at Dover. For Massach1t1etts-N. T. Leonard, at Hampden, G. Rig~;s, C. B. F. Adams, at Boston For Rhode-bla11cJ,-Henry Martin, at Providence. For New-York.-J. Charles Dushneft, J ohu Livinnston, Joseph 0. Lawrence, T. C. Callicot, LeiJbeus Chapman, jr., Henry C. Banke, J oseph B. Norris, Thomas A. Richmond, W. M. Underbill, Wm Cox Du~enbury, Olarence C. Mitchell, Alden J. Hale, E.G, Burnham, H. A. Watkinson, Washington Murray, Sylvester Lay, Lewis L Glover, l\1 V B Wilcoxson, E F Corey, j r., 'r L Thornwell, W H Stod­ gill, Thos Vernon, Horace Andrews, Wm P Converse, \Vm J A Fuller, Oliver Holden, Lewis Hurst, John J Searing, John McKillop, Benjamin LRnnkin, all residing in N.Yorkcity. John BerryatWilliamsburg. ---- .J •

~~.~~~~~~~~25~~~~~~~,~~~ For Ne1o-Jer1ey.-Gordon L. Ford, ut Morristown, Mosca R. King,-;t Essex County. F'o·r Pennsyl·vania.-Johu H. Frisk, A. DeKalb Farr, J ohn C. Bullett, Ed. Wilcox, J Broadhead, Ed. Shippen, Geo. EretJ, C R Hawes. Wm. Heyward Drayton, Frank M Etting, Robert Hutchmson Joshua Spear- ing, at P hiladelphia. ' For /.laryland.-Geo. Witman, Wm. S Bryan, Jabc1. D Pratt, at Baltimore. G C 'l'homas, Thomas B King, at J.Vashmgton city. For Virgi11ia-Harrison Robertson, at Norfolk; W l\1 Fulton, at Rich­ mond. James K. Lee, H G Cannon, at Ricltmond. For Nor'h-Carolina-David Fulton, at Wilmington. J ohn J. Shaver, t at Salisbury. William Allen, at Norwood. I For Kentucky.-B.F.Graves, at Lexington. C.L.TI •malison, Louisv'l. · • For T enneuee ...-H. F. Hill, at Memphis. J C Bur4h, Chatanuoga • For Georgia.- Levy S Russell, at Savannah. David Reicl, at Macon, W.W. Aruold,at Z~bulon. W. G. Pierce at-- W. R. St;tnsell at--~ Glynn co.; J B Hayne, Burke co. John A Cordray, Fort Gaines. Jus. Felt, at Savannah, Robert'B Rhett, -. Claiboru Sneau, Augusta. N. M Clark, R. W Denton, B G Moses, at Colu mbus. J a~, M . Tyson, I East-Florida.-!. M. & Rubert Baket·, at Jacksunvillu; W C Down- ing, Tullabasaee. R E Ives, at Alligator. I South Florida.-! l\1 Taylor, at Ocala. . For Alabama.-Greenbel'l'y G11rrett, nt Summerfield, (;cm·ge \onwny Stdney F. Douglas, at l\'fobile. Mathew Lyon, at Carrulltuu. Thouu1~ Harrison, and R A Colclough. nt Montgomery. S A Hale, at Liviug­ ston. E McCaa, at Demopolis. lllississippi.-D. B. Clayton, nt Red Danks; G<'o. Wt•st. nnd J ames 1\1. Antry, at Holly Springs: D. Williams, at Culumlm~; .John H Ha•Tis, at Lowndes county; A Pollard, l\1ouro county. For Lonisiant:.-C 13. Beverly .A C Ainswm·th,G. Raresides. N. Rt·~oH(•r Smith. Wm. Shannon, S. B. Davis. Wm Mo>mt~an, Jo!Ju P. l' hillip ~ , and Vv H Peters, at New-Orleans. R. Y. 13uckner, J. 1\l. LnuJrum. at Shreveport. Fur Texas-VIm· R. Baker, at Houston; J os. W. Hampton, nt Austill. California.-Lewis Blanding, Gregory :Fall, Peter della Ton''• A. G. Randal, S W Moore, A lox. Boyd, Char·les .J Hreuham, F J Thibault. at St. Francisco. W R Price, Wm. ltabe, Lewis W. Sloat, R H Stanley, at Sacramento. ftVitconn".-·J C Starkweather, nt Mil waultc. Arkansas-G D Boyston. !o!i.chi.gan.-James B. Witherall, at Detroit. Miunesota.-Geo. H Ingraham, jr. at St. Paul's county, Ramsay. ST.I.l.TE MILITd.RF SCILOOLS. BOAR D OF VISITORS.-The Governor of the State, (ex o.Dicio ;) Gen. James Jones, Chairman ; Gen. D. V. Jamison, Col. J. D Wildou, Col. Henrv C. Young, Hon. Thomas C. Perrin, and tho Assistant Inspector General of the State, (ex officio). ACADEMIC BOARD.-Citadel A cadem.y, Oharleston.-~ l ajor J. B. White, Superintendent and Professor of Civil and Military Engineer. iog, and Astronomy. Capt. H. S. Thompson , Professor of Belles L et· Itres and Ethics. 1st Lieut. N. W. Armstrong, Professor of J\lntht·ma· tics and Mechanical t>hilosophy. 2d Lieut. W. H. Wright, Professor of French and Drawing. 2d Lieut. R. 0. Sams. Asijistant Professor Wm. Hume, M. D. Professor of Experimental Science. Henry Boyl­ ston. M.D. Surgeon. 2d Lieut. A. H. Mazyck, Quarter Master :md Bursar. Alt SNAL ACADEMY. Columbia.-Capt. J .P. Thomas, Superinten­ dent and Professor of French. 1st Lient. J. B. Patrick, Professor of Mathematics. 2d Lieut. A. J. Norris, P rofessor of Belles Lettt·es and History. A. W. Kennedy, i\{. D. Surgeon. ~ ------~·---·------~-----~ r· -- - 26 Civil an•l Dlili!a•·y O~cet·~ oC South-Caa·olina.:1 Governor and Commander m Chief- •• ...... Lieut. Governor, ...... I Sec. of State, Isaac H Means. Surveyor Gen-W .F. Ervin Comptroller Gen.-Jaa. A. Black. Tr 5 in Charleaton, William J. Laval. 1 ea.rurtTI- l in Columbia, J. J. McCantll. I STAFF' OF MILITIA . •idjutant and Inspector General-Brigadier Gen. W. G. DeSnuiSure. Quat·ter·.Master General-Col Beaufort T. Watts. ~ Judge-..idvocate Gcneral-Lieut. Col. Thos. Frost. ~ Commissary General of Purcha.res-Lieut. (.;ol. Fred. J. Shaffer. Commissary Gen. of Is1ue.r.