Community Council Cyngor Cymuned Cwmbrân

Committee: Policy & Finance Committee Item 9 (iii)

Date: 18 April 2016

Report Author: Clerk to the Council

Event attended: Local Councils in Partnership Committee (LCP)

Date of Event 22 March 2016

Event Attended by: Councillors TA Matthews, SE Evans (as substitute for Councillor WM Howell) and David Collins, Clerk to the Council.


1. This report provides members with brief details of the above meeting.

2. Regrettably the meeting was inquorate so only brief, informal discussion of matters on the agenda took place. A summary appears below. (Cwmbran Community Council was fully represented at the meeting.) See also attached Service Area updates.

Torfaen Corporate Plan 3 (County Councillor Anthony Hunt.)

Overview of new key priorities within County Borough Council’s new Corporate Plan which would come into effect on the 1st April 2016. The Plan will contain three politically selected priorities that have been developed by the Council’s administration. The priorities are “A clean and green Torfaen”; “Raising Educational Attainment” and “Support for Torfaen’s most vulnerable residents.”

In setting these priorities, Torfaen County Borough Council had clearly stated what it planned to deliver, what it planned to support, and what it would expect residents to do to help drive progress within these areas. Councillor Hunt elaborated on each priority and, in particular, agreed to provide further details of proposals to establish a system of local teams to deliver a Clean & Green Torfaen. Councillor Hunt encouraged Town & Community Councils to come forward with ideas and input to help deliver the above priorities. He also offered to meet individual Councils to discuss the delivery of the Plan in more detail.

Amongst the points raised by Members was a request that any talks about devolution of services/collaboration projects should commence as early as possible so that budgets could be set for future years.

Welfare Reform

Dave Congreave, (Strategic Director Health & Well Being, Torfaen County Borough Council) outlined ways in which Town & community Councils could contribute to policies which addressed the impact of Welfare Reform

and anti poverty issues. These ranged from attending Members’ Seminars about Welfare Reform/Anti Poverty and meetings of the Welfare Reform Project Group through to funding information & advice services or a Community Development Worker.


(Dave Congreave, Strategic Director Health & Well Being, Torfaen County Borough Council) outlined key priorities for the Education Service, which included improving performance in literacy & numeracy.

Well Being of Future Generations () Act 2015

Lyndon Puddy, Head of Public Services Support Unit, Torfaen County Borough Council outlined the role of Town & Community Councils in relation to the work of the Public Service Board (PSB), which would replace the Local Strategic Board (LSB) with effect from 1 April 2016. Town & Community Councils would Attend, participate and contribute to the work of the PSB; Make representations to the content of well being plans and provide advice and assistance to the board. Councillor DJ Williams currently represents Town & Community Councils on the LSB. He will be invited to participate on the PSB delivery groups to make representations, raise issues and deliver projects as part of the wider remit. The PSB will also undertake a Well Being Assessment, which will involve Engagement & consultation across all partners. The precise details of how this will be carried out have yet to be confirmed but will be included as part of PSB work programme.

3. A key theme across each of the above issues was the importance of collaboration across traditional organisational boundaries. Cwmbran Community Council has a good recent record in this respect. In order that this momentum is maintained, details of collaborative projects will be reported to the Policy & Finance Committee on a regular basis from now on.

4. Date of next meeting -

Tuesday 21 June 2016 at 4.30 pm (ordinary meeting and AGM)

Service Area Updates


Please see below an update for the Education Service:-

1) The statutory objection period in relation to the following proposals is currently underway (and will close on 30th March) a) the closure of Victoria Primary School with the dispersal of pupils to neighbouring schools (predominantly Garnteg Primary School) with effect from 1st September 2017; b) the closure of Brynteg Nursery School with effect from 1st September 2017; c) the extension of Garnteg Primary School with the new provision available with effect from 1st September 2017; d) the extension of Cwmffrwdoer Primary School, and at the same time an increase the age range from 4 to 11 years to 3 to 11 to provide nursery provision. The nursery provision and extended provision to be available with effect from 1st September 2017; e) an adjustment/reallocation to catchment areas as follows: i) current Victoria Primary School to Garnteg Primary School ii) current Abersychan Brynteg Nursery School to Garnteg Primary School

As part of this process and in order to determine the proposals, Cabinet will then need to consider an Objection Report. This is a summary of the statutory objections received and the Council’s responses to those statutory objections.

