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12-10-1908 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 12-10-1908 Journal Publishing Company

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THIRTIETH YEAR. Vol. CXX, No. 71. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908. Ily Mull 60 ru. Month. Single copleo, 6 centt. Uy Carrier 00 tt-m-s mouth.

figured as defendant, Ruef himself has that city, as to the value of all kinds laws that properly safeguard their In- twice appeared to answer on the of pottiy there mainline lured. Sol terests. RLIEF BRIBERY scores of indictments pending against BIG DEFICIT IS minor details yet remain to be set- MILLION A DAY "The- development of this country him. In the first case, wherein Kuef tled, but these do not affect the har Hnee Its indepi.ndencc has been car-lie- d HALF BILLION was charged with extorting money monious results thai have been on more rapidly and with t'eatci from the proprietor of a French res- achieved. wisdom any country of the taurant, the defendant pleaded guilty, The report calls attention to the world; bin to further develop Us re- at the same time protesting his inno- commission of which Assistant Secre- sources, expand its trade, and do what CASE cence. The case was afterwards re- tary ,1. unes H. Reynolds as the chair- is necessary to bring It up to the GOES versed by the higher courts. In the EXPECTED III man, which went abroad last year to SHRINKAGE standard which it merits calls for second trial upon a charge of having discuss with Herman officials certain greater work In the- - future- than hu-li- bribed supervisors In the application important matters affecting the prop- I n accomplished In the past. "f the Pnrkside Really company for a er administration of the customs laws "The first essential factor in build- trolley franchise, the jury disagreed and an agreement reached with that ing 11 new country Is tile locomotive. alter seven hours' deliberation. country contained a provision that the ihe- the- plow; and when polit- TO JURY The pending trial was upon an In- TREASURY chamber of commerce r that country PAY ROLLS ical agitation, unnecessary and re- dictment charging Ruef with bribing should he entitled to furnish cenlfl-cate- s strictive regulations, act tin a bumplnci former .Supervisor John J. Furey. It of value of merchandise manu- post to stop the headway of the loco- wax commenced on August Ü6, and factured or produced in their respec- motive, they stop the future progress therefore has been In progress 105 tive communities which should be re- and prosperity of the nation. B, END COMES TO LONG days, of which at least seventy were TOTAL FOR YEAR NOW garded by the appraising officers of F. YOAKUM DEALS "If that vast domain wi st and south-wes- t TO IMPROVE NATION'S as competent evi- ctf Chicago, is so DRAWN OUT TRIAL actual court days. The Jury was not the I'nited States WITH RAILROAD PROBLEM which rapidly completed until November 6, when the PLACED AT $114,000,000 dence In the finding of value. This turning Its lands ot' the past INLAND WATERWAYS trial was seventy-tw- o days old. The privilege was subsequently extended to into farming lands of the future, is to record, now containing 3,200 pages the chamber of commerce of other na- have the same mileage- of railroad Unusual Precautions in Court and over 1,000,000 words, shows that Annual Report of Secretary tions, and It was granted only alter It Points Out Disastrous Effects an equal area as the country east Piesident Roosevelt and Mr. 1.450 talesmen were summoned, of was ascertained that these organiza- ou, the present mileage will have In- Busi- Room to Prevent Repetition of whom 4 16 were actually examined. As Cortelyou Shows Vast tions were governmental In their on Wage Eat neis and he increased 100.000 miles of n Taft Advocate Spending over character so in case of a careless railroad. It was from that section the jurors were passed to the that of Craze for Fifty Million Assault on Assitant Prose- sheriff as they were selected, six oí crease of Expenditures Ovei or false certificate of value being sent ness Interests Ihe country the packing house's re- Dollars Annual- cutor Heney, the men who composed the jury have Receipts, to this country by such an organiza- Restrictive Laws, ceived their grass-fa- t tened cattle prior ly on Needed Improvements. been deprived of their liberty since tion, it would be possible to present to the advent of the railroad, while September 28, a period of seventy-fiv- e the matter to Its government for now many of the large- pastures are by days. proper action. The treasury commis- Mimm-Is- owned prosperous farmers who B Moraine Journal Spwlul Win By Morning Journal special I.ate1 Wlrsl (By Morning Jeurnal I.mic1 WlrsJ I Br Morning Journal Spec ial I cMd Wlrsl Shortly after the trial commenced. sion also made a special study of have so inci eased their productiveness, M. Chicago, liec. 9 .1. I'lerpont Mor- , II. 111 San Francisco, Dec. . The cuse of Adolph .New Washington, Dec. The annual ; chambers of commerce in since the pasture days when ten Dec Sentiment Frank J. Murphy and favor of a Kuef, wit!, report of Mr. Cortclyou. secretary France, Austria-Hungar- y and (ireat gan sat at the banquet board of the acres were required to care- of government bond Issue for Abraham charged bribery burg, two of the attorneys engaged in the take a comprehensive Britain, to determine just what would Chicago Association Commerce to- one animal, that the same ten acres Improvement of the uf a former supei i isor if this city the defense of Ruef, were indicted of the treasury, shows a reversal of of harboi-- of now produce 4 ;Mi of rivers, ami canals of the upon a charge of attempting to bribe conditions for fiscal year llioii, as be the competency the evidence night while It. F. Yoakum, chairman bushels corn. ;00 went to the Jury at 3:3 in. today. the cot-Io- country in the end i. John M. Kelly, a talesman In one of Unit was presented In case of disputed bushels of wheat or eight hales of that this nation compared with the fiscal year ot of the executive committee if the shall have the greatest system wa- At 5:4G, after having been out two the venires. K. A. S. lilake values. With a view to greater expe- of Kuef o terways hours and nine minutes, the jury 1907. For the latter year the receipts dition less disturbance In Itock Island-Frisc- lines discussed The country now needs a rest from in the world, gained headway contractor. Indicted on the same and hence opening quested, was given, permission to were $N4,236,nsfi dis- incident to en- further regulative laws until the rail- at the session of the annual and charge, was convicted by a Jury and in excess of the business conditions the "Our Country and Our nallroads." meeting go to by I pure roads can nise Ive-- of tile r.vers and harbors con-gies- dinner Judge William P afterwards confessed. He is slill bursements. For the fiscal year 1908 forcement of the food law, the Mr. Morgan accepted the Invitation adjust tlu to a com- but was ordered to resumí sec retary during the year has arrang- pliance with those which have been here today. awaltliiK sentence and the trial of the disbursements were $58,070.201 ago, stipu- The sc heme- - deliberations at 8 o'clock. ed to do away In n large measure with to be present some time enacted. If they are found to be Inad- contemplates $500,000.-oo- o Murphy, In which Blake was the prin l During the last day of the trial, In excess of the receipts, due to busl- - of each disputed case to lating, however, that he should not equate, they can be changed or modi- worth of fed.-ra- bonds for Inter- clpal witness for the prosecution, is In the reference nal water courses which has required KID days to bring ness depression and increased nppro- - Washington and has lift to the chief upon to speak. fied to fit the emergency, with fair- to be distributed progress In another department of the he called over a ten-ye- ar to a decision, the room was crowded priations. Fortunately, the report local representative of the treasury ness to both the railroads and the period, of $f.0. 000,000 superior court. Mr. Yoakum declared tlint the annually. President with men women of local prom I says, the available cash balance at the department the department of ag- public. Boosevelt anil and The attempted assassination o and President-elec- t nonce. The heginning of the fiscal year, was larger ports dis- panic of last year caused n shrinkage "All work necessary for the proper Taft, before the Joint usual precautions taken Francis J. Heney, who originally had riculture at the the conservntion the shooting of Fran- $272,061,445. position of cases except those of In payrolls of the railroads of upbuilding of a country like ours can- meeting, have advocated after Prosecutor charge of the case, as assistant dis all the - not the isnuinci- of government bonds for cis J. Heney was resumed today In full trict attorney, was perhaps the most The treasury was called upon in the exceptional Importance. $1.000,000 a day, largely as a result be accomplished alone through the force, latter part of October, 1907. to render of reducing to a radrouds. (lur waterways must have constructing permanent public Im- and the spectators subjected to startling outcome of the third Ruef The advantage agitation against the prove menta. close scrutiny before entry, were sur assistance In a financial panic which minimum the transfer of gold between of misdirected the attention of the federal govern- trial. Heney was shot In the court roads. He averred his conviction that The speakers Included Vice Pres rounded by a heavy detail of jiolioe room on the of November started in City and which these financial centers of the world, ment tinder as broad and comprehen- afternoon na- an established railroad policy by the cient Fairbanks and Andrew Carnegie. at every stage of the proceedings. 13 gradually extended over the entire the secretary says, has been often dis- sive a plan as the policy pursued by by Morris Haas, a liquor dealer. Is necessary, It must Bryce, Si-t- Hiram one attorneys tion. Through treasury operations cussed, not yet been the sub- government but our hankers in finding capital to build Ambassador Low, of New Johnson, of the who several weeks before in Ruef but has un- York; liepres.-ntatlv- during be staple, and a centrnllsed one, up Joseph K. Itans-del- l, who volunteered his services after Mr. qualified to a seat in this financial disturbance the ject of official action. Kconomy In our splendid railroad systems second trial, had public der which the railroads can plan con- Compare Itepresentntlve Champ Clark, of Heney was shot, closed the argument box, and whose as an amount of deposits with the such transfers as come about automat the work of the government the jury record - struction years ahead. He said 10", ; Governor George K. Cham- at noon, after an address of two hours was exposed by Mr. Heney banks reached $230,548,321 on No- ically from time to time by the exten- in .furnishing water transportation, to be - berlain, of rc- - vember 30th, 1 907, on 000 miles of road would have when- iuegon, and Samuel (lum- and a half, during which time he Haas, on of November IB and December tlon of the system of hills of exchange nature has provided the rivers pers, the night 1 of Chicago ?d many by 907, the maximum of $259,994.- - by use of cred- - built west, and southwest and only awaits the work of con- - argumetns set forth committed suicide in the county jail and the International 1'pwards of thirty. t never the tes- - 271 was attained, after wnich It was to care for the Increasing population ,,.,.(,,,. wlth what lias been accom five delegates, .ise had shaken by shooting himself with a small der n i. resenting forty-fou- r hls own, decreased to $258,920,154 by the close ( Continued on Page I; Column 2.) and commerce. Italli'onds alone, he plished by our financiers and con- states and the seeking to put the case of the Inger, which he Is believed to have se territories of Alaska, jurors ill of the month. said, can not solve the transportation tractors In building our railroads of New Mexico and prosecution before the the creted In his shoe. gov- - Hawaii problem of the country, but the ÜltO.OOO to an efficiency and Porto Bico. were In at- form of a closely connected chain of During a period of considerable ex Further withdrawals decreased this miles capable tendance. amount to $118.379.538, on November eminent must adopt as broad and of moving nnd events, "with the defendant as center. citement which followed the shooting the nation's traffic its The advocacy by 16, 1 908. At beginning of the comprehensive a waterways policy n population, In Governor Cham- He charged that Ruef had practically Mr. Heney, many attorneys of the adding untold billions berlain, of abil present year was a been pursued by the capitalists of Oregon, of the defeat of admitted his guilt upon more than ity offered services as substl fiscal there freer has wealth to the property owners of the their of money large PARS In building railroads. Mr. Yoakum country, our prop- senators and representatives who one occasion and he maintained that tutes at the trial for Heney.. Of these circulation and and consider what huve pledged tes- amount were to said in part: erty values and transportation fa- themselves In favor of the defense had never sha wen the services of Mattl returned the finan our waterway the Hiram Johnson. cial centers and some of deposi- "Our country, the greatest present cilities would have been hud the gov- improvements and who fall timony of witnesses who charged Sullivan and J. J. Dwyer were ac the to redeem receiving $200.000' taries voluntarily returned to the and future country of the world, our ernment kept pace with the country's their pledge, was opposed Ruef with from the cepted. and their services during the by Kepresentatlve Clark, giving for- treasury a part of their holdings of railroads, the greatest single Interest progress with the waterways. To put who declar- I'nited Railrouds and with past four weeks have been without ed congress is not opposed mer Supervisor James I. Gullagher public deposits, amounting in all to In the country; two si;erts of sucil It another way: If the 30,000 miles of to river monetary compensation. John J. T anyone ac- and harbor Improvements and never $85,000 to be distributed among the attorney approximately four million dollars. A unlimited possibilities that railroad of this country at Ihe close has O'Gara, an assistant district un ot public money 01 could talk long hceu. of the members of the board. since tlier withdrawal customed to speaking wht between the states had To say so, has been engaged in the trial Its from New be declared, would be to The Instructions of the court Wert ptill!;. depositary banks in York nil Interestingly. bem under governniiiit ownership assume congresg City, in January, to been the chl and control, ns or that is compos.-- of delivered alter a slight delay, and On of Henry made amounted "Transportation has the tame navigation a job the side the defense $8.850.000, making In agent civilization, development waterways, where would we have lot of political Idiots. He ex- contrary to expectations, occupied but Ach has been counsel of Ruef the balance th: in the been pressed Ihe chief banks to credit of general fund of all Th today In .Nation's growth if they heller that If congress an hour in delivery. During the first throughout. B. Do.ier, of the the and wealth countries. the were presented Thomas at end of January, 1,4 8. FLAYED served early had done no for public In with it reaslble scheme hour that the jury remained secluded In case the $226.24 oceans, lakes and rivers belter the for wate rway Shasta, has assisted him the Further voluntary de Increased furnishing transportation Improvements, It would Kuef paced nervously up anil down since the retirement of Frank J. Mur- surrender of Ivlll.atlnn: as population rail than he adopted. the aisle, occasionally stopping to posits were made during February, he (rails nml wniron loads reached they have in furnishing water trans phy, following the hitter's Indictment. and on June 30th the general as as pro portatioti. speak to acquaintances, and often fund out into the Interior far mo sinking Into his seat, where he appear- hud been reduced to $149.000.000. duce and supplies could be profitably "Without criticizing, but only as an ock it I'. II'.mi:s coIII: IIKIGNS K 1 X ed bowed In thought, his back turned HENEY APPEARS ON The aggregate of trust funds, con CASTELLANE SUIT DRAWS handled, but It was steam power that Illustration, take the Panama canal, n SI'I'IIKM iiorsfo sisting of gold coin and world, splendid and magnlfilcent work mid Washington, Dec. !. Speuker Can- to the spectators. WITNESS STAND standard silver CROWDED COURT ROOM .lcvclooed the modern and the non today Henry Ach, Huef's chief counsel, dollars held for the redemption of ha made possible the mi pre-mnc- v probably an instrument of national declared that never alnce railroad ISiiO had there been a un- whose efforts In behalf of his client certificates and notes for which they of the I'nited Stales among the peace, as well as a means ell shorten- time when lYnncUoo Kntircly were respectively pledged Increased ing the water distances between tile der the rules of the house, either un- have several times threatened him San frOscenlor countries of the world der republican or a of physical collapse, l From Kfftvls oí As-sa- ss $139,000.000 during the year. Attorney for Princess de Sagan of a railroad Atlantic and Pac ific ports. If the gov democratic control, with penalty "In the construction a majority of the did not appear In court this afternoon, Ill's Itiillel. I'he monetary stock for the year In through an undeveloped agricultural ernment should expend as much members had not First been able to register their will in leg- and It was reported that he had been creased $263,203.000. The growth in Grills Anna Gould's country, with the grading ciitflts are money us the Panama canal will cost gold was $151,744.391. silver, new in the Improvement of our water islation. Be made the assertion In stricken with pleurisy during the noon Ran Francisco, Dec. J. In Seeking c.nn.l the farmers, new towns, to national bank notes $94,545, Husband as Self ways, our rivers and speaking a dele gation of the Ohio recess as a result of a cold contracted Heney appeared as a witness today industries, and a general population turning their Valley Improvement he hud completed an 227. At the same time there was a every In life, The tributaries Into arte ries of commerce, association. last night after at the trial of Attorney Frank J. Mur Jealous Reprobate, engaged In pursuit w hich through its lu- crease of $1,008,000. At close It would be of untold benefit to the chairmiin presented address of six hours and twenty ni phy, accused of attempting to bribe a the Immediate Increase In properly value? him with a of the fiscal year 1908 the money In ntlre country. memorial urging the im- men. venireman in the Reuf bribery case. Is from ten to fifteen times the cost provement of circulation amounted to $3,038,01 5,- - "ICvery generation has Us problem the Ohio river at a cost Both in duration and by reason of The assistant prosecutor, who had not I By Morning Journal Koeelal I iawd Wlrel ,if the rallrond. The production of the of 488, or a per capita of $34.72. The to solve, and Hie most important one $83.0110.000 to be paid In bonds. the startling and unusual occurrence been seen in public since he was shot Paris, Pec. 9. French society farms, made possible by the rallrond "I appreciate," said progress, percentage of gold to circulation was year sev for us Is the question of transporta Mr. Cannon, that attended its the trial down in Judge Lawlor s court room bring to the farmers each "thai you approach me because I im- $45 95. There was an increase of crowded the courtroom In the palace tion between the railroads and tin- am has attained position as the most by Morris Haas, appeared to be al times cost the railroad. I eral the if to No speaker. know that they bay I am exposures $94.545,227 in the volume of national of today to M. public on a basis fair both. - portant outgrowth of the of most entirely well and walked to the Justice hear Julemier Vet until recent v. railroads were tin- czar and I year agency can In- as in that have more power the summer of 1908 when a grand witness stand with a firm stride. A bank notes during the fiscal clos speaking In the name of the i'rincess looked upon by the public only as ctreciive standing to ed 1st. people and hind and to loosen than had St. Jury, after hearing the confession of of right July last. transportation, not as serv as arbiter between the the Pe slight discoloration the cheek le Sagan oppose entered by ans of - ter, when It was said to him: su- The amount of interest bearing debt the suit railroads as the strong arm of the fed- "On sixteen members of the board of the spot where the bullet of and of the country, but I marked Is in which ants builders engag tills rock build my church." But of indict- e on June 30, 197, shown to have Count Bonl de Castellnne, ral government. All railroads pervisors, returned scores th would-b- assassin had entered as enemies, operated In the Inlerist that is Incorrect. been $934,902,760, and on June 30, he petitions that the custody of his ed In the movement of commerce be The speaker's ments charging bribery against the His voice was full and strong, prov ,1 1908, three children he given to his mother, of few. tween should be con function Is to preside over the housi supervisors. Mayor K. E. Schmltz and ing the fear of Its Impairment to have $897,53,990. "This has been the doctrine preach- states under the and to I'he report shows from the Marquise de Castellane. When trol of federal government rather enforce its rules, and nothing against Ruef, then recognized as Un- been unwarranted that the date ed bv the political agitator. The the more." of the passage of Princess de Sagan. formerly Miss Anna forty-si- x rcKulatlons political head of the administration, the national bank thinking men of the country have than slate then act in 1863 to July 1.. 1908, Hold. secured a divorce from the pools should not be legal lie declared that in view of and against officials of the street rail- Hibernian Dead. charters bv. nermittlng the railroads to "Itallroad tills It were granted to 9,174 Count de Castellane, custody of her stood ized; pools are secret unib lstandlngs fact, would rest with the com- way system, the gas and electric com- Savannah, On.. Dec. P. J. O'Con-ne- r, national bank fight own batlles. mittee on ing was to their twec-- rivers and harbors to make pany, two telephone companies, a former national president of the associations and at the close of the children awarded her. masses are becoming belter the parties to them; but rail last fiscal year were In opera M. Bunnell, speaking for the "The be permitted to outer recommendation In this us. all other realty company and a quartet of prize Anllent Order of Hibernians, and for- there If Informed and to appreciate that the roads should tion 6,827 associations, with authori- count, did not spare the Prince de into open traffic alliances, subject to matters pertaining to the improve- fight promoters. mer president of the Catholic Knights of country enn-n- of the- - a ago, general business the com- ment waterwnk of the country. In addition to several trials In of America, died here today of pneu- zed capital stock of $930.542.774. Sagan fortnight M. Julemier basis or ex- the approval of the Interstate 1,878 maintain its normal would safe The speaker assured his hearers which till' alleged of Kuef monia Banks to the number of have was no less denunciatory and bitter go for- merce comnib s.on. which associate - pand unless the railroads can that he had mi doubt com- been closed by tl- voluntary action of in his description on this occasion of guard the- - Intc sis of the public. 1 he that the In work i f expansion. mittee give verv their stockholders, and 469 Insolvent the count. Caste llnne's sole' motive ward their same federal authority shonlii author would Ihe sitbiect Its "To. successfully carry through Itn- - best consideration believed associations huve been placed In In entering this suit, he charged, was ize the Issuance of railroad securities, and the ' inland waterways Improvement would harge of receivers. hatred of de Sagan, the very thouuht " 1 then-b- nioteitlna Ihe Investor must lie mane years aiie-eei- progress with the Increase of poptl- - There were purchased for the coin of the prince occupying n place in I Ii against over-capit- a Izal Ion, it is paramount importance for the 'lltioll. TIME FOR THE PEOPLE TO age of subsidiary silver during the affections of his former wife goading of lo capítol at Washington will TIE people and the railroads to have a c.r na- Itcferrlng to the suggestion for the fiscal year 16,958,3011 ounces oí de to fury. count. M become the "Hague the silver Castellane The policy can he then Issuance- of bonds, he- bullion at a cost of $9,923.026. said, did possible, fixed governmental that ra.lioails ami its commerce. called attention Julemier everything upon. tion's to tin- fin t that at present all improve- The receipts from Internal revenue to marriage his former relied where pe ace conf-reli- is will be held hinder the of beginning to live down the ments of Ho- kind are made taxes for the fiscal year 1908 were wife to de Sagan. and having failed "We are o settle the questions arising between under of last ye depressing con contract ami said the country had 251.71 1,126, a net decrease from ill was now by every effects ar's public and the raliroaus in this he seeking but we are an advancing the never y.-- falli-- to provide the money T 1907 of $1 7,955.646. The customs re- - means in his power to bring discredit i' litioits; and both, and without political InMiieiiec forgetting people, and before the re " for socti n Ctrl'. elpts same period house-hold- . or favoritism to cither. for the amounted upon the de Sagan forgotten, we "I can not tell." he said, "how to $286,1 13,130, a Sa- cent panic has been Burke, of Sen tile. Wasli the decrease for the Mr. Julemier declared that de Tilomas money is to be- - ear of $46.000,000. should, as Individuals and through discussed Commercial Kd.iiion--hl- p obtained for the vast about gan never had been expelled from The Improve i aid in influencing a gov- Northwest and tin ine nis led, but that thelrt Busing his figures on the estimates any club, and that while In Hue nos of the Pacific l.i- - which will protect us will sufficient for all nece-ssar- of appropriations already submitted AyrcB not ernmental policy I irl. tit " Meeting in Commercial Club Tonight for Discussion of the he did lead the adventur- fu- hnnir.s I am ce by executive departments, from similar calamities in the rtain. In the swing of the several ous life accredited him. These and the iw.ntl. th century, I no Proposition One Vital to the secretary Is of the opinion that the declared, ture. have doubt Sewer Construction of Interest other accusations, counsel policy bv COMMITTEE MAY SERVE that there will be expended no less xcess of expenditures over receipts were base calumnies, concocted by a "An established railroad Is to than ten thousand million dollars In Property Owners of Albuquerque. for the fiscal year ending June 30, man our government essential the CARNEGIE who had squandered the fortune h SUBPOENA ON the improvement 1910, may we lfare of all classes, but more dlrec of the waterways of reach $14 3,046.796. The of Miss Gould, and left her with debts Ihe- - country, that of the- railroad employees and hot of necessity some of A meeting will be held tonight at 8 tion has thus far received no encour- secretary estimates the deficit of the amounting to J'J. 200.000 to settle. Hi is w wnrkingm. n Tin agitation ork may be done by those who agement in any orm from any offi- present year at $114.000,0110. "M. de Castellane has reproached other Pec- - 3 - If Andre w o'clock In the Commercial. club for the the raiiro.ds has been mis- Washington. must follow after us." cial Minrce, it is a definite, business Realizing that sudden changes in M. de Sagan for living hum-'il- re- itainst lb- - discussion of the sewer construction directed, and U'e n suit has been to I'liiiiegle does not accept Ihe Invita- said he was not unmindful that proposition from a reliable construc- the customs standing of Imported tired in hired rooms." commie. the there were some proposition which is shortly to come to hurl the woi kincman, as we have re tion of ways ami means committ- who did not want to tion company, and furnishes the basis merchandise are unfair business. the "the- - - wait on swing of the twentieth In Introduce (Continued mi Cage tí: I 'oliinii- .) Ic.ntlv seen ill the loss or shrinkage the- it before the people of Albuquerque for intelligent discussion of the sewer and an element of uncer ee- of house t'l appear . ntury." but as he well tainty, the secretary has instituted a in the piivroll of railtoad employes understood definite form upon the voting of a construction problem in concrete form. " ami tell what he knows about the many of them would be a region new system by clas- of $ I Onn.Oi.i) per day. to say in bond, newer construction. What Mr. Mullock will have to say which when the jalone it issue for i engage-- is every Indication thai where would be necessary to clothe then-for- gen- of goods Is changed, which nothing of the- army of men tariff there Kvery property owner and every tax- tonight will prove of sification themselves In muslin, h In a in tin- - e'f material and will be subpoenaed by the ror.v asbestos but payer Is invited urged to attend eral interest anil will probably lead to results the payment of higher manufacture he atol a course and IMIHHtTIVr NOTICK use-- the- might be unnecessary. a discussion of the sewer rate of duty, ample notice is given to supplies in op.ralioti and initiee-- . The sessions of t ie bis meeting, which will be for the general were future those TO AIYI.I.TS:ICS nstruction of railmads who Inlere-stliig- . purpose of general discussion of a question which can not but prove of interested. committee will be very as CARNEGIE he-uf- completed by " out of employment. INSTITUTE most Im- There have been Just thrown - problem recognized as the n perse,ns of pleilllllietle i.Te to sewer has the department negotiations which To Insure publication In thfl The results of legisla-tto- several portant one now city. The construction matter P.- v wit- IN before the M ir-'- .n called on t'l If TRUSTEES SESSION g put an end to long out con- Sunday Issue of The are of ilal Importance te the thee Among mvt-in- moved slowly. It has been postponed the drawn - other speakers at the e ness, s re to respond to subpo postponed from to time; but troversy as to the value of I.lmoges Journal all copy for dj play million and n half railroad in ph s foe tonight representative and time - Will it will be the tlie-i- se la lh- proll.lbh be I' eel b - Washington, P. C. Pec. . Appro- it now appears to be nearing the point china And in doing this It has es- advertisements must be ljrnded jvho invest time by lling the ir of the American I.lglit and Wat.i - tin- for . ont'-mjil- us was priations wero may Is. tablished a precedent and a principal In before p. m. of Jj,- pre labor to the railroads, and the mil- fore courts aggregating $36.300 action be had. It there- - - company of Kansas City. Mr. Bullock. here Mjt done in one instan, during tin ruern- made- today st the annual meeting of fore, time for the- - property owners of of between the manu- ceding Thursday, .hauled lion investors who exchange- th. lr Mr. Bullock has made. In behalf of his on Wilse-- bill. the In aril of iruste-e.- i Carnegie begin to an In- facturing Interests involved and the limitations of the lant and money for railroad securities, who o- the of the company, a proposition to thí Albuquerque to take se definite - inve-t.-- r siilipoe na was rved on Mr of Washington. ques- I'nited States government which is the rapid growl in popil-ael- want th- ir meem saf-l- d The institution This II of the telligent, active interest in the house-gcan- city roum for the construction - bv t i mount is in 1909 to- capable being extended to larity of the Sunei rtise- - which threatens the eni- Carnegie tonight the l.i be used merely sewer. The council has not as yet tion and the met ting In the club of other .. s iiie-st- at It is returnable at to projects heretofore Ini- will give opportunity for a classes of merchandise, with excellent ment among Ihnniierque plove-e-'- payroll and a man's arms continue considered this proposition and the night the lilt-- - te t a bite' to flX'el Sllltilllle- lie tial. d i olfl-ci- results. business men link) this rule niint in railroad securities just I' meeting tonight is in no wise an heginning. - corn e litem .- of Mr. Carnegie Charles V. Kliot. president of s one. Such of the cit) The meeting will be called prompt- During the year the department has unavoidable. enrely is ry other branch lr members - su- Payne, of tlo- com Harvard university, A. V lie ly s o'clock and every man Inter- entered Into an agreement with the Journal I'lililishiiig Company. of business i is there fore- of Scrim. chairman and Martlu government who are present will at C.rne-g- i ' Limoges, - employee slated that Mr. of Chicago, were elected i citi-i-n- s. ested In sewer building problem Is chamber of commerce of preme jcnpeittaie that the mlltee, there In their capacity as private the r I we npp.-j- tomorrow trustees to till vacancies in !h board While Mr. Bullock's proposi urged to be there. representing the manufacturers of ni. Ihe .r that hue fair uii;:hl THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1903.

