Present : Cllr Jeff Eley – Chair, Cllr Susan Rodaway, Cllr Lynda James, Cllr Ralph Cook, Cllr Darran Hickery, Cllr Arthur Rogers, Cllr Sally Rogers, Cllr Mark Smith, Cllr Charlotte Toft, Cllr Angela Brunr

In attendance: Mr David Mackerras – Clerk.

Apologies for absence: Cllr Richard Killick, Cllr Jeffrey Rogers, Cllr Wes Weeks, Cllr Jason Thomas.

Declarations of Interest: None.

Action 2018/050 Questions from the public There were no members of the public present.

2018/051 Minutes of Full Council meeting held on 14 March 2018 a. It was proposed by Cllr Lynda James, seconded by Cllr Ralph Cook and unanimously agreed that the minutes should be approved as a true and accurate record. b. Update on minutes: Legal advice taken on the matter of the Orbit Roundabout is that the roundabout should not be repaired as this would remove our best evidence, and that it may be advisable not to inform the supplier at present that the Council is intent on taking legal action against them. It was agreed that the lawyer should be prompted on a regular basis to ensure good progress in the claim. Clerk

2018/052 Minutes of Environment committee held on 19 March 2018 a. It was proposed by Cllr Sally Rogers, seconded by Cllr Susan Rodaway and unanimously agreed that the minutes should be approved as a true and accurate record.

2018/053 Minutes of Community Hall committee held on 26 March 2018 a. It was proposed by Cllr Sally Rogers, seconded by Cllr Mark Smith, and unanimously agreed by attendees that the amended minutes should be approved as a true and accurate record.

2018/054 Finance and Employment a. It was proposed by Cllr Lynda James, seconded by Cllr Charlotte Toft and unanimously agreed that the schedule of payments for April 2018 should be approved for payment. b. To note closing balances for March 2018. The closing balances for March 2018 were noted. c. To appoint an internal auditor for 2017/18. It was proposed by Cllr Susan Rodaway, seconded by Cllr Sally Rogers and unanimously agreed that Mr Brian Macnamara, who has indicated his agreement to act, should be appointed to undertake the Internal Audit for 2017/18. Clerk d. It was agreed that the date of the next Finance and Employment committee should be set for 10:00am Monday 30 April 2018 at Pennard Community hall. The meeting will review accounts for the full year 2017/18.

2018/055 Update from City Council member, Cllr Lynda James. • Work currently taking place at the Quarry is unauthorized and enforcement action will be taken. • A range of issues including potholes, dog waste and lights are being dealt with. It was noted that there are many potholes between Pennard community and the City

centre which haven’t been repaired. Cllr James indicated that these need to be reported to ensure that they are repaired. • Cllr Susan Rodaway proposed that this Agenda item should be informally widened to include City and County issues. She referred to a report produced by Capita on transport links for rural wards including Pennard. The report highlights issues relating to travel to work routes and refers to an inadequate transport interchange at Gowerton which suffers from poor signage.

2018/056 Playing Field update. a. Renewal of Boundary Fence adjacent to the site of the former Skate board ramp. It was reported that due to recent unforeseen circumstances the contractor has been unavailable to carry out the work. However he has now committed to completing the work by 21st April. b. Creation of Footpath This work has also been delayed and it was agreed that the contractor will be asked to complete the work without further postponement. Quotations will be brought before the May meeting in the event of further delay. Clerk c. Community Garden update. Cllr Susan Rodaway has spoken to the Field in Trust, officer and provided assurances that the Garden will be accessible to all. A possible stumbling block to allowing the development to proceed may be the issue of the sale of produce. It was agreed that this matter should not be allowed to prejudice the development. The intended position of the Garden is not ideal as a quiet location but there is little choice for the available site. The Field committee need to meet to discuss and re-visit the intended location. Mrs Jo Bowles will be asked to contact the Clerk to agree progress. The Clerk will also make contact with the Field in Trust Officer to progress the development. Cllr Susan Rodaway to update the Clerk on the present position of discussion. Clerk/SRod Cllr Susan Rodaway has also spoken with the legal team who wish to see a drawing of the proposal for the Pavilion building. Clerk should check with maintenance contractor (JE) on the likely completion date for Clerk football goal posts to be painted on side of pavilion.

