Isolated Avulsion Fracture of the Lesser Tuberosity of The
(aspects of trauma) Isolated Avulsion Fracture of the Lesser Tuberosity of the Humerus in an Adult: Case Report and Literature Review Aman Dhawan, MD, Kevin Kirk, DO, Thomas Dowd, MD, and William Doukas, MD solated avulsion fractures of also describe our operative technique, comminuted 3-cm lesser tuberosity the lesser tuberosity of the including use of heavy, nonabsorb- fracture fragment retracted approxi- proximal humerus are rare. able suture. mately 2 cm from the donor site We report the case of a right- (Figures 1B–1D). No biceps tendon Ihand–dominant woman in her early ASE EPORT subluxation or injury and no intra- C R 30s who sustained such an injury, A right-hand–dominant woman in articular pathology were noted. with an intact subscapularis tendon her early 30s presented with right The lesser tuberosity fracture was attached to the lesser tuberosity frag- shoulder pain 1 day after a fall down surgically repaired less than 2 weeks ment. Treatment included surgery to a flight of stairs. During the acci- after injury. Through a deltopectoral restore tension to the subscapularis dent, as her feet slipped out from approach, the rotator interval and muscle and maintain the force couple underneath her and her torso fell the 3×2-cm fracture fragment were about the shoulder joint. One year after injury, the patient reported no pain, excellent range of motion, and “[To be diagnosed] this injury...requires... return to activities. This case demonstrates the diag- careful review of orthogonal radiographs nostic challenge of this injury, which requires a high index of suspicion and and advanced imaging.” careful review of orthogonal radio- graphs and advanced imaging.
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