U.S. Urges,Ministers Toss Castro Re Gime out Of
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1: *<**~r- *r->^*- J / . ' WEDNESDAY, JANUARY U. 1961 IPAO* TWENTY-EICfHT Signing li^raib I Aven«e Daily Net Press Ron For the Week |Snded The Weather sons. The comedy wi)l be pre- Earl Whealer, Mra. Floyd Uitchall, Members of Manchester Grange the "Mexican Hat Danea" and "La Suuery SO, IMS Foreeaet' of XJ, 8. Woetiwr I will "neighbor" with Ellington PTA to Repeal ■scnled-tonight at 8 in the school by Mrs. Clep Livingston and Sam Cucaraeha." included . William Mm . Jeae^ Kennedy, Mra. Robert About Town Grange tonight at 8. auditorium.' Zipkin; a version of the twist to Baldwin, Anita Chappell, Marilyn Fregin, H m . William McKenzie. FREE DaiVERY Comedy Tonight The play, concerns five Ameri "South of the Border,” by. Mrs. and Carolyn Courtright, John Fra Mrs. Walter Orlowakl. Mm . Ray We Wm Deliver AaythlBg! 1 3 ,5 3 7 Fair, ooldor tonight. l« w la' SOo. Floyd Mitchell and Ronald SWiat- zier, Kenneth Garrity, Theri»a mond Colpitta, Mm . Joseph Pou- Barnard PTSO of Bennvt Jun The Guard Club of Woman's can women who cross the border Bfember of the Audit Friday fair, a little colder, laewaa ior Htrh School will meet tonight Benefit Association will meet to into Mexico to try to improve con klewlcz; and two accordlob aoloa, Messier and Richard Tambllng. Hot, Mrs. Roger Asaelln, Mra. Bur Tile first performance of “ Ha.sta "Theme from Zoro" and "The Tor ton Frazer, Roger Asselln and Wil ARTHIIR’S tM rm a o f OIroaUtton Ing eloudineoe. High SS-40. at 7:80 In the rnfeterla ,7« f the morrow at 8 p.m. ..at the home of Manana." w.rittcn and directed by ditions in a small Mexican village. Kenneth' Woods, a student, was MI4-tS08 Manchesler-—A City of Village Charm Mrs. Joseph Goulet, 329 Hilliard The women arrive in time for a eador Song," by Ronald rSwiatkie- piano accompanist for the show. liam Freeman. Pranklln Gilding. ' Mr.?. Mari' Ann Handley, was pre- wicz. St. Members are to.bring articles •sented la.st night by the Robertson fle.sta only to learn that they are Members of the cast included Tickets will be available at the for a kitchen social. the ones who have been improved. A group of children, who danced. Ray Colpitts, Sam Zlpkln, Mrs. door-fot' tonight's performance. MIm Marilyn Garey, daughter of PTA before an andienee of 1.50 per VOL. LXXXI, No. 97 ' (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1962 (Claaottled Advertiaing on Pago SS) Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Garey, 42 Sea PRICE FIVE CENTS man Circle, will become the bride The dance troupe of the Betty- of William Oliver, eon of Mrs. Mil Jane Turner School of Dancing will dred Oliver, 146 Bisaell St., pn present an entertainment ne,\t Sat., Peb. 24, at Center Congrega Monday. Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. at the LISTEN TO KATHY GODFREY, WINF, MONDAY thru FRIDAY 1:10 P.M^SATURDAY AT 11:10 AM. Increase Nearly Double State News tional Church, Veterans’ Home in Rocky Hill. Advertlaement- Our Lady of Hope Mother.? Cir MAIN STREET cle will meet tomorrow at 8:l.i Roundup . Pay by Clieck p.m. at the home of Mrs. Rii . MANCHESTER 1 U.S. Urges,Ministers Toss Open a CHKCKTNG ACCOUNT Wicks. 67 Glcnwood St. Co-ho.st- T b a n k a n o Grand List Up at coNNFxrrrcuT e.ssc.s will be Mrs. Albert Roy and t r u s t c o m p a n y and pay all Mrs. H. Jamea OrfUelli. Ml 3-4123 your billa with armchair conven 300,000 in State ience. Save yourself' time and The Great Books group will meet energy and maintain an accurale tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the Whilon FREE PARKING Now Con^bidered record of,your expenditures, too. library for/a dlicussion of Mon rear of store j Three Manchester offices to sen-c By 86,641,704 taigne's wdrks. Pppblem Drivers you at 893 Main Street. 15 North Castro Re gime Out of OAS Main Street and the Parkadc. An inspection workshop and ex- liibljhiblf will be sponsored by the 7 / ■Hartfbrd, Jan. 25 (/P)— A Hsfrtffrtford section of the Americar. NETTIE ROSENSTEIN The town’s net taxabletP«ct» to receive thli year, aald comittee tof . ^octors has been Society for Quality Control tomor grandona Hoflist for 11961QC1 isle $157,«1 K7 ^ Murghy. formed to aoMse the state on row from noon to 8:30 p.m. at the "SPOR Tax receipts would total $6,755,- Military Whist 485,906, a leap of $6,641,704 121, he said. its “ Problem Dfi-yers.” Hotel Bond in Hartford. over the net taxable grand list "The gross total of the 1961 grand The doctors held an organiza tional meeting yesterday in the of SETBACK and BRIDGE Philip Stanley Sr., 110 Colum DESIGNER NYLONS of 1960. list of real and personal property Rusk Offers 4-Point Sponsored By ^ bus S t, was elected president of The increase is nearly double is $188,,305,178, compared with the fice of Dr. Franklin M. Foote, the Hilliard As.sociation. Inc., at its 1960 gross of $178,244,801. state health commissio4er. Dr. Manchester Emhli?m the S3 million by which the town's Religious, charitable and goy- Clement C. Clarke o t ,ife w Haven Club No. 2^ annual meeting recently. He suc by grand list has been rising each ceed.? Wallace ^ w s . 