-C. Richardson Miles. Payma.rter-General-Lieut. Col. Parker Ravenel, .11pothecary General-Dr. Henry Boylston. Pllysicia11 and Surgeon General-D. R. W. Gibbes. ~ !7 This List of Chief Officers is in'lperfect, & could not be completed 1 • ~ at tho tiUJe of publication: II City Government of Columbia. II Nayor, 'I' J C:ootyor, 'l'. c . Veal. City • PriullOu. l Superi11 tendt nl of Tl'altr Wor/11, J os. C A GrnbAr. I I Keeper ofCily Cluck, J W Guthi.,r. Keeper of City Sealu, W C O'Le..ry,- ' Stn:ct 0 ve r•ecr, Thoma• flarri6on, '\-V ood Cnntroetor, L J Hnueoc k· II 'l'own Co11ncUs. 1 I ARR . EVILLE-brltt~ danl, Dr. J ohu F Liviug.ton. 1Yariltnl, B~nj P Hughe1, I I JaniC$ A A li eu, A J Lithgoc. J ohn \ Vhite. 1 I Alln:N-/ntendanl, J ohu I'' Cutler. Wa.rdu11, J ohn llloscly, E fJ A Oakley,, \Vu1 ·r .lone ~ I >\1 Hendricks. ANOI·: K.SO:\ /nlt mlant, J P Re id. W arden.•, F.. F',lll urrab,J. D Clark, Dr. P. IA. \Yhilhito. Stcpht' ll McCulley. I U.\RN WI::LL-Iulcllda ul, Catll. J. S. Rrown. Wartfen.f, J T Aldrich, J A Bollin· gor, W H Dum:au, Or. S B Grnhnm. I ll i!: AUfOR'l'-bttendaut, E dmund RhNt. Warde111 , D r. F . !'tf. S tuart, D. L. I 'l'boon•on, J . H. Nnsh, J. E.Tnlbirtl, W. H. Snodikcr, M. L. l\fontal(nc. Cl•rl' of Couueil ~ T aL C~>/lec t o r ofllle T oi(Jn, J ohn l\1. Baker. II Chiefof lht Police, and Capt. of the Guard, E. J. Durban. I BLUFf'l'ON- flllentlnnt. Paul H Seabrook. Warden•, ll( J Kirk, Geo Chisolm, R It Pope. F H Verdier. II, IILACKVILLE-/11twr/a nt, James Kclloy. Warden1, Dr. H G lhgood, Dr. B. F Peoples, J 0 l\Iount. Oa111e l Jowell. I C AMOISN- l11tenda11t, J,tumos Dunlap. JVarliens, N 0 Baxley , L i\1 Roswell, , 0 0 H:ucott, Robert \lc Kc unedy.llfagi•lrates, ·w R T aylor, J on. K \Yi1hcrspoon. II 1 CHEltA\V-In tettdant, R A Kendall, Wardetll, J l\[ Thread ~r ill, H J> Lyuch,A I R .-ce, U B McAro. \ C H ~:S TE it-/n t e n d a11t, J J llfcLuro. Warde"'• C S Brine, A Q Ounovant, J obo Mc Kee, .J r., J LAgurt. I COK ISS BUR Y-lntendant, FA Conner. War dent, Cbarlos Smith, J C Wiiliams, E Watson, g Hodges. I CONWAYROilO-lnlclldaftt, J osJ Richwood. Wardens, J B W ossen, Dr J U I \ Norman, Snmuel Jlcll, Alex Elliott. OAR.J,.I NGTON-/ntendanl, l\[ H Huggins. Warduu, AT Dargan, C ll( Jonoa, III W J Floyd, Joseph Frank. I EOC: EFIELD- /nlenda111, George A Addl•on. Warden•, Willia m 1\1 Burl, E J Mims, II 'I' Wri ~t ht, S G Goode. II GEORGE'rOWN-/ntendant, J W Howard. Wardtnl, S S Frnser,A Morrau, A J Richard.on, S Sampson. I GitEENYILLE-Inte>tdant, Alexandor 1\tcBee, Warden~, Dr. W R J ones, J oha \ Greer, S Swnndale, D c; Westfeldcr, J F Carpenter, N. Whitimore. II IIAMRURG-l,.te,.dallt, W . W . Sale. Warden1, J W Stokea, R McDonald, R l\1 Ow11n a, E J n uckminster, Wm Hill, M A Ramron. I LAUitENSYlLLE-Tnlendant, Dr J A Bark•dale. Wardtru, S Fleming, R P •• T o dd , J l\1 Shockley, A W T engue, J S IIie lls. Jl LAN CAST ER-Jntendant, 8 B Jllauoy. Wardtnr, J ohn D W ylie, W L llowe, J II W Stovon1, John l\1 Crocket. ~~------~------r;: 27 - - ] LOWNDESVIL LE-lntendtmt, S B J\las•cv. Wardens, R E Atkin•on J M Croc· ket, l~elix McLnuren, Wm. Stevens. · ' · ~ I IIIARLRORO-lntcndant, Tltos. Gordon. Warde>~a, T S Robertson, H B llf'Chnr· ter, 0 R. Thompson, D Cnmt>bell. J\IANNING.- Intendant, J Galluchat. Wardens, H Kelly, H H Huggins, B A 'I \VallScs . Wt£rtlens, A Andcr•on ,J N Corbet. lII L Onrr. vV PH llayue.worth . SPAR. ~AN BURG-Intendant, J. Enrl Bomar; Wardens, J . 1\fuxwell, J. 1\f. Bost, ll W. H. Tnmmer, Charles Thomp ~o n. 'l'IM!IIONS VILLE-Intendant, Rev \V lll Bockington. Wardens, Dr J E Bird, D A McEachern, Dr John Norwood, J es>e Keith, II UNlONVILL~-/ntendtmt, R lllacbeth. Wardens, Wm Steen, B D Cuip, J. 1K aiser, Thomas nl cNnlly. WALHALLA-httendant, John H Ostcudorff. Wardens, A E Norman, J G C Kruse, G H Korber. I \-VAL'l'ERBORO'-lntendant, C Bnrin!! Farmer. Wartfms, E Witsell, L Sanders, J S Glover. B S Riv~rs, R L, J D Edwards 1 WINNSBO!l.O'-/III.ewlnnt, Thos Jordan. Wa•·dens, Dr. W E Aiken, D Camp· bell, C Cathcart, W. B. Creight. WILLI:STON-J,tel!dant, Dr W W Smith. Wardens, Henry Smith, J E \Vood, II ward, '1' \V Youn!!bl1>od, AJ \•Vcatbersbee. YORKVILLE-Inltndout, Ur. A .J l)orrou, Wardens, Richtu·d H are. \ V D· 'I McCorckle, H. p Smidt, IJr. J. n. Ali~S <>II. 1't·ustees of tltc Soutb- C at·olina Colle~c. By an uct of the Legislature, po•scd Deceiii\Jer, 1825-Tho Board of~Trustces of the South·Caroliua College, co»siots of the Governor of the State, the Lieutennnt Governor; the Pre•idcnt of the Senate, the Spenkcr of the House of R eprescnta· th·e•, the Chairman of (;om. of t:.tucation, of the Senate and of the House of R Ppre· \ sentat.ivcs; the Chancellors in Equity, th e Jude'ef:i of the Cotu·ts of Lnw, togethe r with t10cnty .J!eut.lemeu to. be ~ I eete!! II):' joinl ballot of the Senate auu House of I Reprc~ en tuu v e s, to conuue 111 ofhcc four .,curs: the followtng gentlemen were elected in Dnccm\Jer 1857 : IRoll't. W . 1\nrnwcll, Jamc, r.. Peti:rru, ------I \Vm. I~'. D•.: JSa ussurc, James Ft•rrow, 'I'.~. Dowkins, 1~. J .l\fo~t":s, .1. Izard ~li &. A•tronomy. 1M. I,allorlle, M.D., Professor of Metnphysics. Logic and Phpiulo;:y. · Rev .