2018/057 Community Hall a. Update on tenders in respect of Construction of hall extension. Five building contractors have been invited to tender for the work. They have all been requested to return their sealed bids to the Clerk no later than Friday 20 April. It was agreed that bids will be opened at an Extraordinary meeting of Council scheduled at 11:00am Monday 23 April at Pennard Community Hall. Clerk should make contact with all intended contractors to remind them of the impending closing date for tenders, and to request an indication of their intended timescale. Clerk

b. To confirm committee recommendation for new kitchen design: It is recommended that all base and top units will be supplied in off white with a grey worktop. The kitchen layout will be in accordance with the drawing provided. All kitchen units will be provided free of charge by the kitchen supplier, as will white wall tiles and flooring. The base units will be 500mm deep. The Community Council will fit locks on the kitchen units. It was further recommended by the hall committee that the following appliances and equipment are purchased by Council: Hob, Cooker hood, taps, hot water boiler, fridge, base height cooker at an overall cost of approximately £2000. The committee also recommended the purchase of a splash back, and for work to be carried out on the serving hatch which will be reduced in height for safety reasons, in line with the work surface, to be fitted with sealed doors.

It was proposed by Cllr Mark Smith, seconded by Cllr Darran Hickery and unanimously agreed that the kitchen design, additional work and utility purchases as recommended by the hall committee is approved. It is anticipated that the refit will be done in August. User groups should be brought Clerk/LJ together to inform them of the work and time scale.

c. To confirm committee recommendation for use and design of new storeroom The hall committee recommends that the windows between the new storeroom space and the main hall should be blocked up. User groups will be asked to specify their minimum Clerk/LJ storage space requirement.

d. To authorize the provision and cost of hanging baskets at the Community hall It was proposed by Cllr Lynda James, seconded by Cllr Mark Smith and unanimously agreed that two hanging baskets will be purchased from Swansea City Council at a cost of £76.50 each including VAT, and that suitable support brackets will be fitted each side of Clerk the main door.

2018/058 Website training update It was agreed that website training will be arranged for Cllr Darran Hickery, Cllr Arthur Rogers, Clerk Cllr Mark Smith and the Clerk on Tuesday evening or Wednesday evening 8th or 9th May.

2018/059 Notice boards a. Proposal to install a Council notice board at the Premier Stores, Linkside Drive. Proposed by Cllr Jeff Eley, seconded by Cllr Mark Smith and unanimously agreed that a Clerk notice board is installed at the Premier Stores.

b. Decision on Notice board management It was agreed that: The Clerk will manage the Community hall notice board Cllr Lynda James will manage the Kittle board Cllr Jeff Eley will manage the Southgate club board Cllr Mark Smith will manage the three Cliffs Coffee shop board Cllr Darran Hickery will manage the Burial Ground board Cllrs Arthur Rogers, Jeffrey Rogers and Sally Rogers will manage the Premier Stores board. Also at notice boards which have limited space, a notice will be posted to indicate that a full agenda will be found at the Community hall notice board. All boards, where space permits will display a list of Council members, committee membership and Ordinary Full Council meeting dates for the current year.

2018/060 Environment update • Beach clean Held last Saturday. 20 people attended and it was estimated that 30/35% of material collected was avoidable plastic products. • Local MP visit This will take place on Friday 13 April and will include a discussion on the short, medium and long term use of avoidable plastics. There will also be a discussion about participatory budgeting. Pennard is the first Council in Wales to use this budgeting. • 2 Minute litter pick board The Community Council logo will feature on the boards. • Kittle Green clean This is scheduled to take place at 10:30am on 23 September.

• Fund Raising event An event has been arranged for Saturday 13 October in connection with plastic free accreditation. The afternoon will involve young people from the community. There will be an Art competition, videos about the use of plastic and there will be a feature on making products from non-reusable plastic.

2018/061 Correspondence

1. Complaint on fly tipping of garden rubbish at shirecombe, Southgate. A reply to be sent to complainant, a resident of Meadow Croft. The garden waste is on golf club land. Members of the Council volunteered to try to move some of the waste although it is on private land belonging to the golf club.

2. Cllr Wes Weeks has resigned as Chair of the Playing Field. He wishes to remain on the committee. This issue will be added to the next Field committee meeting. 3. Members received an invitation to the Lord Mayor’s Summer Honours Ball – 10 May Noted. 4. Letter of complaint received from Tuesday afternoon badminton regarding fees, invoicing and Hall cleaning. A reply will be sent.

Meeting closed at 9:20pm.