27 Grant Rd. ernmental exemptions total $25.- was chosen to head' the commit year for the past few years, ac 513,184 for 1961, compared, with tee; Plan Against Cuba Elks Home—^issell St. President Stanley will call a meet ing soon of the board of dlrccton cording to Assessor P. Joseph $22,175,145 in 1960. Motor Vehicles Commissioner Friday. Jan./26th— 8 P.M. to complete the selection of a slate Murphy, who attributed the In Exemptions to blind persons and John J. Tyman told the doctora of officers. " CLENTEX crease to a boom in construction ex-servicemen are $5,306,088 in 300.000 of Connecticut's 1,600,000 By VHLLIAM I.,. BY'AN RefreshiiMiktsts— Door Prizes of shopping and grocery stores, 1961, compared with, $.5,225,454 in motor vehicle operators are con Punta del E.sle, Uruguay, Jan. 25 (/P)— The United States, BOiMtlSiiatton $1.00 1960. and In renovation of older store sidered problem drivers. blasting Cuban and world communism in a slashing attack, Tickeit* Ma.y Be Purchased buildings. A breakdowh of the 1961 grand Some, but not many, have phys ^ A t The Door Roast .Beef Au Jus, The figure will undoubtedly list for the'Eighth District and ical Impairments, Tynan said. Oth called, urgently today for a collective Latin American coun V'egetables, change next month, he said, when the town shows the following: ers, he said, are repeated offen terattack against Fidel Castro’s Red .spearhead. the board of tax review makes Real estate in the district ders and some have "driver atti Potatoes * amounts to $27,643,333, registered To turbulent aiiplau.se, Secretary of State Dean Rusk urged 1.50 ^ m e adjustments in response to tude" problems. 19 other American foreign ministers, sitting in judgment on appeals made by taxpayers, but it motor vehicles amounts to $2,735,- Baked 070. and personal property other Dr. Foote said the committee Cuba, to drum tlie Ca.stro regime out of bodies of the Or- wilrstill be a very high amount. will advise the Motor Vehicles De PERMANENT La.saifna * 'The 'I W grand list, after adjust than motor vehicles amounts to gaiii'/.atioii of American States. 1.25 $3,167,459. partment on what policies It SEMI-ANNUAL ments w ^ e made by the board of should follow with regard to driv .His speech reflected heavy pressure here for a compromise REMOVAL OF Genuine regular 1.99 tax review, was $190,844,202, and Real estate in the town amounts ers, such as epileptics, who take between those advocating the sternest punishment of Cuba in Calves Liver * the 1959 ad^ted grand list was to . $93,153,313. motor vehicles drugs for medical reasons. UNWANTED HAIR 1.25 $147,796,240. \ amounts to $9,073,326. and per tlie form of a collective break in relations, on the one hand, sonal property other than motor Drugs suspected of playing a and the small but influential go-slow or do-nothing blocs led Businessmen’s Luncheon On the basis ^ the new grand role in the record of "problem driv list, without taking Into account vehicles amounts to $21,713,405. by Brazil, Mexico and Argentina, on tlie other. Miss Blonch Mason CHICKEN POT PIE 85c smart fashipn This means that the total' real ers" are pills for traveling sick- whatever changes the board of tax nesa, anti-hiatamines, tranquilizers, The s])eecli suggested the United States had he|d some of 540 Vernon St.. Manchester investment review may make, or any change estate Is $120,798,646, the total I.«gal Beverages In the mill rate, the town will re motor vehicles are $11,808,396 and nerve stimulants, barbiturates, and its fire purposely to test the atmosi)liere and ascertain what Ml 9-9020 for windy ceive $284,613.75 more In taxes in sedatives, \ maximum can be expected here. Besides Dr. Clarke, members of Rii.sk a.sked the OAS forelgn*’- BY APPOINTMENT winter the 1662-63 fiscal year than it ex- (Continued on Page Ten) FRANK’S CAFE O the committee are Drs.