•1. L. Rcvuolds, Professor of ltomau, Dr. Joint LeCoutc, Professor of Natuml ntul Mechanical Philosophy, &c. ltev. R.. \V. 13aruweii,Jr., Profe.,or of Sacred Literature nnd the ChnmpiMucy. Wm. J . River•, A. M., l'rofc :~,o r of Gree• t.iter:>ture. Joseph LeConte. M. 0 ., Profeseor of Chcmi•try, G<~olo:ty , Mineralogy. Churle• s. Vo.nnblc, Pwfes•or ofl\(athenmtie• •nd Aotrouou•y \V, B. Meaus, Lihrnrinn&Trca"urer. l John Hlucl<, Bur•ar. I \V. 6 Broom. Marsbttll. .t .,.,..entices Libt•a•·y Soc ie ty. 1 I Pruident-...... •. . . . • V. P•·esident-Hon. W. D. l'orter. Tnt3te;.s-W. D. OeSaussnre, J. W. f:alrlwell, Wm. Lebby, G. w. IB rown, Ed. Sebring, A. H. Ottnl·~>• at tho Roper and Jltadue H ospitnls, twice n week, by the l'hy ~ icians of the t usitltutions. T ho Anatomical Rooms will be opened early in Octohor, and di•sections eon· l dueted tinily by the Oernou.•trator. HENRY R. fROST . M.D., Dean. I Medical Society of South-Cruolina, 1 D. J . Cuin, l\L 0. President; J P. 0hazal, l\1. 0. Vice· Presidtnt; 1 P. L ejMt Parker, l\f 0., Secretary; G. E Trescot, M.D., 'l'rtasurtr; 1 E. H. Kellers, M. 0 .• T.ibmrian. Doole Cornmittee-Urs. H. W. OeSaussn1·e, J.P ..T ervey, 1 . Moultrie, l T'rustus of tlte Roper Hospital-.! . D. Coin (ex-officio.) Dr11. I :\1. Cam pbell, E. H o•·lbeck, James Moultrie. T. G Pr iol~:nu, W. T. Wra~g , J. P .Jen•ey, H. \V. OeSaussnre, F. S. MileF. Attending Physicians-Drs.Henry J ervcy and D r. W C. Uorlbeck Dr. J. F. Prioleat1, Physician to Roper Hospital. Consulting Physicit~n-Dr. H. Wmtbrop. Consulting Surgeon, Dr. IE Geddings. D r. R. A. Kinloch, Surgeon. ~r~~~~~~~ ~~~~29~~~~~~~~~i1 Mcmbca·s of the Lcgislattu·c of Soutla•Caa·olilail. ll ~ l eet.s aunnully oa the 4th Monday in November. I \ V. D. P or ter, Preoiuent of the Scnnte'-\-Vm 1-: ~tartin, Clerk. I A. P. Alilriclt, Spoukcroflluu•eo( R.op.-J. T. Slo""· Olerk. -0-i•-t""ri:-.,-,. ~;i;'k~. I $~-;;;;~(;;.. Rtprt•tnlllli~es. ·1 ( r Geo. A Treuholou, llichnru Ycnuon, ~1 . 1'. O'Coooucr, t::olwarol Ma~rath , li T P c:oh, St. P·hWp ~ \V 0 rortl\r ll S Dnryen,Jl' L clj'eo· H utchionon, \You . St. Mieltacl• U D L eoooue )I ,\Vhnlcy, R. W Seynwur, H L I'iuckooey,jr , 1 . fho@. P f,nekweou, A . A . Allcntonf. u. J. ~ J Aiken, \Vm l.euhy, JR. Boyloton, W . II. :;; 1 1, 1're.cot. J U Campbell, C T .&lite he ll, awol ~ t l Vi hnot G OcSauuuro. :; 1CAr i•t Clt,.rclt (' P !lou \lrnu, Mnrtionore W Veuuiooi[, c ,S t . Tho.~ St. D ., I K ~'nrmao, 8ion•uo• Lucas, j r. St. Ja~. Sttllltt jAo\ t azycl< lluniel u uPrc, Sl. Slt,pltt,., S W P:\lon cr J J Williouu• 1 St J ohns BtrMey Sand.\V llark cr, !'hi lit> C Kirk t St Jamtl G 0 1 C lllcK ewo J II Rhame, l St A11 dre:O• [wml llnll .Sc·• M Mikell, l St Jul'"'' Col'to,. \V M. ~hr ray T. P Mikell, St Gcu' D urc'(triAI T A J>plcby J nhn M«y, S ~ I 1 I ~ I St Paul~ ;c It Royln II) J . Wilkioo•oD. , 8 1St Bart/4ulomtllJI Geo.W. O>wal A IL Sl'• . Wn'nuuo J••· J .\Vortbam ~ ':· !;esnooo•, . ~ § Pr G•o. Wi"!l"llJ u n \ ViiO(Iu . l t J W e.tooo, J H R~ad, R. Dozaer, I

g, . Ill ·d I( R. \V UurM - •o • Sl Alai. P&rul< oWl OU!ler , ' . . ~ ~ ~ ,OraNge Ito Geo o K eilt .!atnc• G $eukw•, TuomuOitn•T, II 5 IJBIIIC• M l'orrin, N. A Fair, I' II Uradley,~ ~ .46beoill lloyco. · 1 F J !;o••i•ms C II S arvis, ·. Hurry ( King1lor<) A. · - kin' J ohn M Oooaussure, Dauoel D l'co·ry, KtrlltlliiJ 11 11 oy ' T L J ohouou. J L lleetl, LAotCUIItr - - - 5 n s .Joioo•, II R. Shell, G \ V. Sullivan, La11.rcn• WOSimJ>son t \ V Power, J C Hu1;0 Wu1. Fori, A. Elirtl, • l r:,~::.f,.t6(Li ~n!f) \V R. J ohu•on JC ~I cCI~ncgnn, \V S J\Iullono, 'llFGralouou \V D J olonwn, ITC \Vhothcrby, 0 )\{~ 0. McLrod, :Marlboro' A C Gurlioo~tult) J If \Vlllilltoos, ll Stcwurt, C II :::;uuor, NtllJbtrr!f ll b ){ well f 1Sonwel. L.ov ioogguoCr. Williatnsbutglt C 5 J '1' Lowery, G Vv \Vi llinnos, C S Youug- ll G 11l c aw, l blood, J olon S 11ruUco:, Yo~ D .~------~------~·

• . ' • Jr so~~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!~ . COUR'I.'S OF LA'V AND APPEALS IN So, Ca. 1 JUDGES Of' THE COURT OF' APPEALS. 1 J oHN BELTO::-i O'NEALL, Chief Justice. Jon JoHNSTON and BENJ1• F. D uNKIN, Associate Justice3. T o hold their sessions twJC·C at Columbia and h\ ice at Charleston, at such periods as they m:~y ,themselves fh1, except that the said Court lthall not hear appeals in Co~umbia from any CircUJt whibt. tllC ~OU7ts thereof session from wh1cb appeab would go to C!>lumtria, norm Charleston whilst the Circuit Courts are in se~sion from whicll appeals would. go to Charleston, unless offered from Charleston, COURT OF SESSIONS AND COMMON ~LEAS. • LAw JuDGEs. D. L. '\.V .tRDLAW, T. W. Gton:n, T . J. WJTH.,:R3, .ROBERT i'~ VNRO. ·J. N. W HITNER1 TIMES OF SITTING FOR EACH CIRCUIT. R eturn Day-FHteen tlays before the setting of eacl1 Court. CHARLEST ON CIHCUIT.-1. W. HAYNE, .flttqr'y. Gen. t\t Charleston .2d Mon. in Jan. 6 wlt'siAt Georgetown •••• 3d· Mon. in April • • 4th • • AprilS " • • 4 Mou aft 3 Mon in Oct .. 3€1 • • June 6 "

SOUTHERN CinCUI'r.-Joswr B. P£RRY1 Solicitor. At Ed~efie ld.Ist Mon. in Mar. &. Oct At Colleton at~~ Mon. aft.4tll Mo~ Barnwell. 3d " " " Walterboro 5 in March and Oct. Beaufort at ~1st Mon: aft. 4th Mon Orangeburg .3d Mon. aft. 4th Mon. Gilisonville 5 in March and Oct. in March and Oct.