5DESBD !SSffiBEEi33EESE8 .'1 tlnfi i,C UK (Id, 1?, nf whleli iintutiitt ,'lhnilt I'll per I' ll! is uskcil fi,r coast FAULT WITH '. ANNUA L REPORT OF deft llSe Willi, ful' Wlllell llln.llt $!!.. FINDS ,',1111. mili in ie,iiii'd J, if th" I'nit'-- V SI. lies Hid '. 'Kill f"l' Ih" IllMllill , THE JAPFAI! ht pus-- WAR SECRETARY The s. .r. tnrt ' I', r ii Hi raiml re - 'ii u!!s . mnphslu il hy h K is in P ill en ill th,- lin t a ' Sri i el it 1( I SALK acted uf AUG u I,, promote Ih" elllii' iiey ef Ih" lllll- - j ? lllil. 'lie pllliflpnl fl'eet el lip- let-- liliUlLni Eifiiftirftiin 11 wiifiiiifiii'riiiiiiiiifwii , jj.ltfiiti'iTVvt'-Uib- J Out Need I, o, General Wright Points lutt't h" .11 s. ih I" make be y "I LEAGUE lu of More TIioiouaIi Hi" 1. IV, till', il lldlili.l "f III, s.yel,, -- liil'i'. 11 ll.l I, s mid 111' ct id - f t of National Guard as Ad t it 11 ! t.i nun-.- Imiii, lilült U a ii' it- - GOOD THINGS TO EAT "lililí III III" le.leliil C"V- - elilllf retell Li(ijor Dealers Association j junct to Regular Aimy. "1 11)11' lit In I nil" uf t f j , sl i y Afternoon in tin- Contin- 2:30 fhitini,: miliil if Gmws Poevsh Under This f lielliK plcpiir.,1 fur iiny luiii-- of Rum, I By Mtirnlllf JiHirnnl hiHvlitl illilihl I," Iliad" 1,11 1,11, i,r ul' I'm" ued Assaults of Foes , WMxhiiiKloil. ! 9 --'- I .' ' in. 1st llll'S, h" " ' '; 1ÍI" ' 11' il. Ml lleinl i't III" el lia'eillal !'!!" 7:30 m. IÍI71I1H (if flit III' Continued p. the Will :,'en.irtIH I Uf Miirliltir Jiiurnul hui't iul Lruiwd M',ri and at lililí Id" 11 fur. ' "I 1.1 1:. n d III' I'l'iiv licxl us ly ate ; :i w.1,1 vein, idean lull ef II i.l n III. Ii h :'". nun lie 11. 'ii.hlnKl,ii, i,e 'I'lial Hi" ! i SPK1S lauil report of til" eeerelurv "i"'. mi ,, ih, ". I11 ininli, nal a villi "f uiiiif It ion h ie'iii th,- I'liiniii , lin- in.-- In- iil- - It :f. !'. ! he lid v, a ii In nial Id an tu liiin,i- tin I" ' in i.'i mount to ,. fii anil - ' ,,(' II',, ia (.'ilia a iii'-- - 'he K'.. l I'f til" l'"iuH.- mm r i ti- t l"i r ulll'tl- '" "HI ei' nf H"ut J'i2 inn:. ii" '- a r, Id ai inv : t'lii.m 11" , li'"in yfiriiitii. :Uit ni Ka ni -i "it.-- i mad' I In- ii r ni" , MISS IT I'V.m. ill ' Tin - uiHnii f..r l in,-,M- tin- Na- DON'T titlliitii. Unit ah'-ii- 7', a r ,.nl i.l' lie ""'" i.l en s' "f I.v P ' In i r ami har . ' ' I' inerciise Iihk' I I .mill nil la, a ml nan ia I,. ,,T- - Hull. l.iller TODAY .1 . i .1 ''- .1 .) ih iim bor wiirli, mill other wults nf Kit nl.eil in il ;i ia "ii'il v,.,tid lit .'I'liitiui,, u'i- In I., that Hie ' rut hi r;, Im I,- ,11 uf, r- -. H il churn, ti l f"i til' Ii pin pus, mil p. a, in' and "I II a r I111-- : il 111 ;, a 11:11 II ' ' " ' Id In. in nud tí I end ÍUM " ..i, .ra ItlüHll f;'4 "t'll.llllQ asked. If the : , d pr.ihalnt la plr-- al tin- fun h. e ,,! ,1 nr .nil that (H'll Ik ud- - "llillinal, The Grandest Opportunity Ever Offered the Peop! of Albuquerque to purchase Christ- lllii'l.l t I'l, ri'l'l, III! i.--' un-- mi, i. n e Plillllie". llillf, rill lull II la ' timid it h.i"ieiill. and at A ditheiul estimule fur Hi.- stippuit ni' Willi piiliilph ul BOX OF LAS CRUCES Id 1" muí Im 11 (in i" "i ail Ihal K tllliall'" t"ft 11111I lih.-ltt- Will Be Our contain- Briny, id it m nib my tin- Ii I uil-'l- ii "1 ulu.lii".t. mas Gifts of Real Value at Prices that Astonishing. entire stock the (7.111111 ttiiuul I." al ,l. lit eitie r.fc APPLES post te., the M, 11 11 iiiilili.'i. I'm' mililnry 11 euliillmn jiiHIa e." ill il", uf II 11" f ' m ma t"K 1111 tin il 11",,- - ' A HI r lllai'd "t SILVERWARE, call fur -- I - - It Wilt lluil Hie inuii ing JEWELRY, RINGS, Tin 11 In !in tin lit, ,l I'Miltili $20.000 WORTH OF DIAMONDS, WATCHES, :..iei,(iiiii. IH ,1 11. 11 n I'.'l.y "llly Sa.llll (I , -- I luull leaull" un " tu Kuud uf ;i tin!', in llu- tt .1 r deii, l. 'I I y of war especlu ly un 11 11 11 11 if seerelai , 1 ,, llu uf "Mi in na id 1 ihal in the id tt a r iui"tii'i" Chains, Charms, etc., will be sacrificed on the auction block in order to raise the cash 1111 ii'Mn lull 'if til- - miieeis anil Mi;hl.- -, Hid II' fill ir nr.. p. l'i une- 11 h mu I II id r v.e w uuld fi.slid plupiilt IL'Se In Id"' tiii'l ii leu nppnitcs nu 1, th, plll ,u-- ,- tin, 11 I,, (il'iit id" It'll I'ullllll. nrtii, in ed nt .'IMi.iimi in, 11 lar Hi" pelh-- ful- III' diminution from Hi' neiiipati',11 ami fur lit" lleln-hel'- llltt Ii f i, f' il- -i Mild Hint Hie IH'il- - let'tiiii serví, c f "II 11IIÍ11 wlm lull t" uf II ehl,--e , nl pul'll intl li til" pi in, .lar I". rm I, II i,ir ai nit- In ,nu llniiii d lu inn, mía l'i M t . .5 1111. Ulltilltllitl till' rellllsit,. stuiulurd "f -- un uf pel petll.i! Multa inil illl'l! 18 nu 11, it ttuiild hi v. nt- tu dr.itf fur si ' in,, Will Be Given Away I Idem y. li.ith uf these " " that lui'.il nptiun - lint iiuulliir lian.i.- An,' rail. Two Prizes 1' "1(1. mill in "ii Iri.iu tin m i:a n i;a ,1 mid Mm l.u--l , - lit -- fur pi uh iiil urn and - iiii,illt Ii. before iiIKI"e lia II" uuli'tl- Ihal il lul.'hl hi nuil III In' f k y u k t eutnry in ils llpull pluj,, .lu Sii. d 11.11 wall !ur tin- j.'n 11 tinni Ii lit minral rij!. lilt " ::ue. yiiir. -- liiiinliil,. It, - tit nu il ih, 'luiliit Every Evening Tin- m riKHlty fur inure "(Tin is, Hi. amnuil n ipl npi iun tur Hi" einiiji-unn- t lH IlllllV'ud i Icpull Btllll", tille tu til" uf Ih" inilliin mnl f,,r t'liiiiai GUESTS POISONED AT Hie iiik Hum nf llfll finni 'i'odii.V, It ,111- -. 11. lihle lletinhlllellt is ininieiif er.t nf ih,. militia ttilh the n SI. to buy or not. Auctions Daily until ' f those attending the Auction Sale whether you ill. Ir flKlllllr service V. il II (!"'! army. NAVY YARD BANQUET Their detachment ful' re I'll Ml! it ill . ' luí' duly im lin-tri- Iiiik in tin m Christmas. Every Article sold by the auctioneer will be GUARANTEED as represented Ilnd il 11H1111S. 1111 well ii" illl'l lit Mil!" fdnei-im- nl ( allluriilii Seil"u-l- t III: M tile lllllillll nf Hie S' er,i stilt, s till EDUCATED PEOPLE llilt I' Wlm le riiiMiiiiil unit lerrllurli'H, Inn, d tl Hill' IN I "inn! I Aiire. OUR BAKERY nf 11 Iiiik" number nf id H pi', Held (lure nil II d' liu h"d duly l''ra 111 I; a n. " e II - Tile lie"! uflleerK. illl'l !.'; liillliiinnl nl,! nl ..III DEPARTMENT ileulh In he 1. n,fti-- in umu ' tnui FVQ VI- - id' nil f- - TO USE GASOLINE 171171 nil e, ni' ''II I' eiilllll km , ttilh llu- iji-i- i - nf ptiuiiitiiu- put-- lleKldl'U IhlK, X II III tilt I ill H. I'llllt Mining iimuin: tin- peif-un-t Im par-- . lllllltiill Hel'Vii". lililí IIUIIU II'IW nil 'I I'liil.iimn uitr hirlftt llatterv (null id I 11" lulu In un u 'it '. 11 nt tin mu- - 11 UIiiiIh nf Bi'eelnl duly. Ihuiiuli t 11 iuil muni.- iudiaieil nil la- -t Satur- - y In Inn in nmke 11 nn.-nl- ai" a tul a;ip. .1 .1 in " nil ly. DIAMOND BROKER ni ler. Witness Tells of Standard Oil''ia.v'laii'','''uV'tlnml!nV f euiii, r elfl-ee-- Ih" lillle lllel'eiixe In th" liullihil' id t - Ufe enlista III ly lilla 'a la hi' CampaiAn to Dan- - West Albuquerque, N. M. that Popularize !;,;r Z"":, li"d hv 118 Central Avenue for I'l'Kllllir Kervlee Willi their ' l Zl:': 111, lu tin- 11 lull, .11 and THE QUALITY it Ii" a ons Suljstaiice, enl'ier silt" IIHIIHlw. lie llilil Ihat unilld re.' - ttllil II 11 rl nf hi- atSU.-iiili- at. IllellBIII uf Wl'l" 11 tu HI' uf th" f pi, a, i, led. All t,,-!- liimv uf our goods still llllllllHT uf lll.'.lllj l remains llll ixllll l,llli" I' ti I Mr Mtirltlng Supf-lu- l if nil"' t", nd ul Hum el'K I hem' add. il dnln y H1.1I Jinirniil l.rurd Mtrr lilfh fur .11" Ntlll i'l. unsurpassed. lieen thluwit th" iitlllN. i New Vmk. Ilea. !i. - lti.iiii-Siiii- ulT have llii'll Su I.i r at kiu-wii- tin- eninliilun ul HOLY CHIEF W DOLLED Hie reülllt lillld he lllntlh In II' ii lit intn lim- ,,f il i mat iiitenil. unite uf tin- uHuit wlm win- mail" Tit l,.r yiiiii't,-- We knuff we' in i uní" uf unr. tu hhutt the e, iiluunie k ht III" taint", I fund x will minim, lu ,. , ymi r T11 ,rii lde rm- tin- fi '1 nil lei in Hi" it 1ÜII1 It, Wllu patriui-ii-'e- i -- m lluiil'linr une "I III' (teeri-liir- Hlnti M III In- .nil, d if tin h uf llu- Sliiniliiril Oil there Kin sit nl the liiiulii up. mid wlm ill ',111111, llllll l uinpniiy uiin- - ur Hint urpurat Inn nil annual ii hetweell J. In- li a! it repnit'd tu mia t mid I'litiuiiinii. luday put I.. T. Iirake 1,11 the Mallil tj,iL.:.,i..i...,-'- -. In r and Im l tu h, in ELUDESJMUDE Good im Place I m in Hi" Iii ii A tiii-- li hi Iiik uf nt iniit Anulher fur lin, u tin- the Kuvernuii dllllKef. (Til lelll ' ef Hie nl'ltl) lie MllleH !k m fur lit Mr. Iirake fur many years hum I"' mar-k-tiii- - The Jaffa Grocery Co. elluilliat" ulfiieiH wlm have ind Hi" eiiaued ., ihiii, v iiy nr loleilo. T..U-e- t - 1.1 (HI Reward Offered for Ai rest of hllih'-i-- niialil Ii Hll'iu- 'I'he ,i, nl id' Siiiiuliiril j.niilin Is. lie I'liuntj', sh. Oood lo Eat. to buy your Haul edll-- , lllW' llll the Kl lit dtieH lint lli'IV Si.':.ll,llilu had heen id lu ' Flunk J. Cneiiey it 1:1 U H until that Orili-r- I Eanactic Who - .1 1! t Mull VI led Day om Staited Fatal IlllllVe Hi" Kind" id lllitalll Mid It 1IK Hie pei,.e in the Vil II a He tie it Kelllnr pnllltr uf Hie llllll Of F. Same .1. ,,m Milld linn lltti-rl- fulled In m-- idl-.l- td lltniK ('tieiuy i'ii, lining tmtiin-s- in Riot in City till- Kansas Streets It d In iiimi.v nf (iliwd Mr. In. ike ipnn d Hint th" pi h e nf I'lty nf Teieilti, fminly nud Slate itlllnwe eliei -- nil KliHuliue tins Itlil'eitHed tlll'e ul full!' 1.1 a. a and that aid Itiin will pay the Minn ul nNH HI Kl ) IHil.-I.AII- S Tim ri i,ut t.hnwi tin ik Ih,- iiiiiiy I" tinier ill the Inst few yeilts hut tiihl M Illy Mnmlnc .Vinirniil Sneelnl !.ttn.erl fur em h un etery "list- - nf l.l-larr- h Wirl enh-le- pn.-ll- lt n e d Hill', lull ih- only d 1,1. 11 ,,t ell III.- ju e tiltil IlilUllleil Ulli , the - nnff fl'.'ll thai eiiniuit Ii,. urej Py tin- uo 'iiiiiany K1Si(H n, i. Klfnrts of th" lillllli.I Iz.d due I11 S tl , the iin'li uf Halls ('aiarili I'ure. pi'lh'" tiahiy fi eulll-pal- v tu nl Junns .sharp, Inipl llVelllelllu in lei II il Mi; llllllll I'm.ll-l- l ful Hie SI, llld. lid I'll KIIAMt J. ITIF.N'KV. lit I' ll liiliatu-a- l 111 SI ITS I 111 II milieu nit lullutti is (he piiHt enr tin I.- hai In i n 1111 In plilieil ef id, llee ii .tidieillile Stturn tu hetme me ;mi Hllhscrihed ;IST IK v t- I II seeund .Mestiuh, d tu l'i Vial f'l'ellHe In the llitllnl .ul I'll,'.! t 11 "f He Unit the Nt a lula id t prulila 111 my pliai ln " Ihit lltll day nf Heieill-he- r. I'll I'D 111,'wlvi vi I). N' tt l I), I.- his met nt.t niter ye.stenluy iirmy nf ! If.s. nm K i hk lli neveii un Hie h, ft Kliiile uf iHuininatlliK nil A. Ism;. A. V. I.KASi N. I'.,., e. Sud.s in . hhniil.t lit Hi,- i (Seal.) t nl'lj.-- fifí with Ii''".' The MTtWWZF m-.- HlrellKtll 4.1 HI lifii'l-I- ml IIV,.'iJ Ml Muid !. lank wnmiM ranged hettteeii .Niit.ily l'lihitc. teiut, tu he lllle liputl ti. rti fr- - muM inly i l' it su d i lh,it W iiui'lliimi l t Hull's Catarrh 1'urp in win. Ii far seeuri ll!e, Míen, II Mt.ll nf 7.'.li," I'f h il nud M lit ielll-- ,rnlll per unlhill. taken lu'l'.t win. hy tlie I' went Intn li:iri r slmp 5:1. mid mis direetly mi th.. hhmil i'h'hty Kimdiiis N, tt sliurtly liilinl'i r llll! nre xeivlnK In tin I'nl Tu luillK "III Hie HIMlili'lllue uf the . euliipant. uf iiml mm sytt,-m- It , I mis siiri'aees uf the Vul ha t h, n III, In- - after the irnueuy hit" nil ted U'.llll in tin- 'h .l In K tjltiliw un h uf nil) mud leH d red in f Sliitea. Send fur itnuuiuls t is of free. ( iiml ti'imiueij Ins the till.". I, III " i.m ,y II,,- l,, ,,. tits nair imr at store 4. Ill Ciilni. in? In I.l if, the ilefi lite iiillrll,li .Vr ( euuillt ni F J. I'HF.N'KV I'll.. 'I'lileilo, . ., -- I'd I'liu-- 1'i'ilh'i r, Ti'liMt ...' '.... v '"'a shaved off. uf J'liltn Itleii, :'.'. In I In ,1 II wlih . h J'lhii-nu- i, prul'.-.tK.'- uf Sold hy ail d rusKist.--. 7."i S, n Ali' i n has issaied eii i tt lars liit 'iu; i 1111 v. ; the it i.i the duly ImiiiiIIv. St truepl, ell rnllle mid ufll, lit utln" iiimniy at .S'ett Vmk Ivertll Tak" Hull .'iimlly J'ills fur cniisH re-- i h Sharp's ih sei'iptiun and nflVritiK u rtntinllM. II, 1II1 ifeWK, il' pntinli. Vitus llalli!! ii i it h and Si furelun rude unit lelined nil. I'll i s i ', iird fur his aptiire. nli- -l n(M 11 Mart illmll,- elilll'i'h, nil nf The tutnl iimnln i' of nn in InliiiHun Huid, h.itl i'Imi and fallen n Ihi.-- .'.la.-.- lillliT llallíes hílt'e n udded & ye-i- 111 Mauger the the feiinl 11 id a Hi" Raabe iirmy iluilnu iinl with "llu im t diirlnK I.i - yi'Stel'iliiyV' list uf ih Mills. l'ulh e 311. líUIK, tin- Th" aliniiilil i, iint.s iiLiiin-- l ill" sn- al Jlllie e. Ill"le id Ine. Ind. .Winter the Miiiaimn nur the M u CHURCH ,,l il., II,,;, I'm,,, It is H.ii.l t, '''""'' Alnllam, ttlm tt III.- 115-11- 7 h- ,i"lt !"""' pitiil iiirim mid I'lillippiii" iuiIh, wn lii'lii l'lil MM- III nil pi l. "t, llnttever, 10 FIGHT North First Street "I, J'1,11 nin-- t hurt. rallied sliuhilv I - ise In muí. ,mi 11,,. in 4 4iU If llii 1111111I" M.74:: w 11 tt a at (jleiit mi thill uf ulhel millizilliull i, ,,iiuiit s .ni. enrly in lite day and pit t sieia lis sa.V ; It.T'.'n m , -- -- iiml. Tin st. Vitui Hint win- , In ,'id lie n n evi-- ihiini,- m.i.-- a $iiil,-iin- ii has f,r "it !!( M ehnnh has ntnii nl in tu ellllMlll. The le' lll.lfc'" nl A Sei- iiul-l- ii ml in..., $:;n. nun Serpen nt 1'alriek I'lnik and J, l lur tthuli is HARDWARE and SADDLERY unlive hull! while mid nilulvil Ml ST s it ST. Mil IS KIERAiJ ner, it hystander shut. SUITS said In hat I,, n ia , a ml St. ttlm ttus thru'i;.:li i the nrmlllul enll-lll- li 111:. wa; u i :v l Ul MONTH iimnl'II si ir li Hi, lunii, are huth nil ,1 nvi tiff. , Mart 's ehiin lum im,' Mi; liullihi l' nll.-- I II. - A miles auurenal nf the ul l SI. I.iilll, lee stlpulal lull A Hi" hiispiiiil I is V,iilí,i-AaX.'ti,.- " IX. "."mini .mi Trait, IM Ml. 'I I oil", iipuii ,,ln,h nli'uit $"..liiiii ttan JiiIJJi,'.ii.MJ..t, ,f,Ar Láb 111,11 .iri.4.'t.'i Were llll le hti. llllllllilK tu ai tin- lime 111 first uf Sharp nn, fatiu r ul inn. uf fill 'Inn hill II. w Ii 11 whieh tin- Standard lili euin ai n y mat the íiri tt lin was Killed, is It inji mi II. I, All Fffoils nf AI!o;J.t-- Defaulter 21 wen- inn in tin fliilippiii, nil, I' test itnmiy in llefellt,. nl the his eut am pu la numlxT of children wlm were linusi-,- in. l I with his iit;ht ted ,1 ' nr ' . lile d Ini ur ii nine Itnck. ' id" TOYS Mill tthiill the tlutil llllli'llt to (dinipi omiso Tinned Down W'lun ss at tin- knee mid a hull, a in hi- - In iiin. 'h'' "Harden were imt DOLLS 1- tun hit.- jiiiins nr ill ii in in" w r. I , lamen. j.- inve.-tiirate- hiind and IJ'i huii It IUK It. I'll, ill 1, He In- - uruidi-t- Pt'uperly fed. was ii intuitu llKatnst ttan ill Hie .Ih., llu. .iiil, persists that d.tiiielv This 111l ( i III III- 11 ( l i.t.tu cM'i'v iliin for In nis llu- I! 11 i. r I ' 1 i iinli-iie- Tut'tn I'.tnl SI ii .'is eullll liere by Oalholk- in i Ii i ,1 u p Ii . ;i r, d is d e i' ii h is ' Ii ii ii ti - ("mnl tu he The th" lulled ilrellil Societies lu lull a n s 1. 1, iim,, it :i v . mi hand III, tl".:! W I It I twi.e Sij.inl u hll- . 4 I d a py Hulls I,. in ele W.I", l.idilf. The ih" II III II ttllil h Is MIKIn miissii.uliiK ttnh Hie ,:,lm uf the liainl eiaiimi nf the police. It, Kni'diiifi his " eiiiniiu ia me inin iinidtnu Tin- iuilnh------I'ups ."n" Hai" id ih 11 imi- liuin iM l' iillnl'lti t tar Hie lintel llllient and fur lin" minutes at each application relimuiis liiith he has lilth tu n,,y. Mis. ' ' meeuiiKs mm inner relimmii-rral- ami Sniiecrt lo 4 , s- ' ii j n 1.1 I .1 l Ini-'fnu- Sl Hull III,. iiriliv lell If in i!,, , mil pn n pl nvldes that the euiiipany hen ,1. unpen ,ie,-- id tlanu.-- slight- and su r fi v iik childri n "vil1 Calis In Jtl.T.t - . -- :!.)C wind-- luiiiili-- uf it il,,. , y ly , I, W'heelliuriutfs nun in mat i nt i, 'Initial t ist limn In wild this limtner.t and hind on it re t. lined nt put.,,. In nihiuart' rs. m Ilia-- . ll M,, ,a ( r tin- ,i- - .1 - inliiii ,l.,iir,,.u ,ir, i., Wlm in rr the and nu iii.iy I - 'hairs mnl diuinii un 1 mm. m hinder if It Is sn ih n.iin. an Mrs Sharji in .inil. Xnite nf Sccrcinry Wright Coiiririncil. :l'' , l'i X , I'1" SUIJillsed ti, h O tV t 7."i" ullleir,',l Willi i. e. nl dulliiK the -- , . -t tinn- I'lllsi.lll le,. Sel I'.ll Itleii See IlllicklV miiv emnti, vt h, n speak- - Tallies II,, In the illiuliy is -, th. in exhihi; in fl. , di- i AVushiniston. l'ec. The senate e, . -- . i ars. sale l.y -- pi dilnf lit. in Tin el 11 ed II limil heiirltii; will ".itinu Hut it s. tit.,1 it ,,f I" jlaimii'ss Fur ail iu nf the ih nth nf Lulu Pratt. Int ,, Kxpri s U :ii;inis a:!c (o S.l nil .l.imiiiit the I to.liiv ennlirnieil the iimn inui i,,n - will! 11 pun -- K.' ..I' Hi, ,1, t ld,'"l!,s' Ttt l ULilillnlliai III" lii .u .(,uM",l M pel lint em l'i pnnil-hiii fun, .". ,i ..... UK,. Cnrts ác fur I .i,,,,i I, Ill ' , -. finni. Tennessee ,h Hi. 1111111I lit I'lllulllu; i , Kil H IMI nial k.'d la id. u Hnie hy tile ipitlit. nl tt y.ill inuiee 111,- ttuim-l- llllll III" u I ., ...... f ,. e KiiKin. Illc to Ih" exlla taken . -r- lilt' Ittu . . ittll ...... II 1, , I a l ...... M ... I I -. nd 'hi, tt ere n i . - ."m' lull", in. uuh durum lin p:l- ttittu-si-- s. ;ii;l''"-it- n ax". uiritl'llri.Tinv 1 iV '. .Mary ... wall Pe elm v,. Till Tuts' lo V.'.i" The nliuitnil k S S Kins. and l.eifi, m.ti "fry, ,,!' Miel an. as s.- i t i , c lull (In 1, :i I 1 teliiptuiK tu e u p I'u c tt ill! th, A l.-- III! "til ilul inn pa d Itt nl llmil.d the di f. lite s st tn,u n nf the nut y lltutlliihih'S In Si. s, I, ,,(' lie- lllllillll I' ,1, m tt.i- - ii I eral Culhulí, tliis fililí-- s," (Hum llu, lit I In i I Un-- Ilea II. k' Hit 0F FICIA!. PASSES AWAY missiuti in the north end. the p! Men's s Ilk" to l."d lu mnl he W I I ,, ll.l t e lie, mu,;.- '"' him -. ,1 , ., I'll defend. ill .""m" I dm nit; in u p. In ,11 , lll",l F, In liar t t. lilt Women's Olnt i's l" -- hit. - i in, 'in II - ..1 in- - tan- Ii. i un,!,, ui n nm ih,:;;::!;:,:! '""In company .MK" ..un ' j nut id goodwin Hil ls' mi I mill Tl,.- dm llll" lit filed " z at nlnves I.'m' ll ns pi. ii i K pi ,,t na id In III" I.i it I. ,11 ; dl-- id in nufli a n and - N UH fu ,1 Nut, llll, ,1 :4. til" llllllK I" il i.i S.i ii ' tl ipiaiii A il Hills' Co. us I. .Ml to SI I u v SUES FOR 111 111 il t itt. n tt m HALF MILLION Co., "M.VI'O it ' ' t Ku.-t- !" I: i p. i Ladies' is $I.IIO lo " ,,,, , , nt iioi.v icoi i: .it- - d 111 11, 11, ' 'n. ,,i th, u tt ,a In lu i:di llu d t p' .1 ".. it the it i: Fur Cull. us Sil lín in Sli ml L' t ' h -- t , - 'l''ent .d ll il Still'.- - known to roi I . a K ,1 11 In- a I,,,,.. I,,,, .,,1- ml. const and ii:ni:ií v lit. ,,i Hi, l".l ,,l ,, ' Ñ "I , ! M'iyi' IT ni (1 ( ) E lieiiM-r- iec. John Sharp. (Ueicjuts Si! (Ill lu nil E H HSfND0RS d , I , pi m n el-- , 0 mitt thai lllslu.p Culi, "ilelic sin t t un,! said In It,., n i ross lomplu, rn i, in ArUinu-- .,,.. 1. nun. .11, 11, till hid lid liat Itl.-il hv his f.ill.iwers Adam iiml. dN, 0 . ,, t It l t s I., itppi In 1,1 h .:, I reei.umi .limit snt.l I,, the "Ml- , imn llillcrt ni in i pane a. FURLS SERVICE WORK Hie oldest mi ill the emplot ol u,,.r uf the hiind uf filtllllics W llll ll Hatnlkei-- bief.-- i Mini iil t i ,1 !' . ' - 'I Mil If- I;." 111 i P"P, uf tislmp in imt cu.i--"- II" uf k i u '.met 111,- t ' ill il hlondy slluotilli; IllflUV 'tnitii) I -. Ki't tliri died emit nt I 111l - - i.l- li.i- - . 11 "lllpl uii.i- ,l liniiilleils i,r nr- I"" "" ti. luí ni... nnnsil iuus. ;:nd tu II,;- , -- oilit'i- Itahlc Ills Im in. in - an s ..! i tt Hi the 'il.v police y ester, lay. . HI l 11 11 itv niter illn. !: sits 1 1, I ! , t ,1 ... ., it pi us, i:, iio. .", v Tin- ; t ' I., ,,,,, - eulions AtlnilleVS I, 11 Xnt c. 111 A .li-- l. lu-,i- 'i- tilt tiiie. Ii.,.,.- - ll,. ttiuiid 'is tu II known i.i.-r- where b tides. Till-- SH lU VUHS U I' i i ., but I ,.. 1. u it us 'I Hi Hi" i, t .i I 1. ,.1 "' in" i.., iiuuitin.i tmir jH - . ' inuii tt ill i tin k 11 'I' s, ,1 e .es .It t of m.- had P.- ,1 lit ,,i fur time. Iiriv.-- nut of ,'t cuinp.itii indnvj as North Si.sin.l. , ,il,t - IMn, , ,., hi. ii nl in.- nu.t m I 'h. ,,i di j,, m.t;i.r il ,1. I 111" it i U I I inn cities, he Hill In with replied t,J lit I" ia lu "tl Hi, 1,1.1.1-- ,, , iit-i- utlter I" the suit filed inrday I - , I'l the ,,,,li, . Id "M' 1". '..,"-- h - 11, lull i i it- n. , .. u u ' ; ' '., . ,is id .1 nt 1. ,11," itniui ami sia misncii mu n ,.,., ,,., tlV 1 1,1 "it the e lire ni'siniiii Ilst Wnrreii M II illl'l I ,1 III," i" ,l,,.-- Min.r uil'l, In -- i 1, i ,, , ,. , 1 l.un K ' " ii, his nl i,, :i ImiiMiii eti IP llu- (dll'ilen ul I'.. 11,1 t ' ' llll. tul A I t i I tun lell. : i " "111. luirles A I. f, ,,. .an! tin t, na - i l'"l lie ' -t filinii their answer nnd cross emn- - -- , , W ' - a ill sh.uth h. u'el.'i k i.i- to Iim it it s s ill Hi" I" nd 1'. -- I In- y , ,, , , u.ylitittns ni. uh the mil . ' I ti u i ,f i t s a plailit. I un. ;i, ., , ih tlt illi; Ml, let s .1:: 41111, !'l"t ,.,,),. ' '." " tt as scc.-.- u k ,., uis in, 111" ll.'li 11 A 'l ll.l, Ml I". I nn'i ni tae ul lulling i nllt tl nm-tlt- tt P.o d.11,1-11-- ,. '"u; lie nil. re uf k.ii'.in. , uskiiiR jiiilmiu nt fur $:,iu) nun .1 I I HI Hli- - - a su loi. i.i, a used ht le luil- - It" ..p. nim; "i " -- a "I t It H a -- n. i. r,.t n nl Tin i - It tu - is .r. d tu hat ;ie, d l, reus. -- : i.i nr.- and ,le d u I. t, rin in "Í enllL til. ".it 'll "f I. I,, .1 i. bonis . lull tt.t- - ,,l M inns inii in" 111 I . j of Miller's suit. ill. r. frm.-- '" I:.. i , ' a . I t - !""(." 'I Hon, P ;i i n. r. st t s p. tit. lia 'l:.i , , IS - i.- i H"lt to .in pi um isn ttui;.. pt.rtri.i- Xiit un, ; 1; i. i I' ' Ill ... ,, e j, II !' Am ttilh ;,.,idttin ' ,1 " "t lllll. lu,, 1,; nl, e,, tile- in Nat C. i;,..,,lttii" - ;;,s . , -l the enmpnny. In. a the i mu ii i n tears had I,,nxe of tin- III I.. ! . i, ftiKiiKctl in t, Min-lii- ,.,! II. t i. "de su t i ,,t llu- I' t I'iitiiii.le ' ul'.-l'. 1 i;i vr t KI tivi' 1. H 111, securities, claims be was frozen out . nur i ;,,,, of i ir, Alain, .in i:ti ihe I'l.l! is WHEAT FLAKE CELERY II 111.11 one-thir- " i . - ,, , ,,, lllll lis MIIIN IHII Ml - -- I and iniis.ii tu part his .'I an y,. t. ..i i K l.tlt.l . II. tt.i- i, nil nf m. i nun r.'ide. X. w Vm k. . IP In . :t,i,,,,r. . H , 1. " in "in. n,.i, ' interest thmuifi, eon. I" ll.l t I, I,, t . i ,Ut d i :t . I.'llll 1, ', ui-- , ilment us to d '.i .del hia. ,,i p.- -- ,, , IP's' i.!i., defen I , , llu nt ..tmiil P. I . lain mis ' con- .1 ., ( .1 - i'l In w .11 ,,t v ; n i... ,, i t the true Milne uf his pr.ipirti. s e '.a II ,', . hap el ll. I'll .1 nnd n. K I". I' ,l ! M'- a.-- , A -, It;, lint-,.- ii- ll,.- .. . ,, ,.. -- .lí.'ll'-- U" In' I , , trolled. iimi o.-an- d 3 in. r, in .,! l 11 id hi- - a. ,,,, ns at t', .1 i tiuii ti.,1 tt ' ma 1',, up 1" - ,., ai 1,1 .,- el th. l".l, rui.dii .,;' si.x-k- - l M In p' in,. n n. 1 ' i . r . the restitution his itoed- p. ti i m. ii " ih, i ,, i',.-- I . . mm I'.-l- t. - si ,t I Ki.-f- 11 pillt. .,,i. ' I 1 . wln in d. n I'lnldM, mu ... u :ii. e i d n ..i , pi. ni tin m .a r- and iheir uns.r. tile .iv. utnmt't I t -l . t ,.t ll.i- - . i,,i ..." ha -- . I ;,l ..mi ni m It I. ..m i i f , te " t ,,,, w fit.- -- ', I.l i.l ,., I., I li.l-- Ml. ,1 tlU ,. .1, Hi'' ll.l ,.ue id h I.. i ',,:. I n i Hi, nm. - - 'a. ccmrihutes more nutriment to . . n,-- I ,.f ni I. t n 1 .. t t II 11 l ; "l I lit I ' . .. ,. lllll ts ;,,, ...Mil nf ,;i. lull " - I "ll I. - J, I S tt ll I, It , dlS- - i:.n!"ls. u . f It Ml nut- - i, i ' ; - : ,, fe '. - .1 tuns itci i" ih" fa. ts 10,-,- l.e.kll-- Hi. .it s l t ,l, 'U ..ll.l t "i'-u- t K.I ernini4 I"' pal ' k'Me I" t.t I ' nt, - l. 1 u uau l.l.,l .. i, ,,, i ' , It' ll" l'i I l.liu colli- . on' I'luuu Ulan i lr ..p. ii- - 111, .1, f. i,,,- -, n p. tll' r. in. Th. stilt- - Hint .a ,,11.1 a uiti-.- tli.'i1 p 11 -- -- dr. ' Cut'i-iii'iaü- . t ll. Th.'H. 'I. Hi. III. Ill l,.,,rd. ,i.foi .,,,.,1 t:,,. . tn-- .1. f. l. -- I i -- i t ..... lllt. I.ll. It XaConitl t -- I - t . U d I ' :rn,,iiri "r it infill " i' l li e V anv smqle article of diet known '""" r'''s ,;..s 1 th;d I - ., ., i't I'. w it? a h- - uitiuii t,,nit!tit II if i. 'en- ,., ,. I nf ilisiuM ricü niHti'' m ..f f.. Im., I I., If Pi' ,,,, -- p. ''i. Miim" ' i. uní l!,vi,t."r, , th,- lu.t ..!. '! .en, J,,.,., llmU ,M ,st- ' - '.ertim, nt would p. rat. in n- - ,. . , ., orlli,r r i'- ,.f .1, i,l I', l .1 - i tO u.ítK nl (mu t.t i in- ..uní : . I men. Perenne l1, e'lal., ..nd Hi. t ' IPd ' ,r . . ., n I at u f i i i ; ' ; , . p. , ' i ,. ?, ...ii'iset ryuid.j, i.n. Oi.i) cmt,.t-- ir !"ttl!" ,r i tt ,t i ii m r i ., í ., t . stokers in i k e ti . f r r. ,. n . r I... m -- I 1, ton ,.f Ait Ir.- K T' tie" I' 1, ill ...t ' ! I il d - ill stomachs can it with i in the ' cell, i ns "' Ih. I.l el II. si "f lur.- ,,1!. n ' un; .. , .,. t ta, ,,l i n , .! cat a sensc TO ORGANIZE STOKERS AS vr t.f the euenlit -. t, Huid m nluilih. Ml'uli- ..n. m r - I. ti . . f.el'fl ui.u, in is I" i i. t mm a fon-- i It, t. in. :,s !"!. p.i. i,, f,,. r. nt ot ics.iv" nf I. I - nume relish. s "U'I ml.iill'.l.ill " I.., - .1. I li.I.-- !, .11 .!'- ll .l NAVAL RESERVE - keit II. nu'i- l,Ht I' IP' .!.. led ,' t,i- - . 1" f ' ii I la- - I', FIREMEN '..p'. Ill Mi. 1. 1, 'on I.,., I th sehelll'-'-a- - i.. in. lie r.te ti.titc .it 'nr t in, V ... 'mill-.nii.'- i Tll- vol i a. ii, In in, a U.'ll .), il 11 .1, l""t .,kf llx' in pi, II, I. ...II.- ,.' ,1. ftdl .1. ...I "lije.! I, 1,1,1,1, l ,,m i. ;.. pi I,"., Id,, nnd that he - ,!'-- HI , ,. !! .1 - ' -- Willi rn l i,.l. r will te ump. t" 11, tt- p.'K'is lt tiii h dimitid ..t ih,- MtP ..1 ',. It eh' h I,, ll Itll'.u- hi !' while k. iiur i! their pl.-'l- ,1 ! m-.- i. - ' , . .l.,nl t all lor in, l.itf. j ,1 i r v. sl Us H. ' I. Chi- Ii. 'i 4 j ,, A M W .1 k A,..!'.! j, ..ppiupl,.. not. il In. - t" , t l.n nt 'I it For la by all Crocer l.e .im,, ,.f.,, tul I SI .1 II III Oil, n 1 I" .l It... ,1 h. ill!, ship eltj,-,. in ,,f ...,t THE ALBUQUERuUh MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908. 3 25 PER. CENT UNT NAVAJO BLANKET SALE (lie next len days will Illanl-eis- , !!." ho offer fur sale our entire line of Navajo Hug. Sacldlo Throws anil I'illow Tops at. a discount of per cent (on,, fourth off) Mil's Is it very line of Hcnuitic Indian It i ) you lies iiiumuii (KMiisuuii dose Hoiiviiins. will be cleligHitod vtith them for H Christ inus presen! nuil more than pleased wild the prices joii can buy tlx ni for during this Halt'. Come early, while our stock is rom- - plcto llil.l gel I lie lie sign Jon hUc the best. $50 Gcnikintown Blankets, now $3.7.50 $25 Genuine Navajo Rugs, now ..$19.80 Genuine Navajo $10,00 Genuine Navajo Rugs, now $20 Rugs, now SÍ5.00 ....$750 $18 Genuine Navajo Rugs, now ..$13.50 Genuine Navajo Rugs, Genuine Gcmiantown Pillow Tops, BeatiLiful . De- $15 now $11.25 $13,50 Genuine Navajo Rugs, now ..$10.15 signs $1.75 $12 Genuine Navajo Rugs, now $9.00 Saddle Blankets and Throws from .$2.50 Up Central Avenue F. J. HOUSTON COMPANY Phone 525

