China targets Uighurs with beards... Netanyahu warns Gaza civilians Continued from Page 1 a black jilbab, likely a shop assistant or owner, stood in the Continued from Page 1 alties, the Israeli army said. Late Saturday, a rocket background watching. fired from Lebanon struck northern Israel, causing Officials, it said, must also act to control weddings without The rubber-stamp legislature in the southern prefecture of At a special cabinet session at the defence min- damage but no casualties. Israel has so far not singing and dancing and funerals where there are no feasts - Turpan says on its website it is considering a law to impose istry in Tel Aviv, Netanyahu repeated his warning of responded to either attack. referring to Uighur customs the government says Islamic con- fines of up to 500 yuan ($80) for wearing veils and cloaks in harsh retribution for the death of a four-year-old In a statement on Saturday, the Egyptian foreign servatives have barred. public. The legislature says the law would help safeguard Israeli child on Friday in a rocket strike on a kibbutz ministry urged “concerned parties” in the Gaza con- Young Uighur men are discouraged from keeping beards social stability, cultural security and gender equality and even near the Gaza border. “Hamas is paying, and will con- flict to accept an open-ended truce and resume indi- and those who have them are stopped at checkpoints and protect health - because, the proposal says, burqas deprive tinue to pay, a heavy price for the crimes it carries rect negotiations in Cairo. But there was still no sign questioned. So are women who wear Muslim headscarves skin of sunlight and can cause heatstroke in summer. out,” he said. “I call on residents of Gaza to immedi- of either side adopting the ceasefire. Since a previ- and veils that obscure their faces. Some public places such as Elsewhere, officials have been rounding up dozens of hospitals bar such individuals from entering. Earlier this Uighur women to attend indoctrination sessions and to trade ately leave any structure from which Hamas carries ous round of frantic Egyptian diplomacy collapsed month, the northern Xinjiang city of Karamay announced that their jilbabs and veils for traditional Uighur silk dresses. “After out terror activity against us. All such sites are a tar- on Tuesday, shattering nine days of calm, nearly 100 young men with beards and women in burqas or hijabs today’s ideological education, I now understand that the jil- get for us.” Palestinians and the Israeli boy have been killed in would not be allowed on public buses. bab is not our ethnic group’s traditional attire, and I recognize Hamas dismissed Netanyahu’s warnings to civil- the violence. In the city of Aksu, Ma Yanfeng, the director of the city’s for- that veils and wearing jilbabs is incompatible with Islamic cul- ians as a sign of weakness. “The occupation (Israel) The invitation to new truce talks came after a eign propaganda office, said the government was concerned ture and is a backward and bad practice,” a woman named has failed in confronting the resistance (Hamas) in meeting on Saturday between Egyptian leader Abdel that Uighurs were being unduly influenced by radical Islamic Ayiguli Bake was quoted by a local party-run newspaper as the field, and has resorted to threats of assassination Fattah Al-Sisi and Palestinian president Mahmoud forces from overseas. “It’s because they have been incited by saying in a scripted fashion. and other threats designed to scare us. But the will Abbas. “What interests us now is putting a stop to others to do so,” Ma said, noting that traditional dress of But on the streets of Kuqa and Aksu, many women could of our people will not be broken,” spokesman Sami the bloodshed,” Abbas said. “As soon as a ceasefire Uighur women is multicolored. “Those clothes that are all be seen wearing headscarves that covered their necks, Abu Zuhri said in a statement. Netanyahu also added goes into effect, the two sides can sit down and dis- black are a sign of influence from foreigners like in Turkey and though black cloaks were nowhere in sight and in most a veiled warning to neighbouring Lebanon and Syria cuss their demands,” he said, adding that, as in previ- have to do with extremist thinking.” instances only elderly men had beards. Chinese officials prob- after overnight rocket fire into Israel. ous rounds of talks, Hamas would be represented in Uighurs have been adopting veils and beards in a shift ably are targeting outward manifestations of piety because Earlier yesterday, five rockets fired from Syrian- the Palestinian delegation. Hamas spokesman Sami toward more pious lives, partly as symbolic resistance to they cannot “fundamentally alter people’s inner states,” said controlled territory slammed into the Israeli-occu- Abu Zuhri told AFP that “any proposal offered to the Chinese rule and partly out of a desire for the egalitarianism Gardner Bovingdon, a Xinjiang expert at Indiana University. “I pied sector of the Golan Heights but caused no casu- movement will be discussed”. — AFP associated with Islam to mend social inequalities, said Smith can’t make you stop admiring a more rigorous, scriptural Finley, the