MIDDLE CIRC111T, S IMEON FAJR7 Solicitor. At Richland.lst .Mon in Mar. & Oct. At Sumter •• •• 2d Mon :\ft. 4th Monin I .Nt!wbery .3d " ' ' " March and October. L cxingtun, 4th" " " Mannin~ .. 3d Mon. aft. 4th Mon. J{crshaw .. 1st " aft. 4th Mon in in October. March and October. F.ASTERN CIRCUIT, H, McivER, Solicitor. At Ch erfi~ld .1st Mon in Mar.&.Oct .Willia~sburg, ~ ~d Mon aft. 4th Mon. Marlboro , at~ 2d " " " at K1ngstee, S m March 11nd Oct. 13ennettsvillc 5 Horry at ~ 3dMunaft4th Mon Darlington.3d " " " Conwayboro' 5 in March and Oct. • Marion, •••• 4th " · " " WESTERN CIRCUIT, J. P. REJO, Solicitqr. At Abbeville. 1st Mon in Mar. &.Oct. At Spartanburg.lstJ\'lon aft. 4thMon Anderson .2d " " " in Marchand October. Pickens ... 3d " " " Laurens ...... 2d Mon aft 4th Mon Greenville.4l h " " " in March and Oct. NORTHERN CIRCUIT, C. D. MELToN, Solicitor. At Union ... lst Mon in Mar.&. Oct.1At Chester •• 4th Mon inl\lar. &. Oct. Y orlt ••••.2d '' " " .r·airfield •.1 st " a ft. 4th Mon in L ancaster.3d " " " March and October. Gr NO'I'ICE.-Tile Cil•cuit Coall't of Equity for Charleston District, now held by law, on the .first Monday in .June in ead1 yeH, shall be held by one of the Chancellors, in rotation, at such time as may be appointed by the Chancellor pre,idmg at the preceeding term.

CITY COUR'I' OF CHARLESTON. Reeorder, Hon. WM. AL..'"TON ParNOLE. T o be holden in the City Hall on the ht Monday in January, April, IJ uly, and October-to sit one week. · The Recorder to hold a weekly Examining Court, on Thursday at the 1City Hall

• I

r. i DISTRICTS. COM MIS. &. r.EGISTERS. • Times ·;;. I;olcling @:otu:tt; of 1.5 qufty. DA vs. :t . C I ~ ._ i ('(: ------· - - - -- ..t)~ ~ , ~ Jas. T1.1ppcr, Master, .~ ~at Charleston, on the 1st 1\londay in February, to Sit si:r; weelcs, and 2d Feb. · S ~ I ' Charleston, J· W. (:;ray, Master, ~ by appointment of the Chancellor, to sit rour week8. l! ~ J' '(..) <> ~ ...,. J. L . Ganlt, n eg.1s ter. ...."' <> :.: I :; Bal'nU>cll, James Patterson, :fat Barnwell, on the Monday in February, tn sit one week. 2d Feb ~ ~ .: I BeoufOI·t, R. J. Da,·ant. ft.. at Gitlisonville, on the 2d do do do do 9th :1 S '; I -~ Colleton, C. B. Farmer. u at Walterb01·o•, on the 3d do do · do do 16th ; ., "' I ::l Orangeburg, V. D. V. Jamison. ~ lat 0?·angeburg,onthe4thdo do do do 23d ~~ r~ ., ::: Cheste1ji· eld, J. C. Craig. (at Chesterfield, on the 1st Tuesday after 1st. Monday in Feb., 2 days. 3d ... c:: ";' c:: .Marlboro•, S • T ownsend. ....; Iat ;Marlboro', on the 1st Friday after 1st Monday in Feb , 2 days 6th ~ 1! .:: -; Darlington, B. W Edwards, ·:; at Darlington, on 2d Monday m February, to sit 3 days. 9th ..c:: !!: <,; ui 1 ....., .Mariora, C. D. Rvam;. _g ~ at .Ma1·ion1 on Friday after 2d Monday in February, to sit 4 days. 13th ~ M ~ 0 . eft Olnr~don, 1'. S. Coo~;h: r, .t; at Sumter, on the 1st Monday in June, may sit 6 day~. 1st ll'!! .,; ~ < ~ KershatD, W. R. T aylor. .!:: I at Camden, on the 2d .Monday in June, . 8th ._ 0 0 ·; :z: z 'E Richland, J, H. Pearson 0 i at Columbia, on the 3d do do 1t h , ~ f# o S ~ Le:r:ington, H. A. Meetze. -5 at Lexington, on the 4t!i' do do 2 d ~ :; ~ ..... ~ Newberry, Silas Johnso~, "" lat Newbarry, on the 1st Monday after 4th Monday inJun~ 29th ~ c ,_ j . Edgefold, Z. W. Carwtle. ., rat Edgefield, on the 1st Monday in June. lst June o·;;; .. e o 0 .llbbetrille, W. H. Parker, ·;; at .llbbeville, on the 2nd do do 8th ~ t: 111 2 t:b Laurens, B. R. Campbell, .~ J at Lauren~, on the 3d Monday m J une. 15th .D g t: < • .llnderson, A. 0. Norris, 0 ) at .llnderson, on the 4th do do 22d £0 :S ~ ...... _ Pickens, Robt. A. Thompaon, -5 l at PickenR, on the lst l\londay after the 4th Monday in June, 29th ~ (ij . .. e P.. t; Greenville, W. M. Thomas, .., at G1·eenville, on the 2d Monday after 4th Monday in June, 13th July 4> ·;:; ~ ...; ~ Spartanburg, T. Stobo Farrow, . (at Spm·tanburl(, on the Ist Monda! in June, ht June g 8. ' ~ Uniq-n, D Goudeloclc, ·"; 1 at Union, on the 2d do do . 8th ~ rJJ . ~ York, Walter Metts;, E J at York, on the 3d do do • 15th _o:gj ~ Lancaster, Jas. H.Witherspoon u 1 at Lancaster, on the 4th do do 22d Jl ,g ~ Che8ter, G. J. Patterson, ..:: l at Chester, on the 1st Monday after the 4th Monday in June. I29th Eo< '2 ~ Fairfotd, W . R. Robertson, ,c; at Winnsboro' on the 3d do 4th do do. 13th July ., -. - ~ Districts. Sheri ITs . Cle~kCsofSc ~' io""/ Otdinnriee. Coroners / TAX COLLECTORS. auu om. 1 1 ea~e. -::-:---- II Uhartestu/1 W • B. Dmglcl J. W .Brownfield George Buist. E. :M. Whidng, ~tl'h!liP & ~ H. L. Pinckney , RichU.nd, T H Wndo Georgetow11 E Waterman,Jr 11 F Detzens £Waterman Q L Cooper :St ~llcl!neiJ , . Spa·rtanburg R C Poole, ~ l"'ll' b "' G R · ' ' ' , ' .4/J Sautu B. E. Seuoona, Surnlt.r J 'V :Stucker, rt tal/IS argo l , ogerd, W.IL~roclungton ~- J Bralclls and Ocncral Sessions, are appointed Ex-Officio, fo r the IGS Diotrict in wl•ich they reside, now vacant,or to bocoouc vacant l'orlc A Stillwe ll, S E Moore, .Jo. A l>rown, J amP-s Jcfl'ries, ~ - 777 ~