Roads, where they were to be re- DEATH ENDS CAREER OF ivtary; Cotter C. pride Washington pulsed tlie combined forces of RECORDS viewed by President Koosevelt on I'. C. treasurer. Caiislaud Cilmore and BROKEN February 22. Secretary Newberry DISTINGUISHED SOLDIER It is the purpose id' (lc e:ii;u e to PRICELESS RELIC Mill, wbib holds ltis own PRESIDEN T ELECT made a statement to this effect today maintain intact the oivani Ion now it Atlanta " Instead, the ships will be inspected at existing, and lo cl.iu'.nai.-o- tlie w 01 k Major I'pdegraf, I'. S. A , Is sa id Hampton Itoads for the purpose of C u. ral lackson Saw Service I mid' roorraniv.atlon in eiu h i';itiii:i ign. to have Just commenced a compre-th- e AT MAOISON ascertaining what repairs are neces- Two I'lajj 0 TIMES hciisiv,. lampaign against Indians. PUTS IN BUSY DAY sary, anil will then proceoil in di- Prics For Corn lAbibiiion. Among the td tisera are Henry visions to their "home yards." Omaha. Dee. II. IHIihm- -, . 1 August Straclian and o. II. Colin. !l. Priga-- r However, a full squadron of eight Leavenworth. Kas , lice. , and Wisconsin divided W i. 111 Coders and Co., W. 1!. Shoe. battleships will remain at Hampton (b iieial Henry Jackson, n tired, honors In first prizes in the seven- maker, lirmvii and DeCreck Maurice il Can- SQUARE líoads f ,r two weeks ami from these at hi home here tonight of en teen awards made during the after- Oil IHE BRAVD Si lt w ,11 y.kopf, N. T, Armijo and Co., Conieience With Speaker vessels the 2,5(111 ofifcers anil men aged seventy-on- e years. ileiiciul noon at the corn exposition. Indi- M. WVnii'i' is post master. non Results in Airangemcnt coming to Washington to the inau- Jackson was a soldier in the Crimean ana secured .X first ami liso seconds, The literary style of the paper guration will he detached and the war, civil war, the Spanish-America- n had live firsts and six sec- above the average, and altogether for Meeting of Mr. Taft With Tliiee Leading Teams Tied in usual amount of shore leave given to war and Indian campaigns. He was onds, Iowa had two 11 sis and two VENERABLE COPY OF is a rare and valuable curlos'itv whi those remaining aboard the ship born in Canterbury, Lngland. When seconds. Colorado, two est- - and two hotilil be preserved to posterity. Republican House Leaders- ,: Great Six Day Bicycle Race; The ships will eventually wend their sixteen years old be enlisted as a sol- 'leconds. and Wisconsin, 11c lirst. NEW MEXICO PRESS way In Boston, York, Is- dier and was in Crimean war from i New League. the Terrific Sprinting the Feature- land and Norfolk yards for repairs. ls;,;i to 1XC5. Rising In the rank ol Kuapp's Confirmation Nell toil. Morning J.iurnitl Huerlnl l.utd Wlr lieutenant in the KngLsh si rvice. he Washington. The senate HE PROGRAM AT Washington, Dec. I -- - President ii si Nevvsp; Published in PLANTATION PROMOTERS resigned and cam,' lo America. lie comniiiice on iiitcrstale lommerce elect Tail's day here was. crowded Store of (ho riders In Madison enlisted iii the Fourteenth cavalry in was polled today III I'ec.iid to IXC,;',. tir:-- iiio lii ande valley Willi conferences ami Miicial engage- Kquare bicycle rare ut L' o'clock this lie was commissioned of Martin A Knapp, re- INDICTED fOR FRAUD ments., impel a lieutenant alter the civil war and in appointed as chaii'Iiian of I lie inter- Tin Tin. taut feature was morning, the end of tin' seventy-fourt- h aged by Half a Cenliiiy RECITAL LAST 1S7Ü was made captain. 11 IXiMi he state commerce commission, ih.. conference Willi Speaker Cannon, hour: l!i(m was advanced to major. In con lii 111a ion. Can, Chicago, I ice. Richard Walt h. mcniliiis laored which caused an arrangement fur (lie Miles. Laps. made lieutenant colono!, anil 11 -, Cin- ' of Chicago; Tallón Hmbroy, of I I nf It, aim, Kutt and Sloll 1.4,-,,- it lililí a colonel. He retired in :ih Yale I it Illinois ,cw lu rry, republican members the cinnati, and Hiram K. Rose, of committee un ways and means lo meet I Moran and MrFarland .'. . . 1,4',r with the lank of brigadier gi neral. Washington, lice, rct.iry A inoi t Int. rest ing relic of the war EVENING (iwcnslioro, Ky., have been indicted Mr. . 1,4.1.', !i Taft tomorrow. Hill and Deniara '. Nay Newberry tod was elei led .MeXic 1. a surv a by the federal grand Jury here on a titiles ill New and It was also arranged at Walthour and Knot 1,4.', !l FROM president of the Yale Alumni assoela- - that the charge of using the mails to promote WITHDRAW TROOPS of the days twenty years before tin lusion of a. state- Palmer and Walker l,4r,á 8 tnni of Washington. rruii this conference a fraudulent scheme. IS hi' to l.'allins and Mitten 1,455 7 CUBA IN M0N1 IIS ; ; . founding of the new Albuquerque, ment Hlioubl Issued make known The Indictment is the outcome of TOEE Talonhiil Roatlcr and Pipe the of boih Wiley and avln 1,455 7 7 the copy th" Ne' Mexico PresK, aliunde the commltteiv charges made in connection with the FÍAGERPilAN of Is, 1 MAYOR OF and Mr. Taft hi be respecting the Iievonitch and I )roliaeh . . . . , 455 ti w Ii e h v. .01 dug u Willi MOtlli lil 'shin management of the Miguel Plantation Aanist and Clever ol' I t , I forthcoming revision the tariff. Anderson and Vanoni ,455 company. Vera Cruz, Mexico. Nearly W ashington. ' VI II PASSES AWAY SUDDENLY piasteis" or I'r.i, ionat ciirri ncy and 7 of Mr. Cannon called upon Mr. Tafl and I.a ....1.4:17 Culu-tleclar- relics Id Albuquerque on I FeaUues Enteilniimient at Faber 2, dim persons, it is alleged, were in- Mag oí toiiighl other upon Hie The former record was 1,45:1 miles, Tuesday The papers were biiri d in kilter's Invitation. After duced to invest in tlie concern. The the Aulericaii trhons will be C(in,.o,ie;',alii)nal Chinch. lite conference Mr. Tafl the 1 lap, made liy Miller mid Waller, in that an ordinary tin can the size attended government charges Hint investors líioui in less rHjsiiu ss ill He Sin pended I o,a in alcut meeting of withdrawn the ismd ing pow 11, i.twlih-pe- l the board nf trustees of 189S. were promised impossible - 11 of a ha tier ca nrofds of liiNc rr I be lllatlgura- Lvlj!X,"i alley fu on lids the fund for tlie In they at-,- in fi ct Jcaiies education being realized. - standing which - lion of Ciiha'Vjrosiilent V lie ex prcss- youni ,iaiiy There lp. Miss lb le D 01 T'.a n 1st a nd lit,, south. Later In- took a long wall; York, Her. 10. Plugging . and New I'll" New lity ol ::(!.. state of preservation the ,,f X .il lull conlidotxc nixTiie aim w Mis-- ; Davis, r, with Settalor ,,,,l.;o Masslehuselt:'. away in r,f previous Mi Iva, Pre s. othei Wo known as the le.nb entertained advance all a citmi:. Jll,,' ubans lo govefii themselves well, ' and upon returning to the its Ahajo ss. loks as 1. sh as I night Koafdnian bicycle records, In to neglect your health. Th e wbrstN any held ISpri iii, llihimtrti tn (In, Mrnini; .Imiricl. I Rio Pu a large audience lie at the many three teams avine the two elections air, i residence received eongresstncn. llagerinan. ,. M.. Deo. if it be, n published yesterday I , ncglecl that you can lie guilty of is lo The had 'ollg! eg, ,011a i ll III 11, a president-elec- tiix-da- y have passed off so peacefully thai viih recital The t and Mrs. tlie race kept IniKily pc.ldal. allow constipation, or any hand ol has Mjd heaily tin- pap,,- showing no visible signs of' Taft biliousness is every reason to bclievi that ibalb ben which was also parlicipi ted in by were guests at luncheon of Assistant ling, and the many spectators who liver or bowel trouble to continue. It there 011 (his town In the l.c--t tew days. The paper is dated. future elections will lie equally sat is- - Secretary nf War Oliver nnd Mrs. Madison Square garden never is poisoning your entire system and Mayor James I!. McConm-l- died this August 30, lx4, and whi!" only a well known soloist.'.', and Included two crowded may a dis- factory. Oliver, Tonight they dined wttli Mr lead to serious chronic eciiitig at li o'clock, un! his was lonr-pag- folder, contains j very clever tableaux. before now such earnest work since death small Mary Scott Tovvnsend. ease. Take Dullard's llerbine and get MA preceded only a few by of id ms which must hay, Miss mastery the, saucer shaped track was liuilt. absolutely well. any boms that tiuineroiiK Hilen Davis' of the The sure cure for his Miss Mi inlet, st at ten years ago. and all troubles of the stomach, liver PROFESSOR LVWELLSAYÍ sister. Hello Council. These been of considera ble thai! pipe uigan is ailmiiabl", and her ' (wo tlie lotitij, in llager- is IIeZe,iah S IO Cl UK A COU l ()XE DAY During the day (lore were many and bowels. Sold by J. II. O'Kicily deaths make time. The editor - ON MARS i classical numbers last night were par- Take I.AXATIVK PROMO changes In standing of &. Co. WATER EXISTS inan since last Saturday, the former Johnson. ami noiuerou-- lamihar Quinine the relative lieul.irly li .Miss Clara I ivls Tablets, Ihp it was-- two being thoti of Jos. ph .1. liariiett. nanns appear among the news items, Druglsta refund money teams, but not until nearly In-- I w Ii pleased Immensely bv In r If It 5 shake-u- p a young man eii,y-- i tee years ol among Ih, m Hum nf Perforin Amnio. iters fails to cure. K. W. OKOVE'S o'clock that an important .Miners by inilv Shoe billed I'ot'loll, Dee. it - Pereivnl age, and the daughter (lie of hghler worl nd one my linprcs.av ulgnature U un each box. ü,e. Then Moran ami Solo-mo- I'rolissor flotinc. fide pus. ni ihcrilt It.rnalillo occurred. Springfield, 111.. Dec. - Jolm selection fr. Van Dyke in mon decided they could steal a Dowell today aiitioinieed that bis as- of Mr. and Mis. A. I!. rt f. county, at that time a young man; and Frank Cabin. ky, shut firets, especially of serlouH vein. lap,: Mr-ra- Jumped nut with a ter- sistants at his observatory at Flag- Tho'o deaths. that and that of Santiago HiibhcU. falber JAMES J, HILL ADVOCATES were killed as the result of an explo feel- In the first tableaux children w ie sprint and Stoll almost lost a lap Ariz,, have i b rmincd that the Mayor McCmuiicII. bus brought a oí I'Tatik A. nnd 'I'lioma-- i S HuMaH. rific sion due to dust rollowing a windy staff, nt, ,1 In dable, win-up- ing of sorrow and ocv the i n- died in repres, (uaying at Huir REDUCIION OF TARIFF but'hls partner, Rut!, last year's shot in the Springfield Collterv eom- - water vapor on Mars is present and y.,u!:i of tttis city, and who lxr ure lominnnily The e- while angels hoy red above; Mrs 'enme on quickly and by hard panys mine tonight. Sonrcbing par llleasurea ble. eiroiini dan. pet feel,, Aruiljo. arrivhnr from llm of Mi'. MoConncll'- - are extreme- Pi,-- , (hat In-- sang during this lable.itt "iiur sprinting managed to regain the lost ties are limiting for the victims There has been much com r,, et sv death "..tali s" inletiued he ly family being in ,1 I 0 Fa lb. r in Heaven,'' ami Air. (oul.l distance. Jon. Fogler of the Fogler-Ivc- r bodies. w ith reference to the atmosphere of sad. his Illinois, ia us had run off of his father's Peuila, III , Dee. I. Surrounded by to sang "He Will Hive Ills Angels Lawsnn team, however, was Mats, and its qualities. Those scient- and his sickness being too brief mules from .ludgi Artnijo's train al many prominent railroad offici i s, les-- , Charge iver 'I'll, e," lapped by the fust-flyin- g leaders, and ists who disbelieve in any life on tin appraise thim of Ins eoiulil ,011 in tiuie Cejar Springs, tin computed a! James J. Hill, nf St. Paul, toiitgl t The Journal calls lis readers' It The represented a quit. No persuasion by his team- planet have known their contention to reach home lie en In p( the v: Nile ol mill' ' at that lime hem .second tableau made Hie principal speech at n ban- to the W. A. Goff i Wedding, Willi Miss l.essic Keith as mate or the management of the eun-te- factthat could be proved if the absence of w t- away, il pro!,, that all bus $1 .nib!. quet given III bis honor by (lie ('., la- and S. A. Creel have bought the stock v bride and Mr. Could us groom, (lie cc nlcl Induce him to continue. iler vapor could be shown, while P10-isso- r will he su peml. ti.niori o The le: dill ililot w hi. h refers in. 1. lal and Creve Cuucr clubs of th formerly owned by F. M. Morgan and M bride wearing an exquisite while : "I am all In," he said. "I've don l.mjcll ami his Htaff have been murk of r, q.cct the dead. liong o Hie Fe city. have made a number of improvements y.-- gown with veil ami carrying all I know in this game, and 1 find at work seeking what evidence tlure to. I. I. bridal lie reaeuci lu re on h spec, til tra. i. and ndded to the and are doing hi-- . ros, s. Mr. peters acted the pari 01 1 myself to limit. I stock might he in o atmosphere e e till ;c,l accompanied by President Harris, ,f have taxed the favor an ( business by the firm name of W. A. the minister and M.c tor ,,0, Inch was Hie n 111 played out mid can't go any fur- Photographs taken about a year ago .tilers Hurllnglnii system. An liivocu-lio- (íoff and who respectfully S 011 thw e cr ring hearer, Nich- ther." company', by Dr. V. N. Slipher; at Flagstaff, st to his with little Alice was deliver, il by Utsliop Joan a your patronage. ' girl. , Law'son found no other mate and solicit share of contained certain spectrum lines which J. ro- olas as lower Lancaster Spaiihllng. In the coins' Eilix. News Notes six Ills, Iduc was offlc'ally declared out of the Phone '0H Fast Central., professor l.owel! states clearly indi- " .1. il., rial The brhle.sma wealing of his remarks Mr. Hill advocated gowns , race. cate wttier vapor on Mars. the Navajo (t.h. e on coronets and sashes, while ami the level. ipnioiit nf Hie agricultural with while flowers, were M issc I. ola t Tho other racers In the cotilos! CONVICT CLAIMS HE IS Seven hundred dollars tied up ill a continuo. path tit th timi interests of Hie country ns its futiré I, Ncber, Nellie 1'h kept it up, anil each hour added new I'e.l an, lana ha telK. reh lef a a i hihh'i dri Ing off I. and ami (crtrude Zirhnt. Pal salvation. In thirty years be pre- PINE BLUFF AGAIN ( 11,. Viola figures to the record. NEPHEW OF II, II, ROGERS between Hie bed In ks, was stol qi from s,l llg h e in; ; w h I 10. n lie if the Kdna Patohin, much dicted that the population ut lli.s I t r Coral I'lyoc. During Hi table Ih, country (Mill, nun The score at midnight at the elose MENACED BY :L0()DS he home of ngitiia Ksplaos 1. in ,. el .'111. ills C hat Hi Mail would be :nn. and Ih it seventy-secon- I PI vv it.- - P.I 0-- Stude quartet sang "The Re the ;. resent 111, tho. Is It 111 e of the d r was as nix. during t.iir ei k. Four Polite fon PI to Kansas Cilv nf agrien follows: , Iteno, Ncv., Dec. i. C. A. Rogers, dr, d and sixty dollars of the in , ia So III I '. I Knox, agent ; .and Maiden" bridal chorus. would be ina.le.oiatc. has he, n recovered by Mar.-I1.- .,',., S tl 10 public the c un. Am .liter number during Hi. He a, Located a reviainli of tlie .ff Hutt and Sloll, MneFarland and who claims to be a nephew of II II HIiilT. Dee. !i. , which assnl thai la' Pine Ark., The nlirr Song," Imposti-lillit- y 1,4 1! Klecu Ksp, tiosa, a n,".l;.. of hie- - wagons and fas! oiilertu itiment was (he "Slave aylng thai it was an utter Mofan, Hill and Demara, miles, lingers, vice president of the Standard eastern end of the city again is endan- .ali" the woman, who was hnrgeJ III. the route is perf, by Mrs. II. J. Collins, Miss Poultice at the present prleci of every- 2 laps; Waltliour and Uoot. 1'almer Oil company, was .sentenced to serie a by Mood Ar- arrested thai gered the waters of the ga v c a . lev r ion In- 1 Col- with t,i'e theft. S th. Indians bv leasn of Hill exhibit of thing to build and equip a railroad anil- Walker, 1,41 miles, lap: year in the state penitentiary this kansas river. The water passed the if" ' t.i IV prca til ;ons for lis dian dub sw inging. from Chicago to New York city which lins and Mitten, 1,41!) miles; Calvin morning. He was indicted on two of ami lumber, causing a" llillll.l barriers steel N A e globes us. ll 0 pay a per ami Wiley 1.41S miles. 8 laps; I counts for passing fictitious (licks Direct. F. II of th PlOle. prop lien 'I'll,, colored eff.c would dividend nf two ceu'. ground on protected side to w 1,01.11 plead- the the r, la ma I service, ae. oto i! lively in Hi" tableaux annum and Probad!. 1.4 Is mile. on a hotel and gambling parlor, is Stales Vinillo in dales thai Captain pT rumble. Pnhss the liver checked ( it- , 1, He Mr 7 la- fui tiled by Fr. er and w o Dai 1. II a lo t,.n. of comp,, ny K, loaned hv clt ian Sik and Hill bfl for tlie e;i.,t at II laps; Anderson and Vanoniui. I. lis ed not guilty wlu n arraigned, but a including Ih' number of buildings the I , M '. tonight. miles. 8 laps: Kaber and LaFrauca b ter changed his pb a to one of guilty. Hawaii, re, tit Iv red Ihrout-'- th filth It, It.. Slab-- eavalrv, has left flow ers by is 'bu nial look Cotton Irfll shops probably will l.e , ; lay W III 1 sotilbw, s! II to Wislnngiot ' pa 11 i. s H Poll! Hie Misses Is org. I.42 miles, lap. desiroyed. lout lor ."ant. Fe 'otn and "' Former re rd was I.4IK miles. S Minder Trial t oiiiiiiencrii. Mr. Newell was met at Asli !' rk b of die Filth intanlry ate jusi classes in Hits oily, otic pipe Cliokcl to liealli. ' ,. (I y lapa, made bv Miller and Waller, in Pullo, Mont.,' De. :i -- The trial Kllgilleer I, Hill. In charge Hi illg (lie city licl'c they have been gall pining and II .lo is ,,111 said ot bahles who have ( - To Trust vv, . ( die,) of croup. unnecessary Kryan. formerly of 'in- llroadeo Theatrical soul h si t'n pi oleelS, Who IH CIO la' ...1.. d 1011I r 'a ,da in W. I! I ,ew is. ,1110.10 the How J899. of Arthur !!. - .Many Ii, (his Chicago, Dec. Ihoalois panic,! , 1. Mi Ii 1,1 1, lili, U e is. No child ever had thn croup At 1 o'eloi k Ibis morning tlie three einnati. on the chatg" of having mur- tin. irlv Wiuslou I..10' ml in the ha it of in- , without bavbtg a cold or cough at tho in the; by twei'i, Chicago and San Francisco Newel! has' ui tc,l from a. ! r, ful Vp.u Is u IPmv One li.slor Successfully 'ITealN leading teams had covered I. LIS dered Ceorge Moibard lei II will the lirst symp- cluding playhouses in uñaba, Denver -- IllllOlliU. st.itt. juii stop beg, 111 today inspection of in Hawaii a 1. pi IlleV . W I'.'., e ,,g ,p I'llf milpa and 7 laps. This is four miles last September was conditions b lllle ' tom of the cough with Hallard'n llore-hou- I. . In .ay Dr. Don-Ian- San Francisco, are lo be merged - treating pneumonia," and one lap ahead of Miller and Wul before District Judge Miibael and regards irrigation. of t Augustine al Dicta evl- ."yrup Is no danger what- ' to W. J Smith or Sanders, Ala , "the only theie Into one company according the became Incensed as sotiiclliiug ever ,,f by ler's record made in 1X9. remedy I use for the Jungs is Cham-be- t .roup. Sold J. II. O'Klully Daily News today which credits the ,. t The French team withdrew mm 111111,. talvvaid' i'onvlce, lo Pr, s s(a(. s that tired bl- - lam's Cough Relneilv. While, of A Co. e story o an autlioralive murro. Klaw , , I shorlly before 3 o'clock this! Don't He Hopeless. nal a isatll, upon bis cousin. litth owal of Indians, kflh d one and coiitse, I would tteai oilier svmplntte prime !,- Ml yourself when you're crippled and Krlanger are said to be the girl years 'Id. was give lift y ami faded away - I morning. , about or fifteen l.d another wllh different medicines, have used w ith rheumatism or si iff joints movers in the extension of the a s' iinpri.-oiiui- , nt in Ariz he D1r11T i.1t' d a litis remedy many ittues In my medi- 11. t oiii; Faher and I.aFrocade, the French and ftlobe, Indians had course vmi'ip tried lots of things trust. by Judge Nave 'I'll" b to ma e him cal pi. 1, lice and have yet f illed to T1IK TAIL! Ut All work glial n ntecl. Irani, were no far behind the other Din-mP- 't fondant Trv Mallard's Snow tin, I vvber,. it controlb',1 II second-hun- riders at 2:24 o'clock that the they failed. eled openly ill Hie girl lis the lamí! it, ms of general to w s f,,r w hieh a case hat not Pity and s, all kimlt it will drive away nil aches. . 1 il myself, i ralic Club I slccls H f in-r- . tcstiliell at the trial and laugh Is given the Delll.r eWS, ;. lb" tumble have used clothing. Cleaning and pressing and of the garden ordered them nabis and Btiffness and leave you as :is also mv wife for roughs and Washington. I ft The National roarloiisly lie was ,1 in inl, lllg. Ilec thai (he Rebel has steim wmk of All kinds at rensonalds from thu truck. well as you ever were. Sold by J. II. atl. S"hteli , olds repeatedly, and most w illingly League .,( I numera ie clubs today pa: sing setiteri, " Judge Nava .1 111 et I'l Mobile hi. V has ! , 11 ,, lloved rates Suit sponged and pressed !,Q- The hunch of riders were going sn O'llielly Sc Co. land clt, et fully i con 110 11, il :u su Mlnwly saucer shortly af- selected as temporary olliceis Repre- ed the prison, r a scorching I ( III e t ho cit y ta "ii by t It" I 'nion any ough r, in"dy (,, Hoods railed for and delivered. Tele- around the . perior to other ter' 2:3(1 that Morana bicycle slipped Xolliiug hut (strictly lionn: C(HMng sentative Siilzer. of New York, pie.-l-d- declaring that b" w hHoltllllv l.lck- - the ,', l Is li.n bee,, rcpiil :ed my knowledge." For snle by al! phone 1 !i I . U'l N. Third rtreet. Al- - nt; W. C. 1. 111,1-- of New York. ei - Ing in tetshutg and Avel ill lias te- - llttqtterqun, N. M. Hnil several riders went down. Includ- at I bo Columbus' Hotel. ev.'iy v.sIíl'. moial tibor. ili off gDts ing Walker. He landed on bis bead and rolled over on bis right shoulder.! a limp ma" anil unconscious. Tho I rider bad fractured his collar bone. He' was removed to a hospital.

ARIZONA MAN'vIgtTm 1 mm mm i CI OF SHOTGUN ACCIDENT O o NEYv M o ' ! - H. Douglas. Alii... Dee. P. Cut-O- ff T. Adams, of Clifton, wbib hunting mar The Future Railroad Metropolis of New Mexico. Located on the Belcn of the A. & S. F. Railway accidentally shot Duncan yesterday, u '':grr'-JT1''imfT- ' - t gammmmtammaBfmmmmgxxsfxtmammmjni3KmtMii l litiiiseif through Ho- with a shot- laniw gun, 11 Is sup MAIM .Ml! S.WTA KAST AM) WEST KANSAS causing instant .bath. BÍ-I.F.- 18 TlimTI-ON- MILF.S 8OITH OF ALBl'yi'rtll"l(" NKW M"J1CI, ON Ull. I.I OF TÍ'.K IKKVSTKM IJADIVfJ FIIOM OIICAOO, OIT AND OALYESTOS pnsed gun discharged while the was K KA!V I'KA N ISCO AMI OI-- Mli XKO. he was going through a fence. " Mr. Adams served as county treas- THE BELEN TOWNSITE AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY OWNS THE BELEN TOWNSITE 1,000 BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE LOTS 25X140 FT.WIDE AVENUES AND STREETS two years, Hert-niiill- o urer of Craham county for Hem Hun Hlo It haa fine shade is K h.K,l Hoiim'A, Cburc heH, a ('oinmerclal Hub, Ntom of all clama, Iloller Milla, prom- - Uclem, Net llexloo. la the tallry of OramJa. trren ami a auilfnl lake, I'alcnt a Winer, thm twenty years a r "lid for has been rvf Hotel Been, with all modern improvement; restaurants. Brick Yard, two l.umlx-- Yard, dc, etc), rio. iiint citlicn of the territory. BELEN IS THE LARGEST SHIPPING POINT FOR WOOL, FLOUR, WHEAT, WINE, BEANS AND HAY IN CENTRAL NEW MEXICO ALL FAST LIMITED, EXPRESS, MAIL AND BATTLESHIPS TO BE FREIGHT TRAINS OF THE SANTA FE ROUTE WILL GO OVER THE MAIN LINE THROUGH BELEN, EAST AND WEST, NORTH AND SOUTH. nv GIVEN OERHAULING Railway Company here, the terminal on lt system from Clilcug' to California which mlth an reK!mt llartey Ilnne, a eomniodinn depot, mail and ezpreaa lis The riant Fe lm larist rar.H , ot&cv; roaaaoaa for alalia; tracks lo aeeominocUte rara. llo IkU ollereil for 'wile .ljo,n the cleK,t (frouiid ami ll.irey l,atlrg Ilouae; streets grs,b-l- l.l'alk laid out; alinde t reels, etc. SalkHP. tn World rnl-- - Pt lake Part THE VIUCKS OF LOTS AUK LOW; T1.I1MS tAST, OMi-TI'IR- I CASH ; ItAIAMi: OX Mfl'E AMI MOItTfí Ytii: I'KOM OXK lt TWO T TAILS AT S 11 II CKN'T l.MIJtIT; TITIJS rKUreCT, W AHR.VNTT IEKlf IVlCf In Inauguration t ririiniiiit x WRITE FOR MAPS AND FRICES. OR OTHER INFORMATIONS ; Washington, Dec. Contrary to if tin" tentative program, the sixteen battleship cf Admiral perry's fleet JOHN BKCRiK, Prealrleat. Secretary. wilt riot rendezvous ut N' V.,rk f"i THE BELEN TOWN AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY h puri.e of giving shore leave to the mea mfter leaving Hamptomj 10, THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1903.