2) New Schools are now under construction for Blenheim Road Primary and Primary in Cwmbran and Ysgol in Griffithstown. They are expected to open during the 2016/17 academic year and probably available for occupation in January 2017. 3) Post 16 provision. Consultation on a new post 16/sixth form centre is currently anticipated to commence around May/June 2016. 4) A survey on demand for Welsh Medium Education is expected to take place with parents/carers of Torfaen pre school age children during the summer term after the Easter break.

Mark Horton, Forward Planning Principal Officer, Long Term Capital Strategy Unit, Education Service, Torfaen County Borough Council

Neighbourhood and Planning & Public Protection


1. Pre-application publicity by major developer (not to be mistaken for pre- application advice from LPA!)

Applies to full and outline major* applications only (not reserved matters, non material amendments, variations of conditions, etc.) submitted on or after 1 August 2016;

Developer must consult a minimum 28 days before submitting their application. Publicity includes site notice in a prescribed form on site and consultation with adjoining neighbours in the same way as the local planning authority does on applications; consultation with local elected members, community councils and specialist (statutory) consultees such as Natural Resources Wales, Cadw, Welsh Water, etc.);

The developer will need to make the draft planning application available for public view and

comment (any such consultation is entirely by the developer, with comments back to the developer (not the LPA);

Consultees will have a minimum of 28 days to make a response;

From 1st August 2016 applications must be accompanied by a pre application consultation document (PAC) in order to be valid and this must include a copy of the site notice; a declaration to confirm they have placed the notice and undertaken the relevant consultations; a list of people notified; a summary of issues raised; whether such issues have been addressed and how; copies of all specialist consultee responses and an explanation of the account taken of them. So long as the document complies with these requirements it is valid. If challenges arise from individuals that claim they were not consulted when the applicant says they were, this does not render the application invalid.

The provision does not apply retrospectively and consultees cannot veto the application. Instead it is an opportunity to provide material planning comments (negative or positive) or amendment suggestions for consideration by the developer.

*major applications = development involving any one or more of the following— (a) the winning and working of minerals or the use of land for mineral-working deposits; (b) waste development; (c) the provision of dwelling houses where— (i) the number of dwelling houses to be provided is 10 or more; or (ii) the development is to be carried out on a site having an area of 0.5 hectares or more and it is not known whether the development falls within sub-paragraph (c)(i) above; (d) the provision of a building or buildings where the floor space to be created by the development is 1,000 square metres or more; or (e) development carried out on a site having an area of 1 hectare or more;

2. Pre-application Service

Applies to all pre application enquiries submitted on or after 16 March 2016; Requirement for all LPA’s across Wales to provide a statutory pre application service; Those wanting pre application advice would need to complete a pre application enquiry form and provide a location plan; The fees for this service are the same across Wales, but vary depending upon the size and scale of the proposal: o Householder - £25 o Minor development - £250 o Major development - £600 o Large major development - £1000 Without payment of the relevant fee the LPA is under no obligation to accept the enquiry; LPA’s are required to provide a written response within 21 days, unless an extension of time is agreed. Welsh Government intends to collect information on the number of enquiries received and the time taken to respond for each LPA. We intend to operate an optional discretionary service as part of the statutory service to provide an opportunity for a meeting following the written reply.

3. Invalid Applications

From 16 March 2016 new provisions allow for an appeal to be made against the decision of the LPA to invalidate a planning application; Applicants are allowed to make an appeal within 2 weeks of the date of the Invalid notice;

4. Post Submission Amendments

From 16 March 2016 any applicant who has submitted a major planning application and wishes to amend the proposal will be required to pay a fee of £190 when they submit the amendment; The LPA will have a statutory additional 4 week period in which to consider the amendment before making a determination.

5. Planning Decision Notices

From 16 March 2016, LPA’s must ensure that decision notices (issued after this date) are updated when any subsequent consent is given, e.g. Discharge of a condition, removal or variation of conditions.