• • r 3!) ~ · 1tlagist•·ates for Chat·leston Dis tt·ict. I APPO!N'TED B Y T HE L EGISL.\TURE IN D!!:C. 1860, 1'0 SERYE 4 YEARS . Co1·rer.tcd by the Clerk of the Court. I I Judicial.n!agistm tes-J F B"eckm ~ n , H W Scl•roc!cr, T P L o<" hwood, · G W Ej!:lest on, W D H l{irl r ot her de- .• mand, arising from cont ract, t o the amount of $20) ;md also t'O all cases I ol domestic a ttachment and distress warrants for rent.] . • F or St. P hiLips and St. Michaels-A A Allemong, J as. F Burlav id Ram$ay, F. P riul t>a u Ravenel, .John E River,, E dward j RiveT ~ , '8 D Rop er, B H 1 Rut l ed ~ e, T ho& Ryan, S Au;:t Sa1 d ers, J ohn Sclmierle, Thomas "r S imons, l C has H S imonton , R W Seymour, L W ~ r.a tt, Stephen Thomas, Wm. Whaley, Jacob W•tliman, l-1 J.; Young. 1 F or St John's, ll"rkley- K S Ba ll, J D.e.Uue J.~erguson, J DuBo~ e Por· 1 oher, Thos \V l'ort·her- I F or S t Stephen's 1'arish-Petcr P Botrnca'U 1 J ohn S Palmer, W M Por- . cher, J F Smi\h. I For St. James', Goose Creek-Rev. Daniel M Breaker, J J :S.rowning,, Thomas M Creighton, J B Earnest, Chas W Gra ves, Thomas B S,Ymmes, , Wm Whalt:y, U McCants W inter, Nelaon .Joyner. I F or Christ Church Parish-W F Bla!u:ly , N.athan Lega r~~ ifhnry S T ew. 1' H Calvert, MQultrieville. l For St. Andrew's Parish-Dr. George H aig, R T Morrison, W Uoraee Rivers. f'or St. Thomas and St. Dennis- S imon L uca's,jr. ~ F or St J a mes', Santee-A J McClcll11n. II Stalt Con1tcblu f or tl1e Pa ri.hes ~f & Pltili.p c.ntl St. Jficlt(lC/. ,. J ohn Barry, l J D Kennedy, .j c:Ostich, IP O'Connell, P. F lyn, I J W J ohn50n, M lllagmre. 1 Benj Bross, I T Manaham. Notaries in Charleston D ist1·i ct. f:lr T htt« IJUU'Iwl~httl [*] tD~e app oi 11t~d by the Gcvu-,•or f ur 4y«W$. S Alexander, John D Alexander, Tbos. Aimar, A A All e mo nl!'~ R A Ali s· ton, Wm Allenbardt, EdT Burdell, Theodore G Barker, E B Bryan, 'I IJa s M Bee, Geo W Bee, J ohn Bell Bee, A W Black, - - -~ j J enkms Browning, J \V Brownfield, T A Brouf:'hton, J Ballard,, J_ I' lleckman, Benj liross, F M Burdell, D Bail ey~ l<'rancis B e r ry~ W tlham I G . .Benson, H Buist, L N Babr, Kinsey Butden , jr., • I S KBennett , W S Brewster, L ewellen Bunch, Angus. E Cohen, Melvin P Cohen, ;John F Corrie, T P Chandler, J ohn C!tces'Jorough1 S Champlin_,_ J C .Cocl.ran, l· . Wm C l ark~on,j r., • W L Daggett, L D De:saussure, H. H Oeleou, C E !n Drayton, G w Din ~t i e , E .Vu nn, A H Dunkin, E ugene E sd ra, .l.mcs A I Dulftu.>.. R DeT reville1 Zimmerman Davts, E J Dawson, Hy G Duffus, W m II H H u erwort , G W E gleston, Thomas R Ef_leston, J R Emerv, J ohn W IEv ans, E van Edwatds, •Al ~r t E lfe, jr.tW B F osler, FA Ford, J Drayton i!'ord, W S Fraser, Chas F. B l'' Jae:g, J J)u Gue F erj!'•tson, C ha ~ P Fra- , z:er, R C Gilcbl'ist, Fisher Gadsden; T hos F Gadsden, T L Gantt, Richard Gantt, H Goldsmith, J ohn Greatoo, C Gunther, Alex P Gray, James D2 ~

• rrrH Gready, J PGibbes,•EFHughcs,ChFHanckel,34.--- WBHeriot, BG,1 . lleri ot,A T llarbv, Isaac E Hertz, T S Heyward, J C Hoff, S J H ull, JR . • H11rsey, R W Htime, J L Honour, M E Hutchins, John B Irvin~, Wro H I nglesby, Ghas lnglesby, T W Johnson, James S Johnson, Lewis Jervey, IS. II. Kwg, C E Kanapaox, J V Kanapaux, J Kingman, S Kingman, S. D Kirk,\V 0 H Kirlcwood,G .1!' Kinsey B P Lalane, F Lanneau,H Laurens, 1 All Luca~.Th os P L ockwood, jr., Nath'l Levin, Moses Levy, Geo \V ~ Lo~an, R A Long, Chs Lining, J 1,; .J,..a wton, D Lcck•e,. W Y L ~itc.h,. Wm Laval, MFMoilony, H ut~o n Lee, BYlcCall, JohnCMartm,John1 MJlhgan, Robert l\lacbeth, <\ Moise·, Benj Mathewe, Alex H Mazyck, C Richardson ~ Miles, J A Michel, J D Miller, T W Mordecai, H?Morris, ~ H Mortimer, E McCrady, Ed 1\lcCrady,jr., LJ Moscs,J H Murrell, W MMuckinfuss, l J l' McCall, J as W May, E P M illiken, •Wm Mellard, Wm E Alikcll, !~J WMo~es , " W 0 McMillan, •n G M.:Ciure, A Mazyck.I'Ghai J Macbeth , 1 F Nipson, J Norton, J Northrop, Z B Oakes, J J Parker, James Pame, 1 Edw W Pelit, William Perry, R W otherspoon Perry, J ohn E Phillips, H L Pinclal Teacher nu

• • •

~~~~~~~~~~.38~~~~~~~~ COMMISSIONERS and OFFICERS' of CITY INSTITUTIONS. Or MARKET-C .!'vi. Furruan, Chairman; Dr. I. M :Campbell, Thos. F. Capers, F J Porcher~ Samul!l Hart, sen., F'. Lannea~ A R Taft, Dr. Wm Hume, Wm L ebby, George H . Ingraham, John X.1 Stock, W St J. Mazyck, David Geiger. Chie Clerk or the Marlcets,RobertMacbeth ;-Assistant Clerk Center Markets, James A. Murray ;-Assistant Clerk and Clerk of Weighta and Measures,Jas.Smith. Assistant Clerk for Upper Market, A. Punfoy. Public Weigher, at Market Scales, J . .1:". Gailiard. Robt. Brodie, for Scale on Calhoun-street. Or WORK HousE- • • • • C. Y. Richardson, Fredrick ~icLards, G. N. Reynolds, jr. Albert Elfe, D· G Wayne, Arcb'd. McKinzie, A. H. Brown, S. S. Howell, - - - - and the Mayor, ex officto. Master, Wm Withers. Physictan, Dr Wm C Ravenel. OF ORPHAN" HousE-Henry A.. DeSaussure, Chairman; George Buist, ------Dr. James Moultrie, William C. Bee, (.;G. Memminger, Dr. Beoj. Huger, W .