LEGAL NOTICES. I: COSTLY CEREMONY i,m;i, MU"''' , will and testament of Fran-- I.t ea.sod, Sanitary Milk leo AiKtdacn y Molina, det to JOURNAL CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS, Maria Hlonu Niianen d Apndara. Ann!-o- , I Oranges dP For Infanta am! Invalids. It IN Kranelata Ap"lHea our iiinlMnt effort to produie nafat l Apo.U. h NiianeK. Yftahel El do Snvetlr.i nml I " II whom II i i From fmran FOR RENT Rooms, I may tmieern: mB Ihc Vmi are hereliy m'lifnd that WÁNTKU -- Rrad'e men to oM TOR RENT The most sBltry Di I IliBli fill end i milked by Cl'-"i,- ! fff.i Is of Dead Em- - will testament of e room tha RloQrand i' Omif ' Arizona alleRfd hint a'"' lice, mercantile and technical jiokI-IM'- ii at y Molina, late of machinery; the latest tinkle In Frant'isio ApotMna in the southwest. Southwestern 61 West Central. at and i"mpi(ss Consign lern-lor- y Personal Property Loans lifini the tinirity of HeniiiMllo and Pufdncss Aasociafliin, 201 K. Ronma, with TJolirrL at modero dairying th ceased, has Central FORRNT cJ In l ldincs; l'ioiioily Dc- - Large nf New Mexico, avenue, AIMuquertiie, N, M. Phone reasonable rates. 118 Haieldtm in Hie pro-hit- e heeii prodiKPtl ami Had 257. tt Avenuo. q ;.liivi'(l Wni Hi '(mm Mi of IMf county "f Herna-II- I Nicely itiiirt WANT Kit Yomiir man stenopra (iherT Money to Loan FOR RENT furnished front The Maühcw Dairy lo. terrllnry of New Mexico, on tlv 606 Arno. Sweet one who Span-i- : OX I'T RXITl'Ri;, PIANOS. ORiiAN'S t:im. South o2l Jiitl tlay of Iiecemlifr, 1S0R. and I Im Prefer uiiderstaiiils h has knoivlrdRe of office Horses, Wagons anil other Chattel FUK KENT Furnished room, nice. Martin StlmniK. J. K. Matthew Mernlns Jmirnitl Nnetlt-- Wlr day of I ho provlns "f " I'i a Urged ami work. lr Apply to Wlllard Mertantilp Co., Wil-lar- also on Salaries and Warehouse R. ly located. 62S West Copper avp. !' kilt, It., lil.lit in with last will and lesiaiiniil was hy order fur hi N. M. eripls. a.s low as $ and aa high as nue. Juicy of the jiltlcf ilf san I court thereupon 1700 North Fourth. t listólo, Di'1 p,r.'t"iinl " in ancltnt a'l Hip of A In $150 00. Loans uro ipiii kly made and FÓ R R E N T X ery d esl ra , fixed for Monday. day WANTKD doclor a small moun- bí"für t fleets, i )nl liiii!. cnMly lin- - il.-.- he strictly Phone 420. January. A. I). !in:. lerm of said tain town. For particulars address prívale. Time: one month nishojl room to gentleman, wltt bulging lo till' I. Ill' Kliaill: II have In one year given Goods In in court at 10 oVIm k in Urn fnrpmion of F'cserve (rocery Co.. Reserve, N. M. remain employment; heat, light, bath and a(, lu l l! till IHfl'illi-l- This H 'il ll IlilN been your possession. Our rates are rea- conveniences; close to business cen- aid day. S city! iii Knin;; Ini' .i ii"i. Tli" ÁN'FkD T'tir fhrre xppi-tt-- mi 'ik imp sonable. Call ami see us before bor- . IJiven iintlPi' my Mind and the .seal ntít ter, and desirably located. Addresi ti-s- I n I il was utnlll H ytial ill:il ed agi to snlicit for aecldent rowing. rll of tliia court, tills Jml tlay nf pecem-Me- r, Steamship ticket to and II. O. C, care Journal. nf iiimiii y II U i stimuli 'I that lin- ami hcallh Insuram.e. Must be well A from all purls of the world. aini r llllll'-l'-lllll- i). IflOX Two rooms for houai bUmm pltst llllll ll III I X (M'IMlil III ' III it tumi mended Liberal contracts for FOR RENT TRY A. K WALKER, THK IIOI SKHOUD LOAN COMPANY 221 Ullll llllf III. I.I' II M Hill the right panics. Most perfect poli- keppiiis;. South Edith. thill Clerk. Kooms .1 and 4, Grant Uldg. amount Iu ni I i;, umi. nun lath, Probate cies In the I'niit-- States, which meet KÑT Two" welííuTñishiM PR I VATK OFFICFS, FOR $ I J mi. oi'd i ready sale. Apply In person, separate In iilmiil Thb NOTK'K XU 1'ITtl.lCATION. with oPKN KVF.XIXGS. rooms, downtown, froai villi i . I. y Un- Imi.iiiI of fin THEM company, 300 In' Casualty building; floe : Pnlted titatsa l.nnd Ofilcp. . Santa Continental 3 0 (" I other parts of first H 3IÍ West entra allcc and llii' board nf lights, lull Fp. N M., Oetoher J 3th. 190g. Luna Strickler building, between 9 Airiinr gas and clly water; J2.50 a week, M , I II .II In I lalgf mil In obtain Notice hereby Riven that Clark ami 11 a. ni. A. W. Itikker, Jr., Mgr. 409 W. Copper avenue, or 21 aloys III'. II l( - II III' l.'lll- STORAGE. III III. Ill till' til llll' M fnrr, of Albnrimrnue, County of W. Gold avenue. I'lllprthM. wild 1:1 rtpnltfil In havf It'll Bernalillo, of New Mexico, hns filed In - faANTED- Planoir 1 ouseti oi fl 'troda,' FOIl RENT Furnished room, In l.ll. IlI'M!" IVinltll Iii Imii. In i .Ml llii; :his nfflt p his application to enter un-l- HELP WANTED Female. etc., atorprJ and paekad aafoly at E 2306-- 7 Harnett Bldg., inquire Room 46. I I as- - N. pruvlBlnns of Section of rcposi h In in r pers nuil lr T. UNVIIL WANTKD Practical nurse for con- reaarnn!ile ralea. Phono Bt Tb M y e,llal'ilcil IhP fíeviopd StatnMn of the T'nlted Socurlty FOR RENT Furnished roomaT nry, llll' Mill case. es rea-J- ., VTarehouae Improvoment . lini'incnl Prh must be l U SlHlea the NE. SK. NW. NE. Co. 4, light housekeeping, Atina Chat! "i. I'lllletl A. of- - Office, Rtnmi t and Grant reasonable, for iHH lump 2.1S. Vt and lota land 2 nf Section 20, sonaMle. Address Journal Stale arniv, in I limi. win ii the aillo Wot i I'lili'il. Block. Third Ltreet and Cantra) Ave. f. 2 4 V. CentraL WE HAVE IT! Township 14 N.. Range 15 W., N. M lice. wen- ill l'i'lill' FOR RENT Furnished room, no P. Meridian. WANTLD A Iva ra do Hotel Laundry. 11'1'itllMl' III III.' II llii llllllllllH KIHltl person claiming ad- AUCTIONEERS. gentlemen preferred 422 H, Any and all 2 mangle girls. sick; nf lin- lale Killing IImI In Hi'' rclgiilnir versely tho land described, or desiring Sixth. lillllll.V. IllH ti'Slillg plllfl' has iinl yi'l l .. I becHUSp J. F. PALMR General Auctioneer, Pure Buckwheat Flour and IrlMiitiiiK in if lis ii ml Im to object of the mineral char- FOR RENT Modern furnished In millt-i- Upon, lull t iillilllls-.iii- i any rea-io- 214 West Gold avenue. Speaks Eng- I'll tldel mi iiniiiiifi- nml iilsn wltli acter of the land rr for other JWAJJTEDPpi rooms with board. 306 W. Hunlng. ha lift ivklu fur tin' iiiwli'iri iMw In IMf it Milivt' lin iii.rl ;l nr.' nf III to lt.i dlapoial to applicant lish and Spanish. Out nf town busi- Pure Maple Syrup, Order ilnvv- - flip proteat WA?ÍT1?DA íirídwdassSdlsTí FOR RENT A desirable furnished lomli-- til f.K ilpnll llll' Hill'. Till' tiMJi t t lor wlili li ii ppi'tipi'Mil iniiM nr tliould their affldavlta of ness solicited. Satisfaction guaran- f'M 111 In- Hit on befnro 15, 11)08. cook caterer, formerly cook In room, in modern house; no Invalids; agtr fin ii' Inn in Ntnmhl. II won Ml Mitin tlmt Mit'M or Decemher and teed, rrlvate auction room at 315 Same Today Have it for N III II ' Hllilll MANLiKL II. OTEKO, Register. Berlin, la to gentlemen preferred; Call morning'. and III ill. IllH UM'll'lllll ( iiiiiiil . i. xlnnilil Mi' tliiii'Kftl Willi IM Stockholm and prepared South Second. List any furniture or l l 13 Ini vi- i miipl' llii' iiliniiiil. t arrangp and cook dinners, luncheona ptoclc you West Silver avenue. rt'MpiniKlliilily nf ki pins tMf i xpfiiili mi i k i; run pi live may have for sale with II H ui.h ation. suppers; Will I'l'M Ilk tllllrll tlltlHf nf tMf i nt h yt itppi'fixiiiiiitf and dinners and "uppers me. First Tuesday, Nov. 17, FOR RENT Rooms for housekeep Breakfast Tomorrow. turnf nf iii' Department of the Interior, I'nited auction, A Vilfl fl. Ill l lii. II nf pi iri'll'."' witliln tlif i't i iniif nf Un- yfiir. nr. $2 50; luncheona, $2.00. References at 2 p. m. ing. 616 South Arno. I Land tllTlce. Fe, N. M., f ii mi In- States Santa Kmmy 210 avp. iilli'i' pi'i'niii.i pinpiily IMM ttiul'l mil .Luí.'. Unit it slum! Rrohlin, New York FOR RENT 3 nice, clean rooms for Tiili-'- l Mi'i Ilt'ii'iiilii'l' 8th, 19US. In Mir wiiH Ini liii in ii ill hnl'lzi- llm Iwnif nf u pi'itpi i' aninnnl PH INTER SoDer, reliable printer, Apply 218 .;iMn-i- Notice Im hereby given fol- housekeeping. North tun i!ri.;H ;ii;ii. of tiMliKiitioiiH to Mrii)(f that the .Q5Alr"W'sceJbaneous. Phone nliort liiin Mas, wants situation In good country Sixth. 72 priin Ml Iiiih Mi'i'ii lowing named claimant hied no- Tin' f ri!t üivfii iivit tlit- tMfhil nl Mini y mi r. Hi town in New Mexico. Address, with FOR WALK All or Bobsa hold .'- - to kinds Nicely sTmiv llllpl'lllll Till' Jll'liplf i tice of hia Intention make final Foil RENT furnished fllll IIIHM'I'. huí Ii ii ciiniinlllft ii i rl l'NH mid ivnult particulars as to salary, etc., C. E. funiitura. Futrellt Furnltura Co., : i in nf his claim rooms, Mrs. Fenner, 609 (furil Mini lh" niii iiir tli' (j in. Illc ful i xpf mlitiiri' iniKlH lit' proof support under - west end of U with bath. rlift'kt'd. 16 17 Gulkk, care Albuquerque Morning- naducc (lltllKllll nit lit will lllld' plll.'f lit tin 1 sections Hnd of the act of South Second. lie Hfi'i'i'liiry niijH Unit tiif. prtHt'ril Journal. FOR SALE 10 tif IM' pt l'i'lll nf lllnlllllltll!. Mini all March 3. 1891 (J Stats., 854). as Extracted honey, Hl'l form of triiiKiiiy Is In w'V 60-l- FOR RENT Furnished rooms for sliilfirifiit n pounds for 11.00; can i WANTKD-ca- as housekeeper for IT ii will iiuiki' In Mini tin t i umendetl by ail of February 21 Position linn un 1'fnpi t.s inint'iiiiiiifc. it in.ikin no the J5.00. Order by postal of W. P. Al- gentlemen. With heat and bath. ' y Inivi' ii!i . ;t.l 1893 (27 4 70 1. Rive reference Address M. üiiiii' iiIii Imiiii Unit tin fpiiriilliiii lii iin i n tin- I'Xpi iiillluriF Stuls., ami that said len. P. O. Box 202, Albuquerque, ÍÍ07 South Second street, Hmihip 11. . a, this office.' In Hit' Infiint fin pfi'tir for (Mf ni'il Inn ry Hiivitt' nf tin- - Ktivfin prniif will tie mailt' N. M. Maloy I . I A. Tiiiir. im nl, .tml tlmsf for pt nt inililM Otero, S. Co ur onimisMoner ut WA NTFTDí'TiMi'irii7 as stenographer, J. rinant type-wrlte- r; I FOIl SALK New L'nderwood An lin ini In fill i'mIh :in tin! In Hit' wmki, likf rlu r umi Murltor Improve Alliiiiiii'iitie. N. M. on January 20th by youna; man Address Af. K. FOR RENT MeHings . make offer. Millett Studio. l I'liiimliH Hint Inivi' In i ii tirrfiiiiiii tl piiMIM- ImiiI.Iiiikk ami Pun 9119 viz: Patent In Me made In the tare Journal. FOR RKNT No. 623 West Copper SI 4 West Central Ave. ry the fri.iii tiini' liiiini iiini litl iM linn lllllll lllllill If (MlHf Ntillf IIH'lltH tlif name ni Icenle Lujan, lor ivhk i, i FOR 8ALE One new charter oak avenue, nine rooms, steam heat, r WANTKD I'oHllion as competent w;i ft iiiiMtn, Tin i r 4, 3.1) 3H tlit'i' mi lin' f i tin iíi i i'ii iifiwi'fii im n r mn ml I. Si c. 2ri. lot sees. and o W. A furnace, machinist lathe. Harnea fine condition. Apply to W. P. Met- - Imiih-i- conk. Will nut of city. rnilni i' nf tin iilt'tl t 6 3á Mil s sees. 2Ü 3.1 crosscut saw. 117 West if Hi" f.lrl llm f xliiiiinliiKiry xpt ntliliiri'K tin lot sec. ami anil Journal. Gold. tf t a If. 321 Gold avenue. In IMf nf llii' ilnwiiHtr I'liipriKH. 1 7 2 r:. liiiini' I'ltinl lor tin- IImiiiI yiHr Strtti ivonl tow nship n. it. FOR pIlllH.'l tllHt Kill' I't ll'llll.IlK ll'T piixlllilll WANTKD Position a bookkeeper SALE Thor jughbred Shetland FOR RENT 4 room furnished cot PROFESSIONAL CARDS sliiiw ni'illmir .i ii't i ipiM JHiil ,1 s llames the following witnesses Mr. nl' Hi. :'. )f by young lady pony, cart and harnesu, all in first-cla- ss tage, Leckhart ranch. . Telephon .in ni Impiiliil fiimlly In llii' ilriiiiiiiry illKMiiiMim'iilH. prove i ami stenoRra pher $.ri7(i.477.rU tils actual nntinuous atlverse 712, rnllilin't nf It fll ll .''. iirpiuH twenty reference. 10. I. (i., care Journal. condition. Apply at Lockhart or call cr address Leckhart nf miipis, Iihi.ihh,:';!!. ptiNsession of, saitl tract for ranch. ranch. iriinrillnnry ift-pln- timl I itslin iho. us next the aurvey of WANTKD Position by man with com" riTT noH- H- BIG DEFICIT IS EXPECTED BY iiiiiiI.m: Siilf of I'linmiiti liomlt. J J 4 the townshlp,viz: (food references. Handwriting good FOIl SALE Star Furniture Company FOR RENT One of the most - Oounty Furteyor. ;:!!. !i it Su I.- nf trtiiHiiry cirtilii iitfs Creccnt-i- AriiR'Hi, of A lbunuerijUP, lmiulre at A- Fleisclier'a Ileal Estate sell goods on easy terms or tho fortably furnished homes In th- hpfora SECRETARY 1 city; Attorney V. 8. Ind prparl ,'t.t ,'lll.f.mi. Imuí pri'iiilinn. $7.'l."i.7SS X. M. office, Smith Second. installment. modern, close In and good ment. I .and mIm. I'iiIiiI i x t y neighborhood. B. Scrip fur cdvl: fit ii im r ni tlpi. Itn.Mit,. Kst tilastlro Vigil, of Alhuiiueniu POSITION WANTKD -- Law ver from Address H. W., engineering. I IM i (iiirilliui ry : FOR SALE Sanitary couch, dining care office, giving bual-nessa- tlisMnrsi N. M. east, healthy, age 37. Willi Hi year Journal name, 2118 West Centra! Ava. II iiniiniii tl fnini I'hki' I I'liliniin I ) i''nr I'Hiiiti, r.n room table, one three piece parlor in family.'tiiiii :is.iiii:i,'ijr,; piillcaipin .Saiicln z, of Allnniuei tiu actual practice and experience in number ItiiMIM' liiiil.llnyH, iimlt-- ttt'HKUiy, fit. suite, and one cot. 609 South Sec a WYNN MFHKPITII l N. M. RKNT a. 4 room nousea, It V. lull lIlMll'llHl llf lllt'll I'l 'H'lll l'.M til law, real estale and collection offices ond. tOR and :MI.:iilt. f'.r i im linn, ilii'ii itfrviff. $11. Su In tear, A N V. General Engineering. Mil' nf 111.' !' llll'llll'llt .ll Palilo of lliutiietie, best references, employment furnished. W. Futrelle, West tll'ln. IH.iil.', Ini tiMin .un! FOR SALE The Hatger IU West Gold Ave. Phone (iiv in liarlinr, $3. ,1. in law, real estate or collection offi and Samp End Viaduct. 77. wlmli liny iimM iltil. ilinUt llii- pnM- - I Ml i.'t.iil'i. for rt'.lm iiiin of tlif son poultry buslnpss. Must be sold Lend ton. Irrigation. .1 tli i pli .111 Any person wlm tleslres lo prolesl anyone RENT-si- x .i in. ml fin cnltl Tin IM Ml. .M.:ii,i.7:".i. or wilh dcsiiliiK FLAT FOR rooms snri' I Tnlnl fXlriiiirill khiiI For particulars apply to R. McClu llllll' lll'llllllH nf N'n iii In r m ml 't'- - giinsl (he allowance of proof, office man or m almost any bath, gas range and heater in kltch- - H'ltta-Ow- mii v iii $ I i .I.;:! 0. manaRcr rilVMClAVS AMI w r ghen, corner 12th street and Moun en ; t l iiiin i'. Knit, iiiiii .i.i ii n.i i . Unix, ii r who knows of any substantial line, wln-r- ability nut merit will win partly ftirniahed. Inquire 821 N. I In other t limifet--' mMoiiMI Un- il if hit ilnil am tain Road. Fourth street. r. c. A K KH ii.'.m'.I iinpinlis ni ititlil inlit nlli Mf in iIhIIj iimlci' tin' laws aim regulations advancement. MiKht buy Interest or dr. iimtlf IMf treiiHiiry wtiitt I w siiiii H i.. Un' nf $ s. K in f tin- Inlt rloi lepart irient hy such Address O IT Ico, FOR SALE Good work horses FOIl RENT A itt'iillnt. di mi limit in tin- Ini of n litttfi' uinler form partnership. modern fifrli hour: l2 h. m p. rn tin nil Un' nlln r M uí. I Un' Huí-- proof should not be allowed will he nal. cheap. Phone 1&82. house, highlands. $22.50; a M ol Hit.' limn. in I iipei iilMniH ol care Join Htill t H.trnott Jtlila. I'Mmib iimnlliK nf April. Mu y nuil .(tun'. lis, given an opportunity nt the above Poland-Chin- a house, highlands, $l"i.00; 1. IMf iM en mint. FOR SALE hogs a W II III liM'll IVpnrlM nf nlfl lltlin llll lini" anil place to modern houne. highlands, DHL HI! Af)l AI'll TIM.!, Ill tlif MlMJflt of Hit' Iflinlotl of til breeders. John Mann. $28.00; a I'lnl' tl Sliili s In tin' .inn unit nf $ I't, c lite witnesses of said WANTED Salesmen, Agents house, highlands, frsctlrn Imirr Un- .in ri Mtry kh.vh the new ml- - FOR SALE- - Five Jersey cows. Ap $1800; a t H.',.' .'nr lin- innnllm latinan!, nml In offer evidence in Ve house, highlands. f ur, Nnmt Hhd I hrimt Iwthf lllllliMllilli'ill ÍH pll'tlUfil (tl fit,!' .MI'I salesilan on ply F. M. h,iks opera $12.50. WTe, ItiK I ii luí..-1- :i I I Miv, ih,, i, im of MiMmitled by WANTKIl I'l'tii ktrv Htainard, Oeiilliil and for Hnnt K I'okmi iii'l-- Initial thai claimant. real estate, 201 E. Central ave., Thone f.llll.ll.lf Ii l i.s. iii. TMf Ksil ii'8 nl i it lirst house. Iilnp. KtHitt) ptnl.,, nf Kt.lil tl.'.n.'.MI.iiiil. un. I MAN'IT'.'I, It. DTKIID, Itegisler. om tn Iks in hasia to handle 257. Orflr Ntitlrtniil Hunk IM" iinn-n- hliiniMI Im ii i. uni fi Kiil'le. til clans line tl il i from factory. SALK Horse, harness,, wagon KulldlnK. lloum; to 12 ft. m.; .tul ini.niiN t ;:,..',iiii.r,iit M i Foil i in In pul I. lo (Me in. Usui f (in, I eliiir--led- good Ft R R KNT l'roa"p7Furnisliedho"u'.e to p. m. i I ii i' v it u i ' usive territory will be Riven and buggy. Call 9u'4 I Thr rt'ii liti'in I at North mis of tlif ft vlcinn. i reeoriled near the Indian also one. Mai iiiirMI Mi' ilfl.sril In FOR SALEReal Estate. man. Ilelerences reoiiu eti. h i u Kighth. .school: RUJ.OMIIN I IIIIUTON, M. n. in (Mis it port i own Kltirv. II two or rooms till luir 4"i-- ', Liverpool Ohio. three for light house 1'hynli'lHn nil lin; nf pliv.'tliiil khIiI mi iM Pox Kast a A por iin't 'init.n. Hie fit n in n in-l- mi iMiiii; like Fon SALR OH RENT t, , 4. 6 and FOR SALE at bargain tine keeping. Inquire afternoons at Kin Mr tiiinlfl it it i. i . OffMn 10 Honth Wrilipr HI. Unit' Hie kI'-ii- 6 paymonta trait camera and outfit, worth $135 S - liuiiiis iiniplt- provision room houar. (aah or dergarten. 61 W. Gobi !;, ti.- nl unlit Im I 't til avenuP. rhiv.1 n ín.ii). iiiulil in nniif II1IIKI lie III. I. If IIH'ollKii new HlM ei'lH W. V. Fiitrello, hOO South Second. A NT ED iyi isccnaneous. will take fin. W. V. Futrelle, 600 Kt'llf t nll.'il IM.lll ill priHi III M llllf Mil JV FoR Ii KNT Furnished three-roo- A IMiitjiicrrjiio, N. M. if liixiitinii. lo pitiiliif Hilfiinnle rt'vr- - - South Second. Imn In iilnillifi' In (inns nf Mrtu, wits Foil SAI.K OK F.XCHANUK lor city WANTKI Pipes to repair. Joo filch- cottage; will rent one. two or all A. Í Mtuitil IÍ. M. iine. IM" e 'inn hi i iiiinlilftMilon of eon. FOIl SALE One Jersey heifer calf. pi npiiHt'il Htitlll Un' I litis it or ranch property, bent transient ards' Cluar Store. three looins. Inquire 522 S. Edllh. Hllff nf si'1' Inlly in sell to iMIh nlniHi i'mrtlr Mi housp In S22 South Waer street. Mitr tin It Ii:ih i ii miuki i ilxil fl hotel and rnominfj buHlneaa ouy se und-han- d Eight-roo- l.lnillffl in Tnlii-riiilniil-i. f tlif MlMJel'l. WANTKD 'i'o a FOIl RKNT furnished' tiit'-i'n.i- In- .in I'Mi.'il i'itnfi i fin inllfil the city, situated on main nimlness liiiKKV. 15 South High. FOR SALE ThoroiiKlihrcd bul house, Ad- Hnnm 10 to 12; J In 4. Of reeenl If K IS Ml 1 1' Ill till Address modern. No invalids. I I ... Illliflll'V pups. K. . 10. ni fin tllll ll h nl tilt' in ii r ii nl street and mar Santa Fo depot, has Alct lughan, cornel dress p. O. 6!). I. ttintn Nut. Run Hlil. 'inliity siiiH Unit Hie net pH.-iie- nl WANTKD All kirnls of hair work Rox tf lmi-íi- Miinlt'-'- . Iniiiiiif iiinl til Hit l(tlf l good pslaldialipd business and Is In Twelfth anil Mountain road. I llll lSt M SSi'ill nf tillUlf-- MltM HI'ITeil a spoi'lalty. Out 8 R. MtlHT vt Puffs and switches l''t)RltKN'TFTirTi"lsííed45 ainl IIM ii in-- t'i intti'f pitiinpl un, I i f (lrst-- i laxs condition, bes reasons for FOR SALE Horse, biinny liar rhyalclan unit Riit..,n pnrp'iKe, nml v III Me iiviiiiiiMlf of town orders ollclted. Mia. H. H. and room houses. Porterllelil Co.. 2l ffi liit i .i ,,,! .i 1, .n in . mi' i ti-i- it f sellltiif. Iiniuiie Hehher Optical Co 319 Hoom ( , N. T. mijo hullA lll'lil Un- t'.'olll lilt lltlx Iftll.s: nf tin 617 Broadway. ncss. Call West Gold West uní Ar Tin- nnii-l- i It Hutherford. South Gold. tlfiiili'S t .tl. i 111) South Sicoiid street. ln, Alliinjiifrtiiin. N. M. mi. Muí i uní in i, hi My (Mnl FOR SALE Handsome base In III.' HI) tiiiitfil buy second-han- d fur burner 'olí RKNT Five room furnished '..t. f itii'Mli'll ni I'lnnnllll. niiKii'M', In- i I buy eqully VANri:iTo - . iiii.slilfi mi, lelilí Foil SAI.K $00.00 will used one season; iu gottii ttindi- I MS. .Ii' Mm nl In i iirri'iit I'fiflpl-- muí fl liliuie. Phone 731. tf house wilh bath. 411 Soqii, Second IIOMIXl'A n pnii. In 4 room house on corner. In lion; at a bargain; call tt 2(13 " Un- Int.: ll.. Hi Inn nf Mnl M pl.'t itlltl South trcel. Call at House, np- - 1'ltK, ItltuNSON HltuNSllN I'fi'tl lllRhlanils. I.alance una II monthly WANTKD Brass, copper, lead, zinc, Arlington Mill ' i IllM (.HI ll (I W( First. posite posloffice. MoinPttpMihlp i'l' til. in ,s In pa.vmeiitu. lin foil, pewter, rubber, aluminum I.i. illliilf in M (hIIiimI . mili THE DAY IN Full SA LK liiiiilre nt 1004 rhyttM'liinn nrnl Hmcfniin tin müí' CONGRESS Notify us by phone; whrou will call, 2tenls i;i it wnttltl If- room lu ll k Iioiisp, modern, lai'fie Kast Copper. Vinn i Itrng Hi trn l'r,i.w K. W. FeP, 602-60- 4 S. FirsL Phont I. i t lot, IliKhliiifls; small i ash payment FOR tr 1 Ill I.i si in ii twin-cylind- RENT Desk Room. 0h A Jnint fitlll rrlilnr, IMinjnvr lie Semite. 9 IS. If 'OK SALE Indian i i ainl haanee monthly. Khler, Ar qu. N. M. nilll.f III" "ii nl IfllsllIK tilt" Hp motorcycle ; fiit-clas- s 8 ft W.isMiKKIi'n. lit'. It - TMf st smIoii any running oi I'oli SALK acre farm with loom I'l Mill .1 Iii tlls- - of mijo huiltlnii: WANTKD Parcels to del ver; l"li villi lli'W lier; gnat bargain; may be seen ul house, fence, young an-- "t IMf si mil, loil.ti w.ts i Mi, Hi ,M i, .If. clly. 47. orchard, SAI.K- ;l iHty foot realtlenoi part of the Phone I I 'tilt lining s hicyelf store. f lilaila. Daiitly chit ken I V In llm l.ll pi s,. of lli'JiMlt- - ranch. Price Mid MIV M lll.llis, lots In lliKlilautls, 1IJ,"'. $250 autl WANTKD CATKItlNti Dinners, I Rio iii. nl, il is ,n.l i Me tl in-- Ii n SAI.K ilooil. stout buggy. ". Grande Valley Land com ".r.i.--.C.i".M- ni,,, For Vit' i'l'.iii V iN it See owner K. Silver vi, mrtics, Mrs. 1. nl Mills TMf - tllno at "IS luiicheoiis and heap. 1(10 North Edith. pany, corner Third and Gold. i i i TliP Motlpty Women Hpint- Iniif Meen ininle 'tt-- ni Nni;i'iin umi Inniitit of - I lehii, 1110 West Ct ntral. houi! 351. piiMIM' Foil. SAl.F- acres in alfalfa I . liiiin tilín lo inn, mn Mill :is SA liirse, lifli. KiMiikN .1 ii s j fatiiriiily mnkpi thtm slnink from th the MUI LE harness and sad l wllh one room house, fenred, WANTKD To bu.v K"t'il set und K J iiiiiiiMi liiK e iui.1 tlfly- - frame a Cnpp. I'Milli- 7 . Inilelii'.Ho tlm tint Mnmlied dle. Inquire North Kirst St. SANIT0RIUMS. 'ft mii'sllmia, oMnm nina 1 htiRBy llll .Sight i .iIIm I ;, Iwo ellii'Mi on main road, miles north. J. liiiini siiiRle harness with I'l j, ami impleas-m- i Im iil Iroat-ment- litre lor tlif Klillllllla of .liillll-l.i- ii aRinl; price 3,',0,'Kaln ollar ami hames. Call at 117 N no ti ph ytli-iiin- i pulsions. Sflllltnl of ,l,i ROSEDALE PLACE Located on tnhiili in tonsillar Office Third and C.old. Mulberry street. LOST pnlil In lint treiiliiieiit of lise.,ies ol Minna Ini roilin fit a Mill to reinstalo Lorkhart ranch, near Indian school. women. If In Ip I) f. inner t aiM Is. ünsst II mnl W eaver, A . I I ti i t nl. Private V. JKNlvn Yrl, ran ho Innl, it Foil SAI.K Itnrnalns for cash: ,i 1ST Saint llf ma rd dog; brown. porches. Under manage llil li t illnnlsseil from tlie military aeaile-i- n tires upstairs eolith private ment of graduate Antntyitr. Itelter to tu IIihii 331 North Fourth nurses. Misan llm tlise.iso ntl Sire.itl. 'I'lie trniiMIn lor MazliiK e ile, l.iietl that their One modem, S. lOdlth. iniilv. Address J. O. !.. Journal. Moorman and Bartlett. Ulnln ami mt MeiiiiiirKlea Fualn-- Ik mi niton Inn nil pnnlNliiiifiit was ami miiMI li Wni KlUlt that wniunn iinilerRoes iMrssii, one motlern, S. Fdith. WANTKD YouiiR lady tlres.m.ikei mililli. rtwiorfir tni iln niittvaiito nt1 tham for nntlilng. that rn t) lieu senator wait hiixetl hv can FOR RENT 17. or Kt nffli k of K. Two acant lots, S. Walter. store employe secure free FOUND Miscellaneous II. Knt, 1 ItoirvtiiiltNf wtniien whn have Itren i.i ii . 