6. Notification of commencement of development and display of Notice

Applies to any planning permission for major development granted on or after 16 March 2016; Requirement for developers to give the LPA notice of their intention to commence the development; Requirement for developers to display a notice at the site at all times during the construction stage.

7. Enforcement Warning Notice

From 16 March 2016, LPA’s may issue an Enforcement Warning Notice (EWN) where it considers that an unauthorised development could potentially be made acceptable through the imposition of conditions if a planning application was made; There is no right of appeal against an EWN.

Merger with Blaenau Gwent Update (Kim Pugh 21 March)

Trading standards services in Torfaen and Blaenau Gwent merged under a single management structure on 1st October 2015 and Licensing followed on 12th October.

This has been very successful and has provided some much needed resilience to the service areas.

We are now looking to begin the merger of Environmental Health services. The merger was examined by the Safer Communities Overview & Scrutiny Committee on the 24th February – the report is available on the Council’s website.

The merger is part of a commitment from both authorities to collaborate more closely across public protection services and is expected to save each council about £30,000 per year.


Highways, Traffic and Engineering

The Group is working toward completion of a number of engineering schemes such including its Safe Routes in Communities programme, and the Council’s extension to the Shepherds Hill Gypsy Traveller site. The Group has made a number of bids for capital and revenue funding to Welsh Government for

the financial year 16/17 for various schemes such as safe routes in communities and road safety education, and are awaiting the outcome of those bids.

Highways Network

The Winter Service season continues, but will be drawing to a close over the next few weeks, conditions permitting. The winter has not been a particularly cold one, and there have been only minor snow events so the extent of action has been less than in previous years. The Group has progressed has progressed a number of maintenance schemes including major highway maintenance and some culvert and street lighting improvements. The Group is collating information to consider to allow next years maintenance programme, including resurfacing to be considered.


The official opening of Cwmbran High has just taken place, and work continues on the construction of three new primary schools as part of the Council’s 21stC Schools programme. There has been significant work undertaken by the Property Management Group to enable the reopening of Primary which was damaged by fire at the beginning of the year.


Business Wales (Dawson updated 21 March)

(This is a service we would talk to businesses about as part of a tailored package of business advice to the business involved).

As part of its work to encourage business growth and sustainability, the Economy Team works very closely with Welsh Government to deliver its business programmes at ground level. Currently Torfaen Economy and Enterprise team are working with WG to introduce and encourage local businesses suitable for the new Business Wales programmes to facilitate sustainability. The contract will be delivered by Business in Focus in Torfaen and meetings will be arranged to cement partnership working. As part of the project, the Business Wales website has a new training tool which covers many business issues such as employment procedures and cash flow management.

The Enterprise Facilitation Project (EFFECT)

Provides support for people who need intense support and confidence building to turn their entrepreneurial aspirations into businesses. The project is based upon the principles of the Sirolli Institute and its ‘Trinity of Business Principles’ of Product, Finance and Marketing. 40% of the people who have participated in this project have home addresses in Community 1st Areas. To date we have: Set up a new *Resource Panel – 63 members Gross Jobs Created – 31 Business Start Ups Supported – 28 Jobs Safeguarded – 43 Existing Businesses Supported – 28 Social Enterprises Supported – 3 (Delivered in Torfaen)

The project is due to end at the end of March 2016 but based upon the excellent results and a positive independent evaluation, an application to Welsh Government has been made for further funding for a another year with in principal agreement for a further 2 years.

Low Cost Business Loan

The business start -up loan has now been refined and is available to all businesses as long as they

meet the loan criteria.

Retail Entrepreneurship

The test trade facilities have continued to be offered within Indoor Market and are contributing to the Market occupancy rates of 70%. Regular meetings are now held with the Pontypool Indoor Market Traders Association and a new Pontypool Traders Association has also been established to help increase the trading base and footfall within Pontypool.

Inward Investment

The Economy and Enterprise Team continue to work with companies wishing to move into Torfaen and this is done in partnership with Welsh Government, Job Centre Plus, and Bridges into Work and will now include Communities First. Recent successes have been Smart Roof Ltd who have moved in Cwmbran with potentially 45 jobs and Frog Cycles who have moved into Mamhilad with potentially 60 jobs.