•J. Bennett, Wm. H. Houston, W. H. Gilhland, John H. Honour, OrrtC!:RS- Steward, JohnS. Small; Matron Mrs Princi- pal of the School, Miss Agnes K. Irving; Sewing Mistress, Mrs. ~ary i\lanno-Assistant T ~: :~ c hers, Miss Mary Rayburn, S. Tarrant, M•ss A.. 1 Yates, M iss Ellen King. Nurses-Mrs. L \-V. Muir, Mrs. E. Owens, .Mrs. E. G:riffitb, Mrs. L . Roberts, Mrs. McCartny; Mrs Hender~on, Mrs:Cat hrine Bntler, Miss Jane Mclndo, Miss A. Bernheim. Hospttal Nurse-i\frs. H;onnah Hayes. Laundres-./Ycs . Eliza Ingaham. En~ineer, B. F. Stroble; Porter, D. Fitzgibon. PI y~i c ian to the Orphan-H9use-Dr. Wm. H. Huger. ' Or PooR HoosE-Dr. Joim L . Dawson, Chairman; P. J. Ba:rbot, pro tern; Dr. H W DeSasussure, Secretary St. Treasurer; H. Manigault, T DEason, J ohn l\[ Greer,Joseph Dawson, Dr J.P. Chazal, Fed. J Pelzer, Jo~ . A S:tunder,:, E H Lock, H W Peronneau. · I Master of Poor House, James White; Matron, J.\llrs. Elizabeth White. 1 Physician-Or. W c.; Ravenel • Or.THi: HousE ot' CORRECTJON-Mazyck Street-Bon. C Macbeth, and Aldermen, Lucas, Kitkwood, Rige:s and Robinson compose the board. Master of the House, Jose ph Poulnot. · OF MARINE HosPLTAL-Alex. Gordon, Chairman ; J. F. Schirmer, Geo. Kinloch, Robert M ure, Rev. W. B. Yates, A.. F. Ravenel, vy . 'li' Leitch. Steward, J:ohn W. Evans. Phys ic•:~n, Dr. F l'ey1e Porcher. Or PtLOTAGE-Tristram Tupper, Joseph Prevost, Daniel L es-e$ne, 1' S Budd, James Wehman, J H Taylor, 1<' . G. Ravenel. S HIRRAS' DISPENSARY. ·ward No. 1, George S. Bryan, A. E. Miller. No.2, Michael Lazaro ~ , Robert R Bee. No.3, J. J. McCarter, J. H. Schriener. No.4, John F. Blacklock, K. L. Simons, Jacob K. Sass, Richard Yeadon. Physicans to the Shirras' Dispensary-Or. Peter Porcher, for the wcsten and Dr. Wm. H. Pctigrew, ·for the Eastern Division of the city. Trustees e;x officio-The President of the St. Andrew's Society, the President of the Medical Society, and the Mayor of the city. AKIN HOSPITAL. Trustees-The Mayor, ex officio, and Aldermen Gilliland, Wm. Hullle, williams and Kenificlc. • Meamrers of Wood&.· Lttmber.-Edward E. Pritchard, C. S. Jenkins, L E Stopplebein, J L Courtenay, Inspectors of Timber.-L E Stopplebein, F.d. E. Pritchard, C. S. Jen­ kins, Guagers of Liquors.- Chs. F. Levy, Clarence Levy. Inspectors of Na'IJ al Stores-Geo Smith and J K. Bevan. Magnetie Teleg-raph Line, OFFICE in ChRrleoton-49 BllOAD STREET, near Churcb·strect. 1'h oonly direct Southeru Line-connecting with the Eaotern Linos-eontinuouafrom the mouth of the llfiseiulppi 10 Halifax in NovaScotla. L -... • rr~~~~~~~~~~ag~~~~~~~~~~ r. THE BA.NKS , j Arc open for trnnsacting Bueinooe every dny, (Sundaya; Pwblic Fatte T hanksgiving D ays~ Christmas Day,. and the Fourth of July, exc:opted,) (ron Do'clock in the morouog,till2o'clock on the afternoon. 1 Baaa _l~ of <:harlcston, Soutla-<:aJ'olina. Capt tal $3,160,000. J. K. Sus, Presidc rct. Dlli.ECTORS. Henry 11ourdin, IW m. H Gilliland W. A. Warc.Haw, G. A. 'frenhol m, Ch. T. Lowndes, ' W.l\f. Lawton. Alexandtlr 3-obP.rtson, I W B Pringle. • Dan'!. Lesesne. A.G Ron, W.C. Courtney. J.Chcesborou"b CtUhier, J . Chee11boroug h, 12d B. Keepet· dtJ. T .C . H 5rt~sto n A ssista.n/Cnsllier, Chs. L. Edward;~. Tra11sjer Cleric, R. S. Do·nns. First T eller. J . E. Phillips. Collection Clerk, Georn-e Reid. Sccnnd 'I eller, William Thayer Foreign Ex. Clerk, T ."M. Hasell. T hird Teller, H . T. Thompson. AuistantClerk, J . Norton. A$&Orting 1'ell,tr, H. E. Walpole Cash Boof>-ktt]Jer, H. E. W alpole. Discnnnt Clerk, Peter B. Lalane Out-Door Clerk, S. A. Robinson. l&tR. l(uper,Per.Ac. L.M.Phillips Porter, W . M.Wilson. 2d R. Kuper do. J. J.''. W. Waite•··/ Notary, Peter D. Lalnne. lstB.Kee71er Pub. Ac. T.A. Honour Solicitor, JameB L Potigra. !CT Oll'crs of new lou•iucueveryday-Tranofer ofStock every day . Bank of South-<:a••olinu. Capital $1,000,000 Goo. B. REID, P residwl. D !Rt:CTOIU, William Birnie, \ George Buist. 0. J. Chnfee. William .Mc~urney . A. P . Caldwell, R. M. Butler, II. Couito, \ A. S. Johnston. F. C. Blnm. C. W. Henry, G. W. Williams, Wm.C. Dr<'ese. Cnsltier \Vm. C. Breese; Teller,M. W. St. Amond; Book..](ee]ler, W. G. Gibbs; Discount Clerk