11 Hmilh kImpI iiiK Kin iiiiiiii), orliint assignment Two hi h lit Iota, S. High. omit in retinen noine. t ttijt't-i- coni- - llilnt li Pr. Favorito I'rpirrip-l'ii- n In A FOR RENT Rest standard make rtirl rVrte' and MeltlK reslriiteil Mis prlvileReK. anv at niisht lor latiy vvnose nusoanii FUIWD fur. Owner can have wriiK In iiViTerlat of thi mra t Me It pianos. Instrumenta in perfect con ion lie iinl mil wish I.M. i to nn forlh Win Hi at Foundry. oiks out of town. AthlffSs with lull same by identifying at the High l H. i1tpV,SkvM i)n pvamiii.ili'inH dition. Music ATTU nlilrli lliiii Mois' molliiiM to i land Grocery and paying for (his ail. Whllson Co. time look lifter I e. Company, local : .', room moilt i n hoiice, iilars ami releriiit and trtinifiii'TMttCbtJJni;!iu;l IMein art. I they enter the tiillllary Fo sali; JdHM W. WILUHN - rt f J it inn. o ur ami .iip d,'.., .il. lawn ainl shade treon; Rood lca-i- n f a inlf . , " mi MISCELLANEOUS Altnrney l Law wMtnfii a . I ni-- I're iri-- i n ti Jl thin; a httiR nt tL'MIO. Porlrrllfhl I tit Aller a hllff exe, utile session tlif Vll,'llnni. H,l, is;. w Hlal Nallfinu rnif leíiTTTI iTTiiu ,Ti iTnxTrrt vnTjnTi' ami I'll, 2IS Uf t tfilil. FOR SALE W. A. GOFF will set up your etos. I si nal, at 1:1'- -' p m ailjntn m il. WANTED Boarders. Illt1 , AH. il N. M nrakiieHK. Melpx. S6S, V4 inei.nia. lómalo Unliviiya - A 3 room , Phone 207 ast Central. Foil sai.i:- line house. lltST-CLAS- $27,VI room, cotlng-P- altiioft It la Mm-ll- nnn S lloo.M ami boartl; frame V!. alwr riir. comí Invpstniint porter-llcl- d CHIROPODIST HttVArJ , h and DERMATOLO- I. non m-- rel, all Ita lie; tr.MI per week, or $30 per month. modern ciui veiilences, lawn, liiaietlieiin LMK D. arriv-I- n i I'tti im y Co.. West Oohl. anil GIST Walter Konan just "'iin at lJm N'iiiR priiiU'tl on lis UiiiM eon-tain- Iif. hi Sunny rooms, pieciric shade fruit trees; mi High. rap(ter; outsltle iiriii bus-ion- In it I - 4 i the clly and will corns, Tit NaiMmtil Hhi.Ii hulnttili tin ilelnlerlona or Ita tut (ormln Mvr h'iiio tlif InniKf uf l r n f m- n t i (ven Foil SAI.K- A room mod" n In it k, and balh. 503 South Walter. lands; ri'N1 In. treat Alhti,iiii,jti.. N M. rtrnc, and pvert nailvo mrsl,. innl rout tM4 i mislili-- r ttir lull vliliHK close in; t orne r lot; a tine home; $2.1.V) S room, modern, rpmrnt calluses and Ingrown nails; als'i t M moles, warts, pimples blackhpad. A nierliiR lulo I" r.ntip.iMtlon full f"l (if t.ik Mil; nf hi fill I. n h till t an he itoiichi riKht. rln lil Co.. block rotiagp, South St. and INK. iiitp; - latli fortt Fdllh A ii.l'irt-'mi'-nt of tM,,- - mo-- UlKOU"-l- t 11 fl EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. painless cure guaranteed. Honrs Allot n- - ,tt I eminent In Ur (' lllllHl ' MUSi'H. 2I West Colil 1ow In. I 2 7 p. i hoolf of moll, j II il i I.2(MI TV, from to m. Tho Vpndome fltlBlnr., p, v Atlft-wt- tn everal praelitp. Nnim iist'il h iaf Imiiki1, KnK SAI.K Six room In i, k. Smith KMPLOYMKNT AUKNCY frame, Hid S( ! i an, I KM'UAI. I I "m II, I 'r urn ia ell Miiek. of Me. nnmeroi.s jtirtmuost of pn Ki'MH tin- wry MttMt'l in tin- )h 50-- lot. jr water; Hotel. Waltti. two him k from Central 113 West Cential avp., Tel JlfS ray temía -L Ñ lesslniial pmlorvemeniji of iln imiredn tita, It Itt i i I n t Un it FT FTY- A K a"ñtl e e I Altni'jti.'rft, N. M i.iiH tin Kt'Ch ivt llilf. llllf motleill. at less furnished for contractora on If desired. T ST SO ;s a a h will t fotintt In a pamphlet wruppoit ( th- um Labor of music 10c. tvarl ih.ik- Imprm erne nts cost. Apply w. P Up. IL.V.n frame, w. At- for Bernard Music tM le, a so il than short nut All kinds of help fur - i a roij, H ft"l in a lm,k lei mailt i t M'íl U t u ii ! m Cu. Rox 31J-- . Syracuse. ,v. m in riiifiM .mn infill I lantic ave., rasj- terms. T. isis Mr Mi (call'. ::' tiold avenue. Bookkeepers, clerks, cooks. ,trc on refjiieM, Pr. U. V. Pierre, ol hy til- u tu. It nished. (Mid aik'tiiwlit lh high-clas- $2. .Vrmtin frame, h"lh, Mn- - Y. 'I rn-r- i Hittadw.i). fpvpral s I' j k Kittrr - Ttnffilo, N. lifa irofrs.onal l Foil SAI.K in South two alters, servants lot ahnnUt lia (nr weight tilo, axenuc. now. Records of Iry; (IJilU; s. Waller f. BUSjNESS CHANCES Itrntttl 8tirron. tr'ernenta moro . 111 Mf ks from Central tine men want positions Plultl1'i-- i .4 4lll'l Hf titlli-- $2.101 hrick anil frame; P""l" I t, harm It M.ilMIr. Thnn than any amount of llm entinarj Inj, nt , room In n k resim nt e iui all applicant will be looked ht'Mlt'd. IKi us-tf- i4 wi! 'i,-- iMt;itf1 sfen iarp lot FOR SALE Merma noise bualnes, Aittii'lnlniitilt mal hy nn profen.innal lettitnomala. I'miii cash, ttalance hniR time. up ami nnup recommended unless IIHIII2. oenient malka; s. good 7. mtt. Un ii iu ii I in t'tii hy Mi. i ; t! t t f tl:r.n dilli st., c In. location and good trade; good Tli" mnt Intellliient niinirn nnw I ilin nwt Hiinii askniR prl, e. competent o fill position. f lip MasN,nhiii'Mn w have Woith mor" than and JÜ.MMI Double 4 reason for selling. Address C. A. on know Inir what trtrr tako at Apply v P. Mlf. S2I avenue. Correspondent-- C. Paul- hrlck. rtinmi tnlf m. tin- irii-'i- i fM, , huí Mfi. tiold aolkited. II. care Journal. GROSS, KELLY & COMPANY Irino Inteatl of opnini; their monihi MUti tiniMitrU .nil ?.l and halh on rach ship; do In; i v m A hrli k. son, Manager. a lot of ynunff liirtla ami filipina1 down lv thf (Ih !(. t pimn nf 1'ltK SAI.K liNilll motlern. rent $:tH.5r pT month. j i (.inn. pon on West north from, young F. I Employ ment Wholesale Merchants. whtiriir I olTero, them. Favorito Pro-ar-r ttuiitir Hiatnt'f c.ianlte. Col.Bl'IlN Co. $;l (ion modern hotnp, F0R i SAJ-- E Business " i I h liiiHi- - of i tn il ivo inMt'rtil nf li.tit". Rttotl iood barn lor Agent. 212 West Silver avenup. A- i, I., p. u.n o( known m. It ii hot water lieat: Ihkp In. W.m.I. II muí p. ti ovioi ' X ; . A make wrU women atrnng ami alrli IMMt t'Ollt pft it t Ullllrlllim two lotrsts and hllRi.V l:,tl lbuquerque. All kiiitls of help furnish- $2. Mill Two 4 room nt laces, BARGAIN An PstühTishPoTlis loon HTiiir j - a! x p. M : w,mn well. At 4.1' in the (iiiiií- Mf oill handle this, balance ,ir cent ed on short notlt Can uso an At rK-trl,--. business, at San Martial, N r. i jrnI. rach with hath ami Aim V i uyi is vna Ir. I'wrea'a Wodieal AdTler la rnt fira inieret. Wise Ileal LMate. Jul bast machinist, also teamters. lawyers Iiglit: division point on Santa Fe railroad, on roeo'pt of a'amna ttt pav r,i-ns- of lliglilanils, In; HMI lo Tut Hay ICiiiii. I'rnlml Phtpe 257. anil n,"-- Must bp timber Jacks. .',2 (Ml. between Albuquerque and El Paso, TnaiMna i.ttn. s4n, lo pr. R. . Pieree, reinal, lltiffalo, N V., it otio cent alampa for VhiiiKttn. I tr íi. lioprirnta Bnsioes propert, anil raiK liee for for information address F. H. Rich- or 31 alampa for elol t i Stiio : 1'nvtH- I y int roil ucd A lM)r Mouthful. TO LOAN. sale. ards. Sun Mrclal, N. M. Try a Morning Journal Want! airk ciitttjlt tho llnrtor, Iroool rharira i am. pii If a inn tin init'rnai revenue Mis! rt'x Did the mustard plaster Foil SALE An old, loitor. All atirh rommuniraUuna a ra j t Uy t In propot-- ? Mi N E A. aarrodly n hi(h t. tto you mil Rottd. BrldRpt III LOAN on city property FLEISCHER paying tn 1 ield ronnttooiial. j I real ratat business i u tit tn port . at a ppr Valley .. Plorro'a Ploa'ant PelloU tnlport ta tJ friiiii Porti M ld Yen. but. beorr mum. ut cent Itio Grande Real Estate) and Insuranco. Eastern only Journal Want Ads Get Results Ir. HU tn piiv a ta hioh do Philadelphia Ijtnd Co.. agent. Of- business ftod rxulai atumack, livor and buwata. rfifnuf frm hue the tongue' John Borradaile. 11 South BCtstnj reason for selling Address Real Bá- t i no raimpt. fice. Strest. Third and Gold avenue. tate, care Journal. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, 'THURSDAY. DECEMBER 10, 1908. f 5

liwiiyiiuzj, MM. II L. B. PUTNEY FINANCE AND We Have Just the Vehicle You FNTAfllJHIILKI) ' UHoIphkIm 4iriMr, I 1'nir. mill cit far MtU-hH- Wnmtns. Want AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES 4I.HI 4l l.liill li - - - - fcfr.W MKXK'tl COMMERC E W. L.Trimble & Co. li I.ltrry. IVril mill Sain Stulilc. Hfsl FROM ( I.isn 'riirnoulK at Kcasoiiahlti Hlc. m Iclcpl-oii- a. HrronA R4. Where yon want It S. 5: Wall Strrcl. you want It NOW When CONSOLIDATED LIQUOR CO. New Pork, Dec. I There was No smoke no smell no trouble. - Until Kll, In Mi-l-li I' I'.HklB variety in the Issues niul'..rIt o hn III ( dealt In on the mock cxriuiimo today Oltrn you waul lirat in a hurry mi mmmmvKfmvkm,m.,mfrf1 v I IIIH l;s 1 K 1,1 l H(1 IN muí very . .i .i t Christ- - little am to iicconnt. fur Hie some room in Inc. house Ihe tur- WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS in - 'i-- t . l t t t. t i I newly revived interest in thcni. Trans- li- 18 ttniuiu- - tMíTvttdnff In Una. Wrtt nare docs not rrach. li s so easy to f..r iihiHM.ii'it I'ctloguft unit"r Ftio actions were mude in - mas ilft. a unni- num- i ifint it t't id., li" nnly. oT ber securities tliiit have ap- carry i IfpliuiiA 1H$. net pick up ana a i peared on the tupe hefore in months Large H-V- (oum k husk m. as u irrrK AK. pant ami only a few times In the (oui'se if a year's ucllv Itics. Others New DRS. Ik which customarily occupy a place in PERFECTION Oil Heater COPP PETTIT the hattleKtniinl, Wcre rushed fr-war- d DENTISTS. to the conspicuous forefront of (Equipped with Smokeless Device) Stock the market. The consequence was a Room 12 N. T. Armijo BltJg. very lai'KO scope of (liferent ' to the room you want to heal suitable lor any room in Ine securities 4-- ' ' of which sales were - Plioue 547. made anil sum.' house. It has a real smokeless device absolutely preventing sensational price changes when com- s pared with prccedlnR quotations. smoke or smell turn the wick as high as you can or There was a corrcs-pondin- in- B. II. BRIGGS & CO retreat low as you like brass lonl holds 4 quarts ol oil TO SELECT to comparativo obscurity of many of as the stocks, which have furnished the that gives out glowing heal lor y hours, fini- N. DRUGGISTS. i staple for speculative activity for FROM. CO. 214 Second St many shed in iapan and nickel an ornament J KORBER & t'rotirtt'lorn of mouths. The former leaders In i mnH 1 vmiiilu riotrutitry, Inr, loll Flmtt were, v i.J U ( the market quiet in tone and anywhere, uvery iicaier wairaurcu. liiHhliiitil l iniiii.'i . or. Kii'it iPHirttl nail moved but little. In some respects IT5 Hriititlwitj-- such H market may be THE LONE STAR m accepted as a Tfal reflection of a broadening tendency in HOOT AM) SHOP, SHOP. iiin;i sii;i:i;t the Interest felt. ;.! Hoots and Shoes made lo order In Crowing for tlia student The high-Krari- e standard stocks It lamo lor the or any Mjlo nuil hizo. Satisfaction which are the more ll niv. a krillnnl. ftlraJv llalli guaranteed. líifiiúring neatly MEAT MARKET representative of Made ol brasa. mcM plalr d and qulpaol I re-- lint makfi study a pleasure. t 1121 Ml KIikIh or h mid Suit M"l general conditions are always first to (amp warranted. done. Will call and deliver. with Ihe lall improved central dralt burner. Every Prosperity Steam San-nin- e factory. move In a speculative advance and it Rayo Lamp bam Wiwt Ci'niral, Corner of I'oiirlh. II oblain the Perfection Oil Healer cr IM1I, Ivl you eannol - " - WOltT. is not unusual lor lower grade, less descriptive circular, Phone H.".". I Q y 17E" Hi- here In slaj ll. your dealer write to our nearest aqency lor Masonlo Uulldinit, North Third Htret representative stocks to be brought COMTINKfiTAK Oil. CO. (nil "Keep Swvet. hilo adjustment to the rise In be- (lnenort4) a ' put oil' longer ordering avy I - 'a 15 ll lated movement. My the time this I9c: line. toh peí ruled liiMiks you ARTHUR E.WALKER 2 2 ucisiutil process has stirred up a movement in waslo ti'30 Vie. I 1 2 I1 V, kJ have In en lii',m lng on lor next .M ar. fire IttNiiriinrr. Sirrrtnry Mutudl flall4 stocks of which any value Is proble- luic AHMiH'ttttion. 1'luinit AUft, Is also a mil time to ihiuk of Wrnt matical, the Inference Is drawn by Un- c Orlcaiis t iin. Onlnil Av. practical market operator Illinois Central 147 Atchison 4s 99 'a New Oilcans, Dec. 9 - .1 that a 4s 79 movement Is approaching its culmin- Interborough-Me- t 151 Mexican Central 'udy, hlgl" 3 6 LOOSE ation. do pl'l Railroads 13-1- 0 F. - Thos. Kclchcr 98- There were a ppeararices to suggest International Paper ll'á Atchison Horse plaiil.els. Auto lloheH, I, such a conclusion In today's market, do pfd 5 tí do pld 122 X 'rk otlon. LEAF Holies. Pest t.oods. Jowcst rrlcrt hut there was less readiness to accept International 1'umj 32?, Huston and AHny 229 New York, Dec. 9- .- ( niton fiiliin-- S 131 408 West Central Ave. it. owing to the number of times of Iowa Central Huston and opened steady at a deelone of 'a LEDGERS late when such signs failed. Today's Kansas City Southern 3S Huston Elevated 130 points and closed firm at a net gain 131 market, In fact, was remarkably free do pfd 6 7 is Fitchlnirg pfd of 3 if IS points. V, Y H. H loH i'liiuk, then THE WM. FARR COMPANY from pressure or from hostile at- Louisville and Nashville l'3 N. N. and tempts to reverse the prevailing ten- Minn, and St. L 52 I'nion PaclHc 13 net. Wholesale and. Retail dency In spite of the admittedly sus- Minn.. St. I'. and S. Stc. M ...131 Mlsccllnncoii.s I1KAI I I1H IV I K K II AMI SMT MEATS Vj Hiiiiniikp a Npei'liillV. picious appearance of the movement. .Missouri I'acitic litii Amer. Arge. Chemical 32 DICK EAGLE FOUND you arc 95 ir For Cattlo and llon the Hlirgeat Mar- Thi' effective of- M. K. and T 3S do pfd control has been so (oil liusy to ket Trices at o raid. ' ten demonstrated by the directing do pfd 71 Va Amcr. 1'neii. Tubo 1 S I 74 all. plume us, leadership that confidence is main- National I,eail S3 Amer. Sugar 1 1 129 In do pfd niul will PIPE-CLEANIN- tained its ability to push prices New' York Central 7S I I1 G. T GUILTY higher by main force if it so N. Y., Untarlo and Western .. 4 6 Amer. Tel. and Tel 128X StGOi M'C shall 32 )lll. elect. The bear contingent i.s timid Norfolk and Western STiU Amer. Woolen 95 about contesting so powerful a con- North American ...VO'j do pfd trol, and leaves the advance little Northern Pacini: 143 Dominion Iron ami Steel 9 contested. There was a fairly effec- Pacific Mail 37 Kdison Kli'ctric Ilium 235 DEGREE Hi?" tive demonstration In the tmnk line Pennsylvania 13IMÍ dineral Kleclrle 158 group, including Ihe coalers, during People 's (as H'O-y- Mass. Electric 12 the day. This was the only notable Pitts.. C. C. and St. 1. S7V do pfd 5 8 5(1 LAW exception to the predominance Car 3',IU Mass. mow of the Pressed Steel (as Half Wood Chciokoo, Solf C( low grade stoc ks i nthe day's dealings. Pullman Palace Car .171 1'nlted Kruit 1294 m,. ',i The advance in the Western Union Hallway Steel Spring . . 43 rnileil Shoe Mach 52 fessod Slayer of fnolilo RUBBER STAMP dividend was a favorable factor. Reading .142 do j.fd 29 ' MAKER. Amalgamated Copper Ki Republic Steel I'nited States Steel 55 diaii, Uoclaiod Guilty ol Mi Booh Binder Amor. Car and- - Foundry 4i do jifd ' ' do pfd 1 I 2 7'r (I Asked, do p OS Hock Inland Co 2 4 ta Mining tlei; New Tnaf JOURNAL BUILDING . PHONE 924. Amcr. Cotton (HI 43 'i do pfd '' l Adventure 9 A mcr. Tel. and Tel 12STA SI. 1,. and San Plan 2nd pfd 40 Allonez 3 S K A nier, Hide and Leather pfd 3tiM St. L. Southwestern .... 23 Amalgamated 8 414 The Healed verdict III Ihe ra:e A 111 IT. Ice Securities...... do j.fd Ari'.oua Commercial .1914 tile territory VS. hick KaKle, rli;il',r Amcr. Linseed . . . la ...... Sloss Sheffield 78 Unite Coalition 274 with the murder of Sanliano Ktei-w- ijffiIBrgit!laiaa1B and repair lag nna of our pneialtlea. Amer. Locomotivo fit!!' .1211 Calumet and Arizona H874i Making Ihowa la Southern Pacilh: in Hluewati-- canyon, io May M. las and Jolina notbar. do pfd lO'.l do pfd Calumet and Heela 0 i 5 Wo are pi pert I'lumhera In II III by I In- Amcr. Smelt, and Ttefnrr .. 1)1 34 which was liroiiHlit Jul hranchea and ure notpr) for doing X Southern Railway Centennial ' ( Tuesday nlKht, waH iipened do old do pfd . . fio--- 'upper Range 81 good work thoroiiKhly, In a raaannnble 11101 an Amer. Sugar Kefng Wi' Copper . 4 1',,, Daly West 10 :i convened .ustcnhiy iiinu Up tlniK for a renaonahlij prlc". Wa uaa Tcnn. All theWay 9 found to contain the information . nnly (ha Amcr. Tobaci o ifd !)4',i and Pacific . . 34 Vi Franklin 17 From tho foundation to thn ahln;l-'"- on (lie roof, wa nia 'Ulan hst materials anrl rroplof the .iiit'v hclliweil Hie defendant I I only help. YVa Amer. Woolen 32 Toledo. SI 1.. and Western . . ...41 ', (ranhv 101 liulIdliiB ma 'Tu cheatirr than. you hive bought for many ypara. the nio.t rellalda II) 11 In . ( I 1 U, of lid r the second decree. 1!6 houlil ha pleased If you will fa ua Anaconda Mining Co .10 do pld . . . 6fi reetie Cuiiaiiea Have at least per tent and Tor II. M c Atchison !IS !i Pacific '.i Isle Royale 24', and IPihcrl Kawiol'h with you." nrtl plumhlnaj Joh. Ton t'nion ..13 t rpfc-rp- 1 yH for Dick KiikIo, Immedialel It. do pfd 0 2 1,4 do pfd . ni Mass. Mil log 7 allorin won't a. vi 1 1 4 ' cave ol a motion for m Atlantic Coast Line ...... 1 n i,J I'niteil Stales Ituhhcr .. 34 M higan notice ( I I 70 trial. Baltimore and ihii oil do 1st pfd . oft Mohawk , Build Now 'i Dick Kawle as indicli-i- for nun Standard Plumbing and do. pfd !i2Vi I'niteil States Steel . 5 Coal and Coltn r5 del' 111 by K Brooklyn lUipid Transit Ü7 do pfd .113 Nevada !! the iei;reP Hie N5 jury. It waH alleged that he shut Heating Company Canadian Puelllc 77',; I 'tali Copper . 47 U North Hulti' air Rio Grande Material and killed Ktccwa with prcincdit.-i- ion in-- Central Leather 2:i'.-- j Virginia Carolina Chemical . 4 4? (lid Dominion 58 14 I1.1t the 111111 ilcr was in cold . ' i lo pfd 101 14 do pld .114 Osceola 133 Lumber Company I or. Central of 218 30 Dick Kimle. however. ti'Mllfied Ilia 'hoop H. i Third ami Marqitrllo. SANTA FE TIME TABLE. 'i Wahash . PC, Parrot r,H 91 he had no hiteiitloa of killing tie I'a Chesapeake and Ohio i . 4fi Uuincy do pfd chin, he did not know li Chicago Ureal Western .... 11 Shannon t 8 and that Kleclrle . 00 '4 had shot him two days tie Chicago and Northwestern .173-1- ; Westinaluiuce Tamarack 81 until all"'' W estern ! 4 shooting ' '. M. SI. . . . . I'nion 17 occurred. 7 and P 150 '4 1 Trinity ptxxocxxxxxxxxoc)cxxo:xx)ocxxxxxxxx Wheeling and Lake Ktic 1 Aciordinic to the evidein e iulro C. C. and St. I, . Culled (Nipper .... 3 frl ('cotral 32 ililced diirinir of Colorado Kuel and Iron ... Wisconsin I'uiled States Miniup 4 4'U the trial the as' 1.(17 Kasrle mote, I'.Iih 58-y- day 4,200 Dick was en to the Colorado and Southern .... . Total sales for the I'nited States oil . 29',; SUPERIOR LUMBER & MILL CO. Vj water dam. twelve miles west ol do 1st pfd . res. 4 5 .74 sha Ctnh ;; 3 x'- Mluewater, on the. evening ,,f May .illi'Uliili do 2nd pld , . 70 were firm; total sales, Victoria Ponds w hen he was ovel taken by Ktoeua Consolidated I 4 Winona (1, Maniifacliirpra Doors, l'fccllvcmNdvi inlHT H, IMtlH.) $7,i;.'.0,iuin rlr). (l (as The men took a few drinks' with eacl of Siih, Moiililliut, Corn Products 17 Wolverine . . , 151 DKADIXKS I, KI1INUMCII. I'niteil Slates hoods, coupon Is, otlier from a holt I. of vvhlsky own. IS I.lMlll ll. Mil AND Fnim tha Kaat Arrlva. Dpnai Ielaware and Hudson ,17(it Vn. . T I p .... i lined s per cent on call. by Maf;lc, Vii(;i.Ms i.i ;jAss. I. ri'iutlirrii cat. flívrtr.. lip I the with Ihe result Ilia ;o. ( ' I J IK p 1 O p tieiiver and I tin (Irande . . S J. llfi.rnni t.tinl'i'il ... 374 lindar thn Viaduct. Alhuriiprqaf n. M. ii do Chiia Hoard of Triiilc. liotn became sunn what Intoxicad 'I Ni. 7. N'oilli. l ill. I'.iil Mull to p ll a. pfd 82 Nil. . Rl P. A Mi'l. City 9 J'liey eiiKaKcil in a llllalTel, H lli' ll rill li lla Distillers' Securities ISOSTON ks'WI) I'.O.NIiS. Chicago, Dee. Wheat I Hip 37', Slot ininateil in Dick K iKle'l. shootinu tin rmii IVsl Krie , oin Prices. on the local cxcdiange di clined N. 2. I'I'I' .ifl'i Ta.' Mill ll íc, I'm bio in the nl..h men, with the re S.i. 4, Chli ilKii LutiltPil I Mp P do 1st pfd Till .Money- -do i li 7 sharply today, Ihe July di livery suit that he died si days later. Tie OOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXXXXXXXDOCXXXX .N.i 1 hi I,.. i, 'My Kxp. III p 86 2nd pfd 39, Call Loans 2'i'l 3 ',. IVt-'i- y iillr.T 'l"riilir dropping hclow the dollar line The defense put forth by Dick Maule w:r .. v ' Ceneral Electric Time Loans 3 Vi 'u 4 Vt mi, ni hi it...ui a ail I58'j that the J'ueblo waa attemptiiiu P r!. .1 I II 1 7 close was weak, at the lowest point c.reat Nortlicrn jifd 43 Itond- "- HI-- '. i 1. l' n it l oluriKe a knife into him. and Hint In Albuquerque Lumber Co t'l mi C.rcat Northern ore ctfs 73 Atchison Ailjustalile Is !' I j of the day, with July at 9'.C'4i and was vil mi. I A' i. .ill. 1. .11 at p compelled to shoot in self I hp hiiulli ' I'niin May WHOLESALE AND RETAIL LUMBER ! at $t.07Sc Onse. Accordinu to the 'herokei S'. ni. I i..ii. K. ". Ki. I III In eriiMi'-!- al I.mitiv tillIrAln 'in 11 closed weak, and oats and pro- testlniony, he intended to shoot tie witri'brni Wall Paper Rex Flintkolc Roofing f'.r Haul Ka IOu air.". HI alt 1'iral polma lo visions steady. knife out of tin. I'uehlo'.q hand air Glass, Cement, and New il.iU'.i. I. at. PIUUI. had no intention of killing him The severe slump in wheat prices North First Street. Albuquerque New Mexico BENNETT'S CURIO STORE The motion for a new trial will In orciircd late in the session. rilthonih argued w ithin a fe ,v days. .xroxxxxxxxxxiooorxxyxw uith the exception of a brief period Suit for Attorneys' 1 ,,m,,:iiLV ,,,, N i Vc. W. ic 4Jii' first hour, in n 15 Central Ave. sentiment Yesterday's ses-ie- of the dMthi tin- - pit was bearish day. The de- Unn all mint was occupied with the (rial '.I Alnajm hrrn llic plac to hny liiiliiiu ami Mrxicfln 1 fit 1 c flicact cline carried prices down the rase of Ki-r- C"'rN. AVc liatr a cry In stixk on liaml Miilahlc Hie Holidays; and Crews MONTEZUMA TRUST COMPANY ice for from the hih point of the day. . W. II Muster, man with iiricoH lo.ver 1111111 rvrr Iwforp. fiitnierlv Corn was bearishly al t'oetctl by mcr of lb" MinniK and Mill ERODE NEW MEXICO 'l'ime have Ixiu hard Willi all or us litis year, Ian I propped s are koikI AI.CUOU In wheat. At the sample ta- 111K Santa wl,i. for Ihe fuliirr. Yon lime frienils yon In renieiiihcr, hut uam. (oinpany. of Fe. in until bles prices were 'i'n:v hiuhcr. The the plaioMffs ash iililumelit iinensi Cafiital a!id Suiplus $100,000.00 lo make your iiHinpjr go n.H far an HimV. and e will nssUi ou all closed at the low point wp market weak the defendant on account of I. a .11 fan. We lia.i M le led an asHorlnit'iil of goods, llial no our; would on May were Final quotations at cervices' alliKed .i dive been i liesiiaif. In wndiiiK lo llietr hrsl frleniN. I hey can he nliliout fear rni'l INTEREST ALLOWED ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS Milt tiJ'ue, and on December at .ixe "d. The caae is in oik prosecuted f'O of criiiclsni or dancer of danmze or hrcakaci' In and, best of wa.M iransii. Oats were firm. The close firm li .1 1. II the law firm AiLaney .Inlins si.i r haip C1T TIIK I'HNKS J I ST AKOI'T IX IIAI.I', as (pioted prices c I I with lower to 'e liixlier Frailéis K. I. of Marrón ami Willi Ample Minos noil acllitica helow : "1(1 witli Itct enibcr at 'c and May at Wood. Is counsel lor Foster. Navajo S I $20: HO.IHI I 12 (Ml ."of : 'A Plankrts. rcRular price and cut to an J 'll c. I'aully lodirlioiol I'rccs Mao. Navajo Cushion Tops, regular pi ii a cut to J."w w ere tl."5; Provisions and stead At The of tie li l ilory vs Josepi. The Bank of Commerce of Albuquerque Navajo Looms, price 75c; ."( (he W' s ui regular cut to close pric est re In. hiKhi r. Freed, i hatK-- d v. h mdlinir ' licnuine c Zarapas. ze 42 hy hand-rom- p lcii"-il'i-r I very i i il Mexican 9: ioak UliUorM Was r tlllssi'll Vest' I'' I. l.vlcoiN to I'liipcr ixnomil inn noil KiiticlK New BREAD FROM p i $7.5(1 t I'rcN-lil- THIS BAKERY portieres or couch coers. rearular prii $15.10; ut in . w .1 I M Mi (ion no. iHicith ami Plin inrs; Solomon I. una, i The . nuirninir on a h ilily. I'm il IJpnuinp hy you Ii rrc-iite- iii 4 V. .1. Mpxiian ti.p 42 the prettiest hldicted by t i W. S. Nit'ieU Icr, e anil .IhIhimiii, Ah. Zaras. !'; ivr N". w !i ad- - II,,. urali-- Jol II. ol: - York. Dec. Copper i'" Inlo-li- , (.coi-- lik" tie- ordinary Mw, rptrular prlcp $I2.fli: cut to IJ..'tl count all.-Klli- had In sisiant I William Mi Ai'üol, J. I'. I'.iihli iili', A. M. ln'l fcikcr'a 1HIII ''ll to lli I I'M for Sp'd III llll'lltll Ih'il " sold lirrail. ll doct.n'1 dry up In Cjpnuina Mexican Iirann Work Tahle C'ovPri. Kipiiirp. to Al. I'.Ui II, o. i :. ( ii'invvcll. a and l'.'s Kd lor l.ocallv Clan me st. il.lrn, kalph i'"! I.) lit hand-mad- e ft "0 0 1: futons ' - tin while anil he tit only for aruaranippii ail linen; regular price 11(1 and was OeoIRe Cenl' a Hole It Cos- cut to $I.(MI lie market report'! as weak in loci, (inr l.nal t i) , frehli nnl 4 L'.".''! Kioe, all ,,f lo.iii were under mr fipn-.iin- tone, with take tiioteil at SI ni'ic-- l 111! h .13 inchp nqiiare. A r Fia-ter- , l"lK il! hest liorna Mexican Iirann Work l.nm t'loth. I warrant was s. d upon Joe an: electrolytic. I nil 1 4 21 . . aru.rantppd p 7."i; cut to $2 .'.0 Ill in Tiy a l..;il a all linen, reaxular prii r for appear. ii"- in couit lo an 1r li asln k, Í :l7 ' It Vim' l"ck it ll'ivVever. íeniiine Mexican Drawn Work Shirt Waist IMttern. i IIP l .",. j fl swer the rhaiK" .il iisI him. l' Lead close.! ;( Ill'loll l Ml l it rpguUr pricp K.OO; cut lo $.1.SI .eand yestetil.i in I declared "ir U'l tloeian't The toral was v.eak 14.22 '4 tint PRESOR5PTÍONS? t market at , have e In M i m ISpnuinp Mpxictin Drawn Work HarnlkPrt hiefa. regular (irice Be; his name wan ph Kn-nl- l. hna 4 27 ',. uoi J"f aiei cut lo !3e never had ,,nd the oolj "Plu I 111 g t at 1. Speller was lower at (21 in In-liiie- t. WILLIAMS DRUG COMPANY! Crnuine Mrxican Drawn Work rpcular pricp :.".c; cut 10 I.Vr name e r was J.,. I'idlarr don IMHlty the market was went lll 'l' that of '.IT W EST TKMTUAL ATK.MT. TKI.KPIiOr 19 In Silvpr, -- r- Bmppiptji. Mexiian Filigrrp Jewelry (oíd and .". Mid be a a - Indian at 'o 1 ". Frater. Frater that km t Nativa u h an Topax, Turyiioi.ip and le ather lioodrt. lila man in by ot Crml. llarni'ti. f'.ar sliver 4tir. M. i, an ijollara 4 r. Albuqu' neo the imme Japanpcp Hood, and evprythinn In the novplty linp. all to tie fold at Joseph Freed, but did not know hi- - hard-tim- e prlvPa Sum 0-- ti rT rrenlns nail il HI . m. w herealHiUlS. I'pell the Ktrelll;lll of St. lmU id. the defpiidiil's statement p. V. J. PATTERSON THE BENNETT CURIO CO. SI I. inis. It;-- . 9 Wool, unchana;-i- . líame whh tint the one i outain- l m I. I V I It V A It II A It li I li ST A 11 L K 8 Pioneer Bakery 11.1 w. w i:. I ni di u ot a: ra - Ihe imtii ih- - cr- - ;,'fo - trvrnu, couit'tnar aj' tn'.ent n.i'iist 311 :.I3 W . I silver Avmiic. T lephoiH- i" Alhoiiu riiiic. New ÜIokU Mhinij " - '( : I'tjht fine, wa dismissed. !vi7 WilTII 1 1KST STUCJCr. THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908.