Welsh World Heritage Site Familiarisation Visits

The Economy, Enterprise and Tourism team have recently hosted a visit by a group of German travel writers to the World Heritage Site which has resulted in high profile coverage in the German media.


Fairwater Neighbourhood Shopping Precinct

Feasibility work is currently taking place to investigate possible future regeneration options for Fairwater Shopping Precinct. The work has been commissioned by Bron Afon Community Housing in partnership with Torfaen Council. The aim of the study is to obtain a better understanding of the condition of the site and buildings and to develop a range of potential ideas for the improvement of the area which could be considered further should funding opportunities arise in the future. Community and stakeholder consultation will take place once initial feasibility work has been completed and considered.

Canal Restoration

The ‘Waterworks’ project is engaging community volunteers to restore a 1.5 km disused section of the Monmouthshire and Brecon canal at Ty Coch, Cwmbran. The Heritage Lottery funded project is being delivered by a partnership led by Torfaen County Borough Council and the Monmouthshire & Brecon Canals Trust. Now in its third year, the project has restored the historic fabric of the canal to a heritage standard through the work of community volunteers.

To date, over 200 volunteers of all ages and backgrounds have taken part in all aspects of the restoration, A key focus of the project has been the provision of training and work experience to young people and the long term unemployed to help them into employment. The current phase of works is scheduled for completion in the autumn.

VVP Progress Summary

Ministerial approval has been obtained from Welsh Government for the first phase of the Torfaen Housing Programme which will assist with accelerating the delivery of affordable housing on key housing sites in the Borough such as the former police college and Llantarnam.


1. 35 Commercial Street

- Detailed structural appraisal and associated feasibility works has been completed and Melin have exclusive rights to buy the property via an Options Agreement. Cost plan has been submitted and value for money assessment undertaken both of which have been submitted to WG for their consideration as part of a request for additional match funding in order to deliver the project. Decision anticipated by end March 2016.

- Bat investigations undertaken. Property is home to a rare roost of Lesser Horseshoe bats as previously reported. Mitigation measures will depend on final agreed designs chosen.

2. Private Rented Sector Loan Scheme

- The financial assessment process has been approved by TCBC, applications have been sent to the register of interest received to date. Continued promotion of the scheme will commence over the next few months. This is a 10 year project. First loans have now been issued.

3. Pontypool Investment Fund

- Collaboration Agreement with RSL’s (Bron Afon & Melin Homes) formally signed in March 2015 - Agreement identified priority projects on which RSLs would undertake detailed appraisal work - Details survey work currently being undertaken i.e. Structural, Bat, Asbestos, Topographical etc. Final Development Appraisals on a number of properties to be submitted to TCBC September/October 2015. - Properties to go forward will be agreed following assessment of Development Appraisals. - First property now on site – Greyhound Public House. This project is being run by Bron Afon Community Housing and will see the Greyhound renovated creating new residential units and a new commercial space on the ground floor. This is a joint project with the Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI). - Second project – 37 Clarence Street – is approved. Awaiting completion of the sale of the property to Bron Afon. Scheduled to start on site c. May 2016. - Development appraisal on other priorities due to be received in June 2016. - Discussions are taking place with other property owners to try and identify a pipeline of future Investment Fund project opportunities.

4. Pontypool Leisure and Culture Corridors

- Business case submitted to Welsh Government for improvements in Pontypool Park to better connect Italian Gardens with the Pontypool Active Living Centre. - Project currently in feasibility stage to determine whether any constraints that would prohibit the project moving forward


Oxford Computing Group Ltd has graduated from Springboard to new offices at Brecon House, Llantarnam Park, Cwmbran to accommodate its projected growth. The company, which provides specialist IT solutions for business, was attracted to Torfaen in November 2014 with a £500,000 business finance package from Welsh Government. Oxford Computing Group Ltd created 12 new jobs whilst at Springboard and anticipates this growing to 25 during the next 2 years.