rr 4o~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~, Planters' ancl !Uccltan•cs' Bank. . Capital $1,000,000. DANIEL llAVFI! EL, l'resitleu/; IIWilliam Rnvenc:l, I.1 . K. Rnl.iu ~o n , .J.D. Aiken, J . J :\fc Carter, Chnrlt-s D. Cnrr, . ' Vm. M. M:wtin: II~.G . Unrker. .J Ellison Adger, H . Horry Frost. C. '1'. Mitchell, S. T. Robm,;on. William Laidler. I • CnsftiF.r, C. H . Stevens; Tellers, Cleo Jo'. Kinloch, \V. E. Haskell; IIn .. nk- Keeper, Rohcrt H. Kingman i n isrOIIII/1\llcl Trarts/erC/trk, Sum I. I f( in~ rnan; Rook KectltT PttUlic Oj/iCI',< mttlf,t~filulions, und Uvllerliul• ] Clerk!mtl Cash Book KrtJICr.andNulary, E. T. Hughes; Out-DnorCicrk,W. ,V. 'Whilden. .'inlicitor, Ec.lwnrrl. ~T cC rody. 11:r OR'~ ring 0:1y for Discount, \oVodrw•duy; Answera glyon on Thursday. Orfcr• nlsn eon•i•lnrcrl 11very day. Transfor ofStock cvory y. Tran•fnr of Stock e very \pital $1000,000 . Do ~Ar. n L. McKAY, Presideut. W. H.H nn ~ tnn, J as. S.GiiJhes. 1 F. J. l'urchcr, IIJ,f;. L••p':r. T . S. IJ eywun.l. C. II. West, A. ;\, An.trcw ~lcOowell , E. H . !lodgers, I J . F. Green, J . II. H n nonr, .J. B. L afitte. Cnshirr. ll•·nry r.. Loper; T.. F. llnhcrtsnn, 'l'rller; G. F. Kinsey, ' n,oh-/:t•fpcr and Transfer ClA rk : W. Y. Leitch, Di6count, Collrction 11 nrl E :c(•hn>~gt · Cl et·k; .I . F. LV lbc rl~. Book J(crper P11blic L edger, &;c.; O(·tn,·ins 'Vii Ide, A ~.t islat1/ nnd 01tl-tlnnr Cluk; 'IN . Y. L eitch, Nnlnry : II c. 11. Simnnton, Solir.itor. Otlim; for Discount, rec.,ived t!aily. ~ - nanl' of t"he· State' of South-Caa·oJina. I C . M. f u RMAII. l'resirlwt Thnmn~ Ryn11. · IW Walter Smith 1 C . .T. Culcnck . .J .p. ()e,·anx, T'. C. Gnillard . \ E . W. Marshall, W 0. Dnk"'"'• C. V Chamberlain, H . E Dolt<'l'er, c. F. 11:\nckle, J . H . Steinmeyer, W. F Mci\.lillan, Cns'•ier. T. R. \Varin)!' : 1~ / Tt,lln, \V R 'l' a~C l'i '2d Teller, L . J . :\lyers;:1tl 1'd ler, W 'V Sale; 4th Tell•r, J H Baggett; Excl"rn!!e C:lcrk ,, I J I} ,\lcxnnder i. Roo" Keeptr, F M Burdell; Uisrount Clc1·k .• J uhul 1\\"its ell; Collecl•on Cll't"k, .John II . H onour, Jr. ; Caslt Buo!•·Ktt}ler, I HMris Simons; Ass't Cletk, Thos. Lining. ~ Onf-, /onr Clo-rfc ~· J\•otnrJt• A '~ D uffu~. il:7' N"w nusiuOS8 Ouily by Commiuco,-Uourd IIICCld \V P.d ncsrlny • . ~~~;;~~;--~--;~~----;--~~---~;~~ ~~.-;: ~~~~~~~~ 41 ~ ~~~ lh·anch Bank State of So. C ., a t Columbia . ~ J oHN FISHER, P•·e.U. ll Diroctor-s-J. J. Chappell, F rank HamJltou, J ohn M. Allen, H . B. Grt:err, A. R. Taylor, J. Mt::ighan, C. A. Bc::dell,E. R. Fisher , .Ia~. U. Adamg, Maxt::y Gregg, \V. Rt::ynolds, Thos. W. Rad clitl~, J ohu W•tlluct:. Casl1ier, .1. L . (;lark ; Teller, M . L . Brown; D i.,rounl 4· Coller/.io•• Clerk, Nalh.R111nsay. Book-ketper.fOut-doorclerk, RliGood " yu. U tle r iug Oays-1\londay«. Discouut Days- Thurs days Ba·auc la Bn.t'k of State of So. Cua·o . at C amde n . . C. J. SllAN:.o.s, Presideut. D ire«en-A. D. Jones, \Vm. Ken uedy, L L Whitaker, ...... • • • -•• -. - , L H Deas, J R Oyt:, E. W. Bonney, J ohu Cantey. Cru/11er J. \V. Doby; Disr:ou11t (.'{etk. J es~e S Newc~. .Assistaut Cle•·k, William Douglas Anderson. . II' Ba·anc h Bank of the State of S.-C. a t Abb eville . l ANDnEw S I MONDS, President. Directors-J11mes A Norwood, J ohn ' Vflite, Joseph T Monre. Joh u IIA We ir. C41.slticr, J ohn H Wnrt.llaw. JJook-lur,zJcr, F M i\ litchell. I Bank of C:unclc u , SouUa•C:u·olina. Cupital $~00 ,0110 . W. E. .lomrsoN. PrcsiflC1tt . DirMtolf's.- \V. U . M' Uowall, R. l'erkiu ~, John W1} rl..mnn, ...... R . B. Johnson, Wm. M. Shanu0n. C

Olle ri Ill! Duy~;-To~tr. A.\V. Keuu .. dy. P.W. C tuck, J I' S<>ut11eru, T .J. l:tobertso•:, 11 . ll\·ily, W111 Juhn~on, JHmes Mil' Ca,/tier, J11~e Omit~ . A. l.anj!blin, T eUe.,.. Di,cctmt ()/~·vi:, .l ohu S. Scott. Book-Kl'eper. J acuh T.•·,·i u. Bank of Chester, So, Ca. I Gnpital $:1 0Q. Oit0. Gf:n. S. CAa!llrtON . l'·rt..

f'r~~~~~~~~~42·~~~~~~~ !!!!!~ lllea·cluuats' Baadi. of South- Carolina, Cheraw. Capital $400,000. WM . OooFRET President. l Dircctors.- AIIan McFarlan, Qaleb Corker. G. ,V. Mciver, Henry .\>Jclvcr, J. F. Matbcsnn, Alex . :M cQueen. I Cash•er-J. F. Matheson. B nnk of G c oa·getown, South-Carolina. Capital $200.000. J . G. H .e:uuNG, J>rcsideut. \V. R. F. Prior, J H . D. Smith, IC. J . Atkinson, B. II. \Vil~on . ] W. W. Walker, R . E Fraser. Cushier. R. E. Fraser. 1'eller, W . J . Howard. · B anlc of Hantburg, SouUa-Vaa·olina. Capital $500,000. J . \V . STOKES, President. -- \G. ·w. Garmany, .1. M. Stokes, .J. J. H oward. ------Crrsldcr, A. C. DeCottes; T eller and Nota,·y Public, Augustus C DeCottes; Disconnt Cle·rk and Accouutant, \V . D. Newill. 1 ([? Offering JJays, Tuesdays. Excltang•! discounted every day. Ch:ulestou lnStll'anc c and 'I'a·ust C on1pany. No. 8 llroad·st,·cct. C apital, 500,000 Dollars. l'rcsidcut, .J 11. H onour. Directors,\\ illiam C. Dukes, J ames \Vel~man, Cbs.l\1. Furman, \V H H ouston, .Jus . Ouncroft, Joseph l'r·evost, J . W. Caldwell, 0. J, Chafee, Charles Ke rrison, A. 0. Andrews, Richard Yeadon, Geo. E. I Gil>bon, J . K. H obiuson, Theo. D. Wagner. Stcrctm·y and '1'1·eas"rcr, .J. L. Hononr. • Out-DourClerk and Porter, Capt ..J o ho Greaton. S outh ·C axoli ua. lnsna·n••cc C o tnpany, 109 Rr1st-Bny Capital, 250,000 D o ll~trs . PrcsirlrJ.t, A. L. Tohios. Direclon-:\1. C L\lonl••cni, C. H. W est. [)l•ury <:tlloia, F. lias M Beach, \V. \V. Wilkim on, D. L. Mowry. Secrelrn·!lr ( :co H. Walter·. · · ' I ll1spcc. ·~· OI(L·Duor Clerk, G F T rescot. S olicitors, Whaley &. Lord. CalP.&ouu Instn-ance C ont p a ny. No 10, Bronrl·.