mnreil that a roiiiinoilious brick esteem antl affection of lier family, Il ls VVH brills" ill (Olliplil .111 ll Mlll'tl 111" Hhicli Mr. 'lii ft nl" tlislri' In liavi' Ch( JUtuqucrqac building will soon replace the jires w ho were convinced that the children il(- - It wan mm net By iK fon going wire Ik"I. i'iiiiki'i HEAVY PURCHASES ent quarters. should remain with their mother. It i In- mulct hi.iiiiIIiik. expressed or Im- I'Vili-ni- l mipi'i'V islnii mnl cnntrnl ul' Second The niuewater is .soon to was true. MU Roussett continued, r morning journal plied, Hint a of Hiilurlrs In Hit' Ihkiih ri .'. nf Htni k ami IkiikIh h. riddU he tttoeketl by tho government with "that George Gould was somewhat luki" effect Ht once, hIioiiI.1 be inj;i n - li'.iliKli'ii'liillinl fiinp, iiili-- ilulng huM- - Solos Wisconsin brook; trout. apprehensive when he learned his sis I'utili-.lK't- l by Mm il iitnl h iti il, anil it Is now ill' to IH'HH hi'twi t'll llllll MIIIIIIIK UK' ftilll'H. OF PINE LAND ThoUHiinds of ducks are daily seen ter wished to marry Prince Hello dn t out Is ili li l mini- Hath Ainiiitlniiiit nf tho Mirrnmn inill-tni- on the reservoir, as well as Sagan, because he realized that d JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO. lli' lo whether "AIIO.MINAIII-I- lalm lintiil" w hi Uluewater u lii' enforced. tu ritllwiivH, on the many ponds scattered through Sagan was related to the de Castel- contract I'iin int. untlr o Khort ami iiRly " in'. la B''l. it ritt fiipiri lulnn nf the lntcmlntr the center of the valley. lano family, which his sister had just In leaving. pnnl-Iiih- ; lMuewater needs u progressive, up succeeded He gave his xtiT i hi; i.i.ssov. ('(inimi'rcc In inn K ' HTATKHfiOU uiiiiliiK rapidly tu III. ku.iit AT BLUEWATER dairy. consent, however, when ho saw that 1 m mimi rnsii.N Ill niriiiim'inciit mnniiK lliiinsilvfr hlinw down. v. Hi: UK K illlur his sister's henrt was set upon the H and II IIKNIXH 'I'hi' ili Hi II In tlw mu limn H i .ihuiw iirdliiK Inli fnr frt l;ht marriuge. The lawyer said he i was . . M.iityK'-- I). - r tlii'iiitt'iiiiii; to CW.VT CONSTIPATION Buui nicn fur Un- ÍIIKÍ r.r Veil lliullt IlK ill I In t'llr- tniffic. nil'; hutch Yor fl'KIÍ convinced that the de Sagan house i into Curiious. t Imiiiii inspi'i-liii- hy tntM it fi'W iiri tzi by taking purgative salts, or other y i ii ll IM.IIIHI ). mnl minir hold would be happy, but if a I f iikkI' Kill' Tin up- scandal I Farmers Rapidly Settling Up drugs act harshly or iolently a i olnl tin" I.f III lllil - ili'pmlinciit nf III" i;oi'i linn lit nf Iiuki that George Gould RnictMl ill ill it in ,uv mbrr iiIiiiii. vmih $10,- tlmjm-Kl- " broke nut would be th ,'', -' i All'HlIH'fll'( u liilur m t III i ll t is IT IS UI'ÜiKK'n'Alll'l' "nil on the stomach or bowels. i (iirpiiriillmiH Mifí;iíi''il first to ask that the children be rn. IMIO.IIIIII. null llll'llllil'll of llll'f" - Fertile Valley Which Will Be f i(iiiwiiii if II.IKI 3. nf tilt- Khi lii'lM slmiiltl Ask any doctqr. and ho will tell you by begging rnilimi'l'ci' hUflillt.'H. Willi li'Ktll'd tn l moved. He concluded the llfjiiri's MiKKi'Hln llii' ilinlriilnlily of up. nun tn tin; bound nf lii" wn pleilgi-i- thut purgatives of any character dis- (iipitiiliiiatliin, iili it vit'W to prt'Vi nt-i- n Great Agricultural Section; court hot to separate the childrei, TDK SIIHMMI ,ltllll, II THK un! t.ttliir lliuii tin w ii t ii nl ri'Vivimi prnlllist'ii. tend the bowels and weaken the elas- I !( N M'l- H III- W from their mother. I I tlilMI Ht I III I' M nf Im iff. Sun Kiiun Ik ii t'hnm-lili'- . witttriiiK nf ImiHlnii'iil Ihkui. , M I HIM II I thi' Lime Kilns Installed, tic tissue. VlklHI, l'1'lilHIMl lili' n I w ni k nf tin in mi.m in I'tmv ii. tiik nf tin' THK FIRST mitnni'iliili' Iihs Hrrhfi To cure constipation, remove the thk INK Ht-I- 'l HOES SCAM' ITCH? iniK, AM i III'. tll.l'lliMl III liix.nn-nri'- s ili pmtiiiciil nf .liivtli ", Ih" ilnpiirtint'iit In San Mart ial ami Hi" wlmlt' pnpu la VOUt M A HI'. Mir t'iilllin inn lii'iulilini' iu cause. The cause of constipation III AN 1'AltTV MIII'.N JUKI InliT-Htal- i' atrt'i-t- Hit' Kpi'lidH linn- on thu t: KM. HI'. i iii i I'l l I) Iml lif iii'Kiii'H vi'i y fur nf t'liiiiini ri i' anil l.ilinr mnl lart! lis I'liirwatrr, N. M.. Ore. , Kyrry-nn- Indigestion. If your fond digested . i i ii i ii 111 prnHi'-flltln- n hing it, Are your Hairs Dropping One by One? Hit' whi n lit' ili'i Uiri H Unit t ' mi uali Ih liusy In many properly it would continue on from li'uiti lunik ut liluewutrr, and ll'll.-'l.-i Hllpl'l'vln-Ini- i bowels, TMOIN (I NI'HM HIM HIM. li.-n.- y . .u h iik Is Unit nf ami ki'II'ThI the slomarh through the and llii' tin lulifl ; tr iirvv Krtllrl'H arr 'ruining in. you Iiy Ill; Iri'inl II Till-- (IJTTKI! nf Hi" I'lllslV" would be without effort If your scalp itches are doubt Jill.. uiint, ii-- I Mil hi' uptMinl nf liiliii'sli inniiiiK iiiuIit tiltil' eliminated 1 y l.y mull. ,n iiikiiIIi ni lintihl nilhrr Inivi- fastinatitui Mr. William NH.sehe, of Califor- less suffering from dandruff. The w hy appiars In innif and with regularity. tlnin (In- ii'iitiHiv, thi.v piirvli Kliilul". Hie nf is up your ilnniiril 'in fnr Ih" ii HKi'MHur Ulan IntfifKtH nia, lias purrhaHrd u farm in Ml-o-- constipation dandruff germ digging i niiMiili'i n I inn nf hillH rnr 111" tin' tablets curt' li'iich iilmitl ii m il;tlnl' un f'lKiirt'N rim Thn In flakes, called ÍMrur I'lrritlnllnn limn hii oilier iAtr ii thn pttiplu. Hluewnler yalley, ami by curing your Indigestion. It is not scalp little dandruff, Npw - In IlilllllhHliiIl nf III" tiT lilnrli'M nf rrinovetl his New Melci, 'Mil mil? Imper In Meal.-t- (in h iiiiylhliiK, Unit Mr Vi'in'Rii- .lv 9' a iiuruallve. It Is a stomach tonic antl sapping the life of the hair bulb. Ikniird ttty In the jrt.r. w tamiiy. now iuih iiim com-Idetrt- l. eirrjr rmii'i't hIiiii In- (lil ilí nn tlml tin' Mi'Xlrii ami Aiizmia tl) tilt' Illlillll II" IT IIKOINS tn iipin ar that hi ll lie iiouho up, No hair preparation that is a mere ' and more it tones, strengthens, I lllliHt (if r "illlillll illllllHtl i" IlltVI' latin. Stir hlmsi ll in It.wt r salarlt-- Mr. Nltzsctir whh foreman of invigorates, refreshes and injects new hair stimulant antl tonic will cure h,. I'l fi'rri'tl only I" HI" Arrlha or iKige In dandruff, It won't kill the "f New I'niuily of ilium hi cninc mi If Im nllv iliMliiiri In Ktiiinl I'.'iih' iil nl' Hi" I i t niii nii'lnlat Iihik a ranch Soiitherii California. life into the worn out muscles of the because 'lriiliir liii' New-bro- llll". mnt nl vi v Imiom vc tMiiiviH tniinllcH. (ioetz a germ that causes the trouble. 's M iilnni', timl llnil tin' nf thn i'!iniiil.'.Kltm, If that Mr. Juke of the Estanrla stomach, and in short time makes I. U'Hll tllT, HlM.l illf I'I'f.ilH llll" ll riirri'iii"' Herplcide Is the latest scientific niiNilv. nuil lii'liik' 'Inly itirt m i ll ill iii'i-H- i nl Ii niii' llnil will Kh'c 11 the stomach hardy enough to digest ilrl mvnin. ii. hndy In ri inly In pint a i!t.'fnilli' plan IT A Pl'KA RS, H'.iin Mr Ruiihi vi ICh valley, lius removed to liluewater, and mill PM.VS Hint In' In u in km Miiiihki'I' i.t you eat. is a powerful discovery; and It will kill the danr iih iiii' , r limn mnrr t m rt'Milt Itj - Ih anything It Hip A IIhiiiui'i ipil' MkiiiIiiu .IihiiiihI, mnl Dint ininv riM nilln fnr iiiri nt y iiliiiiii, nf ri'it'iit h'ttiT thai Untf arc ni'WNpii- busily preparing "lila land for next r germ. Destroy the cause and diii'lMK I f i yet harmless stomach tonic, and its llm tih'iiIIi of li'l limit, llio pnili el Inn. Ili' nIiiiH'M hy u ri'M fix iiivi'KtiKaHiiiiH in llii' fapllald nf t. Hinl n('WsiiiTS. Thin s crops. effect; germ "f Hm until A ll'iiiiirriiin Mintiiiitf iiith othtr year resistless Influencw on tho stomach you remove the kill the i, y i Ii ii r iih tlniNi' In uliirh Ih" iiiiliiinnl Un- r. la liH .lnurin.1 .Hi' i i "jiii ii mt il iliiiim; niHt siiiiiini stati inciif tiiiU'iivi'i'tlhli'. Mr. V, and you will have no moro dandruff, - ' Sam May, of the Estancia is astonishing. Ir Iliilii'HKll, jililliil l.s Hliiliil. llllll liiii nf ( r w t liiiii:i'tliil"ly, Ml-o-- falling hair or baldness. Sold by KllHllll'HIl .MllllJIK"!' It ill h" li nuiil.i'il - Try for coiiHllpatlon. One IiiiIiinIiIi'M In tnin-- TIKISli; KNIil.lSII.MInV havt- a tl"ll- - valley, has purrliiiHrtl a farm in linj Hm-r- in1 Ktil'i"'rllii'i1 Im'Iihi nu .,tniv llitt'liiik' at'ii fihlc ' tin- Hint nf Ihcmt two leading druggists. Send ltlc in stanipj muí iiiIiIk Slar, nil arr look u.s box will cure you of indigestion; f'lihllt' In f"r lint Ti'rrllnrv bih I'miuiy pell- mn (itHfilllv will! nil I he wnrld, int" hciimi' nf t'liivitliy ami only same Hrrtion Mr. (octx. samólo to The Herplcide Co., De- HIM jllll limit vi'11 pnlii l"M," Mr. Tall boxes will relieve you of constipation; for Bf"rrlllt, liny nf nvtonlirr, "H'inni whirli vi'.M'tl whi n lln Kiilfi nfi' l li'a llit'lr prnliM Hi' kIiohh, fur tiar Mr John T. Rranyon, of Holly, Mi-o-- Mich. Two sines 5Hs and $1.00. il n. iwi'kkht. Hlllnuil iiny linii linn pI"iIkii hiinsi'lf In rmry niil'iiul'-Iiih- t antl best of all, is such an troit, ) y hIi-i-- hair mil. (Nut Wi.Iiii l'iil.lli: instil lice. Dint rtiilH clin he iiiiiilf Colo., has A only B. H. Hriggs and Co., special ugnnta. IiIk Ii i iii In Un- prfHiilriiliitl nffii't'. removed his family to economical remedy. large box innl filil i hi itnr hite llinn nnyu Imrr Hluewater, ami pin t hasrd a large costs GO tents, and then, if you are .in far us Iiim t.wn ri't'iimini'iiiimiiin. l.i In a Mi tlratl 'Th Mnrnlnf .liiurmil fit. h tiljtltrr flue mi i.irlli, innl yi'l llit'v me piti-li'- t CIIICAlid hi'tausi' acreage in the central part of the not satisfied with results .1. H. O'Uielly WIFE MURDER CASE AT rnllnii limn In Hi'innli-i- l In ttiiv UIKlliK mnl íiinIi'Ii lit'" t an rin nni paK vnlfd al ii primary in illtlliin-riiii- t nr nr r li'il hy ll till Iff nf $17 ll Inn. In fin valley. Mr. Jtrunyon is an experi-eure- tl tho druggist will give you your mou- elher pitftrr il nilvli'i'H ll In Neu-liHi- mi. Nniii' nf Hi" finiii W lili milv iiitliialioii Hint Colo-ratl- o. rinfly In w Mr -'i he Arnrrlriiii (in In ptiH- - thai annllirr Irrigation nt. Im ell BELLINGHAM NEARS CLOSE tli, view nf Much hiuv cmilil farmer from i ' V llrrtiirr. lint Spl'lllUM III' I'Ihi win if ti ll nf mi Nt-- Mi'Xlt n la tin yearn aht'.id nf Hit I Mllily Impi'nvi' Un' tin liniiit rrvrniK' In He Kent his goods overland by Ml.n.n.1 iill sloniiieh disorders nllll'l' plallM nf tilt' priiMptttlVt' MTi- - Windy City. wagon, ami his teams, chronic, as dys- ii ni k ' Mill liiuli.T ii Imllf Unit In nl which are the whether acute or such Al III I I K - - - MM' MI XH ll th iil, Iml t tiiniHf inn mil Hiih.jt'i'l finest in valley, of 9. Kil Ihltnry ? the Hluewater arrived pepsia, vomiting, Hellingliiim. Wash., Dec. The ri inly uiHii'ioitry, innl prnh - hi nf i iiiiiin. nl, Mintf htnti'i.nii'ii In cini- TIIK HON. KM I'lust appiHi'M to In splendid condition. His new house night before, sea or car sickness, In (he casn I'nulil Hi' rml (In niiit'li innrt In p tho stale rested tliis.aflernoon Hl.'ll pI'CHiflt'Ill xrtl. Can II. hr thei" l anv hilrh Is now completed. moth- I I' III 1 1 M it IS, I't'llll" III" IH'H stomach sickness of prospective K. charged with Till: Urn rnuiitiy, mid lin rciiNc tin In IiIm Hit' of J. Thomas, tho Will ha IiIm Ininils full onl lltll" Krhrinc lo inakr Mr. Clarence B. Spoonrr, of Alhu- - ers, etc. I ciiitIiir of his divorced wife, antl the pi imiHI'lly nl' lii' pcnplf, lliiri'hy "Kxlillill A" in tin- prtijionrtl llirrtiue, purchased lO.'l in a murder Hi" pnllt liM i ami ilrli'tl fnr him Iiy has acres Read this from the president of t nl '' opening statement was made for the I Im- roiirl iii'vvji ili ijiil nii'iil ut hit ii'iifIiik Ihc iiihlif ri'V niii'. School of Arrlnii'ol'-iK- the central portion of the valley, ami in ih i t lllnnil iiikIiik nny-Uiiii- New York corporation: is run-n- his pit "ism' defense. It understood thut the J'I'HI'I',1V'H ll'Mlll" nf I III' Mi'MIIIlK .lilill - hy i nUiiKliif; Hit' III hi nf rmlwiiy l has a large force at work plowing". iiuw. "I have been a terrible sufferer will finish Thursday and the I I A 11 A.N I 10 priy." awai'd-i(- defrnsr ' I Inn, hy Im it )SOM will hr l Mr. Spoonrr Is one of iimI iiii lltluli huh lit III'- I.I, Hlill niel Until ihhIiik Ihc the energetic from dyspepsia and gastritis for two be in of the Jury the lurky Krnt wlm can kikhs how of men. whti are sure to rase will the hands I'nlllil)' Ahhi'hhiii' I ji uilhlilil Innl lllliili I't'llily I'Xnl hlllllll prnfllH nl llii' ll' i'l kind malte years. The most eminent physicians by Saturday night. J. H. AbraniH for inany linirit word "falKrhiind" or-- t success. He I n ii I, i I ii ? A KI.XUI.I thr will have his entire me with no effect. I H ili lliiliiil iii'ihi i huiilil nf iiiiiiiI rnll inn ills IMHSIRIMi IIO. prescribed for the defense, said lie was prepared to ui'K in Ihr Irttrr of T. RooHi vell It. Kill acres In cultivation next spring. absolutely by your I H III, J III 111'' I. Ill- I'l have been cured show woman had. often till Mr. FoulkP nn Miilijrrt of Honii' Mr. !. A that the Ih" J. Walker, of lhutiieriiie, Ml-n-- tablets. The first one gave me Imir mt ( rut tin' lii' i' nl tin' iif-- i m i;n iu,i; rtisinov. whli h í lu- threatened Thomas's life, and the iii"ii Th" mtiviim iit hitn tirWMpa plTH. has pun based a farm near the Rluo- - a almost Incredible. Very I'iiIIm ll it relief homicide was committed after Hie M'HMIlrlll nf lili' lull yi'i.l'y. ll iii: ii ii i il in Mus i r y ami In (n-a- waler heiirtiuarters, ami is rapidly yours, II. Taylor, M..x-iro'- gratefully Herbert attempted to shoot, her Mllll lll- -. il I'l'iifi'Mair i iiiKKlh'lo l''i rrt'i'o, wlm Is IS Hi" iIok in Xrw - woman had llllll llll' lii'l'l'l llll'i II I" líiilaln. In r,'in' nf or "WIIKRH getting his laml In condition fni- next 14 3rd street. New York Inno-rrnll- y rfil West The woman wan v Mllll ll il. n,!, i,i tl ii1 a hli'lnry nf llnni" Ihal rum iminijrr '."' iinximisly hiii) s crops. former husband. ih inn Iml hiIHiir ulial lii innv I'limniniily rallitl year City." Af- i ilin-I- midnight July 19. i III in i ti ii,,- Aim, A killed about IvV I 111 III ll IM 1 III" f nl inn nl iim mar. Mr. L. O. IMiRomk, ll'l'l'll llllll ll ll T Ii lull fill' .pli't till "inployiT and i i:i- - formerly su beside - li"l""ii in Ir.i ter the shooting Tilomas slept In - hi In i III I h iiiiiI i I'M Ii m. In a h't'tiii'" h"- liuation to ImliilK" prrsonalil perintendent of hcIiooIm Ht Hl'I'k'IriH, lililí III' hIiikiiI II ii ll Im Ih" first (dip III what Freemoiil. corpse morning, two iln". and h dcMialr niiartl fur Ihr frrl- - Intl., PARIS SOCIETY HEARS the until and lll'1'HtlHlil II Ml. i It llll'-f- i I'l HIM 11 A fiil'. th" l.nwill lllHllllll" nf lUlHllill. a wo: Id has purchased a farm adjoining l. pliillliM: nf lulo nf (hr :ni KniHt makes II days later buried (lie corpse, staying I lnK linn. Mr. Walker's. Mr. DuRoss is ef- In Ink mi il iii:. ilii: I lln- iimnlv I'm' llir Iii"l TiiiKilay night liltiiii'il Inrai't', Ih" IndiiMlri il Tli iai the B0NI FLAYED the place until arrested, eix uní" rt' oliitiou. tllllit ult to reply frankly. ficient teacher of the Hluewater COUNT about IM) IIHIll (if his III lull- 111 I,aim pni't, to "a mnih i ii pi'i'h'H iiKrnt," t I weeks hiw llll' lulll' haH a li inly "i ll liiHtalli'tl in hoiii" ni school, ami has made many friends later. ki'iiiiiiiI III' Him imiki'M II Iiíh to rxlnl III" "Via'i-I- I luiH rvltlrnt-l- y lirr ti'iil, im llii' tlml III" llltlKt rxl iimIv" Imliisli'li'l THU COMI'TO.MKTKIl luring his short sojourn In thr Blue-- 111 Column I.) linn nf Him IíihI lri.'i:il in i', h at il'lil".'i nf Hill" iil'di'l" tn lllt'l't'llHi' IImIiiih-:u- nf Im rniinl ry, and iiim lipiril iinothrr ini! uiiil thrre tn'i' water valley, anil says he would not (Coiitiniicil from Page I: trnipti-i- l to liihi' i Ih" fi i M nt Hit' riiiiHiinipl inn. Tli. hiliirir, iiiiimii: to in ri'iiHonM to fiar that thr Alnia-iii- h h" maltliiK inoif iiroKifM i;raf eturn to Indiana for half the state. lawyer. "Why did he not offer him lit'" fi'iini finir Ii p"l' fill!. Wi'i nihil' UllllttH, Mllll: "Til" OlIi'H of than It has mailt' 'm hiiIimi-- ipHnu litit lias fallrn off; Mr. Charles C. Carpenter, of I.os Best Cough Cure sonir-thiii- asylum In one of the seven homes he ( ' At any rate Invalid, In H WilM liilaliiill llnrai-i- wi'iii' nnt will till In HlrtvliiK Th" lati'.-- t liiMlani't' of an linpnrlnnl atmllirr hundred. Angeles, Cal., has purchased eonsitl- - nomo-- 1 continually freiiuents?" t I il M ll ii a i i m has iiKain pi nelratrd the acreage, In half-ounc- III" iltJKnllir ai nf III" in fnr lltilal'y nii'iil, hul fnr ni i'l i iil In UiIh tlli nn tin rable and will have same A of Virgin Oil of Tine, iiiov nii i't'limi m I M. accused the count i what in riililirnilN nf thr fnrinrr II va Julemier then half-pl- nt fnrhltlH 111" l"Kinliillllll- '". lll'i Hi" rial ri'iiMtm. i ii y i Ih ami nllvr nrt Urn In In ii Inn next year. two ounces of Glycerine, and a nihil' Hi.l" nf watrr, th'tailt'il nf I'lillnl SlatrM lantl of- - of furnishing mendacious information Irt-- M plinth-all- thr Mr. Francis N. Shelttui, of Mis Whiskey, cure any nl' I'llinliiuii II ill illlll n:'l ii'iIm In hln riivi'icil a. i h h of mixed, wilt in nl illMpati Hum l.imilim, whh llrr. Tlir iliHtliiKuishrtl forinrr puh-li- r to the Onilhl family ill the hope of I souri is one of progressive r l l i ll liiili- f Ha 1; 'iiiiM"iiii nl ly I Kiii'iu-mm- tlie nr cough that Is curable and break a cold ri tlllllllH lilt' lll f'll' I" Hi" li'llH iim thai Sir rln iHlnplmr printrr who rhaiKrtl $12.1 a pasr thwarting his rival, and said: seniors in the Hlurwaler valley, and in 2 4 hours. Take a tcaspoonful every Imvo hi i n t h t li d. HI fnl and did nnt want M IV. wlm In Hi,- id (In Kit yit In ('"lit Jealousy of Count Castellan" nf nil" thr most ri Isstir of that will hno a large acreage In culti- "The four hours. Ask your druggist foe tha I ' Har, liiiaiiH" iir inlmil Injui" Hull' rnnn-rii- :i thought that each (Ill III" llllll ll.lllll, II ill ll" "I ll prt'iiliMt idiip liiitldiiii; In Hit Iin Ilia Ll" pulill. iilnni, thr Almana": vation. Mr. Shelton has with him results from the Virgin Oil of i 111" Sagan genuine Leach's Pine I ml lift h. Tn nf iiiiml d(H ilia in New raiililcK more, each day de hy Ih" rmilily Hull in I'" uiim ii pl"'l,i in iiali" Hnrlil, ii'ii-nll- tallt-t- a iniisw Thr hlr nlirets iiih trieiiti, i.ieutenaiit MtHuirk, one day compound pure, prepared and guaran- - 1""- - A happiness which hi Him," iiildi'd til" , Mrxiro nrr the ll)iliilrrt ur Mnrnini; is cnlovlng the the Klvt'ii In Ih" pi iiil" h. ,Mr. ii iiiihIi hi ll.iiiii. nf his "in plnyri hIio iiiiinhi'i' ovrr of the pi i hi la i' nllcers from Fort teed by the Leach Chemical Co., Cin- I:- - iintl Dully lost forever." i m I "luiaMHl" nf Hi" m'ral. Miirkrakrr Ihr RokwiII count has mnl all h" nllnr i a mll'l.i mi In tllli'l', mi" ll mu and infnrmi'd Unin nl Iieavenworth. cinnati, Ohio. thri" ( l In ail. They arr nsh pan M. Julemier was followed by M. tinliiy a nl i 'uin thr Mr. Mhn Ii Ii" llnil iIm s nf l.'iiriip" Htiliim iiiamilflri IiIm ii ir-- t Thomas llavy, of Colorado, han lltkil iiiiii Ian, tltti'i nun. ilH'il tu th" or Xrw Mrxii n'M jinirnallMiii mitl wi"ld Kousselt. who appeared on behalf of Ii pni'iii i xlollliiK 111" UK" of tipliliii ami selected acreage for an apple and unul'l nail" tin ir K Iik In nn hi Mhariiii; jilii ii in tin- runtlm-- nf Hit h a. Oeorge Gould, brother of the Im iihmit a nun influence hm New cherry farm In the val- J. i tin. phaMurtf In ihrlvril liinn Unit ,v Hluewater Hit' ni'Kmii" law, ami m i pi urn h K''rat Im.' Im MM nl tilt rninna Tin Mrxiro Kuat Huiilil whllr maziuB on ley. Princess de Sagan, a party in t lie de- BUY OUR tit ng." . iim tin h uii luí ni " full l nf Hi" yitl'tlH, h saitl, In top of Mt Haltly. Thry nrr vis-lli- l" fense in hia capacity as trustee of li thr Mr. Henry F. Brock, recently from ilil--- Hul th" San Kiaiii Inni Chrnnli I M. char- uilKht iiitlnlii, ami In Mippml "I h lili h Hi" rx pi'i'imrnt would Ii" il l" hut not well to look upon In any Peming, N. M.. lias recently complet- tho Gould estate. Houssett In- i i It nitiMl scan- 1 i i i'1'lii'M It Hill illl fnr - way. and Hi" fiillnnliiK pl ili".s ait H us t "iil. finir Mtrtt ini'i'H. II" had ta ed a two-stor- nine-roo- house, acterized as abominable Huiili l iin u ln havr Ih" ihIi m nf Count de Cast"llaiic' attempt Slippers and HUhiiilltt'd. ll iih Mil" .Mnuiil hy all 'li liil nt'iini", nn hiH own .i.'.' iinl. to with all modern improvements, In dalous i of puh-llrll- tn k nf him iim a for to besmirch the reputation the Ih" raiiditliili'ii, innl n'vi n m n. IIiiiih" Imilir Klvr iii'tli'iM fur mIx a Hi" 11. eluding pnrei lain filled bath room, m. iH m I'lii-lli- mol of his children merely for the - wlm II llll" Hint mi i M etc. Mr. Brock Is, per haps, her thrniiKll III" nit mi nlnl nllnr- liurkyni d mid nix i.l.l!"'uii What the Editors the 1 he ' purpose of venting his hatred. Im,' fllli d Hilh alliiMlmiM lo Hi" Juli e of th" I xx hi Slili.anl, tii'ih'i-- Hhlt'li ra it ii heaviest investor the Hluewater princess could I only way In which the liHiR. i;rnp", Iml I In y aiptar tn h" it it urn Hy ul' valley, and has expended several Shoes 'Alhiiiii"iiii", M. ml hi. llnni Hi" liulliliiiK nf iHt'lvi' si'li of the Southwest avoided thl.-- suit would have i In iniprovemeiils. have ' I in I'll mnl iml dianKiil In for thousand dollars " th" until i MiLiiii-i- i a ml ida "s fnr ri'miii'ii. been lo to extortion ami piirpiiMi-K- III" lall'-- influ- - Mr. Oranville F. lirtiek la plaeitiB (hi' Ii n I H th" pinpli'M In lii I, If ! r w. would not tin. It'll I'll This an In Mlatt in iti if ri A re Saying It i vu in threats but this shr i , if-h- " iiiulir 'ii timl the Hoiithern lii-i- i i m "iit d him In any pal tli ular h" in Irisl-iMii- I'uun-rlllu- r nothing tn reproach for Clnistmas Presents, li.v ph ilK" niirn. Unit il ilrilnl ri'lvril wiUi piarkcd i nl part (he valley, u hrcnusr hiie bad i xIiiIm of Bluevvater lai'Ke 1 II n ( i fulls illHKiiinril th" furl, Im' lit. thing to fear. f. Will llll mil' III M"i III" HI" I, id II", of Hi" .uiui"i' Snii.'ix, 'os y .lolni. acrrace. herseir with, ami They look dainty and you in tu it y ilnim anil tli.-,-:- countess bad been kind I 'H Ml It U ' nf litHM H tiltil Hill ill with it llir 'lir Willi prtMiihll. MilJH tht ' I"'', d' .Iiilili i. says he han tpiit thiilkiiiK Mr IDaiU. or JViuiiiK. N". M., him Tin former fi ii i Ik il proilui I of I In- III". husband, o kind that the Gould will III" H ilmlinii nf Hi" priMiil ixnilii tin hlM i 11ml Hi v.lin'i' if money and loined the IJriilherhooil completed hiH new resilience ill Ihr lo her be remembered for milidi'lirn hail deemed It advisable to mthirliM nf tn a u of Man. Hi- look the pi cea lit inn lo Hrock neighborhood, and is busily en- - family lant iminlv nnii"is Hi'hi'iti" was wtuiliy nf ninfl Hinrrlr a trusteeship of the property your liberality and good M M SMON. K''t most money, however, ht gaged in plovviiif;. IiumU tf luir i Mti'itliMiiti"!! nr WORK I'IHI lili: i:XIR nf the ex- and trial. 11. - to put an end to the impossible il " fore JiilniiiK Tucson Citizen. Mr. Clarence Spotuier, of Al- long nmli n I.imk ilIK till' illllll" '.''I'' I llllllC , of the count. taste as as they last. I" lmi hi rt in-- backed by ample capital, tra vafiancrs TIiIb huh hImiu'iI h .1 I'' Silly,"!', rali Ai i nl' lillK tn llir WllMlllnntiill Slnr, said he h iim mil without hop" lii.u, I' liny .llllll of Aiularlly. has a larRe force uf men at work M. Houssett then that the If you should happen iliihtt" rm III" i iiiiiH il ami II. Kiii'i't' ri-- nil I H at th" rnpllnl liinn recognized himself as incapable rtiiUfil riiiilil only fill llirlr hulliim; ht'ittw, We always knew thai I'resitlrnt construct iiiR new lime kilns within n count anil Kramiotti Mniil"!" II. 