In December 2015 Springboard secured its 95th tenant. Next Risk Solutions Ltd specialises in the non- standard motor insurance market such as convicted drivers, modified vehicles, high net worth, young drivers and multi vehicle insurance. The company has designed and developed a new innovative

technology platform to deliver unique pricing through online channels such as price comparison sites. The company will be creating 10 new jobs over the next 2 years.

Staff at Springboard work in partnership with the University of South Wales to encourage and promote student entrepreneurship. The Bright Ideas Den is one of the initiatives and is based loosely on Den, giving students and graduates the opportunity to deliver a business concept, receive valuable feedback and secure investment. At the Bright Ideas Den in March, 6 business pitches were delivered and 3 were successful in securing investment to help develop their concepts further.

NATURAL RESOURCES/ENVIRONMENT – (Andrew Osbourne updated 22 March)

Torfaen Integrated Natural Resource Management Framework

External consultants have been commissioned to prepare an integrated framework that brings together opportunities associated with the Councils Waste Management, Green Infrastructure, Energy and Flood Management Plans. The Framework will help the Council meet its duties within the context of the Well Being of Future Generations Act by creating opportunities for integration and collaboration.

Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan

A Green Infrastructure Strategy and Action Plan is currently in preparation. The document produced in consultation with stakeholders, will provide a comprehensive plan and sustainable management proposals for green and blue space across Torfaen.

SE Wales Uplands

Through the WG Nature Fund, the environment team led in the preparation of a strategic Uplands Natural Resource Management Plan for SE Wales and an associated Landscape Crime Toolkit, covering Torfaen, Blaenau Gwent and Caerphilly (land >200m). Some parts of Monmouthshire, Merthyr and RCT are also included. The plan which builds on the successful Blaenavon Forgotten Landscapes Project, sets out management prescriptions to support farming, biodiversity, climate change mitigation and tackling crime. A range of practical activities have also been delivered including peat restoration, bracken control, boundary wall and fence reinstatement, access point controls etc.

RDP funding has been secured to employ two officers, one covering land management and the other Food Tourism. The land management officer will deliver key priorities from the Uplands Plan that meet RDP priorities.

A funding bid is also being prepared to secure grant from the Welsh Governments RDP funded Sustainable Management Scheme.

A landscape crime multi-agency workshop was held on 15 March to encourage the Police and other agencies to be more pro-active in tackling fly-tipping, off-roading and wild fires.

Managing the Public Rights of Way Network and Strategic Cycle Route

The Public Rights of Way Network is maintained under the Councils statutory duties to provide opportunities for the public to enjoy access to green space and sustainable transport. The strategic cycleway from Newport to Blaenavon which forms part of the National Cycle Network is managed for recreation and sustainable transport.

Partnerships with Community Councils

We are discussing possible partnerships with Town and Community Councils to actively manage local natural resources in accordance with the draft Green Infrastructure Strategy & Action Plan. An arrangement is already in place with Cwmbran CC and and CC.

Supporting Voluntary Action

A range of local friends/community groups are being supported to manage natural resources focusing on particular areas or thematic opportunities. The following groups are already involved:

Blaenavon World Heritage Site Environment Group (BWHEG)

Friends of Henllys Local Nature Reserve

Friends of Pontypool Park

Llanyravon Manor Community Group

Friends of Fishponds Park

Blaen Bran Community Woodland Group

Llantarnam Residents Conservation Society


Llanfrechfa Grange Walled Garden Group

Griffithstown Community Hall Group

Croesyceiliog Community Woodland Group

Heritage & Culture (Reb Hartley)

Visit by Rjukan-Notodden Industrial World Heritage Site in Telemark, Norway

The Team recently hosted a visit from the Rjukan-Notodden Industrial World Heritage Site in Telemark, Norway. Over two days, Officers from the recently inscribed Norwegian Site spent time learning about the management of the Blaenavon World Heritage Site. Rjukan & Notodden became a World Heritage Site in June 2015 and shares many similarities with Blaenavon. The group made up of 6 Archaeologists and 3 Building Conservation Officers requested the technical visit and spent time learning about Blaenavon’ s experience to date in managing the Outstanding Universal Value of the Site. The group specifically considered the following areas:

Presentation of archaeological values and management of archaeological assets in the industrial landscape. Strategies and plans for controlling general development within the Site such as housing. Presentation of our management structure and Management Plan explaining challenging management issues and success stories. How we manage listed buildings and the conservation of buildings. What our education programmes are and how we engage with schools/youth engagement. Key regeneration projects within the Site. What our Tourism Strategies are and how do we manage visitor access.