II. , V. CO~NER & CO's BANIUN G IIOUSE . ' No. 13, BROAD-STR EET, CHA RLE STON. Chccks11tSi;;ht, on the Nfll'th , South, ,(Gc, Colletioo» madoon tho pdncipol Cities j" ' the United :'lute•. Apply u nhove. ~--~=----~------~=-~-=~~=-·~ •

Chaa·te ston· Savings Institution. At the STATE BAN K, com er .of Broad-street unt! East· Bay. ' ~ ? ffice hours, daily, from 9 to 2 o'clock, only . I l'restdont,, CHARLES H . W~S 'r ; Vice-l' rcsideut,J OS. Pll EVOST. Treasurer H .tNaY S. GRIGGS ; Ass ..tont,S. \V.FtsnER. H~sav M To' &v R~eei\ iw" Teller ; Seere ta ry , J a~ob F.SCHIRIK£ll; \V D ('o~TER; Solicitor. ' e T RUST££6, J ohn W Caldwell, \ L R Tan, n. Cohio, J ome8 M Cal~ we ll, T . 'Tupper , J;, 8 Uous. ft. C11hlwell. J as. llanerolt, seu., GcOr£"eN. lley F. Lo.nnenu, lW 111. lla\'UIIOII, S S Kowe!l· J H Honour. 11. U.. Bank•, lwb··rt iL nee, George Ktuloch, S. J . Wagner, C. ll. Coebr:tn, lJ . M. W il.<~tJ, Board of /~~U>ulment- Pr esident, Vieo·Presideot Seerctnry 1 W. Caldwell, J. ~aid well! A. ~ T oft, S. S. Howell, John II llono~r, ' Apphcat10ns, for Loans muat uo left wilh the Secretory.

Pahnetto Savings Inst itution. Office MEETING-STREET, West side. opposite tho Ice.ltousc. ncar Mark ot·Strect. W" Office open daily, from 9 to 2 o'eloek onll·· J. D. A !KEN, Pcesl.dent. Tuos. R yu·, Yice-Prc ~•t. P. J . 13Anno·r, Scc'ry. P . .\. A\'&Jt.HE, Treasurer. T~osT~Ea-Ed.w . Uottet, Dr. Robert Lcbby, A. Cunningham, Arcbtbald McKenzoc, J ohn \V. Brownfield, H. E. Vincent. A. J. C rew~, AI C'xandcr Owens, Wm. Mat hi ~ssen , H. A. Due, Wm. H. Houston, John F. O'NciP, J F Pelzer, M. W. St. Amand, B. Poincignon, J. H. Kalb• 1 1\i. P. O'CoNNORo Soli.citot.

Sontla-Caa·olina Bai h · !'LACE OF' llEt>Ait'L'Ull.E FOR l'ASSENGEU.S-LiJtc litrect. From Charl ..ton to .Jugouta, ( Geo.) t>ia Ha.IMIJotr{! an.d .tiJun, 136 tuilcs. I Fro>>~ Ch.arl.c~to~t to Columbia, vil•. Bra,.clwiUe, tao •niles. 4 " u io Ctcudcn. ' " 142 mitelJ. Cm10cets at Kiftqt>ilh with the Wilmittgton lr Manchester Roatl. ~ Passe~t,;e r trainel<~uveCitarlostotl f.or Aug.u~tn.,Ca. Columbi11 and Coundcu, S.C. aud oil iut~roucoio.te stnuous, duil~. A uti .l..-irc w.J Chou le&ou oU.3 1'. ])!. Also. lcnve daily for Aul{" stu uud iut.ero>tediat•l)luouu nt 11.30 P. N. I ,, " (or Columbiu. " " ul 8.151.,, ~J.. I Tlte Traius arrive daily from Augusta. at 4.30 A. 111. " " from Colunmin, at 2.30 A. M. There is necommouation Trains for Summervitlo. 111 7.1;; A l\1 nod 2.25 & ;; P M. Pruidtnt,\V. J . Magrath. Directors, Andrew Wullnee, AlJrod llu~ or, Jonu•• Rose, C. M. F urnton, C. J. Sht~nnon. 1.. J . Pntter•on. C.ll.. JVyce, G. A. Treuhnlou. H. Gourd in, W. C. Dukes, Jolw Caldw.cll. 4 . Si•, C. n. lliee,C.1'.111itcbe11. l S . R.Emery, Attditt~r . Secretary. lieury '1'. Peake, Gtlt. SuJICri~t ·t. Agents and other Olliccrs, too nuuocrous for in.crtion here. North-Eas teJ'Il Rail Road Coant•any. This Road extcouls from Charleston to Darlington 103 miles, is connected with the W ilmington ouod Manchester Rnnd 2 milc.Bl!:tlit ofFlor ence, ( I 10 miles from \Vilomu~t· ton) at wbieh pol.ntitjoios witbcke Chdaw and Darlington Rond· Pruitktl&t, .4-. E' .lt

' ...... t : •

Hr;: C ommercial Statistics cf the Ncrth46 e m and Southern Statea.1 ~ Tha exports of the Northern and Southern States stand thus: ~ Exports of Northern products .••••••••••• $ 97,346,973 ~ " Soutllern products •• ••••••••• • 218,895,450 " gold and silver coin,...... 26,033,578 " gold and silver bullion •••• • .".. 30,913,173 · Totl\l exports for 1860 •..• •••• •• $373,189,174 It thus appear. that though the North is twico as numerous as the South yet the South furniehes more than twice the capital. The ~e exports are carried abroad and exchanged for goods, wares and merchandise, "vhich constitute .our imports. In 1860 they amounted to $362, 166,~54. Of this amount the official tables show th11t there 'vas imported, ln ~o Southern porb, .••• , •••••.••..• $ 40,585,368 .. l nto Northern porta,.... • • • • • ...... 321.580,886 It is believed the South senda annually to the North produce to the vrtlue of two hundred milliona of dollara. Assuming this to be correct tho accouut will stand thus: Goods imported through Northern ports, in exchange for · Southern products, ...... , •••• $218,895,450 Produce sent dircc£ly North ...... 200,000,000

Total •... # ...... $418,895,450 As we buy 118 much from the !':orth as we soli there, the trMlc between Itlu.l two ~ection a i~ double this, or $837.790,900 annually. '!'his shows the advantages enjoyed by the North, growing out of the peculiar co nne of trwc.le betwt>on the two sections. The ad\•lmtage the North obtllius by the tariff law11 is very coosidernble. Of duties on goods im· ported in 1860-$279.872,327-tlte average tariff was 20 per cout. Of this amount, $11 S.OOO,OOO were imported in exchange for Northoru products, and $16-1.000 000 in exchange fur Southern prodn ct ~-the former yielding 23 lllillions of revenue, and the latter 32 million~ . It thus appears thut tlte South contributes three-fifths of the revenue from imports, aud yet in the disbursement of the revenu~s, at least. three-fifths are expenrl cd in the North. If such is the nnCI)nnl opera­ tion of a revenue turiff, it would be difficult to estimate the inju:~tice of the protective tariff now iu operation in the Northern guvcrmuent. 'Ve willrecapitnlllte the substnntiai bencfil4 derived by the North from the course of commercial dealings cstabliehed by the Uniun.­ The following figures exhibit the annual profitJ made by tho North upon Southern products: For ft·eights from l~urope ...... $•10,000,000 Fot· profit& on foreign irnp'd goods sold to Southern M'chts. 30,000,000 For increased tariff prices on No'rn. manufacture• sold South,60,000,000

T ohl profits ...... $130,000,000 1 It is n .t in tbe }lower of figures to convey to the· mind a correct ideo of the advantage which the North hu enjoyed over the South., under the influence of tho various la\\6 which have stimulated and controlled the t~mployment of capital. Many Southern men saw and I protested against the unequal and uojnst opl'rntion of the systeam of legislation, which was enriching uno sectton at the expense of the I other.-Mr. Kettel estimates that 50,0ll0 Southerners go North every year, averuge $1000 each, making fifty millions per nunultl. Besides amount e:tpended in tho education of sons and daughters. He comes l to the conclusion th&l.t the South pays aunually to the North, for inter-~ est, brokerl\gl'. insurance, travel, &c. 115 millions. If this be added to the 130 I»illiona, bt'foro estimated as commercial profits. it yields the sum of 245 mllllons. derived annually by the North from her union with the South.-CII'"piledfrom. the VipkJburgli Almanac of 1862. - __.