't luí; ill'- that Ml Tall, liarmn-nnniM- . bringing up his children and he laniln S. and a m a IimiiIi nf llirlr nioi'" Roosryrlt feared man nor the short distante of the Hluewater sta- of to pick out the wrong - neither i M ful hmiM n ii h In n h Us i MM III i xtriinlill- - desired that they be plated itliillilali Hi" ri nnnl'i i i n v."lt- levil. i had supposed, though. Hint tion, will be proilui-iu- lime Ihcrerore nil ii' him and iff' 'iim and Ills size and style we will iiIhUm-- ami vittM at'i tiiniMiiii'il h nmy Mi n il 1.1, will i xpt i l I. everything else within the next thirty days The ill tin' custody of mother. "The Iiik muid at thr r nf Iwrhc human cnurim", like said, "would t IlihilMi-m- III u Hn' In count, liovvi ycr," he take till' fnllnw itlK iin. n nlhi r Hum ni lnul upi t l hi i human, had its limitations, but lime deposits al Hluewater are known gladly immtliM pt ifllM miiiIi lul ll Into his own hands, the yearly income exchange il i I'll Hill ".HI- president It appears their purity. Analyzing lliey "And ", Hi" itmli'i nil in litiiili lilt Th" M h" iih- r. .... I al'H ill Ih si.iphllil the rase of the for tlinn in. in !)9 of JtiO.Onn belonging lo Hie children. r, i lie not be per puro ilrili fni Hi" n'V i a i mi nl nn ii mi i ii rilv for l.irilf iisl'lnii, hul lo iiithniiiiihil, else he would are found lo ovrr rent them after the id ini: in. usl i Hi" pl'iipiil'lii Clli'i li's This money would melt like vvax be- I. Im In have iiivlled Hie feminine lime. it is reported that the Santa Hit' ptnph'V In hi tin h pl.'du" lis Hulk iiiiiI iml lilnlli'il tint il Hn i liinlnyr.i' would never j lit nli .nil iin.i; t.. about Ills ears hieh Is bound to fol He railroad will, at onre, build a track fore a fire; the children holidays. nillMt lti'K Hl.ll H" will tin " i ri Ihini; Mitln. muí i nliRli'HM iilli-- III - it. slult'" would a distill" i tihl(l"l.'- ti Hie kilns. , receive a cent of It." m low his lei to Hr. li.vman Abbot! to III l i i il i ItoiiMi mil piiHt-- tn nut' h niMliil " an ji ii us ImiK iih and I l de Sagan enjoyed thfc in Iiiiii ali'iihMi.l th" prr roll o'l on sublet t nf woman siinrage. Heavy snows cover the entire range The Princess Mi the i umlliliili ft (n M"t ni " Hn piiMi-,iK- nf ll .In II I'h iihi'M. Sn III" I I Men's to $5.01). Hhal that llirlr sha rr c ml i dun Iiiiim; ml l"H I'luii nix "piiiii-ali- of the Znnl mountains back of the slims from $2.00 tui'iilliiiii'il in th" Im mmm .iii.l I. ..ii-.- ill" In iiiiImiiii. nf Ih" mil siry alhiwanrrs whii h Hluewater reservoir. Men's Slippers from 75c to 9'i. 50 'li'tlii hy fallí ' it mull, lull Tin- I'lurli licHihK of thr lailff llll The I'niii'd Statea government han WE LEARNED FROM Women's Shoes from $1.50 In 95.00 IIHIMl h" Mil a.' id" lur ih'prrrlalinii. Ihc ltic of nl. WHAT r $3.00 SiKlii'tl In iill Hn I'.tiiiMiliit, i Im In- i p Im h i 'tl III" - in n recently auxiliary Women's Sliprs from 5c li nt, at illlliliK i i a ml mm w iim Mat I'IovIk certainly up enniiim established weather m pi m nn nl ri ", hr EXPERIENCE. SI $2.50 i "11111.1 m iii k In mi no (own Mini h w ban a bureau stations at the Hluewater res Children's iocs from $1.00 to nriiiif mi in. ."i.pii thr rimiinlll"" 1st in a f"H ycurn his t- and in the ful Ini Ihal In Royal Children's Slippers from .'( to $1.0(1 im Iml inn M i Urn n 1. M m ii ml un linn, mnl prnhnlily ill Kieati r fiilure The rinit of the hum- ervoir antl also the niuewater val We have used one of the Hud nf-ll- mis hi.iiIiI llnil their shares had iiii7. he ley. JU5.00 Typewriters in our business Ha bits Shoes and Slippers from At'tx I..I Hi" nl I tu .Ht nt to Urn hoiiM" mer ami Hi" of thr saw can ii .hi. linn In fluipi iiii i i I. "ii.iiii- n lm nt tl in value. from late Many new settlers from Southern shire last March. Wn arc con- 50c Im $1.50. Mlliril'H III I i t HI di heard tally 'till at nilit Ink" lli Milll" d.ll" in; hah- am! p.immíik" liitni"illal"ly allii II- - Is all Hut. after all. It Has mil pounds, nh The recent visit of the railroad offi- California arc arising In the Hlue vinced that thn machine that Ih" liitiii" hail In i ii p.isMi-- h 111" HMNl It 14 nf til" I'Xl I'll KIM! lull II been for it. We believe Iíiikm ami pi nt ", hut personal peace. cials and Hie anwurnnco that we are water valley. They seem to prefer has claimed rni-- i Ii Ii i 11 I. IfiG.OO good as any hi hut in lilt nl IMjtK t ill K ll t Ulllt III" hill H'U I'" li'l Rlue-nate- the Koyal to be as ". ll. edoin from worry on the Hiiun to have greater tb Iiikh In rail- the bracing winter climate at r recommend it to any Im hi n iih lo hi iii ln',.1 In Mi hy rml nf M.iit h. - machine, and alu'ijj iim loif th" niit" llir pail of llnni all. which he pictured as road Improvement have had a stlmu- - to the enervating heat of Siiuili- concern wanting-- a strictly first class mif fh Ii lili i ,1 IIM" l Hm 11 K lit llll m ti till If Hhili- tin' Milmtr rxilflw-- -- 'Ml c ll till II rn Hn In t dividend tu be anticipated lis IlltiUK effect bllHlllenH California. Typewriter at a reasonable price. I'l 11 i Infill. H I nn Im' lln ni In K" linn Iiiiiim iim Ihr nrrati'Ml i Ii ' u'i'ii i antl property Iuih ccortlinly advanc- The school at liluewutrr will rinse K. V. ROSENWALD. mi nuliomt' nf llirlr new departure. I ,, f I hflM-tilll- year Illlo If' it tr Hint li'iiMim Ihr hnilv nil .11 It. til" llnilM" will ed In valae 1'hivln New. for the usual vacation this at ( IT IIATK OX MOW I , present I'l npl" nf "inllilN ili vii t In- t a o nil Km IiiiiiIm In ilrxtil" In ntlu r Christmas time. The quarters t'MF,HVOOI TVn.WltllKRS, SIIAOFS . VIlOW Kii-okI- very badly crowded Is ru- - n-- tut u I.., 1. v i i I. .ir- - HreilMiiic are aiidit Al.liy. T KITFK KXt llANGfc f tn In nli lilflittiV" all In slock ami rumie to orler. lowest I.I .il-- i" I II,.- -. . M .. I . The ronvn tioii of n IiuikIhi' al FI l.t ii I" I.iki Art ul'ililm In l.i" 1'ipollM ll.'lll Hut pi li i s. S.tiiMf guaranteed. t .1 I'asn hint preal rejolcltiK. If, I .It 1,1 " ill!'! I' I" I" !,M Spi lugs, tin t ln- "IM upon FuiñltuiB Co. witk taimrd Kl I 'no ma) in time convict a mur derer. - lictiiiim Idmlli;lit nulKliiS Hill MiiIIhoc. HNSIESAM C'E ll,rM Our vvoriliv 171 Muñir .1. M live You Will Scarcely Iimíi Know forhiddi it lili paper In puhlitdt (onf j hit. name in ih" fuliiri" under iiennllv menial iCastutlltí The Continental Casualty Co. nf "settlmc the mutter (lersimally " ,(Ccutjí;u;:íi He was tniii that the best time to set The Terrace Addition .... 'clines foi all iif lisks, $2,00, $2,bQ ami jtle wan the present, for his iiaiin-- Hf.ft AIXXXOLIt "l kl S. issues clasres would be plliil'shrft M often as neees In Five Years From Now. It's Coming' rmcAt.o HLIMMI. $3.00 pf month; cover all sickness, no exceptions. Pays pary Men nev er Ret n tearful m the the day of injuiy to timo limit set ilaiiBeroiit Hun they can "bufTnln" thi RESIDENCE SECTION fiom fiist illness or paM-r- mill especially la this una tit fm .1 M Ove (o whom tin- paper mvi--I foith In policy (for injui os, 21 months; illness, 6 mouths) in I will nothlnK in any waj. Cai Ishad Keep that mind; sell the balance of Silver avenueand it will be, by a For public comeyancos, double indemnity. Policies also rent big majority, the finest street in the new stateat the present prices. I have per an- insuie boncficiaiy and give 10 per cent increase I'nr Ihal Hull IVrllnc After Ij.liug. also 13 lots left on Central avenue, and when these two streets are sold out, for 5 cost. No examination I have used Chamberlain's Stom- num years without additional ach and l.lver Tablets for some time, Gold, Lead, Coal, Iron, and Highland avenues will all be withdrawn from the mar- No Polcy fees. Can be paid and ran testify thut they have done necessary. fees or initiation m, more good than any tablets I have ket, and thousands of dollars expended in grading, setting out trees, and install- ever used. My trouble was a heavy monthly or any number of months in advance at your own up-to-da- te dull feeling after eating. Pavid Free, ing a most complete an j tittle water plant that will take care of the man. Kempt. HcotU. These tah-- h option. This is the most te Policy on the Ameri- Nova Is strengthen 'be atomach and needs of the entire addition. Do you want to make a few easy dollars? Do you can market, and well worth looking into, the digestion. They siso reg- - ulate the liver ami liowei. I Hey r want to make your wife a Christmas present that will mean something? Then I I fur suprior to pills but cost no more. CAITTU 3000il OCMil D IN QUICK :- ISS5 Spft Ul l'oli, ie lsmic.1 for Hankem. Atl.rne, I'livxit in, Get a free sample at J. II. O'Riclty'sl GET ON SOME OF THIS REAL ESTATE. -: :- -: :.: :.: WiiV (likl lUtnvl (htm uiiiu nZ.1 and ;5.on I erkly see a splendid I.uj-Ihticl- unit uflu Men; ll.oot! ttn.Oim ilrinr ture ni what hm miftJr ( tntin,ttlnl Wiru-- i f Indemnify. For nil Informal ion mil ur A. V. ItlKKI'H. Jr.. nit-ili- iiie II is. uf Milu fjrvUivn fur Soil I nn Slrk kler Mlnittn rtpie. V. M. I1inii. XH9. ml T"- - Mulii'r, libi t. all linka no ml rtcs . If ".i nant IHMill boflr.1, try Hie M. P. I nlnmhlis Hot i'L STAMM THE ALBUQUERQUfc. MORNING JOURNAL, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1908.

H.v. ,, upon wis by t',r toastmas-c- r one block. Mr. Mattoon was o . find pal,! i GRIDIRON handsome compliment NO nest In the matter that the park com. HEROES; " mi' irmiti-i- s i, th,- ten rn MORE DISTRESS FROM STOMACH fur the mission determined to follow his ad- .'ii i lli'i-.- t in;! mu r in lln-- which had vice. After conference with the own- i uiidiii ful litems, lv, s during In- i'.iut-ll'i'- il ers of the adJoinliiK block and wl 1 .Mi-- OR ANY Tig foot-!bu!- DYSPEPSIA AFTER TODAY sc.ison. it iru.lo the l many trlenils of the enterprise. It ,as BANQUETED AT mi n lilu.-l- i win ii In- drew a. determined to secure the adjolnlnr. ti-- from his ),, ( ii, (, ud IV)l,i rt block. The commission appeared almid to of your , the A his gatesis, trouble. If Stomach Is nzona Journal Readers Who Suffer a ' the city council about month " Tile wm, l.y sour a ml your letter signed Colonel unhealthy food afco and prescnteil the matter; a lai'R,' - j Wills,, u. of tin- New .Mexico Mlltnr.y From Any Form of Stomach tainted, ami that's what I ALVARADO number of petitions were also j, res- Hi. t causing Institute nt swell, nn.l was to ho the Indigestion and as on ented, signed by a groat id' effect that, Trouble Should Try This, number tile 'varsity football ti'llln stonitielr and other miseries I'ape's people and the press of the city urge.i jwas tile most g. ,'Uld Dispepsia is an Antacid, most power- Sweet the council to help the i omtnisslo i ll 1,,, ;, t h t.W digestive thorough Win. lllld eVcf When your stomach Is weak or ful and regulator secure the desired land. The ma' BOYS TOASTED FOR Visito, tile Ifovwcll Institution. I'l'of. kicking in for wenk stomtuhs. These Ti'htnigille Castile Juice, nnythinn that lor was referred to the finance coui-mitte- e .M. F. A w you lis il. lio formerly coached eat, no difference what It Is, will will digest any kiipl f food vou fat of the council ami at the last THEIR BRILLIANT RECORD tile .l.V, 11, II stoma, in- Was tilled uloll ti J sour on your stomach, raise the bile and will cleanse the h and meeting- Chairman Neusi.idi recom- the difficulties i iii'iitintir- - acids testines In a natural way. which cmimeiatci and to cover your fooil like oil mended that the council ppi i.i Oranges ed in to n you tlvp af- -- turn out win on water, causing Indigestion, Dys- makes feel line minutes JüOOtl , r r towards tne purchase of lin i nin,- t"ani. pepsia. Nervousness" terwards. 'Varsity earn, íiegcms anc Stomach ami land. Hy a unanimous ote the i e, Wallet- .Ml cup-l,'ci- i, e Any ii, half mi mid Helchlnji of sour poisons, which pru-iluc- wool pharmacy here will sup- of the was t'lill ommeiidallon committee Faculty Guests at Annual of the was calle, upoi. foul odors, nasty taste, bilious ply you with a ease of rui.-- Idapep adopted and the enlargement ot :, niade a n at speech. In lll'ty ' ill which he headache, Heartburn, Intestinal grip- sin for cents. Just realm about was tints assuii'd. Extra Fancy Dinner Party; Flatteriii.'i said In - . that hud played on the 'vnr- ing and make you an object of misery. this remarkable stomach pi mutton The commission will now pi o, eel jsity de- - tealii for fout years, and was This is stomach trouble which can will not help. Vou should s now and with soon Mr. Prospects for Next Season, ; the improvement as as Ckiu-- ii st I le-liv- at be Hide to say he not he overcome with ordinary e Kft a case. I'ut your Stoma, h In full Mattoon has completed bis plan. As bad 1, t a laved ilimil.K m. medicines. It s caused by fer- health and by tomorrow you will for- this Is a matter of great Importance Chalmers M, intlell. nil" of thi- of your food, which will be get the misery of Stomach trouble. venti i n husky fo, tl.all players,! mentation and as many people are deeply inter- irrldlr on stars, va also i ll,' !' upon. remedied at by Papes Dlapepsln. Y'our case Is no different from many lie. oV tune ested In it, especially as Ibis is th" ivlio represented I'lil a tul mude u f, w i i lis. .Verves to laai a preparation to as others. Jt isn't Stomach or 30c pleasant take and 65c ,1 llrst park of any magnitude which lias Mexico OH til" Ml id iron tirio;- l ' t WW The aiuiiul vt i,lou:;'nt a ohsv harmless as candy, though H will di- Catarrh of the Stomach, or astrltls, n hor- - been provided for out of the publii Hi, past season, at down to ela hy a spirit. Ml talk ,,y I Wroiii, who I gest and prepare for assimilation into or Dyspepsia. It Food .IlillK funds, the park commission will pi oh I. fciv hy t Per Dozen ampul their honor the hoys tin h, li,l care II ule toll mil the blood nil the food you eat. Food Fermentation that's ami aide call a public meeting next we, k ir J II. Wroth, of the h,. irl of re- - what they did Hu- coming year to lurim: Indigestion Is a result, not a cause takes about five minutes ereonie for the purpose of discussing Hi1' b, , of the nsti.tuti.Hi, ut the Aha-- ; so I, me- as they .le!', at il the Fill- - I methods to adopt lo secure as tpil, kit hotel last nigut lie is ver- - it y A i m a t xt mi of lie iu tllll' t!l as possible the result desiiicd. ,il Hi, sonad toon their pine s at th nul o 'm on in- ca i ni l. Iminiiiet table with satisfaction which i Dr. Wroth lv, s the ha in pu t NEW OFFICERS FOR WILL BEGIN WORK ON VI V cone s of duty well il.uie. The 'us niiotly to tli f, ibull t. am, wh, TISAt "II K CAI i:l lt ion f,,tliall team has prohnhly he, a It Is- valor!, r not. inure snccissful en the jfriiliron than' When w, sit down till liny other eleven that ever ri pre- - Utlet II Dei mil,-!', lie a i',' l!y far th, most attract ve caleinla the university. the speaker. lio.,,- will he able t, BENEVOLENT HIGHLAND PARK tin,! has o brought to our tiotn l,:lng Ule past Sanson th,.' leven j cad u 111, i uta n team ' this year that issued l: the I'.il,. wrested victory from, every collegiate in asli h m I tell 111 the I'nf, or-th- ,, Ihew ing I . Milwaukee iu conn. i all in the territory, audi it.v ol .,-- d 'd of fell, tiain Mexico at, lion with tlieir popular malt extract i, iilv went dovn. In defeat, mice, at rizonu." ET AT ONCE sold and known where uttdei LASSODED TAFT ON Un- hands of the I 'nlvorsity of Ail-- j Prom th of , x pre: at cet tenor sions the ni, mc of Pallet Kxli-act- Tlo- a senses a 1 a II i v, ry zona, ucieai in uiau.v the lupu but night "Host" Tonic l.iki the prepiiraiion Elks lik.-l- Theater thii' til "varsity wil hav,' a It grid-lr- , represents, this charming culcmlui spread before the I in til t yea r. r, s oyr. Th" haiutuct coach lie; Tin - of t Xlplfsit, ' ami appealing beauts, n In was the best that Fn ,1 lililí, ilion n fine lot of nut. rial Organization PARK COMMISSION TO STATEHOOD toes lliat Charitable Closes, -- stands out in eotitrast and is exc-p- MONDAY DEC. 14 Harvey could serve, mi l was an cpi- - will he on haul w tfi which to form lioliillly uniill among art calendars delight the to a Busy Year and Elects Strong MAKE IMPROVEMENTS cai'ciin from first th"!n eleven and with Rood each for I Hull. e, Ii v. in course. At the inclusion of t v he can devote all hi I mi to til" Roster of Women to Serve The I'alist Kx tract Hose Dili Cal DM'. NK.HT ONI.V. 1. ampul I ir. Wroth, who acted a" t am. Is re w hy tli I'ni- - Governor Curry riepoited to fhcie i .until ns ii is ciiii.ii, i in ii in conn. i toast muster, called upon so eral ol'f..-ersi- t of N M, i cleall iinni During Coming Year, Elaborate Iree Planting Sys- - exclusive m un tou.-i- m Have Obtained Speedy th" uuests to respond to toi ts, tin up cv, rthiiis;- in th" fo .thai I line in ANS-CONTINENTAL fust speaker hcinir Frank V. Clancy. th, ,', iiilhwcst. tern Designed by Repi esen-- 1 ri'Z? "T'X ZZXn suits in Interview at or nr. sldeiit of the h. ard of re oil Tho-- I" pre: cut at the were: A rout nils !iuiul large number of ladies attended Scr-i':"i';"- -v, " harmii.K in u. th- - ...1 ..1 Cl.-ni-. tative of Forestry A S tin- university. Mos:si s. F. W. : Dr. .1. JI'. the Spitt ias, AMI Itlt .lti: TliST tlie meeting of , ' l"'n,ll,k gracefull.v over a greal Mr. Clancy's were f. W. i. Ti.jlit, annual the L TKH MI'll remarks bil Wroth, rresiileiit Prof. VICe Will Aid the WOlk, Jar.l, ub re full of Amei-lca- Heauty TllliVIKK lon of a very complimentary natu:"' M. F. Aniieil. 1'rof. Ii. Asplund. society, held in F. loses, while in the background ami The l,, Springs, Virginia col es-- 1 indicating tin- of tin II. TI. Cooiwell. W. Clancy's office yesteiday al'tcf- - that presiden Fiof. Clark. looking from under a cool, inviting pondi'tit of the .New- York il 1,1. THE CLANSMAN was highly p leased with tin, l'.llwatil Si Fdwiii-- noon. .Much business was board fence routine At a meeting of the Hoard of I'urk 11, lis, nvi tilting with vines, one can gives all Inierestlng version of tint. by el, v. n .1. Mo I results iclili veil file 'varsity Koss, Michael IlilUSS. J. J. including tile reading ol see a magnificent slreetch of green ernor Isit pr - OI Ki ll SFASOV - yestentay n Curry's to the esnb'lll- expressing- hope It. A Ml I:. n n nun I reporta Commissioners afternoon and the Ih" athletic! Kaulsherry. ns. Walter ih" of the president, sward leading tin to a ipialut old Colo- elect lust week 111 the ow IlIJi Dramullid by Thomas DUoil, V,. directing would he encotiragerl to a stil All, n. illette Cornish II. Marsh. secretary and treasurer. The reports resolution1 was passed the nial home. So skillfully has the ar- lal dispatch appearing S.tturda's Ir., from Ids lvo famous greater extent ill the future. ( 'ha Imcrs M c( 'oniiell. ('liarles J.einhke, contained the information that the j secretary to thank the city council tist worked fiut his conception that It Herald: novels, "Tin Clansman," anil th, ,1 DION l.awr, nee, Trianaer of timer I'attoii. Sil a. Fir.: White, work of tiie organization during for its action in appropriating- funds ,s difficult lo find words that will do Hot Springs, Va.. Friday. Judge 'The Leopard's Spots." "lev, n. Cla r.a u i n e T.. S, - exceedingly to responded to toast rk Irv. in, Iva. H'r- hud lieen satisfactory - Justice to bis achievement. Tall Is In favor of state- te re- for enlarging Hie piirk ami the fol- iinincdiale Direction of (icorce H. Ilieiuian Team." During the course of his liam Wroth. the officers, notwithstanding the fact It is unite impossible, however, to hood for ew Mexico. Covornnr tleo. to ill, lowing wan at once directed to Complete Xcw Yrk Prod uel Ion marks, Mr. took c'.ision The 'varsity boys after the that there were many calls for letter glvi to niiy one who has not seen tin Curry, of that territory, came here 11, ly the hoard of ih )' na I, fri.tu poor persons fam- the mined: In- Company of 7.1 and Troop of thank refolds. 1'iiei Feremubd the Mornins and original, an ade,iu,te Idea of the totla.N and enlisted the president-elec- t Commer-'-l- be- December ib Caialry Witnessed members of the faculty and the pep!, tit" cluli :,mi olio ilies than have ever been made describable charm and womanly beau- in the campaign, and when the gover- llocos. ih nt a forty-fon- r To the Sliijw and !.City by more of Alliuiiicripi" for the nn tims'. and made joyful uois, fore. The ladies reported that Honorable ty with which the sweet lace of this nor left he said he had "lassoed lid than which had been tendere, to the orally. Trunksgtvmg dinners. which Council of the City-o- A ibuiptcripie: in the foregoing en- is hog lied" Mr. Tall, and that he be- l.lMMUmi Til KATKIt ;o FUS. football dining 111" .season. Ii were real dinners, willi nil the neces Dear Sirs At a meet Ins tills Is 110 team after dowed. Indeed, it exaggeration lieved with the Inlluenie of the In- CollW'ell, th, h i on. sary serveo t noon of omlnissjon II. who coil I'nr licci'ia. Ti tter ami Sail Ilhcuiii. trimmings, hail been tlie I'urk of the to say that no more beautiful pane! coming admluist Liitlon behind it New r 1 and to whom a proal d, or lit ir various persons on Thanksgiving day ity of A Ibuiiiieroue, was Instruct Ilia 11 Itose Calen- The intense Itching- cha ructerlst ic I'abst Fxtiiict' flirt Mexico would shine in the galaxy of Prices: 75c. l Oil, $1.50. t .success tenm. This whs of fifteen din- ed lo you heartily sin- I Mini ol $2.0. tine for he of these ailments is almost instantly an increase thank most and dar for could adorn the walls states before March 4. a few on foot il. !1 ntiit-ls- o ners over any previous Thurksgh in?, cerely for your opi iation of Sale open. it theater Ihix of- made remarks allayed by Clia iiibci hi in's Salve. Many nppi any home, den or office Mr. Curry, a former Hough Hider, tors, past and : re- - It, day. In connection retiring $211110 to in u A fice at Ii o'clock SMt unlay, prisont, and severe cases liuv,. been clued by this the assist the purchase of copy of the calendar flee from and a protege of Mr. Hooseelt, land- a of , xp, s w ii 1, I, y druggists. desire to l lu ir tlinnkh of ground 7x3(1 may ob- After it) o'clock salt-- cited number For sale all ol'lioirs extend block needed to double the advertising, Inches, he ed here ibis morning. He came to !.al he was pl.'iyinif on n n e colieg-- lo the si hool children of the city as size of tlie Highland hy in .tumps Mutton's liisik istern I'aik. tained mailing ten cents rope" lr. Ta ft anil he did it In i ml store. ,11 as the members- of the churches, on Dept.. !i I H team. Porch owing., $100. Aroil,iieriiie account of its location or mill to I'alist Kxtract president-elec- t - style. The told him Dr. TiMht. piisident of th unlvor- IMiiiilng- Mill. the Ministers' alliance, and all others Highlit nd I'urk will 1.1' a fa wired re Milwaukee, t Chestnut St. Wis. he did not desire to interfere with tin-wo- who generously donated food an I .if our city, sort for the residents on k of present congress, but that clothing for distribution Thanksgiv- a the account of Its location, giving line GOOD AT he would do all he could to promote ing. view over the valley, we believe it ATTENDANCE -- the passage of the enabling act thai 7'., I T . t The officers elei ted yesterday to always lien im- will attract and COMMERCIAL CLUB DANCE would make Now Mexico a state, even serie during the coining year: are ur- proved a very become popular resort. to asking Senator Hcverldgc to change follov. s: It Is the purpose of the Commis- Mrs, his mind on the subject. President, Amado Chaves, vice sion to make the park a credit to the cg president; Mrs. Alfred limnsfeld, guiar Function Tiirni'il lulu il M niv.r ificwi to fail up, in niii- E city, as rapidly as our funds will per- I U fii tiin I.uuikk .f uuiiar Hffuiniiol,rti $m il t J Q llgcc fair. Prows Highly lin flíf l OU Wi, vi. treasurer; Mrs. Frank W ilson, secre- DENVER MAN MATCHED Hi t Mini iht'Ut tH 'Hftl W IHI I,4 for IS mit. jo wihlo. ttrii Mnpifk t m, t fiw útttkriéuw )t B tary; Mrs. H. A. Ilak.