Technical Meeting of UK World Heritage Sites

World Heritage UK, the successor organisation to the Local Authority World Heritage Forum recently hosted a meeting of all UK World Heritage Sites to consider the preparation of World Heritage Site Management Plans. The Management Plan for the Blaenavon World Heritage Site is due for renewal and the workshop provided an opportunity to learn best practise from UK and International Sites. The workshop also facilitated further collaboration between the 3 Welsh World Heritage Sites on management and policy matters.

World Heritage Site Youth Ambassadors

The World Heritage Site Youth Ambassadors have had an active few months. Fifteen active and regular Youth Ambassadors attend Tuesday evening and weekend meetings and are on track to completing their Level 1 ASDAN qualifications. Two training weekends have taken place as well as a residential visit to the Saltaire World Heritage Site. Further visits and training weekends are planned. A key achievement has been the preparation of a new qualification offering 60 hours of training in World Heritage matters which has been approved by training body ASDAN. This qualification will be rolled out to other UK World Heritage Site pilot areas in the next few months. The Ambassadors have also been working with National Museum Wales on a new permanent exhibition in St Fagan’s which opens in the Summer 2016. The Ambassadors have been filming and interviewing about the miners strike of 1984 which will be a part of the exhibition.

Arts and Culture

Current project work going forward for Torfaen Arts Development includes: o ‘Pop up’ Art Gallery (Photography) in Pontypool o Advance Youth Dance programme (regional programme of work) o Congress Youth Theatres in-house productions o Blaenavon/Youth Service Music Development provision o Music and dance programming for Cwmbran Big Event and Blaenavon Heritage Day. o Venue support of TCBC granted funded venues: Congress Theatre and Llantarnam Grange Arts Centre o Support of the development of a performing arts space and arts workshop in Pontypool Industrial Estate with the ‘Changin’ Gearz’ project.

The development of Blaenavon Workmen’s Hall as a cultural venue which has the potential to become a sustainable enterprise is a priority for the team. The imminent launch of the recently grant funded (Arts Council of Wales £60K investment) digital cinema in the Hall will be the first milestone achieved.

Pontypool Carnival has been rebranded ‘Pontypool Party in the Park’ and will return to its former location in Pontypool Park. The event will be held on the 9th July and for the first time, will be delivered in partnership with Torfaen Leisure Trust, Bron Afon Community Housing and Melin Homes.

Regional Arts collaboration projects have been entered into with GARTH (Gwent Arts & Health) and INSIDE OUT (mental health support Group) in response to the ‘Arts in Health’ agenda to help people recover from mental health illnesses and find new outlets to express themselves creatively.

Torfaen Arts Development continues to support the Fusion Project (Culture & Poverty Programme initiated by Welsh Government and coordinated by MALD) and work is ongoing within Community 1st areas to engage families, young people at risk of becoming NEET (NOT in Employment, Education or Training) and people living on the poverty line.

Work is ongoing to investigate collaboration within the region for delivery of Arts Services for South East Wales. Support from CCLOW (Chief Culture & Leisure Officers of Wales), Arts Council of Wales and the existing Arts network of local authority Arts officers is driving this process forward.

Blaenavon Town Team

Blaenavon Town Team was established in October 2012, following the demise of the former Blaenavon Town Traders Association. At its inception, the Town Team recognised that a holistic approach to the continued economic and social regeneration of the town was required if the town was to successfully and realise its potential as a local service centre and cultural tourism destination.

With the support of the Team an Action Plan for the town centre was prepared and successfully secured 3 years funding from Welsh Government (111k) to deliver projects from within the Plan.