Newcastle expert who has studied Uighurs since Islam, but I can make you shave off that beard, I can make you 1991. The shift is also in reaction to dashed hopes for inde- take off that scarf,” Bovingdon said. “So that’s what I’ll do.” pendence after bloody riots in 1997 and the ensuing crack- The authorities’ heavy hand has reportedly sparked Strong quake rocks northern California down, she said. Some Uighurs see their current plight as pun- protests. In the rural town of Alaqagha, 40 km south of ishment from God for not being good enough Muslims. They Kuqa, police fired into a crowd in May when villagers vio- Continued from Page 1 streets were closed in Napa due to glass on the road. think “if I’m a better Muslim, then the Uighurs as a whole will lently protested the detention of women and girls for And power was still knocked out to around 20,000 be better Muslims and our future, our situation, will be better,” wearing headscarves and Islamic robes, according to the Napa city officials said they had had more than 100 customers in the area, home to California’s most cele- she said. US government-funded broadcaster Radio Free Asia. On a phone calls from people reporting gas leaks. However, brated wine producing regions, according to the Chinese authorities apparently make little distinction recent evening in Alaqagha, rows of surveillance cameras city public works director Jack LaRochelle said “the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Brown said 69,000 between these expressions of piety and the kind of extrem- perched atop streetlights watched residents breaking their big thing we’re looking at from a public works infra- people lost power in all. The power company said it ism that poses a threat to society. In May, police in the county fasts at a small outdoor market. Pistol-carrying police who structure standpoint is the water main system”. had sent crews out to assess the damage and restore of Luntai raided women’s dress shops and confiscated jilbabs. were trailing AP journalists kept an eye on the villagers, The Napa city official said there had been around power, and estimated electricity would be back up A photo on the local government’s website showed four male who included women with headscarves shopping at don- 30 reports of water main leaks or breaks following the within several hours. USGS expert Jessica Turner told police officers at a shop examining textiles while a woman in key-drawn fruit carts. — APContinued from Page 1 quake, which struck near American Canyon some 64 KCBS radio that aftershocks of up to 5.0 are likely in km northeast of San Francisco, according to USGS. It the next week. A handful of small aftershocks had roused people from sleep as far away as San already been recorded by USGS. “Anytime we have an shoots down Israeli drone over... Francisco, and was felt as far east as Sacramento and earthquake, whether it’s magnitude 6.0 or smaller, as far south as Santa Cruz. Dorothy Roberts, Napa city they serve as a good reminder that we do live in Continued from Page 1 Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), including attack drones. The clerk, told AFP multiple reports of structural damage earthquake country and need to be prepared,” USGS United States, whose Fifth Fleet is based in Sunni- had come in and that brick buildings in particular had spokeswoman Susan Garcia told AFP. If confirmed, an aircraft built by Israel’s state- ruled Bahrain across the Gulf from the mainly Shiite owned Aerospace Industries known as the Heron, or Islamic republic, has repeatedly expressed concern been hard-hit. Napa’s historic downtown featuring vintage brick the more powerful Heron TP, is likely to have been about these two programs. Rouhani yesterday sought USGS issued an “orange alert” for possible damage, buildings was hard-hit, with facades breaking and involved for such a long-range mission. Military com- to allay such fears. “Iran has no intention to interfere a rating which means “significant damage is likely and windows shattering. Residents in the quake zone, manders in Israel have described both as a possible in, dominate or attack other countries or plunder the disaster is potentially widespread”. The California including as far away as San Francisco and Davis, just means of monitoring Iran and other countries. In Dec their resources,” he said in a speech broadcast on Highway Patrol closed several off-ramps to highways more than 40 miles northeast, quickly took to Twitter. 