-r- auditor, Mrs. was on your to It wise part make TO KENNEDY M A. It. Slroup. it possible to enlarge tjfe park, for the FIGHT g uwtTCD Mt otcai co id. r. UNntitr. The meeting unanimously adopt reason that It was too small before The regular Coinmcrcla club dunce n resolution extending a vote of well last Hiring sniilhiw-s- for for the accommodation of the large was unusually attended After s. the 4iM to retiring officers, I tit Alliugurqun hv J H. (VtlUf, thanks the com numbers living in its vicinity, anil be- night, the affair being a negligee inoi-- l two In his efforts to fin plimenting them upon the excellent a opponent for professor cause on account of the configuration event, and none the I, ss enjoyable on suilabli mi they had made while in charge Kennedy Major Ituppc, of the Albu- - of tlie "round it will not cost us much rofivi-hnioiit- of a Templing uttor-VVuI- the business of the socletv. proportionately for its Itiinr.uvcmcnt. that iccount. illel'lUe Athletic lub, yesterday LOCAL AND PERSONAL We are satisfied that the people of w en served, the music was excellent noon signed Indi r. of Denver. muí Itog, occasion was a suc Kennedy to box fifteen " " w the entile city heartily approve your ther the ind Professor ,í p 'ft cess. Tlie utihersily boys serenaded as a wind-u- to tlie action, nnil thost more directly l. rounds clubs John Snwtclle and Lynn Cray, two VIGOROUS ATTACK ON the evening. Those is to be held are duly appreciative, the guests during monthly smoker, which youths, sixteen and seventeen wars of Ml .Mes. W. S. Illlpou present Respectfully yours, pros' lit Were ell on the llith ol the looniii. .. age. A. I,. Kichmond, Mrs. M ( respectively, bur- I!. W. D. HlrYAN', Mrs. The club officials and members are Chadbourne. Mrs Charles White, Mrs highly elated over lln ir success In se glars, were taken to the county Jail Secretary of the Park Commission. I Andrtis. Misses Minnie llolzmun. curing to box K' niuily, as ne yesterday to n THE FEVER I labórate Plan l iiilcr Way. . Ualk.r afternoon await the :f-'ffl ft idge, Wlnslow, Allele (loss 1. Die an I ir" The commission has hail under con sie Habit considered one of fastest of the grand Jury, being unable f I ! Marga 111 Huth oss. (race Horra, aile, cleverest Welterweights Ibe west. 0 sideration for several months the im lo furnish Hie bonds which wore Kugenia Kelcher, Lillian as he lias done provement of tlie Highland Piirk ami Schuster. and should he pi rfoi iu Spitz. Lisa Diei kuiaiin. Miss Cud should be a asked ,,f each ,,f f,,i ap- action fit the city council at iis in the past there rattllmt thetii their County the wood, of Xashvillo, Ti nii.; Messrs. Al or the fistic game. Commissioners Name last meeting was a result of ef exhibition pearance at tin. m xt term of court the bcrt Fabcr, Finest S. Jones. 10. F. lain Kennedy, almost continually in of commission, aided by a The lads accepted their without Assistant Health Officers forts the ilolll Kov Slamm. A. W. Clelund training, starting work In earnest yes- late large of enterprising citizens. any I number John I!,u radalle, Jerry Johnson. L. M terday, determined to fit himself for show of emotion Sawtelle an, Who Will Go to Work at to solve the problem. The configura- - WE SELL. Wav. A. M. Lucius. Leon llertzog, F a strenuous bout. All hough confi- Cray wde the leaders of a gang of lion of tlie block of ground donated roul-ixe- Once Under i i Sihw.ier. C. H lübhnii, T. M. Don be will score a viitory. In- s desperul" young elimináis who suc- County Health hy city for park purposes some dent the M o Chad bourne, Dr K. J Al Unit in Walker lie meets one ot ceeded In keeping th,- police busy for years ago. mid the nature of the soil ahs. Officer, iter. Sam l'bkai',1, Julius Staali. J the MJ pound m.-- In the coun- three weeks before they were canghl. some difficulties and calleil lust presented I'. ns, .11 ew. ll, C. S. While, W. J try, does not intend to tain- am During the three weeks Sawtelle and High Grade Pianos more money and for an cxpendlturv of Whit' D D Hroiison, Lloyd Stuigei cha lu es. liray robbed tile A Ibluplcriille Cal- - com- ti The hen treasury of the park ' u .1 county ltd the D officer and tho than and M, 'Cro, Ion. The Cavauaiigl Walker arrived in town from rla nhipiiny. Km her Co , I. if a board of health have los, no time In mission afforded anything like tuiiiishe.1 the music. ver yesterday and will start training Ma Udell's Stole J Skinm ISros.. , t'liickcriiiü uprights ami Wcf, Hush taking advantage of the offer or tins park was developed within a reasona- today. He is nol a strung. r bete, as el y lor .111,1 ball o ll-- 1 I.auonda, I i.iiid-- t ccil-iai- t. money Lime, Schiller, kri iciich. 'ai county coin misione i s to furnish ble period. In order that no those who attended tin- , xhilulion- Th.- -i Ii et I'laycr de- AMERICAN LEAGUE ,,. Interior Pianos and nianv oilier makes. health officers to assist in slumping would lie wasted, the commission luring Hie fair w ill remember n -- Tb .alslfy g t Is bask, t ball team The lariti' husincss c tro act enables us to yle ou out scarlet fever in the subui lis of termined early In the consideration IN boxed a fast draw mill I'M- MAGNATES SESSION i ii t, d tlo III. i u i, l girls Hu- Inner aine iban smaller ilcab ami iaoicnl Alhmpiei ipie. Chairman lirunsfeld of of the subject that It was necessary e yninn. of th" l'..rl Logan In at ngiHils. W rite for cátalo;' ne ami ioloi nialion. the board yesterday appointed to have a definite grading and plant- , last nuh b. ll, c score of ir. - J" fantry. lo I. it,,-- , S'c I r.el'ori- Ymi liny. Salnz.'tr. I.eomii'do Hiini. k and Tomas ing plan so that each year as the mon- The score at tin- ,i,l of I '.a scba lulu I'ailUHlli t i gcd lo I'll Hi -- I ha If as a t 4 in Werner as assistants to Dr. Mcljin-tfces- s. ey received rrom taxes was expended, BANKER favor of the force Hule. ROCKY FORD j wnsiiv. large i row, I l,, th,. IT WILL PAY YOU These men. all of whom are it could be paid out in the develop- alien, gallic. Tb,. It in-- ll l of III" y tea m M well aciiuaint.-i- with the people In ment of the plan and at least a por- FRAUD val sil Victor T.iII.Iiil; ilium s. I'.tlisou C0NVICÍEÜUF S folll, S , - the nearby districts, will go to worK of park could In this wav lis Hie Mil ling. Jlllllp- tion the Voik. Dec. !i. The Ami-ricn- ing Wi.NI, In tlo- in J. utile mid Hilda this morning. Kvery house in. each year be eomnleted accordance !i nagnntes opened session Dec. 'ilUOl bei.,.r. , s 1111 ,.cted districts will he visited anil with plan. Hands, ape architec ihelr La .Imita. C'b. cold Mil. Cook the r ot in Innci i;. an, Mac Mo.Millln guards; Lcainard & Lindgmann whei scarlet fever is found a rigid ture is a science and its students are ally awarding the pennant ol Smith, cashi. l.nthy ir,l Mate bank, was found guiltv t.. Lin- ai d Al...- MiMillin. tie A resoln-pte- d forwards Iu ,u;trantine will established. expensive luxuries. An eminent i.os the Detroit , A night of I'eeciMhg deposits wln-- b Ho- s. on.l ha'r J. iin llubhs played Tin- campaign to stop the fever will Angeles architect offered to make r ti, wits ttiat no passes for I'l, i i ..,. knew the lunik was Insolv lil poncing and Cleo Kelly New Mexico's Largest I lie vigorous w ill be un-- I uesu.-- cnt.r and and sucn as was i.n,... , pin ior ,,,),,,, n to grounds would be given iil v had rem le d a . rdlct alter I' M t lb- Morris guards. til case has disappeared. The which was a large fin. imn of the total - It, clubs. Tlo- meeting ac- minutes' di 111:, ran, ,n I he in ni in o ,i Music House j county s treasury. Vawijo No, .1, Hoard of Health and th" health amount in tlie commission I t fa Trille Improveil lit. the drafting lause or.ildv niii-ln- iu in is p'lirs In the p. o Older conliil.'n; pro- a suggestion was lie lot ipdni, ii. officer are that this In this dilemma, by Hi National league. Will as! eiiiertained the Iai.Iio of a eiitlari'. Smith's attorney tin- , gram will result in speedy checking Forestry H III, ' lii iir, of In made that the fulled Slates limits tile dr ifiing p, riod t"i a m t r in Pocahontas their I VI'Aill.lslll I) I'M II oí the fever. Service was fortunate In timing iiiaj"! b agues frum S. p. ml.e to hall last night Progressive high live -- - ,, among killed In park 1.".. was on,- run-Ing- 'r its officers on. S, j.l. nber The rule will be ill Williams' ( ii di nlhils in. ,1 the feature of the 2lli 's f.olil CII1IC as- Pr . ni.-- i ,.ss f (.oes Jury. designing and upon application his ÍOIO- . laiiini, ni M Don. liiii ase to from now on. Washliuton, Dec ! The i I. n thy 9 se, Ho- M,.. ub i. iter was l.i- - Omaha. Dec. The ease of sistance might be fpon the At tin- National tine tial'i of John Sbaio Williams, awarded the Churbs K Davis, charged the needs of the city being made known to limit for return of i, la lo chilis. db s' prize, u ml i., Kepprler. the wis rcentlv detnocratic leader ' tin g. f mur. 1. r of Dr Frederick liustiii. vas the chief forester. In willingly con aí,-- l MUS redu, 'I to tiw- iiuys ml. men's pi l... Mr ami Mr-- .1. TTsrvs.'g?- i oil house for his rir-- t senatorial b, 1 'Epinzziesr&tir-- 5 af- . d.-- Siraud w ..n Rien to ibe jury at o'clock this sented t render the ro assistance during tlie piaing season ginning March 4. 1911, were l.n.l be- the consolation prixe. At spent by Mr. to Ihe conclusion tin- - ternoon. The iitii day mis and at once assigned Mattoon Tin- indiscrimlmite nsuanoe of fore the sen, lie to,a of aril paity, danc- William F tiueihy. che f counsel for design for the city a suitable plan for , asses ll' league clubs was illsollsscd nig was coinmeiiced. which was Mi b Kur-li-- h Septem- in in r.x - Dais, and State's Attorney the contemplated park at bngth, and club .re uiged. in until an early hour Ihe ii morning-- It, in summing up the ijs ber Mr. Mattoon ariu.,1 In the city, of the unti-rae- e lia, k b. ttnig fore the social sessj,,, visited the proposed paik and as soon legislation, to take extia pre, autions coniliiellied, the chief's degree was NEW YORK CHAUFFEUR us iie bad examined tie ground, pre- - In enforcing the league's law a g.l illet Health is free i i.-- upon Hal, He risen. senu-,- himself before il imnnssmn lulling in Hie stands GETS LIMIT FOR SPEEDING and a strong that n addi- i f I r it. WtlltK OF made pin Oin - tL'M)F.ltl0 secured on Traiisli-rriil- . ttS I.ADIKS- tional block of grounl Natal Officers . COIXAHS. fclllHT '' WAIS-I-K- Se- - its enlarge- New Yolk. Dec. 9 The most the east of the park t'.r Washington. Dec. ft Captain f. I: SKIItTS ASU Irt'C v.-r- ,t of of au- ment. He th one block 1 MUS M I M HPASsKl). IMPKK-I.M- . penalty for violation the argued Harns. i oin tu a ful a f of tin- naval Grape-Nu- tomobile sped laws thirty day in ground was not large imugh for such station- at Cnvite. Philippine Islands, ts LAlNIHtY. BACK OK I1ST-OK- I pr.son and a fin of was the H lrk hs the city iiecb-- and that has been detached from duty there U K. judgment of tlie special court owing to the slope of the ground. If and ordered home. The command of . - upon Kolix I. Droit, a ehuif-- f I," .obb-d- an nn- corre, t I !.!. another block could the station ill be assumed by Capí, n The loo. for Notice D herel.v given my - pa k that wife. ur It was tin- third time be had Sitely on east sole of the A Iin.iil-t- i f lilt the . P Nnvor. lio will r. coin in. lin and bo,l. VI, Il ia t'hiin x d.. c,.imale.s, biivm r- t 1. i I cost of im-- been charge) wi'h iliiting toil. be avoided and the mmid of the receiving ship Wubnsli m I lefus.-- I.. live with me. shall lo, I be F'.f evr doibir w hit h Do pris..nei loving the two Ido. ks woii'd be on Itostori. 14, fieeetntier and sail loi s responsible f,,r a, - 'lls-le'- any count or In. linn ble to pay of tin- fine, a iia Hint niu h more Urn new post Fian,-is.- HjiIm.ii account not his from Km d lite,liu ss im iin-.-- by p lis, .11 ill be penalty. w ith Ibe prese: t br the would be d about Jatiimr) 9 T. C. ;uNZAI.F..i THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1903. 8 THE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL,

LOCAL HEMS OF INTEREST t GEO. W. HICK OX CUMfAiNi THE OLDEST AND LAIMilKIMI I.HY HOUSE IN NEW MKIIÍX) USEFULHOLIDAY Í .NI-.- KIIH K ALWAYS COMPLETE ANI SEND IV Vill i! W.1TI HI S W triX HEFAIIC them Ia th nt tht jro thou 14 aot AMninm-riju- e .V. M. your morning paper tnUpbos Áreh From 11.1 i. Seeoii.1 street rilvth POST A l TlfiUKORAFH CO. Ittff your nam mu4 aldrM and tb pPr will b delivvrrd iif a pclal lUMNBfir, 1b tiphoa la No. I. GIFTS JVM KK WARD 46.04. it Th abova nwird will ba paid for Try This . Plan i. lha arrwit and conviction of any -- ona oaufht aMallng- aopira of tha It is often a serious problem to select the proper thing for 1 Mornln Juurnal from tba door- - Did oppor- waya rf ubicnirv you ever have the a present to Men and Boys, but if you call at our store O O JOL'KNAl, PUBLISHING CO, tunity of noticing the regular- $ 5. you will find that the things we offer are all suitable and Cooking Coal ity with which the collector of the kind which is always appreciated. For a substantial Goo at $5.O0 I'orccHst, calls? Carry out the same Washington. Di e. !l. New Mexico Gift we would recomend a i'.-- Per Ton and AiI.oii.i l'.,lr Thursday ml idea in saving money, Be 4; S. BEAVEN r'rlduy. your own collector, Call Full Dress or Tuxedo Coat JOHN regularly upon yourselt 602 HouOi Insure In the I K i lili illfll Life. JO II. V. Hunt. Kiii'iii I iruTchunl of every payday and de- or Suit M'Hintii iiih lr. Is In tin' city mi i brief Im.xlmvs visit. posit what you col- - n We sell the Hart, Schaffner & Marx make and that is suf-- . lOOOOOOOCXKXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX J K Mi'Miihnti, ti'iilntniutir of tin' lectin the bank and Ni-- M xli ii illvlNinii nt tin' Simla Fi, ficient guarantee that they are right. Down Go wiih In ti' yi'Kti nliiy from Ijih Vi'gna later on when you They 111 Rink Tin' l.mlli's' A micii'ty of th- I'ri h- -: have saved Skating liyti riiui i huirli will nii'i't In tin1 Bath'Ro-be- s and Smoking Coats rhiiirh iui;lorH IIiIh iftiTiinon ut ü::ifi enough to in- - ' PHOENIX ORANGES In muí ti lui'Ki' iilli'tiili'ncf ili'Slti'il. ' DUKE CITY BAND vest we - will are also in good taste and we show a nice Jine Mod- W KvIk. of AIMjiiiiw. npr now very iinirli rlionpel'. W II. Ohio, TONIGHT. III tin- lilKt IllKllt lltlil will estly priced. Mill Villi CIIO(lh mi illy help you find slue llllllll'.V "lie I ri'iiuiln two Hit' riii-h- of IiIk i i em- linlli vtiiy di.en lo i fare w. Hiinii r II. Wiinl, invest-- - u. yiiu iii'lilii propi the . FANCY VESTS AND SWEATERS COATS lo imr place. Then iiiii w" Alliiiiiii-riiii- nf tin- CiihIi (Jroiiry. I I In' I Ml' money siivIiik niiiiiv il rnent. a - Tin- - r ' iTii'i't-- : for Men. Young Men m.1 Boys ur prosmt aii'l w have u TONIGHT- rl.-r- Me make. ri'Kiilnr tiiiHlni'xn Inn of l In- Liulii'Si' Alil Hiirli'ty of tin-- i good .stock. COUPLES' NIGHT. I 'ollKI'i K" tlollll I l lllll rh will lii' llrlil - GLOVES, SUSPENDERS AND MUFFLERS The sale of IIiIh iifti iiiiiiin at '.I m . at tin- hono The ur Mm. Ili'illi-nt- , ENTIRE 417 Smith Waltir on tin-- Hl'll't. State National Bank I'sefiil ami mil much ni ti tn lnrse. CHANGE WARD'S DELIGHT Ili iium Ni-- pI1, ili pnty I n i l NECKTIES. HANDKERCHIEFS and HOSIERY OF Stlltl'H IIIII I'Hh.'l I. l'Xll'('tH til ll'ltVII tlliH Tnr liolili n, Colo , with I'alilo iii'irnliiK Albuquerque These rhiiiN iiiv nhvavi gratefully anil price extremely low. MOVING COFFEE Liiliiulrl, u IhiI 1.1 x t i 'i'ii yriii'M of ng''. who uuh Hrnti nri'il to si rve a yi-u- r In PICTURES Ho- liolili'ti ri'I'iii inutnry, fur Nti ulltiK at 25c II). continues all this a Irlti'i' fl iiin tin' A In mnKorilo poHlof- - fin', ILLUSTRATED SONGS r SIMON STERN Week. ArtliiK (mi tniir Nullum Jaffa ha--- MR. J. ROACH, i m n t I A j i J. (i. Hanli'ti, of lliiniinr-- THE CENTRAL AVENUE CLOTHER llurlione. iiii'. mi aililltliinal ili'li'Kitti- to tiio ( 'niiHt'i'vatlnri Si which nut Nt VViiHhliiKton ONLY ONKI MOVING PIC Mr, Imrili-- Is now 11 UK AN( K l! to ALBUQUERQUE CASH jiin ft l'h ltlYtllM In tht- - capital, w ill pre- - il GINNING AT OCMH'K, national and ti Hi nt Xf-- Mi xli'o at this convention. SjOOCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX CO. Tin- - Temple AlliHit I,. II. II. Hoeicty GROCERY - will kIvi- a tea mill Sell hnme-cooki'- il SIGN OF THE INDIAN HORSE fani-- AT THE HOMEK II. WA1U), Mgr. ilcllcirclin uinl work Molality WOLKING & SON at L' ilil to 0 o'clock at LEATHER PILLOWS. PUEBLO PILLOW TOPS. IIS Murl.lo A vs. of Mm. Alfrcil Irunnf.-lil- . 101.1 Arnnoter Windmill. Pinup. Trnlt Went Central avcinie. Kvery holly Is 7 and TIioiisiiuiIh of Driving Mid - gen- ml HiibsCruolure Well Helcninc ami as tin- piii'pne Ih iiiip Some llijih Kt'nile liurnt Work on Fins Sold by other dealers fur Olher Artistic Anieles r - licll.-u-.- ;!(H1 i'ly to chiuity, It Ih l tin' Skins'. The sort usually sold uine Navalo weaves. Fine Not 10 He Found ' ÍH.r.O $4.1111. Kach ..SI2.7.T AlbUÜUerilUe, N. M. Window frtiine, 11.75. atli inlauce w III In- liirifp. Excep- lor to ittcrns IMsewliert'. MUI- - A. K. ItiililiiHnn, proprlitiir of tin' TEli. 11 8 7U7 N. EIGHT I'luiihiK Itlvi-i'Hlil- orihatil In ild Town llllH 20 Per Cent Reduc- piirchiiHi'il the VI lux county Inilliling. tional Val- i iicti'il at Traction park, fur the pur- - JAPANESE BRASSES. CLEVER LEATHERS. tion on Drawnwork Com piiHc of in nunnilatliiK tin- - exhibit" ues for the The Hen ry pany of that county iliirliiK the Irrigation store Open Every HiililtiHon will iliHimin-- t The I.arRoHt Assorl rnent ever shown All Hoi-t- of Xew Creations, IncludinK li I lly. iletiscd Hie I'liiiKi'i'Hf. Mr. Kvening I'ntll Xmus. Known ( lUii in In li' i Wf have Holidays A reas-onah- Olilent ami Hfl In the liilllililiK ami niiive It to hiH in lhui,uei line, and at very ItriilKe Whist Sets, Hunks of Toasts, l'riil ni Tiiwii lii Vtiii I'uhl, nuil un ilo i viu liilii-- r now. .Inl try u. ranch, .iiljulnlnn the park. iprra HaH and Mats. 111 Silver Phone 480 Notice to all Hoyiil Nelshlior ol West Aincrliii: lUstilct Oepnty Supreme tirade l.itniit Mi'lllniH will oi'Kiinlc JOHN LEE CLARKE, Inc. Central Ave. and First St. a Itnyal N'clKlilinr camp Thursday illKliI, I icci'inliel' 111, at H n'clncli, In CREDIT the KiiIkIiIh of CythliiH hall In the CASH OR i i r immtlily KIKm' , cortn-- Fifth and KuliM. IIiiim. isklri mi Will-i- n Milil on cm y weekly or FRENCH & L0WBER l.ailti'' Hold All charter meinlier'H of the old imytiii'iiin. 1'ttll mill mir pi'lri' "nil SCHUTT'S fl Uoyal NclKhlior IoiIkc the cHpeilally UNDKIlTAKtina AS IJCENSEO COLOMBO reiin-Hte'- l tn 'he priHcnt, ' AMERICAN CLOAK CO., 109 West Silver EMBAIJVIKJIS II. liuppe, of the armory board, has PURE ííam THEATRE received a coiinniinlcation from Steve Imnif Attendant I'anaviin, id the liallup Athletic club, Fifth and Central I'hoDe fi0 We have choice Uiie of gunulne s k i for a Kinne of liankelball be- ASH .Meikjin Drawa Work CHANGE EVERY NIGHT tween tiallup team and a team Second Door North of Postofflos. the EVEnYONK IS TALKING AllOlTl cum l imed of member. of the A liAT WOKK. HAVE Athletic club. It l likely that Otlt l IF ÍOO the local club will accommodate the MOT CJIVEV IB TOims, DO SO WOODWARD FLORIST AOW. IMI'FKIAr, LAUNDUV BACK Moving DIAMOND PALACE Carbon City Iiovh and the match will LEADING JEWELEP. THt ITT place at the armory here within OF Phone 1373 EVER take JC It. 107 Ceñir! Ae., Alliuijueru. fau-- IiixiHM'K'r huit tWO IVI'l'kK. SPECIALS Cut Flowers and Plants. Order It Stern, proprietor of the Aim 01 Eiioi k i,oi;e no. k, l,iii OF AMKUICA, Pictures I. ion store, HnnoiiuccH that the aui.-tio- l'l!H:KAI, IMON Early for Xmas and Get l, i : A COMPLIMENT lt Y FOR Male Which ha been In progreHH In Wil .M IIM.I, AT I, SATl'lt-lA- V THE popular emporium for Home time O. O. F. 1IAI.I. BEST. that EVI'.ltY-HOD- Illustrated Sonos pawl, will be suspended for one week, l:i:Mi. 1FC. 12. TODAY Jersey Farm - I IXYITF.I). ADMISSION I'ltKE. HANLON Loudon's i nnimt'iii inR with today. The nab- By Mrs. LOUIS - g HiiHpeuded , for the purpiiM- of aHHeni-lilin- WILLIAM S EMULSION. Ol'U ASSOHTMENT OF CASÍNED the Him k, no that the auction- Those lio need the ef- CREAM A EVAPORATED beneficial ICE svh-t-'in- ii I PURE eer will be to It Kl lTS AM) VEObTAUl.ES AUK For able handle inore fects r Cod Liver Oil, hut re unable ADMISSION 10c. t lea The entire Mock, how- SEI.IXTFl) KTOÜK. CXJVK IH AND APRICOTS, lo (Hke II. should try WIIIIuiii'm Emul- PHONE 1402 ever, will Htill continue to he offered FXAMIMJ THEM. F. G. l'RATT S for Halt- at private sale, and at bed CO., 214 S. SECOND. FANCY STOCK sion. Il contains no extract of qiiis-tioiinh- le rock pririH. Mr. Stern s li.poMnK ol 2 lbs, for value, put Mi r .t-n- t of the liis utile slock un he Ih rctlriiiK from Ol7t I'OI.ICT IS QCICK 6ALIC6 ...25c linesl Norwi'iilaii Oil. wiih the addi the dry hoimIh biolniKH on January ANU bMAMj PHOFIIS. LET US (if i Hubbs Laundry Co. - tion he lypoihosih(le o'r Lime. It Km ry anu le In the kIoii- miiHt be Mold SHOW VOU THAT WE CAN SAVH NICE is -- I W. MORRIS JLWLLLK lictol'e that date. 'o thlx end'the .stuff YOU MONEY ON YOl'lt GHOCEIV nnn.S'i surv lo nam mum il... will be sacrificed of cost Milne or litis eoiiihliiiitlon UN Work is Best" IF.S. F. G. FUATT m., ill 8 PRUNES hiiildiiiK "Our An excellent opportunity to pur. base SF.COND. mi. Ask for sample. Williams 205 West Central ihy li'iuil.i al I be lowest possible fig- 12K-- grade, per lb,,.. 10c Drue Uo., II" Wi-s- t Cenlrul nvenue. WHITE WAGONS ure is thus off' i'e,i to the pulilie, and iniinv are laklnu .nlvanlare of the of- AZTKO FCFX CQ.. MIIX FAO OCR DOMESTIC FINISH IS JUST fer. rtlllV AND, MOUNTAIN WOOD LAYER THE THING AND SATISFIES OlMx IJi.imoiiils, JfwHiy, Cut Ohss. Our Watrh Ropnii PATIIONS. YOU Interest In tin sale of the Sol II. X I'INOV FENCE FORTS; OAUAT IF WANT TO BE - FIGS UP TO DATE HAVE I.AUN-DH- Y I.i- Itrcton stor. lit 117 West CoM LUMP COAI,, .50 PEIt TON. BUY YOUIt STRONG Brothers DON E BY is to none in the Southwest Fiices a 1110-- 0111 iiiii. s nnaliated. and the ANY OLD TIME. PHON E 251. THE IMPERIAL UN DEKTA KEIiS. T siriiul Impoited Smyrnas, I liAUNDKY, BACK phli'e Is c I'll w lie daily with buveis OF POSTOFFICE Mm. H. B. I'uttou. Mdy EiiibaJnior. the Best for Which Peifoct Goods M.ty Be Sold. wh, ill.c that llie chance is In per lb. 20c i life Ittlle to purchase KOOils llelov BIG ASSORTMENT z actual i ost The firm has ilctciinin ed to M il every article in lis laie and DRY Uariiit stock liefoi'e the first of th CHRISTfrlAS STATIOKFRY ' l.vear. I'riccs hae In en marked down ONIONS M. W. riouii.ny Ciesdent, 0. K. R. SelliMs Vice Piesident, 'to the VelV oesl posdili- - point All 2 lbs. for immense ailvunt.iKe lilch this sail 5c J. C. rioinnoy Sejietaiy has oM'i' similar saies is that tin Most people pretcr KivinK useful Mo. k of Sollie I r.i etiin is an un-- ; lltii le as Well as an ornamental one usually lat'm' one. many articles of th. Until illalitieS are emliodled in our LARGE WHITNEY COMPANY i . s.i in c kind li.'iii en hau l. Alth.oinh "lirislnuis line iif stationery. CALIFORNIA the sale has Itccn In progress for over The line Include! handsono-l- - ten das, and loans ai-- s have been In. un. Her and H'dly Moms, ruli HEAD Auction WHOLESALE HARDWARE made, then- Is still I. ft a liit'Ke and ln in price from 2.1 cents to $3,,1il. Ii asuii te.l stock of k N. ,iiid the oare- - All these are tockeil with h iii LETTUCE ful huyi who are desirmiM of pur- Kiade l inen Finish Tapéis. down chasing tfiiriiitui'e and lioii,ehold to the hexen. fn Per head 10c at the Lion Store and Manufacturers Afjents : at prices should Here arc sunn- - of them w ith iirh-es- Strictly Wholesale Prices Mail Orders Solicited not fail In valí tin ins. -I . s of the op- llollv liuxes. with Itilihon, 3.1 cents. portunity tn make some purchases Holly Hove, with Sc ins. 2. cent WHITE -- 403-405 N. M. 401 First St Albuquerque In fore their nclKhhors hac selected ll.ilu .M.l Pluuir Handkerchief CAULIFLOWER the In st liHi'ttains liox.s with fine Iaion Taper. t.. eentn. l.iVe Toxis, Willi line fu- Per lb. Suspended .15c ller. CONN Kit 4STE()PAT1I. Holly Desk, with drawer filled with IK. paper. $1. Itooui I V. T. rnoji. Iluildiii(t. .Mahogany lesk, with drawer.", filled for w a few days in Order CHARLES ILFELD CO. ith Taper. $ - Han.lkeri hief H'H. filled with fine MONARCH Taper, .'civts, The I 'ii to for the r I HI.IC M'KMKlIt lIIF.Il v'uff an.! Collar Toms, filled with prepare OTAKY ami PI'. 65 cents Wholesalers of Everything Over f. I'. liosrnwahl 8. Ilnom fine Stalionerv. Phiinii &'. Turpi.' i'atchal! liox.s. filled GROCERY CO. Grand Christmas LA5 VEGAS ALBUQUERQUE SANTA ROSA i. with tine Stationery. It .. Pink and Whit Little Folks' ta li, in. ry. In lunch fiiir. d boxes, 2 Rush IMS. 307 West Central Avenue Albuquerque Carriage Th.-s- are a few of th, ni.i n nt MarCS P Savvtec f ilil í I luna lleailoUail. rs J-r- l Phone 80 xrti-f-- f r rj..T? harms STIiONU'S HOUK ST. i;K, GomDanv ADLUi Contractor and Builder. Photic 1104 Next door III P. I. OÜHN EH OFFICE HOOM nitST NATION AI BANK WJH1. I Hoe al llw ol.iiilhu Hotel you'll First and Ti leras l tLEFHON'C M. b til gMAl IS)U1("U. HEAD THE WANT ADS.