Projects delivered to in 2015/2016 include:

Events led Marketing Strategy, including delivery of the Spring Festival, Autumn Fayre, Blaenavon World Heritage Day and Winter Wonderland. Town Website and App Property Improvement Grants Scheme Town Centre Clean Ups Garden sharing scheme

The Town Team are also co-ordinating a partnership project to deliver the sustainable management of St Peters Church and Bethlehem Chapel graveyards including the development of a digital Churchyard project. The team are also working in partnership with the Police to tackle the anti-social behaviour and vandalism in Blaenavon town by auditing current provision and seeking funding to develop more leisure provision for children and young people.

Bethlehem Chapel

Economy, Renewal & Culture has worked with the Bethlehem Chapel Community Group to submit a funding application to Welsh Government under the Communities Facilities Programme to fund capital works to the main building. The Chapel is a key building in Blaenavon Town and provides an ideal venue for a community facility.

If successful, the project will provide a range of services and activities including a lunch club for the elderly delivered in partnership with Community First, after school and holiday club delivered by the Torfaen Play Service, youth activities such as work based skills and mentoring delivered by the Neon Youth club and Enterprise Facilitation delivered by the Torfaen Economy and Enterprise Team.

The application was taken to a panel in February 2016, currently waiting the outcome.

Blaenavon World Heritage Day

Economy, Renewal & Culture are working in partnership with the Blaenavon World Heritage Committee, Blaenavon Town Council, Blaenavon Town Team and Blaenavon Heritage VC Primary to start preparations for World Heritage Day 2016. The theme for this year’s parade is ‘Blaenavon Then and Now’, celebrating the town’s industrial past, but also what makes the town unique today. The World Heritage Day organisers have met with local school children to plan this year’s parade.


Torfaen Library and Information Service update:

Every Child a library Member

The professional team are engaged in delivering this WG funded project to this year’s Year 4 pupils in Torfaen and the take up from local schools has been good, including some of the small number of schools which , for whatever reason, did not participate last year.

Customer Care service is now integrated into Cwmbran Library.

Service is beginning to develop sessions for customers on helping them to manage their money on line. Currently working best through making individual approaches to people waiting for the Customer Care service rather than through advertising sessions.

Our shared reading offer is expanding with additional groups being delivered at the Memory Café which is run by the Alzheimer’s Society in Llanyrafon Methodist Church and another group being developed with Ty Siriol clients.

Torfaen Library and Information Service is about to receive recognition as the first Dementia Friendly library service in Wales (31st March 2016). The logo will be presented in Cwmbran Library.

Waste and Streetscene


The skinny bin roll-out has now been completed and went well. We have seen an increase in the amount of dry recycling, food and cardboard being placed out by residents. At the end of Quarter 3, the year to date target was 57.3% and officers are confident of reaching the 58% target by year end.

Green waste collections have resumed.


Elected members have made greening and cleaning a corporate priority and the streetscene services have been reviewed and will be re-modelled to try and better meet demand, recognising that the levels of resource will not be as great as in previous years. LCPC will be consulted on the new model in the very near future.

Grass cutting has now resume and we continue to undertake cutting of Bron Afon areas under a partnering arrangement.

The streetscene service is also working in partnership with Croesyceiliog and Llanyrafon Community Councils providing additional services, at charge, and in consultation with the Community Council.

Conversations with Pontypool Community Council have also resulted in direct investment by the Community Council toward community facilities, such as refurbishing the public toilets in Pontypool.


The Cemetery Friends Group Meetings are going well and we are seeing an increase in the numbers of service users who are attending.

Social Care & Housing

Consultation: ‘Setting the Usual Maximum Expenditure for Community Care Packages

From 23 November 2015 until 31 January 2016 Torfaen’s Social Care and Housing Commissioning Unit carried out a wide ranging consultation with citizens, carers, service users, health and other professionals on the consideration of setting a usual maximum expenditure for all community care packages. The main reason this is being considered is because the current cost of providing care within the community for people who have very complex needs is unsustainable in the long term. Also people are living longer and are choosing to remain in their homes for longer even if their homes are not suitable due to their increasing health and care needs. This is a very challenging policy area for the Council to consider as it may mean that in the future people will not get their first choice in how their care is delivered. The findings of the consultation will be reported to the Torfaen County Borough Council Cabinet meeting due to take place in May.