2012, Iran said it had captured a US intelligence state television, adding that the country’s military and at least two roads in Napa Valley because of “sig- One user Tyson Winter wrote: “Shook violently here in ScanEagle drone, but the United States said at the doctrine was defensive. nificant roadway damage.” Drivers were cautioned to Napa. Power’s out.” And in San Francisco, Om Malik time there was no evidence to support the assertion. Rouhani reiterated that his country was not seek- be careful at an intersection of two state roads in posted “Damn, woke me up. Was super long.” Further In Dec 2011, Iran said it had captured a US RQ-170 ing nuclear weapons but said it would not ignore Napa Valley. “Cracks in road may cause flat tyres,” it north, Tim Kerbavaz tweeted: “Felt it in Davis too. reconnaissance drone which was reported lost by US threats. “We do not sit idly by with regard to threats. said on its Twitter account. Meanwhile sections of Quite long.” — AFP forces in neighbouring Afghanistan. We do not remain calm towards plots by the enemy,” Iranian commanders have since announced they he said in a speech broadcast live by state TV, with- had extracted technology from the aircraft and were out elaborating. Iran has long accused the United MPs warn of Brotherhood ‘infiltration’ reverse-engineering it for their own defence industry. States, which maintains military bases just across the In 2010, Iran’s nuclear facilities were hit by a virus Gulf in Arab countries, of plotting to overthrow the Continued from Page 1 also expressed regret that many government bodies do known as Stuxnet, which was widely believed to have Islamic Republic. Rouhani, a relative moderate elect- not apply the Israel boycott laws although HH the Amir been developed by the United States and Israel, ed last year on a promise to engage the West diplo- “That company won tenders worth millions using has repeatedly stressed that the law should be equally though no government took responsibility for it. In matically, said Iran’s military doctrine is based on forged documents,” he underlined, reminding he was imposed on everybody. March of this year, pumps at Iran’s planned Arak reac- “deterrence and effective defense”. behind raising the alarm about that company’s connec- Meanwhile, MP, Yaqoub Al-Sane urged the ministries tor, seen by the West as a potential source of plutoni- Tehran regularly announces military advances that tions with “unfriendly” international bodies in 2012 and of awqaf and health to coordinate to protect Kuwaiti pil- um that could be used in nuclear bombs, were sub- cannot be independently verified. But a Pentagon how the company sought to win tenders related to high- grims from all infectious diseases during the hajj season, jected to a failed sabotage attempt, a senior Iranian report released earlier this year noted that Iran’s mili- ly sensitive security bodies, “which posed a threat to particularly Ebola. Separately, MP Mohammed Al- official said. tary displays had become “less strident” since national security”. Huwaila urged security forces to more cautious, espe- Earlier yesterday, Iran unveiled two new missiles Rouhani succeeded hardline President Mahmoud “I do urge the deputy PM and interior minister not to cially in view of regional threats. He also hailed security and two new drones it said have been added to its Ahmadinejad. “Widespread publicity of major military yield to pressure to stop applying the law on the forgers forces for identifying and apprehending the robbers of a arsenal, in a ceremony attended by President Hassan exercises, previously the norm, has been minimal,” involved in the case,” Duwaisan said, expressing hopes jewelry store at the Avenues mall and called for develop- Rouhani. The Ghadir (Mighty), with a range of 300 the report said. that the interior minister remains as the minister of ing security forces’ skills and equipment to keep updat- km, is a ground-to-sea and sea-to-sea missile, the Iran launched a homegrown defense industry in awqaf to help “cut the Muslim Brotherhood’s claws”. He ed with the latest technology. official IRNA news agency said. It is in the same family 1992 that produces light and heavy weapons ranging as the or Qader , which has a from mortars to tanks and submarines. It has surface- Indian boy escapes from kidnappers range of 200 km. The other missile unveiled yester- to-surface missiles with a range of about 2,000 km, day, the Nasr-e Basir (Clear Victory), is equipped with enough to reach Israel and US military bases in the Continued from Page 1 traced,” he said. The haris of the building was report- a seeker homing head. Its range was not given. The region. “We have not been, we are not and we will edly not aware of any intruders on Thursday. The new Karar-4 (Striker) drone can track and monitor not pursue weapons of mass destruction,” Rouhani The anxious father of the boy said he went to father of the boy, who runs a restaurant in Mangaf, enemy aircraft, the agency said, while the Mohajer-4 said yesterday. “For religious and humanitarian rea- Fintas police station to report the incident on the said many expats fear living in Mangaf, a quiet area (Migrant) drone is designed to perform photographic sons we pursue neither nuclear nor microbial nor same day. “The police asked for the registration num- once known for cheap rents. He also went yesterday and mapping missions. chemical weapons.” He went on to call for a nuclear- ber of the car, which my son did not know. They then to the Indian Embassy to report the incident. “Boys Iran has developed a major missile program in free Middle East, in a reference to Israel’s undeclared said I could have called 112 - the emergency number - being abducted is becoming common these days,” addition to producing different types of Unmanned atomic arsenal. — Agencies to give the location so that the criminals could be said another Mangaf resident.